Suara Batu Hijau XXXIII/2013 EN

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Hundreds of HT793C Dump Body HT793C Replaced

Street Food Festival

Eat With Different Atmosphere Normally every day PTNNT and contractor employees residing at the Townsite have meals served at the Messhall (indoor). However, on Tuesday (2/7), the employees had meals that were served at the football field. In addition to having special menus, such as satay, barbeque and betutu chicken, they were served with traditional cakes and soft drink.

Starting April, a number of 111 of HT793C dump bodies (truck dump bodies) operating at Batu Hijau were replaced. According to Suprianto, General Foreman Welding and Fabrication Shop Mine Maintenance, the old dump bodies were replaced since they were too heavy that may reduce HT performance. Moreover, their service life has exceeded 100 thousand hours.



Think Before Eat and Save our Environment!


LINGKUNGAN Balthasar Kambuaya:

One-third of World Food Supply Becomes Food Wastes

RAGAM Nganyang

K3 FES PTNNT Conducts Larkin Frame Rope Rescue Training

PROFILE Alhamdulillah (thanks God), to date we do not suffer from food shortage. We truly have sufficient food and even with abundant food supplies. We can see it from the food remains at the Meshall, Townsite, both during breakfast, lunch or dinnertime.


Batu Hijau



d an ed : e r rice) ook v l c C o ked ken ecia / c ic p itr s a F p h , ( (c lk) ali at tup yam t m Eid y Ke r A onu ing Da o oc ur an p O in c u d ar n Leb me

Suara Batu Hijau magazine is published by PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara for internal distribu tion within the company and for other Newmont groups PATRON VISERS TRON:: Martiono Hadianto AD ADVISERS VISERS:: Seluruh Manajer Senior, Manajer dan SuperintenOR ORIAL TEAM dents CHIEF EDIT EDITOR OR: Rubi Waprasa Purnomo EDIT EDITORIAL TEAM:: Andika Wijaya, Ruslan Ahmad, Komang Ardana, Muhammad Nazri, Lalu Yuslis, Lalu Budi Karyadi DESIGN & PRODUCTION PRODUCTION: Agus Apriyanto DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION:: PR and Department Secretary.

EDIT ORIAL ADDRESS EDITORIAL ADDRESS:: Admin I Building Benete, West Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia LETTER ADDRESS PO Box 1022 Mataram 83126 PHONE (62-372) 635318 ext 46260 Fax:(62-372) 635319 ext: 46243 E -MAIL WEBSITE Suara Batu Hijau accepts any stories, articles, photos and cartoons from employees. Editors have the right to edit articles contributed.


Batu Hijau


Ahmad, Technician Services Mobile Fleet Management.

Show-off Habit is Hurtful


umans as personal and social beings need recognition of their existence among the community. Such recognition can be seen through other's appreciation of their action, belongings, and authority. Therefore, everybody tries to create value for their existence through certain attributes that form dominant image of them, which others will accept and recognize as they want to. For example, those who want to be recognized as rich will try hard to accumulate assets through legal or perhaps illicit means in the face of applicable norms. Those who want to be recognized as handsome or beautiful will try hard to maintain their health or try several methods or medicines in order to appear beautiful, handsome and charming, from natural and proper to engineering methods, such as [plastic] surgery in effort to "redesign" their face or body. The community, however, has a barometer to value its members. It means everybody will be "accepted" and placed as per

their position, based on what they give or accept what they deserve to obtain as a mutual relationship. There is nothing wrong with our method to introduce ourselves; as long as it is real, based on the applicable norms and can be accounted to when our environment demands us to do so. It however will be inappropriate when we demand others to recognize us of our existence by showing off what we have, such as high financial belongings, expensive properties or the latest appearance resulting from the recent surgery. It not only creates a personal "burden" for us as well as a gap and a sense of lack of worthiness in those who are not economically advantaged. The habit of showing off will also indicate the low self-quality of a certain person, because they continue to be haunted by low self-esteem that they think can only be "lifted" by physical facilities. Eventually, they will always manage their appearance as a living shop display that exhibits luxury items that in fact push

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Batu Hijau them into a feeling of insecurity. It will be even more complicated and create problem if the capability and life style are not aligned, because it may result in an imbalanced life and is potential to creating economic and social problems, as suffered by those fashion-mode victims with high budget. Those who tend to show off are vulnerable to resentment (disappointment) when their effort to lift their image is regarded as nothing special; as a result, the more one shows off, the more lonely they feel. We often listen to many advice on living a decent life, promoting benefit principle above all desires, lowering the ambition to be seen to have a super, luxurious life. This aims to promote togetherness and equality as part of the community as well as God creature, where dignity is seen from personal

strength in devotion and obedience to God's teachings and in keeping away from His prohibitions. Personally, we are part of a community; hence, a community is a group of individuals with different abilities and nature. If we think and act to provide benefits for others, automatically we will be paid off with similar benefits based on our positive contributions as form of mutual relationship symbiosis. When good deeds and modesty are marginalized, it is time for us to worry because of the increasing number of those who tend to show off and only appreciate others based on materialistic values, which has lately become negative habit among the community. Therefore, if such situation occurs, it is time for us to have collective commitment to at least not becoming part to add up the number. [AMS].

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Batu Hijau

Think Before Eat and Save our Environment!


Indrianto Puji Utomo SH NB6105 / Trainer Security Department.

hanks God, we do not suffer from food shortage. We truly have sufficient food and even with abundant food supplies. We can see it from the food remains at the Meshall, Townsite, both during breakfast, lunch or dinnertime. Don't those who tend to discard the food think how lucky they are to have such abundant meals? Why don't they try to imagine if they were scavengers, do they still throw away the foods? My brothers/sisters, suppose that during the 3 meal sessions we left 1 gram of food remains each time. If 9 million people do this, it equals to 9 million grams or 9 thousand kilograms. If the nine thousand kilograms food remains are distributed to Somalia refugees, it will supply 9000 people every day. Or if it is converted to cash with 1kg rice worth Rp7000, the amount of money thrown away is Rp72 million every day or equal to Rp2.1 billion a month. Let's see what the Prophet says about it: From Jabir: "The Prophet (peace be upon him) suggested us to clean up the food remaining on the plate or fingers by saying: "You don't know for sure which part of the food that carries blessing" (narrated by Muslim) The followings are some of the Prophet's (peace be upon him) teachings on the courtesy when enjoying the foods served which I quoted from Riyadush Shalihin volume I written by Imam Nawawi. 1. No other containers that are worse when it is full than someone's stomach. It is a suggestion not to fill your stomach too full. The Prophet (peace be upon him) once said: "We Muslims are a group of people who will not eat unless we feel hungry and we eat not

until satiety." 2. Eat just enough to support your bones to stand still and can be used for work, i.e. not to be demotivated due to hunger. 3. Stomach shall be divided into three parts: one third for food, one-third for drink and one third for air to breathe and it is the air location that needs to be emptied to maintain good and clean soul. 4. Do not denounce your food, it is suggested to praise it. Abu Hurairah narrated: "The Prophet (peace be upon him) never denounced any food. When he liked it, he would eat the food and when he did not like it, he would left it without denouncing it" (narrated by Bukhari - Muslim). Just for your information, Human life style has junked at least 1.3 billion tons of food. In fact 1 of 7 people in the world lives in hunger and more than 20,000 children under 5 years passed away every day due to hunger. Astagfirullah (Pardon us, O God). In view of the above, UNEP set a theme for Environment Day 2013: "Think. Eat. Save", with Mongolia as the Host Country. With the theme, UNEP invites all citizens of the world to be more alert on the environmental impacts of the foods made or consumed. The impacts of the food wastes are not only from financial loss perspectives but also their negative impact to the environment. The more foods are wasted, the higher the expense in the use of chemicals (fertilizers, pesticides), natural resources (such as water), and the more fuel for transportation. The higher amount of rotten food will produce more methane, the most dangerous greenhouse gas contributing to the climate change. Methane contributes to greenhouse gas 23 times greater than CO2.

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Batu Hijau Reduce Your Footprint; think before you eat and help save our environment!"

Food leftovers in Meshall.

A great amount of foods wasted will significantly contribute to the global warming. Reducing food waste will certainly save money and minimize environment impacts from food production and the food production process will be more efficient. When the food is wasted, all resources and inputs used in the food production will also vanish. Some important facts about food and food production: - 25% of land on Earth is used for food production. - Food production uses up to 70% of the total fresh water on earth. - Forest conversion for agricultural area contributed some 80% of the deforesta tion. - Food production contributes 30% of the total emission of the greenhouse gases. With the Environment Day 2013, let us think about the environmental impacts of our food choice. "So, Think. Eat. Save -

Excessive consumption One of the most consumerist countries is Japan. Every day, the people of the 'sunrise' country wastes food 3 times more than other countries. Every day, 24-hour supermarkets wasted a fantastic amount of fast food. In Tokyo alone, the amount of foods wasted every day reaches 24,000 big plastic bags, which when checked and tasted by a reporter [during live report] they were 2-5 only days and still taste good. Wow‌! Among 960 million of starving people around the world, Japan would be able to provide 90 million tons of food inside and outside the country. Amazing, ha? Unfortunately, 20% of it (19 million tons) are wasted. We all know that Japanese are famous for their disciplinary life style, in all aspects of life. What about Indonesia? Don't think about it because it is too big. What about the community at the Townsite, Batu Hijau? Don't you think how much food has been wasted? We have 3 meals every day and hundreds of Newmont, business partners' employees, and guests have meal here? O Lord, seeing from food supply it seems that we are not thankful for Your blessings. Astaghfirullah... Tips and Solutions Here are several tips to apply in order not to waste foods and beverages. 1. Learn about your meal portion and eating ability. Learn about eating courtesy as taught in our religion. God willing, our food will be blessed and not to fill in the stomach only. 2. Take a little food first. If the food is served to you, take a small portion first. If you have taken the small portion and still you do not feel satisfied, you can add up. If it is the first try, taste a little portion to know whether you like it or not.

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Batu Hijau 3. Share with others, eat together (in groups). The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "The most beloved food by Allah Almighty is those served in groups". "Have your meal in groups and mention the name of Allah, surely Allah will pour down blessings to you ". (narrated by. Ibnu Majah. Shahih) 4. Ask before buying or order special food. It means, ask for food portion before buying or ordering it. 5. Wrap unfinished food. Besides ordering special portion, we can wrap the remaining food [and take it home]. 6. Avoid snacks. Too much snacking can make us satiety but with low nutritional content. 7. Avoid food euphoria. People tend to waste foods and beverages especially during party when abundant foods and beverages are served for the guests. We have to keep maintaining our passion and ability to consume the foods. 8. Keep the habit of eating up all the food

served. By eating in appropriate portion, you will always eat without leaving even a single grain of rice on your plate. The only thing remaining is that the food waste that cannot be consumed. 9. Remember the hard work of those unsung heroes. The farmers worked hard to grow rice and vegetables for us. The truck drivers, porters, cooks/chefs and waiters worked hard to deliver food until reaching our table. Many other food workers must be appreciated. 10. Be discipline in keeping eating period. Do not neglect your mealtime, eat at the time and eat nutritious foods, if possible consume healthy diet. Finally, all resources are trusted to us by God Almighty. Save and do not waste them. Hope that we all have blessings, mercy and abundant food from Allah Almighty, the One God and we can change our behavior and food consumption behavior to save our environment at Batu Hijau. Let's start now and from ourselves.

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Batu Hijau

Balthasar Kambuaya:

A Third of World Food Products Turns into Wastes


RI Environment Minister Balthasar Kambuaya while visiting PTNNT stand in commemoration of the World Environment Day at the Jakarta Convention Center (30/5).

oday, world food production is around four billion tons, almost half of it or 1.3 billion tons are wasted uselessly and turn into wastes that adversely affect the environment. RI Environment Minister Balthasar Kambuaya disclosed this during the opening ceremony of the Environmental Expo in commemoration of the World Environment Day at the Jakarta Convention Center (30/5). According to the minister, it is important that we have awareness of environmental impacts from food wasting habit. "Change your behavior and consumption pattern to save the environment," he stressed. In fact, he continued, we who live in Indonesia should be very grateful as

the nature can spoil the people with so many kinds of food supplies than other continents can enjoy. Indonesian land, sea and climate highly support the availability of all kinds of food supplies for people's consumption, ranging from various kinds of basic commodities, vegetables and fruits, and they are very suitable for the breeding of various kinds of livestock. "The large Indonesian sea also provides so many fish and food sources that much more exceed other countries," said Balthasar Kambuaya. The expo that has been held for 14 times by the Indonesian Environment Ministry ran for four days with the theme of "Think - Eat - Save".

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Batu Hijau

Hundreds Dump Body HT793C Replaced

The process of assembling and replacement Dump Body at MMA, PTNNT.


tarting April, a number of 111 of HT793C dump bodies (truck dump bodies) operating at Batu Hijau were replaced. According to Suprianto, General Foreman Welding and Fabrication Shop Mine Maintenance, the old dump bodies were replaced since they were too heavy that may reduce HT performance. Moreover, their service life has exceeded 100 thousand hours. "The replacement is the result of assessment carried out by EVW (empty vehicle weight) team to reduce equipment weight in order to maximize the truck function," he said. He elaborated that the old dump body is about 43 tons with a carrying capacity of 222 tons. While, the new dump body is about 12 tons lighter with a carrying capacity of 236-242 tons. As a result, the weight difference can be replaced by additional load weight. Up to this time, 84 haul trucks have been

assembled. Each unit takes eight days to assemble. The project for replacement of hundreds of dump body worth $25,951,752 is planned to complete at the end of October. Replacement itself runs for 24 hours. "Indeed, from exterior point of view, there is no change at all. Trakindo as the trade mark owner of Caterpilar however claims that the dump body that costs of $223,722 each is wider with a slightly leaning bucket floor that allows for more load," said Suprianto. Some benefits of the replacement, he added, include lighter HT weight and operational advantages, such as fuel saving, more durable tire use. Also good news, said Suprianto, was that although the caterpillar product was purchased in Mexico, it was manufactured in Batam, was later assembled by PTNNT Mine Maintenance Welding and Fabrication Shop team.

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Batu Hijau PTNNT Wins UMKM Award

Some UMKM developed by PTNNT in KSB such as sea grass products, aloe vera drink (Alova) and Kemuning Jaya paving industry.


UMKM Award from UNS

TNNT's commitment to Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) sectors wins an award. Sebelas Maret University (UNS) selected PTNNT as the Pioneer in UMKM Development 2013 in Private Gold and Copper Mining Company Managing CSR category. "As one of the mining private companies, PTNNT has shown good contribution in developing and fostering small and medium entrepreneurs. They are the real Indonesia's economic pillars," UNS Rector Ravik Karsidi said in the Rector Building, Surakarta, Wednesday (29/5). Ravik added in granting the award he partnered with an assessment team from the Ministry of Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises, and Business Development Services Indonesia (BDSI). The assessment team was led by the Center of Cooperation and UMKM

Mentoring Study (PSP-KUMKM)-UNS. Totok Mardikanto, Chairman of the Assessment Team said that the criteria for assessment include the number of UMKMs fostered by the company, the amount of credit/working capital distributed to the UMKMs every year, capital payment aspects, and other criteria. "By involving the ministry and the association (BDSI-ed) we have conducted an objective assessment," Totok said. PTNNT Social Responsibility Manager H Wagimin Sastra Hadi regarded the award as a drive for the company to continue to develop UMKMs. "Developing UMKMs is another way of creating jobs. Even it is a small business, it still needs employees, it means evidently we have assisted in reducing unemployment rate, "he added. Yuyud Indrayudi, Sr Spec Business and Development, added that in developing UMKMs in West Sumbawa PTNNT partners with the West Sumbawa Economic Development Foundation (YPESB). The foundation has covered a wide range of business models, such as seaweed cultivation, banana peel crackers, dodol, aloevera, mushrooms, brown rice. "YPESB not only provides guidance in building a business, but also assists in processing business legality, from Permit for Home Industry (PIRT), halal label, BPOM to nutrition tests," Yuyud said. Some state-owned companies, private companies, NGO and other regional governments also obtain similar UNS award, such as PT Telkom, PT Perkebunan Nusantara X, Pertamina, PT Petrokimia Gresik, PT KAI, PT Angkasa Pura II, PT Arutmin Indonesia and other companies and government offices.

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Batu Hijau

Fuel Watch Competition at Batu Hijau


Amiruddin raises the trophy handed over by Basna Bangun, Supt. - Mobile Equipment Maintenance, Osu\Fleet Admin.

he rising of world fuel prices leads to higher company operational costs. It requires the company to make savings in all operations. Volvo Group Truck, an automotive company headquartered in Sweden, held a Fuel Watch Competition in Batu Hijau (27/6). It was aimed at improving driver's behavior in term of fuel efficiency and safety driving. Roberto Christian, Asia Oceania Sales region Indonesia Marketing reps., said the competition was conducted at several companies, using Volvo Truck in Indonesia which was considered to be the in terms of facilities, safety and environment awareness. "The best driver at the company level will compete in Jakarta to get the best driver at the National level. The best driver at the National level from several countries in the Asia Oceania will compete in Australia. And finally, the winner in Australia will represent Asia at the world level competition to be held in Sweden," he said. He said at each event the operators

participate in training and several tests. The test result will be used as parameters to determine the amount of fuel spent for a certain distance and the operator's behavior when driving. Out of 26 drivers participating in written test, six best drivers are to be selected to compete in driving Volvo truck with 40 tons of load from terminal Sekongkang to the intersection of the water tank, i.e., Amirudin, Syahirudin, Warman, Kusnadi, Rakhmad and Subroto. "This activity will improve the driver's skills to drive safely, effectively and efficiently that in turn will reduce the company's operational costs," Roberto said. Basna Bangun, Supt. Mobile Equipment Maintenance PTNNT, echoed the message and expected all operators to continue to provide good unit operations. "The competition will motivate us to give better service for the company," he said. Out of six competitors, Amiruddin is finally announced as the best Volvo truck operator of Batu Hijau and will represent PTNNT in National level in Jakarta. Suara Batu Hijau Issue 33/2013 9



Batu Hijau


Jakarta, I’m Coming!



miruddin never imagined that his job as a trailer operator would finally take him to Jakarta. Moreover, if the father of three from Beru Village, Brang Rea Sub-district, West Sumbawa succeeds in the contest to be held in the capital city, he will represent Indonesia in a similar event to be held in Australia. He gets the opportunity to participate in the event following his performance as PTNNT's best driver in the Fuelwatch Competition held by Volvo truck at Batu Hijau (27/6). He eliminated other 40 competitors through a series of written and practical tests. His small stature seems not to fit with the size of the trailer he operates. However, physical factor is not the determining factor in operating the state-of-the-art Volvo truck; it is driver's intelligence and behavior that eventually determine fuel efficiency and safety driving. "I feel that I never have problem with my

job. I even feel to enjoy driving the long equipment," said the holder of Public Administration Degree of Samawa University (UNSA) as of 2010, who was born in 1975. He went on to say that he started working as a driver long before he worked at PTNNT (2003). In 1998-1999, he worked for PT Bumi Indah Permai as a dozer and dump truck operator. When joining PTNNT, he directly worked as an LV driver and starting 2007 he was trusted to drive a trailer Prior to his departure to Jakarta in Agustus, the martial arts hobbyist admits that he reads a lot related literature and frequently communicates with Volvo truck experts in PTNNT. "Wish me luck, hopefully I can win the first winner," he asked. He admited that management's support is very important in his effort to be the best. "Therefore, I will do my best to bring fame to PTNNT in Jakarta even in Australia," he added.

Amiruddin (second from left) and colleagues finalis Fuelwatch Competition.

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Batu Hijau

CUD 2013

Walk and Clean the Environment


Clean Up Day (CUD) activity

Deputy Mayor of Mataram H. Mohan Roliskana officially signaled the start of fun walk.

o commemorate the World Environment Day, PTNNT held various events under environmental theme such as Healthy Walk, cleanliness contest, familiariza tion/film show, environmental prince and princess contest, and kid story (folktale) telling. All of them are carried out within the annual Clean Up Day (CUD) event. Healthy walk in Mataram was held in cooperation with CUD committee and the West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Environmental Agency (NTB BLHP) and Mataram City Administration. Hundreds of participants including the province and city officials walked through Udayana Street while picking scattered garbage. The collected garbage was exchanged with souvenir and cash door prize coupons. Familiarization/film show was held at MTs Al Kalam, Jereweh. Representatives of all junior high schools in the West Sumbawa Regency attended the event. Materials presented were about global warming and carbon absorption issues. Story (folktale) telling was presented for elementary school students at Rungan Balong multipurpose hall, Sekongkang (19/7). Students of some elementary schools around the mine area alternately listened to the story told by Husdiawan, who is intimately called Brother Wawan. Wawan told how good behaviors would have strong effect on our lifestyle. On the contrary, bad behaviors will eliminate our awareness (empathy) on both ourselves and the surrounding environment. "Kid's world is the world of imagination. They not rarely talk to their imaginary friends. With such a good imagination, kid behavior can be very easily guided to positive things," said Wawan after his show. He stressed that caring for the environment is a positive behavior. However, the behavior will not manifest when parents or related organizations make no efforts to make it a habit from early on.

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Batu Hijau

Lomba Desa

Benete Village office welcomed the assessment team of NTB.

Benete Represents W. Sumbawa at Provincial Level

A The assessor team is observing Posyandu activity at Benete Village.

fter winning village competition at the West Sumbawa Regency (KSB) level, Benete Village, Maluk Sub-district represents the regency for similar competition at the West Nusa Tenggara Provincial level. An assessor team from some offices within the provincial administration came to Benete on Thursday (6/6) to directly witness community activities, facilities and infrastructures of the village, which is located around the mine area. The village head Sirojuddin expressed his pride. According to him, the success of the village in becoming the best village in the province was inseparable from all parties' roles, both the village community and PTNNT. "We are proud that we can represent West Sumbawa and we hope that Benete Village win the contest," he said shortly

before the assessor team. He added, the main criteria of the Village Contest include administrative completeness, village infrastructures, community health status, community welfare and economic increase, and mutual assistance spirit. Abdul Wahid, Gensupv. Social Responsibility Maluk and Jereweh Sub-districts, stressed that the nomination of Benete Village to represent West Sumbawa at the provincial level can be made as a benchmark of the success of social responsibility programs at the village level through infrastructure development and community capacity building. "PTNNT Social Responsibility Team in the future will plan the program with village elements, so that the results of which will become public property," he said. Suara Batu Hijau Issue 33/2013 12



Batu Hijau

FES PTNNT Drills Larkin Frame Rope Rescue


Simulated rescue using the Larkin Frame Rope at Batu Hijau.

TNNT mine area, which is located at a mountainous region with many steep hillsides and valleys, requires Fire Emergency Service team to be well prepared and master abilities to face possible risks related to rescue using Larkin Frame Rope, a set of equipment applied for high steep or edge rescue. The systematic scaffolding is widely used by emergency response teams all over the world. PTNNT Chief Fire Emergency Service Wawan Syafwanuddin has targeted that all of his team members must be able to apply Larkin Frame in emergency. Therefore, the section carried out Vertical Rope Rescue drill using Larkin at one of the steep hillsides at Batu Hijau area on 4 -7 July. "In the drill, all team members are required to be able to carry out safe,

practical rescue and as quick as possible send down rescuers into a steep valley and lift up victim(s) to a flat surface using Rope Sytem and Larkin Frame," Wawan stated. He claimed that all participants during the drill were competent and self-confident in assembling Larkin Frame quickly and accurately in a short time, and assembling them with Rope & Rescue System. In addition, he claimed to have a team that is able to identify hard woods that can be made as anchor points for Rope Rescue system. During the drill, the team captain distributed tasks and responsibilities to his members in order that they can properly cooperate in the rescue mission, comprehend the situation, mission, execution method, administration, and communication during the operation.

FES team is being assembled Larkin & Frame with Rope Rescue System.

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Batu Hijau

Security Road Show - Community Engagement 2013

Improve Good Relationship and Partnership


Firdaus Alfredy, Manager Site Security and Azka Huda, Sr. Spec. Security, handed over the souvenirs to local community leaders.

n 20, 27 June and 4 July, PTNNT Security Department and Social Responsibility Department representatives visited the villages around the mine i.e., Tongo, Maluk, Benete, Sekongkang. At each village PTNNT team conducted a dialogue and played games with the community leaders. "The activity is aimed at improving the good relationship," Firdaus Alfredy, Manager Site Security said, adding that it was the fifth gathering with theme 'Ke Salebe Sia (for you), Sai Ate (one heart), Sai Tujuan (one goal) and Respecting, Protecting and Fostering Human Rights. As part of Newmont Mining Corporation, PTNNT signed and actively participated in maintaining Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights. PTNNT is committed to respecting and protecting human rights and maintaining harmonious relationship with the community where the mine company operates. "Community support, good communication, mutual respect and honor will

create safety and security within and outside the company premises," he continued. The roadshow activities involved football friendly matches between PTNNT team, community team and regional government team. The roadshow also provides souvenir in the form of sport gears. "We are waiting for more useful and more challenging activities in the future," Ir Abdul Muis MM, Maluk Sub-district Head said, which got the applause of the community.

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Batu Hijau


Beware of Hypertension!

ISOS paramedics checked the employee blood pressure at Gate, Benete (17/6).


ypertension or high blood pressure is a disease that often suffered by the people in the community. It attacks all ages, the young and old may suffer the disease. It seems that many of the community members ignore their blood pressure condition. At PTNNT for example, heart disease and blood artery problem are among the highest cases among the employees. Some 25 percent of 4000 employees suffer hypertension, in addition to diabetes and obesity (excessive weight), which are also quite high. "This is mainly caused by the employees' ignorance on their blood pressure condition," dr. Nelson Chin, ISOS Community Health elucidator said, after checking the employee blood who left for and came from work at Benete Gate, on Monday (17/6). Hypertension can be classified to be as a dangerous disease. Hypertension generally occurs without symptoms. Most people do not know the symptoms,

despite his blood pressure was far above normal level. Such condition can take years to occur before the sufferers (who do not feel suffering) may suffer into emergency status and suffer heart disease, stroke or damaged kidney. "These complications may lead to fatality that those listed as the cause of death are the complications," Nelson said. In addition, heart disease and blood artery problem will lead to permanent disability, such as stroke. When such condition occurs, half of the suffered body could not move normally. Such condition, Nelson said, will lead to higher expense for the company due to more expensive medication referral costs. Life style Indeed, many factors contribute to increased hypertension cases. However, Nelson said the main risky factor is the employees' behavior or life style. To prevent it, PTNNT takes several anticipatory steps. One of them is providing sports facilities and sports instructors. The company also provides facilities to educate the employees on the nutrition. "For example, what nutritious foods should be consumed by an employee to prevent the disease from worsening?" Nelson said. Indeed, an integrated program like The Balanced Life has been established jointly by ISOS and Bali Health to improve the employee health. "Through this program, we are trying to take preventive steps not curing. Curing means we have sufferers with the possibility of physical defect," he said. Suara Batu Hijau Issue 33/2013 15



Batu Hijau

The Biggest Winner Challenge

Be Prepared as Plan, Otherwise You Fail


Nugroho and Emil, competition winning team The Biggest Winner Challenge.

weight loss competition that challenges participants to lose their weight in 12 weeks was held from 13 May 2013 at the Multipurpose Hall, Townsite. Sixteen participants took the challenge in the first ever event held; unfortunately four of them were dismissed before the program finished. Through the event, Balanced Life provided professional guidance for those having problems with weight. "Most people are not aware of balanced diet rules. Therefore, be prepared as plan or you will fail. Those sticking to the plan are winners and those don't are losers," said Desta of Balanced Life. She stated that the rules the participants must follow are they have to join Balanced Life diet with 4-6 exercise sessions per week. The successful teams are those who stay focused on the two

things. The result is that the participants in average lost weight around 10 kilograms. Pak Dewa lost weight the most of around 20 kg, but the competition winning team is Pak Nugroho and Mrs. Emil. The first winner gets 2 bicycles, the runner-up gets 2 parcels, the third winner would get Debbie (an England chef) to serve 3 healthy foods at their house, while the fourth-eight winners get a Balanced Life backpack, and all participants get a T-shirt. "It is expected that in the future the participants will keep on maintaining their weight. Now, at least, they are aware of what food to choose, which one is good and which one is not for the body. In addition, they are aware of the importance of doing exercise," she stated.

Awarding prizes to the winners.

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Batu Hijau

Street Food Festival

Eat with Different Atmosphere


ormally every day PTNNT and contractor employees residing at the Townsite have meals served at the Messhall (indoor). However, on Tuesday (2/7), the employees had meals that were served at the football field. In addition to having special menus, such as satay, barbeque and betutu chicken, they were served with traditional cakes and soft drink. In addition, the event that was held by F&S Department from 16:00 to 22:00 spoiled the attendants with entertainments and games, such as sarong soccer, sack race, tug of war, traditional art performances and dangdut and rock n roll music concerts. "It's great, full stomach after eating was shaken by dangdut and rock n roll," said Diah, an apprentice student of Brawijaya University. The student whose visit to Batu Hijau was the first time admitted that she was amazed of everyone's enthusiasm. In addition, she admitted her sensation of unusual

happiness. "Really, I never imagine that this kind of event is held in a mine site, I feel like hanging out at a town but with mountain atmosphere," she said. The following day, Wednesday (3/7) a Business Day is held at the same place that exhibits various products of motorcycles, cellular operator, banks, fashions, souvenirs and traditional snacks. In addition, there are stands belong to hotel, PT Trakindo Utama, YPESB (West Sumbawa Economic Development Foundation), International SOS and IKANURA (NNT employee family association). On the second day, Telkomsel presents Jakarta artists, Yulia Amalia and Cinta Ratu Nansya. Some companies occupying stands also make quizzes with prizes of millions of rupiah. "We hold similar even every year, but it is admittedly that the one held this time is the most joyful one," said Fauzin Zuhri of F&S.

Street Food Festival Event at Townsite (2/7).

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 33/2013 17



Batu Hijau

WSKS and BMT help fire victims at Beleong Chairman of WSKS Abdul Aziz handed over donation to Head of Dalam Village Nurdin, S.Pt.


amawa Employeee Consultataive Forum (WSKS) of Batu Hijau Chair man Abdul Azis and the organization management handed over relief aid to victims of fire that occurred at Beleong Hamlet, Taliwang, West Sumbawa Regency on Sunday, the first week of Ramadan of 2013. "We on behalf of WSKS and management are concerned with the incident and expect that the victims remain patient and consider it as ordeal from the God to His servants," Azis said, Saturday (27/07/ 13) at Kelurahan Dalam Village Head

Office, Taliwang. He mentioned that the reliefs came from all PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT) employees and business partners that took part in providing their care fund, as well as YMBH and BMT. The relief assistance was distributed to victims accompanied by the village, hamlet, neighborhood association heads and WSKS management board. The village head positively welcome the aid. "All of the fire victims are very grateful for WSKS's care," said the village head.

Fire destroyed houses at RT03/03 of Baleong, Village of Dalam, Taliwang subdistrict and PTNNT handed over donation. (source:

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Batu Hijau

Manager Corporate Communication Department, Rubi Purnomo held breakfasting with local media at Santika Hotel Mataram (26/7).

Buin Batu School's "Pondok Ramadan" (31/7-2/8).

Presentation on Palestine current situation by Sheikh Abdul Muhsin Ahmed at Miftahul Jannah Townsite (18/7).

Social Responsibility & Government Relations Department PTNNT held breakfasting with NTB Govt at Santika Hotel Mataram (1/8).

SBB student graduation ceremony at Community Hall, Townsite (5/6).

Chris Robison, Executive Vice President Operations & Projects, NMC when attending safety interaction for operators at Batu Hijau mine (11/7).

Gensupv Social Responsibility Abdul Wahid hands over cash assistance to mass circumcision patients at Jelenga, Beru Village, Jereweh Sub-district (4/6).

PTNNT's Management with Rector of Sumbawa University, Local govt and the writer taking pictured after Launching and Book Discussion at UNSA Auditorium (27/7).

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 33/2013 19



Batu Hijau

QUIZ SBH No. 56 1









Knowledge Corner






Mudik (coming home to village) is a activity of migrant workers to go back home to their rural homes. Mudik derives from Javanese language "Mulih Dhisik" that means 'go home'. Mudik in Indonesia is identical to annual tradition carried out before feast day. Such a tradition only exists in Indonesia.




Hum r: 17




Wearing old sandals is a common solution. However, when your sandals are new or branded, of course they will become thief's target.














35 37

Mendatar: 1. Salah satu tombol di keyboard 3. Ikan hias 5. Harapan 7. Tunggal 8. Gelar bangsawan Inggris 9. Penentu kemenangan dalam sepak bola 10. Asosiasi Basket Amerika Serikat 11. Rusuk 13. Saya (Bahasa Arab) 15. Salah satu chanel TV khusus film 17. Air mengalir 19. Nama depan artis pria 21. Nama belakang presiden AS 22. nama buah 24. Upah 26. Informasi yang belum tentu benar 28. Nama panggilan Ibu Negara kita 30. Kelelawar (Bahasa Inggris) 32. Sungai terpanjang di dunia 33. Biaya 34. Seperti 35. Dan (Bahasa Inggris) 36. Dia (Bahasa Inggris) 37. Jenis minuman dari daun 38. Semua (Bahasa Inggris)





Menurun: 1. Hidup di dua tempat (darat dan air) 2. Kolam 3. Kopkar PTNNT 4. Tempat tinggal raja 5. Tempat jamaah haji berkumpul 6. Seluruh, segenap 12. Gigi 14. Pekerjaannya mencari ikan di laut 16. Untuk melubangi besi, batu dsb. 17. Kata tanya 18. Alas sepatu 19. Tanda 20. Untuk membakar 23. Sesuai ukuran 25. Juga 26. Sesuai ilmu pengetahuan 27. Perguruan Tinggi swasta di Mataram 28. Tempat tinggal 29. Pekerkaan yang diganjar pahala 30. Kisah sedih 31. Buka bersama dengan makanan ringan

Kirim jawaban Anda dengan nama, nomor badge dan departemen, kepada Redaksi Suara Batu Hijau, Corporate Communcations Dept., Admin 1, Benete, atau melalui email ke sebelum 31 Agustus 2013. Jawaban yang benar dengan data pengirim yang lengkap akan diundi untuk menentukan pemenang yang beruntung. Pemenang Quiz SBH No. 55:

Thamrin Abidin (NB3449), Ingot S Siagian-(U12404), Sahidun (NB4400), Iwan Saputra Abd (NB3034), Jefri Febrian (U11439), Ahmad Taufan (NB2433), Yuni Kurniasari R (NB6452), Siti Maulida (CF0005), Sabri Rasyid (SOS673), Eko Cahyono Putro (PB3793). Selamat kepada yang namanya tertera di atas, hadiah dapat diambil di kantor redaksi SBH, admin I Benete.

Here are the tips: 1. Place your left sandal at the left corner dan right one at the right corner. The thief will be confused finding the pairs. 2. When they continue to get lost, modify your sandals with mousetrap. The thief's fingers will be trapped and get hurt, his cry with pain will of course become a waking alarm. Set a password for the trap to prevent you from getting trapped. 3. When they continue to get lost, equip your sandals with a GPS in order that you can trace them. 4. Still they get lost? It means that you are dealing with a clever thief. You should hire security personnel to watch your sandals when you are in the mosque. When they continue to get lost, the thief is so clever as he can cheat you by becoming a security personnel. 5. When you finally do not care about sandals and go to the mosque without sandals (bare feet), you can have bad luck as other people may suspect you as the thief that frequently steals their sandals. 6. The last tip, buy 30 pairs of the cheapest sandals for Isya-Tarawih, 30 for Subuh, 30 for Maghrib, 30 for Ashar, 30 for Dzuhur/Jum'at. So, 30 x 5 = 150 pairs of sandals are enough for 30-day praying in the mosque. This tip will make you more sincere and quiet dealing with the sandal thief. If finally your sandals are not stolen, you can be sandal a seller after lebaran day.

Sumbawa Tale

Meke Serep Meeting with Pen Batang (14) source

In a bright and clear morning came a hunter to the forest. He was a deer hunter and named Pen Batang from Senawsang Hamlet. Pen Batang was surprised as he found a footpath towards a watercourse. He then tried to trace the footpath. As he arrived as the watercourse, he was more and more surprised as he finds remains of human taking bath. "Hmm… In my life hunting at this place, I never meet with a human," he whispered to himself. His curiosity drove him to trace further the footpath towards the hillside. About 25 meters from the watercourse, he found a cave. He observed the cave thoroughly and carefully. He sneaked slowly approaching the cave. Suddenly, he heard a voice from the cave. "Old man, what makes you come here?" the voice asks. Pen Batang was shocked as the voice asking him from inside the cave was a young female voice, a soft voice and sound friendly. He even thought that the voice was not a human voice but a spirit settling the cave. But he directly responded to the question. "I… I…. come here for deer hunting", he said in a quite frightened voice. "Please, come into my place, old man", said Lala Baka. "Thanks young girl," said Pen Batang. He then went into the Liang Bedis cave. Lala Baka welcome the old man friendly while carrying her baby. (to be continue)

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 33/2013 20



Batu Hijau

Welcoming Ramadan

YMBH Holds Preaching and Public Sermon Training

Ust. Hari Moekti



Public Sermon at Towmsite.

o welcome the holy month of Ramadan, Batu Hijau Muslim Foundation (YMBH) held many activities, including preaching training for religious and public figures of the community around the mine, a bazaar and a public sermon. On 25, 26 and 27 June the foundation held Preaching Training for religious and public figures of Maluk, Sekongkang and Jereweh Villages. At Maluk, the training was held at Nurul Iman Mosque at Pasir Putih, while at Sekongkang, the training was focused at Baitul Ghaffur Mosque and at Nurul Iman Mosque of Sejorong.

Cupping treatment

"The training is the first we hold with the purpose of improving preachers' knowledge and skills and generate reliable and professional young preachers," said the committee chairman H Agus Panca. Meanwhile, the foundation held a bazaar simultaneously with the public sermon at the mini soccer field of Townsite. A number of stands sold household and home industry products, such as traditional snacks, muslim clothing, cupping health services. Both the preaching training and the public sermon were facilitated by Hari Moekti and associates from Jakarta.

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 33/2013 21



Debbie Baxter:

All Healthy Life Needs are Available in Indonesia

Batu Hijau


K-based nutritionist Debbie Baxter asserted that Indonesia is very rich of high nutritional foodstuff that are highly required by the body, even, some of them are not available in other countries. "All stuff for healthy life can be found throughout Indonesia, such as sweet potato, which is very hard to find in European and American countries. Therefore, Indonesians should have lived a healthier life as the nature already provides everything they need," she stated. Debbie said about the fact during a Indonesian traditional food-cooking demo at the Commissary, Townsite (17/7). The cooking that she demonstrated was to cook tradisional high nutritional foods, such as fish spices, fish and bran, prawns and pineapple, peanut sauce, beetroot and sweet potato salad, and es teller. "The cooking does not use ingredients that may cause health risks, such as MSG, flavors, cooking oil, sugar. All materials used are rich of vitamins, fiber, controlled carbohydrate, proteins, and other nutrition," Debbie said. Debbie then handed out recipes that she made to attendees so that anyone can try them at home and share them with others. "We should pay attention to nutrition intake increase in order to attain a balanced life in our personal and family life," she added. Suara Batu Hijau Issue 33/2013 22



Batu Hijau




By: M. Salamuddin Yusuf*

Nganyang (hunting) is a common term among Samawa communities on hunting using dogs. The activity has been done for generations, especially among the communities living around forest in West Sumbawa Regency. One of the hunters is Pak Basari that lives at Hijrah Village, near Mataiyang Village, Brang Ene Sub-district.

Mumahamad Salamuddin Yusuf, Sr. Spec Enviromental Ecology.


he silent forest suddenly turned very noisy. Dogs barked loudly amidst people's shouts, hoiii... We who were camping at Tatarloka forest got sur prised and alerted. What's going on? About half an hour later, four hunters walking with around 12 hunting dogs that kept on barking approached us from the stream direction. They carried spears and machetes and one of them carries a deer on his shoulder. We go out of the tent right away to welcome them. Pak Basari and his fellow hunters had no objection when we invited them to take a rest for a moment while having hot coffee. All of us for a few moment engaged in a meaningful talk that improves our knowledge of the surrounding area. Pak Basari is so familiar with the forest life, particularly Brang Awar Singa forest area. The forest area that becomes PTNNT's bird and bat monitoring area in fact used to be Awar Singa kampong. Its inhabitants relocated in 1970s to some villages, such as Hijrah, Mataiyang, Muhajirin villages at Brang Ene. "I was born and grown up here. About 100 meters from this tent was where my exschool used to be," he said. The middle-aged man whose face looks older than his real age added, "Since I was a child, my parent frequently took me to go nganyang and up to this time I still do it with my fellows. So, I am very familiar with this area." Nganyang doers extremely rely on hunting dogs they carry with them. Unlike other dogs, such as pitbull, bulldog or Labrador, their hunting dogs were just small but they were very nimble in the forest when chasing their prey. Pak Basari said the price of well-trained hunting dogs is very expensive which can reach millions of

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 33/2013 23



Batu Hijau rupiah. "The brown dog is already bargained for 3 million rupiahs, but I will not let it go. I rely on it so much. While the white one, I just bought it, one million rupiahs. This is his first nganyang, so he is in the training process." I said to myself, "My goodness! To be a hunter needs much money. A hunting dog price is almost that of a cow." While roasting deer meat, we continued our talk. "How many deer you get in a hunting?" I asked. "In the past, when we did nganyang, we always got deer, sometimes we got porcupines or wild cow. Today, we sometimes get one, but not rarely we go home with no prey at all," Pak Basari said. "What happened? It is because of the number of deer decreases?" I asked again. He slurped his black coffee and fell silent for a moment. "It's quite hard. The number of deer hunters has dropped. They are always the same person and no one else, it is just because young people are not interested in it. They prefer to mill gold ore. However, the number of deer has dropped is perhaps caused by many people now huntig using rifles, driving a car with large lamps. They can get many preys, and simply put them in the car. But we, we only take the amount that we can carry home on our shoulder." Hunting rifle ownership is very common in the West Sumbawa Regency. If it is not properly regulated by the government, it may threaten wildlife preservation in the regency. The smell was roasted deer meat was getting tempting to us and each of us took a tunyuk (stick) of the roasted meat. Unlike any common satay that uses a smaller stick because of smaller slice of meat, tunyuk is made of tree twigs that are sharp pointed. A tunyuk has about 3-4 fist sized meat slices . We can eat them by cutting them to smaller slices or by nibbling them. "Come on, let's try it," Pak Basari asked. We felt a bit guilty when we ate the meat of the animal that becomes NTB Province's mascot. However, there is a rule among hunters in the forest, that we may not refuse a hunter's offer. If we refuse it, they are worried that bad luck will fall on them where they will not get any preys anymore. Whether it is true or not, I had no idea. However, nganyang doers that I met during my previous surveys frequently told me about the rule. The day passed by so quickly that it was time to prepare everything for our dinner. Yup, everything had to be ready before the night came. Other survey members prepared the dinner and ignited the petromaks (pressurized gasoline) lamp. When we were about to have dinner, Pak Basari also prepared his rice that he cooked at a different place. He took some rice, put in a small pan and poured some water and a little salt. He then went to the place where he tied his dogs. He lovingly stroke his dependable brown dog and other dogs. He served the rice in the pan and the dogs ate it hungrily. Nganyang doers will feed their dogs in the first place as a form of their care and high gratitude for the hunting dog services. We all together had our dinner with special menu made of deer meat from nganyang that Pak Basari and his fellow hunters carried. Whatever the menu was, having meal in the forest always tastes more delicious than having meal at Maluk or Townsite. When we were all eating, I asked a question that maybe ridiculous. "Have

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 33/2013 24



Hunters and dogs ready for action.

Batu Hijau you ever do nganyang near Batu Hijau, Pak?" "We do nganyang around Awar Singa, Tatar, Mataiyang, but we never do so inside Batu Hijau area. Many of my fellow hunters tell me that more deer live around Batu Hijau. Unfortunately, we cannot go in as security personnel guard the area". Current condition indeed indicates that Batu Hijau mine area has become deer's favorite area, especially reclamation area where grass is grown up. Also, the area is safe from hunters. We hope that the population of the protected animal known as Cervus timorensis increases significantly, especially around Batu Hijau.

PTNNT Paid Royalty Q2, 2013


ursuant to Contract of Work and letter of Directorate General of General Mining regarding Exploitation/Production levies dated February 24, 2000, PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT) paid Q2, 2013 (April-June) royalty in amount of $ 1,163,037.16 constituting royalty of (CU) $ 790,763.58, (Au) $ 337,575.43 and (Ag) $ 34,698.14. The payment was made to State's general Treasury Account at Bank of Indonesia account number 600.502411980. PTNNT General Manager Operations Trent Tempel said the payment was made in accordance with total weight stated in the provisional invoice in the loading port which is to be further adjusted once the settlement assay is reached by buyer and seller at the destination port (country). Suara Batu Hijau Issue 33/2013 25



Batu Hijau

Ramadan Fatigue Campaign


afety must always be our top priority and goal," said Yakub Imansyah, Sr. Supv. SHLP Port & Townsite when explaining the objectives of Ramadan Fatigue Campaign at the end of July last month. "This activity is closely related to our efforts in improving alertness during Ramadhan, considering the high frequency of accident that occurred in June. Safety is our goal," Yakub said. During last year's Ramadhan, every Wednesday afternoon SHLP Dept. held fatigue campaign by distributing brochures containing safety messages and souvenirs. Drivers were reminded to work safely and to report to their superior when they felt the symptoms of fatigue. Several managers and senior managers participated in this activity.

Suara Batu Hijau Edisi 33/2013

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