Walk in the Spirit April 2019

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WALK IN THE SPIRIT June 2019 Volume 06 Issue 16

"Your Word, Your Will A Fire & A Blessing"

ISSN 1391-5967

Publication: Fr. Siri Oscar Abayaratne Kithu Dana Pubuduwa

SHARING ON PRAYER June 2019 It is futile to expect me to be “not” what I am right now. It’s humility “to know” and accept the poverty of my inner being as I am awakened to it at any given moment of the day. The blessedness of the weak moment dawns when the overshadowing Holy Spirit effects the transformation. O come, O come Hover over, hover over Overshadow, overshadow The poverty that’s mine Here and now Now “the here and the now” gives Him glory. That suffices. Fr. Siri Oscar Abayaratne


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Saturday 1st June 2019 Acts: 18/23-28 Psalm: 46/2-3,8-10 (47/1-3,8-9) John: 16/23-28

St. Justin, Martyr

The Gospel Proclamation In all truth I tell you, anything you ask from the Father he will grant in my name. Until now you have not asked anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and so your joy will be complete. .... Responsorial Psalm So we shall not be afraid though the earth be in turmoil, though mountains tumble into the depths of the sea, and its waters roar and seethe, and the mountains totter as it heaves. .. Prayerful Awareness Let us read today’s Proclamations meditatively where the common thread is the sense of belonging and security we are blessed with when we receive divine son-ship when we are bestowed with the Holy Spirit! It is very apt for us to meditate on these aspects as we approach the Feast of the Pentecost which commemorates the bestowing of the power of the Holy Spirit (as described in Acts chapter 2) on the early Church (comprising some 120 believers, with the Blessed Mother) as it was hiding in fear in the Upper Room after the Resurrection and Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ! And we see the transformation the disciples experienced after the anointing of the Holy Spirit, in that they who had been hiding in fear suddenly got the courage to go out and boldly proclaim the Good News to the people, and we are told that some 3,000 new believers were added to the group that day!

So we see that some of the gifts of the Spirit are correct understanding of who Jesus is, fearlessness, and ability to impart accurate teaching to those around. In today’s Gospel Proclamation Jesus says, 'Ask and you will receive', (telling us to ask for the Holy Spirit for us to be filled with the gifts and fruits of the Spirit, such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self-control, etc. (Galatians 5:22-23), and so your joy will be complete! The only qualification to ask and to receive the Holy Spirit is to accept that Jesus is our Saviour and submit our lives to Him to do as He wills, in a spirit of faith, humility and submission. Then, as the Psalmist says, “we shall not be afraid though the earth be in turmoil, though mountains tumble into the depths of the sea, and its waters roar and seethe, and the mountains totter as it heaves. Yahweh Sabaoth is with us, our citadel, the God of Jacob.” Today’s First Proclamation details the doings of a Jewish convert from Alexandria by the name of Apollos, who it says had experienced only the baptism of John. But it is my contention that he had unknowingly received the baptism of the Holy Spirit because he was already demonstrating the gifts and fruits of the Spirit, as evidenced by the following statements in the narrative. “He was an eloquent man, with a sound knowledge of the scriptures, … preached with great spiritual fervour and was accurate in all the details he taught about Jesus …. He began to teach fearlessly in the synagogue and was able by God's grace to help the believers considerably by the energetic way he refuted the Jews in public, demonstrating from the scriptures that Jesus was the Christ. "Lord Jesus, help us too to do likewise! Amen! Alleluia! Praise the Lord!

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


Sunday 2nd June 2019 Acts:1/1-11 Psalm:46/2,3,6-9 (47/1-2, 5-8) Hebrews:9/24-28; 10/19-23 Luke:24/46-51

Introduction Today as we celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, the invitation extended through our Holy Mother the Church is to live according to the Eucharistic theme of "Let us look forward to a life in heavenly realms." The Ascension of our Lord brings into completion the Paschal Mystery. The Lord incarnated suffered in human form, died on the cross but also rose from the dead thus conquering death. And He entered into the glory of the Father along with His human nature. Through Christ we too have inherited the blessed state of having access to eternal life. Accordingly with the celebration of His Ascension and as people graced with the possibility of being with God for all eternity, let us pray for the power to live as heavenly citizens without undue attachment to what is worldly. The First Proclamation ‌ After his suffering he presented himself alive to them by many convincing proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking of the kingdom of God. While staying with them he ordered them not to leave Jerusalem but to wait there for the promise of the Father ‌. He replied, "It is not for you to know times or periods that the Father has

The Ascension of the Lord set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth." When he had said this, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight..... Prayerful Awareness St. Luke's presentation through the first proclamation taken from his second Book, the Acts of the Apostles, is the historical moment of Christ rising up to the Father after accomplishing the mission entrusted to Him. After overcoming death through His Resurrection, He who proclaimed the Kingdom of God to His disciples, appearing to them during forty days, charged them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father. In keeping with the Master's request the apostles awaited in hope for the promise of the Father powerfully accomplishing the mission entrusted to them. St. Paul awakens us to the marvelous deeds worked through them, also reminding us to be conscious of our vocation to accomplish the same mission with great faith in Jesus Christ. The Spirit promised by Christ with "you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you" is already with us and in us. So, let us be at His disposal in bearing witness. The Gospel Proclamation ... Thus it is written, that the Messiah is to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things. And see, I am sending upon you what

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


my Father promised; so stay here in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high. ‌lifting up his arms he blessed them. While he was blessing them, he withdrew from them, and was carried up into heaven. Prayerful Awareness The writer of the Gospel of St. Luke from where the Gospel proclamation for the day has been taken, in presenting the mission of Jesus as a theological message does it by highlighting the special concern of Jesus for the oppressed, vulnerable and the alienated. Also Christ is figured as a leader or a master filled with kindness, forgiveness and love for humanity. "Thus it is written, ‌ that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be preached in his name to all nations" confirms this. At the time of His departure to His Heavenly Father with his earthly mission accomplished he invites his disciples to wait for the promise given by the Father. The Lord who fulfilled His mission solely in adherence to the Will of God being constantly filled with the power from on high, calls His disciples too to receive the power from on high, the Holy Spirit to equip themselves fittingly in fulfilling their mission. The Second Proclamation For Christ did not enter a sanctuary made by human hands, a mere copy of the true one, but he entered into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God on our behalf. Nor was it to offer himself again and again, as the high priest enters the Holy Place year after year with blood that is not his own; for then he would have had to suffer again and again since the foundation of the world. But as it is, he has appeared once for all at the end of the

age to remove sin by the sacrifice of himself. And just as it is appointed for mortals to die once, and after that the judgment, so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him. Our sonship The Almighty God in His unbounded love offered His only begotten Son in sacrifice for the remission of our sins. Our Lord Jesus Christ for our sake not only sacrificed Himself on the cross but entered into heaven itself to appear in the presence of God on our behalf. Let us for a moment gaze in wonder and amazement at the Lord who sacrificed Himself thus for our sin. Isn't it appropriate to examine ourselves as to whether we are experiencing and witnessing in our daily life to the heavenly life we have inherited as Christians? Shouldn't we who wish to enter a heavenly realm reflect on our past life to see how much enwrapped we are in materialism? God all powerful, the Son Jesus Christ who loves us so much has called us to follow Him. Do our lives prove worthy of this calling? In repentance and conversion let us gaze on the Lord who offered Himself in sacrifice and is present before God on our behalf. Prayer Starter Gladden us with holy joys, Almighty God, and make us rejoice with devout thanksgiving, for the Ascension of Christ Your Son is our exaltation, and, where the Head has gone before in glory, the Body is called to follow in hope. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (Collect)

"Your Word, Your Will A Fire & A Blessing!"


Monday 3rd June 2019 St. Charles Lwanga & Companions, Martyrs from suspicion and nothingness to full understanding. They leapt into full belief. They surrendered to Him. Surely this is the fruit of the hard work by Our Lord. The verses preceding this text, clearly tell us that they had been puzzled. Jesus had been a stumbling block and not a beacon. Jesus could answer their questions withUgandan Martyrs out asking them, i.e. He could read their The white Fathers started mission- hearts. Their hearts were an open book ary work among the native tribes of the for Him. What convinced the disciples - it upper Nile Region in 1878, and the first was His knowledge of the human heart baptisms took place on Easter Sunday and the knowledge of God. What a nice the following year. Some of these men example we have here - the way Jesus had been converted from Islam to Prot- acted. Surely He is a realist. This is very estantism before becoming Catholics. In clear when we look at His predictions. the face of stiff resistance to the immoral He told them that in spite of their belief, demands of the vicious king Mwang the hour was on the way when they began the persecution of the rapidly would desert Him. This is perhaps the spreading Catholic faith in 1886. Among most extraordinary thing about Jesus the first to suffer martyrdom were Joseph and His love. Though He knew of their Mkasa and Marumba the headman of a weakness, their failures, that they would district. They were closely followed by let Him down at the most wanted hour Charles Lwanga. It was Charles who yet He still loved them. Irrespective of enabled the rest to cling unto their faith. the quality of their response, or the poor The Church today venerates the 22 Negro feedback to His call, He still loved them boys and young men ranging in age from and trusted them. What an extraordinary 13 to 30. Thirteen of the martyrs were lesson we have here - forgiveness and burned. Some were put to death on 3rd trust are combined and also on how to June 1886. Canonized by Pope Paul VI trust those who are guilty of failure. The on 18th October 1964. loneliness Jesus would experience as a result of His disciples leaving Him - yes, The Gospel Proclamation it is evident here. The truth behind is that His disciples said, "Yes, now you He never was alone because the Father are speaking plainly, not in any figure was with Him. When we stand for what of speech. Now we know that you know is right God stands with us. Then there is all things, and do not need to have His unique forgiveness. He is unmatched anyone question you, by this we be- in this area. He knew very well that the lieve that you came from God." Jesus disciples would abandon Him, but He answered them, "Do you now believe? neither reproached nor held out against The hour is coming indeed it has come, them. He foresaw their weakness and when you will be scattered, each one to sympathized with them. The Jews did the his home, and you will leave me alone. worst possible thing to Him but at the end Yet I am not alone because the Father He was victorious is with me. ... In the world you face Prayer Starter persecution. But take courage, I have conquered the world." O Lord! help us to possess the courPrayerful Awareness age and the victory of the cross. Amen. Here we see the disciples moving

Acts:19/1-8 Psalm:67/2-7 (68/1-6) John: 16/29-33

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


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Tuesday 4th June 2019 Acts:20/17-27 Psalm: 67/10-11,20-21 (68/9-10, 19-20) John:17/1-11 The First Proclamation From Miletus he sent for the elders of the church of Ephesus ... he addressed these words to them: 'You know what my way of life has been ... how I have served the Lord in all humility, with all the sorrows and trials that came to me ... I have not hesitated to do anything that would be helpful to you; I have preached to you and instructed you both in public and in your homes, urging both Jews and Greeks to turn to God and to believe in our Lord Jesus. 'And now you see me on my way to Jerusalem in captivity to the Spirit; I have no idea what will happen to me there, except that the Holy Spirit ... has made it clear to me that imprisonment and persecution await me ... The Gospel Proclamation

to-day faith journey. He imitated the Christ, in that the 'Mind of Christ' was in him. Nourish within each of us this spirit of son-ship gifted us…! Prayerful Awareness Paul was no designing, self–seeking man. Those who would in any office serve the Lord acceptably, and profitably to others, must do it with humility. Paul was a plain preacher, one who spoke his message so as to be understood. He was a powerful preacher, preaching the gospel as a testimony to them if they received it; but as a testimony against them if they rejected it. He was a profitable preacher; one that aimed to inform their judgments, and reform their hearts and lives. He was very industrious in his work. He was a faithful preacher, not keeping back reproofs when necessary, nor keeping back the preaching of the cross. He was a true follower of Christ, and reached out; he did not preach notions or doubtful matters; nor affairs of state or the civil government; but preached faith and repentance. Without these, no sinner can escape, and with these none will come short of eternal life. Paul did not fear persecution; but also did not court trouble. He was resolved to go on what-ever situation befell him, well assured that it was by Divine direction. The powerful influences of the Holy Spirit bind the true Christian to his duty. Even when he expects persecution and affliction, the love of Christ constrains him to proceed. None of these things moved Paul from his work; they did not deprive him of his comfort. Prayer Starter

... Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and said: Father, the hour has come: glorify your Son so that your Son may glorify you; so that, just as you have given him power over all humanity, he may give eternal life to all those you have entrusted to him ... I have glorified you on earth by finishing the work that you gave me to do ... I have revealed your name to those whom you took from the world to give me... It is for them that I pray ... all I have is yours and all you have is mine, and Gracious Lord, give us thy spirit so in them I am glorified... that this spirit of fear which normally Fix your gaze on Jesus envelops us may be put aside resolutely, Looking to You O Lord, we see how and we will experience Thy maternal Your spirit moved St. Paul in his day- love ever more…

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


Wednesday 5th June 2019

St. Boniface, Bishop & Martyr

Acts: 20/28-38 Psalm:67/29-30,33-36 (68/28-29, 33-35) John:17/11-19

The First Proclamation Please read Acts 20/28-38 meditatively.

The Gospel Proclamation

And now I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them in your name that you have given me, so that they may be one, as we are one. While I was with them, I protected them in your name that you have given me. I guarded them, and not one of them was lost except the one destined to be lost, so that the scripture might be fulfilled. But now I am coming to you, and I speak these things in the world so that they may have my joy made complete in themselves. I have given them your word, and the world has hated them because they do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to the world. I am not asking you to take them out of the world, but I ask you to protect them from the evil one. They do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to the world. Sanctify them in the truth, your world is truth. As you have sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify myself, so that they also may be sanctified in truth. Prayerful Awareness Jesus was asking that the disciples be united in harmony and love as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are united the STRONGEST of all UNIONS.

Jesus' greatest desire for His disciples was that they would become ONE. He wanted them unified as a powerful witness to the reality of God's Love. To unity the body of Christ, the Church, we can PRAY avoid GOSSIP and BUILD others up. WORK together in humility, give TIME and MONEY, EXALT Christ and stop arguing over divisive matters. Judas was the "one doomed to destruction" who was lost because he betrayed Jesus. Judas was one of Jesus' disciples who had spent three years learning from Jesus, travelling and eating with Him and handling the finances for the group. Judas knew Jesus extremely well, yet betrayed Him. He committed a grievous sin. JOY is a common theme in Jesus' teachings - He wants US to be joyful. Living in intimate contact with Christ, the source of all joy. We experience God's special care and protection and see VICTORY that God brings, even when defeat seems certain. The world hates Christians because Christians' values differ from the world's. The world follows Satan's agenda and Satan is the avowed ENEMY of Jesus and his people. Jesus did not ask God to take believers OUT of the world but instead to USE them IN the world. Because Jesus sends us into the world, we should not try to escape from the world, nor should we avoid all relationships with non-Christians. We are called to be the SALT and LIGHT (Mat.5:13-14) and we are to do the work that God sent us to do. God cleanses us, sanctifies and guides us to the right path. Prayer Starter Jesus my Lord and Master, no matte my circumstances, help me to find JOY in You.

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


zzY=oaOd;auhdfKkS" uu Tnjykafiag jkaokd kuialdr lrĂą' ud l< hq;= l=ulaÂąhs ug wK l< uekjZZ

Thursday 6th June 2019 Acts:22/30; 23/6-11 Psalm:15/1-2,5,7-11 (16/1-2,5,7-11) John:17/20-26

The Gospel Proclamation I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. The glory that you have given me I have given them, so that they may be one, as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become completely one, so that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. Father, I desire that those also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory, which you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world. "Righteous Father, the world does not know you, but I know you, and these know that you have sent me. I made your name known to them, and I will make it known, so that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them." Prayerful Awareness

St. Norbert When we invoke the Holy Spirit and look at today's proclamation, it gives us an insight into the mind of Our Lord as He envisages the establishment of His Body, the Church, and its subsequent growth. The Lord brings out that His church, though in the world, is not of it. It belongs to God Himself. The church comprises persons who have been chosen before the foundation of the world to know Jesus Christ who is Himself the Word of God. Jesus desires that we be wherever He is and that means that He wishes to live in and through us, revealing God to others by being instruments of Love. Jesus was Love personified. If we read the first part of the prayer; Jesus says He glorified God by accomplishing the work He was sent to do. In today's proclamation Jesus tells the Father that the Glory given Him by the Father, He has given the Church. This means that everyone who belongs to the Church must as one carry out the work of Our Lord. Gaze at my sonship

We Catholics all believe that the Lord is made sacramentally present in the Eucharist. As laymen and women we have the power to make Jesus present in unity, just as we add our faith to that of the whole Catholic Church in the Eucharist. How often do we practice this power available to us to make the Lord present and permit Him access our day to day situations? Prayer Starter Today's Gospel proclamation is the last part of the prayer our Lord as the Lord the Holy Spirit, thank You for High priest prayed after the Last Supper taking me deep into the mystery that as recorded by the evangelist John. It is is Your Church. Prompt me to posit indeed a prayer that has been answered an act of faith wherever I am, to make and continually being answered. Jesus present.

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


Friday 7th June 2019 Acts:25/13-21 Psalm: 102/1-2.11-12, 19-20 (103/1-2,11-12,19-20) John: 21/15-19 The Gospel Proclamation When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?" He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." Jesus said to him, "Feed my lambs." A second time he said to him, "Simon son of John, do you love me?" He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." Jesus said to him, "Tend my sheep." He said to him the third time, "Simon son of John, do you love me?" Peter felt hurt because he said to him the third time, "Do you love me?" And he said to him, "Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you." ... After this he said to him, "Follow me." Prayerful Awareness The Gospel readings speak about Jesus’ last encounter with His disciples before ascension. It was an encounter of celebration, marked by tenderness and affection. At the end Jesus calls Peter and asks him three times, “Do you love Me?” Only after having received three times the same affirmative response, Jesus entrusts to Peter the mission of taking care of His sheep. Jesus may have asked Peter the same question three times, because Peter denied Jesus three times (John 18: 17, 2527). After the three affirmative responses, Peter also becomes a “Beloved Disciple” and receives the order to take care of His sheep. The only qualification Jesus wanted and therefore the only question Jesus asked Peter was “Do you love Me?” Love in the first place. The force that supports and maintains unity among His followers

is love and be subject to the control of the Spirit of LOVE, the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Jesus, the Holy Spirit. Jesus does not ask many things of us in order to be able to work in His community. What He asks of us is to have much love. Jesus also said to Peter: when you were young, you put on your own belt and walked where you liked; but when you grow old you will stretch out your hands, and somebody else will put a belt around you and take you where you do not want to go!” Throughout life, Peter, and we too, gain maturity. The practice of love will take root in our lives and we will no longer be the bosses of our own lives. Service to the brothers and sisters out of love will prevail and will lead us. God can “dress” us in new clothing for a new destination according to His wants, and send us where we may not want to go. To do what is pleasing to God, to do the Will of God and bring Him Glory, is what is expected of our lives. Look within ourselves and test and see “What is the most profound reason that motivates us to work in His community – love, or any other concern. ” It has to be LOVE and only LOVE. The First reading is on St. Paul. Although a Jew, he could ask to be judged as a Roman citizen and avoid being put to a cruel death in Jerusalem since he was born in Greece within the Roman Empire. Prayer Starter God our Loving Father, grant us Your Spirit and WISDOM to understand You and Your great love for us and its magnitude, how much You have flexed towards us and how much You have tolerated our sinful habits and actions. Help us and raise us to accept every bit of Your Love and allow it to change, to be more fruitful to fulfill Your Will for our lives, We ask these in the Name of Your Begotten Son, our Savior and our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


zzY=oaOd;auhdfKkS" uu Tnjykafiag jkaokd kuialdr lrñ' ud l< hq;= l=ula±hs ug wK l< uekjZZ

Saturday 8th June 2019 Acts: 28/16-20, 30-31 Psalm: 11/4-7 (10/4, 5, 7) John: 21/20-25 For Vigil Mass: 1.Gen.11/1-9 Psalm:32/10-15 2.Exodus:19/3-8,16-20 Psalm:Dan.3/52-56 OR Psalm:18/8-11 3.Ezekiel:37/1-14 Ps:106/2-9 4.Joel:3/1-5 Ps.103/1-2,24,35,27-30 The Gospel Proclamation Please read John 21/20-25 meditatively. Prayerful Awareness

it becomes independent of the external circumstances that we find ourselves in. It becomes our choice then to live our lives with a sense of thanksgiving and praise whereby we can be happy till our last breath, or live an unhappy life always fretting and fussing and blaming others for the situation we find ourselves in, filled with un-forgiveness, anger and hatred, and anxiety and worry throughout! Each of us have a unique life journey to traverse, for which the Lord lovingly provides step by step if we surrender our lives to Him, and hence it is not wise to compare oneself with another and feel glorified, or deprived, in any way. This is the reason Jesus answered Peter, 'If I want him to stay behind till I come, what does it matter to you? You are to follow me.' The First Proclamation gives a narrative of St. Paul’s time of imprisonment in Rome towards the end of his life. We see that he was afforded certain privileges because he was a citizen of Rome, and was allowed to stay in lodgings of his own with the soldier who guarded him. Also we see he called all the leading Jews in Rome and sided with them, and they allowed him to live his life peacefully, as the narrative continues thus: “He spent the whole of the two years in his own rented lodging. He welcomed all who came to visit him, proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching the truth about the Lord Jesus Christ with complete fearlessness and without any hindrance from anyone.” The Biblical account of St. Paul ends here, though there is speculation that he was freed for further years of ministry, until he again ended up in a Roman jail and was beheaded by the Roman tyrant Nero. Song of Praise (Psalm 117:1-2)

Let us read today’s Proclamations meditatively, which are the last few verses in the Gospel of St. John and the book of Acts, and are about doing God’s Will come what may. On this day before the Feast of the Pentecost, it is pertinent to remind ourselves that it is a Walk in the Spirit in faith that enables a believer to graciously submit to the Will of God as evidenced in the lives of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Mother, our role models for living our lives in a manner pleasing to God, facing life as it comes, in the belief that everything happens according to God’s definitive Will or permissive Will! It gives us a great sense of peace and joy when we surrender our lives to our Abba Father to be led by Jesus and the Holy Spirit to do His Will even unto death, with the sure knowledge that all of us have to face death one day Praise the Lord, all nations! Praise or the other, and hence it is better to die joyfully than live life dying every mo- Him, all peoples! His love for us is strong ment worrying about it! Nobody can take and His faithfulness is eternal! Praise this inner peace and joy from us because the Lord!

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


Sunday 9th June 2019 Acts: 2/1-11 Psalm:103/1,24,29-31, 34 (104/1,24,29-31.34 1 Corinthians:12/3-7, 12-13 John:20/19-23 Introduction In the series of feasts of the ancient Israel the very first priority was given to the feast of the Pentecost which was celebrated fifty days after completing the feasts of the Pass Over and the Unleavened Bread. Also every Jew arrived in Jerusalem on these occasions. Varied names such as the feast of the First Fruits, Harvest festival and Sathi are also attributed to this feast while it is referred to as Pentecost as derived from the Greek word Pentecostos, which means "fiftieth." The descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, the people of the New Testament dispelling their fear and transforming them into a witnessing community out of which sprang forth the first community was on the day of the Pentecost. We shall rejoice of the Holy Spirit and his gifts bestowed on us on this significant day and pray that we may be worthy of experiencing these gifts through our lives and turn out to be active Christians. Entrance Antiphon The love of God has been poured into our hearts through the Spirit of God dwelling within us, Alleluiah! The First Proclamation When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire

Pentecost Sunday house where they were sitting. divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability. ‌. Prayerful Awareness The rushing wind is referred to as the breath of God in the Old Testament (Isaiah 40:7). It is God who is in control of the wind. The term used for both breath and the Holy Spirit in Greek is "Pneuma." Similarly in the Old Testament, fire symbolized God. In this regard we could refer to the burning bush that was not consumed by fire (Exod. 3:2), the light that illumined the way for Israel through a pillar of light during the night (Exod. 13:21-22) and God descending upon Mount Sinai in fire (Exod. 19:18). Today we could see how even the apostles filled with the Holy Spirit launch out their missionary activity. By this time, Jews had already dispersed in various countries and in different regions of the Roman Empire. And all of them were eye witnesses to the power of God experienced by the disciples and were capable of providing first hand information. The Gospel Proclamation When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you." After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you." When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit if you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them,

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


if you retain the sins of any, they are retained." Gaze at Jesus In Jewish vocabulary the word of blessing used in greeting and farewell is "Shalom" (in Hebrew) meaning "Peace be with you." While it contains a wider perspective, it also includes serenity and spiritual welfare as well as the contentment that comes with the fulfillment of one's rightful needs. Here, Christ showing them His hands and His side was an affirmation of His identity. The risen Jesus entrusts to the disciples the same mission He was entrusted with by the Father. Accordingly He also sends forth the disciples to accomplish the task He was sent for. In the Old Testament just as God breathed into the nostrils of the first man to give him life, Jesus breathes on the disciples giving them a new spiritual life for a new birth. The Second Proclamation Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking by the Spirit of God ever says "Let Jesus be cursed!" and no one can say "Jesus is Lord" except by the Holy Spirit. Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit, and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord, and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit, for the common good. For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. .... Prayerful Awareness "Jesus Christ is Lord" was the fundamental and foundational experience of the first Christian communities. One could proclaim thus only through the power of the Holy Spirit since in the prevalent Jewish society only the Roman

Emperor was called the Lord. The Christian disciple realizing the limitedness of the power and authority of the Emperor courageously proclaimed that Jesus who conquered death and is now risen and alive is the Lord of the entire universe. Even though this proclamation resulted in death the Christian disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit bravely witnessed to what they experienced in life. Similarly they were able to witness the building up of the Mystical Body of Christ, the community through gathering together as one unit and enjoying the sharing of gifts and fruits bestowed on one another. What motivated them was the necessity of submitting themselves to the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit that was theirs by now. Our son-ship Today we celebrate the birth of the Christian Church. The disciples were able to experience this as a result of engaging in prayer in faith and hope of the fulfillment of the promise of God. Also, by way of maintaining the fire of the Holy Spirit they experienced and working in and through the guidance of the Spirit this power was manifested through the disciples day by day. On the very first day we embraced Christian life we also received the anointing of the Holy Spirit and along with the Sacrament of Confirmation we were further affirmed in it. Yet, how much do we allow the Spirit to manifest in our lives? Although I am capable of distinguishing the voice of the flesh and the world from that of intellect and intelligence how often do I listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit? Let us become conscious of this and pray to the Holy Spirit to keep us enwrapped in His guidance that would orient us to a life of an active and witnessing Christian. Prayer Starter Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy Name (Ps.103/1..).

"Your Word, Your Will A Fire & A Blessing!"


Monday 10th June 2019 Genesis:3/9-15,20 OR Acts:1/12-14 Psalm:86/1-3,5-7 John: 9/25-34

The First Proclamation Then they returned to Jerusalem from the Mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, .. When they had entered the city, they went to the room upstairs where they were staying. ... All these were constantly devoting themselves to prayer, together with certain women, including Mary the mother of Jesus, as well as his brothers. The Gospel Proclamation He answered, "I do not know whether he is a sinner. One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see." They said to him, "What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes?" He answered them, "I have told you already, and you would not listen. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you also want to become his disciples?" Then they reviled him, saying, "You are his disciple, but we are disciples of Moses. We know that God has spoken to Moses, but as for this man, we do not know where he comes from." The man answered, "Here is an astonishing thing! You do not know where he comes from, and yet he opened my eyes. We know that God does not listen to sinners, but he does listen to one who worships him and obeys his will. Never since the world began has it been heard that anyone opened the eyes of a person born blind. If this man were not from God, he could do nothing." They answered him, "You were born entirely in sins, and are you trying to teach us?" And they drove him out. that

Our Lady, Mother of the Church anyone opened the eyes of a person born blind. If this man were not from God, he could do nothing." They answered him, "You were born entirely in sins, and are you trying to teach us?" And they drove him out. Prayerful Awareness This is the only miracle in the gospels where the victim had been blind from birth. It is clearly a sickness aimed at displaying God's grace. The passage tells of the cross examination or one may call it the post mortem, by the Jewish authorities. Their aim was a vicious one. They wanted to find facts not to elicit the true facts but to condemn, excommunicate and give a wrong impression to the society at large. It is also interesting to note how the blind man reacted - first Jesus was :The man: (vs.11), then "a prophet" (vs.17) and finally "Lord" (vs.38). Of course Jesus helped him to see Him with the eyes of faith. He cured not only the physical blindness but also his spiritual blindness. "The beggar was far wiser in his understanding of the miracle than the Pharisees, as Joseph was wiser than the so-called wise men of Egypt in the interpretation of the dream of Pharaoh. The progress in the blind man's thinking and faith was like that of the women at the well." (Archbishop F.J.Sheen). "If any one is a worshiper of God and does His Will, God listens to him. Such is the power of the Church's prayer in the name of her Lord, above all in the Eucharist. Her prayer is also a communion of intercession with the all-holy Mother of God and all the saints who have been pleasing to the Lord because they willed His Will alone. It would not be inconsistent with the truth to understand the words, "Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven." (C.C.C.2827) Prayer Starter Help us to bear witness to Thy Kingdom especially in the face of trials. Amen.

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


zzY=oaOd;auhdfKkS" uu Tnjykafiag jkaokd kuialdr lrñ' ud l< hq;= l=ula±hs ug wK l< uekjZZ

Tuesday 11th June 2019 Acts: 11/21-26;13/1-3 Psalm:97/1-6 (98/1-6) Mathew:10/7-13 The First Proclamation … and a great number believed and were converted to the Lord. The news of them came to the ears of the church in Jerusalem and they sent Barnabas out to Antioch. There he was glad to see for himself that God had given grace, and he urged them all to remain faithful to the Lord with heartfelt devotion; for he was a good man, filled with the Holy Spirit and with faith. And a large number of people were won over to the Lord... they stayed together in that church a whole year, instructing a large number of people... One day while they were offering worship to the Lord and keeping a fast, the Holy Spirit said, 'I want Barnabas and Saul set apart for the work to which I have called them.' So it was that after fasting and prayer they laid their hands on them and sent them off. The Gospel Proclamation And as you go, proclaim that the kingdom of Heaven is close at hand. Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those suffering from virulent skin-diseases, drive out devils. You received without charge, give without charge. Provide yourselves with no gold or silver.. for the labourer deserves his keep... Fix your gaze on Jesus We stand in your presence O Lord; show us what Your Will is ...! Initially, the preachers of the gospel at Antioch were those who were dispersed from Jerusalem by persecution;

St. Barnabas, Apostle thus what was meant to hurt the church, was made to work for its good. The wrath of man, is transformed and made to praise God. What should the ministers of Christ preach, but Christ? Christ, and him crucified? Christ, and him glorified? And their preaching was accompanied with the Divine power. The hand of the Lord was with them, to bring that home to the hearts and consciences of men, which they could but speak to the outward ear. They believed; they were convinced of the truth of the gospel. They turned from a careless, carnal way of living, to live a holy, heavenly, spiritual life. They turned from worshipping God in show and ceremony, to worship him in the Spirit and in truth. They turned to the Lord Jesus, and he became their 'All'. This was the work of conversion wrought upon them, and it must be what is to be wrought upon every one of us. It was the fruit of their faith; all who sincerely believe, to turn to the Lord. When the Lord Jesus is preached in simplicity, and according to the Scriptures, he will give success; and when sinners are thus brought to the Lord, really good men, who are full of faith and of the Holy Ghost, will admire and rejoice in the grace of God bestowed on them. We see the Lord raising up instruments for his work, from various places and stations in life; and zeal for his glory induces men to give up flattering connections and prospects to promote his cause. It is by the Spirit of Christ that his ministers are made both able and willing for his service, and taken from other cares that would hinder in it. The Holy Ghost alone can fit ministers for their important work, and call them to it. Open up to receive! Prayer Starter Our path is clear O Lord; we are to turn away from the world, and seek the glory that is to be had in serving you and in resting in your motherly embrace....

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


Wednesday 12th May 2019 2 Corinthians:3/4-11 Psalm:98/5-9 (99/5-9) Mathew:5/17-19 The Gospel Proclamation "Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not one letter, not one stroke of a letter, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, will be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. ... Prayerful Awareness For the existence of any human society it is important to have a smooth and a sound set of rules and regulations. For the Christian society, they are the Commandments and Ordinances of God. They are meant to help the people live an orderly, disciplined and morally sound life. The Law also referred to the teachings of Jesus or the way of life which God gave to the people in order to have law and order among themselves. With this explanation we will better understand the apparently contradictory sayings of Jesus regarding the Law. Over the years rulers and experts of the laws interpreted, re-interpreted and misinterpreted it so much that the whole Law and prophetic teachings had to be reviewed and renewed. Thanks be to God Almighty! Jesus undertook correcting the wrongs and made the observance of the Law a joyful experience for people rather than a burden. When Jesus proposes a perfect Law, He

does not intend other Jewish teachers to reform the religious Laws or to increase them. He exhorts us to receive the Spirit which inspired the Law. But He was accused and misunderstood as a rebel. Jesus clearly says in today's Gospel that His task was not to abolish or break the Law, but to fulfill them, by giving them the right interpretation. According to the First Proclamation, the Ten Commandments is the direct command of God and it requires strict ordinance and it still applies today. Jesus obeyed this moral law completely, but some experts were telling others what to do, but they missed the most important point of God's Laws themselves. Jesus made it clear however, that obeying God's Law is more important than explaining it. Saying is easier than practicing. We have to set an example through our lives. We must not make the Commandments a burden. We should willingly observe them in a spirit of freedom. This is what Jesus wants us to do. By trusting Christ, we are loved, accepted, forgiven and freed to live for Him. The spirit of the Law is to imitate God. It is more important to always consider the mercy of God than to continually meditate on the Commandments. He who intends to live as a child of God becomes more perfect than the Pharisees who were preoccupied only with the fulfilment of external duties. When Jesus shows us the Father and how to live in His sight, He gives us the perfect Law. Prayer Starter I know how difficult it is to observe the Ten Commandments, when my own flesh, the devil and the world tempt me. I repent and promise not to commit sin, but I fall again. Help me Lord, to be nearer to You, abiding in Your love so that I will be directed by Your Spirit to do what is right, holy and just.

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


zzY=oaOd;auhdfKkS" uu Tnjykafiag jkaokd kuialdr lrñ' ud l< hq;= l=ula±hs ug wK l< uekjZZ

Thursday 13th June 2019

St. Anthony of Padua Lord Jesus Christ, the Eternal High Priest

2 Corinthians:3/15-4/1, 3-6 Psalm:84/9-14 (85/8-13) Mathew:5/20-26

The Gospel Proclamation For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. "You have heard that it was said to those of ancient times, 'You shall not murder'; and 'whoever murders shall be liable to judgement.' But I say to you that if you are angry with a brother or sister, you will be liable to judgment; and if you insult a brother or sister, you will be liable to the council; and if you say 'You fool', you will be liable to the hell of fire. So when you are offering your gift at the altar, if you remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go, first be reconciled to your brother or sister, and then come and offer your gift. Come to terms quickly with your accuser while you are on the way to court with him, or your accuser may hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the guard, and you will be thrown into prison. Truly I tell you, you will never get out until you have paid the last penny. Prayerful Awareness

every thing in the creation have the Law of God inherently within them. The carnivorous and herbivorous only eat when they’re hungry and nothing more, and the animal population is balanced and harmonious. Also the trees complement each other in the forest, and the forest acts as if it’s one organism. This is God’s divine Laws in action. But we humans are different, we act as if we are outside of the creation, and this is due to our sinfulness which is flowing from original sin. After we were thrown out of the Garden of Eden, it disconnected us from the oneness with the creation. This is why humans need the Law of God and the Holy Spirit to orient themselves in the creation and to live up to God’s Will. But the Law of God should not be interpreted in the way we want. It’s the Word of God, so it’s God who interprets the Word to us through the Holy Spirit. In the first reading today St. Paul explains that we need the Holy Spirit to see the light shining on us through Jesus Christ. Without the light we remain in the dark and the Law is limited to the words of the human language. In the Gospel we see Jesus revealing the true depth of the Law, rather than its literal meaning which the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees held on to. So we must open ourselves to the Holy Spirit, to guide us in our lives so that we may live in the light rather than in the dark. We may act out God’s laws in our daily lives. Let us reconcile with our neighbors (family, society and our community). Let us refuse to let the devil divide us and keep us in the dark. Prayer Starter

Today the scripture is revealing to us about the Law. And what is the law? Is it only a set of rules that we should follow? Why do we humans need laws? Lord bless us and keep us in Your Because other animals in God’s creation don’t seem to have any laws. But if you light through the Holy Spirit, so that we look closely at the creation, each and may not fall into darkness….

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


Friday 14th June 2019 creation of man and woman is ridiculed and lost. When you lust with your eyes Jesus says though you are not physically committing adultery you are doing so in your mind. Pornography which is Satan’s creation awakens forbidden desires in man/woman and is tantamount to adultery and committing adultery will surely make you guilty of sin and will The Gospel Proclamation condemn you to hell! Jesus tells us how You have heard that it was said: serious this is when He says mutilation 'You must not commit adultery'. But is better than this type of sin. It is upto I say to you that every one who looks us to make choices, we can avoid certain at a woman with lust has already places we go to because we know they committed adultery with her in his could lead us to sin, or refrain from buyheart. If your right eye causes you to ing pornographic movies and search for sin, tear it out and throw it away; it sex on websites or read dirty books and is better for you to lose one of your avoid friends who indulge in these past members than for your whole body times. This great sin which Jesus speaks to be thrown into hell. And if your of is so commonplace in the world today. right hand causes you to sin, cut it Adultery and sex is in the movies and is off and throw it away; it is better for acted out and sung about and is not conyou to lose one of your members than sidered a sin or as evil anymore. But it is for your whole body to go into hell. .... paved road to hell and damnation. You cannot dilute what God has specifically Prayerful Awareness identified as sin. Jesus also says how In this passage Jesus speaks of divorce leads to adultery unless divorce lust, adultery and divorce and how is because of sexual immorality. God to remedy the problem. Adultery and intended marriage to be permanent. It is divorce cause great emotional pain. It till death us do part. According to the law destroys lives and breaks families apart of the land you can go to courts and get a and leads to many other sins. Marriage divorce on certain grounds. But this was and sex were created by God to be used not Gods’ plan. Marriage is a covenant for the purpose they were intended, and breaking this covenant defiles the with sanctity. When a married couple covenant. Children of God should take share their lives with each other there this matter seriously. Lust and divorce is reciprocal trust between them. This is tantamount to adultery which is a sin trust and commitment to each other is the end result of which is hell. complete when they are faithful to one Prayer Starter another in thought and in desire. Being unfaithful and adulterous is abhorrent Help us Lord not to yield to this sin; to God. Jesus says looking lustfully at one so common place as adultery where a man or woman is sin. There is a big most people are in denial and accepts difference between looking and lusting adultery as something “everyone does it, and by lusting you commit adultery so what” attitude. We are your children in your heart. But today adultery and and are not of this world we need your divorce have become a fashion and protection constantly to keep us away the whole purpose of God's beautiful from the allure of this evil. Amen

2 Corinthians:4/7-15 Psalm:115/10-11,15-18 (116/10-11,15-18) Mathew:5/27-32

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


zzY=oaOd;auhdfKkS" uu Tnjykafiag jkaokd kuialdr lrĂą' ud l< hq;= l=ulaÂąhs ug wK l< uekjZZ

Saturday 15th June 2019 2 Corinthians:5/14-21 Psalm:102/1-4, 8-9, 11-12 (103/1-4,8-9.11-12) Mathew:5/33-37

The First Proclamation For the love of Christ urges us on, because we are convinced that one has died for all; therefore all have died. And he died for all, so that those who live might live no longer for themselves, but for him who died and was raised for them. From now on therefore, we regard no one from a human point of view, even though we once knew Christ from a human point of view, we know him no longer in that way. So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation; everything old has passed away, ... all this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, that is in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting the message of reconciliation to us. ... The Gospel Proclamation Again, you have heard that it was said to those of ancient times, 'You shall not swear falsely, but carry out the vows you have made to the Lord.' But I say to you, Do not swear at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. Let your word be 'Yes, Yes' or 'No, No'; anything more than this comes from the evil one." You have heard that it was said,

\An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say to you, Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also, and if anyone wants to sue you and take your coat, give your cloak as well; and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile. Give to everyone who begs from you and do not refuse anyone who wants to borrow from you. Prayerful Awareness Oaths or vows were common, but Jesus told His followers not to use them - their word alone should be enough. (James 5:12) Jesus emphasised about the truth and its importance. People were breaking promises and using sacred language casually and carelessly. Keeping oaths and promises is important,. It builds trust and makes committed human relationships possible. The Bible condemns making vows or taking oaths casually, giving your word while knowing that you won't keep it, or swearing falsely in God's Name. (Deut.19:16-20). Oaths are needed in certain situations only because we live in a sinful society that breeds distrust. Are we known as "perfect persons of our world? Faithfulness seems so rare that we feel we must end our statement with "I promise". If we tell the truth all the time, we will have less pressure to back up our own words with an oath or promise. In Leviticus 19:42, we are told "Do not make a promise in my name if you do not intend to keep it; that brings disgrace on my name. I am the Lord your God." Let us remember when we make a promise, say only 'Yes' when we mean yes and "No" when we mean no, and then we will not come under God's judgement. Prayer Starter Thank You Jesus for freeing us from the consequences of sin. Help us to embrace Your correction and Your encouragement to follow Your advice in all that we do.

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


Sunday 16th June 2018 Proverbs:8/22-31 Psalm:8/4-9 (8/3-8) Romans:5/1-5 John:16/12-15

Introduction Today is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity as well as Pope's Day. Last Sunday as a Christian community celebrating the feast of Pentecost and being filled with His Spirit we experienced His abundant blessings. In the same Spirit, enjoying the maternal and paternal love of the God Almighty let us wake up to the call of taking this love to our Church, community and our nation. Along with this experience we shall enter into the divine revelation of the day. Gospel proclamation for the day reveals of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit of the Trinity. Christ the Lord proclaims that everything the Father has is His. And He also reveals that whatever the Holy Spirit proclaims is also taken from what is His which is a revelation of the deep Trinitarian and Communitarian love between the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. The First Proclamation The Lord created me at the beginning of his work, the first of his acts of long ago. Ages ago I was set up, at the first, before the beginning of the earth. When there were no depths I was brought forth, when there were no springs abounding with water. Before the mountains

Trinity Sunday

Wk I had been shaped, before the hills I was brought forth; ‌. then I was beside him like a master workman; and I was daily his delight, rejoicing before him always, ‌. rejoicing in his inhabited world and delight in the human race. Prayerful Awareness Chapter 8 of the Book of Proverbs, the passage chosen for this proclamation is titled 'The Gifts of Wisdom.' Accordingly it is obvious that 'I' referred to here is Wisdom. While the facts in this passage can be depicted as conclusions based on the wealth of experience of the past generations, 'Proverbs' can be defined as concise bits of wise advice based on a fundamental truth. There is a fundamental truth affirmed through the proclamation of the day. That is, the entire universe, everything in it along with all the inhabitants of the world were created by God during which the wisdom was present with Him as a Being in existence from all infinity. This declaration is attributed to Christ since He was the person through whom the perfect wisdom was manifested on earth. The Gospel Proclamation I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify me, because he will take what is mine and declare it to you. All that the Father has is mine. For this reason I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you.

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


Prayerful Awareness Revealed here is how the Lord Jesus Christ before returning to the Father after the accomplishment of His mission instructed and counseled the disciples in varied ways. Whatever the Son reveals of the Father the Spirit clarifies. Similarly, this Gospel passage could be considered as a special revelation by Jesus on the action of the Trinity. "When the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth ‌ All that the Father has is mine; therefore I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you." Thus the Lord invites us to produce the same deep relationship, unity and communion of the Trinity in our family and community as well. The Second Proclamation Therefore since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have obtained access to this grace in which we stand, and we boast in our hope of sharing the glory of God. And not that, but we also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us. Prayerful Awareness With the risen Lord encounter, St. Paul who revealed the gospel to Romans and the other communities addresses us too thus strengthening us. St. Paul reveals of the grace we have received as open access to God, who is 'Abba and Amma' to

us through our Lord Jesus Christ. St. Paul clearly explains of the suffering and persecution we would constantly face on this earthly journey saying, "We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope" for the final outcome of such action would be reaching out to God and coming into right relationship with him. Our Sonship Man is created in God's image and likeness (Gen. 1:26, 27). Therefore God desires that we too share and participate in the reciprocal love in action among the three divine persons of the Trinity for which the Spirit empowers us because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us (Rom. 5:5). Since God desires that we as sons and daughters of his radiate through our family and community on to the society we live in the same love, let us ask for the grace of the Spirit to equip us for the task. Let us invoke the Lord to fill our Holy Father, priests, religious and laity with the reciprocal love overflowing through the Holy Trinity that everybody responsible may lead the Church aright for the sake of the Kingdom. Prayer Starter What are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them? Yet you have made them a little lower than God, and crowned them with glory and honor. You have given them dominion over the works of your hands, you have put all things under their feet. (Ps:8/4,5)

"Your Word, Your Will A Fire & A Blessing!"


Monday 17th June 2019 2 Corinthians:6/1-10 Psalm:97/1-4 (98/1-4) Mathew: 5/38-42 St. Gregory Barbarigo He was born in Venice (Italy) on 16th September 1625. He studied at Padua before entering the diplomatic service. He was encouraged to become a priest by the Papal Legate. He was ordained a priest at Venice in December 1655 and was called to Rome. While in Rom e he showed heroic devotedness during a pestilence. He was consecrated Bishop of Berga Rio. In 1660 he was created Cardinal. He was nominated bishop of Padua. The diocese was ravaged by ignorance. To remedy the situation, he set an example to the clergy. He not only visited the parishes but also imposed upon himself severe penance, fasting, sacrifices and prayers for the good of his flock. He masterminded the reorganization of the seminary. He even restored the University. What would break his heart was to see souls redeemed by the precious Blood of Christ, falling into hell without being able to bring up a remedy. Died - 18th June 1697. The Gospel Proclamation "You have heard that it was said, \An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I say to you, Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also and if anyone wants to sue you and take your coat, give your cloak as well; and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile. Give to everyone who begs from you, ad do not refuse anyone who wants to

St. Gregory Barbarigo borrow from you. Prayerful Awareness Here we see Jesus speaking about the law of the jungle - 'Tit for Tat'. He declares the essence of the Christian ethic. The very essence of Christian life and conduct that distinguishes a Christian from others. In the Old Testament we have "Whoever kills a man shall be put to death." (Leviticus 24:21). "The punishment is to be a life for a life." (Deuteronomy 19:21). The earlier ways of vengeance or punishment were severe than these ways and to lessen the intensity or retaliation, "life for life: was introduced. In its historical setting, it is not savage, but, a law of mercy. In the New Testament we have Jesus coming up with His interpretation, a completely new one, a revolutionary one, one full of love, mercy and compassion. The lesson the Lord has given to His followers is to accept insults and never to retaliate or resent. Absorb violence for the sake of the Saviour, who will absorb sin and die for it. The Christian Law is that the innocent shall suffer for the guilty. The Sermon on the Mount is so much at variance with all that our world holds dear. that the world will crucify anyone who tries to live up to its values. 'Calvary was the price He paid for the Sermon on the Mount.' (F.J.Sheen 488) Prayer Starter God blesses those who come to the aid of the poor and rebukes those who turn away from them. "Give to him who begs from you, do not refuse him who would borrow from you, you received without pay, give without pay." It is by what they have done for the poor that Jesus Christ will recognize His chosen ones. When "the poor have the good news preached to them', it is the sign of Christ's presence.

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


zzY=oaOd;auhdfKkS" uu Tnjykafiag jkaokd kuialdr lrñ' ud l< hq;= l=ula±hs ug wK l< uekjZZ

Tuesday 18th June 2019 2 Corinthians:8/1-9 Psalm:145/1-2,5-9 (146/1-2,5-9) Mathew:5/43-48

The First Proclamation ... we will tell you of the grace of God which has been granted to the churches of Macedonia, and how, throughout continual ordeals of hardship, their unfailing joy and their intense poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part. I can testify that it was of their own accord that they made their gift, which was not merely as far as their resources would allow, but well beyond their resources... In the end we urged Titus, since he had already made a beginning, also to bring this work of generosity to completion among you. More, as you are rich in everything - faith, eloquence, understanding, concern for everything, and love for us too -- then make sure that you excel in this work of generosity too... You are well aware of the generosity which our Lord Jesus Christ had, that, although he was rich, he became poor for your sake, so that you should become rich through his poverty. Fix your gaze on Jesus Thank You Lord for today's nourishing Word given us; we need this daily, even momentary coming of You, in to our lives! Come Holy Spirit of God, speak to us constantly ..... ­­ enable us to hear Your constant guidance and empowerment in our lives... Did you get the paradoxical statement about the Churches of Macedonia? That 'their unfailing joy and their intense poverty have overflowed in a

wealth of generosity on their part'? What would you normally understand from intense poverty causing or resulting in an overflow of wealth of generosity? Our usual 'Consumerism Oriented' mindset would ridicule such a statement. When you are intensely poor, and can't adequately cover even your own needs, when you yourself goes a-begging, how can you be over-flowingly generous? This begs the question as to what 'true richness' is! Who is truly rich; someone who has everything s/he needs, but is never satisfied, or someone who is easily satisfied with their basic needs met, having brought cravings (wants) under control. The inner disposition of being 'අල්ප ච්චා' (as it is called in Sinhala) is truly a blessed state of being, which appears to be what the apostle is applauding the Churches of Macedonia to be in. In this state, you are truly free from the ever debilitating drain of selfish/ego wants and needs so that you could be of service; can give/receive/bind and experience love! And this is exactly what the Christ did, showing us the path to true richness and abiding in love! Are we ready to follow and experience the same? Or are we to continue to allow our own cravings, compulsions and drives to control us causing the sorry life experience most of us still create for ourselves? Let's choose after listening to Jesus, ''...I say this to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you; so that you may be children of your Father in heaven, for he causes his sun to rise on the bad as well as the good, and sends down rain to fall on the upright and the wicked alike....You must therefore be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.' Prayer Starter Thank You Lord, for I am beginning to understand what You are revealing... I choose to follow You; to deny myself, taking up my cross, and progress towards enlightenment..!

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


Wednesday 19th June 2019 2 Corinthians:9/6-11 Psalm:111/1-4,9 (112/1-4, 9) Mathew:6/1-6,16-18 St. Romuald, Abbot Today we celebrate the feast of St. Romuald. His life teaches us that if we only follow the impulse of the Holy Spirit, we shall easily find good everywhere, even on the most unlikely occasions. Our own sins, the sins of others, their ill-will against us, or our own mistakes and misfortunes, are equally capable of leading us with softened hearts, to the feet of God's mercy and love. The First Proclamation The point is this: the one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. .... The Gospel Proclamation "Beware of practicing your piety, before others in order to be seen by them; for then you have no reward from your Father in heaven. "So whenever you give alms, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be praised by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward. But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your alms may be done in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. "And whenever you fast, do not look dismal, like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces so as to show others that they are fasting. Truly I tell

St. Romuald, Abbot you, they have received their reward.... Prayerful Awareness The Gospel proclamation explains how Jesus outlines for us the way to pray, give alms and fast. These are the pillars to inner purification. And these acts help us to centre ourselves on God rather than our own selves. The danger of the practices is, if we turn it to benefit ourselves. It is our egos that often prevent us from establishing a relationship with God. The gospel proclamation also reveals to us that if we fast to impress others, give to charity in order to help ourselves and pray in public to appear to be holy, we lose sight of the real purpose of these exercises, that is, establishing a relationship with God. The first reading too, points to the same thing. The final words prove us, "for God loves a cheerful giver." Our sonship How do I decide in my own heart what to give? I give a tithe because that is what God has revealed for me to do through His word (Mathew 23:23). I give anything beyond a tithe because that is what God has revealed to me through prayer. (2 Corinthians 8:5). When I grow in giving, by obeying God's direction concerning my tithe first and then my offerings, I will grow in my appreciation of the love of God. Why? Because the nature of God's love for us was expressed through giving: "for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16). Prayer Starter Let us decide to give of ourselves willingly and enthusiastically. So, then we can sing, "He sent redemption to his people; he has commanded his covenant forever; Holy and awesome is his name." (Ps.111:9)

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


zzY=oaOd;auhdfKkS" uu Tnjykafiag jkaokd kuialdr lrñ' ud l< hq;= l=ula±hs ug wK l< uekjZZ

Thursday 20th June 2019 2 Corinthians:11/1-11 Psalm:110/1-4,7-8 (111/1-4,7,8) Mathew:6/7-15

Gospel Proclamation Please read Mathew 6/7-15 prayerfully. Prayerful Awareness Jesus criticizes the people for whom prayer was a repetition of a magic formula, strong words addressed to God to oblige Him to respond to their needs. The acceptance of our prayer by God does not depend on the repetition of words, but on God’s goodness, God who is Love and Mercy. He wants our good and knows our needs even before we pray to Him. 1 John 5:13-14 says for all “who believe in the name of the Son, Christ Jesus, have confidence in Him, and that if we ask anything, according to God’s Will, God hears us”. God does not listen to sinners, but to ones who are devout and do His Will. 1 Thessalonians 5:16 says “Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the Will of God for you in Christ Jesus.” Jesus teaches His disciples how to pray. There are three requests in the Lord’s Prayer for the cause of God; The Name, the Kingdom and the Will. The first words: Our Father, Abba Father, is the name which Jesus used to address Himself to God. It reveals the new relationship with God, granted to us through Christ, to all who accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord. We say Our Father and not My Father. The adjective places the accent on the awareness or knowledge that we all belong to the great human family of all

races and creeds. To pray to the Father is to enter into intimacy with Him. It also means to be sensitive to the cry of all the brothers and sisters who cry for their daily bread. It means to seek first the Kingdom of God. Experience God as our Father. The coming of the Kingdom is the fulfillment of all the hopes and promises suffered with human kings and governments. This Kingdom will come when the Will of God will be fully accomplished. The Will of God is expressed in His Law. His Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. In Heaven the sun and the stars obey the laws of their orbit and create the order of the Universe (Is 48:12-13). The observance of the law of God will be a source of order and well-being for human life. Mathew 6:11-13 is on four petitions for the cause of the brothers: Bread, Pardon, Victory, Liberty; show how necessary it is to transform or change the structures of the community and society in order that all the sons and daughters of God may have the same dignity. Matthew 6:14-15 says that: Anyone who does not forgive others will not be forgiven. The Gospel wants us to begin everything anew. Do not lead us into temptation; do not put us to the test: In Exodus, people were tempted and fell (Deut 9:6-12). The people complained and wanted to go back (Ex 16:3; 17:3). In the new Exodus, the temptation will be overcome by the strength which people receive from God (1 Cor. 10:12-13). Deliver us from evil: The Evil One is Satan, who draws away from God and is a cause of scandal. Prayer Starter Father, grant us Wisdom and Strength to overcome temptation. We ask this in the Name of our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


Friday 21st June 2019 2 Corinthians:11/18, 21-30 Psalm:33/2-7 (34/1-6) Mathew:6/19-23

The First Proclamation since many boast according to human standards, I will also boast. To my shame, I must say, we were too weak for that! But whatever anyone dares to boast of .... I also dare to boast of that. .... If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness. The Gospel Proclamation "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal, but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there you heart will be also. "The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness! Prayerful Awareness

St. Aloysius Gonzaga where we get everything we want for our existence. On the other side, we have the life of a spiritual world, where we get the inspiration of God. We need the wisdom of the Spirit to balance both, which would ultimately lead to heavenly bliss. But, in reality, this does not happen, because man is so greedy and selfish to satisfy all his needs by good or bad means, causing injustice to the poor of the society. The word of God comes challengingly and appropriately. Earthly treasure is of not much use, because it is temporary and gathers rust. Also it can be stolen. Heavenly treasure is permanent and eternal. The Word of God questions us and challenges us. The "lamp" of the body is the eye. If your eyes are sound, your whole body will be in the light. If your eyes are deceased your whole body will be in darkness. If your light has become darkness, how dark will be the darkest part of you! If the whole body is lit by the two eyes, is it not Father God's eyes which give light for our whole existence? Amidst a lot of problems and distress, if we cry out to Father God, He would listen to our cries. It is of no use to repeat, 'I am suffering, I am in distress', without entrusting them faithfully to God. So, when we face trials and tribulations, let us entrust them to the Lord and experience His love, warmth and guidance throughout our life. Prayer Starter

Thank You Father God for giving Today's Gospel proclamation us Your Son Jesus who reveals the awakens us to think on how we live our day to day life. On one side we important and useful teaching for us have the life of a materialistic world, to lead a life pleasing to You. Amen.

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


zzY=oaOd;auhdfKkS" uu Tnjykafiag jkaokd kuialdr lrñ' ud l< hq;= l=ula±hs ug wK l< uekjZZ

Saturday 22nd June 2019 St. Paulinus of Nola, Sts.John Fisher & Thomas More 2 Corinthians:12/1-10 that strengthened the relationship with our divine provider. Psalm: 33/8-13 Turning our attention to the two (34/7-12) saints highlighted in the liturgy, Bishop Mathew:6/24-34 John fisher and Thomas More martyred Gospel proclamation “No one can be a slave of two masters; … You cannot serve both God and money. “This is why I tell you not to be worried about the food and drink you need in order to stay alive, or about clothes for your body. After all, isn't life worth more than food? And isn't the body worth more than clothes? Look at the birds: they do not sow seeds, gather a harvest and put it in barns; yet your Father in heaven takes care of them! Aren't you worth much more than birds? ... “And why worry about clothes? Look how the wild flowers grow: they do not work or make clothes for themselves. But I tell you that not even King Solomon with all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these flowers. It is God who clothes the wild grass — grass that is here today and gone tomorrow, burnt up in the oven. Won't he be all the more sure to clothe you? … Gaze at Jesus In the Gospel Jesus leaves us with a thought regarding two things which are of diverse importance. One, about our concern with daily needs, second, our relationship with God who is the provider. Our sonship – (Personal Experience) In our family situations, I am known to be the one who worries. My spouse would say, “God will provide”. Over the years we have experienced Lord’s abundant flow of Grace as he took care of our finances, education, our housing needs. The opportunities Lord provided for us to earn those facilities has been the way

defending the divine principals of Holy Matrimony when the Monarchy was demanding spiritual supremacy to change the laws regarding divorce. They delightfully experienced God’s supremacy while surrendering their lives to God. St Paul in 2 Corinthians say, “keep me from being puffed up with pride because of the many wonderful things I saw, I was given a painful physical ailment, which acts as Satan's messenger to beat me and keep me from being proud. Three times I prayed to the Lord about this and asked him to take it away. But his answer was: “My grace is all you need, for my power is greatest when you are weak.” Prayerful Awareness Mindfully prepare yourself for prayer with the following steps: become aware of your breathing – inhale/exhale. Focus on a sound or sounds around. Become aware of your body parts one by one from head to toe. You can also do some mindful walking. Throughout this process mindfully become aware of the negative emotions that keep interfering - identify and tag them; jealousy, anger, happy, planning. These are forces that drive you. Therefore, continue in your dual awareness – breathing, listening, walking meditatively and your thoughts. At the beginning of creation God said, “Let there be light” (Gen 1:3). Prayer takes you from darkness to light. Place all dark worrisome thoughts one by one at the foot of the cross. Allow the Holy Spirit in you to speak to you through your own thinking, He may guide through a prophetic word to help you see things in His light. Our weaknesses are a source for divine grace!

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


Sunday 23rd June 2019

The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ

Genesis:14/18-20 Psalm: 109/1-4 (110/1-4) 1 Corinthians:11/23-26 Luke:9/11-17

Introduction Eucharist is a special gift to man that manifests the depth of the divine love of God the Father, so that man could constantly delight in this unbounded love. The Lord present in the Eucharist is the divine physician who provides us with perfect nourishment and brings about healing physical, spiritual and psychological as well as total redemption. Christ the perfect love of Abba Father, subjecting himself to be broken, crushed and annihilated for our sake to bring us to fulfillment did exalt the God-man relationship to a higher order. Let us thirst for a deep union with the Eucharistic Lord to achieve this objective of bringing to a higher level our daily activities, plans and designs, hopes and expectations. In union with the Eucharistic life let us allow ourselves to be guided by the Holy Spirit, surrender ourselves to him and enter into prayer with this intention at heart. The First Proclamation And King Melchizedek of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was priest of God Most High. He blessed him and said, "Blessed be Abram by God Most High, maker of heaven and earth; and blessed be God Most High, who has delivered your enemies into your hand!" And Abram gave him one tenth of everything.

Prayerful Awareness Melchizedek, a priest who has been anointed by God himself, in readiness for the sacrifice, entered into offering and praise. Thanksgiving is natural to those who have experienced salvation. Offering a tenth of their earnings was the faith experience of people in the Old Testament, since they who had experienced the love of God were of the conviction that they fully belonged to God. Their unique experience was that those who trust and depend on God the Father walking in his ways, would be secured and redeemed by Him. Therefore they offered all their possessions to God and it was simply as a result of faith. Faith is a key, a bridge, a gate, a light and a power to reach God. This was their experience. The Second Proclamation For I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took a loaf of bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, "This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me." In the same way he took the cup also, after supper, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me." For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. Prayerful Awareness The fulfillment of the mission of Christ is in His self sacrifice. This is not merely an accomplishment of a duty within space and time but a living sacrifice that is carried out till the end of the world. "Zikkaron" is the Hebrew word for memorial or remembrance

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


which means to live out a past incident, activate or to bring it to the present. Similarly, when compared with the Jewish Passover, the Paschal feast was to commemorate liberation out of slavery. Yet commemorating Lord's last supper should be a living out or bringing into the present the sacrifice of Jesus that brought about salvation to the entire human race. At the Eucharistic Celebration we commemorate the covenant of love between God and man made a reality through Jesus offering himself as a sacrifice on the cross. When bread and the cup of wine is raised up in thanksgiving and then shared we commemorate the salvation won for us by Jesus through which we are being united to Christ from age to age. Till his second coming, through this banquet of communion, the Eucharistic Lord, we are made to experience an immense power. And it also entails challenging us and sending us too, out on a mission. The Gospel Proclamation

and broke them, and gave them to the disciples to set before the crowd. And all ate and were filled. What was left over was gathered up, twelve baskets of broken pieces. Prayerful Awareness

It was with much compassion that Lord Jesus nourished the people come to him with the loving word of God. Further he moves out to provide them not only with physical nourishment but also with spiritual nourishment. Yet, it is not simply an act of charity but a miraculous moment of sacramental value; a demonstration of the love of the Father for his people. This is as if he is inviting the disciples to offer up the little they have to the Lord without worrying about many things. Lord Jesus, offered up his physical body to the Lord on Calvary, broke and shared it and brought everything to fulfillment. Thus the miracle of multiplication of loaves is a deep manifestation of faith. Similarly, the Eucharistic meal always and everywhere nourishes our life of When the crowds found out faith. At the Eucharistic Celebration, about it, they followed him, and he whenever we offer up our frail human welcomed them, and spoke to them, bodies and minds to the Lord, a miracuabout the kingdom of God, and lous transformation is sure to take place. Towards my son-ship healed those who needed to be cured. The day was drawing to a close Let us thirst to participate in and and the twelve came to him and receive communion daily, and encoursaid, "Send the crowd away, so that age others too. Lord Jesus in coming they may go into the surrounding into our hearts lets Himself be broken, villages and countryside, to lodge crushed and be lost in order to give us and get provisions; for we are here nourishment. Receiving the love of the in a deserted place." But he said to Lord thus gifted to us, let us enter into them, "You give them something to and witness to His life of sacrifice. eat." They said, "We have no more Breaking ourselves and being than five loaves and two fish - unless crushed for others let us manifest His we are to go and buy food for all covenantal life, the power of the Euthese people." For there were about charist . five thousand men. And he said to Prayer Starter his disciples "Make them sit down in Do not be silent, O God of my praise. groups of about fifty each." They did so and made them all sit down. And For wicked and deceitful mouths are taking the five loaves and the two fish, opened against me, speaking against he looked up to heaven, and blessed me with lying tongues. (Ps. 109/1, 2)

"Your Word, Your Will A Fire & A Blessing!"


Monday 24th June 2019

Nativity of St. John the Baptist

Isaiah:49/1-6 Psalm:138/1-3,13-15 (139/1-3,13-15) Acts:13/22-26 Luke:1/57-66, 80 Nativity of St. John the Baptist John the Baptist is the only saint in Christiandom who has his birthday observed - it precedes the birthday of Our Lord (25th December) by six months - in addition to his death day, 29th August, the honour being restricted to Mary (8th September) besides the Lord Himself. In the words of Jesus Himself: "Of all the children born to woman, there is none greater than John (Luke 7:28). Furthermore, while Jesus and Mary were conceived in grace, John whose name means "Yahweh is gracious", was conceived with the stain of original sin like all human beings, but was born in grace, having been sanctified in the womb of his mother, he will be filled with the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:15)..... Hav ing played his role of preparing the way for the Messiah - "a voice crying in the wilderness: "Prepare a way for the Lord. Make His path straight (Isaiah 40:3) - and announcing the Messiah - "Look, there is the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world" (John 1:29) - he graciously fades into the background - "He must increase; I must decrease". (John 3:30). The Gospel Proclamation Now the time came for Elizabeth to give birth, and she bore a son. ... On the eighth day they came to circumcise the child, and they were going to name him Zechariah ... But his mother said, "No, he is to be called John". ... Then they began motioning to his father to find out what name he wanted to give him. ... "His name is John." And all of them were amazed. Immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue freed, and he began to

speak, praising God.... Prayerful Awareness As with Jesus so also with His cousin John the Baptist; life had all the indications of tragic greatness. Heavenly signs testified to the child even before birth, and when the time came for John's circumcision, eight days after birth, a new name was bestowed upon the child - John - and the neighbors and friends of Elizabeth said, "none of your relatives has this name." In the Holy Scripture, the name always designated a person's character, a heavenly name announced a call to a very special mission. So the people wondered "what will this child be?" When he grew up he chose an austere life living in the desert, like a hermit and when he started his mission, he could be called the fierce prophet of truth and justice, calling the mountains to collapse and valleys to be lifted up making way to Jesus the Messiah. "Look for the one who comes after me. I am not worthy to unfasten the sandals on his feet." When his hearers who thronged to the bank of Jordan repented and received the Baptism of Repentance, they thought John was the Messiah. He wanted no recognition, praise or power. He only thought of the greatness of Jesus and said, "I must decrease and He increase. (Meditate) I too have been called by God for a special mission Have I realised it? Have I started it? What mountains rise up in me, in my life, preventing Jesus to come? Are there valleys or an abyss to drag me down obstructing my mission for the Kingdom? In all what I do have I the inner desire to decrease so that He may increase? Prayer Starter Abba, thank You for Jesus, thank You for John the Baptist, who prepared the people's hearts for Jesus to enter. Give me Your Holy Spirit to live, work and die for Your Kingdom, all for Your glory ....

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


zzY=oaOd;auhdfKkS" uu Tnjykafiag jkaokd kuialdr lrĂą' ud l< hq;= l=ulaÂąhs ug wK l< uekjZZ

Tuesday 25th June 2019 Genesis:13/2, 5-18 Psalm: 14/2-5 (15/1-5) Mathew:7/6, 12-14

The First Proclamation Abram was very rich in livestock, silver and gold ... Lot, who was travelling with Abram, had flocks and cattle of his own, and tents too. The land was not sufficient to accommodate them both at once ... dispute broke out between the herdsmen of Abram's livestock and those of Lot ... Abram said to Lot, 'We do not want discord between us or between my herdsmen and yours, for we are kinsmen ... Go in the opposite direction to me: ... So Lot chose all the Jordan plain for himself and moved off eastwards ... Abram settled in the land of Canaan ... Yahweh said to Abram after Lot had parted company from him, 'Look all round from where you are ... for all the land within sight I shall give to you and your descendants for ever ... So Abram moved his tent and went to settle at the Oak of Mamre, at Hebron, and there he built an altar to Yahweh. The Gospel Proclamation 'Do not give dogs what is holy; and do not throw your pearls in front of pigs, or they may trample them and then turn on you and tear you to pieces. 'So always treat others as you would like them to treat you; that is the Law and the Prophets. 'Enter by the narrow gate, since the road that leads to destruction is wide and spacious, and many take it; but it is a narrow gate and a hard road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Fix your gaze on Jesus Dearest Lord, help us come before

the essence of the Mind of the Creator that You'd want us to understand and align with, in order to live in the Light.... Jesus our Lord cautioned His audience on these aspects. Valued things, whether of material or immaterial origin should only be accorded to those who are able to appreciate it. However, the reality is that those who are able to appreciate valued things already have an inkling of that which they are looking out for! In other words, let us recall another saying of Jesus, '(What you) seek, and (is what) you shall find...'. Underlying all this is the fact that we, who are created in the image and likeness of God, are creators ourselves. Our beliefs create our reality for us! Hard to accept this? Let's illustrate. If your belief is that your neighbour is 'out to get you', then all occurrences/ circumstances will look like that to you, reinforcing the belief already held. When you look at the world through coloured glasses, the world will seem to be in that colour to you! It thus becomes imperative to 'Clean Your Lenses', to truly sense reality; ie: come to the Truth! Repeat again; our inner beliefs create our outer reality! The power to create our own version of reality, our 'taste of life' is vested on us! Having empowered us, the Lord cautions that we wield this power in an intelligent, wise manner. Remember! We serve a Just Creator who rewards us accordingly; We reap what we sow: our inner taste of life reflects the thoughts/beliefs we choose. Shall we become conscious there-of, and walk the narrow path? Prayer Starter Dearest Lord, we are truly astounded in the power we're vested with, and comforted by Your assurances. You were true to Abraham, our father. Now do turn us anew so that we anchor ourselves on the rock of Your Living Word and create what is beneficial for ourselves and Your creation ....

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


Wednesday 26th June 2019 Genesis: 15/1-12,17-18 these movements and tendencies (1 Cor. Gal 1:7-9; 2:11-14; 6:12). In our soPsalm:104/1-4, 6 12:3; ciety today we experience false prophets (105/1-4,6-9) in many ways. First, there are the obvious ones who proclaim ridiculous things in Mathew:7/15-20 Gospel Proclamation "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, ... bushes, or figs from thistles? Just so, every good tree bears good fruit, and a rotten tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a rotten tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.... Prayerful Awareness Jesus warns of false prophets because they cheat people spreading wrong ideologies. It is necessary to properly identify them as they will act as hungry voracious wolves waiting to devour the innocent. Jesus said to identify them by their fruits; from their behavior, words they speak and of their acts etc., as they cannot bear good fruits. He further said that everyone who does not bear good fruit will be thrown into the fire. Acts 5 : 36-39 is on how some people who spread false prophecies ended up in death together with their followers or being scattered. For if such endeavor or activity is of human origin, it will destroy itself. But if it comes from God, no one will be able to destroy them; and whoever fights them may be fighting against God, unless they change as stated in Isaiah 11:6 & 65 : 25. At the time of Jesus also, there were prophets of all types, people identified the Essenes of Qumran, Zealots and others such as Theudas and Judas the Galilean who announced apocalyptic messages to involve people in different movements of that time ( Act. 5:36-37). There were also prophets who announced messages different from the one proclaimed by the community. The letters of Paul mention

order to have some fame. There are others who use Christianity for personal gain. Others who distort the word of God, or add to it or remove parts, in order to form their own separate community or beliefs. There are those that claim a personal revelation from God that is not consistent with Church teaching. Some preach that believing in God will make you wealthy and give you the easy life. If the person saying this has used the charity of the community and the people to build a huge mansion for themselves and very little goes to the poor, this is contrary to Jesus’ teaching. This is a lack of the fruit of good works that Jesus talks about, so it is easy to discern if one looks. This form of teaching does not produce good works. The same applies to those who preach violence, retribution, and even death for others. This is not consistent with Jesus’ teaching. He does not advocate killing, nor does He ever suggest “getting even”. In fact, He teaches the opposite, no matter what the offense. This is another fruit that can be used to discern the truth. A false prophet does not even have to claim to be a prophet. The culture of death through abortion is one example. The fruit of abortion is innocent death. In this matter it is even possible that those teaching the truth are labeled as false teachers by others. First Reading is on the Covenant God made with Abraham to give a great generation and said “To your descendants I give the land from the Wadi of Egypt to the Great River Euphrates”. Prayer Starter Lord Jesus, our Savior, please send to us the Holy Spirit and Grant us Wisdom to know the Will of God our Father and make us always abide by it with Your Help, Amen.

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


zzY=oaOd;auhdfKkS" uu Tnjykafiag jkaokd kuialdr lrñ' ud l< hq;= l=ula±hs ug wK l< uekjZZ

Thursday 27th June 2019 Genesis: 16/1-12,15-16 Psalm:105/1-5 (106/1-5) Mathew:7/21-29

The Gospel Proclamation Not everyone who says to me: 'Lord, Lord' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only the one who does the will of my father in heaven. On that day many will say to me, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many deeds of power in your name?' Then will I will declare to them: "I never knew you; go away from me you evil-doers'. Everyone then, who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like to a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it did not fall, because it had been founded on rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not act on them will be like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell; and great was its fall." Now when Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were astounded at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority, and not as their Scribes. Prayerful Awareness In this Gospel proclamation Jesus gives us a glimpse of the judgement day. It is an eye opener as to where we stand with him. He is really speaking

St. Cyril of Alexandria about those who profess to work for his kingdom. They not only call Jesus Lord but also achieve spectacular things in his name. They prophesy, casts out demons and heals the sick in his name, talks on television and radio have healing services and ministries. But Jesus does not acknowledge their achievements. He says “I never knew you” The only ones who will enter the kingdom of heaven will be the ones “who does the will of my Father” Jesus demands our implicit obedience, the only foundation for life. In the sermon on the Mount Jesus says obedience require poverty of Spirit, mourning, meekness, hunger and thirst for righteousness, mercy, purity and peacemaking. He sums up the sermon on the Mount with a story of a house built on a rock by a wise man who was obedient to God and did his will and a house built on sand by the foolish man who was disobedient to God. Both were battered by rains floods and winds and the house on the sand was destroyed. In recent times many churches have sprung up; most for financial gain. There is prosperity gospel, wow church, there is talk of healing in this church and miracles in that church. But are they built on sand? Are we misled? Are they obedient to the will of the Father? Are they teaching their congregation to be obedient and carry the cross and follow Jesus? Let us pray Prayer Starter Heavenly Father grant us the gift of discernment to walk on the correct path to Your Kingdom. Give us grace to be steadfast in our faith and be obedient to Your Holy Will and not be led by false teachings which lead us astray. We also pray for the church and the shepherds of the flock that they will continue to be obedient to Your Word and do Your Will and that they will be guided by the Holy Spirit. Amen

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


Friday 28th June 2019 Ezekiel:34/11-16 Psalm:22/1-6 (23/1-6) Romans:5/5-11 Luke:15/3-7

The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

The First Proclamation For thus says the Lord God: I myself will search for my sheep, and will seek them out. ... I will rescue them from all the places to which they have been scattered .... I myself will be the shepherd of my sheep and I will make them lie down says the Lord God, I will seek the lost, and I will bring back the strayed, and I will bind up the injured, and I will strengthen the weak, but the fat and the strong I will destroy. I will feed them with justice. The Gospel Proclamation So he told them this parable; "Which one of you, having a hundred sheep and losing one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the one that is lost until he finds it? When he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders and rejoices. ... Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance. Prayerful Awareness With the feast of the sacred heart of Jesus, we are reminded of the heart that was pierced for us. The boundless mercy and love of God that gives life to man. Just as the heart lets the blood flow to the body, God remains the source for the salvation of humankind. It is a day to rejoice as we are revealed to the Good News that, we

will be taken care of by the Father, as the shepherd tends to the sheep. We are reminded that God does not let go of us, when we have sinned. He leaves all His other sheep to go behind that one sheep who has strayed away from His path. God shows no disappointment, anger or shame but says that the heaven will REJOICE and CELEBRATE the reunion with His lost child. It is brought into light how one repented sinner is held in more value than those who are with God in his journey and think that they need no repentance. The gravity of not being aware and awake to one's life and the sins that one commits is emphasized. We are reminded of the spiritual blindness we have until we meet Jesus. I was blind, but now I see. (John 9: 25) If we remain blind to our sinfulness and His compassionate love that comes forth like that of a mother who cannot resist forgiving and erasing our pain, even during our journey, we need to reflect back on our lives and our experience with Jesus. The lost sheep experience is a universal experience. Each of us go through it at some point and then more than once. It depends on how deeply we experience His infinite love and how much we LET it affect our lives. It is only a given that we are already baptized into a life with God as we immediately recognize the experience to be Him. Unfortunate are those who are blessed and loved, yet do not know that it flows from the Almighty Father. It is entrusted to us to take on the role of shepherds ourselves, to guide people to be aware of his divine presence. Prayer Starter Let the compassionate love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, shine through me!

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


zzY=oaOd;auhdfKkS" uu Tnjykafiag jkaokd kuialdr lrñ' ud l< hq;= l=ula±hs ug wK l< uekjZZ

Saturday 29th June 2019 Acts: 12/1-11 Psalm:33/2-9 34/1-4 2 Timothy:4/6-8,17-18 Mathew:16/13-19 Gospel Proclamation

Sts. Peter & Paul, Apostles prayer service, I had a message, “that is when I called you.” If it is through this situation; that Lord called our families to Christ, we can not say with the same zeal of Saints Paul or Peter, that we have been able to give Christ to others in our village. However, I went to the village for some business recently. In company with a few people, one family was talking about a healing service they attend in town. He clearly had an idea about the creator God and Jesus as savior. Without being concerned about their evangelical experience I knew Lord was also using me to speak about Jesus with the few other folks who were gathered there. Prayerful Awareness

… he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” “Some say John the Baptist,” they answered. “Others say Elijah, while others say Jeremiah or some other prophet.” “What about you?” he asked them. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the As the only Christian family in the Son of the living God.” village we lived a very basic Christian Gaze at Jesus life. However, through our Pubuduwa Today, the liturgy is focused on cele- journey Lord has prepared our lives to brating the lives and works of two-great respond to our Christian mission. More apostle of the catholic church. It is good than our parents or we as parents, we to reflect on their lives from the lenses of recognize, you as our creator, you have a Jesus who called them to discipleship at vision and a mission for our lives. Let us also prayerfully become aware two different times of the Church history. One while Jesus was still living as a man of some of the scripture verses from the and the other as the Risen savior. Jesus Psalms - “The Lord created the heavens most certainly saw the missionary zeal by his command, the sun, moon and the and the clarity in which they perceived stars by His spoken word”. Therefore, when we depend on God, will he not their call. To the two questions Jesus asked, give us the understanding to live our life “who do they” and “who do you” Peter to the fullest. In the letter to Timothy, St possessed a clear idea that Jesus was Paul says, “I have done the best in the race, I have run the fullest distance … someone more than a prophet. the victory prize of being put right with On the other hand, Paul yielded His God, which the Lord, the righteous judge, life to the Risen Christ, in whom he will give me on that day – and not only identified greater power and abandoned to me, but to all those who wait with love his Jewish faith which he was serving for Him to appear”. with great passion. Prayer Starter Our sonship Loving Father, You know the best (Personal experience) for our families. Help us, prioritize our During our extended family gath- mission oriented spiritual upbringing as erings, we used to talk of an era in our important as secular education to be in a family history where we lost wealth that worldly profession. Help us to find such a was in a certain geographic location. In community that we can grow in strength the early days of joining Pubuduwa at a and service to You.

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


Sunday 30th June 2019 Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time PS  Wk I 1 Kings:19/16, 19-21 Psalm: 15/1-2, 5, 7-11 (16/1-2,7-11) Galatians:5/1,13-18 Luke:9/51-62

Introduction Through the Gospel of the day the Lord emphasizes the necessary pre-requisite of total commitment for those who wish to be His disciples. Hence the statement, "Leave the dead to bury their dead; your duty is to go and spread the news of the kingdom of God". Therefore let us plead with the Holy Spirit to grace us with the power to respond with total commitment to the vocation of being a joyful disciple and a servant of the Gospel. The First Proclamation Also you shall anoint Jehuson son of Nimshi as king over Israel, and you shall anoint Elisha son of Shaphat of Abelmeholah as prophet in your place. So he set out from there, and found Elisha son of Shaphat, who was plowing. There were twelve yoke of oxen ahead of him, and he was with the twelfth. Elijah passed by him and threw his mantle over him. He left the oxen, ran after Elijah, and said, "Let me kiss my father and my mother, and then I will follow you." Then Elisha said to him, "Go back again, for what have I done to you?" He returned from following him, took the yoke of oxen, and slaughtered them; using the equipment from the oxen,

he boiled their flesh, and gave it to the people, and they ate. Then he set out and followed Elijah, and became his servant. Prayerful Awareness At a moment that the human mind cannot comprehend, God calls the rich man, Elisha for a prophetic mission through Prophet Elijah. It was in a most unexpected moment in his life that Elisha was called for a divine mission. Sharing a banquet with his colleagues is significant. It signifies the sublime nature of the prophetic vocation received from God. Also, symbolizing the total commitment that changed his whole lifestyle he uses the yokes of the oxen as firewood. In addition, the consent given to bid his father and mother farewell symbolizes the inner joy that one should have in receiving the vocation as well as in giving an unconditional response. The Second Proclamation For freedom Christ has set us free; stand steadfast therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters; only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for self-indulgence, but through love become slaves to one another. For the whole law is summed up in a single commandment, "You shall love your neighbour as yourself." If however, you bite and devour one another take care that you are not consumed by one another. Live by the Spirit, I say, and do not gratify the desires of the flesh. For what the flesh desires is opposed to the Spirit, and what the Spirit desires is opposed to the flesh; for these

"Abba Father, Abba Mother"


are opposed to each other, to prevent you from doing what you want. but if you are led by the Spirit, you are not subject to the law. Prayerful Awareness St. Paul instructing the newly baptized Christians says, even though they are now free from observing the Jewish customs, certain traditions and practices they had been accustomed to, to be on guard against the teachings of false prophets and Jewish customs since now they have been freed from slavery to the old law through their acknowledgement and belief in Christ and since they could once again succumb to the old enslavement if they give in to the false teachings. In the words of St. Paul what he means is that they should not give in to the flesh for it would make their weak sinful nature triumph once again. In belonging to Christ one should mortify the worldly desires of the flesh because the Spirit is against the flesh and also because we have been raised to the state of divine son-ship. The Gospel Proclamation

and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head." To another he said, "Follow me." But he said, "Lord, let me first go and bury my father." But Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God. Anther said, will follow you , Lord, but let me first say farewell to those at my home." Jesus said to him, "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.". Prayerful Awareness There is a long history for the enmity between the Jews and the Samaritans. And Jesus knew this when he decided to go to Jerusalem through Samaria intending to end this long lasting enmity and proclaim the good news of the kingdom. Since they did not accept Christ but simply rejected him Jacob and James in an instant rage wished to bring down fire from heaven to destroy the Samaritans. Yet, he who came to establish the kingdom of love vehemently rejected it. In fact, he never punished even his enemies. Hasn't he declared, "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you and then you will be called the children of your Father in heaven". It was in consequence of this loving response that the disciple John who burnt with rage that day became an apostle of love at a later period. Christ was patient with Samaria and his patience bore fruit. Prayer Starter

When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem. And he sent messengers ahead of him. On their way they entered a village of the Samaritans, to make ready for him; but they did not receive him, because his face was set toward Jerusalem. When his disciples James and John saw it, they said, "Lord, do you want us to command fire to come down from O Lord, who may abide in your heaven and consume them?"; But he turned and rebuked them. Then tent? Who may dwell on your holy hill? they went on to another village. Those who walk blamelessly, and As they were going along the do what is right, and speak the truth road, someone said to him, "I will from their heart; follow you wherever you go". And Jesus said to him, "Foxes have holes,

"Your Word, Your Will A Fire & A Blessing!"


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"Your Word, Your Will A Fire & A Blessing!"

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