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Cognitive & Social Neuroscience
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Research Research Methods& & Methods Statistics 22 00 11 1 Introductory & Intermediate Statistics..... 4 Computer Applications ............................. 7 Research Methods & Experimental Design ..................................................... 12 Power Analysis & Effect Sizes ................. 15
Power Analysis & Effect Sizes
Aberson: Applied Power & Analysis for the Regression Analysis Multivariate Behavioral Statistics ................................................. 18 Sciences .................................................................. Structural Equation & Multilevel 10 Modeling ................................................. 20 Davey & Savla: Statistical Power Analysis with
Testing, Measurement & Assessment .... 26 Missing Data .......................................................... 11 Murphy et al.: Statistical Power Analysis, 3rd Ed. .................................... 11
Multivariate & Regression Analysis Dugard et al.: Approaching Multivariate Analysis, 2nd Ed. ............. 12 Stevens: Applied Multivariate Statistics for the Social Sciences, 5th Ed. ......................... 12 Raykov & Marcoulides: An Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis ................ 13
Social Psychology 2011 CONTENTS Group Processes...4 Interpersonal Processes ............7 Social Neurocience ...... 14 Social Psychology of Emotions ....... 17 Self and Social Identity ... 18 Social Psychology of Culture.............. 25 Political Psychology ........ 29 General Topics in Social Psychology ........ 30 Introduction to Social Psychology ........ 32 Journals ............ 34
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bestselling textbook!
The Student’s Guide to Cognitive Neuroscience 2nd Edition
Jamie Ward, University of Sussex, UK “This book is the best introductory textbook I know. I teach with it myself and I recommend it to colleagues in other fields who want to understand the basic questions, methods and findings of cognitive neuroscience.” Martha J. Farah, Director, Center for Neuroscience & Society, University of Pennsylvania, USA “I thought the first edition was the best textbook I have come across on cognitive neuroscience. This second edition is even better.” Robert H. Logie, Professor of Human Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Edinburgh, UK
Reflecting recent changes in the way cognition and the brain are studied, this thoroughly updated edition of the bestselling textbook provides a comprehensive and student-friendly guide to cognitive neuroscience. Jamie Ward provides an easy-tofollow introduction to neural structure and function, as well as all the key methods and procedures of cognitive neuroscience, with a view to helping students understand how they can be used to shed light on the neural basis of cognition. The book presents an up-to-date overview of the latest theories and findings in all the key topics in cognitive neuroscience, including vision, attention, memory, speech and language, numeracy, executive function, and social and emotional behavior. This edition also contains two completely new chapters on developmental cognitive neuroscience and hearing. Throughout, case studies, newspaper reports and everyday examples are used to help students understand the more challenging ideas that underpin the subject. In addition, each chapter includes: Summaries of key terms and points Example essay questions Recommended further reading Feature boxes exploring interesting and popular questions and their implications for the subject. Written in an engaging style by a leading researcher in the field, and in full-color with numerous illustrations, this book will be invaluable as a core text for undergraduate modules in cognitive neuroscience. It can also be used as a key text on courses in cognition, cognitive neuropsychology, or brain and behavior. Those embarking on research will find it an invaluable starting point and reference. The Student’s Guide to Cognitive Neuroscience, 2nd Edition is accompanied by a set of online resources available free of charge to departments that recommend the textbook. These resources include: A chapter-by-chapter, illustrated slideshow lecture course A bank of multiple-choice questions which allow for confidence-weighted answers Student resources to aid exam preparation. Co n t e n t s
1. Introducing Cognitive Neuroscience. 2. Introducing the Brain. 3. The Electrophysiological Brain. 4. The Imaged Brain. 5. The Lesioned Brain. 6. The Seeing Brain. 7. The Spatial Brain. 8. The Acting Brain. 9. The Remembering Brain. 10. The Hearing Brain. 11. The Speaking Brain. 12. The Literate Brain. 13. The Numerate Brain. 14. The Executive Brain. 15. The Social and Emotional Brain. 16. The Developing Brain. January 2010: 7½x10: 464pp Pb: 978-1-84872-003-9: $59.95 Available as an inspection copy
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COMING SOON! Robyn Langdon & Catriona Mackenzie (Eds.) Macquarie University, Australia M ac quarie M o n o g ra p h s i n C o g n i t i v e S cie n ce S eries
This volume brings together philosophical perspectives on emotions, imagination and moral reasoning with contributions from neuroscience, cognitive science, social psychology, personality theory, developmental psychology, and abnormal psychology. The book explores what we can learn about the role of emotions and imagination in moral reasoning from psychopathic adults in the general community, from young children, and adolescents with callous unemotional traits, and from normal child development. It discusses the implications for philosophical moral psychology of recent experimental work on moral reasoning in the cognitive sciences and neurosciences. Conversely, it shows what cognitive scientists and neuroscientists have still to learn from philosophical perspectives on moral reasoning, moral reflection, and moral responsibility. Finally, it looks at whether experimental methods used for researching moral reasoning are consistent with the work in social psychology and with philosophical thought on adult moral reasoning in everyday life. The volume’s wide-ranging perspectives reflect the varied audiences for the volume, from students of philosophy to psychologists working in cognition, social and personality psychology, developmental psychology, abnormal psychology, and cognitive neuroscience.
Emotions, Imagination, and Moral Reasoning
Co n t e n t s
R. Langdon, C. Mackenzie, Introduction. Section 1. Empathic Responsiveness and Moral Reasoning. M. de Rosnay, E. Fink, The Development of Moral Motivation at Six Years of Age. D.J. Hawes, M.R. Dadds, Re-visiting the Role of Empathy in Childhood Pathways to Antisocial Behavior. I. Ravenscroft, Fiction, Imagination and Ethics. R. Langdon, K. Delmas, Moral Reasoning and Psychopathic Tendencies in the General Community. D. McIlwain, J. Evans, E. Caldis, F. Cicchini, A. Aronstan, A. Wright, A. Taylor, Strange Moralities. R. de Oliviera-Souza, J. Moll, The Neurology of Morality. Section 2. Methodological and Philosophical Responses to Experimental Moral Psychology. N. Levy, J. McGuire, Cognitive Enhancement and Intuitive Dualism. T.I. Case, M.J. Oaten, R.J. Stevenson, Disgust and Moral Judgment. C. FitzGerald, P. Goldie, Thick Concepts and Their Role in Moral Psychology. C. Mackenzie, Emotions, Reflection and Moral Agency. J. Kennett, Living with One’s Choices. B.F. Malle, S. Gugliemo, Are Intentionality Judgments Fundamentally Moral? V. McGeer, Co-reactive Attitudes and the Making of a Moral Community. W. Christensen, J. Sutton, Conclusion. October 2011: 6x9: 364pp Hb: 978-1-84872-900-1: $75.00
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The Contemporary Topics in Cognitive Neuroscience Series
Series Editors: Stanislas Dehaene, Collège de France, Paris, France Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Harvard Medical School, USA Jamie Ward, University of Sussex, UK Reflecting contemporary and controversial issues in the study of cognitive neuroscience, the series aims to present a multi-disciplinary forum for cutting-edge debate that will help shape this burgeoning discipline. It offers leading figures in the field and the best new researchers an opportunity to showcase their own work, expand on their own theories, and place these in the wider context of the field. Titles in the series may be authored or edited; each book must aim to make a contribution to a specific topic by reviewing and synthesising the existing research literature, by advancing theory in the area, or by some combination of these missions.
Published in the series
Neuroscience of Decision Making
Oshin Vartanian and David R. Mandel (Eds.) Forthcoming in the series
Language and Action in Cognitive Neuroscience Yann Coello and Angela Bartolo (Eds.)
Neural Bases of Human Belief Systems
Frank Krueger and Jordan Grafman (Eds.)
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Oshin Vartanian & David R. Mandel (Eds.) Defence Research and Development, Toronto, Canada C o nt em p o rary To p ics i n C o g n i t i v e Neur o scie n ce S eries “Few areas of neuroscience research have progressed so rapidly – and with such diversity of topic and method – as the study of how we make decisions. Vartanian and Mandel have brought together a remarkable collection of leading scientists working at the intersection of decision and cognitive neuroscience. The resulting volume will
Neuroscience of Decision Making
undoubtedly help shape the next generation of researchers in this exciting field.” Scott Huettel, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, Duke University, USA
The intersection between the fields of behavioral decision research and neuroscience has proved to be fertile ground for interdisciplinary research. Whereas the former is rich in formalized models of choice, the latter is rife with techniques for testing behavioral models at the brain level. As a result, there has been the rapid emergence of progressively more sophisticated biological models of choice, geared toward the development of ever more complete mechanistic models of behavior. This volume provides a coherent framework for distilling some of the key themes that have emerged as a function of this research program, and highlights what we have learned about judgment and decision making as a result. Although topics that are theoretically relevant to judgment and decision making researchers are addressed, the book also ventures somewhat beyond the traditional boundaries of this area to tackle themes that would of interest to a greater community of scholars. Neuroscience of Decision Making provides contemporary and essential reading for researchers and students in cognitive psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, and economics. Co n t e n t s
O. Vartanian, D.R. Mandel, Introduction. Part 1. Theoretical Models. M. Sigman, S. Dehaene, Why Does it Take Time to Make a Decision? The Role of a Global Workspace in Simple Decision Making. D.R. Mandel, O.Vartanian, Frames, Brains, and Content Domains: Neural and Behavioral Effects of Descriptive Context on Preferential Choice. Part 2. Risk and Uncertainty. A. Bechara, Human Emotions in Decision Making: Are They Useful or Disruptive? A.J. Yu, Uncertainty and Neuromodulation: Focus on Acetylcholine and Sustained Attention. W. De Neys, V. Goel, Heuristics and Biases in the Brain: Dual Neural Pathways for Decision Making. Part 3. Reward and Loss. M.R. Delgado, E. Tricomi, Reward Processing and Decision Making in the Human Striatum. J.P. O’Doherty, Neural Mechanisms Underlying Reward and Punishment Learning in the Human Brain: Insights from fMRI. D.A. Pizzagalli, D.G. Dillon, R. Bogdan, A.J. Holmes, Reward and Punishment Processing in the Human Brain: Clues from Affective Neuroscience and Implications for Depression Research. Part 4. Cooperation and Trust. A.G. Sanfey, J.K. Rilling, Neural Bases of Social Decision Making. D. Houser, R. Kurzban, E. Xiao, Social and Biological Evidence on Motives for Punishment. Part 5. Goal-directed Decision Making. K. Christoff, A. Gordon, R. Smith, The Role of Spontaneous Thought in Human Cognition. J. Moll, J. Grafman, Well, What Do You Want to Do? A Cognitive Neuroscience View of Plan Decision Making. O. Vartanian, Decision Junctures in the Creative Process. March 2011: 6x9: 368pp Hb: 978-1-84169-489-4: $75.00
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Mindreaders The Cognitive Basis of ‘Theory of Mind’
Ian Apperly, University of Birmingham, UK “Mindreaders is a terrific blend of rich empirical detail and sophisticated theory-building. I would highly recommend it to anyone who has an interest in the science of human social cognition.” Olle Blomberg in Metapsychology Online Reviews “I know of no other work on mindreading to cover such a breadth of scholarship, from work on non-verbal creatures who may have a theory of mind, to children and adults who definitely do, via adults with brain damage and psychopathology who apparently don’t. His review of the neural basis of mindreading is contemporary and comprehensive. As if this wasn’t enough, Ian Apperly brings all of this together with great style and humour. This book will find a place on the bookshelves of a wide audience and is likely to direct research on how we came to think about other minds for a long time to come.” Nathan Emery, Senior Lecturer in Cognitive Biology, Queen Mary University of London, UK “This book sets out a striking and advanced theory of the cognitive psychology of theory-ofmind performance in adults and demonstrates how this can inform accounts of the development of theory of mind in childhood. This is a tremendously exciting view for developmental psychologists and provides a new focus on adult cognition.” Janet Wilde Astington, Professor of Human Development, University of Toronto, Canada
Theory of mind, or ‘mindreading’ as it is termed in this book, is the ability to think about beliefs, desires, knowledge and intentions. It has been studied extensively by developmental and comparative psychologists and more recently by neuroscientists and cognitive psychologists. This book is the first to draw together these diverse findings in an account of the cognitive basis of ‘theory of mind’, and establishes the systematic study of these abilities in adults as a new field of enquiry. Apperly focuses on perceptions, knowledge and beliefs as paradigm cases of mindreading, and uses this as a basis from which more general lessons can be drawn. The book argues that an account of the cognitive basis of mindreading is necessary for making sense of findings from neuroscience and developmental and comparative psychology, as well as for understanding how mindreading fits more broadly into the cognitive system. It questions standard philosophical accounts of mindreading, and suggests a move away from the notion that it consists simply of having a ‘theory of mind’. This unique study into the cognitive basis of mindreading will be ideal reading for academics and advanced students from the diverse disciplines that have studied theory of mind in particular, and social cognition more generally. Co n t e n t s
1. Introduction. 2. Evidence from Children. 3. Evidence from Infants and Non-human Animals. 4. Evidence from Neuroimaging and Neuropsychology. 5. Evidence from Adults. 6. The Cognitive Basis of Mindreading. 7. Elaborating and Applying the Theory. November 2010: 6x9: 232pp Hb: 978-1-84169-697-3: $47.50
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Anil Seth, University of Sussex, UK Geraint Rees, UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, UK (Eds.) a s p ecial issue o f C o g n i t i v e Neur o scie n ce
How do conscious experience, subjectivity, and free will arise from the brain and the body? Even in the late 20th century, consciousness was considered to be beyond the reach of science. Now, understanding the neural mechanisms underlying consciousness is recognized as a key objective for 21st century science. The cognitive neuroscience of consciousness is a fundamentally multidisciplinary enterprise, involving powerful new combinations of functional brain imaging, computational modelling, theoretical innovation, and basic neurobiology. Its progress will be marked by new insights not only into the complex brain mechanisms underlying consciousness, but also by novel clinical approaches to a wide range of neurological and psychiatric disorders. This special issue reports novel experimental and theoretical findings that directly address this challenge. As well as a keynote article proposing a ‘neural stance’ on consciousness, its chapters explore aspects of visual awareness, consciousness of the body and self, and time perception, among other issues. Together, the contents of this volume exemplify the ‘grand challenge of consciousness’ in combining transformative questions about the human condition with a tractable programme of experimental and theoretical research.
Cognitive Neuroscience of Consciousness
Co n t e n t s
A. Seth, G. Rees, Towards a Cognitive Neuroscience of Consciousness. F. Menzer, A. Brooks, P. Halje, C. Faller, M. Vetterli, O. Blanke, Feeling in Control of Your Footsteps: Conscious Gait Monitoring and the Auditory Consequences of Footsteps. M. Massimini, F. Ferrarelli, M. Murphy, B. Riedner, R. Huber, S. Casarotto, G. Tononi, Cortical Reactivity and Effective Connectivity during REM Sleep in Humans. M.-A. Bruno, A. Soddu, A. Demertzi, S. Laureys, O. Gosseries, C. Schnakers, M. Boly, Q. Noirhomme, M. Thonnard, C. Chatelle, A. Vanhaudenhuyse, Disorders of Consciousness: Moving from Passive to Resting State and Active Paradigms. E. Rounis, B. Maniscaclo, J. Rothwell, D. Passingham, L. Hakwan, Theta-burst Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to the Prefrontal Cortex Impairs Metacognitive Visual Awareneness. R. Eramudugolla, J. Mattingley, J. Driver, Biased Figureground Assignment Affects Conscious Object Recognition in Unilateral Spatial Neglect. V. Lamme, How Neuroscience Will Change Our View on Consciousness. G. Caplovitz, M. Arcaro, S. Kastner, Stage 3 and What We See. A. Diaz, L. Britto, Consciousness Minus Retrospective Mental Time Travel. A. Ibanez, T. Bekinschtein, Explaining Seeing? Distentangling Qualia from Perceptual Organization. M. Overgaard, How Consciousness Will Change Our View on Neuroscience. A. Revonsuo, M. Koivisto, Electrophysiological Evidence for Phenomenal Consciousness. A. Seth, A. Barrett, Neural Theories Need to Account for, Not Discount, Neural Theories. M. Shanahan, Localized Phenomenology: A Recurrent Debate. B. Timmermans, B. Windey, A. Cleeremans, Experiencing More Complexity Than We Can Tell. N. Tsuchiya, J. van Boxtel, Is Recurrent Processing Necessary and/or Sufficient for Consciousness? V. Lamme, Response to Commentaries. September 2010: 8½x11: 88pp Pb: 978-1-84872-739-7: $35.00
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Understanding Consciousness 2nd Edition
Max Velmans, Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Goldsmiths, University of London, UK 2009: 6x9: 408pp Hb: 978-0-415-42515-5: $85.00 Pb: 978-0-415-42516-2: $42.50 Available as an e-inspection copy
Consciousness The Science of Subjectivity
Antti Revonsuo, University of Turku, Finland January 2010: 7x10: 352pp Hb: 978-1-84169-725-3: $100.00 Pb: 978-1-84169-726-0: $39.95 Available as an e-inspection copy
Cognitive Neuroscience 4-Volume Set
Jamie Ward (Ed.), University of Sussex, UK C ri t ical C o n ce p t s i n Ps yc h o lo g y S erie s 2009: 6x9: 1,600pp Hb: 978-0-415-46139-9: $1,495.00
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NEW TEXTBOOK! Jamie Ward, University of Sussex, UK “I stopped using textbooks more than a decade ago, but that’s about to change. Given that Ward’s is the very first textbook focusing on social neuroscience, I am extremely impressed. It will be the best around for years to come. It is current, broad, and precise. The writing style will be accessible to undergraduates, graduates, and even professors. It is the perfect introduction to this exciting new field.”
The Student’s Guide to Social Neuroscience
- Matthew D. Lieberman, Professor of Psychology, Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, USA “The first book of its kind, this well written and accessible text provides a compelling introduction to many of the fascinating questions, methods, and findings in the burgeoning field of social neuroscience.” - John T. Cacioppo, Professor and Director of the Center for Cognitive and Social Neuroscience, University of Chicago, USA
Social Neuroscience is an expanding field which, by investigating the neural mechanisms that inform our behavior, explains our ability to recognize, understand, and interact with others. Concepts such as trust, revenge, empathy, prejudice and love are now being explored and unraveled by the methods of neuroscience. Many researchers believe that evolutionary expansion of the primate and human brain was driven by the need to deal with social complexity: not only to understand and outwit our peers, but to take advantage of the benefits of cooperative living. But what kind of brain-based mechanisms did we end up with – special routines for dealing with social problems or more general solutions that can be used for non-social cognition too? How are we able to sacrifice our own self-interests to respond to the needs of others? How do cultural differences in the organization of society shape individual minds (and brains), and does the brain provide constraints on the possible range of cultural permutations? The Student’s Guide to Social Neuroscience explores and explains these big issues, using accessible examples from contemporary research. The first book of its kind, this engaging and cutting-edge text is an ideal introduction to the methods and concepts of Social Neuroscience for undergraduate and postgraduate students in fields such as psychology and neuroscience. Each chapter is richly illustrated in attractive full-color with figures, boxes and ‘real-world’ implications of research. Several pedagogical features help students engage with the material, including essay questions; summary and key points; further reading; and a website with glossary, practice multiple-choice questions and active reference links. Supplementary teaching resources are also available online: these and the student resources are available free of charge to qualifying adopters. Co n t e n t s
1. Introduction to Social Neuroscience. 2. The Methods of Social Neuroscience. 3. Evolutionary Origins of Social Intelligence and Culture. 4. Emotion and Motivation. 5. Reading Faces and Bodies. 6. Understanding Others. 7. Interacting with Others. 8. Relationships. 9. Groups and Identity. 10. Morality and Anti-Social Behaviour. 11. Developmental Social Neuroscience. October 2011: 7½x10: 352pp Hb: 978-1-84872-004-6: $100.00 Pb: 978-1-84872-005-3: $59.95 Available as an inspection copy
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Grounding Sociality Neurons, Mind, and Culture
Gün R. Semin, Utrecht University, The Netherlands Gerald Echterhoff, University of Münster, Germany (Eds.) “A must-read overview of the cutting-edge science of embodied, situated social responses, here grounded at bodily levels from cortex to culture. The sampled authors provide original, deep, and provocative accounts of this exciting approach.” Susan T. Fiske, Eugene Higgins Professor, Department of Psychology, Princeton University, USA “Fundamental questions about the processes underlying human sociality have recently come into focus: how do we understand and empathize with each others’ mental states, cooperate, and carry out joint action? This timely collection brings together major contributions from perspectives ranging across social psychology, neuroscience, evolution, ecological psychology, and cultural psychology. It will be a valuable resource for any researchers interested in the origins and nature of social life.” Eliot R. Smith, Chancellor’s Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana University, USA
This volume concerns the longstanding intellectual puzzle of how individuals overcome their biological, neural, and mental finitude to achieve sociality. It explores how humans take each other into account, coordinate their actions, and are able to share their inner states and to communicate. Sophisticated views on the bases of sociality are detailed at the level of neural mechanisms, perception and memory, motivation, communication and dialog, culture, and evolution. These insights have been inspired by major strides and exciting new developments in disciplines as far afield as ethology, evolutionary ecology, neuroscience, cognition, memory, developmental and social psychology, psycholinguistics, philosophy, robotics, and sociology. The volume is the first to bridge these disciplinary boundaries to lay the foundations for an integrated and general conceptualization of the bases of sociality and its implications for psychology. Each contribution presents different levels of the grounding of sociality and will further stimulate novel approaches to linking different layers of sociality, from the neural to the cultural level. Co n t e n t s
G.R. Semin, G. Echterhoff, Introduction. Part 1. Foundations of Sociality and Communication. M. Iacoboni, Mirroring as a Key Neural Mechanism of Sociality. G.R. Semin, J.T. Cacioppo, Grounding Intersubjectivity: Biological and Social Bases. M. Graf, S. Schütz-Bosbach, W. Prinz, Motor Representations in the Perception of Actions and Objects: Similarity and Complementarity. Part 2. Sociality and Memory. W. Hirst, A. Brown, On the Virtues of an Unreliable Memory: Its Role in Constructing Sociality. G. Echterhoff, E.T. Higgins, Creating Shared Reality in Communication: Audience-Tuning Effects on Speakers’ Memory. Part 3. Sociality: Underlying Motives, Dialogical Practice and Culture. E.T. Higgins, Sharing Inner States: A Defining Feature of Human Motivation. M.J. Pickering, S. Garrod, The Use of Prediction to Drive Alignment in Dialogue. Y. Kashima, Situated Sociality and Cultural Dynamics: A Puzzle of Necessary Dependency and Perceived Dissociation. Part 4. Evolutionary Perspectives on Sociality. L. Barrett, Too Much Monkey Business. L. Caporael, Sociality is the Ground: Evolution and Core Group Configurations. November 2010: 6x9: 288pp Hb: 978-1-84872-899-8: $75.00
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Emily Balcetis, New York University, USA G. Daniel Lassiter, Ohio University, USA (Eds.) “Perception depends on perceivers, and human perceivers are inescapably social. This intriguing set of papers describes some of the intricate ways our social sensibilities affect how we see, illuminating both perception and social psychology.” Barbara Tversky, Teachers College, Columbia University, Stanford University, USA
Social Psychology of Visual Perception
“Emily Balcetis and G. Daniel Lassiter have compiled an outstanding collection of chapters … with each contribution providing compelling evidence that social and emotional factors contribute to the psychological meaning of perceptual awareness. This is a book that will inform and delight anyone interested in the psychology of everyday perceptual experience.” Dennis R. Proffitt, Commonwealth Professor and Chair of Psychology, University of Virginia, USA
This volume takes a contemporary and novel look at how people see the world around them. We generally believe we see our surroundings and everything in them with complete accuracy. However, as the contributions to this volume argue, this assumption is wrong: people’s view of their world is cloudy at best. Social Psychology of Visual Perception is a thorough examination of the nature and determinants of visual perception, which integrates work on social psychology and vision. It is the first broad-based volume to integrate specific sub-areas into the study of vision, including goals and wishes, sex and gender, emotions, culture, race, and age. The volume tackles a range of engaging issues, such as what is happening in the brain when people look at attractive faces, or if the way our eyes move around influences how happy we are and could help us reduce stress. It reveals that sexual desire, our own sexual orientation, and our race affect what types of people capture our attention. It explores whether our brains and eyes work differently when we are scared or disgusted, or when we grow up in Asia rather than North America. The multiple perspectives in the book will appeal to researchers and students in range of disciplines, including social psychology, cognition, evolutionary psychology, and neuroscience. Co n t e n t s
J. Bruner, Foreword: A New Look at the New Look. E. Balcetis, G. Daniel Lassiter, Introduction. Part 1. Motivation and the Social Psychology of Visual Perception. K. Pauker, N.O. Rule, N. Ambady, Ambiguity and Social Perception. D. Isaacowitz, H. Fung, Motivation Across Time and Place: What Gaze Can Tell Us About Aging and Culture. S. Duffy , S. Kitayama, Cultural Modes of Seeing Through Cultural Modes of Being: Cultural Influences on Visual Attention. E. Balcetis, D. Dunning, Wishful Seeing: Motivational Influences on Visual Perception of the Physical Environment. L. Johnston, L. Miles, N. Macrae, Male or Female? An Investigation of Factors that Modulate the Sex-categorization of Strangers. Part 2. Neuroscience and the Social Psychology of Visual Perception. M. Weierich, L. Feldman Barrett, Affect as a Source of Visual Attention. R. Todd, A. Anderson, The Role of the Amygdala in Vision. M.P. Viggiano, T. Marzi, Context and Social Effects on Face Recognition. L.M. Oberman, P. Winkielman, V.S. Ramachandran, Embodied Simulation: A Conduit for Converting Seeing into Perceiving. Part 3. Ecological Approach to the Social Psychology of Visual Perception. G.D. Lassiter, M. Lindbergh, J. Ratcliff, L. Ware, A.L. Geers, Top-down Influences on the Perception of Ongoing Behavior. K. Johnson, J. Freeman, A New Look at Person Construal: Seeing Beyond Dominance and Discreteness. J. Stefanucci, Emotional High: Emotion and the Perception of Spatial Layout. J. Montepare, “Cue, View, Action”: An Ecological Approach to Person Perception. April 2010: 6x9: 352pp Hb: 978-1-84872-804-2: $69.95
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Developmental Social Cognitive Neuroscience Philip David Zelazo, University of Minnesota, USA Michael Chandler, University of British Columbia, Canada Eveline Crone, University of Leiden, The Netherlands (Eds.) J ea n Piag e t S y m p o sia S eries “The application of neuroscientific approaches to the development of social and cognitive behavior is a … fast-developing field. This book provides expert guidance on what is known – and what remains to be learned – about how studies of brain function inform our understanding of developmental transitions in social development from infancy to adulthood. The chapters are thoughtful, masterful, and will be a valuable resource for both the educated novice and seasoned professional.” Seth D. Pollak, University of Wisconsin – Madison, USA
This volume helps crystallize the emergence of a new field, ‘Developmental Social Cognitive Neuroscience’, aimed at elucidating the neural correlates of the development of socio-emotional experience and behavior. The chapters in this book highlight the latest and best research in this area, and cover a range of topics, including the typical and atypical development of imitation, impulsivity, novelty seeking, risk taking, self and social awareness, emotion regulation, moral reasoning, and executive function. Intended for researchers and advanced students in neuroscience and developmental, cognitive, and social psychology, this book is appropriate for courses on social cognitive neuroscience, developmental neuroscience, social development, and cognitive development. Co n t e n t s
Part 1. Introduction. P.D. Zelazo, M. Chandler, E.A. Crone, The Birth and Early Development of a New Discipline: Developmental Social Cognitive Neuroscience. Part 2. The Typical and Atypical Development of Social Cognition in Childhood. V. Gallese, M. Rochat, Motor Cognition: The Role of the Motor System in the Phylogeny and Ontogeny of Social Cognition and its Relevance for the Understanding of Autism. C. Moore, J. Barresi, The Construction of Commonsense Psychology in Infancy. J.E. Benson, M. Sabbagh, Theory of Mind and Executive Functioning: A Developmental Neuropsychological Approach. W. Cunningham, P.D. Zelazo, The Development of Iterative Reprocessing: Implications for Affect and Its Regulation. S.B. Perlman, B.C. Vander Wyk, K.A. Pelphrey, Brain Mechanisms in the Typical and Atypical Development of Social Cognition. S. Baron-Cohen, Autism and the Emphasizing-Systemizing (E-S) Theory. Part 3. Social Cognition in Adolescence. J.H. Pfeifer, M. Dapretto, M.D. Lieberman, The Neural Foundations of Evaluative Selfknowledge in Middle Childhood, Early Adolescence and Adulthood. M. Ernst, M. Hardin, Neurodevelopment Underlying Adolescent Behavior: A Neurobiological Model. A.A. Baird, The Terrible Twelves. L. van Leijenhorst, E. Crone, Paradoxes in Adolescent Risk-taking. R.L. Selman, L.F. Feigenberg, Between Neurons and Neighborhoods: Innovative Methods to Assess the Development and Depth of Adolescent Social Awareness. Part 4. The Developmental Social Cognitive Neuroscience of Moral Reasoning. P.J. Eslinger, M. Robinson-Long, Crucial Developmental Role of Prefrontal Cortex in Social Cognition and Moral Maturation: Evidence from Early Prefrontal Lesions and fMRI. R.J. Blair, Contributions of Neuroscience to the Understanding of Moral Reasoning and its Development. J. Carpendale, B.W. Sokol, U. Müller, Is a Neuroscience of Morality Possible? E. Turiel, The Relevance of Moral Epistemology and Psychology for Neuroscience. 2009: 6x9: 372pp Hb: 978-1-84169-767-3: $80.00 Available as an e-inspection copy
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Bruce L. Miller (Ed.) University of California San Francisco School of Medicine, USA A S p ecial I ssue o f Neur o case Co n t e n t s
B. Miller, I. Viskontas, Introduction: Elucidating the Neural Basis of the Self. W. Chiong, ‘The Self ’ in Philosophical Debates. L. Uddin, The Self in Autism: An Emerging View from Neuroimaging. E. Morsella, C. Berger, S. Krieger, Cognitive and Neural Components of the Phenomenology of Agency. H. Rosen, Anosognosia in Neurodegenerative Disease. V. Sturm, R. Levenson, Alexithymia in Neurodegenerative Disease. A. Cicourel, The Effect of Neurodegenerative Disease on Representations of Self in Discourse. N. Ebner, S. Gluth, M. Johnson, C. Raye, K. Mitchell, M. Johnson, Medial Prefrontal Cortex Activity When Thinking About Others Depends on Their Age. E.R. Gerschcovich, D. Cerquetti, E. Tenca, R. Leiguarda, The Impact of Bilateral Cerebellar Damage on Theory of Mind, Empathy and Decision Making. A. Villarejo, V. Puertas-Martin, T. MorenoRamos, A. Camacho, J. Porta-Etessam, F. Bermejo-Pareja, Mirrored-Self Misidentification in a Patient without Dementia: Evidence for Right Hemispheric and Bifrontal Damage. T. Fisher, S. Shamay-Tsoory, A. Eran, J. Aharon-Peretz, Characterization of Recovery and Neuropsychological Consequences of Orbitofrontal Lesion: A Case Study.
Elucidating the Neural Basis of the Self
June 2011: 8x10½: 112pp Pb: 978-1-84169-831-1: $40.00
Developmental Social Neuroscience Philip David Zelazo, University of Minnesota, USA Tomas Paus, University of Toronto, Canada (Eds.) A S p ecial I ssue o f s o cial n eur o scie n ce Co n t e n t s
P. Zelazo, T. Paus, Developmental Social Neuroscience: An Introduction. R. Aguilar, Infantile Experience and Play Motivation. G. Gredebäck, A. Melinder, M. Daum, The Development and Neural Basis of Pointing Comprehension. J.C. Stapel, S. Hunnius, M. van Elk, H. Bekkering, Motor Involvement during Action Observation in Infancy. B.G. Moor, L. van Leijenhorst, S.A.R.B. Rombouts, E.A. Crone, M.W. Van der Molen, Do You Like Me? Neural Correlates of Social Evaluation and Developmental Trajectories. M.J. Crowley, J. Wu, P.J. Molfese, L.C. Mayes, Social Exclusion in Middle Childhood: Rejection Events, Slow-wave Neural Activity and Ostracism Distress. C.L. Masten, N.I. Eisenberger, J.H. Pfeifer, M. Dapretto, Witnessing Peer Rejection during Adolescence: Neural Correlates of Empathy for Experiences of Social Exclusion. E.H. Telzer, C.L. Masten, E.T. Berkman, M.D. Lieberman, A.J. Fuligni, Gaining While Giving: An fMRI Study of the Rewards of Family Assistance Among White and Latino Youth. A.A. Baird, S.H. Silver, H.B. Veague, Cognitive Control Reduces Sensitivity to Relational Aggression. S.B. Perlman, K.A. Pelphrey, Regulatory Brain Development: Balancing Emotion and Cognition. S. Hoehl, J. Brauer, G. Brasse, T. Striano, A.D. Friederici, Children’s Processing of Emotions Expressed by Peers and Adults: An fMRI Study. C.M. Leclerc, E.A. Kensinger, Age-related Valencebased Reversal in Recruitment of Medial Prefrontal Cortex on a Visual Search Task. November 2010: 8½x11: 160pp Hb: 978-1-84872-741-0: $62.50
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RESEARCH METHODS & STATISTICS ARENA Gray & Kinnear IBM SPSS Statistics 19 Made Simple August 2011: 7x10: 672pp Pb: 978-1-84872-069-5: $34.95 Cumming Understanding The New Statistics Effect Sizes, Confidence Intervals, and Meta-Analysis Multivariate Applications Series July 2011: 6x9: 535 pages Hb: 978-0-415-87967-5: $110.00 Pb: 978-0-415-87968-2: $46.95 Bryman & Cramer Quantitative Data Analysis with IBM SPSS 17, 18 and 19 A Guide for Social Scientists May 2011: 7x10: 408pp Hb: 978-0-415-57918-6: $90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-57919-3: $44.95 Schumacker & Lomax A Beginner’s Guide to Structural Equation Modeling, 3rd Ed. 2010: 6x9: 536pp Hb: 978-1-84169-890-8: $100.00 Pb: 978-1-84169-891-5: $59.95 Azen & Walker Categorical Data Analysis for the Behavioral and Social Sciences January 2011: 7x10: 296pp Hb: 978-1-84872-836-3: $59.95 Panter & Sterba, Eds. Handbook of Ethics in Quantitative Methodology Multivariate Applications Series January 2011: 6x9: 544pp Hb: 978-1-84872-854-7: $100.00 Pb: 978-1-84872-855-4: $49.95 Leech et al. IBM SPSS for Intermediate Statistics, 4th Ed. Use and Interpretation May 2011: 8½x11: 312pp Pb: 978-0-415-88047-3: $34.95
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All titles featured are available for inspection. Morgan et al. IBM SPSS for Introductory Statistics, 4th Ed. Use and Interpretation 2010: 8½x11: 243pp Pb: 978-0-415-88229-3: $34.95 Hox Multilevel Analysis, 2nd Ed. Techniques and Applications Quantitative Methodology Series 2010: 6x9: 392pp Hb: 978-1-84872-845-5: $95.00 Pb: 978-1-84872-846-2: $46.95 Chow et al., Eds. Statistical Methods for Modeling Human Dynamics An Interdisciplinary Dialogue Notre Dame Series on Quantitative Methodology 2010: 6x9: 448pp Hb: 978-1-84872-825-7: $59.95 Tatsuoka Cognitive Assessment An Introduction to the Rule Space Method Multivariate Applications Series 2009: 6x9: 334pp Hb: 978-0-8058-2828-3: $115.00 Pb: 978-1-84872-813-4: $54.95
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Accepted for inclusion in the Science Citation Index and Journal Citation Reports®! E D I TO R Jamie Ward, University of Sussex, UK Cognitive Neuroscience aims to publish high quality empirical and theoretical papers on any topic in the field of cognitive neuroscience including, but not limited to: perception, attention, memory, language, action, decision-making, emotions, and social cognition. The journal fills an important niche in the market by publishing shorter papers (up to 4000 words) with fast reviewing and rapid online publication. In addition, longer discussion papers will evaluate current hot topics in the field with critical analysis in the form of peer commentary (8000 word reviews, 800 word commentaries). We aim to publish accepted (but uncorrected) Discussion papers and Short Report articles online within 7 days and in final form within 6 weeks. There are no page charges and we are able to offer free color printing where color is necessary. In its short life this exciting new journal has already become an important focal point for researchers in this field. Manuscript Submission New articles should be submitted through our ScholarOne Manuscripts site: Prior to submission, please read the Instructions for Authors at the journal’s website below.
Cognitive Neuroscience
Special Issues Sent free to subscribers as part of their subscription and available for individual purchase.
The Body in the Brain
Body Representations, Processes and Neural Mechanisms G U E S T E D I TO R S Stephen R. Jackson, Laurel Buxbaum and H. Branch Coslett
This issue addresses the nature of bodily representations in the brain, or the processes and mechanisms using them to plan and control action. Forthcoming!
Cognitive Neuroscience of Consciousness G U E S T E D I TO R S Anil Seth and Geraint Rees
Volume 1 Issue 3, 2010. Pb 978-1-84872-739-7 $35.00 See page 9 for more information on this special issue.
The Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory G U E S T E D I TO R Scott Slotnik
Ca l Pa pl f o r er s
Reporting novel experimental or theoretical work on the spatial and/ or temporal brain mechanisms underlying long-term memory. Forthcoming! Submit your article via the journal’s website below by 14th November 2011 F ree A rt i c l es
Read these and many other articles in full at our Behavioral Neurosciences Special Offer page: How neuroscience will change our view on consciousness by Victor A. F. Lamme (Vol. 1:3, 2010, 204-220) Development of reasoning: Behavioral evidence to support reinforcement over cognitive control accounts by Julia R. Badger and Laura R. Shapiro (Vol. 1:2, 2010, 138-139) Do we have independent visual streams for perception and action? by Thomas Schenk and Robert D. McIntosh (Vol. 1:1, 2010, 52-62) Full details, current subscription rates, notes for authors, submission procedures and complete online contents available at the journal’s website: w w w. c o g n i t i v e n e u r o s c i e n c e a r e n a . c o m
Social Neuroscience Impact Factor: 3.172* E D I TO R Jean Decety, Chicago University, USA Social Neuroscience features original empirical Research Papers, as well as Short Reviews or Commentaries that examine how the brain mediates social cognition, interpersonal exchanges, affective/cognitive group interactions, and related topics that deal with social/personality psychology. The goal of Social Neuroscience is to provide a place to publish empirical articles that intend to further our understanding of the role of the central nervous system in the development and maintenance of social behaviors. Submissions from all branches of neuroscience are encouraged, including (but not limited to) bio/neuropsychology, evolution, psychiatry, neurology, and neuroscience. Further, submissions that have brain-based empirical data in the fields of social and cognitive psychology, including social cognitive neuroscience, philosophy, or other humanities areas are encouraged. Articles published in Social Neuroscience cover all neuroscience techniques including neuroimaging methods (e.g., fMRI, PET, ERP, TMS), as well as more traditional neuroscience techniques (e.g., animal studies, case studies, psychiatric populations, post-mortem studies, pharmaceutical, agonist /antagonist). Manuscript Submission New articles should be submitted through our ScholarOne Manuscripts site: Prior to submission, please read the Instructions for Authors at the journal’s website below.
Special Issues Sent free to subscribers as part of their subscription and available for individual purchase.
Aggression and Violence G U E ST E D I TO R S Tatia Lee and James Blair
Ca l Pa pl f o r er s
Featuring original empirical articles that integrate neuroscientific approaches to the study of aggression and violence. Forthcoming! Submit your article via the journal’s website on facing page by 31st January 2012.
Psychiatric Disorders G U E ST E D I TO R S Facundo Manes and Mario Mendez
Ca l Pa pl f o r er s
This issue features original empirical articles integrating neuroscientific studies of social functioning in neuropsychiatric disorder, covering topics such as emotion, empathy, moral reasoning, prosocial and antisocial behavior, peer influence, cultural influence, and reasoning about social group in different neuropsychiatric conditions. Forthcoming! Submit your article via the journal’s website on facing page by 31st January 2012.
Developmental Social Neuroscience G U E ST E D I TO R S Philip David Zelazo and Tomas Paus
Volume 5 Issue 5, 2010. Hb 978-1-84872-741-0 $62.50 See page 15 for more information on this special issue.
Neural Correlates of Deception G U E ST E D I TO R S Giorgio Ganis and Julian Keenan
Volume 4 Issue 6, 2009. Hb 978-1-84872-712-0 $79.95
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Read these and many other articles in full at our Behavioral Neurosciences Special Offer page: Developmental social neuroscience: An introduction by Philip David Zelazo; Tomáå Paus (Vol. 5:5/6, 2010, 417-421) From facial mimicry to emotional empathy: A role for norepinephrine? by Neil A. Harrison, Robert Morgan and Hugo D. Critchley (Vol. 5:4, 2010, 393-400) Matching mind to world and vice versa: Functional dissociations between belief and desire mental state processing by Anna Abraham, Hannes Rakoczy, Markus Werning, D. Yves von Cramon and Ricarda I. Schubotz (Vol. 5:1, 2010, 1-18)
F ree A rt i c l es
Full details, current subscription rates, notes for authors, submission procedures and complete online contents available at the journal’s website:
Journal of Neurotherapy Investigations in Neuromodulation, Neurofeedback and Research The Official Publication of the International Society for Neurofeedback and Research S E N I O R E D I TO R S Randall Lyle, Mount Mercy College, USA
Martijn Arns, Brainclinics Diagnostics & Utrecht University, The Netherlands This journal provides an integrated, multidisciplinary perspective on clinically relevant research, treatment, and public policy for neuromodulation techniques and applied neuroscience.
AJOB Neuroscience E D I TO R Paul Root Wolpe, Emory University, USA AJOB Neuroscience provides a comprehensive resource for scholars, practitioners, and others interested in ethics and the brain sciences. We interpret the scope of the field broadly, and seek wide-ranging contributions exploring the ethical, social and legal dimensions of neuroscience. w w w. c o g n i t i v e n e u r o s c i e n c e a r e n a . c o m
Cognitive Neuroscience of Language A Special Section of Language and Cognitive Processes Impact Factor: 2.00 – up 25% on last year! E D I TO R - I N - C H I E F
Lorraine K. Tyler, University of Cambridge, UK C O G N I T I V E N E U R O S C I E N C E O F L A N G U AG E A C T I ON E D I TO R
David Poeppel, New York University, USA Language and Cognitive Processes (LCP) provides an international forum for the publication of theoretical and experimental research into the mental processes and representations involved in language use. LCP has recently broadened its remit by publishing a regular Special Section devoted to the Cognitive Neuroscience of Language. The development of cognitive neuroscience methodologies has significantly broadened the empirical scope of experimental language studies. Both hemodynamic imaging and electrophysiological approaches provide new perspectives on the representation and processing of language, and add important constraints on the development of theoretical accounts of language function. All types of articles that reflect the strong interest in and growing influence of these tools will be considered for Cognitive Neuroscience of Language, including reviews, whose submission is encouraged. Submissions should exemplify the subject in its most straightforward sense: linking good cognitive science and good neuroscience to answer key questions about the nature of language and cognition. Manuscript Submission New articles should be submitted through our ScholarOne Manuscripts site:, selecting Cognitive Neuroscience of Language from the ‘Manuscript Type’ drop-down menu. Prior to submission, please read the Instructions for Authors at the journal’s website below. Special issues Sent free to subscribers as part of their subscription and available for individual purchase.
Cognitive Neuroscience of Semantic Processing G U E ST E D I TO R S David Poeppel and Wolfram Hinzen
Forthcoming in 2011!
F ree A rt i c l es
Read these and many other articles in full at our Behavioral Neurosciences Special Offer page: Semantics vs. world knowledge in prefrontal cortex by Liina Pylkkänen, Bridget Oliveri and Andrew J. Smart (Vol: 24:9, 2009, 1313-1334) Processing psych verbs: Behavioural and MEG measures of two different types of semantic complexity by Jonathan Brennan and Liina Pylkkänen (Vol. 25:6, 2010, 777-807) Plasticity of grammatical recursion in German learners of Dutch by Douglas J. Davidson and Peter Indefrey (Vol. 24:9, 2009, 1335-1369) Full details, current subscription rates, notes for authors, submission procedures and complete online contents available at the journal’s website:
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Basic and Clinical Perspectives Official Journal of the International Society for the History of the Neurosciences E D I TO R S
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences
P. J. Koehler, Atrium Medical Centre, Heerlen, The Netherlands M. Macmillan, University of Melbourne, Australia S. Finger, Washington University, USA The Journal of the History of the Neurosciences assists the formation of a basis of historical background knowledge complementary to current understanding of the neurosciences. Contributions to the history of development in neurology over recent decades will be of assistance to neurologists working in the field. The Journal will cover all aspects of modern neurology as well as roots of the neurosciences in the more distant past. Where they contain original information or novel comment, historical and biographical accounts of individuals and institutions in the neurosciences will be accepted for publication. The history of ideas, the evolution of society and medicine, and the connection between neurosciences and the discipline of philosophy will also be open for discussion in the Journal. Manuscript Submission New manuscripts should be addressed to the appropriate Editor for the author’s geographical area. Full contact information is available at the Instructions for Authors section of the journal’s website below. F ree A rt i c l es
Read these and many other articles in full at our Behavioral Neurosciences Special Offer page: Phantom Penis: Historical Dimensions by Nicholas J. Wade and Stanley Finger (Vol. 19:4, 2010, 299- 312) Darwin’s Unsolved Problem: The Place of Consciousness in an Evolutionary World by C. U. M. (Chris) Smith (Vol. 19:2, 2010, 105-120) The Neurosciences Research Program at MIT and the Beginning of the Modern Field of Neuroscience by George Adelman (Vol. 19:1, 2010, 15-23) Full details, current subscription rates, notes for authors, submission procedures and complete online contents available at the journal’s website:
Don’t forget to follow the Psychology Press Twitter feed for free articles, news and announcements: w w w. c o g n i t i v e n e u r o s c i e n c e a r e n a . c o m
Journal of Motor Behavior E X E C U T I V E E D I TO R S
Richard G. Carson, Queen’s University Belfast, UK Robert L. Sainburg, The Pennsylvania State University, USA Dagmar Sternad, Northeastern University, USA The Journal of Motor Behavior, a multidisciplinary journal of movement neuroscience, is devoted to the further understanding of the basic processes underlying motor control and learning. The Journal publishes articles from such diverse disciplines as neuroscience, biomechanics, neurophysiology, electrophysiology, psychology, bioengineering, and rehabilitation. A wide variety of articles report empirical findings, mathematical and computational models, and new theoretical perspectives, as well as methodological and technological developments. Review articles and invited articles by recognized authorities also appear. The Journal also publishes Rapid Communications that showcase exciting new findings. Manuscript Submission New articles should be submitted through our ScholarOne Manuscripts site: Prior to submission, please read the Instructions for Authors at the journal’s website below. F ree A rt i c l es
Read these and many other articles in full at our Behavioral Neurosciences Special Offer page: Feedback Schedules for Motor-Skill Learning: The Similarities and Differences between Physical and Observational Practice by Arnaud Badets; Yannick Blandin (Vol. 42:4, 2010, 257-268) Neural Correlates of the Contextual Interference Effect in Motor Learning: A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Investigation by Chien-Ho (Janice) Lin, Carolee J. Winstein, Beth E. Fisher and Allan D. Wu (Vol. 42:4, 2010, 223-232) No Association between Music Ability and Hand Preference in Children by Joseph Piro and Camilo Ortiz (Vol. 42:5, 2010, 269-275) Full details, current subscription rates, notes for authors, submission procedures and complete online contents available at the journal’s website:
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