New Books in Consumer Psychology 2009

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New Titles in

consumer psychology 2009

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1 This catalog includes titles formerly published by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (LEA).

CONTENTS Batey, Brand Meaning ................................................1 Krishna, Sensory Marketing .........................................1 Loken et al., Eds., Contemporary Branding Issues ..............1 Wuyts et al., Eds., The Connected Customer ....................1 Drolet et al., Eds, The Aging Consumer ...........................1 Boush et al., Deception in the Marketplace .....................2 Haugtvedt et al., Eds., Handbook of Consumer Psychology ...3 Krugman, Consumer Behavior and Advertising Involvement ...4 Wänke, Ed., Social Psychology of Consumer Behavior ..........5 Fazio & Petty, Eds., Attitudes ......................................5 Crano & Prislin, Eds., Attitudes and Attitude Change...........5 Bohner and Wänke, Attitudes and Attitude Change, 2nd Ed ....5 Lowrey, Ed., Brick & Mortar Shopping in the 21st Century .....5 Schumann & Thorson, Eds., Internet Advertising, 2nd Ed ......6 Pettit, Learning From Winners .....................................7 Dittmar, Consumer Culture, Identity and Well-Being ...........7 Wedel & Pieters, Eds., Visual Marketing .........................8 Saad, The Evolutionary Bases of Consumption ..................9 Lowrey, Ed., Psycholinguistic Phenomena in Marketing Communications .......................................10 Zaichkowsky, The Psychology Behind Trademark Infringement and Counterfeiting.................................11 Haugtvedt et al., Eds., Online Consumer Psychology ...........12 Kahle & Riley, Sports Marketing and the Psychology of Marketing Communication ........................................12 Kardes et al., Eds., Applying Social Cognition to Consumer-Focused Strategy .....................................12 Lance & Vandenberg., Eds., Statistical and Methodological Myths and Urban Legends .........................................12 Otnes & Lowrey, Eds., Contemporary Consumption Rituals ....12 Pratkanis, Ed., The Science of Social Influence .................12 Reichert & Lambiase, Eds., Sex in Consumer Culture...........12 Rhodewalt, Ed., Personality and Social Behavior ................12 Scott & Batra, Eds., Persuasive Imagery ..........................12 Shrum, Ed., The Psychology of Entertainment Media ...........12 Thompson, Ed., Negotiation Theory and Research ..............12 Williams et al., Eds., Diversity in Advertising ...................12

JOURNALS Social Influence .......................................................15 Psychological Inquiry .................................................16 The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research..............................................16 Journal of Marketing Communications ............................16 Journal of Strategic Marketing ......................................17 Social Marketing Quarterly ..........................................17

Invitation to Authors Are you planning to develop a textbook or monograph in Consumer Psychology? Do you feel there is a need for a new journal in this area? If so, we would like to hear from you. We welcome proposals covering any aspect of Consumer Psychology including areas in which we already publish textbooks. Psychology Press is a leading international publisher in Consumer Psychology and related areas, with offices in the UK, USA and around the world. Our dedicated and experienced editorial and production teams develop and produce marketleading textbooks and top-quality research-driven monographs and journals. Our e-marketing team continuously develops our online presence, including innovative ‘arenas’ for all our major areas of publication (see www. consumerpsychologyarena. com). We implement an integrated global marketing plan for each of our books, including worldwide mailings of promotional materials. Therefore, if you have a project in mind, there is no one better situated to make a success of your proposal. Please send proposals to: US/Canada: Anne Duffy, Publisher:

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Brand Meaning Mark Batey Sr. Vice President, DraftFCB Latin America, USA “A most thought-full book. Must reading for everyone who studies or manages brands. It is well reasoned and very practical.” - Gerald Zaltman, Professor of Marketing, Harvard Business School “A thorough, wide-ranging book, which nicely integrates major theories and concepts of consumer behavior from the distinctive viewpoint of brand meaning.” - Bernd Schmitt, Professor of International Business, Columbia Business School, Author of Big Think Strategy “For any Brand Manager or related brand developer, this book is a fantastic read in which one can readily access and benefit from Bateyʼs years of intimate experience and profound understanding of what makes a brand resonate. While the first part of the book expounds on the human element behind brands and brand motivation, the latter half shows how to put this depth of study into action... Read it and apply it. It is spot on.” - David Comeau, V.P. Strategy, Kraft Foods, USA “Brand Meaning represents an important contribution to the marketing literature on brands.” - Allan J. Kimmel, Professor of Marketing at ESCP-EAP, European School of Management, Paris “Feels like an important book on branding – maybe as important as David Aakerʼs book was in the late 1990s” Alice Sylvester, Partner, Sequent Partners and former agency planning director (Y&R, Leo Burnett, JWT) “Amazing book. Astonishing example of branding knowledge. Mark Batey presents a book that he might

have also called: Brand Bible. These 250 pages consist of chapters that cover branding discipline par excellence. There are no unnecessary sentences, no unnecessary details, no unnecessary stories, and no unnecessary anecdotes. Purely scientific knowledge. This book really stands out.” - Bartolomeo Rafael Bialas, PhD scholar and brand consultant

How a company ʻpositionsʼ a brand is not necessarily how the consumer perceives that brand. Brands allow marketers to add meaning to products and services, but it is consumers who ultimately determine what a brand means. The sources of brand meaning are many and varied, as are the ways in which meanings become attached to brands. Brand Meaning takes a comprehensive and holistic look at how consumers find and create meaning in brands. It explores the fundamental conscious and unconscious elements that connect people with products and brands. Traditional marketing concepts are questioned, and a new brand meaning framework is put forward. The book lays out new and fertile territory for the understanding of how brands can both assimilate and provide meaning. It will leave readers with a better appreciation of what brand means and what brands mean. Primarily intended as a supplemental reader for undergraduate, graduate and MBA courses, the bookʼs scope should also make it rewarding and valuable reading for practitioners in the fields of marketing and advertising. CONTENTS Introduction. 1. About Brands. 2. Human Motivation: How and Why We Seek Meaning. 3. Perception. 4. The Meaning of Things. 5. Brand Meaning: Definition and Directions. 6. Brand Meaning and Brand Strategy. 7. The Evolution of Brand Meaning. 8. Brand Communication. February 2008: 6x9: 280pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6454-0: $59.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-6455-7: $29.95


Contemporary Branding Issues

Sensory Marketing

Psychological Research for Consumers Aradhna Krishna Hb: 978-1-84169-753-6: $80.00 Pb: 978-1-84169-889-2: $29.95 60-day examination copy available

A Research Perspective

Barbara Loken, Rohini Ahluwalia & Michael J. Houston (Eds.) Hb: 978-1-84169-759-8: $80.00 60-day examination copy available

The Aging Consumer

Perspectives from Psychology and Economics

Aimee Drolet, Norbert Schwarz & Carolyn Yoon (Eds.) Hb: 978-1-84872-810-3: $89.95 Pb: 978-1-84872-811-0: $49.95 Series: Marketing and Consumer Psychology 60-day examination copy available

The Connected Customer

The Changing Nature of Consumer and Business Markets Stefan H.K. Wuyts, Marnik G. Dekimpe, Els Gijsbrechts & F.G.M (Rik) Pieters (Eds.) Hb: 978-1-84872-837-0: $79.95 60-day examination copy available



Deception In The Marketplace The Psychology of Deceptive Persuasion and Consumer Self-Protection David Boush, Marian Friestad, Peter Wright, University of Orgeon, USA “A remarkable piece of work. Thought provoking and illuminating. This will be an influential book, critical for anyone studying marketplace deception. It will stretch your mind.” - Jennifer Aaker, General Atlantic Professor of Marketing, Stanford University “Consumers today are inundated at every turn by complex and subtle forms of marketplace deception that they are ill-prepared to detect or deflect. This book by three of the most reputed scholars on persuasion is not only timely, but also thorough, insightful, and practical. It broadens and deepens the concept of marketplace deception through its review of relevant social science, while it also extends and specifies the range of skills that consumers of all ages must acquire to safeguard their best self-interests. This book should be must-reading for ethical leaders in professional marketing associations, for regulators and policy administrators, and for educators of the next generations of consumers.” - David Glen Mick, R.H. Carter Professor of Marketing, University of Virginia

This is the first scholarly book to fully address the topics of the psychology of deceptive persuasion in the marketplace and consumer self-protection. Deception permeates the American marketplace. Deceptive marketing harms consumersʼ health, welfare and financial resources, reduces peopleʼs privacy and selfesteem, and ultimately undermines trust in society.

Individual consumers must try to protect themselves from marketersʼ misleading communications by acquiring personal marketplace deception-protection skills that go beyond reliance on legal or regulatory protections. Understanding the psychology of deceptive persuasion and consumer self-protection should be a central goal for future consumer behavior research. The authors explore these questions. What makes persuasive communications misleading and deceptive? How do marketing managers decide to prevent or practice deception in planning their campaigns? What skills must consumers acquire to effectively cope with marketersʼ deception tactics? What does research tell us about how people detect, neutralize and resist misleading persuasion attempts? What does research suggest about how to teach marketplace deception protection skills to adolescents and adults? Chapters cover theoretical perspectives on deceptive persuasion; different types of deception tactics; how deception-minded marketers think; prior research on how people cope with deceptiveness; the nature of marketplace deception protection skills; how people develop deception protection skills in adolescence and adulthood; prior research on teaching consumers marketplace deception protection skills; and societal issues such as regulatory frontiers, societal trust, and consumer education practices. This unique book is intended for scholars and researchers. It should be essential reading for upper level and graduate courses in consumer behavior, social psychology, communication, and marketing. Marketing practitioners and marketplace regulators will find it stimulating and authoritative, as will social scientists and educators who are concerned with consumer welfare. April 2009: 6x9: 216pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6086-3: $59.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-6087-0: $29.95 60-day examination copy available


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Handbook of Consumer Psychology Curtis P. Haugtvedt, Ohio State University, USA; Paul M. Herr, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA; Frank R. Kardes, University of Cincinnati, USA (Eds.) Series: Marketing and Consumer Psychology “The Handbook of Consumer Psychology, edited by Haugtvedt, Herr, and Kardes, is a superb collection of chapters on the most important topics in consumer psychology, written by the worldʼs leading experts on these topics. Chapters from Kassarjian and Robertsonʼs (1991) edited Handbook of Consumer Behavior proved to be a mainstay for consumer behavior Ph.D. seminars for a decade. I expect the Handbook of Consumer Psychology to play a similar role for established researchers and graduate students over the next decade.” - John G. Lynch, The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University “This Handbook assembles a superb slate of top researchers who expertly explore the field of Consumer Psychology with impressive depth and breadth. From classic perspectives (such as information processing, attitudes, motivation, and behavioral decision research) to up-to-the minute cutting-edge research areas (from well-being to neuroeconomics), this Handbook has everything one could ask, and more. This book is truly a must for anyone with an interest in why people consume.” - Joseph Priester, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California

This Handbook contains a unique collection of chapters written by the worldʼs leading researchers in the dynamic field of consumer psychology. Although these researchers are housed in different academic departments (i.e., marketing, psychology, advertising, communications) all have the common goal of attaining a better scientific understanding of cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses to products and services, the marketing of these products and services, and societal and ethical concerns associated with marketing processes. Consumer psychology is a discipline at the interface of marketing, advertising and psychology. The research in this area focuses on fundamental psychological processes as well as on issues associated with the use of theoretical principles in applied contexts. The Handbook presents state-of-the-art research as well as providing a place for authors to put forward suggestions for future research and practice. The Handbook is most appropriate for graduate level courses in marketing, psychology, communications, consumer behavior and advertising.

CONTENTS D.W. Schumann, C.P. Haugtvedt, E. Davidson, History of Consumer Psychology. Part 1. Consumer Information Processing. R.W. Wyer, The Role of Knowledge Accessibility in Cognition and Behavior: Implications for Consumer Information Processing. A. Kronlund, B. Whittlesea, C. Yoon, Consumer Memory, Fluency, and Familiarity. W. Hutchinson, E. Eisenstein, Consumer Learning and Expertise. B. Loken, L. Barsalou, C. Joiner, Categorization Theory and Research in Consumer Psychology: Category Representation and Category-Based Inference. F. Kardes, M.L. Cronley, S. Posavac, P. Herr, Consumer Inference. J. Peck, T.L. Childers, Effects of Sensory Factors on Consumer Behavior. D. Roedder John, Stages of Consumer Socialization: The Development of Consumer Knowledge, Skills, and Values from Childhood to Adolescence. C. Yoon, C. Cole, Older Consumers and Information Processing. Part 2. Motivation, Affect, and Consumer Decisions. A. Isen, Positive Affect and Decision Processes: Some Recent Theoretical Developments with Practical Implications. J. Cohen, M. Pham, E. Andrade, The Nature and Role of Affect in Consumer Behavior. K. Vohs, R. Baumeister, D. Tice, Self-Regulation: Goals, Consumption, and Choices. H. Baumgartner, R. Pieters, Goal-Directed Consumer Behavior: Motivation, Volition, and Affect. C. Janiszewski, Goal-Directed Perception. Part 3. Persuasion, Attitudes, and Social Influence. C.P. Haugtvedt, J.A. Kasmer, Attitude Change and Persuasion. C. Jones, R. Fazio, Associative Strength. A. Perkins, M. Forehand, D. Maison, A. Greenwald, Measuring the Nonconscious: Implicit Social Cognition and Consumer Behavior. P. Vargas, Implicit Consumer Cognition. P. Petrova, R. Cialdini, Evoking the Imagination as a Strategy of Influence. I. Aizen, Consumer Attitudes and Behavior. M. Campbell, A, Kirmani, The Persuasion Knowledge Model in Consumer Research. L. Kahle, G. Xie, Social Values in Consumer Psychology. J.R. Bettman, M.F. Luce, J.W. Payne, Consumer Decision Making: A Choice Goals Approach. A. Fishbach, R. Dhar, Dynamics of Goal-Based Choice: Toward an Understanding of How Goals Commit verses Liberate Choice. C. Hsee, Hedonomics in Consumer Behavior. M. Wenjing Liu, D. Soman, Behavioral Pricing. J.E. Heyman, B. Mellers, Perceptions of Fair Pricing. S. van Osselaer, Associative Learning and Consumer Decisions. Part 4. Products, Preferences, Places, and People. J. Heogg, J. Alba, A Role of Aesthetics in Consumer Psychology. S. Broniarczyk, Product Assortment and Consumer Psychology. C. Allen, S. Fournier, F. Miller, Brands and Their Meaning Makers. S. Eroglu, K. Machleit, Theory in Consumer-Environment Research: Diagnosis and Prognosis. J. Kellaris, Music and Consumers. R. Madrigal, V. Dalakas, Consumer Psychology of Sport: More Than Just a Game. J. Williams, W.N. Lee, G. Henderson, Diversity Issues in Consumer Psychology. Part 5. Consumer Well-Being. E. Borgida, A. Kim, E.N. Stark, C. Miller, Consumers and the Allure of “Safer” Tobacco Products: Scientific and Policy Issues. M. Goldberg,


Assessing the Relationships between Tobacco Advertising and Promotion and Adolescent Smoking Behavior: Convergent Evidence. A. Stukas, M. Synder, E.G. Clary, The Social Marketing of Volunteerism: A Functional Approach. G. Menon, P. Ragibur, N. Agrawal, Health Risk Perceptions and Consumer Psychology. J. Burroughs, P. Moreau, D. Mick, Toward a Psychology of Consumer Creativity. R. Faber, T. O’Guinn, Compulsive Consumption: Review and Reflection. A. Duhachek, Summing Up the State of Coping Research: Prospects and Prescriptions for Consumer Research. Part 6. Advances in Research Methods. K. Weaver, N. Schwarz, Self Reports in Consumer Research. S. Shavitt, A.Y. Lee, T.P. Johnson, Cross-Cultural Consumer Psychology. M. Viswanathan, Measurement Error in Experimental Design in Consumer Psychology. C.P. Haugtvedt, K. Liu, K.S. Min, Individual Differences: Tools for Theory Testing and Understanding in Consumer Psychology Research. G. Egidi, H. Nusbaum, J. Cacioppo, Neuroeconomics: Foundational Issues and Relevance to Consumer Research. February 2008: 7x10: 1280pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5603-3: $90.00 60-day examination copy available

Consumer Behavior and Advertising Involvement Selected works of Herbert E. Krugman — Readings assembled by Edward Krugman Series: Marketing and Consumer Psychology “I think the compilation of Krugmanʼs work is great. Where can I buy one right now?? The breadth of his topics is wonderful, touching on many important persuasion topics in Consumer Behavior, media and advertising. His work spans almost four decades, going back to the post war days and propaganda and forward to the media and advertising studies in the 70s and 80s.” - David Schumann, University of Tennesee

This book is an honor to the many important contributions of Herbert Krugman, past president of APA, The Division of Consumer Psychology and The Association for Public Opinions Research. This reader contains his selected works in Consumer Behavior and Advertising which combine insights from Cognitive Psychology, Social Psychology and Survey Methodology. William Wells, University of Minnesota, has provided the foreword and section overviews for the book which will help it appeal to all academics and students of consumer research.


CONTENTS Editor’s Note. Foreword by William D. Wells. Section I: Themes. 1. The Learning of Tastes. 2. The Learning of Consumer Preference. 3. An Application of Learning Theory to TV Copy Testing. 4. Some Applications of Pupil Measurement. 5. A Comparison of Physical and Verbal Responses to Television Commercials. 6. The Impact of Television Advertising: Learning Without Involvement. 7. The Measurement of Advertising Involvement. 8. Psychological Perspectives in Marketing Strategy. 9. Processes Underlying Exposure to Advertising. 10. Television and Trust in Rationality. 11. What’s a Krugman Connection? Section II: Brain Waves. 12. Flicker Fusion Frequency as a Function of Anxiety Reaction: An Exploratory Study. 13. Passive Learning from Television. 14. Mass Media and Mental Maturity. 15. “Temporary” Effects of Communication. 16. Brain Wave Measures of Media Involvement. 17. Why Three Exposures May Be Enough. 18. What Makes Advertising Effective? 19. Memory Without Recall, Exposure Without Perception. 20. Toward an Ideal TV Pre-Test. 21. The Two Brains: New Evidence on TV Impact. 22. Media Imagery: Perception After Exposure. 23. A Question of Speed of Communications. 24. Sustained Viewing of Television. 25. The Effective Use of Physiological Measurement in Advertising Research. 26. Next Steps - A Productive Approach to Measuring Effective Frequency. 27. The Two Futures of Advertising Research: Images vs. Messages. 28. Beyond Recall. 29. Measuring Memory: An Industry Dilemma. 30. A Personal Retrospective on the Use of Physiological Measures of Advertising Response. Section III: Corporate Advertising. 31. Adapting Existing Survey Data Banks to Social Indicator Purposes. 32. Innovations in Public Opinion Research. 33. Public Attitudes Toward Private Enterprise and Business. 34. How to Misinterpret Public Opinion Research and Underestimate the Potential of Corporate Advertising. 35. Understanding Public Response to Massive New Technologies. 36. Measuring Progress. 37. Tracking the Effects of Corporate Advertising. 38. Corporate Advertising as “Thought Provoking” Messages. 39. Repetition Revisited: Application of the Three Exposure Theory to Corporate Advertising. 40. Television Program Interest and Commercial Interruption. Section IV: Methods and Observations. 41. The “Draw a Supermarket” Technique. 42. The Role of Magazines in America: Today and Tomorrow. 43. Fast Learning and Slow Forgetting of Advertising Campaigns. 44. Limits of Attention to Advertising. 45. High Resolution Television and Video Games of the Future: Some Psychological Implications. 46. Some Consequences of High Definition Television. 47. Consumer Behavior. 48. Sociology and Consumer Behavior. 49. Pavlov’s Dog and the Future of Consumer Psychology. May 2008: 6x9: 354pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5788-7: $59.95


Social Psychology of Consumer Behavior Michaela Wänke (Ed.) Universität Basel, Switzerland Series: Frontiers of Social Psychology This book brings together the most promising and theoretically fruitful research developments by internationally renowned scholars, whose work is at the cutting edge of research. Experts from both fields – social psychology and consumer behavior – provide an informed, up-to-date overview, from the authorsʼ own original integrative perspective. The aim of this volume is two-fold. On the one hand, the application of Social Psychology to consumer behavior is meant to broaden the horizon of social psychologists. On the other hand, students and researchers of consumer behavior will be offered an advanced account of relevant theories tailored to their interests. Whereas the range of topics is rather broad, including the construal of judgments and decisions, affective and cognitive feelings, social and media influences, and goals and self-regulation, each chapter is focused on one specific theoretical or methodological perspective and thereby gives a comprehensive and penetrative account of the relevant issues and the respective research. December 2008: 6x9: 385pp HB: 978-1-84169-498-6: $65.00 60-day examination copy available

Brick & Mortar Shopping in the 21st Century Tina M. Lowrey (Ed.) University of Texas-San Antonio, USA Series: Advertising and Consumer Psychology, Sponsored by the Society for Consumer Psychology This volume advances the field of consumer psychology by covering the e-tail vs. traditional retail discussion from a 21st Century perspective. Topics include: • Experiential retail • Mood and cognition effects during shopping • New findings relevant to retail strategy • Methodological innovations for studying shopping • Social identity variables that impact shopping • Third party influences on shopping decisions • Synergies between brick and mortar retailers and their electronic counterparts. This volume will be of interest to both marketing professionals and graduate students in the areas of advertising, retailing, consumer behavior, marketing communications and psychology. 2007: 6x9: 312pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6394-9: $59.95 Pb: 978-0-8058-6364-2: $39.95


Their Structure, Function and Consequences Russell H. Fazio & Richard E. Petty (Eds.) Key Readings in Social Psychology Series 2007: 7x9: 512pp Hb: 978-1-84169-009-4: $95.00 Pb: 978-1-84169-010-0: $42.95 60-day examination copy available

Attitudes and Attitude Change William Crano & Radmla Prislin (Eds.) Frontiers of Social Psychology Series May 2008: 6x9: 456pp Hb: 978-1-84169-481-8: $65.00 60-day examination copy available New Edition Coming Soon!

Attitudes and Attitude Change, 2nd Ed Gerd Bohner & Michaela Wänke Social Psychology: A Modular Course Series

Email to request a copy of our New Titles in Attitudes & Social Cognition brochure.

2009: 7x8: 312pp Hb: 978-1-84169-673-7: $71.95 Pb: 978-1-84169-674-4: $31.95 60-day examination copy available


Internet Advertising Theory and Research David W. Schumann, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, USA Esther Thorson, University of Missouri/Columbia, USA (Eds.) Series: Advertising and Consumer Psychology, Sponsored by the Society for Consumer Psychology “I enjoyed the first edition of this volume very much. Five years ago, we (researchers) were just starting to figure out “what to do” with this behemoth called the Internet. Five years later, I think it is safe to say that many advertisers and academics have figured out how to integrate the Internet and the Web into what we do every day. That does not mean that all advertisers do it well... The editors have included some of the key researchers in these areas as part of the group contributing to this volume. While many books address online marketing, very few address advertising in particular.”- Kim Sheehan, University of Oregon “If you are looking for a compilation of previous research on Internet advertising, from theory to specific areas of interest, Internet Advertising: Theory and Research is what youʼve been looking for. This book does a great job of examining Internet advertising theory, discussing its history, and compiling selections representative of recent trends by reviewing published research.” - Brian Higley, Kira L. Schwabe & Brian J. Mistler, PsycCRITIQUES

Building on the research presented in their previous edition, Advertising and the World Wide Web (1999), editors David W. Schumann and Esther Thorson offer the expertise of active scholars in the area of Internet advertising in this new volume, and allow readers to reflect on the ever-changing nature of the Internet. Internet Advertising marks this important point in history, taking into account the state of practice, theoretical conceptualizations, empirical research, creative typologies, and potential considerations. Nearly all chapters are in the form of integrated reviews of theory and research, which provide a source of both previous knowledge, as well as future focus for advertising strategy. The volume is arranged in four sections covering: • The foundations of Internet advertising theory • Consumer response to Internet advertising • Topical areas in which Internet advertising has significant influence on the consumer • Human needs and trends that will likely have significant impact on the future of Internet advertising.


This contemporary analysis of Internet advertising will appeal to all practitioners and “students” of the Internet, and will effectively suit courses taught in this area. CONTENTS Preface. Part I: Foundations of Internet Advertising Theory. E. Thorson, M. Duffy & D.W. Schumann, The Internet Waits for No One. S.J. McMillan, Internet Advertising: One Face or Many? A.C. Micu, Theoretical Approaches in Internet Advertising Research. J.R. Coyle & S.J. Gould, Internet Integrated Marketing Communications (I-IMC): Theory and Practice. Part II: Consumer Response With Internet Advertising. S.M. Edwards, Motivations for Using the Internet and Its Implications for Internet Advertising. E-J. Lee, Computer Agents as Sources of Trust in Internet Advertising. S. Rodgers, H.M. Cannon & J. Moore, Segmenting Internet Markets. K. Hood & D.W. Schumann, The Process and Consequences of Cognitive Filtering of Internet Content: Handling the Glut of Internet Advertising. H. Li & J.D. Leckenby, Examining the Effectiveness of Internet Advertising Formats. D.W. Stewart & P.A. Pavlou, Measuring Interactive Marketing Communication: Conceptual Foundations and Empirical Operationalizations. S. Rodgers & Q. Chen, The Interactive Advertising Model: Additional Insights Into Response to Spamming. Part III: Special Topics. C. La Ferle, Global Issues in Online Advertising. C.H. Bentley, Internet Advertising in Online Newspapers. K. Thorson & B. Watson, The New Online Campaign: Translating Information Into Action. S.M. Neeley, Internet Advertising and Children. P.A. Stout, J.G. Ball & J. Villegas, Health Marketing and the Internet. M.S. Waltman & J.W. Haas, Advertising Hate on the Internet. S. Davidson, From Spam to Stern: Advertising Law and the Internet. Part IV: Conclusion – A Look Toward the Future. D.W. Schumann & E. Thorson, Where Are Our Trends Leading Us? Questions About the Future. 2007: 6x9: 528pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5109-0: $75.00


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Learning From Winners How the ARF Ogilvy Award Winners Use Market Research to Create Advertising Success Raymond Pettit Wirthlin Worldwide “Nowhere has there ever been such a thorough and thoughtful review and explication of the best of the best in advertising research.”- Dee Alsop, Group President, Harris Interactive

This book demonstrates how the best companies use the creative application of research, done up front, to produce the big ideas with significant impact on the market and on the people, employees, partners, retailers and customers. Readers of this book will experience how brand managers and their agencies use the right research to drive new brand insights, re-define problems or markets, support risk-taking ideas, and illuminate diverse audiences. This book will be an invaluable resource for business executives looking for market strategy, consumer psychologists, teachers, students, and practitioners looking for a trusted guide for study in advertising, marketing and promotion. CONTENTS D. Allsop, Preface. S. Kim, Foreword. Introduction: Prologue. Part 1. The Winners. Seizing a New Business Opportunity. Creating a New Business Model Where None Existed Before. Smashing Category Traditions. Scaling the Ladder of Insight. Implementing the ‘Big Idea’ for Everyday Consumer Products. Reaching Multiple Customer Segments With a Powerful Idea. Part 2. Great Research Is a Hidden Asset. The David Ogilvy Research Excellence Awards. Great Research is a Hidden Asset. Where Are We Headed? Appendices: Ken Roman, Personal Essay – “Learning From Winners: Look Before You Leap.” Description of Attached CD ROM. 2007: 6x9: 200pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5653-8: $39.95

Consumer Culture, Identity and Well-Being The Search for the ‘Good Life’ and the ‘Body Perfect’ Helga Dittmar University of Sussex, UK Series: European Monographs in Social Psychology “Dr. Dittmar has done us a great service by writing a book on the importance of ʻconsumingʼ to society and to individual identity and well-being that is both scholarly and accessible. The book tackles some tough questions regarding who and what people want to be, how they go about constructing their ʻselvesʼ, and just what is it that people want from life and why. I wish more research psychologists were writing books like this” James E. Maddux, George Mason University “Dittmarʼs book provides a valuable review of her ground-breaking psychological studies of consumer culture. In my mind, the bookʼs strongest contribution is its explication of how identity-related processes help explain the damage that occurs when individuals take on the materialistic values and unhealthy body images encouraged in our contemporary world.” - Tim Kasser, Knox College “Consumer Culture, Identity and Well-Being: The Search for the ʻGood Lifeʼ and the ʻBody Perfectʼ discusses an important and timely issue - the psychological impact of mass consumption that visibly pervades our consumer culture... The author makes a contribution by focusing on identity.” - Candice R. Hollenbeck & George M. Zinkhan, PsycCRITIQUES

Advertising, materialism and consumption are central aspects of contemporary Western culture. We are bombarded with idealized images of the perfect body, desirable consumer goods, and affluent lifestyles, yet psychology is only just beginning to take account of the profound influence these consumer culture ideals have on individualsʼ sense of identity and worth. Consumer Culture, Identity, and Well-Being documents the negative psychological impact consumer culture can have on how individuals view themselves and on their emotional welfare. It looks at the social psychological dimensions of having, buying and wanting material goods, as well as the pursuit of media-hyped appearance ideals. In particular, it focuses on: • The purchasing of material goods as a means of expressing and seeking identity, and the negative consequences of this • Psychological buying motivations in


conventional buying environments and on the Internet • The unrealistic socio-cultural beauty ideals embodied by idealized models, which for women is typically expressed as ultrathinness and for men as muscularity, and how this creates body dissatisfaction. Throughout, different approaches from social psychology are integrated, such as self-completion, selfdiscrepancy and value theory, to create a comprehensive theoretical framework for understanding the impact of internalizing core consumer culture ideals on how individuals see themselves and the implications this has for their psychological and physical health. Consumer Culture, Identity, and Well-Being will be of interest to anybody who wants to find out more about the psychological effects of living in modern consumer societies on children, adolescents, and adults. More specifically, it will be of interest to students and researchers in social psychology, sociology, media studies, communication and other social sciences, as well as to psychologists, health workers, and practitioners interested in the topics of identity, consumption pathologies, body image, and body-related behaviors. CONTENTS 1. Understanding the Impact of Consumer Culture. 2. To Have is to Be? Psychological Functions of Material Possessions. 3. Consuming Passions? Psychological Motives for Buying Consumer Goods. 4. Is this as Good as it Gets? Materialistic Values and Well-Being. 5. I Shop Therefore I Am? Compulsive Buying and Identity-Seeking. 6. Does Size Matter? The Impact of Ultra-Thin Media Models on Women’s Body Image and on Advertising Effectiveness. 7. Think ‘Ideal’ and Feel Bad? Using Self-Discrepancies to Understand Negative Media Effects. 8. What is Beautiful and Who is ‘Cool’? Consumer Culture and Socialisation. 9. What is the Price of Consumer Culture? Consequences, Implications, and the Cage Within. 2007: 61/4x91/4: 296pp Hb: 978-1-84169-608-9: $45.00


Visual Marketing From Attention to Action Michel Wedel, University of Maryland, USA Rik Pieters, Tilburg University, Tilburg, Netherlands (Eds.) Series: Marketing and Consumer Psychology “Although vision is perhaps the primary human sensory modality, vision research is perhaps the most advanced of research on sensory systems, and marketers provide a multitude of visual information to consumers via ads, packaging, and other media, ironically we know relatively little about how visual information affects consumers. This volume takes a large step toward addressing that lack of knowledge by providing both conceptual approaches and applications that point the way toward developing a science of visual marketing. This is an important contribution that should stimulate thinking and research in this crucial domain.” - Jim Bettman, Duke University, Fuqua School of Business “Wedel and Pieters, two prominent applied researchers in their own right, have assembled a diverse group of world-class contributors to the emerging synergistic field of Visual Marketing. This volume constitutes a major new landmark for guiding future investigations at the interface between basic applied research in Vision Science, Cognitive Psychology and Social Economic Behavior. Readers will find a powerful synthesis of detailed empirical data and sophisticated theoretical modeling about how analyses of human eye movements, visual search, selective attention, scene perception, reading, memory, judgment, motivation and decision making may help optimize the design of pictorial and print advertisements, product packages, shelf displays, shopping environments, and other principal aspects of the commercial market place.” - David E. Meyer, University of Michigan

This comprehensive volume aims to further research and theory development in visual marketing. By bringing together leading researchers in the field, it strives to contribute to the establishment of visual marketing as a coherent discipline. The chapters represent an array of issues in visual marketing. They address three areas in theory: attention and perception, visual cognition and action and choice. The chapters go beyond what is known, and offer in many cases a more speculative and visionary account of the directions that visual marketing research could and should take. Rather than being confined to advertising only, this new volume shows how visual marketing permeates almost all consumer and marketing activities. It

will be of interest to undergraduate and graduate students in marketing, management, industrial design, and consumer and social psychology. Professional practitioners, especially those involved with marketing communications, retail, and in store marketing and market research, will also benefit from the empirically based and innovative ideas put forth in this book. CONTENTS M. Wedel & Rik Pieters, Introduction to Visual Marketing. Part I: Visual Attention and Perception. K. Rayner & M.S. Castelhano, Eye Movements During Reading, Scene Perception, Visual Search and While Looking at Print Advertisements. R. Pieters & M. Wedel, The Informativeness of Eye-Movements for Visual Marketing: Six Cornerstones. N.T. Tavassoli, The Effect of Selecting and Ignoring on Liking. Part II: Visual Cognition. E.F. McQuarrie, Differentiating the Pictorial Element in Advertising: A Rhetorical Perspective. E. Greenleaf & P. Raghubir, Geometry in the Market Place. P. Raghubir, Are Visual Perception Biases Hard-Wired? A. Krishna, Spatial Perception Research: An Integrative Review of Length, Area, Volume, and Number Perception. Part III: Action and Choice. J. Meyers-Levy & R. (Juliet) Zhu, Perhaps the Store Made You Purchase It: Toward an Understanding of Structural Aspects of Indoor Shopping Environments. P. Chandon, J.W. Hutchinson, E.T. Bradlow & S.H. Young, Measuring the Value of Point-of-Purchase Marketing with Commercial Eye-Tracking Data. H. Cho, N. Schwarz & H. Song, Images and Preference: A Feeling-as-Information Analysis. Epilogue. C. Janiszewski, Rethinking Visual Communication Research: Updating Old Constructs and Considering New Metaphors.

The Evolutionary Bases of Consumption Gad Saad Concordia University, Canada Series: Marketing and Consumer Psychology “The key features of this book are (1) it introduces an evolutionary psychological perspective on consumerism and marketing (2) it provides an overview of some robust themes that account for systematic patterning of consumer preferences, and (3) it offers a synthetic approach to the study and understanding of consumer behavior. The book will be the first of its kind and will inspire new directions in consumer research.” - Margo Wilson, Department of Psychology, McMaster University “Gad Saad has shown me that evolutionary psychology and consumer behavior is a very interesting subject and one I think many people will find interesting – even exciting. The author has an excellent knowledge of the literature on evolutionary psychology and its interpretations. He does a fine job of applying it to the area of consumer behavior. I think it could have an important impact on the advertising industry.” - Charles Crawford, Emeritus Professor of Psychology, Simon Fraser University ʻSaadʼs book The Evolutionary Bases of Consumption is aimed at academic researchers studying aspects of consumer psychology, students and practitioners in advertising or marketing, or nonconsumer psychologists who enjoy interdisciplinary research. The book suggests that there is broad applicability of Darwinian principles to the study of consumer behavior... It is the first book of its kind.ʼ - Jill M. Sundie, PsycCRITIQUES

2007: 6x9: 328pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6292-8: $79.95

Marketing and Consumer Psychology Series marketing-and-consumer-psychology

This series serves as forum for the interaction of theory, basic research and practice. Please send proposals to Curtis P. Haugtvedt, series editor, Ohio State University (email: or Anne Duffy, Publisher (email:

The Evolutionary Bases of Consumption by Gad Saad applies Darwinian principles in understanding our consumption patterns and the products of popular culture that most appeal to individuals. The first and only scholarly work to do so, this is a captivating study of the adaptive reasons behind our behaviors, cognitions, emotions, and perceptions. This lens of analysis suggests how we come to make selections such as choosing a mate, the foods we eat, the gifts that we offer, and more. It also highlights how numerous forms of dark side consumption, including pathological gambling, compulsive buying, pornographic addiction, and eating disorders, possess a Darwinian etiology. Engaging and diverse in scope, the book maps consumption phenomena onto four key Darwinian modules: survival, reproduction, kin selection, and reciprocal altruism. As an interesting proposal, the


author suggests that media and advertising contents exist in their particular forms because they are a reflection of our evolved human nature – negating the notion that they exist through the reverse causal link, as proposed by social constructivists. The link between evolutionary theory and consumption behaviors is detailed throughout the book via an examination of (among many others): • Appearance-enhancing products and services • Financial and physical risk-taking • Use of sexual imagery and the depictions of women in advertising • Television programs, movies, songs, music videos, literature, religion, and art. The Evolutionary Bases of Consumption will appeal to evolutionists who desire to explore new areas wherein evolutionary theory can be applied; consumer and marketing scholars who wish to learn about the ways in which biological-and evolutionary-based theorizing can be infused into the consumer behavior/marketing/ advertising disciplines; as well as other interdisciplinary scholars interested in gaining knowledge about the power of evolutionary theory in explaining a wide range of behavioral phenomena. CONTENTS Preface. Introduction. 1. What Is Evolutionary Psychology? 2. Consumer Research – Domain-General & Proximate-Level Theorizing. 3. Consumption & Darwinian Modules. 4. Advertising Content and Media Effects Mirrors of Human Nature. 5. Darwinian Roots of Cultural Products. 6. Darwinian Roots of “Darkside” Consumption. 7. Benefits of Darwinizing Consumer Research. Concluding Remarks. 2007: 6x9: 360pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5149-6: $110.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-5150-2: $39.95


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Psycholinguistic Phenomena in Marketing Communications Tina M. Lowrey (Ed.) University of Texas at San Antonio, USA The field of psycholinguistics and the application of psycholinguistic theory to advertising and marketing communication has become a topic of great prominence in the field of consumer behavior. Psycholinguistic Phenomena in Marketing Communications is the first book to address the growing research in this area. This timely volume combines research conducted by current scholars as it demonstrates diversity of the field in terms of relevant topics and methodological approaches. It examines brand names and their semantic and sound-based impact; sentence structure and research in marketing communication; advertising narratives evoking emotional responses; the effects of empathy response on advertising; and the role of language and images in creation of advertising. The book includes authors from a variety of fields, including mass communication, marketing, social psychology, linguistics, and neuropsychology. A range of perspectives is discussed, from qualitative text analysis to controlled psychological experimentation. Psycholinguistic Phenomena in Marketing Communications is intended for students and scholars in numerous disciplines, such as advertising, marketing, social psychology, sociology, and linguistics. It is also suitable for graduate courses in these disciplines. CONTENTS Preface. T.M. Lowrey, Psycholinguistic Phenomena in Marketing Communications: An Overview. Part I: The Impact of Mere Words – Their Meanings and Sounds. J. Hoegg & J.W. Alba, Linguistic Framing of Sensory Experience: There Is Some Accounting for Taste. P.F.D. Gontijo & S. Zhang, The Mental Representation of Brand Names: Are Brand Names a Class by Themselves? L.J. Shrum & T.M. Lowrey, Sounds Convey Meaning: The Implications of Phonetic Symbolism for Brand Names. S. Zhang & B.H. Schmitt, Phonology and Semantics in International Marketing: What Brand Name Translations Tell Us About Consumer Cognition. D. Lerman, Phonology, Morphology, and Semantics: Towards a Fuller Conceptualization of Brand Name Meaning. Part II: Stringing Words Together – The Importance of Sentences. R. Meeds, S.D. Bradley, The

Role of the Sentence and Its Importance in Marketing Communications. C.V. Dimofte & R.F. Yalch, The Use and Abuse of Polysemy in Marketing Communications. B.J. Phillips & E.F. McQuarrie, Road Map or Secret Weapon? The Role of Conceptual Metaphor in Shaping Marketing Communi J.E. Escalas & B.B. Stern, Communications About Exercise. Part III: Stringing Sentences Together – Text and Narrative Analyses. Narrative Structure: Plot and Emotional Responses. R. Adaval, The Role of Language and Images in the Creation and Use of Advertising Myths. S.V. Levi & D.B. Pisoni, Indexical and Linguistic Channels in Speech Perception: Some Effects of Voiceovers on Advertising Outcomes. R. Carroll, D. Luna & L.A. Peracchio, Dual Language Processing of Marketing Communications. Part IV: Afterword. R.S. Wyer, Jr., Comprehension Processes in Advertising: Words, Sentences, and Narratives. 2007: 6x9: 312pp Hb: 978-0-8058-5690-3: $75.00

The Psychology Behind Trademark Infringement and Counterfeiting J.L. Zaichkowsky Simon Fraser University, Canada “This book is an excellent addition to the current literature on Trademark Infringement and Counterfeiting (TIC) and will prove attractive to a wide array of audiences. In an era of changing markets and corporate frustrations with TIC, Zaichkowskyʼs work is expected to have a long shelf life. Marketers need to read the informative book, and it is a “must read” for those grappling with TIC issues.” - Journal of Marketing Review, April, 2007 “Zaichkowsky provides a comprehensive review of consumer behavior theories, as they relate to trademark infringement and counterfeiting practices. Thus, the book offers an authoritative assessment of the relevant literature, including both court cases and marketplace behaviors… The author offers a compelling narrative, helping readers to understand and prevent activities that foster stealing intellectual property.” - Candice R. Hollenbeck & George M. Zinkhan, PsycCRITIQUES

As those involved in commerce are aware, preventing competitors and others from imitating successful brands is a difficult and costly task.

area of trademark infringement and counterfeiting. Principles and theories from psychology and how they are relevant to consumersʼ perceptions in the marketplace are used to explain why competitors steal the intellectual property of another company or entity. The possibility of brand imitation or counterfeiting should be contemplated in designing new products or brand packaging, just as it is in the printing of currency. It is the intent of The Psychology Behind Trademark Infringement and Counterfeiting to provide those involved in commerce with some understanding, some ideas, and perhaps some strategy for building differentiated brands that are easy to protect. Brand managers, expert witnesses to trademark cases, intellectual property lawyers, and academics of consumer behavior and marketing will find this book useful to understanding consumer motives and processes of trademark infringement and counterfeiting. It could be used as a textbook in courses on marketing. CONTENTS Preface. 1. Sorting Out the Issues. 2. Understanding the Consumer. 3. Psychological Principles Underlying Consumer Perceptions of Imitation Brands. 4. Cases of Imitation in the Marketplace. 5. Strategies to Be Distinctive. 6. Testing for Brand Imitation. 7. The Special Case of Cyberspace. 8. Trademark Infringement in China. 9. Where to From Here? Appendices. 2006: 6x9: 328pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4792-5: $110.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-4793-2: $39.95

SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY ARENA Discover a wealth of Social Psychology resources at including: • 10% discount on all online orders! • Free shipping on online orders (UK customers: free shipping on orders of £20 or more. US and Canadian customers: free shipping on orders of $35 (USD) or more.)

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This book serves to inform the reader concerning complexities of the issues of brand imitation, integrating the disciplines of psychology, business, and law to the


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Doctrine, Verity and Fable in Organizational and Social Sciences Charles E. Lance & Robert J. Vandenberg (Eds.)

Contemporary Consumption Rituals A Research Anthology Cele C. Otnes & Tina M. Lowrey (Eds.) Series: Marketing and Consumer Psychology 2003: 6x9: 360pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4204-3: $115.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-4779-6: $55.00

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October 2008: 6x9: 448pp Hb: 978-0-8058-6238-6: $90.00 Pb: 978-0-8058-6237-9: $49.00 60-day examination copy available

Frederick Rhodewalt (Ed.)

2003: 6x9: 464pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4202-9: $120.00

The Psychology of Entertainment Media Blurring the Lines Between Entertainment and Persuasion L.J. Shrum (Ed.) 2003: 6x9: 312pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4641-6: $99.95

Negotiation Theory and Research Leigh L. Thompson (Ed.) Series: Frontiers of Social Psychology 2006: 6x9: 256pp Hb: 978-1-84169-416-0: $65.00 60-day examination copy available

Diversity in Advertising Broadening the Scope of Research Directions Jerome D. Williams, Wei-Na Lee & Curtis P. Haugtvedt (Eds.) 2004: 6x9: 472pp Hb: 978-0-8058-4794-9: $125.00

Series: Frontiers of Social Psychology 2007: 6x9: 376pp Hb: 978-1-84169-426-9: $65.00 60-day examination copy available






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Journals in Consumer Psychology Social Influence EDITOR Kipling D. Williams Purdue University, USA Social Influence provides an integrated focus for research into this important, dynamic, and multidisciplinary field. It appeals to a broad range of researchers from diverse areas of the social sciences, including social psychologists, political psychologists, consumer psychologists, organizational psychologists, sociologists, communication researchers, and anyone interested in any aspect of social influence. SPECIAL OFFER! Double institutional subscription (including online access) to Volumes 1 to 3 for just £320.00/US$576.00! Email for details. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS The journal publishes mostly experimental research investigating aspects of social influence, although correlational studies, surveys, and meta-analyses will be considered. Social Influence will only consider articles, up to a maximum of 5000 words. This word limit excludes the abstract (which should be less than 120 words), the title, table and figure text, and references. Submit your article electronically by emailing RECENT ARTICLES Increasing the Motivation to Practice Safer Sex through Imagery: René J. Bator, Angela Bryan Belief in Collective Emotions as Conforming to the Group: Stephen Reysen, Nyla R. Branscombe The Norm of Reciprocity as an Internalized Social Norm: Returning Favors Even When No One Find Out: Jerry M. Burger, Jackeline Sanchez, Jenny E. Imberi, Lucia R. Grande Status Quo Framing Increased Support for Torture: Christian S. Crandall, Scott Eidelman, Linda J. Skitka, G. Scott Morgan Volume 4, 2009, 4 issues per year Print ISSN 1553-4510 Online ISSN 1553-4529 SUBSCRIPTIONS Personal (print only): 2009: £69 / $120 / €95 Institutional (print / online access): For library or institutional access go to Full details, current subscription rates, notes for authors, submission procedures and full online contents available at: Published by Psychology Press


Psychological Inquiry EDITORS (2003-2009) Leonard L. Martin, Georgia University, USA Ralph Erber, DePaul University, USA Psychological Inquiry is an international forum for the discussion of theory and meta-theory. The journal strives to publish articles that represent broad, provocative, and debatable theoretical ideas primarily in the areas of social psychology and personality. Volume 20, 2009, 4 issues per year Print ISSN 1047-840X Online ISSN 1532-7965

The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research EDITORS Leigh Sparks, University of Stirling, UK John A. Dawson, University of Edinburgh, UK The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research is concerned with advancing knowledge and understanding about retailing. It provides a forum for the publication of high quality and original research across the ďŹ eld of retailing and distribution. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research adopts an international perspective that reects the multi-national nature of the distribution sector and of the paradigm of its study. It is international in scope and content, it publishes articles of a conceptual, theoretical and empirical nature. Volume 19, 2009, 5 issues per year Print ISSN 0959-3969 Online ISSN 1466-4402

Journal of Marketing Communications EDITOR Philip J. Kitchen, University of Hull, UK The Journal of Marketing Communications is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal devoted to publishing research papers and information concerning all aspects of marketing and corporate communication, branding both corporate and product-related, and promotion management. It is a channel for discussing issues such customer relationship management, integrated marketing communication, together with behavioural foundations of marketing communications and promotion management. The Journal will also consider papers in internal marketing and in the corporate communications domain.


Volume 15, 2009, 5 issues per year Print ISSN 1352-7266 Online ISSN 1466-4445

Journal of Strategic Marketing EDITORS Carolyn Strong, University of Bath, UK Nigel F. Piercy, The University of Warwick, UK Journal of Strategic Marketing publishes papers on key aspects of the interface between marketing and strategic management. It is a vehicle for discussing longrange activities where marketing has a role to play in managing the long-term objectives and strategies of companies. Volume 17, 2009, 5 issues per year Print ISSN 0965-254X Online ISSN 1466-4488 www.informaworld/com/jsm

Social Marketing Quarterly EDITORS Lynne Doner Lotenberg, Lotenberg Consulting, USA Bill Smith, AED, Washington, D.C., USA Executive Editor: Gregory R. Niblett, AED, Washington, D.C., USA Social Marketing Quarterly is a scholarly, internationally circulated journal that covers theoretical, research and practical issues confronting social marketers. As the only journal exclusively focused on social marketing issues, Social Marketing Quarterly targets social marketers and other public health, communication, marketing, and social science professionals. The journal consists of research studies, case studies, conference notices, essays, editorials, book reviews, and other relevant news regarding social marketing efforts around the world. Volume 15, 2009, 4 issues per year ISSN Print 1524-5004 ISSN Online 1539-4093 www.informaworld/com/USMQ



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