Published + Black Magazine September 2022

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WHO'S ON THE COVER Christal Jordan





























A N A L Y S T .

A U T H O R .

C E O .




HER bio,

Christal D. Jordan is a journalist and professional entertainment publicist with several years of experience in celebrity marketing and branding. Jordan worked in the corporate PR sector before relocating to Atlanta, GA and founding Enchanted Branding and Public Relations in 2008. The company specializes in public relations strategy, media training/consultation, and crisis communication in service of notable celebrity talent such as TLC’s Chilli, Roy Jones Jr.Kenan Thompson, and more. Further, Jordan serves as a journalist and editor with Rolling Out Magazine where she specializes in stories that emphasize the importance of empowering women. Jordan earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Organizational Communications and her Master of Arts in Mass Communications from the University of Oklahoma. Most recently, Jordan started a YouTube channel pulling from her own experiences with celebrity endorsement and strategic relationships. The channel, entitled From Christal with Love XO, boasts over 23L subscribers and works to celebrate love and relationships from a progressive lens. She is also the host of Fox 5 Atlanta’s bi-weekly segment on celebrity relationships.

ABOUT Christal,

Christal D. Jordan is the principal behind Enchanted Branding & Public Relations, a premiere entertainment based PR firm based in Atlanta, GA. Her client list has included clients in the entertainment space including, music, acting, art, sports and fashion. Her philosophy of combining creativity with public relations strategy has rendered her a branding expert with a history of assisting clients reach their career goals. Christal has been instrumental in securing numerous radio & television placements along with lucrative endorsement deals. She has secured her clients placement on such networks as MTV, Fox, Oxygen, BRAVO and many more. Christal believes the key to securing sponsorship and relationships with consumer brands is using creativity and strategy to find synergy between talent and staple brands to create opportunities for impact and influence. She has worked with household brands such as; Coca-Cola, Monster Energy Drink, Red Bull, L'OREAL, SoftSheen Carson, Miss Jessie's, Ford, Peroni and many more. In addition to Enchanted PR, she also serves as Executive Director for Chilli of TLC's non-profit foundation Chilli's Crew.

Tell us about you and your brand as an author and who is your target audience. My brand is first and foremost focused on women’s empowerment. As a writer, I’ve always felt impressed to speak up for Black women, especially because for so long our voices were muted. As I grew in my career, I realized that society tries to limit our definition and it’s unfair and untrue. We aren’t a monolith. We have so many nuances within our culture that it’s important for us to share our authentic voices. My target audience is women ages 35-55 who are on a constant journey to better themselves. This is who I am and it’s whom I represent. Are you traditionally published or self-published? Which do you prefer? My first book, ‘Under the Cherry Moon’ was traditionally published (Dafina/Kensington) but my 2nd book, ‘How to Win when Shit Happens’ was self-published. My goal is for my new book, ‘Dear Alpha Female: it’s not him it’s YOU’ to be a hybrid in that it’s beginning as a selfpublished effort but I believe we’ll find a home for it shortly. There is a lot of chatter about the subject's nature and I’ve had some promising meetings. I think both options can be lucrative, it just depends on what your goals and financial capabilities are as an author. What does authorpreneurship mean to you and why did you step into this arena? I believe I’ve been an author since I was nine years old. I wrote my first book in 4th grade about my five friends and myself meeting the members of New Edition. Today as I’ve embraced entrepreneurship as the owner of a successful Public Relations agency I learned the exact same strategy I’ve applied to clients for their projects must apply to myself and my literary efforts as well. Everything starts with a plan and as an entrepreneur, you learn if you don’t plan, you’ve planned to fail. What or who has been your greatest influence in publishing and why? I have so many literary sheroes that have influenced my life. I would say the biggest has to be Terry McMillan because ‘Waiting to Exhale came out it changed my life. I was working as Community Relations Manager for Barnes & Noble booksellers at the time and I created an African American book club at my store based solely on the popularity of that book and later movie. That book was also a big reason I stopped writing for my own leisure and realized I needed to share my work with more than just friends and family. Later seeing the book transition to a movie was HUGE! It showed me there was a way to impact the world with literature, even beyond the avid readers like myself. How has becoming a published author changed your life overall? I love the idea of being able to have a timeless impact on culture. Books/stories have no expiration date. Once you put it out there, your message has the ability to impact people years after you have left this earth. I believe authors are important because we are not only impacting the community in real-time but books also become a living contribution to history. We document what’s happening in today’s culture so that years later there are references and resources to connect past, present & future.

What would you say is your greatest win has been as an author CEO? My greatest win was being able to share the message of my first book with a group of fathers on Father’s Day in 2006. I grew up without my father in my life and his absence affected me more than I realized. As I came to terms with his sudden death, I learned many fathers feel like their kids are better off without them. The book’s message is there is no child that does not benefit from a loving parent's presence. I was able to share this with a group of fathers who felt their past mistakes made them unable to add to their children’s lives. Hearing their stories of heartbreak and encouraging them not to give up on Father’s Day after never spending one Father’s Day with my father was a gift from God I’ll never truly be able to explain. Secondly, my son would accompany me to book signings as a toddler. Today he too is a published author and much more talented than myself. Knowing I contributed to his success is a huge win for a proud mom. What’s the best advice you have received in the publishing arena that you wish to pass on to our readers and those who want to publish in the future? I believe you have to push through when it comes to writer's block. As a child, my mother would have me write poems as a thank-you gift for family and friends. She would make me sit at the kitchen table until I wrote the poem. While I resented her at the moment, she taught me discipline. Writing every day is paramount to completing your book. You must write when you feel like it and when you don’t. What I learned is that even if I didn’t feel like it, if I stayed there eventually I’d tap into my creativity and hear that voice. Writing is one part creativity/inspiration and the other half discipline.

What has been the most effective marketing initiatives or programs you have you used to promote your book? I am using a whole new team to push this book because I know its potential. I believe being a member of networks such as Black writers weekend by another of my sheroes, Tamika Newhouse is necessary. Black authors have an amazing network if you utilize it. There are also programs such as Booksy to help you organize your thoughts as a new writer. I’m also thankful to my new team headed by Ayanna Mills for bringing a winning strategy to this project.

Do you have any new books or literary projects coming up (or have you just completed a big project ~ reached a milestone, etc.)? If so, Please tell us about it. I’m so excited about my new book, ‘ Dear Alpha female: it’s not him it’s YOU’. The book is on preorder but will be available in time for Valentine's Day on February 7, 2023. The book is a culmination of lessons I learned after being a single career-driven woman in Atlanta for almost 11 years before meeting my now husband. I had the opportunity to be a guest on Iyanla: Fix My Life and also as Relationships editor for Rolling Out I talk with celebrities and reality stars on a weekly basis about relationships. This book is a result of everything I’ve learned about myself and many of my sisters and how we often get in our own way when it comes to love. It’s a love letter from me to my peers. My goal is for it to be made into a film as well.

Who are you behind the book? Tell us who you are when no one is looking. What do you do for fun/relaxation? What’s your favorite vacation spot to unwind? I’m definitely an introvert/extrovert. My job has always been extremely social but when work is over I enjoy quiet time. I think solitude re-energizes me. People who know me, know I love my family, horses, and the beach. I’m working on learning dressage with my horse Zuri; that’s my happy place. I hope we’ll be able to do some competition shows for fun next summer. My favorite vacation spot is Anguilla, I’ve never seen more beautiful beaches. Horseback riding on the beach with my husband is my favorite thing in the world. What’s at the top of your list of Goals you plan to accomplish over the next year? My goal this year is to push this book by really jump-starting the conversation with accountability with women. I know so many accomplished, degreed, physically fit, financially affluent, perfect-looking on the outside miserable unbalanced women. I know this because I used to be one of them. I think most of us are little girls who grew up overachievers - so we know how to achieve but we often don’t know how to love. Our fear of being hurt gets replaced with elaborately expensive walls that we are often trapped behind. It’s time we let those overworked little girls inside know they are enough. This book is a love letter to us and I’m excited to travel the country with this conversation with my sisters. Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers? It’s a weird time because social media has us all focused on money and being perfect. We all want success and that’s great but at some point, if your purpose doesn’t supersede profit this will all be pointless. Make sure you are loving yourself unconditionally. What’s the best way for our readers to connect with you? My YouTube channel is the #1 place I’d love readers to connect with me. Every week I host meaningful conversations with celebrities, influencers, and experts on reallife situations especially connected to relationships. My channel, From Christal with Love XO, is my contribution to a positive impact on our culture. YouTube: From Christal with Love XO Instagram: @enchantedpr Twitter: @enchantedpr




Yvonne Burden (nickname Tweety) was born in Manhattan,New York 8th avenue with her mother Carolyn Marie Burden she eventually moved to Norfolk , Virginia after her mom passed away while in Norfolk, Virginia in 1980. Her grandmother and grandfather house raise her the best of their knowledge. Her grandparents were Christians. She was raised in a neighborhood of Chesterfield Heights. Yvonne Burden experienced traumatic childhood and was abused, raped and molested and much more. However, as a single mother of four children Yvonne was determined to give her children a different childhood than what she had experienced in life. No More Tears and More is based on my life and what I have encountered as a young child from my teenager years up until my adulthood. This book is based on a true story and have included much of what I could have remembered in my past. My purpose in publishing my biography is to encourage many people especially women across the globe. Furthermore, my vision is to help children and woman to be successful in maintaining their confidence in the things they go through that makes them feel victimized. The focus will be those who have experienced rape and molestation. It is important to me that woman and teens understand how to overcome everything they have been through .

her book.....

Are you traditionally published or self-published? Which do you prefer? I am traditionally published but I prefer traditionally if your a new author and when you become more experience in writing with the right tools and you feel comfortable I would self Published will be the way to go for me What does authorpreneurship mean to you and why did you step into this arena? Authorpreneurship means products and services that base on their book I step into this arena to do more for the community to be a voice and advocate for those that have been silenced and afraid to speak. What or who has been your greatest influence in publishing and why? My Greatest influence in publishing is getting the truth out because many things are swept under the rug in families in this World also Books of Millions Mentorship & Publishing Company has been a great influence because they Prayed and guided me made sure My book came out to blessings and help going forward to change and uplift someone's life Spirituality and Naturally with more Do you have any new book or literary projects coming up (or have you just completed a big project ~ reached a milestone, etc.)? If so, please tell us about it. Yes I have a Project coming up before 2023 for Youth and Woman with different resources and programs Richmond Library would like me to do in about 3 to 6 months Book Clubs and more Who are you behind the book? Tell us who you are when no one is looking. What do you do for fun/relaxation? What’s your favorite vacation spot to unwind? Behind my book I am minister and teacher about my life experiences on Facebook. I enjoy making baskets and other things very creative and working on my online hair shop. I enjoy watching great movies all kinds. I also like different music especially worship music and jazz. I enjoy traveling, walks on the beach and in the park. make up and different hair styles spending time with Family My 10 grandchildren and 4 grown children, long walks, fishing writing of course what's on my mind or poems taking care someone else which am private duty nurse My favorite vacation spot is California I love the sun not the cold to much. What’s at the top of your list of goals you plan to accomplish over the next year. I plan to accomplish different programs and write more books. No More Tears is a series I have coming up. Also a youth ministry and tutoring mentorship for children who have been molested, raped and abused. There are many more things to come.

I would like to say I'm not ashamed I am a survivor !



P U B L I S H E d a n d b l a c k m a g a z i n e . C O M

W W W . P U B L I S H W I T H T I F F A N Y . C O M





w w w . p u b l i s h e d a n d b l a c k m a g a z i n e . c o m







JOURNALIST/COLUMNIST ______________________________________ Author, of 4 books up to book 5 Journalist interviewing artist as a correspondent behind the scenes Media personality (Owner of S.Baker Media Group) consist of (Radio,Tv,Podcast, she’s Executive Producer of her own music video tv show since 2009. Photo Journalist capturing still photo shots of artist and artist events. Publisher of her own book publishing company S. Baker Publishing Books Columnist from Dj Kay Slay Magazine Straight Stuntin Magazine since 2010 -2020 for 10 years and Columnist of Djkayslay other Magazine What’s the science magazine since 2019 up until he passed. Radio - Media Personality of HER OWN RADIOSHOW SBMG-RADIO HER PODCAST ( Voice of the underdogs) since 2017 Blogger owner of HIPHOP Blog SBAKERMEDIAGROUP.COM Ghostwriter


_____________________________________ What’s up to all of the readers. Thank you to Published & Black welcoming me on board as one of the new contributing writers joining the writing team! To all my supporters, and readers whose been riding with me since 2004 supporting my very 1st urban fiction book, to reading my music reviews and write ups ( 2007-2008) and a huge shout out to all my readers rocking with me from 2010-2022 still with me for these past 12 years supporting me from (Straight Stuntin’ magazine, and What’s the science Rest in peace to the legend DJ KAYSLAY) I am officially writing for Published & Black now! So, let’s go! _____________________________________ Dear Black Girls, don’t ever feel threatened when you see another successful black woman anywhere, in fact, you should complement her. If you see her off her Agame a little, fix her crown. It is long overdue to change the narrative, regarding black girls/ black women and bring it back to how it’s supposed to be when it comes to the way the public have this perception about black women. In spite of the way black women are incorrectly perceived in this industry, I will be the first one to say I'm thankful to have met a handful of solid women with a healthy true sisterhood over the years. If you were solid before you stepped foot in this game, and a stand-up solid woman before this industry - then chances are, you are still SOLID. This Business only amplifies who you are. Black women have always been at the forefront as Wives, Mothers, Grandmothers, Sisters, Aunties, Multi-tasking running full businesses as Bosses, CEO’s snatching multiple degrees up, graduating college, always stepping outside the box with creativity, unapologetically driven, and determined, destined for greatness! But rarely do you see BLACK WOMEN get the proper credit due! _____________________________________ It’s time to change this false narrative, and negative stigma of black women being angry, bitter, and or ghetto! Replace those words with Winner, Queen, Boss, Legend, Trendsetters, and any other official word you can think of when you mention “BLACK WOMAN”. _____________________________________ Black women are the most copied women on the planet, and that's a fact. Just look around, there was a time when they tried to make black women feel ugly with the natural features we were born with. Everything is copied, from the big lips, the big boobs, the big butts! I will give you one better, remember they perceived the long nails black women wore as “Ghetto” look around now today....I’ll wait.

_____________________________________ I will acknowledge ALL women across the globe of all races and salute to all women for holding down their families, for working hard every day because it’s not easy out here for WOMEN in general! Be very clear, I AM a Black Queen, I represent Solid official black women, I speak for the majority of the black women who came from nothing, without handouts, earning my stripes with good old fashion hard work, and still going......Until Next time... Stay sucka free. _____________________________________ *Jewel of the Month* Dear Black Girl, Don’t you ever apologize for being you! Don’t ever dim your light either! Continue to shine! LOVE MEC xo *Shout out to Tiffany and shout out to Ayanna Bean for connecting me and Tiffany! Let's Go #SUCKAFREE = 24~7~365= 48~14~730= Double Grind-Double Overtime XoXo Signed MeccaGlobal The voice of the (Underdogs) from the Bottom-that Chick making you step your Game up! “Don’t Get Mad ~ get inspired!” There’s a lot of Mecca’s only one MeccaGloBal… Now you can hear MeccaGloBal’s podcast everywhere (SEARCH MECCAGLOBAL PODCAST) #SBMGBLOG ONLINE #SBMGRADIO EVERY SATURDAY 2 PM EST #SBMGTV Cablevision Channel 19 Saturday 11PM FOLLOW @MECCAGLOBAL ON SOCIAL MEDIA, @MECCAGLOBAL ACROSS THE BOARD. #INSTAGRAM #TWITTER #CLUBHOUSE #SNAPCHAT



Her bio,

Dr. Shervondaline S. Breedlove was born and raised in Monroe, Louisiana. She is the eldest of her parents’ two children. Her Grammy began calling her a natural-born leader before turning a year old. Shervondaline is a 3x International Bestselling Author, a Visionary Autism and Special Needs Advocate and Founder, and a Professional Christian Life Coach. She has over 25 years of combined professional experience in Customer Care, Management, Finance, and Manufacturing with Fortune 500 Companies such as ConAgra, Chase, General Motors, and State Farm. Shervondaline earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Leadership and Community Organization, a Master’s Degree in Divinity, and a Doctorate of Religious Philosophy from Integrity Seminary in Red Oak, Texas. Women Of Dignity Magazine featured Shervondaline as Author of the Day, recognized her as one of the 2022 Top 25 Rising Stars, and designated her as one of the 2022 Top Fifty Pioneers of Change. She is an Autism Advocate and a Champion for Parents and Families affected by Disabilities, Different Abilities, and Special Needs. She is passionate about building a thriving universal community of support for individuals, parents, and families affected by Disabilities, Different Abilities, and Special Needs. Various experiences on her parenting journey fuel her motivation to provide guidance and resources. Advocating for Autism for twenty-two years has equipped Shervondaline with a profound level of compassion, significant knowledge of the effects on the entire family, and a dynamic understanding of social functioning impacts. God has mantled her to share His Message of love, hope, strength, and healing to individuals, parents, and families affected by Disabilities, Different Abilities, and Special Needs. Shervondaline is a gifted Encourager. She is passionate about comforting, assisting, and inspiring others affected by Disabilities, Different Abilities, and Special Needs. Shervondaline knows the importance of always addressing situations with compassion and thoughtfulness. She believes that genuine connections are established when you allow people to see you authentically and unapologetically. These bonds can lead to healthy relationships that will last a lifetime. Shervondaline loves sharing helpful tools, tips, and techniques that are vital for victorious living. She has a servant’s heart and is committed to being a blessing to others. Her greatest desire is to embrace, encourage, and elevate individuals and families within the Special Needs community through God’s Word. Her number one priority is always leaving people better than she found them. Shervondaline truly understands firsthand that the people connected within this unique community are positively better together and wants to help them excel above and beyond their limitations. Shervondaline resides in Texas with her husband, Arthur, and their daughter, Jayla. She enjoys traveling, decorating, movies, reading, cooking, word games, and spending quality time with family and friends.

Tell us about you and your brand as an author and who is your target audience. I am an Autism and Special Needs Mom and Advocate. I have been learning and involved with this community for almost three decades. When I was 12 years old, I met my Best Friend’s younger sister who had a Down Syndrome diagnosis. I was always intrigued by her sister’s uniqueness and her mom’s parental strength. When my daughter’s conditions were diagnosed, I acquired as much knowledge as I could to ensure she had everything she needed. Now I want to help other parents who are on the same life-long journey as I am. It does not matter if they are just beginning or well-traveled: we are certainly better together! Are you traditionally published or self-published? Which do you prefer? I have experienced traditional publishing and self-publishing. I learned several tips, tools, and techniques from both methods. My preference is traditional publishing. However, I am not opposed to more self-publishing in the future. What does authorpreneurship mean to you and why did you step into this arena? I became an authorpreneur to share my experiences and raise awareness as an Autism and Special Needs Mom and Advocate. I want to embrace and empower the parents and families who provide care and support for babies, children, and adults diagnosed with Autism and various Special Needs. What or who has been your greatest influence in writing and why? Iyanla Vanzant and Stormie Omartian are my 2 favorite authors. I enjoy the transparency, thoroughness, and tenacity exhibited in their writing. Their willingness to be vulnerable and share some of their lowest points and how they pressed and powered through are truly inspirational to me. How has becoming a published author changed your life overall? Becoming an author has given me a deeper respect for other authors. So many times, we enjoy the finished product, but we may not always consider the many required steps of the process necessary to complete it. As a published author, my stories remind others that overcoming and victory are possible with God. Consistent Hope is the motivating factor for me. What would you say is your greatest win has been as an author CEO? My greatest win has been becoming an International Best-Selling Author. It is incredibly exciting to know that people in other countries have access to a broader perspective on how an Autism and Special Needs diagnosis impacts the family by reading my stories. I am happy to offer them hope!

What’s the best advice you have received in the publishing arena that you wish to pass on to our readers and those who want to publish in the future? Pray before you do everything: God’s guidance is an essential resource for success! Do your research when selecting a publisher. Ask questions. Stick to your principles. Be flexible and adaptable when it comes to creativity. Be transparent. Have fun. Most of all, enjoy the journey. What has been the most effective marketing initiatives or programs you have used to promote your book? Social Media has been an extremely effective strategic marketing tool for promoting my books. As I emerge and expand into different areas, I am beginning to utilize other platforms to raise awareness for our brand: podcasts, talk shows, magazines, and other media outlets. Do you have any new books or literary projects coming up (or have you just completed a big project ~ reached a milestone, etc.)? If so, please tell us about it. New Anthology Visionary Author: Prophetess Tish Shearer “Trapped In My Mind Behind Enemy Lines” My Chapter: “Diagnosis Does Not Determine Destiny” Release Date: September 17, 2022 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ God recently did the unthinkable for my daughter and me! He made our stories even more incredibly powerful. On August 27, 2022, I graduated from Integrity Seminary with my Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate degrees. First, I asked God to order my steps. Then I started moving my feet! I am beyond grateful for Him granting me His sufficient Grace to complete each degree with a 4.0 GPA. Although, I could never have dreamed, hoped, or imagined the SURPRISE He had in store for Jayla. When she graduated from High School in 2018, I asked if there was any possibility that Jayla could attend college. Unfortunately, her teacher and ARD {Admission, Review, and Dismissal} Team informed me that it was not possible due to her Autism, function level, and language limitations. BUT GOD!!!


Integrity Seminary’s President was so blessed and inspired by her testimony that he selected her as the 2022 Recipient. Jayla was awarded an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Divinity during my commencement ceremony! Jayla and I received Doctorate Degrees on the same day! We are immensely grateful and in absolute awe of God’s Favor and Faithfulness! Who are you behind the book? Tell us who you are when no one is looking. What do you do for fun/relaxation? What’s your favorite vacation spot to unwind? I am a Servant of God. I am a Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, and Friend. I love laughing and seeing people happy. I love spending quality time with my family and friends. I enjoy word games, traveling, shopping, decorating, and listening to music. What’s at the top of your list of Goals you plan to accomplish over the next year? We will execute plans to help other underserved and marginalized through our non-profit organization. We are currently restructuring to introduce a new component for my daughter which will allow her to thrive in her own way utilizing her Honorary Doctorate. The concept is extremely heartwarming and it will be very fulfilling to be a blessing to others. Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers? I would like to encourage the readers to be intentionally kind to anyone you might know that is connected to the Special Needs community. Ask questions if there are areas you would like to learn more about. If you happen to know an adult who has Autism, Different Abilities, or Special Needs, be considerate and do your best to make them feel included, safe, and free to be themselves. What’s the best way for our readers to connect with you? (Feel free to include the links to your social networks and website.) Email: Facebook: Instagram: drssbreedlove Books available @




Her bio, Dr. Monique Flemings is a wife, mother, international conference speaker, educator, teacher, minister, serial- entrepreneur, and author. A native of Chicago, Dr. Monique has four earned academic degrees in physical therapy, ministry, and education. Dr. Monique has served in various ministry and leadership capacities since the age of 7, including senior pastor with a wealth of ministry and leadership experience that spans over 40 years. Her diverse leadership roles expand into the health care industry, academia, and community organizations. She is a 20-x author and 6-x Amazon Best Selling International Author. As a serial entrepreneur Dr. Flemings is the visionary of Monique Flemings Enterprises LLC and Jream Publishing House LLC. She is an Executive Contributor in Brainz Magazine that reaches 300,000 people worldwide per week. Dr. Monique is the Director of Admission and Professor at South College Doctoral Physical Therapy Program in Atlanta Georgia. She serves as core faculty pioneering a hybrid DPT program that is intentional in diversifying the field of physical therapy. Dr. Flemings currently serves as the Director of Affiliate Churches for the All Nations Collective an urban church planting organization where she provides oversite for 20 churches. Dr. Flemings is the wife of a tremendously supportive husband -Andrew Flemings who encourages her to soar. They have one exceptional gift from God, a son. Dr. Monique enjoys spending time with her family and resides in the suburbs of Chicago IL.

Tell us about you and your brand as an author and who is your target audience? I write self-improvement books for faith based professional women. While my target audience is professional women, men and youth benefit greatly from my brands. My books are focus on practicality and implementation of strategies for living. I write for my readers to return back to my books over and over again. I aim to provide solutions that can be implemented immediately. Are you traditionally published or self-published? Which do you prefer? I have been in self- publishing for 20 years and prefer the self- published route. The selfpublishing route has changed so much, and I am an advocate of self- publishing. What does authorpreneurship mean to you and why did you step into this arena? Authorpreneurship means legacy. I love the ability to change lives through writing. As an author I open the door to my platform because I am the authority on my subject matter. This allows my brilliance as a thought leader to shine. I stepped into this arena by accident. I really did not know what I was doing, I did not have a guide, but when I figured out where I was and how much I enjoyed being here….I started getting comfortable in this arena. Now, I am here to mentor others. What or who has been your greatest influence in publishing and why? I would say that my greatest influence in publishing has been the beauty of impacting lives of people that I never meet. To receive messages from people that read my books and were encouraged or inspired is priceless. When people meet me in public and come up to me telling me about how much my book has changed their life, I am honored. I received a report that my book was being used for at risk youth. I was so honored by this and as an author this was absolutely amazing. This ability to impact people influences me to keep writing and publishing. The changing of lives as been the greatest influence on me as a writer. How has becoming a published author changed your life overall? Becoming an author takes my voice to people I will never meet. It takes my story to paces that I will never go. It places my solutions in places where people need assistance. Now that I have stepped into anthology projects, I have the honor of coaching and mentoring other writers and helping them build their platform as an author. Changing their lives, have changed me tremendously. What would you say is your greatest win has been as an author CEO? My greatest win would be creating opportunities for emerging authors. This is one of the reasons that I launched my own boutique self- publishing company this year. I know what it’s like to have a horrible experience in publishing and becoming an author. I want my authors to win. Also, writing two anthology projects in 2021 with the legendary Les Brown was phenomenal.

What’s the best advice you have received in the publishing arena that you wish to pass on to our readers and those who want to publish in the future? I really have not received any advice that I would pass on to others. From my experience, I would share with authors that you want to write a book that remains relevant. Many people want to share their story, which is powerful, but you must learn how to write in a manner that allows your book to live more than 6 months. Write in a way to provide strategies and life lessons for people, even if it’s coming from your story. What has been the most effective marketing initiatives or programs you have used to promote your book? I like everyone had to pivot using more social media over the last few years and it’s allowed for a broader reach in impacting people. I have always conducted workshops and training around my books that highlight the book and allows me to share my written solutions. This is effective because people will share their transformation with others and then share you and your book for future workshops and training. Do you have any new book or literary projects coming up (or have you just completed a big project ~ reached a milestone, etc.)? If so, please tell us about it. I have a new project launching in October of 2022 entitled, Lioness: Prayers and Affirmations for Women Leaders. This is a powerful anthology project written by some brilliant women leaders, sharing their story and their prayers with affirmations. This will be my second project published this year under my publishing company Jream Publishing House LLC. This will be my 20th publication as an author. Who are you behind the book? Tell us who you are when no one is looking. What do you do for fun/relaxation? What’s your favorite vacation spot to unwind? I am a rock star autism mom and my big why is creating a space for our brilliant son. I enjoy 70’s sitcoms and my favorite vacation spot is anything by the water. My favorite spot is Hilton Head South Carolina. What’s at the top of your list of Goals you plan to accomplish over the next year. This year we are finishing strong, and I will be releasing a self-paced online course for authors because I get so many authors that want mentoring and coaching. I am packaging 20 years of self -publishing experience into this self-paced course. Next year, I want to assist 50 authors through my anthology projects in writing and building their brand. I am also excited about stepping into the arena of training speakers. It really goes hand in hand with writing and I see so many authors fumble when it come to speaking and often miss their opportunity to shine as the solution that they are because of their lack of confidence or lack of training. So, look for me in the speaker’s area helping others to soar!

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers? I would encourage authors or those wanting to publish to get a mentor or coach. It’s lot a room for error and in my 20 years, I have done it all. I try to share the tricks of the trade with my clients, so they do not have to stumble through like I did without guidance. Understanding marketing is critical. The writing is the easy part. Marketing and selling is where many lack confidence and training. Don’t sit alone, get a coach and start leveraging your platform as an author. What’s the best way for our readers to connect with you (feel free to include the links to your social networks and website. You can contact me at if you are interested in being an author in my next anthology project or if you are looking for publishing services for your own book. My company offers not only publishing but coaching for those that desire to become author-prenuers.

Her bio, Shantay Carter is a New York native and a Binghamton University alumni. Shantay is also a 3X Bestselling Author, 2X Non-Profit Founder, Professional Speaker, and a Award Winning Registered Nurse. When it comes to Shantay Carter, helping others is more than her daily work as a dedicated nurse. After noticing the lack of guidance for young girls in the Long Island area, Shantay decided to create Women of Integrity Inc. The twelve-year-old organization has already made considerable strides in its mission to “empower and educate women of all ages and ethnicities.” Its signature event is its prom dress drive, prom dress giveaway, and prom makeover project executed each year. When Shantay is not helping her patients, her community, fellow nurses, or out making teen girls feel amazing, you can find her participating as a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, The NAACP, The American Nurses Association, The Greater NYC Black Nurses Association, the Nassau County Medical Reserve Corp., Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated, and Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. Shantay believes her output determines her outcome and is committed to doing good work. Awards & Achievements Shantay modestly holds several accomplishments and honors for her work, being a Wholeness of Life Award winner at North Shore University Hospital in 2012 and an NSLIJ Health System 2013 President's Award nominee. In 2014, Shantay was honored as a Making A Difference Award honoree for the Town Of Hempstead and a semi-finalist in P&G’s My Black is Beautiful Ambassador Search. In 2015, she received the Darby Foundation’s Community Service Award and a Community Service Award from the Hempstead Chamber Of Commerce. In 2017, she was a Woman Of Power Honoree from the Caribbean Business Connections Organization and was an NAACP Community Service Award honoree. She recently received the 2018 Caribbean American Healthcare Award from Caribbean Life Magazine. She was the Keynote Speaker for the Excellence in Success Nursing Awards. She received the 2018 Woman of Power Award from The Ladies of 3rd Thursday organization and the Social Change Award from Farley Productions, Inc. In 2019, she was a Long Island Diversity In Business Award Honoree. In 2020, she received the Town of Hempstead’s Pathfinder Award, was a Nassau County Office of Minority Affairs Black History Month Award Honoree, and received the P.O.W.E.R. 2020 Women’s Empowerment Award. In 2021, she received the Inner Vision Magazine, Women Who Rocked their Roles Honor; she was the Keynote Speaker for the NY Chapter of The American Nurses Association 9th Annual Conference and was recognized as Nurse Entrepreneur of The Year by the Greater NYC Black Nurses Association. In 2022, she received Philanthropist of The Year by Young Gifted and Black Entrepreneurial Awards. In April 2022, she was the Keynote Speaker for the North East Regional Conference for Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc. Shantay is also the Founder of Men Of Integrity Inc. and Co-Founder of Nurses Of Integrity.

Tell us about you and your brand as an author and who is your target audience? My name is Shantay, better known as The Nurse Philanthropist. I am a Registered Nurse, the Founder of Women Of Integrity Inc., Best Selling Author of Destined For Greatness, Founder of Men Of Integrity Inc., and Co-Founder of Nurses Of Integrity. My brand is all about empowering and educating my community. So, Whether I am working with the youth or nurses, I will always be the voice for the voiceless & use my voice and platform to advocate for others. My passion and purpose is working with women, especially young women. They are my target audience. Are you traditionally published or self-published? Which do you prefer? I am a self-published author. I actually enjoyed the experience. What does authorpreneurship mean to you and why did you step into this arena? Authorpreneurship to me means, using your voice to share your story to impact others. I decided to become an author when I was approached by a fellow Nurse Boss, to join her book project. It took a little convincing, because I wasn’t sure that I had anything to say that was worth reading. Then I decided, what did I have to lose? We all have a story to tell, so why not share my story of how I turned my pain into my power. What or who has been your greatest influence in publishing and why? Lakesha Reed- Curtis, for taking a chance on me and included me in her anthology composed of all nurses. My other greatest influence in publishing is my Best Friend Ayanna M. Ambrose. She was the driving force behind me putting out my last two books. She’s an International Best Selling Author and Queen of Best Selling Books. How has becoming a published author changed your life overall? Being a published Best Selling Author has changed my life for the better. It has opened so many doors for me personally and professionally. I have had the pleasure of being a keynote speaker for major Nursing Conferences, hosting events, being featured in magazines, and on TV. What would you say is your greatest win has been as an author CEO? My greatest win as an Author CEO is, knowing that sharing my story has inspired those around me to go into nursing, or become an author, or even start their own business. Knowing that my book had that big of an impact, is my greatest accomplishment.

What’s the best advice you have received in the publishing arena that you wish to pass on to our readers and those who want to publish in the future? We all have a story, so don’t be afraid to tell yours. You never know who will be impacted by it. Also, especially with self publishing, self promotion is the best promotion. Don’t be afraid to promote your book. Your target audience needs to see that you believe in you, your book, and your brand.

What has been the most effective marketing initiatives or programs you have used to promote your book? The most effective marketing initiatives have been utilizing social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook. You can pay to promote certain posts to have a greater reach. Also having an updated user friendly website, and hosting sales. For example Black Friday deals or Christmas deals. If you’re going to be a speaker at an event, having the ability to sell your books at the event is another great marketing strategy.

Do you have any new book or literary projects coming up (or have you just completed a big project ~ reached a milestone, etc.)? If so, Please tell us about it. My most recent book project was The Destined For Greatness Planner For Success, which became an Amazon Best Seller. It is the third book in The Destined For Greatness book Series. I am looking forward to putting more books out in the future. Who are you behind the book? Tell us who you are when no one is looking. What do you do for fun/relaxation? What’s your favorite vacation spot to unwind? Shantay is a daughter, sister, aunt, friend, nurse, and mentor. When no one is looking , you can catch me being silly with my family and friends. I love to have a good time and laugh. I love hosting curated events for my family and friends. I love being of service. You can always catch me volunteering with one of the many community organizations that I am a part of. When I want to unwind and have fun or just relax, I make sure to schedule Me time. I know that selfcare is super important. You can’t pour from an empty cup and continue to give to others when you’re depleted. Spa dates, mani and pedi’s are a must. Favorite vacation spot to unwind is Cancun or Jamaica. What’s at the top of your list of Goals you plan to accomplish over the next year. My goals to crush next year is to put out another book, start a new business, and continue to grow my brand.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers? Don’t let fear hold you back from sharing your story. I will ask the question that was asked of me, “What do you have to lose”? What’s the best way for our readers to connect with you (feel free to include the links to your social networks and website. The best way to contact me is through is : Instagram: @s.carterrn All my books are available on Amazon. Destined For Greatness


Her bio, I am Ayanna Mills Ambrose. I live in Atlanta, Georgia. I am an 18X Bestselling Author, Licensed Evangelist, Professional Writer, and Bestselling Book Publisher at Thanx A. Mills, LLC. I have a unique perspective because I listen to gospel and hip hop music, so the first book I published is called God & Hip Hop: 21 Day Biblical Devotional Inspired By Hip Hop, and it became a bestseller in five countries. I believe everyone has a unique story with powerhouse voices to bring about change. I help women to write and publish books so that they can get their messages out and gain credibility by becoming an Amazon Bestselling Author. In less than three years, I helped over 250 authors to become Amazon Bestsellers. And through my writing program, Write, Pray & Release, I helped 62 aspiring authors to become International Bestselling Authors. Writing declutters your mind and gives you inner harmony, and seeing your words published in a book gives you confidence, and you gain more respect from others. I love helping women to become authors so that they can feel better about themselves and get heard in schools, communities, and industries in need of different perspectives. Contact Information: FB & IG: @thanxamills Email:

her latest release........


AYANA BEAN order your copy




HIS BIO. Bio:Jermel Howard is an Actor, Author, and Writer from the heart of Long Island, New York. Acting opportunities such as the one and only “Law & Order” (2011), “NYC 22” (2012) produced by Robert Deniro; “Golden Boy” (2013), “Major Crimes” (2013); the role of Donte in the Netflix hit series “Orange Is The New Black”; "Oz" and “Person of Interest” (2014).

He's worked alongside top A-List Actors/Actresses making him a well-seasoned actor. Howard has landed recurring roles on Marvel’s “Luke Cage,” Starz’s “Power,” BET’s “Trap Queen,” and “TALES.” With regards to film, Howard played the role of Mopreme, Tupac’s brother, in the highly anticipated movie “All Eyez On Me.” “Roxanne, Roxanne” was another film he was seen in, as well as “The First Purge” playing Lorenzo "Zo." In March of 2017, Jermel was featured in VH-1’s “The Breaks” SPRITE commercial; he plays Treach on Lifetime TV’s “The Salt -N- Peppa Biopic,” and he plays Que on Starz’s “BMF.” He has the ambition and intellectual quality to learn more and the humbleness that every set he has been on loves about him. He's been on several radio shows throughout the states and Internet shows, giving back to the communities by offering insight he's learned. With the things he needs to do for his family on his mind, he approaches this industry with a sense of hunger, focus, and passion, which gives him an edge. He can be reached below: Social Media: @therealjermelhoward


her bio,

J’Mel Johnson is a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She is a wife, mother, teacher, singer, songwriter, author, and mentor. She has a love for life, people, good music, and great energy. She has a special passion for motivating older children and teens. She inspires and encourages them to protect their peace and positive energy. Johnson has been a classroom teacher and educator for 20+ years, and this experience has shown her how to connect with tweens and teens, and how to relate to their perspectives. Raising children of her own has given her the parental lens, which helps her deliver these life lessons in a nurturing way. "Quotes & Jokes..." is Johnson's first published book, and she is ready to share this book of motivation, encouragement, and inspiration with teens and tweens around the world. *(Recommended for ages 11-17)

Are you traditionally published or self-published? Which do you prefer? Self-published .. I like the idea of both What does authorpreneurship mean to you and why did you step into this arena? I honestly never thought about being an “author”.. I just saw a need and felt compelled to do something about it. Some people complain but never work at finding a solution. I did both. Lol As far as an entrepreneur, I’ve always seen myself being in business for myself but it was never really clear as to what that would be. I’m always full of ideas so narrowing things down is complicated for me. What or who has been your greatest influence in publishing and why? I have friend, Cat Meyers, who started a writer’s club.. and I had already started putting quotes & jokes together was reluctant about joining because I had a fear of sharing writing with strangers and being vulnerable. She really pushed me to get my thoughts into a book and encouraged me to keep going until I finished. Then she introduced me to the Amazon process of being an author. How has becoming a published author changed your life overall? I have a sense of fulfillment to an obligation.. meaning my obligation to serve others is being fulfilled. These life lessons have gone beyond my classroom and have reached 100s more young people (soon to be 1000s more).. Then there’s the feedback. That has encouraged me so much! Hearing a young person say that the book gave them inspiration, helped their confidence, helped them overcome anxiety and how it’s made them a better person. It gets no better than that. What would you say is your greatest win has been as an author CEO? Doing it my way. The way God gave it to me. What’s the best advice you have received in the publishing arena that you wish to pass on to our readers and those who want to publish in the future? I heard Les Brown say superhighway like.. “don’t leave this earth with your gifts to the world still locked up inside of you. Don’t take them with you.” That way of thinking has been my inspiration as well.

What has been the most effective marketing initiatives or programs you have used to promote your book? The power of social media, word of mouth; having family, friends and colleagues spreading the word on their personal & business platforms. Now I’m taking. Those initiatives have helped me to get published in an educational magazine and has also helped me to get an invitation to be interviewed on Fox29 Good Day Philadelphia. No one can do this alone. People need people. So now I am using the services of Ayanna Mills Publishing to help me go to the next level as a published author. Do you have any new book or literary projects coming up (or have you just completed a big project ~ reached a milestone, etc.)? If so, please tell us about it. Ohhh yes! I am no longer afraid to do this. I see the power of words and how sharing them can help improve the lives of others. So I am working on my next book. I’m not ready to share the specifics yet. It’s not that I’m keeping it a secret, but I’m keeping it sacred. Who are you behind the book? Tell us who you are when no one is looking. What do you do for fun/relaxation? What’s your favorite vacation spot to unwind? I’m actually a person who loves spending time with my husband and my family (movies, rollerskating, going out to eat, going to concerts, etc.). I’m also a singer and a songwriter so I sing and record songs with my husband. We go by the name “TommyJay”… we have a few R&B singles out there on digital platforms. I have a very musically talented family. My favorite place to chill is at home in a cozy pair of slippers. What’s at the top of your list of Goals you plan to accomplish over the next year. I plan to release a Teacher’s Guide for Quotes & Jokes, which one of my best friends (and fellow educator), Trina Pemberton, created with me. This manual is filled with 22 lessons, which are each about 20 minutes long. These lessons will guide teachers, counselors and youth leaders with 20 minute planned out activities that coincide with the Quotes & Jokes journal. So that’s 22 lessons that can be used for 22 days or stretched out for 22 weeks. These lessons can be used in Morning Meetings, small group counseling sessions, and more. I am also working on book #2 which I will say is centered around motivating others. Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers? There is absolutely nothing you can’t accomplish once you push through your fears and take hold of your faith.

What’s the best way for our readers to connect with you. (feel free to include the links to your social networks and website) I love to connect with people and I can be found on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TIK tok(from time to time) I also have a website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Tik Tok:


Jill B.

Jill B. is a registered nurse, nursing instructor, and dedicated mother known for her extensive knowledge in the healthcare industry. While using the experience gained from working with patients and caring for her children as a mother herself, she decided to write the first of its kind detailed children's book designed to help small children overcome their understandable fear of needles. The book is an invaluable read for young children because it can calm their nerves and ease their minds about visits to the doctor's office or hospital. Jill B. was eager to write this book with hopes of leaving a lasting positive impact on thousands of households across the country. Providing the parents with a practical tool to support their children was the driving force behind this light, humorous book that can help put everyone's minds at ease regarding needles. When Jill B. isn't starting difficult IV’s (intravenous access) at her job, spending time with her family, she is using her creative mindset to create resourceful content for all and enjoys developing innovative ideas for new projects.


Her bio, Michelle Lewis is a woman who beat great odds in her life. She has a great love for music, traveling, fashion and the arts. She has been in the medical field for over 31 years, in numerous areas. She is a college graduate. She is a writer of poetry and Co-author of “Radical Woman” a compilation of stories that tells of difficult issues that these women encountered in life and how these amazing women persevered and came through adversity. She is also a self-taught business owner of Unseenrealities. She has done work feeding the homeless in her community and gives motivational and uplifting words to people she comes across on a daily basis. She walks in faith. She lived in Queens, NY for many years but now resides in Atlanta, Ga with her husband and son.

Tell us about you and your brand as an Author and who is your target audience? I’m a Woman that would like to let other woman to know that tragedy, trauma and hurt is not a definition of your life. It doesn’t define who you are, or who you will be. I bring motivation, steps and techniques to maximize your full potential of who you are called to be. You define you not your circumstances. I target all woman as well as men that are victims of sexual abuse and to the victimizers who preyed on them. Are you traditionally Published or self-published? Which do you prefer? I am traditionally published, I decided to do traditionally my first go around so I could learn the steps and learn what goes into publishing, but I would like to try to self-publish my next book. What does authorpreneuriship mean to you and why did you step into this arena? Authorpreneuriship to means taking your story and ownership of it to the masses to speak to the people and to hone your craft and in turn build a business from it. This isn’t by any means an easy task. It’s an intense thought process of understanding what you want to convey to your audience and what are they in turn going to learn from it. I stepped into this because I felt it isn’t a topic that is truthfully talked about a lot, it is shunned, swept under the rug and hidden. In the meantime, tragedy sometimes will block so many blessings that people truly have inside of them but that hurt is standing in the way, so I gave the steps to rebuild those who are stuck in the mindset of “because of (blank) I cannot move past this” No this isn’t true. I have a motto “Let my affirmation be your confirmation”. This means let my story prove that you can heal and live your purpose in your life. What or who has been your greatest influence in publishing and why? There are so many great black Authors I can draw reference to that I feel helped shaped my love of reading, Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou, Iyanla Vanzant, Sister Souljah. These Woman gave different introspects of how you go through different circumstances in life and how they dealt with it, how the human mind may process it. The prose of Maya Angelou that speaks to me in the Poem “Still I rise” these words. “You may kill me with your hatefulness but still like air, I rise”. These words filled me with hope, they leaped off the page and spoke to me. No matter your circumstances still “I RISE”. How has becoming a published author changed your life overall? It has, not only do I feel like I have helped many women, but I do know that my obedience from the creator is going to help heal many that hurt. I intend to write another book that entails all the wonderful things that has come from healing and all the miraculous things that have happened in my life that some may say is truly unbelievable but is 100 percent true. I have had conversations with women that tell of there own story and how they are so happy to know they too can live a life of love and peace. I motivate people daily to let them know there is a higher power that intends for you to live your greatest life possible. I am a motivational speaker, I’m obedient to the creator because Obedience is better than sacrifice. It is easy to sacrifice but when you are called to be obedient in an area that you’re not comfortable with but in doing it you find comfortability that is the reward. To bring healing, love and to uplift and strengthen a broken spirit in all people.

What would you say is your greatest win has been as an author CEO? My greatest win is to tell my truth in my words and to know that your story will bring forth growth and healing to someone that may have felt that they were stagnated by tragedy, feeling ashamed. To be able to live a life full of happiness and your full potential and help others, also to own your story. What’s the best advice you have received in the publishing arena that you wish to pass on to our readers and those who want to publish in the future? My best advice is there will come a time when you will second guess what you write and if it is conveyed how, you want it to be heard. I would say take time to revisit your thoughts and words. Believe in your story and make it a reality to share to your audience and know it will help someone. What has been the most effective marketing initiatives or programs you have you used to promote your book? I would say a consistent online presence, social media platforms and speaking engagements. I try to regularly do social media post regarding my book, and I recently promoted my book at a venue alongside selling apparel from my online business I also spoke at that venue that was based on entrepreneurship. Do you have any new book or literary projects coming up (or have you just completed a big project ~ reached a milestone, etc.)? If so, Please tell us about it. One of the most important things on my agenda is to write a solo book and to do more motivational Speaking engagements. I am also having an upcoming podcast to do soon. I wish in the near future to be a guest on some well know radio shows and to go to women’s shelters and speak to women to tell them “I’m here to help you take your life back!”

Who are you behind the book? Tell us who you are when no one is looking. What do you do for fun/relaxation? What’s your favorite vacation spot to unwind? That’s a good Question, I love to experience new places, people and culture. I have a great love for fashion and good food. I love traveling to different places, on my bucket list is Africa especially Ghana. Hopefully by next year. I went to London, Spain and Italy just before Covid hit and I loved every bit of it. I I traveled with about 18 people, family and friends for my birthday. I was born in London, and I come from a West Indian background. My mother is from Trinidad and my dad is from Barbados. My grandmother used to sew dresses and make coats. She made all my aunts wedding dresses, doing the beading by hand. My mother also used to sew for herself and I. I think that’s when my love of fashion started. When no one is looking I like to relax with self-love, that may mean doing my fav acupuncture and massage, giving myself a facial and looking at different fashion styles and looks. I have many fashion bloggers I watch such as Monroe Steele, Simply Shannah because these women show how they began from humble beginnings and how their love of fashion has transcended them to different areas in their life. It also is an inspiration for things I would love to do with my online store Unseenrealities, at present I have some new ideas that I would love to bring to fruition, but everything takes time. What’s at the top of your list of Goals you plan to accomplish over the next year? First, I would like my Solo book to be done, I would love to do motivational Speaking all over the World to reach as many people as I can and let them know you can obtain all the dreams you have for yourself. I am here to help you take your life back! I also wish to take my online store to greater heights. One of my biggest goals is to be able to give back to our community and to have the resources to do it. Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers? I would like them to know that I am a Women, Wife, Mother and Friend. I’m built in who I am today by my creator. Don’t allow anyone to kill your dreams and want your life should be. Don’t let your current be your constant. Keep moving forward, everything takes time, be kind to yourself and others. You will be surprised of the goals you obtain. I believe my faith has fueled me to be able to accomplish great things and positive movement. “Let my Affirmation be your confirmation” that these things are attainable. What’s the best way for our readers to connect with you (feel free to include the links to your social networks and website. I can be reached on social media:

JIZZIXIOUS BISHOP _________________



Tell us about you and your brand as an author and who is your target audience? My name is Jizzixious Bishop and I am from Long Island New York, located in La in search of creating himself at Gods appointing time. My brand as an author is to impact billions of lives by giving them useful tools from past experiences. My target audience are ones who suffer/ suffered from anxiety, depression, heart ache and loss, demonic illness, and extreme mental challenges throughout life. Are you traditionally published or self-published? Which do you prefer? I am published. I prefer to be published because it gives me more of a range to reach more people and most likely better coaching skills through my career. What does authorpreneurship mean to you and why did you step into this arena? Authorpreneurship to me means a business opportunity to reach multiple sources while telling your story. I stepped into this arena because I felt the need that it was time for me to be heard and to help others who maybe going through some of the things I’ve been through and still going through. My goal is to reach them and give them the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding to lead them in life. What or who has been your greatest influence in publishing and why? Being around my big bros Donnie hodge and Kareem Grimes has been my greatest influence into creating this masterpiece. Their leadership, continuous coaching tips and mentorship has helped me shape my life around and excited me into wanting to tell my story. How has becoming a published author changed your life overall? Becoming a published author has changed my life in multiple ways. I’m more well respected now and taken more serious. My conversations are different with a different crowd. What would you say is your greatest win has been as an author CEO? The greatest win in being an author CEO is knowing you own something in your name and have all rights to it. What’s the best advice you have received in the publishing arena that you wish to pass on to our readers and those who want to publish in the future? The greatest advice I’ve ever received during this process is “ life isn’t about finding your self. It’s about creating your self”. Also I learned to never put my visions to the side and never mute my smile, it’s a reflection of my spirit. What has been the most effective marketing initiatives or programs you have you used to promote your book? Getting the help and coaching from Ayanna Mills has helped me tremendously. When I converse about my book, I know the right words to say and most importantly I don’t look green in people eyes.

Do you have any new book or literary projects coming up (or have you just completed a big project ~ reached a milestone, etc.)? If so, Please tell us about it. I do have a new book coming out called LIFE SENTENCE: Birth Of A Legend. Who are you behind the book? Tell us who you are when no one is looking. What do you do for fun/relaxation? What’s your favorite vacation spot to unwind? When I’m not creating my story through books, I am a full time thespian on set filming. I also coach for team USA boxing where I do personal Trianing on the side. What’s at the top of your list of Goals you plan to accomplish over the next year. My goals to accomplish over the next year is to be a lead acting in 3 films on major platforms, become a number 1 best selling author on multiple platforms, and to sign a deal with a major brand. Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers? I do want to let all readers know “A rose can grow in the projects if you take care of the soil” ~JizzixiousBishop














HIS BIO. Lawrence “Deuce” Jordan II is a student at Pace High School and has been a member of the Pace varsity baseball team for four years. Deuce has also played football on the Pace varsity team since his first year.

Deuce has earned the Pace Lance and Shield award, which is an award that is given to a student who demonstrates leadership, fine moral character, and commits to being the best they can be. He has earned an Army ROTC scholarship and will attend Embry-Riddle on a full scholarship and major in Aeronautical science to become a pilot. Deuce thanks God for his life and blessing him with supportive parents, family, and friends.





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