Colorado Music Festival -- June 30-August 7, 2022

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Legacy Club If Colorado Music Festival & Center for Musical Arts is an important part of your life, consider joining the Legacy Club by including the Festival and the Center in your estate plan. Many of our Legacy Club members have made long-term commitments by adding a codicil to their existing will or by naming us as a beneficiary of an IRA or insurance policy. If you have included us in your estate plan, please let us know so we can honor you as a member of our Legacy Club. We gratefully acknowledge the following Legacy Club members: John Bernhard Susan and Larry Boothby Christopher and Margot Brauchli David Brunel Jan Burton Joe Butler Tom Campbell Dennis and Marie Channer JoAnn and Richard Crandall Roger and Barbara Davidson Kitty and Fred Dawson

Pete and Joan Dawson Gale and Sandy Dunlap Gordon Gamm Lloyd and Mary Gelman Jane E. Henry Constance Holden Caryl Fuchs Kassoy and David R. Kassoy Joan and Paul Lavell Jane and John Lippmann Melissa Mahaney

Sacha Millstone Kathy and Charles Minter Brian Morgan Christopher B. Mueller Lucretia Paddock Paul Repetto Mark and Christine Ringer Janet Robertson Maryann Ruck Alan Rudy Tim Schoechle

Walter Sharp Nancy J. Simon TK Smith Art Smoot Susan Swaeby Harris Tannenbaum Joyce Thurmer Sophie and Jack Walker Jim and Candy Williams Mary Wolff

We continue to remember our Legacy Club members for their generosity of spirit. Their meaningful gifts have helped secure and expand our future. We gratefully acknowledge gifts of: Jane Beard Wanee Butler Allene Mae Odom Cash Jean Crawford Dr. Joop de Heer David Ericson Marilyn Fead

Joanne Flock Reuben & Ruth Fuchs Gerald Hickman Marion Higman Madeleine and Hans Holland Curt Johnson Patricia L. Johnson

William Johnson Pat Magette Jack Major Ted Manning Dorothy “Happy” Martin Edith Morris Marianne Pfaff

Harold Pyle Daniel Raizman Maggie Schoechle Kay & Alan Shapley Helen & Peter Weil Edwin L. Wolff Jane Work

Morgan and Fern O’Brien Richard Pozzi V. Joan Schempp Lynn R. Schwankl Jon and Catherine Swanson Marion Thurnauer and Alexander Trifunac Kathy and B. Wray Vaughan James and Priscilla Walker Jim Weidlein and Barbra WakshulWeidlein

Cindy Hagg Janet Ibanez Leona Lawrence Sherry Leach Ann Wankner

In Honor of Marion Paton Susan Larson

TRIBUTE GIFTS In Memory of Kristin Bialick Laurie Bialick In Memory of Carrie J. Brunner Lisa Brunner In Honor of Amy Burma Colorado SEO Design In Honor of Philip Caragol Benjamin Caragol In Memory of Louise Christopher Alissa Alegre Alice Andersen Cynthia Backer Marilyn Berkey John and Shelley Bernhard Laurie and Pete Bialick Ken Birgen Robert Bush Tom Campbell Trish Chepokas Charles Christopher Michael Christopher Kathy and James Ciccarelli Diane Cullinan Norma Ekstrand Shoshana Fanizza Patricia Franklin Bob and Sandra Goldstein Amy and Donald Gray Nancy Grimes and Twig Ertl Rollie and Josie Heath Linda and Kurt Hofgard Dennis and Marcia Hult Richard Kraemer and Linda Norris Micki Larson Harold and Joan Leinbach Nancy and Michael Linsley Crystal Lohman Nancy and Mike Mattis Sarah McRae Elizabeth and Ian McGuire

In Memory of Walter and Mary Edna Crawford Terry Thomas In Memory of William Cullinan Kathleen and Robert Kenney In Memory of Victoria DeHaan Warren DeHaan In Memory of Robert and Lita Dunham John Dunham In Memory of of Theo Ertl Jann Ertl Steve and Erika Quinn In Honor of Grace Gamm Susan Olenwine and Frank Palermo In Honor of Liza Getches Ann Getches In Memory of John Paul Goodman Cathy Goodman In Honor of Grandaughters: Lauren, Ellie and Eve Arlene Gerwin In Honor of Nancy Grimes Laurence and Barbara Connors David Ensign

In Honor of Alberto Gutierrez Andrew & Sofia Niemeyer In Memory of Dorothy Huff Anonymous In Memory of Christina Kertesz Ann and William Duncan Jr. Peter Kertesz

In Honor of Jeanne Phipps Deanna Hebbert Bonnie Sweeder In Memory of Eric Poehlmann Eleanor and Harry Poehlmann Poehlmann Family Charity Contribution Fund In Honor of Firuzeh Saidi Julie Schoenfeld

In Memory of Albin Kolwicz Susan Kolwicz

In Honor of Kaliyah, Mateo and Judah Schimpf Rosalee Schimpf

In Honor of Kathy Kucsan Deven Shaff

In Memory of Frank Scott Rita Stanford

In Honor of Harold and Joan Leinbach Lori and Mark McAllister

In Memory of Kay and Alan Shapley David and Laura Skaggs

In Memory of George Lichter John Lichter In Memory of Nicholas Lowe Anonymous In Memory of Pat Magette Laura and Stephen Sanford In Honor of Faye Nepon Anonymous Zhenya Gallon In Honor of Susan Olenwine Cerna Family In Honor of Peter Oundjian Jerry and Heidi Lynch

In Memory of Terry Stewart Megan Back In Memory of Alice Crawford Thomas Terry Thomas In Memory of Valerie Vanzyl Lorraine Fuller Rita Kosch (and in appreciation of Lafayette Community Chorus) In Honor of Wendy and Richard Wolf Wendy and Richard Wolf In Memory of Kenneth Ziebarth Charlotte Ziebarth

In Memory of Buff Palm Jann Ertl



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