Earth Day April 22 is Earth Day, and this year in particular is a very special one. The year 2020 marks 50 years since the first celebration of Earth Day back in 1970! This day, recognized around the globe, aims to educate, promote sustainability and remind us of the important role humans play in the preservation of our planet. Amidst the recent pandemic, many events have been canceled for the time being. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t still find ways to honor this day and celebrate the Earth! Even if it’s on your own, take some time to experience nature, educate yourself and practice sustainability.
Story by: Kiersten Kimminau Design by: Zach Thomson
“We envision a CWU where we are aware of our resource consumption, engaged in dialogue about how to become a more sustainable university, and trying to reduce our impact on the planet, said Kathleen Klaniecki, CWU Sustainability Coordinator. Whether you stay inside or venture outdoors this Earth Day, you can find a way to give our awesome world all the celebration it deserves. Read on for some ideas about how you can show our Earth some love this spring.