2020 Pentecost Rally Guide Booklet

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Forward We are compelled to celebrate the Pentecost 2020 amidst the Corona pandemic that the whole world is faced with. Even last year, because of the terrorist attack on Easter Sunday, we celebrated Pentecost in our communities of discipleship and it happened to be a very significant experience. This year, since we cannot assemble as a crowd due to the pandemic, we wish to celebrate Pentecost in our homes as a family. Thus the booklet we handover to you presents the order and sermons with which to celebrate this great event. In order to have a meaningful experience on the feast day, prepare yourselves beforehand, sharing each section (Eg:- Sermons, praise, service of light) among one another. This year will be declared as the fiftieth Jubilee year of celebrating the fifty year Pubudu journey in the Holy Spirit and let us consider this opportunity of being able to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit as a blessing.


Guidelines in General ·

We prepare ourselves to celebrate the feast at home as a community on the 30th of May from 7.00 to 10.00 p.m. and the entire Pubuduwa will keep to this time schedule.


Please prepare the place of prayer at home beforehand with the Bible, flowers and lamps.


Clothed in white as a family let us prepare ourselves in prayer and praise presenting ourselves before the God Almighty to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.


Prepare beforehand the oil lamp to be lighted at the beginning of the ritual of light and the candles necessary for the service.


There are several suggestions given out of which you can select to celebrate the feast of Pentecost and please decide beforehand the methodology you would follow – whether as a family or individually if you are living alone.


What is important is that you enter the experience of the feast of Pentecost.

The booklet: A booklet has been prepared to hand over to every family with the full agenda including all the sermons from the beginning to the end with which to conduct the celebration, the feast of Pentecost. You will be able to use it as a guidebook to follow in daily life, right throughout the next year.


Method of Celebration: ·

Usually for the celebration of the annual feast of Pentecost we allocate 12 hours but this year due to technical reasons the CD s and DVD s given to make use of have been limited to 3 hours.


Yet, take the opportunity to freely enter into praise and prayer without limiting the celebration to merely 3 hours.


Start the session of great praise with Trinitarian worship and feely engage in it with singing, playing of instruments and clapping.


During the session of praise, experience the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit, gaze on the Lord and await the enlightenment or the illumination that would be bestowed on you, the insights of which could be shared with us later.


Sermon of His Eminence the Cardinal, and proclamation of the Jubilee Year:- This is a joyful occasion to us since it is as a lay movement that the journey has been made for fifty years amidst different difficulties and hardships which means that it is simply not with human effort alone but a journey carried on by the Holy Spirit for sure. Therefore at the end of the sermon delivered by His Eminence the Cardinal, proclaiming the prejubilee Year let us praise God with exultant joy.


The sermons of the Archbishop and the priests:- After listening to these sermons too let us enter into praise claiming for ourselves the love of God bestowed on us.


Theme Sermon:- It is through the theme sermon that the great and splendid theme given by God to live out throughout this year will be unfolded. Therefore, at the end of this sermon too share among the family members the revelation you receive. Make it an opportunity for discussion. And then enter into praise based on the sermon.



Service of Light:- At the start all the family members should get together and light the oil lamp. (Prepare a lamp beforehand for this purpose.) Then switch off the lights and with candle light pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Also let us pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit needed for this year with laying on of hands on each other.


Suggestions to participate in the feast of Pentecost:- CD s / DVD s have been prepared in accordance with the agenda given herewith for the celebration. Although 30 minutes have been allocated for the Trinitarian worship, please stop the CD / DVD players and take time as much as you like for praise. Even during the ritual of Light you can turn off the CD / DVD and take more time for the purpose.


If the participation is by listening to VFM radio channel:Since it is scheduled to be aired through FM 107 from 9.15 to 12.15 p.m. and since we cannot adjust the time allocated please start at 9.15 p.m. as a family and if possible set apart 1 ½ hours for praise. After the radio programme, take the opportunity to enter into the service of Light as a family.


If the participation is simply by using the booklet:According to the given agenda, share among the family members each section of conducting and proclaiming the sermons in common during which you should not limit yourselves to the time period given but act in accordance with the guidelines.

Participation at the Eucharistic Celebration on the 31st of May, the feast day of Pentecost: In order to participate in the Eucharistic Celebration on the Feast day, discuss among yourselves and select one of the methods given below. Be clothed in white for the participation. Let us participate at the Eucharistic Celebration receiving Spiritual Communion. (Please do not have any other appointments during this time.)



On VERBUM and SIRASA TV: Sinhala Sunday Mass will be telecast at 8.00 a.m.


Sunday Tamil Mass will be at 9.45 a.m.


Over SETH FM and Commercial Service of Sri-Lanka Broadcasting Corporation: Mass will be aired at the same time (8.00 a.m.)


Accordingly we hope that all the Pubudu members will join in our Annual Feast as a family.


If there is any problem with regard to celebrating the Feast of Pentecost make inquiries from a person responsible of the community/sangha for guidance.

05. International Celebration of the Feast of Pentecost: This will be held in Rome at 1.30 a.m. of Sri-Lanka time. You could access the live broadcast on the You Tube. May God bless you!

The Organizing Committee of the Feast of Pentecost 2020


"The Power of the Most High will overshadow you" (Luke 1:35) The Feast of Pentecost on 30th May 2020 Agenda – Commencing at 7.00 p.m. ·

Introduction to Jubilee Year




Introduction for Initial Praise


Trinitarian Worship


Entering into Initial Praise


Introduction to the Sermon of His Eminence Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith the Archbishop


Sermon of His Eminence Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith the Archbishop and the proclamation of the Jubilee year


Sing a short hymn


Introduction to the Sermon of His Lorship Rt. Rev. Dr. Valence Mendis, Bishop of Chilaw


Sermon of His Lordship Rt. Rev. Dr. Valence Mendis, Bishop of Chilaw


Sing a short hymn


Introduction to the Sermon of His Lordship Rt. Rev. Dr. Noel Emmanuel Fernando, Bishop of Trincomalee


Sing a short hymn


Introduction to the Sermon of Rev. Fr. Robinson Wijesinghe, the Spiritual Director


Sermon of Rev. Fr. Robinson Wijesinghe, the spiritual director



Sing a short hymn


Introduction to the Sermon of Rev. Fr. Alex Nilantha


Sermon of Rev. Fr. Alex Nilantha


Sing a short hymn


Introduction to the Theme Sermon


Proclamation of the Annual Theme and the Theme Sermon – Ranjana Amma


Sing the Theme Song


Introduction to the Ritual of Light


With lighted candles enter into prayer under the outpouring of the Holy Spirit for a new Pentecost


Final Praise


Introduction for the Jubilee Year Shalom! The dawning night is really a significant time for all of us. And it is simply because of the invitation for us to receive the experience of the feast of Pentecost on the Fiftieth Day since the Resurrection of our Lord. Really this is an invitation given to Pubudu members directly from God. In face of the vocation and challenge to Pubudu members by God Himself to nourish the Sri-Lankan Church, this preparation is for to enter into our annual feast of Pentecost this year. When we look back at the History of Pubuduwa, it is in 1973 that we find ourselves for the first time gathered together to spend a whole night in prayer and worship. And it was at Shanthi Home, Negombo or Croos Convent. Since then, at every feast of Pentecost of every liturgical year He called us to gather together in unity to praise Him in His presence, and to spend a night of profound prayer. This is the night He will open up the flood gates of heaven and share His wonderful revelations with us for which we are witnesses. Along the forty nine year journey, at the Annual Feast of Pentecost, we assembled in one particular place as a group of revived Christians of Sri-Lanka to pray the whole night. Yet last year He called us to gather together as a community and enter into this night's touch, to experience that spirit. This is another significant year in which He calls us as a family to present ourselves before His love. He is unique and the journey through which He takes Pubudu members is also quite different for which reason He who is unique, with an identity of His own as the Holy One has made room for us even this year to have a tangible experience of Him. This night is also significant in another sense. He who alone brought the Pubudu members along this journey for forty nine years during this night will usher us to the Jubilee Year of our journey. And we thus make our entrance with the special theme with which He has called us to celebrate the Jubilee.


Kithu Dana Pubuduwa has always been a solution not only to the entire Universe and the Church but also to our country, to politics and nature. Kithu Dana Pubuduwa joined hands with the indigenous culture in a most Christian manner. And we have been ever ready now and always to give praise to God Almighty in song and playing with the indigenous orchestra and drumming. So, the preparation now is to enter into the initial service with the Kithu Dana Pubudu band after which we enter into the invitation extended for the night. Now let us prepare as a family to step on to this holy night.


The Invitation

Invitation! Feast of Pubudu Pentecost – 2020 With the Blessing of the God Almighty, the Creator and Author of the entire Universe, The Holy Spring of infinite love and goodness who is all powerful and all holy Of His only begotten Son and our Redeemer Jesus Christ sent by Him to the world Looking at the humanity with His most loving and compassionate eyes To liberate them from the sinful miry clay And to enable them to participate in His own glory – Of the Holy Spirit the epitome of the most sublime bond between Father and the Son The Purifier and Accompanier of the entire Universe to its destination Let us fall prostrate before the Most Holy Trinity who livest and reignest forever and ever.

Namaskara Weva! Namaskara Weva! Namaskara Weva!

(Hewisi Drum Beat)

Pubudu members, awakening themselves to the significant qualities, paternal and maternal revealed by God Almighty, Who nourished His people for ages with His mercy and kindness like a mother and consoled them with comforting words, And led them securely with His authority like a father, We who as Pubudu members engaged ourselves in our missionary journey throughout the last year calling Him Abba Father! Abba Mother,


At this moment ask for the grace to start our new journey in the Spirit with the theme "Mary, the power of the Most High will overshadow you" Proclaimed by the angel at the time of Annunciation. Therefore, on this Saturday, the 30th of May 2020, We invite the Pubudu members ever ready to celebrate the Pentecost in their homes joining themselves in one heart and mind with the members all over, With open access to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit that overshadowed Mary, to experience and enjoy the fruits of that overshadowing throughout the coming new year of the Holy Spirit. May this holy night be a great blessing!


Introduction for Initial Praise Psalm 22:3 presents us with an experience of the ancient Israelites – the presence of the Holy One among the songs of praise. Praise is a powerful medium to experience the presence, the power of love and the deep security available to us in situations of loneliness and fear. "I sought the Lord and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears" (Psalm 34:4). Joy is a state existent in praise. When we totally depend on God whatever situation we are faced with, we can praise God without any anxiety. He is our Creator and we find our joy in Him since He is with us. He will never forsake those who trust in Him. Reflect and see if you did not experience His providence during the Pandemic. Did we not get our daily bread? Let us recall all His blessings and praise Him. Read Psalm 149:1-3. Let us praise Him with our whole body, gestures and movements. If you have a musical instrument at home play the instrument and give praise to God. Sing and praise God. St. Paul in Ephesians 5:19, teaches us how to praise God in singing presenting three-fold ways. ·

1. Hymns: With hymns that we have composed. Eg. Pubudu Gee. Praise God in singing hymns.


2. Psalms: Praising God with psalms from the book of psalms in the Scriptures.


3. Spiritual Songs: Giving praise singing in tongues.

Thus we could praise God in all of the above three ways. Just as King David praised with all his might before the arc of the covenant with dancing, let us praise Him with all our strength. Also, if we are to be filled with the heavenly joy that surpasses all our strength in praise, let us awaken ourselves to the Holy Spirit, depend on Him and allow Him to fill us.


When the Mother of God was overshadowed by the power of the Most High she praised God along with Elizabeth with the words "My soul magnifies the Lord" (Luke 1:46). She who was filled with the Holy Spirit seeing the greatness of God began to respond in praise. Undoubtedly she would have been speaking in tongues and singing with the disciples when they were filled with the Holy Spirit at the upper room. Like Mother Mary let us forget ourselves, be filled with the Holy Spirit, open ourselves to give praise in singing and for the gift of speaking in tongues and allow the worship to carry on. As a family let us fall down in worship before the Holy Trinity. Since God is waiting to speak to our family, to Pubuduwa, to the Holy Church, to the country and His children let us listen to Him during praise, open ourselves to the gifts of the Holy Spirit and then share them with others. If you receive a powerful message or a word, send it in writing to Jathika Sahayaka Ekathuwa. Trinitarian Worship -

To the Father Most High


To the Son, the Lord of heaven and earth


To the Holy Spirit

Enter into initial praise


Introduction to the sermon of His Eminence Most Rev. Dr. Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith, the Archbishop Our preparation now is to listen to the voice of God shared by His Eminence Most Rev. Dr. Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith, the Archbishop of Colombo our Chief Shepherd who has come to us and enter into a meditation with the word proclaimed. At the same time he will initiate another significant task. In a few minutes the solemn occasion of proclaiming the Jubilee Year marking the forty nine year journey of Kithu Dana Pubuduwa will take place. Now let us make our solemn preparation for this special moment amidst the sound of Magul Bera.

Sermon of His Eminence Most Rev. Dr. Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith, the Archbishop and the Proclamation of the Jubilee Year. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, we could consider the moment the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles as tongues of fire the most significant event in the History of the Church and we call this the Feast of Pentecost. The apostles who had been hiding in the upper room freed themselves from fear and stepped on to carry the good news to the whole world on that particular day with transformed lives which marks the beginning of the Church. Accordingly the action of the Holy Spirit has been visible throughout the history of the Church. Especially in the teaching authority of the Church this action of the Holy Spirit has been taking place and with the special intervention of His, The Church has been supported, protected and strengthened right throughout the long history of two thousand years. Indeed, the promise of Jesus to the apostles before His ascension was that the Holy Spirit will join them once he ascended into heaven. Therefore He commanded them to start preaching His gospel without any fear. This Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity which means the Lord that proceeds from the Father and the Son. He is the Godhead that effects a life transformation in us to be free from sin and self centeredness and encourages us on an authentic Christian journey. With regard to this St. Paul in his letter to the Romans gives us a


challenge clearly stating facts. His exhortation is for all of us to open ourselves to the Holy Spirit, to move towards a life conversion and to lead our lives under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This is clearly given in the letter written to the Romans. "But you are not in the flesh, you are in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him. But if Christ is in you, although your bodies are dead because of sin, your spirits are alive because of righteousness (Rom. 8:9, 10). Therefore, what we must do as a Christian is to make space for the Holy Spirit. For this purpose under the guidance of the Holy Spirit with the leadership of Rev. Fr. Siri Oscar Abeyaratne and 49 years ago, the organization called Kithu Dana Pubuduwa was gifted to Sri-Lanka providing a specially dedicated service in order to be incarnated through this movement to strengthen more and more the action of the Holy Spirit and to make people aware of this. Since then up till today, these our dear brothers in different places, dioceses and parishes in Sri-Lanka gathered together in small groups and engaged themselves in reviving this concept of making space and opening access to the Holy Spirit at the center of their lives and being witnesses to others with the grace of the Holy spirit. Therefore we should consider Kithu Dana Pubuduwa, this charismatic methodology as a special gift bestowed on the Catholic Church of Sri-Lanka by God. And this movement is due to celebrate her Golden Jubilee in 2021 for which reason we should make much preparation with more dedication and acceptance. We should come to know more and more the apostolic service that we are to carry out in the Catholic Church of Sri-Lanka in order to enlighten the lives of so many others. That is, all of you as members of Kithu Dana Pubuduwa should commit yourselves more and more to render a very good service in the future by starting a new life in the Holy Spirit and by struggling and overcoming our sin and self centeredness. Similarly, you should take steps to carry this message to others, and also to develop in them as well this spiritual life, living in the Spirit mentioned by St. Paul, to explain to them the value of living in the


Spirit. This is your apostolate and this is your mission. Therefore, it is paramount that you walk this journey hand in hand with the Catholic Church, since from within this Church that has been organized by the Lord throughout the past 2000 years and through the existence of its living reality, He has thus made to prevail, emerged many saints. And we too bear membership within this Catholic Church. Therefore, while we make use of the light of the Holy Spirit to transform our lives as well to the likeness of saints, if we live out our apostolic commitment to enlighten the lives of others, and in an attitude of concentrating on others rather than oneself, I believe that Kithu Dana Pubuduwa will be successful in activating a special program of evangelization in SriLanka. Therefore, as we celebrate this 50th year, what St. Paul says is that the Spirit is alive which means, if we make this choice of abandoning sin and selfishness, and decide to live in the Spirit, we will be able to be a real light for others. And if so, through Kithu Dana Pubuduwa we would be able to introduce to the whole of Sri-Lanka the nobility of this way of life. Further, St. Paul goes on to say clearly, "So then, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh – for if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body you will live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the spirit of sonship (Rom. 8:12-15). Therefore on this occasion I kindly request all of you to join with Very Rev. Fr. Robinson, the Spiritual Director of Kithu Dana Pubuduwa, to revive the Movement and to enrich it with new life. Also I wish that all the members of Kithu Dana Pubuduwa will get the opportunity to journey with the Church, along with the parish priests, bishops and with the support of the institutional church to successfully move towards a revival. I specially hope and pray for this intention and make this a splendid occasion to request this of you as you prepare yourselves for the Jubilee. May God bless you all!


Sing a short hymn. Introduction to the sermon of His Lordship, Most Rev. Dr. Valence Mendis, Bishop of Chilaw Next, we respectfully invite Most Rev. Dr. Valence Mendis, the Bishop of Chilaw, who is ever ready to support us in sharing divine revelations and in shepherding us, to address the members of Kithu Dana Pubuduwa this year too and to share with us the divine revelation of the Gospel.

The Sermon of His Lordship, Most Rev. Dr. Valence Mendis, Bishop of Chilaw Personally I feel quite happy to be able to deliver this message on the occasion of preparing for the Golden Jubilee of Kithu Dana Pubuduwa. For 49 years, Kithu Dana Pubuduwa had rendered a special service and contribution to the Catholic Church. First of all I wish to take this opportunity to ask the Lord to bless our chaplain, members and all those who work with much dedication to achieve its objectives. I think it was at the very beginning of Kithu Dana Pubuduwa that it sprang into being even in the Diocese of Chilaw. Our late Bishop, Rt. Rev. Dr. Marcus Fernando gave immense support to Kithu Dana Pubuduwa. I know that it was very pleasing to him. As such by now, a good number of communities have been formed in the Diocese of Chilaw. During past several years we had our annual gatherings at diocesan level during which I noticed how many Pubudu communities have been formed within the Diocese and I was very happy about it and praised God. Similarly I believe that it has made a great contribution with regard to Church activities in the country as a whole. We know that when we think of Church affairs the word of God is a very significant factor. We know that there are two major sections within the Catholic Church. To the extent we safeguard these two factors, determine the road map and the quality of the Church. One is the Catholic tradition, the tradition that is coming down from Jesus Christ and the next significant factor is the Word of God, the Holy Bible.


So, when we consider the service rendered by Kithu Dana Pubuduwa, I think all of us would agree that it has been very influential in taking the Word of God to our people and for them to live their lives based on the Word. Thus by now, there has emerged a group of laity who is loyal to the Word of God, who are willing to study, learn and reflect on the Word under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and who are well aware of its necessity. Therefore when we focus on this matter I think for the past 49 years Pubuduwa has rendered a great service in this regard. So, we know how important the Word of God is to Christian life. What Jesus said of the Word is "One who believes in me, who loves me, should live according to the word of God." He said, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments." Thus what the Lord said was that it is not enough to love Him and believe in Him without keeping His word. So, to know the word of God we should read, meditate and reflect on it. Therefore, even today, we very much feel the value and importance of its necessity. And I think the Holy Spirit used Kithu Dana Pubuduwa as a powerful medium through which to take the Word of God to our people and to get people closer to the Word. We know that it is only meditating and reflecting on the Word of God would lead us to a deep Christian life and nothing else. Without this our Christian life could be very superficial. Our Christian life, our Christian faith will deepen only to the extent that we meditate and reflect on the Word of God. We observe and we are well aware when we consider the Church affairs and Christian life how diminished is the meditation in the lives of our children and youth. Even with regard to the elders it is on a very low level. So, in order to improve these qualities we have at our hand within the Church the instrument, the Kithu Dana Pubuduwa. A committed group of missionaries and members have been born in connection with this. And with their help and support we could take the Word of God to the entire Christian family and to allow it to have a powerful impact on their lives. We know that within the Catholic Church especially in Asia, the decision that the Bishops have taken to determine the road map of


the Church is by means of Small Christian Communities. Even in our Chilaw Diocese we try very much to form and improve these Small Christian Communities in our parishes. In this attempt our brothers and sisters of Kithu Dana Pubuduwa could give us a good support because already they are quite familiar with it. Even in our effort with regard to Small Christian Communities our motive is to teach them to lead their lives based on the Wword of God and to confirm their faith in the Lord more and more on the Word of God. So, what I am trying to say is that during this time, Kithu Dana Pubuduwa is very useful to us for to take the Word of the Lord today, as well as tomorrow to our people since it is the Holy Word that was incarnated. The powerful medium through which to take Jesus the Lord to the people is the Word of God. Therefore, on this occasion while we again greet our newly appointed chaplain as well as the members committed for the task we wish them strength and power of the Holy Spirit to move forward with a new impetus in the Holy Spirit in future and especially for another fifty years. May God bless you all!


Sing a short hymn Introduction to the sermon of Rt. Rev. Dr. Noel Emmanuel the Bishop of Trincomalee God chose His people irrespective of nationality, clan and language. The core meaning, the universal quality of Christianity is to move beyond all of the above and proclaim His Holy Revelation and His Holy Love. It is simply based on this that on invitation Rt. Rev. Dr. Noel Emmauel Fernando the Bishop of Trincomalle joins with us, the members of Kithu Dana Pubuduwa this night ready to share with us the voice, the word of the Lord Most Holy. And I respectfully invite His Lordship the Bishop of Trincomalee to deliver his sermon.

The Sermon of Rt. Rev. Dr. Noel Emmanuel Fernando the Bishop of Trincomalee My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus, The Christian Charismatic Movement or the revival movement called Pubuduwa is journeying towards its 50th anniversary. In 1971 Rev. Fr. Oscar Abeyaratne worked as a powerful instrument of God. And along with him many others walked this journey and made their contribution. It is our duty to praise and thank God for the marvelous deeds God has accomplished during these 49 years. God has handled each one of them as His powerful instrument. Many have received His healing, experienced life in Him and received His guidance. And all of us have been invited to this new life, the life of renewal for which we should thank and praise Him. Kithu Dana Pubuduwa hope to celebrate 2021, their fiftieth year as the Jubilee Year and therefore they wish to spend this time as a time of preparation. On the year 2019 we have meditated on everything good accomplished by God as "Abba Father! Abba Mother!" We have reflected on his blessing, his love, mercy and all else. Similarly Kithu Dana Pubuduwa as a charismatic movement has reflected on the action of the Holy Spirit, of His gifts and graces. We


have read in the Scriptures of His action and prayed and reflected on it thankfully. Accordingly in the year 2020 we are going to especially reflect on both the Holy Spirit and Mother Mary. We wish to reflect how much the Holy Spirit has blessed the life of Mother Mary and how she adhered to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This year we will celebrate on the theme "Mary, the power of the Most High will overshadow you!" While 2021 will be the Jubilee Year during which we wish to deeply reflect on Christ. And we are preparing ourselves now to celebrate this Jubilee Year. We believe that God as One God is active as Three Persons. Therefore these Three Persons are called the Trinity. When we consider the action of the Trinity we find their action in the Book of Genesis. The Scriptures mention the Spirit hovering over the waters. Similarly, with the words of the Father "Let there be light" there was light and the world was created. We could find this in the Holy Bible. Similarly we very much find the action of God the Father in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, especially in the Gospels we find the action of Christ. Also, along with the feast of Pentecost we could find as well as read how the disciples and the early Christians experienced the action of the Holy Spirit especially in the Acts of the Apostles. When we look into the New Testament, we see that a vocation was given to Mary through the angel Gabriel. In the most sublime revelation given to Mary through this vision the angel's reply to Mary's question is "Mary, the power of the most high will overshadow you." Thus at the moment that the infant Jesus was conceived through the Holy Spirit Mary with the words, "I am the handmaid of the Lord, be it done unto me according to thy word," commits herself totally to the action of the Holy Spirit. At the moment when Mary met Elizabeth the Holy Spirit fully overshadows Elizabeth. As made obvious through her words she too experiences the action of the Holy Spirit in her life. When we focus on


the life of Jesus, at the beginning itself it is mentioned in the Gospels how the Holy Spirit descends in the form of a dove. Similarly, when Christ met His disciples after the resurrection, He breathes on them saying, receive the Spirit. Also we could see how in the life of Christ the Holy Spirit did act in union with Him. Also we could read in the Acts how the Pentecostal experience happened to be a very powerful experience in the lives of the apostles. When we consider the action of the Holy Spirit in our lives, the Holy Spirit is bestowed on us at our Baptism and especially when we receive the sacrament of Confirmation. Thus we are called in and through Christ to be a people who have had contact and known the Holy Spirit, received His gifts and graces in order to give a powerful witness. The feast of Pentecost is considered the feast of the Holy Spirit as well as the great feast of Kithu Dana Pubuduwa, the date on which the Church was born or her birthday. It is the Lord who gave birth to the Church. While He is the Head of the Church we are its members. Along with this we should not forget the commandment of love given to His disciples by Christ which is also the foundation of Christianity. He clearly states, "loving one another just as I have loved you," is your responsibility. Christ declares that there is no love greater than sacrificing one's life for his friends. Also this love was made visible through His sacrifice on the cross. Thus we accept this commandment of love and we opt to engage ourselves in the works of charity as a people filled with love and mercy. For this purpose mercy and kindness play a significant role. If we are equipped with this love and be faithful to this commandment definitely we will turn out to be a forgiving people living in union with each other. We prepare ourselves to ask for forgiveness if we have done something wrong and if others rise against us, to pray for them and forgive them by which means we will be able to improve


our relationship with others. Thus He renews us daily by way of our acceptance and acknowledgement of love as a great commandment and through our life witness. This year we are going to live out the theme "Mary, the power of the most high will overshadow you!" And this year too will be a significant year with regard to our preparation. Let us fully make use of the opportunity given. God does bless each and every one of us and gives the guidance necessary. As such it will be a time of preparation. So, let us enter into a great journey participating in the sermons, reflections, prayer sessions and other programmes made available. We hope to commit ourselves for this task through which we should be led into a life of communion. Let us behave as people aware of this vocation. Indeed the Lord will guide all of us magnificently. We have been directed to spend this time as a time of preparation. Especially if we are to be authentic people of Kithu Dana Pubuduwa our witnessing will be very important. Let us have this objective in view. We are sure to receive God's blessing and the guidance of the Holy Spirit without fail. May God bless, empower and guide each one of you! Amen!


Sing a short hymn. Introduction to the sermon of Rev. Fr. Robinson Wijesinghe, the Spiritual Director On the journey of Kithu Dana Pubuduwa simply led by the Holy Spirit alone it was Rev. Fr. Siri Oscar Abeyaratne, our dear Swami thaththa that God made use of as his powerful instrument. Today, the illumination revealed through him to our nation and country is being applied to daily life more than any other time and it has been our experience. In face of the worldwide pandemic we are confronted with the revealed insights by Swami thaththa three decades ago are having a great impact not only on the country as a whole but on the entire earth. Surely this has been our experience and for which reason we of Pubuduwa consider him as our prophet. While we recall the memories of him and thank God for him we respectfully invite our spiritual director to share his gospel revelation for Pubuduwa with us tonight. Now my invitation is to Rev. Fr. Robinson Wijesinghe, our spiritual director.

The Sermon of Rev. Fr. Robinson Wijesinghe, the spiritual director "Mary, the power of the Most High will overshadow you." (Luke 1:35) God bless you! My dear brothers and sisters, children and youth, as members of Kithu Dana Pubudawa we are preparing ourselves on the night of 30th May 2020 in a different way than the previous year and moreover in difficult circumstances to enter into the powerful experience of Pentecost as a family and also individually at times. Today is the beginning of the 49th year of the Pubudu journey introduced by Swami thaththa, Rev. Fr. Oscar Abeyaratne in 1971 to the Sri-Lankan Catholic Church. We are starting the year to night. Therefore we are preparing ourselves to enter into a deeper experience on the Pentecost of 2021 wherein we come to celebrate the Golden Jubilee. For the past several years as the faithful of Kithu Dana Pubuduwa, we made an attempt to discern the Will of God the Father, in our past, present and future journey and to understand the vocation given to us by the Son of God. During the preparatory year for the Jubilee declared by


His Eminence Malcom Cardinal Ranjith, the Archbishop of Colombo we are preparing to glorify God the Father, as a group to enter into the task nourishing the entire Catholic Church with a spacious mind and a deep spirituality for which reason, the Archbishop of Colombo, His Eminence invited us to remain in a comforting and significant experience such as this. It is with great respect, love and joy we think of the Kithu Dana Pubudu faithful in Sri-Lanka and abroad during this night. We greet you all with joined hands, and offer you in the presence of God in praise and worship. This year we live, move and have our being based on a unique experience of our Blessed Mother as given in Luke 1:35. It reads as follows: "And the angel said to her, 'The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy.'" My dear brothers, sisters and children, the power that the Mother of God is overshadowed with is the same great power which the Saviour, the prophets and the leaders were chosen, appointed and endowed with to lead and build up the people in the Old Testament. We could read on this and study the contents in Psalm 104:30, Judges 3:10, 6:34, 1 Samuel 16:13 and Micah 3:8. Thus we find how the Most High overshadow Mary with His power in order to give birth to the Messiah for the royal and prophetic mission just as the Divine Inspiration, the cloud, the power of the Most High, overshadowed the tent in which the arc of the covenant was placed. We could read this in Exodus 40:34-35. And also it is identical to the cloud, the power and the inspiration coming from God, from the heavens to overshadow the temple (2 Chronicles 5:13-14). Therefore the Holy Father Benedict XVI tells us that the Magnificat in Luke 46 speaks of the entire design planned by God through her and through her whole life which means Mary is speaking of God, of the plan of salvation designed by God in her life. Yet, even though the song is hers, she never for a moment speaks of herself. Every right she is endowed with is given over to God and for which reason she uttered the words, "I am the handmaid of the Lord." Out of the human beings, Mother Mary is the only person, only daughter of humanity that enters into such a significant experience. She is very transparent and the most significant quality in her was the innate desire to glorify God. She wanted to grow small, to be humble and submissive and be the handmaid of the Lord. When the Spirit of God does overshadow her, fills her with His power and when the Savior of God is born of her, her desire is to grow small, to be a handmaid, a servant. What powerful


and wonderful qualities does she possess? Isn't she a challenge to us? Her desire is to be a handmaid of faith and hope (Luke 1:45). Her desire is to love (John 2:4, John 13:1). Her desire is to remain at the foot of the cross in pain, in tears and when all is lost still to obey God the Father more and more, to be completely His and to love Him alone (John 19:25-27). Her desire is to participate in the same experience until the beginning of the Church, until the Pentecost for the purpose of every word and plan of His Son being accomplished, to become a shade of protecting the frightened disciples, and a shadow behind them who were starting the journey filled with the Holy Spirit, to be behind the scene yet close to them providing encouragement, to grow small, to love and be a handmaid. This is the great challenge for us who are of Kuthu Dana Pubuduwa. To be little, be a handmaid, to grow small, to submit and to glorify the Lord. Therefore, we come to realize that the nobility of Mother Mary rests solely on the freedom and openness she had towards God and her unending faith in Him. Not only did she listen to the word but also made the word her own and kept it within herself bearing fruit and of being overshadowed by the Spirit. St. John points out how she joined herself with the hour of His Son, Christ, at the wedding at Cana (John. 19:25-26), and at Golgotha at the foot of the cross (John. 19:25-26) for which reason St. Thomas Aquinas says, that it is the Mother of God who shows us the way to heaven just as the star shining in the sky guides the sailors to the harbor. According to St. Augustine, it is the Mother of God who was the first woman to bear in her womb the life of Christ that even the heaven could not hold. It is simply based on this that St. John Mary Vianney tells us "Let us be like Mother Mary, Love God alone, make Him our only desire and lead our lives as pleasing to Him alone. If so, my dear devout brothers, sisters and children, as the life force, pride and joy of Kithu Dana Pubuduwa, invite the Holy Spirit, the divine inspiration to overshadow you which the Mother of God was overshadowed with, and plead with Him. Let it be our prayer this night that just as His Eminence requested of us, may the life of Kithu Dana Pubuduwa be equipped with a spirituality of being a life force of renewal, providing nourishment to the entire Church in order to build it up. Thank you all the same and may God be glorified more and more. May God bless you!


Sing a short hymn Introduction to the sermon of Rev. Fr. Alex Nilantha This revival made a reality in Sri-Lanka by God through Swami thaththa handling him as a powerful instrument influenced not only the laity but also the entire community of religious, priests and lay people. With the light of this new revival, especially young priests of our age are active in enlightening the lives of our people bringing them the joy of this charismatic renewal and for which we should give praise to the Lord Most High. Rev. Fr. Alex Nilantha is a priest unforgettable along this journey. Throughout the past several years the insights revealed by the Holy Spirit through him have been a real strength to Pubuduwa opening our hearts to a new dimension based on which we respectfully invited him to join with us tonight and share with us a handful of water from the unquenchable spring of the Holy Spirit. Hence, my invitation is to Rev. Fr. Alex Nilantha to deliver his sermon.

The Sermon of Rev. Fr. Alex Nilantha Shalom! Alleluiah! My dear Fathers, Mothers and children of Kithu Dana Pubudwa, "The power of the Most High will overshadow you" is our theme this year. Really speaking the words within it are not very familiar to us. Yet I would like to pick just one word out of it and enter into a meditation with you. "Overshadowing" or "Episcaiso" in Greek is the word I wish to take up for our meditation. The theme that we have chosen out of Luke 1:35, out of which we take the word "Episcaiso" and its deep meaning brings to us an ever new teaching of the action of the Holy Spirit which the Virgin Mother was overshadowed with. And this is the Good News for us of Kithu Dana Pubuduwa. We as Kithu Dana Pubuduwa have received a new teaching wherever the Holy Spirit relates Himself to the Blessed Mother and whenever she opens herself to the Holy Spirit in her life. Thus, this year too, what does the Holy Spirit who overshadowed Mother Mary teach us? As a simple daughter, a plain young girl, she would have had dreams and


plans in life to enter into a good marriage and to build a family as a good wife and a mother. We wonder whether they were blotted out for a moment. The greeting that the angel brought to her and the events destined for her life were indeed humanly unacceptable. Whether it was from God or from the Most High, it was a condition that one could not give a response on the level of a human being. It was a condition that one's dreams would be broken and shattered and a condition that one is supposed to face what was most contrary to her hopes. And she is shocked, disturbed and troubled for a moment and wonders what sort of a greeting is this. It is precisely at this moment that the angel says, "Fear not, be not afraid, the power of the most high will overshadow you, His inspiration will remain with you, stay with you. Therefore you are not alone, the decision that you take now affects not only your life but also the entire humanity. Your 'Amen' to this impacts not only your life but the entire life of humanity. Therefore let it be. Surrender to the moment of the overshadowing of the power of the Most High." Accordingly she gives a positive response. And it results in a new creation based on her response "Let it be done unto me according to thy word." And it was the same new creation that sprang into being when the Spirit of God started moving over the earth which was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep as given in Genesis Chapter One. "Overshadowing," "Episcaiso" Really what happens here? Indeed it was a moment that she was subjected to a particular type of emptying. It was a kenosis experience of letting go of what she was to receive and what she had already received in life which is not very attractive to a human being. It has negative overtones, a negative outlook and expression. Did I lose everything? Have I lost everything? Will I lose everything? All these questions cropped up in her mind. At the same time, she allowed herself to fill up her life with something ever new. She made space for this newness to enter into her life and work in her. This is the newest, the most pure and clearest meaning of the word "Episcaiso."


A person gets to know about oneself, plans one's life and takes decisions based on his/her past experiences, preconceived ideas and help and support he/she receives from others. Advice and counsel one receives at human level, wisdom and experiential knowledge help him to move forward in life. A person's life could be filled with all of the above when taking decisions, in facing life, challenges and confronted with problems and all these prior experiences, prior knowledge does influence him since they come to the forefront of his life. Yet, what happened in the case of Mother Mary? She was impelled to accept the mysterious event about to take place in her which was not at all conceivable to human intellect and senses. It was beyond the human mind and above sense perception. She felt within herself that the response should be made through a different channel, different medium and in quite a different manner. Just as she uttered her 'Amen,' and 'Let it be done unto me according to thy word,' something mysterious and amazing took place within herself. She knew that she was being taught something new that stretches far beyond the human mind and physical senses. What was it? It was none other than Faith, trust, deeply holding on to, remaining steadfast. She knew through her experience that even faith is a channel through which a person is taught in a mysterious manner. Thus, within this word 'Episcaiso' and 'Overshadowing' she was lifted to an extraordinary level and was opened up to a vast amount of knowledge. Therefore, on one hand she made faith a medium of gaining knowledge and on the other hand she realized that God could work out His plans in a mysterious way without the aid of geographical and human knowledge, methodologies of scientists and materialistic processes or within a frame work of any rules and regulations thus limiting himself to some sort of a strategy. She also realized that when the Holy Spirit descended into the life of a person, she or he will be taught in a mysterious manner something ever new. Thus what occurred in her was something very strange and something that has never taken place in the history of humanity, beyond biological explanation, and not pertaining either to physical sciences, human concepts, and mathematical equations. Hence, we come to the conclusion that


"Episcaiso" means a medium of knowledge as well as a word that reminds us of an ever new experience which proves that faith is an ever new form of knowledge not pertaining to intelligence or physical senses but to the Holy Spirit. She was the first person to be overshadowed by the Holy Spirit in order to be led by Him. In the history of humanity there had been people who acted out of intelligence and according to the sensations but she was the first person to be thus enveloped by the Holy Spirit. Really speaking, when the time set by God arrives, when the time, the moment determined by God has come what takes place cannot be halted or hindered by any human force or action. Even if we try to deny it saying that it is not conceivable and cannot be analyzed by the human mind the process cannot be thwarted. What does it mean by the appointed time of God? It is 'Cairos,' the moment of salvation. We learn that Cairos Moment is a time in which a person is redeemed as well as a moment that others will be saved or redeemed through him or her. Therefore, we come to believe that the moment of the Mother of God being overshadowed by the Holy Spirit is not only a 'Cairos Moment' for her, the moment of her own salvation but also the moment in which the entire humanity was saved. This is our Good News. Exactly forty nine years ago when Fr. Oscar was facing an inner struggle through which he was made to share his experience in a foreign land with a foreign family, he did not know at the moment he was being overshadowed by the Divine inspiration and the Holy Spirit was initiating His action in him that 'Kuthu Dana Pubudu Movement,' capable of awakening the entire Catholic Church of SriLanka, the most significant revival movement of the world successful in teaching the whole world the experience of awakening in a most new way would be emerged through his experience and will spread out by means of the ray of light received and radiated through him. He was most unaware of the fact. If such was the experience of our dear Swami thaththa, neither you nor I know exactly if you and I are to be really overshadowed by the power of the Most High‌'Episcaiso' ‌.if


we empty ourselves to the extent that we lose ourselves and continue being filled with the Holy Spirit we will not be able to grasp with our human intelligence nor will it be pertaining to our physical senses and understanding what God is going to accomplish through us, through divine inspiration, for the betterment of the entire Catholic Church, our country, the whole of Asia and the whole Universe. If we are to comprehend this we should be touched and led by the Holy Spirit. To achieve this end, the Blessed Mother was the first student to learn at the school, at the educational institute and university of the Holy Spirit. What she learned was something ever new. What was it? When we claim for ourselves through faith what is not pertaining to human intelligence and physical senses and stay open to the Holy Spirit God does accomplish in us something ever new. Therefore, if you are an awakened mother or father, a son or daughter, your vocation is to be open and receptive to the Holy Spirit. And that is what it means to learn from the school of the Holy Spirit. That is why Kithu Dana Pubuduwa holds a significant place among the revival movements of the world. Our dear swami thaththa is a great man who studied at the Institute of the Holy Spirit. And we do not hesitate but boldly proclaim that he is a powerful prophet. Such a vast Pneumatology learnt from the school of the Holy Spirit was capable of making the entire Pubuduwa an educational institute of the Holy Spirit. There was a gap, a vacant space in the universe to be filled with Pneumatology and it was accomplished by our dear Swami thaththa of Kithu Dana Pubuduwa with his life experience for practical application. Thus, "The power of the most high will overshadow you!" "Episcaiso" "Overshadowing" is not simply a concept but a life experience. May this overshadowing be upon all of us! May the Holy Spirit overshadow all of us! Amen.


Sing a short hymn Introduction to the theme sermon With great humility we recall the fact that it is Kithu Dana Pubuduwa who trained the children of Mother Lanka to live out a theme taken from a word revealed by God Himself since from 1975 till today, God has been carrying the people of Kithu Dana Pubuduwa from year to year towards new vistas with an annually gifted theme. Thus, now we have arrived at the crowning moment of this night to enjoy the blessedness of the great theme gifted to us. It is Ranjana Kaviratne amma of Kithu Dana Pubudu Jathika Ekathuwa who has come to us with this word. We lovingly extend our invitation to her to share with us this great revelation, the great theme revealed to live out throughout the whole year. Let us close our eyes for a moment and make space for the Holy Spirit to take us through the year. We, the Pubudu members are standing before the Jubilee Year called by God to celebrate as a family. If possible lay your hands and touch the person next to you and all the family members and pray to God Almighty in your own words pleading with the Lord to touch us, our family that we too may be enlightened to respond to this great experience throughout the year and prepare ourselves to receive the Word.

Proclamation of the Annual Theme – 2020 and the Theme Sermon – Ranjana Amma God bless everybody! "Mary, the power of the most high will overshadow you" (Luke 1:35). Even this year God has gifted us with a beautiful theme. First of all I would like to share with you how we got this theme. Next year in 2021, we are celebrating our Golden Jubilee and it will be a very significant, beautiful and holy occasion. It has been four years since we started preparing for this event and when we remained ourselves in prayer He gave us some guidance for this occasion. And we are supposed to take as our initial theme 'Jesus Christ is our Lord and Master.' Accordingly in


the final three years, the first year was dedicated to "Abba Father! Abba Mother!" And we started experiencing the love of God the Father. This is our second year which we have set apart for the Holy Spirit according to divine guidance. We hope to concentrate on the Lordship of Jesus Christ during the third year. As such we focus on the Trinity during the final three years. First, we focused on God the Father, in the final year it was on the Son and the middle year on the Holy Spirit. As members of Pubuduwa when we hear the Name of the Holy Spirit we are reminded of our Blessed Mother and the reason why she remains a mother dear to us who can never be separated from our life or our Pubudu journey. Therefore according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit or as guided by the Holy Spirit we have dedicated this year to the Holy Spirit as well as our Blessed Mother. So, throughout the year we are going to awaken ourselves to the Holy Spirit. And we are going to see how our Blessed Mother led her life filled with the Holy Spirit. How did Mother Mary possess such a beautiful life? How did this amazingly beautiful life happen to be destined for Mother Mary? It would never have happened if not for the Holy Spirit. Therefore we are going to meditate on and experience the journey the Mother of God traversed with the Holy Spirit. And we are going to follow her footsteps. If I present it in a very concise form this is the Theme of the year. Holy Spirit is the Spouse of the Mother of God. Mother of God is the spouse of the Holy Spirit. For us, the members of Pubuduwa, the first experience of our Charisma is the Mother of God due to which she is going to influence our lives this year in a significant manner. Dearly beloved brethren, Pentecost is a very significant feast, an occasion for all of us. We call this the birth day of the Church. Then as soon as we say the feast of the Holy Spirit there are two persons involved whom we can never forget. They are the Mother of God and the Holy Mother the Church. There is no Pentecost without Mother Mary and no Church without the Pentecost. Therefore we come to realize how significant are Mother Mary, the Pentecost and the Holy Spirit to our life, to Holy Mother the Church and Kithu Dana Pubuduwa.


Dearly Beloved Brethren, there would be no Christian life without the Holy Spirit. A renowned writer says that the Bible will be just an ordinary document without the Holy Spirit which is quite true. Who would make us understand the meaning of the Word other than the Holy Spirit? Hence, without Him the Church will have no meaning, the Holy Bible will have no meaning, and everything, even our Christian life would be meaningless. In short, without the Holy Spirit, we will not be able to say, "Jesus Christ is our Lord and Master." Therefore, if we are to joyfully proclaim next year that Jesus Christ is our Lord and to witness to Him, from now on we must enter into a life in close connection with the Holy Spirit. Beloved Brethren, it is Christ who bestowed on us the Holy Spirit. The Lord who fully embraced our humanity knew that we simply cannot exist without the Holy Spirit. And for which purpose He went to the Father before His passion, offered a wonderful prayer and said, "Father, gift them with the Holy Spirit who is in you and in me." Then in order to obtain this gift for us Christ had to face crucifixion, to experience the condemned death, to climb the cursed cross. As such, the foremost and most sublime gift bestowed on us by the Lord is the Holy Spirit. Beloved brethren, the Father fully bestows on the Son the Holy Spirit whom the Son fully bestows on us. There is an amazing type of word given in Acts 2:33. "Being therefore exalted at the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this which you see and hear." What does Christ do? He accomplishes the amazing task of gifting us with the Holy Spirit whom He received from the Father. Chapter 3 verse 34 of St. John's Gospel says that it is not by measure that God gives us the Spirit. He bestows on us the Holy Spirit and that with no limit whatsoever. Romans 5:5 states, "‌because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us" which means dearly beloved brethren, the Holy Spirit is God Himself, the Third Person of the Trinity, a Godhead. Thus Jesus bestowed on us


simply the Third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, God Himself. Who on earth could gift us with so great a gift, a gift so wonderful. When the Holy Spirit comes upon us He renews all things, He renews our lives, effects a total transformation which has been the experience of most of us. Dearly beloved brethren, if I ask you a question, "Will it be of any use if the Sun does not give light?" Similarly if I ask "Will there be of any use of the sea without water?" Therefore I would like to tell you that a Christian without the Holy Spirit is simply a puppet or a scarecrow with no power, no love, engulfed in despair and anxiety, filled with malice, avarice, hatred and jealousy‌The Christian without the Holy Spirit becomes a person constantly trying to give prominence to oneself and one who cannot love the other person. Dearly beloved brethren, recently I was able to listen to a wonderful sermon on the Pentecost. The preacher said, "The Church without the Holy Spirit is like a widow without her spouse, the bridegroom." Just imagine if on the wedding day the bride finds her groom missing, what would she feel, what helplessness, sorrow, loneliness and loss? As soon as I heard this sentence my thoughts were straight away drawn to our Blessed Mother. I remembered how she would have stood there. At once the scene appeared before my eyes Mary standing there without St. Joseph. If St. Joseph was there he would have provided her much strength with his hand upon her shoulder. St. Joseph was not there at that moment to support her and love her. Yet there was a person with her, not a simple man but God Himself, the Holy Spirit. Mother Mary was present there inspired by the Holy Spirit. Therefore the early Church called Mother Mary at this moment with a beautiful name "Starbart Marta" which means the mother who was standing erect at the foot of the cross. Dearly beloved brethren, when I reflect on this particular moment I feel quite helpless. If I were in this situation what sort of response would have been mine? What sort of power was Mother Mary endowed with? From whom did she receive such power? No lamentation, no crying, cursing, ill will and in short, not even a loud sigh or a soft grumbling


at least. It is with an amazingly great silence that Mother Mary was present there witnessing this terrifying, heartrending, unique incident. The Creator is being massacred by man and cruelly indeed. When we look at the behavior of Mother Mary at this moment we come to realize how much power could be there when one is filled with the Holy Spirit and how much love one could possess. Reflecting on Mother Mary gives us the grace to experience this. Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, this year more than any other time we should focus our minds and hearts on the Holy Spirit and Mother Mary, and to pray for the grace thus to enter into this experience. Mother Mary is the spouse of the Holy Spirit. So, if the spouse of the Church too is the Holy Spirit and we are the Church how much power should we experience in this journey? Beloved brethren, when I was engrossed in prayer three significant moments of the Blessed Mother came to my mind. One is the Incarnation the other is the Paschal Mystery and the other the Pentecost. During all these three incidents the blessed mother was again and again filled with the Holy Spirit. Our Blessed Mother was an ordinary peasant girl, born and bred in a rural area. She becomes a mother. Yet, when the evangelists mention these three incidents it is not as an ordinary girl, a woman or an ordinary mother that they present her but they highlight her. She is presented to us as a person of unique character, a woman filled with the Holy Spirit. If we reflect on the Incarnation in Luke 1:35 from which we have extracted our theme we could read, "the child to be born would be called the Son of God" which means Mother of the Son of God, the Mother of God is our Blessed Mother. How did our Blessed Mother become the mother of God? When we recite the Creed we always say, "‌who was born of the Virgin Mary conceived by the Holy Spirit" which means through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Just concentrate on the role of the Holy Spirit. How amazing is the power of the Holy Spirit manifested here? At the foot of the cross there were other women. Yet, as the evangelists record the Mother of Jesus was not only an ordinary mother but she turns out to be the Mother of


the entire Holy Catholic Church at the foot of the cross. Again it is mentioned at the Pentecost as follows. "All these with one accord devoted themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus‌" Here again our Blessed Mother is exalted by St. Luke, the author of the Acts of the Apostles. The mother of Jesus is not like the other women and she is not compared with the other women. They are awaiting the Holy Spirit. Our Blessed Mother knows that it is the third person of the Trinity that her Son was going to bestow on them. What a wonderful experience? Recently I happened to read a letter of Fr. Kantalameza where he relates a wonderful story: At the foot of the cross the Blessed Mother became the Mother of the Church. And she who thus received the baptism of the Holy Spirit became the god mother of the apostles, disciples and the Church at the Pentecost. At the same time he says, that everybody cannot be a god mother. If one is to be the god mother of somebody's child she should have received baptism which is a prerequisite. Here the Blessed Mother has become the Mother of the Church at the foot of the cross. And she remains with the disciples to receive the Holy Spirit at Pentecost together with the community of disciples, the people, men and women gathered there to help them, the frightened lot to receive the Holy Spirit. At the time they too had been going through an experience similar to a lock down. They too were hiding behind locked doors, locked down and unable to get out for the fear of being killed. Yet the Blessed Mother was with them giving them support and strength to face this 'lock down' courageously. Thus, being with them our Blessed Mother gives them courage and strength to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Dearly beloved brethren, I am going to make a loving request to you: This year all of us must stay at the upper room with our Blessed Mother. Every time we spend at the upper room, it will not simply a 'lock down' but a place where the fear will vanish, the Holy Spirit will be bestowed on us and an ever new space would be opened to receive the most holy and loving power from above. Therefore, this year I request all the members of Kithu Dana Pubuduwa to remain in the upper room. Not only when devoted to fellowship and prayer


but also we must not forget that the Holy Spirit is bestowed on us while the Mother of God is present with us. Again and again when we join ourselves with the Mother of God she says, "Do whatever He (Christ) tells you." As such, our Blessed Mother is the 'god-mother' who teaches us to join ourselves with the Holy Spirit to receive him, the first gift of Christ. Something amazing happened there. The Holy Spirit descended upon them like the rush of a mighty wind and they began to speak in other tongues. The Jews in Jerusalem when they heard their utterance were bewildered because each one heard them speaking in his own language. And after this experience they started giving witness to Christ. Therefore, may be some of us and most of us are still at the tower of Babel. We are building the tower of Babel. We are building our own glory entering into a life of giving prominence to self. And today the Lord is calling us to break down the tower of Babel and enter into the Upper room where everything is changed, where the glory is not given to anybody else but to God. When we enter the upper room the Holy Spirit will bestow on us the grace to give glory to the risen Lord and to be His witnesses. And we should take this word seriously and have an impact on our country, the world and the Church. Just as they continued without fear and renouncing self, we should become the witnesses of Jesus Christ. Not only did they left everything for the sake of Christ but offered up their life, blood and body and some of them went to the cross. Likewise, we should be ready to do whatever he says for the sake of the Lord. Looking at them some said they were drunk. Really they were not drunk but I thought they had drunk a new type of water. I thought they had taken a new drink. And that is the life giving- water. I thought they had drunk from the river of the grace of the Holy Spirit. Dearly beloved brethren, I would like to share with you a wonderful word that I found in the Holy Bible these days and direct your attention to it. Revelation 22:1 states as follows: "‌the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the lamb‌" It does not flow from where Mahaweli or Kelani starts, or from where Nile and Missippi, the world famous rivers start. Unlike such rivers,


it is a river bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the lamb with life-giving water. This year we must drink from this river. One who drinks this water will not die again, will not turn into darkness with despair. So fresh and renewed the life of one who drinks from this will be that he will start being raised and lifted up like a son of God. Romans 8:14 says, "For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God." Dearly beloved brethren, this is how the scarecrow becomes a son of God. The Christian without the Holy Spirit is a puppet, a scarecrow. The Christian filled with the Holy Spirit is a son of God. This year the Lord is inviting you to come to this state. It is a life-giving river, a divine river, a river of the Holy Spirit from where the water of God flows. God Himself is the river which Christ drank from, mother Mary drank from. The invitation is also extended to us to drink from this river and receive life. John 7:37 reads as follows: A very beautiful verse that I wish to read out from the Holy Bible itself. "On the last day, Jesus stood up and proclaimed, 'if any one thirst, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me, as the scripture has said, Out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water.' Now this he said about the Spirit, which those who believed in him were to receive; for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified." Now Hhe has already been glorified and the river is among us. And the Lord is inviting us to drink from this river and enter into a great experience. Therefore dearly beloved brethren, even if the whole world is home bound in fear of Corona ‌Yes, in the midst of this frightening experience when we drink this water, from us would flow down the life-giving water. Just as the frightened disciples like Peter turned upside down, like they became fearless as much as to opt willingly and with joy to be crucified and became His witnesses we too could be transformed. Therefore the invitation is for us to be witnesses of the risen Lord, Jesus Christ, to be powerful witnesses, to be people of praise just as the disciples did in the midst of suffering and persecution. When the Holy Spirit is bestowed on us we receive new life. As I said, we receive the divine son-ship. In the same measure that we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us we will experience divine son-ship. Dearly


beloved brethren, tonight at 10 'O' clock in Italian time through 'Caris' prayers will be offered all over the world for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. A thousand of them from countries all over the world are going to sing with tongues to which ten will join from our country too. What a sacred moment? This year of the Holy Spirit is a year that we would enjoy the gifts and fruits of the Spirit and also a year of singing. Just glance at the Magnificat of Mother Mary and how wonderfully she sang in another language. Therefore, we too should make this year of singing in the Holy Spirit like Mother Mary and leading a joyful life. Similarly before I end this talk I would like to share with you of another significant quality inherent to Mother Mary and that is the power of silence. Emulating Mother Mary the entire Pubuduwa should experience the power of silence. It was after I experienced silence and stillness in my life for about three and a half years that God started speaking to me precisely in this stillness and that in a most amazing way. Therefore dearly beloved brethren we have to rediscover the power of silence. We have to re-discover this wonderful taste and power which was in Mother Mary, the power of stillness. "Be still and know that I am your God." May this year be a time of bearing fruit as well as being like Mother Mary and may it be very beautiful, powerful and filled with glory! May God bless you!


Sing the Theme Song Mary, the power of the most high will overshadow you. Introduction to the Ritual of Light Ritual of receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit Read Acts 1:14, 2:1-4 When the day of Pentecost had come, Mother Mary along with about 120 disciples was engaged in continuous prayer together. And the Holy Spirit descended upon them. The entire house where they were sitting was filled with the Holy Spirit. And there appeared to them tongues as of fire, distributed and resting on each one of them. And they were all filled and were anointed with the Holy Spirit. This signifies the Pentecostal experience or the experience of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit by the first community of disciples. All of us as well, through the power of the Holy Spirit have received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with our Pubudu experience. Having received the Holy Spirit through the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation we revived and awakened in ourselves the grace thus ingrained in us with our Pubudu experience. Pubudu experience was a medium through which we could kindle and evolve the grace received. Read Acts 2:38 On this day of Pentecost, we pray for the grace to awaken and enliven our Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and kindle it as to burn brightly as a fire. Many are the instances that we neglected awakening ourselves to the Holy Spirit and opening access to Him thus drawn towards what is worldly and felt feeble due to our lukewarm nature and sin. Therefore, let us turn to Christ who baptizes us with the Holy Spirit and pray in repentance.


Penitential Service (The Father, mother or an elder child could lead.) ·

Direct them for repentance calling to mind instances of giving in to sin by not awaking to and making space for the Holy Spirit.


Sing a suitable penitential hymn.


Moving to the foot of the cross receive purification of the most precious Blood and claim the redemption, healing and liberation. Give thanks and praise to God.


Let us give the authority of our lives to Christ committing ourselves, our family and future to Him. Raise your hands together as a family, proclaim "Jesus Christ is our only Lord and Master" and renew your consecration in prayer.


Sing Pubudu Gee No. 99

Ritual of light ·

Switch off the lights.


Light a lamp prepared beforehand or a paschal candle of a previous year. (Here, the Father of the family could take leadership.)


The other members should light their own candles from the already lighted lamp or candle.


Meanwhile, awaken oneself to the Holy Spirit singing hymns to the Holy Spirit and start praying to the Holy Spirit.


Pubudu Gee Nos. 02, 03, 38, 223


Then switch on the lights and lay your hands on each other as a family and pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit.



Finally, experience being filled with the Holy Spirit and give room for singing in praise praying in tongues. Experiencing the gifts of the Holy Spirit engage in prayer.

Prayers of the Faithful 01. God our loving Father, that the entire Church, the Holy Father, Bishops, priests and religious may receive the power to lead a life of witness as a people filled with the Holy Spirit fearlessly opening oneself to the Holy Spirit and always boldly even when confronted with opposition and hardship. 02. God our loving Father, that we may be saved from temptation to walk an easy path undermining Christian discipleship and engulfed in self centeredness and self satisfaction preferring the way of the world saying "we do not have time like we used to have" and receive grace for a dedicated life with the Lordship of Christ. 03. God our loving Father, we remind ourselves that the majority of the inhabitants of the world are poverty stricken. We have been called to a prophetic lifestyle of eradicating poverty through a simple lifestyle modeling our life on Christ who became and lived poor for the sake of the poor. As such, bless us, the members of Pubuduwa to awaken ourselves to our vocation. 04. God our loving Father, we pray for the COVID – 19 pandemic that has enveloped the entire world. Man is under the impression that he can achieve anything and everything without You. Today the world has realized that it is not so. We pray that You may be merciful as to grant Your holy power to scientists and doctors to find a suitable remedy. 05. God our loving Father, we thank You for the gift of Swami thaththa whom You chose to direct us on this powerful journey of awakening. We pray that this year be a profound year of preparation to the entire Pubuduwa who are preparing themselves to journey along the way and the vision given by him with much endurance, courage and faith.



Light your candles and enter into prayer for a new Pentecost under the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Final Praise During the past few hours we received nourishment through His word. His rhythm comforted us and His promise enlightened us. Therefore, this will indeed be an anointed hour that made us surrender to the overshadowing of his Spirit rather than simply being yet another programme. This night the Holy Spirit initiated on a new journey with us so that we may submit ourselves, our families and mainly our communities and communities of disciples and thus finally the entire Pubuduwa and the whole Church to be anointed by Him. Now we are going to sing the theme song of Kithu Dana Pubuduwa where it is mentioned that Kithu Dana Pubuduwa is a channel of God's love through which we are exalted to a heavenly experience. And it further says that this journey of love is to take the Church day by day awakening it constantly until the glorious Second Coming of Christ. Thus, we shall enter into the Pubudu theme song and then in homage to our motherland we shall sing the National Anthem.


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