live magazine - January 2010

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L I V E I N V I C T O R Y. O R G

JANUARY 2010 Vol. 1 Issue 17


Restoring Power of the Brain



HORNBUCKLE It’s A Wonderful Life








EDITORIAL ADDRESS 8923 EARLY APRIL WAY, Suite C COLUMBIA, MD 21046 ISSN: 1945-5178 live magazine is a monthly online publication, supported by our advertisers. For advertising information contact us at Permissions: live magazine requires written permission for use of any published article. Upon written approval “Used by permission of live magazine” must be used. Copyright 2009. All rights reserved.

january 2010


Volume 1 • Issue 17

It's a Wonderful Life

16 5

Book of the Month


Faith and Patience


The 3G Network


Designing for the King


Big Heart, New Start


“Deterioration of the brain cells with God’s power to restore”


Starting the New Year Fabulous


Ready! Set! Goal!


Let’s go!! Happy New Year!!! I love this time of year. It’s like the dawning of a new day. The beginning of a New Year opens endless opportunities to move beyond your current situation and circumstance and start a new. This is an especially exciting time because not only is this a New Year but the beginning of a new decade. 2010 promises to be a year of God’s manifested glory!! This is the year that we will experience the glory of God like never before. People will know that we serve the true and living God. I am so excited about everything that God will do this year and beyond. I have made a conscience decision that I wish to be used in these end times. I want God to be glorified in everything I do. Regardless of what life throws my way I will not be deterred from fulfilling my God given purpose and destiny. As a wise women recently told me “life happens” (see “It’s a Wonderful Life” -interview with Pastor Renee Hornbuckle) and that statement is so true. How you respond to what life throws at you will determine how long you stay in that particular situation. I challenge you to make this year the year that you stop making excuses and complaining about “life” and allow Jesus to be Lord in every area of your life. Pray and seek God for direction and make the decision to obey. If you get a hunger for the things of God, I promise you He will show up and manifest Himself in your life! The bible records that if you are willing and obedient you will eat the good of the land. God’s perfect will for your life is the safest place to be. Make that your New Years Resolution - To rest in the peace of God. Be all that God has called you to be. You can start today and live in victory everyday!!

Victoriously yours,

Lorraine Williams Editor-in-Chief


live magazine - January 2010

Book of the Month

It's Your Time by Joel Osteen Get your hopes up. Raise your expectations. Your best days are in front of you. In challenging times, it may be hard to see better days ahead. You may feel as though your struggles will never end, that things won't ever turn around for you. This is exactly the moment to put your faith into action and expect God's blessings. It's your time to declare your faith, to look for God's favor, and to give control of your life to Him so that you can find fulfillment in His plans for you! It's Your Time to believe. It's not easy to always be optimistic. Life can be difficult, and in hard economic times it's not just your finances that suffer. Your relationships can be strained. Your health can be stressed. Bad habits can return and negative thoughts can take over. When one part of your life after another takes a bad turn, you can feel like there is no end in sight, no way out. The truth is, maybe you don't have an answer. But God does! Maybe you don't have the strength. But God does! It's Your Time for favor. In It's Your Time, bestselling author Joel Osteen, pastor of the nation's largest church, offers the inspirational truth that no matter where you stand in life, you are never alone. He reminds you also that the bigger your burden, the greater your blessings to come. You may have neglected God, but He has not abandoned you. He has already released good things into your future. As long as you're breathing, you can still reclaim His favor by renewing your faith and accepting His plans for you. It's Your Time for restoration. In these pages, Joel offers assurances that God does not want you to merely survive challenging times, He wants you to thrive. When you give your life over to Him, God will send opportunities your way so that you can soar to new heights of fulfillment. History has shown that the most difficult times can serve as catalysts for creativity, innovation, and accomplishment. If you hold on to your faith, ask for God's favor, and don't give in to depression or discouragement, you will emerge not bitter but better, not a victim but a victor. It's Your Time to trust. God already is working in your life to arrange the right people, the right skills, and the right opportunities to give you the tools you need to fulfill and exceed your dreams. Drawing from Joel's experiences and those of people around the world, It's Your Time offers messages of faith, hope, and strength to help you rise above any circumstance so that you can fulfill God's best plan for your life. It's Your Time to stretch. Joel has filled this book with bold new prayers, inspiring stories, and practical tools for moving forward in faith. You will find inspiration from others who have overcome adversity and achieved their dreams. You will find proven methods for not just picking up the pieces but for building a new life better than you'd imagined. The hopeful messages and warm encouragements in this book will push you to expand your horizons beyond what you thought you were capable of doing so that you might go even farther than you'd ever dreamed of going.

It's Your Time!



and patience by Zachary Pullins Sr.

ated you to become because he is the God who knew you before you were formed in your mother’s womb. There is a line in the movie “Two can play that game” uttered by Morris Chestnut and Anthony Anderson which bears mentioning: “Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it’s just transferred”. Will you become what God has called you to become, that ball is totally in your court, dribble, pass or shoot because God isn’t going to make you become anything against your will. It is indeed his will that you become everything he’s called you to be. All of his promises are yes and amen, in that they are for us, all of them. We must prepare ourselves to ready to

The Bible tells us in Hebrews chapter 6, verse 12;

We should not be lazy, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promise. The Bible tells us that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob inherited the promises of God through his faith and patience and therefore we need to follow their example. Webster says this about patience: 1.) The capacity, habit, or fact of being patient. Patient: 2.) Bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint. 3.) Manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain. 4.) Not hasty or impetuous. 5.) Steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity.

Patience isn’t the ability to sit idly by on your do nothing doing as little as possible while you wait on the Lord. Patience is the act of preparing daily to walk in the purpose of God in your life. What has god called you to become? If God has called you to become a husband, wife, father, mother, lawyer, doctor or politician what are you doing to prepare yourself in the meantime; are you letting patience have its perfect work. Are you allowing God through his perfect word to work out the imperfections and flaws in your character and soul so you can fully walk in and under the mantle God has placed upon your life? You must understand that God calls things that be not as if they already exist; meaning that God sees the end from the beginning and sees in you all that he’s placed and cre-

receive from God the things that eyes have not seen nor have entered into the hearts of man that God has stored up for those who are prepared. I had an Army boss who was really good military leader and not so capable when it came to understanding non-military leadership and personnel. He had a saying “Luck is where preparation meets opportunity”. I think he was just a little confused; Blessings are where preparation meets


tunity, in short you must prepare yourself to be blessed by God. God invests


much in his

Holy Name and Devine character to just bless Christians

religious beliefs. Faith is the substance of things hoped

who are not prepared to receive his best. Just like you

for and the evidence of things not seen, the bible tells us

wouldn’t give a loaded weapon to an immature child,

that by it the elders through faith obtained a more excel-

God isn’t willing to prove those he loves with a means

lent report. Furthermore we understand that worlds were

to destroy their lives. Mature Christians seek God’s face

framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen

and receive from his hands; immature Christians will al-

were not made of things which do appear. The bible tells

ways look to his hands and never receive the full blessing

us that without faith it is impossible to please God.

of the Lord to include his riches in glory.

There is another scripture that comes to mind when

obtain all the promised blessing of God? The combina-

I think about faith. It states “Have faith in God”; which

tion of faith and patience produces super-natural power

is to say have the God kind of faith. Jesus during his

and revelation. Jesus walked in both faith and patience

time on Earth daily demonstrated the God kind of faith

while he walked among us. He patiently communicated

when he spoke to the fig tree and it dried up and

daily through prayer to hear every word that proceeded

died. He instructed one of his disciples to

out of the mouth of his father and only did what he saw

go catch a fish and retrieve the coin

his father do and never repeated anything he didn’t hear

form its mouth and pay their taxes.

his father say. He faithfully carried out every instruction

Lastly, he allowed Lazarus to

from his father including allowing his father to order his

die in order to establish to the

daily steps. He healed no one his father didn’t specifi-

world that he was indeed the

cally identify and went on no journey his father didn’t

resurrection and the life.

specifically authorize. In short he came to earth to show

Daniel Webster’s take

us how to live and walk in the God kind of life, constantly

on faith is as follows:

Which is interesting since by faith and patience we

connected to the source and the vine.

James chapter 1,

1.) Belief and trust in

verse 3 states “My brothers count it all joy when you fall

and loyalty to God

into different temptations. Gain an understanding that the

2.) Belief in the tra-

trying of your faith strengthens your patience. Learn to

ditional doctrines of

let patience have her perfect work so that you will become

a religion. 3.) Firm

perfect and mature in the Lord”. Mature patience and faith

belief in something

gain the promises of God, remembering that patience isn’t

for which there

waiting on God to do what he has already promised and

is no proof


already done. Jesus uttered these famous last words from


the cross. “It is done”. He completed the work he came


to earth to finish; he re-established the covenant between

that is believed

God and fallen mankind. Faith and patience is what is

especially with

required to walk in and obtain the promises of God. Until

strong convic-

next month dear hearts, family, friends and loved ones;

tion; especial-

keep it real and keep it Christ.

Complete 6.)

ly: a system of

Glamour, Grace & God

The 3G Network by brenda d. dennis


do you write about Glamour, Grace and God all at once? I thought about it, I pondered, I meditated, I let it go, I thought about it again and then I dropped my Blackjack. Out of my phone falls my SIM card and staring back at me was 3G! What a moment! This is Fabulistic! Never mind the $500 lace front wig that looks incredibly glamorous and natural - a definite word of knowledge mentally formed in my mind - The 3G Network - a system that crosses and interconnects. Glamour, the word demands attention. It has allure. It is magnetic. It is a 'must have' in the fashion industry which causes a surreal effect on the consumer transcending boundaries of ordinary into exquisite. You cannot read a fashion magazine without seeing the word 'glamour'. But what does glamour mean from the perspective of a woman of purpose and destiny embracing kingdom living in today's generation? Divine elegance. It is radiance from within. An illumination of light that glows internally and externally negating painful perception as reality. It is the maturity of having 'things' and 'things' not having you. Glamour projects confidence. Glamour is individual style, whether it is the latest Versace Large Fabric Shoulder Tote and Nina Ricci pumps or Thomas Wylde shorts, these are only compliments to her unique and divine presence. Wherever she walks, glamour and grace follows. Trails of elegance defined by the beauty and smoothness of her movement are the epitome of grace for the woman who lives a victorious life. She knows from where her help comes. She understands that it is the Sovereign hand of God that carries her through every season. Regardless of the task at hand, the grace of God is sufficient for every circumstance and situation. God's grace is a priceless jewel. It is His unmerited favor, which allows us to enjoy all the gifts that are freely given to us in life. When a moment of indecisive-

ness arises and you are torn between pumps or open-toe, treat yourself to the beauty of an evening sky and embrace God's masterpiece, allow your senses to be captivated by shades of blue splashed with a tint of turquoise. The glory and glamour of God cannot be denied, for He is the biggest fashion designer known. Bright, brilliant, intense hues of blue and green with shades of magenta etched across the sky take on a pattern of architecture. He designs your life by allowing morning to awaken you with a hope to a brand new day as the sunshine erases any trace of darkness from the night before. His magnificent clock, ticks and tocks constantly which demonstrates his ultimate and infinite power, controlling the times and the seasons, reminding us weeping is only for a night, but joy comes in the morning. Isaiah 61:10-11 (MSG) says: I will sing for joy in GOD, explode in praise from deep in my soul! He dressed me up in a suit of salvation; He outfitted me in a robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom who puts on a tuxedo and a bride a jeweled tiara. For as the earth bursts with spring wildflowers, and as a garden cascades with blossoms, so the Master, GOD, brings righteousness into full bloom and puts praise on display before the nations. Knowing this and seeing this, experiencing His nature through His creation, we must know that God intended for everyone to share in His creation, share in the creation of His beauty. Participation is not subject to an economic status. God is not a respecter of persons and neither is fashion. True fashion is a beautiful manifestation of life. It is an expression of culture, art and character through clothing, style and personality. To find your true sense of

fashion, you must locate the inner you. Access your needs and wants, dare to be different and become liberated. Make a statement. Once you develop your personal style, people will notice. It is always nice to be an originator and not an imitator. When you tap into your 'inner you' you will also notice an inner joy that projects an outward happiness. Joy is the prerequisite of happiness. Joy is an internal wholeness and completeness that marinates within the mind, body, and spirit. Ms. B. Speaks! As we journey through the catwalk of life, these are 7 of my must do's for a woman of God, a woman of Glamour, and a woman of Grace to live a life of Faith, Favor, & Fashion

Find yourself - God created you in His image and His likeness. There is only one "you". You are the salt of the earth and there's nothing wrong with a lil' flava added to your faith.

Accessorize - Accessories add color, style, and class to create your uniqueness.

Smile - The next time you walk in a room, remember it is what you wear on your face that people will not only remember, but also make them comfortable in your presence.

Have Fun - Even during a bad hair day - it all works for your good anyway.


- Let your personality shine. Allow the Light on the inside to bring forth brightness in all that you do.

Obedience - is never determined by feelings.

Never Give Up - All things can be done through Christ that gives you strength.



RELEASE DATE: MAY 4, 2010 Suber Pullins Publishing announces author recruitment for the second installment of their Victorious Living book series. Victorious Living for Moms: Letters to a Mother's Heart scheduled for release on May 4, 2010 is a book designed to encourage and inspire the heart of a "mother".

A Suber Pullins Anthology Project
The Second Installment
 in the Victorious Living Series

We are looking for submissions written in letter style to mothers of all types. Married, single, grandmothers, mothers-in-law, divorced, physically challenged, stay at home moms, mothers of physically challenged children, adoptive mothers, birth mothers, godmothers, soon to be mothers, women who desire to be mothers but for some reason have not been able to conceive, mothers of lost children, mothers of adult children and the list goes on. Victorious Living for Moms wants to touch the heart of every woman around the world who has a "mother's heart". If you are interested in being a part of this heartwarming and life changing anthology please visit the Chapter Reservation page.

Win in 2010 with live magazine. Everyone desires to be a winner and whenever there is a contest it is certain that we will all jump at the chance to enter if there is a guarantee that we will win. Well look no further, you will Win in 2010 with live magazine. live magazine is looking to gain 10K new subscribers in 2010. So log onto and subscribe to this premier Christian women’s magazine which is sharing the best in Christian news to the Cyber Community. When you subscribe you will gain: • Instant on-line connection to an elite community of Christian Women

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2009 J U N E Is s u e 1 3 ol. 1 V

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live magazine is the premier publication for Victorious Living For Women, a collaborative work of 40 women from 18 states promoting the message of victory to the Nation. Come on and join the Victory Celebration now and win in 2010 with live magazine!




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designing for the king with Deana Murphy

designing with purpose


ost often at the onset of a New Year with Christmas holidays behind, people are likely to get in the creative mode. The beginning of a new year in some way incites creativity and motivation for change. Included with the desire to change may arise enhancing our lives; often enrolling at the gym and eating healthier meals. Much the same comes about for the home. Refreshing and renewing worn places ranks high on our to-do list. For many of us, we seek to get our home in order and finally decorate those neglected and tough to tackle areas.


live magazine - January 2010

Ready for a Change! When I think about changing my home environment it reminds me of how Jesus changed the darkened, hidden places of my being into a ray of light and hope. With beaming anticipation I knew He had a purpose for my life. I was ready for a change. Venturing into a home make-over, whether one room or the entire home, can produce this same optimism. But before you jet out to the store to make your purchases, prepare yourself for the change. Consider what you want your home to accomplish for you. More importantly, how can your

home design unify your family? Do you want it to remind you of the warmth and security of your home as a child? Or would you like it to help cancel the pain of the past? What about a design that will accommodate every family member’s desires and needs? Too often we acclimatize lifestyles and living at home to the layout and features of the home. Imagine how our lives would be if God didn’t first re-arrange the universe. He designed His world in His majestic display of power with purpose. The same holds true for every design or decorating endeavor we undertake. Design changes should serve with purpose. I’m not only talking about designing to appeal to forms and aesthetics. And I’m certainly not referring to making changes because your best friend or neighbor’s home is outdoing yours. That’s not purpose, that’s pressure. Designing with purpose means to have a plan.

Planning the Design Looking back over Scripture it is apparent that God did nothing without a plan. From the design of the world in Genesis to the soon and coming King in Revelation, His plan has always been wooing His people to Himself. It didn’t matter how impossible the darken world looked, God had a plan for the design of His world. He knew exactly what He wanted His design to do for Him and His family. This says to me that we must do no less when designing our home. Let’s consider the gathering or family room for example. This room generally serves as a multi-purpose area where we relax and entertain, play and work, or watch TV, read and do homework. But we certainly can’t engage all these activities simultaneously. And someone has to plan the room’s layout and décor for incorporating these activities. Then the schedule must be planned.

Meeting of the Minds Actually the way you live at home determines how you should plan your design. If relationships are centered in your heart, then making a place that unifies the family

and connects family with friends is one way to define the purpose of the home. Perhaps working from home defines a major purpose for redesigning the home. Evaluate the use of each space. I often advise my clients to have a design meeting with their families. In this meeting discuss what is important to each household member, write it down, and be willing to compromise and be flexible when possible. While function is a major consideration in the design process; what’s paramount is the emotional and spiritual well-being of the entire household. Here are a few suggestions to discuss in the design meeting:

objection • What is the main purpose for making design changes? More space? A better lay-out? New purchases? Reworking some existing things? Insulation to stifle the sound of drum practice or electronic games? • Do you want your home to reflect your spiritual life? If so, what would you need to do to be ready to reflect this? Would it be more patience with each other? Like-mindedness with your spouse? Unselfishness? • How does your lifestyle define how you live? What functions must be performed for each room?

editing • Walking through the home and carefully looking at each room, what do you see that needs to be done? • What do you see that needs to be removed? What isn’t needed that can be donated or just simply thrown away? • Are there any hard places in your heart needing editing? What about spurts of anger over something simple as tidying up behind someone or taking out the trash?

ambiance • What kind of atmosphere do you want? Do you want it to be peaceful? energetic? restful? loving? • What kind of atmosphere can you create that will


sustain His Presence? • Atmosphere is very important to the Lord. Remember that He transformed space to separate the waters so He could design an atmosphere called heaven. • How is the atmosphere of your heart? Does it need renovating? Only a touch-up? Do you have the right spirit in your heart? What about your attitude? • What style, objects and activities will be pleasing to the Holy Spirit? Everything that looks good may not necessarily be sanctioned by God.

bringing order • How can you arrange your activities to undermine any negative habits and keep the home in order? • Assess your needs for bringing clarity to what to do with what you have. • Which spaces can you use in untraditional ways if functional issues arise? • In what ways can you adjust and show more love and respect for each other?

sentiments • How can you incorporate past places of influence into the design? • How can you incorporate those pleasant childhood memories into the design? • How can you incorporate priceless family traditions into the design?

cultural • Are there any cultural influences and can it be included? • Talk about your differences and how to effectively translate them into the design.

preferences • What are your likes and dislikes? • What are your individual interests?


live magazine - January 2010

bonding • When and where is family time together? It maybe as simple as sitting around the table sharing your day. • Remember children are people too. Don’t make the design so important that they aren’t allowed to enjoy it.

differences • Discuss personalities, values, and memories. This carries a high price in keeping peace at home.

improvements • What changes will benefit everyone and fortify the family?

a place for them to live before He created the church? The Garden was designed so He could fellowship with Adam and Eve. Liken to this He desires our home be designed with the purpose of having His Presence there also. Ephesians 5:15 admonishes to be very careful how you live, not as unwise but as wise. One way to do this is to create a special space in your home to meet with Him each morning. Press into His wisdom. Remove the anxieties of designing and decorating and seek a fresh start from His word each morning. A comfy chair by a window with a table and good reading light will do. Then the changes that you seek become clearer.

• What are some practical ways to improve on what you have? • How can you better designate the existing spaces to meet your family’s needs? These lists are not all inclusive, but know how vital it is to do this. So much time is used when planning activities to entertain friends, but planning the details with purpose for living at home is oftentimes overlooked. When you think about it, you spend more time in your home than any other place, which makes home design the most influential art form. In view of that, home is an important part of health, spiritual and well-being of your family.

Making changes in our lives and homes is essential and always necessary. I challenge you to begin this New Year with the approach of looking at home design from a different perspective. Yes you are eager to finally decorate those neglected and tough to tackle areas. You’re longing for a fresh start. But be mindful of your family’s needs, surrender any selfish ways of doing things, and, of course, allow the Presence of the Lord to dwell there. Acknowledge that God has a plan for you which include a plan for your home. Renovating allows for a fresh start. Renovate your heart of those hidden attitudes so that His plan and creativity can rise up within you. James 1:17 (CEV) reminds, “Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father who created all the lights in the heavens. He is always the same and never makes dark shadows by changing.” Your home is a good gift. Design it with purpose.

Prayer Lord, in this New Year, give me wisdom to know Your plan and purpose for my home and my life. Remove all distractions that hinders creative ways to make my home work for my family and welcomes Your Presence.

God is a family man. For this reason I put a lot of emphasis on family living at home because it is important to Him. Did you ever consider that He created the family and




Lorraine Williams' conversation with Pastor Renee Hornbuckle


rful Let me say, in my personal opinion Pastor Renee Hornbuckle epitomizes what it means to live in victory every day. No matter what life may throw at her she never allows it to shake her faith and change her character. She is a walking example of what it means to truly rest in the peace of God and to trust Him whole heartedly. She is an anointed woman of God and it was an honor and a privilege to share a moment with her. I was blessed thoroughly and enjoyed every moment.

Pastor Renee, God has blessed you immensely with so many gifts and talents. How are you able to balance ministry, family and business? Well, I tell you, I had to learn to bring balance to my life the hard way - through trial and error. I started out as a young professional woman with her sites set on breaking the glass ceiling of corporate America. Family and children were not really an integral part of my plan and it's not something I really thought I was prepared for, but of course your destiny can change and when it did I found myself almost having to re-structure and relearn how to bring my life in balance. I went on a journey to discover how I could bring balance to my life while at the same time not allow any aspect of my life to suffer and it was a very difficult plight in those early years and that was in the early 90's. There wasn't a lot of talk or conversation about life balance so I re-

ally had to create a model for myself that eventually I began to share with others how it is okay for you sometimes to really be able to say no. It is okay not to be involved in everything. I went on that plight and over the years learned to not necessarily compromise but prioritize and learned how to put things in proper perspective, and really being okay with that fact that sometimes if things don't happen or get done it really is okay. I read in your bio that you describe yourself as a life designer. What do you mean by that statement? My passion and plight in life is really empowerment. I love empowering people to be the best that God has called them to be. As a life designer I kind of use the analogy of laying out a piece of fabric and having to cut away the pieces that are not necessary. You only use the pieces that are necessary. I like to envision myself like that because as a life designer sometimes I have to cut away some of those things that people think they need. Of course God has a design for everyone and I'm just a designer that assists Him. Often times we really don't know what it is God has in store for us. He said "I know the plans that I have for you" and I just feel that God has called me as one of His team members to help people along that course to design their best life ever. I believe you are doing just that because when people describe you they use words like; resilient, positive, strong, inspirational, over comer and the list goes on. I believe that speaks volumes to you and your character. This leads me right into my next question. You have had to fight some very private matters under the very judgmental and scrutinizing public eye of the media, yet through it all you remained steadfast and your faith remained intact and unshaken. Can you share with our readers how you were able to move beyond "stuff" and continue to press towards destiny?


I really live by the Word of God. I strongly believe we have to walk the walk and talk the talk. And when you go through public scrutiny you have choices and decisions to make. As a Kingdom representative I understood I had a responsibility, so straight out the gate I realized that. Jesus tells us that in this life you will have troubles. I like to say it this way "life happens" Life simply happens. And when it happens we have to know how to deal with it. We have a choice. We can chose to get up and move forward and learn from our life's happening or we can disengage and run. I just think that is not what God would have us to do. I believe that everything that we experience somehow it will be used for the glory of God. Personally in my public situation that I just experienced it took me really getting into a place of God that I really don't think I would have been had I not experienced this. It really caused me to learn how to lean and to trust Him in all kinds of ways. And sometimes we don't understand why these things are happening to us. You have a decision to make and I made a decision to press into God. When I got into that secret place in God, He really covered me and hid me. That's when a lot of my healing came. That's where I realized that He was my absolute source and I realized that yes, I'm going through and life is happening, I'm at my weakest but that's where He does his best work. I put my joy upon Him. It no longer became a situation about myself it became a situation about God being glorified that others might come to know Him. It wasn't easy and it was very challenging, very humiliating and very embarrassing at times. But I recognize what my foundational scripture meant to me at that time which is Matthew 6:36 "seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and everything else comes along". That's what I stood upon. I stood upon the Word of God. I trusted Him every single day for wisdom. I never prayed that God would be vindictive or that He would turn things, I just prayed, Lord give me your 18

live magazine - January 2010

wisdom. Give me wisdom on how I can maneuver through this dark place and these dark days and how I can use this for your good. The enemy may have meant this for evil but if I can find the good in this I know you will be glorified. This is where I think a lot of time people miss it. We belly ache and we whine. The scripture says "it was good that I was afflicted". We don't want to deal with those scriptures. We do not want to deal with the fact that we have to deal with the afflictions that we have to go through, the suffering. That is part of our making. That is what I want people to understand. They may be hard pressed on every single side, but if they continue to trust in the Lord thy God and lean not to their own understanding and acknowledge Him in all their ways looking to Him for strategy asking Him to strengthen them and to pull them through, He will find the good in it and He will complete His good work. And if you need some help along the way, get it.

It is truly when we are weak that He will make us strong. I think it is Kelly Clarkson who has a song that says "Jesus take the wheel". I can honestly say that over the last 5 years Jesus has had the wheel and I have not even been in the passenger seat, I have been in the back seat. That is when He does His best work. Lorraine, I think especially going through the devastating times that we are, something that is very difficult to package is hope. People are very hopeless and it is difficult to package. I think people need to see modern day examples of people you have not just survived, but when you survive it takes you back to the original state that you are in. We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus and people have to have a visual. I read a statement from your mother and she is quoted as saying "It is a special privilege for me to be the Mother of such a wonderful person. It is a joy to have her in my life. She has

achieved so much in her life and is loved by all who know her. She is trustworthy, a dependable loving daughter and Mother. She enjoys helping others and loves the Lord". When you hear that, how does that make you feel? Wow! That is overwhelming to hear you re-read that. I have not read that in awhile. My mother had me when she was 40 so she is 40 years older than me. She is definitely a woman I have learned from, but at the same time she has sat at my feet as well and watched me grow. She asks me this question all the time, "how in the world do you know? How did you learn all the things you learned?" My parents are educators and they taught me the love of education and from that I have always been a go getter. I have been one of those people that went after things and researched things and to hear my mother say that is so overwhelming because I am the baby of five girls. I am the baby, but I act like the oldest. I come from a very strong foundation, a very solid foundation of family and I believe that has helped to instill in me. It tickles me sometime when my mother looks at me and says "how in the world did you get what you got" in terms of my strength, my inner strength. I believe it is because they (my parents) established a strong foundation within me and taught me how to stand up and to let my voice be heard while providing a good strong spiritual base as well. My father has gone to be with the Lord, but through the passing on of the years, those words, along with the strength and encouragement from my family has also made me understand the responsibility that I have as a mother-daughter public figure. To make certain that I always operate in integrity, grace, strength, and dignity that would be truly representative of a woman of God and a woman that others would like to be connected to. My women's ministry is Women of Influence, and I really believe that we are influencers in all walks of life, because each of us is an influencer we have to make certain that we are influencing in the capacity


that God would have us to, because you can influence positively or negatively. We should be known for making that positive influence every where we go, whether in the bank, Taco Bell, Starbucks, the grocery store. We can make a difference in somebody's life. We can give a glimmer of hope to someone just by the way that we influence their life when we encounter them. You actually lead me right into my next question. I wanted you to talk about Women of Influence. I understand that it is an organization that is committed to the personal development of women world wide. I am curious about your plans for the organization and beyond. We are trying to take our position back so that we might be that influential entity that is able to go into the world globally to make a difference in the life of others by training women in practical and biblical principles which empower them to live a fulfilled, enriched and improved quality of life. I think as women we do have an opportunity to help build the lives of so many others. This year Women of Influence is repositioning ourselves and re-strategizing and it is my intent to come back full force, to be at the forefront of training and guiding women to an improved quality of life. I am not sure that this will be the year as of yet. I am continuing with my monthly Women of Influence empowerment symposiums and institutes one time a month. I have mentorship classes that are occurring and I also offer teleconference calls through a series of venues that I am also working through. I am also streaming my worship services live via I believe that this will be the year that I am looking to start writing again. I believe there are a number of gifts that God has with in me that He wants me to pen to be a blessing not just to the body of Christ, but to the world and I am excited about the opportunities that He's presenting to me to be able to again present to the world tools 20

live magazine - January 2010

that will help them along the way. I know that you and your husband founded your church Agape Christian Fellowship over 18 years ago. What advice would you give a couple just starting out in ministry? What words of wisdom would you share with them? I love being a pastor to pastors. When you start out in ministry I really believe that you have got to be connected to a very, very strong covering. The key is accountability. Jesus trained His disciples, they sat under His tutelage. He covered them as He prepared them to go into the world. and I really feel that if we are going to be effective in the Kingdom of God then we have to connect with mighty men and women of God that have really blazed the way for us. Being connected with them is to sit at their feet and learn from them. I see a lot of young men and women of God who want to start out but they want to learn from the school of hard knocks. I really don't think you have to do that. The first thing is to connect to a really strong covering and truly submit to them and follow their example and take their lead. One of the things I'm looking at doing 2010 is to offer a ministers roundtable so that ministers will have opportunity to sit down and just have brain storming sessions and talk. I think this is very important and really key. Maybe I should have said this first, but always making certain that you're in it for the right reason and the right motivation. Knowing that and truly allowing the Lord to lead you into the perspective of what He's called you to do will equip you to be in the right place. I have been on a message probably over the last 6 months of calling the body of Christ into unity because I really believe we're stronger together than if we are apart and it's really time for us to come along side one another. There are so many souls out there and so much for all of us to do. We need to be called to unity as opposed to competition. We have to get beyond this competition and get into the bond

of unity so that we can stand shoulder to shoulder so that we can be impactful for the Kingdom. I know that with everything going on in your life, and with ministry, your schedule is packed. What do you do when it's time for Pastor Renee to exhale? What do you like to do? I'm a girly girl. I really enjoy just relaxing. I am an old movie buff I love old movies. I enjoy funny movies not anything too heavy. I love the old kind of movies. My favorite movie, which I can watch all year round, which kind of sums up how I view life is, "It's a Wonderful Life". It really kind of sums up my life message, "It's a wonderful life" and life is what you make it. Even when it comes to going through and being hard pressed on every side you still can look at life everyday and view it as being an absolutely wonderful life. It goes back to when we talked about me being a life designer, I'm kind of known for this and I don't mean to be insensitive but I tell people all the time "Get over it". Get over it, it happened, it's nothing we can do about it. Now let's do what we

need to do so we can get back on the path of destiny that God has for us and at the end of the day that's what works. So I relax. I like shopping and traveling. I love dressing and love clothes (we both laugh). I love HGTV! I love all of that. At the end of the day, it all works together for the good of the Lord. My ideal day these days is being home sitting and relaxing and just enjoying everything that God has given me. Being with my children and just taking it easy. For more information on Dr. Pastor Renee Hornbuckle please visit her at and also at

Empowering • Inspiring • Encouraging Who We are:


Women around the world are looking to connect with organizations that are providing empowering resources, inspirational information and encouraging support. To answer this call Victorious Living for Women was created by women for women to assist them with not only getting to the next level in their life, but providing tools to live a life of purpose with balance, learn the power of sisterhood and collaboration and providing a supportive environment . Victorious Living for Women invites women from around the world to become “partners in victory”.

Unity is the fountainhead of God’s creative power. It is the exponential multiplier of power, success and purpose. It is through this creative power that God will release blessings upon those who operate in it. We are united in prayer, power and purpose. It is because of this greater anointing that we experience corporate success which will in turn manifest success in the lives of every Victorious Living for Women member.

Victorious Living for Women has created a platform to share information, learn new strategies and grow covenant relationships with women around the world. For Victorious Living for Women, it is no longer business as usual. Through empowerment, inspiration and encouragement, we are transforming the lives of women. Through seminars, webinars along with live and virtual empowerment sessions, Victorious Living for Women will deliver tools, resources and networking opportunities that will help participants to embrace and exemplify victory in every area of their life. Our promise to empower you for victorious and purposeful living through the spirit of unity. In Ephesians 3:2-3 Paul says, “Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.” This is our pledge that Victorious Living for Women is built upon the principle of “unity in the spirit”.

Unity in Prayer: Please add Victorious Living for Women to your prayer list. Pray for the members of Victorious Living for Women. Pray for the leaders of Victorious Living for Women. Victorious Living for Women will pray for our members. Unity in Power: Through prayer and unity we will corporately experience powerful moves of God in our lives. Being connected to Victorious Living for Women connects you to a power source that will help to move your life not only to the next level, but to a level of three dimensional power. Unity in Purpose: Victorious Living for Women operates from one mission, one vision and one purpose; the empowerment and transformation of the lives of women around the world. Contact Cheryl A. Pullins for more information 1-877-279-5212

Shelby M. Hill, MBA, CPC


appy New Year! You know how the saying goes, it’s a new year and it’s out with the old and in with the new. That is surly applicable to relationships in your life, especially the personal ones. If you’re like most people you’ve probably experienced love, infatuation, lust, confusion, heartbreak, disappointment and endless hope in regards to matters of the heart in the year 2009. Most likely, you are completely ready for the year to end so that you can shed any emotional baggage that may be lingering around in your life. Rightfully so, it’s time for you to be better prepared and perfectly clear of the new path you have set to chart for 2010. I say, “Good for you!” Although, you may not have met the man of your dreams last year, it certainly doesn’t mean that he’s not nearby. In fact, I assure you that you’re that much closer to him but, you have to keep your heart Big and open. Now isn’t the time to harbor pain and develop a catabolic attitude. Any relationship challenges you may have experienced should really be embraced and channeled as an opportunity for growth. Your heart is Big and it’s filled with kindness, love, warmth, and joy to share. That’s impossible to suppress. It wouldn’t be fair to you and it certainly wouldn’t be fair to “Mr. Right”. Allow me to offer one invaluable tip to get you off on the right foot to a New Start with a Big heart: Mindset Matters Most- What you create in your mind inevitably becomes your reality. Your thoughts literally set the tone for whom or what is to come into your life. It

does not matter whether it’s career, fun, or the right man. The mind is absolutely going to perpetuate your perception of relationships and attitude towards men. Often, the quiet conversations you have in your mind can be pretty convincing, especially when things are negative. Since having negative thoughts that generate a negative attitude which creates a negative reality have been proven many times before- Why not try it the opposite way and think positive? Have a positive mindset about yourself, men and relationships. Tell yourself you deserve the best and act as if you already have it. Self talk is powerful. Remind yourself that you have a Big heart and precious intangibles to share with a good guy who is deserving of you. Remember, mindset matters most. Shift your mindset, remove the dark cloud from over your head about men and relationships and open up your Big Heart for a New Start in 2010. You deserve it. Women, Be Strong. Be Empowered.

Shelby Hill is a Relationship Empowerment Coach committed to helping women, men and professionals develop strong long term healthy connections within their personal lives and careers. Shelby M. Hill is married and lives in Florida with his wife British Hill. They are loving parents to their young adult son, Julian, who attends college in Chicago.

“Deterioration of the brain cells with God’s power to restore” Lorneka Joseph

Lately, have you been forgetting your doctor’s appointments, dinner with the family, how to spell a word or maybe where you placed your car keys? Well, this can either be an indication that you are stressed or suffering from something serious. This something serious can be an illness called Alzheimer’s disease. According to, Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder that destroys brain cells, causing memory loss and problems with thinking and daily activities. It is also a progressive and fatal disease that has no cure right now. Today, there are least 5.3 million people in America who are living with Alzheimer’s disease and it is expected to double within the next few years. Aside from the fact that there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, it is affecting more women than men as science researches have shown. For the most part, this disease affects adults over the age of 65. But experts are finding that people in their 30s, 40s and 50s have some type of dementia, which is memory loss. The reason that more women are being affected by this disease than men is because of the hormone level changes. Dr. M.T Williams, who holds a doctorate in Clinical Psychology and has done research in anxiety disorders, knows much about women’s health. Dr. Williams believes that women who are underweight, menopausal, has had a hysterectomy or a hip

fracture are at a greater risk for Alzheimer’s disease. When estrogen levels are low in a woman, this decreases the amount of acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter, in the brain and thus plaques and tangles form. Plaques and tangles contribute to the memory loss and deterioration of brain cells. As kingdom women, I believe that not only should we be very attentive to our bodily changes, but we should also take the time to claim what naturally and spiritually belongs to us. The only way we are going to know that abnormal changes are occurring in our body is to know what is abnormal. When God created us in His image, there was nothing lacking. So if you are finding that you are forgetting the simple tasks of life or your daily routines being interrupted, then check it out. A few signs that you may be suffering from Alzheimer’s disease are memory loss that disrupts daily activities; confusion with time or place; misplacing things and unable to retrace steps; withdrawal from social activities and or decreased judgment and difficulty with language. If you notice these things happening frequently or know someone that is going through these changes, it is recommended that a physician is seen. Knowing that there is a problem with your brain is better than ignoring the changes that are taking place and doing nothing about them. Alzheimer’s disease not only affects those diagnosed with it, but it also affects the lives of loved ones. The word of God tells us that in the book of Isaiah 26: 3 that “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!” But how is God able to keep the mind in perfect peace if there are interruptions of the brain that He created normal? Meaning that there was no presence of brain cell damage and that is the way He wants it to be. How is this possible? Well, first of all as aforementioned, there is no cure for AD, but there are treatments. When a patient is first diagnosed with the disease, because it is associated with depression, anti-depressants, anti-psychotics and other classes of medications are prescribed. The goal of being diagnosed is to try and find ways to decrease and

even eliminate the disease. I am an advocate of treating what is wrong and returning to being healthy, whole and restored. So, preventative measures should be taken now for women who have either noticed AD signs or those who do not want to suffer from this progressive and fatal disease. A few things that can lower your risk for getting AD are taking anti-oxidants; eating fruits and vegetables daily, exercising, stimulating the brain with activities such as cross word puzzles or playing chess and most importantly, reducing stress. Stress as we all know play a major role in causing problems in the biological and physiological processes of the body. When it comes to taking over-the-counter drugs, please speak with your doctor before doing so. Vitamin E has been proven to help prevent brain cell damage. So I know that you are probably telling yourself that this will never happen to you. Illness is not a respecter of persons. It can affect any and everyone, but believing women have the power of God to change what affects our lives. Through the blood of Christ, we are all healed from every spirit of infirmity. Diseases such as AD have no place in our lives and we must violently fight for this gift we received through Christ. Even though there is no cure that has been discovered for AD, there is a remedy that it guaranteed to work. That remedy is called the healing power of God! You do not need insurance to purchase this remedy. It is available to everyone, but only those who are willing to believe that God can heal their minds, body, soul and spirit. Confessing God’s truth over your life daily brings about changes in so many ways. If you have more questions, concerns or need resources for a sister with AD, please visit www.alz. org or call the 24/7 help line at 800-272-3900. This disease does not have to affect another woman. If you know someone who is living with AD, go and share the remedy of God with them and watch what God does for you as you cause their brain cells to believe in life again!


S ta r ti n g t h e New Y ea r

Fabulous Shanae dell


1 Military Jacket This jacket alone commands respect! The Military Jacket is one of the season’s favorites. You can dress the jacket up, by adding a pair of fitted slacks or dress it down my wearing it with your favorite jeans! Either look will serve up a healthy dose of fabulosity! 2 Winter White Sweater Dress Two words come to mind for this piece, comfy chic! Great for running errands or lunching with girlfriends, this hooded dress makes fantastic look effortless. Wear this look with a pair of leggings, flat knee boots and simple accessories! 3 Grey Round Neck Sweater DressThe sweater dress is a certified winter staple. There are so many different styles to play with and dress up. This particular sweater dress has a rounded neck and flirty hem that says, ‘Accessorize me please! Turn up the outfit by adding multiple necklaces, a cuff bracelet and a cocktail ring! Overaccessorize? I think not! 4 Leopard Open Toe Booties Queen of the Jungle! Animal print is always hot….in moderation. So try wearing these with solids or muted colors to add kick to ­­­­­ensemble!


3 4


live magazine - January 2010


5 Fuscia Turtleneck Sweater DressThis dress is fire because the color makes its own statement! No need to pull out all the stops for this piece. Keep things simple with this dress by adding a pair of awesome knee boots, a cocktail ring and a long necklace. Simply gorgeous! 6 Leather Bomber Jacket This jacket screams biker chic! Be paparazzi ready by pairing this jacket with skinny jeans and ankle boots. Can you say ‘I’m a Diva’?! 7 Trench Coat This coat is not just for going out in the rain! You can add instant glamour by wearing this over any ensemble, whether its day or evening.


8 Chocolate Suede Knee Boots Now what woman doesn’t love chocolate? That’s what makes these boots irresistible! These boots would make any outfit delicious! 9 Tanned Riding Boots Whoa!!! These books are not for riding! Take these boots for a leisure stroll in the mall or lunch with the girls.





Ready! Set! Goal!

4 Quick Tips to Get Goaling in 2010


are all part of keeping yoru

s 2009 comes to a close

business financially solvent.

it is important to review,

While many people consider

in detail, events that had an

this the most painful part of

overall impact on your busi-

running a business, it needs

ness. In looking back, did your

to be handled well if you are

decisions provide the results

going to stay in business. Intuit

that you intended? Can you en-

Quickbooks for small busi-

vision room for inprovement?

nesses is user friendly and even

In order for your company to

had a FREE downloadable trial

achieve long term objectives,


setting annual business goals

Legal Management: You do not

is paramount, especially with

need to have a lawyer in house,

the challenges of our current

but you definitely need to make

economy. So, let’s get ready,

certain that all the operations of

set, and goal… 4 Quick Tips to Get Goaling in 2010!

your business are legal. Some of the issues to consider are business licenses, determin-

Streamline Operations

ing the correct legal form of your business, alliance

As a business owner, you should always be looking

agreements, copyrights, trademarks, patents, con-

for ways to improve the operations of your business so that it can run effectively and efficiently. What works best for you will be related to your objectives; what your product or service is as well as your personal operational style. Howerever, there are a number of functions that every business owner needs to address as part of doing business. Here are some topics that you should address each year to make srue your business is running with minimal effort: Financial Management: The bookkeeping and accounting systems, recordkeeping, taxes, collecting money and insurance, budgeting and managing resk


live magazine - January 2010

tracts with suppliers, and employment law. Two great resources for ‘do it yourselfers’ are LegalZoom and Nolo, both help small business owners create reliable legal documents. Management of the Business as a Whole: Who is in charge of running your business? Selecting the best team to help keep the business functioning on a dayto-day basis will help you as you work at planning for its future. The manager, CEO, boss – whatever you wat to call that function – sees that the business objectives are met. Planning, organizing, staffing (human resources), directing (leadership) and controlling

are the traditional realms of management. According

Set SMART Goals

to Brian Tracy, author of ‘Hire and Keep the Best

Once you identify what goals you want to imple-

People: 21 Practical & Proven Techiques You Can

ment for 2010, you will need to find a way to review

Use Immediately,’ the critical constraint on the growth

and measure progress. Some goals will take time to

and success of any business is the ability to attract

achieve, so it is important to measure your progress

and keep excellent people.’ So, make sure you have

regularly. Try implementing SMART Goals into your

processes in place to recruit the right people to be on

planning, SMART Goals is a simple tool used by busi-

your team!

nesses to formulate and actionable plan for results.

Marketing: Marketin involves getting the message

SMART illustrates the 5 characteristics of an efficient

out to customers about your product or service. Have


you incorporated the four P’s: product, price, promotion and place (distribution) into your strategy? Each

of these functional areas involves a lot of coordination

S – specific

and planning to arrive at the best advertising, public

M – measurable

relations and sales package to best present your prod-

A – attainable

uct or service to the customer.

R – realistic T – timely

Set Specific Goals Most business owners set goals that are too vague, thus, causing goals no to be completed. This can be

Goal setting is crucial if you want to remain success-

avoided by setting specific goals. For example, instead

ful and competitive. The key to success in setting

of setting a goal to increase your internet marketing

goals for your business is making sure they are attain-

presence, you might want to list several specific ways

able and measurable.

you plan to do so, such as: • Audio files • Blogs: Wordpress, Blogspot, or TypePad • Business Articles: Ezine Articles or Business Know How • E-newsletters: Constant Contact or I Contact • Special Reports: Camtasia Screen Capture Software • Videos: Viddler Prioritize Goals A common reason for failure in completing goals is having too many on your plate. Determine what your

Sylvia Browder is CEO of Browder Consulting Group, a virtual small business consulting and coaching firm. She is currently employed as a Project Director, business coach and consultant for the Women’s Business Center, Inc., a non-profit economic development organization with a mission of empowering women to start and grow successful businesses. She also serves as a volunteer SCORE counselor, an organization dedicated to educating entrepreneurs and the formation, growth and success of small business nationwide. She is also a Technical Assistant Provider for SBA’s Community Express Loan Program. For Free weekly articles go to Sylvia Browder’s Blog for Women Entrepreneur’s, She can be contacted at

priorities are and the focus on them. By prioritizing your goals, you are focusing on those that are important to the overall success of your company.



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