Brazilian Health Devices 2015/2016

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by Clara Porto

As a multicultural country, Brazil gathered over its 500 years of existence, the best of several cultures to create its own. Talking about creativity, this is one of the most remarkable characteristics of Brazilian people. It’s a country that, due to the need of reinventing itself, started recognizing personal talents and turning this creativity into positive opportunities of innovation in healthcare.

taking advantage of scientific body more and more each day, through several projects that combine industry and academy, including a program performed by ABIMO, Technological Innovation Business Rounds, that gathers R&D institutes and manufacturers together to discuss concrete partnerships to improve processes, services, products and medical and dental procedures.

Creativity is part of Brazil’s DNA. Hence, why is it the place of birth of several innovative products and services?, such as the airplane, the discovery of X-ray technology in the 1930s by the Brazilian doctor Manuel de Abreu, the watch invented by the Brazilian Santos Dumont and manufactured by Cartier as we know it nowadays, the artificial heart for pumping blood during cardiac surgeries, among others.

It is also important to mention the role of the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency, called Anvisa, and its concern about innovation and internationalization of the sector. Anvisa is part of IMDRF – International Medical Devices Regulatory Forum, a group of surveillance agencies of the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, China, Russia and European Community, in addition to Brazil, to discuss several regulatory issues and international quality standards in order to facilitate the international trade in this sector, making it possible for companies all over the world to have mutual cooperation when it comes to innovative products.

Even today, Brazilian manufacturers of medical, hospital, dental and laboratory devices, as well as the medical and dental practice communities are known by creativity and innovation of several health care techniques. Brazil has a big scientific community in this area of healthcare and biotechnology that is recognized all over the world and the Brazilian industry is


This is also Brazilian Health Devices mission: internationalization of Brazilian companies alongside with innovation in the healthcare sector, improving millions of lives around the world.

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In this edition of the Brazilian Health Devices Yearbook, we celebrate another agreement signed with Apex Brasil. Satisfied and hopeful, in this article, I recall the history of this happy partnership that has approached us and provided many good results to the business of our country abroad. In 2002, aiming to internationalize the presence of Brazilian products for health, ABIMO proudly began to rely on the support of ApexBrasil in the creation of the Brazilian Health Devices Project. The initiative had then eighty-two associated companies at ABIMO integrated into this project so far-reaching. Today, we are one hundred and sixty companies in the Project, with exports of almost US$ 800 million in 2014 to more than one hundred and twenty countries, successfully crowning the exporting attitude with which we have diligently committed ourselves hard. During these almost fifteen years of partnership, the Brazilian Health Devices Project had the great competence to lead the presence of the Brazilian industry of health products at more than one hundred and eighty countries, through constant and carefully planned actions, which made our devices an option with quality and fair price, competing in markets with the highest demand for standards. Franco Pallamolla President

The companies supported by the Project registered, in the first half of 2015, a growth of 24,8% in their exports, comparing to the 0,2% of the non-supported companies, included in this sum, the multinational companies that have Brazil as an export basis. Thus, ABIMO feel particularly flattered by the three important excellence awards in export, granted by Apex-Brasil, the last being in 2014 with the action of innovative trade promotion action of support to obtain the sanitary registration with the FDA, regulatory authority of the United States. Also, it is worth making special mention of the dental market, also strongly supported by the Brazilian Health Devices project, whose exports reversed the deficit of US$ 14 million recorded in 2013, with a significant surplus of more than US $ 13 million in 2014, returning to dentistry the condition of a surplus position in exports sector in the health segment. Thus, for the strengthening of the sector, we believe that the participation in the international market is crucial, and that the industry needs to be qualified and renewed to operate successfully in this segment. Apex-Brasil is the foundation that supports this bold ambition. We are confident that the continuity of this partnership will provide us the opportunity not only to overcome the difficulties in the current economic and political scenario, but also for the Brazilian Health Devices to consolidate the leading position already experienced internationally.


The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil), signed a new agreement with the Brazilian Health Devices sector project last October, in partnership with ABIMO. In 2014, the companies participating of the project exported more than 122 million dollars and, at the next stage that is starting, the intention is overcoming the level of 139 million dollars by 2016. The Minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, Armando Monteiro Neto, presented the Export National Plan (Plano Nacional de Exportações) (PNE), whose goal is raising the Brazilian exports to a new level by promoting the internationalization of the national companies.

David Barioni Neto President

Apex-Brasil is in charge of working two of the five pillars where PNE works, the access to markets and trade promotion. In this respect, annually we carry out more than 1,000 trade promotion events and attraction of investments in Brazil and abroad. Through 76 sector projects, Apex-Brasil currently supports around 11,000 companies from 80 productive sectors. Within this context, the agreement renewal with ABIMO occurs in a great moment, once the sector projects precisely aim the promotion of the Brazilian industry in the international market and the access to new markets, in perfect harmony with the Export National Plan (Plano Nacional de Exportações). Also i would like to highlight that we are starting an extremely promising line of action in partnership with ABIMO. Through market studies, we verified that Brazil is the third largest producer of assistive technology that goes from prostheses and hearing aids to hospital devices. Therefore, we are also working to consolidate this sector and increase its exports. Apex-Brasil is ready to assist in the exporting effort of the Brazilian companies, working in several fronts. Count on us!




CHARACTERISTICS The greatness of the world’s seventh largest economy Brazil is internationally considered an emerging superpower. Since 2001, with the creation of the BRICS expression (political and economic cooperation group formed by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), it became a major player in the world political and economic scenario, channeling various investments. Therefore, it is the seventh largest world economy, with GDP of US$ 2.3 trillion, ahead of India, Italy and Russia. It is the world’s largest coffee producer in the past 150 years and it is among the largest automotive markets in the world. Its main export products are aircraft, electrical equipment, automobiles, ethanol, textiles, footwear, iron ore, steel, coffee, orange juice, soybeans and meat. Located in South America, the Brazilian territory is bathed by the Atlantic Ocean and flanked by French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay. Its dimension is continental, being the fifth largest country in the world. The climate is essentially tropical, but there are other climate features like equatorial, subtropical and semiarid region. It consists of several fouling, as savanna, caatinga, Atlantic Forest, Araucaria forest, prairies, Pantanal and the Amazon rainforest. As for the water resources, the territory is privileged because there are a many torrential rivers. The main watersheds are Amazon Basin, São Francisco Basin, Paraná River basin, the Paraguay River Basin and basin of the Uruguay River. 8

Brazil is a federation consisting of 26 states and the Federal District. The states are divided into municipalities and these ones are divided into districts. It is a federal presidentialist republic, of democratic- representative government with executive power exercised by the president. Its performance is considered high in the categories pluralism in the electoral process and civil liberties rights. The population is ethnically from Indians, Portuguese, African, European immigrants (Italians, Poles, Germans, Spaniards, etc.) and Asian (Lebanese, Japanese, etc.). In 2014, the Brazilian population has exceeded 202 million people. The public health system in the country, referred to as SUS - Unique Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde), is managed and provided by all levels of government, the largest system of this kind in the world. The services are universal and available to all citizens free of charge.

Diversity With the most multiracial population in the world, Brazil has space for many different religions, beliefs, symbologies, cuisine, customs and many other cultural events, such as the well-known Carnival. Moreover, among many richness, some of its assets are recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Local. The consequence of this diversity is a melting pot where everything is mixed: country music, European dances, capoeira rhythm, indigenous songs, maracatu beat, the cunning of samba, the sound of rocker electric guitars, Indian handicrafts, paintings by contemporary artists, Northeastern costumes and many others. Likewise, architectural works of styles ranging from Baroque to Post-modern are united to a huge number of literary, theatrical and cinematographic works further expanding the rich manifestations of national culture.

The cuisine widely varies according to the region, reflecting the combination of native and immigrant populations in the country. This created a national cuisine characterized by the preservation of regional differences. Examples are the feijoada and regional foods such as vatapá, moqueca (a typical fish stew), polenta, cheese bread and acarajé. In terms of tourism, Brazil offers a wide range of options, highlighting the natural areas that combine ecotourism with leisure and recreation, especially sun and beach and adventure tourism as well as the historical and cultural tourism. Among the most popular destinations are the Amazon rainforest, beaches and dunes in the Northeast region, the Pantanal in the Midwest, beaches in Rio de Janeiro and Santa Catarina, cultural and historical tourism of Minas Gerais and business trips in the city of São Paulo. In 2014, foreign visitors have left US $ 6.9 billion in the country. They point out as one of the best features of Brazilian people, the optimism, easy laughter, affection, willingness to help and responsiveness to those coming from other countries.

Science and Technology In these industries, Brazil won a significant position in the international scenario. Among the standouts, it has the most advanced space program in Latin America, with significant resources to launch vehicles and satellite manufacturing. In 2006, Colonel Marcos Pontes aboard the Soyuz vehicle became the first Brazilian astronaut and the third Latin American to orbit the planet. The country is also one of the three in Latin America that have a synchrotron laboratory in

operation, a physics, chemistry, materials sciences and biology research mechanism. In the medical field, Brazilian scientists were responsible for important achievements. Vital Brazil discovered the specificity of the antivenom, and Carlos Chagas discovered the Chagas Disease. Oswaldo Cruz started important studies on tropical diseases and founded the Oswaldo Cruz Institute. Henrique da Rocha Lima was the discoverer of the bacterium that causes typhoid, and Mauricio Rocha e Silva, the bradykinin, a hormone used in fighting hypertension. In 1971, the famous doctor Euryclides Zerbini invented the coronary valve. Besides that, Brazil is a tropical country that does more research in the world and has worldwide recognition; in addition to having positive leadership in the areas of biodiversity and climate change. The country has made great efforts over the last twenty years and it is the most advanced in the expansion and creation of protected areas around the world in the last decade, in addition to, contributing to reduce deforestation in the Amazon.

Sports Many Brazilians are worldwide renowned for great prominence in the sports area. Some of them are: Pelé, considered the greatest soccer player in history; Ayrton Senna, three times Formula 1 world champion who died on the tracks in 1994 and became a national hero; Oscar Schmidt, the greatest basketball player of all times in the country; Gustavo Kuerten, Guga, who was three times champion of Roland Garros, won a Masters Cup and was 43 weeks as the world’s number 1; César Cielo, who, still young, raised the Brazilian swimming to an entirely new level; Maureen Maggi, jumper and sprinter record of long jump and three times Pan American champion, who has been number 1 of the world ranking jump at distance twice; Marta Vieira da Silva, soccer player who was elected the world’s best in the world for five times in a row, an unprecedented accomplishment for women and men; and Neymar Jr., charismatic player of the Brazilian national soccer team who currently plays for Barcelona. In the 2015 Pan American Games in Toronto, Brazil ranked in third place in medals table with 141 accomplishments. Remember that the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games will take place in Rio de Janeiro. Some soccer matches will also be held in São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Brasilia and Manaus. 9

Welcome to the Brazilian Health Devices Project 2015-2017

Going against the results obtained by the commercial health balance last year, which registered a decrease, the companies supported by the Brazilian Health Devices project presented better results than the domestic industry as a whole. The 160 companies that are part of the project recorded 24.8% growth in exports in the 1st half of 2015, compared to the 0.2% of non-supported companies, included in this consideration there are the multinationals that use Brazil as an export basis. Even better are the results of companies in the dental industry that reversed a deficit of US$ 14 million recorded in 2013, with a significant surplus of more than US$ 13 million in 2014, returning to dentistry the position of a surplus in export sector of the health segment . The priorities target markets for the next two years of the Project activity within the Subsectors of medical and hospital devices, Implants and Prostheses, Consumables, Laboratory and Radiology are: Saudi Arabia , Colombia , United Arab Emirates , Ecuador , Iran and Peru. For the Dentistry Subsector, the priorities are: Saudi Arabia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Japan and Poland.

ACTIONS CALENDAR The prospective and trade missions that promote business rounds in specific markets shall take place in 2016 in Japan, China, Costa Rica and Colombia. In 2017, the companies shall land in Saudi Arabia and Iran. The next two years of the Project has also provided customized market intelligence actions according to the needs of each industry associated regarding its products, countries, specific requirements, etc.; as well as training with seminars on several export topics. This new agreement, ABIMO and Apex-Brasil take over another challenging commitment: leveraging the assistive technology and rehabilitation sector, which has always been a segment focused on the internal market demand and now invests its strength and competence in the conquest of the international market. The increasing exports of these products caught the attention of BHD project, showing 10

great potential for expansion. As a result, four new trade shows were included for participation: in the United States, Germany, Switzerland and Austria: ABILITIES EXPO, REHACARE, and EFORT 2016 and 2017, respectively. “Besides being an industry that promotes well-being and life quality for patients, it was identified that the Brazilian industry is one of the largest producers in this sector, which is quite important,” explains the project manager Clara Porto. “There is a great business potential in this industry, especially wheelchair and auricular products.” The BHD keeps its participation in the largest trade shows in the world with the Brazilian pavilion, both in the medical and hospital sector and dental sector, in the already well established CDS in Chicago and FIME in Miami, in the United States; the traditional IDS in Germany in Cologne and MEDICA in Dusseldorf and AFRICA HEALTH in Johannesburg, South Africa. Other new trade shows were included in the actions calendar: the MEDIC WEST AFRICA in Lagos, Nigeria, which takes place in October, and ZDRAVOOKHRANENIYE in December in the city of Moscow, Russia. Arriving at the other side of the world, the companies of the project will be at IDEM, in Singapore on April 2016 and at SINO DENTAL in Beijing, China on June 2017.




is good for health!



he technological innovation is a strategic goal of the major economies from the modern worldwide system, requiring a high level of coordination among companies, associations and states, since the assumption of the risk is a feature of the endeavor. In this context, Brazil comes into the technological innovation agenda and, therefore, focuses efforts on creating an institutional environment conducive to innovation through industrial policies and legal arrangements aimed to provide maximum security to the players of innovation. On one hand, we are talking about one of the fastest growing markets in the world and on the other hand, no other field has such a high demand of new and innovative products. The worldwide demographic change is a big driving force regarding new medical solutions and processes. For the first time in 2050, there will be globally more people who have over 60 years compared to children under 15 years. This causes drastic changes in national health systems and the way we take care of our patients. “The current average growth of the global health market is around 6%”, explains the Director of the Central Institute of Healthcare Engineering (ZiMT), Tobias Zobel, entrepreneur and specialist of the innovation area, who is sharing the ZiMT experience in developing technological solutions, and in the so-called knowledge industry on health in Brazil.

In Brazil, it is natural that exporting companies are those that innovate more. We need to encourage them to export continuously, not only when dollar is high or when the domestic market is down.” André Favero, Apex-Brasil Business Director

A successful innovative product or process relies on an obvious and promising demand from the market, smart combinations of state-of-the-art technologies, focused resources to the international trend, export oriented layout, zero corruption strategy, prevention of product forgering, minimal risk regarding product failure and legal issues and most of all strong and trustworthy collaborating partners. The Brazilian federal government has also turned its eyes to the importance of innovation. The technological innovation is one of the three pillars listed by “Brasil Maior”, launched on August 2011, the President of the Republic, Dilma Rousseff introduced the “Inova Empresa” Plan this past March. The plan foresees investments of R$ 32.9 billion to promote productivity and competitiveness of the Brazilian economy through technological innovation. However, for president Dilma, the great characteristic of the project is to integrate in the same matrix all resources intended to stimulate the activity. The president stated that, today, Brazil is capable of giving importance to the innovation matter, necessary to the country’s development. “Innovating, for Brazil, is a matter of being up to its potential”, she said. “I know we need to do something about it, and we did it. We must dedicate all our attention in order to have a more constructive and less unequal country, and an economy with great ability to be productive and competitive.” Marcus Simões, general coordinator of the Chemical and Health Complex of the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade states that the Brazilian ministry aims to put the country in the global value chains in a qualified manner, increase the industry and services productivity and also expand investment and productive consolidation in the industry. “We cannot miss the internet wave, communication machine to machine, because it is a strong trend, and it is important that Brazil is up to it, mainly when it comes to R&D, to become a major exporter, as the health market is the only one growing at double digits in Brazil”, Simões said. With all these factors favorable to creating innovative and competitive products, the export of medical and dental devices also finds itself positively affected. The Apex-Brasil business director, André Favero, said that the agency is an important ally of entrepreneurs in order to expand exports of Brazilian products: “In Brazil, it is natural that exporting companies are those that innovate more. We need to encourage them to export continuously, not only when dollar is high or when the domestic market is down”, says the representative of the Agency. 13


The innovation

already performed by Brazil

We must take into account that the medical products industry, unlike the pharmaceutical industry, for example, is very small, with the exception of dentistry [world’s second biggest] and, therefore, our focus must be the international market, as several smaller countries are already doing: they create their products and develop them, seeking the international market.” Ruy Baumer, President of SINAEMO

It is increasingly clear that the world expects anxiously for innovations that allow improvements in systems and greater access to the population. There are several points to be discussed and for that, it is necessary to make room for a fairly wide and efficient communication with everyone involved in the innovation processes. “We must be innovative to compete not only in Brazil but also abroad,” says the president of SINAEMO (Industry Union for Dental, Medical and Hospital Products Devices of São Paulo) and holder coordinator of BioBrasil / Fiesp (Committee of the Productive Chain of Bioindustry / Health and Biotechnology of the Industries Federation of São Paulo), Ruy Baumer. “We must take into account that the medical products industry, unlike the pharmaceutical industry, for example, is very 14

small, with the exception of dentistry [world’s second biggest] and, therefore, our focus must be the international market, as several smaller countries are already doing: they create their products and develop them, seeking the international market.” With the reduction of barriers among countries, innovation has become a fundamental tool as lasting competitive advantage, especially in healthcare. For this reason, ABIMO has been, over the years, creating and participating in initiatives that aware, both the productive audiences and government agencies, about the importance of a culture and an industrial policy that prioritizes investments in innovation in the national productive sector. Since the 70s, certification and quality systems are themes consistently worked by ABIMO, which created in 2010, the “Inova Saúde” Award, aiming to stimulate research and development of new technologies by the domestic industry, increasing the Brazilian industry technological level for the benefit of human health. “Inova Saúde” has as its purpose to share the achievements and progress of our industry with the entire health sector. In addition, we aim to inspire and encourage all companies to invest in new technologies, products and services”, explains the president of ABIMO, Franco Pallamolla. Each year the award is strengthens itself and presents to the country, new preventive techniques in health care and devices that add high technology. “The challenge of the Brazilian innovator is looking at the imported product and make a similar one, by incorporating innovations; but not just copying it “, states the superintendent of Hospital Sírio Libanês, one of the most respected in the country, Gonzalo Vecina, and member of the “Inova Saúde” Award jury, sponsored by ABIMO.

Participating for the first time of the ABIMO award, Serdia Eletrônica was the winning company of 2015 with Timpel Enlight 1800, A non-invasive device for monitoring bedside of the lungs in hospitals environment (ICU, Surgical Center, Emergency Room and Ambulatory). It was launched through a partnership between Serdia Eletrônica and Timpel and it provides real time images of the distribution of ventilation and pulmonary perfusion, being possible to identify alveolar collapse and hyperdistention, filling asynchronies, pneumothorax, selective intubation, pulmonary perfusion changes, among others. The device performs ultra-fast image capture (50 per second), it does not emit radiation, it does not require the use of contrast and it is independent operator. Enlight 1800 increased the competitiveness for both Serdia and Timpel, companies that have launched it in partnership and its insertion potential in the international market is extremely high, as it is a pioneer and innovative device, with only one commercial competitor, and protected by a wide range of patents registered internationally. The innovation that culminated in the launch of Enlight 1800 is of high relevance, great potential, has significant advantages over what exists and originality, not only for the national health market, but also for the world when it comes to greater safety for the patient, fast diagnosis of the pulmonary condition, ventilation optimization (decision support) and quick hemodynamic checking (non-invasive). Other important achievement in the innovation sector, promoted by ABIMO, is helding the Congress of Innovation in Material and Devices for Health (Congresso de Inovação em Materiais e Equipamentos para Saúde) - CIMES, which stimulates the cooperation among the players of the Health Industrial Complex.

CIMES is an event that seeks to structure a space for regular interaction among the several sectors interested in the development of technological innovations, in several materials and devices for the human health treatment and preservation. Technicians and developers of the industries of the sector, researchers from the Universities and Science and Technology Institutes and the agents of government agencies are those who have the power to purchase and manage the promotion and encouragement, always with the purpose of contributing to the progress and consolidation of a national technology in the industry. 15


Brazil will host a Technology Health Cluster Early in the second half of 2015 the governor of Rio Grande do Sul, José Ivo Sartori, signed the Cooperation Agreement for establishing the “Technology Cluster for Health”, the Medical Valley, in Rio Grande do Sul. The document was signed by government, universities, hospitals, businesses, municipalities, health insurance plans, business and industry associations, supporting institutions, technology parks and local clusters. The goal of the “Medical Valley Brazil” in Rio Grande do Sul is to bring together project consortia consisting of innovators (universities and research institutions), companies with clinical applications and experts from hospitals and support them on the path to commercialize new products. This way, innovations will be realized in a more application and demandbased, efficient and faster process and clinical knowledge will be transferred into the economy, which will strengthen the innovative power of the regional and national medical technology industry. The new management of the “Medical Valley Brazil” functions as incubator, accelerator and integrator and provides all related services from a single source. Innovators can thus be accompanied from the scientific and technical feasibility, the clinical validation all the way to the transition into everyday care. The cooperation of hospitals, experts, investors and companies are in all phases hand in hand. The planned physical proximity and close cooperation among all partners is therefore a necessary condition for the success and is driven by the professional management of the Medical Valley. The reinforced dialogue between user and innovator along the entire innovation chain will sustainably support and strengthen R&D ideas from science and economy from the whole region of Rio Grande do Sul. The individual supervision from experts and clinicians as well as an integrated project, time and milestone plan optimize the course of the project, thereby shortening the duration of the project and thus enable the approved medical product to be better placed on the market.


The approach of our Medical Valley project is motivating its partners for quick commitments to a new innovation culture. It was a pleasure to see how fast universities, hospitals and companies have shown interest in collaborating locally and internationally.” Tobias Zobel, Director of the Central Institute of Healthcare Engineering (ZiMT)

The current status of the project is the distribution of responsibilities of existing partners, the recruitment of new partners and defining the first innovation projects with companies, universities and hospitals. Tobias Zobel, ZiMT and the Project creator, sees it as a great opportunity to take advantage of the public demand and enthusiasm to change some public and industrial structures. “The country’s strength is a general open mind to new ideas and strategies”, he says. “The approach of our Medical Valley project is motivating its partners for quick commitments to a new innovation culture. It was a pleasure to see how fast universities, hospitals and companies have shown interest in collaborating locally and internationally.” He, who lived in Brazil for a long time, fell in love with the culture and the people and tells that already founded four companies, which are all doing very well, and they are able to encourage many young researchers to take the risk of founding their own start-ups and spin-offs. “This is a creative and rewarding work which fulfills me and gives me joy on a daily basis”, he says.




Imported products began to enter the domestic market, but over time, the customer realized that the quality of domestic products were similar and sometimes better than the imported products. Therefore, the customers returned to buy from the domestic industry”


Clara Porto, ABIMO’s Project Manager


ne of the most promissing health industry in Brazil, the dental sector continues to stand out in the domestic and foreign markets.

Ten years ago, 20% of Brazilian people, according to the Ministry of Health, did not have teeth. This means that one-fifth of the entire population was completely toothless, because at that time, those who could not afford a private dentist, had only one way out - teeth extraction. Since then, much has changed. According to the National Survey by Household Sample from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística) - IBGE, between 2003 and 2008 there was an increase of 17.5 million in oral health treatments. Acknowledged in the domestic market, Brazilian devices have also been successful around the world. The dental sector exported more than US$ 122 million in 2014. Around US$ 6.1 million more than in 2013. On the other hand, imports droped US$ 21 million in the same period, proceeding to reverse the deficit scenario in force in 2013 (about US$ 6 million) to a surplus of over US$ 13 million in 2014, returning to dentistry its place of single sector represented by ABIMO - Brazilian Medical Devices Manufacturers Association with positive trade balance. According to Clara Porto, the organization’s project manager, the decrease in imports only demonstrates the Brazilian dental industry consolidation as one of the world’s best. “Imported products began to enter the domestic market, but over time, the customer realized that the quality of domestic products were similar and sometimes better than the imported products. Therefore, the customer returned to buy from the domestic industry”, she adds. Much of the recovery in exports from the dental market is due to the Brazilian Health Devices Project actions.



In the first three months of 2015, the associated companies from the dental sector, participated in three important international events: International Dental Conference & Arab Dental Exhibition (AEEDC); main dental event in the Middle East and North Africa, that takes place in Dubai; the 150th edition of the Chicago Dental Society (CDS), which takes place every year in February in Chicago, USA and IDS - International Dental Show, which took place between March 10th and March 14th in Cologne, Germany. AEEDC hosted approximately 30,000 trade visitors from 130 countries this year, overcoming all expectations of the association. The exhibition gathers around 1,400 exhibitors from 70 countries and features 19 pavilions. According to Clara Porto, this was the best AEEDC in many years: “The dental market in the region is well warmed up,” she says. Indeed, more and more, the Arab market has recorded increasing importance to the Brazilian industry and becomes a mandatory visit for manufacturers who work with exports. Since last year’s edition, the business intelligence department of ABIMO has highlighted the industry maturation, when closing promising


Exports to non-traditional markets such as the Middle East, are given by small or inexistent local production and the synergy between the type of product demanded in the country and manufactured in Brazil.” Clara Porto, ABIMO’s Project Manager partnerships with buyers from more culturally distant markets. “We see in the dental industry a maturity beyond the healthy average. Dental companies already export to Asia, Europe and Africa steadily, which shows that besides the good quality of the products, companies have acquired maturity in their international management”, says Clara. “Exports to non-traditional markets such as the Middle East are given by small or inexistent local production and the synergy between the type of product demanded in the country and manufactured in Brazil. She adds.” The Brazilian pavilion, which already has its image consolidated at the show, was located side by side with important players in the global market, such as Colgate, Listerine, Kavo and Sirona and with national pavilions of Switzerland, Italy and Germany, the largest one of the trade show This position was of great importance to associated companies, which in addition to being close to acknowledged international companies, adding value to the industry’s image and Brazilian products, also promoted large concentration of visitors.

The company Angelus took Angie to the trade show, an exclusive dental line for children and established an strategy that favored their sales. “It was a success. We took advantage to open market with countries like Egypt and Jordan”, said the foreign trade manager of the company, Sidarta Cypriano. “It was a great opportunity to meet all customers who were contacted in previous editions. We managed new contacts and matured relationships with customers already active”, said Douglas Baquetti, Maquira commercial manager. Compared to last year, despite the increase in the number of contacts made, contracts executed in Dubai had a slight decrease from US$ 1 million to US$ 700,000 in 2015. However, the business expectation for the next twelve months has an important rise, reaching nearly US$ 2.5 million versus US$ 1.7 million last year. Therefore, in total, business potential of AEEDC 2015 edition increased around 20% in comparison with 2014 edition.



American and Canadian market The American market is the largest and most important trading partner of Brazil; it is the main buyer and seller of health products. The Brazilian industry could not stay out of a market estimated at US$ 4 billion in 2015 for the dental industry.

Today, we have our products listed in the most popular dental products sales channels of the country, and we hope, in the next editions of the CDS, to have increasingly effective presence at the trade show.” Raphael Lacerda, Marketing Planning Analyst of Indusbello After three years without the presence of a Brazilian pavilion, national companies are once again a presence in CDS, which is one of the main and most traditional dental shows in the United States, directed to the US and Canadian market. In this edition, the exhibition concentrated more than 7,600 exhibitors and approximately 28,000 visitors, among them, 6,570 dentists. This was the third Brazilian participation, which gathered five companies associated in a pavilion of 54 sqm. Brazil was present in other two editions: in 2011 and 2012. The American market is strategic for Indusbello and it was aimed to explore new contacts and seeks


to consolidate its share, so the company promoted the launch of new items during the show, such as children’s mouth openers, support for pliers and a protective case for removable dental braces with innovative design and operation. “We attended CDS knowing about the high development potential of our product line in the US,” says the company’s marketing planning analyst, Raphael Lacerda. “Today, we have our products listed in the most popular dental products sales channels of the country, and we hope, in the next editions of CDS, to have increasingly effective presence at the trade show”, he says.

We could make IDS even more attractive, both nationally and internationally. It is therefore the most successful IDS of all times.”

The best IDS of all times Undoubtedly, the best international exhibition for the dental devices sector is IDS, which brings together the main players in the industry every two years. This year’s participation was important to ABIMO be able to consolidate strategic partnerships around the world, aiming at expanding the trade promotion activities focused on dentistry.

Martin Rickert, President of VDDI The event has resulted in excellent prospects for Brazilian manufacturers receiving over 138,500 visitors from 151 countries and breaking the record of 2,201 exhibitors from 56 countries. “We could make IDS even more attractive, both nationally and internationally. It is therefore the most successful IDS of all times”, says Martin Rickert, President of German Association for Dental Manufacturers (VDDI). “The quality of business contacts among industry, distributors, dentists and dental technicians was extremely high.” According to the organizers, the show recorded strong growth in the number of Middle Eastern,

United States and Canada, Brazil, China, Japan, Korea, Italy and Spain visitors. To Clara Porto it was also important to note that entities similar to ABIMO in several countries have raised the same flags in their respective countries, such as combating piracy.” We could notice that many challenges that Brazilian industry faces are also the same obstacles faced by companies around the world.” More than 1,700 contacts were made in the five days of the exhibition, an average of 350 contacts per day and 73 per company in total. During the event, more than US$ 1.2 million in business with 32 countries were conducted.



The business expectations for the next 12 months is approximately US$ 3.6 million. This was the first year of Aditek at the Brazilian Health Devices pavilion, which classifies IDS as a key showcase of companies in the dental industry worldwide. “Our participation as newcomers was very positive and the Project’s structure, support and organization helped companies to transmit credibility and show that the Brazilian industry is a center of innovative products and quality. The participation of the Brazilian Health Devices in trade shows is critical to the companies internationalization process, because it exposes the high-tech and innovative products manufactured in Brazil by associates that individually do not have the same ease”, explains the company’s sales manager Eduardo Lopes. According to CEO Maria Isabel Piccin, the participation of Bio-Art in trade shows is part of the company culture and it is a great opportunity to streng then the relationship with final customers, opinion makers and business partners, bringing the voice of the market inside the company. “The DNA of the company strives for personal contact in distance communication times, something that is only possible with such coverage at an event like IDS” she says. One of the companies that was present at IDS through the “Exporting Culture Mission (Missão Cultura Exportadora)” which led entrepreneurs who did not have experience in international exhibitions to visit the event - was Quinelato, which presented a number of products in the dentistry and implantology area. The highlight was the launch of kits for TMJ surgery, developed by experts from important Brazilian universities. According to the company’s general director, Anselmo Quinelato, the BHD Project expands conditions to seek customers and create network and it has given good results. About the show, the director said that the company’s participation brings it in touch with market trends and shows that will be the big players. Four other companies also participated in the Exporting Culture Mission: Biosintesis, Cristofoli, JHS and Planideia.


The participation of the Brazilian Health Devices in trade shows is critical to the companies internationalization, because it exposes the high-tech and innovative products manufactured in Brazil by associates that individually do not have the same ease.” Eduardo Lopes, Aditek





David Barioni Neto, 56, is a business administrator with a specialization in Business Administration in Finance. He was Vice President of GOL Linhas Aéreas and President of TAM Linhas Aéreas, position held from 2007 to 2009. This February, he became President of Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency), responsible for performing diversified actions to promote and enhance the Brazilian products and services abroad and attract foreign investment to strategic national economy. Apex-Brasil keeps a management contract with the MDIC (Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade), which determines goals, objectives and responsibilities for the implementation of export promotion, internationalization and attracting foreign investment policies. In the following interview, he reveals some of his intentions for the four years ahead of the entity’s presidency and talks about the current industry scenario. 26


Health is always important, regardless the social background; it is a final product that has the most aggregated value of all; particularly if we wish to leave this unfavorable picture of Brazil.”

Brazilian Health Devices: How do you intend to take advantage of your previous experience for this new professional moment? David Barioni: The management experience is unique and it can be replicated. I bring many personal experiences, particularly concerning team development. I always liked to work collectively, delegating responsibilities; so much that I always managed very large companies, and I would not be able to do this if I did not delegate. I always got used to have competent people next to me and delegate. Of course, the management features can be replicated in every business because, deep down, managing is involving people to carry out a project. If you know how to do this, you can work in the aviation, export segments, finally, you can act as you want. All it takes is to involve people. Therefore, in this team, the experience helps a lot. The older we become, the more we start understanding people. BHD: Based on this, do you believe that the technical part is the most important in the professional life? D.B.: Many years ago, I took a management course in which the Professor said, when you start working, you are 90% technical and 10% people; in the middle of your career, you are half of each; and, after a certain age, you are 95% people, and 5% the things, because we have to make people work. Of course, the ideal to deeply know one business is knowing people, because they are the ones who will make things work. Therefore, experience helps a lot.

BHD: What are the plans for the National Exporting Strategic Planning? D.B.: The plan is very ambitious and important and comes to unify the ministries that had good intentions and actions, but did things in parallel. The idea of the minister Armando Monteiro, since he took over the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, was to design and indicate the plan so that all forces, including Apex, were converging in the same direction, making our export flight plan. Apex, from the five divisions, operates in two of them. This plan will be fully implemented by 2017 and should save 60% on the exporting time due to bureaucracy, and 40% in administrative export cost. BHD: What are the other Plan’s divisions? D.B.: The other divisions are the facilitation of foreign trade symbolized mainly for Export Single Portal, which is handled by Secex (Foreign Trade Secretary), from the Secretary Daniel Godinho. Also finance and insurance, which Ministry of Finance is in charge of, and the other two, which are our divisions of direct action, always in coordination with MDIC, are the access to foreign markets through training of companies. Moreover, the last division, but not least, is the commercial promotion, which holds more than a thousand events per year (an average of about three events per day). We rate certain companies, according to market intelligence, in certain exhibitions to promote their products. BHD: What will this plan bring as new? How to integrate these divisions? D.B.: Today’s moment is exporting. Dollar is favorable; Brazil needs to look outside. There are highly important numbers: Brazil is the seventh world economy, but it is the twentyfifth in exports. There is a brutal disparity. What is new is the unification of all ministries. We went to Mexico, to the United States and Russia. All the Brazilian government, through the NEP, aims to export. At least in my time of citizenship awareness, I have never seen the country so focused on exporting; even because dollar is in this condition and allows us to think so. It is the moment that Brazil is more focused on exporting. BHD: Are there priority sectors and markets in exporting? D.B.: There are 32 priority markets, but having the USA in first, because they were leaders in commercial partnerships for 30 years. They lost to China, which evidently continues to be (leader and important one), in addition to Colombia, Mexico, Asia and Africa. The priority sectors are cars, renewable energy, semiconductors, oil and gas. 27


BHD: Are there perspectives for the Health sector? D.B.: Health is always important, regardless the social background; it is a final product that has the most aggregated value of all; particularly if we wish to leave this unfavorable picture of Brazil. The country represents 1.2% of world exports and 0.7% of aggregated value exports; and if we want to change, this will only be possible in areas such as medicine, as there are extremely strong aggregated value that will allow such a change. In addition, one thing even more sensitive in concentration: From this 0.7%, 96% are in São Paulo, with a few honorable exceptions. You can easily establish development and research centers in other states and bring development to other places quickly, unlike other companies, which would take four to five years. However, not the health sector, since it can do the things quickly when closing partnerships with local universities and generating an aggregated value product. All this, not to mention the social value. BHD: Although exports show up as a solution, the companies have competitive difficulties, including internally. How do you evaluate 28

these difficulties and how can these companies be assisted? D.B.: Brazil needs to look further outwards. A good thing about this country is the domestic market, which, by the side of whom we are speaking, turns out to be really bad. As an entrepreneur I say that we have the characteristic of looking at the internal market. The marketing cost is much lower. All these situations passing by. And, of course, at the present moment in Brazil, the Y generation and internationalization can only look outside and break obstacles down. Everyone is already living in a very open world. Now we begin to have a Brazil, which needs to export due to the internal situation. Of course, this will change. Our challenge is to get companies that are starting to export, continue to do it after the domestic market grows back. It is also a claim that international organizations make about the Brazilian companies. They sell at trade shows abroad and when the market grows back, they forget the outside. BHD: How is it possible to incentive exporting? D.B.: The first thing to change is the marketing we are doing of the agency through the media, but


Brazil needs to discover the world, needs to discover Apex, which is an island of excellence in so many good things.”

this for the companies that are already established. Our idea is that every company that is already established, if it wants to export, it can count on Apex. One example is Sebrae: the companies do not use Sebrae, but they know that if they need training, they will use it. The other side, more challenging in the long term is to get the young university entrepreneurs and put in their minds that exporting is important because, if we replicate the leader education that we have today, which is studying abroad and returning to Brazil to take care of a company, we will not export. We have to change this through colleges, supports, with young entrepreneurs winning awards. BHD: What is the best moment for that? D.B.: This must be done for a generation of investment until the export is something normal. Today, for these people, talking



about export means risks. These risks are all supported. There are public and private entities that already have the remediation for this. We have a project in Apex that is Peiex - Exporting Industrial Extension Project (Projeto Extensão Industrial Exportadora), aimed at training small and medium enterprises with educational institutions and federal universities partnerships. We empower the companies so that they understand the risks, advantages and disadvantages etc. BHD: According to your words, can we state that wanting to export is enough? D.B.: What is enough is the necessity. Necessity is the largest of mentions. Delfim Neto said that “exporting is not for anyone, but for those who can” in the sense you want to go back and need. The entrepreneur has no silent. Gerdau said that the entrepreneur is the largest predator. It takes the need to export. In Rio Grande do Sul, everyone knows what Apex is, and this is a state that is ready to export. You have to believe and use what Brazil is giving virtually free. Apex is here to help companies. In fact, every businessperson already paid for Apex in advance through the social contribution on the payroll.

talks. And it’s all agreed and resolved. Things are resolved. One only needs to sit down and resolve. The obstacles will always exist, but the market adapts. BHD: Is there any international example? D.B.: For us, it is necessary to have a constant rule, and NEP has been helping on that. The rules do not need to be the best; we can work it for generations. There is something I have seen in the US and that impressed me, and I had never seen the original: the Declaration of Independence. These are clear rules. If you look at the 11 points, they are there, for 400 years. BHD: What are the advantages of Apex-Brasil? D.B.: We have a base date that is a spectacularly intelligence

BHD: Are there obstacles, besides the lack of acculturation? D.B.: To start, there is a country that wants to bring down all boundaries and another that wishes to lift all in the macro. This happens to countries and companies. However, this is not something that harms the entrepreneur. The entrepreneur is used to go over obstacles. If he were an accommodated person, he would not be entrepreneur. What cannot happen is a change of rule. This cannot happen. BHD: What are the obstacles that make it more difficult? D.B.: Brazil woke up and saw that it can no longer represent only 1.2% of world exports, it cannot be the twenty-fifth in exports, knowing it is the seventh economy. This has to be done gradually. There are obstacles and we will work hard. We need to take a step every day. We have just come from the US and stayed nearly three years without trade



Brazil woke up and saw that it can no longer represent only 1.2% of world exports, it cannot be the twenty-fifth in exports, knowing it is the seventh economy.”

services of the agency and is not only made of people, but of spectacular data and give us conditions to look strategically to the future. And that, the private sector still does not understand in Apex, which provides very important studies for free to companies and are able to build up the varied business structure. Brazil needs to discover the world, needs to discover Apex, which is an island of excellence in so many good things! BHD: Please mention some significant figures to justify the importance of Apex. D.B.: From 20,000 Brazilian companies, 11,000 are in contact with Apex. Not all export yet, maybe 5 or 6 thousand export and others are in process. But I would say that half the companies that export are in contact with Apex. Within the same sector, roughly, the company, which is assisted by Apex, exports 30% more, and it gives us great pride. We have 80 sectors of the Brazilian economy that are assisted by Apex with sector organizations. We have contact with all them.




the world!

MEDICA generates excellent results to Brazilian companies and attendance is mandatory in their calendars

MEDICA’s numbers are always impressive. The nearly 5000 exhibitors received in the last edition, from November 12th to 15th, 2014, 130,000 visitors, confirming the title of leading international trade show of medical products and services of the world. According to the organizers, visitors came from 150 countries to Düsseldorf, Germany, and the average time of their stay at the event was 2.2 days. The industries participating in the Brazilian pavilion made almost 3000 contacts with 123 different countries in 2014 and reached a total of US$ 2.292 million in business with 20 of them: Germany, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Belgium, China, Colombia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Spain, United States, Philippines, France, Greece, Iran, Italy, Morocco, Mexico, Pakistan, Turkey and Taiwan. The MEDICA trade show works as a worldwide showcase of the new releases in the health area and the attendance of Brazilian companies at the event is essential, because, just this year, there will be around 4.800 exhibitors from 60 countries at the show. This will be the 14th attendance of the Brazilian pavilion at the trade show. As it is considered a worldwide showcase, MEDICA leads companies to cross the Atlantic searching for internationalization. “Pretty much all of our competitors were present and our participation was critical to the export strategy,” says Lucas Vicente, director of Atrasorb, first and only Brazilian manufacturer of CO2 absorbents that soon became a 32

The trade show audience is qualified and strategic: more than 70% of the visitors are purchases decision makers and another 10% are involved in some type of consultancy.”

open the paths to the foreign market “If we are now on the spot with our own stand, it is partly merit of this project which contributes to Fanem being able to accomplish its solo flight at MEDICA”, he compliments. The company is one of the main Brazilian multinationals and is a pioneer in manufacturing medical and laboratory devices.

leader in the South American market and world reference in the production of (welded limestone) and Absorber Limestone. The trade show audience is qualified and strategic: more than 70% of the visitors are purchases decision makers and another 10% are involved in some type of consultancy.

The Brazilian companies shall be divided into three different locations: the Brazilian pavilion in the main hall, in the laboratories hall and the orthopedics hall. According to ABIMO’s Project manager, Clara Porto, this division takes place in Hall 3 since 2013 and in Hall 4 since last year. “This way, the results are better, since this hall’s visitors are focused in the product type that these companies are offering and this situation has a direct impact in the businesses potential”, she explains.

“The quality of visitors in 2014 was higher than 2013. We made very specific relationships with people who know our business and many contacts in developing countries, Baumer’s focus in the international area,” says Priscilla Bartholomew, export supervisor of the orthopedic implants manufacturer. In 2015, fifty companies of the BHD Project will be back to Düsseldorf, with even better prospects: In 2014, US$ 2,292,000 in deals were closed during the show, with expectations of US$ 15,790,000 for the coming months. It is expected for this year to reach US$ 18 million. Djalma Luiz Rodrigues, director of Fanem, believes that Brazilian Health Devices Project is essential to 33


Pretty much all of our competitors were present and our participation was critical to the export strategy.” Lucas Vicente, director of Atrasorb

Lupetec’s administrative director, who develops devices for pathological anatomy laboratory, Caio Cesar Martins, tells that the company aims, at least to double the number of new contacts compared to those achieved in the previous edition, as a result of the laboratory division where they will participate for the first time: “We had good indications of companies in the sector that exhibit in the laboratories Hall”, he says. This is the second attendance of the company at Medica, aiming to develop the markets in Europe, Middle East and Africa. Lupetec develops devices for pathological anatomy laboratories. The company is perceived by its customers as an extreme agility company, differentiating itself by the quality of its products and extreme efficiency of its outsourced service. As for Magnamed, company of the pulmonary ventilation and anesthesia market, they expect to raise its results in 20%, being located in Hall 11. “We wanted this for some time and we got it for this year”, says the director, Gilmar Iwami.

ALWAYS PRESENT There are companies that do not give up on participating, such as Olidef, which attends the trade show since 2002, consolidating the event as one of the most essential in its international calendar. Last year the company made a positive transaction with a Russian group based in Germany and a first sale to Mongolia. Attending and active at the trade show since 2008, HPBio, manufacturer of new models of cardiac prostheses, considers its last participation “memorable” and hopes to repeat the resulted: “The attendance in 2013 yielded the signing of an exclusive contract for distribution of hydrocephalus valves to Europe through a German distributor that has yielded good results to us”, says Flavia Rodrigues, the company’s export manager. “Thanks to the good work of ABIMO in partnership with Apex, we are privileged to participate in the largest international show in the sector and equalize ourselves to 34

the greatest players of the world market.” HPBio also embarked on the development of the shunt system for neurosurgery, filling a gap in the Brazilian industry. Today it is a leader in country in the production of valves to Hydrocephaly and components for shunt, common high-reliability system surely comparable to the latest generation produced in the USA and Europe. As the results have been very positive, the outlook is prospecting new customers to Instramed.

“Our presence at the trade show enhances the company´s credibility and also provides brand and products awareness to markets we have not yet achieved”, explains the export supervisor, Marcia Kruse. The first devices developed with own technology were electro scalpels and heart monitors. In 1989, the company also started to commercialize the defibrillator HS 01, one of the first micro processed defibrillators in the Brazilian market, a 100% national project. Today, the Instramed portfolio also has cardioverters and multiparameter monitors and its technology is present in the main Brazilian hospitals, clinics and health facilities, allowing thousands of people to benefit from the company’s effort in developing accurate, reliable and accessible instruments.

Our presence at the trade show enhances the company´s credibility and also provides brand and products awareness to markets we have not yet achieved.” Marcia Kruse, Instramed

MEDICA’s visitor since 1983 and exhibiting since 2010, Luciana Damasceno Ferreira, Bioclin´s research and development coordinator, supplier of products for clinical laboratories, industrial quality control laboratories and research centers, believes that this kind of event is very important for closer ties with its partners, be they customers or suppliers. “Through the trade show we have the opportunity to see first hand what our industry is planning for the future and what technologies we should focus our investments and actions.” The company has grown dramatically in the last six years, and actions such as participation in International events, are directly responsible for these positive results, according to Luciana.



Political Actions

The participation in MEDICA also has a political/economic bias extremely important for Brazilian companies. In 2015, on the first day of the trade show ABIMO promoted the First Discussion Forum of Industrial Policy and Regulation in Internationalization, which brought together 130 representatives from 70 Brazilian companies - among exhibitors and visitors and regulators to discuss issues relating to industrial policy for the segment. According to the ABIMO’s president, Franco Pallamolla, the goal was taking the opportunity, since everyone from government and industry were gathered in the main show in the medical and hospital sector in the world to create a discussion channel about how they can work together in the internationalization of Brazilian companies. André Limp, from Apex-Brasil; Franco Pallamolla, ABIMO’s president; Valdir Barbosa, the Ministry of Health; Valdênio Araujo, from Brazilian Industrial Development Agency - ABDI; Carlos da Silva Moutinho, from the Directorate of Coordination and Articulation of the Anvisa National Health Surveillance system; João Paulo Pieroni and Carlos Henrique Cabral Duarte, from the National Bank for Economic and Social Development BNDES attended the event. The representative of ABDI addressed the social and economic impacts of the Health Industrial Complex (CIS) in Brazil in his presentation. According to Valdênio, the increasing cost pressure on health systems has been directing the introduction of cost-effective innovations. At the same time, the wide use of information and communication technologies and the greater importance of emerging markets contributed to the creation of new business models and opportunities for repositioning the countries in global value chains. “The main companies in the sector have initiated a global movement of consolidation, marked by a growing number of acquisitions of small and medium business companies with strategic assets such as products and innovative technology platforms or even access to distribution channels and qualified sales force”, he said. Valdênio also made some reflections on the Industrial Policies in the health sector, which, he said, represented a breakthrough in the legal environment that supports the use of the State’s purchasing power to promote technological development. For BNDES specialists, the Brazilian industry has room to be competitive in several segments. In his presentation, the bank representatives showed the products that can meet the specific needs of the country, with integrated and cost-effective solutions, in strategic sectors in the area of medical devices. João Paulo Pieroni approaches the performance of BNDES in fostering the health industry, speaking specifically about the results of Inova Health Plan - Medical Devices (Plano Inova


Saúde – Equipamentos Médicos), action of the Brazilian Federal Government to support innovation which included a R$600 million budget. Immediately after, Valdir Barbosa, the Ministry of Health, began his presentation by emphasizing that Brazil is the only country with more than 100 million people that accepted the challenge of having a single system of universal healthcare, emphasizing the fact that the country is the largest public system of organ transplants in the world, having 98% of the vaccine market, with 72% of Brazil’s population covered by 5,900 hospitals and 64,000 primary health care units. Barbosa has listed some challenges for innovation in the sector, such as the need to reduce the vulnerability of the National Health Policy at the same time that the investments in innovation increase as well as improving the supply chain and strengthening the national companies. “We need to expand, modernize and strengthen the network of public laboratories and create a favorable environment to attract investment for R&D, innovation and production, diversifying and expanding industrial production,” he said. Next he presented the requirements and data of Productive Development Partnerships -PDPs of the Ministry: “Today we have confirmed 103 partnerships, 96 of finished products and 7 of products under research process”, he said. According to him the government spends about R$ 8.9 billion a year in public procurement. The Anvisa director, Carlos da Silva Moutinho, exposed numbers of the health worldwide Market to the ones who were present, that in 2013, reached US$ 328 billion. Subsequently, he addressed data of the trade balance and the Brazilian regulatory framework. Moutinho also talked about some global trends such as the growing projection of diplomatic and economic leadership of Brazil in South America, the exponential increase in the importance of China for the operation and growth of the world economy and on strengthening bilateral partnerships mainly in Latin America, Caribbean and Africa with special attention to South Africa. For the Anvisa representative, the convergence of regulatory requirements among countries through the International Medical Device Regulator Forum (IMDRF), the Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP) and MERCOSUL is a trend, as well as defining technical requirements for driving clinical research with health products in Brazil (CP No. 64/14) and the review of the regulatory framework in MERCOSUL.

The Forum was attended by about 130 representatives of 70 Brazilian companies, exhibitors and visitors of MEDICA 2014. At the end, a debate was opened and the audience could direct their questions to the government agencies representatives. In Pallamolla’s opinion, who chaired the debate, the forum result was extremely positive, as it was the first initiative to put government agencies and the industry together to discuss the main problems and obstacles to the exporting and internationalization of Brazilian health products industries. During the days that followed the trade show, the present authorities visited the stands of the exhibiting Brazilian companies and were able to check the movement and the main launches of the global market for medical equipment. This year, the forum will take place again, aiming to discuss more specific topics, focused on demands from the companies themselves.

The goal was taking the opportunity, since everyone from government and industry were gathered in the main trade show in the medical and hospital sector in the world to create a discussion channel about how they can work together in the internationalization of Brazilian companies.” Franco Pallamolla, ABIMO’s president 37


A BRAZILIAN FLAVOR As a differentiated action, a success since 2011, the traditional Brazilian Happy Hour will take place in the Brazilian pavilion on November 17th. The BHD counts on this action as a business strategy, offering Brazilian beverages and meals to the international audience, in addition to live Popular Brazilian Music, thereby providing a relaxed atmosphere for Brazilian companies to strengthen relationship bonds with their international customers.






lthough the Brazilian trade balance of medical and dental devices still shows deficit of more than $ 1.7 million in the first half of 2015, companies supported by the Brazilian Health Devices project, partnership between ABIMO (Brazilian Medical Devices Manufacturers Association) and Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency), recorded a 25% increase in its exports, considering the period from January/2015 to June/2015, increasing from US$ 67,175,649 last year to US$ 82,354,894. The participation of the project’s companies in the industry exports also increased: from 26,1% to 32,7% in the same period.

With an idling domestic market, companies need to turn their eyes to alternative paths, and exports - even in the medium term - could mean a solution to the crisis.” Paulo Henrique Fraccaro, Association Superintendent


The companies supported by the Brazilian Health Devices Project (BHD) were able to export more due to two factors: they were prepared to export (standards, target markets, customers, etc.) and due to the currency depreciation. “Nowadays, many companies think about exporting, but it takes a reasonable time to plan for this and it is not possible to export from a day to another”, explains the responsible for ABIMO’s Commercial Intelligence department. The companies already structured, like those from BHD, could have an excellent performance in the middle of an economic crisis due to the advanced planning. “With an idling domestic market, companies need to turn their eyes to alternative paths, and exports - even in the medium term - could mean a solution to the crisis”, believes Paulo Henrique Fraccaro, Association Superintendent.

An exporter example is Bioteck, a Brazilian company of materials for the healthcare industry, which, this July, held its first export of orthopedic implants to Paraguay. According to the company’s commercial director Adolfo Pinson Bischoff, within two years, the company intends to cover the entire Latin-American market and at least 50% of the European market. “In Europe, we have already started conversations with Russia, Ukraine, England and France. To start the export project we had a great support from the Brazilian Health Devices, participating in events, trade missions to other countries and exchanging contacts, “explains Bischoff. Besides being an outlet for production excess to exports, it is the way to increase the competitiveness of business, as it is a company’s business card and a system that pushes the company to be organized internally. To ABIMO’s Project Manager, Clara Porto, the effects of the current economic situation take some time to show up in the healthcare industry. “ABIMO and other segment players have been constantly investing in innovation, technologic development and exports. The growth of the companies supported by the project is a very important number to the domestic industry and allows us to be optimistic.” Another company that has sought to expand its international participation is Bio-Art, Brazilian industry in dental materials and devices sector, which achieved record on exports in June/2015, with nearly US$ 500,000 in international sales, and accumulating approximately US$ 2 million in

Those numbers are very significant to the companies supported by the project. It shows that our work is being paid off by concrete business made by Brazilian industries and that this is a work in progress, that should keep increasing Brazilian medical and dental devices exports, in value, number of countries and contracts.” Clara Porto, ABIMO’s Project Manager

exports in the first six months of this year. In the first semester of 2015, the company’s exports accounted for 41% in the total revenue. According to Bio-Art, the average growth of the domestic market for exports was 23.3%, considered excellent by the segment, taking into account the current economic scenario. “It was exactly 90 export processes carried out in the last six months, an average of 15 per month and almost one a day. These actions were supported by ABIMO and Apex-Brasil.“ Until September/2015, the BHD consolidated numbers amounted to more than US$ 3 million in business deals made in its events, more than 7 thousand direct contacts between companies and buyers and a business forecast of nearly US$ 38 million. This, without computing the biggest event of the year, the Medica Trade Show. “Those numbers are very significant to the companies supported by the project. It shows that our work is being paid off by concrete business made by Brazilian industries and that this is a work in progress, that should keep increasing Brazilian medical and dental devices exports, in value, number of countries and contracts”, says Clara Porto. 41

Starting the year with the right foot There is a growing demand for medical and dental products in Arabic countries due to the expansion of the health sector in the region and the launch of new hospitals. According to data from ABIMO, 15% of Brazilian exports are intended to the Middle East, a number that may grow. These are countries with high purchasing power and that are investing in the health sector in recent years. The domestic manufacturers also have an advantage over the competition: “The Brazilian products are high quality, and are shown as a cost-effectiveness option. It is not an expensive product such as the North American, European or Japanese, but it is a product of higher quality and reliability than many from Asia. In addition, there is an empathy for Brazilian products due to the cultural proximity between Brazil and the Arab countries”, states Clara Porto.


At this prospect, the supported companies were in Dubai between January 26th to 29th this year to attend the Arab Health, the second largest health devices exhibition in the world and main show in the Middle East for medical devices. It is an exhibition counting on more than 4,000 exhibitors and 140,000 visitors from 150 countries. Although it is held in the Middle East, Arab conquered worldwide expression in recent years, attracting exhibitors and visitors from all over the world. This year’s event confirmed the importance of this market to the exporting national medical industry. “It is possible to verify that the business conducted at the Arab Health show goes beyond the Middle East region, and the event has become one of the meeting points with worldwide distributors for Brazilian exhibitors,” said Clara Porto. The 42 companies featured in the Brazilian pavilion made 2,983 contacts during the four days of the exhibition, with buyers from different countries like United Arab Emirates (UAE), Iran, Sudan, Egypt, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Lebanon, Oman, Jordan, Nigeria and Pakistan selling nearly US$ 1 million and bringing an expectation of business of more than US$ 16 million to Brazil.

“We had very busy days as it is expected from a good trade show”, says Flavia Rodrigues, from HPBIO, which has 26% of its exports in the Middle East. “We found our current distributors and took the opportunity to show new products and align strategies as well as we had great new contacts.” Debuting at Arab, Lupetec intends to open a new market in the Middle East, from contacts made at the trade show. “It was our first year participating and it was very productive for us, we had many visits and contacts,” says the managing director of the company, Caio Cesar Martins. Other activities underway are: promoting a project to support the new exporter, which provides that companies not yet internationalized can sell their products to the Middle East within one to three years. ABIMO has a professional in Turkey, which is not an Arab country, focusing on the exploration of the Middle East market and it works in partnership with the Business Center of Apex-Brasil in Dubai to support companies seeking to have a representation in the region.



Products and services suppliers for the Chilean and foreign healthcare industry met from July 22nd to 24th, at Espacio Riesco in Santiago, Chile, for the Expo Hospital in order to present their innovations to the market. The country represents an opportunity for exporters because it has no local manufacturers. In addition to an exhibition of supplies, medications, technology and devices for hospitals, clinics, diagnostic centers and laboratories, the event featured a series of conferences and lectures for its professionals. The Minister of Health, Dr. Carmen Castillo, attended honoring the Brazilian Pavilion, comprised of ten companies: Ibramed, Osteomed, Bioteck, CBEMED, Lupetec, Medpej, GTT, Bioclin, Sincron and Teb.


The trade mission developed by ABIMO in partnership with Apex-Brasil was very important for our company. We had excellent results because we received many visits from distributors to clinics of aesthetics, all interested in knowing our products.” Daniel Marques, Trade Analyst Ibramed

The number of visitors exceeded 5,000 people, allowing exhibitors to project their sales and business contacts not only in Chile but also in the rest of Latin America. “The trade show mission developed by ABIMO in partnership with Apex-Brasil was very important for our company. We had excellent results because we received many visits from distributors to clinics of aesthetics, all interested in knowing our products. The trade show as a whole has given us greater visibility, especially among Chilean companies”, emphasized Daniel Marques, foreign trade analyst at Ibramed. Compared to the last participation of the Brazilian Health Devices, in 2012, there were fewer contacts in this edition because in 2012 there were 445 and this year 237. However, there is greater expectation of business compared to the previous participation: in 2012 were US$ 305,000; in 2015, US$ 605,000, with 90% of the contacts from Chile. “As our first participation, the result

was excellent because the contacts we had, came to visit the show and we entered into good partnerships. It was an event that came at the right time for Osteomed”, said Eduardo Quezada, export manager at Osteomed Implantes.



The participation is part of a strong job opportunities mapping being done for over ten years in Africa, where we are present in 33 countries. The contacts made in Africa Health generate great business opportunities for Fanem.” Fernando Jacinto, Fanem Trader Company

African market For the third time, companies that are part of the Brazilian Health Devices Project were in Johannesburg, South Africa, for the Africa Health 2015, main congress and exhibition in the healthcare area of the sub-Saharan Africa region, which took place between May 5th to 7th, 2015. The event, which is in its 5th edition, is organized by the same group responsible for Arab Health, the Informa Group. In this edition, Africa Health counted on 15 pavilions from different counties and hosted 500 exhibitors, in addition to distributors and services providers that were reunited intending to discuss the latest news in technologies and trends for the health industry. The event attracted around 7 thousand professionals, according to the organization. The Brazilian Pavilion, with an area of 108 m², was formed by 12 companies: Baumer, Carci, CBEMED, Cristófoli, Drillermed, Fanem, Ibramed, Magnamed, Olidef, Osteomed, Phoenix and


Silimed. “The business deals during the trade show were made only with the South African market.” “It’s a very focused event for this market and this year, most visitors were clinics and hospitals representatives, not distributors,” says Laísa França, trade promotion coordinator. In total there were 267 commercial contacts made between Brazil and South Africa, Germany, Angola, Botswana, Congo, Korea, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Kuwait, Lesotho, Libya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Portugal, Kenya , Senegal, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Laísa explains that last year, the BHD companies exported more than US$ 1 million to South Africa, which occupies the 35th place in the ranking of project exports destination. “Next year, we will attend the exhibition aiming to consolidate the African market and increase the visibility of the Brazilian medical sector,” she adds. The expectation of generating business is US$ 2 million from contacts made during the event. This was the third participation of Fanem at the event, and it is expected to continue the path of success and the company’s leadership in South Africa as

well as deepening the business in other countries of the region. “The participation is part of a strong job opportunities mapping being done for over ten years in Africa, where we are present in 33 countries. The contacts made in Africa Health generate great business opportunities for Fanem”, said the company trader, Fernando Jacinto. “Our main focus is the relationship with our distributors and key customers, both already established as potential new partners. A good example is the contract executed to export neonatology devices to the Ministry of Health of the Government from Rwanda, opportunity started in previous editions of the event and that brings us even closer of the goal to become a reference in neonatology in the region”, concludes. Altogether 80 neonatology devices, which will be distributed to health institutions throughout the country, were exported. To accommodate this volume of products, there were two shipments: a container went by sea to Tanzania; while the remaining devices were shipped by plane to Kigali, Rwanda’s capital. The Rwandan government is one of the strictest in the world when it comes to public procurement, requiring in their notices a high level of technical specifications and service delivery. Thus, the deal positions Fanem among a select group of world-class industries.

Besides the reinforce in the matchmaker’s work from our team, that improved the choice onf international buyers and the agendas, the current favorable moment to exports due to the exchange rate is also a factor that it is contributing to the increase of sales abroad” Paulo Henrique Fraccaro, ABIMO’s Superintendent

International Business in Brazil The BHD also promotes business rounds among its companies and international dealers. This project takes place during HOSPITALAR Trade Show + Forum (International Trade Show of Products, Devices, Services and Technology for Hospitals, Laboratories, Pharmacies, Clinics and Medical Offices), the largest event specialized in this area throughout the Americas.

In the 2015 edition of the Business Rounds, more than US$ 5 million in immediate business were closed, and negotiations that will generate US$ 16 million over the next few months were directed. The amount is almost 80% higher than the business generated last year, when the project generated US$ 13 million and also exceeded the initial prospects for this year, which were US$ 20 million. According to ABIMO, the main reason for the improvement in business this year compared to 2014 is due to the new focus on matchmaking tools the project is currently using.

“Besides the reinforce in the matchmaker’s work from our team, that improved the choice on international buyers and the agendas, the current favorable moment to exports due to the exchange rate is also a factor that it is contributing to the increase of sales abroad”, says Paulo Henrique Fraccaro, ABIMO’s Superintendent. Sixteen buyers from 15 different countries were carefully selected for this year, chosen according to the target markets of the Brazilian Health Devices Project: Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ecuador, United Arab Emirates,



We expect to increase our number of distributors between 20 and 30% compared to last year” Leandro Nunes, Ibramed Commercial Manager

Israel, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Sri Lanka, Sudan and Uruguay. The meetings were scheduled by a matchmaking company hired by ABIMO based on the mutual interests of the participants. “We participated of the ABIMO Business Rounds, achieving plenty of productive results, because we began a relationship with potential partners in Sudan, Costa Rica, Sri Lanka and Ecuador,” says Leandro Nunes, Ibramed commercial manager. “We expect to increase our number of distributors between 20 and 30% compared to last year”.

NEXT STEPS For the 2016-2017 biennium, among the 14 priority countries in BHD list, there are: Angola, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, India, Iran, Turkey, and other countries in Asia, Europe and the Americas. “For the specific case of Iran, it is expected that, with the recent end of economic sanctions, the major international banks return to directly conduct financial operations, whose second largest block of the importing agenda is about medical and dental devices. This is a great opportunity for the Brazilian industry”, says Clara Porto. As from 2016, the BHD project will strongly act in Iran by conducting prospective and trade missions, with groups of entrepreneurs who shall seek entering new deals and partnerships in the country. Currently, some Brazilian companies in the industry already export to the Middle East country; however, these activities occur through intermediary operators from countries like the United Arab Emirates.





Competency in exportations Brazil plays a strategic role in the global economic and geopolitical areas. Its industry of medical, dental, hospital, and laboratory items is innovative, proactive and skilled. Those companies, supported by the sectorial project Brazilian Health Devices, have recorded a 25% increase in their exportations along the January to June of 2015 period, reaching the amount of US$ 82,354,894. They are more and more skilled everyday to export, complying with international rules by focusing their target-markets and developing exclusive departments aiming to provide services to clients from several corners of the world, and needless to say, by fostering the continuing training of their staff. Next, you will see some of the major companies in the area: their products and different operations.

A Brazilian multinational company and pioneer in manufacturing medical and laboratory devices, Fanem keeps up a steady pace of international activity, doing business with more than 100 countries on every continent. In recent years, the company has invested in strengthening new commercial fronts abroad, and the African continent has become one of the company’s major markets. “Although competitive, Africa has emerged as a region of good opportunities and potential, primarily because various countries are structuring or modernizing their health systems”, explains Djalma Luiz Rodrigues, Executive Director of Fanem. The main products exported are incubators and several other items from the neonatal and laboratory lines. Exports represent around 35% of its total revenue. Apart from its headquarters in the city of São Paulo, Fanem has two manufacturing plants – one located in Brazil, in the city of Guarulhos (SP), and another abroad, in Bangalore, India. It also has an office in Jordan, in the city of Amman, and an organized network of representatives in every country where it operates. It also counts on the support of a special structure located in Argentina, which coordinates its commercial activities in Latin American countries. It is important to point out that the Brazilian unit provides the required support for its network of partners to be as close as possible to their clients and with the necessary knowledge to better serve them. In addition to training all its partners, the company constantly visits its representatives. Rodrigues shared that for the next few months, Fanem will be focused on introducing the Duetto 2386 Hybrid Unit to the international market. It is the first Brazilian device with hybrid functions for treating newborns that operates both as an incubator and radiant heat unit. 50



Dk Diagnostics is a global company operating in North America, Europe, Asia, and South America, specialized in parasitological examination systems. Its exports are responsible for 18% of its total invoicing, mainly driven to countries such as Saudi Arabia, Ecuador, Panama, Philippines, Russia, United States, China, Spain, Portugal, and Germany. The most traded products of the brand are the Paratest SAF that operates as the optimum preservative of parasitic forms, promoting an excellent fixation of the protozoan cysts, as well as eggs and larvae of helminths; and the Paratest Eco, first and only biodegradable parasitic system in the market, replacing dangerous fixation solutions, which contributes to improve the safety of the laboratory technician and analysts and also to the environmental sustainability. “We have a foreign trade department to comply with the demands from our external clients, keeping in permanent contact with them. We provide an effective and complete post-sale”, declares José Carlos Lapenna, the company’s CEO. In order to keep a closer relationship with other markets, DK Diagnostics participates in several international trade shows, where it has the opportunity to present and expose the main advantages of its products, besides of closing partnership agreements. As to the present economical scenario, the perspectives are quite good, according to Lapenna. “We are making our best efforts to increase our participation in new markets, taking advantage of the devaluation of Real and offering good prices in a strong currency”, he points out. The last news from the company are the GPT (Green PapTest®) for the Papanicolau test, which was launched in the MEDICA 2015 trade show, and the 13C Ureia resulting from an international partnership whose production will start in the beginning of 2016.

Working to search and develop products and technologies to help in the diagnose and prevention of pathologies, Neurotec is a reference in the area of electroneurophisiology at international level. With headquarters in the state of Minas Gerais, it actuates in every segment of the clinical neurophisiology, producing open architecture micro processed equipments with stateof-the-art technology, besides of supplying every supplying line and line of accessories for the patient care. Among its products, it is the Neuromap EQSA 260, a portable 26 channels electroencephalography, with lower than 400 grams weight using the most updated digital sign processing techniques. Easy and fast to be installed, a totally customized filtering, its system includes impedance measurement by software. The equipment is modularized on an Internet and Intranet networking, allowing the use both with desktops and notebooks. EQSA 260 performs the following examinations: digital quantitative and topographical EEG, neonatal polygraph, polysomnography, digital video EEG, video- polysomnography and EEG monitoring. Neuromap 40i is a 26 to 54 channel electroencephalograph which also uses modern digital sign processing techniques. It is a system with a high performance trustable sound standard, low consumption and totally portable to perform several EEG examinations. When the Neuromap line was first created, Neurotec has combined the most advanced technology in digital electroencephalograph, making available to the market the first digital electrocardiogram device with cerebral mapping. The company has received several awards for its operation in the medical–hospital area. Its quest for excellence is not limited to the equipment research and production, but it is also extended to a policy of respect by the environment and zero waste, making it to be deemed a sustainable company. 51



With a major international representativeness, Bio-Art exports to more than 70 countries in all continents; sector representing approximately 36% of its total invoicing. The main items driven to foreign markets are: articulators and facebows, vacuum forming machines, sealing machines and forming trays. The semi-adjustable articulators are manufactured with a solid structure and innovative design that provides several operational features, consolidated in only one model. Bio-Art is a worldwide leader in such sector with approx. 400,000 units sold. The vacuum forming machine relies on the resistance of Carbon Fiber to provide a fast and consistent heating; a unique rotative sheet support to allow heating both sides of the sheets and a double-sided cast rack to facilitate the cast removal. Finally, the sealing machines have a modern shielded design for safety purposes and is equipped with cartridge heating to assure uniform heating, thus avoiding burning the paper and providing an effective sealing. “Our main purposes are: to assure the product quality, excellence in customer services and intelligent solutions. To this aim, we perform an annual customer’s satisfaction research, frequently visit foreign clients and participate in international trade shows to get a closer business relationship and to provide support to our partners. To hear the voice of our client for continuous improvement and innovation is part of our culture”, it is highlighted by Maria Isabel Piccin, Bio-Art’s CEO, adding that the Company has an exclusive department to attend its foreign clients. According to her, the rising of the dollar has driven exports, and due to this, the Company is planning a growth around 10% in its invoicing. “We are working in business actions aiming to open new external markets and to leverage sales in places we are already present”, she points out. Among the new developments in progress, it is a 17 liters capacity autoclave with a totally innovative design. It will be the most compact in the market, and at the same time amazingly wide inside. 52


For 65 years, Schioppa operates as a manufacturer of wheels and casters, being the greatest in Latin America. The company exports to more than 25 countries with highlight to the United States, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, and Paraguay. The main items driven to those markets are the hospital line, whose trend is the design combined with quality and cost-benefit. “Aimed to those items, the casters have been improved becoming each year bolder and sturdier”, points out Liliane Schioppa Soriani, Marketing Supervisor. Among the main lines of the brand in the health area, it is the Diamond Series, composed by casters ideal to be used in devices which require resistant product and with great easiness to move. They withstand 100 kg per piece, and they are manufactured in 6.0 polyamide nylon with double wheels, tread surface in thermoplastic rubber and bearings with shielded spheres. In order to comply with its foreign clients’ requirements, Schioppa has a distribution center located in Michigan in the United States and a specialized staff of technicians for Latin America, Canada, United States and Europe, added to the Exports Department located in our facilities in São Paulo, entirely dedicated to supply services to other countries. “Our collaborators travel constantly visiting clients to consolidate our relationships and searching for new markets and partnerships outside the country. Added to this, we are searching for new technologies in international trade shows to improve our products”, tells Liliane, adding that the exports sector represents between 10% and 15% of the total company’s sales. Even upon the present economical scenario, Schioppa keeps high expectations. “At this moment, the best solution is focusing on exports and continuing to invest in the quality of our items for every sector”, she finalizes.


facilities for international partners which wanted to produce the device and its consumables in Brazil, such as CKD. Nova Biomedical Inc., one of the leaders in gasometry in USA has selected Celer as its partner to produce the CKD both for its equipment and the reagents in South America. With this project, Celer was able to increase its productive capability and has gained the reward as the first Minas Gerais company following the new Anvisa RDC 16 rule, the GMP Certification for Import, Stock and Distribution, as well as to the production of the equipment and the reagent. Based on this experience, Celer has established a standard process to offer its production facilities to international partners. Today, the company is a front door to the Brazilian market (and South American as well) for North American, European and Chinese companies.

Celer Biotecnologia was founded with the aim to establish a national solution to help improving the clinical analysis process - IVD. It has a PED department, and it developed three clinical analysis devices. To produce such devices, it was required to get an Anvisa certificate for the production process. Celer has attained the Anvisa’s GMP, and has opened its production

X-RAY PROTECTION The aprons manufactured by KONEX combine safety, quality and comfort with modern design. Available in assorted colors, with exclusive models for patients or professionals.

Konex X-Ray Accessories e-mail: 53





Founded in 2007, Traumec was born by the union of entrepreneurs from the metal-mechanic sector who had more than 20 years of experience. Among the main products exported, it is: the maxillofacial composed by a range of plates with different geometries and secure selftapping screws for the most varied surgical procedures; and Microdissecction needles with ultrathin tungsten tips, material that presents high resistance to the heat and maintains very sharp tips with high precision. Traumec offers a wide range of models and sizes providing a precise cutting and cauterization of the soft issues. According to Alessandro Oliva, Export Analyst, presently, international sales represent 5% of the whole company’s flow. The main destination countries of our products are: Ecuador, Colombia, Chile and Mexico. “Our relationship with our foreign clients involves more than the flowing of orders, sales and post sales. We work towards the professionalization of the attendance to train people able to expose the company’s culture and able to propitiate conditions to meet the partners’ requirements. We also provide a continued education for our clients in order to allow them to get an advanced knowledge on the product, thus making them secure to buy and distribute any of our items in their market of operation”, points out Oliva. According to him, the perspectives are quite favorable in view of the present economic scenario mainly in South America, where the company is increasing its representativeness. Added to this, it will soon be granted with the ISO 13485 Certification and CE mark, and thus further expanding its area of operation. As a novelty, Traumec will be launching soon a minimally invasive aimed to neurosurgery procedures, denominated NeuroEndoview, which will allow accessing the tumor or the injured area in a safe and effective way.

Company specialized in ventilators for ICU, transport and emergencies, Magnamed is a 100% Brazilian company exporting for more than 30 countries, mainly to Egypt, Colombia, Mexico, Bolivia, Ecuador, India, and Turkey. Presently, such area is responsible by 40% of the total company’s invoicing. Among the exported products, it is Oxymag, a transport ventilator for emergency and rescue. It is the only in its category ventilating patients from low weight premature babies up to large weighted adults. It has a faster booting, weighing only 3.2 kg. Other highlights are Fleximag and Babymag, steady ventilators for ICU. Fleximag Plus is the most complete from the family with every resource a patient in an ICU requires. As to the Babymag, it is specific for newborns, with greater sensitivity to the flow and pressure for such age level. By its turn, Ventmeter is a compact and accurate analyzer to calibrate ventilators, measuring up to 18 parameters simultaneously. Tatsuo Suzuki, founding partner, reports that the company’s foreign trade sector has both internal and external collaborators, salesmen contracted outside Brazil operating in strategic regions, added to accredited distributors in many places. “When it is considered that Brazil is among the countries with a major currency devaluation in relation to the American dollar, the exportation is quite favorable right now for Magnamed with its quality products to compete in the international market”, he declares. Among the upcoming news, it is the expansion of its family of ventilators both for transport and ICU. “We will also have simpler models at a lower cost in order to adjust ourselves to the new economic reality around the world”, finalizes Suzuki.






Deltronix is a genuine Brazilian company which has been in the market since 1970 producing a range of devices aimed to the electrosurgery used in several medical specialties such as gynecology, ophthalmology, orthopedics, cardiology, dermatology, neurosurgery and plastic surgery. According to Carlos Alberto Paulin, Technical Director, the eletrosurgical generator are the main items exported in a steady way to the foreign market, being recognized by their quality and traditional brand. “Our devices are distinguished by their accuracy, easy handling, reliability and toughness. Highlights to some functions such as the pulsed cut and coagulation, tripolar function (monopolar + bipolar), a consistency verification mechanism and memory for 120 procedures”, he points out. According to him, these are state-of-the-art practical and functional electrosurgical units, and due to this, they are well received in all places where the company maintains business relationship. The main countries buying the Deltronix’s products are Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru, Chile, Lebanon, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Venezuela, Cape Verde, Morocco, El Salvador, Mexico, Panama, Nicaragua, Colombia, Thailand, Uruguay, Guatemala, Indonesia, Costa Rica, Israel and Angola. “With our expansion to new markets and the consolidation in countries where we already do business, the Deltronix’s exporting sector has achieved a significant growth through the years”, he points out. The company has its own foreign business department, and it is searching for new ways of interaction with its clients both in the daily business via emails, Skype, and by telephone and also straightening the contact by means of its participation in international trade shows, such as the MEDICA in Germany.

Offering high technology devices and items, Exxomed was founded in 2004, and it is located in the city of São Carlos, São Paulo state. It distributes hospital supplies for arthroscopy, oral and maxillofacial surgery, neurosurgery, hand surgery, videolaparoscopy, otorhino and knee, being specialized in supplying both national and imported high quality items for minimally invasive surgeries. Among the highlights, it is the ES 1000 shaver for Arthroscopy used in orthopedic surgical procedures, especially those minimally invasive performed in articulations. Developed, manufactured and distributed by Exxomed, its greatest differential it is the hand-made controlling that allows it to be activated by the surgeon directly in the surgical instrument. This is the first product with such feature manufactured in Latin America. Other features are the touch-sensitive controlling screen and the IPX8 pedal with a protective grade that prevents the penetration of water, which can be activated even underwater. The portfolio of the brand is also composed by the Exxolight, a source of LED with a high lighting performance, and at the same time being economical; the Exxocut bulbs, which offer an effective cutting and safety usage by reducing vibrations, the material detachment and locking; the Exxomed ablation tips family, which are produced with high quality and strict control of the insulating materials; the Exxoflow family of arthroscopic devices was developed to propitiate compatibility and accuracy in such a way to prevent the most common and undesirable variations along the use; and the Exxoflex family of suture needles manufactured with super-elastic material which assures several safe activations along the procedure.

Subsidiary 1

Subsidiary 2

Ortosintese Ind. Com. Ltd. is one of the fastest growing companies in the market, aggressive investing in innovation and technologies became one of the key for its success. Its products goes from minimally invasive trauma implants all the way to complex equipment that sterilizes medical waste that once harmed the environment. “Our mission is to produce medical implants and equipment that overcome expectations regarding quality and technology supported by our vast experience, broad capacity and valorization of life” said

Tatiane Galindo, CFO at Ortosintese. Its impressive facilities located in São Paulo – Brazil represents a role model for industries throughout Latin America and it is always striving for excellence in new researches. Focused on both product and life quality, Ortosintese devotes its time carrying about the future generations. The new concept of the “Autoclave” which sterilizes medical waste that once was burned and contaminated the soil, is an example of this fact. Furthermore, according with the economic sector, “Ortosintese is considered as the main exporter of orthopedic implants in Brazil”, with 40% of its production devoted to over 40 countries around the world. In addition, Ortosintese works with highly specialized medical and engineering teams to ensure the best outcome possible and has earned innumerous awards and certifications in excellence and quality such as ISO 9001, GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) and CE Mark. All the achievements were possible due to a self-motivated and visionary man who truly believed in his work to “improve one´s quality of life”, Sebastião Galindo, the founder of Ortosintese in 1977. Back then healthcare in Brazil was not the priority due to political and social instability which negatively affected medical system. Mr. Galindo saw the lack of investment in the sector and gathered all his knowledge from previous experience in the field and started in his backyard which became one of the most prestigious orthopedic industries. As part of Ortosintese´s commitment to improve quality of life, investment and development are the center of the industry´s philosophy to maintain and improve the best approach to different medical challenges.






GMI is a manufacturer of products 100% silicon-made for the Medical and Hospital Equipment category. Among the most demanded items are: vascular access line, such as the PICC (peripheral insertion central catheter) in the neonatal and adult sizes, airway products such as the nasal CPAP and the nasal cannula for oxygen. Items for the digestive tract, such as the nasogastric tube and the transpyloric tube are other highlights. Every line has as major differential silicon as raw material.Among the newest launchings of the company it is the Gabiport, a totally implantable catheter that allows prolonged and repeated access to the vascular system to manage chemotherapy, parenteral nutrition, blood products, antibiotics and other medications, and also indicated for blood sample collection. It has an implantable titanium chamber/port, a silicon catheter, huber 90o needle with extension and safety system, a straight huber needle, introducer, stainless steel spindle with J-type port and a protective cover, tunneler, pell away dilator and 10 ml syringe with luer-lock. Since its foundation, GMI prioritizes its continued improvement, having achieved important quality certificates, such as: Classes I, II, III, and IV Good Manufacturing Practices, added to the ISO 9001 and ISO 13485. In order to expand its exportations, it is on the way to attain another important quality standard seal: the CE Certificate. The company has also been investing in new facilities and technologies, which allows it to operate throughout the country in an agile and effective way, with a structure capable to provide attendance at international level. To expand its activities, it signed a partnership agreement with Inova Sorocaba, with the main purpose to articulate partnerships and innovative projects at the Sorocaba Technological Park, São Paulo.

Dorja was founded in 1978 to provide services for the hospital sector, and it has been established as a manufacturer and importer of exclusive lines of medical items such as Medicate, Diasyst, and Gowllands lines. The Medicate line has in its portfolio nebulizers for home and hospital use added to clinical lamp, spacers, elbow crutches, dry heat sterilizer, and sphygmomanometers. One of the highlights is the four-output MD 400 nebulizer indicated for medicine nebulization to treat the respiratory diseases. It comes with four complete nebulization kits and with an optional transportation cart. The Diasyst is a Brazilian reference brand in sphygmomanometer. Manufactured by Dorja since 2005 the Swiss mechanism component used in this device, provides the accuracy that the health professional requires. The company also produces elbow crutches and canes under the Medicate brand. Gowllands, a traditional and centennial brand of diagnostic devices like otoscopes and ophthalmoscopes, are nowadays manufactured in Brazil by Dorja. Since 2006, the company is working on the overseas market. The export sales have started from its participation in international trade shows by means of the Brazilian Health Devices project promoted both by ABIMO and Apex. The main items exported are: nebulizers, suction pumps and valved spacers for Latin American, Central America and Africa countries. The sector is responsible by 7% of the company’s invoicing. “With the favorable exchange rate variation, we shall have a higher growth in exportations”, it was declared by Jamir Dagir Junior, Commercial Director, also advancing that Dorja is elaborating a new line of aspirators and nebulizers to be launched soon.



Konex manufactures products aimed to the personal radiological safety made for the health area professionals. It counts on a highly reliable line of items, providing safety both to its consumers and users within Brazil and in more than 30 countries. The company exports several radiological accessories, mainly radioprotective garments such as aprons, gloves and thyroid collar protectors. Highlight for the aprons, which are duly certified following the ABNT rules, Anvisa Resolution and Regulatory Rules from the Ministry of Labor. They have watertight nylon finish and specific protections for the thyroid and genital organs. They are 1,100 mm long and have a 0.50 mmpb front protection and 0.25 mmpb in the back. Its major clients are countries from Latin America, such as Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru, Ecuador and Dominican Republic. “We keep constantly in touch with our partners through the participation in trade shows and events such as FIME in the United States and Hospitalar in Brazil, besides performing sporadic visits”, it was told by Luiz Guilherme Mucciolo, Director. In the current economical scenario, the entrepreneur tells that if on one hand, business is hampered in the domestic market in view of the political-economical crisis, on the other hand, the company has achieved competitiveness upon the dollar rising, thus improving its exporting performance. The latest novelty is that Konex has just been submitted to the Anvisa inspection in order to get permission to produce Class III Risk items. “From such achievement, we intend to launch a line of phantoms (simulators used to calibrate radiological devices) and X-Ray equipments”, he points out.

ITM S/A and Exatech are the companies responsible by manufacturing the Edlo brand products, operating for more than 50 years in the market of surgical instruments. With headquarters located in the city of Canoas, state of Rio Grande do Sul, it provides quality and safety for about 20 countries, including the demanding American and European markets. Currently, exports represent 10% of its whole invoicing driven to Uruguay, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Paraguay, Central America, United States, Spain, Portugal, France and Germany. The major items destined to the foreign market are: surgical instruments for video surgery, hemostatic clips appliers and instruments for conventional surgeries. “Among the main features, we can mention the accuracy, ergonomics, easy handling and resistance”, says Mario Luiz Frizzo, International Marketing Coordinator. EDLO has as main competitive advantage the production of every item that composes its portfolio. The items are developed from their conception and design up to the manufacturing according to the international DIN and AISI standards. The company was granted with the ISO 9001, ISO 13485, CE 93/42/EEC Directive and the FDA Certificates. The relationship with its foreign market is performed by the participation in international congresses, visits to clients and trainings provided at the EDLO Brazil premises. Currently, the company counts on a structure formed by the International Business department located in its headquarters, a commercial agent for Latin America, and exclusive distributors in each region. As to its business perspectives with other countries, Frizzo informs in advance that Edlo has been investing in the opening of new markets aiming to foster its exportations and the worldwide participation. 59





The Minas Gerais Biotechnology and Bioindustry Association (AMBIOTEC) is a private nonprofit institution located at Belo Horizonte Technological Park (BHTEC) in Minas Gerais. Its purpose is representing the productive health chain in the Minas Gerais state and in Brazil contributing for the strengthening, innovation and competitiveness of companies operating in the sector. In order to provide support to the growth in the sector, the Association stimulates the co-operation between companies, fostering entrepreneurship and promoting the competitiveness of small companies and startups. Actually, the entity has 45 members including companies all over Brazil, which have joined forces to the biotechnology cluster in Minas Gerais. Its affiliates operate on human health, animal health, environment, agribusiness areas and the main products and services are: molecular diagnostics, laboratory control, diagnostic kits, reagents for clinical analysis, biomaterials, regenerative medicine, production of synthetic antibodies, Health IT, consulting and medical devices. AMBIOTEC provides representation for the sector; business meetings; strategic information; business management consulting and training courses; support to the participation in trade shows and national and international conferences; disclousure in the network members; support to accreditation for products and processes; participation in sectorial programs of Minas Gerais state and national government; partnerships with international organizations to the development of applied research and development of new projects and business.

Indusbello is in the market for more than 20 years providing innovative solutions for both dental and medical industry. We have two main lines of products, which can be categorized as accessories for the daily use of dentists and the other as autoclavable cassettes for both dental and medical instrument transportation and sterilization. The strategy for the late year has been working with more emphasis on the South American market, due to its proximity and the benefits granted by being in the MERCOSUL region. However, we also have partners in the USA, EAU, some countries in Europe, as well as Japan and Australia. In both domestic and foreign market, we strive to take our business relations customer-oriented, providing them the best solutions required. Our cassettes line, for instance, are customizable, so we need to be straightforward and always be in touch with the customer regarding their project requirements. Our international trade department has two people who are responsible for all the customers’ requests and the documentation necessary for each export process, and also to keep customers updated through our customer service. Besides, our whole staff is aware of our export operations, and processes are constantly improved in order to be sure we are meeting the international market standards and requirements. In addition, in some countries we have a local dealer or representative that is visited locally on a regular basis by one of our international sales staff who is responsible to providing on-site training and support, qualifying them to be a reference for the final users in their respective countries. Currently, our export sales represent an average of 10% of our total sales volume. However, we are taking the opportunity of the higher dollar exchange rate to have better pricing and so be competitive in new markets. Even though the international market shows an apparent economic instability, we believe we have a great opportunity to go further and reach new horizons.


The Sector Project (PS) implemented by ABIMO (Brazilian Medical Devices Manufacturers Association) in partnership with Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency), is named Brazilian Health Devices and its mission is to encourage the exports of items and devices of the health industry. Brazilian Health Devices is the brand that brings together the sector’s export industries and represents them internationally. To achieve the objective of promoting exports in the sector and represent it internationally, PS Brazilian Health Devices has several programs promoting from courses and workshops that assist domestic manufacturers in adapting the structure and performance of products in different markets to participation in international events, thus revealing Brazilian production and brands to the world.

ADITEK Category: Dental Products

AGAPLASTIC Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

ALACER Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

ALBAN Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

ANGELUS Category: Dental Products

APRAMED Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

ASTUS MEDICAL Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

ATRASORB Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

BARRFAB Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

BAUMER Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

BCF Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

BHP Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

BIOACTIVE Category: Dental Products

BIOCAM Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

BIOCLIN Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

BIODINAMICA Category: Dental Products

BIOMECÂNICA Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

BIONNOVATION Category: Dental Products

BIOTECK Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

BMR MEDICAL Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

BRAILE Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

CARCI Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

CASEX Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

CBEMED Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

CONEXÃO Category: Dental Products

CONFIANCE Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

CREMER Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

CRISTÓFOLI Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment, Dental Products

CURATEC Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

DABI ATLANTE Category: Dental Products

DENTAL MORELLI Category: Dental Products

DENTFLEX Category: Dental Products

BIO-ART Contact: André Santos +55 16 3371-6502 l +55 16 3509-6525 Founded in: 1977 Certificates: ISO 9001:2008; ISO 13485:2004, Good Manufacturing Practices, CE, FDA. Products: Articulators and Facebows; Articulator Accessories; Vacuum Forming Machine; Sheets for Trays; Milling Machine; Surveyor (Parallelometer); Microblasters; Ultrasonic Washing Machine; Sealing Machine; Magnifying Lens and Curing light.

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Deltronix Contact: Natália Pompeu de Paula +55 16 4009-5454 Founded in: 1970 Certificates: ISO 13485, ISO 9001, Good Manufacturing Practices. Products: Electrosurgical Generator Precision TC2 – 200W, TC3 – 300W, TC4 – 400W, RC2 – 200W, RC3 – 300W, RC4 - 400W; Electrosurgical Generator B-1600 MP - 100W, B-1800 MP - 130W, BO-1300 MP - 50W, VET 1 - 300W, VET 2 - 150W; Bipolar Coagulator C-2600 MP; Smoke Evacuator Page: VS-7001; Accessories for electrosurgery.



BHD companies

DENTOFLEX Category: Dental Products

DFV Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment DMC Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment, Dentistry

DENTSCLER Category: Dental Products

Dk Diagnostics Contact: Paulo Windlin +55 11 4023-3888 Founded in: 2004 Certificates: CE, ISO 9001-2008, ISO 13485-2012. Products: Paratest® Eco, Paratest® SAF, Paratest® Formalina 5, Maxparatest®, Green PapTest®, 13C Ureia.

DORJA Contact: Dorival Dagir +55 11 3872-4266 Founded in: 1978 Certificates: Anvisa e ISO. Products: Home inhalers, ultrasonic inhalers, vibrating mesh inhalers, inhalers for hospital, valved spacers, surgical aspirators, blood pressure devices, sthetoscopes, laryngoscopes, otoscopes, ophthalmoscopes, dry heat sterilizer, clinical spotlights, peak respiratory flow meter, and spirometers.

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EMFILS Category: Dental Products

ENGEMED Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

ENGIMPLAN Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

ESSENCE DENTAL Category: Dental Products

EXXOMED Contact: Marcos Brefe +55 16 3307-4744 Founded in: 2004 Certificates: Good Manufacturing Practices, ANVISA, RDC 16. Products: Powered Shaver System (Handpiece with Hand Control); Disposable Shaver Blades for Arthroscopy; Monopolar Ablation Probes for Arthroscopy; Bipolar Ablation Probes for Arthroscopy; Tube Sets for Irrigation Pumps for for Arthroscopy; Nitinol Needles for Suture Passers for Arthroscopy; Cannulas for Arthroscopy; LED Page: Light Source for Endoscopy. 49 GNATUS Category: Dental Products


DERIG Category: Dental Products

GTT HEALTHCARE Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

DFL Category: Dental Products

DIAGNEXT Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

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DRILLLER Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment, Dental Products

DSP BIOMEDICAL Category: Dental Products

DUAN Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

DYNAMED Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

ECOTEC Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

EDG Category: Dental Products

EDITORA NAPOLEÃO Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

EDLO Contact: Mario Luiz Frizzo +55 51 3052-3916 Founded in: 1963 Certificates: ISO 9001, ISO 13485, CE 93/42/EEC Directive and FDA. Products: Surgical instruments for: video laparoscopic surgery; bone surgery; general surgery; dental and oral surgery; cardiovascular surgery and single access surgery.

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ESTEK Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

FAMI Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

GLOBALTEC Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

GMREIS Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

HEALTECH Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

HOSPIMETAL Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

FANEM Contact: Jose Flosi +55 11 2972-5700 Founded in: 1924 Certificates: ISO 9001, ISO 13485, RoHs, Good Manufacturing Practices, CE 0434, DNV Norwegian Accreditation, and Segurança Inmetro TÜV Rheinland. Products: Neonatal Line – Accessories and Consumables, Bassinets, Humanized Delivery Bed, Hybrid Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Infant Incubators, Infant Warmer and Total Care, Measuring Tool, Neonatal CPAP, Neonatal Resuscitation Device, Phototherapy, Surgical Aspirator, Transport Incubator. Laboratorial Line – Accessories and Consumables, Aspirators and Compressors, Centrifuges, Distillers, Germination and BOD Chambers, Heater Box, Hemato-immuno conservation chambers, Homogenizers, Laboratorial Freezer, Page: Laboratory Incubators, Stirrers and Shakers, Water Baths. Biosafety Line – Autoclaves. 5 HP BIO Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

HTM Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

GMI Contact: Juarez Vasconcelos +55 11 4176-0706 l +55 11 97218-7461 Foundation: 2007 Certificates: ISO 9001, ISO13485, Classes I, II, III, and IV Good Manufacturing Practices, CE (in progress). Products: Vascular system: PICC –100% silicon catheter; PORT – titanium chamber and 100% silicon catheter; introducer for PICC catheter – standard and safety; polyurethane umbilical catheter – mono and double lumen; 1, 2, 3, or 4-way extension with neutral active valve. Airways: nasal CPAP –100% silicon prong; 100% silicon nasal cannula for oxygen therapy with an PVCe extension. Digestive Tract: gastrostomy button and probe; 100% silicon and in polyurethane nasoenteral probe; 100% silicon nasogastric probe. Urinary Tract: urine collection closed system; 100% silicon 2 and 3-way Foley probe; 100% silicon Nelaton probe; double J/Pig-Tail urethral catheter Page: with hydrophilic and glides. Surgery and drainage: 100% silicon catheter for peritoneal dialysis (Tenckhoff). 31 IBF Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

IBRAMED Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

INDUSBELLO Contact: Guilherme Varella +55 43 3378-8359 l +55 43 9671-4500 Founded in: 1994 Certificates: Anvisa, FDA, CE, ISO 9001, ISO 13485. Products: Accessories: Silicone Code Rings, Mouth Mirror Head, New Asper, Endo Clean Stand, Endodontic Files Flexor, Endodontic Aspiration Set, Foldable Dam Frame, U-Shaped Dam Frame, Ostby Dam Frame, Fluorescent Small, Medium and Large Tray, Bowl, Endofit, Standard Plastic Spatula, Knife Plastic Spatula, Oval Curing Light Eyeshield, Hand-held Curing Light Eyeshield, Straight Bib Clips, Spiral Bib Clips, Aspirator Adaptor, Pliers Rack, E-mold - Custom fitted trays plates, Mouth Opener, Finger Holder Dappen Dish, Silicone, Glass and Plastic Dappen Dish - Photography & Retractors: Vertical Lip Retractor, Lip Expand, MF Retractor, C-Shaped Cheek Retractor, V-Shaped Cheek Retractor, White Expandex, Transparent Expandex, Crystal Mirrors, Metallic Mirrors, Contrastor, Crystal Mirror handle - Premium: Flexible Composite Placement, Titanium-coted Composite Placement, Angled Sinus Lift Balloon, Micro-Mini Sinus Lift Balloon, Straight Sinus Lift Balloon, Surgical Aspirator Tips, Bone Collector Surgical Aspirator Tips, Minnesota, X-Ray Positioner, Bitewing , Bite Block, Digital X-Ray Positioner, Endo X-Ray, Digital Endo X-Ray Positioner AC, Claws - Bambini (Kids Line): Box, Glittered Box, Pocketfun, Straight Bib Clips, Spiral Bib Clips, Turtle, Ladybug, Bee, Seal, Mouth Opener, MF Retractor, C-Shaped Cheek Retractor, V-Shaped Cheek Page: Retractor, White Expandex, Transparent Expandex, Lip Expand, Crystal Mirror, Metallic Mirrors, Contrastor - Autoclavable Case: Case, Hospital Case, Endo File Case, Optical Case, Silicone Mats. 39 IMPLACIL DE BORTOLI Category: Dental Products

IMPOL Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

INDUSTRA Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

INJEFLEX Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

INP Category: Dental Products

INPROMED Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

INCOMEPE Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

INDREL Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

KONEX Contact: Nelson Martins Rebello Jr. +55 11 5063-0932 Founded in: 1976 Certificates: BPF (GMP), ISO 9001 and ISO 13485. Products: Radiation protection apparel, x-ray accessories and illuminators.

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BHD companies

INSTRAMED Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

IOL Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

JAGUARIBE Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

KG SORENSEN Category: Dental Products

KINNER Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

KOLPLAST Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

LABTEST Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

LIFEMED Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

LIFESIL Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

LOKTAL Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

LUPE Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

MAQUIRA Category: Dental Products

MDT IMPLANTES Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

MEDCIR Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

MEDICONE Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

MEDPEJ Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

MERCEDES IMEC Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

META BIO Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

MICRODONT Category: Dental Products

MICROMAR Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

Diretiva CE 93/42/EEC.

Neurotec Contact: Esperança Balestrassi + 55 35 3623-2500 Founded in: 1985 Certificates: CE, EN ISO 13485, EN ISO 9001. Products: Medical Equipment - Advanced Systems for Electroneurophysiology: Digital EEG; Polysomnography; Digital Video-EEG; Polysomnography; Monitoring of EEG/Video; Electromyography and Evoked Potentials; Acessories.


Magnamed Contact: Tatsuo Suzuki +55 11 5081-4115 Founded in: 2005 Certificates: ISO 13485, ISO 9001, RDC 16 - BPF,

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MM OPTICS Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment, Dental Products

NACIONAL OSSOS Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment, Dental Products

NEOORTHO Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

NEUROVIRTUAL Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

OLIDEF CZ Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

OLSEN Category: Dental Products

OMNIMED Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

OSTEOMED Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

OXIGEL Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

PHOENIX LUFERCO Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

Products: Transport ventilators (Oxymag and Oxymag Agile), ICU Ventilators (Fleximag, Fleximag Plus and Babymag).

ORTOSINTESE Contact: Tatiane Galindo +55 11 3948-4000 Founded in: 1973 Certificates: Good Manufacturing Practices, CE, ISO 9001 and ISO 13485. Products: Orthopedic – Hip Prosthesis, Knee Prosthesis, Shoulder Prosthesis, Non-Conventional, Intramedullary Fixation, Internal Fixation, External Fixation and Wires and Pins; Equipment – Autoclaves, Operating Tables, Thermal Disinfector, Ultrasonic Cleaner, Workstation, Surgical Lights.

PROTEC EXPORT Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

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Q2TEC Category: Dental Products

QUIMIS Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

QUINELATO Category: Dental Products

Page: 3rd

RAZEK Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

ROIC Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

RUSSER Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

SALVAPÉ Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

SAMTRONIC Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

SCITECH Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

SEMINA Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

SERCON Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

SETORMED Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

SIGNO VINCES Category: Dental Products

SILIMED Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

SINCRON Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

SCHIOPPA Contact: Luciano Rodrigues +55 11 2065-5200 Founded in: 1950 Certificates: ISO 9001 Products: Casters and wheels.

Traumec Contact: Alessandro Oliva +55 19 3522-1177 l +55 19 97143-1964 Founded in: 2007 Certificates: Good Manufacturing Practices, and in the final stage for the ISO 13485 and ISO 9001 Certificate and the CE brand procedures for maxillofacial. Products: Microdissection Needles; Surgical Drills and Blades; Ultrassonic Tips; TMJ Arthroscopy set; Trans Palatal Distractor; Page: MaxiloFacial system - 1.5 / 2.0 / 2.4; Shaver Blades; Rigid Spine system; 1.5 Neuro system; Sterilization containers. 43


BHD companies

SISMATEC Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

SPINE IMPLANTES Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

SYSTHEX Category: Dental Products

TALDEN Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

TDV DENTAL Category: Dental Products

TEB Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

TECHNEW Category: Dental Products

TIMPEL Category:Medical and Hospital Equipment

TITTANIUM FIX Category: Dental Products

TONEDERM Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

TRANSMAI Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

VENTURA BIOMÉDICA Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

VIDA BIOMÉDICA Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

VIPI Category: Dental Products

WAMA Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

WEM Category: Medical and Hospital Equipment

EXPEDIENT Brazilian Health Devices Magazine is published by Publimed Editora in a partnership with ABIMO and Apex-Brasil to promote the Brazilian medical and dental industry in major international events of the sector.


Rua Marechal Hermes da Fonseca, 482 Sala 4 – 02020-0000 São Paulo – SP – Brazil Phone: + 55 11 3966-2000

Av. Paulista, 1.313 8º andar – Sala 806 01311-923 São Paulo – SP – Brazil Phone: + 55 11 3285-0155

The advertisers are exclusively responsible by the content presented in the ads. The whole or partial reproduction of the articles and/or matters is forbidden without previous written authorization.

General Director Adilson Luiz Furlan de Mendonça

President Franco Pallamolla

Administrative Director Vanessa Borjuca Santos

Vice-President Walban Damasceno Silva

Editorial Director Leda Lúcia Borjuca

Treasurer Director Dr. Luis Calistro Balestrassi

Content/Text Edition

Journalist Carol Gonçalves

Superintendent Paulo Fraccaro

Business Manager Ronaldo de Almeida Santos

Brazilian Health Devices Project Manager Clara Porto

Journalist Deborah Rezende

Relationship Manager Andréa Neves de Mendonça

Translation and proofreading Fernanda de Alexandro

Graphic Design Lilian Carmona

Circulation: 2015/2016


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