Suara Batu Hijau Magazine - ed XXVI/2012

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State Administrative Court turns down WALHI's lawsuit Lean Belt Training, pursuing the efficiency NTB and Jakarta journalists win Journalistic Award Balas Beach, Maluk KSB.


Batu Hijau

Journalistic Award

For the second time, PTNNT presents awards for journalists considered capable of performing their journalism task well, independently and professionally. Martiono expressed his appreciation to the winners. "The journalistic competition is hosted to improve the press's understanding of mining industry," he said.

Suara Batu Hijau magazine is published by PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara for internal distribution within the company and for other Newmont groups P A T R O N S Martiono Hadianto, David Lilley ADVISERS Seluruh Manajer Senior, Manajer dan Superintenden CHIEF EDIT EDITO OR Rubi Waprasa Purnomo E D I TTO ORIAL TEAM Andika Wijaya, Ruslan Ahmad, Komang Ardana, Muhammad Nazri, Lalu Yuslis, Lalu Budi Karyadi

State Administrative Court Turns Down WALHI's Lawsuit “The plaintiffs' arguments were rightly rejected by the court because they lacked both legal and scientific rigor. The evidence submitted shows the MoE has followed all applicable procedures to issue SPT permit extension and STP system is safe for environment,� said Martiono Hadianto, PTNNT President Director.

DESIGN & PRODUCTION Agus Apriyanto DISTRIBUTION Tim dan Sekretaris Departemen

Lean Belt Training, Pursuing the Efficiency The company has taken many efforts to improve work efficiency and effectiveness. One of them is to simplify Lean principles and organize its tools. For this purpose, PTNNT hosted Lean Belt Training to over ten of employees from various departments listed as Lean Belt member.

Suara Batu Hijau accepts any stories, articles, photos and cartoons from employees. Editors have the right to edit articles contributed.

E D I TTORIAL ORIAL ADDRESS Gedung Admin I Benete, Sumbawa Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia LETTER ADDRESS PO Box 1022 Mataram 83126 PHONE (62-372) 635318 ext 46260 Fax:(62-372) 635319 ext: 46243 E-MAIL PTNNT suara batu WEBSITE


Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVI/2012

Perhapi Holds Certification for Employees The Professional Certification Agency of the Association of Indonesian Mining Professionals (Perhapi) again carried out a certification course for mining employees. Thirty-one employees of various mining companies took the course, which was held at Community Hall of Townsite. The training is the third held so far.

COVER STORY NTB and Jakarta Journalists win Journalistic Award

In Jakarta the awards are handed over by Sr. Manager Business and Administration PTNNT Irwan Priatna

Martiono Hadianto and Drs HL Gita Aryadi MM handed over Journalism Awards to the winners at Lombok Raya Hotel Mataram.


hirteen journalists from West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) and eight from Jakarta from printed and electronic media won Batu Hijau Journalistic Award of 2012 . The awards include trophies, development funds and plaques handed presented by Head of NTB Tourism Office Drs H L. Gita Aryadi, MM and PTNNT President Director Martiono Hadianto at Lombok Raya Hotel, Mataram (11/4), and Irwan Priatna, Sr. Manager Business and

Administration PTNNT at Le-Meridien Hotel Jakarta (27/4). Gita Aryadi viewed the PTNNT-sponsored event would improve professionalism of NTB-based journalists and support the Visit Lombok Sumbawa 2012 program rolled out by the regional government. “To achieve the one million visits target this year, participation and support from all parties including PTNNT and the press are highly needed,” said he.

Martiono expressed his appreciation to the 13 NTB-based journalists who won the contest. “Journalistic Work Contest was held at NTB and national levels to provide a medium for journalistic work appreciation as well as improve the mass media's understanding of mining industry,” he said. Meanwhile a member of PWI of NTB executives Agus Talino hoped other parties including the Regional Government would be inspired to host similar events. “I hope that this event would promote, inspire and motivate fellow journalists to produce the best journalistic work,” he hoped. The jury received 151 copies of straight news category and 60 of features category. “The number increased about 40.6 percent compared to previous year with 103 copies from 54 journalists,” said Senior Specialist Media Relations & Project PTNNT Ruslan Ahmad.

Will Social Media Kill Journalism?


his question has been raised in many forums including in work shop themed The Challenges and Roles of the Press in Reform Era hosted by PTNNT at Lombok Raya, Mataram (11/4). Attended by tens of NTB-based journalists who also took part in the Batu Hijau 2012 Journalistic Award contest, the one-day workshop presented Ignatius Hariyanto (LSPP Executive Director, Jakarta), Dr. Kadri, MSi (a communication lecturer of IAIN of Mataram) and Dandy Dwi Laksono (a media observer, former TV journalist). According to Hariyanto, recently emerging social media such as Facebook, Twitter etc. have changed journalism views in Indonesia particularly those relating to news gathering, news production and news distribution. However, he continued, there are

many instances that the news spread off hand without verification, which ranges from free medical treatment, religious rituals, the roots of a conflict, and so on. Later, it was found out that the information is only a hoax. Thus, a question is raised: Does our act in sharing such

inaccurate information show that we play a role in creating mass anxiety or collective lies? “Then a journalist's role is needed to verify the information before it spreads widely. In other word, journalism never dies,” concluded Hari. 

Workshop on Journalism at Lombok Raya Hotel, Mataram.

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HEADLINE State Administrative Court Turns Down Walhi's Lawsuit


he State Administrative Court (TPUN) Jakarta on Tuesday (3/4) turned down the Indonesia's Friend of the Earth (Walhi)'s lawsuit against State Minister of Environment (MoE) urging the revocation of PTNNT's Submarine Tailings Placement (STP) permit issued by the Ministry in May 2011. “The plaintiffs' arguments were rightly rejected by the court because they lacked both legal and scientific rigor. The evidence submitted shows the MoE has followed all applicable procedures to issue SPT permit extension and STP system is safe for environment,” said Martiono Hadianto, PTNNT President Director. According to Martiono, the court's judgment is consistent with the findings of regular inspections, monitoring, environmental and social studies and tests conducted over the past 12 years by the government, PTNNT and independent third parties. “All of those studies consistently show that the STP system at Batu Hijau complies with applicable regulations and is operating as designed,” said he. These findings were corroborated by a number of experts from reputable universities and factual witnesses from the communities living around PTNNT's mine. During testimonies under oath they revealed that Batu Hijau's submarine tailing placement system has operated since 2000 as designed and has not negatively impacted fisheries in West Sumbawa. PTNNT started the operation of STP system based on the requirements of

PTNNT's AMDAL permit. Upon the enforcement of additional permit regulation, Batu Hijau mine obtained STP permit in 2002 and has been extended three times, i.e., in 2005, 2007, and 2011. The MoE issued the third STP permit extension to PTNNT upon confirmation that PTNNT complied with the requirements set forth in the previous permit, including regularly submitting environmental monitoring reports as well as scientific research

conducted by independent third parties. “The court decision is a result of hard work and dedication of PTNNT and its employees to demonstrate leadership in environment stewardship and best practices. We are very proud of our environmental achievement record in Batu Hijau mine and the decision gives further confidence to our employees, local community and all stakeholders on our commitment to environmental sustainability,” added Martiono. 

Tailings pipeline installation at SWIS, Tongo

Background of PTNNT's Sub-marine Tailings Placement: 


Since 1999, the Government of Indonesia has always approved and permitted the placement system of tailings (leftover barren rock powder) from the Batu Hijau copper and gold mine to a seafloor canyon 3-4 kilometres below the surface of the sea and 3.2 kilometres from the shoreline. Before Batu Hijau began operations in 1999, studies were conducted to identify the safest method for disposing of the crushed rock remaining from the milling process. AMDAL showed, and the government of Indonesia agreed, that submarine tailing placement was preferred to storing the tailings on land, as that would have required clearing 1,900 hectares of forest and other land. In addition, STP was chosen as the best tailings placement since Batu Hijau mine is located in an area of seismic activity with heavy rainfall and undulating terrain, the risk of earthquakes rupturing an on-land tailings dam due to earthquake or flood. Seawater quality and fish test is carried out regularly to ensure seawater quality and fish comply with specified quality standard, and the result of the test is reported to and monitored by the Government of Indonesia.

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CSR Relief for Disaster Victims


ain and heavy wind violently attacked Sumbawa Regency and its surrounding, which resulted in disaster to several places. At least 16 villages in four sub-districts were flooded by river water or tidal waves. Houses and trees fell due to heavy wind and landslides. The damage has yet to be confirmed. PTNNT immediately distributed relief to Lopok sub-district including Lapok, Sarange, Berora, Pungkit, Lang Am and

boxes of instant noodle and clean water, and 4 tons of rice. “PTNNT is very concerned with the situation of the community who have been affected by floods and we will continue to provide the assistance in accordance with their situation,” said Muhammad Nur Latief, Gensupv Comrels Exploration PTNNT. The victims of the disaster admitted PTNNT assistance was meaningful. “We thank and respect PTNNT who provide assistance right after the disaster. Honestly, no other parties have yet to give such assistance,” said Sa'adah, a villager.  Mamak villages while the relief for Moyo Hilir Sub-district was channeled through Kakiang and Berare villages. For Moyo Utara subdistrict , NNT distributed the relief to Sengkal, Songkor, Tahan, Pungkit and Malili villages. Kalibaru, Bangkong and Karang Dima of Badas sub-district also received such relief. Each village received 250 kg of rice, 40 boxes of instant noodle and 40 boxes of clean water. The total of the relief was 480

Victims of Seawater Floods Receive Staple Foods


atu Hijau Muslim Foundation again distributed staple food packages to the poor. In Sunday (11/3), 105 victims of seawater floods at Tanjung Luar village, Kedome hamlet of Ketapang Raya East Lombok got their turn. The package of 4 kg of rice, 4 packs of install noodle, 1 kg of sugar and 1 liter of cooking oil were distributed directly to the village members together with the village officers. “On behalf of the village members, we express our gratitude to [and pray] that may those who contribute are blessed with health and wealth,” said the village head of Tanjung Luar Fahruddin. Similar hope was Hamlet head of Kedome Lukman Habir (right) and the beneficiaries. Inset: Seawater flood at Kedome hamlet.

Distribution of staple foods at Aiq Are hamlet Sandik.

also expressed by hamlet head of Kedome Lukman Habir and the beneficiaries. Similar assistance was also handed over to 100 fishermen of Tanjung Karang Ampenan (26/2) and 40 beneficiaries at Aiq Are hamlet, Sandik. “YMBH Care

program will continue at least once a month as long as beneficiaries and fund are available,” said a Foundation executive member Iin Sain Abdullah. Such a support is also expressed by YMBH chairperson Anis Mujahid Akbar. Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVI/2012


OPERATION & PRODUCTION Lean Belt Training, Pursuing the Efficiency

Lean Belt Training at Community Hall, Townsite.


he company has taken many efforts to improve work efficiency and effectiveness. One of them is to simplify Lean principles and organize its tools. For this purpose, PTNNT hosted Lean Belt Training to over ten of employees from various departments listed as Lean Belt members (5-8/3) at the Community Hall, Townsite. The participants' understanding and ability were tested in using the tools and the most effective tech-

niques of Lean Belt principles. The training incorporated the combination of simulation and real world examples to facilitate the learning process. The training process applied equal proportion between material presentation in the classroom and practices to maximize understanding. “The skills learnt in the classroom can be applied in real world processes and projects,” said Joko Purnomo, Sr. Engineer Fleet Management PTNNT.

Reach Stackers are More Agile


wo words for Reach Stacker: more agile. The container handler equipment imported from France can move freely relative to the condition, position and inclination of containers. In addition, the equipment can lift up to maximum 45 tons. Two French instructors Nicholas and Arnaud flew directly from their home country to run training for trainers (59/3) and training for operators (12-19/ 3) at Benete Port. They explained that basically the container lifting and transporting equipment has no big difference from other similar equipment


Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVI/2012

except that it is more agile in handling containers. “Whether the container is inclined to the left, right, front of back, the equipment can easily handle it,” said he. The major key of superiority of the equipment purchased from Americanbased company Terex is the spreader, a part of the equipment hung on the tip of the boom. It has flexible movement of the container inclination. “PTNNT imported six Reach Stacker to help the smoothness of discharge/loading processes at Benete Port,” added Nicholas.

After the training, Lean instructor will hold a Lean workshop a month after the lean training to discuss process improvement projects performed by the participants and provide additional training on Lean tools and techniques. “Among participants' principal expectation is recognition and support of all relevant parties, particularly their manager on time allocation and work they do in performing the Lean project,” said Joko. 

ENVIRONTMENT Notes trip to Buyat Bay

Facilities Improved and Earning Follows


ak Adok, his nickname, seems to be busy moving the fish discharged from a pajeko (a traditional fishing boat). His face looks serious sorting the fish. Once in a while he cried asking for the fish to put in the 50-kg basket neatly. “These fish are already reserved by sellers at Ratahan (the main town of South East Minahasa regencyed),” said Mak Adok while sorting and arrange the fish basket. “It is the fishing season now,” said Mak Adok (early February, ed). In one night, each pajeko can catch up to two to three small trucks. “We fish not too far from the coast, about three to four hours to the south of this pier,” said Mak Adok. “With bigger pajeko and farther locations, we surely can catch more,” he added while rising his voice amid the crowd of visitors in the Ratatotok fish port. A few moments later, a bentor (tricycle motorbike used by Minahasa and the surrounding people to take their fish basket) came. Mak Adok took the baskets onto the Bentor brisky. It can take 6 to 7 baskets or 300 kg of fish to local market in one trip. Behind the bentor, two small trucks filled with ice cubes are ready to load the fish. That is the daily routine of East Ratatotok village, a neighbor of Buyat Pante village. Their main means of livelihood is fishing. They are known as tough fishermen that endure weeks of fishing at sea. No wonder they lead a better and established life. This

Fishermen in the village Ratatotok.

Sea panorama and people activity at East Ratatotok village.

can be seen from their tidy houses far from dirty, like other common fishermen villages. “It is pretty good… our village has developed. A permanent pier and an ice plant are available around here,” said Arifin Bantu, Ratatotok Hukum Tua (village head) commenting on his village development. “The ice plant is really helpful. Previously, we had to take our catch to the market in no time to prevent it from staling, but now that won't be necessary with the ice available. We can sell the fish farther to Ratahan or

Tomohon market,” said he. The fish pier and ice plant are two facilities donated by PT Newmont Minahasa Raya to the community particularly, the fishermen. The pier was constructed from iron exPTNMR plants and offices. “In addition, we provided assistance in its construction,” said David Sompie, PTNMR President Director. The ice plant is a part of the cold storage facility located at Lakban beach, which was built in 2009. Production started in January 2010 with capacity of 5 ton. People prefer ice block produced by the plant for it has better freezing point. “The ice lasts longer,” added Dolfie Mewengkang, PTNMR Marine Engineer who supervises the community project. Having seen the abundant catch and sales to farther market as well as being supported by the pier and ice plant, one would say that it may simply improve the community's welfare. No wonder many East Ratatotok people who are Muslims have made the pilgrimage to Mecca. Some of them even made it several times and own up to 8 pajeko. It is a picture of a community that has developed into a self-reliant community. That is the life of Ratatotok fishermen nowadays. The life will continue, the community goes along with the development towards a mature, established community. Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVI/2012



PTNNT President Director Martiono Hadianto, wife of NTB Chief Police and Regent of West Sumbawa KH Zulkifli Muhadli cut the ribbon for the official opening of Sekongkang Sector Police at Sekongkang Atas (2/5).

NTB Chief Police, Police Brigadir General Drs Arief Rachman and PTNNT President Director Martiono Hadianto exchanged souvenirs at Basai Ate Townsite (2/5).

Leadership development program for mining department employees in Mataram (2526/4).

First meeting of stakeholders consultative committee at Sumbawa Regent office on the establishment of KKE for PTNNT exploration (25/4).

Fatigue Campaign for Mine Maintenance Department crew members and their family at Kura-Kura water park Mataram (5/2).

Mine Maintenance Family Gathering at Kura-Kura water park Mataram (5/2).

PTNNT booth in IndoGreen expo at Jakarta Convention Centre (5-8/4)

PTNNT booth in OHS Expo Jakarta (24-26/4)


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PTNNT-donated a futsal field at di Jakamandala Mataram, handed over to NTB Planning and Development Agency (9/3).

Ustadz Ja'far Umar Thalib speaks before the congregation at Miftahul Jannah Mosque Townsite (25/4).

Vice Regent of East Lombok H Syamsul Luthfi and PTNNT Govrels Manager Lalu Mahfi signed the Official Report on the handover of official cars at the Regent Office hall East Lombok (30/4).

PTNNT President Director Martiono Hadianto (standing) delivers a speech at the APAC Leadership Summit at Community Hall, Townsite (23-24/4).

KSB Resort Police Chief AKBP M Suryo handed over a challenge cup of Kapolda Cup to PTNNT representative H Wagimin S as general champion in inter-company/agency Golf tournament at Basai Ate Townsite (2/5).

One of Healthy Baby Under Three contest winner receives a gift from the committee at Community Hall Townsite (21/4).

Gayatri (standing) gives a presentation on autism at the Autistic Child seminar at the Community Hall Townsite (17/4).

Participants of Mini Seminar on Family Health pose together at the Community Hall Townsite (21/4).

Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVI/2012


Miscellany Preparation Toward 100pct Pass

Participants of Subject Teacher Meeting (MGMP) and evaluation of Try Out for Junior/Senior High School.


rior to the National Exam (UN), PTNNT and West Sumbawa govern ment and a Jogjakarta-based study club Progressio held various preparations includ-

ing Subject Teacher Meeting (MGMP) and Try Out evaluation for Junior/Senior High Schools at SMPN 4 Taliwang (29/2). The meeting evaluated the result of Try

Out 2 and discussed preparation for Try Out 3, which would be held afterwards. “This program is included in the Capacity Building listed in PTNNT social responsibility for the community. The collaboration is expected to achieve developed and quality education in West Sumbawa,” explained Senior Supervisor Scholarship and Education PTNNT Abdul Muis. The head of Curriculum Section of Education and Sport Office West Sumbawa Awaluddin said the MGMP in the program called Successful National Exam 2012 was a meeting initiated by Education and Sport Office in an effort to support the office's goal to make West Sumbawa a regency with 100 percent [students] passing the National Exam. “Before we drill the students for the exam, those teachers have to study just like their students in the classroom,” he said. The teachers who attended the evaluation were those who taught subjects in the National Exam i.e. Math, Sociology, Physic, Chemistry, Geography, Bahasa Indonesia and English.

Benete Hosts Batu Hijau Motor Cross


atu Hijau Motor Cross serie I (23-25/ 3) was hosted at the Twenty-One circuit Benete, West Sumbawa. The event was sponsored by PTNNT and joined by 250 NTB-based crossers competing to win trophies and other prizes including race point. At the opening of the tournament, Regional Secretary of West Sumbawa Ir. W. Musyafirin MM hoped the tournament would be held regularly and continuously that young talents of 'the iron horse sport' continue to develop. “West Sumbawa government will fully support the tournament,” he promised. The committee chairperson Ratmaji said that some participants came as beginner crossers, which were grouped into standard step-through 4 stroke 110 cc motorbike, standard 2 stroke 110 cc, modified 4 stroke 110 cc, mixed and children group. “Despite of the circuit is semi-permanent, Batu Hijau Motor Cross Serie II and III will also be held here. This circuit is good enough when compared to circuits in other regencies,” said Ratmaji who is also the


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Start preparation at Batu Hijau Motor Cross serie I at Twenty One circuit, Benete (Above) and the winners receiving the trophies and prize money from the committee (left).

village head of Benete. Inspector of Indonesia Motor Association NTB branch Lalu Sapri expressed his appreciation to the host and sponsor of the event. “I personally appreciate the solidness of the committee and the host including the sponsor,” he said.

Meanwhile Gensupv. Community Relations PTNNT Zaedul Bahri said his section was committed to improving regional sports including motor cross. “Similar event is often held here. Now in Benete, previously it was in Maluk and Sekongkang,” said he.

NEWMONT NEWS Buyat Bay, new North Sulawesi's Tourism Destination


entioning Buyat bay, many people still recalls about the location of a well-known gold mine in Ratatotok, South East Minahasa, North Sulawesi, some 70 km from Manado. The bay is no longer identical with pollution, as many people used to think. Today, the bay, which is located at the border of South East Minahasa and Bolaang Mongondow regencies, has turned into a location eagerly sought by marine tourism enthusiasts, particularly submarine recreation. Buyat river flows to this bay and fringing reefs cover the left and right sides of the bay bed up to the cape. Domestic and international divers believe that Buyat bay is one of submarine wonders with magnificent beauty. New Tourism Destination According to Vice Regent of South East Minahasa Djeremia Damongilala, Buyat bay submarine recreation had become a new tourism destination in North Sulawesi.

Buyat bay isone of North Sulawesi's tourism destination.

There are up to 24 diving points in Buyat bay and its surroundings. The construction and placement of reefballs by NMR have

Independent Team Concludes Buyat Bay is not Polluted gold mining. Minister of Research and technology Gusti Muhammad Hatta, on Saturday (12/5) said that the independent panel team which consisted of academics and environmental experts, both domestic and overseas, had conducted a study on allegations of Buyat bay pollution in East Bolaang Mongondow and South East Minahasa regencies for five years in accordance with the agreement signed by PTNMT and GOI in 2006. “Based on the research findings, arsenic and mercury contents in seawater are below standards,” he said. The panel stated that it monitored eight objects team, including community health, water column stratification, seabed bathymGusti Muhammad Hatta etry, macrobenthos survey, coral reefs, he results of monitoring conducted seawater quality, sediment quality, and by the Independent Science Panel metal contents in fish and the environment. (PII) in Buyat bay environment “This confirms that PTNMR has operated concluded that there is no pollution of waste in compliance with AMDAL and all applicaproduced by PT Newmont Minahasa Raya ble laws and regulations,” said Gusti.


created new habitats in the area. A reefball is an artificial reef made as the resemblance of its original species in order to produce food, place to breed and as a protection for fishes and many others marine species. The results of monitoring conducted by the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences of Sam Ratulangi University (Unsrat) showed that its biodiversity is almost equal to the number of fish living in natural coral reefs. Many researchers and environmental experts guarantee the safety of the area. Therefore, recreation in Buyat bay is surely safe and free of any pollution. Results of a study conducted by environmental experts grouped under Independent Science Panel led by Prof. Dr. Magdalena Irene Umboh conclude that Buyat bay is safe for marine environment and human health. "No arid area was identified in the former PTNMR gold mine location as in other former mines. To the contrary, the Messel mountainous area is home to a green forest which spreads with trees and various birds, insects, and rare animals such as pygmy maromoset of Sulawesi (Tarsius sp)," Magdalena said. A Survey Team of Unsrat Agriculture Faculty said that around 155,814 trees grew well in this area, 145 species of 59 trees family such as trees with high economic value (teak and mahogany) and multipurpose tree species (cinnamon, rattan, clove, fruits, dan local trees). (SP/Feybe).

Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVI/2012


TOWNSITE ACTIVITY Saving is Close Rp1b, Finacing is Over Rp2b


he third annual membership meeting (RAT) of Baitul Mal wat Tamwil (BMT or Cooperative) of Batu Hijau Muslim Foundation (YMBH) at Miftahul Jannah Mosque, Townsite (7/3) was held in a relax and attractive manner. H Agus Komarudin who hosted the event made the meeting lively with full of jokes, free of tension like what often happens at other Cooperatives' RATs. BMT chairman Iin Sain Abdullah delivered an accountability report briefly, which was followed with no question. Approximately two third of 532 attendees accepted the report and declared it to be satisfied with the performance of the management. Iin reported that the amount of fund collected through principal savings, mandatory savings, and mudharrobah was over Rp967 million, while financing transaction value during 2011 was over Rp2 billion. A year earlier (2010), BMT had 312 members, when the amount of savings was Rp461.9 million and financing transaction was Rp1.5 billion. The amount of net profit during 2011 was more than Rp124 million. “Business profit was allocated to members' saving, RAT souvenirs, capital accumulation, people care fund, and incentives for the management,” he elaborated. Iin further said that the type of transac-

Situation BMT annual member meeting at Miftahul Jannah Mosque, Townsite.

tions accepted by BMT include qordul hasan, purchases of motorbike, electronic devices/cell phones, camera, building materials, computer/laptop, home appliances, and capital participation. "In the future BMT will continue and improve the ongoing programs, improve service quality, cooperation with business partners, administration system, increase the number of members, and prepare accountable financial statements," said Iin. To accelerate all programs that have been launched, the BMT teamed up with Bank Syariah MUAMALAT, Syariah TAKAFUL Insurance, TiGADi Informatika, YA'UL

One of the members win s a doorprize.

Shop, etc. YMBH Chairman Anis Mujahid Akbar viewed that the BMT's excellent progress up to the third year is closely related to the management's effort to improve management and look for breakthroughs in business as well as members' support for programs that have been rolled out in the past three years. “We hope that this Syariah-based business entity will make more progress at a larger scale and will give real benefits as a facility for people's economic development, not only for YMBH members but also for all Muslims around us,” said Anis.

Sumbawa Nagas Defeats Bali Chilis


Sumbawa Nagas RFC (blue shirt) ruled the match.


Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVI/2012

umbawa Nagas RFC (Rugby Football Club) successfully beat Bali Chillis RFC at match held at Townsite on Saturday (10/3). The first leg match of Sumbawa Bali (SumBal) Cup was won by Nagas with slightly higher score of 17:12. The score was gained with three touchdowns and one penalty kick. “Despite losing the match, Bali Chillis felt happy enough that they could play. The match run fairly and there was no hard feeling or disappointment. The match encouraged Bali Chillis RFC to practice hard for the second leg match,” said Markus, one of the Bali Chillis players. “SumBal Cup will take place twice a year. In November the same event will be held in Bali,” said Jhon Noldi Dajoh who is also the captain of Rugby Nagas Batu Hijau. Bali Chillis had also once visitedZZZZ the site for a friendly game with Nagas. At the time, Nagas RFC won the game.

MISCELLANY ISPS Code Certification

International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) training at the Community Hall, Townsite.


s a sea transportation hub, a port needs more than just proper facili ties; it must also take into account the security aspects for both the vessels and port area. This is in compliance with

International Marine Organization (IMO) standards. To maintain Benete port consistent with IMO standards, a team of Security Dept, NPN 911, harbor master and the police

attended ISPS Code (International Ship and Port Facility Security Code) training at the Community Hall, Townsite (13-15/2). Firdaus Alfredy, General Supervisor Security, said that as an international port PTNNT [Benete] requires a security officer called Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO) and a PFSO must obtain an ISPS Code certification. “PFSO task is to prepare guidance related to port security,” said Firdaus. Agus Hardoyo, a Pertamina trainer coordinator, said if PTNNT does not have an ISPS code certificate, international vessels would not dare to berth for security reasons. “Therefore, PTNNT which serves international sea transportation must have an ISPS code, which has been applicable since 1 July 2004,” said Agus. In accordance with IMO requirements, vessels serving international sea transportation and international harbors must have certificates and comply with ISPS Code.

PERHAPI Holds Certification for Tens of Employees

Certification participants.


he Professional Certification Agency (LSP) of the Association of Indonesian Mining Professionals (Perhapi) again carried out a certification course for mining employees. Thirty-one employees of various mining companies took the course, which was held at Community Hall of Townsite (30/4-1/4). The training is the third held so far. Rajulisman, Chairman of TUK-Perhapi

PTNNT who is also a master assessor, said certification is very important for mine workers. A certificate recognized by BNSP (the National Agency for Profession Certification) would give added values for workers to support their performance and profession as mine workers. “In its process, certification includes aspects of knowledge, attitudes, and skills,” he said. LSP Perhapi executive director Bambang

Hartoyo said certification aims not just to obtain written recognition, but also improve human resources in mining sector to deal with globalization of employment. “Any mine worker should prove to have skills in mining through certification, which is a requirement of Law no. 4 of 2009 on minerals and coal,” he said, while adding that to date 400 non oil and gas mine workers have obtained competency certificates.  Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVI/2012



Science Corner How are tailings produced? To separate valuable minerals from ores, PTNNT applies physical process instead of chemical process. Four main phases in ore processing include crushing, grinding, flotation to separate mineral with waste rocks and tailing placement. The crushing circuit reduces the size of the ore delivered from the open-pit mining operation to an average diameter of less than 15 cm. As the crushed ore enters the grinding circuit, seawater and/or fresh process water is added. The grinding circuit uses Semi- Autogenous Grinding (SAG) Mills and Ball Mills to reduce the size of crushed rock to no bigger than sand size granules. The mixture of fine particle ore and water that is created in the grinding circuit is called slurry. This slurry is pumped to the flotation process where very small amounts of organic reagents and lime are added to help recover valuable minerals. Reagent selectively reacts with surfaces of valuable minerals to make them hydrophobic (water repellent). Minerals which contain copper, gold and silver stick to bubbles, which float to the tank surface and the bubbles move the valuable minerals from the tank base to the surface of floatation tank.

Mendatar: 1. Baju dalam yang tidak berlengan. 3. Diulang, areal eksplorasi PTNNT di sumbawa. 4. Tidak (bahasa Inggris). 8. Mementingkan diri sendiri. 9. Perkakas untuk menggali lubang. 10.Dua (bahasa Inggris). 11. Nama depan pemain naturalisasi di Timnas. 12. Jumpa. 14. Perhimpunan Ahli Pertambangan Indonesia. 16. Cemburu, sirik, dengki. 18. Baitul Mall wat Tamwil 19. Standar Operating Procedure. 20. Ke atas (bahasa inggris) 21. Universitas Indonesia. 22. Bagian badan yang tidak boleh kelihatan.

Menurun: 1. Banjir air laut. 2. Nusantara. 5. Sepeda motor matic. 6. Peraturan Daerah. 7. Ibu kota Norwegia. 9. Ayah (bahasa gaul) 12. Bahan pembersih sepatu. 13. Benda cair yang bewarna hitam untuk menulis. 15. Membasuh muka, merapatkan kedua belah tangan, mengumpulkan dengan tangan. 17. Penyakit pada saluran pernapasan 18. Besi batangan yang berulir untuk mengikat dua benda biasanya dipasangkan dengan mur.

Hum or: When Your Dream is not Consistent Jaka Tarub who was a gambler was nagged by his wife, but he would not listen to his wife. “I'm still doing my responsibility as a father,” Jaka argues. “Can you prove it?” said his wife. He then summoned his son. “Son, I have taught you math, remember?” Jaka asked. A moment after his son nodded, Jaka asked a question to him, “What is the number after eight?” “Nine!” the son answered enthusiastically. “After nine?”" Jaka asked again. “Ten,” the son yells. Jaka smiled. These answers made him proud. In his opinion, he was not like what his wife thought of him. “After ten?” Jaka asked a question again. “Jack!” his son yelled out loud. Jaka's wife was shocked to hear his son last answer.

Meke Serep Headed for Exile (7) Quiz Safety No. 17 Jika Anda mengalami gejala kelelahan ketika bekerja, apa yang harus anda lakukan?

Kirim jawaban Anda dengan nama, nomor badge dan departemen, kepada Redaksi Suara Batu Hijau, Public Relation, Admin 1, Benete, atau melalui email ke sebelum 30 Juni 2012. Jawaban yang benar dari masing-masing quiz akan diundi untuk menentukan pemenang yang beruntung. Pemenang Quiz SBH No. 48 dan Quiz Safety no 16:

Dian Susanto-NB1711, Taufan Ardi Raharjo-NLC002, Ridwan RozaliNB0839. Selamat kepada yang namanya tertera di atas, hadiah akan dikirim via mail bag.


Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVI/2012

Cerita Sumbawa


“Be patient my daughter! The news I received has it that a patih, commander, and palace troops will take you tomorrow to a dense forest south of Senawang village. Inside the forest there is a cave called Liang Bedis. In that cave you shall be exiled. “Is that true grandpa?” asked Lala Baka. “Yes my granddaughter!” his grandpa answers. Lala Baka got very sad when he heard answer from her grandpa. She was going to be exiled to a jungle away from the crowd. Of course it wil be pitch-dark, no one would help her when she got sick or in trouble. She stared at his grandpa as if begging for mercy. Then Lala Baka said pitifully, “I'm begging you, please give me something to keep me safe while in the exile.” (to be continued)

MISCELLANY Local Govt Officials, PTNNT Reps, Journalists, Locals Come to Soccer Watch


ot wanting to miss the moment, PTNNT together with PWI (Indone sia's Journalists Association) of Sumbawa held a Champions League soccer watch night at Gedung Wisma, Sumbawa Besar, and at PTNNT's Mataram office (21/ 5). At Sumbawa Besar, the match between Bayern Munchen and Chelsea FC was attended by Sumbawa regent Jamaludin Malik and his staff, local House Speaker, and local people, whilst PTNNT was represented by manager for External Relations-Exploration Kasan Mulyono, Community Relations manager Syarafuddin Jarot, and senior specialist media relations, Ruslan Ahmad. In Mataram, the event was attended by journalists, employees, and surrounding community. While waiting for the match to begin, over a hundred soccer enthusiasts in Sumbawa and Mataram sang some songs alternately accompanied by a keyboard. The regent Jamaluddin also contributed his golden voice to entertain the audience. The committee also organized domino card competition, dinner, and door prizes.

Soccer watching night in PTNNT's Mataram office

“This event aims to maintain friendship between PTNNT, regional government, journalists, and surrounding community,” said Ruslan Ahmad. 

PTNNT SCHOLARSHIP ANNOUNCEMENT PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara opens opportunities for NTB natives to get scholarships for period XV of 2012/2013, including: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Silver Scholarship s Gold Scholarship s Platinum Scholarships Achievement Improvement Scholarship s Bulaeng Scholarships

For detailed information, please contact or visit form pick up points: 1. PTNNT - Community Development Admin I Benete, Benete Village, Maluk Sub District - Sumbawa Barat District - NTB Telp (0372) 635318 Ext. 46261 and Ext. 46162 2. PTNNT's Mataram Office, Jln. Sriwijaya No. 258 Mataram Lombok - NTB 3. PTNNT's Sumbawa Besar Office, Jln. Cendrawasih No.140 Sumbawa Besar 4. PTNNT CommunityRelation representative office in Taliwang (ex old BNI office), Goa, Benete, Maluk, Jereweh, Sekongkang Atas, and Tongo villages.

PTNNT paid royalties of US$1.6m in Q1/ 2012


T Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT) paid royalties in the mount of US$1.6 million to GOI during the first quarter of 2012. Payment was made by transfers to the General State Treasury Account at Bank Indonesia, number 600.502411980. General Manager Operations David Lilley said the royalty payment is based on the Contract of Work with GOI article 13 (ii) and (iii) paragraphs 2 and 3, and letter of Directorate General of General Mining no. 310/ 20.01/DJP/2000 dated on 24 February 2000 regarding the payment of Exploitation/ Production Contributions (Royalties) by PTNNT. The payment breakdowns are as follows: 1. Copper royalty - Cu $905,746.59 2. Gold royalty - Au $683,4443.07 3. Silver royalty - Ag $63,613. Total $1,652,803.46 “The royalty payment above is based on the amount of weights listed in the provisional [records] at the export port as temporary calculation which shall be adjusted after settlement assay is agreed between the seller and buyer in the destination country,” said David.  Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVI/2012


Focus NTB is Home to 1001 Nature and Cultural Charms

Participants of photo contest and models in action.

Models who became photomodels

NTB Regional Secretary HM Nur is taking picture.

Participants and committee members


Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVI/2012


s a matter of fact, the nature and culture of NTB (West Nusa Tengga ra) have remarkable charms. However, these precious potentials for tourism industry have not been entirely exposed and developed to increase the number of tourist visits. The Batu Hijau Photographer Club (BHPC), which is a photographer community [of employees] who work at PTNNT, took the initiative to uncover NTB hidden tourism potentials. Together with Lombok Landscaper, BHPC held photo an Expo Contest and workshop titled 1001 'Nature and Cultural Charms of NTB' at Mataram Mall (3-4/3). As many as 120 pictures and 800 photos in a slide show format were displayed. “All of these pictures will be made into a book in our effort to promote the beauty of nature and cultural diversity in NTB,” said Komang

Ardana, head of committee. According to Ardana, the photo exhibition on the cultural and natural beauty of NTB was the first ever held in Mataram. “Books about culture and nature beauty of NTB is hard to find, despite of such a book is wanted by many tourists. Therefore we would like to publish a book containing photos and at the same time promote NTB's tourism potentials,” he said. NTB's Regional Secretary HM Nur responded positively on the event. “This event is very beneficial to promote tourism potential in the region,” he said when opening the expo. Meanwhile, PTNNT's Government Relations and Compliance Manager H Lalu Mahfi stated that PTNNT was commited to providing assistance in introducing the nature beauty and culture of NTB at the national and international levels. “Efforts to introduce nature and culture of NTB have been previously done by sponsoring various activities at the regional level, such as our participation in the 2011 Samawa Cultural Week and the inauguration of Sultan of Sumbawa. At the national level, PTNNT has sponsored the making of Serdadu Kumbang movie and participated in many exhibitions,” Mahfi explains. Fully sponsored by PTNNT, the event attracted a large number of mall visitors. Many of them came specifically to see the displayed pictures.

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