Brazilian Health Devices 2014/2015

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Hosting foreign business and tourists For the 5th consecutive year, we are pleased to deliver in your hands another edition of the Brazilian Health Devices, a publication by Publimed Editora in a partnership with ABIMO – Brazilian Medical, Dental, Hospital and Laboratory Devices Manufacturers Association and ApexBrasil – Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Association. The magazine is distributed in trade shows and international events with the purpose to present the country and its whole developing potential aiming to facilitate the accomplishment of new business in the health area and to encourage the whole world to get to know a little more about this huge green and yellow nation. Already a few years ago, development has been the key-word for such South American country. During 2013 and along the first quarter of 2014, the Brazilian medical and hospital industry has been going very well, especially due to the economic model adopted by the country, defending the insertion into the consumption

market of the lowest income ranges which gradually have attained a higher consumption power, and, consequently started taking better care of their health. An important factor to the accelerating development was the arrival of foreign investments, which have brought into the luggage new jobs, more advanced technologies, and changing the way of management, which have contributed for the improvement in the companies’ competitiveness. In the last five years, the Brazilian economy has increased 147% as to its Direct Foreign Investment (IDE) volume. In 2009, Brazil was occupying the tenth-second position in the ranking of the countries receiving the IDE flows around the world, and in 2013, it started occupying the fifth position, only behind the United States, China, Russia and Hong Kong. On June of 2014, the world had the opportunity to learn a little more about Brazil through the accomplishment of the FIFA World Cup. Both foreign visitors and the international press considered the country a perfect host, the event was very well organized, and undoubtedly, they would recommend a trip to the Brazilian lands to their friends and family. The World Cup has beaten the record of audience in several countries in such an extent to surpass the NBA final and the baseball in the USA, in a total of 517 hours of uninterrupted transmissions. It was 15 thousand kilometers of optic fiber networking, interconnecting 12 stadiums, supporting a volume of 166 terabytes. As to the social network interactions, they were over three billion, and this has made the event the largest happening on the social network in the planet. Added to the economical development, political stability, innovation, incomparable natural beauties, an amazing gastronomy, the tropical climate, and above all, a warming and hosting people, Brazil is the ideal destination for business and amusement tours!

So, come and

visit us!

A promising interaction also to other countries which adopt certification standard demands similar to the North-American’s. In all those markets, products of the health sector are submitted to strict quality control and accreditation demands as well. Due to this, it deserves highlight the ABIMO’s actions along the World Cup developed by Apex-Brasil, which brought professionals responsible by the regulation of the sector in the South American countries, especially from Colombia and Peru in their agenda with Brazilian authorities from the sector. Mauricio Borges CEO for Apex-Brasil

The first edition of the Medical World Americas Trade Show held in Houston (USA) has marked an unseen approaching between Brazilian entrepreneurial entities actuating in the medical, hospital and dental areas. For the first time, the sectors of medical-dental equipments, pharmaceutical and chemical products, biotechnology and software participated together in the event. The interaction between ABIMO, ABIQUIFI, SOFTEX and BIORIO, which may become one of the most important trade shows in the world for the medical and hospital area is a way to take advantage of the synergies among those sectors, thus enhancing the visibility on the quality of the Brazilian products and services. The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil), as a partner of the four institutions in their exporting projects, fosters those joined actions by considering that besides of allowing a higher effectiveness in the use of financial resources, such interaction also contributes to increase the visibility of the Brazilian products and services abroad. Such joined participation gets further relevance by having incurred in an action held in the United States as well, a market that is deemed a world reference due to its high consumption standard, and its demanding to acquiring quality products. Due to this, it also deserves a highlight the advancements of companies associated to the Brazilian Health Devices Sector Project, a partnership by Apex-Brasil and ABIMO, and the companies participating in the FDA Certification Incentive Program have been attaining the certificate for their products. The FDA certification is a big step to start exporting not only to the United States, but

The same Copa Project targeted some actions developed along the Arab Health and Africa Health trade shows. Added to the business promotion, those trade shows have also actuated through specific actions aimed to the definition of the guests coming to Brazil during the World Cup, and this certainly have contributed to the accomplishment of new business with East Middle and African markets. Further to consolidating relationships, those actions propitiate to spread and provide visibility and business to Brazil. The balance of those actions performed by the Brazilian Health Devices project has recorded an 8.2% increase in its exported volume, having jumped from little over US$ 129,4 million in 2012 to US$ 140,1 million in 2013. Such advancement has represented 32.1% of everything exported by the sector along that year. There are 164 companies participating in the project, being 118 exporters with an average exported amount of US$ 145,6 thousand in 2013, a 13.5% higher result than that attained in 2012. Along 2013, a total amount of 116 Brazilian products were exported to 134 countries. United States continue being the major buyer for the sector with amounts surpassing US$ 9,5 million. Bolivia is in the second position with US$ 4,2 million, followed by Colombia (US$ 4,1 million), Mexico (US$ 3,8 million) and Argentina (US$ 3,8 million). Among the 10 major buyers of the Brazilian health products, it is Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Turkey, and Venezuela. The partnership between Apex-Brasil and ABIMO to foster business and the image of the products from the sector has been going for 12 years, and it will continue for a long time towards the business accomplishment, prospecting new markets and with other innovative actions to make the products from the sector even more competitive to the international market.

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Opportunities in every continent

Franco Pallamolla CEO – ABIMO

Exporting is not an easy task. There are a lot of barriers, but we have good exportation cases and outcomes in the country guiding us as an example. There are many challenges for those actuating in the health sector, mainly as to exportation. But whenever the Brazilian companies succeed in surpassing such barriers – whether they are regulatory, cultural or logistic – opportunities come from every continent. Commercial expansion abroad certainly brings positive and important results to the companies, but it is the internationalization as a business that brings a kind of long lasting organization learning, which helps to develop its competitiveness both abroad and in Brazil. This is the main work performed by the Brazilian Health Devices project. To provide assistance to companies to face and cope with the challenge of increasing exportations for the domestic industries.

Through a comparison between 2011 and 2013, those companies have increased their indexes in 7.1% during the same period, and they account for almost 26% of the health equipment exportations. Surely, such outcome certifies that our project is in the right path, and another ascertainment came with the Apex-Brasil Award: Our program to foster the FDA accreditation was the winner case to recognize the efforts from the partner entities of the agency, further to assisting the companies to achieve the North-American accreditation, and consequently becoming increasingly internationally competitive. I must also comment about the companies associated to the project which were present in the prize awarding soiree: in the medium-sized category, the winner was Bio-Art Equipamentos Odontológicos with the case “The voice of the client”, as well as Magnamed, which was also honored in the category “Exporting Performance” in micro and small-sized companies. Receiving such recognition is very important both to ABIMO and to the members of the Brazilian Health Devices. To be nominated and even winning has shown that we are following the correct strategy to the trade promotion of our products. With our actions, we are searching to foster the opportunity to place the industry in a display, helping Apex-Brasil to construct the country’s brand for the sector and the perception of the attributes we want to point out in the Brazilian industry. We are confident in the continuity of our work!

On the opposite side of the results attained by the trading balance in the Brazilian health sector, the companies associated to the project have presented better results than the national industry as a whole. Being mainly formed by small and medium-sized companies, such industry is highlighted by developing a good cost-effectiveness ratio, thus assuring an excellent exporting potential.


A special

look on Brazil

Brazil, whose official name is Federative Republic of Brazil, is the largest South American country, and the fifth largest in the world both as to the territory area and population. The country has 8,515,767 sqm of total area which comprises 8,460,415 km² of land, and 55,352 sqm of waters. The Brazilian coastline is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and it is bordered by ten South-American republics: Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, French Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela. Due to the fact it presents a wide territory, Brazil is considered a continental country, which means that its physical dimensions attains proportions of a real continent, by occupying 1.7% of the whole Earth’s surface, 5.7% of immerse lands in the planet, 20.8% of the whole American continent, and 47.3% of the South American surface. It is formed by plateaus and plains, with a tropical climate in major part of its territory, although some of its zones may be classified as temperate. The largest Brazilian river, the Amazonas, is also the longest. The forest which covers the Amazonas river basin constitutes almost half of the equatorial forests in the planet Earth. Its GDP (Gross Domestic Product), a macroeconomics indicator used which has as main goal to measure the economic activity in a given region is 2,253 trillion USD, and the per capita GDP is 11,339.52 USD, according to data related to 2012. As it is characteristic in countries of the New World, Brazilian people do not constitute a homogeneous ethnical group, and therefore,

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is located in the state of Minas Gerais, and it is called Serra da Saudade. The census has shown that those cities with 100 to 500 thousand inhabitants, which are considered medium-sized, are now in a high growth stage.

it has no traditional anthropology, a Brazilian “race”. A Brazilian can also be a person born in other country, or even a foreign citizen living in Brazil who requested a Brazilian citizenship. The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics – IBGE announced in the end of August, 2014 the size of the Brazilian population, and proving that there was a 0.86% increase in relation to 2013: 202,768,562 inhabitants. The 25 largest cities in the country concentrate a quarter of the whole Brazilian population, being the biggest cities São Paulo (SP), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), and Salvador (BA). The smallest city, with less than one thousand inhabitants

UN records an increase in the life expectation in the country Life expectation in Brazil has increased 17.9% between 1980 and 2013, having passed from 62.7 to 73.9 years, an actual increase of 11.2 years. The advancement was outlined in the 2014 Human Development Report published by the United Nations Development Program (PNUD). Such growth was possible due to some measures focusing the fight against malnutrition, reducing child and maternal mortality, enlarging the access to vaccines and free medication, improving the healthcare both for mothers and babies, treating chronicdegenerative diseases and the socalled violent deaths, among other actions in the area of basic care, urgencies and emergences. The report places the country in the 79th position in the ranking of the Human Development Index (IDH) amongst 187 countries, with a value of 0.744 (36.4% category of High Human Development). Between 1980 and 2013, the IDH value in Brazil has increased 36.4%. Such index is above the 0.735 average for countries among the group of High Human Development, and above the average of 0.740 for Latin America and Caribbean countries. Also, there was an increase in the life expectation in the last years: in 2010, the estimation was 73.1 years, and in 2013, it has passed to 73.9 years. These results would

be even better if PNUD had used updated data to elaborate the report. The international institution used a 2010 projection from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics – IBGE to attain the 73.9 years index. If it regarded the 2013 statistics already available by IBGE, life expectancy at birth would raise to 74.8 years. By using those figures, the country would jump from its position 79th to the 67th. Related to the expectancy of years of education, Brazil is better than other countries members of the BRICS (Russia, India, China, and South Africa) and neighbor nations, thus disclosing that there is an inclusion and school attendance improvement effort. The process is recognized in the report. The report also shows that inequalities in Brazil are decreasing. Brazilian’s IDH adjusted to such inequality (IDHAD) was 0.542 in 2013, with a 27% loss in relation to the IDH. That loss has been decreasing along the past years: it was 29.6% in 2006. Several factors have contributed for such increase in the life expectation in Brazil. Between 1996 and 2006, the country has halved its index of child malnutrition. Other strong point was the immunization of the population. Presently, it is freely offered 42 types of immunobiologicals which are distributed among 34 thousand vaccination posts. Since 2010, it was included new vaccines to protect the population, such as the combined meningococcal, tetra viral and the vaccine against the HPV virus. Moreover, there was an 82.2% reduction in the risk for death caused by abortion and



enlargement of strategies encouraging the humanized normal childbirth, and intensifying the total healthcare both to mothers and children by the reproductive planning until the second year of the child’s life. Aiming to prevent and to attain a 2% reduction per year in the early death rates (30-69 years old) for Chronic Non Communicable Diseases, the Ministry of Health has been pursuing to improve those indicators related to the smoking and drinking habits, inadequate food, physical inactivity, and obesity. Since its launching in 2011 until 2012, such target had been surpassed – with a 3% reduction in those death rates. In the last decade, the percentage of reduction was of 20%, thus improving health indicators.

Searching for healthier food solutions Brazilian food industries have reduced in one year 1,295 tons of sodium in three types of foods: loaf of bread, buns, and instant noodles. It is forecasted that the withdrawal of such item, which first started in 2011, will attain above 1.8 thousand tons until the end of 2014. Such gains in the people’s diet are the result of a co-operation agreement between the Ministry of Health and the Brazilian Association of Food Industries (ABIA) through the monitoring of the sodium usage in industrialized foods. Such reduction in the content of sodium in the Brazilians’ diet will be materialized in the long term reduction in the amount of deaths caused by Non Communicable Diseases, such as infarction and stroke. The forecast is that until 2020, more than 28 thousand tons of sodium will be out of the shelves, as the result of the four Terms of Commitment signed between the Ministry of Health and ABIA. Such partnership gathers a total of 16 categories of food items, representing more than 90% of sodium in industrialized products. The over-consumption of salt is related to the risk for Non Communicable Diseases (DCNT), such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases and renal failure, among others. DCNTs are responsible by 63% and 72% of death all around the world and in Brazil, respectively. One third of those deaths occur in younger than 60 year old persons. If the sodium consumption will be reduced to the amount recommended by the WHO, for instance, deaths caused by stroke can be reduced in 15% and the deaths by infarction in 10%. Brazil has attained important results in this area in the past years. Furthermore, it has surpassed the target set to reduce the early mortality caused by chronic diseases, which formerly was of 2% per year. Nevertheless, between 2010 and 2011, the index of early mortality (30 to 70 years old) by DCNT was of 3.8%. The expectation is to reach 25% in 2022.

Those researches are quite relevant for SUS, since they have a major influence on strategic governmental decisions and in the consolidation of public policies. Along the last 10 years, the Brazilian public sector became globally competitive. Today, Brazilian investment in researches related to the Brazilian GDP is equivalent to the investments made in biggest countries around the world. These figures were presented during the event “Sciences, Technology and Innovation at SUS: integration between scientific knowledge and health policies” held in Brasília, capital city of the country. During the meeting that gathered around 700 persons from the scientific community, it was disclosed the results of researches funded by the government approaching pertinent themes related to the public healthcare, such as maternal health, treatments of the most prevalent diseases among the population, and impact of strategic public policies for the Brazilian people.

Brazil increases


in Health researches In 2013, the Ministry of Health invested R$ 248,7 million to the development of researches in the Health area – a seven times higher amount when compared to 2011, when R$ 35,5 millions were spent. Such investment incentivizes researchers to find innovative solutions to be applied on the Unique Healthcare System (SUS) and to improve the health care for the users. From the total resources invested that year, R$ 104 million were for national edicts. Another R$ 79 million were applied in state edicts. The remaining R$ 59, 2 million were invested in the direct hiring of research institutions.

On that occasion, the Brazilian government signed a partnership agreement with a British institution worldwide leader in researches assessing health technologies. The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (Nice), an independent agency of the British Health Ministry will be developing along with the Brazilian agency a program to assess important health technologies to the public health care of the two countries. Both of them have a free universal health care system to the population. Brazil and the United Kingdom will exchange their respective knowledge and competences in order to use even more sciences and technology at the SUS to benefit the universal access. Along the meeting, it was announced a R$ 47,1 million investment in 75 new research projects, which will comprise the construction of the National Network of Research on Health Policies and the strengthening of the Brazilian Network of Health Technologies Assessment, added to the development of new therapies and improvement of the treatment of endocrine and metabolic disorders.

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Program to foster studies in university hospitals Clinical researches are studies performed in human beings with the purpose to assess the effectiveness and safety of health inputs. The results from those studies provide subsidies for the registration of medications, vaccines, diagnosis kits and equipments. Such registration allows incorporating and acquiring such inputs by the country’s health care system besides of assuring that those items get into the market in a competitive way, thus promoting technological innovation. A ministerial decree has created the Ebserh Program of Clinical Researches for the Unique Health System (EPECSUS). The initiative sets an effective and safe management model in the accomplishment of studies in federal university hospitals with the purpose to improve the process from its definition of flow and liabilities up to the budget execution of those projects, as well as the relationship with sponsors. The priority is to motivate the growth of studies which are not interesting to the market, but are fundamental to the health care system with a direct impact on the Brazilian population. Besides of providing further safety and improving the monitoring by the government, the program will enable the social returning of public investments and the use of the institutions’ infrastructure and inputs. In Brazil, 971 clinical research projects have been approved by the Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) during the 2010-2012 period, and 65% of the studies were performed by federal university hospitals.

International partnerships Germany year in Brazil: Where Ideas Connect Brazil and Germany have strengthened their relationship with the “Germany Years in Brazil 2013 – 2014” and having as theme “Where Ideas Connect”, both countries have shown how such strategic partnership can deal with the challenges posed by the 21st century, by means of a number of activities and initiatives in the areas of politics, economy, culture, education, sciences, sustainable development and sports. Those tasks comprise major challenges such as the fight against cancer, and thus, the Quantitative Imaging in Oncology (QUINO) research network by the worldwide known German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg working together with the São Paulo Oncology Center and the Sírio-Libanês Hospital in São Paulo. Those Brazilian centers are testing a unique software developed by Mint Medical to control and follow the tumor. In a sole topographic examination by magnetic resonance, it is possible to provide up to two thousand isolated images. Such data must be assessed based on traceable parameters in order to attain an effective picture of the disease. The software prepares data in a so compact format that the doctor will be able to recognize immediately in what extent a given patients is responding to a specific treatment. This way, the patient will get a precious time in the fight against the disease.



Researchers expose in China a picture of sciences in Brazil The need to strengthen bonds between Brazilian and Chinese people in the field of sciences and technology is more and more clear following the growth in both countries in different areas from the academic research to the productive sector. Part of discussions to enlarge the Chinese-Brazilian partnership was increased on April of 2014, when it was held in Beijing the FAPESP Week Beijing – Brazil-China Scientific Collaboration.

The event was promoted by the Research Support Foundation of the SĂŁo Paulo State (FAPESP) together with the Peking University (the English acronym PKU) gathering researchers from both countries to discuss studies in the areas of materials sciences, environment, renewable energies, agriculture, life sciences, medicine and health. The main target of the symposium was to increase the relationship between Brazilian and Chinese researchers from different educational and research institutions with the purpose to promote joint studies to benefit the population from both countries.

Recognition Brazilian study rewarded at the American Clinical Oncology Congress A research has concluded that the medicinal plant from the Amazon Rainforest Uncaria Tomentosa, popularly known as Unha de Gato helps to improve the quality of life in patients bearers of solid advanced tumors, and it was rewarded in the Congress of the North American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in the category of Merit Award held in Chicago (EUA). The research was developed by the Brazilian Institute of Cancer Control (IBCC), a reference hospital in the treatment of the disease in a partnership with the ABC Medicine College (FMABC), and it is recognized by being exclusively produced in Brazil.

Autonomous and independent life to hemophiliacs Along the 2014 WFH World Congress, which was held in Melbourne, Australia, the Brazilian Federation of Hemophilia (FBH) and the Technical Assistance Committee in Coagulopathies from the Ministry of Heal and the General Coordination of Blood and Blood Derivates were rewarded by the major advancement in the treatment of hemophilia in the country. Today, Brazil offers to the patients a similar treatment to those of more developed countries. By means of federal intervention, the Ministry of Health has tripled the acquisition of the clotting factor, and this has allowed to implementing primary and secondary prophylactic treatments to the immune tolerance and the dispensation of the clotting factors for home treatment enabling hemophiliac persons to get a full autonomous and independent life. By using such clotting factor in a preventive way upon the event of any accident or even a simple torsion, the blood system will be protected.

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Technological advancements The first device of full sequencing of the human genome in Latin America Biogenetika, a Brazilian company which is reference in molecular diagnosis and genomics medicine has just acquired the first desk device to provide the full sequencing of the human genomics in Latin America being the hundredth around the globe. Such acquisition poses an advancement in the predictive genetics in the country, as it performs the process spending 30% of time and increasing the possibility of advancement in scientific researches. The integral sequencing of the human genomics is indicated for patients with cancer and with undiagnosed genetic diseases.

Brazilian medication accelerates HIV researches The organizers of the 6th International Workshop on the HIV – Persistency Along the Therapy which was held in Miami, United States on December of 2013 published by the NATAP (National Aides Treatment Advocacy Project) a summary of the presentations performed during the worldwide summit signed by the American expert in HIV researches, David Margolis. In the official material, Margolis pointed out the advancements and recognized the importance of the researchers performed by a Brazilian team which is developing a medication capable to take the HIV virus out of its latent state – one of the problems presently challenging scientists all over the world. Along the workshop, it was presented tests successfully performed with Rhesus monkeys at the Johns Hopkins University in, USA. After ministering the medication produced from the Ingenol-B, the animals had their viral load undetectable. With such promising results, the next step will be a deep analysis of tissues comparing the viral load indexes. This is a major advancement towards tests in human beings.


Our medical industry sailing with the wind behind its sails ABIMO – Brazilian Medical, Dental, Hospital and Laboratory Devices and Equipments Association, in a partnership with the Getúlio Vargas Foundation – FGV presented the analysis of the economical markers for the Brazilian industry of medical, hospital and dental equipments (EMHO). By the data related to 2013 and the first half of 2014, the sector is going very well. Such scenario is due to the country’s economic pattern that advocates the insertion into the consumption of lower income level markets, and this have reached the Health sector. “We can mention as an example, low-income families who are attaining an extra income, and for the first time are able to get a health care plan, thus performing periodical physical examinations”, justifies the FGV’s economist and consultant, Robson Gonçalves.

The sector in numbers The good performance of the numbers is anchored to the increased productivity, an essential element to assure a continuing expansion. In 2013, industrial sectors represented by ABIMO contributed to the amount in the Brazilian GDP with around R$ 76,5 thousand related to each employed worker. Considering the 2009-2013 period, the rate growth in productivity of those sectors, already deducted the inflation of the sector, supersedes the performance of the

processing industry as a whole. In average, productivity in the sector had a yearly growth of 3% along that period. The daily follow-up is performed mainly through two direct markers for the sector: physical production and employment. Data from the physical production in the processing industry has shown a 2.7% increase, and the sectors comprised by ABIMO in the

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The invoicing in the sector From 2005 to 2013, the invoicing in the sector has attained more than 100%, reaching U$ 5.690 billion in 2013.

and productivity. “Even with a lot of difficulties inherent to our sector, we are on the opposite side of the whole scenario in the country. The sector comprised by ABIMO has managed better the industrial crisis even showing an improvement last year, and following growing this year as well”, believes the ABIMO superintendent, Paulo Fraccaro.

Fostering Brazilian exportations The Sector Project exercised by ABIMO in a partnership with Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Agency of Exportation and Investment Promotion) which is denominated Brazilian Health Devices has as purpose to foster exportations in the industry of items and equipments for the Health area. Brazilian Health Devices is the brand which gathers exporting industries from the sector and represents them internationally.

same comparison basis has attained 5.2%, which means, almost the double. In the first quarter of 2014 in relation to the same period of the previous year, physical production of the sectors comprised by ABIMO has accelerated 5.8%. The invoicing of those sectors has attained R$ 6,1 billion in 2013, presenting a nominal growth of 5.1% related to 2012. For 2014, such forecast is being kept. “With the physical production being kept, the invoicing must have a 7% increase”, it was estimated by the FGV consultant. The level of formal jobs in the sector of equipments and medical and dental items has attained 58,2 thousand job posts in 2013. Between 2012 and 2013, almost 1,5 thousand new job posts have been created, a record level in the historical series, representing an average growth of 2.6%. Only until June of 2014, the amount of jobs has increased to 59,7 thousand, and this stands for more than 1,5 thousand job posts created within six months. The sector is going so well since it is succeeding in transforming employment and production gains in additional efficiency

“The Brazilian Health Devices project operates in the construction of the country’s brand, and it is clearly responsible by the improvement in the perception of our attributes of our products by foreign consumers”, it was commented by the exportation manager for ABIMO, Paula Portugal. “Such result is reflected on those figures: upon a comparison between results from the first half of 2014 to the same period of the previous year, there was a 1.2% fall in the amount of importations and at the same time, exportations have increased 4.9%”. In 2013, almost 26% of exportations of equipments for the health sector in the country were accomplished by companies participating in the project: “Our companies are showing it is possible to reverse the trend path of the trade balance in the country”, finalizes Paula. As to the Brazilian Pharma Solutions, it is the internationalization project for the pharmochemical and pharmaceutical Brazilian sector developed by Abiquifi (Brazilian Association of the Pharmochemical and Pharmaceutical



Industry) along with Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Agency of Exportation and Investment Promotion). Such initiative has the purpose to expand the participation of companies from the productive chain in the Brazilian pharmaceutical and pharmochemical industry into the international scenario seeking to increase exportations, technical exchanging, investment attraction and the internationalization in the sector.

Pharmochemical and medication exportations The pharmochemical and pharmaceutical sector is also in a major expansion and development phase. During the first half of 2014, the Brazilian foreign trade of pharmochemical exportations - which are the active principle of medications - represented 19.47%, and in the first half of 2013, they represented 19.06%. O the other hand, importations represented respectively 80.53% and 80.94%, during the same period of the past two years. “It is not the case we have a shortage of quality in our production, since major part of our present production is destined to the First World countries”, it was said by the CEO for Abiquifi, Onésimo Azara Pereira: “The theme is also the same: It is necessary to reduce the so-called ‘cost Brazil’, and we need further regulatory stimulus for local entrepreneurs or foreign investors to be disposed to invest in Brazil, one of the main pharmaceutical markets in the world”. Brazilian exportations of active pharmaceutical inputs (IFAs) have attained up to June of 2014 the amount of US$ 215,6 million. The main destinations for such exportations are Germany, Canada, Stain, USA, The Netherlands, Italy, Japan, and Malaysia.

Strategies assure the quality of the Brazilian health products Brazil has mechanisms available operating in such an extent as to promote and protect the health. Anvisa – National Health Surveillance Agency is the governmental agency responsible by assuring the safety of the health services and products, participating in the construction to access them. For this, its actuation goes from the registration and authorization for such kind of products to be sold in the market up to the follow-up of their performances in the following post-marketing steps. Good Manufacturing Practices (BPF) are the rules that set the requirements applicable to the manufacturing of medical items from the methods and controls used in the design, purchasing, manufacturing, packaging, labeling, storage up to the installation, utilization and technical assistance for every item turned to the sector. Such legislation sets that every supplier of medical-hospital products must fulfill such requirements aiming to assure the safety and effectiveness as to their use. Added to this, such certification aggregates value to products and equipments, stating the rules to improve the companies’ performance. The quality criteria applied to the Brazilian products turned to the sector of Health has proven to have a quite important differentiation to promote the country in international markets, following towards the equivalence to the major producer of world technology.



Domestic pharmaceutical industries exceed in sales foreign industries Pharmaceutical industries with domestic capital composition have surpassed the multinational ones as to the invoicing in the first half of 2014. This is pointed out in the survey performed by the Association of National Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Alanac. Brazilian companies have recorded an R$ 15,7 billion invoicing between January and June of 2014, 51% of the total sales in the amount R$ 30,9 billion. The participation of the Brazilian companies as to the invoicing in the pharmaceutical sector is evolving. It was 48.7% during the first six months of 2013, when the total invoicing attained R$13,3 billion. The sales of domestic companies have presented an 18% growth in their invoicing during the first half of this year, above the average of the total market, which was of 13.2%. “The Brazilian pharmaceutical industry has been achieving competitiveness”, explains Henrique Tada, CEO for Alanac. Laboratories with domestic capital composition manufactures today 71% of the generic medications traded in the country as to units. It is the category where Brazilian companies

are stronger. Among similar medications, domestic companies respond for 68% of sales. Among original products, known as reference medication, the national participation is 18%. “We are no more a shelf industry. Today, we have conquered the preference of the medical class after a lot of approximation effort and persuasion on the quality, safety and effectiveness of our products”, he explains.

Our trade balance United States are the champions as to business with Brazil, both in importation and exportation. Between January and June of 2014, more than 32% of products imported by Brazil came from that country. On the other hand, we have sent to that country above 24% of all our exportation. Argentina is the second country importing equipments the most from Brazil. The champions in importations from Brazil during the first half were laboratory items, such as diagnostic reagents. Despite of this, such subgroup celebrates an 88% increase in their exportations. The exportation champions are consumables, such as adhesive dressings, sutures and catheters.

DENTISTRY RISING Dental industry started 2014 with a high-sized event always long-awaited: the International São Paulo Annual World Dental Congress (CIOSP), which is in its 32nd edition. Along four days, the business fair received almost 110 thousand professionals visiting more than 260 national and international exhibitors who presented ultimate launchings in the industry. It was 107 thousand participants inscribed, being 73,329 dental surgeons, 21,222 academics, and 1,600 foreign visitors coming from 54 countries, and these figures reinforce the importance of the event. To the Chairman of the São Paulo Association of Dental Surgeons (APCD), Dr. Adriano Forghieri, “the absolute success of the 32nd CIOSP reflects the good performance in the national dentistry, which is one of the best in the world”. ABIMO coproduced the event by acting in the political and institutional support. For Knud Sorensen, Vice-President for the ABIMO’s

dental sector, the partnership agreement set with APCD has a major importance: “It is the union of entities to promote an excellent dentistry, and placing Brazil on an advanced technological level”, he explains. Twenty-five ABIMO’s associates which are part of the Brazilian Health Devices project which is promoted in a partnership between Apex-Brazil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency), participated in a Round of Business held in that Congress. The action had the purpose to foster exportations for the Brazilian industry of dental products by approaching companies interested in acquiring our products. It participated in this edition, buyers from 13 countries: Australia, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Spain, USA, India, Jordan, Peru, Russia, Sweden, Turkey, and Venezuela. “At the end of the event, we have attained a result around 300 thousand dollars closed during the meeting”, it was explained by the coordinator of the ABIMO’s business intelligence, Katherine Guimarães. The generation of business performed from such contacts held during the event was of US$ 48 million.


Those centers provide oral health services free of any charges providing endodontic treatment, surgeries, treatment of the gum and diagnosis of oral cancer and, in some cases, making viable the placement of dental implants and orthodontic treatment.

Brazil participates in the campaign to celebrate the World Day of Oral Health The Brazilian Association of Dental Surgeons (ABCD) has launched in Brazil a campaign by the International Dental Federation (FDI) to celebrate globally the 2014 World Day of Oral Health/Celebrating Healthily Smiles – on March 20. As a regular member of that international entity ABCD gathering sections and regional offices all over Brazil follows the FDI’s guidance provided orientation to its member countries as to the importance of keeping a healthy mouth and teeth both for young and adult people along their whole life. The adhesion of the entity marked the Brazilian presence on the world map against oral diseases. For Sílvio Cecchetto, CEO for the Brazilian ABCD, which gathers 1/4 of dental surgeons in the world, has the obligation to turn such campaign into a national mobilization in order to motivate professionals and the whole population in the search for a better oral health. “As representative of the country that shelters the Federation, ABCD is committed to mobilize the 254 thousand Brazilian dental surgeons to work in such project aside professionals from above 50 countries who already joined the idea”, asserts Cecchetto. According to Tin Chun Wong, the Korean FDI’s CEO, “more than 90% of the worldwide population will suffer from some form of oral disease along their lives, but many of those can be treated or else prevented with a routine of daily oral care”.

The country has one thousand Dental Specialties Centers Brazil has one thousand Centers of Dental Specialties (CEO) available with resources provided by the “Brasil Sorridente” [Smiling Brazil] Program by the Ministry of Health, which is completing 10 years and provides benefits to 79,6 million inhabitants. In order to provide services to the population, the country counts on the work of 23,150 Oral Health Teams spread by 4,971 cities – corresponding to a 89.2% coverage from the total. Those one thousand specialty centers implemented are distributed through 808 cities. Until November of 2013, the Ministry of Health, by means of the “Brasil Sorridente” Program, government has invested R$ 803 million in resources destined both to the Oral Health Teams and to the Center of Dental Specialties.

“Brasil Sorridente” is the major public program of oral health around the world. The country was performing less than 100 thousand dental prostheses every year, and 2012 ended with 405 thousand and in 2013, it was attained 415 thousand prostheses, thus confirming the advancement achieved by the program. Created in 2004, it is part of the National Policy of Oral Health, forecasting a series of actions to facilitate and increase the access of the population to the free dental treatment through SUS – Unique Health System.

Data from dental industry Dental sector has managed to achieve a surplus in the trade balance year after year, an extremely positive result for our industry. The dental items production in the country has attained R$ 760 million in 2012, having presented a higher than US$ 13 million surplus: it was US$ 12,191,821.00 in dental equipments, according to survey from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation.



industries move millions abroad

More and more Brazilian companies are marking their presence in international events Paulo Henrique Fraccaro, Abimos’s VicePresident considers such participations are extremely positive. “Our industry is accomplishing in a very successful way every step towards the ambitious target to get US$ 1 billion in business with foreign markets until 2015, and within 10 years, to be among the five best global manufacturers of medical items of high and medium technological density”. The Brazilian Health Devices project supports the Brazilian participation in those events through a partnership between Abimo and Apex-Brazil.

MEDICA: A global display for launchings in the Health area Performed in Düsseldorf, Germany in November, MEDICA is the main international event in the sector of healthcare services and supplies around the world that actuates as a global display for the launchings in the area. For the 12th year, Brazil was present and assured a major visibility in the event by occupying a 612 sqm area, the greatest participation since it first started exhibiting in that international trade show. “In the last decade, Brazil has had a wonderful participation at the MEDICA. In 2013, it was more than 50 companies, and if we had got more space, our business entourage would be even greater”, Messe

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Quality of our industry in Dubai Dusseldorf’s CEO, Joachim Schäfer evaluated. In this edition, 52 companies are integrating the Brazilian business entourage, and added to the main pavilion, for the first time Brazil was represented by four companies in the area exclusively dedicated to Laboratories and Diagnosis, with the purpose to strengthen the Brazilian’s image as a supplier of items for the sector and to establish more effective business for those companies. Along the event, meetings were held with prospective clients from more than 100 countries, attaining a total of US$ 2 million in business closed with 39 of those countries, with the possibility to get US$ 15 million resulting from such contacts. “Added to the technological information for the products, it is important to present differentiated attractions in the Brazilian Pavilion. MEDICA is one of the major tools in the project to reach the US$ 1 billion exportation target”, it was commented by the ABIMO’s Commercial Coordinator of Trade Promotion, Clara Porto.

Being considered the second greatest event in the Health area around the world and the main turned to medical equipments in that region, Arab Health is held on January in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The trade show has an increasing importance for the Brazilian industry, becoming a mandatory gate for manufacturers actuating in exportations. In its 2013 edition, by means of a research performed by Abimo with prospective clients from 32 Middle Eastern countries, Africa, and Asia, 91% of the interviewed persons considered Brazil a “global player” in the healthcare products and services sector. From these, 70% ranked Brazilian products as having a “good quality”. In 2014, the space destined to Brazilian exhibitors had 39 exhibitors, who closed US$ 1,185,400.00 business and left the event with expectations for new commercial achievements around US$ 17 million. “The sales volume and the business expectation represented a record of participation, and the participating companies defined 2014 as the best edition of all”, it was explained by Clara Porto.

Brazilians negotiate Health solutions in the greatest trade show in United States

Center, and its targets are medical-hospital companies, distributors and professionals looking for products, services and new technologies in the sector.

Along August of every year, it takes place in the state of Florida, United States the FIME (Florida International Medical Equipment Trade Show), the most important event aimed to health in that country directed to Latin America. It is held at the Miami Beach Convention

For the 12th successive year, that trade show had a Brazilian Pavilion composed by 35 companies associated to the Brazilian Health Devices. In 2014, it was performed 1,213 business contacts, yielding profits around 29


US$ 664 thousand and resulting in the possibility of closing new contracts of approximately US$ 14 million. “We noted an increase of expectations when compared to the previous year. The amount of visitor countries has grown, and the meetings with prospective clients were more effective, disclosing that our companies are more mature and prepared to participate in international events of this magnitude”, explained Clara Porto. According to data raised by Abimo, Latin American countries have bought approximately US$ 160 million from Brazilian industries of medical and dental supplies along the first half of 2014, representing an excellent share of 42% of the importer market of national products. Argentina alone is responsible by almost 10% of such market, and Mexico, Colombia, Chile and Paraguay appear in the sequence, representing together a little above 20%.

The biggest healthcare event in Americas Hospitalar Trade Show + Forum – International Trade Show of Products, Equipments, Services and Technologies for Hospitals, Laboratories, Pharmacies, Clinics and Medical Offices is held every year in Brazil during May in the city of São Paulo. The event occupies all the five Expo Center Norte pavilions located in the Northern region of the city, with 98,000 sqm of built area and 76,447 sqm of exhibition area. Hospitalar is the biggest specialized event in the area all over the American continent. It is considered the most complete display of products in the health area. The trade show presents thousands of items in medical equipments, products, and services, besides of acting as a stage for new launchings and a meeting spot between suppliers and their prospective clients. In 2014, there was 1,250 exhibitors and 90,000 professional visits including researchers, thinkers from the health sector and thousand of hospital executives, doctors, nurses, and every professional who got purchasing decision in hospitals, clinics, medical offices and laboratories. The 2014 Hospitalar Forum received 10 thousand participants, thus reassuring the event as the most important for professional updating both in Brazil and Latin America. It gathered 60 simultaneous events, workshops, seminars and sectoral meetings, and it was stage for relevant debates, discussions and reflections about the area. The initiative was performed together with the most representative entities in the health’s productive chain.


By Abimo

APEX AWARD ABIMO won the APEX award with the program of assistance to the North American accreditation Franco Pallamola and Paula Portugal from ABIMO receive the Prize

The Brazilian Agency for Promotion of Exports and Investments (Apex-Brasil) delivered the Apex-Brasil Award of Excellence in Exportation to representatives of five entrepreneurial categories for their exportation performance recorded along 2012 and 2013. Other 17 initiatives and entrepreneurial leaderships which believe in Brazil and are investing in competitive and innovative and distinct products in international markets were honored as well. With the theme Brasil Beyond or “O Brasil que Vai Além”, this was the 5th edition of the biannual award. Mauricio Borges, Apex’s CEO explained that such initiative is the recognition for those who were highlighted in actions to promote Brazilian exportations and attraction of investments, thus contributing for the Brazilian development. Borges has also emphasized the great collaboration that the rewarded, finalists and honored ones represent to the Brazilian exportations. “These are companies, entities and persons who have a look that goes beyond, with an actuation that refreshes the country’s image in the global market, and that makes us more and more competitive”, he pointed out. In the category that ABIMO was rewarded, it was competing entities representing sectors of the industry and commerce/services which executed projects by sector to foster exportations in a partnership with Apex-Brasil comprising innovative initiatives implemented during the period from January/2012 to December/2013. The case rewarded was the FDA Fostering Accreditation Program (PIC FDA), promoted by the Brazilian Heath Devices project to provide assistance in the achievement of the North American accreditation from the Food and Drug Administration. The idealization of a project such as the PIC FDA has appeared from the increasing demand

from companies by the support to achieve international accreditation, as it was explained the ABIMO’s exportation manager, Paula Portugal: “The Health sector depends on the quality and safety stamps, in such a way that we see the program as a trade promotion action”, she explained. “We intend to improve the image of the Brazilian health products in order to increase sales not only in the USA, but to several other markets associated to the FDA’s reliability and quality stamp”. Countries such as Chile, Jordan, Israel, Mexico and Saudi Arabia, among other also demand such accreditation. “Receiving such recognition is very important for ABIMO and for the Brazilian Health Devices members as well”, it was celebrated by Paula. “To be a nominee and winning show us we are following the right strategy towards the trade promotion both of our industry and products”, she concluded.

The associates rewarded Companies associated to ABIMO were also present: in the category of Medium Company, the winner was Bio-Art Dental Equipments with the case “The Voice of the Client”. The company drawn the attention for its persistence in achieving the American market. In 2007, in the major world event in the sector, the IDS trade show, a Dentsply representative, one of the larger dental companies in the world started negotiating an exclusive trade agreement with USA and Canada, the vacuum mold plasticizer (Plastvac) created by Bio-Art. Magnamed was also honored in the category “Exporting Performance” (micro and small companies). “The participation in international trade shows is essential to the business” it was explained by the CEO and partner, Wataru Ueda. Since 2007, the company displays its products in the major trade show in the sector which is held in the Arab Emirates, United States and Germany. Magnamed started exporting back in 2011, and presently, it sends around 65% of its pulmonary ventilation devices to 26 countries.

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The Brazilian health industry: innovative, proactive and competent

The industry of health products is one of the more vital and dynamic sectors in the economy. The worldwide sales invoicing of such items was estimated in U$ 289 billion in 2009, and it is being forecasted that it will attain U$ 487 billion in 2016, thus resulting in a yearly growth of 7%. It is expected that developing economies such as Brazil, China, and India will take the next growth wave to the market of health products. Brazil plays a strategic role in the economic and geopolitical global arena. Its industry of medical, dental, hospital and laboratory products is innovative, proactive and competent, being able to supply 90% of the domestic market needs, exporting for more than 180 countries and generating about 60 thousand jobs. Next, some of the major companies from the area, their products and differential of actuation.

Schioppa For more than 20 years, Schioppa Rodas e Rodízios actuates in the exporting market, being present in countries such as United States, United Kingdom, Israel, China, India, Beirut, Portugal, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Uruguay, Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Kenya. Luciano Rodrigues Barbosa, Export Manager, informs that the process has begun from some contacts performed during international tradeshows in Brazil, as the Logistics Trade Show, the Hospitalar and the Mechanics Trade Show. “Fortunately, major investments in technology and innovation have been performed by us, making us to be known in the foreign market by providing us competitiveness as to quality of product in the American and European markets. Along the last 10 years, we might say that we had a higher than 1,500 % growth in our exportations. We are today the largest company around the world in terms of diversity of products in the wheel caster sector”, he points out. The main items turned to the foreign market are the wheel caster for hospital equipments and for the automotive sector. Among other highlights in the health sector it is the Diamond Series composed by wheel casters with an exclusive profile and designed to be used in equipments which need hard-wearing components with a wide range of movement. They are able to support 100 kg per piece, and they are manufactured in polyamide nylon 6.0 with double wheels, a thermoplastic rubber treat pattern and shielded ball bearing.


PROTEC With a brand representing the strength of the Brazilian technology in the manufacturing and trading of life support equipments, Protec has started in the exporting market since 2001 through trading companies in the beginning, and from 2007 on by direct exportations. “We started the process participating in business rounds in Latin American countries, in 2008 in South Africa, and from 2009 on participating in international trade shows such as MEDICA, FIME and Arab Health”, explains the Director, Alexander Massadi. The main products exported by Protec are equipments for the medicinal gases networking, such as flow meters and aspirators for gas networking. The company has already exported to Argentina, Armenia, Bolivia, Chile, El Salvador, Peru, Paraguay and Uruguay. “In 2014, the volume of exportations has decreased a lot, probably due to the major competition posed by China which has products similar to ours. In the future, the intent is to export more technological items and with a higher aggregated value, such as the surgical aspirators Evolution and the R&D Mediq analyzers/simulators”, he exposes. The most recent version of the Evolution line is the model 10.000, which brings a new technology with an intermittent module function that causes the aspirator to turn the motor automatically on and off at a preset time adjusted by the user. It has a powerful vacuum motor with a linear system offering the optimum performance and presenting an effective suction capability, besides of being extremely silent with a lower than 55db noise rate. The new version has as accessory two transparent and resistant to impact bottles manufactured in high quality polysulfone, autoclavable at 134o, with a capacity of five liters each. It still has an electronic anti-buoyancy system that monitors the aspiration flow and interrupts immediately the process as soon as the collector bottle reaches its maximum capacity.

HOSPIMETAL Founded in 1984, Hospimetal presents excellent performance and technology levels in manufacturing medical and hospital equipments. By holding an advanced technique to work with stainless steel, it is present all over Brazil and in several countries. “We initiated exporting to India in 2003, and in that same year, we participated as exhibitors in the FIME Trade Show in the United States”, tells the Director, Wiliam Donisete de Paula. According to him, Hospimetal’s foreign sales represent a small percentage in relation to the domestic sales; nevertheless, it is a way to be more present. “We sell from the simpler to more complex items, depending on the country or final client”, he explains. In the American continent, countries such as Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Jamaica, Dominica Republic, and Mexico have already received products from the company. In Africa, they have marked presence in South Africa, Angola, Tanzania, Ghana, Algeria and Morocco. In Asia, they are present in India, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syrian, Kuwait, Palestine, Iraq and United Arab Emirates. In Europe, Portugal and Poland have already purchased items from the company. “Through our participation in three international tradeshows in the sector (FIME, MEDICA and Arab Health), added to the Hospitalar Trade Show in Brazil, we are always searching for new distributors. Our international client portfolio is composed by companies which are faithful to our product from the moment we started exporting”, Wiliam points out. Hospimetal was granted with the following certifications: CE Brand, ISO 9001:2008, ISO 13485:2004, RDC 59:2000 Good Manufacturing Practices, TÜV: Conformity Certificates, FIESP: Free Trade Statement, and Anvisa: Certificate for Foreign Governments. The company has an European representative for the CE Brand, Obelis (

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Deltronix A genuine Brazilian company, Deltronix is in the market since 1970 producing equipments to the hospital sector. It started actuating in the exportation market fifteen years ago, in a process started through an incentive group denominated BHP – Brazilian Health Devices that gathered the main companies in the sector from the Ribeirão Preto region, countryside of the São Paulo state. All the electric scalpel, coagulators, smoke evacuator lines and the accessories manufactured by the brand are turned to the foreign market, and they have already been sent to countries such as Paraguay, Mexico, Indonesia, Israel, Colombia, Venezuela, Chile, Lebanon, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Cape Verde, Morocco, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Panama, Nicaragua, Thailand, Uruguay, Guatemala and Angola. “We are always in the search for new markets and working to strengthen even more the relationship with our present clients. Our line of equipments is quite steady, but we are always inserting some technological novelties and adjustments to fit to the specifications set by each market and country, which pass through changes along the years”, it was pointed out by the CEO, Dr. José Baptista Portugal Paulin. With the announcement of new products, the company expects to attain an outstanding position in the electrosurgical sector within the next 12 months. Among the novelties are the electronic Precision TC (Touch Control) scalps and the RC (Rotary Control) using ultimate microprocessors and designed to be used in low, medium and high complex surgeries, allowing the simultaneous work of two surgeons. The equipments perform cutting and coagulation in humid field driven by a double-pedal or an electrode-holder pen with digital command that allows every kind of endoscopic resection. Both lines offer two 400, 300 and 200 Watt options. The wave form of each function was adjusted for cardiovascular surgeries, also tested and approved for mammary resection.

Magnamed Magnamed exports for 10 years, and it has been present in 35 countries, also setting a partnership with the Arabian and African markets, thanks to its participation in specific events with professionals speaking Arabian and English languages. According to Reginaldo Damião, Comex manager, the most important in the exporting process is to know the market of actuation, in order to be aware on how much it is possible to invest to achieve satisfactory results. “This way, we have leveraged our sales of the transport ventilator Oxymag, a different product that offers mechanical ventilation possibilities for every kind of patient even neonatal. The equipment had an excellent acceptance in several countries, mainly in South Africa”, he informs. The transport ventilators manufactured by the brand have an extra high standard of technical development and technological innovation. Magnamed has launched recently the ICU ventilators, and it has already started the internationalization process of those equipments. For the next 12 months, it expects to increase its comprehensiveness by announcing new products with technical specifications adequate to the major part of the foreign markets, thus making feasible its distribution.




Sincron is pioneer in Nurse Call Systems, and it has been in the market for more than 80 years. Liliana Chiodo Cherfen, head of the company, explains that exportations have begun in 2005 with the new management. “As Latin America lacks such kind of such kind of technology, distributors from countries as Angola, Bolivia, Uruguay, Peru and Colombia were searching those equipments in Brazil, and this has driven us towards a natural exporting process”, she says. She tells that deriving from the association with Abimo, Sincron has started a professionalization process prioritizing international outcomes. Thus, the company has already been present in renowned trade shows in the sectors in Miami, Dubai and Peru, and this has increased its recognition. For the next 12 months, the purpose is to make feasible the branding fixation through the commitment of taking to the foreign market the constant innovation of its products. “For this, we started a feasibility process towards the attainment to gain further room, and thus supplying the needs in the sector, which is already heated”, emphasizes Liliana.

Despite the major effect of the recent global crisis, according to, growth in the orthopedics market is estimated to be 8% higher over the period of 2014-2017. By 2017, orthopedics revenues are going to be responsible for over US$ 51.1 billion in the global market. What makes this scenario possible? Even with investment losses in healthcare sectors, a brazilian orthopedic industry is largely responsible for growth and development in the medical trend. Ortosintese Ind. Com. Ltd. is one of the fastest growing companies in the market, aggresively investing in innovating technologies is one of the key for its success. Its products goes from minimally invasive trauma implants all the way to complex equipment that sterializes medical waste that once harmed the environment. “Our mission is to produce medical implants and equipments that overcome expectations regarding quality and technology supported by our vast experience, broad capacity and valorization of life” said Tatiane Galindo, Ortosintese´s CFO. According to the economical sector, “Ortosintese is considered to be the main exporter of orthopeadic implants in Brazil”, with 40% of its production devoted to over 40 countries around the world. Furthermore, Ortosintese earned inumerous awards and certification in excelence and quality such as GMP (good manufacturing practices) and CE Mark. As part of Ortosintese´s commitment to improve quality of life, investment and development are the center of the industry´s filosophy to maintain and improve the best approach to different medical challenges.

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Founded in 1978 as a service provider for the hospital area, Dorja has been present in the Brazilian market as a manufacturer and importer of exclusive lines of medical products. Presently, it manufactures the Medicate, Diasyst and the Alo lines, and part of the Gowllands line. The Medicate line has in its portfolio, household and hospital nebulizers added to clinical focus, spacers, Canadian crutches, drying chambers and sphygmomanometers. The Diasyst brand has became a reference in blood pressure measurement by using a high quality Switzerland mechanism to manufacture sphygmomanometers, which from 2005 on started being produced by Dorja. The Alo Orthopedic support also manufactured by the company includes a Canadian crutch and a cane. As to Gowllands, a centennial and traditional company manufacturer of otoscopes and ophthalmoscopes imported since 1995 is now part of the line manufactured in Brazil by Dorja. Since 2004, the company is in the exporting market, a process that started with the nationalization of imported products. Foreign sales started from its participation in international trade shows, supported by the Brazilian Health Devices project, which is fostered by Abimo and Apex. Countries such as Algeria, Jamaica, Kuwait and Bolivia have already received the products manufactured by the company, and presently exporting mainly breathing devices such as the Medicate MD 400 inhaler. It is indicated as medicinal application/atomizer in the respiratory treatment with four exits, and it is practical and rugged. It is accompanied by four full atomizer kits, and it has an optional transportation cart. It is composed by a measuring cup that prevents the medication to be spilled, a rope and an adult/child mask; it has a self-lubricated piston-type compressor and it is oil-free, allowing a free flow of 28 liters/min. With a modern design, it is provided with a single phase compact motor, 110 and 220V and a transportation handle.



DrillerMed With a line eminently turned to the orthopedic surgery sector and bone cutting, DrillerMed manufactures several types of products, accessories and technologies driven to the foreign market. “Today, we sell battery-driven surgical drillers, electrical micro motors with high torque and speed, and as a novelty, the ultrasound line for bone cutting”, points out André Vilela, the Director. The company started its participation 12 years ago in international trade shows. “In the beginning, we went to the events provided with some folders and digital information, and we used to pass through the companies’ stands which could be interested in our product, to set a first contact”. Vilela explains that this did not occur in a simpler way. “We started being aware on the regulatory pre-requirements from the interested countries, such as CE, FDA, UL and GMP. Added to this, after being aware of the importance in the continuity of the process, we sought to accredit representatives or distributors who could easily provide us technical assistance. The first steps were difficult; knowing the foreign market is a hard task, as well as learning each culture’s specificities”, he exposes. DrillerMed already exports to every continent, reaching 22 countries. “Of course, the continuing business and expansion demand a lot of investments and follow-up, even more due to the market movements and novelties both as to competitors and by the price”, he considers. The company is enhancing its line with other products and developing new technologies, and with this, it will also enter in the consumption area, where it expects an increasing participation in the revenue of around 10%. The Director wishes even to emphasize that the investment in marketing and the development must be constant. “The company must become known in order to aggregate further value to the product”, he finalizes.

Quibasa/Bioclin As one of the companies with major growth in the in vitro diagnostic sector, Quibasa/Bioclin invests constantly in the development of new products and in the qualification of its professionals, aiming the demands of the markets in which it actuates. The company provides technical-scientific consultancy services through its customer care service, also available for the foreign market, with qualified scientific advisors performing visits to international clients. The main products to the foreign market are the biochemical and the turbidimetry line for laboratories of clinical analysis. Prof. Dr. Victor Arndt, Quibasa/ Bioclin’s founder and CEO started the process in 1984 travelling around neighbor countries, where he personally prospected clients and spread the products, starting with Venezuela, Colombia and Peru, and later extending to the Central American nations, such as the Dominican Republic and Panama. “Later on, we reached Paraguay and Uruguay, and recently, we have fostered actions to achieve the African and the Middle East markets with the contracts already signed with Angola and Irak”, tells Victor H. Arndt Júnior, Administrative Director. According to him, the sales have constantly grown year after year. Presently, exportations correspond to 10% of the invoicing of the Quibasa/ Bioclin’s products. “Soon, we intend to expand the Hematological and ELISA lines to the foreign market”, he adds. The company often sells to Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Paraguay, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama and Dominican Republic.



TRAUMEC To offer health products which comply with regulations and the clients’ needs is the policy followed by Traumec, a company founded in 2007 through the union of entrepreneurs from the metal-mechanics sector specialized in the orthopedic segment with more than 20 years of experience. According to Marcos Parra, Product Manager & Marketing, the company is exporting and prospecting new clients for about three years. The process has begun with the 2010 Hospitalar Trade Show, and presently, products such as blades, drills, electric dissectors, palatal dissectors, craniomaxilofacial system, spine orthopedics, TMJ arthroscopy kits, among others are present in countries as Ecuador and Spain. “We are in a CE certification process, and major part of the foreign market requires such certification. Nevertheless, every time we participate in events, we capitalize contacts and get a closer relationship aiming to effectively initiate sales as soon as the accreditation will be granted”, it was disclosed by him. With such perspective of the CE certificate, the company will prospect a significant increment in its exportations within the following 12 months. Among its products, it is the dissectors for microdissection that can be used in every medical and dental specialties, and mainly in plastic surgeries, head and neck, oral and maxillofacial, orthopedic and Otorhinolaryngology surgeries. With an ultrafine tip, they cause little bleeding in extremely vascularized regions, performing a precise and specific cutting. As to surgical blades, they are manufactured to provide assistance to surgeons in their specialties which require cutting bones and hard tissues. Designed to be used with surgical motors, they are indicated for mandible osteotomy, facial asymmetry, bone reconstruction, orbital hypertelorism, genioplasty and trauma deformities, among others.

WAMA Specialized in the development of methods and equipments for clinical analysis laboratories, Wama Diagnóstica has started sales to foreign markets from 2009 on. “In the beginning, contacts with Mercosul distributors were performed, which ended up evolving towards the distribution of some products to Paraguay. After that, it was performed a planning to search for partners aiming the participation in congress and trade shows abroad”, explains the CEO, Wagner Maricondi. He tells that added to the major competition with companies all over the world in the search for good distributors, there are many difficulties in identifying companies with the desired profile. “We are aware that the process is slow, nevertheless, we have already collected good results”, he points out. The most wanted line of products for foreign clients is the fast tests, the urine paper strip and the latex tests. The company has already exported to Venezuela, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Iraq, Egypt and Cameroon. “For the next 12 months, the expectation is to reach new countries and a 20% growth in exportations”, he points out.


DENTSCLER In the exporting market for more than 10 years, Dentscler operates in several sectors: medical, dental, aesthetic and veterinary. Among them, the major highlights are the dental line for implants and the medical line for liposuction. In the beginning, sales for the foreign market were mainly focused on Latin America, but now, the company is exporting to over 40 countries, including Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Paraguay, Venezuela and Italy. “Dentscler innovates and delivers to its clients a new proposal by several launchings, such as the dental chair with an implant motor engaged”, discloses Narayane Camillo, Export Manager. For the next 12 months expectations are the best. “We are managing to increase the sales volume and to prospect new markets”, he adds. With headquarters in the city of Ribeirão Preto, state of São Paulo, the company has begun its activities in 1996. The achievement of the international market is a reflection of the quality, innovation, services and post-sales policies for its entire line of products. Presently, Dentscler is a national reference in special micro-machining such as high speed pens, micro motors and counter-angles. As a leading company, the company is based on its researches on strategic partnerships from renowned academic institutions and centers of continued formation from several class institutions, indispensable to improve the skills of professionals and to comply with the regulatory requirements aiming the development of its products. The engineering, production and design management departments are always involved in innovation researches. Except for the plastics and polymers, the entire machining process and assembling of components are internally performed, following strict controlling and finishing processes. Skilled professionals and a full industrial park are important differentials to the achievement of the high quality offered in its lines.

FAMI Sterilization, storage and transportation packaging (cases, trays and drums) of medical-hospital products, as well as containers for human wastes (bedpans, and buckets) are amongst the items exported by Fami, which has been operating in the foreign market for 30 years. “Initially, we sought for neighbor importers who came to visit our factory in the search for generic items, certainly indicated by some entity or partner company. In 1998, we participated in a program from the Deutschland government to foster exportations in potential companies from developing countries, and in 2000, we were part of a trade mission to Germany with that same purpose. In 2004, for the first time we construed a program aimed to increase our exportations through the participation in international trade shows and contracting a specialized consultant company”, tells Alexandre Nardi, Director. After spending some years understanding international markets, their main characteristics and requirements, the company developed in 2012 a specific strategy for the exclusive and specialized distribution of its products in Latin America and Caribbean. Today, Fami has an internationalization process in progress, with an employee settled in Miami taking care of a registration process of its products at FDA aiming the North American and Canadian markets. “We also export items for manufacturers of instruments all over the world which require high quality in the packaging of their products”, Nardi added. Among the countries that receive products from the brand are Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico and, occasionally, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Angola, Australia and New Zeeland, among others. “We have export expectations amounting USD 600,000.00 for the next 12 months”, he finalizes.

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Working to search and develop products and technologies to help in the diagnose and prevention of pathologies, Neurotec is a reference in the area of electroneurophisiology at international level. With headquarters in the state of Minas Gerais, it actuates in every segment of the clinical neurophisiology, producing open architecture micro processed equipments with state-of-the-art technology, besides of supplying every supplying line and line of accessories for the patient care. Among its products, it is the Neuromap EQSA 260, a portable 26 channels electroencephalography, with lower than 400 grams weight using the most updated digital sign processing techniques. Easy and fast to be installed, a totally customized filtering, its system includes impedance measurement by software. The equipment is modularized on an Internet and Intranet networking, allowing the use both with desktops and notebooks. EQSA 260 performs the following examinations: digital quantitative and topographical EEG, neonatal polygraph, polysomnography, digital video EEG, videopolysomnography and EEG monitoring. Neuromap 40i is a 26 to 54 channel electroencephalograph which also uses modern digital sign processing techniques. It is a system with a high performance trustable sound standard, low consumption and totally portable to perform several EEG examinations. When the Neuromap line was first created, Neurotec has combined the most advanced technology in digital electroencephalograph, making available to the market the first digital electrocardiogram device with cerebral mapping. The company has received several awards for its operation in the medical– hospital area. Its quest for excellence is not limited to the equipment research and production, but it is also extended to a policy of respect by the environment and zero waste, making it to be deemed a sustainable company.



INSTRAMED With the clear purpose to develop technology for the sophisticated and strategic medical devices market, Instramed was created in 1980 operating with foreign sales since 2007 exporting for over 50 countries, including practically the whole Latin America, Australia, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Brunei and Saudi Arab, among others. “The purpose is to expand our sales, opening new markets and consolidating the brand at a global level. We use to participate in most important trade shows from the medical area, such as MEDICA and Arab Health, and recently, we participated in the trade mission with ABIMO in France and Spain searching for new prospections”, tells Márcia Guidotti Kruse, Exportation Supervisor. Among the major products turned to the foreign market, it is CardioMax, a two phase defibrillator with an electrocardiogram with up to 12 derivations, ideal for high-risky patients as it counts on a Sudden Death Prevention technology which allows to continuously monitor the patient and to rapidly identify the beginning of a ventricular fibrillation episode or a ventricular tachycardia. In such situation, a visual and sound warning will be activated, thus allowing for the patients to be shock treated within a shorter time. Another outstanding device is the automatic external ISIS defibrillator, which by the use of its neural networking technology is able to assess the patient status by means of a sophisticated sensor considering the clinical variables and by applying automatically the most indicated shock therapy. ISIS PRO is a professional device designed for emergency care, operating in cases of cardiac arrest (ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia). Its internal reinforcements and external body are made of rubber resistant to shock and humidity. Marcia discloses that the company is participating in a series of international bids, and she expects that such results contribute to get an increase in exportations along the next year.

GMI GMI was founded five years ago, and it is constantly growing and motivated to search for new markets by exportation. “We noticed that the good moment Brazil is passing by would allow us great opportunities. So, we have driven our efforts to international events. The experience could not be better. The interest of the market and the perception by part of the public on the quality of our materials allied to the high technology and our care to patients were immediate”, it declares Gabriel Rodrigues Pizzingrilli, Marketing and Business Manager, also adding that there are already products technically approved in major part of the East European and Middle East countries (Arabian countries). Among the products with higher demand, it is the vascular access line, such as the PICC (percutaneous introducer catheter) in neonatal and adult sizes, and the umbilical catheter (mono e double lumen). Airway items, such as the nasal CPAP, the nasal cannula for oxygen, and products for the digestive tract, such as the nasogastric and the transpyloric tubes, which are other highlights. All these lines have as major differential silicon as raw material. According to Pizzingrilli, the demand for products made of that material is a trend. Studies prove that its higher biocompatibility and lower potential for microorganism’s proliferation generate major comfort to patients, besides of decreasing the risk for contamination. “We can assert that whenever it is associated to a cost-benefit strategy, within a few years, the products made of silicon will have real possibilities to conquer the market from similar latex or PVC items”, he declares. GMI has the 9001 and 13485 ISO certificates, besides of the Good Manufacturing Practices classes I, II, III, and IV. In order to comply with the requirements from the global market, the company is undergoing by the CE accreditation process, which may be granted until the end of 2014. “We hardly can wait by the publication of such mark aiming to effectuate everything which has been construed along our path to surpass our barriers”, he finalizes.



FANEM Fanem is one of the pioneering companies in Brazil exporting medical and hospital equipments, having started its sales to the foreign market in 1970, exporting to Colombia and Mozambique which represented back then only 1.5% of its invoicing, and this has exponentially grown along the years. “We hit the road always in the believe that Brazil will pose an excellent costbenefit alternative and quality to other countries”, it declares Djalma Luiz Rodrigues, Executive Director. Presently, exportations represent around 35% of its invoicing, and it is likely that such percentage will increase in the coming years. The main items traded are the neonatal line, with highlight for the incubators, responsible by major part of the total equipments that have been sold, and facing major international players. The company maintains a consistent international trading activity with articles present in more than 100 countries from every continent. In 2010, an industrial plant was installed in India, and in 2011, it was inaugurated an office in Amman, Jordan, the main entrance channel to the Middle East. “There will be governmental changes in many countries in the coming years, especially in Latin America. Such fact may affect exportations due to possible modifications adopted in each country’s policies. Added to this, we live nowadays political conflicts in Arabian nations, besides of the aggravating circumstances caused by the situation with the Ebola in Africa and in the whole world, and this makes the international trading difficulty, but those are issues from which we hope a solution will be achieved soon”, he declares. According to Rodrigues, the health targets for the millennium defined by the UN will surely be the priority for many countries. “One of them is to reduce the child mortality, and this has a close connection to the Fanem equipments, which offer qualified solutions to treat newborns, thus assuring for the hospital team to count on best resources”, he points out.

MDT Group MDT is formed by companies with almost 30 years of experience in the orthopedic implants market supplying for the whole Brazilian territory and above 10 countries, which include Latin America and some locations in Europe, Asia, and Africa. The company is in the exportation market since 1997, a process that started in Latin America and has achieved recognition in other continents, with the support from institutions such as Abimo and Apex, through its participation in international trade shows. The main products focused on such market are the orthopedic oncology prosthesis and the maxillofacial reconstruction systems. “Brazil provides quality with competitive prices. We hope this will be the path towards our growth for the next 12 months. It poses a growing demand practically all over the world”, it declares George Neves, Exportation Director. In order to keep its quality standard, MDT’s products are manufactured with proven biocompatible raw materials. Every material is submitted to inspection and acceptance procedures including strict mechanical tests, chemical and metallographic analysis following requirements specified in international rules and patterns to the manufacturing of medical implantable items. The Group is in compliance with its social commitments, having its practices always aligned to the regulatory bodies, making available products duly registered, according to the RDC nº 16/13 Resolution that approves the free trading in Brazil and in the world. The European Community, through the CEE Directive 93/42 related to medical devices also has recognized its quality by granting it the CE brand. Recently, FDA certified its oral and maxillofacial line for MDT to be able to trade in the whole North American area.

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With equipments and products made with ultimate technology, Exxomed was founded in 2004, and it is located in the city of SĂŁo Carlos, state of SĂŁo Paulo. It distributes items for hospitals in the areas of arthroscopy, oral maxilla, neurosurgery, hand surgery, video laparoscopy, nose and throat, and knees being specialized in the supply of national and imported high quality materials for minimally invasive surgeries. Among the outstanding products, it is the ES 1000 shaver for Arthroscopy used in orthopedic surgical procedures, especially those minimally invasive performed in the articulations. Developed, manufactured and distributed by Exxomed, it has among its major differentiations a personalized high torque and speed motor, which along with the system of fluid retention and the especially selected materials results in a precise, rugged and long lasting product to withstand to the sterilizing cycles in each procedure. Other features presented by the equipment are the touch screen control panel and the IPX8 pedal with a high level of protection against water penetration that can be activated even under water. However, its major differential is due to the implementation of the hand piece control, that allows for the surgeon to active it directly in the surgical instrument. The ES 1000Â is the first product presenting such resource manufactured in Latin America. Other equipment offered by the company is the disposable GeniLook trocar. Presenting the Genicon technology, it has a bladeless tip with an innovative design that separates and e dissects the tissue instead of cutting it, thus drastically reducing the healing area, as well as the insertion strength. The double-sealing action valve system decreases the loss of insufflations, keeping the pneumoperitoneum.



TECNOPERFIL For more than 10 years, Tecnoperfil actuates in the exporting sector. Specialized in the extruded molded plastic, it turned 20 years in 2014, and along its history, it has achieved clients from several countries, since it believes that regardless the cultural differences, its products aggregate beauty, functionality and quality to the environments. The main items turned to the foreign market are the wall protectors, stretcher protectors for walls and handrails (all of them in Vinylshock), linings (Tecnoforro), angle brackets, folded doors (Tecnodoor), technical finishing profile, Skirting Board for Vinyl Flooring , Vedaporta [Door Protector], linear drain, and decorative/protective strips for children’s rooms, all of them manufactured in PVC.Angola, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, French Guyana, Mexico, Mozambique, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela are the countries which have already received items manufactured by Tecnoperfil. According to Silnéia Araujo, Exports Analyst, among the company’s differentials are the focus to the client’s needs and expectations, the quality management system turned to the industrialization of the products, the possibility to provide items to special projects, and the best cost x benefit ratio. “Added to this, we comply with the ASTM G-21 – Resistance to Fungi, ASTM 256 – Resistance to impact and the Brazilian NBR 14285 rules, we participated in the PBQP-H Program, implemented by the Brazilian government, and we received the Top Five NEI Magazine stamp, promoted by a technical publication in the industrial market”, she added. Silnéia says that the strict quality control has been assured the reliability of the Tecnoperfil brand both in Brazil and in the world. “For the next 12 months, we are going to invest in technology in order to enlarge our portfolio and to achieve new markets”, she finalizes.

BRASUTURE Founded in 1998, Brasuture is a 100% Brazilian company manufacturing and trading surgical sutures for a wide range of applications and specialties. It has been trading for 14 years with countries such as Belgium, Mexico, Venezuela, Paraguay, Yemen, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Bahrain, Pakistan, Israel, and Peru, among others. “Our international activity corresponds to 10% of our production capacity, but we are always searching for new markets and to foster our sales”, it was explained by Ana Gabriela Cardoso, the person in charge by the sector. Following the Good Manufacturing Practices and the quality control, the sutures from the brand receive a special treatment at each step, from the semi finished to the final product. The samples are taken from each batch and inspected, passing by integrity tests, even as to the needles used to manufacture them. Other items offered by the company are: simple and chrome catgut, black nylon monofilament, black and blue cotton, black silk, ophthalmology and dental, polyester, polypropylene, polyglycolic acid, cataract kit, surgical linen and bone wax. Even working with chemical and hospital products, Brasuture which is located in the city of São Sebastião da Grama, state of São Paulo does not produce any kind of harmful residue to the environment due to the fact it acquires its raw material ready to be used. The license issued by the Environmental Sanitation Technology Company connected to the São Paulo Government Environment Secretary along with the achievement of the Anvisa accreditation prove that the company is fully adequate to the sustainability concepts. “We work with products of very high quality and with competitive prices below our competitors which offer the same standard. In the next 12 months, we intend to search for new partners aiming the growth in our exportations, in order to attain at least the double of our present operations”, points out Ana Gabriela.

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INDUSBELLO Operating in the dental and hospital sectors, Indusbello is in the external market for five years. The main strategy adopted to develop its foreign sales is by the opening new markets through its participation in international trade shows in the health area, such as the IDS, which is held every two years in Germany. “Other strategies are to plan and accomplish a wide schedule of visits of our sales team to the main clients, thus providing an exclusive attention that allows us to strengthen the relationship with representatives and to develop new partnerships”, it was disclosed by Leonardo Beni, Director. The main products exported are the positioners for X-Ray films, disposable surgical aspirators, mouth opener, lip retractors, spatula for resins, cases and trays to sterilize instruments, arcs for absolute isolation, box for removable orthodontic device, crystal mirror and mirror for oral photographs, among others. The company is trading to over 40 countries from the five continents, and its main advantage as a competitor is by offering high quality solutions, duly certified both by national and international ISO 9001,13485, CE, FDA, and BPF standards, with relatively cheapest prices when compared to the international competition. Recently, the company has achieved the registration for new products, thus complementing its wide portfolio of items, making them able to be traded in Europe. “Thus, we hope our business will attain a considerable increase in the next 12 months”, points out Beni.



BIO-ART Bio-Art was the prizewinner in the medium-sized company category of the Apex-Brazil Award for Excellence in Exporting held on May of 2014. The winner case was “The client’s voice: a story of success, great determination and single-minded persistence”, which has told how the Company conquered the North American market with its products, highlighting the vacuum plasticizer for trays, thus opening room to actuate and grow in every continent. The prize occurs every two years and is the most prestigious award of the International Trade in Brazil. It has the purpose to recognize those innovative actions that effectively has contributed for the active insertion of Brazil in the international market. “It is a great honor to receive it, mainly when it is taken into account both the level of the competitors and the highly qualified jury”, it was said by the Company’s CEO, Maria Isabel Piccin. According to her, the case of success is a reflection of the culture the enterprise has been implementing since its foundation 37 years ago by Germano José Piccin, who always heard the client to innovate the processes. “To develop the project demanded a lot of persistence and determination in overcoming barriers in order to adjust the product to the market up to the step of negotiating the contract. It was five years of hard and strategic work, which culminated in 2012, with the signature of a contract with the greatest company from the dental industry in the world, Dentsply. Added to this, the case demanded a lot of love, since without it, the result would not be the same”, Maria Isabel emphasized. With the project, Bio-Art has doubled the sales of the PlastVacP7 device within the period of one year and nine months after the contract was signed, thus placing Bio-Art, current worldwide leader in semi-adjustable articulators, among the three major companies around the world in the manufacturing and trading of vacuum equipment, aggregating value to the brand. Nowadays, the Company exports to over 60 countries globally. “The international market, despite of being very competitive, brings excellent results for those working with creativity and quality. For us, it is equivalent to 37% of our invoicing, without counting the image returning, an enhancement of knowledge and the commercial experience attained”, it was emphasized by the entrepreneur.

NS Based on a commercial policy to the respect by the consumer, NS Industry of Medical Devices is focused on the development of items turned to the health sector, since it was established in 1969. In 1997, the company has started its exporting process driven by frequent requests made by international clients and by the presence in several tradeshows from different countries. “We participated in some international events, which allowed us to enter in the foreign market. Presently, we are more focused on sales to Latin America”, tells Spiros Paulo Fournogerakis, Foreign Trade Manager. The main exported products are compressed-air inhalers, ultrasound inhalers and micronebulizers, which are already present in Central, South and North American countries, the Arab Emirates, Africa and Europe. One of the highlights is RespiraMax, an inhaler provided by a thermal protector, which is supplied with a trachea that allows for the user to have the inhalation lied down. Easy to be cleaned, it prevents the proliferation of fungi. Inalar Compact is a compact inhaler with a modern design that propitiates a fast and effective inhalation. “For the next 12 months, our expectations are the best possible, since our products are well accepted internationally. Added to this, we have been recognized by local distributors and clients for the excellence of our line”, he tells. NS devices are widely accepted in the international market for the high standard of quality and by the differential of the brand, which has inserted an antibacterial protection in the confection of its products called “Microban”, standing it out from the other international companies.

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Continuing Education By Eng. Paulo Roberto Laranjeira for the Fami Company

The Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) of hospitals has been increasingly processing more health products with higher complexity. The CSSD processing cycle aims to assure that at the end, the used and contaminated health product has the same characteristics it had when it was first produced suitable for the intended purpose, and thus assuring the patient’s security. Simultaneously to the increasing process complexity, the trainings aimed to the right processing of the health products have increased as well. Those trainings are presented in several formats, from lectures to post-graduation courses. With such trainings, it was expected that errors would be reduced, while keeping the quality in the processing; however, those trainings do not have today a residual effect, thus resulting in errors in the processing some time after the training.

with updated content, approaching new technologies and recycling the previous content thorugh the use of practical examples, debates and by answering any doubts. Those trainings must be ministered by more experienced and trained CSSD professionals who are required to be updated on new technologies, even when their work place does not get them yet. This feature generates difficulties for a sole professional being responsible by the training, which makes necessary the participation of one or more professionals to be able to minister the training with a practical, real and updated content.

In 2002, ANVISA (National Health Surveillance Agency) published the RDC-15 (Executive Board Resolution) setting the good practices in processing the CSSD health products by establishing in its 29th clause as mandatory specific and periodic trainings for the CSSD’s professionals. Before such scenario, it emerges the need for a permanent education of the CSSD professionals by frequent trainings


HEALTH TOURISM Improvement to provide services of excellence Brazil is leader in health travels in Latin America, a vibrant sector driving every year US$ 60 billion around the world. Each year, about 60 thousand foreign persons arrive in the country looking for health care. São Paulo is the biggest medical pole in Brazil, with around 25 thousand beds distributed among 105 public and private hospitals, receiving major portion of those patients who arrive both from abroad the country and from the countryside of Brazil. Considered the 6th most wanted destination for those looking for medical treatment, the country receives patients who are in the search for quality of attendance to perform treatments mainly in the oncological, orthopedic, cardiological, neurological and bariatric areas. The expectation is that within the next five years, health travels will get a 35% increase.

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Such figures make Brazil along with Mexico and Colombia leaders in the sector in the Latin American Continent, disputing the worldwide podium in medical treatment for tourists along with the European Union and Asia. When questioned about the quality of the services provided by the Brazilian hospitals, foreign people consider such establishments as outstanding organizations both as to their clinical and organizational capabilities. The prices applied are outstanding as well, and the collection model of the services through credit cards or international health insurance plans are other facilitators to the access to those treatments. Francisco Balestrin, CEO for the Anahp – National Association of Private Hospitals Council which gathers the main health institutions in the country, tells that Brazil, in fact, is being prepared to get an outstanding position as a route for the sector. In order to attend those patients in an appropriate way and providing quality, hospitals are investing in bilingual teams; providing assistance in the travel organization, including scheduling of airport transfers; checking the medical

and hospital expenses coverage with health insurance plans; facilitating the scheduling process for consultations and examinations; accommodation in hotels close to the hospitals with reduced fares; customized internal concierge service, as well as bilingual signaling, folders and websites. Major part of the Brazilian institutions is searching for or already has international accreditations. The purpose is to follow the same world marker patterns of a quality and safe medical care. Basically, there are two major international accreditations the Brazilian institutions are looking for: JCI – Joint Commission International and the Accreditation Canada. “Added to an ultimate technology, we count on professionals who studied abroad and are accustomed to the health practices practiced in other countries. We are being adjusted to another pattern of behavior, attendance, protocols, processes, technology, medical education and management”, finalizes Balestrin.

A differentiate health care service Also as to the humanization, the Brazilian health chain is making a bet to gain the international public. It has been offered comfort to turn the medical health care to resemble the least possible with a treatment, allowing for the surgical patient to come back to the room without feeling he/she is in a hospital and even taking care of the food to be offered with a taste and an international gastronomic standard, provided that the prescribed diets be respected. These are the outstanding factors among many others.

The country is the leader in the ranking of plastic surgeries around the world For the first time, Brazil has surpassed USA as the country with higher amount of aesthetic plastic surgeries around the world. In 2013, above 23 million interventions were performed in the whole planet, according to a survey published by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery that gathers 2,7 thousand members from 95 countries. The report discloses that Brazil is the new center of aesthetic activities in the world. There was a total of 1,49 million surgeries in 2013, almost 13% of the global total. The breast augmentation is the most popular surgery around the world, with 1,7 million cases, and representing 15% of every intervention. In the USA, there was 313 thousand of this kind of surgery against 226 61


thousand in Brazil. As to the nose surgery, Brazil is in the first position with 77,2 thousand cases. Brazil is also the leader in abdominal surgeries with 129 thousand interventions, 15% of everything performed in the world, and it occupies the second in the amount of liposuction surgeries to reduce the fat accumulation. It was 227 thousand interventions in 2013. The country is also in the second position in the world with the highest amount of plastic surgeons, only behind USA, and in the country, women are those who resort the most to aesthetic surgical procedures, with 9,9 million cases in

2013, 85% of the total. But above 1,6 million men also were submitted to surgeries last year. Between April and May of 2014, the SĂŁo Paulo Regional of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery performed a research with 378 plastic surgeons in the state identifying the top procedures performed both in the public and private health care system. Breast reconstruction, scar correction, gynecomastia and cheiloplasty (plastic surgery of the lips) are the leaders among the ranking of aesthetic plastic surgeries in the Unique Health System. Among the repairing plastic surgeries, the top is harelips (78%), skin patches (use of skin grafts in reconstructive procedures, with 60%), reversion of congenital defects (55%) and sequels of burnt patients (53%). “It is important to be aware of the reality of a plastic surgeon both in the public and private health system, in order to look for even better ways to comply with the demandâ€?, it was said by the plastic surgeon Dr. Fernando de Almeida Prado, president of the SBCP-SP and idealizer of the survey.

Pioneering treatment attracts foreign patients The possibility to improve the quality of life and to enlarge the breathing capacity for those suffering of pulmonary emphysema, for instance, is attracting patients from several Brazilian states as well as from other countries, assuring excellent results. The pneumologist Hugo Goulart de Oliveira explains that the treatment performed since 2002 is already being used in other Latin American countries, such as Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia, Argentina and Venezuela.

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According to the specialist, the valves are produced with a nitinol and silicone component, and in each treatment it is implanted two to three valves. The implant has an average cost of R$ 50 to 60 thousand, and it can be indicated to about 4 per 10 patients bearers of advanced emphysema. The doctor also explains that with a planning through a previous bronchoscopy, it is possible to perform the implant in up to 30 minutes and the recovery is also fast, occurring in about two days.

Against the current, the country also exports medical technology One of the most important health institutions in Brazil was the stage for two endovascular surgeries, a procedure developed by the surgeon Armando Lobato, pioneer in the Sandwich technique – a less aggressive and invasive surgery to solve aortic aneurysms, a disease that kills more than 6,5 thousand persons each year. The technique created in 2008 revolutionized the aneurysm treatment and it is being used in other clinical centers even at the University of California

(UCLA). “It is an outstanding work due to the fast recovery of the patients, besides of reducing morbidity and mortality when compared to conventional procedures� says the surgeon. The surgeon was a highlight in the congress held in Germany on January of 2014 in its 10th edition, and which has became a global reference in cardiology with the participation of more than 5 thousand cardiologists, angiologists and vascular surgeons from 70 countries. The Brazilian specialist, the only Latin American invited also joined two discussion tables about the techniques created and improved by him at the institution.


By Jefferson Bernardes - VIPCOMM

By Jefferson Bernardes - VIPCOMM

Legacies from the 2014 World Cup One million foreign tourists, 95% disclosed their intent to come back to the country. It was three million domestic tourists. A 16,7 million flow of passengers at airports, with a delay rate below international averages. A contingent of 3,4 million persons at the stadiums, along with other five million persons at the Fan Feasts. These are some of the figures generated by the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

A survey performed by the Ministry of Tourism has disclosed that the country received tourists of 203 nationalities during the World Cup. 61% of them came to the country for the first time, and 95% indicated they intend to come back. Still according to the research, 83% of the foreign people declared that Brazil fully attended or even surpassed their expectations.

In total, the World Cup in Brazil had 171 balls in the net, a number equal to the amount in France in 1998, which was the highest record before then. The average was of 2,67 goals per match, the twelfth average in every edition of the contest.

The Brazilian public security was positively assessed by 92% of visitors. The taxis, tourism information and public transportation were approved by nine in 10 international visitors, and the airports by eight in ten visitors.

The event recorded the second best public average in its history, with 53,592 football fans per match. The total viewers at the stadiums was of 3,429,873, being 1,432,463 foreigners. The arenas had an occupancy rate above 98%, and added to them, the Fan Feasts — structures created in the host cities to accommodate those who do not got a ticket to go to the stadiums — received 5,1 million persons, who were able to follow live transmissions of the matches along with shows and performances in some of the most symbolic spots in the capital cities.

The survey also shows that the event has benefited more than the 12 host cities. Foreign tourists who remained an average of 13 days in the country visited 378 Brazilian cities.

Nevertheless, the contest was not restricted to the capital cities that hosted the matches. The choice of 27 soccer teams for Training Centers outside the 12 host cities of the World Cup spread out both the feast and the benefits of the mega event around the country.

São Paulo was the main issuer state with 858,825 persons. In the second position it is Rio de Janeiro, followed by Bahia. Minas Gerais was in the fourth position and Paraná was in the fifth position. Domestic and international tourists’ assessment was performed by the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and the Economic Researches Foundation Institute (Fipe), respectively. The poll interviewed 6,627 foreign persons and 6,038 Brazilians since the beginning of the World Cup. Added to the tourists, the research also heard the

By Jefferson Bernardes - VIPCOMM

By Jefferson Bernardes - VIPCOMM

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opinion of the international press. Tourism attractions were one of the better assessed items, with 98.4% approval, followed by the night entertainment and the tourism information with 96,2% and 90%. Practically all the media professionals (96.5%) would recommend a travel to Brazil to their friends and families.

job posts. Brazil will get as legacy the result of more than R$ 8 billion invested in the major airport and port enlargement of its history. It will be inherited 42 urban mobility works, such as the VLTs (Light Rail Vehicles), 140 kilometers of bus corridors and BRTs (Bus Rapid Transit), new subway stations and 50 kilometers of new ways.

The worldwide outcome was also positive in the sector of hotel and tourism, and the event was also responsible by the creation of one million direct and indirect

In a text published by “The Guardian”, the British newspaper asserted that the World Cup in Brazil has shown that the Brazilian people know

how to be a perfect host. The American newspaper “The New York Times” mentioned on its online version that the World Cup was well organized and the Brazilian people was hospitable. In the 12 host cities, Brazilian people were considered the main attraction. ‘Friendly’ and ‘pleasant’ were the most mentioned adjectives by the foreign visitors. Hospitality and the warm reception from the population were considered by many of them the best in the World Cup.



Mobility Brazilian airports have passed in the testing of the 2014 World Cup. In total, 16,7 million passengers circulated by the 21 terminals to comply with the demands between June 10 to July 13. With total investments of R$ 8,78 billion, airports recorded significant improvements. Brazil has set the passenger record in just one day with 548 thousand, thus surpassing the 467 thousand recorded during the Carnival period. The flight delay rate was just 7.46%, a lower rate even when compared to the European standard, which is of 7.6%. By its turn, terrestrial public transportation was the most used media by the soccer fans to access the stadiums at least in three of the largest metropolis of the country.

Inclusion The major amount of electronic items required to organize the 2014 World Cup has resulted in a significant technological legacy to vulnerable areas around the country. Children from 64 public schools in the 12 host cities little realized that even after the end of the event, the greatest football contest in the world would continue propitiating benefits. Thanks to a project developed by FIFA and the Local Organizer Committee (COL), those schools along with 26 non-profitable organizations received part of the ultimate equipments used along the accomplishment of the event. In total, donations accounted for more than two thousand items, which included TV sets, laptops, mobile phones, projector and DVD players. Visually impaired individuals were also benefited and had the opportunity to follow the matches through the audio description professional narration service, a novelty in the country and in the history of the World Cup. With a compact transmitter, an antenna, microphones and phones, voluntary narrators provided the elements required to “assemble” images using the most varied references.

Technology The 2014 World Cup will also be marked by the information technology. Both public and private investments above R$ 1,7 billion in telecommunication allowed more than 11,2 million phone calls were completed inside the stadiums during the matches up to the quarter finals. The contest broke the audience record in several countries, in such a extent it surpassed the NBA finals and the baseball in the USA, in a total of 517 uninterrupted transmission hours. It was 64 matches added to trainings and interviews with coaches and players. A network of 15 thousand kilometers of optical fibers was installed by Telebras, interconnecting 12 stadiums that hosted the matches added to other official venues. Such infrastructure supported a data volume circulation of 166 terabytes. Interactions on the social networks exceeded three billion, transforming the World Cup in the biggest social network event in the planet, according to the Ministry of the Communications.

Sustainability One of the marks of the contest was the concern on the sustainability. Besides the ecological compensations for the impact it was generated, the care with the recycling and the recovery of disposed materials was the highlight. Only in the state of Ceará, it was collected 90,980 kilos of residues at Arena Castelão and the embankment of Praia de Iracema, where the Fan Feast was held. The amount collected has benefited 17 institutions including 350 collectors. The ecological benefits generated only from the collection in that arena helped to save the equivalent to 1,879 m³ of water, five tons of sand, 566 trees, one ton of mineral coal, 166 MWh of electric power, nine tons of iron ore, and 121 barrels of oil.

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Security By means of an integration between police forces from the states and the Armed Forces, Brazil employed the greatest professional teams already accounted for a sports event. It was above 177 thousand agents and an R$ 1,19 billion investment to acquire equipments and to accomplish professional training.

Business The World Cup Project accomplished by the Brazilian Agency of Exportations and Investments Promotion (Apex-Brazil), had a successful end for the participating 708 companies and entities. The sectors of home and building had the best outcome, followed by the machinery and equipment complexes: food, beverage and agribusiness; technology and health; fashion and services. In total, it came to Brazil 2,386 entrepreneurs, investors, and information formers from 104 countries. They attended 837 business meetings with companies from 18 Brazilian states during the months of June and

July, and they also watched the 12 matches of the World Cup in Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Fortaleza, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo. To its associate companies, ABIMO also prepared a special agenda for their guests, distributors, partners and prospects who came from countries such as Germany, Algeria, Bolivia, Chile, Spain, India, Mexico, Peru, Russia and Turkey to watch the matches of the World Cup and to participate in the business meetings and technical visits. Buyers were amazed when they visited the companies. They were impressed by the manufacturing processes and the high regulatory standards to which companies are submitted through the National Health Surveillance Agency - Anvisa. Another project by sector by Apex-Brazil, the Brazilian Pharma Solutions was promoted by Abiquifi – Brazilian Association of the Pharmochemical and Pharmaceutical Inputs Industry. International guests visited the pharmaceutical industrial pole of Anápolis



in Goiás and manufacturing units in São Paulo, presenting their regulatory systems to companies from the pharmochemical and pharmaceutical sector. In Brasília, they watched the Brazil x Cameroon match and they also had a meeting with Anvisa aiming to facilitate understanding agreements between both parties. A research accomplished with foreign visitors showed the improvement achieved both in the image of the Brazilian companies and products. By the analysis performed with Brazilian companies, 70% of the responders recorded an increase in sales to those guest partners, and 30% said they have opened new markets.

Tourism Specialized companies offered guided tours through stadiums, monuments, and trophy halls added to a tour by themed bars to comply with the visitors’ demand. This was denominated “soccer tourism”, and the sector brought an expressive number of sports fans to know the clubs, museums and several venues connected to the sports. Business came out by means of partnerships between tourism agencies and sports associations from cities as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre.



One of the novelties in this World Cup was the Goal Line Technology (TLG), a resource operated by 14 cameras pointed directly to the field, seven towards each goal, with the purpose to capture every entrance angle of the ball.

During the World Cup, only 0.2% of the 3,4 million football fans needed some kind of health care. In total, the Integrate Center of Joined Operations for the National Health (CIOCS) from the Ministry of Health recorded 17,042 attendances inside and outside the arenas, stadiums, Fan Feasts, public views and other places with great concentration of tourists.

Another innovation which helped the referees was the spray to mark the barriers. The foam is denominated 9.15 Fair Play in reference to the distance the opponents must keep in the event of a foul outside the penalty area, and it disappears a few minutes after being used. For the context, it was produces 320 tubes of the product, which have reduced the time of stoppage in the event of a foul from 48 to 20 seconds.

Another accomplishment was the campaign “Protect the Goal” promoting HIV prevention actions in the 12 host cities added to the cities that sheltered the training centers.

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“It was as getting the sensation to walk again“. This was the statement the voluntary Juliano Pinto made after kickingoff the ball in the opening match for the World Cup on June 12, during the match between Brazil and Croatia. Showing a technological advancement turned to the accessibility, Juliano, who is 29 years old and bearer of complete paraplegia of the limbs symbolically kickedoff using an exoskeleton, a robotic clothing developed by the Brazilian neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis and his team. This was accomplished by an international consortium composed by more than 156 researchers from several countries led by the IINN-ELS (Natal International Institute of Neurosciences – Edmond and Lily Safra) and counting with the partnership of AACD (Assistant Association for Disabled Children), the ‘Walk Again’ project has the purpose to make persons bearers of palsy to move their limbs by using an exoskeleton commanded by the brain activity.

The exoskeleton used in the opening of the contest was named BRA-Santos Dumont weighted about 70 kg, and it was construed in different countries with materials made by 3D printers, heavy duty plastic and metals. The especially prepared frame for the opening of the contest was shown with photos of every person who contributed for the project and with flags from the 25 countries of origin of the participants. According to Nicolelis, that presentation was only the first step of the research, which shall continue to be developed for the project to become a feasible mobility alternative for disabled persons. After kicking with the right leg and to move the ball which was collected by a child actor dressed like a referee, Juliano said: “There will always be a path of hope for those who believe and dream.” By Agência Estado

Walk Again Project

At the same time, sensors disposed on Juliano’s feet sent the signals to the special clothing; the voluntary then started feeling a vibration on his arm every time the robot was touching the ground. It was as the tact of his feet was transferred to his arms, causing what Nicolelis said it was an “artificial skin”.

The idea consists to employ a direct brainmachine interface to command the robotic clothing. Instead of handling a joystick or other kind of mechanical controlling device, Juliano was able to control his steps through his thoughts by means of a special cap with ability to capture electrical activities from the brain by electroencephalography. Upon imagining one is walking by his own, the signals produced by the brain were collected by the cap and sent to a computer located on the back of the exoskeleton. By its turn, the computer decoded such message, and then forwarding the order to the artificial limbs, which started performing the idealized moves.


By Rio 2016

OLYMPIC AND PARALYMPIC GAMES The World Cup brought truly multicultural fans to Brazil. Inspired by the moment of joy and hospitality offered by the Brazilian people, many soccer fans are planning to come back in 2016 for the greatest sports spectacle in the Planet. Preparations for the Olympic and Paralympics Games are following very quickly. The event will gather around 16 thousand athletes from 204 countries, 4,500 technical officers, 70 thousand volunteers and above 25 thousand press professionals, and received investments of R$ 7 billion. COI members have praised the work performed by the Organizing Committee and its partners in the delivery of a positive and sustainable legacy. Regarded the “heart� of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, which will gather 65 worldwide Olympic and Paralympics games, Barra da Tijuca in Rio de Janeiro will shelter the Olympic Park and the main installations for the event, such as the Olympic and Paralympics Village, the Main Media Center, International Transmission Center, Barra Media Village and the Athletes Park.

Inspired by Brazil, the Brazilian people and Rio de Janeiro, the look of the Olympic Games is multicoloured and vibrating, praising the exuberant nature and the human warmth. It decorates both the sports facilities and the city, added to the tickets, uniforms and shops, thus creating a festive atmosphere and an unique experience.

By Rio 2016/BCMF Arquitetos

By Rio 2016/BCMF Arquitetos

By RIO2016/LUMO Arquitetura

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Closely following constructions for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, International Sports Federations are regularly visiting the hostcity of the first Olympic Games in South America. In one of those visits, the International Hockey Federal said it is pleased with the progress in the organization of the games, and it asserted to be with a very positive impression.

By Rio 2016/BCMF Arquitetos

Rio 2016 Olympic Games have accelerated the implementation of 27 infrastructure and public policy projects for the city. The list includes revitalizing the Port Zone, expansion of the subway system, development of the Light Rail Vehicle (VLT), and the new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lines, reforestation in areas destined to construct installations and partnerships with industrial associations to provide assistance for small companies to supply goods and services for the games. Added to this, 800 thousand students all over Brazil started to get access to more sports activities. These are initiatives in the areas of urban mobility, environment, urbanization and sports installations that were already envisaged by the public power and which were accelerated by the fact the city will host the event.

By Rio 2016/BCMF Arquitetos

Competitions of 20 Olympic sports disciplines and 12 Paralympics modalities will be performed only at Barra. The disputes will be held at the nine Olympic Park installations, four sports pavilions and the Olympic Golf Field.


By its turn, the International Paralympics Committee (IPC) is excited with the progress in the preparation for the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games, and the National Paralympic Committees (CPNs) in charge of the preparation of the athletes in their respective countries are praising the advancements in the preparations along their visits to get to know the venues of the competition.

TESTING EVENTS Such events are a fundamental part in the preparations for the games - an opportunity to test the venues of the competitions and operations at the installations, besides of giving to the athletes a chance to compete on the spots were the disputes will be held. Until May of 2016, it will be accomplished 45 sports events to test the competition venues, as a preview of what will be happening in 2016. Approximately 8,400 athletes will be in Rio de Janeiro before the beginning of the competitions to participate in such testing events.

VOLUNTEERS All the 70 thousand posts offered by the Volunteers Program to help in the organization of the event will be filled by persons from 160 countries. Coming from the four corners of the Earth, about 60% of the registered persons have already practiced volunteer actions. An example of this is the amazing amount of volunteers from China, Russia and Great Britain, countries that received the last Summer and Winter Olympics and Paralympic Games.

LEGACIES Along the Paralympics Games, around 12 thousand persons will be crowding the Olympic Hall 4 to watch the handball and goal ball competitions, a major innovation which has been attracting the attention for the project. A nomadic architecture proposal will allow for the installations to be disassembled after the tournament, and its compounds will be reused to form four municipal schools, each of them with capacity to shelter 500 students. This will be the first time that such concept will be applied, thus assuring that even a temporary installation will leave behind a tangible legacy for the city. Added to this, above one million Brazilian people will be receiving language training to participate in the Rio 2016 Games. It will be benefited the Volunteers Program candidates, professionals who will work in the event, and schoolchildren. Qualification which is part of the volunteers programs of the Sports, Education and Culture of the Rio 2016 Committee will be focused on the need for volunteers who will receive trilingual special training: English, Spanish, and French. For the general audience, it will be

Simulation of it will be the Olympic Park in the Rio 2016™ Games

By Rio 2016/Organising committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games

By Rio 2016/BCMF Arquitetos


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launched a portal with a content related to the games and the basic English training. Professionals from several sports areas will also receive a qualification, as for instance, the arbitration. Based on the figures presented by London 2012, the expectation is that at least two thousand Brazilians will be working as referees in the games.

By Rio 2016/BCMF Arquitetos

Besides the infrastructure and qualification works, Rio 2016 Olympic Games will also leave behind an important social legacy for the population: the “Transforma”, an education programme by the Rio 2016 Committee, which is present in 162 Rio de Janeiro’s municipal schools to stay. The initiative has the purpose to promote sport values, and it will start being part of the public policies for the city. “Transforma” creates opportunities for the schools to discover new sports, to work value in the formation of the students and get into the mood of the games. It is also responsible by supplying didactic materials, formation courses and school challenges, such as the Rio 2016 Marathon of Values involving 52 schools, encouraging the practice of sports and promoting the Olympic ideals among students and teachers from public schools.



ARTS Painting in Brazil reaching the Modernism There are records of paintwork performed in Brazil from 50 years after it was discovered, since the own indigenous already used to paint their bodies and drawing on objects and caves, added to the own colonizers and missionaries who brought to the country their own influences. The baroque style, for instance, a painting modality performed in churches is a movement that represents the Brazilian soul, along with the neoclassical style. In the second half of the 19th Century, with the creation of the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts, the Brazilian painting began to grow attaining international prominence. Its uppermost point occurred in the beginning of the 20’s with the Modernist Movement and the accomplishment of the São Paulo Week of Modern Art in 1922. In that outstanding event, it appeared important artists making their works disregarding preset rules. Such irreverence and avant-garde chocked the whole society back then, who started showing a negative analysis of every work made by those artists. The major cultural and artistic movements that marked the era of the Week of Modern Art were the Expressionism, whose main feature was the impression of the artist on the reality, having as theme loneliness and misery; the Futurism that observed technological developments both of the war and violence; and the Cubism, representing images of the nature through geometrical forms.

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Alfredo Volpi was born in Italy in 1896, but his family moved to Brazil when he was only one year old. Self-taught, his paintings depicted everyday scenes as well as landscapes around the city of São Paulo. His most famous works are As Bandeirinhas [Little Flags], Madona and Sereia [Mermaid]. Painter, illustrator, caricaturist, jewel designer, rugs and panels, Emiliano Augusto Cavalcanti de Albuquerque e Melo, known as Di Cavalcanti was born in Rio de Janeiro (1897) and who first came with the idea to create the Week of Modern Art in 1922, where he exposed 11 work arts and elaborated the cover of the catalogue of the event. Since he was very young, he showed great interest by painting, and when he was only eleven years old, he had classes with the artist Gaspar Puga Garcia. His first work as caricaturist was for the magazine Fon-Fon in 1914. His artistic style was marked by the influence of the Expressionism, Cubism and the Mexican muralists (as Diego Rivera, for instance). He approached typical Brazilian themes such as the samba. The geographical scenery of the country was also quite portrayed in his works, such as the beaches. Besides, he also highlighted social themes as popular feasts, workers, slums, and the protests. He used a lot of Brazilian colors in his works providing a touch of feelings and striking expressions to the portrayed characters. He also emphasized the Brazilian sensuality and its diversified female types. In his wide work, it is highlighted Cinco Moças de Guaratinguetá [Five Girls from Guarantinguetá], Mulheres com Frutas [Women with Fruits], Arlequins, Colonos [Settlers], Aldeia de Pescadores [Village of Fishermen], Duas Mulatas [Two Mulattos] and Baile Popular [Popular Ball]. In 1958 he painted the Via-Sacra [Way of the Cross] in the Brasilia Cathedral, capital city of Brazil, and in 1971, it occurred a retrospective of his work at the São Paulo Museum of Modern Art. Di Cavalcanti died in 1976.

The artist is considered one of the major artists from the Second Generation of the Brazilian Modern Art and attained highlight with his paintings representing colonial houses and little flags of the June Parties, a characteristic which became his brand. Volpi actuated as painter and decorator of family homes of the São Paulo high society, and from there, he only developed inside the art. He won the award of Best National Painter in the 1953 Biennial; he made Frescos at the São Pedro de Monte Alegre Chapel in the city of Piracicaba, countryside of São Paulo, and participated in the 1st Exposition of Concrete Art in 1956. He explored forms and color compositions with a major visual impact, and in the 50s he gone down to the field of the geometrical abstractionism. During that period, he started to portray little flags of the June Parties. Alfredo Volpi died in the city of São Paulo in 1988, and among his works, it is also prominent paintings such as Mulata [Mulatto], Fachada e Rua [Façade and Street], Festa de São João [São João Feast], Mastro de São Pedro [São Pedro Flagpole] and Bandeirinhas Geométricas [Geometrical Little Flags].

Important and famous Brazilian plastic artist, Anita Malfatti was born in the city of São Paulo in 1889, and died in that same city in 1964. She studied in Germany, where she got in contact with the Expressionism, and in the United States, where she involved with the Modernist Movement. In 1917 she performed an artistic exhibition with quite different works from those people were accostumed to, and then she received a very bad critical analysis, which almost made her leaving her painting behind. The works mainly portraying marginal characters from urban centers caused disapproval among integrants from more conservative social classes. Anita lived for some time in Paris, returning to São Paulo in 1928, where she taught drawing at the Mackenzie University until 1933. In 1942 she became president of the Union of Professional Plastic Artists of São Paulo. Her major works are O homem amarelo [The Yellow Man], A Boba [Silly Woman], A Estudante Russa [Russian Student] and the Nu Cubista [Cusbist Nude]. 75


Tarsila was born in São Paulo in the city of Capivari (1886), and she was one of the major characters in the Brazilian Modernism, despite she did not participate in the Week of Modern Art in 1922. Her paintings are full of colors and joy, approaching social themes, themes of the daily life and Brazilian landscapes. Her main works are the Abaporu, A Negra [The Black Woman], Operários [Workers], and Antropofagia [Anthropophagy]. Tarsila studied in São Paulo, but she completed her studies in Barcelona, Spain. Since she was very young, she showed interest by plastic arts, and at the age of 16, she painted her first picture entitled Sagrado Coração de Jesus [Sacred Heart of Jesus]. But only at the age of 31, she started learning painting techniques. In 1920 she went to study plastic arts in Paris, where she participated in the France Official Exhibition of Artists, presenting cubism techniques.

One of the most famous Brazilian painters, Cândido Portinari was born in the city of Brodowski (1903), a country city close to Ribeirão Preto, among a very poor family, and he was poorly educated. He started painting at the age of six, and along his life, he created around 5,000 works. He had also highlight in the areas of poetry and politics. Along his trajectory, he studied in the Rio de Janeiro School of Fine Arts and having visited many countries, and among them, Stain, France and Italy, were he improved his knowledge. In 1935, he received a reward in New York for his work Café [Coffee], and from then on, he achieved world renown. Presently, the house where he lived his childhood and youth was changed to a Museum of the Portinari House. Among his works, it can be highlighted A Primeira Missa no Brasil [The First Mass in Brazil], São Francisco de Assis, Café [Coffee], Mestiço [Mestizo], Os Retirantes [The Migrants], Colhedores de Café [Fielder], and Meninos e Piões [Boys and Spinning Tops]. These are very famous works along with his self-portrait, the portrait of his mother and the famous Brazilian writer Mário de Andrade. On February 6 of 1962, Brazil lost one of its major plastic artists, who contributed for the country to attain international recognition. The death of Cândido Portinari was apparently due to an intoxication caused by chemical elements present in the paints used in his works.

Among the techniques used between 1920 and 1930, she painted her most important works, attaining a huge success in the world of arts: Abaporu and Operários. She created the movements Pau-Brasil and Anthropophagic, which advocated that Brazilian artists should have known better the European art, but they should also to create a Brazilian aesthetics, and using such knowledge only as inspiration. Her works have as characteristics the use of live colors, geometrical forms and a non-standard aesthetic, an influence of the surrealism in her anthropophagic phase. Tarsila died in the city of São Paulo in 1973, and her grandeur and importance of her whole work has made her one of the greatest Brazilian artists of all times.

War and Peace Panel at the UN headquarters in New York In 1950, the Norweggian Trygve Lie, First UN Secretary General made an appeal to every country members to donate a work of art to its new headquarters in New York. Brazil assigned Candido Portinari, providing him a list of themes, among which it was “War and Peace”, recurrent from the own painter’s work, which ended up being his selected theme. Contradicting medical recommendations which forbade him to paint due to the intoxication symptoms from the paints, he continued working very hard for another four years in the making of 180 studies, drafts, and models for the murals. The painting of the panels properly speaking was accomplished within nine months, a 280 sqm surface, which was delivered on January 5 of 1956 to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Macedo Soares to be donated to the UN that installed the murals at the entrance hall of the General Assembly Room in 1957, a space which is considered the most important for that institution. The keeping of the panels War and Peace was entrusted by the United Nations – UN to the Portinari Project, upon a request by the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affair during the period of 2010 until the end of 2014.

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Abimo Associates participating in the PSI PSI – Integrated Sector Project is an agreement signed between Brazilian Association of Medical –Hospital, and Dental Industries (ABIMO) and the Brazilian Agency for Promotion of Exportations and Investments (Apex-Brasil) with the purpose to accomplish actions turned to international market such as participation in fairs, delegations and visits to potential foreign clients, besides of organizing rounds of negotiations to hostess potential buyers in Brazil in order to promote exportations of medical-hospital and dental equipaments.

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EXPEDIENT General Director Adilson Luiz Furlan de Mendonça Managing Director Vanessa Borjuca F. A. Santos Managing Editor Leda Lúcia Borjuca Editorial Carol Gonçalves Luiza Neves de Mendonça Account Managers Marcio Augusto Gama Ronaldo de Almeida Santos Commercial Assistant Rafaela Santos Customer Relationship Andrea Neves de Mendonça Graphic Design and Advertising Creation Lilian Carmona Brazilian Health Devices is published by Publimed Editora Ltda. supported by Abimo and APEX-Brasil, aiming the commercial promotion of the country and the medical hospital and dental Brazilian industry, distributed in international health events. The advertiser companies are solely responsible for the content of their pages. The reproduction without the previous authorization of the publishing company is forbidden. Circulation: 2014/2015

Index Bio-Art Bioclin Brasuture CDK Deltronix Dentscler Dorja DrillerMed Exxomed Fami Fanem GMI – Gabisa Hospimetal Hospitalar Indusbello Instramed Magnamed MDT Neurotec NS Ortosintese Protec Schioppa Sincron Tecnoperfil Traumec Wama

53, 58 35, 46 56, 73 57 21, 40 25, 50 5, 43 7, 46 55, 63 13, 50, 59 3, 54 43, 52 38, 41 33, 4th 55, 57 23, 52 17, 40 39, 54 31, 51 47, 58 27, 42 38, 3rd 36, 49 42, 59 56, 67 37, 48 48, 51

Editor and Advertising Rua Prof. Castro Pereira, 141 02523-010 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil Phone: +55 11 3966 2000 81

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