April 9, 2018 PRESS RELEASE
First $75,000 in place for Wiscasset lawsuit
(Wiscasset, Maine) A well-known local attorney, David B. Soule, Jr., has secured the first payment to an escrow account of $75,000 to fund legal costs incurred by the Town of Wiscasset so that the municipality can defend the integrity of local law in front of a judge in the ongoing lawsuit between Wiscasset and the Maine Department of Transportation (MDOT) without worry as to the impact legal costs would have on local taxes. Many local citizens have offered to fund the lawsuit, in order to relieve local taxpayers of any and all court costs. Soule said the first $75,000 was sent to him by Federal Express last week, and that he has drawn up an escrow agreement that is signed by himself and one of the donors. “The money’s in the bank,” said Soule. “I’ve deposited the check, and it’s ready for the town to use if they wish. If Wiscasset votes yes on the MODOT referendum next week and then voters decide to accept the funds to protect the taxpayers, no obstacle should stop Wiscasset from protecting itself in court.” An attorney representing the town in its lawsuit, Peter Murray of Portland, estimated that Wiscasset’s legal fees in its case against MDOT would approach $75,000. Soule said he has no doubt that those who have volunteered to fund the case will pay for all legal costs, even if the final cost is more than $75,000. He has spoken with potential donors, and is convinced that they are fully committed to key principles. “There’s no doubt that they have the courage of their convictions. And having practiced law here on Main Street for forty-seven years, I have to agree with their contention that MDOT is not exempt from local law. I think it would be bad policy and a terrible precedent for the town to voluntarily surrender its rights,” Soule said. Wiscasset voters go to the polls next Tuesday, April 17. The question on the ballot is, “Do you wish to continue the lawsuit filed by the Town of Wiscasset against the Maine Department of Transportation regarding the Wiscasset Downtown Project?” --- END ---