World S lar Programme 1996-2005
European Is and A en da
he efforts of the I European Conference on Sustainable Island Development, organised by INSULA, UNESCOand the Minorca Island Council, with the support of the European Commission and the main international agencies, have led to the design of the basic pillars of the European Island Agenda. The Island Agenda constitutes the first step towards achieving a grand inter-island co-operation plan for sustainable development. Among the Agenda's eight areas of priority action, emphasis is given to the energy sector and to full participation by the renewable energies. There is a direct agreement that, in islands, "any conventional energy solution must be considered as a transitory step toward full implementation of renewables".
\Nithin the framework of the World Solar Summit process, initiated by UNESCO in co-operation with the main national, regional and international agencies, the creation of an Island Solar Council is a project thatharmonises the different island initiatives in the field of renewable energies, contributing to the implementation of a solar programme for the islands. . The differential characteristics of islands and the fact that they have abundant sources of renewable energy mean that these renewable energies must be considered as a necessary support for their sustainable development strategy. They must also be considered as a priority factor in the efforts to reduce island dependency, adopting development instruments and standards that are more suited to the fragile nature of islands and to the conservation of their resources.
Island \Ninds WEB
- 2005)and ITERare working together to design a specific WEB site aimed at promoting the integration of renewable energies in islands and at providing information about building an Island Solar Programme. The main actions and services will be aimed at: (;) Identifying focal information points in the islands. Fostering inter-island co-operation in specific projects. (;) Providing information about technology, markets and financial instruments. (;) Developing fora aimed at training ----iiiiiiiiiiii!ii in renewable energies. html
communication technology enables us to break through the traditional isolation of islands, making access to resources and know-how, both between islands and between islands and other regions, at a yreasonable price, a very real possibility. Being aware of the fact that ISLANO WINOS this area represents a top priority task, in arder to foster the Z.....:..,... integration of renewable ener1996,... •.•.....' gies in island development, INSULA (International Scientific Council far Island Develop&dwo
WOII 501111 Ploylamrne
ment), the Secretariat of the World Solar Programme (1996
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Ilsland Solar Council I Governments' Board I
Executive Board Island representative Secretariat WSP + Insula
Institutions Insular energy agencies
Local authorities Networks and Island organisations
Universities and Research centres
Industrial associations and Marketing agents
Thematic Working Groups Education and Information
Water desalination
Markets and Industrial partners
Electrification of isolated communities
Inter-island technical co-operation
Tourism and renewable energy
Renewable energy island planning
Ilsland Solar Programme
1997 - 1998
Consultations wilh local governments, institutions and main insular agenls
Island Solar Conference
bjectives Promote and harmonise co-operation at an inter-island and internationallevel, particularly in the domains of formalion, information, research, transfer of technology and industrial alliances.
Foster the broadestpossible dissemination of renewable energy applicalions in island regions.
Develop Ihe necessary public awareness actions to allow the consolidalion of Ihe essential role of renewable energies in energy supply and in Ihe proteclion of Ihe environmenl in the islands.
Mobilise island relaled resources for developing an island solar programme.
Develop funding mechanisms and appropriale institutional and regulation reforms.
Establish priorities in renewable energy matters for Ihe islands.
•Inaula ••••••• _
Scienlllc CooI•••• Io•••••• d DeVlllop_nt
The Intemational Scientific Council lor Island Development was created in 1989, wtth the purpose 01 creating an efficient communications link between islands. Insula is an intemational organisation aimed at lostering inter-island co-operation lor sustainable development, delense 01 island interests and preservation 01 natural and cu~ural heritage in all island regions. Insula acts in association with UNESCO and works in close cooperation with all the main intemational agencies and bodies. ~ also promotes and intervenes in action programmes in the strategic areas that are currently the concem 01 island communities.
Instituto Tecnológico y de Energías Renovables, S.A. ~er was lounded in 1991 by !he Island Council 01 Tenerile. 1I addressesall activities relatedlo inlormalion, Iraining and lechnological development applied lo renewable energy sources. ~er works in close co-operalion with !he main institutions and associations 01!he renewableenergy industry and headsa largenumber 01 ResearchandOevelopmentprojects.
Polígono Industrial de Granadilla. E-38594 Tenerife - Canary Islands Tel: +3422391000· Fax: +3422391001 E-mail:
C/O UNESCO House: 1, Rue de Miollis • 75015 Paris-FRANCE Tel.: + 33 1 45684056 • Fax: + 33 1 45685804 E-mail:
World So ar Programme 1996-2005 On the initiative 01 UNESCO and with the lirm support 01 a group 01 Heads 01 State and Government, the Wo~d Solar Commission was created in March 1995. ~s purpose was to ensure high-Ievel management aimed at promoting the generalised use 01 renewable energy sources, considered to be an essential a~emative lor reducing harrnlul emissions 01 gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect. ~ was considered to be a lactor lor promoting sustainable development and a powerful instrument lor eradicating poverty, creating employment and enhancing wea~. On the 17" 01 September, 1996, the Wo~d Solar Summtt held in Harare (Zimbabwe) approved the Harare Declaration on solar energy and sustainable development and laid the loundations lor a ten-year programme, the Wo~d Solar Programme 1996-2005, using the Wo~d Solar Commission's detailed report as a starting point. The objective 01 the Wo~d Solar Programme is to raise awareness among govemments, govemment agencies, non-govemment organisations, linancial instttutions, the academic world and private instttutions to promote the use 01 renewable energies wtthin the context 01 sustainable development. The Wo~d Solar Programme is a genuine programme 01 action which sets objectives and a strategy lor ten years, aimed at achieving an effective use 01 renewable and environmentally lriendly energies in all regions and countries and to create technological, linancial and co-operation instruments that will enable us to overcome existing constraints. In the Iramework 01 the Wo~d Solar Summtt Process, Regional Councils have been established in order to harmonise efforts 01 the different signnicant actors in each region. Nonetheless, the specnictty, particulartty and singularity 01 island territories and societies makes tt advisable to create a Solar Council lor the Islands capable 01 projecting the objectives 01 the WSP to the common wo~d 01 the Islands. secretanat Osman BENCHIKH • UNESCO • World Solar Programme 1, Rue de Miollis • 75015 Paris - FRANCE • Tel.: + 33 1 45683916 • Fax: + 33 1 45685 820 • E-mail: