Suara Batu Hijau XXX/2013

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Photo by: Gusti Made Ambara Jaya



ISSUE 30 2013 CSR

Hundreds of Students Receive Scholarships As many as 700 students from West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) studying in schools and universities throughout Indonesia receive silver scholarships from PTNNT in 2012/2013 academic year.

COVER STORY PTNNT Again Receives ADITAMA Award in Environmental Management PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT) again receives ADITAMA award of Gold category and gold trophy (best of the best) from the RI Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources for environmental management efforts it conducted during 2012. This GOLD ADITAMA award and trophy is the highest category and the third given to PTNNT. The award is presented by the Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Rudi Rubiandini to PTNNT General Manager Mining Wudi Rahardjo in Jakarta, Tuesday (27/11).

OHS Drill & Exercise ISPS Code: Four Suspected Fuel Thieves Seized

ENVIRONMENT Batu Hijau Reclamation Supports Carbon Absorption

HRD Signing of CLA 2013-2014 Martiono: Diversity is the Law of Nature

OPERATIONS & PRODUCTION Sustainable Mining Boot Camp II (SMBC II): Getting to Know the Mine During Vacation

Plant Operations Shut Down for Maintenance


Looking for Students

NEIGHBOR NEWS Seteluk Police Office Construction Project Commenced

“A friend of mine thought these programs are set up in such a way so as to make the company look good to us."


Batu Hijau


3 r: 01 v e ve 2 o C 's E ite ar ns Ye Tow w Ne in

Suara Batu Hijau magazine is published by PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara for internal distribution within the company and for other Newmont groups. PATRON VISERS TRON:: Martiono Hadianto AD ADVISERS VISERS:: All Senior Managers, Managers and SuperintenOR ORIAL TEAM dents CHIEF EDIT EDITOR OR: Rubi Waprasa Purnomo EDIT EDITORIAL TEAM:: Andika Wijaya, Ruslan Ahmad, Komang Ardana, Muhammad Nazri, Lalu Yuslis, Lalu Budi Karyadi DESIGN & PRODUCTION PRODUCTION: Agus Apriyanto DISTRIBUTION PR and Department Secretary.

EDIT ORIAL ADDRESS EDITORIAL ADDRESS:: Gedung Admin I Benete, Sumbawa Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia LETTER ADDRESS PO Box 1022 Mataram 83126 PHONE (62-372) 635318 ext 46260 Fax:(62-372) 635319 ext: 46243 E -MAIL W E B S I T E Sua Suara ra Batu H ijau a cce p t s a n y s t o r i e s , a r t i cl e s , p h o t o s a n d ca r t o o n s f r o m e m ployees. p loyees. WEBSITE Editors have the right to edit articles contributed.


Batu Hijau


PTNNT again receives ADITAMA

award in Environmental Management


PTNNT General Manager Mining Wudi Rahardjo with trophy and Aditama award.

T Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT) again receives ADITAMA award of Gold category and gold trophy (best of the best) from the RI Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources for environmentsl management efforts conducted during 2012. This GOLD ADITAMA award and trophy is the highest category and the third award given to PTNNT. The award is presented by Rudi Rubiandini, the Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, to PTNNT General Manager Mining Wudi Rahardjo in Jakarta, Tuesday (27/11). "We surely feel proud of this Gold Aditama achievement. This reflects our compliance toward the regulations set by RI government and proves our commitment to environmental management," said Martiono Hadianto PTNNT President Director. As a multinational company, PTNNT embraces its values since the initial phase of operations to be the leader in occupational safety, environmental protection and social responsibility. On these values PTNNT performs its Batu Hijau mine operations with dedication and responsibility. The ADITAMA award is presented to PTNNT for sound environmental management of its mineral mine. The assessment aspects of environmental management include management of overburden, erosion management and sedimentation, nursery, reclamation and vegetation, supporting facilities, and monitoring of mining environment. The award makes the company recipient of the Best of The Best trophy among other companies receiving ADITAMA awards. Almost concurrently, PTNNT also receives PROPER award of BLUE category from RI Ministry of the Environment (KLH). Blue category is awarded for company's performance that has complied with standards and regulations set by KLH in various environmental Suara Batu Hijau Issue 30/2013



Batu Hijau management aspects. Compliant aspects are reviewed from implementation of environmental documents (AMDAL/UKLUPL), water and air pollution control, waste management and hazardous and toxic (B3) wastes and mine area control from environmental destruction. KLH set five ratings in Company's Performance Assessment Program (Proper,) i.e. Gold, Green, Blue, Red, and Black. RE Health Ministry also gives appreciation to PTNNT for its efforts in conducting health improvement programs in the region. PTNNT in cooperation with NTB administration has been considered successful in developing a Village Health Center Model (POSKESDES) and runs the program well. The model is consistent with the program run by RI Health Ministry.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Rudi Rubiandini presenting the award to PTNNT General Manager Mining Wudi Rahardjo in Jakarta, Tuesday (27/11).

Commitment PTNNT President Director Martiono Hadianto expressed his pride for various achievements the company has made. He said the award received by the company is evidence of PTNNT's commitment to mine operations consistent with company's values i.e. to be the leader in occupational safety, stewardship of the environment protection and social responsibility. "This success is achieved thru hard work of all PTNNT employees and contractors in environmental protection program in Batu Hijau mine," said Martiono. He thanked RI government for its technical guidance in environmental protection of Batu Hijau mine. "This award serves as encouragement for us to keep improving our performance," he said. He asserted that the awards were obtained thru hard work and good cooperation between PTNNT management, employees and business partners. "I am very grateful for the outstanding achievement and I hope that this could be maintained in the future," said Martiono.

One of PTNNT reclamation areas.

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 30/2013



Batu Hijau

2012-2013, Years of Challenges for PTNNT


eaving 2012 and welcoming 2013, PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT) still has to face many challenges. With world's unstable condition and stagnant metal prices, Batu Hijau mine enters the 6th and 7th phase in mine cycle where mine wall enlargement takes place. During the period, the company does not perform any excavation of ores containing copper, gold, and silver. "Up to 2013 we will be processing the ores from the stockpile with low mineral grade from 5th phase operation that has passed its productive period. If everything runs as expected, PTNNT will resume ore mining in 2014," said Martiono Hadianto, PTNNT President Director. Martiono said the condition affects Batu Hijau mine production and will result in company's reduced income along 2012 and 2013. "Production cost saving has been conducted in all Batu Hijau operation areas, including the option for inevitable employee redundancy. This is to ensure that PTNNT can still operate in a long period of time, so that it can fulfill its obligations as a contractor to the government, as well as to assume its social responsibility and our commitment for the community and stakeholders," he said. Despite the condition concerning all financial responsibilities to the government of Indonesia, or commitment in environmental management program, reclamation, and social responsibility, PTNNT fulfills its obligations well and some of company's efforts even granted awards. During quarter III/2012, PTNNT paid Rp250 billion to RI government in taxes, nontaxes, and royalties as stipulated in the Contract of Work (CoW). The biggest payment was for corporate income tax (PPh 25) of Rp142 billion, followed by personal income tax (PPh 21) of Rp74 billion, and import duty on goods of Rp23 billion. Production royalty payment is Rp13 billion and other income taxes Rp12 billion. On financial obligations, Martiono said for almost 12 years of operations in Indonesia, PTNNT always fulfills its financial obligations to the government of Indonesia (GOI) on time and meets all tax regulations. PTNNT has obtained obedient taxpayer status since 2003. PTNNT has spent Rp60.7 trillion from 1999 to 2011 for payment of taxes, non-taxes, royalties, purchasing of local materials and services, and community development programs. In environmental management, PTNNT has obtained TAMBANG Award for the category of "Best Mining Company in Environmental Compliance" presented during the Indonesia Mining Updates (IMU) 2012 held by Majalah Tambang in June 2012. In late November 2012 PTNNT received three awards from GOI: Blue Proper from the Environmental Ministry (KLH), Aditama (Gold) award and a (Best of the Best) trophy in environmental management from Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry (KESDM), and Utama (Silver) in Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) from KESDM. Blue Proper is awarded for company's performance that has met standards and regulations set by the KLH for various environmental protection aspects. Compliance aspects are assessed from the implementation of environmental documents (AMDAL/

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 30/2013



Batu Hijau

UKL-UPL), water and air pollution control efforts, hazardous and toxic wastes (B3) management and environmental destruction control. "We still feel proud of this Blue Proper award, although we received Green Proper in the previous years. This becomes valuable lesson for us in order to make improvements in our environmental management in the future," said Martiono. "We would like to thank the government for its technical guidance in environmental protection of Batu Hijau mine," he said. The trophy is the highest award given by the ESDM Ministry for companies with their outstanding performance in environmental management. This year PTNNT achieves the third Aditama award. The assessment aspects include management of overburden, erosion and sedimentation control, nursery, reclamation and vegetation, supporting facilities and monitoring of the mine environment. In social responsibility, the company handed over a project worth >Rp61.2 billion to the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) administration thru Governor Dr. TGH. Zainul Majdi MA in Mataram in midst October 2012. This is the second phase project of NTB administration and PTNNT with special community empowerment and development fund of US$38 million in 2010. The projects include public services, health, education, and community welfare. The construction is conducted by PTNNT and granted to each region in NTB based on the programs proposed to the company. In the 1st phase, PTNNT has granted physical and non-physical projects worth >Rp49 billion, making the total value of >Rp110 billion already handed over to NTB administration. PTNNT will hand over all projects to NTB province in June 2013, including Minaret of Islamic Center, the NTB people's pride. Apart from special fund project of US$38 million, the company continues to allocate annual community development fund of approx. US$5 million (more than Rp45 billion). In health sector, PTNNT receives award from the RI Health Ministry in November 2012 for development of village health infrastructure, i.e. village health center (poskesdes) and infant health center, for company's participation and synergy thru its CSR with regional administration. The village health center is one of the main elements to become a self-supporting village within DHS (Decentralized Health Services) activities - a project held by the Directorate of Nutrition and Mother and Infant of RI Health Ministry in cooperation with Asian Development Bank (ADB) since May 2005. Martiono said that awards are obtained thru hard works of all PTNNT employees and contractors in environmental management and community development programs in Batu Hijau mine. Suara Batu Hijau Issue 30/2013



Batu Hijau

Sustainable Mining Boot Camp II (SMBC II):

Getting to Know the Mine During Vacation “They will set the events so that you will see what they want you to see. A friend of mine thought that these events have been prepared so that we only see the good things of the company."


Boot camp II participants in Mining Area.

hat's what a friend told Juwairiyah after knowing that she would join "Sustainable Mining Boot Camp 2012" program in Batu Hijau project for a week in early November 2012. Then what is the response of this student of Management Magister of Bakrie University Jakarta? "I just said, I am going to see what I want to see", she said. Juwairiyah is one of the participants of SMBC II held by PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT) to communicate its mine operations, tailing management and environmental management, reclamation, as well as other programs in community development (education, agriculture, micro business, and health). The other 13 participants come from various universities, CSR researchers, young entrepreneurs, freelance writers, bloggers, travelers, and photographers. They have been selected by PTNNT communication team in Jakarta. Similar to SMBC I held in April 2012 and joined by eleven participants, the objective of SMBC II is to introduce PTNNT mine operations to a wider community, particularly the youth. Juwairiyah who has visited many companies said that this SMBC program is different. "I really can see what I want to see and I can freely ask any question I want." In order to provide more accurate information, the company also shows data on environmental management and company empowerment. Juwairiyah added that it is interesting to know that participants can interact with the community around the mine to confirm aspects they found in the field, spend the night at people's houses, visit an Elementary Schools (SD) and communicate with the students. "We can see the environment and the condition of the area around the mine by ourselves. We can rarely have such an opportunity to get comprehensive aspects on mining. Therefore, we can see positive impacts of the company's presence, as well as the negative ones, if any," she said. She was glad that she could see the impacts of the mine on the community, how the company conducts reclamation, processes the mine acid water in order to avoid river pollution, seeing the eagles and white butterflies that fly freely in the sky. Juwairiyah would not forget how fresh she tasted the water she took from the river running beside the mine acid water dam, despite the allegations stating that, the river has been polluted with mine wastes. "I

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Batu Hijau tasted the water and it was so fresh," she said. She was sure that PTNNT had measured the standards for the quality of river water when developing the environmental impact analysis (AMDAL). In addition, the quality of water, ground and air in the area around the mine are always monitored, not only by the company but the government, community and independent agency such as LIPI as well. "Besides, PTNNT has been awarded Green Proper rating from the Environmental Ministry in environmental management and monitoring," she said Diah Setiawaty, a corporate social responsibility/CSR researcher, expresses similar statement. She said PTNNT deserves an appreciation for its innovations in upholding transparency and accountability values. Participants receive complete and detailed information starting from mining process, tailing placement into Senunu basin, monitoring process and sea water sampling to CSR activities and initiatives undergoing. We are given opportunity to write any article we want, positive or negative tone does not matter. This kind of socialization is the first one I ever found in Indonesia," Diah added. From CSR perspective, Diah said there are many social responsibility programs implemented by the company. However, many issues still need to be addressed, particularly the ones related to sustainability. Diah gives an example, micro credit provided by Olat Parigi Foundation for the community. "With 0% interest and not-too stringent consequences, it could become non-performing, troublesome and doubtful credit," she said.

Other example is in agriculture. Despite the fact that PTNNT has constructed weirs, conducted fostering, and convinced the farmers that they can harvest three times a year with current irrigation pattern, some farmers still harvest once a year. Diah stresses out the importance of bio-pore technology transfer conducted by the company. "I have not seen this socialized to all community members, so that local farmers still tend to ask for seedlings from the company," she said. Nevertheless, Diah also sees success of the programs that reflect sustainable CSR, i.e.

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Batu Hijau

Maluk beach

Batu Bangkong weir Benete

concrete brick factory developed by Kemuning Jaya Cooperative. In the beginning, the company helped the factory to produce the bricks. Later on, the cooperative sold its products to the community, and finally Kemuning Jaya cooperative became PTNNT supplier. She suggested that PTNNT continue its innovations and intensify socializations and community involvement for public-private partnership. She also suggest that the company make organic CSR, meaning that all activities of stakeholders, instruments, and strategy are created in an organic manner, not engineered nor manipulated for certain interests. "Therefore, the credibility and legitimacy should be upheld when implementing CSR, particularly to maximize profits, people's welfare and environmental sustainability (profit, people, planet)," said Diah. Participants' notes will become important inputs for the management to follow up. Almost all participants agreed on one thing that apart from getting to know more about mining operations, this program is such a good alternative for vacation. "Everyday, we enjoy the beauty of sunset on virgin beaches around the mine area. Maluk and Rantung beaches for instance are very beautiful. It seems like all those magnificent sceneries are dedicated for us." Suara Batu Hijau Issue 30/2013



Batu Hijau

Hundreds of Students Receive Scholarships


s many as 700 students from W. Nusa Tenggara (NTB) province studying at various schools and universities around Indonesia receive PTNNT silver scholar ship for 2012/2013 academic year. Scholarship recipients were announced in December comprising of 175 students from SMP/MTs, 275 students from SMU/MA/SMK and 250 universities students. "We are proud that we can contribute for improvement of education in NTB. This program is part of the company's social responsibility programs," said Faozan Maulad PTNNT General Supervisor of Capacity Comdev. He explained that the Scholarship Independent Team comprising of academicians from various universities in NTB has sorted out 2,873 applications in a strict and transparent manner. "We need to make sure that those receiving the scholarships are eligible from both economic and achievement perspective," said Faozan. PTNNT silver scholarship program commenced in 1998 and has provided scholarships for 10,354 recipients. Apart from silver scholarships, PTNNT grants Gold scholarships for the best SMA graduates, Platinum scholarships for S2 and S3 students. Recently, PTNNT also launched Bulaeng scholarship for students (from Sumbawa and West Sumbawa) studying at well-known universities all over Indonesia. In addition, PTNNT provides educational assistance for students around Batu Hijau mine who are disadvantaged economically. To date, it has allocated Rp17.5 billion for scholarship programs and educational assistance. "Congratulations to all scholarship recipients. We hope that the scholarship can stimulate students' achievement. Those who have not yet met qualifications for scholarship can continue their efforts and achievements to compete in the next scholarship award," lanjut Faozan.

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 30/2013



Batu Hijau Batu Hijau Reclamation Supports Carbon Absorption


Pohon-pohon hasil reklamasi tambang di Batu Hijau.

part from its function to restore forest to its natural condition and to avoid erosion, PTNNT's reclamation on undisturbed land also aims at maintaining carbon reserve in the ground. A carbon study conducted from April to May 2012 found that forest reclamation carried out in East Dump, Sejorong Dump, and Tongoloka Dump has contributed to carbon absorption. Total carbon reserve in reclamation area in East Dump, Sejorong Dump and Tongoloka Dump is 3,964.95 tons or 34.96 C/ha resulted from 32 tree strata, columns and stakes with a diameter of 2.0 - 60.2 cm, as well as understory and serasah. The highest carbon reserve found in Sejorong Dump is 45.19 ton C/ha and in six-year trees of 47.48 ton C/ha. Plant age does not always have positive correlation with carbon reserve. It tends to be higher along with the vegetation growth shown by vegetation rapid change to achieve complete strata. The study found positive correlation between plant growth and carbon reserve, instead of plant age and carbon reserve. The above conclusion was made by PTNNT Environmental Affair General Supervisor Joni Safaat in his paper entitled "Estimating Carbon Reserves in PTNNT Mine Reclamation Area - A Case Study" presented in the Scientific Seminar VIII - Research on Environmental Problems in Indonesia, held in Yogyakarta on 12 July, a cooperation between IATPI and UGM. "From the three locations, Sejorong Dump has the highest carbon content (45.19 ton C/ha) and based on planting period the highest carbon content was found on six years trees (of 47.48 ton C/ha)," said Joni. He added that significant carbon absorption resulted from the carbon reserve in the reclamation forest of PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT) 2001-2008. Total carbon tonnage per hectare is affected by the plant growth, as proven with highest result of carbon reserve calculations per hectare in 2006 when compared to the previous years. It is supported with the results of PTNNT regular monitoring showing that the growth of trees planted in 2006 is better than that of the previous years. However, as mentioned earlier, plant age does not always have positive correlation with carbon reserve and it tends to be higher along with the vegetation growth shown by vegetation rapid change to achieve complete strata. "The positive correlation is shown between plant growth and carbon reserve, but not on plant age and carbon reserve," he said. He explained that reclamation forest on PTNNT's dumps has started to grow into a forest with diverse plant species and complete plant structure. There are at least 7 to 53 trees/ha on tree strata; 5 to 429 trees/ha for column strata, and 90 to 2,720 trees/ha for stake strata. "With better growth and development of plants PTNNT reclamation would achieve its objectives, even plays complex roles such as wood producer, water controller and carbon dioxide absorber," said Bambang Supriadi PTNNT Reclamation Monitoring Specialist.

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Batu Hijau

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Suara Batu Hijau Issue 30/2013



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Suara Batu Hijau Issue 30/2013



Batu Hijau

Signing of CLA 2013-2014

MARTIONO: Diversity is the

Law of Nature


ifferent opinions and outlooks are common in a meeting or negotiation. They are inevitable, with purposes and the participants must have good will. The most important thing is how to find a way to align those differences to achieve agreement. "Diversity is sunatullah (law of nature), unavoidable and beautiful," said Martiono Hadianto in a speech delivered during Collective Labor Agreement (CLA) 2013 - 2014 signing between management and PTNNT Labor Union held in Santika Hotel Mataram, Friday (17/1). He added that the difference would become more beautiful when an agreement is reached, as it means that an interaction process has taken place to understand each other's stance - a solid ground for the next step of communication. "That's why I am grateful and would like to express my appreciations to all parties for the assistance provided in this CLA renewal. I know that both negotiating parties have tried their best regardless of their off days. This shows good will of both parties to reach an agreement. This is an optimum achievement showing a 'take and give' process involving both parties," said Martiono. Differences and similarities are common things. SPSI and management have one thing in common i.e. the company - the livelihood. "PTNNT is our livelihood. We should maintain it properly and see far beyond, in the long term," said Martiono. Many challenges are still waiting to be handled by PTNNT. He called on everybody to maintain the company well as to avoid disruptions in its operations. CLA negotiation between SPSI and PTNNT management was held from late November 2012 to January 2013 (1 month 10 days). This two-yearly CLA should be agreed upon by both the company and employee. "We are proud of this CLA because several major issues that we proposed have been approved by PTNNT management. However, we realize that shortfalls still occur," said Petrus Madi Chairman of PTNNT SPSI. "We hope that this agreement would not become a stumbling block and that PTNNT management could support ZERO DISPUTE program along with SPSI's vision and mission to eliminate employee termination (redundancy)." Meantime, Dadang Priadi, the Chairman of PTNNT management negotiating team, said the most important thing of the process is that we should see it from a positive point of view, and look far ahead to the objectives we want to achieve in the long run. Different opinions are common things in a negotiation. "Let's leave the past behind. Look ahead and let's work together to achieve our common goals," said Dadang. Present in the signing program were representatives of Samawa Labor Union (SPATS), Head of West Sumbawa Manpower Office, Sumbawa Manpower Office representatives, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Manpower Office representatives, representatives of NTB DPD APINDO and Chairman of NTB SPSI Confederation. With this CLA signing, all agreements stated therein are officially enforced and shall bind both parties.

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 30/2013



Batu Hijau

Plant Operations, Shut Down for Maintenance


Off-shore tailing pipeline routine inspection (top) and on-shore inspection (down).

TNNT shuts down its ore processing plant for routine maintenance from 17 to 21 December. "During 2012, there have been three major shut downs, i.e. in February, July and December. In 2013 two major shutdowns will be conducted in May and November," said PTNNT Planning General Foreman Zainul Wahidin. He explained that during shutdown, SAG mill liner replacement would be conducted as the life time/serviceability of Ball mill liner has expired. Replacement of several tailing pipelines is conducted considering their serviceability has expired and to follow up the previous tailing pipeline inspection. Distribution tanks will also be replaced for similar serviceability period reason. Other works include on-shore and off-shore tailing pipeline inspection etc. "The challenge in this shutdown is in replacement of distribution tanks because it will be the first time ever since the process plant started to operate," said Wahid. He added that the total workers (of PTNNT and contractors) involved would reach approx. 900 personnel. "Officials from EMR & Environmental Ministry would be invited to witness the shutdown process," he added. It is hoped that after the shut down the plant will resume its operations to achieve its target of availability. Suara Batu Hijau Issue 30/2013



Batu Hijau

Drill & Exercise ISPS Code:

Four Suspected Fuel Thieves Seized


lthough Benete port as an international port applies a strict security system, there are always some people that try to commit criminal acts. Therefore, the port security personnel should be cautious and improve their vigilance. Thursday, 29 November, the security personnel who were patrolling seized four stealer suspects. The four people suspects that allegedly pretended to be fishermen tried to steal fuel by cutting fuel distribution pipe at coastal line. When the security personnel approached them, the fake fishermen who were kept anonymous ran away. Two of them ran onshore while the other two escaped offshore. The security patrol only found a box that allegedly contained bomb on diesel fuel pipe. When the personnel were aware that a serious security problem occurred, they then contacted Maluk police office and Benete Navy Post to request assistance for securing the suspicious box and chasing the suspects. Seizure of suspects escaping onshore caused one of the security personnel badly injured because of the suspect's machete cut. Fortunately, Maluk police officers that got information from security system emergency call center immediately backed the security personnel and seized both of the suspects. Meanwhile, the Marine Patrol team chased the other two suspects that escaped offshore using a boat. Both of them tried to resist but then the Indonesian Marine Force of Benete Navy Post finally arrested them. Maluk police personnel led by Maluk police chief, Lt. Bambang Yudi Wibowo, and Indonesian National Vital Object Police Officer team that consisted of Mobile Brigade Unit personnel of NTB Regional Police secured the box that was suspected to contain a bomb. Apparently, the box only contained cable coating pieces and nonhazardous sea stones. The police placed police line around Jamuna diesel fuel port. Newmont ERT and SOS evacuated the injured security patrol personnel to Townsite SOS clinic. While, the four fishermen and evidence, such as machete, jerry can and a box were taken to the police office on a the police car. The above incident was a drill on the security of marine and Benete bay coast area that is PTNNT logistic export/import location. EMR Ministry through Decision No.: 1762 K/07.MEM/2007 dated 9 May 2007 establishes PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara in Sumbawa, NTB as a national vital object in energy and mineral resource sector. The security drill was carried out as part of international regulation implementation as regulated in RI Law No.2 of 2012 regarding Republic of Indonesia's State Police, Transportation Ministry Decision No. KM 33 of 2003 regarding Amendment Enforcement, SOLAS of 1974 regarding International Ships and Port Facility Security/ISPS Code in Indonesia's Territory, and Transportation Minister Decision No.KM 03 of 2004 regarding Directorate General of Sea Transportation Appointment as Designed Authority of (International Ships and Port Facility Security/ISPS Code). (Indrianto Puji Utomo & Faisal, Security Department).

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Batu Hijau

Public Commitment to Accident Prevention


Commitment signing above employees' names and photographs.

Reading of vital behavior statement by employees and supervisors.

s a part of My Safety Journey (MSJ) workshop, on 17, 19 and 21 December last year, the Load&Haul and Mine Production Support groups held a Public Commit ment session (21/12) at Community Hall, Townsite. PTNNT GMO, GM Mining, Mine Operations managers and management attended the session. The reading of vital behaviors by employees and supervisors of the groups started the session. It continued with supervisor confirmation by asking three questions. Then, each employee including their supervisors signed a commitment statement prepared above their names and photographs. The session ended with speeches delivered by employee representatives, supervisors, managers, GM Mining and PTNNT GMO. GM Mining Wudi Raharjo stated that most accidents that occurred were resulted from human behaviors (unsafe acts). "They have to be prevented. One thing that I really hate is telling bad news to employees' spouses that their husbands got an accident at the mine area," he said. He expected that all employees dare to say to somebody in relation to occupational safety issues especially when they find unsafe conditions or behaviors. He requested that all supervisors respond any report or input and may not give inappropriate pressure so that a frankly-speaking culture can at all times be upheld. Sr Manager Safety Task Force Sunarto Suwito requested that everyone get rid of accident victim waiting list. The way to do it is by applying agreed vital behaviors. "It means behaviors, such as short-cutting, doing something in a hurry, not following SOP, being negligent, careless, or not reporting when experience fatigue, etc., have to be stopped and replaced by safe behaviors as specified in the commitment," he stated. Meanwhile, PTNNT GMO Ian McGaffin emphasized that PTNNT is highly committed to eliminating accidents that result in serious injury and fatality. "All Batu Hijau employees have to support this effort. Everything that PTNNT does and tries to do is intended for safety and security of all employees. Consequently, when an employee starts to experience fatigue when working, they have to be brave to tell their supervisors that they need to take a rest for a while. The management will highly appreciate it and immediately the employee's fearlessness and initiative in that case," he stressed. In the same month, other Public Commitment sessions were also carried out for Mine Maintenance Department and business partners PT Supra Bakti Mandiri and Trakindo.

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Batu Hijau


Looking for Students

I I love my job so much and will keep struggling to improve education for children

Mustakim among his students.

n early 1990s, the community was not aware of the advantages of mandatory learning program that the government rolled out. At the time, parents preferred taking their kids with them to cultivate crops and keep rice field from wild boar and monkey disturbances to sending their kids to school. As a result, finding a student was an uneasy thing. "We had no other choice but waging guerilla from door to door to find students. We also delivered speeches at village head offices. The most successful effort was through preaches," recalled Mustakim, a teacher of Ropang Junior High School. However, slowly but surely, people's awareness on the importance of education increased. Parents started to be aware of the importance of education for their kids and descendants, now and in the future. As an honorarium-paid teacher, Mustakim that had just been transferred from Ropang Junior High School 1 at Lenangguar (1994), was assigned to conduct mandatory learning program familiarization in Ropang and Labangkar as a preparation of Junior High School building construction. "The government at the time planned to construct a complete junior high school building at Ropang area as there were around 400 senior high school-aged children here at the time. As a result of the struggle made by Labangkar Village Head at the time, Syamsuddin Mursyid and other figures that ensured land availability, Ropang Junior High School was built at Labangkar," Mustakim described. Working ata remote area with all of its limitation did not obstruct him from devoting himself for education. "Ropang was still an isolated area at the time and it could only be reached on foot or by riding a horse. There was no electricity," said the alumnus of Social Sciences and Politics Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Mataram. Today, according to him, the condition has drastically changed. Nevertheless, together with other fellow teachers, he keeps on struggling, being creative, and making innovations to improve education in Ropang Sub-district. "I love my job so much and will keep on struggling to improve education for children," said the administrative staff and mathematics teacher of Ropang Junior High School.

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 30/2013



Batu Hijau

Seteluk Police Office Construction Commenced


TB Regional Police Chief Brig Gen Pol Mochammad Iriawan, carried out ground breaking of Seteluk Police Office construction on Tuesday (4/12). The ceremony marked the commencement of a more representative police office construction. KSB Police Chief, KSB Deputy Regent, Mala Rahman, KSB Regional Secretary, W. Musyafirin, KSB House of Reps. Deputy Speaker, Abidin Nazar, and PTNNT Management also attended the ceremony. The Regional Police Chief in his speech stated that he expected that Seteluk Police Office construction increasingly improve excellent services that his personnel provide for the community. He expressed gratitude to PTNNT and KSB government that have provided support for police services in KSB. In the occasion, he explained about today's police paradigm. "Today, the police is demanded to be professional and it has to be implemented. Today, the police serve the community, not the other way around," he emphasized. Meanwhile, PTNNT General Manager Mining Wudi Raharjo remarked that the Seteluk Police Office construction is one of PTNNT's real efforts to support security measures in NTB region, especially KSB. "This is a realization of company commitment to participating in supporting security creation in NTB," he said. According to him, such it is a part of the cooperation established between the company and the police. The objective is to ensure police services for the community are more optimum. "Such cooperation is not the first one. We previously constructed police offices at Sekongkang, Maluk, Ropang, etc.," he added.

Today, the police serve the community, not the other way around

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 30/2013



Batu Hijau "

Decorating Mini Cakes, Colors the Mother's Day


h no, it's sticky," said a participant while looking at other contestants beside her. A moment later, from the other table someone said the similar thing, "'Wow‌ it's sticky!," shouted Brea Giles, the only expat contestant joining the mini cake decorating contest to celebrate Mother's Day commemoration, at Community Hall Townsite Tuesday (27/11). The color of their faces changed as soon as they found out that the fondant or flour that should be used to overlay the mini cake was beyond their expectation. "Two hours were so short. I should have to be careful when applying fondant on the cake. I have to start again from the beginning, and it makes me stressed" said Nida Zaenul. The contest committee provided 15 mini cakes and contestants had two hours to decorate the cakes on their tables. Each contestant was provided with decorating tools and other supporting materials, such as fondant, food grade (colors). Nida and the other fourteen contestants appeared to take extra care when applying fondant that was made using wood kneader. "Fondant application onto the cake requires extra care as one mistake will mess the cake up that it is hard to reform it," said Wati Haverland during the contest. According to her, Mother's Day commemoration [committee] this year held three contests, namely mini cake decorating, sewing art (square quilting), and apron making for beginners. "Not many things can we hold [to commemorate the day] in consideration of the company's condition and with a limited budget, we try to make the commemoration as merry as possible to maintain togetherness of IKANURA members," he added. Therefore, the participants' creations will be sold in an auction and the money will be used for other activities. Meanwhile, three independent judges chose three winners of the cake decoration contest, namely Winda Soebchan that used a theme of 'Blue Ribbon Fondant Cake' won the first winner. Then Lusi Sophian that used the theme of 'Bouquet of Lucy Flower and Erny Winanto that used the theme of 'A Gift' won the second and third places respectively.

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 30/2013



Batu Hijau

BSL Changes Garbage to Fortune


ome people consider garbage as invaluable rest of a process. However, it will be different when the garbage is at creative people's hands. The garbage will have economic values. Used frying oil bottles, coffee and shampoo sachets, etc. turn to bags, wallets, tissue paper boxes, key rings, plastic flowers and table clothes in the creative hands of Sekongkang Sub-district Officers' Wives. This proves that garbage is not merely a waste but a fortune. It is Lakmus, a group of volunteers that is aware of garbage and public health issues, that establishes a garbage bank management of Bank Sampah Lakmus (BSL) locating at Maluk Village and engages in domestic garbage business. Maluk Sub-district Head I Made Budiartha appreciates PTNNT-mentored group's efforts to maintain environmental cleanliness as well as to improve community prosperity through BSL. "Littering is a sin as uncontrolled garbage may result not only in scenery mess and diseases, but also floods," said in his speech during Bank Sampah Lakmus grand opening, Wednesday (12/12) at Maluk Loka, West Sumbawa. In addition, Sudirman, the Head of KSB Sanitation and Garden Affair Division of Environmental Agency, described that the regency manages more than 10 tons per day. "Although garbage loading, transporting and dumping activities to garbage dumping area starts at 5:30 through to 17:00, it does not mean that garbage volume is moved completely," he said. The limited number of garbage fleet is allegedly becomes the cause. "Three trucks and three three-wheeled vehicles 'Tossa' apparently cannot handle the increasing garbage volume," he added. Therefore, according to him, the garbage bank establishment initiative is an excellent initial step for character development towards clean life culture. BSL is considered to be able to help the government reduce garbage volume at the garbage dumping area and in changing community's viewpoint of garbage. BSL Director Taufikurrahman explained that the garbage bank management is a business that buys dry garbage which has cash value in systems of saving and lending cash based on deposited garbage potential. Its current empowerment program ranges from family level (husband/wife, kid) to neighborhood association/community unit levels. "By garbage saving at BSL, you are participating in protecting the environment against garbage pollution ," he stressed.

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 30/2013



Batu Hijau

QUIZ SBH No. 53 2











Knowledge Corner Workplace Accidents in Indonesia is High








Based on ILO report, about 6,000 fatal workplace accidents occur every day throughout the world. In Indonesia, there are 20 fatalities out of 100,000 workers resulting from workplace accidents. Therefore, workplace accident severity throughout the world generally and in Indonesia particularly is pretty high. ILO calculation of loss as a result of workplace accidents in developing countries reaches the number of 4% of GNP. It is a significant number that requires serious attention of all parties related to production process.




Hum r:


20 23






Naming a Baby







There are 3 pregnant women conversing Mom1: I want to name my baby Irni from her father's name, Irfan, and my name, Nisa. Mom2: I want to name my baby Devi as her dad's name is Dede and my name's Vina. Mom3: Good luck ladies, your babies' names are all nice. Mom1: What's wrong? You also have a nice name for your baby, don't you? Mom3: How come it can be nice? Her father is Abas and I'm Kokom. I won't name her baskom [Engl.: washbasin].


Be a Flexible man Mendatar: 1. Harapan 3. Seperti 5. Siapa (Bhs Sumbawa) 7. Pemeriksaan 8. Permintaan kepada Tuhan 9. Sendiri 11. Ruang besar (di rumah sakit, asrama dll) 13. Lapisan Tipis 15. kolam renang (English) 17. Sedih 19. Nama buah (English) 20. Negara di Afrika 22. Binatang yang sering diburu 24. Maksud dalam hati 26. Berlagak, suka pamer 28. merek lem 30. Kata sambung 32. Stasiun TV di Amerika 33. Air (Bhs Sasak) 34. Satu 35. Gelanggang Olah Raga 36. Irlandia Utara

Menurun: 1. Salah satu Kecamatan di Sumbawa 2. Surat 3. Gerakan air 4. Tidak berat sebelah 5. Lawan berbeda 6. Nukleus, isi yang paling pokok 10. Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia 12. Hasil dari api 14. Para-para kayu tempat menaruh piring dsb. 15. Penghargaan lingkungan dari KLH 16. Sulit ditemui, jarang 17. Dokar 18. Domisili 21. Dulu Peterpan 23. Piring Terbang 25. Saya (Bhs Arab) 26. Daging potongan kecil ditusuk 27.Benda keras, bening, mudah pecah 28. Alat tukar 29. Binatang melata 30. Debu bercampur keringat 31. Badan antariksa Amerika

Quiz Safety No. 21 Apa yang anda ketahui tentang SMK3?

Kirim jawaban Anda dengan nama, nomor badge dan departemen, kepada Redaksi Suara Batu Hijau, Public Relation, Admin 1, Benete, atau melalui email ke sebelum 28 Februari 2013. Jawaban yang benar dengan data pengirim yang lengkap akan diundi untuk menentukan pemenang yang beruntung. Pemenang Quiz SBH No. 52 dan Quiz Safety no 20:

Sucipto-HXD026, Syafaruddin Cenon-NB5694, M. Adnan-NB1668, RitawatiNB2722, Ferdia Merryantama-U11732, M. Rosid-NB6019, Dewi MesapitaNB2424, Iqiq Febrilian-NB6161, Aprio Riska Purnama-U12670, Vivian SiaSOS298. Selamat kepada yang namanya tertera di atas, hadiah akan dikirim via mail bag.

A young man says goodbye to his dad as he is going to leave his home to make his own way in life. Young man: "Wish me luck, dad. I will be leaving tomorrow." Dad : "Sure, Son. Be careful when you're out there, you should be able to get along with people." Young man: "Do you have tips, dad?" Dad : "Well, when you meet a lettuce seller, you should talk about lettuce. When you meet a tomato seller, you should talk about tomato, and when you meet a mayonnaise maker, you should talk about mayonnaise." Young man : "Ok. But, what if I meet the three of them altogether?" Dad : "Well, just talk about sandwiches, then."

Meke Serep Heading Toward Exile (11)

Sumbawa Story


Patih (chief minister) tries to report any situation to the princess. "Princess Lala Baka, we have been traveling for 10 days and we are running out of supplies. Everyone is no longer allowed to eat the remaining food. You should now this, princess", he reports to princess Lala Baka. The princess is lost in thought for a while. She then asks Chief Commander and all ministers in the tent to leave her alone. "All of you, please let me alone, I want to take a rest", says Lala Baka. Immediately, Chief Commander and all ministers in the tent go out of the tent. They understand that the princess is exhausted. They leave the princess to let her take a rest in order that she does not fall sick. In the tent, Lala Baka suddenly recalls the blue gem ring that her grandpa gave. She then tries to test its supernatural power to know whether it indeed has a supernatural power and can help her solve the problem. She raises her hand and stares the ring while saying. "Forgive me, grandpa. Can you catch a big deer for me as our meal during the journey", Lala Baka says to the ring. Miraculously, a giant genie comes out of the ring and is ready to do the princess' order. As soon as the princes directly orders him, he goes to the forest straightaway and no one can see him except the princess. The genie then catches a big deer and takes it to the princess' camp (to be continued).

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 30/2013



Batu Hijau


YMBH Gives Donation to Seteluk Flood Victims

he rain that fell in Seteluk Sub-district area and its surroundings during the last few days resulted in river water overflowing to a height of an adult waist. It automatically ceased people's daily activities. The flood that occurred in early January has now left suffering to local communities. In efforts to relieve the suffering, Batu Hijau Muslim Foundation (YMBH) through "YMBH CARE" program provided relief in form of 150 basic commodity packages. The packages were distributed at the three villages, namely Seteluk, Tapir and Rempe. Each package contained 5 kg of rice, 1 liter of frying oil, 5 packs of instant noodle, 1 kg of sugar and 1 pack of biscuit. Total fund expended for the relief was Rp15 million from Batu Hijau moslems' contribution. "On behalf of YMBH management, please accept our condolences and we are feeling sorry for hardship that you all face resulting from the flood disaster. Therefore, we hope that you all can be patient and face the difficult time patiently. God willing, there are good lessons behind all of this," said Iin Sain Abdullah, YMBH Peduli program coordinator. "And, to all muslims at Batu Hijau, we thank you for all contributions either in the form of fund or energy that you provided. I hope that may Allah the Almighty reward the good deeds," Iin added. In addition to providing the relief, YMBH Peduli program provided aids for communities either around Batu Hijau mine area or outside the mine area such as in Sumbawa and Lombok.

A "Our Culture, Safe Behavior at Any Time"

flag rising ceremony at the Townsite multipurpose hall kick started the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) month at PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT) (14/1). An EMR official Ir Syawaluddin Lubis, NTB and KSB Manpower and Transmigration Office officials, PTNNT employees, and contractor and subcontractor employees in Batu Hijau project attended the ceremony. "The OHS month activity aims to motivate businesses in order that they give more attention on OHS factors to achieve zero accident targets," said Wudi Rahardjo, PTNNT General Manager Mining, when reading the speech of Manpower and Transmigration Minister, Muhaimin Iskandar. Raharjo cited that Indonesia still has significant workplace accident severity level. Based on ILO report, about 6000 fatal workplace accidents occur every day throughout the world. In Indonesia, there are 20 fatalities of every 100,000 workers resulting from workplace accidents. The minister expected that businesses and employees increase their initiatives in order to improve OHS performance at their respective workplace. In addition, OHS shall be integrated into every level of company management through management principle approach that reduces workplace accident, decreases severity level, and achieves zero accident targets. Therefore, he called on all stakeholders and communities to strive and take action to make the 'I Choose Safety' program as one of efforts to realize OHS culture. "We should promote the motto everyday in order to motivate us to behave safely," he said. During the OHS month, 12 January-12 February, the company held a number of activities that were in line with the theme of Our Culture, Safe Behavior at Any Time.

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 30/2013


Batu Hijau

Pembukaan Batu Hijau, 12 Jan - 12 Feb 2013





Bulan K3



Suara Batu Hijau Edisi 30/2013

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