ASCWU ELECTIONS Story by Wyatt Langstraat Design by Daniela Flores
Come Vote!
New Constitution
The campaign lawn signs are going out, students are tabling and “Vote for Me” tweets are flying. Spring quarter means Associated Students of Central Washington University elections will soon be in full swing. Voting in these elections may be just as important as voting in city, state or presidential elections as these elected students make decisions that directly affect you, the student.
ASCWU government’s structure is changing to allow for more student voices at the table. In March the student body voted for constitution changes that will take the current student government from seven elected seats to 29 representatives.
“The importance of voting is simple,” said Jasmin Washington, current ASCWU President. “You don’t want others dictating your voice and voting on behalf of their own objectives. You have your own voice, and I encourage all students to go ahead and use that voice.” Jessica Hernandez, ASCWU Equity and Community Affairs Vice President, said, “With this board being the most diverse so far, I think a lot of people are looking to that for years to come because they want someone who looks like them leading the way.” Candidates voted into office in the upcoming elections will consider ideas that have been talked about for years, like additional student parking and possibly a new multicultural center. “It’s important for this next board to… move forward with the initiatives we’ve put in place,” said Washington. “We hope that the next board continues to move those forward with the administration.”
Vice President of Clubs and Organizations will no longer be a position, as those functions move into the Student Involvement office. The Vice President of Academic Affairs position will become the Speaker of the Senate, overseeing a Student Senate of elected and appointed students from the different colleges around campus who will vote on issues regarding academic affairs. Another big change involves how the president and executive vice president run in election races. “President and vice president are ticketing together,” said Washington. “Ticketing was never allowed before, but this year we decided that it’s important for the vice president to be on accord.” Be on the lookout for these changes on the ballots this spring. Consider applying to run for a seat! Candidate application packets will be available April 10 at Remember to follow Hype for details regarding candidate debates, elections and more!