live magazine May 2009

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EDITORIAL ADDRESS 8923 EARLY APRIL WAY, Suite C COLUMBIA, MD 21046 ISSN: 1945-5178 live magazine is a monthly online publication, supported by our advertisers. For advertising information contact us at Permissions: live magazine requires written permission for use of any published article. Upon written approval “Used by permission of live magazine” must be used. Copyright 2009. All rights reserved.


live magazine - May 2009


A Note from the Editor’s Lounge


very now and then I like to take the opportunity to bring you up to date on what is going on behind the scenes with live magazine. There is so much going on that I don’t have enough space on this one page to share everything however, over the next few paragraphs you will hear from my heart with regard to the continued evolution of live magazine.

This issue of live magazine is one of the most exciting issues in the history of the publication. Not only is this issue twelve of live, but we also have totally transformed the cover and now the inside layout of live. We continue to maintain the integrity of live’s mission however we have elevated the creative flow of the articles. We certainly ask that you provide your feedback and let us know what you think. We are listening. In recent month’s a number of key print publications have abandoned their print operations and converted to 100% digital format. For live magazine this puts us on the same playing field with some well established and highly circulated publications. This was a sure sign to us that we needed to become aggressive in bringing live up to speed. As a startup grassroots publication we have a great deal of work to do to continue to grow the brand and garner the exposure and circulation of live magazine. live magazine will continue to set itself apart by offering Christian lifestyle information in a creative and user friendly environment, along with an interactive experience. With all of these mentioned changes live magazine will continue to be delivered to its readers at no cost. As always, we are continuing to evolve live magazine as a global cutting edge brand in the media market. In recent weeks we have received many requests for print copies of live magazine. We have taken these requests into consideration and are exploring the possibility of offering a print on demand service for our readers. We will certainly keep you posted on this development. As always, it is such an honor and privilege to serve you by providing you with live magazine each month. Please continue to spread the word about live magazine. Our mission is to share the look, the sound and the voice of living the Kingdom lifestyle. With each issue we receive encouraging words and tremendous support for the brand we are working to build with creativity, integrity and excellence…live magazine. be wise. be empowered. live.™

Cheryl A. Pullins

Cheryl A. Pullins Founder/Editor-in-Chief

4 live magazine - May 2009

May 2009


Volume 1 • Issue 12


Real Life Connections Your “Main Man” Connection


Canyon Ranch The Place of Positive Change


Relationship Coaching Happy Mother’s Day


Living Divine Domestically


For Art’s Sake What is Paper?


The Road to Healthier Living with Coach Collins Behind the Scenes: The Healthcare Crisis


His Point of View No Jesus, Know Fear; Know Jesus, No Fear!


Cadillac Escalade Hybrid: Environmentally Conscious with Uncompromised Luxury


Books for Busy Moms


Lessons from “Mama T” An interview with Thelma Wells

Your “Main Man” Connection A

s a Christian woman, you have two (2) main men: God is your Main Man #1 and the love of your life, your marriage partner, is your main man #2. It is critical to your success in both relationships that you don’t get them mixed up! You are engaged to be eternally married to Man #1, Jesus Christ, Who just so happens to be God. As such, Man #1 is perfect, without flaw. He loves you perfectly, without selfishness. Man #2 is not God. He is human, like you. He has flaws, irritating behaviors and he is in the position to cause you more pain than any other human in the world. It is critical for you to remember that you are “on loan” to your earthly husband just until your arrival in heaven. Jesus Christ is protecting you to a greater degree than would any human fiancé. And, for your part, how you treat your hu-MAN is a reflection of your love for your eternal spouse, Jesus Christ. Marriage on earth is boot camp for our marriage to the King of the Universe. Some days practice will be painful; but you’ll be glad you put forth your best effort when DDay arrives! For now, if man #2 is giving you grief, practice for eternity by running to Man #1 for relief. If man #2 won’t give you what you want, ask Man #1 to give you what you need and to help you be content with that. If man #2 is running late, rest in the fact that Man #1 is always right on time. If man #2 has hurt your feelings, rejoice that Man #1 is the Great Physician with healing balm in His hands. You are going to be married to man #2 for a few more years – maybe up to 70, if you are a newly wed. But you are going to be married to Man #1 for eternity. So, the next time you are tempted to disconnect with either of your main men -- switch gears. This is NOT about the here and now, it is all about eternity. Get in the habit of telling yourself the truth: 1 My words are powerful, so I will speak only words of life, hope and intimacy to and about my husband, marriage and future. Proverbs 18.21


live magazine - May 2009

2 I know that I have faults of my own which my husband’s love has frequently covered over and that I have been completely forgiven by God and I choose to access and extend the forgiveness of God to this earthly man who sometimes wounds me. Proverbs 16:18 & Eph 4:32 3 When tempted to be critical, harsh or retaliatory, I will speak my mind to God alone, sparing my earthly man from the shrapnel of my sin nature. Only when my spirit is at peace will I share my concerns with my spouse. Proverbs 15:1 4 I will watch for every opportunity to extend God’s love and kindness to him through my words, actions, kisses and tenderness. Proverbs 19:22 5 My goal and intent is to stand beside, support and honor this man at all times, no matter what he does or whether or not he deserves it. Proverbs 17:17. 6 I will remind myself often to love and fear God, and to honor this man He has gifted to me. Proverbs 31:30. 7 It is God that has assigned me this man as my husband. God has locked me into this marriage. It is His will and good pleasure that THIS marriage should remain, succeed and even positively affect this world for Him. Psalms 16:5-6 I Corinthians 13, the Love Chapter, is impossible to live out without God. In fact, the word “love” used in that chapter is the word Agape, which means a love only God can do. We must allow God’s love to flow through us, to our men. We cannot do this ourselves. Next time you find your soul* disconnecting from your mate, consider that it may be an indication of your soul’s impending disconnection from your future Mate. In every moment of crises, Christ stands at the entrance to your swirling thoughts, politely asking, “May I come in there with you? I’d like to show you how this looks from My perspective. I love You.”

Marnie Swedberg is the leadership mentor and web hostess ofwww., a site which trains, promotes and connects Christian women speakers and church women’s ministry leaders. *Soul refers to your mind, will and emotions.

CanyonRanch the place of positive change


iscover a haven where hope, joy and clarity greet you every day – where your spirit is renewed by the stunning Sonoran Desert, our compassionate professional staff and endless possibilities for healthier, happier living. In this rich and fascinating environment, you’ll meet the most amazing creature of all – the authentic, revitalized you. Canyon Ranch is located in the northeast foothills of Tucson, which is in southwest Arizona about 115 miles south of Phoenix. In the lush Sonoran desert, you’ll see cactus and wildlife you won’t see anywhere else. This is an environment of contagious good health, where your energy expands and your spirit soars. Relax on your porch as you take in a dazzling Arizona sunset. One-story Southwestern-style accommodations are clustered throughout the grounds, built in harmony with the desert terrain and colors. In your comfortable private retreat, you’ll find the aesthetic touches and thoughtful amenities that make your stay a constant pleasure, including the most comfortable of beds, your choice of down or non-down pillows, fluffy terrycloth robes, a great assortment of Canyon Ranch’s exclusive bath products and much more. Enjoy the romance of the old West and the luxuries of the new. Canyon Ranch has built on the great heritage of its locale, rich in Native American healing traditions, to create a magnificent retreat for

healthy living and the ultimate enjoyment of life. In a breathtaking setting of natural inspiration, every detail and amenity will surpass expectations. Your first stop will be the welcoming Clubhouse, the expanded and beautifully renovated building that was once the center of the popular Double U Guest Ranch. Lovely pathways through the lush desert landscaping connect you to all other parts of the Ranch, including your gracious accommodations, the world-famous Health & Healing Center, the innovative Life Enhancement Center, the Spa with its peerless exercise facilities, beauty salon and body treatment rooms, and much more.

Life Enhancement Program Immerse yourself in the exhilarating, all-healthy, change-your-life experience of the Life Enhancement Program. This weeklong program will inspire and educate you about your astounding possibilities. Whether you have a specific medical concern or just want to learn more about healthy living, you’ll find the perfect balance of physical activity, private time and workshops tailored to your interests. The Life Enhancement Program focuses on self-discovery, preventive and supportive care, and the development of positive lifestyle habits. This dynamic program is held in the Life Enhancement Center®, a separate and intimate setting for the focused experiences of the Life Enhancement Program. You’ll have an invigorating, unforgettable experience and, most important, you’ll learn how to keep that healthy feeling for life. The Life Enhancement Program can change your life any week of the year; a few weeks feature special focused programming. Life Enhancement Program Specialty Weeks.

Ultralongevity Everyone wants to enjoy the longest, healthiest life possible. Here’s a chance to learn how to slow the aging process or, when possible, even reverse it. The UltraLongevity Health Package is based on revolutionary new science that’s at the core of UltraLongevity: The Seven-Step Program for a Younger, Healthier You, by Mark Liponis, M.D., Canyon Ranch corporate med8

live magazine - May 2009

ical director. Every disease of aging, as well as aging itself, has been associated with an overactive immune system, so it’s essential to keep this vital system fit and balanced. With this in mind, you’ll be guided by a team of Canyon Ranch professionals through a practical seven-step program. The goal: A healthier, younger you. In addition to the services included in your Canyon Ranch package stay, as well a complimentary UltraLongevity book.

Your Perfect Experience You have high expectations about the healthy vacation you’re about to take.And, based on the experiences of thousands before you, we’re sure you won’t be disappointed. Our goal is to inspire and motivate you to live the healthiest life possible. You and your Program Advisor can plan your perfect stay, beginning where you are right now and considering how you want to feel – what path you’d like to take. Every Canyon Ranch vacation is unique.

Restoration Perhaps you’d like to focus on remembering your true self. Gain support and new energy for all of the good choices you already make in your life, or simply nourish your mind and body. If life’s stresses have you longing to restore yourself, there’s no better respite than Canyon Ranch. We’ll simply be there to help you enjoy your well-earned break.

Exploration Maybe the idea of delving into something new sounds exciting. With a few suggestions from your Program Advisor, you’ll discover all the newest options in health, wellness, relaxation and fun at the Ranch. Explore a specific area of your life that you’d like to change or improve, get new information for healthier living or break out of your comfort zone and try something you’ve only read about.

Transformation Awaken to the possibility of making positive changes in your life. Share your intentions with your Program Advisor and begin to consider the journey that awaits. Whether you want to celebrate a new chapter of your life, deal with loss, or recover from injury or illness, at Canyon Ranch you can focus on nutrition, preventive medicine, spiritual awareness, exercise and – above all – discover your personal potential for healthy living. Whatever your intentions on this visit, we hope you reconnect with your best self and return home with a sense of accomplishment, fresh ideas, a renewed commitment to healthy living, and a buoyant spirit.


Happy Mother’s Day by Shelby M. Hill, CEC


mom, good morning to you on this glorious day! Allow me the joy of being the first of all of my brothers and sisters to wish you Happy Mother’s day… “Happy mother’s day mom, I love you so much!” I see you are soaking up the morning with your bedroom window open and the Sunday breeze sifting through the thin curtains opened wide. “Do you mind if I sit beside you mom and chat with you for awhile?” “Of course not son”, she replies. I plop in bed like I have when I was about 6 years old, landing a gentle kiss on her cheek as I embrace her with a hug like a loving son does. As we rest our backs against the headboard, I hold my mom’s hand and say to her “I didn’t make you breakfast in bed or create a card for you in art class this time”, she smiles and almost blushing. “However mom, what I would like to do is express from my heart what my Mother’s day card would have read had I created it”. She squeezes my hand a bit tighter as her eyes fill with water before I can utter a single word. “Mom, you know why our relationship has always been so special to me?” She replies, “Well son, because you are a good person, that’s why.” I respond, “Thank you but, I have a wonderful mother who did the best that she could, at all times, and that’s why I am who I am.” She nods reluctantly but, humbly agrees. “But our relationship is special to me for other reasons too mom, and let me share with you why.” “As my mother you did what millions of mothers across the world do, you gave birth to your child. You held your child in your arms and protected him. You nurtured and loved, unconditionally. As time passed and he grew as a person, you educated him and shared with him many lessons life had taught you, with hopes that he would learn far more, for your fear was that you would not always be able to protect him as you had before. As a mother, you did what millions of mothers across the world do, you raised your child, you prepared him for life and you loved unconditionally. During our life journey you became more than just my mom. You became my friend. You have always been my friend. That’s what makes our relationship special. You’ve always listened to me and no matter what was going on in your life; you would make time for mine. You have always supported my choices

even when you may have had your concerns; you never doubted my capability to do my best no matter the outcome. You’ve subtly groomed me to becoming a man while allowing me to be a boy when I didn’t know any better. You’ve always kept my secrets no matter how convicting or shameful they may have been- my secret was safe with you and never with judgment. The love you shower me with as your son and a friend is the kind of love that showed me how to love my wife. With you mom, I am transparent.” A Mother’s Strength - “When I see you I see an incredibly strong woman who has survived what most could not. When life offers barriers in your pathway you overcome them with your faith in God. A Mother’s Sacrifice - “I’ve watched you forfeit so much to be sure I had all I needed. You are so humble in spirit, and that’s why you would give to others even when you didn’t have anything to give. A Mother’s Leadership - “I study the way you lead family, friends and strangers to the answers to the troubles they may be experiencing, even though you do not have the answers yourself, you help them understand the answers are within themselves. A Mother’s Love - I appreciate when you sing happy birthday to me each and every year, as if it was my very first birthday. I watch how your grandchildren fill up with joy when you burst into laughter and we all absorb your love. It’s such a precious experience. God’s blessing - Your presence is magnetic mom and your spirit is radiant. I’m so blessed that you are my mom. I’m so blessed God chose me to be your child. I am most grateful that you are my friend. Enjoy this beautiful day mom, Happy Mother’s Day to you.” I wish a Happy Mother’s day to all of the wonderful mothers of the world. Shelby Hill is a Relationship Empowerment Coach committed to helping women, men and professionals develop strong long term healthy connections within their personal lives and careers. Shelby M. Hill is married and lives in Florida with his wife British Hill. They are loving parents to their young adult son, Julian, who attends college in Chicago.


Living Divine Domesti Dr. B.J. Relefourd


live magazine - May 2009

ically Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you. II Corinthians 13:11


must agree with Paul as he extended this correspondence to the church at Corinth. Paul began this portion of his writing with the word….finally.

A season arrives in our life, when we find ourselves in a “finally moment”. I have finally graduated from college. I have finally negotiated the proper finance for the home. I am finally driving the car of my dreams. I have finally taken the big leap, and secured a position that took me away from the familiarity of family and the neighborhood market. I have finally met the person with whom I believe I am going to spend the rest of my life, or at least I thought. Paul demonstrates his love for the Corinthians as he said, farewell, or I won’t be with you, but do recall the words of wisdom I have delivered to you, and be perfect, which in this context means to mature. Your experiences are given to you, so that as you mature, you will be of good comfort, or you will have the ability to enjoy the gifts of the Lord. You’re not always chasing the dream, but allowing your dreams to overtake you comfortably.

The atmosphere begins to change, you notice it, but you shrug it off. The tone of the conversations transforms, yet you say it’s the state of the economy, things will get back to normal. Comments which cause you to question your self worth and degrade your self esteem become more prevalent. You begin to speak and the words cannot escape, because a hand has lashed out, and silenced you. When did this happen? Where was I, when my domestic life, changed from divine to disaster? Statistics state 1/3 and 1/2 of all adult women are beaten by their husbands or lovers at some time in their lives. 14% of American women acknowledge having been violently abused by a husband or boyfriend. 92% of women who were physically abused by their partners did not discuss these incidents with their physicians; 57% did not discuss the incidents with anyone. In the U.S., every 9 seconds a woman is physically abused by her husband. The year 2009 is designed for each of us to live divine, while the world may appear financially bankrupt, we must embrace family values, and challenge ourselves, as Paul states to live in peace. Living in peace, may be defined as locating a safe place. Living in peace may be the fact, that I shall have peace of mind, and believing that I deserve it. I truly believe as Paul concludes that the God of love and peace shall be with you. At that point, you too may finally live divine domestically. Excerpts taken from


What is


he question for this issue is “what is paper” and where did it come from ? The word “paper” derives from the word “ Papyrus”; a reedy plant that grew along the Nile River in Egypt. The Egyptians used Papyrus to write and paint their hieroglyphs on. Pictures of an object standing for a word, idea, or sound. The ancient Egyptians used hieroglyphics instead of the alphabet like today. Paper was invented in China circa 105 A.D. from a substance composed of fibers interlaced into a compact web; macerated into a pulp, dried and pressed. This is how paper was originally made, done by hand not by machines as done today. Paper is an essential part of our day to day lives and satisfies many of our human needs. We use paper in so many different ways, for example; we can communicate information on paper. Newspapers, magazines, postcards, books, documents and we can even write a letter on paper. We transport and protect our food with paper, personal hygiene products are made of paper. Think about “toilet paper, paper towels, napkins and diapers”. Doctors even write our prescriptions on paper when we need medication. And please don’t forget to read labels on products you buy, it’s paper. As for me I use different types of paper for artistic purposes, for example: Watercolour paper, this paper 14

live magazine - May 2009

For Art’s Sake

by Lea M. Lucas

is a “ woodfill paper’ drawing with a rough structured surface, sometimes called “Rag”. There’s a long list of different types of paper used by artists, I can’t list them all. But here’s a few names to remember. Water color, drawing, sketch, mat board, charcoal, parchment, pastel, bristol and illustration board to name a few. There are different types of weights, textures, colors and sizes of paper that will provide a great foundation for an awesome piece of fine art. Great pieces of art came from handmade paper an art form that is long gone. There are new artist and print makers cropping up all over the world still working on making paper. The next time you read a book, thumb through a magazine, look at a piece of fine art, look under all the writings, the color or drawings, look at the paper. When you sit down to write a letter, or send out a card, think about what kind of paper you would like to use, because you now know there are so many different types of paper to choose from. Put the paper in your hand and feel the weight, why? because you now know the history of paper....even if it’s just a little bit... Until next time from “For Art’s Sake”...sit down and drop a friend a note on nice paper.

Lessons from “Mama T” As interviewed by Cheryl A. Pullins




ilver hair, stylish glasses and bumble bee pins are the signature of this incredible woman, Thelma Wells, affectionately known as “Mama T”. A trailblazer, author, entrepreneur, conference speaker, mother, wife, grandmother and the list goes on; Thelma Wells started her life as Baby Girl Morris. Birthed into the world under severely challenging circumstances Thelma’s mother was a severely deformed unwed teenager. Named and raised by her great-grandparents, Thelma Louise, she praised God through singing hymns and praise songs. Those songs were often time sung while she was visiting her grandparents home and locked in a dark closet for most of the day by her grandmother until just before her grandfather returned home. Thelma’s praise was certainly an offering accepted by the Lord who in turn gave her an abundant life of joy surrounding her with so much love that He shielded her from anger and bitterness. Thelma’s steps were ordered many years ago when she was branded long before “people” branding became popular. Known as the first black woman in the south to organize her own international speaking and consulting corporation, Thelma traveled globally speaking to corporations like IBM, Texas Instruments, Environmental Protection Agency, Lutons Bank in the United Kingdom and many other corporations around the globe. Thelma has traveled to every continent except South America! Having developed 38 corporate programs it was her experience in banking that created her first book. Because of her B-E-E the Best seminar, Thelma became known as “the bumble bee lady”. She says that she had to change the title to “In Christ You Can B-E-E the Best”. Thelma, the “bumble bee lady” and Cheryl Pullins, live magazine’s editor-in-chief had an interview which according to Cheryl had the feel of a “private life coaching session”. Thelma shared her heart, her mission and some wisdom from “Mama T”. LM: I read that it only took you THREE weeks to complete the book. Why were you so inspired? TW: Don’t Give In…God Wants You to Win (originally titled Ready to Win) was the brain child of my daughter, Vikki. Her thought was that I had been through a great deal in my life and through Christ was able to win

over the obstacles. In preparation for a new partnership with Church Communication Network (CCN) I was forced to think about writing the book. From start to finish, God moved in a marvelous way. At about 4:00 AM I called on God to breathe on me the words He wanted me to use in this book. For three weeks straight I began writing Don’t Give In…God Wants You to Win! It all began with my remembrance of an elementary school fight. The forward was written by James Robison of Life Outreach International in Fort Worth, TX. We wrestle not against flesh and blood. We don’t know who we are fighting when we fight. This book has 32 questions with simple answers. In three weeks God had perfected what He had given me. Once I turned on the faucet God filled the basin. I share many personal stories throughout this book. Don’t Give In is about the armor of God, Thelma style (lots of laughter). LM: What are the chapter titles in the book? TW: A sample of the chapter titles are Know How to Fight, Fight or Flight, Rituals Untold, Dynamic Duo. Rituals Untold talks about how each day we participate in certain things, religiously. The chapter includes Dress for Success which is about the armor of salvation. Each day I put on my armor by symbolically anointing myself with an oil mixture of frankincense and myrrh. The oil represents the Holy Spirit and I cover myself each day. One of the other chapters is Weeds in the Garden. We have a lake house and we are constantly fighting weeds. I was thinking what is going to kill these weeds! I was reminded that Satan is like weeds in our garden. Each day there is something in our garden, weeds, crab grass; something. The answer for the weeds at my house is to put some cement on it! Even though every now and then the weeds will find a way to grow, but you will always have weeds! So be of good cheer this is not the end!

LM: How was A Woman of God Ministries birthed and why?

LM: How are you able to balance ministry, family and being Thelma?

TW: In 1994 I went to visit a TV station (KMTX29 which is now DayStar) to observe. I had no name for the show and no format, but there was a woman on the set praying. She came to me and said that God told her to tell you that the name of your ministry should be A Woman of God. My response to her was that she was pretty presumptuous. Why would God tell her the name of the ministry if He had not told me! However, I said to her that if God told you then I will accept that.

TW: For the past 15 years I have been better able to manage my life. For many years I had the perfectionist syndrome which contributed to a nervous breakdown – until I discovered that no one cares about the stuff that I was concerned about, like the smallest piece of lint on the floor. My definition of perfectionism is that it is a neurotic syndrome to make you feel guilty when you don’t do what you think everyone else wants you to do. I learned that self-esteem is about the way you talk to yourself. You must transform your negative thoughts into positive affirmations. Stand in the mirror and speak positive statements spoken in first person singular; present tense, as if it has already happened. Do something special for someone without expecting anything in return. Stop expecting other people to affirm you.

LM: Tell us about the upcoming A Woman of God Ministries events As you will notice Mama T usually has a story to share with regard to events associated with her and her life. Of course, the answer to this question follows that same pattern. Read as she shares how the favor of God surrounds her life and the life of her ministry. TW: My daughter, Vikki, and I had made a decision that Women of God Ministries would host a large conference sometime in 2010/2011. After this decision I received a call from a married couple. They asked me to meet them at The Special Events Center in Garland, TX. Once we were all there they asked me if I liked the venue. I said that I did. Then they said to me “Do your conference here and we will cover all of the facility expenses.” Mind you, this is a state of the art four year old facility. It certainly behooves us to do what God says and when He says to do it. I will take the chance on anything if the Lord tells me. This is why Women of God Ministries first conference is free to the attendees. The Ready to Win Conference is being held May 22nd through May 24th at The Special Events Center in Garland, Texas. The conference is free however you must register in advance. The speakers include Gail Hayes, Ellie Kay along with a host of other dynamic speakers along with a special surprise guest. You can get more conference information by visiting www.thelmawells. com.

I manage my life by having a pretty routine weekly schedule. I take time to pamper myself each Wednesday. I typically travel over the weekend for ministry. My husband manages of the business of the ministry. I have learned to delegate. Even my three year old granddaughter helps when it is time to clean. As for my family, I make note of all their special occasions on the calendar. If you are too busy for family then you are too busy! Typically live magazine will ask some of its interview features something fun which is unique to them. Read what live magazine Editor-in-Chief Cheryl Pullins asked Thelma Wells. LM: How many pairs of glasses do you own? TW: (With much laughter) I knew you were going to ask me that! Let me qualify this by saying that I used to have about 65 pairs of the “cheaters”. You know the glasses you purchase from the drug store. However, now I have about 13 – 14 pairs and they are for coordination purposes.

Ready to Win is evolving as another brand.


The Road to Healthier Living with Coach Collins

Behind the Scenes: The Healthcare Crisis


ccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease (primarily heart disease and stroke), cancer, and diabetes are among the most common, costly, and preventable of all health problems. They are considered preventable because they are tied to our lifestyle choices. Choices that we have the power to control. Coach Collins, a renowned fitness consultant, offers her observations and insights into the plight to implement and sustain healthier lifestyle habits. An excerpt of a dialogue between Coach Collins and a group of ladies at a women’s conference will help you relate to and understand those common struggles shared to live healthier. “Each waking day our lives are filled with messages that cause us to think about and encourage us to live healthier. We see them on T.V., hear them on the radio, read them in the newspaper and our favorite magazines – they even pop up while we’re surfing the Internet. And there’s a reason why these messages are so prevalent. It’s because our neighborhoods, our communities, our cities, our states and our nation are saturated with diseases and illnesses that have our healthcare system in a financial bind,” Coach Collins stated. “The CDC states that the medical care costs of people with chronic diseases account for more than 75% of the nation’s $2 trillion medical care costs. Most of us see the direct impact as health insurance copays and out-of-pocket expenses continue to rise. And in many cases, choices and care are limited.” As Coach Collins continued, a stream of applause reverberated throughout the room. “So, how are you going to respond to these messages? You see them. You hear them. They’re everywhere,” Coach Collins paused. “Hopefully, you’ll respond by implementing change in your life. For months during President Obama’s campaign trail, we heard a message that


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resonated throughout this country. It was, ‘Yes we can!’ It was a statement of possibility, a statement of hope, a statement that caused us all to believe. Well, that statement doesn’t have to end with President Obama’s campaign. You can make it your own by saying ‘Yes I can!’ You can even add to it and say, ‘Yes, I can change and make better choices!’” “Coach, even with the state of our nation – the dismal economy, the high unemployment rate, people struggling to put food on the table, maintain their health care coverage, and/ or stay in their homes – there’s hope,” a lady shouted out. “You’re right, there’s hope. With all of the changes that are underway, though, it’s critical that we do our part. And a good place to start is with our health and fitness.” “Coach, I’m sure the healthcare system is out of control because of people like me. But, with your assistance earlier this year, I discovered that better lifestyle habits – eating less junk food, more fish and more exercise helped me to get off my high blood pressure medication. Now, I’m working on my high blood cholesterol and sugar levels.” “That’s great Helen,” Coach Collins acknowledged. “I met Helen earlier this year at her church and she openly confessed to me how overwhelmed she was with work, family and ministry obligations; didn’t have time to exercise or prepare a home cooked meal; and survived on five hours of sleep.” Helen nodded in agreement and continued to share her story with the conference attendees. “After my diagnosis

of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high sugar levels, I had to reconcile two realities. There was the reality that I loved eating foods high in calories, fat, sugar, and sodium – foods that had been a part of my family tradition as far back as I can remember. Fried pork chops! Fried chicken! Meatloaf, pork ribs, and chitlins! German chocolate cake! Donuts! The other reality was that a lifetime of eating these foods along with physical inactivity had affected my overall health.” “Well, it’s fine to talk about choices and the likes, but I think about people like my sister who has done everything right. She lived responsibly on a nice income and after working nearly twenty years for a company she was laid off last summer. Shortly thereafter she was diagnosed with bone cancer. She doesn’t have any insurance and has exhausted all of her savings on cancer medication and treatments. She still has cancer and unfortunately, we live in a county where there’s no medical assistance for the working class – middle income folks,” a lady shared. “I never made the connection of my lifestyle habits and the healthcare crisis until recently. Now, I think about my father who recently had a massive heart attack that costs somebody – Medicare, insurance company, etc. – over $150,000. I think about the costs associated with my debilitating arthritis which primarily stems from my excess body weight. I think about my cousin’s stroke that caused paralysis on her left side. I think about my aunt’s leg amputation due to diabetes. I think more and more about how our unhealthy lifestyle habits were contributing factors that led to our health predicaments,” another lady commented. “The bottom line is, we all have the power of choice and it’s our responsibility to implement it not only for ourselves, but for those in our lives, to include the neighborhoods, communities, states and nation that our unhealthy

lifestyles will impact. According to the CDC, in 2008, the cost of heart disease and stroke in the U.S. is projected to be $448 billion; the direct and indirect costs of diabetes is $174 billion a year; cancer costs the nation an estimated $89 billion annually in direct medical costs.” “Wow!! I can’t help but think about some of my food choices for lunch last week. On Monday, I had a bacon cheeseburger, chili cheese fries, and a cola. Enchiladas served with refried beans and Spanish rice with tortilla chips and salsa on Wednesday. Fried fish, fries, and coleslaw with hush puppies on Friday. All of which were separate and apart from my breakfast, snacks and dinner,” another lady confessed. “It’s important that you gain a better understanding of why those food choices which contain a large volume of calories, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, and sodium can have monumental consequences,” Coach Collins said. “The best way we can help with curtailing the challenges of our healthcare system is by increasing our knowledge and taking the advice of the medical professionals. If we do our part by maintaining a healthy weight, practicing healthier eating habits, and engaging routine physical activity, we will see a reduction in chronic diseases and illnesses like heart disease and diabetes, and consequently better management of healthcare costs. Best of all, you’ll be able to elevate your statement from ‘Yes I can’ to ‘Yes I did.’” This health and fitness dialogue is provided for your consideration only. It is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care provider. Please consult your health care provider for advice about your specific health and fitness needs.

Recommended Reading: • Fitness coach Bridgette Collins is the author of Destined to Live Healthier and Imagine Living Healthier . For general health and fitness questions, please feel free to visit or email Coach Collins at


His Point of View

No Jesus, know fear; Know Jesus, no fear! Zachary Pullins, Sr.


he Word of God tells us that prefect love casts out fear. The bible teaches us that a heart full of Jesus will allow us to be free of bondage. Mankind was created as a being with three distinct parts; body, the spirit and the soul. Mankind’s body was created by God to live on planet earth and interact with the surroundings. Secondly mankind is spirit which was breathed into mankind by God in Genesis chapter 2:6. The spirit is the place where Jehovah communicates with mankind, it is the God-spot and throne room reserved for God and him alone. Lastly a living soul is what mankind became after God breathed his spirit into the dust of the ground. I’ve been told by some that fear is an acronym meaning false evidence appearing real. Do you have fear in your life; how did it get there and how can you remove it? Most Christians would tell you that the opposite of love is hate and that the opposite of fear is faith. However if perfect love casts out fear then the opposite of fear has got to be love. We will look at the opposite of faith during another session. It has always struck me odd that adults are afraid of the dark; I understand why this might seems like an odd thought to you but follow me for a few moments. Babies are conceived and live in almost total darkness for nine months without fear and then they become afraid of the


live magazine - May 2009

dark as adult. It doesn’t pass the make sense test to me; I see a cause and effect because it’s something that is an anomaly. Along the same thought pattern why do we believe in monsters; Godzilla, Frankenstein, Count Dracula, Jason, Freddie Kruger? In my understanding fear is something we invite into our hearts, minds and souls. We can’t wait to see the latest horror, slasher, or movie filled with gratuitous violence. These worldly things create seeds of fear within the very fabric of your being. King David could boldly say “Yea thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death because I fear no evil”. Some of us can’t say “yea thou I walk from my car to the corner of the block, I fear no evil”. I know King David didn’t have television, DVD’s, Blue Ray’s, Video games and cable but he was hunted like a dog by a crazed evil Saul, betrayal by his eldest son who also tried to kill him. What secret did King David know that we seem to have forgotten; Perfect love casts out fear. Fear is something the enemy uses to separate us from God. It worked very well in the Garden of Eden when Satan deceived Eve. Satan convinced Eve that God didn’t love her enough to share all of the fruit in the garden with her and Adam. He convinced her that God was holding out on them and that he somehow didn’t love them enough to allow them to know and share the fruit of

God commanded his love towards us, because we are the the knowledge of good and evil. Eve failed the fear test apple of our father’s eye. I remember once hearing an and when Adam was presented the test from Eve he was excellent sermon concerning God’s mind when it came afraid and likewise failed the test with spectacular conseto why God would create mankind knowing he would quences. I now understand a little more clearly the statesin and rebel against him. Why would a omniscient God ment “no test; no testimony. Fear motivates our decision create a being that he knew would hurt him and break making process and causes us to fail to think like Zoe his heart. The answer was likewise astonishing; God had children of Benevolent Yahweh and more like frightened already fallen in love with mankind in his mind’s eye becowering infants of a lesser creator. If Eve understood fore he even created him, it’s that simple. Most Christhat perfect love casted out fear then she would have told tians want it to be more complicated, but this answer is the serpent to get thee behind her and commanded him to consistent with John 3:16. The God-head fell head, over his place because if I recall correctly, Adam and Eve were hills in love with us in his mind’s eye before he ever cregiven dominion over all of the animals upon the entire ated us. earth. In order to pass the test we must put all of our trust If I had to put my finger on the root of the fear probin God the Father, Jesus the Son and God the Holy Ghost lem, I would say that we as Christians have trouble with and allow their love to penetrate our hearts and minds to trusting that God loves us enough to keep his word to us in the point that we only believe the truth that they confirm all areas of our lives. Yes, there are the commandments, in our spirit and the truth from the word. judgments and statutes but we must endeavor to under Fear or great respect is only reserved for God as our stand that they exist in order to keep us safe from the world creator. We must understand that Satan is a created being and the biggest terrorist, ourselves. God promised he just like mankind. He isn’t an equal to the God-head, he would provide for all of our needs according to his riches and a third of the angels were tossed out of Heaven by in glory, because God loves us. He placed guidelines in Archangels Michael and Gabriel after a short disastrous place to keep us safe so we can mature and become the campaign against God. He could have spoken one word purpose directed and destiny driven covenant triumphant and destroyed Satan and all his minions but hell and the church we are bottomless pit supposed to are reserved Fear or great respect is only become. The until judgment day for Satan reserved for God as our creator. bottom-line is my opening his minions line; if you don’t know Jesus you will know fear and if and anyone not smart enough to accept the gift of God’s you know Jesus; you will not know fear because perfect son. Keeping in mind that Proverbs 10:10 states “The love casts out fear. Three scriptures come to mind in fear of Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowlclosing; first Proverbs 3:5 &6: Trust in the Lord with all edge of God is the beginning of understanding. Fearing thine heart; lean not to thine own understanding. In all God is demonstrated through reverence, praise and worthy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths. ship. Lastly remember that God isn’t afraid of us havSecondly, Ecclesiastes 12:13; Let us hear the conclusion ing things, he’s opposed to things having us, because the of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandblessing is not the things, the things are just the effects of ments; for this is the whole duty of mankind. Lastly, the blessing; just as the blowing of leaves represents the II Timothy 1:7; For God hath not given us a spirit of fear; effect of the wind. He wants us to seek him for our daily but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Until next bread as well as seek his face and not his hands. month dear hearts, friends and loved ones; keep it real John 3:16 wonderfully reminds us that God so loved and keep it Christ. the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever should believe on him, should not parish but have everlasting life. The Word of God also reminds us that


2009 Cadillac Escalade Hybrid

Environmentally Conscious with Uncompromised Luxury The 2009 Cadillac Escalade Hybrid is the only hybrid option on the market in the large-luxury-SUV segment The Cadillac Escalade Hybrid is the only full-size hybrid SUV aimed at the luxury-car demographic. This spacious cargo- and people hauler is powered by GM’s twomode hybrid technology. Car owners don’t just brag about horsepower and speed anymore. These days, image-conscious consumers throw around catchphrases like “fuel economy” and “carbon footprint.” A growing concern for the environment has made the hybrid badge a status symbol, even among those who can afford to go buck-wild at the pump. This thinking has in part helped spawn the 2009 Cadillac Escalade Hybrid, a large luxury SUV that offers impressive mileage for its class. Like most hybrids, this Escalade is at its thriftiest when driven around town. Its fuel economy in city driving is an impressive 20 mpg; compare this to the gas-only Escalade’s 12 mpg. General Motors’ “two-mode” hybrid technology is behind this feat -- it’s the same system that powers the Chevrolet Tahoe Hybrid and the GMC Yukon Hybrid. Unlike the technology seen in GM’s previous “mild” hybrids, this system allows the vehicle’s electric motor to operate without the assistance of the gas motor --


live magazine - May 2009

provided the vehicle’s speed and the driver’s technique fall within the limitations of the electric power plant. When driving conditions become more demanding, the gas engine kicks in. The two-mode system gives drivers the best of both worlds: It sips gas around town and in stop-and-go traffic, but offers lots of power when circumstances call for it. The 2009 Cadillac Escalade Hybrid offers significant gains in fuel economy relative to gas-powered models, but keep in mind that not all SUV drivers will operate it in a way that optimizes fuel economy. Heavy loads, steep inclines and even heavyfooted acceleration all Pros call on the V8 for assisConsiderable fuel economy adva tance, which, logically, cabin with outstanding build qual passengers. causes fuel economy to plummet. And as for this Cons Escalade’s environmental Third-row seat doesn’t fold flat and up price steeply. benefits, we’ll let you be the judge -- this is, after all, a 5,900-pound SUV. If you’re eager to invest in hybrid technology and can make some sacrifices in towing capability and passenger capacity, consider the midsize Lexus RX 400h. This five-

seater offers impeccable luxury and is almost $30,000 cheaper than the Escalade Hybrid, which has a base price of just over $70,000. Also worth considering are dieselpowered Audi and Mercedes SUVs, which also provide improved fuel economy over conventional gasoline engines. But if you need a hybrid luxury SUV that seats eight and offers oodles of opulence and brute force to burn, the 2009 Cadillac Escalade Hybrid is the only game in town.

Body Styles, Trim Levels, and Options The 2009 Cadillac Escalade Hybrid is a full-size luxury SUV available in one trim level. An extensive array of standard equipment is included, such as 22-inch wheels, xenon headlights, leather upholstery, heated and cooled power-adjustable front seats with memory settings for the driver, tri-zone automatic climate control, a navigation system with real-time traffic, rear park assist with a rearview camera, Bluetooth connectivity, OnStar and a rear-seat entertainment system. Also standard is a 10-speaker Bose surround-sound system with an in-dash six-CD/MP3 changer and satellite radio. The only options are power-retractable running boards and an engine-block heater for those in cold climates. For more Style information, see our Compare Styles page.

Powertrains and Performance

The 2009 Cadillac Escalade Hybrid gets its power from a 6.0-liter V8 engine coupled to a pair of 60-kilowatt electric motors located inside what GM calls an electrically variable transmission. These engines combine to generate 332 horsepower and 367 pound-feet of torque. Both reardrive and four-wheel-drive versions are offered. Optimized fuel consumption is achieved in two ways: At speeds of up to about 25 mph, the Escalade Hybrid can be powered solely by its electric motors. At higher speeds (and depending on driving conditions), its cylinder deactivation system can shut down four cylinders, effectively transforming the V8 into a more frugal V4. The hybrid battery pack is replenished via regenerative braking, which serves to capture antage for a full-size SUV, gorgeous energy that is normally lity, comfortable ride, seats eight lost when the Escalade Hybrid grinds to a halt. Rear-wheel-drive models d must be removed, options drive have an EPA estimate of 20 mpg city/21 mpg highway and 20 combined; 4WD models have slightly less. Properly equipped, a rear-wheel-drive Escalade Hybrid can tow 5,800 pounds.

Safety Standard safety equipment on the Escalade Hybrid includes traction control, stability control, OnStar, a rearview camera with park assist and full-length side curtain airbags. The SUV scored a perfect five stars in government frontaland side-impact crash tests.

Interior Design and Special Features

The Escalade Hybrid’s cabin offers the same brand of unbridled luxury seen in gas-only models. The standard leather upholstery is soft to the touch and controls are thoughtfully placed and within easy reach. Build quality is beyond reproach, materials quality is excellent and the overall aesthetic is unapologetically sumptuous. A standard third row allows the Escalade Hybrid to seat up to eight people. Disappointingly, though, these 50/50-split seats don’t fold flat into the floor and must be removed manually. This can be a chore, since each seat weighs more than 60 pounds. With the third-row seats out of the picture and the second-row seats folded, cargo capacity maxes out at a spacious 109 cubic feet.

Driving Impressions Thanks to its electric motors, the 2009 Cadillac Escalade Hybrid accelerates and brakes with all the ruckus of a whisper. This trait contributes to a cabin whose stillness rivals that of a library reading room. And transitions between gas and electric modes are seamless enough to be pretty much undetectable. The Escalade Hybrid offers a braking feel that’s marked by appealing firmness, thanks to its regenerative braking system. But acceleration isn’t particularly brisk, and it’s hampered in part by the SUV’s hefty curb weight. Low-end power is abundant, though, which helps with trailer towing and city travels. Source:


books for Busy Moms The Busy Mom’s Guide to a Happy, Organized Home: Fast Solutions to Hundreds of Everyday Dilemmas by Kathy Peel

“How can I reduce sibling bickering?” “Can I plan a memorable birthday party without breaking the bank?” “How do I display my faith in God to my children?” When busy moms have questions like these, they need answers . . . fast. Kathy Peel, America’s Family Manager, offers moms quick solutions and practical advice in The Busy Mom’s Guide to a Happy, Organized Home, an easy-access reference guide that covers all of the key questions asked by women who want to be the best moms possible. Containing a comprehensive index, helpful checklists and charts, and an extensive list of online resources, moms will turn to The Busy Mom’s Guide to a Happy, Organized Home to guide them from bewilderment and confusion to confidence and maturity as they perform the important job God has called them to do.

Real Solutions for Busy Moms: Your Guide to Success and Sanity by Kathy Ireland

As the involved mom of three very active children, the supportive wife of an emergency room doctor, and a dynamic businesswoman, Kathy knows of these struggles firsthand. She credits her strong faith in God and her parents’ love and support for any success she has today and dedicates her days to finding the solutions that can make life easier for busy moms in all phases of life. As she tackles the tough financial concerns families feel today and many other issues, Kathy offers empathy and encouragement. She shares stories from her own life and wisdom she has gained through her years from teenager with a paper route to successful supermodel to mom to entrepreneur with a dream for big business big business which was realized by building what Forbes now calls the “Billion Dollar Brand.”

Prayer Starters for Busy Moms: How to Pray All Day and Still Put the Laundry Away by Tracy Klehn

When Tracy Klehn’s two children were under two years old, she began to pray. Now she shares with other moms what she learned, including the power of praying for their children, families, friends, and themselves. Each of the twelve sections focuses on a different aspect of prayer along with creative ways to strengthen a mother’s faith.This book helps women focus on prayer-still leaving them time to get the laundry put away! A great gift for Mother’s Day or for a woman to give to her sister or girlfriend anytime of the year.

Simple Food for Busy Families: The Whole Life Nutrition Approach by Jeannette Bessinger and Tracee Yalbon-Brenner

Written by nutrition educators Jeannette Bessinger and Tracee Yablon-Brenner, aka the Real Food Moms, this onestop shopping resource and cookbook provides convenient cooking solutions based on fresh, healthful ingredients and sound nutritional science. Filled with quick tips for preparing wholesome meals on a workaday schedule, “Simple Food for Busy Families” helps parents nourish and teach their children balanced eating habits for life.


live magazine - May 2009

Too Busy to Clean?

by Patricia R. Barrett There are probably a half dozen or so people in the world who actually enjoy housework. For most of us, however, the object is to do the basic work necessary in the fastest and least painful way. Patti Barrett offers the reader a wealth of tips and shortcuts, and much practical advice for the complete cleaning novice. She helps the reader evaluate personal standards (and meet them!), make the most of limited time, do the necessary work most efficiently, help set up routines to keep ahead of the game, and just as important, how to get the rest of the family involved in the process. This is a handy book filled with tips on stain removal and odor control, and practical advice on cleaning every part of the home, the garage, appliances, storage areas and closets, and even the car. The author has a wry sense of humor and knows that most readers have better things to do with their free time than use it up cleaning house.

The Power of a Positive Mom & The Power of a Positive woman by Karol Ladd

There’s an amazing power in the fourteen principles shared in this dynamic duo of a book. Seven time-tested principles from the The Power of a Positive Mom are perfect for stay-at-home and working moms alike; plus seven more life-changing principles from The Power of a Positive Woman will unlock the potential in any woman to be a positive influence in her world In this two-for-one book you’ll learn the power of your words and how to use them positively; you’ll learn how your prayers, encouragement, attitude, and example can change your family forever; and you’ll learn how to become a powerful force in your family, your church, your community, and your world. Become the positive mom and woman that you were created to be.


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