Problem Management Process
Implementation Guidance (this section must be removed from final version of the document)
Purpose of this document This document sets out the problem management process including flowchart, activities, reporting and roles and responsibilities.
Areas of the ITIL® Framework addressed The following areas of the ITIL Framework are addressed by this document: Service Operation – Problem Management
General Guidance Of all the ITIL processes, problem management probably has the greatest potential to directly affect the service you provide to users. There are many techniques that may be used to analyse and investigate problems and we would recommend that you become familiar with as many of them as possible. In implementing problem management two different approaches are often taken. The first involves the creation of a central problem management team which is responsible for logging and managing problems. The second takes the view that problem management is an activity that everyone in the IT team should take responsibility for and encourages a more distributed process with less central coordination. As with many such decisions, whichever is chosen, the real key lies in the degree of commitment shown to making it work.
Review Frequency We would recommend that this document is reviewed annually.
Toolkit Version Number ITIL® 2011 Service Operation Process and Policy Pack Version 1 ©CertiKit 2015.
Acknowledgements ITIL is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited.
Version 1
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