Published + Black Magazine January 2023 Issue

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Author Cover Feature
















we appreciate our featured authors and our readers.








My brand of writing goes against the natural grain of what society in general as a whole teaches. I pride myself on educating the unmentioned hidden history that's not taught in our textbooks. I have specific age range the younger the better. I love to self-publish, it gives you more of a range to explore your writing and creativity without too many parameters and a fixed traditional narrative, especially when it comes to our history. America has almost single-handily eradicated the greatness of our history. It's my job to expose them and our genius history that never gets mentioned. My greatest influence in writing is the Supreme being The Most High , he has put together a book that's still relevant and being talked about today and every day we live. My greatest inspirations are our Black fore-fathers and fore-mothers that endured the rigorous hardships, and atrocities just so I can live to write about. Becoming a published author has given me the literary voice to reach out to an audience with a worldwide following to give them an understanding on what's not being taught or never explained and never mentioned. It's an honor, humbling and a great privilege to have been chosen to do so. My advice to all authors is never doubt yourself once you have done that you are setting yourself up for failure straight out the gate. Always seek and take correction and be open to criticism it makes you a great writer. Don't set boundaries for yourself to go beyond the limits of your thoughts and create a masterpiece each time knowing you have created a historical document that one day may change someone's life. I have a new history book that I am currently working on " Take Another Look, The Unmentioned History Of America", this will be my eighth published book, Most High willing. I'm actually the same person behind my books as in person lol, always sincere, truthful to what I stand for, and very much 100% authentic. But however anytime I can get to unwind its to the beach I go, lol but it must be almost isolated away from the heavy population of the public. And a good museum always relaxes and excites me. At this very moment, I am contracted with several Universities, libraries bookstores, and public schools to recycle my history books throughout their schools nationwide. We have allowed America to control the narrative of our history, family matters, and our very thoughts its time for us to change that unnatural, immoral process we have been forced to accept. Thank you so much for your time I can be reached on FaceBook "Frank Jordan', by email, also you can purchase all my books on under Frank Zaaqan Jordan. Thanks,

Frank Zaaqan Jordan



Join the Challenge READY TO START CREATING PRODUCTS THAT SELL IN YOUR SLEEP? LET'S GO WE WILL PUBLISH ONE JOURNAL PER WEEK FOR JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH 2023 WHAT YOU GET: How to create no-content books and publish on KDP. How to market and promote your books after you publish. How to create amazing covers without any design experience. Private community to learn, ask questions and be productive.



Publish 5 Books a month with me.


DEIDRA MOORE ____________________________

Tell us about you and your brand as an author and who is your target audience. Well, my brand surrounds sharing my wisdom and providing guidance and advice, both personally and professionally - to those individuals who are interested in "finding themselves," and journeying to become the best person they can be, both personally and professionally. My target audience at first, would be black and brown children across this imperfect nation, then children in general. My mission is to teach children the value of investing in themselves, and the value in learning about their history. Additionally, my secondary target audience would be adults who are invested in "Finding their V.I.P. Status - meaning their Voice, Identity, and Purpose," and using it for the betterment of themselves and others. My brand is well-suited for people of all ages and has multicultural benefits. Are you traditionally published or self-published? Which do you prefer? I have been blessed to have received my first book deal with a reputable publishing company, namely, MASCOT BOOKS. I could not imagine how I would have gotten this book to be as beautiful inside and out, without the guidance of MASCOT BOOKS. I did not know, what I did not know, but I have certainly learned a lot, and have tremendous respect for the traditional publishing route one might find themselves taking. What does authorpreneurship mean to you and why did you step into this arena? Authorpreneurship to me, means, having faith, confidence, courage, discipline, and commitment in one's decision to first, decide to write a book, second, to see the writing process through; third, staying the course and not throwing in the towel when you hit a roadblock (or hit upon unfamiliar territory). I stepped into the authorpreneurship arena by chance. What has kept me, is that which has kept me in my life, and that is thinking about my ancestors and how they did so much more with a lot less. The overall reason why I stepped into the arena, even by chance, was the desire to affirm that question posed by my then, eight-year-old son who asked "So Mom, what exactly is slavery about?" Not having found the answer narrated the way I wanted it to be, and remembering that quote by Toni Morrison, which reads: "If there's a book you want to read, but it has not been written yet, then you must write it" - provided the best opportunity for me to answer my son's question -- and at the same time, make it a teachable moment for him and his peers - and people around the world.

What or who has been your greatest influence in publishing and why? Again, knowing that my ancestors have done so much for our culture, and did so by sacrificing their blood, sweat, tears, and lives lost -- became the wind beneath my wings. Knowing my history allows me to soar, to date, to heights I never would have imagined. Moreover, wanting to contribute to the efforts to change the mindset of many of our black and brown children (and people in general), I wanted to help educate people about the lived experiences of the enslaved Africans and their descendants, so that it could create a foundation upon which black and brown people could stand firmly upon as they navigate the terrains of our imperfect nation. Additionally, remembering a quote by Arthur Ashe: "Start where you are! Use what you have! Do what you can" influenced by the decision to stay the course, and thank God, I did. How has becoming a published author changed your life overall? At first, it did not set in what it means to have accomplished the goal of becoming a published author. I was so invested emotionally and mentally, as a parent, wanting to answer the question posed by my son, and wanting to do it in a what that would not be traumatic, but that would be accessible -- honestly, it's taken me some time to really wrap my head around what I've been blessed to do -- become a published author of what is turning out to be an amazing piece of written work, so I'm told. Becoming a published author, and all that comes with that new title/role has added to my already busy life as a mom, wife, practicing attorney, and entrepreneur. So many wonderful opportunities have come out of this process. For the past 12 months, I have been invited to speak (and I've accepted) at various forums; From Me To You: The Power of Storytelling and its Inherent Generational Wealth. An African American Story" has been vetted and selected by the New York Public Libraries, and is now available on bookshelves in several libraries in New York State; From Me To You is being shared in INDIA, after having been interviewed by Hasina Parvin, with the World Growth Forum, and from that opportunity, I have an opportunity to meet Ndaba Mandela (the grandson of the legendary Nelson Mandela) and collaborate as youth influencers for mainly black people, but for all youth worldwide. I recently accepted an opportunity to be a panel speaker at three Historically Black Colleges and Universities ("HBCU's) i.e., Fisk University, Tennessee State University and Meharry Medical School; to name a few of the upcoming opportunities to share the generational wealth of knowledge contained within From Me, To You.

What would you say is your greatest win has been as an author CEO? My greatest win as an author CEO has been seeing the smile on my son's face when he talks about being the inspiration behind the book. Being able to leave this written work as part of my legacy, and that which will be sustainable through the lifetime of my children and ultimately grandchildren is a true blessing and an exceptional reward. What’s the best advice you have received in the publishing arena that you wish to pass on to our readers and those who want to publish in the future? I have come to learn that no matter the subject matter or genre of the book, have patience with yourself and the process. There will be times when you may want to thwart the writing process, but remember to push through; as on the other side is the reward of becoming that published author you've worked so hard at becoming. Remember, It's easy to quit but don't. Once you start, say to yourself, "I'm now closer to the end than I am the beginning!" What has been the most effective marketing initiatives or programs you have used to promote your book? The most effective marketing initiatives and programs I've used to promote From Me To You, would be: word of mouth; and sharing the book with people; stopping in bookstores; speaking with people in the literary arena and beyond; tapping into employment spaces; schools, etc. You must be your biggest promoter of your book. Then there are the marketing services of my publishing company, Mascot Books. Do you have any new books or literary projects coming up (or have you just completed a big project ~ reached a milestone, etc.)? If so, please tell us about it. As an author, I have two books that we, Mascot Books and I, are working to have published next. In 2019 the Library of Congress released images of prominent 19th and 20th-century Civil Rights Activists. The images were in black and white, and to me were too important not share with our youth. I wanted to use the images to create a teachable moment for the younger generations. I wanted to ensure that the stories of the prominent leaders were preserved and ultimately etched in the minds of the younger generations.

Remembering a quote by M. K. Asante, which reads: "When you make an observation; you have an obligation" I created a coloring and activity book, tentatively titled: The Civil Rights Movement featuring some Phenomenal People with Phenomenal Stories. The Coloring and Activity book has illustrations of approx. 20 images of the prominent Civil Rights Leaders, starting with Ida B. Wells, through and including former President Barack Obama; each illustration has a Word Search and there are quotes and short biographies for each image illustrated. I also created an associated book, tentatively titled: Leaders of the Civil Rights Movement featuring Phenomenal People with Phenomenal Stories. Who are you behind the book? Tell us who you are when no one is looking. What do you do for fun/relaxation? What’s your favorite vacation spot to unwind? More than being a published author, I am a mother of two, an adult daughter, and an 11-year-old son. I am a practicing attorney, and I love using my skillset of researching, analyzing, synthesizing, thinking critically, and presenting information in an effort to help someone with their legal issue. Being a practicing attorney has been a passion of mine for more than 20 years. I am blessed to be doing that which brings me joy. When no one is looking I love to dance, cook, play games with and engage our son while he is in middle school. For relaxation/fun, I love to just be still and take in my surroundings, since taking a trip to Costa Rica in June 2022, I returned home with a deep appreciation for sustainable efforts. I appreciate nature more, and I love to just sit on my porch or in the backyard, and just meditate, read or talk with sister-friends via FaceTime. My favorite vacation spot to unwind would be traveling to places in and near the Caribbean, i.e, Bahamas, Aruba, Turks and Caicos, etc. What’s at the top of your list of Goals you plan to accomplish over the next year. In 2023 my goal is to publish the coloring and activity book and the associated book. I've had my sights on applying to become a civil court judge in the State of New York, and I may decide to throw my hat in the ring for consideration. But overall, no matter what I pursue in the next year or years, what I want most is to enjoy being a mom, wife, and sister-friend. I'm always desirous to "Do what I can; help where I can, and keep it moving."

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers? In 2023 go on the mission to (i) reflect, renew and review your life's goals and dreams; and (ii) Go on the journey to Find your V.I.P. Status - meaning your Voice, Identity and Purpose -- and don't be afraid to use it for the betterment of yourself and others; and (iii) Whatever you wish to do in life that will positively change your future, remember this "Be Afraid, But Do It!" What’s the best way for our readers to connect with you (feel free to include the links to your social networks and website). Readers can connect with me at the follow links below: Connect With me on Social Media LinkedIn @Deidra Moore-Janvier Twitter @DeidraMoore2253 Instagram@DMoore2253 Email:


When you join Amani Upendo Wellness, you embark on a journey with like-minded believers who are ready to get on the path to total wellness through biblically sound practices and adaptions to their everyday life. Besides coaching, Gloria is an author with several releases to date, all with the focus of self-improvement or development for the modern-day woman - and Christian. She also has live online courses (with premium content) available so you can grow, on the go! Regardless of what stage you're at with your wellness Gloria can relate and provide you with the right leadership to get back on the path to total wellness - through Christ! ________________________________________

Tell us about you and your brand as an author and who is your target audience. The words 'Amani' and 'Upendo' are Swahili and the meaning behind them is 'peace' and 'love.' At Amani Upendo Wellness Coaching, my hope is that everyone who joins this wellness community gains a sense of God's perfect peace and love. As a certified wellness coach my passion is working with others (regardless of their current state or walk of faith) to reach total wellness through Christ. I've grafted biblically sound practices that will further your confidence in God and your own abilities. As an author, my ideal audience members are modern-day Christians who are seeking a fresh perspective on how to serve God and love people in a society that is opposed to anything 'God.' Are you traditionally published or self-published? Which do you prefer? I currently have 4 self-published books available in ebook format so that my readers can be inspired on the go. I also have online courses available that cover various topics including resilience. Personally, I prefer self-publishing because I was able to have the creative freedom I needed to share my thoughts and express my experiences What does authorpreneurship mean to you and why did you step into this arena? As a former educator for children 0 to 12 years old, I understand how important creativity, engagement, and expression really are. These are three stages of development that are essential to adults as well. 'Authorpreneurship' means that I am able to express my perspectives and coaching principles in a way that is engaging and appealing to my audience. What or who has been your greatest influence in publishing and why? You know, I was baptized at a young age so things like being in the church and studying the word became second nature to me. As I've matured, I personally think God allowed me to have an early start with my faith, knowing that as I aged, I would need that strong foundation I utilize my faith and my life experiences to enrich my writing and my teaching as a Wellness Coach.

How has becoming a published author changed your life overall? I have also taken a leap of faith with my brand. From coaching with 'Joy Plus app' to being featured with various Christian blogs, the year 2022 has really been filled with God's divine help. The biggest move I made was, taking the first step. That is always the hardest one but it's worth it. Becoming an author has allowed me to really delve into storytelling. Our ability to share stories is what has allowed so many ancient traditions and cultures to continue until today. I try to use this mindset when I share my stories. What would you say is your greatest win has been as an author CEO? My greatest win as an Author CEO was actually just starting the process. I already have four self-published books and I am determined to continue.

What’s the best advice you have received in the publishing arena that you wish to pass on to our readers and those who want to publish in the future? I believe in the power of starting. This wasn't advice that anyone had given me but it was a strength that I learned and developed as I went on the journey. I would encourage other prospect writers by saying, start where you are now. Do one thing every day and watch your work of art come to life. What has been the most effective marketing initiatives or programs you have used to promote your book? I have been promoting my work through social media. I think that social media is a great tool and it's a wonderful way to be seen by your audience. Do you have any new book or literary projects coming up (or have you reached a milestone, etc.)? If so, please tell us about it. My latest novel 'Get It Together' is one of my favorites. This book focuses on the importance of organization and how everyone can access this powerful tool Sometimes we may hear about someone's achievement and think 'I could never attain that' or 'how did they do it?' I wrote this book filled with resources to make organization a concept available to everyone

Who are you behind the book? Tell us who you are when no one is looking. What do you do for fun/relaxation? What’s your favorite vacation spot to unwind? My name is Gloria Bempah and I am from Toronto, Canada. Five words to describe me are passionate, optimistic, faithful, gentle, and kind. I am a Toronto native but I relocated to Montreal Canada quite recently. It took a lot of strength and prayer to make it happen but God moved with me, so I was successful. Why Montreal? As a child, I always had this curiosity about the only province in Canada that's strictly French-speaking. I always did well in French studies in school, so I was confident and somewhat excited to actually have the opportunity to go. What’s at the top of your list of Goals you plan to accomplish over the next year? Honestly, my biggest goal is to continue to do the physical work and allow God to do what He does best in my life - have my back. Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers? I would encourage future writers to believe in themselves and their stories. No one knows your art like you, so once you get started, it is your hard work and dedication that brings life to the story Don't let people define your craft. Set goals for yourself, do the work, and God will meet you there What’s the best way for our readers to connect with you (feel free to include the links to your social networks and website? I am always looking to say hello on social media and my fans can reach out - I always answer My website : Instagram: amani.upendo.1 YouTube: Amani Upendo Wellness TikTik: amaniupendowellness My Blog:

Grab The Bundle

Eleanor Ward



Tell us about you and your brand as an author and who is your target audience. My name is Eleanor Ward. I specialize in highlighting Women in Small Business who are doing amazing, incredible things. My target is Successful Minority Women in The Small Business Space. Are you traditionally published or self-published? I am self-published Which do you prefer? I think I prefer self-publishing as the publisher of a magazine. What does authorpreneurship mean to you and why did you step into this arena? It means you take it upon yourself to get your message out to the masses. I stepped into this arena when I saw many women becoming millionaires off their own products. I realize that Essence was not calling or featuring these women, so I chose too. What or who has been your greatest influence in publishing and why? I would say Town & Country Magazine. It was just the epitome of excellence to me. They featured great celebs, wonderful business articles, and beautiful landscapes with amazing writing behind it all. How has becoming a published author changed your life overall? I have become an international publisher and author. My stories are all over the world. That is simply mind-blowing to me. What would you say is your greatest win has been as an author CEO? Being able to help authors tell their stories in an incredible format, that many people get to see. What’s the best advice you have received in the publishing arena that you wish to pass on to our readers and those who want to publish in the future? Ask questions of those who have been published before whether it be self or traditional. Check all track records before you publish with anyone. Think about who your target audience is. Use other people's money to make it happen do not bootstrap!!

What has been the most effective marketing initiatives or programs you have used to promote your book? The most effective strategy has honestly been Facebook. I am able to cross-promote on multiple platforms through them, use their ads at low cost and keep ongoing advertising for free through posting at all times. Utilizing the reels and stories goes much farther than people comprehend.

Do you have any new books or literary projects coming up (or have you just completed a big project ~ reached a milestone, etc.)? If so, please tell us about it. Who are you behind the book? I am simply Eleanor! The tell-you-the-truth girl, the supportive friend, then we got this let's make it happen chic. Tell us who you are when no one is looking. When no one is looking. I am the girl with a bed full of planners all with different agendas, goals, and dreams. I also have revised planners for ideas that didn't work out or that I have moved on from. Other than that I am going to make all my dreams come true. What do you do for fun/relaxation? I am the Groupon Queen, they should sponsor me. I like bowling, photoshoots, and oldschool rap and r&b music. I adore wine tasting. I teach myself Charcuterie Boards because you have to have great things to eat with your wine. What’s your favorite vacation spot to unwind? I don't know yet. I'm still on the hunt but if I had to choose right now it would be the Bahamas. What’s at the top of your list of Goals you plan to accomplish over the next year. Getting Prosperity Business Magazine on some store shelves Publishing my Black Travel Magazine completely with other people's money Publishing my first self-help book Publishing my first romance novel Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers? Whatever information you would like to see please put it out there for the world. Selfpublishing allows you to have an active voice in todays busy world. Our stories are meant to be shared. Books open conversations, doors, clubs, connections, and traditions. Write your story today. What’s the best way for our readers to connect with you (feel free to include the links to your social networks and website PBM (@prosperitybusmag) • Instagram photos and videos

available in

eBook paperback hardcover


gift box NOW AVAILABLE INCLUDES: paperback hardcover prodcutivity planner bookmark black women win pin candle black women win tumbler p u b l i s h w i t h t i f f a n y . c o m


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W W W . M E E K U N I V E R S I T Y . C O M

Tomika Young, aka Meek, is a multi-six figure business strategist who specializes in coaching female entrepreneurs to build sustainable businesses. Tomika has educated thousands of budding business owners in more than seventeen different countries. Meek teaches how to monetize social media platforms, create digital products, build affiliate marketing programs, pallet flipping, and building communities on social media. Tomika’s first large milestone was assisting a couple of entrepreneurs with making half a million dollars in their first year in business through her strategies. Tomika takes a unique approach to inspire, educate and motivate women about the art of building businesses. You can connect with Tomika through her in-person seminars, webinars, E-books, and sold-out international trips. During the pandemic Tomika opened Meek University 1st black, woman owned business school in the state of California and soon will be opening the doors to the 2nd location in Houston Tx.





learn how to make 50,000 from your book before it's published. NEXT PAGE




02 01 23











SCRIPTURES _____________________________





w w w . p u b l i s h e d a n d b l a c k m a g a z i n e . c o m




Yvonne Burden (nickname Tweety) was born in Manhattan,New York 8th avenue with her mother Carolyn Marie Burden she eventually moved to Norfolk , Virginia after her mom passed away while in Norfolk, Virginia in 1980. Her grandmother and grandfather house raise her the best of their knowledge. Her grandparents were Christians. She was raised in a neighborhood of Chesterfield Heights. Yvonne Burden experienced traumatic childhood and was abused, raped and molested and much more. However, as a single mother of four children Yvonne was determined to give her children a different childhood than what she had experienced in life. No More Tears and More is based on my life and what I have encountered as a young child from my teenager years up until my adulthood. This book is based on a true story and have included much of what I could have remembered in my past. My purpose in publishing my biography is to encourage many people especially women across the globe. Furthermore, my vision is to help children and woman to be successful in maintaining their confidence in the things they go through that makes them feel victimized. The focus will be those who have experienced rape and molestation. It is important to me that woman and teens understand how to overcome everything they have been through .

her book.....

Are you traditionally published or self-published? Which do you prefer? I am traditionally published but I prefer traditionally if your a new author and when you become more experience in writing with the right tools and you feel comfortable I would self Published will be the way to go for me What does authorpreneurship mean to you and why did you step into this arena? Authorpreneurship means products and services that base on their book I step into this arena to do more for the community to be a voice and advocate for those that have been silenced and afraid to speak. What or who has been your greatest influence in publishing and why? My Greatest influence in publishing is getting the truth out because many things are swept under the rug in families in this World also Books of Millions Mentorship & Publishing Company has been a great influence because they Prayed and guided me made sure My book came out to blessings and help going forward to change and uplift someone's life Spirituality and Naturally with more Do you have any new book or literary projects coming up (or have you just completed a big project ~ reached a milestone, etc.)? If so, please tell us about it. Yes I have a Project coming up before 2023 for Youth and Woman with different resources and programs Richmond Library would like me to do in about 3 to 6 months Book Clubs and more Who are you behind the book? Tell us who you are when no one is looking. What do you do for fun/relaxation? What’s your favorite vacation spot to unwind? Behind my book I am minister and teacher about my life experiences on Facebook. I enjoy making baskets and other things very creative and working on my online hair shop. I enjoy watching great movies all kinds. I also like different music especially worship music and jazz. I enjoy traveling, walks on the beach and in the park. make up and different hair styles spending time with Family My 10 grandchildren and 4 grown children, long walks, fishing writing of course what's on my mind or poems taking care someone else which am private duty nurse My favorite vacation spot is California I love the sun not the cold to much. What’s at the top of your list of goals you plan to accomplish over the next year. I plan to accomplish different programs and write more books. No More Tears is a series I have coming up. Also a youth ministry and tutoring mentorship for children who have been molested, raped and abused. There are many more things to come.

I would like to say I'm not ashamed I am a survivor !






TAYLOR ______________________________________

Tell us about you and your brand as an author and who is your target audience. I am D. Chauncey Taylor, a native Of New York City. I was born and raised in the Bronx. My foundation was laid very early. Learning to read at the age of 3 years old played a vital part in my love for reading. However, It wasn’t until I relocated to Maryland to attend college at the illustrious Morgan State University that my passion for reading developed into a newfound passion for writing. D. Chauncey Taylor the brand has many developments. There is Chauncey Speaks: which produces literature that includes but is not limited to poetry books, children’s books, wellness journals/planners, coloring/activity books ect… Creative Chaos: produces appeal which includes but is not limited to pencils, tshirts/hoodies, cups/mugs ect…

D. Chauncey Taylor, the brand is a household name. It's a brand that offers something to everyone. We are a brand that crosses every gender, race, and creed. Our Demographic is rated E for everyone. Chauncey Speaks offers a diverse set of materials that can reach and captivate the minds and attention of ALL types of readers and book lovers. Are you traditionally published or self-published? Which do you prefer? I am a self-published author. I prefer this method because it gives me the freedom to create without limitations. This method allows me to be transparent and affords me the flexibility to develop products and develop as a writer. What does authorpreneurship mean to you and why did you step into this arena? Authorpreneurship is freedom. The freedom to create with no boundaries, the freedom to be vulnerable and transparent. The freedom to be the voice that others need to hear. Freedom to say what others are thinking and the freedom the ruffle some feathers. At this point I am the sole deciding factor of the material D.Chauncey Taylor produces and distributes. In the near future it is my goal to establish a small group of creatives to manage daily development to give me the time to focus on writing and creating new material. I Stepped into this arena to give of voice to what seems to be forgotten. I started publishing as an outlet to express my emotions. I used it to navigate the feelings I had that I didn’t know how to verbally express.

What or who has been your greatest influence in publishing and why? E. Lynn Harris is my favorite inspiration. He is an author who created stories about common, yet uncomfortable topics and situations that everyday people could relate to. He wrote in a way that automatically caused you to reflect on a similar situation in your own life. That’s my goal as a writer-to connect people with my words. How has becoming a published author changed your life overall? I’ve changed. I used to be concerned about how people would feel about certain products I published. I’ve used the excuse of not offending anyone to ultimately pushed back projects. More recently I’ve started to build that same feeling into the brand. #LETSRUFFLESOMEFEATHERS has become an official reminder to keep saying the things people are afraid to say. What would you say your greatest win has been as an author CEO? My greatest win has been having my children’s book which highlights children with disabilities placed in various schools. To see children dressed up as superhero’s and asking questions to get more information on the topic was a very proud moment for me. What’s the best advice you have received in the publishing arena that you wish to pass on to our readers and those who want to publish in the future? The best advice I’ve ever received was: Put it Out. If you have an idea that you are passionate about-put it out. Someone else needs to hear it.

What have been the most effective marketing initiatives or programs you have used to promote your book? I am not the best when it comes to marketing. Word of mouth has gotten me where I am. As I take the brand to the next level I plan to research the best resources to progress in this area. However, Amazon has been very helpful thus far. Do you have any new book or literary projects coming up (or have you just completed a big project ~ reached a milestone, etc.)? If so, please tell us about it. I’ve recently completed 4 new projects which puts me at the milestone of having 10 published books. This month I am releasing a wellness journal that allows you to keep track of every aspect of your life as well as three motivational / inspirational coloring books.

Who are you behind the book? Tell us who you are when no one is looking. What do you do for fun/relaxation? What’s your favorite vacation spot to unwind? When no one is watching, I’m am a big kid. I enjoy playing video games, cracking jokes, and attempting to dance. I relax by binge-watching tv shows like Dynasty and All the Queen’s Men. I haven’t discovered a favorite vacation spot I must visit a few more of my dream destinations. What’s at the top of your list of Goals you plan to accomplish over the next year? Over the next year, I plan to go on a book tour. I also plan to launch my own reading program for grade school children, On the Same Page. A program designed to increase literary skills and develop children authors. Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers? I always enjoy random conversations. I love to see what other people are thinking or what stance they will take on a topic. Feel free to connect with me and pick my brain.

What’s the best way for our readers to connect with you? Readers can connect with me on my website: Facebook/ Instagram: ChaunceySpeaks Amazon:


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