Suara Batu Hijau Ed XXVII

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PTNNT named the Best Mining Company Tailings Placement Meets Compliance Criteria Gas and Pressurized Vessel Handling at PTNNT can be a Model


Batu Hijau Suara Batu Hijau Magazine Published by PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara for internal distribution within the company and other Newmont groups

PTNNT Named the Best Mining Company Recently PTNNT was named The Best Mining Company in Environmental Compliance by Majalah Tambang, an influential magazine that covers national mining and industry affairs. The magazine considers environment management at Batu Hijau copper and gold mine to be outstanding.

PAT R O N Martiono Hadianto ADVISORS All Senior Managers, Managers and Superintendent

PTNNT can be a Model Ir. Abdul Wahab Bangkona, MSc, the Director General of Training and Productivity Development, RI Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, said standardization is necessary on industry gas and pressurized vessels as well as the human resources and other dangerous equipment. “In this case what PTNNT has done can be taken as example by other companies,” said Wahab Bangkona.

CHIEF EDIT EDITO OR Rubi Waprasa Purnomo E D I TO R S Andika Wijaya, Ruslan Ahmad, Komang Ardana, Muhammad Nazri, Lalu Yuslis, Lalu Budi Karyadi DESI G N & PRODU CTION DESIG Agus Apriyanto DISTRIBUTION Team and Departments Secretaries

Suara Batu Hijau receives contribution including stories, articles, photos and cartoons from employees. Editors are entitled to edit the contribution E D I TTOR'S OR'S ADDRESS Admin I Building Benete, West Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia MAIL ADDRESS PO Box 1022 Mataram 83126 TELEPON (62-372) 635318 ext 46260 Fax:(62-372) 635319 ext: 46243 E-MAIL PTNNT suara batu WEBSITE Cover: PTNNT Processing Plant


Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVII/2012

Tailings Placement Meets Compliance Criteria The results of monitoring carried out by the Environmental Inspectors (PPLHD) of NTB Province in 2011 conclude that PTNNT tailings placement is classified as compliant with the requirements, in terms of compliance criteria. “Based on the facts, ground findings and the results of laboratory tests on metal content in tailings, PTNNT has met the compliance criteria,” said DR. Syamsul Dilaga of BLH.

PTNNT Booth Wins the Second Best at PLI PTNNT's booth displaying the beauty of nature around the mine and the effort in environmental protection at PTNNT mine area and PT Newmont Minahasa Raya (NMR) won the second best in Indonesia Environment Expo held at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) from 14 to 17 June.

HEADLINE PTNNT Named the Best Mining Company

Manager Project Compliance PTNNT Tonny Gultom (second from left) receives the award.


TNNT was named The Best Mining Company in Environmental Compli ance by Majalah Tambang, an influential magazine that covers national

mining and industry affairs. Majalah Tambang considers environmental management at Batu Hijau copper and gold mine to be outstanding. “The TAMBANG

award nomination is reviewed by government authorities, journalists and NGO representatives. PTNNT was also nominated in other two categories, i.e. Best Mining Practice and Good Governance and Best in Implementing CSR,” said PTNNT President Director Martiono Hadianto. According to Martiono, PTNNT had received several awards from both the government of Indonesia and third parties. Since 2003, PTNNT has achieved 20 awards in demonstrating leadership in safety, community development, corporate responsibility and environmental management program. “The awards and recognition by independent organizations strengthen our commitment to continued efforts in environmental and social responsibility and support us in maintaining our social license to operate,” said Martiono. Martiono also expressed his gratitude and congratulations to the hard work and dedication shown by all employees and colleagues who help PTNNT become the most valued and respected mine company through industry leading performance.

Familiarization of RKAB 2012


he delayed issuance of the pinjam pakai permit has brought signifi cant impacts to Batu Hijau mine operations. This led to the change in both short and long-term mine plans. PTNNT General Manager Operation David Lilley asserted that the years of 2012 and 2013 are vulnerable period of production. As a result, the company's revenues decrease. “We will process only the ores from the pit (not the stockpile-ed.) in 2014,” he said during the familiarization session on the Work Plan and Budget (RKAB) of 2012 in the meeting room of West Sumbawa Regional Secretariat, Monday (21/5). David also gave a presentation on PTNNT's 2012 programs, from production process (mining), environment, occupational health and safety (K3), construction and refurbishment projects, community development, finance, to exploration programs at Elang/Dodo area. West Sumbawa secretary Ir. W. Musyafi-

rin MM expects the local government to gain clear information on all PTNNT activities on manpower, community development or corporate social responsibility (CSR) and current issues. Head of local Health Office dr. H. Syaifudin called on PTNNT to handle health programs thoroughly instead of

focusing only on the area around mine such as providing support to the local government that has established a Health Nutrition Post at each village. David extended his gratitude to all suggestions and support from the local government to PTNNT. “We hope that this collaboration will continue,” said he. 

The situation at West Sumbawa Secretary meeting room during PTNNT RKAB 2012 familiarization.

Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVII/2012


EXPLORATION PTNNT Needs Support in its Exploration


xploration is a general geology/ geophysical/geochemical survey to collect detailed and thorough information on the locations, shape, dimension, distribution, quality of resources from inferred, indicated to measured classification based on the spacing of drill holes. Mineable reserve will be defined based on the classification in accordance with certain mining and processing methods with economic value consistent with current economic condition and future economic projection, including world metal prices, operational costs for mining and processing, and other costs. “Currently PTNNT still focuses on exploration at Dodo/Elang Block, Sumbawa Regency,” said Manager Communication Department Rubi Purnomo. At the same time or following the exploration, collection of environmental data, including precipitation rate, surface water condition, groundwater condition, animal and plant species, is carried out. “The data will be taken as the basis to prepare an environmental impact assessment (AMDAL),” said Rubi. “AMDAL documents also include a study on potential environmental impacts to mining activity (exploitation), development of plans or efforts on environmental control and monitoring to minimize the impacts predicted consistent with the exploration. PTNNT needs support for the

Participants at Team Building Exploration Project.


Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVII/2012

PTNNT Exploration Manager Kasan Mulyono gives instruction during Exrels Exploration Project Team Building at Sumbawa Besar.

AMDAL study,” said Rubi. As the exploration goes, social condition data is collected from the community around the region that is predicted to have ore body as the basis to carry out social and community condition study. “The social and community study will be taken as important reference in the environmental impact study,” he continued. The process from data collection and processing to AMDAL document preparation is carried out by government-certified experts. AMDAL document discussion will involve all stakeholders prior to approval by the Government of Indonesia. Rubi explained similar phases applied to

Batu Hijau mine. Batu Hijau ore body was discovered in 1990, which was followed by approval of AMDAL study in 1996 and feasibility study in 1997 by the government. Thus, construction started from the time to 1999 and production began in 2000. “It takes over ten years for Batu Hijau to arrive at the production phase from the exploration phase. The phases have to be done in sequence by any mining business while at Elang, we have just started the exploration in June 2011,” he said. As of exploration work plan, Elang is still in rock drilling phase, lab analysis, geology mapping, geophysical mapping, geochemical mapping, environmental and community social data collection. Feasibility study and economic assessment will be carried out when all technical data of drilling is completed. “If the drilling and exploration can be completed properly and brings clear description on the ore to develop, feasibility study will follow. The study will assess all sort of alternatives that consider technical, operational, commercial and financial aspects that are optimal for the development of potential Elang/Dodo mine so that it becomes a sustainable business beneficial to all stakeholders,” explained he. Thus, according to Rubi, support from the government and community and other stakeholders is crucial in order that PTNNT is able to give positive contribution to all NTB people. 

CSR SMPN 6 Mataram New Building is Handed Over At the same occasion, Nasrul Budiyanto said the Rp9 billion budget was a part of the company's corporate social responsibility (CSR) fund worth US$38 million or equal to Rp360 billion. “We hope the school building can be used so that we can demolish the old building for the location of the minaret-99 of the Islamic Center. Insyaallah (God willing), the minaret construction will also be funded by PTNNT,” said he. Ruslan Effendy, the Head of Education, Youth and Sports Office of Mataram City, considered the new building of SMPN 6 Mataram the best among existing schools. “It will be far better if the furniture is also new,” said Ruslan.

Front view of SMPN 6 Mataram maket.


TNNT handed over the new building of SPMN 6 Mataram to the provincial government of NTB on Tue. (3/7). The three-storey building worth Rp17.6 billion was handed over by Gensupv Infrastructure Comdev PTNNT Nasrul Budiyanto to the Head of Regional Development Planning Agency NTB Rosiady Sayuti at the building location, Jalan Udayana. The handover was marked by the presentation of the building keys.

Rosiady, in his speech, said the initial estimated fund was Rp21.5 billion. Of it, an amount of Rp8.6 was sourced from NTB Regional Budget for phase I of the building structure and Rp9 billion from PTNNT in phase II for construction and finishing. “The remaining Rp3 billion was also sourced from the province's budget to be allotted for Mataram City Administration for the building setting, such as fences and other support facilities,” said he.

Head of Regional Development Planning Agency Rosyadi Sayuti hands over the building keys to the Head of Education, Youth and Sports Office Mataram Ruslan Effendy witnessed by Nasrul Budiyanto, PTNNT representative.

Students Scoring 10 in Natl' Exam Receive Appreciation


ome 64 students of Elementary, Junior High and Senior High and Vocational Schools of West Sumbawa who score 10 in the National Exam of 2012 have received appreciation from PTNNT and West Sumbawa Administration. The appreciation comes in the form of certificates and cash money handed over by Manager Comdev PTNNT Wagimin Hadisastra and Head of Education, Youth and Sport Office Nurdin at the Graha Fitrah field, Taliwang (20/6). Wagimin said the reward was an appreciation to encourage the students to improve their achievement. “PTNNT is committed to developing the education sector not only for the area around the mine, but throughout West Sumbawa,” said he. Drs Nurdin, the Head of Education, Youth and Sport Office West Sumbawa, disclosed that from 2004 to 2009, West Sumbawa

used to come in 8th or 9th of the National Exam graduation rate in NTB province. This condition led the office to collaborate with PTNNT to train the students and teachers in facing the exam. “The collaboration started in 2009 by providing training for teachers whose subjects were included in the National Exam. At the same year, the graduation rate of West Sumbawa reached the top three in NTB.

Even in 2010 West Sumbawa managed to reach the top while this year it went to the second place with more than 98 percent,” said he. Compared to the previous year, the students scoring 10 in National Exam increase by 100 percent with 8 students of Senior High/Islamic High School, 10 of Junior High School and 4 of Elementary School levels.

Students scoring 10 in the National Exam of 2012 pose together after receiving reward from PTNNT COMDEV Manager Wagimin Hadisastra (rightmost).

Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVII/2012


OPERATION & PRODUCTION DirGen of Manpower and Transmigration Ministry: PTNNT Can be a Model


r. Abdul Wahab Bangkona, MSc, the Director General of Training and Productivity Development of Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, said standardization is necessary on industry gas and pressurized vessel as well as the human resources and other dangerous equipment. "In this case, what PTNNT applies can be taken as example by other companies," he said in a speech in the opening of the Industry Gas and Pressurized Vessel Training at the Community Hall, Townsite (29/5). The three-day training was hosted by the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration in collaboration with PT Tira Austenite Tbk. It aimed at preventing accident related to gas and pressurized vessels at PTNNT. PTNNT General Manager Processing Wudi Raharjo in his speech said that PTNNT's vision is to be the most valued and respected mining company through industry leading performance. Various efforts have been taken to materialize the leadership in manpower, environ-

mental stewardship dan social responsibility. One of the efforts is to hold training in various key expertises that relate to safety performance. PT Tira Austenite President Director Arief

Goenadibrata welcome PTNNT's efforts in providing training for the employees in handling industry gas and pressurized vessels that bear potential risks to occupational safety. 

Director General Training and Productivity Development of Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration Ir. Abdul Wahab Bangkona, MSc before the participants of the Gas Industry and Pressurized Vessel Handling Training at the Community Hall, Townsite.

Artificial Reefs for West Sumbawa Fishermen


rtificial reef (rumpon) is a means to gathering fish. It can be placed in both narrow and deep sea. It can attract fish to nest there making it easy for the fishermen to catch them. Realizing the importance of artificial reefs to increase the fishermen income, PTNNT has made two artificial reefs and deployed them eight miles from the coast at 400-500 meter depth at Senutuk waters, southern part of West Sumbawa.

Syukuran pelepasan rumpon di Benete, Rabu (18/4).


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“To improve the fishermen's welfare, a strategy to improve technical knowledge and sufficient equipment is necessary,” said H. Wagimin Sastra Hadi, PTNNT Comdev Manager. He said the community empowerment in improving fishermen' marine resources based business refers to village program plans introduced earlier. Thus, all parties can collaborate properly. A company working on fishery sector, PT Korina Fisheries Indonesia was chosen as a partner by PTNNT to facilitate 130 fishermen in Labuan Lalar, Benete, Tatar, and Ai Kangkung who joined together in 4 groups of Joint Business Group (KUB). Beside facilitating, PT Korina, who is experienced in fostering some fishermen in Maumere, also acts as the marketer and buys the catch and export it. “This is the initial step to becoming successful fishermen in the future,” said Ramli Hidayat of PT Korina, the person in charge of shipping matters during a feast to celebrate artificial reef deployment in Benete, Wed (18/4).


Tailings Placement Meets Compliance Criteria


ased on the fact and field findings or lab tests on some environmental variables such as metal content in tailings, PTNNT meets the compliance criteria. DR Syamsul Dilaga, Regional Enviromental Inspector (PPLHD) of NTB, confirmed the above before tens of stakeholders at Rungan Balong Multipurpose Hall, Sekongkang (9/ 05), Taliwang (10/05), Selong (14/05) and during a Talkshow at RRI Mataram (19/05). “The quality standard of liquid tailings meets KEPMENLH 92/2011 permit, thus it can be concluded that the condition of PTNNT tailings placement area at Senunu Bay is safe and within normal thresholds or no pollution,” said he. East Lombok Vice Regent H Muhammad Syamsul Luthfi said the environmental protection and management is a systematic and integrated effort to prevent contamination and damage. “To support environmentally friendly

Familiarization of environmental monitoring results under deepsea tailings placement permit in Selong.

development, monitoring to company's activities is necessary,” said he. Luthfi admitted that PTNNT pays serious concern by allocating a significant amount of

budget for minimizing the impacts of its mine activity. However, he expected the portion of community programs for coastal areas would be increased.

Visitors Flock to Labuhan Haji for Beach Cleanup

Sekitar 1000 warga Lotim mengikuti Bersih Pantai Labuhan Haji Berhadiah (atas). Kadus Labuhan Haji mendapat hadiah sepeda (kanan).


hat morning, Sunday, 24 June 2012, was still dark but the main road at Labuhan Haji was crowded. Old and young people as well as children went to the beach. “We are going to clean the beach. The head of hamlet instructed us,” said a woman

who came with all her family members while others said their teacher and superior asked them to come. At the port gate, tens of university students welcomed the locals and gave them trash bags. “When the bag is full, give it back

to us in exchange of a door prize coupon,” said one student. PTNNT in collaboration with Labuhan Haji Beach Clean Up Committee from the Campus Journalist Association (IJK) of the local STKIP HAMZANWADI Selong provided tens of interesting prizes, such as bicycle, hand phones, fans, clocks, shopping vouchers, cleaning equipment and souvenirs. Labuhan Hamlet head Haji Sudirman who happened to win a bicycle expressed his gratitude to PTNNT who has concerns with cleanliness of his village. “We hope this event to continue at least once a year,” he expected. The Clean-Up Day (CUD) was held in commemoration of the World Environment Day on 5 June. Other than in East Lombok, PTNNT held the CUD in West Sumbawa and Sumbawa Regencies. “Thanks to all parties who contribute in the success of this event, from now on, let's keep our environment clean,” said Joni Safaat, Senior Spec. Environmental Affairs PTNNT who is also the chairperson of CUD Committee. Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVII/2012



Groundbreaking of Ropang police office construction by Sumbawa Regency Police Chief, AKBP Yayang Hartadi, S.IK (6/6).

The signing of MoU between YOP and PT Pos Sumbawa Branch at Visitor Center (6/6).

Participants of Porphyry Cu-Au Deposits Workshop at Benete Port Parking Lot (1/6).

Assistant Deputy Coordinating Minister of Economy, General Mining Section, Syafrizal Syaiful, MT and his staff at the mine area (24/5).

Expression Art Festival, Buin Batu Scholl at the Community Hall, Townsite (6/6).

Communication Training by Prof. Elizabeth Goenawan Ananto, a communication expert, for External Relations staffs at the Training Center Concentrator (6/5).

Welcoming the holy month Ramadhan, Batu Hijau Muslim Foundation (YMBH) hosts a Tabligh Akbar (mass gathering) with the Chairperson of Dewan Dakwah Islamiyah Indonesia DR KH Syuhada Bahri at Mini Soccer Townsite (11/7).

Team Panser of PTNNT female employees jump happily after beating Team PBU in the female mini soccer final during commemoration of the 67th anniversary of RI at Townsite (31/6).


Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVII/2012


BHPC climbing team sets up a tent at one of Mount Rinjani slope.

Maintenance Crew team finish climbing the top of Rinjani. (see the story at page12)

BHPC team poses and get relaxed at Segara Anak after finishing the climbing.

Take a rest on the way to the top.

BHPC at Sembalun gate before starting the journey to the top of Rinjani.

Maintenance Crew at Pusuk, Sembalun, before the climbing.

View of Segara Anak Lake taken from Pelawangan (16/5).

Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVII/2012


Miscellany Sekongkang Farmers Join Dragon Fruit Farming Training


ragon fruit cultivation for businesses has to be carried out with well preparation, good nursery and correct handling of various pests and diseases. Therefore, 20 farmers who joined the Integrated Farming Development Foundation (YPPT) of Sekongkang were trained on dragon fruit cultivation technique at Lawar nursery Sekongkang (19/04). YPPT patron Abidin Nazar, SP believed the training would open the awareness of farmers who have to date focused on rice farming. “In average, members of YPPT own 3 hectares of land but they take rice as the main crop while the land needs intercrops,” said he. Mariun, a representative of the Sekongkang subdistrict administration, hoped other farmer groups would join them in the future. “Do not just focus on hard plants. It is necessary to enrich it with seasonal plants, such as peas and vegetables, so that the farmers can make benefit faster,” said he. PTNNT General Supervisor Capacity

Training participants are practicing dragon fruit cultivation.

Building H Faozan Maulad hopes the training would improve the farmers' technical

Locals of Benete Attend Training on Animal Feed Production

Community of Benete member of P3A listening to PTNNT representative Abdul Wahid during training of animal feed making at the compost house of Comdev Center, Benete (26/4).


lthough natural feeds in West Sumbawa are abundant, it does not mean that we do not need to learn how to make feed from hays. After rice


Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVII/2012

harvest, stacks of hays are often wasted or burned. It creates thick smoke. "Hays shouldn't be wasted, but processed into more valuable materials," Wagimin Hadisastra,

knowledge including on how to anticipate monkey attack that often disturbs them.

PTNNT Comdev Manager said. For that purpose, PTNNT partners with the Agrobusiness Research Center (P2A) of the University of Mataram to hold training and coaching on producing animal feed from hays. Tens of Benete community members of Water Use Farmers Association (P3A), Thursday (26/4) gathered in compost house of Comdev Center, Benete. Similar activity is also conducted at Sekongkang and Ai Kangkung villages (27-28/4). Prof. DR. Ir. Muhammad Ikhsan, MS, Chairperson of P2A UNRAM, said that cow breeding at Sumbawa is very important to improving the breeders' prosperity. To overcome the dry season issue that makes it difficult to get animal feed, Muhammad Ikhsan gave a solution of feed fermentation. "Grass collected from one weed can be used for long time," he said. Wagimin said he was proud of the local people's enthusiasm in attending the training. "We believe that the training will benefit the farmers and breeders. With the community's and all parties' support, all programs will run successfully," he said.

NEWMONT NEWS Green Economy: Change Behavior, Improve Environment Quality


I Ministry of Environment held the 16th Indonesian Environment Week (PLI) (14-17/6) at Cenderawasih Hall, Jakarta Convention Center, which was officially opened by RI Vice President Boediono. The event followed the World Environment Day's theme set by UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme): Green Economy: Does It Include You? In Indonesia, the theme is adapated into Green Economy: Change Behavior, Improve Environment Quality. According to Balthasar Kambuaya, RI Minister of Environment, the fundamental meaning of the theme is the urgency of all human beings, as individuals and groups or a nation, to change their consumption and production pattern sor life style towards sustainable behavioral change. The event was a series of the World Environment Day activities with the peak activity held at the State Palace on 5 June 2012. “The objective of the PLI is to educate the community on the environment. I also hope that similar acitivies would be conducted not just in Jakarta but also in other regions so that the Environment Day momentum can spread widely and be held annually,” Balthasar said. This PLI was held with the concept of "zero waste event", where during the event no waste shall be placed outside the area. At

RI Vice President Boediono opens the activity by beating the gong at Cenderawasih Hall, Jakarta Convention Center.

the end of the PLI program, the amount of waste collected from the activity was announced and economic value of the waste processing could be calculated. Besides the environment expo which drew 180 participants, PLI 2012 also held Eco Creative Expo 2012 that displayed recycled or environmentally friendly products, Eco Driving Rally, Million Bicycles Million Trees program, Green Music Festival, Seminar, Workshop, Talkshow, Bazaar and Drawing Competition. The event also gave more chances for the young, from kindergarden to university levels, to participate by presenting their achievements and programs related to

PTNNT Booth Named Second Winner at PLI

PTNNT booth is visited Balthasar Kambuaya, Minister of Environement, (with green batik) and group.

environment. It also served as an educational tool on environment, promotion and publication of several products and environmental services in environmental management. Prior to PLI opening, the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Research and Technology, and the Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics signed a Memorandum of Understanding on efforts to improve cooperation to optimize the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Indonesia. The MoU is aimed at improving understanding, role, coordination and synergy of all parties to face the climate change.


TNNT booth which displays the beauty of the area around the mine and environmental protection efforts around PTNNT mine area and PT Newmont Minahasa Raya (NMR) was named the second winner of the PLI, which was held at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) from 14 to 17 June. The first winner was PT Vale (INCO), while PT Freeport Indonesia came the third winner.

Visitors at PTNNT booth.

Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVII/2012


MISCELLANY Risky Mission to Conquer Rinjani

With traveler from Denmark.


ollowing the Batu Hijau Photography Club (BHPC) hunting to Rinjani, 12 members of of Maintenance crew took similar mission several days afterwards (30/ 5). “Listening to the story from our fellow who had stepped on Rinjani, we were inspired to take similar mission,” said Supriyono, one of the climbers. Within a short time, 12 crew members registered for the risky mission. “We chose 30 May, which is the first off day after morning shift,” Supri said.

We determined each member's role, selected the team leader, medical personnel, supporter and other roles. We prepared equipment and consumption materials in advance. When the day came, right after the morning prayer at 05:00 a.m. we went to the picking point. Being nervous, some people forgot about their belongings. Some forgot about their wallet, others forgot their fruits. One of us pretended to forget something, yet he just wanted to kiss his wife a goodbye…hahaha.

When completed, our bus took us to Sembalun Bumbung. Resting for taking a photograph and having breakfast, we continued to the Rinjani Trekking registration post. Our porters had been ready and managed our supply. Indeed, we needed 7 porters, and we had to rent cooking utensils, buy cigarettes for porters and kerosene. When everything was ok, our team proceeded to travel using a motorcycle tax (ojek). It is not ojek commonly known as motorcycle taxi, but it is pick up car. It took us to the first bridge of the trekking passing a damaged road. Our team was divided into two groups, riding on two ojek cars: 10 people riding on the Grand Max-brand car and the other two with porters riding on L300. Reaching the first brigde was a very tiresome travel. We walke through a large savanna with several trees only. All of a sudden, rain poured down heavily. At that time, our raincoats were with the porters who were far behind us. We got wet. We, however, continued our travel until the porter group got us. We then wore our raincoat. It was indeed an interesting experience. (to be continued)

Sambelia Flood Victims get Assistance


he flash floods that plagued Sambelia subdistrict, East Lombok has receded some time ago. Its impacts however are still suffered by hundreds of victims living on the Rinjani mountain slope. In addition to the damaged bridge and public facilities, some of the victims lost their houses, cattle and harvests. Batu Hijau Moslem Foundation (YMBH) through YMBH Cares program donated basic needs to some 150 victims at Labuan Pandan, Dadap, Kokok Raja and Kolo Sepang hamlets. “Due to limited donation packages, we just visit the most devastated locations,” Rendianto, a young villager working as the field cordinator said. Each donation package contains 3 kgs of rice, 1 kg of cooking oil, 1 kg of sugar, 6 packs of noodle and 1 pack of biscuit. Earlier, YMBH distributed basic needs donation for the rob flood victims at Tanjung Luar and Kedome.


Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVII/2012

YMBH Care at Sambelia subdistrict.

OHS Muhaimin Says OHS Should be Made a Culture 26 April. The EXPO and seminar was held to commemorate OHS 2012 month. The second day of the seminar was themed Contractor Safety Management System (25/4), where

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Jero Wacik was the keynote speaker.Tthe keynote speaker for the third day was EE Mangindaan, RI Minister of Transportation, who talked about transportation safety. 

FES PTNNT Joins Mine OHS Expo Muhaimin Iskandar


uhaimin Iskandar, RI Minister of Manpower and Transimigration, requested that Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) be made a culture at workplaces, especially in energy and mineral resources sector. Muhaimin raised the matter when he opened the OHS EXPO and Seminar 2012, at Smesco building, Jl Gatot Subroto, Jakarta, Tuesday (24/4). He said he was concerned that OHS was not yet regarded as an important issue, especially by small and medium businesses. This is mainly caused by cost consideration, where implementing OHS is considered as another form of costs. Muhaimin was however relieved that many companies in energy and mineral resources sector have high awareness to apply OHS. Therefore, he called on OHS to be made a culture, especially in risky energy and mineral resources sector. “Other sectors can emulate OHS implementation in the energy sector that has run well,” he said. He added that at a glance OHS may be viewed as a burden for a company, since they had to spend more for supplies and equipment. However, lower occupational accidents and risks would make the company's operation more efficient. He was proud that mining and energy companies have applied zero accident [policy] in their operation. What Muhaimin said was not a lip service. Other than safety equipment suppliers, companies from the energy and mineral resources sector, such as PT Pertamina, PT Shell Indonesia, PT Adaro Energy, PT Berau Coal, PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara, participated in the OHS EXPO that would run until

Visitors at PTNNT booth get souvenirs (above).

Miss Indonesia participates in the expo opening (left).

“PT Newmont FES is one of the national emergency teams under the supervision of TNNT Fire Emergency Service the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resourc(FES) Team took part in the Mine es actively participating in every natural OHS EXPO in Jakarta (24-26/4). disaster handling in several parts of IndoneIts participation was aimed at introducing sia, including distributing relief donation,” he the community on safe work at mine said. operations consistent with Newmont's Muhaimin Iskandar, RI Minister of vision and mission to be the most valued Manpower and Transimigration, and Ines company in mining industry. Putri, Miss Indonesia 2012, took part in the SHLP Senior Manager Sunarto Suwito EXPO opening at Smesco Building, Jl Gatot said that the annual EXPO exhibited safety Subroto. During the expo, PTNNT booth was support equipment and FES members' visited by university students from several skills as per international standards. universities.


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Pojok Pengetahuan Tailing Chemical Characteristics Results of laboratory analysis generaly show that tailings are not classified as hazardous materials. Metal leaching results show very small difference in PTNNT tailing contents to natural materials, such as riverbed sediments, marine sediments and brick materials. This shows that solid chemical characteristics of PTNNT tailing are closely similar to sediment characteristics in the riverbed in Batu Hijau project area.

Hum r: Doctor vs toilet man A doctor went home at midnight and found his toilet blocked. He said to his wife, “Mam, please call Pak Bejo our serviceman” “Do you want to call him at two in the morning? Are you kidding, Pa!” “What's wrong, Mam? I was often called by patient at this time.” Then his wife called Pak Bejo, who was annoyed to come to fix the toiled at that time. She comforted him by saying, “My husband is often called at this time. So Pak Bejo, please don't be upset.” At 3:30 a.m., Pak Bejo arrived with red eyes, still sleepy. The doctor showed him the blocked toilet. Pak Bejo directly took two tablets from his pocket, dropped them into the toilet and said, “If no improvement, please call me in the afternoon!”

Mendatar: 2. Hadiah untuk pemenang lomba, terbuat dari emas atau perak. 4. Kalah tanpa bertanding. 5. Tidak (bahasa inggris). 8. Gunung tempat jatuhnya pesawat Sukhoi Super Jet 100. 9. Anak Buah Kapal. 11. Rencana Anggaran Biaya 14. Pukul (bahasa inggris). 16. Bandara Internasional Lombok. 18. Jumlah barang cetakan yang diedarkan. 20. Sumur tambang. 22. Negara Adidaya. 24. Orang ketiga tunggal. 23. Bahan bangunan yang terbuat dari serat mineral yang tidak mudah jadi abu apabila terbakar. 25. Poros. 26. Permukaan bumi.

Menurun: 1. Sabalong… 2. Markas kepolisian tingkat kecamatan. 3. Seram, menyeramkan. 6. Perbuatan yang melanggar hukum Tuhan dan agama. 7. Akhlak, kesopanan, dan kebaikan budi pekerti. 10. Penjara. 12. Sahabat nabi 14. Kosong, tidak berisi. 15. Target Operasi. 16. Batu Hijau. 17. Kepala pemerintah di bawah camat. 19. Logo. 21. Patuh, rajin beribadah. 22. Perlu.

Quiz Safety No. 18 Sebutkan beberapa tips safety meningkatkan energi melawan kelelahan selama Ramadhan?

Kirim jawaban Anda dengan nama, nomor badge dan departemen, kepada Redaksi Suara Batu Hijau, Public Relation, Admin 1, Benete, atau melalui email ke sebelum 31 Agustus 2012. Jawaban yang benar dari masing-masing quiz akan diundi untuk menentukan pemenang yang beruntung. Pemenang Quiz SBH No. 49 dan Quiz Safety no 17:

Ikhwan-NB3447, Syafaruddin Cenon-NB5694, Syafruddin-MK0098, Miftahuddin-NB3177, Citra Bertika Sudrajat-PG0643, Adi Rahmad-NB5119, Maria Prada Besen-DHL028, Abdul Malik-NB2511, Gde Rahardian RaiNB5449, Sahibul Yamin-NB6301. Selamat kepada yang namanya tertera di atas, hadiah akan dikirim via mail bag.


Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVII/2012

Sumbawa Story Meke Serep Headed for Exile (8) source

“Ok my granddaughter. For your safety, I will give you a talisman that I did not give to your father. Remember, never show it your father or anyone else,” said her grandpa, giving her hope and advice. “Ok, my grandpa! What talisman is that?” Lala Baka said. “This is the talisman, my dear! A ring named Blue Pearl. There is giant genie in the pear who will destroy any obstacles and disaster for you. Put on this ring and should anything disturb you, just point it to the disturber, then it will be destroyed,” said her grandpa explaining. “Thank you, grandpa,” Lala Baka said while putting on the ring into her ring finger. “Wish me luck, grandpa,” Lala Baka said. The next sunny day, King Nuang Sasih decided to exile Lala Baka, the princess. The Patih, commander, and palace troops were ready. Patih came to Lala Baka to pick her up to immediately execute the King command. “I am begging you, Your Highness. I come here to inform you on the King command,” said the Patih. “What is that, Patih?” Lala Baka said as if she did not know the plan. (to be continued)


The First and Last


n the morning of Jakarta time, a dark Grand Livina-brand car entered the Rajawali Building parking lot. The office complex security guard at Kuningan promptly welcome it, knowing who was coming. He knew it since it happens everyday. “Good morning, Pak Hamdan,” said the security guard bowing in respect. “Morning,” said Hamdan smiling and driving his car into the parking lot. After parking the car, the middle-aged man went into the lift, up to his office at 26th floor. Hamdan checked everything one by one, cleaned and tidied up his working room at the corner, the last row of the working rooms. He is Hamdan Samsudin, a father of tree born in Depok in 1963, who works as General Assistant at PTNNT Jakarta office. He said he knew mining world when he workded for Anaconda Inc., an Australia mining company in Jakarta, back in 1982. After working for four years, the alumni of Madrasah Aliyah of Cianjur worked for Newmont Jakarta starting in 1986. At that time, Batu Hijau was in the exploration stage. “I am happy to be involved at the time the Contract of Work was prepared,” he said. To be the first man to come to the office and the last to leave is one of his habit. The distance from his house to the office is 32 kilometers. “I used to leave home to the office at 5:30 in the morning. Now, Jakarta becomes more crowded that I have to leave earlier, at five,” he said. The interesting thing is that, from his first work, the grandpa of five who first dreamt of becoming a religious cleric has never changed department. He was always at the service section, servicing one person to tens. “I love my job, I am happy seeing others happy,” he said. Therefore, Hamdan often helped others, such as assisting in housing provision, land, and vehicles, electronics and other necessities. “Just a small business,” he said.

Hamdan Samsudin.

This badminton lover said that he did not want to play trial and error. Therefore, he had never felt interested in filling opportunities opened by other departments. “What changed are just the companies. Other than PTNNT, I worked for PTNMR and PTNPN, but my job continues to be the same in the kitchen part,” he said. In September last year, Hamdan accepted the "25 Years Service Award" as a Newmont employee. Amid his happy look, Hamdan said that he had no time to enjoy the money collected during work, therefore. When he retires he plan to have a total rest life. “I will enjoy what I collected now. I will focus on having religious services and getting involved in community social services,” he said. For Hamdan, the most important thing in our life is to be grateful for what we get and being useful for others.

the most important thing in our life is to be grateful for what we get and being useful for others. Hamdan at his room.

Suara Batu Hijau Issue XXVII/2012



Suara Batu Hijau Edisi XXVII/2012

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