Suara Batu Hijau XXXI/2013

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Lime Supply Optimization Saves 1 Million Dollar Annually

Bau Nyale Thousands of people crowd Tropical, Kaliantan beaches Thousands of Sekongkang people of West Sumbawa and its surrounding crowded the Tropical beach first thing in the morning (2-3/3). The old and young, male and female, went to the beach at the dawn. Most of them came with a scoop net, a bucket and a stick. Some of them brought flashlight, a plastic bag or even bare handed. They shared the same target, seeking and catching Nyale (kind of sea worm).

To date PT Uniserv supplies lime for production process at PTNNT. However, due to several reasons, this local lime supplier is experiencing production decline at a time PTNNT's lime requirement progressively increases. To meet the demand, the company purchases lime from Surabaya with much higher costs.

CSR Reaching the Hope from Coconut Fiber

ENVIRONMENT Successful Reclamation Reduces Tax

TRAINING PERHAPI Good Mines are Managed by Mining Professionals

OPERATION AND PRODUCTION PTNNT Extends its Operation Period to 2038

K3 Omar Jabara: Admires Safety Implementation at PTNNT Balanced Life Center: Make Employees Healthy to Increase Productivity Health is a priceless gift from God. Everything is unpleasant when you are unhealthy. All of your fortune seems useless. Resting feels uncomfortable let alone working. Therefore you have to stay healthy. Exercise is one of the methods to keep your body fit and healthy.


Batu Hijau

PROFILE Frans Sianturi


r: n o h, ve C o yale e a c B N n u Ba a n t a t i m li L o a .K

Suara Batu Hijau magazine is published by PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara for internal distribution within the company and for other Newmont groups. PATRON VISERS TRON:: Martiono Hadianto AD ADVISERS VISERS:: All Senior Managers, Managers and SuperintenOR ORIAL TEAM dents CHIEF EDIT EDITOR OR: Rubi Waprasa Purnomo EDIT EDITORIAL TEAM:: Andika Wijaya, Ruslan Ahmad, Komang Ardana, Muhammad Nazri, Lalu Yuslis, Lalu Budi Karyadi DESIGN & PRODUCTION PRODUCTION: Agus Apriyanto DISTRIBUTION PR and Department Secretary.

EDIT ORIAL ADDRESS EDITORIAL ADDRESS:: Gedung Admin I Benete, Sumbawa Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia LETTER ADDRESS PO Box 1022 Mataram 83126 PHONE (62-372) 635318 ext 46260 Fax:(62-372) 635319 ext: 46243 E -MAIL W E B S I T E Suara Batu H ijau a cce p t s a n y s t o r i e s , a r t i cl e s , p h o t o s a n d ca r t o o n s f r o m e m ployees. WEBSITE Editors have the right to edit articles contributed.


Batu Hijau


Lime Supply Optimization

Saves 1 Million Dollar Annually PT Uniserv's Lime factory at Benete.


o date PT Uniserv supplies lime for production process at PTNNT. However, due to several reasons, this local lime supplier is experiencing production decline at a time PTNNT's lime requirement progressively increases. To meet the demand, the company purchases lime from Surabaya with much higher costs. To overcome this unfavorable situation, PTNNT through Lime Supply Optimization Project takes a substantial action to help PT Uniserv increase its production capacity to meet the requirements. The business case of this project, according to the project manager, Frans Sianturi, is the very high increase of lime usage due to the bad quality of the stockpile ores. "Usually we used around 180 tons of lime per day, but since July

2012 the requirements have skyrocketed to more than 300 tons or an increase of 90%, which could not be fulfilled by local suppliers," he revealed. The maximum production rate that has ever been done by KILN Uniserv was 230 tons per day; as a consequence, PTNNT must purchase additional lime from Surabaya of approx. 90 tons per day. "The fluctuating need of lime requirements is influenced by the type of rocks sent from the mine and the type of water used to process that rock," said Frans. Andrew Rumpel, PTNNT's Principal Advisor Business Excellence, viewed Frans and his colleagues from other related departments have successfully improved Uniserv's production capacity up to 320 tons per day and designed a processrelated study with the support of the

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This project is considered able to save in the amount of one million dollar annually.

Batu Hijau Process team, SCM, and Uniserv. Frans and his colleagues are also considered to have performed strict audit on the pit and process area to verify the lime quality to ensure the lime undergoes complete process. "Using local lime, PTNNT saves US$36 per ton when compared to using non-local lime. During years of stockpile process, this project can save an amount of USD1 million annually," he explained. While this project has not obtained Global Validity, it is expected that it could contribute USD500,000 for 2013 target which was set at USD 14.3 million to the New Business Excellence Value Creation. "This is Frans' third project and I would thank him for all his time and effort he has done as a part of the Business Excellence Value Creation," said Andrew. Frans Sianturi, Sr. Supv. System and reporting (project manager).

Frans Sianturi and team members discuss necessary actions to be taken to increase PT Uniserv's production.

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Batu Hijau

Balanced Life Center Make Employees Healthy to Increase Productivity


ealth is a priceless gift from God. Everything is unpleasant when you are unhealthy. All of your fortune seems useless. Resting feels uncomfortable let alone working. Therefore you have to stay healthy. Exercise is one of the methods to keep your body fit and healthy. PTNNT is aware of the importance of employees' health for company's successful operation. Various health and fitness facilities have been established at the employee housing area at Townsite. These facilities range from soccer field, sports hall for basketball, badminton, futsal, etc., tennis court, and swimming pool. The most recent and advanced is Balanced Life health and fitness center, located at T2 camp. The inauguration of the facility operation was marked with ribbon cutting and balloon release by PTNNT's GMO Trent Tempel on Monday (1/28). A number of senior managers and managers were present to witness the inauguration ceremony of this fitness center, which is located at the ex-BNI office close to Katala Cooperative building. "In order to create a healthier and more productive manpower, the company provides a health and fitness center on site with more comfortable atmosphere. The Balanced Life Center allows busy employees and their dependents to exercise more easily and comfortable," said Mohamad Chairudin, F&S Manager. Balanced Life team is responsible for developing activities to promote employees' and Townsite residents' health/wellness by means of education and programs that encourage changes to a better life style in line with recommendations. A guidelines released by American College of Sport Medicine clearly states that to stay healthy, all adults require physical aerobic at a medium intensity (e.g. jogging)

PTNNT GMO Trent Tempel releases balloons marking the operation of Balanced Life Center (1/28).

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At first I thought this facility is only wasting money. But it turns out that it is very useful to maintain our health and to stay fit.

Batu Hijau for at least 30 minutes five days a week, or in a high intensity (e.g running) for at least 20 minutes three days a week. In addition, every adult shall perform activities that can keep or improve muscle capability for at least two days in a week. For those who want to lose weight or improve fitness, they should perform exercise more than the minimum recommendation. Membership Balanced Life Center may be used by all employees and Batu HIjau residents including children who are 12 years of age or above. Access to the center may be obtained after participating in an orientation on the available facilities. It opens daily from 05:00-22:00 and for mothers exclusively at 13:00 - 14:00 from Monday to Friday. Enthusiastically welcome The presence of the center in the middle of employees' camp has been enthusiastically welcome. Tens of employees including those who live at Benete, Maluk and its surrounding, PTNNT's business partners, dependents visit the facility every day to take a look at and test various provided equipment. Sukreni, for example, along with her fellow employees came to the Center to give a shot on the new, fancy equipment available at this facility. "At first I thought this facility is only wasting money. But it turns out that it is very useful to maintain our health and to stay fit. I will come in a regular basis and start to exercise intensively," she said. Some also employees who preferred to come outside the schedule to avoid the crowd. "I and my friend came every 4 o'clock in the morning. During that period of time there were only a few visitors, so the situation is quieter," said Thomas, a Multimedia crew from Concentrator office. In addition to the new equipment, the Center provides a plasma TV in front of every equipment and glass wall so each users can view every movement they make as well as to create a cozier atmosphere. Moreover, it has safe lockers, bathroom, and appropriate changing room. "Basically, it is a loss if we do not utilize this fancy and free facility," stressed Thomas.

Employees and dependents eagerly test the equipment available at Balanced Life Center.

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Batu Hijau

Efforts to Improve Employees' Health


Peter Ferrigno, Sr. Manager Operations Support PTNNT.

mployees' success in working as shown in achievement of targets with excellent performance is not solely a result of skills and competency. Another factor that is no less important is a balance in managing personal quality of life and work demands. This kind of balance now becomes one of the PTNNT's focuses. For this purpose, banners and posters that read 'The Balanced Life' were posted at several strategic locations, such as bus stop, commissary, mess hall, gym. To know more on how and what Balanced Life is, the followings are excerpts of an interview with Peter Ferrigno, PTNNT Senior Manager Operations Support. Question (Q): Can you tell us about The Balanced Life program? Answer (A): Actually The Balanced Life Health and Wellness program has been something that we've been working on for more than 18 months now. When we started to looking at all of the general health as well as services provided by SOS Clinic. As a company, we want to make sure that we're putting the health and wellness and wellbeing of our employees as a primary focal point along with all of the other things that we do as a company in terms of training and development. PTNNT also has tried to ensure it has comprehensive programs to meet the employee's need. In PTNNT point of view, this program is the best and specific method to assist employee to cope with health problems and wellness perspective. Basically, what the employees' medical condition and how that may effect on and improve their health by means of tools and education provided by PTNNT is the employees' personal responsibility. So, everything is up to the employees to utilize the provid-

ed facility, and everything has been furnished in one place i.e. the sports arena (The Balanced Life Gym) which opened on last February. Q: In your opinion, why this program is needed? A: As we all now, one of the things that we are now at PTNNT is that we have the workforce now that is aging. Because of the fact that had a very low turnover in the company, we've seen the age of our workforce basically increase over the last ten years by ten years. And as we know, with age comes other health problems, you know, high blood pressure, cholesterol and those sorts of things. Therefore, it was deemed necessary by PTNNT to adopt a program to overcome employee's health problem. That was something that was discussed with the senior management of Newmont both in Denver and Asia Pacific and talking about occupational health and support of our employees and their families that live here in Sumbawa. That was pretty obvious that we needed a facility that people can use to be able to not only workout in but have people that are knowledgeable and staff that are trained to be able to deal with folks that have different heath conditions and train them. To provide them with specific different courses, personal health programs, which in the future must be able to give changes on employee through the facility provided by the company. In middle of February, we have Bali Health who is partnering with us and with SOS in occupational health groups to come in and be that key component to that program. Q: Talking about health cannot be separated from nutrition. How does PTNNT arrange it to support employees' health? A: One thing that has been done by

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The Balanced Life Facility.

Batu Hijau PTNNT over the years is to take care of the meals which give positive or negative impact on us as a human being as well as a worker. Up to now, we are working with PBU to, you know, try to put nutritional information up there so that people that whether they are on diet or are interested in knowing what's healthy food versus less healthy food can get that information that are available to them and that is why in the mess hall we've usually seen somebody's card system that provides a simple stuff like methodology whether you have red, yellow and green labels that have the basic health facts of the foods they are eating contain inside of those cards. It is something that we continue to work out and roll out. The same treatment is also given to packed meals which delivered directly to the workers. In the upcoming months, the menu for packed meals shall be varied. Not only the food is still hot and warm during the delivery but the nutrition will also be improved. Q: So far what you have done to The Balanced Life that makes it attractive to the employees and how you evaluate it? A: To make it interesting, we will hold

several contests and competitions related to employees' health and fitness. This way we are sure such events will bring pleasure for them, so the will be interested in going to the gym even just to look around. By these activities hopefully we can give more benefit to the employees from health and entertainment perspectives. For evaluation, we provide opportunities for employees to give feedbacks on what they like and what they do not like related to this program so we could make changes. From 2012 survey, many employees have given suggestions and positive information associated with health and wellness. The survey results indicate what they need. We will collect all positive information in order to improve this program. This program is suited to the requirements and beneficial for the health of employees and their families is the most critical matter. Moreover, it is impossible for PTNNT to make a program and to position people to run it without bringing significant benefit for the company. However, we will evaluate the effectiveness of this program in a regular basis.

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Batu Hijau


6 Bad Cholesterol Simple Ways to Reduce


here are good and bad cholester ols. What happens if your bad cholesterol is high? Surely, you have to be alarmed since heart and arterial diseases will threaten your life. Sometimes, you think you have made your best to reduce the cholesterol but it comes to no avail. Some of you might have tried anti-cholesterol medicine as a way to control your extra high cholesterol, but what about your diet pattern? Have you changed it into healthier one? It is because without correct diet pattern, the cholesterol will remain high although you take such medicine. Did you know that you can reduce your bad cholesterol in your body by 10-20 percent only by changing the diet pattern so that your food is of low cholesterol? Then, how do you find out the food that can reduce your cholesterol? Let's see

these simple tips below: 1. Eat more low cholesterol foods, such as soybean, red bean, tofu, tempe, fresh fruit, wheat, vegetable and vegetable juice. 2. Prepare oatmeal for your breakfast since studies show that oatmeal is very good for reducing your cholesterol. 3. Change your common egg with that of low cholesterol, such egg is available at supermarkets or markets. 4. Try to change your habit in having fatty foods, such as cream sauced fettuccini, coconut sauced food, fries, entrails into various less oil sauted vegetables. 5. Vary your dietary by eating celery, basil and coriander. 6. Stop using margarine or less healthy cooking oil and change it to oil that is good for your cholesterol, such as coconut oil. (Source: WebMD).

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Batu Hijau US Ambassador Praises Newmont

U Dennis Ferrigno, Sr. Manager Operation Support explanation about operational PTNNT at Batu Hijau.

Blake Rhode gives explanation to Scot Marciel about ore processing during his visit to Concentrator.

S Ambassador to Indonesia Scot Marciel praises PTNNT during his visit to Batu Hijau (20/2). Scot said he was satisfied with the company's environmental performance and community development programs through empowerment and job opportunities. "Newmont has hired over 9000 employees and they have brought significant economic impacts. Their operation highly appreciates the environmental balance," said the ambassador during a press conference at Admin I Benete. Scot said the US government still has a very good relationship with the Government of Indonesia. "Newmont

investment in Indonesia is a part of the bilateral collaboration between the two countries to tighten the diplomatic ties," said he. Meanwhile Blake Rhodes, Country Manager Indonesia and PTNNT President Commissioner, said as a foreign company, Newmont is committed to building collaborative relationship and complies with the Government of Indonesia regulations. Such commitment is shown openly by Newmont on the government's decision to divest seven percent of its shares in 2010. "Despite of it has experienced extensions, the shareholders continue to wait the Government decision," said he.

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Batu Hijau

Bau Nyale

Thousands of people crowd Tropical and Kaliantan Beaches Bau Nyale Fest at Kaliantan Beach, East Lombok.


housands of Sekongkang people of West Sumbawa and its surrounding crowded the Tropical beach first thing in the morning (2-3/3). The old and young, male and female, went to the beach at the dawn. Most of them came with a scoop net, a bucket and a stick. Some of them brought flashlight, a plastic bag or even bare handed. They shared the same target, seeking and catching Nyale (kind of sea worm). Similar events were also seen at Kaliantan Beach, Jerowaru of East Lombok and Seger Beach Kuta of Central Lombok. At Kaliantan, the East Lombok local government hosted a culture festival for three days (1-3/3) performing traditional arts. The top event was attended by the Governor DR. HM. Zainul Majdi accompanied by the Regent and Vice Regent of East Lombok, Director of Culture and Tradition, Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry Gendro Nurhadi.

The flood of people attending the festival lured the locals to sell various goods from toys to traditional foods. Bau Nyale fest has become an annual event in NTB. In Lombok, it is concentrated in Kaliantan Beach of East Lombok and Kuta Beach of Central Lombok while in Sumbawa in Tropical Beach of West Sumbawa. Bau Nyale is often associated with a myth in each area. In Lombok, it is associated with heroic story of Mandalika Princess who jumped into the sea to avoid blood-shedding fight among the princes proposing her, while in West Sumbawa Nyale was considered manifestation of Prophet Muhammad's turban. In Flores, Bau Nyale is part of Pasola ceremony, an on horse spear throwing tradition welcoming the planting season. Bau Nyale fest has become a tourism agenda for the surrounding community, tourists, and the government. They are pleased to spend the night on the beach a Suara Batu Hijau Issue 31/2013



Batu Hijau day before the fest starts. Various entertainments are performed to enliven the once-in-a-year fest. Some studies find Nyale contain high protein. Despite it can be eaten raw, people prefer to cooking it as the sidedish. It is usually served as pepes (roasted in banana leave wrapping) or cooked in coconut sauce. "We prepare the seasoning at home before leaving to the beach. We cook it directly and sell any excessive," said Mrs. Nana of Sekongkang Bawah. After the fest ends, the price can reach Rp15,000 a bowl at Tropical Beach "We can sell it Rp20,000 a bowl in the market," said Mr. Acan a fisherman of

Labu Lalar that intentionally came to the beach by boat with his friends. Mr. Acan appeared to arrive one day before the fest at Tropical Beach. Various sources said Nyale is only found in coral beach. It emerges to the surface during the mating season. The worm's presence indicates a clean beach and sea since it is a kind of animal that is sensitive to temperature change due to pollution and global warming. Social Responsibility Manager H. Syarafuddin Jarot attended the event with some Sekongkang local figures. "We have to support this event to develop the tourism sector and community's economy," said Jarot.

Bau Nyale at Tropical Beach, Sekongkang West Sumbawa and Kaliantan Beach, East Lombok.

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Reaching the hope from Coconut Fiber

Batu Hijau


he hardship of life is not only faced by people of lower level in big cities, people in remote villages, such Maluk, West Sumbawa also experience the impact of skyrocketing prices of basic needs. This forces housewives to help their husband earn more income for their family. Maryam, a mother of two, makes net from coconut fiber (coconet) to add her family income. Earnings of her husband, a roustabout, cannot be relied on to satisfy their life needs. "Fortunately PTNNT provides a job to make coconet, it is enough to support my family's economy," she said. Coconet production is a collaboration project between PTNNT's Environment and Social Responsibility Departments. The project is assigned to two local companies in Maluk i.e. PT Ridho Bersama and CV Taliwang Mitra. The two companies hire tens of workers and some of them are housewives. The coconet production is aimed at fulfilling PTNNT reclamation's needs in 2013. H Basuki, Sr Specialist Capacity Building & Project Development External Relations, said in 2013 the Environment Department needs 185,000 meter square coconet. "Currently, the Environment Department has

72,000 meter squares in stock. The rest will be provided through Community Development project," said he. Previously, 15 coconet workers were trained by skilled persons from Lombok. "The raw material is still supplied by East Lombok," said Basuki. Maryam and other housewives are grateful for this job opportunity. "We earn Rp2000 per meter and we can make 30 meter a day," said Maryam affirmed by her co-workers. "You know, we have to take a break at noon and do our household tasks as a housewife. If we do not prepare the meals our husband and children will have nothing to eat." Fitrahjaya Kurniawan, Sr. Spec. Reclamation, Ops/Environmental Reclamation said the coconet is used because of its nature that can absorb water and blend with the soil. "In addition to preventing landslide, the coconet is also the place where the seeds attach during the hydroseeding process," said he. Fitrah said that earlier the supply of coconet was provided by supplier from out of the region. However, this year, collaborating with Comdev program, the procurement is made through local suppliers. "Of course the price is much cheaper," said Fitrah. Suara Batu Hijau Issue 31/2013



Batu Hijau

Successful Reclamation, Reduces Tax


Beautiful scenery around the Processing Plant.

Tongoloka reclamation area, Batu Hijau mine.

significant impact of mining activities is the change in land scape. PTNNT is aware of such impact and therefore it is obliged to carry out reclamation to repair and manage the disturbed land in order that it can function as designated. Ahmad Salim, PTNNT Gensupv. Government Relations, said three institutions hold the authority to monitor the reclamation, i.e. EMR Ministry, MoE and Forestry. The monitoring is carried out a minimum of once a year and evaluation is once in five years. The monitoring data is used to improve the plant condition and in the third year, it is required to determine whether the revegetation is successful or not and the status of periodic Non-tax State Revenue payment. "For the time being, the evaluation data in the fifth year is used as reference for pinjam pakai

permit extension," said he. With regard to reclamation assessment, Ahmad disclosed that in 2012 plant verification was made to 40.79 ha of land with census method by observing the plant one by one that it took a long time to complete. "Of 400 ha land proposed, only 40.79 ha was assessed by Forest Area Rehabilitation (BPKH) Regional VIII Denpasar team," said Ahmad. BPKH considers the reclamation to 40.79 ha of land is successful. This means PTNNT has met the government requirements. Following this achievement, the Directorate General of Forestry Planning approved that the area of 40.79 ha is no longer subject to PNBP-PKH payment. "Financially, PTNNT is granted with deduction of PNBP-PKH payment obligation by Rp293 million or about 2.7% of 400 ha of proposed area," said he.

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Batu Hijau

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Suara Batu Hijau Issue 31/2013



Batu Hijau


Good Mines are Managed by Mining Professionals


ood mining business can be manifested if it is managed by professional, skilled, high integrity, and ethical manpower in accordance with good mining rules. "Therefore we support PERHAPI that appoints PTNNT as the venue for competency test XVIII this year," said PTNNT General Manager Social Responsibility and Govrels Rachmat Makkasau. According to Rachmat, PTNNT highly appreciates the efforts to carry out good mining practices and takes PTNNT for model mining company in Indonesia. "Therefore PTNNT strongly supports the competency test XVII of the professional certification for mining professionals by LSP PERHAPI (Indonesia Mining Professional Association) at Batu Hijau, 28 February - 3 March 2013," said he. For Rachmat, the appointment of PTNNT as the host is a form of appreciation after successful competency test XIII 2012 at Batu Hijau since mining professionals

from mining companies in Indonesia will gather here. "This event is aligned with our commitment to demonstrating PTNNT's leadership in the stewardship of the environment, occupational safety and social responsibility," said he. Meanwhile, Rajulisman, the chairman of committee of competency test XVII, explained that the test is held three to four times a year by PERHAPI Profession Certification Agency in collaboration with mining companies in Indonesia. "A number of 35 people have registered to join the test, comprising 20 PTNNT employees and 15 from other mining companies in Indonesia," said Rajulisman. Having passed this test, mining professionals' expertise will be recognized and their competitiveness in mining world will highly increase. The participants include delegates from PT Aneka Tambang Tbk., PT Nusantara Thermal Coal, PT Adaro Indonesia, PT Vale Indonesia, PT Arutmit Indonesia, PT Berau Coal, Pt Truba Indocoal Mining, PT International Nickel Indonesia, PT Harita Group, PT Bukit Asam Persero and PT Freeport Indonesia. The assessors consist of 20 certified mining professionals from PTNNT and non-PTNNT. Other than PTNNT, Competency Test Venues include Pusdiklat Minerba ESDM, PT Bukit Asam (PTBA), PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) and PT TIMAH. In 2012 PTNNT received BNSP AWARD (Profession Certification National Board) for the category of companies with competency based manpower development that meet BNSP standards. This award went to PTNNT since the company consistently support various activities and trainings as well as competency test venue. Suara Batu Hijau Issue 31/2013



Batu Hijau

PTNNT Extends its Operation Period to 2038


PTNNT General Manager Social Responsibility & Govrels Rachmat Makkasau during the presentation of life of mine change plan in Krakatau Room, Townsite.

ollowing several assessments and evaluation on future mining plan, PTNNT extends its operation life to the end of 2038. The presentation was given by General Manager Social Responsibility & Govrels Rachmat Makkasau during the familiarization of PTNNT mining plan of 2013 attended by heads of villages, sub-district heads, Environmental Agency of West Sumbawa, EMR NTB and West Sumbawa at the Krakatau Room, Townsite (14/2). Based on AMDAL 1996, PTNNT's mine life will end in 2019. In 2001 a revision was made but it did not change the life of mine. It only changed the mine surface area, pit depth, waste rock dumping and ore stockpile. The life of mine was extended to 2031 in the revision of Environmental Man-

agement Plan 2010. "For mining plan of 2013, again PTNNT extends the life of mine to 2038," he said. Rachmat asserted that the reason PTNNT extends the contract (life of mine) is to maintain the amount of ores processed with safer mining geometry, minimize mining operation failure (potential slope failure) including postmining and bring more significant social and economy impacts to the region. Meanwhile, Parliyanto Dharmawan, Manager Environmental Affairs, in his presentation disclosed some impacts of the mine plan change. Technically, the pit diameter will expand from 2677 meter to 2728 meter. The pit area will expand from 550 Ha to 594 Ha, with new clearing of 17.3 ha forest area.

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The pit sump expands from - 420 meter below the sea level (bsl) to -435 meter bsl. The total new forest area clearing required is 182.8 Ha. "Notwithstanding, the processing capacity remains 58.4 million tonnes per year as described in the AMDAL documents and there is no change to the amount of tailings," he said. With the seven year extension of the life of mine, Parliyanto said there will be non-technical change impacts particularly indirect benefits to the economy and support services. In addition, the community development programs and other social programs will continue and state revenues from taxes and royalties will increase. During the question and answer session, Tongo village Head Muhammad Zabir said he strongly agreed and supported the extension of the life of mine. "The important thing is the company can provide contribution to the villages and the community that more significant changes can be seen," said he. Meanwhile Burhanuddin, the head of

Batu Hijau

Environmental Agency (BLH) of West Sumbawa, called on PTNNT to be in synergy in environmental monitoring. He said all this time the monitoring carried out with BLH is initiated by PTNNT. "This is due to the lack of reference required to carry out monitoring," said he. Burhanuddin therefore expects PTNNT to provide some references, such as RKL/ RPL documents to BLH West Sumbawa as per the company's obligations provided in AMDAL for BLH reference in the monitoring. Hirawansyah, the head of EMR of West Sumbawa, admitted he was impressed by the successful reclamation PTNNT made. According to him, the reclamation in Batu Hijau can be taken as example for similar implementation in West Sumbawa. He also emphasized the importance of familiarization on job opportunities in PTNNT or contractors as its business partners. "Why is it important? Because, it is a way to change community's mindset that PTNNT is not only the source of income," said he.

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Batu Hijau

Omar Jabara Admires Safety Implementation at PTNNT


or employees working at Batu Hijau, SAFETY is the word talked about anytime. Every day they are requested to focus on the safety during their job. Since it is spoken so many times, one sometimes regards it as an ordinary thing or may even ignore it. However, an outsider or a Newmont employee from other sites may find it differently. They may be very impressed with our safety concern. Omar Jabara, Director of Newmont Global Communications, was impressed when he visited PTNNT and Elang exploration area several weeks ago (4/3). "I was surprised and pleased with the safety concerns shown at PTNNT," Omar said. Omar was impressed when he arrived at Batu Hijau and continued his flight to the Elang exploration area by helicopter. Prior to departing, he had to watch safety video first, which he thought was normal. "It was normal since I am new and will fly to a new location," Omar said. However, the normalcy turned into admiration when he returned. After arriving, the officer asked him to watch the safety video again. In fact, it was only 1 hour ago. "I asked him, 'Do I have to watch it again?' The officer said, 'Yes.' It was very impressive and remarkable. I am really impressed with Safety implementation at PTNNT," Omar said. During the Elang exploration visit, the technical exploration team told him about the exploration stage currently underway. Other than technical issues, Omar also had the opportunity to visit several villages around the exploration sites. In Ledang, Lenangguar and Lemurung villages, he was briefed on several projects and community development programs, such as the construction of clean water infrastructure, multipurpose buildings and Bangkok chicken farming. "Although it was a short visit to the exploration area, I could see that Newmont was on the right track, "said Omar who got a warm welcome from the employees and had a lunch at a simple food stall at Lenangguar village enjoying Sepat, a special Sumbawa dish.

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 31/2013



Batu Hijau Net Income Drops, but Asset Increases


espite the net income (SHU) drop suffered by Katala Employee Cooperative in 2012 from Rp951 million (in 2011) to Rp763 million (in 2012), the cooperative's overall assets show an increase. According to Gunawan, the drop is caused by urgent obligations, such as value added tax (PPn) paid to the government. Meantime, Cooperative's increased assets are caused by the increase of its member each year from 2,773 members in 2011 to 2.815 members in 2012 (0.4% increase). "Member increase becomes cooperative's potential capital for business development during 2013 to increase its SHU," he said before thousands of cooperative's members during the Annual Membership Meeting (RAT) held on Wednesday (30/1) at the Multipurpose Hall, Townsite. A number of government officials, such as from West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Cooperatives Office and West Sumbawa Regency (KSB) Industry, Trades, Cooperatives & UMKM Office were also present in the program. Gunawan added that apart from the approval given by its members, cooperative's financial report of 2012 has also been audited by independent auditors (KAP KBAA Jakarta), which states that Katala Cooperative has conducted proper bookkeeping and provided qualified financial statements. Cooperative Supervisor H. Agus Panca believes that the cooperative's net income decrease in 2012 is caused by increased development and promotion costs, as well as interest expenses of the members. "In 2013 work program, the cooperative will increase the basic contribution payment from Rp200,000 to Rp300,000 and obligatory saving from Rp75,000 to Rp125,000," added Ruliana the cooperative manager.

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 31/2013



Batu Hijau Interested in Working at a Paradisiacal Mine


Frans with his favorite car and musical instrument.

he opinion that Batu Hijau mine is the world's most beautiful mine is echoed by Frans Sianturi, Sr Supv System & Reporting Osu/SCM Business Process. Frans admitted that Batu Hijau mine environment is very beautiful, comfortable and easily accessible either by land, sea or air transportation. "This is the most beautiful mine I've ever seen indeed," said the former employee of a gold mine in Papua. Frans, who graduated from UI in 1995 and worked for Freeport a year later, joined PT Fluor Daniel, a PTNNT contractor in construction, in 1998, albeit with lower salary. "I love this region since I first came to Lombok in 1994. At that time I and my Nature-lover friends were climbing Rinjani mountain. Therefore, when there was an offer to work at Batu Hijau, Sumbawa I accepted it instantly," said Frans. Similar to Freeport, at Fluor Daniel, the father of three born in Sibolga (North Sumatra) on 20 October 1972 had a task of managing export-import items needed by the company. His intelligence, perseverance and ability to communicate with others made him famous and favored by coworkers and work partners. When Fluor Daniel contract came to an end in 1999, Frans was hired by PTNNT, a copper-gold mining company he long eyed. "Since I first came, I indeed wanted to work at Newmont," said Frans who loves music and challenging tasks. A year later, Frans who has Bachelor of Civil Engineering title worked with IT Department to set up Ellipse System for a

transportation and export-import module. "I tried to apply my experience when working at Freeport with some modifications consistent with international trade standards in compliance with Indonesian government regulations, "he said. The innovation Frans and the IT team made improved the efficiency and effectiveness of the company's performance. Frans was rewarded with a two-day vacation in Bali with accommodation at the best hotel. His position also was upgraded two levels. ""I did not expect to receive such a reward. I just tried to do my best," said Frans. In fact, Frans's innovation did not stop there. He invented a number of new methods in various fields of activity; the newest being Lime Supply Optimization project, which saves up to one million dollars per year. A team he led with members from various departments succeeded in assisting PT Uniserv, a local lime company in Benete, to increase its production to meet PTNNT requirements. "The business case from the project is

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 31/2013



Batu Hijau high increase of lime consumption due to bad mine ore stockpile. Usually the amount of lime used was approximately 180 tons per day, but since July 2012 it has increased to about over 300 tons per day or an increase of some 90 percent, "said Frans. Frans and team succeeded in increasing Uniserv's production capacity to 320 tons per day following` a strict audit on the pit and processing area to verify the

limestone quality for perfect process. "Every problem is a challenge for me to find solutions. Remain optimistic and enjoyable being the key of my success. Do not easily give up. There will always be a solution for every problem, "said this property business lover. Several breakthroughs initiated by Frank have become part of the Business Excellence Value Creation program, currently applied by the company.

Every problem is a challenge for me to find solutions. Remain optimistic and enjoyable are the key of my success. Do not easily give up. There will always be a solution for every problem

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 31/2013



Batu Hijau

BMT Annual Membership Meeting:

Meeting of the Mujahids


aitul Maal Wattamwil (BMT) of Batu Hijau Muslim Foundation (YMBH) on Wednesday (20/2) held the 3rd Annual Membership Meeting (RAT) at Miftahul Jannah mosque, Townsite. The meeting, attended by hundreds of members from the area around the mine and Townsite, was said to be a meeting of the Mujahids by H Faozan Maulad, BMT and YMBH Supervisory official. "We, who gathered here, actually are the Mujahids, i.e., the one who are fighting a holy war against usury and trying hard to implement and enforce economy in accordance with the Sharia," he said. According to Faozan, who is the Gensupv Capacity Building of Ext.Rels, ComDev, usury now has entered all aspects of our daily life. Economic transactions are not based on the agreement between both parties involved in the transaction but on the unilateral determination based on the interest system. The lender has a higher power over the borrower due to different position and interest. "In fact, Allah SWT justifies trade and forbids usury," he said quoting a hadith. Therefore, he believes that being a BMT member is part of work to avoid usury. "God willing, our efforts to enforce good deeds and forbid wrong doings are included in the jihad work that will be rewarded by Allah SWT," said Faozan. Iin Sain Abdullah, the BMT chairperson,

during the Accountability Report statement explains that in contrast to the Conventional bank practice, BMT management based on the profit sharing principle (mudharabah), sincerity and free from usury practices. BMT is aimed at providing solution for the community's socio-economic problems based on Islamic Sharia principles that economic justice and welfare can be shared to all people, especially the BMT members. To achieve this goal, BMT collects fund from the depositors and conducts business through several programs such as INSANI (Investasi Syariah Non-Ribawi/ Non-usury Sharia Investment) saving, a profit sharing deposit in form of: SIMUDHA (Simpanan Mudharabah/Profit Sharing Saving), TAFAQUR (Tabungan Fasilitas Qurban/Sacrificial Animal Facility Saving), SAHARA (Simpanan Hari Raya/ Feast Day Saving) and TAZKIAH (Tabungan Zakat-Infaq- Shodaqoh/Alms-DonationCharity Deposit). BMT also has BERKAH Deposit (Berjangka Mudharabah/Time Profit Sharing), an investment with a competitive profit sharing ratio at certain amount and period of time, and financing/ loan from other parties (when necessary). The collected funds are distributed through several programs, such as funding based on profit sharing principles and collective agreement for various types of Suara Batu Hijau Issue 31/2013



Batu Hijau halal businesses, such as household industry, trade, services, agriculture, etc. (Mudharabah). Profit sharing funding for business partner who owns productive halal businesses and is intended for business capital addition (musyarakah). "In mudharabah funding, there is no investment/fund sharing from partners, all funds come from BMT. While in musyarakah, BMT invests/fund shares on the partners' business," Iin said. BMT aslo provides finance within trade principles with agreed profit/margin (murabahah). Payment can be made in installments as per the agreement. It is allocated for those who need goods assets (household utensils, electronics, etc.) and do not want to/cannot pay off all at once (gradual payment/installment). BMT also provides Loan System (Alqard/ Qordul Hasan) i.e., emergency fund provision for the BMT or YMBH members within the specified and agreed period of time.

Membership Employees' interest in joining BMT is high. In 2009, it had only 88 members. This year it increased to 712 people, 78 of them quit for various reasons (see table). Similarly, members' savings also increased from Rp162.4 million in 2009 to Rp1.9 billion this year. Financing fund also increased from only Rp171.88 million in 2009 to Rp3.46 billion by the end of 2012. It significantly increased profit sharing from Rp15.9 million in 2009 to Rp279.45 million at 2012 financial closing. "We allocate the profit for internal (members) and external capital (investors). Internal capital is distributed to the members in the form of mudharabah savings of 17.5 percent and 61.5 percent to buy souvenirs. Five percent of the profit is allocated for BMT capital gain, 5 percent is allocated for community care and 10 percent for management incentives," Iin said.

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 31/2013



Batu Hijau

QUIZ SBH No. 54 1








Knowledge Corner 6

About Prospector 13

15 17




14 16






To follow up Newmont Global initiatives, the Corporate Communications Department and IT Department officially launch PTNNT Prospector as PTNNT internal site to replace GoldNet Batu Hijau. Prospector is a web-based internal site from PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT) as a medium to share production, occupational safety and achievement information from each department at PTNNT.

23 24








Hum r: Karyawan yang lugu



37 41


38 42

Mendatar: 1. Susut karena tergosok 3. PKB (Bahasa Inggris) 5. volume 7. Gus ‌.(mantan presiden RI) 8. jumpa 9. Anda (bahasa Sumbawa) 11. tua (bahasa Inggris) 13. lari (bahasa Inggris) 14. Gelar kebangsawanan Inggris 15. unggul; besar 16. air laut naik kedarat menyebabkan banjir 17. udang yang sudah dikeringkan 18. sungai terpanjang di dunia 20. Badan Narkotika Nasional 22. ingin 23. aku; diri pribadi 24. kehidupan; organisme yang hidup 25. perkumpulan 27. udara (bahasa Inggris) 28. suara rendah laki-laki. 30. berumur 31. alat untuk menumbuk padi 32. sebelum 33. alat transportasi darat berukuran besar 34. tulang pelindung jantung, paru-paru dll. 35. tanpa 37. tidak senang melihat orang senang 39. tinta (bahasa Inggris)




40 43

41. Asean Football Federation 42. zat aditif pada tembakau 43. satuan ukuran jumlah (bahan pakaian, tembakau dsb) Menurun: 1. Dasar 2. Sekolah Dasar 3. Singkatan nama penyerang Real Madrid 4. garis tengah 5. dia 6. negara di Teluk 10. sebab (bahasa Arab) 11. batuan bijih 12. penceramah agama Islam 13. Ingin sekali bertemu 16. sesuatu yang akan dikerjakan 19. lampu kecil bertutup kaca 21. baru atau yang diperbarui 22. Memorandum of Understanding 24. bahan makanan pokok 26. batu permata 28. penjara 29. tempat merawat tubuh 33. bahan bangunan 36. nyata (bahasa Inggris) 37. jika (bahasa Inggris) 38. Information Technologi 39. insinyur 40. keluarga berencana

Quiz Safety No. 22 What are Vital Behaviors in Safety?

Kirim jawaban Anda dengan nama, nomor badge dan departemen, kepada Redaksi Suara Batu Hijau, Corporate Communcations Dept., Admin 1, Benete, atau melalui email ke sebelum 30 April 2013. Jawaban yang benar dengan data pengirim yang lengkap akan diundi untuk menentukan pemenang yang beruntung. Pemenang Quiz SBH No. 53 dan Quiz Safety no 21:

Khairuddin Yusuf-NB4030, Heriyanto-NB3137, Iyan Sopyan-NB3849, Lalu Muhammad Amin-NB3200. Selamat kepada yang namanya tertera di atas, hadiah dapat diambil di kantor redaksi SBH, admin I Benete.

Seorang bos memanggil karyawannya yang lugu dan jujur. Bos: Lina, ke sini sebentar. Kamu itu jujur dan lugu, masak disuruh beli telur ayam lima kilo sampai lima kali balik ke supermarket belinya sekilo-sekilo. Coba belinya sekalian lima kilo kan udah beres. Lina: Oke Bos, lain kali saya akan lebih baik lagi. Suatu hari si Bos sakit demam, Bos menyuruh Lina memanggil seorang Dokter, Lina pun bergegas pergi dan datang dengan empat orang sekaligus. Bos jadi bingung dan bertanya; Bos: Lina, aku cuma suruh panggil seorang Dokter. Siapa yang tiga ini? Lina: Tenang Bos, yang pertama adalah Apoteker untuk buat resep dari Dokter, yang kedua Guru Mengaji buat menuntun Bos dan yang ketiga tukang gali kubur jika Bos tidak sembuh sakitnya. Boss :....!!!

Mengubah Pisang jadi Nanas Ani: Reni, bisakah kamu mengubah pisang ini menjadi nanas? Reni: Gimana bisa pisang jadi nanas? Ani: Liat ne... Ani pun unjuk gigi, Ani merebus pisang lalu memberi adiknya yang berumur dua tahun, si adik pun berkata kepada kakak nya, “Nanas kak, nanas kak...� Reni: ???

Cerita Sumbawa

Meke Serep Emotion abounds at Liang Bedis (12) source

The next day the whole group followed Brang Kreto, Brang Kemang Menir, Brang Punik, and Brang Sakal river. After five days on trip they arrived in a dense forest. They came into the forest to reach their final destination, Liang Bedis. At Liang Bedis, the Chief Commander reported to the Princess. "Your Highness the Royal Princess, this is the place, as ordered by the King, where you should stay forever. We do expect Your Royal Highness to be patient to face this ordeal. We, the whole entourage, always pray for Your Royal Highness's safety in this place, the Patih said on behalf of the entourage. "Thank you, Chief Commander, the Ministers, the officers, and the Palace Guards, and all other group members, who have been willing to take efforts and pains taking me to this place. Now you can go back to the Palace and I pray that you all arrive safely to the royal palace," Lala Baka said sadly. All members of the group were moved to hear the speech of Lala Baka, the Royal Princess, who was loved by the people. All group members cried on the Royal Princess's fate. Before they left, Lala Baka again said to the Chief Commander and the Ministers. ""Uncle Commander and Ministers, say my respect and apology to the King and also to my beloved queen mother. My respect is also for my grandfather and all the people of the Tana Samawa kingdom. Who knows this is the last word of my farewell," Lala Baka said. She then shortly took a deep breath before asking the Chief Commander and the Ministers who were in the tent to exit. "Please leave me alone in the tent, because I want to take a rest," she asked. The Chief Commander and the Ministers in the tent immediately went out. They understood that the Princess was tired. They let her rest to avoid fatigue. Inside the tent, Lala Baka remembered the Blue Gem Ring given by her grandfather. Lala Baka tried to test the ring's power, whether it is true that it has magic power to find solution on any problem. Lala Baka took her hand up, looking at the blue gem ring and said: "O my grandfather, will you please catch me a deer for us to consume during this trip," said Lala Baka requesting the blue gem ring. Amazingly, a giant genie puffed out and was ready to do what the Princess's request. After listening to the Princess request, the genie went out to the forest without being seen by any others unless the Princess Lala Baka. (to be continued).

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 31/2013



Batu Hijau

IQ is Not Enough

Emotion Control, the Key to Achievements


any people think that a person with high IQ (Intelligence Quotient) will have a bright future, because they think that those high IQ people will easily get a job. However, it is often contrary to the fact. In fact, high IQ is not enough to support the success of someone's life. Emotional Quotient (EQ) or Emotional Intelligence plays a very important role for someone to apply his/her knowledge (IQ). With good EQ, a person can effectively work in team, understand and give correct responses on his/her or other's feeling and will be able to motivate others and him/herself. Sri Wahyuningsih, a Psychological Consultant and HR Manager of PT Trakindo Utama, explained the above during training on personal development to hundreds of PTNNT, Contractor and Sub-Contractor's female employees at the Community Hall Townsite, Tuesday (29/1). "A high IQ without the increase of ability to find good solutions for any problem will not increase one's prosperity," she said. She said that the emotional intelligence is an ability to understand one's and other's emotion and the ability to manage it. The ability is regarded as the key component in an intelligent behav-

ior. Therefore, getting other's support highly depends on one's ability to manage their emotion. EQ has good impacts on personal relationship and ability to control stress. It means, good EQ will provide a bigger room for IQ to optimally grow. EQ will consciously manage the emotion which will increase general emotion and intellectual. A person with stable emotion will easily focus and tend to have a logical thought, is able to motivate themselves to focus on any constructive activity and maintain good relationship with the surrounding environment. Therefore, according to Sri, we have to learn how to manage our emotion, because it will control our thought and behavior which impact on our achievements and our relationship with others and the surrounding environment. "Our emotion is like horse we ride; it will support us when we can control it, but it will lead us in danger if it controls us," she said. Viviana, the Coordinator Activity Operational Support, said the activity was very important for employees' selfdevelopment, especially female employee because it will impact on the improved achievements at the work place.

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 31/2013



Batu Hijau

Mass Circumcision Should be Regularly Conducted


very Muslim man should be circumcised. Unfortunately not all people are able to afford it. Therefore, mass circumcision program often held by private organization and the community comes as the solution. PTNNT and several sub-contractors in cooperation with the village administrative of Tongo, Sekongkang held a mass circumcision for poor family on Tuesday (5/2). The social activity was held in the

Multipurpose Building for 23 children, where three of them were from Ai Kangkung and two from Tatar. H Syarafuddin Jarot, PTNNT Social Responsibility Manager, H Wagimin HS, Social Responsibility, Planning and Development Manager, and Sirojuddin, the subdistrict head of Sekongkang, and their staffs, involved at an event held simultaneously with Prophet Muhammad birth day ceremony. The head of Tongo Community Health Center (Puskesmas) and some community and religious leaders participated H. Darmansyah, a community leader in Tongo, requested that the mass circumcision program be conducted periodically, once every two or three years. It was also echoed by Zulkarnaen, the chairperson of the committee. H Syarafuddin Jarot welcomed the idea. "God willing, with continued cooperation between the company, community and all related parties, we can do anything, including mass circumcision," he said. Despite feeling miserable and crying, tens of those circumcised boys were happy after receiving gifts from the committee. Suara Batu Hijau Issue 31/2013



Batu Hijau

Suara Batu Hijau Edisi 31/2013

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