UFA 2012 Calving Record Booklet

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Calving Record Book


Š 2012 UFA Co-operative Ltd. All rights reserved.


Designated Tattoo Letter by Year 2001




































286 Day Gestation Table Date Bred Date Due

Date Bred Date Due

Date Bred Date Due

Jan. 1

Oct. 13

May 7

Feb. 16

Sept. 10

June 22

Jan. 8

Oct. 20

May 14

Feb. 23

Sept. 17

June 29

Jan. 15

Oct. 27

May 21

Mar. 2

Sept. 24

July 6

Jan. 22

Nov. 3

May 28

Mar. 9

Oct. 1

July 13

Jan. 29

Nov. 10

June 4

Mar. 16

Oct. 8

July 20


Feb. 5

Nov. 17

June 11

Mar. 23

Oct. 15

July 27

Feb. 12

Nov. 24

June 18

Mar. 30

Oct. 22

Aug. 3


Feb. 19

Dec. 1

June 25

Apr. 6

Oct. 29

Aug. 10

Feb. 26

Dec. 8

July 2

Apr. 13

Nov. 5

Aug. 17

Mar. 5

Dec. 15

July 9

Apr. 20

Nov. 12

Aug. 24

Mar. 12

Dec. 22

July 16

Apr. 27

Nov. 19

Aug. 31

Mar. 19

Dec. 29

July 23

May 4

Nov. 26

Sept. 7

Mar. 26

Jan. 5

July 30

May 11

Dec. 3

Sept. 14

Apr. 2

Jan. 12

Aug. 6

May 18

Dec. 10

Sept. 21

Apr. 9

Jan. 19

Aug. 13

May 25

Dec. 17

Sept. 28

Apr. 16

Jan. 26

Aug. 20

June 1

Dec. 24

Oct. 5

Apr. 23

Feb. 2

Aug. 27

June 8

Dec. 31

Oct. 12

Apr. 30

Feb. 9

Sept. 3

June 15

If found please return to:

Name Address

No. Premise ID number CCIA tag number




Cow Herd Management

Bull Management

Cow inventory – Jan. 1

Bull inventory – Jan. 1

Cow inventory – Dec. 31

Bull inventory – Dec. 31

Bred heifers – Jan. 1

Semen evaluation date

Bred heifers – Dec. 31

Number of bulls culled

Pregnancy check date

Bull immunization date

Number open at pregnancy check

Bull parasite control date

Number cows culled Cow immunization date Cow parasite control date Cows on feed date Number days on feed

RFID Program Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development announced the Age Verification Incentive Program (AVIP) in May 2010. The three-year program is designed to encourage the Alberta beef industry to RFID tag and age-verify their animals. Doing so will enhance the system that supports animal and public health, improves food safety and reduces the barriers to domestic and international markets. UFA is an authorized dealer of CCIA-approved RFID tags and a vendor participant in the program. Beef producers shopping for RFID tags at UFA are eligible for an immediate discount of up to $3 per tag. The number of tags available for discount is based on the number of calves born in 2010 that have been age-verified or calves that will be by 10 months of age. For more information about the Age Verification Incentive Program contact your local UFA Farm and Ranch Supply store or visit UFA.com/beef.

Breeding Records

Breeding/Calf Records

Number of bulls turned out

Number cows exposed

Bull turn out date

Breeding season length Breeding season observation


Bulls used

Date in

Date out

Number calved first cycle Number calved second cycle Number calved third cycle Death loss (%) Branding/Vaccination date Weaning date Number steers sold/Avg. weight


Number heifers sold/Avg. weight


Sale date Number of steers/bull calves retained Number of heifers retained

ProStock Minerals

OptiCor Minerals

ProStock minerals are formulated based on scientific research and years of cattle feeding experience. ProStock minerals are designed to meet the mineral and vitamin requirements of your cow herd to maintain productivity at an economical cost. All of the products are nutritionally balanced to meet your feeding program and production requirements whatever the stage of gestation. We have a wide product offering from salt free to high salt minerals to fit your feeding program. We offer various feeding delivery options such as mash, block, tub, and weatherized products for each of the minerals we market.

UFA continues to offer OptiCor minerals to the market. This technology allows all of the mineral components to be combined into a uniform particle size, with a breakthrough weatherization process.

Our goal is to provide you with a mineral product that meets your cow’s requirements and adds profit to your balance sheet. Providing a proven mineral program, combined with a herd health program will maximize the efficiency and productivity of your cow herd.

The OptiCor minerals are unique in that the trace minerals are combined with the macro minerals into a crumble. This process ensures consistency of mineral offered in each particle. In addition the mineral is weatherized to reduce damage and loss caused by the wind and moisture.

Ralgro: The Leading Calf Implant


Ralgro is a brand of zeranol implants (anabolic agent), which stimulates weight gain and improves feed efficiency in cattle.

Why use a pour-on? Internal and external parasites, such as gastrointestinal worms and lice, are organisms that feed on a host animal’s tissue, blood, and tissue fluids and can interfere with performance. For Canadian cattle producers, parasite burdens lead to significant productivity losses if not effectively addressed.

• It’s an estrogenic implant that can be used on young calves of either sex, including beef heifer calves intended for reproduction* • Stimulates cattle’s growth mechanisms to produce increased amounts of the natural substance that regulates and promotes growth • A single implant can add up to 23 lbs. to a calf’s weaning weight – an ROI of up to 20 to 1 on every dollar spent** • Steers and non-replacement heifers can be implanted at birth or anytime after • If calves have not been identified at birth whether they will be replacement or non-replacement heifers, you must delay implanting to a minimum of 90 days of age * Heifers implanted as calves then later designated as replacements should not be implanted a second time ** Rate of return may vary depending on market conditions

Internal parasites can cause appetite suppression, reduced feed digestibility and nutrient absorption, blood loss, and anemia, which in turn can lead to decreased weight gain, weakened immune system, and tissue and organ damage. External parasites can cause hair loss and scabbing, blood loss and anemia and skin irritation, as well as acting as a disease vector. The effects of external parasites on production can include decreased weight gain and milk production, hide damage, and damage to facilities and fences from rubbing and scratching. IVOMEC Pour-On is an all-in-one product with the power to control internal and external parasites – including biting lice. From protecting calves at spring turnout, to keeping lice from causing havoc in the coldest winters, IVOMEC Pour-On has long-lasting performance and reliability.

Birthing Charts Calf I.D.

CCIA Tag #

*Calving Ease: 0. Unassisted 1. Easy Assist 2. Difficult 3. Surgery 4. Dead

Birth mm/dd


Birth Weight

C.E.* Score


Birthing Charts Calf I.D.

CCIA Tag #

*Calving Ease: 0. Unassisted 1. Easy Assist 2. Difficult 3. Surgery 4. Dead

Birth mm/dd


Birth Weight

C.E.* Score


Birthing Charts Calf I.D.

CCIA Tag #

*Calving Ease: 0. Unassisted 1. Easy Assist 2. Difficult 3. Surgery 4. Dead

Birth mm/dd


Birth Weight

C.E.* Score


Birthing Charts Calf I.D.

CCIA Tag #

*Calving Ease: 0. Unassisted 1. Easy Assist 2. Difficult 3. Surgery 4. Dead

Birth mm/dd


Birth Weight

C.E.* Score


Birthing Charts Calf I.D.

CCIA Tag #

*Calving Ease: 0. Unassisted 1. Easy Assist 2. Difficult 3. Surgery 4. Dead

Birth mm/dd


Birth Weight

C.E.* Score


Birthing Charts Calf I.D.

CCIA Tag #

*Calving Ease: 0. Unassisted 1. Easy Assist 2. Difficult 3. Surgery 4. Dead

Birth mm/dd


Birth Weight

C.E.* Score


Birthing Charts Calf I.D.

CCIA Tag #

*Calving Ease: 0. Unassisted 1. Easy Assist 2. Difficult 3. Surgery 4. Dead

Birth mm/dd


Birth Weight

C.E.* Score


Birthing Charts Calf I.D.

CCIA Tag #

*Calving Ease: 0. Unassisted 1. Easy Assist 2. Difficult 3. Surgery 4. Dead

Birth mm/dd


Birth Weight

C.E.* Score


Birthing Charts Calf I.D.

CCIA Tag #

*Calving Ease: 0. Unassisted 1. Easy Assist 2. Difficult 3. Surgery 4. Dead

Birth mm/dd


Birth Weight

C.E.* Score


Birthing Charts Calf I.D.

CCIA Tag #

*Calving Ease: 0. Unassisted 1. Easy Assist 2. Difficult 3. Surgery 4. Dead

Birth mm/dd


Birth Weight

C.E.* Score


Birthing Charts Calf I.D.

CCIA Tag #

*Calving Ease: 0. Unassisted 1. Easy Assist 2. Difficult 3. Surgery 4. Dead

Birth mm/dd


Birth Weight

C.E.* Score


Birthing Charts Calf I.D.

CCIA Tag #

*Calving Ease: 0. Unassisted 1. Easy Assist 2. Difficult 3. Surgery 4. Dead

Birth mm/dd


Birth Weight

C.E.* Score


Treatment Charts Dates

Animal ID

Reason for Treating A

Product Used

Dose & Route

Withdrawal Time

Other Info


Treatment Charts Dates

Animal ID

Reason for Treating A

Product Used

Dose & Route

Withdrawal Time

Other Info


Pasture Movement Date In

Animal ID or Group Description

Pasture Description A

Bull ID Date In & Out

Date Herd Removed

Other Info


Pasture Movement Date In

Animal ID or Group Description

Pasture Description A

Bull ID Date In & Out

Date Herd Removed

Other Info


Injection Techniques for Cattle

Detectable Needles

Intramuscular – IM

For the highest on-farm food safety standards possible, the Verified Beef Production™ (VBP) program recommends using high quality, detectable needles to deliver proper medical injections to your cattle.

Give intramuscular injections in the neck muscle, behind the base of the ear and ahead of the shoulder point. Use a 1-1½”, 16-18 gauge needle.

Subcutaneous Subcutaneous injections minimize carcass damage. Insert needle into loose tented skin of the neck, in front of the shoulder. Use a ½“, 16-18 gauge needle.

Injection procedures: • Read the product label • Observe withdrawal times • Consult a veterinarian on proper use of all medicines • If your vet recommends a dosage administration procedure different from the label, withdrawal time may change

If a needle breaks: • Mark the animal immediately • Try to retrieve the broken needle • If the needle isn’t retrieved, mark the animal permanently • Enter a note in your records, including animal ID • Call packer before shipping to allow separate processing

D3 Detectable Needles by Neogen • 100% detectable in metal detection systems, while maintaining their stainless steel classification • Stronger than traditional needles, reducing bent, broken and lost needles • Ultra sharp for sharper cuts and easier penetration • Available in various sizes and lengths



Are you ready to seed?

Choosing the correct species

The process begins with the use of high quality seed of adapted species and varieties.

Identify the end use of the forage crop. Some species are better suited to hay production than for use in pasture programs. Identify the soil type on which the forage crop will be grown. Soil pH, salinity, drainage and texture will all affect plant growth. Some forage species are able to tolerate these conditions better than others.

Other key factors include the following: • Site selection • Seedbed preparation (including proper burn down to clean field of weeds) • Soil fertility • Seeding dates • Seeding techniques Good management practices ensure stands will be vigorous and capable of producing high yields of pasture or hay.

Soil moisture during the growing season greatly affects the growth of forage crops. Some crops are better able to withstand periods of drought or high water tables. The stand must be persistent. Some forage crops have a longer life span than others. Short-lived species may work well in cropping rotations while longer-lived species may be necessary for problem soils or in areas that are not easy to cultivate. Winter hardiness of the species should also be considered. The above information is from AGRI-FACTS, a publication from the Alberta Ag-Info Centre. For more information on forage seeding recommendations, contact your local UFA Farm and Ranch Supply store or contact the Alberta Ag-Info Centre at 310-FARM (3276) or check the website at www.agriculture.alberta.ca.



Vision Alfalfa

OKAY Orchardgrass

Vision represents a high performance, value-driven alfalfa. It combines the highest yield, feed quality, rapid re-growth with excellent persistence under a frequent cut regime. Adaptability advantage to a range of locations and conditions is one of the benefits and High Resistance (HR) to all six major alfalfa diseases is part of the forward-looking combination. Against the average of 54Q25, 54V46 and HybriForce 400, Vision has 110% Forage yield advantage and 114% Milk yield advantage.

Excellent winter-hardiness, rapid re-growth, more drought tolerance than timothy and great persistence. It is well suited to growing in a mix with alfalfa for hay or silage under a more frequent cutting regime. It is also an excellent choice for hay or pasture use. OKAY is a highly palatable grass with excellent early season growth. It is one of the few orchardgrass varieties with tolerance to stem rust, giving it better performance in hot, dry climates.

PICKSEED 2065MF Alfalfa PICKSEED 2065MF has excellent winter-hardiness, persistence in all environments, top yield and improved forage quality. PICKSEED 2065MF provides excellent re-growth and the opportunity of an extra cut (depending on 1st cut date and “critical rest period” date).

WestStar Alfalfa Blend The only choice for growers who insist on high quality alfalfa and require the adaptability provided by a mix of alfalfa types, including multifoliolate, creeping root and taproot. It is a drought tolerant, winter-hardy blend with good forage quality and multifoliolate expression. Only Certified Seed is used in this blend.

AC® Success Hybrid Bromegrass This new development from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is an inter-species cross of smooth and meadow bromegrasses and combines the best features of both types - yield, persistence, fast re-growth and forage quality.

Max Annual (Italian) Ryegrass Max is extra leafy and highly palatable. Excellent for companion seeding with cereals to increase protein content of the silage, providing tremendous re-growth for fall grazing. Max is tolerant to low pH and is able to rapidly establish on a wide variety of soil types. Max is great in mixtures because of its adaptability, height, large leaves, upright growth and it does not produce seed heads in the seeding year. Leaf diseases are not a problem. Max is adaptable and can be used in forage mixes as: a nurse crop; a break crop in potato rotations; and a green manure crop. Use for pasture, green chop or stored feed (hay, silage).

Seeding & Density for Pure Stand PLS/metre of row


Seeding Density

Approximate number of seeds at 1 kg/ha

Seeding rate PLS kg/ha* row spacing in cm

1,000 kernel weight








Legume species

40 - 120

175 - 550








Bromegrass (Meadow)

40 - 70

175 - 350








Bromegrass (Smooth)

40 - 70

175 - 350








Orchard (Grass)

180 - 200

700 - 900








Ryegrass (Annual-Italian)

100 - 140

400 - 600








Ryegrass (Perennial)

100 - 140

400 - 600








Alfalfa Grass species


PLS kg/ha: Canada Seeds Act standards are used for germination and purity in developing PLS seeding rates. All PLS seeding rates are based on bare seed.

** Data source: USDA NRCS National Plants Database at http://plants.usda.gov/index.html *** Chart information is from AGRI-FACTS, a publication from the Alberta Ag-Info Centre. For more information on forage seeding recommendations, contact your local UFA Farm and Ranch Supply Store or contact the Alberta Ag-Info Centre at 310-FARM (3276) or check the website at www.agriculture.alberta.ca. PLS = Pure Live Seeds

UFA is your one-stop for all your ProStock Feed and livestock requirements See your local UFA Farm and Ranch Supply store for more details, visit us online at UFA.com, or call 1-877-258-4500. Store

Phone Number

Airdrie 1-877-948-5913 Athabasca 1-877-675-4999 Brooks 1-877-590-3337 Camrose 1-888-672-9992 Claresholm 1-877-832-2667 Consort 1-888-300-1437 Drayton Valley 1-866-921-0313 Fairview 1-888-246-3959 Falher 1-866-837-2258 Fort Saskatchewan 1-800-661-6758 Grande Prairie 1-877-532-0252 Grimshaw 1-888-332-4633 Hanna 1-888-854-9747 High River 1-888-652-7317 La Crete 1-877-928-3088 Leduc 1-800-310-9886 Lethbridge 1-800-835-6932 Mayerthorpe 1-888-465-5655


Phone Number

Medicine Hat 1-800-737-9287 Olds 1-877-996-3348 Oyen 1-888-664-8848 Pincher Creek 1-866-871-0016 Ponoka 1-800-403-4485 Provost 1-888-300-1436 Red Deer 1-888-343-4490 Spruce Grove 1-888-606-0616 St. Paul 1-877-645-7702 Stettler 1-877-742-1551 Strathmore 1-877-934-6684 Taber 1-877-223-8917 Trochu 1-877-832-1157 Two Hills 1-888-684-5333 Vermilion 1-800-350-4843 Vulcan 1-888-485-1380 Westlock 1-888-300-1425


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