Brazilian Health Devices 2010/2011

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e were very pleased by accepting ABIMO – Brazilian Association of Medical, Dental, Hospital and Laboratory Articles and Equipments along with Apex Brazil – Brazilian Agency to Promote Trade and Investments’ suggestion to perform this initiative.

Brazil has had an outstanding role in the worldwide scenery due to the fast development its Economy is achieving as integrant part of BRIC, abbreviation for the group of emerging countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) that among other factors have stabilized economies, a constantly growing export and import production, an increasing GDP (Gross Domestic Product), and receiving investments from foreign companies in several sectors. According to the economists, if the present levels are kept, Brazil will be among the five major worldwide economies in a near future. The production sector of medical and hospital equipments is of fundamental importance in supplying the Health market in Brazil not only assuring the supply at competitive prices, but mainly allowing access to the most advanced technological resources to treat diseases. Both partner entities in this project work focusing the idea of promoting the growth of such companies. Along the last 46 years, ABIMO has 420 associated companies among the 499 industries dedicated to that segment in the country, giving support to the productive chain, being a consultant, and answering every technical, operational and associative issues in the sector. Apex Brazil actuates strategically in a sense to insert more Brazilian companies in the worldwide market, diversifying and aggregating value to the exported products, increasing the traded amount, consolidating Brazil’s presence in traditional markets, and opening other markets to the Brazilian products and services. Furthermore, it seeks to attract foreign funding to strategic sectors of the economy, focusing small and medium size companies in every stage of their exporting maturity. Brazil has one of the biggest health public systems in the world, the Unique Health System (SUS is the Brazilian abbreviation) covenant to almost the whole Brazilian hospital net, including public, private and college hospitals, assuring to citizens their constitutional right to have access to the health. It is a 6500 hospital net offering from a simple ambulatory attendance up to the organ transplantation. In order to attend such demand, there is a strong and competitive medical-hospital industry which has been technologically evolving, able to completely fulfill the needs of such wide Health assistance, and which has been increasing more and more its participation in international events.

The estimated amount of companies operating in the sector shows that it is maintaining a steady growth, with a 3.2% expansion per year during the 1999/2009 period. In 2009 it generated around 31.8 thousand direct employs, and US$ 4 billion revenue, responding by 0.33% of the labor employed, and 0.47% of the invoicing of the transformation industry in the country. To complement, “Brazilian Medical Devices” presents to its readers a picture of Brazil as a whole, showing its countless attractions that go from the magnitude of its figures up to the production of scientific knowledge and its great names, the culture, handcrafting, tourism spots, and even a new trade modality called Health Tourism that has been solidifying itself as new medical treatment concept, helping to boast even more the Brazilian economy.

It is such Brazil that “Brazilian Medical Devices” is presenting to its readers all around the world. 4 Brazilian 2010.indd 4

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Brazil: a technologically advanced and diversified economy

Brazil has been showing to the world that it has a strong and highly diversified economy. The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil), responsible for the strategic promotion of Brazilian exports and for attracting foreign direct investment, has been focused on taking a huge variety of Brazilian manufactured goods to an increasingly large number of foreign markets. In 2009, a year of adverse economic environment, Apex-Brasil reviewed its strategic actions to improve the Brazilian position in the international market. Based on Business and Competitive Intelligence studies, market prospecting for Brazilian goods and services was intensified, and the Brazilian position in traditional markets was strengthen. In 2010, we shall reap the harvest of this work, with a favorable outcome for the 80 sectors of the Brazilian economy that are supported by the Agency in their internationalization processes. It is important to highlight that the Brazilian export portfolio has been including products that are benefited by increasingly high investments made in technological innovation. The health care sector, including medical, hospital, and dental equipment, biosciences, drugs, and pharmaceutical and chemical products, stands out in this context and counts on ApexBrasil support to enter the international market successfully. Apex-Brasil has been promoting exports of medical, dental, and hospital equipment since 2002 in partnership with the Brazilian Association of the Industry of Medical, Dental, Hospital, Laboratory Articles and Equipment (Abimo), through integrated sector projects. So far, results have been excellent: from 2003 to 2008, exports expansion for the sector accrued 161%. Forecast for the sector, in 2010, is that foreign trade shall reach US$ 615 million. Within this partnership, we have heavily invested in capacity building, product adaptation, and product certification. In the current project, following up the sector’s progress, we are working with greater emphasis on positioning and strengthening Brazil’s image as a supplier of medicaldental technology. Our focus is on disseminating the Brazilian industry strengths, such as the good cost-benefit ratio of our production, the suitable variety of internationally certified products, as well as the fact that Brazil is a world reference in health and dental systems. The Apex-Brasil/Abimo project includes support to the participation of Brazilian firms in events that have worldwide or regional influence and impact, such as Medica, Arab Health, FIME, Hospitalar, IDS, and AEEDC fairs. Participation in these events is an important contribution for this sector’s outcomes, both in terms of business generation and increased export revenues, as well as in setting a positive image of firms, of the sector, and of Brazil regarding the technology developed by this sector. Visitors to these events have the opportunity to see that Brazil is able to provide creative solutions adapted to the needs of the most diverse customers worldwide. Maurício Borges Business Director of Apex-Brasil


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The Credibility the Brazilian industry achieved in the international market

The Brazilian sector of medical-hospital and dental equipments can already be proud for having conquered a reputation of credibility in the international market. Each fair we participate in, such image of credibility is even more consolidated by an increasing volume of business. Such success is a direct consequence of the tireless struggle of the sector in order to keep itself updated and competitive. Brazilian products are quite appreciated due to its quality and compromise to the excellence, factors already proved at each new business. In the most recent international fair we participated, the Florida International Medical Expo (FIME), Brazilian companies generated US$ 13,700,000 in prospective business for the next 12 months. During the event, US$ 311,300 was attained in new contracts. More recently, Brazil was recognized by the World Health Association (WHO)* as the second major medical technology provider among emerging countries. Fortunately, as a representative of that sector, the Brazilian Association of Medical-Hospital and Dental Equipments Industries (ABIMO) has been the bearer of good news. This year, we are celebrating the approval of the Governmental Provisory Measure (MP) no. 495, which in short encourages the acquisition of national goods and services by the Government. Despite the MP is an initiative of local impact, we are aware that evaluating the domestic product is an important aspect in order to stimulate business with foreign buyers. Companies are growing in market share, and they attain a more complete portfolio seeking exportations. The present scenery grants us resources and motivation to follow an intense vertical growth. Although we still have a deficient sector, our perspectives are quite sophisticated, mainly when taking into account the presence in the international market. The technological sector, medical-hospital and dental equipments and supplies present some features that make Brazil an appraised and respected country: its constant innovation and persistency. The present material brings a panorama on the main achievements in the sector. Good reading to all of you. Franco Pallamolla Chairman for the Brazilian Association of the Medical, Dental, Hospital and Laboratory Equipments Industry (ABIMO) and Managing-Director for Lifemed 7

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The Brazilian State


ith a territory of 8.5 million square kilometers, Brazil has 26 states and the Federal District the Federation Units (UF). They are distributed in five regions: North, Northeast, Center-West, Southeast, and South. The North region comprises around 45% of the Brazilian territory, but with only 7% of the whole Brazilian population. It is formed by the states of Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia, Roraima and Tocantins. In the Northeast region it is located the states of Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Sergipe and Bahia, occupying 18% of the total area in the country. Goiás, Mato Grosso, and Mato Grosso do Sul are part of the Center-West region, occupying 18% of the national territory. It is in this region that the country’s capital city, Brasília, is located, in the Federal District. It is in that region that lives around 6% of the Brazilian population. Formed by the states of Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, the Southeast region occupies 10% of the Brazilian territory, sheltering the majority of the country’s population, almost 65 million people. The South region has the lowest rate in Brazil with around 7% of the Brazilian territory. It shelters the states

of Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, where 22 million people.

Population Growth According to data from IBGE – Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, from 2000 to 2007, the Brazilian population has grown 8.48%, at an annual rate of 1.21%. In 2000, Brazil had 169,799,170 inhabitants, while in 2007 it was recorded 183,987,291 inhabitants. Once again, the higher taxes were observed in the CenterWest and North regions, detaching the state of Amapá (3.17%). On the other hand, the lower yearly growth percentage was verified in the South region (0.95%) – Rio Grande do Sul had the lowest index among all the states (0.57%). During 2010, IBGE is performing the 12th Demographic Census, which will constitute the greatest wide and depth portrait of the Brazilian population, comprising its socioeconomic features, and at the same time, the base where it shall rest every public and private planning for the next decade. The 2010 Census will be a whole body portrait of the country, with the profile of its population and the features of its home, that means, it will be shown how they are, where they are, and how the Brazilian people live.


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Running along a wide country like Brazil that has continental dimensions, with around 8 million square kilometers of a quite heterogeneous and hard to access territory is a duty involving big figures.

Preliminary data reveal changes in the Brazilian age pyramid At the end of September, with 80% of the Brazilian population already surveyed (3rd balance), preliminary data of the 2010 Census indicated that the Brazilian age pyramid have changed in the last decade. In 2000, four year old children represented 9.64% of the Brazilian population, and today they are 7.17%. 5 to 9 year old children were 9.74%, and such percentage fell down to 7.79%. Up to 24 year old Brazilian persons summed up 49.68% ten years ago, and today, they constitute 41.95%. On the other hand, by the conclusion of the 2000 Census, it was found around 24.5 thousand older than 100 years Brazilian people, and today, with the work still in progress, it was already recorded more than 17 thousand people with such an age. The fell in the fecundity rate and child mortality allied to a higher life expectation among the population explains such changing in the demographic pattern.

In Brazil, inter-rational relationships began with the arrival of the European colonizers and their later integration with Indians and African slaves. Indians already inhabited the Brazilian territory before the colonization, and they are responsible by a major part of the miscegenation among the national population. Their descent dates back from the first ethical groups that came from Asia and spread themselves along the American continent with few genetic differences, but a major variety of languages and different habits. African slaves brought to Brazil came from different nations and ethnic groups. Regions like Angola, Mozambique and Nigeria supplied the major part of slaves to American countries colonized by Portuguese. Miscegenation of the African people with Portuguese and Indians formed the ethnic root of the Brazilian people. Between the 19th and 20th centuries, Brazil received millions of European immigrants, mainly Italian, Portuguese and Spanish, followed by German and Japanese. As a consequence of the variety and combination of races within the Brazilian territory, studies point out that the majority of the Brazilian population is genetically mixed-race, and even part of the population deemed white carries African and Amerindian genetic lineages besides the European. Sources: | Credit: Vou te Contar (I’ll Tell Magazine), July / August 2010

Dimensions of the 2010 Census • • • • •

Universe surveyed: the whole National Territory Number of cities: 5,565 cities Number of homes: approximately 58 million homes Number of census sectors: 314,018 census sectors Contracted and trained personnel: around 240 thousand persons (collection, supervision, support and management) • Budget forecasted: US$ 840 million • Technology: hundreds of computers in national network, broadband communication network, and 220 thousand palmtops equipped with GPS receivers • Executive units: 27 state units, around 7 thousand computerized collection posts and 1,200 Subarea Coordination 10

2010 edition of the Census’ Ad. 192,000 enumerators traveled about 8,5 million miles to visit 58 million households.

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Brazil in numbers • 191 million inhabitants • 5th largest country in the world in terms of population • 52.4% of economically active population • High human development index: 0.813 • World’s 8th largest economy with US$ 1.6 trillion Gross Domestic Product • Territorial area of 8,514,876,599 km2 • Coastline extension: 7,491 km • Terrestrial border: 15,621 km (10 countries) • Predominantly tropical climate • 26 states, a federal district, and 5,564 cities • 1,735 million km of roads • 29,637 km of railroads • 37 harbors • 67 airports • Largest hydro electricity producer of Latin America • Around 70 million people connected to the Internet • 5th largest nation in terms of Internet connections • 41.7 million telephone lines* • 189.4 mobile phones, corresponding to 97.96% of the whole population • 5th biggest mobile phone market in the world • 492 TV station generators • 10,044 retransmission TV stations • 4,481 radio stations • 26th importer in the world with US$ 134 billion • 24th exporter in the world with US$ 153 billion • Largest producer and exporter of sugar, coffee, and orange juice • Largest exporter and 2nd major producer of ethanol • 2nd major producer and exporter of iron ore and soy • Manufactured 3,024 million automobiles and light commercial vehicles* • Produced 26,506 million tons of steel* • Developed 244 aircrafts* • Produced 13,496 million tons of cellulose * • 9,368 million tons of paper* • Produced 113,180 million m3 of petroleum * • 2.54 million of petroleum barrel ands natural gas generated per day* • Produced 146,866 million tons of grains between 2009 and 2010 • Produced 47.042 60 kg bags of coffee between 2009 and 2010 • 604,514 million tons of sugar cane produced between 2009 and 2010 • 780 million tons of cargo handled in the ports* • 1 billion tons movement forecasted in the ports for 2011 • 6.108 thousand TEU (20 foot container or equivalent) containers handled* • 414,926 million tons of railroad cargo handled in 2007 • 1,115 million tons of aerial cargo handled* • 3rd major cosmetics market, with a US$ 29 billion volume per year • 2nd major organic production area in the world * Information related to 2009. 12

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Baumer’s Industrial Complex in Mogi Mirim - SP

Brazil is the second major producer of medical technologies among emerging countries


Brazil is the second major producer of medical technology among emerging countries, behind only of China. According to a survey made by the World Health Organization (WHO), Brazilian industry has moved US$ 2.6 billions last year in this sector. The country is in a better position compared to Mexico, India, and Turkey that occupy third to fifth place in the ranking. The document first published by WHO last September in Geneva indicates a major participation of emerging countries into the medical technology market. Together, the 20 emerging countries major producers in the sector responded for 10% of the worldwide sales – equivalent to US$ 21.5 million. China, Brazil, Mexico, India and Turkey moved 60% of such amount. “In Brazil, the sector of health equipments is growing more than 7% per year since 2003 and forecasted to attain higher indexes. If by one side with such increase of revenue in the country there is a major demand for health services, on the other hand, investments of the Brazilian government in the health industry innovation and development is even higher”, asserts the Science, Technology and Strategic Inputs Secretary of the Health Ministry, Reinaldo Guimarães. According

to Mr. Guimarães, Brazilian government has started to see the health industry as a strategic sector, and it has created specific policies to the area. The Industrial Health Complex is one of the axles of the More Health Program – the PAC [Growth Acceleration Program] of the sector – exclusively dedicated to the strengthening of the national industry. From 2003 up to March, 2010, the country invested more than US$ 3.6 billions in infrastructure, research and technology in the health sector. These are resources from the federal government, BNDES [Brazilian Economic and Social Development Bank] and research fomentation agencies. Between 2003 and 2007, it was applied more than us$ 28 millions in the medical equipment area in innovation projects and to create new laboratories for product certification. These investments have medium and long term impact on the increase of the medication access to the general population, in strengthening the national industry, and in the Brazilian technological innovation. The Health Ministry was also managing the narrowing of the relationship between Brazil and other countries in the areas of health and general business. Between 2007 and 2010, it was accomplished international commercial missions to India, England, and China. At the end of


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September, the Health Ministry, José Gomes Temporão participated in Washington, USA in a meeting between Americas on public health and a seminar that gathered representatives from the North-American and Brazilian health complexes. Despite the evolution, the country still keeps a shortage of around US$ 9 billions of the trade balance in the health sector – according to 2009 data. Further to the dependant trade balance, production is concentrated in multinational companies installed in the country. The first results of investments draw a scenario that allows having an optimistic look into the sector. According to Reinaldo Guimarães, Brazil is changing its positioning in the market, starting to make a bet in more technologically competitive products. “Today, we have a commercial surplus in the dental sector; we are deemed reference”, he commented. Domestic

Consumption 2009 Data (in US$ thousands)

Invoicing of the sector


Total importations


Total exportations


Apparent consumption


Source: ABIMO/SECEX / Interviewed persons; Notes: (1) It includes importations for distributors, hospitals, clinics and other final consumers; (2) result of the invoicing in the sector plus importations, exportations excluded;

The WHO survey has shown that the medical equipment industry is still concentrated in the developed countries. United States is at the top of the list, with sales amounting US$ 91.3 billion in 2009, equivalent to 40.7% of the whole market. Next, it comes Japan and Germany, which responded by 10.1% and 8.1% of the total 2009 sales, respectively. With sales around US$ 6.1 billion in 2009, China is the only emerging country

on the list of the ten major markets in the world. It appears in the 7th place, ahead of countries like Spain and Canada. According to WHO, medical technologies market is growing around 6% each year. In 2008, the total sales were of US$ 210 billions – two times the 2001 amount. The sector employs one million people.

Support to Brazilian Entrepreneurs Brazilian entrepreneurs count on the support of several associations, entities and agencies that stimulate offering courses, programs and supporting services to entrepreneurs from the whole country.

Entities connected to the Government:

• FINEP – Funding for Studies and Projects It aims to promote economical and social development in Brazil by means of the public promotion to science, technology, and innovation for companies, universities, technological institutes, and other public or private institutions. • INPI - National Institute of Industrial Property This agency is responsible by trade mark registration, patent granting, protocol for technology transfer contract and entrepreneur franchising, helping entrepreneurs to change intellectual property in a competitive differential. • Inmetro – National Institute of Metrology, Standardization, and Industrial Quality It actuates in the strengthening of national companies by means of mechanisms destined to improve products and services. Inmetro checks and inspects the industry and retailing commerce the fulfillment of measurement instruments and products that must have compulsory certification.


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that propitiate a healthy environment towards business development, subsidizing the decision taking for entrepreneurs and setting strategic partnerships.

Support to Exportation Entrepreneurs who intend to commercialize products and services with other countries can count on agencies and organizations which render support and guidance to the Brazilian exporter. • Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex) It is an agency linked to the Ministry of Development, Foreign Industry and Commerce. It promotes the exportation of Brazilian products and divulges Brazil’s attracting factors to foreign investors. The agency organizes actions to the commercial promotion, such as prospective and commercial missions in big international fairs, besides of elaborating studies of commercial and competitive intelligence. It also assures support to foreign investors during the whole process in Brazil. Ortosintese’s factory (equipment division) in São Paulo

• SUFRAMA –Manaus Free Zone Superintendence It manages the Import Tax (II) and Tax on Industrialized Products (IPI) exemption for industrial projects from the Industrial Pole of Manaus (PIM). Also, it is responsible by managing the development of that region under the point of view of the sustainable use of natural resources, reducing the Amazon cost, enlarging production of goods and services and investing in the local workers development. • ABDI – Brazilian Agency to the Industrial Development This is an entity connected to the Ministry of Development, Foreign Industry and Commerce and it has as mission promoting the execution of the Brazilian industrial policy. •Supporting Service to Micro and Small Companies (Sebrae) It is the main national agency to promote new entrepreneur actions, supporting the opening and expansion of small business, acting on every sector of the economy: industries, services and agro-business.

Civil entities: • Association to the Real Estate and Tourism Development of the Brazilian Northeast (ADTI Nordeste) ADIT is an entity that drives Brazilian entrepreneurs, gathering touristic and real estate investments to the Northeast region helping and orienting in safe and profitable business transactions. • National Confederation of the Industry (CNI) It actuates to assure the active participation of the industrial community in formulating public policies

• Endeavor Entrepreneurship Institute It promotes entrepreneurism in developing countries. With headquarters in New York, it seeks to stimulate the entrepreneur mentality by means of courses, workshops, and lectures, and it is supported by partners and entrepreneurs from every country it is present in. • Brazilian Association of Foreign Trade (AEB) This is an association that gathers exporter and importer companies of goods and services, as well as supports activities to the foreign trade. It studies subjects related to the Brazilian foreign trade, proposing solutions to their problems. • Exporter Portal The Exporter Portal offers basic information on foreign trade, allowing the consultation of main terms, mechanisms, laws, events, and activities that connect the Brazilian market to the whole world.

Development of our industry in coming years According to information published in the Magazine Valor Especial November 5, 2009 issue) these are the perspectives for some segments of the Brazilian industry in the coming years:

Operators Since telecommunications were privatized yars ago, there is a strong demand in the sector. In the coming years, the arena will be commanded by the broad band infrastructure evolution. Fixed and mobile telephone grantees are reinforcing their budgets, having in mind the high speed connectivity race. According to the


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Brazilian Association of Infrastructure and Base Industry (Abdib), it will be necessary annual investments of US$ 12 millions for the next five years to cope with the bottleneck of the broad band. According to Abinee, the communication industry is one of the most promising. The entity forecasts an annual growth rate of 10% for the next decade, mainly because the present equipments will be replaced by devices with new technologies.

Electro electronic

Fanem’s incubators production line in Guarulhos - SP

Important to the national production, the electro electronic industry has a strong investment demand to follow the country’s growth. According to a study published by Abinee – Brazilian Association of the Electric Electronic Industry, entity that represents the electric and electronic sectors all over Brazil, the generalized impacts that the electric and electronic sectors propitiate to the

economy were potentized by the high growth speed experienced between 2006 and 2008, when the revenue of the sector was expanded at the annual average rate of 9% - thus allowing invoicing to attain a 4.3% GDB – Gross Domestic Product rate in 2008 of US$ 1.8 trillions. Such growth propitiates excellent opportunities in several segments of the electro electronic industry, such as Digital TV, microelectronic devices applied to industries, in which Brazil count on competitive vantages, semiconductors and components, equipments and software for telecommunications, banking automation, distance education and medical-hospital equipments industry, among others.

Medical-hospital Another attractive area is the health industry, to which Government has set privileged programs, one of them directly linked to the medical-hospital equipments industry with digital technology. The medical-hospital industry has doubled its growth in the last eight years, with a US$ 3.74 million invoicing in 2007. With approximately 450 companies, the sector exported US$ 425 millions along those years, 14% more compared to 2006. Gathered in five areas, equipments comprise implants and medical-hospital consumption items to the dental, laboratorial, radiology, and image diagnosis areas. Some of them are part of the set of products included in the sector of Information and Communication Technologies (TIC), and they receive the benefits of the Informatics Legislation, such as: digital instruments and devices to the medical-hospital use, respiratory devices for reanimation and X Ray units based on digital techniques. With the aging of the general population, the needs of the health sector will continue growing. In Brazil, life expectation is already 73 years old. Source: Valor Especial Magazine – 05/11/2009

Informatics One of the areas that aggregate more innovation has quite favorable perspectives. In 2008, the segment responded by a major slice of the Brazilian market of electro electronic (total of 28.2%) with business around US$ 21 billions, an 11% increase compared to 2007. Telecommunications was in the second place (17.1%), with US$ 12.7 billion invoicing, 21% more than last year. The perspective of the growing computerization of companies, actions from Government to the digital inclusion among the population, increase in the power consumption rate and improvement of the distribution of revenue bring a wide range of opportunities to that industry.

Industrial automation This is a segment that from 2004 to 2008 experienced a growth with average variation of 10% per year, and with favorable perspectives for the next ten years. In 2008, the industrial automation revenue attained US$ 19.6 billions, a 15% increase over the previous year, 18

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stimulated by investments in infrastructure and assets. The development of new solutions in informatics will reinforce the trend of an increase in the automation of industrial sectors, attracted by public investments in infrastructure, as well as the demand for residential automation that follows the civil construction growth.

Electricity The electric sector is plenty of quite favorable perspectives in equipments to generate, transmit and distribute electrical power (GTD). Forecasts indicate an average growth of 10% per year in the consumption of GTD equipments between 2010 and 2015, and 8% per year in the five next years after that, following five years after the Brazilian energy expansion, that besides equipments for hydroelectric mills, it will have a demand for machinery to thermal, eolic, biomass gasification and solar power mills.

The growth in the Brazilian medicalhospital industry The Brazilian medical-hospital industry has already a competitive international presence. According to

Franco Pallamolla, President of Abimo – Brazilian Association for the Medical, Dental, Hospital and Laboratorial Equipments Industry, entity that gathers 463 companies actuating in the sector, “the increasing curve of exportations, certifications curve and the high level of controls implanted by ABNT, ANVISA and the Health Ministry are quality indicators of the inputs and equipments developed in Brazil”. “Today, 70% of companies operating in the sector export to about 180 countries of the five continents. Able to supply 90% of a hospital’s demand in the present patterns, the chain generates more than 100 thousand direct and indirect employments in the country. For the entity, the good performance of the national industry is associated to investments in research and development, innovation, and expansion of the manufacturing pole”. “The sector recorded an invoicing close to US$ billions in 2008, almost 5% above what was attained in 2007. Exportations in the sector amounted US$ 581 millions, representing 14.5% of the invoicing. Forecasts for the 2009-2010 biennium are also promising”.

With MP495, medical industry forecasts a reduction in the trade balance shortage The signature of the Provisory Measure No. 495 promoting the purchase of national goods and services by the public sector was enthusiastically received among the Brazilian medical-hospital and dental industry last July. For ABIMO, the MP outlines an essential action to reduce importations in that segment, which has recorded in 2009 a US$ 2.2 billion shortage in the trade balance, data opposed to the productive capability of that industry, which is able to attend 90% of the present hospital’s equipment demands. According to Pallamolla, today’s scenery is a reflection of two difficulties the industry faces when competing with foreign products: the high fiscal burden aggregated to the manufacturing activity, and the legislation which is not favorable to the acquisition of Brazilian items. “National companies cope with the Cost Brazil, rules and more demanding certifications and a most expensive labor. Furthermore, they cope with laws that are favorable to buy imported goods, such as the similarity concept, in which foreign items that do not have national similar are not taxed”, he explains. The optimism of the medical-hospital and dental industry also considers the growth perspectives to the country, that must surpass 5%, and the estimate increase in exportations and must reach US$ 650 millions this year, thus surpassing in 17% the 2009 balance”. “Importations show that there is an internal demand and the country has space to grow. The incentive to purchase Brazilian products by government 20

is fundamental to assure the sustainable development of the Health Industrial Complex. Due to this, we wait in a very positive mood the approval of that measure by the Congress”, believes ABIMO’s president, Franco Pallamolla. The MP promotes several alterations in the bid legislation (8666/1994): incentives to innovation and to the scientific and technological research (10973/2004), and the law that sets the relationship between federal universities, scientific and technological research institutions, and supporting foundations (10973/2004). Primarily, it sets preferences when buying assets and services produced or rendered by companies which invest in research and development in the country. In bid processes, such measure forecasts the creation of preference margins to national items approved by the Brazilian technical rules to be defined by the Federal Executive Power and limited up to 25% above the price of foreign similar. The calculation of such amount by groups of products and services will be defined based on the generation of employment and revenue, in the tax collection and the level of development and technological innovation performed in the country. Another differential is provided to micro and small companies of technological basis. The measure foresees the execution of institutional developing projects to research activities created in the Scientific and Technological Institutions (ICT) environment. The MP is waiting for the Congress’ approval.

Apex-Brasil: the best trade promotion agency


n October 14th 2010, in Mexico City, the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) earned the award of best trade promotion agency among developing countries. The TPO Network Awards was granted by the International Trade Centre (ITC), a United Nations agency responsible for helping countries in achieving human development by means of foreign trade. Apex-Brasil bet 11 countries in the first stage, and Oman, United Arab Emirates, Malaysia and Armenia in the final stage. The Brazilian agency was the winner and, according to ITC Executive Director, Patricia Francis, it deserved the prize “for having presented a unique capacity building program for small and medium-sized companies, so that they are competitive and are able to go international”. In order to choose the winner, ITC evaluated innova-

tive programs for the development of exports, i.e., projects that helped to strengthen the competitiveness of exporting companies or that led to a meaningful and positive change so that this goal would be achieved. The Agency earned the award presenting the case of Projeto Extensão Industrial Exportadora (PEIEX, Industrial Extension for Exporting Project), which builds the export capacity of 5.3 thousand micro, small and medium-sized Brazilian companies and has already led to several successful cases. By means of partnerships with universities and research institutes, the project offers the service of experts who diagnose the main problems of a company and suggest measures so that the company can export more efficiently. Representing all Apex-Brasil’s employees, business director, Maurício Borges, received the trophy and highlighted the contribution of all those who work at the Agency for its success in the 2010 TPO Network Awards.


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“This award is the result of the effort of all those who work at the Agency to provide the most suitable services to supply the needs of Brazilian companies in their exporting process. And PEIEX, which is being awarded today, is a capstone to this effort”, Borges said. In an interview at the end of the event, ITC Executive Director emphasized that the developing country category was the most competitive. “Thus, Apex-Brasil should be proud of what it accomplished. Apex-Brasil’s work is totally devoted to meet the needs of its clients. The agency has even developed a sophisticated methodology to measure the impact of its actions in the companies it supports”, Francis declared. The ITC also awarded agencies in two other categories: developed countries and small island developing states. In the first category, the United Kingdom was the winner (UKTI). In the second, the Republic of Mauritius (Enterprise Mauritius). The TPO Network Awards is granted every two years, during the Trade Promotion Organizations Network World Conference, which, in 2010, comprised agencies from 50 countries. The adjudicating panel included ITC specialists and agencies that had won the prize in previous editions. This is the first time that Brazil wins the TPO Network Awards. The award earned in Mexico City features the Agency in the international scenario once more. Since 2008, Apex-Brasil has been gaining prominence in the trade promotion and investment attraction world scenario. In that year, it was elected to lead the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) and, in 2010, it was reelected. Since October 2009, it also leads the Ibero-American Network of Trade Promotion Organizations (Redibero), which gathers 22 countries and addresses trade promotion best practices.

Mission of Apex-Brasil The mission of Apex-Brasil is to promote the exports of Brazilian products and services, to contribute to the internationalization of Brazilian companies and to attract foreign investments into the country. As an agency focused on strategy development within the Brazilian Government, Apex-Brasil is affiliated with the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC). Apex-Brasil supports over 11,000 companies from 80 productive sectors of the Brazilian economy, which export to over 200 markets. By means of initiatives undertaken in partnership with representative entities of productive sectors, the Agency organizes diverse trade promotion activities. These initiatives include prospective trade missions, business rounds, participation of Brazilian companies in large world trade fairs and visits of foreign buyers and opinion makers to know the Brazilian productive structure. The Agency also conducts business and competitive intelligence studies intended to guide its own strategies and decisions of Brazilian companies regarding their entry into international markets.

In addition to its headquarters in Brasilia, ApexBrasil has offices in several Brazilian states and Business Support Centers (BSCs) in the main global markets, which operate as platforms to support the internationalization of Brazilian companies, to prospect business opportunities, to increase the share of Brazilian companies in the most important markets and to attract foreign investment. The BSCs are strategically located in Asia (Beijing), Middle East (Dubai), North America (Miami), Central America and the Caribbean (Havana), Western Europe (Brussels and Warsaw) and Eastern Europe (Moscow). A new BSC will be opened soon in Africa (Luanda). The agency also coordinates efforts to attract foreign direct investments (FDI) into Brazil by identifying business opportunities and providing support to foreign investors throughout the decision-making process. The objective is to attract productive capital of foreign companies that may offer technological innovation, new business management models and improvements to existing production chains. In terms of foreign affairs, Apex-Brasil heads distinguished world forums and organizations such as the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) and the Ibero-American Network of Trade Promotion Organizations (RedIbero), securing Brazil’s position as a regional reference in export promotion and foreign direct investment attraction.

Achievements THE WORLD BANK - In 2009, Apex-Brasil was appointed by the World Bank as the 2nd best agency for foreign investment support among 181 agencies worldwide. The Agency was ranked first in Latin America and the Caribbean and second overall in responding to investor’s information inquiries, according to the World Bank’s Global Investment Promotion Benchmarking. It assessed the performance of agencies in promoting their countries and influencing foreign investors’ decision about where to invest. INTERNATIONAL FORUMS - Apex-Brasil coordinates the Brazil – United States CEOs Forum; Brazil – United Kingdom Forum; Brazil – Mexico Forum; and Brazil – India Forum, among others. NATIONAL COORDINATION TO ATTRACT DIRECT INVESTMENTS - The Agency coordinates the efforts to attract foreign investment, providing support and training to regional entities all over Brazil 23

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Caipirinha: typical drink from Brazil


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Credit: Jefferson Panciere/SPTuris

Fruit stand of Municipal Market in S達o Paulo 25

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Technology Digital TV in Brazil

The Digital Television Brazilian System is open and free, allowing broadcasting very high quality content in terms of picture and sound both to fixed and mobile devices. The first broadcasting on Digital TV in Brazil happened in São Paulo in December 2nd, 2007, but the history began far before that. In 1999, Anatel – National Telecommunications Agency started the technical and economical assessment process in order to take a decision as to the digital broadcasting system to be applied in Brazil. After studies conducted together with universities and broadcasting companies, the system chosen was the

ISDB-TB, developed having as basis the Japanese system Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting Terrestrial (ISDB-T). Brazilian researchers added a series of updating to the ISDB-T, such as adoption of much modern and effective audio and video digital compression patterns than the already functioning digital TV around the world. The Brazilian system, also called SBTVD offers a series of differentials, such as high definition and interactivity with mobile phones, mini-TV sets, and notebooks. Another important point is that the system allows interactivity, which means that the owners can use their remote to respond tests, attain information on shows, buy products announced, participate of quiz and perform banking operations. Besides Brazil, other countries like Peru, Argentina, Chile and Venezuela already have announced the adoption of the Brazilian model for their digital television.

Safety in the elections The Brazilian election process is a worldwide reference in agility to count and divulge votes. The secret vote creatcreat ed by the Electoral Court, re-registration of electors and the use of the electronic voting machine since 1996 are phases of a process that make Brazilian elections 100% reliable. In order to attain a quite significant result, it was necessary years of study, working and changing, added to investments in the planning, process engineering, adad vanced technology and logistics. The constant evaluation and search for improvements of the electoral system in the whole country have been the first priority in a sense to valorize transparency of the information. The greatest innovation in the 2010 elections was the use of biometric voting machines, which besides of asas suring safety against frauds perfectly identifying each elector by means of lecturing of the individuals’ digital impression. In these elections, 40 cities participated in the biometric identification re-registration, amounting more than one million electors who are now integrating one of the most advanced and accurate database in the planet. Biometry is the science even more used in the Brazilian electoral process, and it is an example of transparency. All such advanced technology allowed the last election performed in October to elect the President, senators, and federal and state deputies counted about 100 milmil lion votes all over the country in less than 6 hours and divulging the result.

The country with higher penetration rate of mobile phones Brazil must end 2010 with more mobile phones than the amount of its own population in a total of around 200 26

Credit: Nelson Jr./ASICS/TSE

million contracts. With such indexes, Brazil will be the emerging country with higher mobile phone penetration rate. From 2004 to 2009, Brazil added 108 million mobile phones into the market, a rate comparable to markets such as United States, China, India, Indonesia, and Russia. At the end of 2009, it attained 173 millions, closing the year in the fifth position, with annual average expansion rate of more than 26% comparable to countries like Germany, France, Italy, Sweden and Finland, where there are already more mobile phones than inhabitants. Anatel – National Telecommunications Agency published in the middle of September that the base of mobile phone subscribers in Brazil has grown 1.29% in August, attaining 189.4 million subscribers compared to the last month’s. It was accounted for 2.4 million new habilitations, raising the range of mobile phone to 97.96% inhabitants in the country against 96.83% in July. This means a 97.96% density of mobile phones per 100 inhabitants. Prepaid system is used by 82.2% of subscribers. Postpaid plans have a 17.8% slice. In 2010, the amount of habilitations is 15.5 millions, losing only to the 2008 figure, when 17.4 millions mobile phones were habilitated in the first eight months. In 2009, the mobile phone base in Brazil has grown to 23.3 million lines, the second best performance in the sector since 2008 with 29.7 millions.


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keeping the worldwide leadership. According to the researches, in December 2009, the amount of internauts in Brazil was of 67.5 millions, and in September of that same year, it was of 66.3 millions, attesting the fast growth in the market. The electronic market closed 2009 with sales around US$ 6.38 billions, and in June, 2008 we already reached 10.4 million broadband connections a year and a half before the forecast, as such projection was expected to 2010.

Embraer produces some of the most modern aircrafts in the world

Internet: 100 million PC in 2012 Brazil is the 5th country with higher amount of connections to the Internet, with an intense rhythm of growth. There is more than 60 million PC being used, and it is estimated that such figure must attain 100 millions in 2012. The entry of the C Class into the group of internauts should continue keeping the same increasing pace in the amount of home users (23.8% of the Brazilian homes are connected). In urban areas, 44% of the population and 97% of companies are connected to the Internet. 38% of all persons access the web daily. The country occupies the 1st place in the ranking that sets the average surfing time (48h26m), followed by United States (42h19m), and United Kingdom (36h30m), France, Japan, Spain, Germany, Italy, and Australia (23h45m), according to researches made in July 2009,

At the end of 2008, Embraer certified the executive jet Phenom 100 and delivered the first unit of that model. To deliver aircrafts is a common task to the third bigger aviation industry in the world, but developing the Phenom 100 had a special meaning, as it was the first jet made by the company exclusively designed for executive use, since the Legacy 600 and the Lineage 1000 use commercial jet platforms. The development of the Phenom 100 and Phenom 300 models represent Embraer’s commitment to the executive market, established in 2000, when it was launched the Legacy 600 project, disposable to become one of the bigger in such segment. Today, less than one decade later, Embraer has airplanes operating in every continent of the planet, and its exclusive executive line is one of the most modern and effective in the industry. The turboprop EMB 121 Xingu was the first Embraer’s airplane destined to the executive transportation market, and the first pressurized aircraft built and designed in Brazil. In France, for instance, Xingu is used since 1983 to train pilots, and the French Air Force will lengthen the operational lifetime of these aircrafts up to 2025 updating its electronic systems. This will keep the airplane operating for 42 consecutive years, showing the quality of the Embraer’s products.


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Brazilian Pavilion at MEDICA fair in 2009


The importance of the medical sector to the Brazilian economy

The sector that produces medical and hospital equipments has a fundamental importance in supplying to the Health market in Brazil, not only assuring the supply by competitive prices, but mainly assuring the access to the most advanced technological resources to treat diseases, to examinations and diagnosis. The 2010 IEMI study shows that the relevance of the sector goes far beyond the health, advancing more and more its representativeness, added to the Brazilian industry as a whole. The report presents results collected in the 11th statistical survey of producers of equipments and consumables for medical, dental, hospital, laboratorial and radiological in Brazil, and it was performed aiming to measure and describe the operational structure, dimensions and importance of the sector in supplying both to domestic market stating its importance within the Brazilian import and export guidelines. Its results were designed as to show the evolution of the main indicators from 1999 on, when it was accomplished the first survey of such important manufacturing complex sector. The estimates on the universe of companies operating in this segment show that the sector keeps a steady growth with an annual 3.2% expansion in the 1999/2009 period. In 2009, the sector generated around 31.8 thousand direct employs and a revenue of US$ billions, meaning that the sector responds by 0.33% of the labor employed and 0.47% of the invoicing in the transformation industry in the country.

Evolution in the amount of companies In 2009, companies actuating in the sector had an operational profile in which it was observed that 71% of the volume was produced in own factories, while 12% were imported items from their headquarters. The capital controlling In the whole set of this business field, 91% of all companies operate with national capital while those with foreign capital amount only 9%. In mixed-capital companies, the average participation of national capital is 52%. More than half foreign companies operating in Brazil are from United States and Germany. Market focus 90% of industries in the sector are basically focused to attend the health market. In 11 years, the number of companies actuating in the sector has increased 37% being detaching the Dental, Medical-Hospital Equipments and Consumables. Age of companies All the 448 companies that form the sector are characterized by organizations operating in the market for about 25 years, and some of them already existed more than 50 years ago. However, 15.6% of companies have less than 10 years, meaning an expressive renewal rate in the sector, thus certifying that the economic attraction of the sector remains quite high. Distribution of companies per segment and region The sector is highly concentrated in the Southeast and


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South regions of the country, particularly the state of São Paulo that shelters 86% of all companies (40% in the capital São Paulo). The South region comes next with 53 companies (or 12%) with a major concentration in the state of Paraná. The role of the sector in within the national economy Importations represented 45.5% of the 2009 domestic consumption, while exportations represented 14% of the national production. Recent evolution of the sector In 2009, the invoicing of the sector presented a 5.9% increase compared to 2008 considering its value in local currency, the reais. But when it is calculated in dollars, there was a small 2.4% fall, which must be attributed to exchange rate variations during that period. In terms of the amount of companies that constitute the sector, the expansion during the 2003 – 2009 period was of 7.2%. Economic importance The participation of the sector in the Brazilian transformation industry invoicing was 0.47%, quite relevant considering the reduced number of companies actuating in the sector (448) before the whole industry activity in the country (around 300 thousand).


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Increasing evolution of the sector year No.


2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

418 422 426 424 449 463 448

% Companies 100,0% 101,0% 101,9% 101,4% 107,4% 110,8% 107,2%

Invoicing 4.871.395 5.357.116 5.982.291 6.728.937 7.281.882 7.277.864 7.704.031

(R$ thousand) 100,0% 110,0% 122,8% 138,1% 149,5% 149,4% 158,1%

% Invoicing 1.602.433 1.828.367 2.457.702 3.090.780 3.737.454 3.960.742 3.864.575

(US$ thousand)% 100,0% 114,1% 153,4% 192,9% 233,2% 247,2% 241,2%

Notes: (1) Gross sales including companies associated and non-associated to ABIMO (2) evolution in nominal values with no inflaction deduction

Import and export in the segment The segment of implants was the most outstanding of the sector, since it succeeded in having a +7.72% increase in its external sales in 2009 compared to 2008. As to importations, the sectors that had higher growth in 2009 were: Radiology, +8.5% followed by Implants, 8.3%. Employment generation In the employment generation, as in its majority the sector is composed by companies with intensive funding, its contribution is lower. It sums up 0.33% of the work places generated by the transforming industry. From the task force occupied by the sector, 26% are used in the companies’ management, while the physical production absorbs 61% workers, 9% respond by the sales force, and 4% technical assistance. Countries of origin of the importations and destination of exportations United States were the main buyer (25.8%) and also with the higher amount of suppliers (33.1%) of consumables, equipments and materials used in the Brazilian dentals, medical-hospitals and laboratorial segments in 2009. Features of the domestic production Labor employed The labor volume employed by the sector grew 2.3% in

2009, with an accumulated increase of 14.9% during the 1999 – 2009 period. The segment of implants presented the higher growth, with a 73.1% increase followed by Consumables, +29.6%. Labor turned to exportation More than 59% companies that form the sector is hardly fighting for another markets besides the Brazilian one. For this, around 80% of exporters have mounted appropriate structures dedicated to attend external clients. These structures employ 931 employees (an average of 3.5 per exporter with area dedicated to exportations), being 93% of them located in Brazil and 7% abroad. Invoicing of the Sector In the last 11 years, the sector grew 37% in terms of companies, but its total invoicing had a 306.7% increase, passing from a little less than US$ 1.20 millions in 1999 to US$ 4.63 billions in 2009, clearly indicating an effective growth in the markets attended by these companies. Quality systems Around 80% of companies actuating in the sector have some quality system issued within the country or abroad.

Employment generation: allocation of the personnel occupied Segments

Management Production


Technical Assistance




















Equipments M/H

























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Strategies to assure sanitary safety on health products

The health products area is formed by a universe of different complexity levels that includes from a simple infrared bulb passing by compresses, prosthesis and means of culture up to equipments such as tomography and MRI. Therefore, they are items used to perform medical, dental, and physiotherapy procedures, as well as to the diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation or monitoring patients. Brazil has mechanisms that actuate to promote and protect the health. Anvisa – National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance is the governmental organ that has the responsibility to assure the sanitary safety of the health services and products, participating in the construction to its access. For this, it actuates from the registration and authorization of these products and services to reach the market up to following-up their performance during the next post-commercialization phases. The Good Manufacturing Techniques (GMT) are Anvisa’s specific rules that set the applicable techniques to the manufacturing of medical products from their methods and controls used to the design, purchase, manufacturing, packaging, labeling, storage, up to their installment, usage and technical assistance of all products of the sector. Such legislation determines that every medical-hospital product supplier must fulfill all requirements to assure the safety and effectiveness of its usage. Besides, such certification aggregates value to products and equipments, establishing rules to implant a culture of preventive actions to minimize corrective actions. By means of local sanitary surveillances, periodic auditing are performed in those certificated companies, but despite the mandatory feature of fulfilling the GMT, the own consumer market has been more demanding in such certification. Brazil already has an association that works intensively aiming to incentivate the industry to certify its products with the Good Manufacturing Practices, It is the Brazilian Association of Certified Companies, that actuates providing support to bid processes, and promoting a permanent interaction between its associates and Anvisa. After analyzing and approving, it is issued a commercialization authorization for a period during which the product will be subject to usage and performance tests in big scale, a fundamental assessment to base

subsequent revalidations or the withdrawn from the market, in the event it is verified damages to the health or adverse effects related to its use. In order to grant the prorogation concession and new certifications, the criteria assess whenever a company has any occurrence that must demanded a sanitary measure. The Anvisa techno surveillance, through Hospitais Sentinelas of health professionals or the consumers may receive a problem notification of the health product. Therefore, the post-market assessment is another controlling tool that allows analyzing possible claims, and whenever they are proved to exist, it is settled the need to implement corrective measures. The Hospitais Sentinelas project was first created in 2002, formalizing a partnership with big-sized hospitals, mainly from public universities, to implant the surveillance on inputs used in hospitals. The network of hospitals incorporated the systematic data collection of adverse events and non-conformities related to such health products, further of counting on capable professionals to identify errors in working processes of the health services, and to check any suspicious in the quality of these inputs, and in such cases, to notify Anvisa. The formation of the Rede Sentinela has set a limited amount of hospitals to make the contract and the cash repassing. But later, it was enlarged by means of the adhesion of collaborator services that receive training and notify events to the system. The formation of such network had as basis the voluntary adhesion through an invitation which is sent to big size and high complexity hospitals involved with assistance, teaching, and research, distributed in every Brazilian state. During these years, improvement plans were implanted taking care of the rational use of medications and technologies, added to the hospital quality and safety to patient’s health plans. Such work was revealed to be an interesting low cost strategy to the diffusion of the surveillance concept in health and hospital services. While it incentives the notification of adverse events and technical claims related to health products, it facilitates the introduction of new focus on the controlling actions for hospital infection, propitiating the enlargement of the surveillance to different events, contributing to the increase of the effectiveness, safety and sustainability of the country’s hospitals. Crowning the struggle of such initiative, Anvisa and Projeto Sentinela were rewarded with the third place in the 11th contest “Public Sector Innovation” of the National School of Public Management (ENAP) as one of the most important and innovative initiatives of the Federal Government. Source: Anvisa


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Olidef cz offers a complete line of newborns equipments, to garantee all care and zeal the new born needs. The Olidef ´s baby incubators, phototherapies, air suctions and the infant radiant warmers are developed with the higher available technology in the market share. They offer practicality to the professional and comfort and safety to the baby. It is the care and zeal your little patient need. + 55 (16) 3919.9354 – Ribeirão Preto/SP – Brazil – –

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Brazilian companies receive international awards

In 2008, the IF Product Design Award, an award granted in Hannover, Germany which has the purpose to promote the recognition of the national design abroad presented the 821 winners, thus allowing that the rewarded manufacturing companies use a stamp which is considered the most important in the European market. From 225 Brazilian products enrolled, 98 became finalists, and 18 of them were among the winners of that award. Winners were selected among almost 3,000 enrolled companies from 35 different countries, and the analysis criteria were: quality of the design, finishing, material selection, level of innovation, environmental compatibility, functionality, ergonomics, practice, safety, market value and universal design aspects. Presently, Brazil is among ten countries with more IF Product Design Award stamps conquered. From 2003 up today, of the 1,275 products enrolled, 653 competed in that European award, 578 were finalists, and 98 were winners. One of the rewarded companies, Baumer, presented its surgical table Atena A-600 with a new esthetic approach that allied softness and sophistication without prejudicing its endurance. Through the observation of environments and the applications of the old version of the product as well as the users’ behavior, the company verified that the endurance brought by the steel was a quite valorized aspect. The solution was to simplify the internal steelstructure developing closing panels in plastic, keeping its endurance aspect with a look over-dimensioning some keyelements, such as the central column and wheels, allied to the development of mechanical triggering in machined stainless steel, mechanisms that help the user to adequately locate the patient. So, it appeared as a product with fluid forms and a series of functional innovations. In 2009, another Brazilian company attained international recognition, participating in the The Bizz Awards organized by the World Confederation of Businesses: Diagnostek. The award was performed in the city of Cusco, Peru, and it is considered the most important award in the world granted to innovative companies in their sectors which are committed to the quality and social responsibility. The company has already received that award two other times, 2006 and 2008. The initial point of view of the founders of the award was to create a worldwide entrepreneur organization that would gather and give recognition to leader entrepreneurs in their segments who were cooperating to the growth of the economy in their country and would be a pattern to be followed. Presently, the Worldcob counts on more than 2,000 associated members all over the world. The purpose of the reward to Diagnostek was the PARATESTŽ System that offers an unique easiness in routine parasitological feces examinations allowing maximum detailing. It is a preparing kit to simplify feces examinations, reducing the amount of consumables and the necessary steps to the procedure, thus facilitating the parasitological disease diagnosis. Further to this, the kit does not need water or electricity, thus avoiding recontamination of the environment.

Sources: ParanĂĄ Design Center 36

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Despite the exponential growth and the scientific progress, the availability and access to adequate and feasible health technologies in low and medium revenue countries are still insufficient. In January, 2010, WHO launched “The Call” for innovative technologies that address global health concerns looking for innovative technologies, with the purpose to identify and assess the existing or developing medical devices approaching global health concerns that may be accessible to those countries. Once again, Diagnostek submitted PARATEST® to a committee of international experts on its site assessing every technology presented, and on June 2010, it published on its site a list with products and technologies which were deemed of interest and important to the health in global terms, and among them, the Diagnostek kit. Another Brazilian company rewarded was Fanem, a tradition manufacturer of neonatal equipments with its Bilitron® LED phototherapy unit that has the purpose to treat hyperbilirubinemia in newborns through phototherapy. The equipment increases the safety of the procedure using a radiation source that produces a blue light, minimizing the exposition to ultraviolet radiation. Another potential advantage is that the unit measures the effective light production in wave lengths besides of consuming less energy than the previous models. Source: Centro de Design do Paraná


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Brazil follows a steady path that has conducted it to produce 2.02% of the scientific articles in the world. The country is in the 15th position in a ranking headed by the United States followed by China, and having surpassed Switzerland (1.89%) and Sweden (1.81%), approaching from Nederland (2.66%). Brazil is growing four times more than other countries in the production of scientific knowledge. The perspectives to the Brazilian universities and the scientific community are good and demonstrate several advancements. The Growth Acceleration Program (PAC) shall invest US$ 24.7 billions in Sciences up to the end of 2010, and it fixes the goal to raise the participation of companies up to 0.65% of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product), and the general investment in the sector to 1.5%. Besides of stimulating the researches in strategic

Production of Scientific Knowledge areas such as biofuel, medications, national defense and nuclear program, it foresees a support to the sciences teaching and promotion of social development. The scientific initiation has contributed to the increase in the production of scientific articles in the country. The most studied areas are: Medicine, where the country is leader in the worldwide production, followed by Physics and Chemistry. According to Guimarães, in 2007, a Brazilian article on neuroscience was the most quoted among the scientific community, and the São Paulo University has the most quoted article in the world on the area of internal medicine. Brazilian Government stimulates the development of scientific researches by supporting some entities such as CNPq (National Council to the Scientific and Technological Development) and Finep (Funding for Studies and Projects) from the Ministry of Science and Technology. The Ministry together with CNPq1 is selecting research projects that contribute to the advancement of the knowledge and in generating products that grant subsidies to the formulation, implementation and assessment of public actions driven to the Clinic Genetic at the Unique Health System – SUS. The approved proposals will receive funding in an estimated amount of US$ 3.61 millions that comes from the Health Sector Funding. The edict comprises research and development projects focusing the following themes: mental disabilities; inborn abnormalities; parental cancer; inborn diseases; inborn metabolism errors. Each proposal approved shall set the maximum execution term of 36 months, and it will receive up to US$ 180 thousand to be implemented. Finep launched the 2010 national edict for economical subvention amounting US$ 301 millions. These resources will support innovation projects developed by national companies in six strategic areas: information and communication technologies, energy, biotechnology, health, defense, and social development. In the biotechnology area, for instance, it will be supported projects with innovations in bioproducts for application in agriculture, genetically modified plants destined to control plagues and diseases and adaptation to adverse conditions to the industrial cultures; nitrogen fixation in grass and Leguminous. It includes development of bioproducts for application in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry using active principles and essences withdrawn from the Brazilian biodiversity and contemplating the fast diagnosis of infectious, degenerative and genetic diseases. Concerning the Health, projects aiming the development of devices to be used in human health, with emphasis on implantable devices: pacemakers, cardioverter


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defibrillator, cochlear with electric generator and hip and knee prosthesis, added to health equipments destined to: image diagnosis; in vitro diagnosis; hemodialysis and accessories; individual sound amplification; refrigerated centrifuge for blood bags; freezer / extra low temperature conserver for samples and vaccines. It includes innovations for tests and assessment of safety and performance in electrical devices, molecules and processes that contribute to the development of the national production of active pharmaceutical and medical inputs to be used to treat infectious, degenerative and genetic diseases. Other areas such as Information and Communication Technologies, Energy, Defense and Social Development will also receive support to projects that allow developing innovative products and services.

Brazilian hospitals also produce scientific knowledge Incor – Heart Institute is a public hospital of high complexity linked to a College, which is specialized in cardiology, pneumology and cardiac and thoracic surgeries. Besides of being an attendance pole, the Heart Institute is also outstanding as a big research and teaching center. The hospital is part of the Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo and a field for teaching and researching connected to the Medicine College of the São Paulo University – USP. In order to keep its excellence, the Institute counts on the financial support from the Zerbini Foundation, a non-profitable private entity. On September 2010, once again Incor had a majoritary institutional representativeness at the Congress of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology held in Belo Horizonte – MG. With the medical, nursing, and nutrition areas, Incor was responsible by the presentation of 47 scientific high quality works. The Coffee-Heart Research Center, for instance, presented in that Congress two studies on the impact of the regular coffee intake on the hypertension and other metabolism components, such as cholesterol and glycemia. The good news is that the coffee intake does not represent a significant alteration on any of those parameters for the cardiovascular health, according to the study whose methodology was worldwide unpublished. By its turn, the MASS – Medicine Angioplasty Surgery Study team presented results of a 10 year study – MASS II aiming to assess what would be the best therapy to the coronary artery diseases: clinical treatment (only intervention of medication), angioplasty or cardiac surgery. A recent issue made by the Circulation magazine published an article on the MASS II research. Results were considered of high relevance, and it deserved an editorial of that magazine. The ten year analysis MASS II concluded that the mortality rate is quite similar among the three groups of patients – clinical, angioplasty and surgery – being around 1.5% per

year. Data that drew the attention of the coordinator of the study was that from 42% of patients of the clinical group who in a first analysis would be indicated to the surgery were not submitted to it, and after all, they did not present any kind of cardiac complication along the ten year period. It is a quite high rate that shows the indication to the surgery must not be the first choice for the treatment. Among the studies presented by Incor in the diagnosis area, it is an unpublished research that redefines the Calcium score to remove the immediate cardiac risk in situations of cardiologic emergency. The calculation of the amount of Calcium into the coronary arteries is a state-of-the-art examination considered by the Medicine one of the more precise indicators for cardiac risk. The popularization of such examination has made several emergency services and clinics around the world to use such indicator to remove the hypothesis of imminent infarction or angina in patients with thoracic pain. Under this situation, the physician very often identifies a low or null Calcium score as if there was no possibility of a severe problem. If such interpretation is correct for great part of patients, at least for 20% of them, however, it may be fatal. This is what was shown in the study performed by Incor together with research centers of nine countries published in the February issue of JACC – Journal of American College of Cardiology. Same as Incor, many other Brazilian health institutions are developing researches for the treatment of diseases and to improve the quality of life of every person. Source:

Brazil is the cradle of great personalities of the Medicine

Euclides de Jesus Zerbini Euclides de Jesus Zerbini and his team became internationally recognized after accomplishing the first heart transplantation in Brazil in 1968, only six months after the pioneer transplant accomplished by the South African surgery Christian Barnard. With 73 year old (in 1985) already counting on anti-rejection medications, he was once again a pioneer, performing the first heart transplant in a patient bearer of the Chagas Disease. In his 58 year carrier, Dr. Zerbini received 125 honorary titles and several homages from governments all over the world. He attended 314 medical congresses and performed personally or through his team more than forty thousand cardiac surgeries working non-stop a few months before he died. Ivo Hélcio Jardim de Campos Pitanguy Considered the most famous Brazilian plastic surgeon, Ivo Hélcio Jardim de Campos Pitanguy is also one of the best in the world. At the end of the 40’s, after studying outside the country, Dr. Pitanguy came back to Brazil and created the Surgery Service at Santa Casa de Misericordia do Rio de Janeiro, the first to make hand surgery in the South America, where he attended


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destitute persons and victims of deformities. Between 1950 and 1951, in Paris, France, he was visiting fellow of Marc Iselin, one of the creators of the hand surgery and reference in attending mutilated persons from the Second World War II. Back to Brazil, in 1954 he headed the Plastic and Repairing Surgery Service at Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Rio de Janeiro. In 1960, he created the post graduation course of plastic surgery of the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro integrated to the hospital’s ward. The course formed 45 classes, about 500 surgeons from more than 40 countries. In 1963 he founded his own clinic that became excellence center in esthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery. There, Professor Pitanguy supervises a team of plastic surgeons in tune with his techniques and philosophy. Adib Domingos Jatene Thoracic surgeon, college professor and scientist, Dr. Adib Domingos Jatene is internationally known and respected. Besides of dozens of innovations in the medical area, he was inventor of a heart surgery that carries his name to treat the transposition of the big arteries in newborns and of the first artificial heart-lung of the Hospital das Clínicas. He actuated as State Health Secretary, and it was for two times Ministry of Health. He is member of the National Medical Academy, General Director for the Heart

Adib Domingos Jatene


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Mayana Zatz

Hospital and Head Professor of Thoracic Surgery of the USP College of Medicine from 1983 to 1999. Mayana Zatz Mayana Zatz is a Brazilian molecular biologist and geneticist. Famous researcher in human genetics, with contributions mainly in the field of neuromuscular diseases (muscular dystrophy, spastic paraplegia, amyotrophic side sclerosis) which she pioneers; presently she is performing relevant researches in the field of trunk-cells. Mayana Zatz was born in Tel Aviv, Israel in 1947. She spent part of her childhood in France, and in 1955 she moved to Brazil. Between 1975 and 1977 she made a post graduation at University of California (United States) and upon returning to Brazil in 1981, she founded the Brazilian Association of Muscular Dystrophy that treats persons affected by muscular dystrophies and where she still is the director. In 1995 she pioneered the location of the genes linked to a kind of limb dystrophy, mapping the gen responsible by the Knobloch syndrome. In 2000 she was distinguished with the Brazilian Great-Cross of the National order of Scientific Merit, also receiving the Scientific and Technological Merit Medal from the São Paulo State Government. In 2001, she received in Paris the LatinAmerican award of the L’Oréal-UNESCO for women in sciences. She was nominated the 2006 Science Personality of the Year, according to the Magazine ISTOÉ Gente. In 2009 she won the Mexico Award of Science and Technology 2008. In September of that same year, Mayana won the Walter Schmidt Award granted by the company Fanem for outstanding personalities who promoted the development to the Brazilian health sector. Miguel Nicolelis Internationally recognized Brazilian physician and scientist, Miguel Nicolelis was considered one of the 20 greatest scientists in the world at the beginning of

the last decade, according to the “Scientific American” magazine. In his specialty, neurobiology, he is in first place. An important magazine considered him one of the 100 more influent Brazilian persons in 2009. Nicolelis was the first scientist to receive from the American institution in the same year the Pioneer and Transformative R01, and the first Brazilian to have an article published on the cover of the Science magazine. He headed a group of researchers who pioneered recorded the simultaneous activity of 700 neurons, and became famous for making monkeys to control robotic arms using their brains. Today, he commands revolutionary studies – as the ones that suggest an underground link between different illness like Parkinson and schizophrenia, besides of studies suggesting how the genesis of the hunger feeling and the satiety in the brain is. He heads a group of researches in the area of Neuroscience at University Duke (Durham, United States) that studies attempts to integrate the human brain to machinery (neuroprosthesis or brain-machine interfaces). The purpose of these researches is to develop neural prosthesis aiming to rehabilitate patients suffering from body paralysis. Nicolelis is responsible by the discovery of a system that allows creating robotic arms controlled by means of brain signals. His work is on the list of the Massachusetts Technology Institute (MIT) as one of the technologies that will change the world. Sources: Agência Brasil Ministry of the Science and Technology Press Assistance of Incor-HCFMUSP

Miguel Nicolelis


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Credit: Rondon Vellozo/MS


Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO), deemed the major global authority to the segment, published a report, praising the advancements in the Brazilian public health system. Public strategies, such as vaccination campaigns, visiting and field analysis of the “Family Health Program” teams are tools to the health promotion in the country. Results indicated in that report showed a reduction in the child mortality rate in Brazil, from 46 deaths per 1000 live birth in 1990 to 18 deaths per 1000 live birth in 2008. Such reduction will make the country to advance in 2012 to the fourth Target of the Development Objectives to the Millennium with three years advancement in the limit-date set by the United Nations (UN). Still, WHO reinforced that more than 75% of the Brazilian people depend exclusively on SUS (Unique Health System) to have access to health services, which “besides of offering primary health attendance, it makes available a wide range of hospital services, such as cardiac surgery, image diagnosis, and sophisticated laboratorial examinations”. Also, that document points out the prevention programs and other programs as Popular Pharmacy and Smiling

Great Health Programs Brazil, National Immunization Program which accounts for the application of 130 million doses/year, added to more recent measures, such as the Influenza H1N1 (locally called the swine flu) vaccination campaign that immunized 89.4 million Brazilian people. These data show that the sector is in an open growth in the country, and expecting to achieve and implement new plans and directives to assure to the whole population such essential asset to the country’s development: Health.

Vaccination campaigns: course for the immunization

Influenza H1N1 The Ministry of Health performed in 2010 a big program seeking to vaccinate the Brazilian population against the Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) locally known as the “swine flu”, creating strategies to identify such a contagious respiratory disease caused by a new subtype of the influenza virus. The Ministry launched a national kit to the Diagnosis of the Influenza H1N1, a Brazilian technology developed to identify the virus. The country was able to produce biomolecular reagents used in the labs to detect the


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Measles and rubella The country is deemed to be the first in the Americas to deliver its report to the measles elimination certificate, also pointing out advancements in interrupting the rubella virus and SRC (Congenital Rubella Syndrome) transmission. The document was delivered in 2010 during the 50th Meeting of the Director OPAS (Pan-American Health Organization) Council Washington (USA). One of the most ancient diseases in the continent, measles had its last transmission in the Brazilian territory in 2000. In 2008, Brazil performed the greatest vaccination campaign against rubella and Congenital Rubella

Credit: Rondon Vellozo/MS

disease and to become more independent from the international market. The Federal Government funding to the project was of US$ 2.02 millions. With such test, the time spent in the analysis was reduced from 8 to 4 hours to get a result. The vaccination was performed in several steps, according to the WHO recommendations, in order to first immunize workers of the health services, Indian people, pregnant women and persons with chronic diseases. Brazilian Government went beyond that, expanding vaccination to other three groups: from six months babies to less than two years old children, and 20-29 years old and 3039 years old adults. In total, 89.4 million Brazilian people were immunized.

Vaccination campaign against poliomyelitis


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Credit: Ministério da Saúde

Syndrome of the world, immunizing 68 million people. The National Vaccination Campaign against Rubella occurred between August and December of that year, attaining a vaccination coverage above 95% among the priority groups of age.

Organ donations

Using the slogan “Be an organ donor, and only this way I will be happy, very happy”, the Ministry of Health launched in 2010 a wide media campaign to sensitize the society on the importance of the organ donation. Further to presenting the campaign, it was signed governmental decrees amounting US$ 76 million that together with the social mobilization and professional capability in that sector result in a 15% to 20% growth in the amount of transplantations performed by the Unique Health System (SUS). The amount of transplants performed in the country has presented a growth in the last few years. In 2003 it was performed 12,722 procedures, and in 2009 Brazil accounted for 20,253 transplantation surgeries – a 59.2% increase. The country also makes investments on the improvement of the system’s infrastructure, being one of them the National Qualification Program to Organ and Tissue Donation for Transplantation (Qualidott). The goal was to promote qualification to approximately 1.2 health professionals in the whole country – including doctors, nurses, psychologists and social workers – offering 150 scholarships. The initial investment of such action – that count on partnerships between the Ministry, excellence hospitals and colleges – is of US$ 6.02 millions.

Campaign to promote the organ donation

Transplantations performed per year YEAR

TOTAL OF TRANSPLANTATION PERFORMED (solid organs, cornea and medulla






























Amount of transplantations per organ (deceased donor) – first semesters SOLID ORGANS













Kidney Pancreas Kidney/Pancreas TOTAL

Source: Ministry of Health


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Credit: Rondon Vellozo/MS

National Seminary: Woman’s Health Program 25th Anniversary

Advancements in the Health to Women area The Brazilian Government also develops policies to improve the woman’s health. It is the Integral Attention to Women’s Health National Policy and the Pact for the Reduction of Mother and Neonatal Mortality (up to 2015). The proposal received an UN award as a mobilization pattern. Other actions developed were: increase in the prenatal treatment – 19.4 million consultations performed in 2009 (a 125% increase related to 2003) – and major access to essential examinations, such as mammography and Papanicolau. According to the National Research by Home Sampling (PNAD/IBGE 2008), the proportion of 50 to 59 years old women submitted to mammography Family Health has an expressive growth in five years, attaining 75%. Program Approximately 49 million of 25 years old or more women Credit: Ministério da Saúde

made that examination in 2008 – equivalent to 84.5% of the whole female population with that age. The Health Ministry has also increased the maternitylicense from four to six months, with the direct participation of the Ministry. Furthermore, the Ministry performed a campaign to incentive the creation of breast feeding rooms in the companies. Together with the National Agency of Sanitary Vigilance (Anvisa), it was elaborated directions to allow companies to adopt such action safely, following adequate health and hygiene requirements. Also, there was a reinforcement of the familiar planning policy in the country – including higher access to vasectomy and tubal ligation, distribution of condoms and enlargement of the access to contraceptive methods – and reduction of pregnancy in the adolescence, whose index among 10 to 19 years old girls fell 20%, thus consolidating the trend towards a fall since the beginning of the decade. This is due to the higher access to contraceptive methods in the public health services and in covenant drugstores of the program “Here, There Is a Popular Pharmacy”, as well as the strengthening of prevention actions and familiar planning.









Family Health The Family Health is understood as a reorientation strategy of the assistant model, made feasible through the implantation of multi-professional teams in basic health units. These teams follow a defined amount of families located in delimited geographical areas and actuating to promote the health, prevention, rehabilitation of more frequent diseases, as well as seeking the health maintenance of those assisted communities. The program strategy is to grant dynamism to the SUS project, limited by the historical evolution and organization of the health system in Brazil. Initiated in 1994, it has presented a growth. 48

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A new concept emerges inside the M MEDPEJ, brand aligned with modern forms, clean and clear as our communication and care of our customers, along with concern about the sustainability of our planet. Because of that our old brand is in rest in order to do history. We begin a new way, a new trajectory with certified standards to satisfy the international market. Founded in June 1999 with only 02 products, and launching new products every year, through hard work and especially with the principles of honesty, reliability, quality in our products, we conquered our place in the Brazilian market. Currently we export to many countries. Every day we are conquering our place in the foreign market. Nowadays we have several models in our product line: ADAPTER FOR VIDEO CAMERAS, SURGICAL ASPIRATOR, VAPOURS ASPIRATOR, ELECTRIC CHAIR FOR VARIOUS SPECIALTIES, CARDIOTOCOGRAPHY, COLPOSCOPE, FETAL DETECTORS, VASCULAR DOPPLER, LIGHT FOCUS FOR CLINICAL EXAMS, AUXILIAR EMERGENCY SURGICAL FOCUS, SURGICAL FOCUS LIGHT FOR ROOF AND WALL, LIGHT FOCUS WITH MODERN LIGHT LED LAMP, ULTRASONIC WASHER, FETAL MONITOR, VIDEOCOLPOSCOPE. We work in a structured and systematic way. Our excellent results are achieved through a combination of factors like the involvement of our leaders, employees and suppliers, through conscience to maintain the process of continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the system of quality management, improvement and constant development of collaborators, searching for new technologies and developing new projects.

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Boas Práticas de Fabricação


MEDPEJ INDÚSTRIA E COMÉRCIO DE EQUIPAMENTOS M MÉDICOS Rua Campinas, nas, 2248 • Vila Elisa • CEP 14075-070 Ribeirão rão Preto • SP • Brasil me ejj@m @med edpe • Tel: +55 (16) 3238.0300

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Fast-Attendance Units

Credit: Ministério da Saúde

the own system are managed by the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), that buys the medications and grants capabilities to the health professionals. The condition to purchase cheaper medications in those units is to present the medical or dental prescription. The Ministry of Health also announced recently an US$ 750 thousands agreement to change technology into biotechnology between the American multinational company Pfizer, the Israeli Protalix and that entity through the public lab Biomanguinhos. Within five years, the medication to treat the Gaucher disease, taliglucerase alfa) will be produced in a Brazilian industry. The sum represents the total purchased to treat patients attended by SUS (US$ 150 million/year). The agreement assures the acquisition of the product, transfer of technology and it will generate US$ 42 million savings in the period to the country.

Innovative policies to medication

Credit: Rondon Vellozo/MS

24 Hours UPA The Units of Prompt Attendance – 24 Hours UPA, have an intermediary complexity between the Basic Health Units and hospital emergencies, that together form the organized network of Emergency Attendance. They are integrant part of the fixed pre-hospital component, and it was implanted in strategic places to configure the network to attend emergencies following the National Attendance to Medical Emergencies Policy. Such strategy is related to the work of the Mobile Emergency Service – SAMU that organizes the attendance flow, conducting patients to appropriate health services.

After implanting the generic medication, medicaments with the same characteristic and producing the same effect are called “brand medication” (products commercialized by a pharmaceutical industry) are sold by its active principle (substance that produces therapeutic effects). The country has several programs to distribute them by means of partnerships with pharmaceutical industries and institutes to make medications cheaper. One of them is the Brazilian Popular Pharmacy Program that counts on its own network of Popular Pharmacies, added to partnership with private drugstores. Units of


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STD/AIDS Actions performed by the STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases), Aids, and Viral Hepatitis Department connected to the Ministry of Health to optimize the quality of life of serum-positive patients are breaking barriers. These actions comprise strategies to disseminate vaccines, medication, microbiocides, preservatives, diagnosis and monitoring kits to the public health services. Federal government aims to stimulate the national involvement in researches of anti-HIV vaccines. In Brazil, the Brazilian Plan for Anti-HIV Vaccines seeks to develop anti-HIV vaccines from the basic research and improvement of clinic research centers supported by socio-behavioral studies and from the ethical point of view. The country makes partnerships with international organizations such as WHO, USA National Health Institute, French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis B and C, and the International Initiative for AIDS Vaccine. The assurance of access to laboratorial examinations to patients in order to diagnose HIV and other STDs is a Government’s compromise, and having such premise in mind, Government priorizes the national capability in the sector by supporting the research, technological development and quality assessment in the laboratorial diagnosis. One of the advancements is the national production of antiretroviral medication. Today, Brazil produces nine

antiretroviral and it is discussing the compulsory license for more medication, putting on the table the debate to the universal and free access to the AIDS treatment into the international scenery. Recently, Brazilian Government and the World Bank signed a loan as funding to the Aids-SUS project. The agreement will increase actions related to AIDS and other STDs. For the first time, the funding repassing will be conditioned to the accomplishment of goals up to 2014. The agreement focuses the improvement of access to preventive services, HIV diagnosis and treatment to states and cities.



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tor - Rio Cristo Reden


de Janeiro/R


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Paulista Avenue

- S達o Paulo/SP


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Credit: Divulgação Sabesp

Billings Dike in São Paulo

Environment Biodiversity Brazil is considered the country with biggest biological diversity in the planet, since approximately 13% of all known species are in that territory (there are between 10 and 50 million variety of plants, animals and microorganisms in the world, but only 1.5 million were classified and nominated so far). The 1988 Brazilian Constitution started considering the environment as a strategic factor to take some political decisions, thus recognizing the connection between social and economical development, and preserving the nature. Hosting the Conference of the United Nations on the Environment and Development, Rio-92, and upon ratifying the signature of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Brazil reinforced its compromise to protect its biodiversity. The Ministry of Environment (MMA) has actively participated in such compromise, involving conservative NGO’s, academic and scientific communities in the environmental preservation. In order to increase the access to such information, the Ministry provides financial support to scientific researches destined to elaborate and implement plans to handle threatened

species in partnership with entities such as Ibama (Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources) helping to define strategies to preserve species.

Water In the whole world, 1.2 billion people has no access to potable water, and around 5 million people die each year due to simple diseases related to the lack of water supply. However, Brazil occupies a privileged position as to the availability of water, since it has 12% of the whole hydric resources in the planet. Due to this, the volume attributed per person is 19 times higher to the minimum set by the United Nations (UN) – of 1,700 m3/s per inhabitant per year. Despite geographical features of each region and the changing caused by the rivers outflow that occur due to climate variations along the year, the volume of hydric resources is sufficient to attend 57 times the present demand of the country. The human consumption in the national average is equal to 1/3 of the whole water used in Brazil.


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Credit: Divulgação Sabesp

country guaranteed sufficient good quality water for the present and future generations, assuring a rational and integrated use of the hydric resources, in order to prevent future problems related to the water.


Alto Cotia Water Irrigation consumes 46% of the resources and Treatment Station industrial activities, 18%. – São Paulo

Management of hydric resources

Sunflower plantation for fuel manufacturing

From 1980 on, the hydric resources management in Brazil started to approach three factors: the environmental, social and economical sustainability; the search for more appropriate laws and compatible institutional spaces, formulation of public policies integrating the whole society. Efforts from several sectors aiming to monitor the hydric resources management in the

Credit: Agência Petrobrás

Biofuel are sources of renewable power derived from agricultural matters and other organic substances. In Brazil, sugar cane, vegetable oils, and animal fat are being used to produce bioethanol and biodiesel. The reasons for the interest in such kind of product remain in the country’s security – they reduce the external dependency to the petroleum – and environmental, since the use of this kind of fuel minimizes the effects of the vehicle’s emissions and the gas concentration that cause the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere. Biodiesel can totally or partially replace the petroleum diesel for powering the motor of cars, trucks, and generators. It can be used pure or in several proportions. The transesterification is the present process more used to produce it, consisting in a chemical reaction of vegetable oils or animal fats with ordinary alcohol (ethanol) or methanol, stimulated by a catalyzer from which is also extracted the glycerin, product with several applications in the chemical industry. Besides the glycerin, the productive chain of the biodiesel generates a series of other co-products which may aggregate value, constituting other sources of important revenue to producers. Ethanol is used in Brazil as fuel for cars and trucks in two versions: hydrated alcohol (alcohol and fuel flex powered cars), and the anhydrous alcohol (added to gasoline in the proportion of 25%). In Brazil, ethanol is produced through the fermentation of the sugar cane juice. The sugar cane bioethanol has several advantages related to other products made abroad, since it has low cost raw material, higher production efficiency and already famous and well set first generation technology. Due to this, Brazil promotes the research and development of renewable power sources and clean and effective energy technologies by means of the Brazilian Network of Technology and Biodiesel (RBTB) and the implementation of the National Lab for Science and Technology of the Bioethanol (VTBE), a center of worldwide reference in bioethanol technologies. Those entities perform works applied to the use and production of biofuel, seeking to make the production, processing and use of co-products more effective.

Rainforest: natural wealth + cultural diversity Brazil has around 3.6 million square kilometers of dense forests, occupying the third place on the list of countries with bigger forest areas in the world, being surpassed only by Russia and Canada. However, in terms of tropical forests, it is the country with major covered area, being 56

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Credit: Governo do Estado do Amazonas

three times higher than the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the 2nd place in the worldwide ranking. Associated to its forests, the Rainforest, the Atlantic and other biomes, such as the Cerrado, Caatinga, Pantanal, Pampas, Zona Costeira, and Marinha, the Country has a major animal and vegetable wealth in the world: between 10 and 20% of all species classified. Besides the worldwide known natural wealth, the Rainforest is outstanding, since it shelters an expressive cultural diversity, with around 170 Indian nations, hundreds of remaining ancient communities of “quilombos�, and thousand of rubber latex collectors, chestnut collectors, riverains, babassu collectors communities, among others. In order to protect such Brazilian socioenvironmental inheritance, the Federal Government is fighting against illegal deforestation, and promoting the sustainable development in an unseen way with actions involving Governments, the entrepreneur sector, and the society.

Rain Forest – São Gabriel da Cachoeira


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Quality makes results.


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Competence and technological resources assure the success of this enterprise

Pre-salt exploration platform


The term “pre-salt” is related to a set of rocks located at the marine portions of major part of the Brazilian shore, with potential to generate and accumulate oil. It is called pre-salt because it forms an interval of rocks extended beneath an extensive salt layer that in certain areas attain 2,000 meters width. The term “pre“ is used because as the time passed, those rocks were being deposited before the salt layer. The total depth of those rocks, which is the distance between the surface of the sea and the oil reservoirs beneath the salt layer, may attain more than seven thousand meters. The major findings of oil in Brazil were recently made by Petrobras in the pre-salt layer located between the states of Santa Catarina and Espírito Santo, where it was found great volumes of light oil. At the Santos Basin, for instance, the oil already identified at the pre-salt layer has density of 28, API 5o, low acidity and low sulfur content. These are characteristics of a high quality oil and high market value. The findings of the Pre-Salt rise Petrobras to new oil reserve and production levels, to an outstanding position in the ranking of the greatest energy companies. Added to the experience acquired in developing oil fields in deep waters, its technicians are prepared to develop the accumulations discovered at the Pre-Salt, aiming to attain in 2017 a daily production above 1 million oil barrels. Based on the results of the wells perforated and tested so far, there is no doubt as to the technical and economical feasibility of the commercial development of the accumulations discovered. Technical studies already performed to develop the pre-salt associated to the mobilization of specialized services, equipments and


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logistics resources allow assuring the success of such enterprise. Some important steps to this task were already surpassed, such as the long endurance test of the Tupi area, with capacity to process up to 30 thousand daily barrels of oil, and the test performed at the Capuava Refinery (Recap) in São Paulo refined the first amount of oil extracted from the pre-salt layer at the Santos Basin. It is a historical achievement for the worldwide oil industry. Before the big growth foreseen for the activities in the company for the coming years both in the pre-salt and other already operating areas, Petrobras has substantially increased the resources forecasted for its Business Plan. These are strong investments that will assure the execution of one of the most consistent project portfolios in the oil industry in the world. There will be new production platforms, more than one hundred supporting ships besides the greatest perforation probe fleet to be in activity for the coming years. The construction of platforms P-55 and P-57 among other already ordered projects to the naval industry will assure the occupation of the national shipyards and good part of the offshore goods and services chain in the country. Petrobras is technologically prepared to develop the pre-salt area and is driving great part of its efforts to the research and technological development that will assure the production of such new exploratory border for the next years. An example is the Technological Program to Develop the Production of the Pre-Salt Reservoirs (Prosal), similar to the succeeded programs developed by Research Centers (Cenpes) like Procap, that made feasible production in deep waters. Besides of developing its own technology, the company works in tandem with a network of universities that contribute to the formation of a steady national technological portfolio. In 2000, Petrobras has created the greatest security program already implanted in Brazil. Pegaso (Excellence Program in Environmental Management and Operational Safety) developed technologies in safety, environment and health and risk management, among others. Added to the prevention, a contingency system was improved. With an us$ 60.2 million investment, Environmental Defense Centers are kept in strategic points of the operations with boats, ferry-boats, oil collectors, chemical dispensers and other equipments. Petrobras also counts on 13 advanced bases of such centers added to three vessels equipped with necessary resources to speed up and make more effective the response in the event of oil leakage. These vessels which are maintained ready to respond on the Brazilian shore remain round clock ready with their men on board, each of them able to collect up to 300 thousand liters of oil/ hour at the sea. Source: Petrobras

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Agro business: An excellent investment opportunity

The sum of the production and distribution operations of agricultural supplies, storage, processing and distribution of agricultural products and items produced from these products is called agro business. The sector has the fundamental role to generate cash and profits, and Brazil occupies an outstanding role in the exportation of several products, such as soy and its derivates, meat, pork meat and poultry, orange juice and products from forest extractivism. The agro business in fundamental to the country’s economy, since it represents around one third of our GDP, and it has given a major contribution to the exportation of commodities and agro industrial products. Therefore, the sector plays a fundamental role in generating cash and revenue, exporting products such as soy and its derivates, meat, pork meat, poultry, orange juice and products from the forest extractivism. Modern, effective and competitive, the Brazilian agro business is a prosperous, safe and profitable activity. With a diversified climate, regular rains, plenty of solar energy and almost 13% of all the fresh water available in the planet, Brazil has 388 million hectare of agriculturally fertile high productivity soil, from which 90 millions are still unexplored. These

factors make Brazil a place with natural vocation to the agro-cattle breeding and for every business related to its productive chains. The 2010 grain crop shall totalize 148.9 million tons, according to the September’s Systematic Agricultural Production Survey (LSPA) published by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The forecast is 0.6% higher than the figures forecasted in August (148 million tons), and if it is confirmed, it will assure a yearly crop 11.1% higher than last year (134 million tons). The precision agriculture have already started to be practice in Brazil. Agriculturalists are enjoying new technologies that assure an increasing productivity and costs reduction to cultivate the crop, such as systems that assure a lower error margin in the geopositioning of the production lines in every phase of the farming – from sowing up to the crop, added to products such as the GPS, that propitiates more a uniform and profitable plantation, pulverization and harvest to the agriculturalist. Agro business is today the main gear to the Brazilian economy, and the country is moving forward to become a worldwide leader in the sector, exporting for more than 180 countries.


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Hospitalar Fórum 2010 Fair

Brazil ranks 7th among countries that organize most of international events


Pampulha Church in Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais

ccording to the International Congress and Conventions Association (ICCA), in 2008 Brazil was the seventh country in the world that organized more international events. Besides of the infrastructure to shelter fairs, congresses, conventions, and expositions, Brazilian cities offer to participants several leisure options in each of its tourism destinations.

Business and events tourism comprise activities involving travels, lodging services, leisure and food connected to the commercial or industrial sectors, to close business deals, conventions, selling and purchasing goods and services. Such type of tourism is important to attract and make clients to become faithful, increasing the demand for services. Next, the most wanted Brazilian cities for business and events tourism:

São Paulo São Paulo is the bigger Brazilian city receiving around 75% of fairs and congresses performed in the country. It is called “the capital city of business”, but also offering an exciting cultural life and wide artistic circuit. The city has around 60 thousand rooms in hotels of several categories and prices, including luxury buildings owned by big international networks to small lodging-houses.

Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro has a center to perform national and international conventions and congresses added to several leisure options, such as theatrical, musical and dancing spectacles. It is well structured, and it has an outstanding aerial network. The international airport connecting the capital to more than 20 countries in the world is 20 minutes far from the main hotels and convention centers. 64

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Credit:Wanderlei Celestino/SPTuris

Brasilia Located in the Federal District, central region of Brazil, inside the state of Goiás, Brasilia, capital of the country, is reference when the matter is urban planning. The city counts on modern hotels and comfortable lodging, boarding houses, and hostels.

Anhembi Exhibition Center in São Paulo

Pernambuco Exhibition Center in Recife

Campinas Campinas is responsible by 17% of the industrial production, and 10% of the agro industrial production in the São Paulo state, therefore the perfect city to use high quality seeds and agricultural mechanization. Its International Airport of Viracopos receives regular flights from main Brazilian cities and South America. It has hotels of several categories and prices.

Recife The capital of Pernambuco has a wide range of hotels that includes from luxury hotels to small lodging houses. 65

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Coconut Coast Mata de São João Beach (Praia do Forte Resort) – Bahia Porto Alegre: capital of the southernmost state of Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul

It has also quite variable leisure options with places of natural beauty and an exciting night life. Recife has travel agencies, an international airport, a port, an integrated road terminal, malls and a series of other services to attend tourists. It counts on the Pernambuco Convention Center, one of the biggest and well structured in the country.

Costa do Sauípe Located in the state of Bahia, 76 km far from the capital city of Salvador in the middle of the ecological route called the Palm Tree Coast; it has one of the best well-structured private touristic complexes in Brazil. At seashore, it has six pleasant lodgings and five high standard hotels managed by international networks offering structure to practice several sportive activities, such as professional tennis courts, golf court, and nautical center, added to special places to perform events and big sized conventions. 66

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Porto Alegre

Credit: jefferson Pancieri - SPTuris

The capital city of the state of Rio Grande do Sul has a privileged location: besides of being a strategic Mercosul point, Porto Alegre is the geographical center of the main routes to the South Cone, equidistant from Buenos Aires, Argentine, and Montevideo, Uruguay; and approximately 1,500 km away from the cities of S達o Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. It is an important business center and entering door for the main tourism attractions in that region.

Belo Horizonte In Belo Horizonte, capital city of the state of Minas Gerais, its economical development has passing by the professionalization of the different tourism sector, mainly events and business. The city has a high quality tourism infrastructure, with good airports, hotels, restaurants, services, commerce and good spaces for medium size events. Sources: Embratur/ ICCA

S達o Paulo downtown


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There is an increasing amount of patients-tourists coming to Brazil in search for health treatment

To prevent and heal several diseases, to retard the aging effects and to control the body weight are factors that are increasingly concerning ordinary people. As time passes and medical techniques advance, such trend of searching for longevity and to maintain the health by means of innovative medical and esthetic treatments has been growing in the same proportion as well as the amount of people interested in such subject. While Brazilian people travel to other countries to be submitted to up-to-date medical treatments, as it is the case of Cuba, foreign people come to Brazil searching for innovative

Hospital Esperança in the capital city of the state of Pernambuco, recognized as the second major medic pole in Brazil

Hospital Português (Portuguese Hospital of Salvador), in Bahia, is an institution with 153 years of history and in its maternity area has beds for humane childbirth

surgeries and fertilization processes. Today, medical treatments and therapies are not restricted to the people’s original territory. The practice of the Health Tourism is already quite common, and the path foreseen is the gradual strengthening of such new tourism modality. A foreign person coming to Brazil due to health problem is the one that stays longer in the country (around 22 days), with average expenses of US$ 120 per day. An estimate total of 200 thousand foreign persons already visited Brazil in the last years seeking for medical treatment. Thus, Brazil starts to conquer a new room into the global market in this area. The practice of travelling to another country to get medical treatment moves US$ 60 billions all over the world. According to the Deloitte Center for Health Solution, 750 thousand North-Americans travelled as health tourists in 2007. Up to 2012, it is estimated that the amount of patients will increase to 1.6 million, meaning a 35% sustainable growth per year. USA are leader in the ranking of countries that send patients seeking for international treatment, followed by Canada, Italy, Portugal, China and Angola. Thailand is in first place, as the country receiving most international patients: 1.2 millions in 2007. Coming next, India received 450 thousand international patients with, a 20% growth in such market between 2006 and 2007. in order to conquer its own space in such promising scenery, Brazil has intensifying its strategies to attend the demand. Many of its hospitals are being improved. Further to adapting their administrative routine aiming to facilitate the attendance of these patients, hospitals are looking for certifications such as the JCI (Joint Commission International), a non-profitable organization that certifies medical institutions by the most strict quality standards. Brazil has 22 medical institutions certified, and from this total, 13 are in Rio de Janeiro, eight in São Paulo and one in Porto Alegre (RS). In Belo Horizonte, five hospitals have already received the ONA (National Organization of Accreditation) certification, another entity actuating with certifications in the health area. The country already is worldwide reference in plastic surgery, dental treatments, bariatric surgeries and in orthopedics, cardiology, neurology, and human reproduction, having more certified hospitals with International Accreditation than the world leaders.


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Brazilian hospitals also count on specialized departments to attend and give support to these patients during their passage by the institution, even helping in cultural issues such as language, adaptation to the Brazilian hospital environment and food, among other needs, and adopting international quality of service standards, investing in bilingual teams to attend foreign patients with excellence. In Brazil, Health Tourism has being structured and growing, and excellence hospitals already feel the increase in this sector. In these hospitals, the amount of patients who come outside Brazil already represents a good slice of the total internments, and for the next year, there is a 50 to 60% increase estimated. Another attractive point to the Health Tourism is the price. Developing countries like Brazil invest in new technologies, seeking to spread new treatments. A prove of this are several clinical surveys performed in the country that are applied and recognized worldwide. In their majority, treatments are considered cheaper, bringing in their luggage the same quality available in other countries. The terms hydrothermal, hydromineral, hydrotherapy, thermal, and well-being tourism, water tourism and several others are also quite used, and they can also be understood as Health Tourism.

Hospital Copa D’Or in Rio de Janeiro, recognized by its high quality standards


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Credit: Christian Knepper/Embratur

Culture Handcraft In Brazil, each region has its own typical handcraft. In the South and Southeast regions, mainly states of Santa Catarina and Minas Gerais, it can be mentioned items made with banana leaves, such as cooking pans, as well as clay jars. Minas Gerais can be detached because of its rugs and coverlets made in manual loom, the tinwork and engraved decorative stones made with several types of ore. In the Center-West region, the focus is also the embroidery and activities related to the wood, clay, tapestry, as well as works made with fruits and seeds. Porcelain animals and jars are quite common in Goiás and Mato Grosso. Besides the clay and wood handcraft, the Northeast region is outstanding because of its famous bone-lace works from Ceará. Every production technique in cotton fiber is heritage from the Portuguese Colonization conserved up to these days. It is worthy to mention the relevant participation of the tress straw items, baskets made of wax palm-trace, bamboo and liana. Same as other regions, embroidery is also quite popular in the Northern region, but the Indians’ influence made pottery one of the most present in the region. There are two sources of inspiration for craftsman work: the marajoara and the tabajônica, which are genuine Indian styles that descend from millenary techniques and shapes. Jewelry made of seeds and precious metals are also typical from the Amazonas region. Activities related to the wood and metal are also quite common.

Folklore Folklore, the collection of every tradition, legend and belief of a country, together with its several cultural manifestations is part of the everyday life of the Brazilian people; and it can be perceived in its food, language, handcraft, religiosity, and clothes. Knowing a country’s folklore is a way to understand its people and part of its history, since it includes myths, legends, popular stories, children’s plays, proverbs, prayers, slangs, nicknames, greetings, also comprising popular parties, staging, handcraft, popular medicine, dancing, and music. All these manifestations represent each different culture from every Brazilian region. Among the most known characters of the Brazilian folklore are: the Boitata, Boto Rosa, Curupira, Iara, Mulasem-Cabeça, Saci-Pererê. Bumba-meu-boi, and they are present in every June Party from its first appearence in the 18th Century, originated from the sugar mill and cattle farms from the Brazilian Northeast region. During the Folkloric Feast in Parintins (city located around 300 km from Manaus) state of Amazonas, the bumba-meu-boi gathers thousands of people to see and participate in the 72

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two-oxes contest: the red one, “Garantido”, and the blue one, “Caprichoso”. In Brazil, Carnival is one of the major feasts, with different characteristics and celebrations in each region of the country: the parade of “samba schools” and a crowd of people gathered on the streets. By its turn, in the June Parties, the major attractions are the fire, music, dance and typical foods found in major Brazilian tourist destinations such as Caruaru, Campina Grande and Parintins.

(talking about an idea using other words), Arcadismo (simple speech with themes connected to the country), Realismo (exploring psychological profiles of characters and their place in the society), Naturalismo (a more explicit speech), Paranasianismo (perfect verses, rich and well-behaved rhymes), Simbolismo (spirituality through poems that seem to be descriptions of dreams), and Modernismo (which evaluates the freedom of expression and the “brasility” character) has been markers of periods in Brazil. In the last decades, there are no clearly identified or self-denominated literature movements.


Olodum, an Afro Carnival block, international reference in cultural plurality

Brazil is a rich country considering its popular manifestations Music and literature is among them. By means of the written In Brazil, music is one of the most important art and culture work, it is found texts, styles and authors portraying the national manifestations, also internationally respected. people’s culture. Brazilian literature was marked by styles Together with the royal Portuguese family in 1808, Rio de and tendencies which have Janeiro received the musical library mirrored the country’s reality pertained to the Bragança family, one in different periods. of the best in Europe at that time. From Machado de Assis to Rhythms were renewed; it appeared Paulo Coelho, passing by new tendencies, but always with Clarice Lispector and Jorge a musical creativity which is Amado, Brazil has always had characteristic to the country. spectacular writers from most The most varied musical styles marked different styles. Their works periods. The samba, for instance, does were translated to several not stop growing and to reinvent itself languages, and Paulo Coelho, and it was adopted by composers for instance, is today one of such as Ernesto Nazareth, Noel Rosa, the most popular authors Cartola and Donga, who took it from around the world, with more the anonymity turning it into the than 100 million books sold all official culture. over the planet. The Bossa Nova, an urban movement In the country, reading is originated in late 50’s in private deemed an important factor to meetings held in colleges with access culture and citizenship, Ivete Sangalo, Star Singer from Bahia, is a students and medium class musicians and the Government invests in success in Brazil and other countries. has among its most famous names actions to motivate it through artists such as Nara Leão, Carlos Lyra, several sources. On the Internet, the site Dominio Publico João Gilberto, Elis Regina, Vinicius de Moraes and Tom makes available hundreds of titles from several styles for Jobim. free downloading. Choro was a gender created from the mix of elements Through the times, several literary styles, such as the from European ballroom dancing and Portuguese popular “Quinhentismo” from the 16th century, the Barroco music added to African influences. Chiquinha Gonzaga was the first pianist woman to play that gender, and Pixinguinha, Ernesto Nazareth and Waldir Azevedo were other great names of that rhythm in Brazil. Tropicalismo ads pop culture elements to the elite culture and still uses sometimes a politically engaged and protesting speech against the military dictatorship*. Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa and Maria Bethânia are some of its main representatives. A movement that basically was united to the American and English rock but in a more romantic way, Jovem Guarda with Roberto Carlos, Erasmo Carlos and Wanderléa as its more important representatives was another important musical gender. Sources: Ministério da Cultura / Mundo Cultural Centro Nacional de Folclore e Cultura Popular


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Credit: Jefferson Pancieri/SPTuris

São Paulo city Carnival: Samba School Império da Casa Verde


In a nation of continental extension like Brazil, cultural and habits diversity grant own features to each Brazilian state. Such variety is even more evident in the regional feats with their dancing, food, and artistic manifestations typical of each region. Celebrations move the tourism sector to the countryside and are attractive to Brazilian and foreign people. Festa de Nossa Senhora de Achiropita (Our Lady of Acheropita Feast): One of the most traditional feasts in São Paulo, it was brought by Italian immigrants, and it is held along the weekends of August, in the district of Bexiga, and further to the public participation in a procession to praise the Our Lady, it offers typical food and beverage. Festa do Divino Espírito Santo [Divine Holly Spirit Feast] – This is one of the most ancient catholic practices. It is held after the Easter in the Pentecost day having as

Regional Feasts key-elements the white dove and the Holly Crown, the crowning of emperors and distribution of alms. Círio de Nazaré [Nazareth Candle] - Portuguese procession celebrated since 1793 in the second Sunday of October in the city of Belém, do Pará, state of Amazonas. In Latin, “círio” means a big candle, as the celebration is performed by night using candles. Carnival [Carnaval] – This is the most popular feast in the country. It lasts four days, and it prepares for the beginning of the Lent in the Ash Wednesday, when churchgoers use the ashes of burned Palm Sunday leaves to bless themselves. The major attractions are the parade of samba schools or blocks on the streets. In Rio de Janeiro the parade happens on the Marquês de Sapucaí Avenue. In São Paulo, it is held at the Sanbodromo, Anhembi. In Salvador, carnival revelers go by the streets of the Bahia capital animated by the “trios elétricos” – trucks equipped with musicians. In Pernambuco, it can be detached the Olinda and Recife carnival with the “frevo” and traditional giant dolls.


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Festival de Parintins – A big folkloric celebration that mobilizes the Amazon city of Parintins, around the dispute of two oxes: Caprichoso and Garantido. During that feast there is the parade of allegoristic cars, choreographies and a lot of music. The spectacle is annually performed in the month of June. Bumba-meu-boi – One of the most traditional Brazilian recreations, it is a mix of theater, dancing, music and circus. It is a quite popular festivity in São Luis, capital city of the Maranhão state, and it also happens in June. Folia de Reis [Feast of the Kings] – In the catholic tradition, it is the biblical passage in which the wizard kings visited Jesus child. In the Brazilian culture, Christmas were celebrated by groups who visited homes playing happy music praising the “Holy Kings” and the birth of Jesus, and such feast is extended up to the day of the Wizard Kings celebration on January, 6. In the city of Muqui, South of the state of Espírito Santo, since 1950 it occurs the greatest and most ancient meeting of the “Folia de Reis”, gathering around 90 groups from several states of the whole country. Festa da Uva [Grape Festival] – The traditional Italian feast is held each two years in Caxias do Sul, state of Rio Grande do Sul. Initially, it was a celebration to the grape crop, but it has expanded, loosing its local feature. The agro industrial fair is part of the event, and it is visited

June is marked by dances, flags, and some peculiarities of each Brazilian region. It’s June Festival, which begins on June 13th, with St. Anthony Festival and closes on the 29th - St. Peter’s Day. The highest point is at St. John’s Day on the 24th with parties, dancing and ‘hillbillies’weddings and typical food.


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Credit: David Rego Jr.

Parintins Festival in the state of Amazonas Bumba Meu Boi Feast, In the state of Maranhão

by more than 300 thousand people, having the famous contest of the Grape Queen. Nossa Senhora Aparecida [Our Lady Aparecida] – On the day of the Holy Patroness of Brazil, October 12th, a national holiday, millions of pilgrims visit the Sanctuary of Our Lady Conceição Aparecida located in the city of Aparecida, state of São Paulo. Festa do Peão Boiadeiro [The Cowboy Festival] – One of the greatest cowboy festivals in the world, it is held since 1955 along the last two weeks of August in the city of Barretos, countryside of the São Paulo state. Besides horse and bull rodeos, there are other modalities and shows. Oktober Fest – The feast is held in Blumenau, state of Santa Catarina. It was created molded in a similar festival held in the city of Munique, Germany. It attracts around 600 thousand people, who go there to have fun with music, dancing, beer and typical foods. Festa Junina [The June Feast] – Along June, the city of Campina Grande, state of Paraíba receives millions of tourists to celebrate São João, Santo Antonio and São Pedro, where there are big attractions such as quadrille championships and collective weddings. Festa de Navegantes [Navigator Feast] – The greatest religious feast in Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul, it is held on February 2nd to celebrate Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes with a terrestrial procession taking the image of the Saint from the church of Nossa Senhora do Rosário, located downtown up to the church of Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes. Credit: Ricardo Rollo


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Besides beaches and rich nature, Fernando de Noronha, in Pernambuco, also shows a ‘natural heritage’


warm ering both ff o re tu a n

and cold



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Jota Freitas/S

etur BA

Pelourinho: Sa



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Ayrton Senna, an international icon of the car-racing. After-death included in the International Motorsports Hall of Fame

Credit: Alexandre Vidal / Beatriz Cunha/Fla Imagens

Gustavo Kuerten, three-time champion of the Roland Garros Tournament

Pelé, athlete of Century

The Brazilian Gold: Cesar Cielo

Our sportive vocation


Brazil participates in several sportive modalities organized by national confederations, being the main the Brazilian Olympic Committee. Both the futsal, a modality of soccer practiced on the beach, and the capoeira, a mix of dance and game were born in Brazil. Besides private organizations, the State and City governments also keep a sportive structure both to the amateur practice and to professional organizations in stadiums and other structures. In the last few years, delegations representing the country in national and international competitions have more and more improved their performance, and the country has became an icon in some international sports.

Soccer Soccer is the sports modality most practiced all over the country, and in which it is considered one of the major

worldwide potencies, being an outstanding role not only by holding the major amount of awards, but also for being the one exporting athletes to other countries. It is also the holder of several historical landmarks in this sports, besides of being homeland of several excellent players, such as the greatest athlete of all times: Pelé. The athlete accomplished 1375 matches, scoring 1284 goals. He participated in 92 official matches for the Brazilian Selection, scoring 95 goals that consecrated him the greatest player in the Brazilian Selection history. In 2000, during the disturbed election of the FIFA’s Best Soccer Player of the Century, Pelé was elected the greatest player ever, ahead of the Argentinean footballer Diego Maradona.

Beach Soccer Male beach soccer first appeared with the actuation of field soccer players playing by the Male Brazilian Selection of Beach Soccer, conducting the country for four times to the FIFA’s World Championship, being the


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last the 2009 FIFA World Beach Soccer accomplished in the Beach of Jumeirah, Dubai, United Arab Emirates between November 16 and 22.

Basketball Brazil has already been considered one of the greatest world players of this modality, with several great male and female players, such as Oscar Schmidt and Hortência. Summing up the total marks conquered in male and female world championships, Brazilian basketball teams won three world championships and seven PanAmerican games. Some Brazilian players actuate on the NBA, deemed the major league of that sports in the world.

Volley Nowadays, volley is the second more popular sports in the country, the one with more amount of victories, especially with the fantastic performance that the national selections, mainly the male selection, has been achieving in the last few years. Some of the Brazilian volley players are in the sports’ Hall of Fame, such as Bernard Rajzman, Jacqueline Silva, Ana Moser, Adriana Behar and Shelda Bede.

Swimming Swimming has became a very popular sport for a tropical climate like Brazil is. Such sportive modality has grown after it started producing icons in the 70’s and 80’s like Djan Madruga, Rômulo Arantes, and Ricardo Prado, passing by Gustavo Borges and Fernando Scherer in the 90’s, and presently, one of the greatest swimmers in the world, Cesar Cielo, Olympic champion and worldwide record breaker. In September, 2010, Cesar Cielo had his best performance of his carrier until now in short swimming pool (25 meters) having conquered two golden medals, three silver medals, and one brass medal, besides of breaking the South-American record of the 100 m freestyle swimming at the José Finkel Trophy.

Marta, elected the best Soccer Player of the Year by Fifa for the third time

In basketball: Oscar Schmidt occupies an outstanding position Bronze in the Athens Olympic Games, Vanderlei Cordeiro de Lima owns the Pierre de Coubertin Medal, an honor granted by the International Olympic Committee

Judo Judo is a quite recommended sport to children in Brazil, and therefore, widely practiced. The country has an increasing international tradition in such modality, where it constantly conquers medals and titles. The greatest exponents in this sport up today are Aurélio Miguel and Rogério Sampaio, Olympic champions. Presently, João Derly and Tiago Camilo, world champions, are the best Brazilian representatives.

Tennis Brazil has and always have had great names in this sport modality, such as Maria Esther Bueno, winner of 19 Grand Slams, and Gustavo Kuerten, known as Guga, who won the Roland Garros tournament for three times. 83

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Brazilian men’s volleyball wins for the third time the world championship

Women’s volleyball olympic champions

The athlete is owner of an enviable curriculum, but due to several physical problems, he left the courts on June, 2008. Today, the Brazilian tennis is well represented by Thomaz Bellucci, one of the 30 best in the world.

Car Racing Car racing is a very popular sport in Brazil, and it started acquaring dimension after the first Formula 1 championships first conquered by Emerson Fittipaldi, and later by Nelson Piquet and Ayrton Senna. Senna died in a tragic accident during the San Marino GP in

In the sand soccer, Brazil is four-time champion by FIFA 84

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1994, and his death was considered a national tragedy by the Brazilian people. The Brazilian Government declared official mourning, and it granted head of state honors. In 2000, Senna was posthumously included in the International Motorsports Hall of Fame. Presently, two Brazilians have an outstanding position in the international car racing: Felipe Massa and Rubens Barrichello. Felipe was vice-champion of the 2008 Formula 1 Championship, presently racing by Ferrari, and Rubinho, how Rubens is kindly called in the country, is accomplishing his dream to race for Williams, a team he admired since his childhood. Brazil has also great conquests in Formula Indy, in which it won the first Brazilian championship in the category. Within the country, the two main categories are Stock Cars Brazil and Formula Truck that counts on the presence of some former pilots of international categories. Brazil has approximately 20 racecourses.

Fernando Scherer and Gustavo Borges, two of the best Brazilian swimmers.

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“Forever Giant”: Project (ongoing) of the Beira-Rio Stadium, in Porto AlegreRS, for 2014 World Cup

FIFA World Cup in Brazil A Quick Summary

Brazil is known as “the soccer country”, and this is not at random. Brazil is the only country present in every World Cup, also being a record holder with five conquests; its players are recognized and admired all around the world, and fanatic cheering groups fill its stadiums with a lot of feast and music. And this is the country of King Pele, the greatest soccer player ever known. It is common believe that the sport has first started to be practiced in Brazil in 1894, when the Englishman Charles Miller brought a ball from England. At that time, only rich people and aristocrats used to play, but it did not take too long for the sports to be adopted by ordinary people. After the end of the Second World War II, Europe was devastated, and the 1950 World Cup did not have a place to be held. As Brazil had participated in each of the three previous editions of the Cup and South America was intact after the war, FIFA decided the event would be held in our country. For that, it was built the largest stadium in the world, the Maracanã in Rio de Janeiro, which until today is the most known soccer stadium in the planet. In that Cup, Brazil was defeated in its own home by Uruguay before 200 thousand people holding the vicechampionship and with a big sport trauma that it carries up now. After that defeat, CBD (Brazilian Confederation of Sports) blamed the white shirts and decided to change colors. It was born then the most known soccer

uniform of all times. The yellow shirts with blue shorts became synonym of soccer. Soccer turned to be the key-element of national identification, since it gathers people of every race, social status, beliefs and from different regions of the country. And if the National Team shines, local clubs do not stay behind. Some of these clubs have already been world champions, being today a real and excellent “laboratory” for our football players to become internationally visible. Each day, it appears news kids crazy to play the sport, eager to follow such a hard work, discipline and intense trainings carrier.

Choosing Brazil for the 2014 World Cup At the end in the Fifa’s executive committee meeting held in Zurich, Switzerland, the world was aware that Brazil would be the host for the 2014 World Soccer Cup. When German defeated South Africa in the entity’s internal voting to choose the host country for the 2006 Cup, Fifa decided to set a shifting among continents to receive the championship. It fell to South Africa, the most developed African country to host the 2010 World Cup. For 2014, as it would be the South America’s turn in that shifting, the dispute was between Brazil and Colombia, which in 2007, under the allegation it would not be able to fulfill every requirements, withdrew its candidacy, making Brazil the only candidate. One of the main demands from the entity to perform the Soccer World Cup was related to the stadiums where


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the matches will be held that must support comfort and safety in the same levels rendered by developed countries. In order to receive the World Cup for the second time, it will be used twelve stadiums, which are already being adapted to technical Fifa’s recommendations with major reforms or construction of new premises, comprising every Brazilian region and main tourist attractions: Manaus (North region), Cuiabá and Brasília (CenterWest), Fortaleza, Salvador, Natal and Recife (Northeast), São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte (Southeast), Porto Alegre and Curitiba (South).

Tourism will have a strategic plan for the 2014 World Cup

A proposal to elaborate a Strategic Plan for the Brazilian Tourism to the Fifa’s 2014 World Cup was presented to the Ministry of Tourism. The idea is to set a headquarter for tourism having as goal the 2014 World Cup, to gather data on the present situation and all the tourism demands the host cities for the contest will be facing, to present proposals with funding indications and a plan of actions. The plan will focuse six major areas: structure of the tourism offer (lodging, food, receptive, natural and cultural attractions); tourist substructure (signalization and information centers for tourists); professional qualification (from managers to tourism rendering services);

promotion and support to national and international commercialization; combat to sexual exploitation (sensitizing campaigns), structure and temporary services to the World Cup. Such a Thematic Chamber has the purpose to indicate necessary and effective public policies and technical solutions in the tourism area, having in mind the 2014 World Cup. The Chamber comprises representatives of the 12 host cities, the Ministries of Tourism and Sports, the Brazilian Tourism Institute (Embratur), and the National Tourism Council. The expectation is that in one month, along the 2014 World Cup, Brazil will receive 500,000 tourists, which is 10% of the total tourists the country receives along one whole year, visiting cities where the matches will be held.

Security will have 12 interconnected and integrated command centers Security scheme to the 2014 World Cup will have a Command and Controlling Center in Brazil, integrated to identical centers in the 12 hosting cities of the event in Brazil. The mounting of such structure is based on the experience in the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, but having in mind the Brazilian federative feature. The command centers will allow to the Police to communicate to each other, in order to have the same information level


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in every state. The Brasilia central will be allowed to handle its people if there is any crisis in any of the states, or even employing reserve members headquartered in Brasilia, whenever necessary. Tourism experts and members of related sectors discussed in September in Brasilia (DF) at the America’s Seminar on Risk and Crisis Management in the Tourism Sector best approaches to prevent and manage crisis. The event gathered responsible by the national tourism planning, representatives from that sector added to authorities of the member-countries of the Regional OMT Commission to the Americas – North, Central and South. Along the seminar, national and international authorities shared their knowledge to Identify and Prevent Risks, Coordination and Planning in Crisis Situations, Crisis Management Instruments and Communication in Crisis Situations. Among the participants, it were names such as Dirk Glaesser, Risk and OMT’s Program of Crisis Management Manager, and Daniel Menucci, technical director of Travel and Transportation from the World Health Organization – Switzerland. Brazil has an advantage over South Africa, host of the 2010 World Cup, since Brazil has the experience in organizing big events, such as the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro and Salvador controlled by the local police, and big soccer events that weekly take eighty thousand people to stadiums. To the Brazilian people, to be the host for the 2014 World Maracanã Cup is a big proud and an excellent opportunity to watch Stadium in Rio “at home” the major tournament of the most practiced de Janeiro sport modality.

World Cups Brazil won 1958 – Sweden 1962 – Chile 1970 – Mexico 1994 – United States 2002 – Japan/South Korea

HC – Hospital of Clinics became the 1st Fifa’s center in Latin America FMUSP’s Hospital of Clinics, linked to the São Paulo State Health Secretary is officially from October 1st the Fifa’s reference center in Latin America. So, the hospital is able to perform medical projects and to participate in every meeting of that top soccer entity. Four HC projects were already defined. One of them should difficult changing the age of athletes in sports competitions. Other three studies were presented to the Fifa’s medical team upon the opening of the center: radiological study of the incidence of hip arthosis in professional soccer athletes; a study on the use of platelet-rich plasma in muscular lesions of professional players; and an epidemiological study in lesions of futsal players. Presently, FIFA counts on other eight centers spread around the world in countries like German, Switzerland, Japan, New Zeeland, South Africa and Norway. Sources: Agência Brasil / Ministério do Turismo Credit: Press RJ/ Carlos Magno



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33 years expertise in silicone implants. Brazilian quality all over the world.

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Maurren Maggi: brazilian gold in the athletics

Sporting venues (ongoing projects) included in RIO Olympics’ 2016


The Wonderful City will be the stage for the 2016 Olympic Games

ctober 2nd, 2009 was an important date to Brazil, since it transformed the Brazilian people’s dream of hosting the 2016 Olympic and Paralympics Games into reality. The Country, which is between the 10 major economies in the world and forecasted to be in the 5th position up to 2016, did not have organized any edition of such competition so far. In a dispute organized by the International Olympic Committee (COI), the city of Rio de Janeiro won the dispute to have the right to organize the Olympic Games, having surpassed the amount of votes the cities of Madrid (Spain), Chicago (USA), and Tokyo (Japan) received. With such a victory, Rio will be the first South-American city to host an Olympic Games, repeating the Mexico, German, and United States achievement, which organized with a small difference of only two years the Olympic Games and the Fifa’s World Cup. The Brazilian journey towards the Olympic Games first started in 1992 in a campaign intended to indicate Brasilia to host the 2000 Games. Before winning, Rio de Janeiro competed two times, for the 2004 and 2012 Games.

Chicago, as an influent North-American city, counting on the presence of the charismatic President Barack Obama and due to the great amount of Olympic athletes it has, was one of the favorite cities. Tokyo that suggested an Olympic Games plenty of technological structure and the promise of using ecological resources to organize it did not resist to the charm of the Wonderful City as well. In the final dispute, it was Madrid and Rio de Janeiro. Despite the Spanish Capital city had shown to already have almost ready installations and offering every financial assurance to host the event, even so, Rio de Janeiro won. Brazil was well-represented in Copenhagen, Denmark where the dispute to be the host-city for the Olympic Games was held. Celebrities of our sports world such as Pelé, Cesar Cielo, Guga and Torben Grael were there to support the COI’s decision.

Sportive qualification actions towards Rio 2016 The Brazilian Government is already taking series of measures in order to qualify high performance sports. A Provisory Measure was already signed with the purpose


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to promote changing in the cash repassing, also creating new categories in the Athlete Scholarship Program, Sports City Program, and the National Training Network. Also, there will be a re-structuring in the National Secretary of High Performance Sports in order to actuate by sport modality. Brazilian plans forecast management improvements, goals, science and technology, and sports professionalization. Security of the event will follow the mold implanted to perform the 2014 World Cup, involving stadiums, hotels, and training sites. A Forum discusses the impact of the 2016 Olympic Games on Rio de Janeiro The event “Rio Host-City Forum� performed in September, gathered representatives from the Federal, State and City Government and from the Brazilian Olympic Committee (COB) added to urbanism experts, athletes and entrepreneurs with the purpose to discuss the impact of the 2016 Olympic Games on the city of Rio de Janeiro. Authorities approached the changing that must be performed in the environmental, social development, transportation, reforestation, and enlargement of the bike way net areas, besides the urbanization, conservation, and controlling of the soil use, in order to allow us to host the 2016 Olympic Games. Authorities reinforced that this is a very special moment

Celebration for Rio de Janeiro being chosen to host the 2016 Olympic Games

to the city, recognizing that there are several challenges to cope before the beginning of the competition. Still, they talked on the economical impact the major sports event of the planet will bring to Brazil, all the benefits, repercussion, social changing and premises, detaching that the major revenue to the victory is hard and dedicated work. It was also discussed matters such as the Olympic project and preparation of athletes, urban aspects and legacy of games and experiences from Sydney, Australia in the 2000 games.


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Jota Freitas - Setur/BA

Itapuã’s Lighthouse – Bahia (Farol de Itapuã), the most populous and popular neighborhoods of Salvador

The beauties of a tropical country attractive to a great number of visitors Pelourinho: old and new part of Bahia’s historical chapter


he Brazilian Ministry of Tourism promotes the tourism development through the permanent articulation among several public and private sectors related to the activity propitiating to share, co-operate and integrate tourism production activities in different planning and management sectors of the tourism within the country. It comprises actions linked to the development of institutional relationships with other countries and organizations, and support to the Brazil participation in multilateral entities such as Worldwide Tourism Organization (OMT) and the Common Market of the South (Mercosul). The Department of International Relationship (DRELT) of the Ministry of Tourism aims to increase the relationship with other countries parallel to the strengthening of the relationships with international entities within the tourism range. Few destinations have to offer a wide range of tourism options like Brazil does. Its natural beauties, big popular feasts and several protected environmental reserves are


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attractions that feel the foreign tourist’s eyes when he is going to choose his vacation destination. The world is already accustomed in hearing to speak about Rio de Janeiro, the Carnival, the Rainforest, or the several paradisiacal beaches Brazil has to offer. Recent researches performed by Embratur (Brazilian Institute of Tourism) show that the most wanted place foreign tourists visiting Brazil want to know is Rio de Janeiro. Also called “Wonderful City”, the capital of the Rio de Janeiro state has some astonishing landscapes and it is also headquarter of the greatest popular festival in the world: the Carnival. The amazing feast gathers each year thousands of revelers dancing and watching samba schools, and attracting a huge amount of foreign visitors to the terraces and cabins of the Marques de Sapucaí Avenue. But Carnival is also present in the schedule of several other Brazilian cities that attract the visitors’ interests. São Paulo, for instance, follows the example of the Rio de Janeiro, producing exciting samba school parades. In Pernambuco, revelers from Olinda and Recife dance on the streets using costumes, following musical groups in allegoric cars, and the maracatus carrying famous giant dolls. In Salvador, state of Bahia, the amusement is granted by the trios elétricos: moving stages that drag millions of people at the sound of the axé, a typical Bahia rhythm up to the sunrise. Wonderful beaches and natural

Canyon of San Francisco is one of the four deepest canyons on the planet. It is located among the states of Sergipe, Bahia and Alagoas


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Credit: Beto Garavello

Climbing in Jaciara - Mato Grosso

Estação da Luz - São Paulo - postcard of the city that shows Portuguese Language Museum

beauties also draw the attention, seducing 35% of tourists visiting the country, according to Embratur. The Brazilian shore is extended for more than seven thousand kilometers, propitiating the most diverse leisure options. Among the most visited beaches in the country, it is the famous beaches of Ipanema and Copacabana along the Rio de Janeiro coast; the Joaquina beach in the state of Santa Catarina, South of the country, famous for sheltering national and international surf championships. Praia do Forte along the North Bahia shore, headquarters of the Tamar Project that preserves marine turtles, and the wonderful beaches of the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago. Ecotourism has also attracted new followers in the last years. According to data from the Ecoturismo Society, the annual average growth of that segment has been between 10 and 15%. Those who are interested in such kind of travelling are equal to 5% of all the worldwide touristic flow, that means, around 35 million people. And Brazil is one of the destinations with major potential in the segment, once it has one of the world ecology and biodiversity icons: the Rainforest. Located in the North region of the country with about 4.4 million square meters, it is estimated that only the forests of the Amazon Credit: SPTuris/collection


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Angra dos Reis – landscape of Rio de Janeiro

Vitória Régia – Amazon typical vegetation


Fernando de Noronha – Pernambuco


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Credit: Wanderley Celetino/SPTuris

region shelter 60% of every form of life in the planet. Another outstanding point is the adventure tourism, the practice of recreational activities that involve personal challenges. Brazil is one of the major destinations to the public searching this kind of tourism, and each day it is more outstanding within and outside the country. In the adventure tourism, physical and sensitive experiences propitiate sensations of freedom and pleasure. Activities may be performed in several places, whether natural, constructed, in the countryside or urban, on the land, water or air. Among the main practices performed in Brazil are: tree climbing, bicycling, cave and equestrian activities, off the road, bungee jump, activities in waterfalls, canoeing, walks, climbing, rappelling, Tyrolienne, canyoning, diving, rafting, Delta Wing, ballooning, paraglide, parachute, and Ultra Light. The Ministry of Tourism developed rules to the adventurers following international standards aiming to stimulate attitudes as to avoid and minimize environmental negative impacts and respecting and valorizing the communities that receive them.

Museu do Ipiranga in Sao Paulo - organ of University of São Paulo (USP), performs research, teaching, extension and preserves country’s history


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Credit: Editora Peixes/Embratur

Rafting tourism in Barreiras – Bahia



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Associates Abimo 3M do Brasil Chemical markers, electrosurgical plates, electrodes, surgical fields, sutures, synthetic gypsum, dressing, surgical tapes Abbott Food supplies, cardiovascular and column system equipments, diagnostic tests for infectious diseases, ophthalmologic items Acústica Amplivox Telephone amplifier ADJ Implants and fixation

Disposable vaginal speculum, cervical brushes, cheron forceps, blade-case, cytological fixation, contact gel Page 97

Tongue depressor, pediatric dosimetry, gynecologic spatula, dosing spoon and syringe Page 75

Artificial respirators, microprocessor ventilators, accessories for flow, pressure flow analyzers, portable compressors Page 67 Alacer Biomédica Equipments for anorectal manometry, esophageal and hemodynamic pHmetry

Ophthalmological chair, ophthalmological stand, ophthalmological surgical stool, gas, ophthalmological surgical stool, electric, ophthalmological surgical table, ophthalmological stretcher fully automated, gynecological exam table (no drawers), dermatalogical exam table, E.N.T. Chair (Swivel), regular gas stools for ophthalmological, gynecological and dermatalogical E.N.T (non-dental use) Page 17 Astustec Videolaparoscopy equipments, insufflators, xenon light sources, microcameras, optical fiber cables Atrasorb Welded lime, CO2-absorber, emergency units, respiratory protection kits, head lanterns B. Braun Surgical instruments, sutures, management of supplying centrals, surgical motors, intensive care items, urology, parenteral nutrition, kidney replacement therapies, dialysis systems

Surgical tables and accessories Page 77

Autoclaves, thermal disinfectants, sterilization oven, chemical markers and integrators, biological markers, reverse osmosis, surgical spot, surgical tables, washing machines, extractor machines, centrifuges, dryers, ironer, folding stick, prosthesus, endoprosthesis, biomaterials Page 55 Becton Dickinson Peridural and rachidian needles, syringes, catheters and disposable collectors

Hospital items and medication for image diagnosis, allergy and pyrogen; reactants, water for reactants, tubes, pipettes, microplates Page 107 Astex X Ray Devices

Biocam Meconium aspirator Bioflex Autoclaves, sterilization kits Biomecânica Implant and instrumental kits for knees, hip, column and trauma, neurosurgical compresses, bone substitutes, desincrustator Biomedical Identification bracelets, printers, nephrostomy catheters and embolectomy, vascular grafts, coronary stents Bioscan Disposable turbines, spirometers, electrocardiograph, neurological analyzers, cardioverter defibrillators, cardioverters Biosensor Infusion pumps, seringe pumps, needles, temporary external pacemakers, electrodes for pacemaker Bioset Ultrasound, electrostimulators, laser therapy, vacuum therapy, thermotherapy Blowtex Preservatives Braile Biomédica Artificial heart valve, intraperitoneal perfusion systems, stents, extracorporeal-circulation equipment, clinic thermometers Bramsys Radio frequency systems for functional surgeries and pain management

Beltec Suspension motors, bone perforation motors, support for suspension motors, massage device

Suture for various specialties (plastic surgery, cardiovascular, ophthalmology, gynecology, obstetrics, dentistry and veterinary) and products of bone wax, bone wax, braided silk, catgut plain, steel and nylon monofilament, braided silk, nylon, polyester Page 103

Bio Engenharia Systems for vertebral fixation, orthopedic cementation kits, intersomatic device, systems for thoracic fixation, orthopedic cement mixer

Carbogel Gel, intimate lubricants, thermal bags, gel heaters, gel filler devices, thermosensitive papers, needles for biopsy


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Carci Phisiotherapy and rehabilitation items, electrotherapy (ultrassonography, electric-stimulation, laser, shortwaves), hydrotherapy, thermotherapy Cardio Sistemas Digital recorder for Holter and events, digital multicardiographs, blood pressure monitors for ambulatory, Holter and MAPA analysis systems Cardioprotese Bioprosthesis Casa do Radiologista Portable or fixed X Ray machines, mammography, automatic processors, surgical archs

Fixed or portable conventional hospital and veterinarian X Ray devices, microprocessed and of high frequency, static, bucky tables and accessories for radiology and maintenance of general X Ray equipments Page 41 CisaBrasile Steam and formaldehyde autoclaves, plasma and Hydrogen peroxide-based sterilizers, thermal disinfection, thermo-sealers, furniture, sterilization accessories CMOS Drake Monitors, cardioverters, defibrillators, oximeters, electrocardiographs

Hydrocolloid dressing, alginate and activated charcoal absorbers; gel for wound hydration; elastic bandages, collection bags Page 31 CBE Sterilization services and reduction of the microbial load


Confiance Medical Equipments for endoscopy and videolaparoscopy Contronic Electronystagmography system, otoneurological stimulator, electrode kits for vecto and bera, MOHR forceps

Cremer Plaster bandage, crepe bandage, sterile gauze compress, hydrophilous cotton, surgical compress, orthopedic cotton, autoclave/ adhesive tape, orthopedic bandage, antiseptic dressing strips DAF Carboxytherapy equipments, hydroderm abrasion equipments Deltronix Smoke aspirator, electronic scalpel, bipolar coagulators, disposable materials for electrosurgery Descarpack Perforate-cutting, chemotherapy, and toxic collectors, disposable hypodermic needles, disposable masks and syringes DFV Microscopes, keratometers, spot lamps, colposcopes, vĂ­deo systems and digital photography

Parasitological system for In Vitro diagnosis Page 29


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Dixtal Multiparameter monitors, ventilators, electrocardiographs, disposable masks, anesthesia circuits DKT do Brasil Preservatives

Blood pressure devices, spirometers, stethoscopes, laryngoscopes, sterilization oven, clinical and gynecological focus, inhalers, crutches, walking-sticks, and peak flow meter (expiratory and inspiratory) Page 79 Duan Internacional High intensity LED Vein locator through the skin at environmental light and with no tourniquet Dynamed Peristaltic infusion pumps, catheter extractors, automatic chair for urogynecology, urodynamic equipments, catheters

Hyperbaric chambers Page 47

Instruments for conventional and cardiological surgeries and video surgeries (permanent and disposable lines), hemostatic clips, auxiliary instruments and traumato/orthopedics instruments Page 105 Eletro Medica Brasileira Lead alphabets, heaters, plumbiferous overall, compression balloons, partition walls, chassis, light focus, negatoscopes Embramed Probes, collectors, catheters, scalpels Embrarad Sterilization services and reduction of the microbial load Engemed Lytotripter, extracorporeal lithotripsy system

Engimplan Orthopedic implants Erwin Guth Hip, knee and elbow arthroplasty instruments, non-conventional arthroplasty, arthroscopy, intramedullary shaft, fixation and external osteosynthesis plate, and cosmetic kits

Cases for sterilization and storage of instruments, special sterilization containers in autoclaves, wired sterilization baskets, silicone cushions for cases and containers, stainless steel baskets for gauze, cotton and clothes, trays for instruments, asepsis cubes, bowls, buckets, kidney cube, male and female bedpans, irrigators, sputum collectors Page 37

Child incubators, transportation incubators, neonatal heaters, neonatal intensive therapy units, phototherapy LED, CPAP, child resuscitator, cradles, autoclaves, vaccine and blood chambers Page 5 Farmarin Infusion needles, pressure conductor isolators, hemodialysis devices, medications, sanitizers FBM Farmacêutica Sanitiziers, parenteral nutrition FK Biotecnologia Flow cytometers, microscopes, antibodies and reactants, plastics, glasses Fotobras Finishing, cartridges, analogical and digital plates, laser plates, films, multifunctional printers, papers, chemicals Freedom Manual and motor-wheel chairs, whoops and electrical tricycle Fresenius Kabi Parenteral solutions and enteral nutrition GE Healthcare Ultrasound equipaments, boné densitometry and MRA

Gigante Recém-Nascido Incubators, heated cradles, hospital cradles, conventional and halogen phototherapy, surgical aspirators

Humidifiers, humidifier jars, oximeter sensors, patient-cables for ECG, electrodes for cardiology, patient-circuit, circuit accessories, ECG papers Page 33

Blocking plates, fixation, tissue engineering, osteogenic kits, bioabsorbable anchors, arthroplasty products, implants, line to treat degenerative instabilities, tumors, and column deformities, blocked shafts to treat fractures and arthrosis. Page 39 Guerbet Contrast means, injector pumps H. Ozawa Light sources, liquid aspirators, endoscopes, optical fiber cables, sclerosis needles, biopsy forceps H. Strattner Equipments for endoscopy, laparoscopy, urology, gynecology, orthopedics, cardiology, proctology, thoracoscopy, surgical instruments cleaning and sterilization equipments and hospital garbage, probes, catheters Hartmann endovenous solutions management needles, urine collections, collector bottles, drains, extenders, arthroscopy and cytoscopy needles HB Hospitalar CO² absorbers, aspirators, anesthesia devices, vaporizers, flow meters Hexagon Anchors, threads, external fixation, angled plates, intramedullary shafts, cannulated screws Homed Auto-CPAP, BIPAP, CPAP, masks, mask fixation, polyssonographs Hospimetal Hospital beds, recovering beds and ICU beds, carsstretcher, headboard table and meal table, armchairs, hemodialysis chairs


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Hospira Medication infusion systems, infusion pumps, needles, catheters

Bioprosthesis, valves for neurology and cardiology, cardiac prosthesis, arterial and pulmonary tubes, anuloplasty rings, and bovine pericardial grafts Page 45 HTM Ultrasound, stimulators, laser, TENS-FES stimulation IBF X ray films, mammography, cineangiocoronariography, nuclear medicine, abreuography, processing devices, films and special papers

Equipments for physiotherapy and sportive medicine, wrist generator of Russian current, FES, TENS, interference, polarized, and microcurrent, high power therapeutic ultrasound, ultrasound generator Pages 58, 59, 3rd cover

Ideal Bequem Hospital bed, ICU bed, transportation bed, examination bed, headboard table, transportation car

Injex Gum needles, disposable needles, catheters, lancets, lancetors, disposable syringes, 3-way spigot

Ifab Connectors, Baraka products, flow meters, oxygen therapy panels, aspirators

Inpromed Mono and multifocal surgical spot, electrical surgical tables with accessories

Implantec Sterile external fixation Impol Orthopedic prosthesis and implants Incomepe Arthroplasty prosthesis, cementation kits, drains, surgical irrigation kits, surgical aspirators, bone plates and screws Indrel Blood and vaccine refrigerators, medication, freezers for plasma, ultra-low temperature freezers, freezing chambers

Defibrillators, medical, veterinarian monitors Page 19



Neonatal, pediatric and adult lung ventilator, heated humidifier, medical air compressor Page 13

Industra Electromedical equipments Injeflex Intra-uterine devices (DIU)

Orthopedic implants Page 101


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J.G.Moriya Devices and accessories for anesthesia and oxygen therapy, mechanical ventilators, wrist pulse oximeter, patient monitors, Multiparameter monitors, respirators, headboard and wall panels

KSS Surgical aspirators, inhalation centers, compressors, surgical spot, surgical and labor tables, surgical C-Arch tables

J.Procópio Surgical tables and personalized racks

Laborie Technology Urodynamic equipments, rehabilitation, anorectal manometry, ultrasound, examination and procedure table

Johnson & Johnson Equipments for sterilization, disinfectants and detergents to sterilize instruments, surgical threads, drains, special bandages, surgical adhesives, sutures, endoscopic stapling

Labor-Med Liver retractor, needles, suture appliers, cannula, image processing

JP Farma Parenteral solutions, bags for blood collection and transfusion, needles, surgical sutures, disposable molds K.Takaoka Anesthesia devices, surgical aspirators, resuscitators, monitoring systems and accessories for oxygen therapy and anesthesia Kinner Silicone rubber items

Ultrasound equipments, electrostimulation, combined therapy (ultrasound + currents), LED dynamic phototherapy, radio-frequency, microwaves and for diathermia Page 2nd cover, 3

Multi enzymatic cleaners, lubricants, cleaning and surgical instruments conservation products, oxidization removers, hospital shoes Page 43 Látex São Roque Surgical and procedures gloves Lifemed Surgical overalls, infusion and syringe pumps, surgical fields, sterilization packages, infusion needles, chemical sterilizers, Multi-parameter monitors, endoscope reprocessing LM Farma Advanced wound care products, hydrocolloid, calcium alginate, hydrogel, charcoal with silver, unna’s boot, petrolatum gauze, hydrophilic foam, iv polyurethane film Loktal Medical High frequency ophthalmologic and microkeratome scalpels, steam aspirators

Disposable hospital items: speculum, forceps for biopsy, museux and heart, hysterometer, cervical brush, biopsy instrument, pap smear auxiliary kit, gynecological kolp-lab, pap smear and I.U.D., dressing kit, vesical probe kit, prep-shave device kit, PVC kidney tray, anoscope, retosigmoidoscope, pear for insuflation, illuminator kit for proctology, headstock, punch for biopsy and curette Page 109

Luferco Autoclaves, solution agitators, solution homogenizers, colony counters, timers Lynx Bone densitometers, electroneuromiography, acquisition systems

Pulmonary ventilation analyzer, pulmonary ventilator e-cyclers, LCD color display sets, ventilation modules for anesthesia, spirometry sensors, flow sensors, research services in the pulmonary ventilation area, lung simulators and expiratory valves Page 71 Marimar Retractable and foldable stretchers, folding divans, emergency bags, rescue boards, labor and haemorrhage kits, splints, ampoule bags

Knee, hip, columna, maxillofacial and trauma orthopedic implants Page 61 Medi House Cotton, hydrophilic gauze, caps, masks, gloves, special shoes, bandages, surgical fields, compress, adhesive tapes, sticking plaster, surgical dressing Medical Cirúrgica Electronic scalpels, thermal cautery, fetal detectors, electro-physiotherapy devices (shortwaves, ultrasound, faradic-galvano current and TEM-type current) Medicaltec Flowmeters, aspirators for oxygen therapy, anesthesia and analgesia devices, video surgery instruments, oxygen therapy masks, humidifiers, vacuum meters Medintec High Dose Rate brachytherapy devices, planning system and laser positioning system Medintec Vacuum mattresses, immobilization “T” base, thermoplastics for immobilization, breast positioners, linear accelerators

electroencephalographs, polysomnography, data

KOM Optical fibers, instruments, optical and lighting equipments

Macom Surgical instruments and equipments for neurosurgery, orthopedic, cardiovascular, gynecology and general surgical specialties

Konex Radiographic device, screens, negatoscopes, lead overalls, accessories for dark chamber and radiological protection

Camera adapters for colposcopy, steam aspirators for scalpels, video cameras, cardiotocography, fetal detectors, surgical spot, auxiliary and gynecological, dermato, ophtalmo, polled tables, fetal monitors Page 49

Macrotec Automatic X Ray film processor, radiological accessories, chemical fluents treatment (developer, fixing bath and water)

Medtronic Stents, pacemakers, stabilizers, defibrillators, cardiac positioners


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Mercedes-Imec MRA stretches, hydraulic stretches, surgical tables, Fowler beds, including for home care, recovering beds Meta Bio Prosthesis and implants

Polar Medical Crepe bandage and gypsum plaster, surgical overalls, operatory fields, gauze compress, perfuro-cutting collectors, sterilization kits Inhalers, nebulizers, humidifiers, environmental vaporizers, secretion aspirator, micro-nebulizers Page 73

MF Equipamentos Electroencephalographs, conductive pastes, electrodes, polysomnography, snore sensors

Fetal detectors and monitors, vascular Doppler ultrasound, amnioscopes, clinical and auxiliary focus, cryocautery, negatoscopes, colposcopes, vídeo Colposcopes Page 63 Mucambo Surgical gloves, gloves for procedures Nacional Ossos Cranium, mandíbula, maxillas, columns, tibia, pelvis, dental model, sacrum, hip and femur

Incubators, cradles, phototherapy, hoods, oxygen tent, emergency car, surgical aspirators Page 35 Omnimed Multi-parametric and transportation monitors, capnography, wrist and central oximeter for bed monitoring Opto Microscopes, auto recfrators, campimeters, slot lamps, laser for retina Ortopedia Jaguaribe Wheel chair, bath chair, walkers, crutches, canes

Nano Endoluminal Endoprosthesis Neo Ortho Column fixation system, reconstruction of fragments, fracture fixation, osteosynthesis and occipitocervical fixation, articulate and non-articulate instruments

Electroencephalographs, brain mapping, polysomnography, EEG monitors, electroneuromiography, accessories and supplies Page 11

Cementless and cemented hip prosthesis; knee prosthesis; femoral and tibial intramedullary cannulated nails, spine implants, plates and screws Page 21

Special compound for barium and other materials providing barriers against readiation in walls, lead sheets, radiological finders, armored doors with lead accessories for general radiology Page 27

Neve Bandages, orthopedic cotton, tubular mesh, orthopedic shoe lifts, operatory fields, compress, gauzes, sticking plaster, bandages

Ossea Technology Orthopedic implants

Newmed Fixation for tracheostomy cannula and endotracheal tubes, wrist oximeter circuits, umbilical catheteres, resuscitation models

Oxigel Pressure instruments, laryngoscopes, resuscitators, anesthesia masks, cannula, valves, oxygen and CO² monitors, patient circuits, ventilators

Nipro Hypodermic needles, venous catheters, needles for arteriovenous fistula, hemodialysis machine, oxygenators for cardiac surgeries

P.Simon Secretion collectors, aspiration extenders, oxygen therapy and arthroscopic irrigation, urine colletors, bags for thoracic and mediastinal drainage

Polysuture Sutures Pro-Life Multi parametric and vital signs monitors, defibrillators, cardioverters, pacemakers, eletrocardiography, blood pressure monitors, cardiotocography, wrist oximeters, training models

Items for hemoculture, blades, bacterial identification serum, general culture medium, bacterial identification systems, resistance screening mediums, jars, generators Page 51 Protec Surgical aspirator, pulse oximeter, wall-mounted Aspirator, Vacuumeter, Polycarbonate flask, inhalation apparatus, manual resuscitators, humidifiers, medical Gas cylinders, medical Gas outlets, patient breathing circuit/anesthesia Quark Medical Neuromuscular stimulators, ultrasound, infrared or stands, proprioception kits Ray Tec X Ray equipments, bucky tables, static, commands and generators Razek Shavers, light sources, cameras, blades, cannula, electrodes, forceps, infusion pumps, irrigation needles Richter Liposuction accessories, retractors, cannulas, carvers, optical fibers, hooks, forceps, needle-case, saws, scissors RWR Oxygen therapy equipments, inhalation therapy and anesthesia, resuscitators, ICU ventilator circuits, modular centers and articulate arms Salvapé Girdles, collars, jackets, emergency boards, sandals for gypsum


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Sercon Autoclaves, thermo disinfectants, ultrasonic laundry and pass-through Infusion pumps and disposable needles Page 95 Santa Luzia Fowler beds, recovering beds, child and labor beds, divans, closets, displays, mattresses, bracket, partitions, auxiliary tables, autoclaves, negatoscopes Sartori Surgical instruments Sawae X Ray generators, equipments




Siemens Radiological equipments, surgical arch, surgical spot, vital signs monitor, anesthesia and ventilation equipments Sigex X Ray fim processors

Silicone items: breast, face and body contour (female), periurethral, testicular and pectoral (male), tissue expanders, silicone sheets for reconstructive surgeries, silicone blocks, nasal and vesical molders Page 91

Wheels and casters Page 85 Schobell Materials for conventional surgeries, video surgeries and minimally invasive surgeries Sci-Tech Catheters, stents, pump extensors, coronary guide wire Semina Syringes, female preservatives and preservatives for ultrasound, diaphragm meter setting, speculum, DIU kits and uterine aspiration kits, forceps, pregnancy tests

CPAP, nasal cannula, PICC, urine collectors, closed systems, 2- and 3-way Foley probes, ureteral catheters (Pig Tail), probes, dialysis catheters, Nelaton’s Probes, nasoenteral probes, nasogastric probes Page 99

Surgical aspirators, surgical spot, monitors and cameras, surgical tables, bone saws and perforator, articulate support for equipments Page 111

Inhalers, nebulizers, humidifiers, environment purifiers, breast protectors for lactation Page 113 Spine Systems for vertebral column SR Hypodermic syringes and one sole use needles, disposable caps, universal collectors

Digital and microprocessed sterilizers for bacteriologic cultures and microprocessed digital and analogical sterilizers for sterilization and drying Page 89 Stermax Horizontal and vertical, digital and analogical autoclaves Stryker Cameras for endoscopy, microimplants, surgical instruments, emergency equipments, beds, stretches Supermax Disposable latex gloves


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Synthes Surgical instruments, orthopedic implants for the traumatology line and motors www.synthes/ TEB Defibrillators, cardioverters, electrocardiography, ergometric indoor exercise machine, polygraphs for hemodynamics electrophysiology, radio frequency generator Terumo Medical Vacuum blood collection tubes, needles for multi collection, blood bags, leukocyte filters, infusion and syringe pumps, aspirators, centrifuge pumps TKL Needles, syringes, scalpels, needles, catheters, lancets, cardiac monitors, masks, caps Tmed Automatic dispensers, nurse call devices, electronic signal, medical panels, electronic charts, titanium surgical plates Toshiba Medical Ultrasound, tomographs, MRA and X ray equipments Transform Bed monitors, electrocardiographs, cardioverters, defibrillators, wrist oximeters, emergency carts Transmai Monitors, capnography, wrist oximeters, defibrillators, simulators, biocoagulators, scalpels, thermo cautery,

shortwaves, exponential electro shock TraumĂŠdica Instrumental kits and implants

VMI Hemodynamic devices, X ray equipments, mammography, surgical arch, radiological tables, bucky table, radiodiagnosis table, ultrasound and MRA

Unique Dryers, autoclaves, inhalers, laundry Ventura BiomĂŠdica Implants e prosthesis

Diagnosis kits, laboratorial products Page 57

Vicca Intracranial aneurysm clips Vida Arterial and venous blood line, pressure isolators, recirculators, liposuction needles and solution infusion VK Driller piezo device for small bone surgery and spine, battery power drill for orthopedic surgery, surgical micromotors for bone surgery, saw and drill handpieces for small bone surgery, implant motors, ultrasonic device for dental, shaver and blades for arthroplasty, drills and blades for orthopedic surgery). Viotti Pressure transducers, infusion pumps, volume sensor, catheter extractor

Microprocessor electronic scalpels, Argonium Plasma-coagulation, cardiotocography, fetal detectors, electro surgery accessories, medical electrodes, bipolar forceps, monopolar pen, catheters Page 9 White Martins Ventilators for ICU, monitors, electrocardiographs, bipaps, cpaps, centralized installations, gaseous therapy accessories, air and vacuum location, gases

Digital angiography system, generators for Hemodynamic applications, software Page 93


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ultrasonic nebulizer

pneuma�c nebulizer

Pneuma�c air-jet inhaler that offers be�er therapeu�c outcome Inalador Pneumá�co a jato de ar que oferece melhor resultado terapêu�co It reduces the inhala�on �me to approximately 15 minutes Reduz o tempo da inalação para aproximadamente 15 minutos It produces smaller 5 micra par�cles a�aining the lungs in a deeper way Produz par�culas menores do que 5 micra que a�ngem profundamente os pulmões

Modern ultrasound technology that transforms medica�on into micro par�cles of mist, deeply a�aining the airways of the lung Moderna tecnologia ultrassônica que transforma o medicamento em micropar�culas em forma de névoa, a�ngindo as vias aéreas mais profundas dos pulmões It reduces the inhala�on �me to approximately 12 minutes Reduz o tempo da inalação para aproximadamente 12 minutos Auto bivolt Bivolt automá�co Auto shut off in about 15 minutes Desligamento automá�co em torno de 15 minutos Digital triggering Acionamento Digital Exclusive protec�on system that avoids the return of the expired mist inside the device, thus avoiding re-inhala�on and increasing the useful life�me of the device Exclusivo sistema de proteção, que evita o retorno da névoa expirada, para o interior do aparelho, evitando a reinalação e aumentando a vida ú�l do produto

ultrasonic humidifier

Indicated to the humidity replacement and to recons�tute the quality of the air in dry wheather climates, propi�a�ng relief and well-being Indicado para repor a umidade e a qualidade do ar em locais de clima seco proporcionando alívio e bem estar It allows 8 to 16 hours func�oning Permite o funcionamento de 8 a 16 horas Indispensable for environments with air-condi�oning Indispensável para ambientes com ar condicionado

Soniclear - Ind. Com. Imp. e Exp. Ltda. Contact: +55 11 2591 6000 | +55 11 2591 9917 · |

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Index Adlin................................................. 97 Agaplastic......................................... 75 Airsys................................................ 67 Alko................................................. 107 Apramed........................................... 17 Barrfab.............................................. 77 Baumer............................................. 55 Brasuture........................................ 103 Casex................................................ 31 CDK................................................... 41 Diagnostek........................................ 29 Dorja................................................. 79 Ecotec............................................... 47 Edlo................................................. 105 Fami.................................................. 37 Fanem................................................. 5 Globaltec.......................................... 33 GM Reis............................................ 39 Hospitalar 2011...................... 4th cover HP Bio............................................... 45 Ibramed...................... 58, 59, 3rd cover Instramed......................................... 19 Intermed........................................... 13 IOL Implantes................................. 101

KLD..................................... 2nd cover, 3 Kolplast........................................... 109 Labnews........................................... 43 Magnamed....................................... 71 MDT.................................................. 61 Medpej............................................. 49 Microem........................................... 63 Neurotec........................................... 11 NS..................................................... 73 Olidef cz............................................ 35 Ortosintese....................................... 21 Osmed.............................................. 27 Probac.............................................. 51 Samtronic......................................... 95 Schioppa........................................... 85 Silimed.............................................. 91 Silmag............................................... 99 Sismatec......................................... 111 Soniclear......................................... 113 Sterilifer............................................ 89 Wama............................................... 57 WEM................................................... 9 XPro.................................................. 93

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Editor and Advertising R. Prof. Castro Pereira, 141 02523-010 – São Paulo – SP – Brasil Phone: 55 11 3966-2000

The advertiser companies are solely responsible for the content of their pages. The reproduction without the previous authorization of the publishing company if forbidden. November/2010


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Brazilian 2010.indd 115

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Be part of the largest HEALTH FAIR AND FORUM from Brazil and Latin America

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The major business deals in the healthcare market take place at HOSPITALAR


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