CONTENTS "We Have to Operate Differently" In response to the recent unfavorable situation faced by industries, particularly mining, many measures have been or will be taken by PTNNT management. "The objective is to keep Batu Hijau copper mining operate as long as possible. We have to change if we are to survive. We have to be courageous to start operating in a different way," said Blake Rhodes, Newmont Indonesia Country Manager during the familiarization of Value Enhancement Initiative to Senior Managers, Managers and Staffs at the Community Hall, Townsite (14/11).
Batu Hijau Suara Batu Hijau Magazine Published by PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara for internal distribution within the company and other Newmont groups PAT R O N Martiono Hadianto ADVISORS Seluruh Manajer Senior, Manajer dan Superintenden CHIEF E D I TTO OR Rubi Waprasa Purnomo E D I TO R S Andika Wijaya, Ruslan Ahmad, Komang Ardana, Muhammad Nazri, Lalu Yuslis, Lalu Budi Karyadi
PTNNT is Proud of Being NTB PTNNT is proud to be given an opportunity to participate in NTB development. Thus PTNNT keeps trying to give its best. PTNNT's achievement is NTB's achievement and PTNNT is proud of being NTB. PTNNT General Manager CSR & Government Relations Rachmat Makkasau asserted the above during the handover of some public facilities built by PTNNT to NTB Governor Dr. TGH. Zainul Majdi MA in Mataram, Thursday (16/10).
DESI G N & PRODU CTION DESIG Agus Apriyanto DISTRIBUTION Tim dan Sekretaris Departemen
Bringing Safe Culture Down to Earth with MSJ Occupational Safety and Health culture has become a pillar in improving safety and health at the workplace. How to develop such concept? To date, it is still a challenge for PTNNT and other Newmont sites. One of the solutions was to form a Safety Task Force (STF) Team in 2010. The team then comes with a new strategic called My Safety Journey (MSJ).
Suara Batu Hijau receives contribution i n c l u d i n g s t o r i e s , a r t i c l e s , photos and cartoons from employees. Editors are entitled to e d i t t h e contribution E D I TTOR'S OR'S ADDRESS Admin I Building Benete, West Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia MAIL ADDRESS PO Box 1022 Mataram 83126 PHONE (62-372) 635318 ext 46260 Fax:(62-372) 635319 ext: 46243 E-MAIL PTNNT.suara.batu.hijau@nnt.co.id WEBSITE www.ptnnt.co.id Cover: T he familiarization on Value Enhancement Initiative titled Harmony for Prosperity
Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXIX/2012
The Danger of Smoking in Vehicles Smoking in vehicles can be very dangerous not only for the driver and the passengers that inhale the smoke, but also for other road users since the driver may lose control when he/she lights or puts off the cigarette. With regard to that, many countries and companies in the world prohibit smoking in operational vehicle. Although the driver rolls down the windows or uses air conditioned to reduce the smoke, exposure to other passengers in the vehicle remains.
HEADLINE "We Have to Operate Differently"
ining world is facing a gloomy period. The fall of commodity prices and the rise of production costs are believed to be the basic causes. Some world-class mining companies try to seek a way to cope with the current condition. Companies, such as BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, Exsrata-including Newmont-also face such situation. Newmont Indonesia Country Manager Blake Rhodes said it during the familiariza-
tion of Value Enhancement Initiative titled Harmony for Prosperity at the Community Hall, Townsite (14/11). Newmont Corporation has reviewed its cost structures thoroughly in all its operations to improve efficiency and effectiveness, including PTNNT. Blake said for PTNNT, the management has made a comprehensive review on general and administration costs, operational costs, capital costs and support costs as well as efficiency in all sections. The review is made for the 2013 budget and PTNNT has reduced its expenditures by $54 million, from $950 million to $896 million and will proceed with the efficiency measures. Operational costs in 2012 were $300 million higher than that of 2007. “Thus, the condition is very ironic, when the cost is increasing, PTNNT's copper production is decreasing,” said Blake. Blake also explained the efficiency efforts taken, including redundancy of expatriate, staff and non-staff employees that is currently underway. The objective of the policy is to keep Batu Hijau copper mining company operate as long as possible. “We have to change to survive. We have to be courageous to operate in a different way,” said Blake.
With cost pressures and continuous efforts to reduce cost in all sections, PTNNT wants to ensure competitive compensation in 2014. PTNNT recognizes the importance of employees and tries to negotiate with the unions competitive compensation for the employees. In answering one of employee's questions on the company's current condition, Blake said that PTNNT is not bankrupt. Efforts have been made to overcome this condition including taking loan from banking syndication. “Our company is financially strong and gains support of the shareholders. We have sufficient resources to run our business. Yet we all have to participate and give contribution to ensure the continuation of the company's long-term operations. Therefore, each person has to participate in controlling costs. Spend responsibly,” he said. These efforts, Blake added, will ensure harmony with the community, employees and their family, government, labor unions and the management for our sustainable welfare to the future for both the stakeholders and shareholders.
Newmont Indonesia Country Manager Blake Rhodes (above) gives a presentation on the company's current condition during the familiarization on Value Enhancement Initiative titled Harmony for Prosperity for employees at Community Hall, Townsite (14/11).
Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXIX/2012
HEADLINE PTNNT Hands Over some CSR Projects Rachmat Makkasau: We are Proud of Being NTB
Sumbawa House Building
Regional Hospital in Sumbawa Besar
Sports Hall Sumbawa
Mataram Public Hospital
Agriculture High School of Mataram
Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXIX/2012
TNNT is proud to have the opportunity to participate in NTB development. PTNNT therefore keeps trying to do its best. PTNNT's achievement is NTB achievement and PTNNT is proud of being NTB. PTNNT General Manager CSR & Government Relations Rachmat Makkasau asserted the above during the Rachmat Makkasau handover of some public facilities built by PTNNT to NTB Governor Dr. TGH. Zainul Majdi MA in Mataram, Thurs. (16/10). The facilities are worth a total of Rp61.25 billion, built with a dedicated fund for community development and empowerment programs worth US$38 million since 2010. A total of 26 physical projects and 12 non-physical projects were handed over in the second phase. These include further construction of Dasan Cermen Hospital Mataram; the Provincial Hospital in Sumbawa; refurbishment of strategic roads in Bima city, Bima Regency, Dompu and East Lombok; road construction in West Sumbawa around mine; construction of community-based cow breeding center; and construction of an surgery room at the Mataram Public Hospital. In the first phase, PTNNT handed over physical and nonphysical projects worth more than Rp49 billion. In sum, the first and second phase projects handed over to NTB government are worth more than Rp110 billion. “We hope the assistance can support the regional government programs in improving the quality of public services, health, education, and community welfare. We will Insya Allah (God willing) hand over all collaboration projects in June 2013 including the minaret of Islamic Center, the pride of NTB people,” said Rachmat Makkasau. The Governor TGH Zainul Majdi highly appreciates PTNNT's commitment to developing various public facilities required by the community. “We have to express our thankfulness to Allah SWT and gratitude to PTNNT,” he concluded.
Sub-district Head office, Sumbawa
PHDI Mataram
EXPLORATION Ropang Police Office Construction Costs Almost Rp1b
Sumbawa Chief Police AKBP Yayan Hartadi SIP and his team attend the groundbreaking of Ropang police headquarter.
egal services in Ropang sub-district will come soon. PT New mont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT) through its 2011 strategic projects has kicked off the phase one construction of the police office of the sub-district located within the exploration area. The construction of the two-story building was marked by the groundbreaking by the Sumbawa Regency Police Chief AKBP Yayan Hartadi SIP and External Relations Manager for Project Elang Explorations Kasan Mulyono on 24 May in Ropang village, Ropang. Infrastructure Reps. of Community Development PTNNT Amran Herlambang ST said the office construction costs Rp907.3 million. The budget comes from the exploration budget. “We estimate the construction to be completed by end of year,” said Amran, an ITN Malang graduate. “The construction of 220 meter square building is carried out by CV Remben Takan, a contractor from Lebangkar village. This is a manifestation of local entrepreneur empowerment,” said he. In addition to Ropang police office, PTNNT plans to build another police office in Sumbawa city. The land is located in the middle of the city in Simpang Sernu. “According to the plan, the construction of the city police office with the same design as that in Ropang will kick off this year,” said Amran.
YOP Develops Strategic Plan
o date, Yayasan Olat Parigi (YOP) has for eleven years carried out commu nity capacity building and provided service access to West Sumbawa people. It is now the time for the YOP to exercise introspection by evaluating its performance and developing strategic and tactical plans for the next five years. “Therefore, collaboration off all components in YOP is necessary to ensure all aspects are worked thoroughly. Independent facilitators that are expert in planning and development are also necessary. “In this regard, we collaborate with an independent training agency named Transform of Mataram,” said Senior Supervisor Business Development Comdev Syamsul Bakhri after attending training on YOP strategic plan preparation at Lesehan Bu Diah, Maluk (9/ 10). He asserted the first thing to do with Transform is to assess YOP thoroughly. The assessment was made last February. All components, staffs, executives and facilitators at YOP were actively involved in the Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA). Six fields assessed include institution
management, programs, human resources, finance, partnership, and documentation. The outcome -at 1 to 5 scale- is 2.5 in average. “This means there is still a gap between the current condition and the ideal condition to achieve,” said Syamsul. In order for YOP to operate as expected and to be self-financed and not to keep relying on PTNNT, two pillars have to be implemented: YOP as an empowerment [agency] and YOP as a profit oriented institution.
“Thus, four sectors are to be focused including micro finance, packaged drinking water, employee cooperative and sugar palm production,” said he. Suyono, Director Transform Mataram, asserted that as an institution, YOP has to continue to exist since its position in the community cannot be replaced. “To some extent YOP has contributed to community development in West Sumbawa. The five years strategic plan is necessary to manage YOP better in the future,” said he.
YOP Strategic Plan Preparation Training at Lesehan Bu Diah, Maluk (9/10).
Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXIX/2012
K3 Bringing Safe Culture Down to Earth with MSJ
ccupational Safety and Health culture has become a pillar in improving safety and health at the workplace. How to develop such concept? To date, it is still a challenge for PTNNT and other Newmont sites. One of the solutions was to form a Safety Task Force (STF) Team in 2010. The team then comes with a new strategic called My Safety Journey (MSJ). “MSJ is the chief strategy in encouraging employees to understand the importance of safety as a culture and part of each individual. The program requires all employees participate actively and identify necessary behaviors to minimize serious injury and fatality,” said Sunarto Suwito, Senior Manager Safety Task Force PTNNT, after MSJ training for Supervisors at Krakatau room, Townsite (25/9). To bring safe working culture down to earth, Sunarto calls on all parties' involvement. In a small team, employees are required to show commitment to working safely and ensuring the team members to do so. “Thus we can make changes at this site,” said he. Sunarto admitted that it is not easy to change someone to a new person since it all relates with awareness and habit. Yet, with several approaches and programs designed by STF team, Sunarto believes awareness on
Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXIX/2012
the importance of work safety will become the part of each employee. One of the approaches is a role model in safety. For example, the Transportation Department is one among 14 departments with relatively high potential for accidents. In a small team, they develop a safe culture through leadership approach (role model in
safety) and other related programs, such as Safety Leadership Behavior, supervision improvement, and remove themselves and others out of an accident waiting list. “For the program, we hold one-day training for groups working in high risk area,s and two-day training for staff and supervisor level,” said he.
In a small team, employees are required to show commitment to working safely.
CSR PTNNT, YMBH Donate 113 Sacrificial Animals
n the Idul Adha of 1433 H this year, PTNNT and Batu Hijau Muslim Foundation (YMBH) donated 113 sacrificial animals. The company donated 30 cows and 37 goats while YMBH 12 cows and 34 goats. The sacrificial animals from the company were distributed to West Sumbawa that received 26 cows and 25 goats while
Sumbawa Besar received 2 cows and 2 goats, and Lombok Island received 2 cows and 10 goats. PTNNT General Manager CSR & Government Relations Rachmat Makkasau said he was proud of the employees' enthusiasm in donating sacrificial animals. “This shows improved understanding and solidarity as well as the level of prosperity of the employees,” he said.
He hoped the Idul Adha observance would improve the good relationship between the company and community. “I also hope the sacrificial meat will be received by those who deserve it that all of us are happy to observe the Idul Adha,” said Makkasau. All the sacrificial animals were distributed to the community through local Islamic Day Committee (PHBI).
Handing over of sacrificed livestock to the local PHBI.
Again, PTNNT Rolls Free Cataract Surgery
he second time PTNNT, Doctor Children Fund (DCF) Batu Hijau, The John Fawcett FoundationYayasan Kemanusiaan Indonesia (YKI) and West Sumbawa Regency Administration roll a free cataract surgery for Tongo, Sekongkang, Maluk and Jereweh communities. The activities were held at the local multipurpose halls from Friday (21/9) to Wednesday (25/9). A number of 2100 patients listed for the
services, 1055 received prescribed spectacles, 1000 were given eye drops and 38 people took surgery. “Last year, over 2000 patients also used this free service,” said Zaedul Bahri, Gensupv Community Relations PTNNT. Wayan Sukajaya, Senior Program YKI, said he was proud that the foundation could collaborate with PTNNT, DCF and the Regional Administration to prevent blindness problem in West Sumbawa. “I
hope such good collaboration will continue every year since the blindness rate in Indonesia is on the rise,” said he. A cataract patient Suyati was really happy she recovers her sight. “Alhamdulillah (thanks God), I can see clearly now, I can recognize people around me,” said Suyati, a Maluk resident. Suyati also expressed her gratitude to PTNNT and paramedics who carried out the operation.
Cataract surgery, from distribution of prescribed spectacles to operation.
Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXIX/2012
Sr. Advisor ESR Exploration John Kaimarama during the ESR (Environmental Social Responsibility) WorkBook workshop at Visitor Center (22/11).
Military District Commander 1607 Sumbawa Lieutenant Colonel Inf. Agus Supriyanto and Head of Prosecutor Office Sumbawa Sugeng H, SH and entourage are welcomed by Management at Visitor Center Admin I Benete (21/11).
Department of Energy and Mineral Resources of West Sumbawa and NTB release the turtle hatchlings (20/9). Come on‌ go, go, go.
Oceanology experts joined under ISOI (Indonesian Oceanology Bachelor Association) visit PTNNT and pose together at Maluk beach (24/10).
Visit of housewives from Dasan Anyar village Jereweh at Admin 1, Benete (30/10).
People of Kelurahan Bertong West Sumbawa pose at Admin 1, Benete (06/11).
Symbolic handover of Bulaeng scholarship by Manager Comdev PTNNT H Wagimin Sastrahadi to the recipients at Visitor Center Admin 1, Benete (23/10).
Trivia Night at Basai Ate, Townsite (18/10), a fundraising event for the Doctor Children Fund (DCF).
Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXIX/2012
1st winner, “Hydroseding”, by Lalu Budi Karyadi.
2nd winner, "Tanam yok", by Lalu Zulkarnain.
3rd winner, "Plant me for future Batu Hijau", by Gusti Made Ambara Jaya.
4th winner, "Hemat Air", by Temmy Yunitadewi.
5th winner, "Green Bay", by Bambang Rahmat.
Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXIX/2012
ENVIRONMENT High/Vocational School Students Train on Coral Transplantation
Students Carry Out Coral Transplantation and Place it on the Seabed of Labuhan Haji Port.
eef is a series of hard and solid structure under or at water surface while coral is marine organism that is capable of absorbing lime from the seawater and settles it to form lime stack. The removal of young coral colonis for construction materials, catching coral fish with cyanide and bomb, and disposal of garbage to the sea may damage the coral reefs. PTNNT is committed to conserving the coral reefs around Sumbawa and East Lombok waters. One of the methods is to transplant the coral and make artificial reef.
Sr Supv Env Compliance M. Teguh Budiman disclosed it during Coral Transplantation Training for student of SMA Labuhan Haji and SMK Keruak at Padang Lamun, Labuhan Haji (26/9). During one of the CUD 2012 activities, the students were trained to carry out coral transplantation by planting live coral on cement containers and placing it on the seabed. “Its function is to accelerate the regeneration of damaged coral reef, build new coral reef area and increase population,” said he. Teguh, accompanied by Supv Env Ecology
Dwi Putro Arivianto also introduced Reef Ball program carried out by PTNNT to conserve the coral reefs. “By to date, the number of reef balls deployed is 1302 in Benete, 186 in Lawar and 30 in Gili Kenawa. The total is 1578,” said Teguh. Held for the first time in East Lombok, the training was welcomed positively by the students, teachers and Marine and Fishery Office of East Lombok. “This kind of activity should be carried out continuously to give environmental insight to the young generation,” said the Office Secretary Agus H.
Gempita & Citra, Prince and Princess of Environment 2012
etelah After a tight selection, the committee of the Clean Up Day (CUD) of PTNNT Environment Department elected two students of SMPN Maluk Lalu Gempita Mahardhika and Citra Musyarifah Isni Wahid the Prince and the Princess of Environment (Paputling). In his paper presented before the jury (18/10), Gempita analyzes ways to minimize environmental pollution by purifying domestic water waste into clean water while Citra describes the way to make various bags from used plastic packages. “The Prince and Princess of Environment will become environment ambassadors of West Sumbawa in environment-related events,” said the CUD Chairperson of 2012 committee H. Joni Safaat. He disclosed that the jury selected tens of papers from SMP students in West Sumbawa. The assessment criteria are focused on the originality, project benefits, uptodateness and relation with conservation or waste utilization. “The prize is, the winners are invited to visit other region. This year, they visit Yogyakarta to witness environmental projects such as energy hybrid project,” said he. Joni expects the students can get information and knowledge from the visit that they can apply it to their environment, family and school.
Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXIX/2012
The Runner Up of Prince of Environment is Andi Muhammad Syurdha of SMPN Maluk while Runner Up of Princess of Environment is Hayati of SMP 5 Seteluk and Maharani Firdaus of SMP 6 Taliwang. PTNNT commemorates Environmental Day every year and is supported by sub-contractors, government and local community.
NEWMONT NEWS Best Farmer Lauds Newmont’s role in Promoting Agriculture
r Akwasi Asamoah, the 2011 National Best Plantain Farmer, has commended Newmont Ghana for complementing Government’s efforts towards the promotion of agriculture in the country. He said he had chalked successes through the cultivation of cocoa, plantain cassava through the assistance of the mining company. Speaking in an interview on Friday, he said, before his association with Newmont Ghana he took farming as a hobby but with the support of the company he now runs his farm as a full commercial entity. Mr. Asamoah specifically cited the Agricultural Improvement and Land Access Programmme (AILAP), a postresettlement mitigation programmme meant to assist farmers directly impacted by the development of the Ahafo Mine, to re-establish their agricultural livelihoods as one programme that had transformed his life. He said the activities earmarked under the AILAP programme was beneficial to the over 5,000 farmers currently working with the programme. The AILAP programme, he said, assisted the farmers’ right from the acquisition of land, planting to harvesting. Farmers on the AILAP programmme have been compensated for lands, which fall within Newmont’s mine take area. The programme was first implemented in 2006 to assist farmers, who had already been paid their due compensation to gain access to alternative farm lands and receive adequate training for abundant and higher quality yields. Newmont established AILAP to increase crop production, promote crop diversity, technology adoption, market access, which existed prior to the start of the Ahafo Mine operations through facilitating access to land, provision of free farm inputs, farmer motivation and improved extension services.
“With the help of the AILAP programme my target is to become the overall best national farmer in two years,” Mr Asamoah. He urged the government to invest part of revenue generated from nonrenewable natural resources into sectors such as agriculture to boost the economy. “We should invest part of the revenues from the non-renewable resources in the renewable components of industry, of agriculture, of tourism so
that we better empower the economy in the event that mining industry cannot contribute to development anymore,” he said. He said the AILAP programme showed the importance Newmont attached to the agricultural sector in the country and pledged his commitment to continue to count on the mining giant for support and direction. Mr. Asamoah urged the youth to venture into farming as their contribution towards national development.
Newmont Challenges Sulawesi Mercury Pollution Claim Buyat Bay
old miner Newmont has rejected an accusation that it was in volved in the dumping of tailings at a mine project in North Sulawesi. In an investigative report on Monday, the Jakarta Globe described as Indonesia's worst case of mercury poisoning a 2004 incident at Buyat Bay, saying Newmont Nusa Tenggara was responsible. Gold mining in the area was instead conducted by Newmont Minahasa Raya, a sibling company of NNT. Both are local subsidiaries of US mining giant Newmont. In a letter to the Jakarta Globe, Ruby Purnomo, head of corporate communications, denied the company had been responsible for any mercury poisoning in the area, pointing to decisions by the Manado District Court in 2007 that cleared the company of any wrongdoing.
“The decision was reinforced by the Supreme Court's ruling on 6 January 2009, confirming the allegations of pollution had no basis in fact,” he said. Ruby also said that studies conducted by the government, independent agencies and experts have “confirmed that there was no environmental pollution or damage caused by tailings at Buyat Bay.” In 2006, NMR and the government signed a Goodwill Agreement to establish an independent scientific panel tasked with monitoring environmental conditions of the bay until 2016. The panel has produced yearly studies covering issues including health, environmental geochemistry and marine ecology, Ruby said, adding that the studies had confirmed that “the tailings have caused no adverse impacts to water, fish or people.”
Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXIX/2012
MISCELLANY Two Steps Forward, One Step Backward (Rinjani expedition-finish)
ark, heavy and cold wind blanket ed Pelawangan. The tents erected could not withstand the condition. Even though some of us fell asleep, that was because of extreme exhaust and sleepy. The sound of the tent struck by the heavy wind did not affect our sleep. At thirty past two a.m., the alarm went off reminding us to be ready for the summit (3726). With the light on our heads and at our hands, the eleven of us (one chose to stay at the tent) followed the sandy path, up and steep. We advanced two steps forward but moved back one step. We dragged our feet, slowly but surely amid the temperature of approximately 6 degree Celsius. When the Italian foreigners failed to continue their journey, we kept moving slowly accompanied by one porter. The wind and thick fog reduced our visibility to five meters only. This also created fine snow on our trembling cheeks. About six o'clock in the morning, the weather was clear and we took the time for morning prayers, but a few moments later, thick and cold fog came again. Only edelweiss around us comforted our determined journey. Finally, after taking a rest while sharing foods and drinks, we hurried up to the top. We cried emotionally. Our exhaustion was paid and we enjoyed our happiness and proud. Despite of we could not enjoy the scenery because the cloud covered it, we acted playfully and took pictures while rolling off a sponsor banner. It was about 08.23 and after one hour, we decided to climb down. The weather was good that the stony and sandy path could be clearly seen. The journey was rather quicker for we took the slope down and used our knee as the support. We arrived at the campsite around one p.m. and had lunch, fruits etc. there. At three o'clock in the afternoon, we packed up the tent and logistics and continued our journey home. ď ľ
Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXIX/2012
Manajemen Pencegahan dari Gigitan dan Sengatan
MISCELLANY The Danger of Smoking in Vehicles
moking in vehicles can be very dangerous not only for the driver and the passengers that inhale the smoke, but also for other road users since the driver may lose control when he/she lights or puts off the cigarette. With regard to that, many countries and companies in the world prohibit smoking in operational vehicle. The safety topic issued by HSLP Department last September explains that smoking in vehicles is very dangerous for the health since the smoke circulates in a confined area. Although opening the windows or turning on the air conditioned reduces the smoke, the exposure to the passengers remains. It describes the type of disturbance to the driver from smoking includes unfocused sight and mind to the road, release of hand from the steering wheel. In addition, cigarette can lead to property and environmental damage. Many fire incidents over the world are caused by person who threw cigarette butts carelessly out of the vehicle. Thus, the smokers are urged to leave such a bad habit. ď ľ
Tips to quit smoking
o quit smoking is not an easy thing, but it does not mean it cannot be done. Below are some tips to follow:
Prepare yourself to quit If you want to quit, try to find a motivation. Make a list of reasons you want to quit and stay focused. If you have tried to quit before, think of the effort you did; what encouraged you at that time and what makes it hard. Find out the factor that triggers you to smoke again, for example, do you smoke after having meal, while driving or in stress? Make plan to overcome the
trigger Obtain support Define the date you quit and inform this to your closest person. Ask support from your family and friends on your intension and effort. Take medication correctly Consult your doctor about certain medicines you can use. Learn to change behavior Try to have new activity in place of your smoking habit such as walking around your
workplace or neighborhood for a while after having meal instead of smoking. Beware of possible setbacks Symptoms and desire to smoke will reduce in one or two weeks after you quit smoking and the desire will last in few minutes. You can do several steps to reduce the desire to smoke. When you really want to smoke, wait for a few minutes until the desire dies down. Remind yourself about the advantages or positive impacts of quitting smoking. ď ľ
Kolam ikan milik Sahabudin
Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXIX/2012
Pojok Pengetahuan 6
Kandungan kimia rokok
Hum r: "How to Deal with Technology Ignorant Partner"
The Power of Negotiation: Proposing Bill Gates' Daughter
24 25
Mendatar: 1. Arang yang terbakar 4. Melanggar hukum tuhan 7. Yang melahirkan kita 8. Gunung tertinggi di Pulau Sumbawa 13. 1,2,3…dst. 14. Agama Samawi 15. Angkatan Laut 17. Aku (Eng) 18. Uang logam 19. Ke atas 22. Kasihan 24. Nama belakang juara I lomba foto CUD 2012 25. Lubang berukuran besar pada tebing 26. Anak laki-laki (Eng).
Menurun: 1. Kadaluarsa 2. Mesin/alat yang mengganti tugas manusia 3. Makanan khas Arab 5. Nama belakang presiden AS 6. Penyakit gangguan pernapasan 9. Merek baterai. 10. Pasukan tentara yang terdiri atas beberapa batalyon dan dikepalai oleh seorang perwira menengah. 11. Yang diserang oleh katarak. 12. Keyakinan, kepercayaan 16. Kota di Jawa Timur 18. Batu kapur di laut 20. Obyek penderita, yang tertimpa masalah. 21. Kuno, tua (Sumbawa) 23. Potong tipis.
Quiz Safety No. 20 Apa bahaya merokok dalam kendaraan?
Kirim jawaban Anda dengan nama, nomor badge dan departemen, kepada Redaksi Suara Batu Hijau, Public Relation, Admin 1, Benete, atau melalui email ke ptnnt.suara.batu.hijau@nnt.co.id sebelum 31 Desember 2012. Jawaban yang benar dengan data pengirim yang lengkap akan diundi untuk menentukan pemenang yang beruntung. Pemenang Quiz SBH No. 51 dan Quiz Safety no 19:
Mashuri Yusuf-NB3450, Bachtiar Arifandi-NB3090, Syahrimudin-NB2112, Dedi Ardiansyah-NB4073, Hertho Mandagi-NB2242. Selamat kepada yang namanya tertera di atas, hadiah akan dikirim via mail bag.
1. Come closer and smile 2. Look into the eyes affectionately 3. Put your mouth to the ear 4. Whisper expressively, "NDESOOOO..."
Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXIX/2012
Father: "My son, I want you to marry a girl of my choice!" Son: "Sorry Dad! I will only marry a girl of my choice." Father: "But son, the girl is Bill Gates' daughter…" Son: "Are you serious? OK then!" The next day, the father met Bill Gates Father: "I have chosen a husband to be for your daughter…" Bill Gates: "But my daughter is too young to marry." Father: "Wait a minute, he is the vice president of the World Bank." Bill Gates: "Seriously? OK then!" Finally the father met the President of the World Bank Father: "I have a young man for your vice president." President: "Oh, I'm sorry, I already have many candidates for the position." Father: "But this young man is Bill Gates' son-in-law." President: "O really??? OK then!"
Cerita Sumbawa Meke Serep To the exile (10) Source sumbawanews.com
The group prepared a campsite at Lenang Lengan for one night rest. Lala Baka was carried into the tent the way she was once a princess. The Patih said, “Forgive me Your Highness. We beg you not to blame us. I only take order from the King,” said the Patih. “Oh, I know everything. The kingdom authorities act under my beloved father's order. You are not guilty. Father's act to me is right because I made mistake, embarrassed His Majesty and all people of Tana Samawa. As the saying goes that those who make mistake have to be responsible. I also have sworn before my father. I made mistake and I have to bear the risk,” said the Princess calmly. The foodstuff ran out after ten days journey. The group was not allowed to eat the reaming food. (to be continued)
Be Grateful by Working
t is said that today is a crazy era. It is not clear what is wrong and what is right. Everything looks grey. When the certainty is difficult to reach, watch your act. You have to be careful in any situation and environment, at home or at workplace. “To be safe, don't do thing unnecessarily,” said Risdianto, PTNNT Electrician Power, during the interview after checking one of the towers at kilometer three PAR. The father of two sons admits he is lucky to work for PTNNT for it brings improvement to his life. “I am grateful so I work to my best,” said the alumnus of SMA Muhammadiyah Mataram (1996). Anto, his nickname was born and went to primary school at his father's place of origin in Tanjung, Labuhan Haji, East Lombok but continued to junior high school in Jereweh, West Smbawa, his mother's village of origin. He went to SMA in Mataram living with his aunt. “My parents got divorced when I was in
junior high school. That is the reason I moved from one place and school to another. I did not have enough money to continue my study at the university although I really wanted to,” said the automotive and touring hobbyist who once wanted to be a civil servant. With a simple life, after graduating from senior high school, Anto worked as a clerk in an Islamic school built by his family in Central Lombok until his mother called him for a vacancy in PTNNT in 1997. “I moved back to Jereweh and applied to PTNNT. One month later, I was called for training,” said he. Risdianto was promoted as employee in 1999 and placed at the infrastructure section. In July 2000, Anto was moved to Power Plant in accordance with his skills obtained from the training. “I took electricity field because I thought my skills can also be applied at home,” said he.
Now Anto is assigned to ensure all company electrical lines are in safe condition, transformer maintenance etc. “The electrical lines are like the arteries of the company. When it is disturbed, the company's operation is also disturbed. Therefore, we often make extra work, days and nights. We are ready to handle any disturbance,” said he. Bearing in mind the risk of his work, Anto hopes the company pay more attention to the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in terms of both the quantity and quality. “The technology now is getting more sophisticated, therefore the safety equipment has also to be up to date,” said he. During his service, Anto said he found some hazardous condition. When he was fixing an automatic switch, the connection was wrong and it exploded burning his gloves. “Fortunately, I wore complete PPE that I did not sustain any injury,” he recalled.
Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXIX/2012
Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXIX/2012