IESEG Lille departure guide

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Departure Guide

Lille Campus



1. Things to do before leaving


a. Bank Account


b. Accommodation


c. EDF


d. CAF


e. French Social Security


2. Reverse Culture Shock


3. Moments to remember


1. Things to do before leaving As you reach the end of your IESEG student experience, there are many practical issues to think about. This Departure Guide intends to help you through this difficult period and to prepare you for returning to your home culture.

a. Bank Account Take an appointment with your bank advisor in order to cancel your account. Give them your bank details in your country. They can send you the amount left in your account two months later so that you can pay EDF and receive the last month of the CAF. Check if you were reimbursed by French Social Security (if you are not from European Union and you went to the doctor). Do not close your French bank account before you leave as you will need it to get your deposit/CAF/social security reimbursements back. You should wait for at least 2 months before you close it. Please check with your bank advisor about the procedure. If you live in a residence, please check the Accommodation section page 4


b. Accommodation • Call EDF to stop your contract (see procedure page 8)

• Please pay ALL your bills (electricity, rent, Internet) before leaving.

• Leave the accommodation in a clean and orderly state, otherwise the landlord or manager will take money from your deposit.

• The deposit you paid at the beginning of your stay cannot be used as a month’s rent. The deposit is usually given back within the next 2 months (it depends on the landlord/residence. Please check with your landlord/residence before leaving).

• Please do not forget to take an appointment with the owner of your apartment or the manager of your residence for the “état des lieux” and hand in your keys. You need to do it in order to leave the apartment.

• Any unwanted kitchenware or bedding can be donated to future exchange students or to charity.

If you live in one of the residences Icade (Jardins des Sciences, Flandres, Lambret) : 4

• Make sure that everything is EXTRA

clean (ground, walls, shower, toilets, cooktop, microwave, fridge…). If you do not do it, the residence will make you pay for the cleaning. you can use the list for the Estudines Residences to know what you need to clean.

• 1 month before you leave, the

residence will give you (in your mailbox) a document which explains the different steps before your departure.

• During the same week you receive

the document, you have to go to the reception with this document to plan the “état des lieux” (inventory of fixtures) with the manager.

• If needed, you may have to pay some

remaining fees 15 days before you leave.

• You will have to call EDF (see page 6) to

stop your contract on the day you leave.

• For Jardins des Sciences and Flandres, a modem (for the Internet) may have been lent to you during your stay. You will need to give it back in good conditions to get your deposit back.

• You will have to give your keys back on

the day of your departure. The number of keys you give back has to be the same that was given to you on the day you arrived (or written on your inventory).

• You will have to give a RIB (French

bank account details) to the residence so they can give you back your deposit within 2 months after your departure.

Estudines (Pasteur or Artois)

• 1 month before you leave, you will

have to send a registered letter with recorded delivery (see the letter below) to this address: 42 avenue George V 75008 Paris. you need to put a copy in the mailbox of your residence (Pasteur or Artois). Join a copy of your RIB (French bank account details).

• 3 weeks before your departure,

please make an appointment with the manager of your residence for a preinventory of fixtures.

• Contact the manager of the residence a few days before to make an appointment to give your keys back. Appointments can be taken from 8am to 7:30pmduring weekdays.NO appointment on Saturdays, Sundays and public holiday will be taken.

Make sure that everything is EXTRA clean (ground, walls, shower, toilets, cooktop, microwave, fridge…). If you do not do it, the residence will make you pay for the cleaning. Here are a few recommendations from the residence (in case you have any questions, please contact the manager).

• Do not wash walls, but clean them with a brush or a dry sponge. If they are still dirty, the residence will make you pay for the paint.

• Clean the ground with soap. Do not forget to move the fridge to clean behind it.

• Remove grease from the stove, do not forget the exhaust air grille above the windows.

• Descale toilets, shower, and sink (use a product such as Antikal, you can buy it at Carrefour).

• Clean windows (inside and outside). • Clean in the washing machine: curtains (only soap) and shower curtain (soap with bleach).

• Covers, pillows, sofa cover and

undersheet have to be dry-cleaned at the dry cleaner. You will be asked for the bill when you bring your keys back. If you cannot provide for a bill, you have to pay for the dry-cleaning.

• If there are any ustensils missing, you have to replace them.

• Bulbs, cooktop, bulb in the fridge must be in good condition.

• In case these are missing or not

working you will have to replace them: shower, trashcan, shower curtain, toilets, toilets brush.

Concordia and Estrella Please check with Corinne Vanderhaegen about the procedure (Mrs Corinne Vanderhaegen / Agence Cogénord 208 rue Nationale 59000 LILLE / +33 (0) /


Letter for Estudines Artois

M. ……………………………………………….. Les Estudines d’Artois Appartement N° _ _ _ 87 rue de Flandre 59000 LILLE Mail : ............................ RÉSIDENCES SERVICES GESTION IDFNE 42 avenue George V 75008 PARIS Lettre recommandée avec AR


Lille, Le ……………………………

Référence Appartement : 055 A 0 _ _ _ Bonjour, Par la présente, je vous informe que je souhaite mettre fin à mon contrat de location pour le 31 Décembre 2011. Pour le retour de la caution, je vous prie de trouver ci-dessous ma nouvelle adresse postale (+ mon RIB/IBAN). M.…………………….……………..…………… …………..………….…………………………….. …………..…………….………………………….. Pays J’ai bien pris note que vous m’accuserez réception par courrier. Ensuite, je devrais prendre rendez-vous à l’accueil : • 1 rendez-vous pour une visite conseils. • et 1 rendez-vous pour la remise des clés définitive. Dans l’attente de vous lire, Cordialement, PS : 1 copie de ce courrier est déposée dans la boîte aux lettres de l’accueil de la résidence.

Letter for Estudines Pasteur

M. ……………………………………………….. Les Estudines Pasteur Appartement N° _ _ _ 214 Pont de Flandres 59777 LILLE Mail : ............................ RÉSIDENCES SERVICES GESTION IDFNE 42 avenue George V 75008 PARIS Lettre recommandée avec AR

Lille, Le ……………………………

Référence Appartement : LLE04 A 0 _ _ _ Bonjour, Par la présente, je vous informe que je souhaite mettre fin à mon contrat de location pour le 31 Décembre 2011. Pour le retour de la caution, je vous prie de trouver ci-dessous ma nouvelle adresse postale (+ mon RIB/IBAN). M. …………………….……………..…………… …………..………….…………………………….. …………..…………….………………………….. Pays J’ai bien pris note que vous m’accuserez réception par courrier. Ensuite, je devrais prendre rendez-vous à l’accueil : • 1 rendez-vous pour une visite conseils. • et 1 rendez-vous pour la remise des clés définitive. Dans l’attente de vous lire, Cordialement, PS : 1 copie de ce courrier est déposée dans la boîte aux lettres de l’accueil de la résidence.


c. EDF Do not forget to call EDF at +33 (0)5 62 16 49 08 (they speak English) before leaving. Give them the number that is in your EDF Meter. If you live in a residence, please check the “Accommodation” part page 4. Send them the letter below to inform them of your situation.

Letter for EDF

……………………………….. ……………………………….. ……………………………….. 8

EDF 52 Rue de Béthune 59000 Lille

N° client :……………………………….. Madame, Monsieur, Je, soussigné(e), …………………………………………………souhaite vous informer que je déménage le……………………… Les numéros figurant sur mon compteur EDF sont les suivants ……………………………………. Je vous prie par conséquent de bien vouloir prendre en compte cette information. Cordialement, ………………………………

d. CAF Check if you have received the money. You will receive the last month in February depending on when you leave. Send a letter to the CAF to inform them of your situation, along with your “état des lieux” (outgoing inventory of fixtures). You can use the letter template below to help you write the letter.

Letter for the CAF

……………………………….. ……………………………….. ………………………………..

CAF 82 rue Brûle-Maison B.P. 645 59024 LILLE 9

N° allocataire :……………………………….. Madame, Monsieur, Je, soussigné(e), ……………………………………………déclare que je termine mon semestre Erasmus le ……………….. Je vous prie par conséquent de bien vouloir prendre en compte cette information. Veuillez trouver ci-joint mon « état des lieux ». Cordialement, ………………………………

e. French Social Security Send them all the documents given by doctors or pharmacies in order to be reimbursed. Send them the letter below to inform them of your situation.

Letter for the French Social Security

……………………………….. ……………………………….. ………………………………..

LMDE 96/98 rue de l’Hôpital Militaire 59800 LILLE

10 N° sécurité sociale :……………………………….. Madame, Monsieur, Je, soussigné(e), ………………………………………………… souhaite vous informer que je quitte la France le ……………….. Je vous prie par conséquent de bien vouloir prendre en compte cette information. Cordialement, ………………………………

2. Reverse Culture Shock Before you came to France, you probably expected new ways of doing things, different kinds of food, a new language, a different weather, etc. You knew that you would have to adjust to those new changes. But are you aware that you might be feeling all those things again once you go back home? There may be a period of adjustment when you return to your home country, indeed. Although you may think that it will be easy to go back to familiar relationships and habits, you may have some difficulty settling back in. This is called reverse culture shock. For example, you might feel rejected because your family or friends may not be that interested in hearing all your stories about your study abroad experience. Or you might feel lost because of recent changes in the economic or political areas of your country. You may find that it also takes time before the customs and ideas that were once so familiar to you in your everyday life seem normal again (for example, the way people cook, drive or dress; administrative procedures; time management; etc). This can be made easier by knowing about reverse culture shock: understanding that you might experience it, and accepting that it is a common and very normal reaction. Below you will find a list of things you can do to help you readjust:

• Stay in contact with people from your home country • Take addresses of friends and others with whom you want to stay in contact after you leave France

• Begin to visualize your return early: packing, saying

goodbye, being at the airport, reunion with friends/family

• Discuss your experiences with students who have already returned home


Design by Catalina Girón

3. Moments to Remember

IESEG School of Management Lille: rue de la Digue – F-59000 Lille Paris : Socle de la Grande Arche – 1 Parvis de la Défénse – F-92044 Paris- La Défense cedex Tél : + 33 (0) 3 20 54 58 92

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