Women & Psychology 2010 - 2011

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Women & Psychology

2010 – 2011

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Invitation to Authors

This catalog focuses on new and recent books on Women & Psychology.

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Contents Women & Psychology Series ................................................... 5

Woman’s Relationship with Herself: O’Grady.......................... 19

The Madness of Women: Ussher............................................... 6

Just Sex? Gavey.......................................................................... 20

‘Adolescence’, Pregnancy and Abortion: Macleod.................. 7

The Psychological Development of Girls and Women: Greene......................................................... 20

Domestic Violence and Psychology: Nicolson.......................... 8 Hard Knocks: Haaken................................................................ 9 The Gendered Unconscious: Gyler........................................... 10 Understanding the Effects of Child Sexual Abuse: Warner...... 11 Women and Depression: Lafrance............................................ 12 Maternal Encounters: Baraitser................................................. 13 The Single Woman: Reynolds.................................................... 14 Accounting for Rape: Anderson & Doherty............................... 15 Sanctioning Pregnancy: Gross & Pattison................................. 16 The Capacity to Care: Hollway.................................................. 17 Managing the Monstrous Feminine: Ussher............................ 17 Body Work: Blood..................................................................... 18 Gender Talk: Speer.................................................................... 18 Beauty and Misogyny: Jeffreys.................................................. 19




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Men, Women and Relationships – A Post-Jungian Approach: Goss........................................................................................... 23 Secrecy and Silence in the Research Process: Ryan-Flood & Gill (Eds.).................................................................................... 24 Critical Feminist Approaches to Eating Dis/Orders: Malson & Burns (Eds.)................................................................ 25 Body Image, 2nd Edition: Grogan............................................. 26 Memory Matters: Haaken & Reavey (Eds.)................................. 27 Gender Development: Blakemore et al..................................... 28 Sex Differences: Ellis et al.......................................................... 29 Narratives of Identity and Place: Taylor.................................... 30 The Social Psychology of Gender: Rudman & Glick.................. 31 Research Methods & Statistics Arena....................................... 32 Routledge Journals................................................................... 35

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Women & Psychology

Gender & Sexuality Arena

Women and Psychology Series Social Psychology 2010

www.psypress.com/women-and-psychology Series Editor: Professor Jane Ussher

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For related resources see also: Adolescent Studies Arena www.adolescent-studies-arena.com Developmental Psychology Arena www.developmentalpsychologyarena.com Research Methods & Statistics Arena www.researchmethodsarena.com

This series brings together current theory and research on women and psychology. Drawing on scholarship from a number of different areas of psychology, it bridges the gap between abstract research and the reality of women’s lives by integrating theory and practice, research and policy.

Routledge MeNtal He altH

Gender and Sexuality 2009 Group Processes ................ 4 Interpersonal Processes ..... 8 Attitudes & Persuasion ....... 14 Consumer Psychology ....... 15 Self & Identity..................... 16

Gender & Sexuality ............ 19 Social Psychology of Culture ............................... 20 Political Psychology ........... 24 Social Neuroscience ........... 25 General Topics in Social Psychology ... .......... 27

Industrial, Organizational & Work Psychology ............... 32 Introductory Psychology .... 33 Experimental Research Methods & Statistics ........... 35 Journals .............................. 36

New Books aNd selected Backlist Sex Therapy Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender (GLBT) Gender Development Psychoanalysis

Social Psychology Arena www.socialpsychologyarena.com Routledge Cultural Studies www.routledge.com/culturalstudies


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Each book addresses a ‘cutting edge’ issue of research, covering topics such as postnatal depression and eating disorders, and addressing a wide range of theories and methodologies. The series provides accessible and concise accounts of key issues in the study of women and psychology, and clearly demonstrates the centrality of psychology debates within women’s studies or feminism. The Series Editor, Jane M. Ussher, is Professor of Women’s Health Psychology, and director of the Gender, Culture and Health Research Unit: PsyHealth, at the University of Western Sydney, Australia. She is author and editor of a number of books, including The Psychology of the Female Body, Body Talk: Material and Discursive Regulation of Sexuality, Madness and Reproduction, Fantasies of Femininity: Reframing the Boundaries of Sex and Managing the Monstrous Feminine: Regulating the Reproductive Body. Her current research focuses on women’s sexual and reproductive health, with particular emphasis on premenstrual experiences, and gendered issues associated with cancer. Order online for a 10% discount and free shipping on orders above £20 (UK customers).


Women & Psychology

The Madness of Women

• Women’s narratives of resistance.

Jane Ussher University of Western Sydney, Australia

Women and Psychology Series “This book is beautifully written and the arguments powerful and sophisticated, whilst at the same time accessible. The author’s mastery in research and writing are clearly evident. The book is destined to become a ‘classic’ text in feminist psychology. A pleasure to read!” Michelle Lafrance, Department of Psychology, St. Thomas University, Canada “This book is a compelling, hard-hitting and illuminating analysis of the social cultural, historical and economic forces producing the madness of women. It is a powerful illustration of a long-standing feminist view – that the personal is political.” - Ann Weatherall, School of Psychology, University of Wellington, New Zealand

Why are women more likely to be positioned or diagnosed as mad than men? If madness is a social construction, a gendered label, as many feminist critics would argue, how can we understand and explain women’s prolonged misery and distress? In turn, can we prevent or treat women’s distress, in a non-pathologising women-centred way? The Madness of Women addresses these questions through a rigorous exploration of the myths and realities of women’s madness. Drawing on academic and clinical experience, including case studies and in-depth interviews, as well as on the now extensive critical literature in the field of mental health, Jane Ussher presents a critical multifactorial analysis of women’s madness that both addresses the notion that madness is a myth, and yet acknowledges the reality and multiple causes of women’s distress. Topics include:

This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of psychology, gender studies, sociology, women’s studies, cultural studies, counselling and nursing. Contents 1. The Madness of Women: Myth or Experience? 2. The Daughter of Hysteria: Depression as a “Woman’s Problem”? 3. Labelling Women as Mad: Regulating and Oppressing Women. 4. Woman as Object, not Subject: Madness as Response to Objectification and Sexual Violence. 5. The Construction and Lived Experience of Women’s Distress: Positioning Premenstrual Change as Psychiatric Illness. 6. Women’s Madness: Resistance and Survival. April 2011: 6x9: 288pp Hb: 978-0-415-33927-8: £44.95 Pb: 978-0-415-33928-5: £17.95 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/ 9780415339285 e-inspection copy available

• The genealogy of women’s madness – incarceration of difficult or deviant women • Regulation through treatment • Deconstrucing depression, PMS and borderline personality disorder




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‘Adolescence’, Pregnancy and Abortion Constructing a Threat of Degeneration Catriona I. Macleod Rhodes University, South Africa

Women and Psychology Series “Macleod does not deny that pregnancy may be a problem for very young women but encourages us not only to rethink the taken-for-granted relationship between ‘teenage’ and ‘problem’ pregnancy but to confront the social anxieties which surround it. The analysis is rigorous and thought provoking with important implications for theory, research, health practice and social policy.” - Mary Boyle, Professor Emeritus of Clinical Psychology, University of East London, UK “The book is a timely contribution to debates around the ‘problems’ of adolescents in our society and teenage pregnancy in particular, and adds to a small but growing set of voices from other areas of concern about youth which question the category of adolescence itself and point to the damaging effects of its use. The style is clear and accessible; the content is scholarly, yet very readable.” - Christine Stephens, Professor of Psychology, Massey University, New Zealand

Why, despite evidence to the contrary, does the narrative of the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy, abortion and childbearing persist? This book argues that the negativity surrounding early reproduction is underpinned by a particular understanding of adolescence. It traces the invention of ‘adolescence’ and the imaginary wall that the notion constructs between young people and adults. Macleod examines the entrenched status of ‘adolescence’ within a colonialist discourse that equates development of the individual with the development of civilisation, and the consequent threat of degeneration that ‘adolescence’ implies.

Using data gathered from studies worldwide, this book highlights central issues in the global debate concerning teenage pregnancy. It is ideal for academics and students of health psychology, women’s studies, nursing and sociology, as well as practitioners in the fields of youth and social work, medicine and counselling.

Women & Psychology

• Madness as a reasonable response to objectification and sexual violence


Contents 1. Setting the Scene. 2. Adolescence as Transition? 3. Conundrums: Sex Education, ‘Teenage Pregnancy’, and Decision-making in the Context of Abortion. 4. The Invention of the ‘Social Problem’ of Teenage Pregnancy. 5. Young Women and Abortion: The New Social Problem. 6. Othering: Race, Culture and ‘Teenage Pregnancy’/Abortion. 7. Managing the Threat of Degeneration. 8. Summary and Conclusions: Where to From Here? July 2010: 6x9: 184pp Hb: 978-0-415-55339-1: £45.00 Pb: 978-0-415-55338-4: £14.95 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415553384 e-inspection copy available

Many important issues are explored, such as the invention of teenage pregnancy and abortion as a social problem; issues of race, culture and tradition in relation to teenage pregnancy; and health service provider practices, specifically in relation to managing risk. In the final chapter, an argument is made for a shift from the signifier ‘teenage pregnancy’ to ‘unwanted pregnancy’.

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Women & Psychology

Domestic Violence and Psychology A Critical Perspective Paula Nicolson Royal Holloway, University of London, UK

Women and Psychology Series “Going beyond ‘either/or’ positions, Paula Nicolson shows how the problem of domestic violence is as deeply personal as it is political. Her book re-visions the landscape of scholarship through this dual lens, combining psychodynamic and feminist perspectives to produce a highly nuanced account of patterns of intimate partner violence. It is both a courageous and inspired book.” - Janice Haaken, Portland State University, USA

This book rethinks the way psychological knowledge of domestic violence has typically been constructed. It puts forward a psychological perspective which is both critical of the traditional ‘woman blaming’ stance, as well as being at odds with the feminist position that men are wholly to blame for domestic abuse and that violence in intimate relationships is caused by gender-power relations. It is rather argued that to neglect the emotions, experiences and psychological explanations for domestic violence is to fail those who suffer and thwart attempts to prevent future abuse. Paula Nicolson suggests that domestic violence needs to be discussed and understood on several levels: material contexts, including resources such as support networks as well as the physical impact of violence, the discursive, as a social problem or gendered analysis, and the emotional level which can be both conscious and unconscious. Drawing on the work of scholars including Giddens, Foucault, Klein and Winnicott, and using interview and survey data to illustrate its arguments, Domestic Violence and Psychology develops a theoretical framework for examining the context, intentions and experiences in the lives of women in abusive relationships, the men who abuse and the




children who suffer in the abusive family. As such this book will be of great interest to those studying social and clinical psychology, social work, cultural studies, sociology and women’s studies. Contents Introduction. Part 1. The Context. 1. Domestic Violence: The Material Context. 2. What is Domestic Abuse? 3. Psychology, Feminism, and Ideology: Where Do We Go From Here? Part 2. Discursive Constructions of Domestic Violence and Abuse. 4. The Social Construction of Domestic Abuse: Myths, Legends and Formula Stories. 5. Public Perceptions and Moral Tales. Part 3. (Re)turning to Intra-psychic Psychology. 6. Lived Experience and the ‘Material-Discursive-Intra-Psychic’ Self. 7. Domestic Abuse Across Generations: Intra-psychic Dimensions. 8. ‘Doing’ Domestic Violence: Dilemmas of Care and Blame. References. June 2010: 6x9: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-38371-4: £45.00 Pb: 978-0-415-38372-1: £14.95 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415383721 e-inspection copy available

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Hard Knocks Domestic Violence and the Psychology of Storytelling Janice Haaken Portland State University, Oregon, USA

Women and Psychology Series “In an accessible, direct and compelling manner, this impressively scholarly text surveys the full array of recent debates tackling the complexities of gender and violence. Janice Haaken’s voice has become pivotal in the rethinking of domestic violence literature and research, ensuring that this book will become an essential text across the social sciences in all areas where gender is discussed.” - Lynne Segal, Psychosocial Studies, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK

This book draws on interviews carried out over a period of eight years, as well as novels, films and domestic violence literature, to explain the role of storytelling in the history of the battered women’s movement. The author shows how cultural contexts shape how stories about domestic abuse get told, and offers critical tools for bringing psychology into discussions of group dynamics in the domestic violence field. The book enlists psychoanalytic-feminist theory to analyse storytelling practices and to re-visit four areas of tension in the movement where signs of battle fatigue have been most acute. These areas include the conflicts that emerge between the battered women’s movement and the state, the complex relationship between domestic violence and other social problems, and the question of whether woman battering is a special case that differs from other forms of social violence. The volume also looks at the tensions between groups of women within the movement, and how to address differences based on race, class or other dimensions of power. Finally, it explores the contentious issue of how to acknowledge forms of female aggression while still preserving a gender analysis of intimate partner violence.

involved in domestic violence, and is suitable for students of psychology, social work, sociology and criminology. Contents Introduction. 1. Hard Ground: From Solitary Suffering to Sisterhood. 2. Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Feminist Psychology and the Politics of Violence. 3. Damsels in Distress: Popular Culture and Stories of Domestic Abuse. 4. Going Underground: Feminism and Shelter Practices. 5. Between the Devil and the Deep: Intervening with Batterers. 6. Running on Empty: Women, Children, and Strategies of Survival. 7. Conclusions: Beyond Survival. April 2010: 6x9: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-56338-3: £45.00 Pb: 978-0-415-56342-0: £14.95 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415563420 e-inspection copy available

In attending to narrative dynamics in the history of domestic violence work, Hard Knocks presents a radical re-reading of the contribution of psychology to feminist interventions and activism. The book is ideal for scholars, activists, advocates and policy planners

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Women & Psychology

Can Gender Discourses Subvert Psychoanalysis? Louise Gyler Private Practice, Sydney, Australia

Women and Psychology Series “Louise Gyler provides an excellently well-researched, intelligently written, critical update on feminism and psychoanalysis. She systematically exposes the role of gender in the theories and clinical practice of influential psychoanalysts and explicates the gendered perspectives on psychoanalysis developed by leading feminist theorists.” - Janet Sayers, Professor of Psychoanalytic Psychology, University of Kent, UK

Feminist interventions in psychoanalysis have often attempted either to subvert or re-frame the masculinist and phallocentric biases of Freud’s psychoanalysis. This book investigates the nature of these interventions by comparing the status and treatment of women in two different psychoanalytic models: the Kleinian and the feminist models. It argues that, in fact, these interventions have historically tended to reinforce such biases by collapsing the distinction between the gendered minds of individuals and theories of gender. This investigation is framed by two steps. First, in assessing the position of women and the feminine in psychoanalysis, The Gendered Unconscious explores not only the ways they are represented in theory, but also how these representations function in practice. Secondly, this book uses a framework of a comparative dialogue to highlight the assumptions and values that underpin the theory and clinical practice in the two psychoanalytic models. This comparative critique concludes with the counter-intuitive claim that contemporary Kleinian theory may, in practice, hold more radical possibilities for the interests of women than the practices derived from contemporary psychoanalytic gender theory.




This book is of significant interest to those studying the psychology of women, psychoanalytic studies, health psychology, sociology, gender studies and cultural studies. It will also be of interest to clinicians and candidates of professional psychotherapy and psychoanalytic training programmes. Contents 1. Introduction: The Sex Question, Psychoanalysis and Feminism. 2. Concepts, Values and Assumptions: Freud and Klein. 3. Developments in Psychoanalytic Feminist Theories of Gender. 4. Clinical Practice: ‘Silencing Effects’. 5. The Depressive Position, The Oedipus Complex and Thinking Beyond Categorization. 6. Klein and Perilous Connections: Aggression, Negativity and Thought. 7. Conclusion: Theory and Practices – Conscious Desires and Unconscious Identifications. April 2010: 6x9: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-40170-8: £45.00 Pb: 978-0-415-40171-5: £14.95 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415401715 e-inspection copy available

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Understanding the Effects of Child Sexual Abuse Feminist Revolutions in Theory, Research and Practice Sam Warner Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Women and Psychology Series “A compelling study that forces an overturning of current assumptions about the way that the public and the psychological and legal ‘experts’ understand the effects of sexual abuse on children and adults, and how this understanding affects treatment of survivors. ... The result of Warner’s feminist-post-structuralist rethinking of the effects of child sexual abuse is nothing short of a revolution in psychology, culminating in a radical political agenda that transforms research, theory and practice as they relate to child sexual abuse.” - Wendy C. Hamblet, in Metapsychology Reviews Online

Child sexual abuse has long been an issue of concern to feminists, and, more recently, mental health activists. This book draws on feminism and post-structuralism to critically examine current perceptions of women, girls and child abuse in psychology, psychiatry and the mass media, and to re-evaluate mainstream and feminist approaches to this subject. Using research into women who have been sexually abused in childhood, and who are detained in maximum security mental health care, Sam Warner explores and identifies key principles for practice. A social recovery model of intervention is developed, and case study examples are used to demonstrate its applicability in a range of practice areas. This book will be of interest to anyone working with children and adults who have been abused, including clinical psychologists, therapists and other professionals in mental health, psychotherapy and social services; and legal settings within both community and secure care contexts. It should also be essential reading for students and academics in this area. Contents Part 1. Theory. 1. Setting Scenes: Developing a Feminist, Post-structuralist Perspective. 2. Disordered and Abnormal: Mainstream Misrecognition of Women and Child Sexual Abuse.

3. Dangerous Desires: Child Sexual Abuse, Mental Disorder, and the Mass Media. 4. Changing Concerns in Theory and Activism: Women, Child Sexual Abuse and Radical Politics. Part 2. Research. 5. Contingent Morality and Ethical Research Practices: Critical Uses of Interviewing and Q-methodology. 6. Narratives of Displacement: Women’s Routes into Secure Hospitals. 7. Embodying Disorder: Representing Women and Theorising the Effects of Child Sexual Abuse. 8. Special Care and Child Sexual Abuse: Working with Women in Secure Hospitals. Part 3. Practice. 9. Visible Therapy and Child Sexual Abuse: Critical Approaches to Working with Women and Girls. 10. Between Investigation and Protection: Revising the Role of the Expert Witness in Child Care Proceedings. 11. Reconstructing Blame and Reenactment: Motherhood, Child Sexual Abuse and Domestic Violence. 12. Beyond Deviance and Damnation: Working with Women and Girls in Secure Care Contexts. 2008: 6x9: 304pp Hb: 978-0-415-36027-2: £47.50 Pb: 978-0-415-36028-9: £17.95 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415360289 e-inspection copy available

See also Memory Matters: Contexts for Understanding Sexual Abuse Recollections, edited by Janice Haaken and Paula Reavey, page 27.

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Women & Psychology

The Gendered Unconscious

Women & Psychology

Recovery and Resistance Michelle N. Lafrance St. Thomas University, Canada

Women and Psychology Series “This is an important book for those seeking a comprehensive, scholarly and readable exploration of the impact of social inequalities on women’s mental health.” Wendy Franks, Clinical Psychologist, in The Psychologist “Lafrance provides a welcome alternative to the biomedicalized understandings of depression that are increasingly dominant within the (mental) health field as well as wider culture. A pleasure to read.” - Nicola Gavey, Associate Professor, The University of Auckland, New Zealand “A ground-breaking analysis of women’s recovery from depression showing how self-care is central to women’s wellbeing while threatening their identities as ‘good’ women. This book is essential reading for women struggling with depression and for mental health professionals helping women to overcome depression.” - Janet Stoppard, Professor of Psychology (retired), University of New Brunswick, Canada

This book takes a welcome look at women’s experiences of living well after depression. Lafrance argues that the social construction of femininity is dangerous for women’s health, and ultimately, central to their experiences of depression. Beginning with a critical examination of the ways in which women’s depression is a product of the social, political, and interpersonal realities of their everyday lives, the analysis moves on to explore an often ignored aspect of women’s experience – how women manage to ‘recover’ and be well after depression.

Maternal Encounters

• Negotiating identity

The Ethics of Interruption

• The medicalization of women’s misery • Women’s narratives of resistance

Lisa Baraitser Birkbeck, University of London, UK

• The material and discursive context of women’s selfcare

Women and Psychology Series

In exploring the taken-for-granted aspects of women’s experiences, Lafrance sheds light on the powerful but often invisible constraints on women’s wellbeing, and the multiple and creative ways in which they resist these constraints in their everyday lives. These insights will be of interest to students and scholars of psychology, sociology, women’s studies, social work, counseling, and nursing.

“This is an extremely unusual, subtle and important book. Lisa Baraitser produces a demanding and timely theoretical argument that presents maternity as a site for the construction of subjectivity and for the development of a new understanding of the ethics of relationality. She draws together an array of contemporary feminist, philosophical and psychoanalytic theory, whilst maintaining an authorial voice that is intensely personal, lively, accessible, humorous and humane. Maternal Encounters is a remarkable achievement.” - Stephen Frosh, Birkbeck, University of London, UK

Contents 1. Studying Women’s Experiences of Recovery from Depression. 2. Narratives of Depression. 3. Recovery from Depression. 4. Struggling to Self-care: The Material and Discursive Context of Women’s Health Practices. 5. Conclusion: Implications for Usefulness.

Many women find mothering a shocking experience in terms of the extremity of feelings it provokes, and the profound changes it seems to prompt in identity, relationship and sense of self. However, although motherhood can catapult us into a state of internal disarray, it can also provide us with a unique chance to make ourselves anew. How then do we understand this radical potential for transformation within maternal experience? In Maternal Encounters, Lisa Baraitser takes up this question through the analysis of a series of maternal anecdotes, charting key destabilizing moments in the life of just one mother, and using these to discuss many questions that have remained resistant to theoretical analysis – the possibility of a specific feminine-maternal subjectivity, relationality and reciprocity, ethics and otherness.

2008: 6x9: 248pp Hb: 978-0-415-40430-3: £47.50 Pb: 978-0-415-40431-0: £17.95 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415404310 e-inspection copy available

The book draws on extensive in-depth interviews with women who have been depressed, as well as on previous research and on analyses of representations of women’s health practices in the media. In this way Lafrance critically examines how women negotiate and




Winner of the 2009 Feminist & Women’s Studies Association (UK & Ireland) Book Award!

actively resist hegemonic discourses of femininity in their struggles to recover from depression and be well. Threaded throughout the analysis is the exploration of a variety of subjects related to women’s distress and health, including:

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Working across contemporary philosophies of feminist ethics, as well as psychoanalysis and social theory, the maternal subject, in Baraitser’s account, becomes an emblematic and enigmatic formation of a subjectivity ‘called into being’ through a relation to another she comes to name and claim as her child. As she navigates through the peculiarity of maternal experience, Baraitser takes us on a journey in which ‘the mother’ emerges in the

most unlikely, precarious and unstable of places as a subject of alterity, transformation, interruption, heightened sentience, viscosity, encumberment and love. This book presents a major new theory of maternal subjectivity, and an innovative and accessible way into our understanding of contemporary motherhood. As such, it will be of interest to students of family studies, gender studies, psychoanalysis, critical psychology and feminist philosophy as well as counselling and psychotherapy. Contents 1. Maternal Encounters. 2. Maternal Alterity: Mum’s the Word. 3. Maternal Transformations: Oi Mother, Keep Ye’ Hair On! 4. Maternal Interruptions: I, Yi, Yi, Yi, Yi, I Like You Very Much, Si, Si, Si, Si, Si, I Think You’re Grand. 5. Maternal Love: On Mother Love and Unexpected Weeping. 6. Maternal Stuff: Maternity and the Encumbered Body. 7. Intentions, Inconsistencies, Inconclusions. 2008: 6x9: 200pp Hb: 978-0-415-45500-8: £47.50 Pb: 978-0-415-45501-5: £15.95 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415455015 e-inspection copy available

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Women and Depression

Women & Psychology

A Discursive Investigation Jill Reynolds The Open University, UK

Women and Psychology Series “As a single woman myself, I found the book resonant and perceptive, prompting a heightened awareness of my own ‘personal identity project’. I recommend it to anyone with a personal, professional or political interest in women’s position in society and the psycho-cultural acrobatics we use to perform our various roles. “ - Alison Gilchrist, in the British Journal of Social Work “This important study not only gives us a fascinating account of contemporary women’s experiences of being single, but also demonstrates an exemplary use of discourse analysis to illuminate questions about identity. Jill Reynolds has shown how women today work with and negotiate singleness in a social context in which expectations about their proper role are changing rapidly.” - Rosalind Gill, Professor of Social Psychology & Cultural Theory, Open University, UK

The increase in numbers of single people has been described as one of the greatest recent social phenomena of western society. Most women will spend periods of their lives alone, without a committed partner relationship. Yet there is still a degree of social stigma attached to this status. Single women are a crucial group for study in relation to perceived changes in family life and relationships. This book provides a new understanding of what is often taken-for-granted – female single identity.

highly polarized. Single women weave their way through the extreme contrasts of a denigrated or an empowered identity. Thus, while most participants give very positive accounts, they also pay attention to widespread social expectations that success in life involves a long-term committed relationship. This book makes an important contribution to the understanding of the lives of single women and represents a challenge to the considerable literature on gender and family life which has inadequately theorized singleness. It will be of great interest to academics and students in social psychology, sociology, social work and social policy. It will also be of particular interest to students of gender studies, qualitative research, narrative studies, conversation analysis and discourse analysis. Contents 1. Developing a Feminist Discursive Analysis of Singleness. 2. Contrasting Models of a Single Identity. 3. Working with a ‘Single’ Identity. 4. A Narrative of Relationships and Singleness. 5. Choice and Chance in Relationships: Negotiating Agency. 6. The Everyday Politics of Singleness. Conclusions. 2008: 6x9: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-40568-3: £47.50 Pb: 978-0-415-40569-0: £15.95 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415405690 e-inspection copy available

In an examination of extracts from her interviews with women aged 30 to 60 years and living alone, Jill Reynolds explores how women deal with this potentially stigmatized identity. She focuses on identity and self-representation through consideration of discourse and the conversational moves made by the participants. Her analysis highlights that the culturally available and familiar resources for understanding singleness are




Accounting for Rape Psychology, Feminism and Discourse Analysis in the Study of Sexual Violence Irina Anderson, University of East London, UK Kathy Doherty, Sheffield Hallam University, UK

Women and Psychology Series “A timely and critical text. ... Accounting for Rape is worth the read; Anderson and Doherty present a compelling argument for rethinking our approaches to the study of rape and challenge us as scholars to reflect on our own research as a mechanism for producing knowledge, rather than simply a mechanism for disseminating it.” - Jill Cermele, in PsycCRITIQUES “Anderson and Doherty’s invaluable portrait of the phenomenon of rape takes a huge step towards understanding the evolution, maintenance, and hopefully abolishment of a pernicious problem within our society. I would thoroughly recommend this book to those wanting to expand their understanding of the feminist perspective of rape, as it provides an insightful and current analysis of how the phenomenon of rape can be explained.” - Amy Grubb, in the Journal of Sexual Aggression

Accounting for Rape presents an original perspective on the subject of rape, focusing on both female and male sexual violence. The authors investigate everyday beliefs about rape, to examine how blaming the victim and the normalization of rape are achieved by people in a discussion about sexual violence. They synthesize discursive psychology and a feminist standpoint to explore precisely how rape and rape victimhood are defined in ways that reflect the social, political and cultural conditions of society. By analysing conversational data, Anderson and Doherty suggest that the existing social psychological experimental research into rape and rape perception fails to analyse the subtlety and political significance of rape supportive reasoning. Accounting for Rape provides a critical interrogation of the dominant theories and methodologies, focusing on: • How the gender and sexual orientation of alleged victims and perpetrators is crucial

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to social participants when making sense of a rape report and in apportioning blame and sympathy

Women & Psychology

The Single Woman

• How arguments that are critical of alleged victims are built in ways that are ‘face saving’ for the participants in the conversations, and how victim-blaming arguments are presented as ‘common sense’ • The potential of applying this approach in both professional and academic contexts to promote attitude change. The book will be of great interest to those studying social and clinical psychology, cultural studies, sociology, women’s studies and communication studies. Contents 1. Rape Supportive Culture. 2. The Social Psychology of Rape Perception. 3. Toward a Feminist Discourse Analysis of Accounts for Rape. 4. Talking about Female Rape: The Social Construction of Hazard/Risk and Accountability. 5. Making Sense of Male Rape. 6. Metaphors about Female and Male Rape. Conclusions. 2007: 6x9: 176pp Hb: 978-0-415-21173-4: £47.50 Pb: 978-0-415-21174-1: £15.95 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415211741 e-inspection copy available

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Women & Psychology

A Psychological Perspective on the Paradoxes and Culture of Research Harriet Gross, Loughborough University, UK Helen Pattison, Aston University, Birmingham, UK

Women and Psychology Series “The book’s strength lies in its choice of topics: psychology itself is a broad discipline and its diversity is reflected here. Its accessible writing style and interdisciplinary nature means that it has relevance across a variety of disciplines and levels including sociology, psychology, gender studies and midwifery/healthcare.” - Abigail Locke, Department of Human Sciences, Loughborough University, UK

Pregnancy provides a very public, visual confirmation of femininity. It is a time of rapid physical and psychological adjustment for women and is surrounded by stereotyping, taboos and social expectations. This book seeks to examine these popular attitudes towards pregnancy and to consider how they influence women’s experiences of being pregnant.

Contents Introduction. 1. Cognition and Cognitive Dysfunction. 2. Working and Employment. 3. Dietary Change and Eating. Exercise and Activity. 4. Pregnancy and Risk. 5. Pregnancy Under Surveillance. 6. Concluding Remarks. 2007: 6x9: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-21159-8: £47.50 Pb: 978-0-415-21160-4: £15.95 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415211604 e-inspection copy available

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Sanctioning Pregnancy offers a unique critique of sociocultural constructions of pregnancy and the ways in which it is represented in contemporary culture, and examines the common myths which exist about diet, exercise and work in pregnancy, alongside notions of risk and media portrayals of pregnant women. Topics covered include: • Is memory really impaired in pregnancy? • The biomedical domination of pregnancy research. Different theoretical standpoints are critically examined, including a medico-scientific model, feminist perspectives and bio-psychosocial and psychodynamic approaches.


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Managing the Monstrous Feminine Regulating the Reproductive Body

Wendy Hollway The Open University, UK

Women and Psychology Series “A thought-provoking and complex analysis of a subject both long neglected and oversimplified. Hollway creates an urgency to take this topic seriously.” - Leanne R. Parker, in PsycCRITIQUES

Wendy Hollway argues that humans are not born with a capacity to care, and explores how this capacity is achieved through the experiences of primary care, gender development and later, parenting. The Capacity to Care also explores the controversial belief that women are better at caring than men. The sensitive domain of the quality of care and how to determine whether care has broken down are also debated, alongside a consideration of what constitutes a ‘good enough’ family.

2006: 6x9: 168pp Hb: 978-0-415-39967-8: £47.50 Pb: 978-0-415-39968-5: £15.95 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415399685 e-inspection copy available

• How risky behaviour is defined, from exercise to employment


Gender and Ethical Subjectivity

This book provides a unique theorization of the nature of selfhood, drawing on developmental and object relations psychoanalysis, as well as philosophical and feminist literatures. It will be of relevance to social scientists studying gender development, gender relations and the family as well as those interested in the ethics of care debate.

• Do pregnant women change their diet and why?


The Capacity to Care

Jane M. Ussher University of Western Sydney, Australia

Women and Psychology Series This book takes a unique approach to the study of the material and discursive practices associated with the construction and regulation of the female body. Jane Ussher examines the ways in which medicine, science, the law and popular culture combine to produce fictions about femininity, positioning the reproductive body as the source of women’s power, danger and weakness. The book describes the construction of the ‘monstrous feminine’ in mythology, art, literature and film. Critical reviews are combined with case studies and extensive interview material to illuminate discussions of subjects including: the regulation of women through the body; regimes of knowledge associated with reproduction; intersubjectivity and the body; and women’s narratives of resistance. This book will be of interest to students in health psychology, social psychology, medical sociology, gender studies and cultural studies, and will also appeal to all those looking for a high-level introduction to contemporary feminist thought on the female body. 2005: 6x9: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-32810-4: £47.50 Pb: 978-0-415-32811-1: £16.50 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415328111 e-inspection copy available

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Women & Psychology

Sanctioning Pregnancy

Women & Psychology

Gender Talk

Beauty and Misogyny

The Social Construction of Women’s Body Image

Feminism, Discourse and Conversation Analysis

Harmful Cultural Practices in the West

Sylvia K. Blood Clinical Psychologist in private practice

Susan A. Speer University of Manchester, UK

Sheila Jeffreys University of Melbourne, Australia

Women and Psychology Series

Women and Psychology Series

Women and Psychology Series

“Effectively illustrates how the assumptions we make about body image from an individualistic Western research perspective may not actually be helpful to women with body image problems. … [Blood] offers an alternative perspective that does justice to the complexity of women’s feelings about their bodies.” - Christy Barongan, in PsycCRITIQUES

“A concise and authoritative account of the potential for feminist discursive research that draws on conversation analysis and discursive psychology.” - Clare Stockhill, in Feminism and Psychology

“Jeffreys offers no comfort zone for her readers. Unlike some feminist theorists, she refuses to couch her arguments in inaccessible, academic language, or to accept that feminism has achieved its aims.” - Julie Bindel, in the Guardian

Reassessing experimental psychology from a critical perspective, Sylvia Blood demonstrates how its research into body image can be misused and prone to misuse. Classifying women who experience distress and anxiety with food, eating and body size as suffering ‘body image disturbance’ or ‘body image dissatisfaction’, it can reproduce dominant assumptions about language, meaning and subjectivity. Drawing on her experience in clinical psychology, the author highlights the damaging effects of uncritically experimental views of body image. She goes on to elaborate an alternative model of discursive construction and the implications of such a theory for clinical practice. 2005: 6x9: 160pp Hb: 978-0-415-27271-1: £47.50 Pb: 978-0-415-27272-8: £15.95 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415272728 e-inspection copy available



Gender Talk provides a powerful case for the application of discursive psychology and conversation analysis to feminism, guiding the reader through cutting-edge debates and providing valuable evidence of the benefits of fine-grained, discursive methodologies. It provides a full account of discourse and conversation analysis through the detailed study of data from a variety of settings, including focus groups, interviews, and naturally occurring sources. Each chapter provides an overview of traditional feminist research and covers subjects including sex differences in language; reformulating context, power and asymmetry; and gender identity categories. This volume will be of interest to students and researchers in social psychology, sociology, gender studies and cultural studies. 2005: 6x9: 248pp Hb: 978-0-415-24643-9: £47.50 Pb: 978-0-415-24644-6: £18.50 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415246446 e-inspection copy available


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Woman’s Relationship with Herself

Women & Psychology

Body Work

Gender, Foucault and Therapy Helen O’Grady Flinders University of South Australia

Women and Psychology Series Woman’s Relationship with Herself explores the relationship women have with themselves and demonstrates how this relationship is often dominated by debilitating practices of self-surveillance.

Employing Foucault’s notion of panoptical power, Helen O’Grady “It deserves to be widely read. Beauty and Misogyny belongs in women’s studies and public health classes and on the shelves of academics, clinicians, illuminates the link between this kind of self-surveillance and the broader mechanisms of social control, arguing that these negative practices and parents of daughters.” - Michele Hoffnung, in PsycCRITIQUES prevent women from enjoying a satisfying, affirming relationship with In the 1970s, feminists criticized pervasive beauty regimes such as dieting themselves. Cultural factors that render women vulnerable to dissatisfying and depilation, but some ‘new’ feminists argue that beauty practices are self-relations are identified and analysed and, drawing on the insights of no longer oppressive now that women can ‘choose’ them. Beauty and Foucault, feminism and narrative therapy, the possibilities for developing Misogyny seeks to make sense of why today’s beauty practices are not a more empowering relationship with the self are examined. only just as persistent, but in many ways more extreme, and considers This innovative contribution to feminist debates about gender and the how a culture of resistance to these practices can be created. self will be of interest to students and researchers in social psychology, This book will appeal to students of feminist psychology, gender studies, feminist psychology, mental health studies and gender studies, and to cultural studies, feminist sociology and women’s health. practitioners in psychological therapies and counselling psychology. 2005: 6x9: 216pp 2005: 6x9: 160pp Hb: 978-0-415-35183-6: £47.50 Hb: 978-0-415-33126-5: £47.50 Pb: 978-0-415-35182-9: £14.50 Pb: 978-0-415-33127-2: £15.95 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415351829 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415331272 e-inspection copy available e-inspection copy available

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Women & Psychology

The Cultural Scaffolding of Rape

Rethinking Change in Time

Nicola Gavey University of Auckland, New Zealand

Sheila Greene Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Women and Psychology Series

Women and Psychology Series

“A must-read for anyone involved in rape research, prevention and education, or clinical work. ... [Her] work does much to dismantle the master’s scaffold by getting real about the tools of rape. It is the best book I have read on the topic in many years.” Patricia D. Rozee, in Psychology of Women Quarterly

Sheila Greene critically reviews traditional and contemporary theoretical approaches to the psychological development of girls and women – ranging from orthodox psychoanalysis to relational and post-modern theories – and argues that they present a view of women’s lives as fixed and determined by their nature or their past.

The past two decades have witnessed a significant shift in how rape is understood in Western societies. This shift in perception has revealed the startling frequency of occurrences of date rape, obscuring the divide between rape and what was once just sex. Just Sex? combines an overview of the existing literature with an analysis of recent research to examine the psychological and cultural implications of this new epidemic. It offers a challenging and original perspective on issues of rape, sex and the body. This book will be of interest to those studying psychology, gender studies, cultural studies and sociology. 2005: 6x9: 280pp Hb: 978-0-415-31071-0: £47.50 Pb: 978-0-415-31072-7: £19.50 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415310727 e-inspection copy available



Greene’s approach places primary importance on temporality itself and on the competing discourses on time, age and development which play an active role in the construction of the lives of girls and women. She proposes a liberating theory of women’s psychological development as constantly emerging and changing in time rather than as static and fixed by their nature, socio-cultural context and personal history. This book is suitable for students and researchers in the psychology of women, developmental psychology and women’s studies. 2002: 6x9: 176pp Hb: 978-0-415-17861-7: £47.50 Pb: 978-0-415-17862-4: £17.50 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415178624 e-inspection copy available


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Also Available in the Women and Psychology Series The Science/Fiction of Sex

Feminist Deconstruction and the Vocabularies of Heterosex Annie Potts Women and Psychology Series 2002: 6x9: 304pp Pb: 978-0-415-25731-2: £18.95 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415257312 e-inspection copy available

Gender, Language and Discourse

Understanding Depression

Feminist Social Constructionist Approaches Janet Stoppard Women and Psychology Series 1999: 6x9: 224pp Pb: 978-0-415-16563-1: £17.50 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415165631 e-inspection copy available

Women and Aging

Transcending the Myths

Ann Weatherall

Linda R. Gannon

Women and Psychology Series 2002: 6x9: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-16905-9: £47.50 Pb: 978-0-415-16906-6: £21.95 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415169066 e-inspection copy available

Women and Psychology Series 1999: 6x9: 240pp Pb: 978-0-415-16910-3: £17.50 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415169103 e-inspection copy available

Femininity and the Physically Active Woman

Women & Psychology

Just Sex?

The Psychological Development of Girls and Women

Winner of the Association for Women in Psychology Distinguished Publication Award 2006!

Being Married, Doing Gender

A Critical Analysis of Gender Relationships in Marriage

Precilla Y.L. Choi

Caroline Dryden

Women and Psychology Series 2000: 6x9: 128pp Pb: 978-0-415-16561-7: £18.50 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415165617 e-inspection copy available

Women and Psychology Series 1998: 6x9: 176pp Hb: 978-0-415-16558-7: £47.50 Pb: 978-0-415-16559-4: £15.95 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415165594 e-inspection copy available

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Women & Psychology

Psychology, Science and the Transition to Motherhood

Re-thinking Abortion

Psychology, Gender and the Law

Paula Nicolson

Mary Boyle

Women and Psychology Series 1998: 6x9: 160pp Pb: 978-0-415-16363-7: £21.95 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415163637 e-inspection copy available

Women and Psychology Series 1997: 6x9: 176pp Pb: 978-0-415-16365-1: £15.95 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415163651 e-inspection copy available

The Thin Woman

The Menstrual Cycle

Feminism, Post-structuralism and the Social Psychology of Anorexia Nervosa Helen Malson Women and Psychology Series 1997: 6x9: 256pp Pb: 978-0-415-16333-0: £17.95 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415163330 e-inspection copy available

Anne Walker Women and Psychology Series 1997: 6x9: 264pp Hb: 978-0-415-16330-9: £45.00 Pb: 978-0-415-16331-6: £17.50 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415163316 e-inspection copy available


Men, Women and Relationships – A Post-Jungian Approach Gender Electrics and Magic Beans Phil Goss University of Central Lancashire, UK This book offers Jungian perspectives on social constructions of gender difference and explores how these feed into adult ways of relating within male-female relationships. Phil Goss places this discussion within an archetypal context, drawing on the fairy tale Jack and the Beanstalk to consider the deep tension in western culture between the transcendent masculine and the immanent feminine. Offering both developmental and socio-cultural frameworks, areas of discussion include: The use of story and myth to understand gender • Jungian and post-Jungian approaches: updating anima/animus • Working clinically with men, and with women • The developmental pathways of gender difference • Power relations between men and women in the home Men, Women and Relationships – A Post-Jungian Approach will be a valuable resource for all those with an interest in analytical psychology, including psychotherapists, psychoanalysts and counsellors, as well as those in the broader fields of social work and education with an interest in gender difference and identity.




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Women & Psychology

Post-Natal Depression

Contents Introduction. Jack and the Beanstalk: Magic Beans and Angry Mothers. Gender Illusion, Gendered Reality. Gender Electrics: Eros, Thanatos and the Currents of the Past. Thanima. Thanimus. Climbing the Beanstalk: Personal and Collective Adolescence. Walking on Clouds: Male and Female Territories. Bringing the Giants Down from the Sky: Men, Women, Relationships and the Problem of Home. August 2010: 6x9: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-47674-4: £60.00 Pb: 978-0-415-47675-1: £22.99 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/ 9780415476751 See also www.jungarena.com.

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Women & Psychology

Secrecy and Silence in the Research Process Feminist Reflections

Róisín Ryan-Flood, University of Essex, UK Rosalind Gill, The Open University, UK (Eds.)

Transformations Series Feminist research is informed by a history of breaking silences, of demanding that women’s voices be heard, recorded and included in wider intellectual genealogies and histories. This has led to an emphasis on voice and speaking out in the research endeavour. Moments of secrecy and silence are less often addressed. This gives rise to a number of questions. What are the silences, secrets, omissions and and political consequences of such moments? What particular dilemmas and constraints do they represent or entail? What are their implications for research praxis? Are such moments always indicative of voicelessness or powerlessness? Or may they also constitute a productive moment in the research encounter? Contributors to this volume were invited to reflect on these questions. The resulting chapters are a fascinating collection of insights into the research process, making an important contribution to theoretical and empirical debates about epistemology, subjectivity and identity in research. Contents R. Ryan-Flood, R. Gill, Introduction. Part 1. Interpreting and Theorising Silence. J.L. Parpart, Choosing Silence: Rethinking Voice, Agency and Women’s Empowerment. H.L. Moore, Forms of Knowing and Un-knowing: Secrets about Society, Sexuality and God in Northern Kenya. J. Sanchez Taylor, J. O’Connell Davidson, Unknowable Secrets and Golden Silence: Reflexivity and Research on Sex Tourism. S. Grenz, The Desire to Talk and Sex/Gender Related Silences in Interviews with Male Heterosexual Clients of Prostitutes. M. Barker, D. Langdridge, Silencing




Accounts of Silenced Sexualities. Part 2. The Unspoken in the Research Process. C. Scharff, Silencing Differences: The ‘Unspoken’ Dimensions of ‘Speaking for Others’. B. Ahmed, Not Telling it How it is: Secrets and Silences of a Critical Feminist Researcher. D. Gimlin, K. Throsby, Critiquing Thinness and Wanting to be Thin. K. O’Brien, Inside ‘Doorwork’: Gendering the Security Gaze. R. Wilson, Raising the Curtain on Survey Work. Part 3. Silence, Secrecy and Telling Research Stories. K. Davis, Avoiding the ‘R-Word’: Racism in Feminist Collectives. A. Phoenix, Suppressing Intertextual Understandings: Negotiating Interviews and Analysis. F. Attwood, Dirty Work: Researching Women and Sexual Representation. R. Ryan-Flood, Keeping Mum: Secrecy and Silence in Research on Lesbian Parenthood. M. Glucksmann, Silenced by Law: The Cautionary Tale of Women on the Line. Part 4. Affective Dilemmas. G. Lewis, Animating Hatreds: Research Encounters, Organisational Secrets, Emotional Truths. R. Gill, Secrets, Silences and Toxic Shame in the Neoliberal University. S. Ali, Silence and Secrets: Confidence in Research. B. Seu, Shameful Silences: Self-protective Secrets and Theoretical Omissions. D. Finding, Living in the Real World? What Happens When the Media Covers Feminist Research. L. Johnston, The Place of Secrets, Silences and Sexualities in the Research Process. October 2010: 6x9: 336pp Pb: 978-0-415-60517-5: £23.50 e-inspection copy available October 2009 Hb: 978-0-415-45214-4: £80.00 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415452144 See also www.researchmethodsarena.com.

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Critical Feminist Approaches to Eating Dis/Orders Helen Malson, Centre for Appearance Research, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK Maree Burns, Eating Difficulties Education Network, New Zealand (Eds.) “This is a uniquely comprehensive collection of feminist work on eating dis(orders) and body management, and as a collection the chapters eloquently illustrate the utility of a post-modern framework for theorising eating (dis)orders.” - Lilliana Del Busso, in the Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology

Over the past decade there have been significant shifts both in feminist approaches to the field of eating disorders and in the ways in which gender, bodies, body weight, body management and food are understood, represented and regulated within the dominant cultural milieus of the early 21st Century. This volume addresses these developments, exploring how eating disordered subjectivities, experiences and body management practices are theorised and researched within postmodern and post-structuralist feminist frameworks. This book is suitable for researchers interested in eating disorders and critical feminism across a range of disciplines including psychology, sociology, cultural studies and gender studies, and clinicians interested in exploring innovative theory and practice in this field. Contents Katzman, Foreword. Malson, Burns, Re-theorising the Slash of Dis/Order: An Introduction to Critical Feminist Approaches to Eating Dis/Orders. Part 1. Theorising Eating Dis/Orders in a Changing World. Eckermann, Theorising Self-starvation: Beyond Risk, Governmentality and the Normalizing Gaze. Sayers, Feeding the Body. Gard, Understanding Obesity by Understanding Desire. Bordo, Not Just ‘A White Girl’s Thing’: The Changing Face of Food and Body Image Problems. Part 2. Interrogating Cultural Contexts of Dis/Ordered Eating. Saukko, A Critical Discussion of Normativity in Discourses on Eating Disorders. Nasser, Malson, Beyond Western Dis/Orders: Thinness and Self-starvation of Other-ED Women. Day, Keys, Anorexia/Bulimia as Resistance and Conformity in Pro-Ana and Pro-Mia Virtual Conversations. Rice, How Big Girls Become Fat Girls: The Cultural Production of Problem Eating and Physical Inactivity. Part 3. In/Visible Bodies and Embodiment. Probyn, Fat, Feelings, Bodies: A Critical Approach to Obesity. Burns, Bodies as (Im)Material? Bulimia and Body

Image Discourse. Malson, Appearing to Disappear: Postmodern Femininities and Self-starved Subjectivities. LeBesco, Weight Management, Good Health, and the Will to Normality. Part 4. Critiquing the Discourses and Discursive Practices of Treatment. Surtees, Food for Thought: Embodied Slimness and Nursing Within an Eating Disorders Unit. Moulding, The Anorexic as Femme Fatale: Reproducing Gender Through the Father/ Psychiatrist–Daughter/ Patient Relationship. Throsby, ‘There’s Something in My Brain that Doesn’t Work Properly’: Weight Loss Surgery and the Medicalisation of Obesity. Guilfoyle, Therapeutic Discourse and Eating Disorders in the Context of Power. Part 5. Critical Interventions. Epston, Maisel, Anti-Anorexia/ Bulimia: A Polemics of Life and Death. Burns, Tyrer, The Eating Difficulties Education Network (EDEN), Feminisms in Practice: Challenges and Opportunities for an Eating Issues Community Agency. Treadgold, Treadgold, Treadgold, Rediscovering a Daughter. Gremillion, Complexities of Power and Meaning: A Reflection on Parts 4 and 5. May 2009: 6x9: 280pp Hb: 978-0-415-41811-9: £45.00 Pb: 978-0-415-41810-2: £15.95 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415418102 e-inspection copy available See also www.eatingdisordersarena.com.

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Women & Psychology

Now in paperback!

Women & Psychology

Understanding Body Dissatisfaction in Men, Women and Children 2nd Edition Sarah Grogan Staffordshire University, UK “Grogan has provided a thorough and comprehensive revision that belongs on the bookshelf of any clinician, researcher, or student interested in the fascinating field of body image. Interest in the topic of body image has expanded dramatically in the last decade, and each of the new and emerging areas are included in this book, including men’s body image, cross-cultural perspectives, and avenues for enhancing body satisfaction. This book provides a roadmap for future research.” - J. Kevin Thompson, Department of Psychology, University of South Florida, USA

Sarah Grogan provides a comprehensive overview of the subject of body image in men, women, and children, pulling together diverse research from the fields of psychology, sociology, media and gender studies. This second edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the significant increase in research since the first edition was published, including new empirical data collected specifically for this text. In addition to examining evidence for sociocultural influences on body image, the book also reviews recent literature and includes new findings on body modification practices (cosmetic surgery, piercing, tattooing, and bodybuilding). It takes a critical look at interventions designed to promote positive body image and also attempts to link body image to physical health, looking in particular at motivations for potentially health-damaging practices such as anabolic steroid use and cosmetic surgery.




Body Image will be invaluable to students and researchers in the area as well as those with an interest in how to promote positive body image.

Memory Matters

2007: 5½x8½: 264pp Hb: 978-0-415-35822-4: £32.50 Pb: 978-0-415-35821-7: £18.50 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415358217 e-inspection copy available See also www.eatingdisordersarena.com.

Janice Haaken, Portland State University, Oregon, USA Paula Reavey, London South Bank University, UK (Eds.)

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Contexts for Understanding Sexual Abuse Recollections

“This is a challenging book with excellent contributions from international scholars. It has the potential to shift the balance of memory research from a neurological context-free process towards an exciting interdisciplinary, discursive approach to remembering and embodiment. It should be essential reading for all those working and studying in the field of memories of abuse.” - Paula Nicolson, Royal Holloway University of London, UK

This book is grounded in the debates of the 1980s and 1990s that surrounded recollections of childhood sexual abuse, particularly those that emerged in the context of psychotherapy. When growing numbers of therapists claimed that they were recovering deeply repressed memories of early sexual violations in their female clients, a wave of alarmed critics countered that therapists were implanting the very memories they were discovering. In looking back at this volatile and heated controversy, Memory Matters takes up disturbing questions that linger concerning memory, sexuality, and childhood. A shared set of questions is addressed by each of the authors to create a dialogue with the reader on recurring motifs. Memory Matters is an ideal resource for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students in the social sciences and legal studies, as well as practitioners in the fields of mental health, crisis services, and the law. Scholarly and accessible in tone, the book also offers helpful insights for professionals working with childhood memory.

‘Alternative Memories’ and the Construction of a Sexual Abuse Narrative. Section 2. Widening the Lens: Cultural Contexts for Remembering Child Sexual Abuse. P. Reavey, The Spaces of Memory: Rethinking Agency Through Materiality. K. Robson, ‘Truth’, Memory and Narrative in Memoirs of Child Sexual Abuse. R. Fyson, J. Cromby, Memory, Sexual Abuse and the Politics of Learning Disability. S. Campbell, Memory, Truth, and the Search for an Authentic Past. E. Burman, Therapy as Memory-work: Dilemmas of Discovery, Recovery and Construction. J. Haaken, Transformative Remembering: Feminism, Psychoanalysis, and Recollections of Abuse. July 2009: 6x9: 248pp Hb: 978-0-415-44491-0: £39.95 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415444910 See also www.clinicalpsychologyarena.com.

Contents J. Haaken, P. Reavey, Why Memory Still Matters: Disturbing Recollections. Section 1. Looking Back on the Recovered Memory Debate: Claims and Counter-claims. M. Ashmore, S.D. Brown, On Changing One’s Mind Twice: The Strange Credibility of Retracting Recovered Memories. J. Ost, K. Nunkoosing, Reconstructing Bartlett and Revisiting Retractions of Contested Claims of Abuse. J.F. Motzkau, Speaking Up Against Justice: Credibility, Suggestibility and Children’s Memory on Trial. J. Kitzinger, Transformations of Public and Private Knowledge: Audience Reception, Feminism and the Experience of Childhood Sexual Abuse. J. Woodiwiss,

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Women & Psychology

Body Image

Women & Psychology

Judith E. Owen Blakemore, Indiana University – Purdue University, USA; Sheri A. Berenbaum, Lynn S. Liben, The Pennsylvania State University, USA “Ever since the groundbreaking The Development of Sex Differences (1966) by Eleanor Maccoby aged beyond its usefulness, students and researchers have needed a comprehensive, well-written, and informative current account of gender development research and theory. This excellent book is it.” - Elizabeth Mazur, in Psychology of Women Quarterly “A substantial and much-needed contribution to the field. Students of gender are fortunate that these authors have pooled their talents to educate them about this fascinating but extremely complex aspect of human development. Gender Development should make a fine text for … graduate and advanced undergraduate students … [and] serve as an excellent reference resource for gender researchers.” - David G. Perry and Rachel E. Pauletti in Sex Roles

This text offers a unique developmental focus on gender. Gender development is examined from infancy through adolescence, integrating biological, socialization, and cognitive perspectives. The book’s empirical focus is complemented by a lively and readable style that includes anecdotes about children’s everyday experiences. The book’s accessibility is further enhanced with the use of bold face to highlight key terms when first introduced along with a complete glossary of these terms. All three of the authors are respected researchers in divergent areas of children’s gender role development and each of them teaches a course on the topic.

reference is used within an individual chapter rather than only the first time it is used in the book, making it easy to assign chapters in a variety of orders. This referencing system will also appeal to scholars interested in using the book as a resource to review a particular content area.

Sex Differences

Contents 1. Introduction. 2. History of the Study of Gender Development. 3. Biological Foundations of Sex and Gender. 4. Motor Development and Cognition. 5. Personality and Social Behaviors. 6. Biological Approaches to Gender Development. 7. Social Approaches to Gender Development. 8. Cognitive Approaches to Gender Development. 9. The Cognitive Self as an Agent of Gender Development. 10. The Family as an Agent of Gender Development. 11. The Peer Group as an Agent of Gender Development. 12. The Media as an Agent of Gender Development. 13. The School as an Agent of Gender Development. Epilogue.

Lee Ellis, Kazmer Karadi, Scott Hershberger, Evelyn Field, Scott Wersinger, Sergio Pellis, David Geary, Craig Palmer, Katherine Hoyenga & Amir Hetsroni

2008: 7x10: 536pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4170-1: £45.00 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780805841701 e-inspection copy available See also www.developmentalpsychologyarena.com.



This volume is the first to aim at summarizing all of the scientific literature published so far regarding male–female differences and similarities, not only in behavior, but also in basic biology, physiology, health, perceptions, emotions, and attitudes. Results from over 18,000 studies have been condensed into more than 1,900 tables, with each table pertaining to a specific possible sex difference. Even research pertaining to how men and women are perceived (stereotyped) as being different is covered.

2008: 8½x11: 992pp Hb with CD: 978-0-8058-5959-1: £135.00 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780805859591 e-inspection copy available

Throughout this book’s eleven years in preparation, no exclusions were made in terms of subject areas, cultures, time periods, or even species. Sex Differences is a monumental resource for any researcher, student, or professional who requires an assessment of the weight of evidence that currently exists regarding any sex difference of interest. It is also suitable as a text in graduate courses pertaining to gender or human sexuality.

Cutting-edge and comprehensive, this the perfect text for those who have been searching for an advanced undergraduate and/or graduate book for courses in gender development, the psychology of sex roles and/or gender and/or women or men, taught in departments of psychology, human development, and educational psychology. Although chapters have been designed to be read sequentially, a full author citation is included the first time a


Summarizing More than a Century of Scientific Research

Contents 1. Basic Biological Factors. 2. The Brain and Biochemistry. 3. Health/Illness Factors. 4. Perceptual, Motor, and Emotional Factors. 5. Intellectual, Cognitive, Self-concept, and Mental Health/ Illness Factors. 6. Preferences, Interests, Attitudes, Beliefs, and Intentions. 7. Drug, Therapeutic, and Stress-related Effects and Responses. 8. Personality and General Behavior. 9. Social Behavior. 10. Consuming and Individual-Institutional Behavior. 11. Status and Work-related Behavior. 12. Attitudes and Actions toward Others Based on Their Gender. 13. Grand Summary.

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Stephanie Taylor The Open University, UK Changes of residence are common in contemporary Western societies. Traditional connections to birthplaces, home towns and countries are broken as people relocate and migrate, yet where they live remains significant to people’s identity and stories of who they are. This book investigates the continuing importance of place for women’s identities, employing a theoretical and empirical approach based on previous work in narrative and discursive psychology. Through an analysis of women’s talk, the book examines how commonsense meanings shape and limit people’s identity-work to establish a connection to place. It argues that talk about place, and especially place of residence, enables a complex positioning of self and others in which identities of gender, class and national identity intersect. It shows how a speaker’s multiple interpretations of where she lives remain central to her life narrative, and to her fragile and idealized definition of ‘home’ as the place in which she may position herself positively. Narratives of Identity and Place presents a unique and valuable integration of the popular methods of narrative and discourse analysis, compellingly demonstrating the value of these approaches for research on identity. October 2009: 6x9: 160pp Hb: 978-0-415-48047-5: £29.95 www.gender-and-sexuality-arena.com/9780415480475



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