Published + Black Magazine April 2023

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M A G A Z I N E APRIL 2023



Author Cover Feature










FEATURED ARTICLES ________________________


________________________ SELF-PUBLISHING TIPS

we appreciate our featured authors and our readers.

Tomika Young, aka Meek, is a multi-six figure business strategist who specializes in coaching female entrepreneurs to build sustainable businesses. Tomika has educated thousands of budding business owners in more than seventeen different countries. Meek teaches how to monetize social media platforms, create digital products, build affiliate marketing programs, pallet flipping, and building communities on social media. Tomika’s first large milestone was assisting a couple of entrepreneurs with making half a million dollars in their first year in business through her strategies. Tomika takes a unique approach to inspire, educate and motivate women about the art of building businesses. You can connect with Tomika through her in-person seminars, webinars, E-books, and sold-out international trips. During the pandemic Tomika opened Meek University 1st black, woman owned business school in the state of California and soon will be opening the doors to the 2nd location in Houston Tx.


FROM THE PAGES OF THE UNCENSORED CEO Now that I've told my story, I want to shift to share some wisdom I've learned along the way. Starting and growing a business is never easy, but with the right mindset and tools, it's possible to achieve success beyond your wildest dreams. One key lesson I've learned is the importance of perseverance. When things get tough - and they will - it's essential to keep pushing forward, to stay focused on your goals, and to believe in yourself and your vision. Another vital aspect of building a successful business is the ability to adapt to change. In today's fast-paced, ever-evolving marketplace, flexibility is key. Being willing to pivot, to try new things, and to take calculated risks can set you apart from your competitors and give you an edge in the market. Finally, I want to encourage you to never stop learning. Whether it's reading industry publications, attending conferences, or seeking out mentors and advisors, investing in your knowledge and skills can be a game-changer for your business. And remember, even when things don't go according to plan, every failure is an opportunity to learn, grow, and become stronger. So, whether you're just starting out or have been in business for years, I hope you find inspiration and encouragement in my story and the lessons I've shared. With hard work, determination, and a commitment to excellence, anything is possible. Don't be afraid to dream big, take risks, and most importantly, believe in yourself. The world is waiting for what you have to offer, and I can't wait to see what you achieve!

PRESS RELEASE TOMIKA YOUNG'S "UNCENSORED CEO" BOOK CONTINUES TO GARNER PRAISE SINCE ITS RELEASE April 18, 2023 - Meek University is pleased to announce the continued success of "Uncensored CEO," the recently released book by owner Tomika Young. Since its release on March 3, 2023, the book has received widespread acclaim and recognition in the business community and beyond. "Uncensored CEO" is a candid and inspiring memoir that shares Young's personal journey as a Black woman in the corporate world. The book provides practical advice and strategies for aspiring entrepreneurs and business leaders, encouraging readers to pursue their dreams with confidence and resilience. The book has received positive reviews from notable media outlets such as Forbes, Entrepreneur, and The Wall Street Journal. In addition, "Uncensored CEO" has been featured in various podcasts and online interviews, where Tomika Young has shared her insights and experiences with audiences around the world. "I'm thrilled to see the positive impact that 'Uncensored CEO' is having on readers," said Tomika Young. "My hope is that this book inspires and empowers others to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals, no matter what challenges they may face." "Uncensored CEO" is available for purchase on the Meek University website and major online booksellers. For media inquiries or interview requests, please contact: Meek University Email:

HEALTH AND WELLNESS IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY: INSIGHTS ON NUTRITION, FITNESS, AND HOLISTIC APPROACHES TO HEALTHY LIVING The Black community faces a multitude of health disparities, including higher rates of chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. However, there is a growing movement towards adopting healthier lifestyles through nutrition, fitness, and holistic approaches to healthy living. Nutrition is a critical component of overall health and wellness. Historically, Black Americans have been exposed to nutrient-poor diets due to lack of access to healthy food options and cultural food traditions that often involve high-fat, high-sugar, and high-salt foods. However, many Black individuals and communities are now taking an active approach to nutrition and seeking out healthy, nutrient-dense options. One example is the plant-based diet movement, which has gained popularity in recent years. Plant-based diets focus on whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes, and have been shown to reduce the risk of chronic diseases and improve overall health. Black-owned businesses are also getting involved in the plant-based movement, with more and more vegan and vegetarian restaurants popping up across the country. Fitness is another critical component of overall health and wellness. Black Americans have historically faced barriers to accessing safe and affordable fitness options, such as lack of access to parks and recreational facilities, and discrimination in fitness spaces. However, there are now many Black fitness professionals and organizations working to make fitness more accessible and inclusive. One such organization is Black Girls Run!, which was founded to combat the obesity epidemic among Black women. The organization hosts running events, provides online support, and encourages women to take charge of their health through fitness. Another organization, Harlem Run, creates a sense of community through running, organizing weekly group runs and social events.

The Black community faces a multitude of health disparities, including higher rates of chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. However, there is a growing movement towards adopting healthier lifestyles through nutrition, fitness, and holistic approaches to healthy living. Nutrition is a critical component of overall health and wellness. Historically, Black Americans have been exposed to nutrient-poor diets due to lack of access to healthy food options and cultural food traditions that often involve high-fat, high-sugar, and high-salt foods. However, many Black individuals and communities are now taking an active approach to nutrition and seeking out healthy, nutrient-dense options. One example is the plant-based diet movement, which has gained popularity in recent years. Plant-based diets focus on whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes, and have been shown to reduce the risk of chronic diseases and improve overall health. Black-owned businesses are also getting involved in the plant-based movement, with more and more vegan and vegetarian restaurants popping up across the country. Fitness is another critical component of overall health and wellness. Black Americans have historically faced barriers to accessing safe and affordable fitness options, such as lack of access to parks and recreational facilities, and discrimination in fitness spaces. However, there are now many Black fitness professionals and organizations working to make fitness more accessible and inclusive. One such organization is Black Girls Run!, which was founded to combat the obesity epidemic among Black women. The organization hosts running events, provides online support, and encourages women to take charge of their health through fitness. Another organization, Harlem Run, creates a sense of community through running, organizing weekly group runs and social events. Holistic approaches to healthy living are also gaining popularity in the Black community. Holistic health considers the whole person, including physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, and incorporates practices such as acupuncture, meditation, and yoga. These practices can be particularly beneficial for Black individuals who may face higher levels of stress due to racism and discrimination. One example of a Black-owned holistic wellness center is the Heal Haus in Brooklyn, New York. The center offers a variety of services such as acupuncture, sound healing, and meditation, as well as community events and workshops focused on mental and emotional health.

The Black community is taking an active approach to health and wellness through nutrition, fitness, and holistic approaches to healthy living. While health disparities still exist, there are many individuals and organizations working to make healthy living more accessible and inclusive for all. By prioritizing their health, Black individuals can lead healthier, happier lives and combat the prevalence of chronic diseases in their communities.

available in

eBook paperback hardcover



PLAN Z ______________________________

Written by Sharonda @MeccaGloBal Baker What’s going on to our readers, The weather is getting warmer outside, and a lot of people are “OUTSIDE”. But what are you really doing “OUTSIDE” if you’re just outside wasting time, are you really “OUTSIDE” Let’s just get right into it! All over the globe, business moves are being made. If you are not taking full advantage of your potential, working on building your brand or working on your craft -WHAT ARE YOU REALLY DOING? Now that we are back in motion after this Global Crisis, what have you learned about yourself? What new skills did you find out about yourself? What new business ventures did you start? I say this all the time “You should not be in the same spot you were in last year if you work every day toward a goal. When COVID hit, it slowed down a lot of things. Do you know, more ENTREPRENEURS popped up during COVID? Do you know that 4. 4 Million New Businesses were started in 2020? Once the pandemic put a pause on everything, it made a lot of people go back to what they know, reverting to survival skills, making a dollar out of fifteen cents... Lemons into lemonade so to speak... There is soo many creative ways to take care of your family using your skills if you tap into your greatness. The one thing I love about my family, circle of friends, and all of my mentor's teachings instilled in me over the years: Make sure you always stay ready, so you don’t have to “GET READY” Always be “READY FOR WHATEVER” “STAY READY” This is just a little motivation for those stuck in a rut, trying to figure out their next move. The answer is Yes, start that new business. Expand your brand. Take a risk, go after your goals! Go for it! You should always have a Plan B, but if you’re like me I know you have a plan B, C, and D all the way through Z... So keep going, keep pushing, You can do it! Even if you fail, don’t let that discourage you that’s only motivation and fuel to help you get it right the next time! But don’t stop! YOU GOT THIS!... Until Next time... Stay sucka free

*Jewel of the Month* Take a minute to talk to the teenagers in your family. Ask them about how they are doing with their schoolwork. Listen to how their day was. Go check on the Elders in your family. Ask them did they eat today. Bring them some fresh fruits, and vegetables. Show more compassion and more love to people. MORE LOVE is needed in this dark world. #SUCKAFREE = 24~7~365= 48~14~730= Double Grind-Double Overtime XoXo Signed MeccaGlobal The voice of the (Underdogs) from the Bottom-that-Chick making you step your Game up! “Don’t Get Mad ~ get inspired!” There’s a lot of Mecca’s only one MeccaGloBal…


THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON BLACK CULTURE: FROM ACTIVISM TO INFLUENCE, HOW BLACK VOICES ARE SHAPING THE DIGITAL LANDSCAPE Social media has become a powerful tool for individuals and communities to express themselves, share their stories, and connect with others around the world. Black culture has been no exception, with Black voices playing an increasingly significant role in shaping the digital landscape. From activism to influence, social media has allowed Black voices to be heard and to make an impact in ways that were previously impossible. Activism is one area where social media has had a significant impact on Black culture. With the power of social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, Black activists have been able to connect with others and spread their message more widely than ever before. From the Black Lives Matter movement to the fight for justice and equality, social media has helped to galvanize support and bring attention to important issues facing the Black community. In addition to activism, social media has also allowed Black influencers and content creators to reach a wider audience and have a greater impact. Platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram have provided a space for Black creators to showcase their talents and connect with their followers, whether through fashion, beauty, music, or comedy. As a result, Black creators have been able to build their own brands, gain recognition, and monetize their content in ways that were once impossible. One notable example of the impact of Black culture on social media is the rise of Black Twitter. This online community has become a powerful force for social change, with Black users using the platform to discuss everything from politics to pop culture. Through hashtags such as #BlackLivesMatter and #OscarsSoWhite, Black Twitter has helped to spark important conversations and draw attention to issues facing the Black community.

Another way that social media has impacted Black culture is through the rise of influencer marketing. With the growing popularity of social media platforms, brands have recognized the power of influencer marketing as a way to reach a wider audience. Black influencers have been at the forefront of this trend, with many partnering with brands to promote products and services to their followers. As a result, Black influencers have become powerful advocates for brands and have helped to shape the way that consumers view and interact with products. While social media has had a positive impact on Black culture in many ways, it is not without its challenges. One of the most significant of these is the issue of online harassment and hate speech. Black users on social media are often targeted by trolls and other users who seek to silence or discredit their voices. In addition, the algorithms used by social media platforms can perpetuate bias and discrimination, making it difficult for Black creators to gain visibility and recognition. The impact of social media on Black culture has been significant, from activism to influence. Social media has provided a space for Black voices to be heard and has allowed Black creators to showcase their talents and connect with their followers. While there are still challenges to be addressed, social media has the potential to continue to shape the digital landscape and amplify the voices of the Black community.

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Na'Kesha Johnson better known as the #SerialHustlerpreneur is a Jane of all trades. She is a multifaceted woman in her business and personal life. She's a Network Marketing Beast, Direct Sales Guru, Published Author, Motivational Speaker, Mentor, Leader and Visionary Coach. She's also the CEO and founder of V.O.G.U.E Visionaries, a Women's Empowerment Network that encourages one another, offers support and accountability, positive reinforcement, as well as celebrating each other's success .As a multi-published author, she is very passionate about spreading her message across the world. Na’Kesha was born and raised in Flatbush, Brooklyn and prides herself in being a distinguished leader in her community.


Na'Kesha is a strong believer of GOD, and credits all her success to Him. Because of her faith, resilience, tenacious spirit and the power of prayer, she is turning every one of her passions into paychecks!


Nekesha Johnson,

Tell us about you and your brand as an author and who is your target audience. First and foremost, I'm a bona fide Brooklyn girl! Growing up we didn't hear the word "entrepreneur" because this is the city of hustlers. My target audience is the average person just like me. I didn't have rich parents, and I wasn't raised with a silver spoon in my mouth. I build my brand brick by brick overcoming a lot of hurdles on the way. So as an author, I feel it's important to show all seasons of my life and all sides of my journey. The good, the bad, the highs, and the lows. I feel like social media is very misleading because entrepreneurs will have you ready to quit your job thinking you'll be rich overnight. Are you traditionally published or self-published? Which do you prefer? I'm self-published and I prefer it that way. As a visionary, I want all creative control of my work. I want the rights to my work and I want all the royalties. The same amount of effort I put into self-publishing my books, is the same amount of work I put into sales and marketing. I'm not a sit-behind-the-desk girl. I don't mind stomping the pavement and getting these books sold. That's why I'm not a big fan of selling on Amazon. If they didn't put in blood, sweat, tears, and money like I did to get these books published, why should I give them such a large piece of the action? I may throw my books on there, one day for more visibility, but for now, I'm enjoying the fruits of my labor. What does authorpreneurship mean to you and why did you step into this arena? I've always been an avid reader and writer, so authorpreneurship is everything to me for so many reasons. It's a major form of self-care and therapy. I've always been a private person, and I'll shut down before venting on social media or crying to my friends. When those depression episodes kick in and I isolate myself from everyone, and that's when my best work is created. I haven't had writer's block in years. And honestly, it's hard to run out of content in the crazy times we're living in. What or who has been your greatest influence in publishing and why? I would have to say other authors in general. I have some really dope author friends that are very encouraging and aren't afraid to share information. In so many industries, everyone is in some type of silent competition. Authors want to sell books and be successful, but we also want to see each other win. My mom is also a great influence because she's my biggest cheerleader. She knows whatever I do I put 100% into, so she fully supports me. And shout out to you as well, Tiffany Green, for giving black authors a voice and exposure on your platform.

How has becoming a published author changed your life overall? Being a published author has changed my life and helped my career in many ways. I get booked for more speaking engagements, my following has increased tremendously and I have the best customers on my email list. Even when the weight of the world gets heavy and I disappear for a while, my absence is felt. The outpouring of love and messages I receive warms my heart, and it's another reason why I keep going. I'm looking forward to writing plenty more books, and when I'm no longer on this earth my books will still be ready and passed on to generations to come.

What would you say is your greatest win has been as an author CEO? My greatest win as an author would be all of the powerful connections I've made. I'm a people person in real life. I love meeting new people and I love sales in general, so when I'm out and about selling my books I'm in the zone. I vibe with so many amazing people and I've made the best of friends all over the world. The crazy thing is I probably will never meet some of them in person, but our bonds are so strong. We've laughed together, cried together, and have even exchanged gifts. That's the power of social media!

What’s the best advice you have received in the publishing arena that you wish to pass on to our readers and those who want to publish in the future? The best advice that I've received is that this is a sprint and not a marathon. I would always get stressed out and frustrated over deadlines, but I've learned over time that it's ok to push a date back. If I fall behind then I know how to pick myself back up. If you pace yourself you won't run out of gas and get burnt out. You'll actually be much more productive. What have been the most effective marketing initiatives or programs you have used to promote your book? Social media as we all know is a great tool. There are so many platforms to take advantage of, and I'm just getting my feet wet with TikTok. Running ads has been helpful as well. I love doing pop-up shops and flea markets. And nothing beats people-to-people marketing. When people fall in love with your work, then they fall in love with you and don't mind sending you referrals. Their referrals will then send you referrals, then it's a domino effect.

Do you have any new books or literary projects coming up (or have you just completed a big project ~ reached a milestone, etc.)? If so, please tell us about it. Yes, I actually have a book coming out on my birthday. I'll be 44 on 4/23/2023. Right before the pandemic hit, I released my book, "The ABCs of Grustling (Grinding & Hustling) How To Make a Dollar out of 15 Cents. I sold hundreds of copies during the pandemic and got so much amazing feedback. I'm excited to announce that I'll be releasing Volume II on my birthday. "The ABCs of Grustling (Grinding & Hustling) Pushing Through The Pandemic. I did a soft pre-launch with family and friends, and the support has been overwhelming. After isolating myself for the past 3 years, I can't wait to turn up with my loved ones, Who are you behind the book? Tell us who you are when no one is looking. What do you do for fun/relaxation? What’s your favorite vacation spot to unwind? I'm a whole vibe, lol. This pandemic has slowed me down a lot, and I'm a little more introverted these days. I don't mind staying home and chilling with my dog. But when I'm out and about, I love to go bowling, and do karaoke and I love doing ladies' nights and game nights. I'm a suckah for a good date night (minus the cameras) lol. And I love going on cruises and participating in every single activity. I get to meet new friends and eat all that I can unapologetically! What’s at the top of your list of Goals you plan to accomplish over the next year? My biggest goal is to publish more books and create more authors. Everyone has a story in them that someone needs to hear. I have 2 anthologies that I'm putting together, and most of the co-authors are brand-new authors. That's how I got my start as an author. I was a co-author in several anthologies and I learned so much from each experience. I don't want to climb this ladder to success by myself. It's lonely at the top, and you get much further by taking people with you. I feel like this is my winning season and 2023 will be absolutely life-changing.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers? I want to encourage them to get out of their own way and do what God has ordained for you to do. You don't want to wake up years from now saying what you should've, could've, and would've done. Life is too short and these days are not coming back. People are going to have something to say whether you're doing good or bad. Why not give them something to talk about? So if anyone needs a sign, then this is it. What’s the best way for our readers to connect with you (feel free to include the links to your social networks and website.

I can be found on all social networks with the handle @nakeshasnetworks. They can also connect with me on my website WWW.NAKESHAJOHNSON.COM ____________________________________







Makala Taylor known as Raven the Serial Poet has been writing poetry since the age of 13. It all started with her love for Edgar Allen Poe. After experiencing a tragic event she used poetry as verbal therapy. In doing so she discovered her love for verbal expression. Who knew the simple expressions of a young girl would turn into mental stimulation? Makala continues to make progress in her passion for writing, her enthusiasm for raising eyebrows, and her creating shock factors with her play on words. She displays with her latest books Broken Silence: My So-Called Virgo Life, Playful Poetry for Pintsized People, Poetic Undertones Sensually Served Yesterday, When the Seasons of Love Changes, Return of the Ice Queen, A Mental Massacre of a Poetic Savage, Enter into My Dungeon: Poetry for BDSM Lovers, Unspoken Words, Horizon of Love, Bittersweet Honey Love, A Journey Back to Me, Conscious Checkmate, and Rising from the Ashes. Not stopping at poetry, she has a Podcast called “Raven Rants” where she sparks up a conversation about topics that many can but will not talk about. Not that her hands aren’t full enough she also has Raven Real Spill Podcast on Blog Talk Radio. So, wake up now it's not the time to sleep on all that she has coming next.


Makayla Taylor

Tell us about you and your brand as an author and who is your target audience. I’m Makala Taylor but my pen name is Raven the Serial Poet, my brand is pure poetry based. Whether it’s poetry about love or making love I write it all. I just recently wrote a poetry book geared towards kids because I feel like every child should have a fun book read to them before bedtime, so I kept that in mind. Honestly, my target audience is someone who has an imaginative concept about life and an open mind to embrace thoughts and feelings that they wouldn’t have otherwise. Are you traditionally published or self-published? Which do you prefer? I am self-published, and I fell victim to allowing someone to touch my craft and paid for it immensely. I felt as if my creative expression was being stunted and smothered. So, even though many have inquired about my signing with a publishing company, I'd rather have my freedom of expression mean more to me than any amount of recognition or money. What does authorpreneurship mean to you and why did you step into this arena? What Authorpreneurship means to me is all creative direction that is put into place before, during, and after publishing is solely my responsibility, no one else’s. What made me step into this arena is the fact that I got tired of the spirit of procrastination overshadowing my work. I’m the type of person who when everything is ready to be published, I don’t need excuses I just need it done. Because of that work ethic, I have completed each book in a timely manner. What or who has been your greatest influence in publishing and why? The person that has been my greatest influence has been my daughter, for years I’ve had several composition books in a box under my bed. It wasn’t until she found them, read them, and basically told me it was time for me to stop hiding my words and share them with the world. But it wasn’t until my mom passed away that I decided to take that leap of faith and do what I was blessed to do.

What or who has been your greatest influence in publishing and why? The person that has been my greatest influence has been my daughter, for years I’ve had several composition books in a box under my bed. It wasn’t until she found them, read them, and basically told me it was time for me to stop hiding my words and share them with the world. But it wasn’t until my mom passed away that I decided to take that leap of faith and do what I was blessed to do. How has becoming a published author changed your life overall? Becoming a published author has changed my life by allowing me to be more expressive and not as shy, the number of people that I have met and befriended has been a true blessing. They didn’t mind giving me feedback and constructive criticism about my craft. What would you say is your greatest win has been as an author CEO? My greatest win as an author CEO has been knowing that just because one didn’t see my vision, the sales tell a different story. What’s the best advice you have received in the publishing arena? Anything you wish to pass on to our readers and those who want to publish in the future? The greatest advice I was ever given was, “Never delete your editorial mistakes, add to it”. Many have a habit of deleting something because it may not sound right to them, but when you do that, you’re deleting an emotion that was felt in the moment that you can never get back. What have been the most effective marketing initiatives or programs you have used to promote your book? The most effective program that has been effective in promoting my books is Adobe Express the way it allowed me to layout each flyer has been anything short of perfection. Also, for the book trailers I’ve been using Kinemaster Video Editing, that program has taken my advertising to a totally different level.

Do you have any new books or literary projects coming up (or have you just completed a big project ~ reached a milestone, etc.)? If so, Please tell us about it. I just recently finished my memoir called, “Broken Silence: My So-Called Virgo Life." It is a book that I feared writing because of the people it would hurt, but after how the last five years have been going, I decided I had been silent long enough and it’s time to tell my truth. Who are you behind the book? Tell us who you are when no one is looking. What do you do for fun/relaxation? What’s your favorite vacation spot to unwind? Who is Makala when no one is looking? She is a feisty, good, spirited August Virgo who loves to cook, bake, watch movies, shoot pool, go bowling, play Left 4 Dead 2, and Word with friends. I like to love the people around me and show/tell people that it’s ok to be unique (love the skin that you’re in). My favorite vacation spot to unwind thus far has been Waikiki, Hawaii. The scenery alone has relaxed me more times than I could count. What’s at the top of your list of Goals you plan to accomplish over the next year? A Goal that I will accomplish over the next year is doing a poetry slam, I always see them on YouTube but where I live, they don’t have things like that here. So, I’m going to have to travel to where the action is and conquer that fear. Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers? The only other thing that I would like to share with the readers is: “Don’t EVER let someone dim your shine or tell you that it’s too late for you to do something as long as you live and breathe there’s always a chance to do whatever it is that you want and love to do!” What’s the best way for our readers to connect with you (feel free to include the links to your social networks and websites. The best way to connect with me is through my Linktree

learn how to make 50,000 from your book before it's published. NEXT PAGE




Black professionals have historically faced barriers to career advancement and have been underrepresented in many industries. However, there are now more opportunities than ever for Black professionals to explore career paths, entrepreneurship, and professional development. One of the most significant barriers to career advancement for Black professionals is lack of access to professional networks and mentorship. To address this issue, many organizations have created programs to connect Black professionals with mentors and provide opportunities for networking. One such organization is the National Black MBA Association, which has over 9,000 members and offers mentorship, professional development, and networking opportunities. Another organization, the National Society of Black Engineers, provides professional development opportunities, including leadership training and technical workshops. In addition to networking and mentorship, entrepreneurship is also an increasingly popular career path for Black professionals. Entrepreneurship allows individuals to create their own opportunities and build wealth, which can be particularly beneficial for those facing economic and employment barriers. One example of a successful Black-owned business is SheaMoisture, a personal care brand founded by Richelieu Dennis. The company has since been acquired by Unilever, but it began as a small business selling shea butter products at local farmers' markets. In addition to entrepreneurship, there are many professional development opportunities available for Black professionals to enhance their skills and advance their careers. Many organizations offer training and development programs specifically for Black professionals, including leadership development and management training.

One such program is the Executive Leadership Council's Next Generation Executive Program, which provides Black professionals with leadership development and career coaching. Another program, the National Urban League's Black Executive Exchange Program, connects Black professionals with opportunities for professional development and career advancement. While Black professionals have faced historical barriers to career advancement, there are now many opportunities available for networking, mentorship, entrepreneurship, and professional development. By taking advantage of these opportunities, Black professionals can build successful careers and contribute to a more diverse and inclusive workforce.

SELF-PUBLISHING TIPS Self-publishing has become an increasingly popular avenue for writers to get their work out to the world. For black authors, it can be especially beneficial to self-publish as it provides greater control over the content and marketing of their work. However, it can also present unique challenges. In this article, we’ll explore some tips and advice for black authors who are self-publishing. 1. WRITE FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR COMMUNITY As a black author, it’s important to write for yourself and your community. Your work should reflect your experiences, perspectives, and voice. Don’t feel like you have to conform to mainstream expectations or cater to a certain audience. Write what’s important to you and what you feel needs to be shared with the world. 2. RESEARCH AND INVEST IN YOUR CRAFT Self-publishing means you’re responsible for all aspects of your book, including editing, design, and marketing. It’s essential to research and invest in your craft to produce a highquality product. This may mean hiring an editor or cover designer, taking writing courses, or investing in marketing services. Don’t skimp on these crucial steps as they can make all the difference in the success of your book. 3. BUILD YOUR PLATFORM Building a platform is crucial for self-published authors to reach readers and promote their work. Social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok can be valuable tools for connecting with readers, sharing updates on your book, and building a following. Additionally, consider creating a website or blog to showcase your work and provide a space for readers to learn more about you. 4. NETWORK WITH OTHER BLACK AUTHORS Networking with other black authors can be a valuable source of support, advice, and promotion. Join writing groups, attend conferences, and connect with other authors on social media. Building a community of like-minded individuals can provide a sense of camaraderie and motivation during the self-publishing process. 5. DON’T BE AFRAID TO PROMOTE YOUR WORK Self-promotion can be uncomfortable, but it’s essential to get your work in front of readers. Utilize social media, guest blog posts, book reviews, and book giveaways to promote your work. Additionally, consider reaching out to bookstores, libraries, and literary festivals to schedule readings or speaking engagements.

Self-publishing can be a powerful tool for black authors to share their voices and stories with the world. By following these tips and investing in their craft, building their platform, networking with other authors, and promoting their work, selfpublished black authors can find success and reach new readers.


DEIDRA MOORE ____________________________

Tell us about you and your brand as an author and who is your target audience. Well, my brand surrounds sharing my wisdom and providing guidance and advice, both personally and professionally - to those individuals who are interested in "finding themselves," and journeying to become the best person they can be, both personally and professionally. My target audience at first, would be black and brown children across this imperfect nation, then children in general. My mission is to teach children the value of investing in themselves, and the value in learning about their history. Additionally, my secondary target audience would be adults who are invested in "Finding their V.I.P. Status - meaning their Voice, Identity, and Purpose," and using it for the betterment of themselves and others. My brand is well-suited for people of all ages and has multicultural benefits. Are you traditionally published or self-published? Which do you prefer? I have been blessed to have received my first book deal with a reputable publishing company, namely, MASCOT BOOKS. I could not imagine how I would have gotten this book to be as beautiful inside and out, without the guidance of MASCOT BOOKS. I did not know, what I did not know, but I have certainly learned a lot, and have tremendous respect for the traditional publishing route one might find themselves taking. What does authorpreneurship mean to you and why did you step into this arena? Authorpreneurship to me, means, having faith, confidence, courage, discipline, and commitment in one's decision to first, decide to write a book, second, to see the writing process through; third, staying the course and not throwing in the towel when you hit a roadblock (or hit upon unfamiliar territory). I stepped into the authorpreneurship arena by chance. What has kept me, is that which has kept me in my life, and that is thinking about my ancestors and how they did so much more with a lot less. The overall reason why I stepped into the arena, even by chance, was the desire to affirm that question posed by my then, eight-year-old son who asked "So Mom, what exactly is slavery about?" Not having found the answer narrated the way I wanted it to be, and remembering that quote by Toni Morrison, which reads: "If there's a book you want to read, but it has not been written yet, then you must write it" - provided the best opportunity for me to answer my son's question -- and at the same time, make it a teachable moment for him and his peers - and people around the world.






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What or who has been your greatest influence in publishing and why? Again, knowing that my ancestors have done so much for our culture, and did so by sacrificing their blood, sweat, tears, and lives lost -- became the wind beneath my wings. Knowing my history allows me to soar, to date, to heights I never would have imagined. Moreover, wanting to contribute to the efforts to change the mindset of many of our black and brown children (and people in general), I wanted to help educate people about the lived experiences of the enslaved Africans and their descendants, so that it could create a foundation upon which black and brown people could stand firmly upon as they navigate the terrains of our imperfect nation. Additionally, remembering a quote by Arthur Ashe: "Start where you are! Use what you have! Do what you can" influenced by the decision to stay the course, and thank God, I did. How has becoming a published author changed your life overall? At first, it did not set in what it means to have accomplished the goal of becoming a published author. I was so invested emotionally and mentally, as a parent, wanting to answer the question posed by my son, and wanting to do it in a what that would not be traumatic, but that would be accessible -- honestly, it's taken me some time to really wrap my head around what I've been blessed to do -- become a published author of what is turning out to be an amazing piece of written work, so I'm told. Becoming a published author, and all that comes with that new title/role has added to my already busy life as a mom, wife, practicing attorney, and entrepreneur. So many wonderful opportunities have come out of this process. For the past 12 months, I have been invited to speak (and I've accepted) at various forums; From Me To You: The Power of Storytelling and its Inherent Generational Wealth. An African American Story" has been vetted and selected by the New York Public Libraries, and is now available on bookshelves in several libraries in New York State; From Me To You is being shared in INDIA, after having been interviewed by Hasina Parvin, with the World Growth Forum, and from that opportunity, I have an opportunity to meet Ndaba Mandela (the grandson of the legendary Nelson Mandela) and collaborate as youth influencers for mainly black people, but for all youth worldwide. I recently accepted an opportunity to be a panel speaker at three Historically Black Colleges and Universities ("HBCU's) i.e., Fisk University, Tennessee State University and Meharry Medical School; to name a few of the upcoming opportunities to share the generational wealth of knowledge contained within From Me, To You.


What would you say is your greatest win has been as an author CEO? My greatest win as an author CEO has been seeing the smile on my son's face when he talks about being the inspiration behind the book. Being able to leave this written work as part of my legacy, and that which will be sustainable through the lifetime of my children and ultimately grandchildren is a true blessing and an exceptional reward. What’s the best advice you have received in the publishing arena that you wish to pass on to our readers and those who want to publish in the future? I have come to learn that no matter the subject matter or genre of the book, have patience with yourself and the process. There will be times when you may want to thwart the writing process, but remember to push through; as on the other side is the reward of becoming that published author you've worked so hard at becoming. Remember, It's easy to quit but don't. Once you start, say to yourself, "I'm now closer to the end than I am the beginning!" What has been the most effective marketing initiatives or programs you have used to promote your book? The most effective marketing initiatives and programs I've used to promote From Me To You, would be: word of mouth; and sharing the book with people; stopping in bookstores; speaking with people in the literary arena and beyond; tapping into employment spaces; schools, etc. You must be your biggest promoter of your book. Then there are the marketing services of my publishing company, Mascot Books. Do you have any new books or literary projects coming up (or have you just completed a big project ~ reached a milestone, etc.)? If so, please tell us about it. As an author, I have two books that we, Mascot Books and I, are working to have published next. In 2019 the Library of Congress released images of prominent 19th and 20th-century Civil Rights Activists. The images were in black and white, and to me were too important not share with our youth. I wanted to use the images to create a teachable moment for the younger generations. I wanted to ensure that the stories of the prominent leaders were preserved and ultimately etched in the minds of the younger generations.


Remembering a quote by M. K. Asante, which reads: "When you make an observation; you have an obligation" I created a coloring and activity book, tentatively titled: The Civil Rights Movement featuring some Phenomenal People with Phenomenal Stories. The Coloring and Activity book has illustrations of approx. 20 images of the prominent Civil Rights Leaders, starting with Ida B. Wells, through and including former President Barack Obama; each illustration has a Word Search and there are quotes and short biographies for each image illustrated. I also created an associated book, tentatively titled: Leaders of the Civil Rights Movement featuring Phenomenal People with Phenomenal Stories. Who are you behind the book? Tell us who you are when no one is looking. What do you do for fun/relaxation? What’s your favorite vacation spot to unwind? More than being a published author, I am a mother of two, an adult daughter, and an 11-year-old son. I am a practicing attorney, and I love using my skillset of researching, analyzing, synthesizing, thinking critically, and presenting information in an effort to help someone with their legal issue. Being a practicing attorney has been a passion of mine for more than 20 years. I am blessed to be doing that which brings me joy. When no one is looking I love to dance, cook, play games with and engage our son while he is in middle school. For relaxation/fun, I love to just be still and take in my surroundings, since taking a trip to Costa Rica in June 2022, I returned home with a deep appreciation for sustainable efforts. I appreciate nature more, and I love to just sit on my porch or in the backyard, and just meditate, read or talk with sister-friends via FaceTime. My favorite vacation spot to unwind would be traveling to places in and near the Caribbean, i.e, Bahamas, Aruba, Turks and Caicos, etc. What’s at the top of your list of Goals you plan to accomplish over the next year. In 2023 my goal is to publish the coloring and activity book and the associated book. I've had my sights on applying to become a civil court judge in the State of New York, and I may decide to throw my hat in the ring for consideration. But overall, no matter what I pursue in the next year or years, what I want most is to enjoy being a mom, wife, and sister-friend. I'm always desirous to "Do what I can; help where I can, and keep it moving."

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers? In 2023 go on the mission to (i) reflect, renew and review your life's goals and dreams; and (ii) Go on the journey to Find your V.I.P. Status - meaning your Voice, Identity and Purpose -- and don't be afraid to use it for the betterment of yourself and others; and (iii) Whatever you wish to do in life that will positively change your future, remember this "Be Afraid, But Do It!" What’s the best way for our readers to connect with you (feel free to include the links to your social networks and website). Readers can connect with me at the follow links below: Connect With me on Social Media LinkedIn @Deidra Moore-Janvier Twitter @DeidraMoore2253 Instagram@DMoore2253 Email:





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