LIVE Magazine January 2009

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LIVE Magazine Congratulates President-Elect Barack Obama & Family

Inauguration Day January 20, 2009 3

From the Editor’s Lounge



ere we are, on the threshold of a new year. In some ways the clock keeps on ticking and in other ways on January 1 time resets itself. In 1991 famed pop singer Michael Jackson released an album entitled Dangerous which included the song “Remember the Time”. Here are some of the lyrics, “do you remember the time when we fell in love, do you remember the time when we first met”. Time, the thing which moves regardless of situations, circumstances, conditions and impact. You know the famous quote, “Time waits for no one”? There have been many movies and productions which portray the use of time machines. You know, the equipment which has the ability to transport people backward and forward in time? However, did you ever notice that most times when the individual returned to the point of origin, time had not stopped? While I was thinking about writing to our readers, I remember some months ago listing to political commentator Tavis Smiley as he shared his heart about a personal experience as a little boy and how that experience transcended into his adulthood. But the most poignant part of his commentary was in reference to time. He shared the idea of time lived, time lost and time redeemed. The Word of God mentions redeeming the time in Ephesians 5:16 and Colssians 4:5. I am sure that many of you through life have lost time, wasted time or just have no sense of time. Consider January 1, 2009 as the opportunity for you to redeem the time! This is your time to redeem the promises of God for your life. Redeem the things which are of value to you, your family, your relationships and your finances. Redeem your dreams, your destiny and your purpose on this earth. Redeem your joy, your peace and most of all redeem the very thing which supercedes it all - redeem love. Without the redemptive work of Christ on the cross we would have nothing worth redeeming. Remember the time, redeem the time...the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! Happy New Year,

Cheryl A. Pullins Cheryl A. Pullins Founder/Editor-in-Chief



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16 Feature Story Pastor Cynthia Brazelton Prayer! Power! Pizazz!

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Six Greener Ways to Stay Warm

Relationship Coaching Keys to Unlimited Living Interior Design The Wow! Effect His Point of View The Church Triumphant Road to Healthier Living with Coach Collins New Year, New You LIVE Literature all about life by Johnny Albritton

LIVE Destination Marco Beach Ocean Resort Marco Island, Florida

Home Organization for the New Year


I Think I’ll Change My Mind Rediscovering the Proverbs 31 Woman

Books to Impact Your Life




With cool weather on the way you may be wondering just how you'll manage to maintain your eco-friendly habits and stay warm the same time. While your home, like most in America, will likely rely on fossil fuels for heat for years to come, it's still possible to have a "greener" winter.

3. Dress for the season. "Every winter, I'm amazed by the number of people I see dressed inappropriately for the season. You don't have to sacrifice comfort to look good," says Diane Artzberger, a fashion expert who blogs about beauty, fashion and cosmetics at "You can look fashionable and stay warm by layering and choosing fabrics like cashmere, flannel or polar fleece and warm styles like hoodies, turtlenecks and cardigans."

When it comes to home heating costs, "green" practices can also save you another kind of green - cash. The average American household spends $2,000 on energy costs each year, and half of that total goes to heat and cool the home, according to EnergyStar.

4. Install a programmable thermostat that will automatically reduce heat settings when you don't need as much warmth - like when you're not home or when you go to bed. Homeowners can reduce energy bills by as much as $180 a year with a programmable thermostat, according to the government's EnergyStar program.

"Making environmentally friendly changes to your heating habits can significantly reduce household energy costs," says David Kogan, a home-heating expert with Indus-tool. Here are six simple ways to stay green and warm this winter:

5. When you're home, set back the heat and get cozy. Use afghans and throws to stay warm. Create a warm atmosphere with candles and the fireplace - just be sure to follow basic safety rules. Don't leave candles or fireplaces burning unattended and keep flammable items away from the flames.

1. Winterize your home. Make sure weather stripping around doors and windows is adequate and in good shape. Check the insulation in your attic. If you can see the wooden beams, you likely need more insulation. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that about 80 million American homes are inadequately insulated. Proper insulation can save you up to 20 percent on energy bills, according to the DOE.

6. Rely on nature to help heat your home. Not everyone can afford to install solar heating panels on their homes, but you can open the drapes and blinds on a sunny day. The sun's rays will help warm the house. Use landscaping wisely as well. Cut back shrubs or trees that block the sun from coming in windows. Plant trees on the north side of the house to naturally insulate it from winter's northern winds.

2. Use safe, green electric space heaters. Oil or kerosene heaters present tipping and burning hazards, plus they emit greenhouse gases. Modern electric space heaters are more energy efficient. For maximum safety and efficiency, choose a heater like the Toasty Toes or Cozy Legs flat panel heaters by Indus-tool. Thermostatically controlled, both products put the heat right where it's most needed - on your feet and legs - rather than inefficiently trying to heat an entire area. "They use less energy than an incandescent light bulb and are safe for use around pets, children or elders," Kogan says. Visit to learn more.

On average, homeowners will pay 20 percent more to heat their homes this winter, according to the Energy Information Administration. A few environmentally smart changes can make a big difference in how much more winter's bite will hurt your wallet - and your conscience - this season. Courtesy of ARAcontent 6

Happy New Year from the staff of

LIVE Magazine 7


"I just need to get organized." How many times have you heard yourself recite this familiar refrain? With the coming of the New Year, now is a good time to resolve to actually do it. This year, instead of just thinking about ways to get it together, use some simple tips for organizing your home -- and your life.

Designate an official "drop zone" where car keys, cell phones, sunglasses, and more can be placed without creating a pile on the counter. Line up beautiful baskets or colorful pottery to hold these items. Better yet, install a Mini Message Center cabinet. It has a hidden compartment for small items, plus a message board. Discover drawers

Get in the organizing frame of mind by mentally dividing up rooms into various activity zones -- this will help you create a basic plan of attack. For example, a kitchen typically has zones for food storage, food preparation and cooking, among others. Identify which zone needs to be organized from scratch, which zone needs an organizational tune-up and which zone, if any, works fine for now. With this information, begin choosing organization solutions.

You'd also be amazed at what you can accomplish with an age-old storage solution that has taken on new organizational dimensions: the drawer. For example, a sink base cabinet is available with tilt down drawers to hold small items like sponges and dish wands; a kitchen/laundry deep drawer cabinet has the ability to hold large bottles upright, including full-sized containers of laundry detergent; and a bathroom vanity cosmetic cabinet is built with a two-tier, segmented drawer to hold makeup and small bathroom essentials. These ingenious drawer configurations can help you keep stored items neat and within easy reach.

De-clutter in chunks

Keep business at hand

A first solution is to de-clutter the most critical zone. Start with the most visible items first, such as what's on the countertops. Then go for the contents of that junk drawer, and so on. You'll get a feeling of instant change and gain motivation to do the next chunk. Stay focused by seeking hidden treasure versus ditching the unwanted.

A home office, whether it's a full-sized room or just a corner of a bedroom or den, can quickly disintegrate into a disorganized mess. Organize it with Diamond cabinetry such as solid-wood file drawer, a great help during tax season and throughout the year. For smaller office items, the corner cabinet is a perfect solution. Complete the workspace with a bookshelf to organize journals or photo albums.

Get in the "Zone"

Divvy it up Now that you know what you want to keep and what to toss -- at least in one area -- consider how to divide it up. Today's manufacturers are making this task easier by offering a variety of cabinetry products with built-in organization features, such the Diamond (R) Logix (TM) line. For example, if you want easy access cleaning supplies, but don't want them to share a space with food or dishes, a Utility Cabinet is the perfect solution. At only six inches deep, the cabinet adds storage to an otherwise unused space at the end of a cabinetry run. Its four adjustable shelves allow for storage of cleaners and other small items while the broom holder ensures that brooms and mops stay in place. 8

Make organization part of your life Schedule a time for organizing in your daily routine, such as after the kids get home from school. Just 10 minutes a day can make that disorganized home seem "so last year."

Courtesy of ARAcontent



Keys to living Unlimited by


Shelby M. Hill, CEC


Enhance your communication skills by writing and reading more, hone your confidence by doing progressive things that will carry you to your goals for example, joining a social club i.e., a networking group, volunteer to give presentations in church or the work place to be more visible and break out of your comfort zone. Learn to access information by sharing and soliciting information that will develop you and help you develop others to live unlimited. Empowerment is an incredible way of thinking and living, when embraced it will only elevate your life.

ow often is that you stop and think about your true capabilities of living your life? What does it mean to you to be UNLIMITED in life? The only one that can answer those questions is you. However, if you’re not sure and you need a little direction please allow me to coach you a little and share with you three foundational elements to living unlimited and they are Self Awareness, Empowerment, and developing an Open mind. Self Awareness What does it mean to be “aware”? Self awareness is about understanding your core self. It’s about knowing why you take the actions you take based on the decisions you make. If you don’t know why you do the things you do, it’s impossible to grow. Self awareness provides precision to determine whether you take action in your life because of love or because of fear. Becoming self aware helps elevate the subconscious mind in conjunction to your consciousness so you can recognize where growth and change can take place. This kind of awareness enables you to prevent destructive actions and behaviors and develop passion and positive emotions. Here are a few exercises to get you started on your path to heighten your Self awareness: ·

Establish peace in your social and professional circles. Make a conscious choice to surround yourself with people who will elevate you and contribute to your life positively.


Trust your inner strength. Believing in yourself is paramount in anything you do. When you don’t believe in yourself, that is how you show up in the world, it makes it difficult for others to believe in you. The power within you is the strength that carries you to higher places in life.


Make a conscious effort to manage your emotions in moments of adversity. Emotion becomes uncontrolled because you do not think. When the effort to think about the reaction before you react is made, control is established. Therefore, better decisions are rendered which prevents a potentially spiraling situation.


Think positive about who you are and who you are striving to become. Eliminate the old self conscious debilitating thoughts that wear you down and replace them with positive affirmations and empowering energy.

Open Your Mind Keep an open mind, anything can happen! How many times have you heard that in your lifetime? Have you ever really thought about what it means to have an open mind? When I think of having an open mind I think and feel totally unlimited. An open mind removes all barriers and opens the realm of anything is possible. You open the door to attract opportunities like nothing before and you become inclined to pursue them until they produce results. You see, an open mind defeats the “I’ll knock it before I try it” mentality. In fact, it encourages you to take more calculated and educated risks. Trust me, often this is a good thing. Consider for a moment that you don’t know everything there is to know about everything, which means there is a lot to learn and experience about most things. Have an open mind and let all things positive and empowering flow into it. My wife for example, loves to dine out and so do I. I enjoy most types of seafood, she however, only eats lightly fried shrimp and tilapia fish. One evening we were celebrating a deal that finally closed and we patronized our favorite restaurant. I ordered lobster tail and she has never eaten lobster…ever. I couldn’t believe it. She was absolutely against tasting it. I asked her, “honey, tell me what you know about lobster and how it tastes?” She said she knew it came from the ocean but had no idea of how it tastes. I then said, “Honey just close your eyes and open your mind.” She did, and tasted the lobster. Now she always wants to order it! I created a monster! Now granted she is a Life Coach as well but the “open mind” concept applied perfectly. She had spent all of her life curious about something but knocked trying it every chance she got. Is that the way you want to live the rest of your life, missing out on the possibilities and opportunities?


These are three elements I suggest you focus on because they incorporate many of the sub categories that will change within you as you develop these areas of your life. There is not a particular order that you should follow. It is only important that you make the conscious effort to cultivate these elements and expand your life. Open you mind and Live Unlimited!

The second element to living unlimited is being empowered! Being empowered is more than just being confident, positive, and having great social skills. It’s about implementing the right actions along with these skills. Everyone knows someone who always talks about what they can do, would do and will do but, they never DO anything. Raise the bar in your life to reach higher heights.

Be Strong. Be Empowered.

Shelby M. Hill, CEC 11

by Dr. B. J. Relefourd


t is with divine purpose that I begin this new year of revelation in my life. It is not a resolution of such, but a transformation.

As this letter was written to the church at Philippi, it was one to encourage each person, to find a place within yourself, which brings peace, and think on these things, locate an area which soothes and caresses your heart, and think on these things.

There is a statement which many of us have heard over the years, “a mind is a terrible thing to waste”. I’ve learned the mind is that which is responsible for one’s thoughts and feelings, the seat of the faculty of reason.

Paul begins this profound statement with the word, finally….or after you’ve tried everything else, you’ve experienced enough heartache, you have encountered enough disappointment, you have witnessed enough pain….finally…turn it over and change your mind. Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

I don’t want to waste a moment of my thoughts, regretting where I am in my life. I don’t want to misuse the gifts of feelings by becoming numb to situations around me. I want to cherish the ability to apply wise reasoning to my life. I think I’ll change my mind. I want to embody joy and literally feel the sparks of life as I move throughout the universe. I am excited about the fragrance of my personality which allows me to be who I am created to be.

I invite you to change your mind, revisit some of the “whatsoever” moments in your life, and I know there will be praise, so think on these things…. Dr. B. J. Relefourd ©2008. All rights reserved.


Rediscovering the Proverbs 31 Woman CLOTHED IN STRENGTH & DIGNITY

by Ameera Lewis

I can still remember the moment when I came face-to-face with a real Proverb 31 woman for the first time. I was a struggling baby Christian, trying to figure out how I, a recovering daughter of the women's movement, was ever going to learn to be quiet and subservient. After all, that is what a Christian woman is - Right? But, then I met her. Sure, I had met other Christian women in church. But, there was something different about her. She wasn't a church mouse. But, she wasn't bossy either. God had clothed her in something I had never seen before a Gentle strength. She wore it well. And I wanted some of my own! In today's society, the true meaning of feminine strength has gotten skewed. But God does not want you to feel confused. That is why He explains His vision of a strong woman in the powerful passage, Proverb 31. "Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies" (Proverbs 31:10). Did you know that the word often translated as virtuous here actually means a lot more? The Hebrew word that God uses to set a standard for Christian women that still holds till this day is "chayil." During this time in history, "chayil" would have been used to describe great armies and warriors! It is an adjective that means strong, mighty, and powerful! Shocked? I definitely was! As the Bible continues to describe God's ideal woman, it reiterates that "Strength and dignity are her clothing" (Proverb 31:25 AMP). As a woman, God had given you a strength all your own But what kind of strength is it? Does the fact that you can make dinner, answer the phone, and change a dirty diaper all at the same time make you "chayil"? Is that the only strength and value that God puts in women? Of course not! Your strength and power does not come from how much you can accomplish in one day. It flows out of your relationship with your Heavenly Father. Jesus taught this same truth to a woman named Martha over two thousand years ago. But it is just as true today. Martha had a huge dinner that she was trying to prepare for the Lord. As she worked diligently, trying to make it as nice as possible, she became frustrated that her sister Mary was not helping her. Mary had decided to just sit down and enjoy the conversation! But, when Martha questioned Jesus about it, she did not get the response she anticipated. He told her, "My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it." (Luke 10:41,42 NLT) Do you ever get so busy running around doing things for God, that you forget to spend time with God? That time alone with God is indeed the very source of the Proverb 31 woman's strength. . "She girds herself with strength [spiritual, mental, and physical fitness for her God-given task]" ( Proverb 31:17 AMP) We could all spend more time girding ourselves up spiritually for the daily tasks that God has for us. More time sitting at His feet like Mary. Maybe time meditating in God's Word, or enrolled in a women's Bible study group. As you make the time to sit at the feet of your Heavenly Father, He will clothe you in a strength and dignity all your own. Article compliments of



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Pastor Cynthia Brazelton 16

Pastor Cynthia Brazelton is a native of the Washington, D.C. area and serves, along with her husband, Pastor Tony Brazelton as Pastor of Victory Christian Ministries International, a growing, thriving, multi-racial, non-denominational, Bible believing, Bible teaching church in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area with locations in Suitland, MD, Woodbridge, VA and Washington, DC. She is the mother of four (Tony Jr., Antoinette, Jordan, and Aaron).Pastor Cynthia understands the necessity to produce understanding in the hearts of God’s people. She believes that it is no longer good enough to just read, sing, and shout about the power of God and never see the results of His power. But rather, God’s people must grow to a place where they begin to experience the favor and the power of God manifested in their daily lives.


God has called Pastor Cynthia not only to serve as Pastor of a local church, but also to help other Pastors and church leaders maximize the call of God upon their lives. She and Pastor Tony accomplish this through Covenant Connections International (CCI). CCI is a fellowship for those pastors who have formally connected with the Brazelton's as their spiritual parents. Its focus is strong relationships, strong fellowship and success of ministry. Now that you have gotten a quick overall glimpse about Pastor Cynthia Brazelton, our Editor-in-Chief, Cheryl A. Pullins spent a late summer afternoon with Pastor Cynthia discussing ministry, family, fashion and travel.



Pastor Cynthia Brazelton

LM: I have one question for you which can be off the record and I was going to wait until the end of the interview to ask you, however, I am going to ask now. How did the St. John clothing trend become the designer of choice for so many pastors and pastor’s wives? PC: For me it was interesting. One day while shopping I went up the escalator in Nordstrom’s and saw this suit hanging there. I said, wow that suit is so nice! It was a light weight knit, however, I didn’t pay any attention to the price tag. I said to my husband, “Oh baby, I really like this suit”. He said, “Get the suit!”. I looked at the price tag and said “Oooooh noooo!”. I don’t recall how many years ago that was, maybe 12 to 14 years. Back then I remember the suit was fifteen hundred. I said, “I am not paying fifteen hundred dollars for a suit.” My husband said, “Baby, if you want the suit, get the suit!”. I still said, “Oooooooh nooo! I am not paying fifteen hundred dollars for a suit. I can get five suits for that price!” I continued to look around and noticed that all the suits were the same. Of course, I was in the St. John section of the store. After some more walking around the Lord said, “If you want the suit, get the suit!” I just couldn’t see myself spending this amount of money on a suit. It wasn’t that I couldn’t afford it. I finally bought the suit along with a few other things to go along with the suit. The next day someone gave me a check for the exact amount 17

of money I had spent. The person said to me that the Lord had told them to give me the gift in that amount. From that experience the Lord said that He would take care of everything I would ever buy. I made the mistake of telling a lot of people what I was wearing. I could probably give you a list of names of people who wear St. John because I do, but I won’t do that! LM: So now that we have gotten the important things out of the way (lots of laughter) I would like for you to talk about how Victory Christian Ministries International (VCMI) started. PC: It started in our home with a Bible study. There is a really long story about that, however, as far as I am concerned (and I will keep it there), the church Pastor Tony was going to at the time, he was an elder there and we were both active in the church. There were some young ladies in the church who were struggling in different areas of their lives. Nothing major. They were struggling in their marriages, some in singleness and some were newly born believers. One lady walked over to me one day and said, “You and your husband look so happy. I don’t know many people who are happily married. Can you show us how do this, as a wife?” This was in 1988 when I began to share. Ten ladies came to my house on Monday nights. I had a little Bible study and we met every Monday night since then.

I have a women’s group now that still meets. These women started bringing their husbands to Bible study and went from being a part of that ministry, to ministry to Pastoring. Over ninety percent of those women are still here. We call it “Virtuous women coming together.”

I preached on soul winning. Did a lot of things in ministry that night I had never done before. From then different people started asking me to come and do different things in Bible study groups. That was in 1983. LM: What does a day for you look like?

LM: When the women come together, what is the ultimate goal for the women’s conference which is held in October of each year?

PC: I don’t have a set program of what I do each day outside of studying and praying. Of course, there are things I do daily. All of my children, except one, are at home. My oldest son is married with three children (girls). I am Grandmom! My daughter works full-time at the ministry with us. She has to be to work at 8:00 AM, so she drops her brother off at school. I have counseling appointments. I love counseling. I make my own schedule. If there is something I don’t want to do, I don’t do it. I like meeting new people. I love to shop. I have gotten to love travel. I hardly ever shop in Maryland. I shop everywhere I go. I don’t do much sightseeing. I ask where can I go shopping. I like different things.

PC: Because so many women live defeated lives we try to meet them in every area of their lives with the workshops throughout the conference. This past year we focused on the fulfillment of the blessing of God being poured out without measure. Our goal was to pour into the women’s lives in every aspect. LM: Let’s rewind your life to before ministry started. What were you doing? PC: College. Graduated college. I went to school in North Carolina. Graduated, came home and went to another ministry. During this time I met Pastor Tony. While dating we decided to find another church to attend. We did. While there I went to their school of ministry. Just continued to live a Christian life. I have always been involved in ministry in some aspect, some way. I grew up in a Christian home.

LM: How do you and Pastor Tony team together to Pastor the three church locations you have? PC: The Marshalls are the Pastors of the DC location. They oversee the church. We are there occasionally. We are the founders. We gave birth to start the ministry. As for the Virginia location Pastor Tony is there on Sunday while I am at the Maryland location. We have a Bible study in Virginia where I teach on Tuesday. We have a Bible study in Maryland where Pastor Tony teaches on Wednesday. So we switch back and forth. I meet with the women here on the first Monday of the month and the last Monday of the month I meet with the women in Virginia. Pastor Tony meets with the men the same way. Leadership and Staff meetings are held here in Maryland.

LM: What about your career? PC: Was it my desire to have a career in ministry? No! I went to school for Business Administration and Office Management. But I wanted to go into retail by opening my own store. I love shopping. I still have that as something I want to do, now. I recently talked to my children about opening a retail store. LM: What would you sell?

LM: I notice that Pastor Tony does not travel as much as you to preach. Why is that?

PC: Everything. Not just clothing. More so, accessories, jewelry. A little bit of everything.

PC: Pastor Tony gets invited more than I do, but he doesn’t go. Our first thing is family and then ministry. He is a very family oriented person. We have three sons and one daughter. When I travel my daughter goes with me and he stays home with the boys. He is a pastor of pastors. He spends a lot of time with pastors and a lot of time with our staff at the church. He is building the ministry. I don’t come here unless I am preaching or meeting someone. He prefers not to travel. He is very selective about where he goes. He is very committed to what he is doing here. He is VERY supportive of me. In fact, he will tell them, “I can’t come, but if you want, my wife will come preach.” But in the end, I tell him where he’s going (much laughter).

LM: Would it be an exclusive line? PC: No. It would be unique things. It could be a new artist coming up. I am very interested in it. The very first job I had was as an Assistant Manager at Lerners. Then I got married and decided to be a stay at home mom. Then we started ministry. I have never worked outside of the home since we have been married. My youngest is 14 years old. LM: Did you know what you were called to do? PC: I knew I was called to teach, but to this capacity, no. I didn’t have any idea. I just love the Word. In 2008 I reached twenty-five years in ministry preaching. The first preaching engagement is because I was talking to a minister friend of mine who had a Bible study group at George Washington. He was a student. I was talking to him about the importance of soul winning. He said, “That is so great! Can you come share this at Bible study. I went.

Pastor Tony and I have been married for 25 years. I don’t hesitate to say how good our marriage is. People are usually looking for the bad side of it and I don’t have anything to say about it. Pastor Tory is always very supportive of whatever I believe God has called me to do. I don’t think I could do


Continued from previous page

what I do if it wasn’t for him. Where you don’t think you have the confidence to a thing, he puts it there. He is a great husband. A great dad and has a wonderful relationship with our children.

stayed three days extra! When we travel as a family everyone goes including the three grandchildren. I love having my family around me.

LM: Where do guys like to travel?

LM: So with all of your travels, where is your favorite place?

PC: I have a tan. You notice it? (much laughter). I just came back from Florida. We were there for two weeks. Just Pastor Tony and I! We were in Fort Lauderdale, Naples and then to Miami. I did preach three times while in Florida. But I think I went to every mall in Fort Lauderdale, Miami and Napes. We went to the beach. Went jet skiing. I love to jet ski. We didn’t get a chance to go parasailing because the day we were going the weather turned bad. We spent our time relaxing.

PC: Florida! I like sun, but they have good shopping. I go on a cruise each year. I couldn’t find one in 2008, but I love cruising. LM: If you could sum yourself up in a few words, what would you say? PC: I would say “live in victory everyday”. The name of our broadcast is Victory Today. The name of our women’s conference is Virtuous Women. The name of our ministry is Victory Christian Ministries International. It is about having a manifestation of what God has said in His word in your life every single day. That’s it. You must keep it in the forefront of your thinking. Because God made you that way!

LM: How often do you take family trips? PC: I try to plan four times per year to go on vacation. That doesn’t always happen. In 2008, that was the first time we went for two weeks anywhere since we have been married. I did that purposely. We took the children to Las Vegas. We had a great time! We went to show. They went to the movies. Went shopping and of course we didn’t gamble. We also took them to London. If I have to preach somewhere that I think would be of interest to the children then I turn it into a family thing. Pastor Tony and I had to preach in London. We also went to Barbados in October and we

Victory Christian Ministries International



The WOW Effect! by Teresa Perkins What do I feel when entering my safe haven, the place I call home? What do you look forward to after working hard all day, running errands, long lines and traffic? When I open my front door, I’m excited to know that everything is in order, nicely decorated with amazing colors to follow. Do you have the WOW affect? Is it time for a change, out with the old in with the new. Not to worry, we all cross that bridge at one time or another. Interior design is overwhelming at times, is it necessary? Absolutely!

The Starting Point There are many components to interior design and or re-decorating. You must have a plan of execution to be successful in this endeavor. Do you have the time, patience or skill to bring it all together? If you’re ready to try it on your own, allow yourself to be free spirited and make your safe haven what you’d really like it to be. One place you can begin is deciding what part of your home is most important to you or what area in the home do you spend most of your time. Remember to keep your home clutter free, take your time, make the decision and just go for it.

Bedrooms This room is used as a personal sanctuary for peace and intimacy. Placing objects in pairs in this room is thought to increase marital harmony and balance, candles and vases would be a great example of this philosophy. Practitioners also believe that by arranging our furnishings and decor in a way that aligns with nature, we draw harmony and good health into our lives.

Color, the ultimate effect We all respond to color subjectively, yet some colors seem to work more successful than others. For example yellow is the color of the sun and signifies longevity. Green is considered to be a color of freshness, growth and peace. Using color in accessories, art and window treatment will have a major impact to any room. It is important to add a touch of color, whether you find yourself leaning toward neutral palette, color will intensify the room and bring it to life. It’s your safe haven, enjoy it to the fullest.

Is it time for a professional Do you have a favorite room in your home that’s not furnished? Does everything seem to look off balanced ? Do you need window treatments and flooring or do you need help with selecting paint, furnishings and accessories, and most importantly, does your home represent who you really are? If you answered yes to any of the above questions you may need to seek assistance from a professional. Teresa Perkins ©2008. All rights reserved. 21



by Zachary Pullins, Sr.


hat does a triumphant church look like? The Bible says that Jesus the Anointed One is returning for a church triumphant. What is the difference between a church that can overcome the world and a church that can get out of its own way? In Revelation 2:3; Jesus the Christ has a distinctive message to seven different churches. Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea were all called out in separate statements. Each church lacks perfection in the eyes of Jehovah but to all Jesus reminds; He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. This is stated to all but what follows is again separate and distinctive; because what follows is; To him that overcometh will I give an extra measure of substance or gain.

enemy’s camp and set the captives free just like our elder brother Jesus the Christ. The church triumphant knows and believes the Great Commission Matthew 28:18b – 20; All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo I am with you always, even to the end of the world. The church un-triumphant has learned the art of cover and concealment and has learned to fit in with its environment. It is undistinguished from its surroundings and is the great under cover church. It cannot dominate, nor operate in authority because it lacks the courage to walk in faith and truly trust God. It continues to build unimpressive excuses for why the world is greater in capability and resources than Christ’s anointing which make all Christians more than conquerors. It’s safe within the confines of its own building and own neighborhood; as for one putting a thousand to flight and two putting ten thousand to flight the church un-triumphant has no power, nor does it operate in its God given authority.

Ephesians 5:27 says; That He (Jesus) might present to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. Jesus during his time on earth displayed a pattern of overcoming in every capacity and in every situation without the fear of failure. Too many of our churches are afraid of failure and paralyzed by their sense that failure and victory both are all about them and their image. The Bible states that we are created in the image of God, therefore either in God the body of Christ wins or outside the guidance of God the body of Christ loses. There is no living body without the direction of the head. A body without communication with its head is retarded in growth and will never mature into the triumphant church called for by Our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.


recently went to the movies to see the highly acclaimed but universally unpopular “The Day the Earth Stood Still”. The most important message I took from the movie was that mankind would only change at the precipice or brink of extinction. Will the church become triumphant? I believe the answer to that question is emphatically yes! Jesus the Christ is coming back soon and He will return for a triumphant church. What will be the defining moment coming in the near future of end-times that will take the church un-triumphant and transform it into the church triumphant. What is the precipice event for the body of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ? What will it take to kick start or resuscitate the men and women of God to the greatness that was created in them before the foundation of the world? These are things I ponder as well as many of you.

In the eyes of our Triune Godhead a triumphant church can capture a planet, a nation, a region, a state, a city, a community, a neighborhood or a night club and deliver it for our God and King. A triumphant church can walk into a nightclub on a Saturday night and turn it into a revival tent meeting. A triumphant church can walk into a drug infested neighborhood and turn crack addicts into born again Christians. The church triumphant can break through any and all barriers, isn’t afraid of going to all the places sinners abide and walk out with souls for the Kingdom of Light. The church triumphant can walk into the

Until next month dear hearts, friends and loved ones; keep it real and keep it Christ. Zachary Pullins, Sr. ©2008. All rights reserved.




YEAR YOU HEALTHY START by Bridgette Collins

It’s that time of year when people around the globe make plans to improve some area of their life. At the top of their list will be the traditional health and fitness goals. Although most people understand the importance of implementing healthier lifestyle habits, the thought of eliminating life long habits can be frustrating and overwhelming.

I’ve curled up with self-pity, self-doubt, insecurity and fear for too long.” “Most important, Coach,” Natalie quickly interjected, “our failure to say no to traditional favorites during the holiday season resulted in us gaining an additional ten pounds. As a consequence, Maya’s quest to get her diabetes under control was impacted.”

Coach Collins, a renowned fitness consultant, offers her observations and insights into the plight to implement and sustain healthier lifestyle habits. An excerpt of a dialogue between Coach Collins and two of her clients, Natalie and Maya who are sisters, will help you relate to and understand those common struggles shared to live healthier.

“Now is the time to put the past where it belongs, and that’s behind you. No more looking over your shoulders harboring a bunch of ill feelings and what ifs,” Coach Collins emphasized. “I’m glad you’ve recognized those thoughts, feelings and actions that have hindered you from moving your life in a healthy direction. That’s the first step to change.”

“Happy New Year’s, Coach,” Natalie and Maya said, exiting their cars at Memorial Park. “Happy New Year’s to the both of you. It’s good to see you. Thank you for sending me your health assessment forms. Before we get started with our walking session, let’s sit and visit for a moment.” Coach Collins and the ladies sat down at a nearby park bench.

“We’re ready to change,” Natalie chimed in. “Because you’ve had relatives with diabetes, I know you’re familiar with the long-term consequences of the disease,” Coach Collins stated.

“Coach, we are so excited about getting started today. We’ve purchased the essential fitness gear you suggested; the appropriate shoes for walking, a pair of those technical socks, and a fuel belt to carry our water,” Natalie shared.

“Yes, I am; our grandmother,” Maya confirmed. “Unhealthy habits eventually resulted in the amputation of her legs, blindness, mental instability and heart failure. She died at the age of 57.”

“Great,” Coach Collins said, excited that they had heeded her advice.

“Maya’s habits are like our grandmother’s. She struggles with giving up her white bread, rice and pasta,” Natalie said, glancing over at Maya. “But, I can’t judge her habits. I know my addiction to soda will surely have some consequences. So far, I’ve managed to reduce my consumption to three cans a day.”

“After our visit with you last month, we spent a couple of days hashing out the reasons (including certain emotional feelings and experiences) why we’ve neglected to embrace healthier habits. For years we dodged the idea of healthier living while settling into a litany of excuses. We’ve spent the majority of our adult life talking ourselves out of…,” Natalie stopped in mid-sentence.

“Well, it’s a new year, ladies. Optimal health requires the right attitude about eating healthier and exercising. You must make some tough choices about what’s important in your life,” Coach Collins confirmed. “Today, we’re going to focus on exercising. There are so many benefits to exercising… builds energy levels, lowers blood pressure, improves muscle tone

“We’ve made up our minds to do what is necessary to implement healthier habits. Personally, I’m determined to move my life in a different direction in 2009. I’ve used my kids, husband, job, church, and everything else as excuses for too long.


Continued from previous page

and strength, strengthens and builds bones, helps reduce body fat, and it’s been proven to reduce stress, anxiety and depression. For you Maya, you will find exercise critical to managing your diabetes. Combining diet, exercise, and any medication you’re taking will help you control your weight and blood sugar level. With all that being said, I want to make sure you get started correctly. Today, I’m going give you an overview of the key components for exercising safely – the warm-up, conditioning, and cool-down stages. First, we’re going to start with a warm-up. Let’s get started by walking five to ten minutes.”

“Warming up before your main exercise activity is like revving up your own personal engine. A good warm-up routine can lead to better performance and help reduce the risk of injury. Let’s start back walking. We will gradually increase to a faster pace. The goal is to perform at a moderately-intense level. If you exercise too lightly, you may not meet your fitness or weight-loss goals. If you push yourself too hard, you may increase your risk of injury. During our next visit I’ll spend more time on how you can measure your exercise intensity.” Coach Collins and the sisters enjoyed the rich history of Memorial Park while walking at a moderate-intense pace for thirty minutes.

“Why do we need to warm-up, Coach?” Maya asked. “The warm-up phase helps your body adjust slowly from rest to exercise. It reduces the stress on your heart and other muscles, slowly increases your breathing, circulation (heart rate), and body temperature,” Coach Collins explained.

“Coach, I believe we’ve been walking for thirty minutes,” Maya announced. “You’re right. As we walk back to the parking lot, we will implement the cool down phase which allows your body to gradually recover from the conditioning phase. Your heart rate and blood pressure will return to its normal state. Cool-down does not mean to sit down! In fact, do not sit, stand still, or lie down right after exercise. This may cause you to feel dizzy or lightheaded or have heart palpitations (fluttering in your chest). Your goal is to walk for five to ten minutes to keep the blood flowing throughout the body. We will perform some additional stretches to avoid muscle cramps and soreness once we get back to our cars. Next time, we’ll also focus more on the importance of drinking water before, during and after your workout sessions.”

“I thought stretching was the same as warming-up,” Natalie commented. “A lot of individuals have been led to believe that to stretch is to warm-up. But stretching is not the warm-up. It’s a part of the warm-up; however, it should follow the activities that help your body become exercise ready, such as walking or riding a bike slowly for five to ten minutes. The warm-up will help reduce muscle soreness and improve flexibility,” Coach shared. Coach Collins led the two sisters along a walk/run path at Memorial Park. She discussed in detail the various components. “During the conditioning stage, the benefits of exercise are gained and calories are burned. However, you must exercise at an appropriate intensity level for those things to happen. Today, I will monitor your intensity which is generally measured by taking your pulse, using a heart rate monitor, or taking the talk test.”

“Thanks, Coach. For the first time in a long time, I believe,” Maya said. “Ladies, it’s a new year,” Coach Collins said. “Pat yourself on the back. Be proud of your decision to respond now and not wait and face the dire consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle.”

“Why is intensity important?” Maya asked. “The intensity at which you exercise reflects the amount of oxygen your body uses to do an exercise activity and the number of calories you burn while doing it. During an aerobic exercise such as walking, swimming or cycling — intensity translates into how hard the exercise feels to you,” Coach Collins responded. “Okay, it’s been about seven minutes. Let’s stop and stretch.”

This health and fitness dialogue is provided for your consideration only. It is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care provider. Please consult your health care provider for advice about your specific health and fitness needs. Fitness coach Bridgette Collins is the author of Destined to Live Healthier and Imagine Living Healthier, two entertaining and inspiring novels that use fictional characters to motivate readers to make healthy lifestyle choices. For more healthy living tips, go to For general health and fitness questions, please feel free to email Coach Collins at

Coach Collins demonstrated a variety of exercises used to stretch their shoulders, neck, calf muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings, and groin area. “The goal is to stretch for at least ten minutes. You should perform stretches that are slow and gradual. Try not to quickly jerk any muscles, and avoid bouncing in your stretch. It’s important to hold each stretch for fifteen to thirty seconds.” “Coach, I have never warmed-up in past exercise programs,” Natalie admitted.



10 Life IMPACTING Books 1. Inspired to Succeed: Wit and Wisdom for Your Unlimited Success by Dr. Stacia Pierce 2. The Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude: How to Find, Build and Keep A YES! Attitude for a Lifetime of Success by Jeffrey Gitomer 3. Funky to Fabulous: Surefire Success Strategies for Savvy, Sassy and Swamped by Eli Davidson 4. 8 Steps to Create the Life You Want: The Anatomy of Successful Life by Dr. Creflo A. Dollar 5. Utmost Living: Creating and Savoring Your Best Life Now by Tim Storey 6. Caught Between a Dream and a Job: How to Leave the 9-to-5 Behind and Step into the Life You’ve Always Wanted by Delatorro McNeal 7. Get Real, Get Rich: Conquer the 7 Lies Blocking You From Success by Dr. Farrah Gray 8. Connect: Building Success Through People, Purpose and Performance by Keith Harrell and Hattie Hill 9. Relationship Networking: The Art of Turning Contacts into Connections by Sandra Yancy 10. From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur: Make Money with Books, Ebooks and Information Products by Stephanie Chandler


by Pamela Perry




GraceGOD Don’t live in the past, live in victory! by La’naye Jones


o it’s a new year and you are wondering how this year can be different from the last. Aside from the many resolutions and promises we make to ourselves we can try to do some things to improve and enhance the way we dress. It’s a new year, so you should try a new look. If you feel different on the inside it will reflect the way you look on the outside. With this said here is a guide for you to follow in 2009:

Let quality exceed price You want to have garments that you can keep in your wardrobe for some time. The better the quality the longer it will last.

Invent new trends - Don’t be afraid to step out of the box. It is okay to be different. Being different is a way to stand out. Being a strong Christian woman alone makes you stand out but a new trend will make you look even more spectacular.

Vision Decision - A nice pair of specs goes a long way. Whether they are prescription or just for show, glasses are definitely a nice accessory to spice up an outfit. Don’t be afraid of color or even the shape; just pick one pair that compliments your face.

Elongate those legs - For the tall women out there this doesn’t seem to be a problem but for those who are on the shorter side this is for you. Just because you may not be tall doesn’t mean that you can’t appear to have longer legs. For those who are short or maybe even petite, try to stay away from boot cut pants but go more towards the pants that have a little flare. Also you do not want to go for jeans that hug your body too tight. Remember tight is not the issue, fit is.

Include lots of accessories - As women, we tend to love accessories. Don’t be afraid to accessorize with jewelry, handbags, scarves, hats and etc. Accessories can actually make an outfit. Always remember, everything does not have to match. Try to choose colors that compliment each other rather than the same entire color palette.

Neutrals paired with color - You never want to be a “plain Jane”; you always want to make yourself stand out a bit. Adding a little color to a neutral is so effective. You can pair an all black outfit with a colored shirt, bag, shoe, or even accessories. One pop of color is enough to make a big statement. 28

Continued from previous page

Vivacious color - Being a business professional may lead you to think that some bright color is not appropriate. Contrary to popular belief this is not the case. Color can really bring out an outfit and it could even brighten your mood. Just remember, color is your friend.

Ideas, ideas, ideas - When new ideas about styles come into your head, it’s okay. If this happens you should move on it. Remember this year is all about going after new things, so try it out.

Create a variety of outfits - When shopping you should go for items that you can pair with other things. Don’t go for items that you are not able to mix and match. This will actually expand your wardrobe in ways that you couldn’t even imagine.

Take time to evaluate your style - Many times we find ourselves sticking to the same types of clothing, same colors and same shape. This is simply because we each have our own style. While some have a defined style others seem to be confused on what their style actually is. Some styles include bohemian, traditional, contemporary, country and even a mixture of styles. Try to discover your style in the year 2009.

Organize your closet - How many times have you found yourself walking into your closet and continuously seeing clothes that you don’t wear? If this is the case, you need to go through your closet and take out the things that you haven’t touched in years. Even if you come across things that you haven’t worn in over three months, which are in season, these items need to be removed. You do not have to overcrowd your closet with the unnecessary, just keep what you need.

Realize your own potential - You are a child of God and you deserve the best. Thinking in this manner will cause you to look at things in a different perspective. One of these things includes the way you dress. Because you deserve the best, you should treat yourself to clothing that will exemplify this.

You, it all starts with you! - You have to take the initiative to change; no one else can do it for you.


Marco Beach Ocean Resort

Marco Island, FL 30

hen it comes to the beauty of Marco Island, a picture truly is worth a thousand words! The island is known for its gorgeous sunsets and miles of white sand beaches. Residents and visitors alike can relax with their toes in the sand, or get adventurous with plenty of water sports options, from fishing to parasailing and more. Situated at the northernmost point of the picturesque Ten Thousand Islands and just south of Naples, Marco Island, Florida is your island in the sun.


Marco Island is graced with miles of white-sand beaches, luxurious real estate, beautiful year-round weather, sumptuous restaurants, fine shopping, dining, lively entertainment, attractions and plenty of recreational activities from boating and fishing, to golf and tennis, and more. All set amid the stunning subtropical beauty that is unique to Southwest Florida's Gulf coast.


Shaped by the tides and shifting sands of countless millennia, Marco Island in sun swept Southwest Florida is surrounded by the tourmaline waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Marco Beach Ocean Resort overlooks the magnificent Gulf and dazzling, white sand shores of Marco Island's crescent beach. Whether you are on vacation or attending a retreat, a sojourn at this exclusive island resort will surely prove unforgettable. The "Gateway to the Everglades" and the largest of Southwest Florida's legendary Ten Thousand Islands, Marco Island is just 30 minutes from the arts, entertainment, dining and shopping of Naples. Florida's most sophisticated small city. Accessible by car and commercial or private aircraft, the resort is situated conveniently to Marco Island Executive Airport, Naples Airport and Southwest Florida International Airport in Fort Myers.

From the moment you are greeted beneath the porte cochere and enter the luxurious Mediterranean-styled lobby with its original art and antiques...and then venture out to the sugar-sand beach and azure waters of the Gulf of Mexico, you know your visit to the Marco Beach Ocean Resort will be nothing less than extraordinary.

The Marco Beach Ocean Resort takes great care to create a memorable experience for its guests. Over the years, they have developed a few Resort Traditions that have become a treat to remember!

Sorbet on the Beach

This resort is unique among Marco Island resorts, offering a level of luxury that has been almost lost in today’s one-size-fits-all approach to hospitality. You will be pleasantly surprised to discover that the Marco Beach Ocean Resort prides themselves in offering a fresh and energetic perspective on lavishly spoiling each guest. This resort is setting a new standard among Marco Island resorts.

Various flavors of cool and refreshing sorbet are served each day at 3:00 p.m. to guests on the beach and at the pool.

Sunset Canapé on The Terrace A Chef’s Choice canapé is served complimentary to guests every evening on The Terrace at sunset. In celebration of the magnificent sunset, a captain's bell is rung as the sun touches the water on the horizon.

Marco Beach Ocean Resort, a boutique 98-suite resort, offers an exclusive intimate environment found in its 83 luxurious onebedroom and 15 two-bedroom suites. All feature a balcony with views of the shimmering Gulf of Mexico or garden terraces.

Turtle Turndown

Each of their beach accommodations on Marco Island offers lavish marble showers and vanity tops, luxurious bed linens, live orchids, multiple telephone lines and cordless phone, keyless entry and high-speed Internet access.

In honor of the loggerhead sea turtles that nest on the beach during the summer months, their younger guests are treated to Turtle Turndown, complete with a brief description of the yearly occurrence as well as a stuffed turtle Keepsake.





LIVE Magazine Luxury Living for Kingdom Lifestyles A PUBLICATION OF THE PULLINS 34 MEDIA GROUP

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