Salamanca Declaration - 1998

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Participants at the European Conference, "Energy, Transport and Telematics in Historic Cities" met in Salamanca on November 6th, 1998. ,W LV FRQVLGHUHG that the heritage of European historic cities is a basic element to sustainable development and emphasises its extraordinary social dimension. ,W LV UHFRJQLVHG that the transfer of the historic heritage to future generations faces new challenges and risks which fundamentally derive from the present use of energy and transport. 7DNLQJ LQWR DFFRXQW the recommendations established by the various international conventions, such as, the World Heritage Convention, both Cultural and Natural, the Convention on Climatic Change, the recommendations of Habitat II and European declarations, such as, the Äalborg Charter on sustainable cities. %HLQJ FRQVFLRXV that historic cities and especially those which have been declared "World Heritage Sites" by UNESCO, are foci of attention for Europe and the world. As such, these cities are exceptional mirrors from where new initiatives will have a multiplying effect. &RQVLGHULQJ that the protection of cultural and natural heritage in historic centres does not have to be in opposition to their functionality, quality of life and capacity to turn themselves into dynamic centres of society. 7DNLQJ LQWR DFFRXQW that is preferable for new initiatives arising in historic cities be directed towards specialised services, recognising that today these cities are, as a whole, the major tourist destinations in Europe and the world. &RQILUPLQJ that today’s technology is such as to overcome problems stemming from energy use and urban mobility.

Appeal to the various responsible municipalities and managers of the historic cities, to the authorities, to the local, regional, governmental and intergovernmental institutions, as well as to the competent social agents, and ask:


To incorporate the sustainability criteria into energy use: efficiency, saving and diversification.


To facilitate the maximum level of renewable energy sources participation into the energy supply of historic cities.


To wisely adapt energy uses to available energy resources, considering energy as a city service.


To incorporate energy management into the instruments of city planning and development.


To promote action which will incorporate the criteria of sustainable urban mobility in historic centres, emphasising solutions based on pedestrianisation and collective transport systems.


To incorporate zero and ultra-low emission technologies to urban transport, using the present possibilities offered by gas-propelled, hybrid and electric vehicles.


To use telematic instruments adequately with regard to the optimisation of energy uses, alternative transport and planning.


To establish integrated planning systems in the design of communication and electric grids, in order to minimise impact on the built heritage.


To improve telematic solutions as an essential tool for citizens’ participation, for energy and transport management and for cultural and natural heritage protection.

10. To introduce education, training and information programmes on renewable energy sources and alternative transports. 11. To develop regulations as well as local, regional, national and E. C. legal frameworks which will facilitate the application of sustainable solutions on energy, transport and telematics for historic cities. 12. To promote co-ordination between various competent administrations in order to facilitate the application of existing technological solutions regarding sustainable energy and sustainable transport and to eliminate present barriers which are opposed to its implementation.

6DODPDQFD :RUOG +HULWDJH &LW\ 1RYHPEHU WK Rapporteur: Cipriano MarĂ­n

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