1 別搞錯信仰
出版總監: 楊熙楠 作者: 蔡頌輝 責任編輯: 張碧嘉( 香港 )、鄒佳玲( 馬來西亞 ) 英文校對: Naomi Thurston、陳恩慈 封面設計: Losau 內頁排版: 胡 敏( 香港 )、陳穎君( 馬來西亞 )
出版: 協傳培訓中心出版 33A, Jalan Impian Emas 5/1, Taman Impian Emas, 81300 Skudai, Johor. 電話:(607) 570 1933 傳真:(607) 570 1933 電郵地址:ptcmyjb@gmail.com 机构网址:www.ptcmy.org 承印者:长青印务社 出版編号: PTC2016093 初版: 二○一六年 © 2016 年版權所有,不得翻印 感謝香港明風出版社授權本中心出版
Seeking Truth Beyond Facts Publishing Supervisor: Daniel H. N. YEUNG Author: Andrew Chai Editor: Rebecca B. K. CHEUNG (HK), Kelly Tsou (MY) English Proofreader: Naomi Thurston, Micaela Chan Design: Losau Typesetting: Man WOO (HK) , TING YING GING (MY) Published by: Partners Training & Communication Sdn. Bhd. (500714-x) 33A, Jalan Impian Emas 5/1, Taman Impian Emas, 81300 Skudai, Johor. Tel: (607) 570 1933 Fax: (607) 570 1933 Email: ptcmyjb@gmail.com Website: www.ptcmy.org 1st Edition: 2016 © 2016 All Rights Reserved
ISBN 978-967-0784-19-9
10 自序 12 Preface
14 忙碌與充實
Busy and Fulfilling
16 祝福是化了妝的苦難?
Suffering in Disguise?
18 主所要的奉獻
Offerings that God Wants
Adventure is a Must
22 宗教與信仰
Religion and Faith
24 喜歡與愛
Liking and Loving
26 人所需要的改變
The Change We Really Need
28 工作與事奉
Work and Service
30 敬拜關乎生活
Worship Relates to Life
32 需要與不需要
What We Need
34 迷信與敬虔
Superstition vs. Godliness
36 什麼樣的福音?
The Nature of the Gospel
38 活出偉大的信仰
Living Out our Great Faith
40 皈依與悔改
Conversion vs. Repentance 5
42 得救與改變
Salvation and Transformation
44 禱告該求什麼 ?
What Should We Pray for?
46 人的期待與神的愛
Human Expectations and the Love of God
48 代禱與行動
Intercession and Action
50 指往豐盛的路牌
Road Signs to Abundant Life
52 合一的真相
The Truth About Unity
54 自卑與謙卑
Inferiority and Humility
56 差傳的條件
Fulfilling the Great Commission
58 將來的好戲
What God Intends for Good
60 祝福與咒詛
Blessings and Curses
62 禱告的操練
The Practice of Praying
64 時時需要主
Our Constant Need for God
66 神的愛
The Love of God
68 復興的現象與真義
The Phenomenon of Revival and Its True Meaning
70 屬靈不屬靈
Spiritual vs. Not Spiritual
72 做神的工作?
Doing God’s Work?
74 必勝的戰爭
The Winning Battle
76 你的“成績”好不好?
What Have You Achieved?
Seeking Truth Beyond Facts
78 是自然律,還是神蹟?
Law of Nature or a Miracle?
80 什麼樣的信仰?
What Kind of Faith?
82 製造出來的神
The Gods We Create
84 可見與未見的神蹟
Seen and Unseen Miracles
86 認識神的人
People Who Know God
88 讀經與用經
Reading and Applying Scriptures
90 當你呼求“主”
When You Say "Lord"…
92 建造門徒教會
A Church That Makes Disciples
94 該渴慕什麼?
What Should I Desire?
96 罪:道德?關係?
The Question of Sin
98 神眼中的成功
How Does God Define Success?
100 富裕與貧窮
Rich and Poor
102 煉出永恆的美
Refining Eternal Beauty
104 高升與降卑
Ascension and Descent
106 誰是真勇者?
True Courage
108 完成任務的能力
Strength to Complete the Mission
110 神怎會不能用你?
Do You Have Faith That God Can Use You?
112 當困難來臨
Facing Difficulties 7
114 你讚美了嗎?
What Does Your Praise Sound Like?
116 忍耐地愛
Love and Patience
118 工作與使命
Work and Mission
120 信仰的考場
The Testing of Our Faith
122 常在聖靈中
Living by the Holy Spirit at All Times
124 大事小事都忠心
Be Faithful Always
126 事奉生活化
Serving People
128 犯錯與認錯
Admitting Mistakes
130 奉獻的動機
What Motivates Your Offerings?
132 死蔭幽谷裏的平安
Peace in the Darkest Valley
134 失味的鹽有何用?
What Use Is Salt Without Its Saltiness?
136 恩賜與事奉
Spiritual Gifts and Ministry
138 你唯一的擁有
My Portion
140 人生的悲劇
The Tragedy of Life
142 呼召與成果
God’s Calling vs. Our Accomplishments
144 魔鬼的詭計
The Devil’s Trick
Seeking Truth Beyond Facts
146 偉大的神、偉大的恩典
Great God, Great Grace
148 得福與施福
The Blessings of Giving and Receiving
150 量身定做的人生
A Customized Life
152 感覺不到的同在
Unfelt Presence
154 神喜歡繞道
156 信靠與責任
God May Detour Trust and Responsibility
158 愛所難愛
Loving the Unlovable
160 別讓事奉變逃避
Trying to Avoid the Great Commission
162 未求而已得的恩典
Grace That Is Freely Given
164 聖經不是自助餐
The Bible Doesn’t Work Like a Cafeteria
166 什麼樣的信心?
What Is Faith?
168 活出神的聖潔
Living out God’s Holiness
170 服事不是為了得喜悅
Serving Is Not About Seeking Approval
172 不能想象的榮耀
Unimaginable Glory
9 別搞錯信仰
靈性成長就像一個使病人康復的療程—那些靠恩典得拯救脫離罪惡的人,逐漸長成神所 造的榮美形象(參弗四 24)。這個過程最關鍵的因素有二:真相與真理。所謂真相,就是人當前 真實的現狀;所謂真理,則是人應當變成的樣子,以及要變成那樣子所該做的事。若用醫病來 做比喻的話,得救的人就好像一個正在邁向完全康復的病人,為了確保康復,他就不能缺少兩 方面的認知:關於自己目前身體的“真相”(包括其病源以及其被破壞程度等),以及關於得着 健康身體的“真理”(包括接受醫生對他的治療,以及按照醫生的指示過一個健康的生活)。基 督徒的生命亦然,我們需要不斷地透過聖經的啟示來對照靈性目前的光景,認真看待自己的真 相,並接受和努力實踐神的真理。沒有真相,我們不能領會真理的重要;沒有真理,真相只會 令人絕望。很多基督徒靈命最可怕的光景,就是看不清自己的真相,也誤解了聖經的真理。這 就是本書書名所表達的“搞錯信仰”。 自從二○○七年開始畫信仰反思漫畫以來,筆者就越來越覺得單格漫畫是一個能有效地 帶出真相和真理的工具。單格漫畫往往具有諷刺性,呈現出一個荒謬的畫面,讓人一方面看了
Seeking Truth Beyond Facts
會心一笑,另一方面卻感覺到很真實,有時候還會發現自己就是畫中人!在表達真理方面,雖 然漫畫無法像文字般詳盡論述一個主題,卻能夠一目了然地幫助讀者看出某個重點,並激發他 們思考。二○一五年,不知道哪裏來的靈感,我開始創作兩格的漫畫,這兩格的漫畫一邊指出 了現實生活的“真相”(這些真相往往隱藏在華麗的外衣後面),另一邊則指出了聖經所啟示的 “真理”。出乎我意料之外,兩格的漫畫相較於之前的單格漫畫更受歡迎,得到世界各地粉絲 熱烈的響應。在出版社的建議下,我決定將這些漫畫出版成書,以作為基督徒靈性成長的反思 材料。中英對照是希望能夠造就更廣泛的讀者。 感謝上帝願意使用我,感謝粉絲們多年來的肯定和鼓勵,這一本書還要特別感謝一群朋友 和網友的協助(恕不在此列明),幫助我完成本書的英文翻譯。你們在主裏的勞苦都被記念了。 最後也要感謝讀者們的支持,願這一本書成為神使你們靈命更上一層樓的小小工具。
蔡頌輝 2016 年 2 月於柬埔寨金邊
11 別搞錯信仰
Spiritual growth is a remedy for diseases in our spiritual lives. Spiritual growth leads us from accepting the saving grace of God to being transformed into God’s holy image (cf. Ephesians 4:24). The process of spiritual growth requires the clear identification of the facts and the application of truth. While the facts lay out the reality of the situation, the truth is what we must lean on and live according to. Following the medical metaphor, being saved (i.e., accepting God’s grace) is similar to patients who are newly committed to undergo medical treatment, in which the patients are made aware of their condition (i.e., identifying the “facts”). However, the awareness is just the first step, it is the completion of the prescribed treatments and rehabilitation that eventually brings them to have a healthy life again (i.e., applying the “truth”). The Christian life goes through a similar process. By measuring our lives against the standard in the Bible, we are made aware of the “facts” that point out how we are spiritually unwell. At this point, if the “facts” are our sole focus, an overwhelming disappointment may fill our lives as we realize how far we are from God’s holy image. Therefore, it is important to grasp the “truth” of God to counter these “facts” that are revealed. Importantly, the “facts” and the “truth” are both essential. Without the facts, we will underestimate the importance of the truth (i.e., no one would seek out treatments if they don’t realize they are sick). Without the truth, we could not handle the facts (i.e., hopelessness ensues when an illness is deemed terminal and incurable). The tragedy is that we as Christians often fail to recognize the facts about our spiritual lives, or we misunderstand the truth of the Bible. Together, these make up the “misunderstanding of the faith”, which is what we hope to remind our readers not to end up in. In 2007, I began drawing “faith-related cartoons”. With experience, I realized that single-panel comic strip is an effective tool for contrasting “facts” and “truth”. These single-panel comic strips usually 12
Seeking Truth Beyond Facts
illustrate an irony: it would show a ridiculous situation, which makes people smile, while revealing a “fact” that relates to our spiritual lives. Although a comic is less suitable for depicting biblical truth in a comprehensive manner, it excels in assisting readers to draw a strong “take-home” message and stimulate more thoughts on the central message. In short, these single-panel comic strips were used as light-hearted illustrations to remind us the “facts” regarding our spiritual lives, and a tool to provoke thoughts and discussions regarding biblical “truth”. In 2015, I started drawing double-panel comic strips (I do not know what inspired me). One side of the strip reveals the “facts” of life, often hidden by an illusory facade; the other side of the strip points to a biblical “truth”. I never thought these comic strips would find such wide appeal, with fans from all around the world. Thus, following the publisher’s suggestion, I decided to compile these comics into a book to enable Christian readers to meditate on their spiritual growth. Furthermore, we hope the bilingual text will bring this book to a wide readership. I thank God for using me, and I thank all my fans for affirming and encouraging me over the past years. I also want to thank my friends and cyber friends for translating the content in this book from Chinese to English. (I apologize for not mentioning each of you by name.) May the Lord bless them for all their hard work. Last but not least, I thank my readers for supporting me. I truly hope this book can be a tool that helps you reflect and improve your spiritual life.
Andrew Chai
In Phnom Penh, February 2016
13 別搞錯信仰
所謂充實,並不是用各種事務來填滿每一天的生活,而是去做與生命目標有關的事。 Fulfillment isn’t found in filling up life with many things but in working towards your goal every day. 14
Seeking Truth Beyond Facts
Busy and Fulfilling
忙碌與充實 求你指教我們怎樣數算自己的日子,好叫我 們得着智慧的心。 (詩九十 12) 人為什麼需要“算”?“算”是一種評估。 評 估 自 己 所 擁 有 的 資 源( 如 金 錢、 時 間、 精 力 ), 以 及 這 些 資 源 可 以 讓 我 們 做 多 少 事。可見,“算”反映了一個事實:人生的 有限。正因為有限才需要算,若是無限就不 能算了。人生需要學會算,才能將有限的年 日用在有意義的事情上。所謂“充實”,其 實 並 不 在 乎 人 做 多 少 事, 而 在 乎 是 否 使 用 有限的資源去做最重要的事。 思考問題:
Why do people have to “number” what they have? “Numbering” is a kind of assessment. We assess what we have (for example, money, time and energy). We also assess what we can do with these resources. Therefore, “numbering” reflects the fact that life is limited. If life were infinite, we wouldn’t have to do this. We have to learn how to do the numbering, so that we can use our limited time wisely. Actually, “fulfilling” does not describe the work we complete in terms of quantity, but refers to how the limited resources at our disposal are used to complete what is most important. Reflections:
1. 既然人生是有限的,什麼事是非做不可 的?為什麼? 2. 你每一天的生活過得充實嗎?
Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. (Psalms 90:12)
1. In light of the fact that life is limited, what tasks are most worthy of our time and attention? Why? 2. Is your daily life fulfilling?
15 別搞錯信仰
Seeking Truth Beyond Facts
Suffering in Disguise?
祝福是化了妝的苦難? 肉在他們牙齒之間尚未嚼爛,耶和華的怒氣 就向他們發作,用最重的災殃擊殺了他們。 (民十一 33) “苦難是化了妝的祝福”,這句話大家應該 不陌生,但有聽過“祝福是化了妝的苦難” 嗎?其實這兩句話是同樣的道理:表面的事 件,無論人看為好或不好,都不構成祝福或 咒詛,關鍵是人對這些事件的回應。苦難臨 到,如果我們以正確的態度面對,它可以塑 造我們高尚的人格。祝福臨到,如果我們因 此而被迷惑偏離了神和祂的旨意,終將招致 災禍。
But while the meat was still between their teeth and before it could be consumed, the anger of the LORD burned against the people, and he struck them with a severe plague. (Numbers 11:33)
The saying “a blessing in disguise” is a familiar one. But have you ever heard of “suffering in disguise”? Actually, these two sayings refer to the same thing: no matter a thing seems good or bad, our responses decide whether it is a blessing or a curse. If we face suffering with the right attitude, it can mould our personality. However, if we are fascinated by blessings and deviate from God and His will, blessings will turn into suffering. Reflections:
1. 你生命遭遇哪些苦難?這些苦難如何成 為你的祝福? 2. 你生命經歷哪些祝福?你當如何防備它 們變成咒詛?
1. What has caused suffering in your life? How can suffering be turned into blessings? 2. What blessings have you experienced? What can you do to prevent blessings from turning into a curse?
17 別搞錯信仰
Seeking Truth Beyond Facts
Offerings that God Wants
主所要的奉獻 所以,弟兄們,我以神的慈悲勸你們,將身 體獻上,當作活祭,是聖潔的,是上帝所 喜悅的;你們如此事奉乃是理所當然的。 (羅十二 1) 一 般 信 徒 都 向 神 有 所 獻, 無 論 是 金 錢、 時 間 或 恩 賜。 值 得 反 省 的 是, 我 們 的 奉 獻 是 全 人 奉 獻 的 一 種 表 達, 還 是 全 人 奉 獻 的 一 種逃避?前者的心態是“我獻乃因我全人屬 主”,後者則是“我已獻上這些,所以別再 叫我做更多了”。主所要的,是我們獻上全 人,並因此生命中所有一切都屬主,而且, 這是理所當然的。
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. (Romans 12:1)
As believers we regularly offer our money, time or spiritual gifts to God. A question worth reflecting on is whether our offering is an expression of or an escape from offering our whole self to God.The meaning of the former is “I give offerings to God because I belong to Him.” The latter says “I am already giving all these other things, so don’t ask me to do more.” What God wants us to do is offer ourselves and everything we possess in life. And this is our spiritual act of worship. Reflections:
1. Why did Paul ask us to offer our bodies?
1. 為什麼保羅要我們將身體獻上? 2. 一個全人獻上的人會有什麼樣的表現或 生活方式?
2. How does a person who gives everything to God behave and live like?
19 別搞錯信仰
Seeking Truth Beyond Facts
Offerings that God Wants
主所要的奉獻 所以,弟兄們,我以神的慈悲勸你們,將身 體獻上,當作活祭,是聖潔的,是上帝所 喜悅的;你們如此事奉乃是理所當然的。 (羅十二 1) 一 般 信 徒 都 向 神 有 所 獻, 無 論 是 金 錢、 時 間 或 恩 賜。 值 得 反 省 的 是, 我 們 的 奉 獻 是 全 人 奉 獻 的 一 種 表 達, 還 是 全 人 奉 獻 的 一 種逃避?前者的心態是“我獻乃因我全人屬 主”,後者則是“我已獻上這些,所以別再 叫我做更多了”。主所要的,是我們獻上全 人,並因此生命中所有一切都屬主,而且, 這是理所當然的。
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. (Romans 12:1)
As believers we regularly offer our money, time or spiritual gifts to God. A question worth reflecting on is whether our offering is an expression of or an escape from offering our whole self to God.The meaning of the former is “I give offerings to God because I belong to Him.” The latter says “I am already giving all these other things, so don’t ask me to do more.” What God wants us to do is offer ourselves and everything we possess in life. And this is our spiritual act of worship. Reflections:
1. Why did Paul ask us to offer our bodies?
1. 為什麼保羅要我們將身體獻上? 2. 一個全人獻上的人會有什麼樣的表現或 生活方式?
2. How does a person who gives everything to God behave and live like?
21 別搞錯信仰
Seeking Truth Beyond Facts
Adventure is a Must
不能沒有冒險 頭一個上來,說: “主啊,你的一錠銀子已經賺 了十錠。”主人說: “好!良善的僕人,你既在 最小的事上有忠心,可以有權柄管十座城。” (路十九 16~17)
The first one came and said,“Sir, your mina has earned ten more.” “Well done, my good servant!”his master replied.“Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities.” (Luke 19:16-17)
讀 馬 太 福 音 按 才 幹 分 銀 子 的 比 喻( 太 廿 五
When reading the parable about the three servants in the Gospel of Matthew (25:14-30), we may become preoccupied with the fact that the servant who had one talent (that is six thousand coins) was given fewer coins than the other two. However, when we read the same parable in the Gospel of Luke, we find that the number of coins is not the decisive factor because here all servants were actually given the same amount (in Greek it is ten minas, that is one thousand coins). Only one of the servants, however, failed to manage the money properly. The key to success is to dare to take risks and to use the resources we’ve been given.
14 ~ 30)時或許我們會覺得,那領一千兩 銀子(原文是一他連得,即六千銀子)的僕 人畢竟是比另外兩個僕人所領的少。可是當 我們閱讀路加福音的同一個比喻就會發現, 成敗的關鍵跟銀子的多少毫無關係,因為所 有僕人都領同樣的數目(原文為十彌拿,即 一千銀幣),卻仍有人失敗。成敗的真正原 因,在於我們敢於冒險,以及我們如何運用 所得到的資源。 思考問題:
1. 神在你生命中放下了多少資源?你如何 運用它們? 2. 如何可以充分發揮神所賜的資源?
1. What resources has God given you? How are you using them? 2. How can you put these resources to the fullest possible use? 23
My Drawings
Seeking Truth Beyond Facts
25 別搞錯信仰
Seeking Truth Beyond Facts
Seeking Truth Beyond Facts