Suara Batu Hijau Ed XXVIII

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Martiono: Give a Meaning to Independence with Hardwork RI Environment Minister Gets Impressed PTNNT Builds Minaret of the Islamic Center

President Director's Message SUARA

Batu Hijau Suara Batu Hijau Magazine Published by PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara for internal distribution within the company and other Newmont groups PAT R O N Martiono Hadianto ADVI SOR S All Senior Managers, Managers and Superintendent CHIEF EDIT EDITO OR Rubi Waprasa Purnomo E D I TO R S Andika Wijaya, Ruslan Ahmad, Komang Ardana, Muhammad Nazri, Lalu Yuslis, Lalu Budi Karyadi DESIGN & PRODUCTION Agus Apriyanto DISTRIBUTION Team and Departments Secretaries Suara Batu Hijau receives contribution including stories, articles, photos and cartoons from employees. Editors are entitled to edit the cont r ibut ion E D I TTOR'S OR'S ADDRESS Admin I Building Benete, West Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia MAIL ADDRESS PO Box 1022 Mataram 83126 TELEPON (62-372) 635318 ext 46260 Fax:(62-372) 635319 ext: 46243 E-MAIL WEBSITE

Cover: Mine water quality monitoring conducted continuously continuously..


Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVIII/2012

Martiono Hadianto

Accelerated Performance Delivery and Value Enhancement Dear employees, As we are all aware, Newmont's operating regions commenced the Accelerated Performance Delivery and Value Enhancement initiative (VE Initiative) in June to undertake a comprehensive review of our cost structure to enhance the efficiency and long-term sustainability of our business. At PTNNT, our costs have continued to rise in the face of stagnating metal prices at a time when we are enduring negative cash flow during the Phase 6 stripping campaign. Through the VE Initiative and development of the 2013 budget and business plan, the management of PTNNT has evaluated and assessed our cost structure comprehensively to ensure that the Batu Hijau mine operates more effectively and efficiently. Our review has focused on all costs, with substantial reductions achieved in operating costs (both mining and milling), capital costs, and other operating support costs. These efficiency efforts include, among others, eliminating certain consulting services, cancelling a contract for a helicopter, cutting substantial amounts of sustaining capital, improving pricing terms with key suppliers, and reducing travel budgets and charitable contributions/donations.. In addition, however, as previously stated in my 14 August announcement, it has been necessary to examine our workforce requirements as part of the VE Initiative. It is with deep regret that I inform you that PTNNT will need to reduce the number of PTNNT employees. The evaluation and implementation of the workforce reduction program will commence today with the elimination of approximately 20% of expat positions (including direct contract positions). In most cases these positions will be reduced as terms of existing arrangements end. In addition, approximately 2.8% of our national workforce will be impacted by reductions that will be implemented during October, as Department Managers speak with affected employees. We assure you that employees impacted by the VE Initiative will be paid their legal entitlements in full pursuant to the prevailing laws and regulations. In addition, I have authorized a discretionary additional goodwill Compensation component for all departing members of our national workforce, which will be determined based upon years of service to PTNNT. PTNNT's management realizes that this is a challenging situation but that we must make this difficult decision to ensure that PTNNT remains financially strong for the long-term future, so that we fulfill our obligations as contractor to the Government and carry out our social responsibilities for the community. Therefore, we seek your full support in facing this difficult situation so that PTNNT will be able to carry out its business plan safely, efficiently, and effectively. Thank you.

COVER STORY Martiono: Give a Meaning to Independence with Hardwork

RI Environment Minister gets impressed


ndependence does not merely mean getting free from oppression, but the ability to work hard to fill the nation's independence as well. At the scope of the company, we could give substance to the independence with our spirits of association and unity to settle various problems faced by the company. General Manager Mining Wudi Raharjo read PTNNT President Director Martiono Hadianto's statement above as the ceremony leader during the 67th RI Independence Day commemoration at the mini soccer field Townsite (17/ 8). The ceremony started at 07:00 a.m and was attended by PTNNT employees, business parters' representatives and students of Buin Batu School (SBB). He emphasized that company's success to becoming one of the safest mines in Indonesia is supported by guidance and directives from the central and regional governments. This year's Independence Day ceremony was held during Ramadhan 1433H fasting month. That's why, Martiono called on all parties to reflect the meaning of independence with religious duty. “As the commemoration this year falls on the month of full blessings, mercy and forgiveness from God Almighty, we should then give a meaning to this independence with its deepest essence,” he said. Martiono reminded that currently the company was making efforts at local and global levels to accelerate performance delivery and value enhancement. This is important to ensure all company's activities run efficiently and sustainably. “PTNNT remains committed to building a sustainable mining business that delivers top quartile shareholder returns while leading in safety, environmental stewardship and social responsibility,” he asserted. As such, he hopes that the success achieved so far can become a positive energy to face growing bigger challenges, while all employees are working safely and healthily. 

Prof DR Balthasar Kambuaya


I State Minister for the Environment Prof DR Balthasar Kambuaya said he was impressed when seeing that Sumbawa island was still green. “It's like no big mining company is operating in here,” he said after a Batu Hijau mine aerial view (2/9). Visiting PTNNT for the first time since his inauguration in October 2011, the Minister was getting more impressed after witnessing the company's environmental management from reclamation, mine acid water treatment, deep sea tailing placement to the processing of ores in Batu Hijau. “I feel satisfied after witnessing company's environmental management, which is put as the chief priority. Apart from mining, Batu Hijau also maintains the environment and pays attention to the community around the mine,” said Balthasar. Meantime, PTNNT President Director Martiono Hadianto asserted PTNNT's commitment to becoming a leader in safety, environmental stewardship and social responsibility. “We are operating here in compliance with applicable regulations and maintain the environment. It is proven by six Green Proper awards received consecutively,” said Martiono. At the end of his visit, the minister planted a sandalwood tree and inspected the stateof-the-art survey boat Tenggara Explorer at Benete port. 

Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVIII/2012


EXPLORATION Ranan Village Ready to Face Challenges Ranan was separated from Labangkar village in 2005 and became a definitive village in 2007. It was the starting point for Ranan people who are mostly farmers to organize and develop the village to improve the standard their life . “We always try to improve our village thru community development programs funded by company's CSR, Regional Budget (APBD) and PNPM,” said Ranan village chief Muhammad Saleh HA. “We are currently conducting road and ditch/drainage project using PNPM funds,” he added. Gabung Saleh, a villager said as the

youngest village Ranan still needs many facilities and infrastructures. “At the moment, we are raising funds to build a multipurpose building and a mosque,” said this 49-year-old man. The people of Ranan village are lucky to have plenty of water resources and springs that never dry. Each house has clean water supply chanelled directly from the spring thru pipeline using gravity. “Spring utilization is regulated by the village administration to maintain the spring. Anybody caught to intentionally cause damage to the spring will be subject to sanction,” said this father of two. 

Muhammad Saleh HA


uiet, beautiful and cool with green rice field, river and abundant water. It is a description that depicts Ranan in Ropang Subdistrict of Sumbawa Regency, a village with a population of 108 households or approx. 600 people. In the middle of the village area, Sumbawa southern ring road connects Ropang Subdistrict with Labangka. Despite the fact that the project has not been completed, the people of Ranan village see it as an indication that one day their village will be the main gate of Ropang Subdistrict, and ready to face the future.

Ranan Village

Ropang People Interested in Fish Cultivation


ore Ropang peole are interested in fresh water cultivation. One of them is 50-year-old Sahabudin. He has been managing his four fishponds in

Orong Ceremai Manis since 2009. He manages to earn Rp3 million in each harvest. “Since I began my fresh water fish cultivation business I have received the

Sahabudin Sahabudin's fishponds.


Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVIII/2012

direct economic benefits. Not to mention the yields from utilization of land around the pond by intercropping method of hardwoods, fruits and vegetables and poultry,” added Sahabudin, a father of one. Avocado, teakwood, sapodilla trees and vegetables are planted on embankments beside his fishponds. “The only obstacle I have in managing my fishpond is on the supply of fry. Difficulty in getting fry has affected the fish harvesting pattern,” he explained. Marketing the fish is not a problem, since buyers are plenty from around Ropang area. “Fresh water fish are in great demand during the fasting month,” said Sahabuddin. In addition, Sahabuddin also planted salak pondoh (snake skin fruit). “Thank God, it is successful although I started it without any serious purpose,” he said.

EXPLORATION Ledang Community Build Clean Water Facilities


t was an extremely hot day at Ledang, Lenangguar but tens of Ledang people were busy building a clean water reservoir. Some were bailing out sands and water by turns, while the others were mixing cement and pouring it into the mould. Their work was overwhelmed by laughters and cheerfulness. A moment later, they stopped to drink cendol (doughy rice-flour droplets used in cold drinks) and cakes prepared by the women. “Thanks God, the people are committed to supporting the clean water supply program because they understand the importance of clean water as their basic need. That's why the people show enthusiasm and are ready to participate in the event,” said Irwansyah SPd, the chief of Ledang village. The clean water project in Ledang village is conducted in partnership among the Bappeda (Environment Planning Agency) of Sumbawa Regency, PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT) and the community. The project uses gravity system and house direct connection (SLR). The fund from PTNNT was used for material procurement, while the technical consultants and empowerment came from WES Unicef sonsultant of Sumbawa Bappeda. Project execution involved community participation thru mutual cooperation and

Working together to develop clean water facility.

procurement of materials, such as sands, rocks. This method was adopted from successful WES (Water Environment and Sanitation) program funded by Unicef. The villages implementing UNICEF's WES programs include Lito, Semamung and Tatebal villages. “People used to take water from wells and rivers. When the clean water facility development program was held in cooperation between Bappeda of Sumbawa and PTNNT, we participated thru community mutualhelp. We have been expecting the clean water facilities with direct house connection,” said Irwansyah during the event of reservoir construction with the people. PTNNT Senior Representative of Exploration Comdev Infrastructure Syamsul Hidayat appreciated Ledang people's enthusiasm in carrying out the clean water project. “Despite the mutual-help implementation, the 50cubic reservoir project could be completed according to specifications as planned. The quality and structure is good,” he said. Meantime, Unicef's Sumbawa person-incharge Ir Z Arifin M.Si explained the clean water reservoir was the first clean water project in Ledang village. Once completed,

the project would continue with renovation of the water spring facilities to make sure that the water distributed to settlement area using gravity system is clean and healthy. “Two main projects are construction of reservoir and renovation of water spring [facilities]. When they are completed, the other work such as piping will not be too difficult,” he explained. WES UNICEF program is a participative, gender-dimensional, sustainable, independent, transparent and accountable clean water development program. The planning, implementation and operation process involves active participation of the community. Before clean water facility development took place, the community engaged in deliberations to reach consensus on the work system, accompanied by empowerment consultants. Then the technical consultants explained construction plan and the details. “I hope with the clean water supply, followed by development of sanitation facilities, diarrhea can be eradicated from the area and the Ledang village will be classified as an Open-Defecation Free (ODF) Village now,” said Arifin. 

Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVIII/2012


CSR PTNNT Builds IC Minaret


TNNT supports West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) administration's initiative to build an Islamic Center (IC). Thru CSR fund, PTNNT allocated Rp50 billion for development of the 99 tower (Minaret), center for religious services, Islamic study, education and library. PTNNT President Director Martiono Hadianto during the groundbreaking ceremony of the 114-meter tall minaret project on (6/ 8) said PTNNT's involvement is part of its social responsibility for regional development. “The fund to support this minaret project is part of the US$38 million or equal to Rp360 billion, disbursed in 2011 and 2012. Project management is then handled by PTNNT management and related offices within NTB administration,” he said. NTB Governor TGH M Zainul Majdi at the same occasion said the 99 tower or IC minaret is a substantial and religious symbol for religious development towards a religious, competitive region. “With support from Newmont, this project is expected to have better results. Overal tower height is 114 meters, but the area accessible for visitor is 99 meters

high,” said this youngest governor in Indonesia. IC development is planned to be carried out in five stages, starting with the groundbreaking, development of education area, relocation of irrigation channel and relocation of Mataram Agriculture Development School (SPP). The second stage continues the development of education facilities, relocation of SMPN 6 Mataram and development of a great mosque with capacity of 15,000 people. This will continue with third and fourth stages. Projects in stage four include development of road access and renovation of Attaqwa mosque to become the center for Islamic science and technology study. The final (5th) stage includes development of business/commercial facility, as well as environmental management. In overall, development of IC in the coverage area of 6.7 ha is approx. Rp356 billion, according to the work of Puddezoe discussion group - the winner of grand design for Islamic Center. Part of the fund comes from the regional budget (APBD), community's participation managed thru APBD at third party's donation item.

Groundbreaking ceremony of IC Minaret by PTNNT President Director Martiono and NTB Governor TGH M Zainul Majdi (insert).


Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVIII/2012

H Wagimin Hadisastra

KSB Sports Stadium Bidding is Open


n the near future the West Sumbawa Regency (KSB) will have the best and most complete sports stadium (GOR) in the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). PTNNT has allocated Rp 24.9 billion for the 1st development phase which commenced in July 2012. PTNNT Comdev Manager Wagimin Hadisastra said the company as the Community Development and Empowerment Fund (DPPM) organizer, as well as the party responsible for the development would ensure that based on the workplan the GOR project would be completed by March 2013. “Despite the first development phase, the sports stadium - particularly the soccer field - would be used as the homebase of Sumbawa Barat soccer club,” said Wagimin. Some of the sports stadium facilities to be built in the 1st phase are soccer field with all supporting facilities, run track, tribune, fence around the GOR complex and clean water facility, as well as electricity. “The soccer field will use international-quality grass. We will import it,” said Wagimin.

CSR Two Brawijaya Univ Students Receive Bulaeng Scholarship


ollowing stringent applicant selection process conducted jointly with scholarship consultant team, two students of Brawijaya University (Unibraw) of Malang managed to secure PTNNT Bulaeng scholarship II for period of July 2012/2013. They are Belinda Fortuna from Sampir of Taliwang who was admitted at the Finance & Banking Department of Economics Faculty and Haris Apriyanto of Berora of Sumbawa at the Nutrition Department of Medical Faculty. “On behalf of PTNNT Management, we extend our congratulation to the recipi-

ents and expect the scholarship to be fully used to support and increase motivation to get success in education and become quality, competitive local human resources,” said Manager Community Development H. Wagimin. Bulaeng scholarship program is developed from existing gold scholarship program and covers full education assistance in accordance with the regulations applicable at the department/university where the recipients study. The target is High School/Vocational School graduates of West Sumbawa and

Sumbawa with outstanding achievements, high commitment to community development in their place of origin, and already being admitted to seven leading universities in Indonesia (UI, UGM, ITB, IPB, Unair, Brawijaya and UIN of Jakarta) in required department. “Eight of 18 applicants meet the requirements for further assessment. After interviews and tests on international language, personality, commitment and scientific writing and presentation before the independent team, only two of them met the final requirements despite our initial target of five,” said Wagimin. 

Seteluk Multipurpose Hall is Handed Over

Badminton court trial at Seteluk Multipurpose Hall.


onstruction of Seteluk Multipurpose Hall West Sumbawa was completed and ready for use by the community. PTNNT handed over the building to the local government on 29 August. The 18x32-m building is the seventh built by PTNNT in West Sumbawa Regency. “With this building we hope we can fulfill Seteluk community's need for a building where they can have sport exercise, meeting and other social activities,” said Manager Community Development PTNNT H. Wagimin. Like other multipurpose halls, the building of Rp1.2 billion worth includes a stage, three badminton courts, toilets, a changing room, a storeroom, a canteen and a tribune. “In addition, we provide a vast and sufficient parking lot,” added H. Wagi. Previously, PTNNT built multipurpose halls at Tongo, Sekongkang, Maluk, Benete, Goa and Jereweh villages. The signing of Handover Official Report by H Wagimin and Seteluk Sub-district Administration reps.

Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVIII/2012



Female employees, IKANURA members and employees' family enliven the 17 August RI Independence celebration with a female football match.

The sack race, a must contest in 17 August celebration. Jump mom‌!

"Huaaaaa..." one of Karaoke contestants performs before the judges "Kressskresss...huks seret..." eating cracker contest and the spectator.

"Kresss-kresss...huks seret.." eating cracker contest.

Gandrung Lombok dance and Gendang Belek also enliven the event. Come dance with us...!

A bazaar is also held for those who like to shop. It's cheap, it's cheap‌!


Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVIII/2012

" careful!" pole climbing, attractive and strenuous.


RI Environment Minister Balthasar Kambuaya plants a sandalwood tree at the Townsite witnessed by MoE officials and PTNNT management (13/9).

Syarafuddin Jarot, patron of IKANURA, addresses his welcome speech in the "Halal bil Halal & Inauguration of new IKANURA Committee" at the Community Hall Townsite (19/9).

Visit by People's Representatives' Wives (Iswara) of Sumbawa House of Reps. to Batu Hijau.

Teachers, staff and students of SMPN 1 Maluk posed together at Admin 1, Benete (4/9).

Mine visit by NTB Education Council (20/9).

PTNNT participated in NTB Expo 2012 at GOR Turide, Mataram (4-8/7).

Participants of "Batu Hijau Sharing Best Practices" Workshop of Indonesia Geologist Association (IAGI) Nusa Tenggara visit Batu Hijau Mine (6-9/9).

PTNNT Community Relations Manager Syarafuddin Jarot welcomes the Committee of Indonesia Doctor Association (IDI) West Sumbawa at Visitor Center, Admin 1 Benete (19/1).

Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVIII/2012


CSR PTNNT Pays Rp689 Billion to the State

Rachmat Makkasau, General Manager CSR & Govrels PTNNT.


TNNT paid an amount of Rp689 billion to fulfill its financial obliga tions to the Government of Indonesia in the form of taxes, non-taxes and

royalties in accordance with the stipulations in its Contract of Work for the second quarter of the year. “The company is committed to fulfilling its financial obligations and all taxation stipulations. Since 2003 the company has consistently been named a golden tax payer by the government,” said Rachmat Makkasau, PTNNT General Manager CSR and Government Relations. The largest payment in the quarter was Corporate Income Tax (CIT Article 25) in the amount of Rp545 billion, followed by Personal Income Tax (PIT Article 21) of Rp68.5 billion and other income taxes of Rp16.3 billion. Meantime, royalty payment was Rp10.3 billion. Compared to the payment of taxes, nontaxes and royalties in Q2 of 2011 in the amount of Rp3.2 trillion, there was a drop of of Rp2.6 trillion caused by the lower payment of Corporate Income Tax (CIT

Article 25) due to the fall in the company's revenues in 2012 compared to 2011 According to Rachmat, 2012 and 2013 are very challenging years for the company where it only processes stockpiles and excavates waste rocks. The company will resume its ore mining in 2014. From 1999 to 2011, PTNNT paid taxes, non-taxes and royalties, goods and service procurement from local and national businesses, community development programs worth Rp60.7 trillion to the state. In addition to the direct financial benefits to the government, PTNNT's presence brings other economic benefits through salary payment to approximately 4000 employees and 3000 contractors, purchases of goods and services from local and national suppliers, and community development programs. 

PTNNT Hands Over TNI Navy Benete Post


TNNT handed over TNI Navy post at Benete bay, West Sumbawa, on Wed. (5/9). General Supervisor Infrastructure Nasrul Budiyanto representing PTNNT Management handed over the post to the Navy represented by the Navy Base Commander First Lt. Hadi Pranoto. The handover was witnessed by Maluk Subdistrict Head I Made Budi Suryata, Chief of Maluk sector police AKP Bambang W, the village head, local figures and members of community. The 110-meter square building consists of a commander office room, a Rubber Boat storage, a bedroom, a kitchen, a detention room and a members mess. The project, which was completed in one month, costs Rp367 million. Nasrul in his welcome speech asked the navy to use the facility to improve its services to the community. “In addition to the physical facilities, the post is equipped with electricity and water,” said he. Meantime, Navy First Lt. Hadi Pranoto expressed his gratitude to PTNNT and expected support from the community. “We say thank you PTNNT for giving assistance to the Navy particularly in West Sumbawa. With regard to the Navy


Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVIII/2012

function in maintaining Indonesia's integrity and defense, PTNNT and the government's share an important role. However, it is meaningless without the community's support. We currently continue the familiarization of the Navy's strategic roles,” said Hadi Pranoto.  The signing of handover official report by Gensupv Infrastructure Nasrul Budiyanto to Danposlanal, Lettu Laut Hadi Pranoto.

TNI Navy post at Benete.

NEWMONT NEWS Newmont Named to Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for Sixth Straight Year


ewmont Mining Corporation (NYSE: NEM) has been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World) for the sixth consecutive year. The DJSI World – Dow Jones' premier sustainability index – includes approximately 300 global companies identified as leaders in the areas of sustainable economic, environmental and social performance. In 2007, Newmont became the first gold company included in the DJSI World and also has been included on the DJSI North America Index every year since 2006. “Newmont is pleased to once again be recognized by the DJSI as one of the world’s leaders in sustainability,” said Richard O'Brien, Newmont's Chief Executive Officer.

“This recognition acknowledges the hard work of our employees and contractors around the world who consistently strive to demonstrate leadership in safety, environmental stewardship and social responsibility.” DJSI World tracks the performance of 2,500 leading companies, worldwide, independently evaluating their long-term economic, environmental and social performance. The top 10 percent of performers are selected from among 57 different industry groups. DJSI evaluates companies based on a variety of criteria, including transparency, corporate governance, risk and crisis management, environmental management and performance, stakeholder engagement,

community development, energy management and climate change, biodiversity, human resources, and safety. In April, Newmont was one of only two mining companies ranked in the top 50 of Corporate Responsibility magazine's annual 100 Best Corporate Citizens List. More information on Newmont's environmental and social performance can be found in the company's annual sustainability report, Beyond the Mine. The report is published as part of the company's ongoing obligations as a founding member of the International Council on Mining and Metals and in accordance with its commitments under the United Nations' Global Compact and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights.

Ropang, Center of Fruit Production


esides being famous with its rice and honey, Ropang is now also well-known with its durian and salak (snake skin

fruit). It is Tri Subandi, a man of Jember East Jawa born 1965, who first started planting durian and salak trees in Ropang. In addition to be a builder, Mas Tri who married to a Ropang girl and lives in Ropang Atas also plants fruit trees in his two hectares of land. “Cool weather in Ropang made me think that durian is a suitable tree to plant that I tried to make seedlings out of durian seed I brought from Lombok. Now there are some eight durian trees and were already harvested twice,” said Mas Tri. It was not big harvest yet, and sold out the Ropang people. “One tree may fruit about 20 and is sold at Rp60,000 each,” said Tri smiling. His success with a little number of durian trees made Mas Tri believe that Ropang is very potential for durian plantation development. The land is still vast but the community still needs guidance and seed assistance. “Durian can become additional source of income for farmers here,” said he. His durian farm is located at Cermai area, about 5 meters to the north of Ropang village gate. In addition to durian, Mas Tri raises carp, tilapia and mujair fish.

Durian orchard belonging Tri Subandi at Ropang, Tri Subandi (insert).

“The need for fish is huge and hard to find in Ropang. Thus the fish farming will assist the community and open new business opportunity,” said he. Due to the success of his fish farming, other farmers start to adopt his effort. “It is a good progress, the government should provide support to improve the farming,”

said Tri. After working on his plantation and fishpond recently, he dreams of having integrated plantation where he can have fruits, vegetables and fish cultivation in one location. “I will try to make my dream come true and is ready to collaborate with the government or other parties,” said he.

Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVIII/2012


RAGAM Endless Steep Hills...(Expedition Rinjani part 2)


fter passing slope by slope, we finally arrived at Post I, it was still raining. We took a brief rest before continuing the journey. Thatch grasses and steep hills drained our energy. We walked in line dragging our feet, sneaking into the grasses and disappeared in a shady curve. Post II appeared to be better. We took prayers, cooked instant noodle and soya milk, and some had their love meals (made by their wives). The rest was enough and we continued the journey to Post III. The slopes got steeper and pine trees were getting wide apart. We got separated as the strong team members walked ahead and the weak dragged their feet behind. Some team members were caught by cramp. Passing a slanted bridge made by the army, we got to Post III. Three members


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who arrived last were very exhausted. From Post III we climbed stony steep hills with thickening tall pines. The porter said it is the frightening track for beginners. We had to stop and sit every 3-4 steps. We arrived at the extra post at

about the sunset time. The journey continued in the dark misty afternoon. We turned our headlamps and flashlights on. The slopes were very difficult to climb with huge pine trees on our sides dropping rain water. What we saw below were only curvy lights. It is said that we were in Remorse Hills, and some called it Suffering Hills, but we were definitely regretful and suffering. Of course, each time we stopped and looked above, the slope was still a long way to go and seemed endless. Then we saw lights below approaching us quickly and they appeared to be nature lovers students (Mapala). Nooo waaay‌ they moved quickly. As men who are no longer young, we felt humiliated and it encouraged us to continue the journey. Finally we arrived at East Pelawangan, Sembalun.ď ľ (to be continued)


As Ramadhan Comes, YMBH Host Many Events


he holy month of Ramadhan is a blessing month. Various events of educational value, social and religious were hosted during the blessed month. The Batu Hijau Muslim Foundation, a social and religious institution of Batu Hijau employees, also hosted various events. A Bazaar, Mass Prayers, Storytelling and Devout Kids contest were held at the mini soccer field. The Ramadhan events included ta'jil, tarawih, religious speech, Nuzulul Qur'an, Qiyamul Lail, collection and distribution of zakat, takbiran and Ied prayer. “We invited Syuhada Bahri and Hari Mukti of Jakarta, Ja'far Umar Thalib of Yogyakarta to give a religious speech,” said Foundation's Chairperson HL Anis Mujahid

Ta'jil at Miftahul Jannah Mosque Townsite.

Kids Storytelling

Ramadhan Bazaar

Akbar. In general, the events were aimed at improving our faith and obedience to Allah SWT, and particularly developing the

people's morality, building spirit and solidarity as well as optimizing the mosque in its role as the center of Islamic teaching, religious services and community education.

Ramadhan religious speech by Ja'far Umar Thalib.

SBB Hosts Ramadhan Boarding School


uin Batu School (SBB) hosted a Ramadhan boarding school for muslim students. Kindergarten to

Manasik Ibadah Haji oleh siswa-siswi Sekolah Buin Batu.

grade V of Primary School students joined the boarding school at Townsite while students of grade VI to IX at Abu Hurairah

boarding school of Mataram (7-10/8). Chairperson of the Committee Habiburrahman said Ramadhan boarding school is a form of holistic learning to build a student's character to become a faithful individual. One of the subjects taught at Townsite was hajj guide. “The students are expected to learn and implement the values of hajj process such as sacrifice, self-recognition process as Allah's creature through wukuf (gathering) at Arafah, togetherness and equality before Allah SWT, simplicity of appearance described by ihram clothing made only with two pieces of cloth and struggle values reflected in sa'i (trotting) as a symbol of Siti Hajar's struggle in search of water for her son Ismail,” said Habib.

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Pojok Pengetahuan 6

Hasil analisa laboratorium umumnya menunjukkan bahwa tailing tidak digolongkan sebagai bahan berbahaya. Hasil lindian logam menunjukkan perbedaan yang sangat kecil antara kandungan tailing PTNNT dengan berbagai material alam seperti sedimen dasar sungai, sedimen laut serta bahan batu bata. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik kimia padatan tailing PTNNT sangat mirip dengan karakteristik sedimen yang terdapat di dasar sungai yang mengalir melalui kawasan proyek Batu Hijau.





Karakteristik Kimia Tailing


Hum r:








Ini adalah sms KUTUKAN... Kalau tidak dibaca MIMISAN. Kalau dibaca INGUSAN. Kalau tidak dibalas KUDISAN. Kalau dibalas PANUAN disimpan KURAPAN dihapus SARIAWAN Nah Loh, terus dikirim balik BISULAN, diedit TIMBILAN, marah KORENGAN, Dibanting.. SILAKAN....!!!





23 24

Mendatar: 1. Dewa cinta. 4. Ibu Kota Romawi. 7. Hal penting pada kendaraan. 8. Gelanggang olahraga. 12. Pulang sebelum waktunya. 13. Berkata pelan dekat telinga. 14. Bebas dari penjajah. 16. Kerja keras tanpa upah. 17. Gadis. 19. Mine Maintenance Area. 21. ….mill. 22. Harapan. 23. teh (Eng). 24. Tameng, pelindung.

Menurun: 1. Dunia. 2. Pelumas. 3. Penahan. 5. Satuan tahanan (resister). 6. Perbuatan. 8. Ucapan setiap pertemuan. 9. Hina dina. 10. Yang dibutuhkan orang sakit. 11. Bagian yang di belakang sekali. 15. Tempat tinggal, alamat. 16. Mengambil paksa. 18. Salah satu cabang olah raga pakai senjata. 20. Bagian paling atas dari rumah. 21. …Nurhaliza (penyanyi).

Seorang jenderal di TNI AD memanggil tiga orang prajurit yang dianggap pahlawan setelah bertugas di Aceh. Jenderal: Karena ini bukan benar-benar perang, saya tidak bisa memberi kalian medali. Tapi saya akan tetap memberi hadiah. Yang harus kalian lakukan adalah menentukan dua titik di tubuh kalian, dan saya akan memberikan seratus ribu untuk tiap sentinya. Kita mulai dari kamu. Aztech: Dari ujung kepala ke ujung kaki, Pak. Jenderal: Bagus, 180 cm, kamu mendapat 18 juta, lumayan untuk beli kerupuk. Lembayung: Dari ujung jari kiri ke ujung jari kanan, Pak. Jenderal: Bagus sekali, 185 cm, total 18,5 juta. Cukup buat beli camilan. Gerber: Dari pundak ke kelingking, Pak. Jenderal: Aneh, tapi baiklah. Pada saat Jenderal akan mulai mengukur, "Mana kelingkingmu, Nak?" Gerber: Di Aceh, Pak.

Cerita Sumbawa Meke Serep Menuju Pengasingan (9) sumber

Quiz Safety No. 19 Pekerjaan apa yang berisiko mencederai tangan Anda di tempat kerja? Apa yang harus Anda lakukan untuk memastikan agar Anda dapat bekerja dengan aman?

Kirim jawaban Anda dengan nama, nomor badge dan departemen, kepada Redaksi Suara Batu Hijau, Public Relation, Admin 1, Benete, atau melalui email ke sebelum 31 Oktober 2012. Jawaban yang benar dengan data pengirim yang lengkap akan diundi untuk menentukan pemenang yang beruntung. Pemenang Quiz SBH No. 50 dan Quiz Safety no 18:

Kartini H-U12462, Sri Mulyanti-NC1707, Rini Sulistyowati-NC1923, Yanuar Khaldun-NC1911, Wiwik Lestari-PB3317, Muhammad Ali-NB2686, Saharuddin-NB6435, Sujito-NB0013, Moch. Yoni-NB4310, Yulia Taha Salim-NB6439. Selamat kepada yang namanya tertera di atas, hadiah akan dikirim via mail bag.


Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVIII/2012

“The commander and I with all the guarding troops are ordered by Our Majesty to pick and take the Princess to Liang Bedis,” said the chief minister consistent with King Nunang Sasih's order. “Yes, chief, I accept any punishment from my father. Take me now,” said Laka Baka fatefully. Lala Baka got into the palanquin and with the troops she headed to the south of Tana Samawa kingdom, Liang Bedis at Senawang hamlet. Lala Baka was carried in a palanquin by the troops accompanied by the chief minister and the commander. The trip was filled with a heart-breaking sadness. They walked along Brang Biji river whose upstream rises at Lanteh rock mountain and empties into Labuhan Sumbawa. After ten days walking, they arrived at a vast savannah called Lenang Lengan. It was located at the west of Lenang Guar village, about 12 km from Lenang Lengan. Lenang Lengan is included in Lenang Guar area . (to be continued)


Employees Are the Most Valued Asset


mployees are the company's asset, therefore the company must bring welfare to its employees by giving reasonable wages based on the company's revenues, their professionalism, skills and risk levels, and should fight for employees' rights and interests consistently. Petrus Madi, Chairperson of PUK SPKEP SPSI PTNNT for the period of 2012-2015 elected in April, stressed on this. “In this regard, we aim to protect, defend and struggle for employees and their families' welfare and improve our human resources quality to support the company's progress,” said the HT operator who was born in Manggarai NTT in 1968. Madi got 952 votes surpassing his rival Zainuddin Wanden (929) and Nasruddin (498) during the election. He came in the fourth of six candidates in previous

election. “I continued to build consolidation with fellow crew members after losing three years ago and hold regular meeting to discuss various problems. We can see the result now,” said the Sport Teacher School graduate of 1990. Joining an organization is the hobby of this father of three. In addition to the member of SPSI PTNNT, he joins KNPI

with position of Chairperson of NTT Family Association in Mataram. His career at PTNNT is just average. Since October 2000 he continued his former work at Flour Daniel (1987) at Boat Transport section. Five years later he transferred to Mine Operator. “I will continue this way during my term of service,” this football hobbyist modestly. 

“...we aim … to struggle for employees and their families' welfare, and improve our human resources quality to support the company's progress,”

Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVIII/2012



Suara Batu Hijau Edisi XXVIII/2012

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