Fundamentals of Psychology, by Michael W. Eysenck

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NEW TEXTBOOK! • The ideal comprehensive introductory- level textbook •

Written by a highly successful textbook author and psychologist who is famed for his ability to clearly explain complex scientific concepts to beginners

Accessible and entertaining for students, with full-color design, chapter summaries, self-assessment questions, key-term definitions, further reading suggestions, and more

• TEE approach to topics – theory, evidence, and evaluation •

Accompanied by substantial supplementary online resources for instructors and a Student Learning Program.

• Download the free sample chapter now!

“Eysenck has written a thorough

yet engaging introduction to the science of psychology. The book speaks

with a unified voice, pulling in historical examples where they are important, yet still covering cutting edge research of recent years. He does not shy away from controversial issues in the field, but covers them evenhandedly.The last three chapters on research methods are excellent; I strongly recommend this book.”

- Henry L. Roediger, III, Washington University in St. Louis

“In my opinion Eysenck is the

finest textbook author in the world at this level. The sheer breadth of material with which he is comfortable is most impressive, and he has a unique ability to communicate complex and contemporary material so as to make it accessible and interesting.”

- Matt Jarvis,Visiting Tutor in Education, Southampton and Keele Universities

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FUNDAMENTALS OF Psychology Aimed at those new to the subject, this clear and reader-friendly textbook combines an authoritative tone, a huge range of psychological material and an informal, analogy-rich style. It offers a balanced and accurate representation of the discipline through a highly accessible synoptic approach, which seamlessly brings together all the main approaches to psychology, including social, developmental, cognitive, biological, individual differences, and abnormal psychology, as well as psychological research methods. Fundamentals of Psychology incorporates many helpful textbook features which will aid students and reinforce learning, such as key-term definitions, clear end-of-chapter summaries, annotated further reading sections, evaluations of significant research findings, and numerous illustrations attractively presented in full color.

The textbook is accompanied by a comprehensive program of resources for both students and instructors, which is available free to qualifying adopters. The resources include an online Student Learning Program, as well as chapter-bychapter lecture slides and an interactive chapter-by-chapter multiple-choice question test bank. Combining exceptional content, abundant pedagogical features, and a lively fullcolor design, Fundamentals of Psychology is an essential resource for anyone new to the subject and, more particularly, those beginning undergraduate courses. The book will also be ideal for students studying psychology within education, nursing and other healthcare professions.

December 2008: 8½x11: 712pp Hardcover: 978-1-84169-371-2: £49.95 Paperback: 978-1-84169-372-9: £27.50

About the Author Michael W. Eysenck is one of the best-known psychologists in Europe. He is Professor of Psychology at Royal Holloway, University of London, one of the leading psychology departments in the United Kingdom. He is the author of a number of best-selling textbooks including Simply Psychology, 2nd Edition (2002), Cognitive Psychology: A Student’s Handbook, 5th Edition (with Mark T. Keane) (2005), Fundamentals of Cognition (2006), and Memory (with Alan Baddeley and Michael Anderson) (2009).

Sample pages from Fundamentals of Psychology by Michael W. Eysenck



Contents Chapter 1. Introduction.

8 to:

Chapter 2. Historical and Conceptual Issues. Part 1. Introduction to Biological Psychology.

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Chapter 3. Human Motivation.

Chapter 4. Emotion, Stress, and Coping.


Chapter 5. States of Awareness.

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Part 2. Introduction to Cognitive Psychology.

Chapter 6. Visual Perception and Attention.

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Chapter 7. Conditioning and Learning.

Chapter 8. Human Memory.

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Chapter 9. Thinking: Problem Solving and Decision Making.

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Chapter 10. Language.

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Part 3. Introduction to Individual Differences.


Chapter 11. Intelligence. Chapter 12. What Does Personality Look Like? Part 4. Introduction to Developmental Psychology. Chapter 13. Cognitive Development: Specific Abilities. Chapter 14. Theories of Cognitive Development. Chapter 15. Social Development in Everyday Life. Chapter 16. Attachments and Friendships. Part 5. Introduction to Social Psychology.

Also of Interest

Chapter 17. Social Cognition.


Chapter 18. Social Behavior and Relationships.

The Key Concepts

Chapter 19. Group Processes.

By Graham Richards

Chapter 20. Intergroup Processes.

Series: Routledge Key Guides

Part 6. Introduction to Abnormal Psychology.

This is a comprehensive overview of 200 concepts central to a solid understanding of psychology. The focus is on practical uses of psychology in settings such as nursing, education and human resource management, with topics ranging from gender to psychometrics to perception.

Chapter 21. Approaches to Abnormality. Chapter 22. Therapeutic Approaches. Part 7. Introduction to Research Methods. Chapter 23. Psychological Inquiry. Chapter 24. Design of Investigations. Chapter 25. Data Analysis.

August 2008: 5½x8½: 280pp Hb: 978-0-415-43200-9: £60.00 Pb: 978-0-415-43201-6: £14.99 60-day examination copy available

Online Student and Instructor Resources



Student Resources

Our comprehensive student website features the unique and innovative Student Learning Program, which provides a condensed version of each chapter of Fundamentals of Psychology. These summarized chapters provide students with an effective set of notes, presented in a clear and accessible style, and enhanced by embedded interactive resources. These notes provide an integrated learning program, featuring references to pages in the textbook, and enhanced content to expand on the textbook, including: • Interactive exercises

• Multiple-choice questions

• Supplementary case studies

• Fill-in-the-blank questions

• Key-term definitions

• Suggested research activities

• Links to related websites.

Instructor Resources These include: • A chapter-by-chapter PowerPoint lecture course • A set of multiple-choice question tests for each chapter

The Online Student and Instructor Resources are available free of charge to departments that adopt Fundamentals of Psychology by Michael W. Eysenck. For free preview access to the Fundamentals of Psychology resources, please visit


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Michael W. Eysenck “Eysenck’s text balances conceptual sophistication with clear writing and useful summary evaluations, keeping the material accessible. Upto-date perspectives include the social identity approach to many topics in social psychology. Above all, rather than arbitrarily separating social versus cognitive levels of analysis, the integrated treatment addresses topics like social influences on decision making.” - Eliot R. Smith, Chancellor’s Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana University ISBN: 978-0-415-80262-8

“Twenty years ago Eysenck revolutionized the teaching of cognitive psychology with his most helpful handbook in which thoroughness was combined with clarity of exposition. In the present book the author repeats this achievement for general psychology. Eysenck has picked out the most interesting and inspiring illustrations of the topics typically included in introductory books. On every other page I came across a new study, a new insight or a new twist, which I ticked for future use in my lectures.” - Marc Brysbaert, Ghent University

Psychology Press is part of the Taylor & Francis group, a trading division of Informa UK Ltd. Registered in England under no. 1072954 Registered Office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH

FUNDAMENTALS OF Psychology “This must be surely one of the most comprehensive psychology textbooks in existence. It covers the diverse and multileveled discipline that psychology is and it does so in a highly sophisticated yet also readable and interesting way. I appreciated the historical perspective, and the focus on long-standing issues that perplexed and fascinated psychological scientists over the years, and found new framings with the introduction of new methods and techniques of inquiry.” - Arie W. Kruglanski, Distinguished University Professor, University of Maryland

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