Rou t l e d g e M e n ta l H e a lt h a n d Gu i l f o r d pr e ss
Eating Disorders 2010 New Books and Selected Backlist
eating disorders
Edited by June Alexander and Janet Treasure Page 3
My Kid is Back
June Alexander with Daniel Le Grange Page 2
A Collaborative Approach to Eating Disorders
da ea n
Read and Recommend!
Empowering Parents to Beat Anorexia Nervosa
m me
m me
Empowering Parents to Beat Anorexia Nervosa June Alexander, Writer, Australia, with Daniel Le Grange, University of Chicago, USA “My Kid is Back is packed with practical, helpful and inspiring information. It gives parents a powerful message of hope – that recovery from an eating disorder is possible. Parents can feel overwhelmed when their child develops this most challenging illness. Knowing that there are ways they can help their child, and can play an active part in their recovery is so important.” - Susan Ringwood, Chief Executive, Beat, UK
The Treatment of Eating Disorders A Clinical Handbook Edited by Carlos M. Grilo and James E. Mitchell Page 4
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“Alexander and Le Grange have combined heart, history and healing in this thoughtful book. My Kid is Back should be required reading for any parent with the slightest suspicion that an eating disorder may be developing in their child. June Alexander’s own testimonial should be a warning enough that families need to take action early and head on.” - Lynn S. Grefe, National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), USA
My Kid is Back explains how family-based treatment can greatly reduce the severity of anorexia nervosa in children and adolescents, allowing the sufferer to return to normal eating patterns, and their families to return to normal family life. In this book ten families share their experiences of living with anorexia. Parents describe their frustrations in seeking help for their child and dealing with their behaviour and sufferers discuss how the illness gets into their mind and takes over their personality.
Eating Disorders Arena
By focusing on the Maudsley family approach and expert advice from Professor Daniel Le Grange, and including clear lists of illness symptoms, strategies for parents and carers to follow, and information on getting further treatment and support, this book proves an essential resource for families who want to win the battle with anorexia nervosa. Contents: Introduction. Le Grange, Family-based Treatment of Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa: The Maudsley Approach. Family Case Studies. Chloe. Matthew. Kelly. Kristen. Hayley. Claire. Kylie. Billie. Annabelle. Alice. What Are Parents to Do? Le Grange, How to Tell if Your Child Has Anorexia Nervosa. Navigating the Search for Family-based Treatment. Appendix: Listing of Providers and Support Services.
February 2010: 272pp. Pb: 978-0-415-58115-8: £9.99/$17.95 Published by Routledge
for further books by Daniel Le Grange please see page 9 To find out more about June Alexander and her work please visit:
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My Kid is Back
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da ea n
A Collaborative Approach to Eating Disorders
da ea n
also by janet treasure
Read and Recommend!
eating disorders
m me
The Clinician’s Guide to Collaborative Caring in Eating Disorders
Edited by June Alexander, Writer, Australia, and Janet Treasure, psychiatrist, Maudsley Hospital and King’s College London, UK While many aspects of eating disorders remain a mystery, there is growing evidence that collaboration is an essential element for treatment success. This book emphasises and explains the importance of family involvement as part of a unified team approach towards treatment and recovery. A Collaborative Approach to Eating Disorders draws on up-todate evidence based research as well as case studies and clinical vignettes to illustrate the seriousness of eating disorders and the impact on both the sufferer and others. Areas of discussion include: • current research including genetic factors, socio-cultural influences and early intervention • clinical applications including family based dialectical and cognitive behavioural treatments • the main professions involved in treating aspects of the illness as well as targeted advice • developments in the field and the importance of building collaborative alliances. With contributions from key figures in the field, this book will be a valuable resource for students and mental health professionals including nurses, family doctors, clinicians, dieticians, family therapists and social workers. Contents: Katzman, Foreword. Part I. Arnold, Introduction.
Konstantellou, Eisler, Campbell, The Family Context. Treasure, Kanakam, The Links Between Genes and the Environment in the Shaping of Personality. Kaye, Ursula, Klabunde, Neurobiology Explanations for Puzzling Behaviours. Zucker, Moskovich, Vinson, Watson, Emotion and Empathic Understanding. Paxton, Modifiable Risk Factors that Can be Translated into Prevention or Resilience. Byrne, Dove, Obesity and Eating Disorders. Part II. Lyster-Mensh, Introduction. Birmingham, Physical Effects of Eating Disorders. Russell, Hart, Wakefield, Collins, The Role of Nutrition. David, Broft, Walsh, Pharmacotherapy of Eating Disorders. Wade, Watson, Psychotherapies in Eating Disorders. Hoste, Celio-Doyle, Le Grange, Families as an Integral Part of the Treatment Team. Milstein, Arnold, Effectively Engaging the Family in Treatment. Treasure, Goddard, Raenker, Involving Carers. Evans, Waller, The Therapeutic Relationship in CBT for Adults with Eating Disorders. Federici, Wisniewski, Integrating Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and Family Based Treatment for Multi Diagnostic Adolescent Patients. Bulik, Baucom, Kirby, Couple Therapy for Anorexia Nervosa. Olmsted, Pike, Carter, Relapse Prevention. Part III. Cawley, Introduction. Doyle, Smyth, Le Grange, Childhood and Adulthood. Madden, Recognising and Diagnosing Early Onset of Eating Disorders. O’Toole, Food Phobia. Claudino, Morgan, Unravelling Binge Eating Disorder. Gilbert, Eating Disorders in African American Women. Sundgot-Borgen, Bratland-Sanda, Eating Disorders and Athletes. Morgan, Male Eating Disorders. Part IV. Vickery, Introduction. Von Ranson, Laverty, Narrowing the Psychotherapy Research-Practice Gap. Ringwood, Why Carers Need to Know about Research. Grefe, Promote Full Agenda of Rights. Tantillo, The Patient-Family-Clinician-Researcher Quest for Quality Care. July 2011: 264pp. Hb: 978-0-415-58145-5: £65.00/$110.00 Pb: 978-0-415-58146-2: £24.99/$44.95 Published by Routledge
The New Maudsley Method Edited by Janet Treasure, psychiatrist, Maudsley Hospital and King’s College London, UK, Ulrike Schmidt, Maudsley Hospital and Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK, and Pam Macdonald, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College, University of London, UK “This book is a valuable companion piece to Treasure et al.’s existing volume, providing useful information, resources and skills for clinicians. However, this book’s biggest contribution is the way in which it stresses that clinicians should see the family as a resource (rather than a nuisance or an irrelevance).” - Professor Glenn Waller, Vincent Square Eating Disorders Service, CNWL NHS Foundation Trust, UK
The Clinician’s Guide to Collaborative Caring in Eating Disorders shows how active collaboration between professional and non-professional carers can maximise the quality of life for both the sufferer and all other family members. The book provides straightforward guidance for clinicians who work with families and carers. It suggests ways of ensuring that interpersonal elements that can maintain eating disorders are minimised and indicates skills and knowledge that can be taught to the carer for both managing their personal reaction to the illness, and for providing a practically and emotionally supportive environment that is conducive to change. 2009: 304pp. Hb: 978-0-415-48424-4: £65.00/$110.00 Pb: 978-0-415-48425-1: £24.99/$42.95 Published by Routledge
Treasure et al.: Skills-based Learning for Caring for a Loved One with an Eating Disorder: The New Maudsley Method Pb: 978-0-415-43158-3: 2007: 248pp. £13.50/$24.95 Published by Routledge
Treasure: Anorexia Nervosa: A Survival Guide for Families, Friends and Sufferers Pb: 978-0-86377-760-8: 1997: 176pp. £13.50/$24.95 Published by Routledge
Treasure/Schmidt: Clinician’s Guide:
Getting Better Bit(e) by Bit(e): A Survival Kit for Sufferers of Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorders Hb: 978-0-86377-730-1: 1997: 240pp. £25.95/$47.50 Published by Routledge
Schmidt/Treasure: Getting Better Bit(e) by Bit(e): A Survival Kit for Sufferers of Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorders Pb: 978-0-86377-322-8: 1993: 160pp. £13.50/$26.95 Published by Routledge
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Disorder Treatment Efficacy. Agras, Robinson, What Treatment Research is Needed for Anorexia Nervosa? Wilson, What Treatment Research is Needed for Bulimia Nervosa? Grilo, What Treatment Research is Needed for Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified and Binge-Eating Disorder?
Read and Recommend!
da ea n
eating disorders
om me The Treatment of Eating Disorders
2009: 606pp. Hb: 978-1-60623-446-4: £51.00
A Clinical Handbook Edited by Carlos M. Grilo, Yale University School of Medicine, Connecticut, USA, and James E. Mitchell, University of North Dakota, USA
Published by Guilford Press
“This is a big book with a big task... In the world of systematic reviews and electronic literature searching, there is still an important role for a high-quality reference that offers not only data, but also perspective. This volume fills that role. It deserves to do well.” - Bob Palmer, University of
Carlos M. Grilo, Yale University School of Medicine, Connecticut, USA Including the most up-to-date research, Carlos Grilo provides a balanced and authoritative overview of current thinking in the fields of eating disorders and obesity, with broad yet in-depth coverage of the area.
Leicester, UK
Eminently practical and authoritative, this comprehensive clinical Handbook brings together leading international experts on eating disorders to describe the most effective treatments and how to implement them. Coverage encompasses psychosocial, family-based, medical, and nutritional therapies for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, and other eating disorders and disturbances. Especially noteworthy are “mini-manuals” that present the nuts and bolts of eleven of the treatment approaches, complete with reproducible handouts and forms. Contents: Part I: Overview of Eating Disorders. Keel, McCormick,
Diagnosis, Assessment, and Treatment Planning for Anorexia Nervosa. Crow, Brandenberg, Diagnosis, Assessment, and Treatment Planning for Bulimia Nervosa. Wildes, Marcus, Diagnosis, Assessment, and Treatment Planning for Binge-Eating Disorder and Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. Mehler, Birmingham, Crow, Jahraus, Medical Complications of Eating Disorders. Part II: Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa. Pike, Carter, Olmsted, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anorexia Nervosa. McIntosh, Jordan, Bulik, Specialist Supportive Clinical Management for Anorexia Nervosa. Tchanturia, Hambrook, Cognitive Remediation Therapy for Anorexia Nervosa. Eisler, Lock, Le Grange, Family-based Treatments for Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa: Single-family and Multifamily Approaches. Kaplan, Howlett, Pharmacotherapy for Anorexia Nervosa. Rock, Nutritional Rehabilitation for Anorexia Nervosa. Olmsted, McFarlane, Carter, Trottier, Woodside, Dimitropoulos, Inpatient and Day Hospital Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa. Touyz, Carney, Compulsory (Involuntary) Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa. Strober, The Chronically Ill Patient with Anorexia Nervosa: Development, Phenomenology, and Therapeutic Considerations. Part III: Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa and BingeEating Disorder. Cooper, Fairburn, Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa. Tanofsky-Kraff, Wilfley, Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Bulimia Nervosa and Binge-Eating Disorder. Chen, Safer, Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa and Binge-Eating Disorder. Wonderlich, Peterson, Smith, Klein, Mitchell, Crow, Engel, Integrative Cognitive-affective Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa. Zerbe, Psychodynamic Therapy for Eating Disorders. Sanchez-Ortiz, Schmidt, Self-Help Approaches for Bulimia Nervosa and Binge-Eating Disorder. Le Grange, Lock, Family-based Treatment for Adolescents with Bulimia Nervosa. Broft, Berner, Walsh, Pharmacotherapy for Bulimia Nervosa. Bodell, Devlin, Pharmacotherapy for Binge-Eating Disorder. Part IV: Special Topics in Treatment. BryantWaugh, Lask, Treatment of Childhood Eating Difficulties and Disorders. de Zwaan, Obesity Treatment for Binge-Eating Disorder in the Obese. Kalarchian, Marcus, Courcoulas, Eating Problems and Bariatric Surgery. Steiger, Israel, Treatment of Psychiatric Comorbidities in Eating Disorders. Allison, Stunkard, Treatment for Night-eating Syndrome. Paxton, McLean, Treatment for Body Image Disturbances. Goddard, MacDonald, Treasure, Caring for Someone with an Eating Disorder. Engel, Wonderlich, New Technologies in Treatments for Eating Disorders. Part V: Research Issues. Crosby, Engel, Evaluating the Efficacy of Eating Disorder Treatments: Research Design and Statistical Issues. Peterson, Assessment of Eating
Eating and Weight Disorders
This highly readable book is an indispensable resource to students and professionals in clinical psychology, health psychology, and psychiatry. 2006: 256pp. Hb: 978-1-84169-547-1: £47.50/$85.00 Pb: 978-1-84169-548-8: £16.50/$29.95
Series: Clinical Psychology: A Modular Course Published by Psychology Press
Assessment of Eating Disorders Edited by James E. Mitchell, University of North Dakota, USA, and Carol B. Peterson, University of Minnesota, USA
Concise and practical yet comprehensive, this unique book provides a clear framework and a range of up-to-date tools for assessing patients with eating disorders. Leading clinicians and researchers describe the nuts and bolts of using diagnostic interviews, standardized databases, structured instruments, self-report and family-based measures, medical and nutritional assessment, ecological momentary assessment, and strategies for evaluating body image disturbance. 2008: 242pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-196-5: 2005: £28.50 Pb: 978-1-59385-642-7: £15.95 Published by Guilford Press
Also by James E. Mitchell
Bariatric Surgery A Guide for Mental Health Professionals Edited by James E. Mitchell, and Martina de Zwaan Hb: 978-0-415-94966-8: 2005: 184pp. £32.50/$49.95 Published by Routledge
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Effective Clinical Practice in the Treatment of Eating Disorders
The Heart of the Matter Edited by Margo Maine, clinical psychologist, specialized in the treatment and prevention of eating disorders for over 25 years, William N. Davis, in private practice, New York, and Pennsylvania, USA, and Jane Shure, Kripalu Center in Lenox, Massachusetts, USA “A goldmine of clinical pearls, offering a bird’s eye view into treatment philosophy and implementation from a feminist perspective... I recommend this book to any clinicians treating women with eating disorders.” - Kimberly Dennis, Medical Director, Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center, Illinois, USA
This book is the first to address what really happens behind closed doors during eating disorders treatment, as most writing has only addressed theoretical approaches and behavioral strategies. The field has long needed a book that describes the heart of the matter: the therapeutic interventions and interactions that comprise life-changing treatment for this life-threatening disorder. In response to this need, the authors have created a book that reflects the individual therapeutic skills and the collective wisdom of senior clinicians, all of whom have years of experience treating anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder. Intended to be a deeply thoughtful and instructive volume, Effective Clinical Practice in the Treatment of Eating Disorders demonstrates the depth, complexity, and impact of the therapeutic process. Contents: Part I: Effective Clinical Practices: Approaches. Maine, Beyond the Medical Model: A Feminist Frame for Eating Disorders. Emmett, Wholeness and Holiness: A Psychospiritual Perspective. Davis, Individual Psychotherapy for Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia: Making a Difference. Burgard, Developing Body Trust: A Body-positive Approach to Treating Eating Disorders. Part II: Effective Clinical Practice: Methods. Wingate, Holistic Integrative Psychiatry and the Treatment of Eating Disorders. Bunnell, Countertransference in the Psychotherapy of Patients with Eating Disorders. Maier, Family Therapy with Eating Disorders: Creating an Alliance for Change. McGilley, Sacred Circles: Feminist-oriented Group Therapy for Adolescents with Eating Disorders. Rabinor, Bilich, Treating Eating Disorders: The Healing Power of Guided Imagery. Ressler, BodyMind Treatment: Connecting to Imprinted Emotions and Experiences. Part III: Effective Clinical Practices: Special Themes. Shure, Weinstock, Shame, Compassion, and the Journey Toward Health. Costin, The Embodied Therapist: Perspectives on Treatment, Personal Growth, and Supervision Related to Body Image. Whitehead-LaBoo, Connecting Through Difference: Therapeutic Use of Self to Promote Eating Disorder Recovery. Zimmer, Therapy Redux: The Evolution of a Treatment Relationship. Bloomgarden, Working with People Who Live Dangerously: Perspectives on Managing Negative Countertransference During the Treatment of Eating Disorders. Sesan, Forgiveness: The Final Frontier in Recovery from an Eating Disorder.
2008: 288pp. Hb: 978-0-415-96461-6: £24.95/$39.95 Published by Routledge
Books by Christopher Fairburn, University of Oxford, UK
Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Eating Disorders Christopher G. Fairburn “Over the past 30 years, Fairburn has made immense contributions to our understanding and treatment of patients with eating disorders. This timely, clearly written, immensely informative, and very user-friendly book provides just what the clinician needs – a practical guide to all phases of treatment.”
- Robert L. Leahy, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York Presbyterian Hospital, USA
This book provides the first comprehensive guide to the practice of “enhanced” cognitive behavior therapy (CBT-E), the leading empirically supported treatment for eating disorders. Written with the practitioner in mind, the book demonstrates how this transdiagnostic approach can be used with the full range of eating disorders seen in clinical practice. Christopher Fairburn and colleagues describe in detail how to tailor CBT-E to the needs of individual patients, and how to adapt it for adolescents and patients who require hospitalization. Contents: Introduction. Fairburn, This Book and How to Use It. Fairburn, Eating Disorders: The Transdiagnostic View and the Cognitive Behavioral Theory. Fairburn, Cooper, Shafran, Enhanced Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Eating Disorders (CBT-E): An Overview. Fairburn, Cooper, Waller, The Patients: Their Assessment, Preparation for Treatment and Medical Management. Fairburn, Cooper, Shafran, Bohn, Hawker, Murphy, Straebler, Enhanced Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Eating Disorders: The Core Protocol. Starting Well. Achieving Early Change. Taking Stock and Designing the Rest of Treatment. Shape Concern. Shape Checking. Feeling Fat and Mindsets. Dietary Restraint, Dietary Rules and Controlling Eating. Events, Moods and Eating. Underweight and Under-eating. Ending Well. Adaptations of CBT-E. Fairburn, Cooper, Shafran, Bohn, Hawker, Clinical Perfectionism, Core Low Self-esteem and Interpersonal Problems. Cooper, Stewart, CBT-E and the Younger Patient. Grave, Bohn, Hawker, Fairburn, Inpatient, Day Patient and Two Forms of Outpatient CBT-E. Fairburn, Cooper, Waller, ‘Complex Cases’ and Comorbidity. Postscript. Fairburn, Looking Forward. Appendices.
2008: 324pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-709-7: £27.00 Published by Guilford Press
Fairburn: Overcoming Binge Eating Hb: 978-0-89862-961-3: 1995: 247pp. £28.95 Pb: 978-0-89862-179-2: 2005: 247pp. £13.50 Published by Guilford Press
Fairburn/Brownell, Eds.: Eating Disorders
and Obesity: A Comprehensive Handbook, Second Edition Hb: 978-1-57230-688-2: 2001: 633pp. £50.50 Pb: 978-1-59385-236-8: 2005: 633pp. £25.00 Published by Guilford Press
Cooper et al.: Cognitive-Behavioral
Treatment of Obesity: A Clinician’s Guide Hb: 978-1-57230-888-6: 2003: 232pp. £30.00 Pb: 978-1-59385-092-0: 2004: 232pp. £19.95 Published by Guilford Press
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eating disorders
New Edition!
New Ideas about Eating Disorders Human Emotions and the Hunger Drive
Nutrition Counseling in the Treatment of Eating Disorders
Charles Stewart, in private practice, California, USA
Second Edition
In this book, Charles Stewart discusses how the positive affects of the life instinct such as interest and joy, and the crisis affects such as fear, anguish, rage, shame and contempt; can contribute to the development of attitudes towards food, causing either positive or negative eating patterns.
Marcia Herrin, Dartmouth Medical School, New Hampshire, USA
New Ideas about Eating Disorders presents case studies of individuals from infancy to adulthood who have suffered from eating disorders, as well as clinical research, to provide a new theory on the aetiology of eating disorders, and in turn new suggestions for treatment and prevention. This book will be essential reading for mental health professionals and Jungian analysts with an interest in how affect theory can contribute to the treatment and care of those with eating disorders. July 2011: 184pp. Hb: 978-0-415-55469-5: £60.00/$99.00 Pb: 978-0-415-55470-1: £21.99/$34.95 Published by Routledge
In the first edition of Nutrition Counseling in the Treatment of Eating Disorders, Marcia Herrin educated nutritionists, psychotherapists, cognitive behaviorists, psychiatrists, physicians, and primary care providers about clinically-sound nutrition treatment and provided the opportunity to expand their treatment approaches. In this second edition, Herrin still devotes sections to nutrition counseling, nutrition interventions and food, exercise, and weight management while detailing relevant nutritional and biological facts, assessment and counseling techniques, and prescription of a food plan. Included in this revised edition is the incorporation of the new Maudsley-inspired nutrition treatment techniques she has pioneered for the last ten years. Using this approach, Herrin teaches families to take charge of their child’s eating through a “coached family meal,” and provides professionals with the skills to completely manage a coached meal and other Maudsley techniques. January 2012: 256pp. Hb: 978-0-415-87103-7: £23.50/$42.50
Critical Feminist Approaches to Eating Dis/Orders
Published by Routledge
Eating Disorders in Sport
Edited by Helen Malson, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK, and Maree Burns, Eating Difficulties Education Network, New Zealand Over the past decade there have been significant shifts both in feminist approaches to the field of eating disorders and in the ways in which gender, bodies, body weight, body management and food are understood, represented and regulated within the dominant cultural milieus of the early twenty-first century. Critical Feminist Approaches to Eating Dis/Orders addresses these developments, exploring how eating disordered subjectivities, experiences and body management practices are theorised and researched within postmodern and post-structuralist feminist frameworks. SELECTED Contents: Katzman, Foreword. Part I: Theorising Eating Dis/Orders
in a Changing World. Part II: Interrogating Cultural Contexts of Dis/Ordered Eating. Part III: In/Visible Bodies and Embodiment. Part IV: Critiquing the Discourses and Discursive Practices of Treatment. Part V: Critical Interventions. 2009: 280pp. Hb: 978-0-415-41811-9: £45.00/$80.00 Pb: 978-0-415-41810-2: £15.95/$28.95 Published by Routledge
Ron A. Thompson, and Roberta Trattner Sherman, both in private practice, Indiana, USA “Thompson and Sherman have crafted the definitive opus on eating disorders and sport. Their review of the field is comprehensive, scholarly, and accessible. The wisdom they have earned through decades of clinical experience is reflected in their deep respect for professionals in both the sports and health arenas.” - Cynthia M. Bulik, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
In this book, the authors draw on their extensive clinical experience to discuss how to identify, manage, treat, and prevent eating disorders in sport participants. They begin by examining the clinical conditions related to eating problems, including descriptions of specific disorders, and a review of the relevant literature. Special attention is given to the specific gender and sport-related factors that can negatively influence the eating habits of athletes. Contents: Introduction. Eating Disorders: Clinical and Subclinical Conditions. Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating in Sport: A Review of the Literature. Risk Factors for the Development of Problem Eating. Identification of Eating Disorders and Related Conditions. Management of Eating Problems in the Sport Environment. Treatment Issues. Medical Considerations. Prevention and Education.
January 2010: 300pp. Hb: 978-0-415-99836-9: £28.00/$49.95 Published by Routledge
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Treating Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating
An Integrated Metacognitive and Cognitive Therapy Manual Myra Cooper, University of Oxford, UK, Gillian Todd, University of Cambridge, UK, and Adrian Wells, University of Manchester, UK “Treating Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating is an excellent, practical handbook for clinicians in helping their patients overcome bulimia nervosa... This is an important contribution to helping us overcome a difficult clinical problem. The authors should be congratulated for providing us with a break-through in how to conceptualize and treat this problem.” - Robert L. Leahy, Director, American Institute for Cognitive
It presents an adaptation of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) developed expressly for this population. What makes this researchbased approach unique is its focus on disordered eating as a problem of emotional dysregulation. Featuring vivid case examples and 30 reproducibles, the book shows how to put an end to binge eating and purging by teaching clients more adaptive ways to manage painful emotions. Contents: Introduction. Binge-Eating Disorder and Bulimia Nervosa: Why Dialectical Behavior Therapy? Orientation for Therapists. The Pretreatment Stage: The Pretreatment Interview and Introductory Sessions. Mindfulness Core Skills. Emotion Regulation Skills. Distress Tolerance Skills. Final Sessions: Review and Relapse Prevention. Illustrative Case Examples. Future Directions. Appendix: Information for Researchers.
2009: 244pp. Hb: 978-1-60623-265-1: £24.00 Published by Guilford Press
A Self-help Guide for Men With Eating Disorders, Compulsive Exercise and Bigorexia
Therapy, USA
Treating Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating explains how cognitive therapy can be used to treat those suffering from bulimia nervosa. The manual provides a step-by-step treatment guide, incorporating a number of case examples offering detailed explanations of the treatment process, questionnaires, worksheets and practical exercises for the client, which will provide a framework and focus for therapy. The authors use existing techniques, as well as new integrated cognitive and metacognitive methods developed from their recent research, to take the therapist from initial assessment to the end of treatment and beyond. This practical guide will allow those treating patients with bulimia nervosa to take advantage of recent developments in the field and will be an essential tool for all therapists working with this eating disorder. Contents: Introduction to the Book, a Case Example and an Overview of
Treatment. Diagnosis and Assessment. Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa. A New Cognitive Model of Bulimia Nervosa. Engagement and Motivation. Case Formulation and Socialisation. Detached Mindfulness Strategies. Negative Beliefs about Eating: Uncontrollability and Consequences. Positive Beliefs about Eating. Negative Self Beliefs. Ending Therapy. Therapist Resources. 2008: 264pp. Hb: 978-1-58391-944-6: £65.00/$120.00 Pb: 978-1-58391-945-3: £23.95/$42.50 Published by Routledge
The Invisible Man
John F. Morgan, Yorkshire Centre for Eating Disorders, Leeds, UK “In ‘The Invisible Man’, John Morgan makes a powerful case for meeting the particular needs of men affected by eating disorders. It can be difficult for anyone to seek help – but the problem is so much greater for young men who develop what many people mistakenly consider is a female problem. Morgan combines theory and practical help in a highly readable style.” - Susan Ringwood, Chief Executive Officer of BEAT
The Invisible Man applies the latest research to produce a practical, problem-focused self-help manual for men with eating disorders and body image problems. Divided into four sections, this evidence-based survival kit covers: • the wider cultural context of male body image problems • features unique to men • science fact and science fiction • a 7 stage approach to treatment.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Binge Eating and Bulimia Debra L. Safer, Stanford University School of Medicine, California, USA, Christy F. Telch, in private practice, California, USA, and Eunice Y. Chen, University of Chicago, USA Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
“Safer et al. have done pioneering work adapting dialectical behavior therapy to the treatment of eating disorders. This book provides a comprehensive yet practical and user-friendly guide for clinicians working with these patients... Very highly recommended.” - James E. Mitchell, University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences, USA
This groundbreaking book gives clinicians a new set of tools for helping people overcome binge-eating disorder and bulimia.
By combining the science of cognitive behaviour therapy with motivational enhancement and problem-solving therapies, The Invisible Man will provide help to all men with body image disorders, as well as families and professionals involved in their care. Contents: Part I: Fat is More Than a Feminist Issue. Snakes and Ladders: Barriers to Recovery. Stories From the Past: The First Case of Anorexia Nervosa and Lord Byron’s Eating Disorder. Part II: Do You Have a Body Image Disorder? Anorexia Nervosa. Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating. Muscle Dysmorphia (Bigorexia). Obesity. Part III: Science Fiction and Science Fact. What Causes Body Image Disorders in Men? Compulsive Exercise: When Does Exercise Become Unhealthy? The Poisoned Chalice: Anabolic Steroid Abuse. Physical Health and Body Image Disorders. Mental Health and Body Image Disorders. The Role of Culture: ‘Fat is Not Just a Feminist Issue’. Part IV: 7 Stages to Recovery. Stage 1: Motivation – A Cost-benefit Analysis of Recovery. Stage 2: Sharing the Secret. Stage 3: Healthy Habits. Stage 4: Thinking Straight. Stage 5: Feeling Good. Stage 6: Seeking Professional Help – A Consumer’s Guide. Stage 7: Remaining Well – Sadder and Wiser.
2008: 184pp. Hb: 978-1-58391-149-5: £60.00/$110.00 Pb: 978-1-58391-150-1: £13.50/$24.95 Published by Routledge
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eating disorders
Self-Help Approaches for Obesity and Eating Disorders
Anorexia Nervosa
Patient’s Log Book A. H. Crisp
Research and Practice
The Patient’s Log Book is intended for both in-patient and out-patient use, as part of a clinically supervised treatment programme based on the “St George’s” approach outlined in Anorexia Nervosa: Guidelines for Assessment and Treatment in Primary and Secondary Care.
Edited by Janet D. Latner, University of Hawaii, USA, and G. Terence Wilson, The State University of New Jersey, USA “Latner and Wilson are to be congratulated for this excellent work... It will be of considerable interest to practitioners and researchers in the areas of obesity and eating disorders. It is also an informative, clinically useful reference for physicians and other healthcare professionals, many of whom now have clinical practices that are dominated by obesityrelated problems.” - James E. Mitchell, University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences, USA
1995: 128pp. Pb: 978-0-86377-407-2: £13.50/$25.00 Published by Routledge
Anorexia Nervosa
With contributions from leading authorities, this timely professional resource critically examines available self-help treatments for weight problems and obesity, binge eating disorder, bulimia nervosa, and body image disturbances. Practical pointers are offered for guiding clients or patients toward safe, effective approaches that provide the right level of care, from fully independent strategies to treatments with higher levels of professional involvement.
Let Me Be
2007: 376pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-442-3: £25.95
1995: 208pp. Pb: 978-0-86377-383-9: £13.50/$25.00
Published by Guilford Press
Published by Routledge
Backlist Books
A.H. Crisp The theme of this text is the enduring relationship of anorexia nervosa to the unfolding of puberty, which transcends and shapes the input of “fashion”.
Anorexia Nervosa
Creating Bodies
The Wish to Change
Eating Disorders as Self-Destructive Survival
Second Edition A. H. Crisp, N. Joughin, C. Halek, and C. Bowyer
Katie Gentile Pb: 978-0-88163-438-9: 2006: 216pp. £26.50/$39.95
Relational Perspectives Book Series Published by Routledge relational-perspectives
Beyond a Shadow of a Diet The Therapist’s Guide to Treating Compulsive Eating
This guide to ‘self-help’ has become highly valued by sufferers from anorexia nervosa, their families and their carers. It relates to Arthur Crisp’s much praised text Anorexia Nervosa: Let Me Be. Many sufferers report that Anorexia Nervosa: The Wish to Change has provided them with their first private opportunity to reconsider their position and future properly, and then to do more about them. 1996: 112pp. Pb: 978-0-86377-408-9: £13.50/$25.00 Published by Routledge
Judith Matz, and Ellen Frankel Hb: 978-0-415-94609-4: 2004: 424pp. £24.99/$37.50 Published by Routledge
Anorexia Nervosa – Clinician’s Pack This package includes one copy of Guidelines for Assessment and Treatment in Primary and Secondary Care, The Wish to Change, and Patient’s Log Book. Pb: 978-0-86377-412-6: 1996: £25.95/$47.50 Published by Routledge
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child and adolescent eating disorders
Treating Bulimia in Adolescents
Eating Disorders
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with Children and Young People
A Family-Based Approach Daniel Le Grange, University of Chicago, USA, and James Lock, Stanford University School of Medicine, California, USA “Written by two specialists on eating disorders, this book provides a detailed description of a family-based treatment for adolescents with bulimia nervosa. Practical in orientation and comprehensive in scope, this is an invaluable
resource for clinicians.” - Christopher G. Fairburn, Warneford Hospital, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
An indispensable clinical resource, this groundbreaking book is the first treatment manual to focus specifically on adolescent bulimia nervosa. The authors draw on their proven approach to treating anorexia nervosa in the family context and adapt it to the unique needs of this related yet distinct clinical population. Evidence-based strategies are presented for helping the whole family collaborate to bring dysfunctional eating behaviors under control, while also addressing co-occurring psychological problems and parent-child relationship conflicts. Contents: Introduction and Background Information on Bulimia Nervosa. Family-Based Treatment for Adolescent Bulimia Nervosa. Phase I: Initial Evaluation. Session 1: The First Face-to-face Meeting with the Family. Session 1 in Action. Session 2: The Family Meal. Session 2 in Action. The Remainder of Phase I (Sessions 3-10). The Remainder of Phase I in Action. Phase II: Helping the Adolescent Eat on Her Own (Sessions 11-16). Phase II in Action. Phase III: Adolescent Developmental Concerns (Sessions 17-20). Phase III in Action. Summary of a Completed Case.
2009: 260pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-414-0: 2007: £24.00 Pb: 978-1-60623-351-1: £16.95 Published by Guilford Press
Help Your Teenager Beat an Eating Disorder James Lock, Stanford University School of Medicine, California, USA, and Daniel Le Grange, University of Chicago, USA “I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. I think it would be a useful resource for any parent who is caring for a teenager with an eating disorder... I highly recommend it.” - Jade McEwen, Signpost
Always harmful and potentially deadly, eating disorders can wreak havoc on families. This powerful and controversial book by top researchers James Lock and Daniel Le Grange argues that parents are not the culprits but the key to their teen’s recovery. Based on new research, Help Your Teenager Beat an Eating Disorder shows how parents can break the disorder’s control over their child’s mind and re-establish normal eating and family relations. 2004: 296pp. Hb: 978-1-59385-101-9: £25.00 Pb: 978-1-57230-908-1: £12.50
Simon G. Gowers, University of Liverpool, UK, and Lynne Green, Cheshire and Merseyside Eating Disorders Service for Adolescents, UK “This book offers a great deal of useful advice for any child and adolescent mental health professional working with children and adolescents who have eating disorders... I would strongly recommend this book to all child and adolescent mental health professionals working with young people with eating disorders.” - David Rothery, British Journal of Psychiatry
In this book, Simon Gowers and Lynne Green bring together up-todate research, clinical examples and useful tips to guide practitioners in working with young people, as well as helping families of children and adolescents to deal with their difficulties. Eating Disorders provides the clinician with an introduction about how CBT can be used to challenge beliefs about control, restraint, weight and shape, allowing young people to manage their eating disorder. Contents: Part I: Introduction. Eating Disorders and their Management. The Role of CBT in the Treatment of Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents. Part II: Preparing for Therapy. Assessment and Formulation. Engaging and Motivating Young People. The Role of the Family. Part III: A CBT Treatment Programme. Stage 1: Planning and Establishing Principles and Embarking on Change. Stage 2: Tackling Problem Eating, Challenging Compensatory Behaviours. Stage 3: Treatment Monitoring and Review. Stage 4: Addressing Unhelpful Cognitions and Solving Problems Maintaining the Eating Disorder. Stage 5: Relapse Prevention and Discharge Planning. Part IV: Applications and Challenges. Inpatient Management, Groups and Self-Help. Future Challenges. List of Handouts.
2009: 200pp. Hb: 978-0-415-44462-0: £55.00/$95.00 Pb: 978-0-415-44463-7: £19.99/$34.95
Series: CBT with Children, Adolescents and Families Published by Routledge From Bryan L ask and R achel Bryant-Waugh
Eating Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence Third Edition Hb: 978-0-415-39457-4: 2007: 424pp. £65.00/$120.00 Pb: 978-0-415-42589-6: 2007: 424pp. £23.95/$42.50 Published by Routledge
Eating Disorders A Parents’ Guide Revised Edition
Published by Guilford Press
Pb: 978-1-58391-860-9: 2004: 192pp. £9.99/$18.00
for a further book by Daniel Le Grange please see page 2
Published by Routledge
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body image
Overcoming Body Image Disturbance
A Programme for People with Eating Disorders Lorraine Bell, and Jenny Rushforth, both at Hampshire Partnership Trust, UK “A clear, simple treatment manual which contains useful handouts and assessment tools.” - Janet Treasure, King’s College, Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK
People with eating disorders often exhibit serious misconceptions about their own body image. Overcoming Body Image Disturbance provides a treatment programme (piloted by the authors) for people with eating disorders who have a negative body image. The manual offers advice for therapists, enabling them to deliver the programme, as well as practical guidance for the sufferer, encouraging them to learn the appropriate skills to change their attitude towards their body. This manual – intended to be used with close guidance from a therapist – will be essential for all therapists, mental health workers and counsellors working with clients who have negative body images. Contents: Introduction. Body Image and Body Image Disturbance. Body Image Disturbance and Psychological Disorders. What Works? The Design of this Programme. Notes for Therapists: I. Therapist Skills Needed for this Programme. Notes for Therapists: II. The Programme. Appendix.
2008: 160pp. Pb: 978-0-415-42330-4: £23.95/$42.50 Published by Routledge
Under the Skin provides a detailed study of the challenges posed by our embodied nature through an exploration of the unconscious phantasies that underlie the need for body modification, making it essential reading for all clinicians working with those who are preoccupied with their appearance and modify their bodies including psychotherapists, counsellors, psychiatrists and psychologists. Contents: The Body as Canvas. As You Desire Me. The Symptom of Ugliness Mirrors. Being Seen or Being Watched. Occupied Territories and Foreign Parts: Reclaiming the Body. Copies Without Originals: Envy and the Maternal Body. The Botoxing of Experience. Ink, Holes and Scars. An Order of Pure Decision.
February 2010: 216pp. Hb: 978-0-415-48569-2: £60.00/$99.00 Pb: 978-0-415-48570-8: £21.99/$34.95 Published by Routledge
Backlist Books
Feeling Good About the Way You Look A Program for Overcoming Body Image Problems Sabine Wilhelm Hb: 978-1-59385-294-8: 2006: 212pp. £24.00 Pb: 978-1-57230-730-8: 2006: 212pp. £10.50 Published by Guilford Press
Mindful Eating 101
Workbook resources can be downloaded free of charge by purchasers of the print version, please visit:
A Guide to Healthy Eating in College and Beyond
Susan Albers
Published by Routledge
Under the Skin A Psychoanalytic Study of Body Modification Alessandra Lemma, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK “It is high time for clinicians to recognise that the body matters. This book is a brilliant illustration of how psychoanalytic therapy can illuminate our struggles with the physicality of our being and suggests effective solutions for the clinical management of these.” - Peter Fonagy, University College London, UK Under the Skin considers the motivation behind why people pierce, tattoo, cosmetically enhance, or otherwise modify their body, from a psychoanalytic perspective. It discusses how the therapist can understand and help individuals for whom the manipulation of the body is felt to be psychically necessary, regardless of whether the process of modification causes pain. In this book, psychoanalyst Alessandra Lemma draws on her work in the consulting room, as well as films, fiction, art and clinical research to suggest that the motivation for extensively modifying the surface of the body, and being excessively preoccupied with its appearance, comes from the person’s internal world – under their skin. 10
Pb: 978-0-415-95093-0: 2005: 208pp. £14.95/$18.00
The Psychology of Eating and Drinking Third Edition Alexandra Woods Logue Hb: 978-0-415-95008-4: 2004: 376pp. £60.00/$95.00 Pb: 978-0-415-95009-1: 2004: 376pp. £19.95/$32.50 Published by Routledge
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