live magazine August 2010

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Volume One │ Issue 20






Christians and the Religion of


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Contents Page 22 Are You a Covenant Wife?

AUGUST 2010 VOLUME ONE â—? Issue 20 6 Book of the Month: Nickcole Byrd 7 Relationship: Her Essence 9 Finances: The Road Less Traveled 13 Designing for the King Should Christian Practice the Feng Sui Religion

16 Why Did I Get Married? 18 Reasons for a Mentor 20 Where is Your Confidence?

let’s go! Greetings, I‘ve missed you all so much. It seems like it forever since my last letter to you. I‘m so excited about all the changes that are taking place with the magazine. We are in a season of change and God has prepared all things. Change is good! It‘s no coincidence that this issue would coincide with changing of the seasons. This has to be my most favorite time of year. I simply love the summer and the HOT weather. I love spending time with the family, going to the beach; shopping for sandals and cute dresses, long days sitting at the pool reading a good book, sitting by the lake enjoying the warm breeze…I just love it. But this season I think I‘ll love it a little more. Over this past fall and winter I shed a whopping 60lbs!!! As I said, change is good. I made some major changes. I chose to be a better steward over my assigned earth suit and started exercising regularly and changed my eating habits. My body had no choice but to comply with the new program. Yes, it was hard and the changes weren‘t easy but the end results were well worth it. Change is a mindset. Once I changed my mind about my health, the battle was won. If you want to see something different you have do something different. I have to thank you all for your continued support and kind words during this transitional phase. You have been a blessing not only to me, but also to the staff. As we continue in this transitional phase with magazine you will begin to see some additional changes and additions. It is our prayer that you will be blessed and that you will continue to share live magazine with all of you friends and family. Until next time, continue to live in victory every day!



The Purple Book of SUCCESS

How a Woman Can Create Her Very Own Success Story Nickcole Byrd This book is a guide to success, that zones in on and reveals the success potential of women. The Purple Book of Success gives women the tools and motivation to define, reinvent, rework and pursue a life of success founded on faith and old fashioned hard work. The book gives both practical and spiritual insights to true success by teaching women how to: • Partner with God to reveal your life purpose which is the key to your success journey • Establish your own definition of success • Achieve your success by just being YOU • Experience Breakthrough Thinking by asking the right questions • Categorize your past • Reprogram your mind for future success • Walk out the principles of success by creating a daily agenda 6

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HER Essence by Shelby M. Hill, MBA, CPC

The essence of a woman, what does this mean? The dictionary defines essence as the inward nature, true substance, or constitution of anything, as opposed to what is accidental, phenomenal, illusory, etc. but, what does it mean when used in conjunction of a woman? Please allow me to share. The dictionary is absolutely correct regarding its definition. But there’s more, she is life, the universe…the purpose of being. The power of a woman radiates not only from her physical appeal; she is infinitely more than simply physical. Her voice is commanding, providing guidance and nutrient to the children who feed from her, and love her unconditionally. Her words blanket a man with confidence and compassion when he has lost his way; she provides him incredible strength, without judgment, to seek his own path of purpose, to evolve as a provider and protector. The essence of her spirit is essential to the vitality of the human race…without her, man kind is non-existent, destructive and untamed. Her presence anchors respect and balance in great times of fear and uncertainty. Her essence graces each and every soul and living organism that requires air to breath. She carries life within her; she molds and refines it to the perfection that God has touched her to do so. The essence of a woman is life, the universe…our purpose of being. Let us celebrate the innumerable facets of women, for she is glorious! Women, Be Strong. Be Empowered.


The Road Less

TRAVELED Katherine Cary

In the news recently was an incredible story of a lady, Grace Groner, who made a multi-million donation to a college near Chicago. Ms Groner, was an alumnus of Lake Forest College and recently passed away leaving the school $7M in her will. No one had any idea that Grace Groner was a millionaire and nothing in her demeanor or lifestyle would have let on this secret. Groner lived in a one bedroom home, so small that in the news it was referred to as a cottage, and never even owned a car. She had been a receptionist and church volunteer. The source of her fortune - three shares of Abbot Laboratories Company purchased in 1935 for $60 each; a purchase made from her savings. These shares at the time of her death were worth an outstanding seven million dollars. Wow! In the book of Matthew 7:13, we are urged to "enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it". In this passage, Jesus was inferring that the way of life was narrow and less traveled for the world will more often choose the wider road. The same is true for our finances. As we see from the story of Ms Groner, the way of

financial strength is often not glamorous but a way of sacrifice, savings and wise investing. In the wider financial road, competition, ―keeping up with the Jones‖, get rich quick schemes are not only prevalent but the norm. In this world, purpose and plan have no place for vanity rules. If the recent economic meltdown is any indication, woe unto those that choose to go by wide road for it only leads to financial destruction. Many purchased houses because ―everyone and their mother‖ were doing the same. Without consideration of one‘s financial situation or the scam at hand, the pressure to have a house warming party overshadowed all reasoning. Unfortunately, many of the same have found themselves wallowing in the despair of foreclosure and shuttered dreams. Greed ruled the last decade and businesses were more than happy to supply whatever the heart desired; just sign on the dotted line, here, here and here! Unfortunately, this more traveled road has not led to wealth, not at all. It is a mirage, chasing after the wind. According to a study done by top economists from New York University, 20% of the American 9

But alas, there is another road, a Kingdom Way, one that leads from Glory to Glory. Hence the Lord reminds us that He is the one that gives us the ability to make wealth. (Deut. 8:18) Wealth that is not flimsy, or a facade. For the Lord‘s way is perfect. His Word is flawless (Ps 18:30). His blessings prosper much and add no sorrow with it (Proverbs 10:22). What is this way and how do we find it? In Matthew 6:33 - Seek first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness, then all these things shall be added to you as well. That is, instead of chasing after and worrying about all the things in the world, we should seek to belong in the Kingdom of God first and to attain the righteousness of God that is freely given. This righteousness comes with belonging in the Kingdom of God. Because of this righteousness, we can approach the throne of Grace boldly and without condemnation. When you are a child of this Kingdom of God, all things are yours (1 Corinthians 3:19) for you become a co-heir with Christ. In this Kingdom, you already possess all things for Godliness and for living (1 Corinthians. 3:20). Hence, seemingly ordinary people, achieve the extraordinary!

So when the world faces east or west or wherever the wind blows, and tells you that this and that is what you should do, possess, or this is the get rich quick road…. Remember! You are not of this world, hence should not be conformed to this world. Step back and re-evaluate. Seek Godly counsel for in a multitude of counselors, plans are established (Proverbs 15.22). And above all, engage your master strategist, who is the Holy Spirit, our Wonderful Counselor. He searches all things. Counsel, sound judgment, understanding and power are his attributes (Proverbs 8:14). He is able to search the intentions of men; whether it is a good deal, a dud or scam. He understands all things: stock market, real estate market, gold market or whatever the ―latest and greatest" is at the time. And when your Master Strategist advises you differently; listen and obey for He cannot and will never go wrong. And, when your three shares of a hundred and eighty dollars ($180) turn into seven million ($7M), give Him thanks and all the Glory; that all men may know that He alone is God! Catherine Kary is a Certified Public Accountant and money coach. For more information visit

Victorious Women Pray! Join us each Monday │ Wednesday │ Friday 6:30 AM Eastern Time Conference Line: (605) 475-4825 Code: 456945# Confidential Prayer Requests email: or 877-319-2406 10

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The primary purpose of writing this book is definitely not to persecute the churches. It will bring repentance, righteousness, holiness and most of all the fear of the Lord back into the house of God. For so long, many churches have started off by putting the kingdom of God first and in seeking His righteousness. Interestingly enough, this book is written to provoke change with ALL churches across the nation. Heartbreaking to say, it's TOO much compromising, all for the sake of power and acceptance. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.� (Matthew 6:33; KJV).

Books can be purchased at

Michele Mills Author 11


Should CHRISTIANS Practice the

FENG SUI Religion I don‘t know of anyone who doesn‘t want to live in a peaceful environment. Home should be a place of sanctuary, a place where serenity and cohesiveness is embraced. So you want to know if by placing the foot of your bed toward the door will you interrupt your peaceful habitation and attract negative energy and loose cohesiveness there. The feng shui religion and people who practice feng shui say you will. There is a bit of controversy today about feng shui. I know what my gut is saying. And as an interior designer I also understand the right placement of furniture objects and a union of colors bring a harmonious discourse to the home environment. But I need to get down to the root; the nitty-gritty to ascertain what feng shui really is, how it was developed. What do we know about feng shui? Is it a form of the occult, unfriendly towards Christians and Jews? What is the basis for feng shui theory? Because it has subtly infiltrated every aspect of our lives posing as innocence, I went on a hunt for rock solid information about this little known practice in Christian circles. Are Christians stepping on dangerous ground if we practice it. I talked with other Christian interior designers. I also asked God for guidance. Here is what I discovered.

What is Feng Shui Anyhow? Feng shui literally means ―wind-water.‖ It is an ancient Chinese system of aesthetics believed to use the laws of heaven and earth—astronomy and geography—to help one improve life by receiving

positive ―chi‖—a supernatural energy force that rules the cosmos which feng shui followers obey and fear. The "perfect spot" is believed to be a location and an axis in time. And according to the theory of feng shui, harmonizing one‘s personal ―chi‖ with the ―chi‖ in the environment puts one in harmony with the natural forces of nature and, in turn, results in a healthy, happy and prosperous life. It claims that as positive energy flows through an environment, then the people residing there will benefit.

How was Feng Shui Developed? Feng Shui has a definite philosophy based on the ancient belief systems of the Orient such as, IChing, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shamanism, Theosophy, Transcendental Meditation, Astrology, Spiritualism and New Age. Its energy forces are also foundational in the Chinese martial arts such as kung fu. It started as a form of Buddhism then later adopted the ideas from the Taoism religion and I Ching. Taoism focuses on the individual, spiritual life. Its philosophy is to determine which area of a home is positive or negative and how its decor and furniture should be arranged. 13

Is that All? Feng shui also pulls ideas which came from Hinduism and draws from the demonic world. It appears that many things are associated with it. It is further said there’s also a strong basis into paganism, holistic medicine and alternative therapies. Also part of feng shui is the Chinese philosophy of yin yang, the theory of the effect of opposing forces on human existence of natural dualities—dark and light, female and male, low and high—are viewed in Chinese thought as manifestations of yin and yang. The most popular use of feng shui in America is in the interior design of rooms, spaces and homes, and also the exterior design of buildings. It is worthy of note that no certification, no degree, or any education is required to practice feng shui. Hmmm…. You probably noticed in my title that I referred to feng shui as a religion. Feng shui has a church recognized by the United States Government as an official 501(c) (3) church. This church is the Black Sect Tantric Buddhism (BTB) Feng Shui Church in Berkeley, California, established in 1989 by His Holiness Grand Master Professor Thomas Lin Yun, a master of Black Tantric Buddhism and Feng Shui, who is very well known and respected worldwide. You can read this for yourself at On another site he’s quoted as saying, “.the Black Sect's teachings are the most useful, upto-date and compatible with modern science and design. Yet they also rely on ancient Chinese Taoist culture and thought—Tao, yin-yang, Chi and traditional Feng Shui—not to mention influences from Indian and Tibetan Buddhist beliefs and practices."

Whoa! What does all this Mean? It means that feng shui is not only a philosophy but a religion. I visited the website of feng shui


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one of their articles the formality of feng shui rituals using offerings, songs, dancing, incense burning, mantas (chants to cast spells), and often drumming. Timing is also an important factor with most rituals taking place between eleven in the morning and one in the afternoon. The purpose of the ritual is to appease Mother Earth and summons the spirits in hopes that a blessing will be bestowed. So what does this mean? According to interior designer and author, Catelin Hoover, who has researched this topic extensively and authored a book entitled Unmasking Feng Shui – A Christian Perspective, “Feng shui go through deliberate and very extreme endeavors to please Chi. Furnishings and color are carefully selected according to geomancy, and then placed in a predetermined place—redetermined by the BaGua. Yin and Yang concepts are adhered to "religiously". Cures are used to secure favors from Chi, such as wealth, health, prestige, romance, love, harmonious relationships, creativity and yes, even spirituality.” Hoover goes on to say, “My research as presented in the contents of this book, have proven feng shui is a religion based on the definition provided by Webster's New World Dictionary. It is a religion which runs so contrary to Biblical Christianity it is shocking in a disturbing way. Yet our Lord warned us philosophies such as Feng Shui would be prevalent in the last days.”

And My Position Is? The Lord has laid feng shui heavy on my heart. In fact did not know the extent of its philosophy and religion, but my gut was telling me to stay away from it. I also discovered in my research that ancient Chinese feng shui has been reinvented by New Age practitioners and incorporated into their practices. “So where’s the danger in all of this? If the position of our furniture and the colors that we choose brings harmony in our homes, then what’s the problem, you may be asking?” Well, I’m glad you asked.

People have and will dismiss feng shui as being superstitious, pseudoscience and religious. But unfortunately many others do and can become so caught up and enamored in the feng shui philosophy that its influence has a tremendous affect on their life decisions. I’ve also learned that people have gone to the extreme of using it for healing purposes in the place of modern medicine. So what is my position as an interior designer? My position is what the Word says. If you are a Christian you know the first place we must run to for answers in every aspect of our lives is the Word of God. And yes, especially as it pertains to our home. I told you in an earlier article and also in my book that the very first place that satan made his attack was in the home of Adam and Eve—the Garden. It’s the place where we so often let down our guard, allow the world’s philosophies to seep in leaving the Holy Spirit sitting on our doorsteps. He cannot thrive in the midst chaos and confusion. Interior design concepts prove that a space plan brings order and ease into the home by way of function. It is obvious that a refrigerator in the bedroom isn’t functional as with a linen closet in the kitchen pantry. Much is said about “harmony” and the feng shui religion slings it around as if one will suffocate in one’s own environment without it. However, the model in biblical design is agreement, or cohesiveness. Besides, these feng shui practitioners are charging up to $1000 for an in-home consultation! I charge half that with credentials and a biblical foundation to back me. For Christians, the question is whether we believe that harmony, peace, and order in life can be achieved by manipulating elements and external ‘forces’ around us. John 14:2 NLT says this, “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” Our heavenly Father is the source of peace which is only available through faith in Jesus Christ. Romans 5:1 tell us this. And in fact, yielding to inanimate or lifeless forces will unlikely produce

serenity, tranquility, or harmony. It is only through the Lord that we can have the peace of God which surpasses all understanding. Phil 4:6-7.

So What About Peace at Home? God has already written His prescription for how we should live at home. This prescription is found in Isaiah 32:17-18 and the Amplified Bible describe it best, “And the effect of righteousness will be peace, internal and external, and the result of righteousness will be quietness and confident trust forever. My people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, in safe dwellings, and in quiet resting-places.” This is God’s assurance that our peace and cohesiveness with family must come first from our heart (internal) and then spillover into where we live (external). From an interior design perspective, peace in the home is derived from what goes on there. When I map a design concept, I base it on three matters: budget, function, and space. And of course, the desires and requirements of the dwellers are constrained within the three. The peace and cohesiveness has to be dwelling within. Can furniture placement and colors attribute to joy and peace in the home? It is obviously annoying if the design elements aren’t practical, comfortable, or aesthetically pleasant. That’s the purpose for the talented and learned interior designers. Still Job 36:11 in the Amplified Bible tells us if we obey and serve Him, we shall spend our days in prosperity and our years in pleasantness and joy. And then Isaiah 55:12 promises us that we will live in joy and peace. So there you have it. No matter how the home may look, though it may not be what you desire at this moment, we can still be at peace and live in joy in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Deana Murphy, The Expert on Lifestyle Design™, founder of the LivingDesigns brand, a professional speaker and workforce. Award winning author. For more information about Deana, visit 15

Why Did I Get


Jewell R. Powell

In the sequel ―Why Did I Get Married Too?‖ by Tyler Perry should have all married couples asking themselves the same question. I pretty much ask myself that question daily. On the good days, I look at him and say, ―That‘s my man. He‘s loving, gorgeous, and I love him.‖ On other days, I look at him and say, ―Why am I still married to you? You get on my nerves, we can‘t seem to get along, and I don‘t like you.‖

I met my prince charming in June 1992. After a couple years of dating, he seemed to be everything I wanted in a man – tall, dark, and handsome. We were married in May 1996 and I thought, ―I am married to the love of my life.‖ Then the honeymoon came and went quickly, very quickly. Many arguments and fights ensued over the next couple years until we separated in 2001. Although something was telling me that I didn‘t want to be with him anymore, he still had my heart. Pride was telling me to leave and that I could do better, I could find someone better… I‘m a nice looking person, educated, fun to be with, friendly. What happened to the man I thought I married; had he changed? The truth of the matter was he hadn‘t changed. He possessed those same qualities I‘d fallen in love with. It was those characteristics I‘d focused on during our four-year courtship. Sure, I‘d caught little glimpses of his temper, that tiny hint of meanness, and we‘d had our share of arguing, but I‘d forgotten about all that in the months leading up to our wedding day. I began to realize that my perception of him before we were married was different because I‘d focused on the good in him. After we got married, the rosy glasses came off.

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I began focusing on all his flaws. That is when I started asking myself why in the world I‘d ever married him. But each day brought new flareups, and as each ‗bad‘ day became etched in my mind, it became bigger than any of the longforgotten ‗good‘ days. After we separated, I looked back over our relationship, the good and bad. Yes, we had two beautiful daughters, a lovely home and life and part of me still loved him (a little bit). What happened? Did he change on me? My mind was constantly searching for answers. The problem was, the questions I was asking myself were all about him. Then I started questioning us: Did we outgrow one another? Did we not know each other very well before we got married? Then, the questions turned to me: Did I do this? Did I do that? What I realized was that I needed to be the change I wanted to see in my marriage. It occurred to me that my mouth which cursed him out daily, needed to bless him instead. My constant judging and condemning needed to stop and be replaced by encouraging and uplifting him. I stopped focusing on the negative aspects of our marriage and started focusing on the good. Once I started making these small changes, my marriage got better. So, why did I get married? It was because of all the same reasons when he asked me. The question now is why do I stay married? It‘s because I made a promise, a vow, to Lewis and God that I‘d stick with him until death, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer. No matter what challenges our marriage faces, I‘m in it for the long haul. So, why did you get married?

Jewell R. Powell, affectionately known as The Marriage Coach is an inspirational teacher/speaker and bestselling author. Jewell has made it her mission to help married couples, especially those who are having trouble in their marriages. 17





By Sylvia Browder

Successful women entrepreneurs understand the importance of having a mentor. In fact, developing a portfolio of mentors to meet different aspects of your life, both personally and professionally, is paramount! Choosing a mentor is one of the most important decisions you can make as a professional. Mentors should be those whose work you admire; poses strong leadership abilities; an inspiration to you and others; offer solutions when you are faced with obstacles and invaluable insight. Mentors are experts within a particular field and offer a wealth of experience. They cheer you to the finish line! Important Reason 1: A mentor will hold you accountable. Often, business owners neglect important aspects of their businesses such as marketing, financial obligations or operations. A mentor will hold you accountable for your actions, help you set realistic goals and assist you in finding ways to balance your time. Important Reason 2: A mentor will help you define and reach short and long term goals. Setting realistic goals for your business is important. Your mentor will help you explore achievable goals, ask clarifying questions to help you define them while developing strategies to keep you focused from day-to-day pressures of business and family. Important Reason 3: A mentor is ‘on the outside looking in.’ As you grow in your business, it is easy to reach a plateau. A good mentor will bring a new prospective along with a fresh set of eyes. This will help you work more efficiently with a clearer view of your company‘s future growth. Important Reason 4: A mentor is like a trusted colleague to discuss problems and find solutions. When you hire a mentor, you gain a confidant; someone to brainstorm with - a great sounding board! . Important Reason 5: A mentor is worldly with a wealth of business experience to help you grow your business. Is your marketing strategy stale? Out of ideas for marketing to your clients? Well, a mentor comes from a school of ‗hard knocks,‘ a veteran in his/her own right and can give you sound advice from years of experience. In closing, it is important to establish a clear understanding of your relationship with your mentor. Ultimately, your mentor is there to help you focus on taking your business to the next level.

WHERE IS YOUR CONFIDENCE ? by Elder Lily Jenkins

Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. (Hebrews 10:35 KJV) How many times have you worked diligently with your hands to help someone—maybe even stuck your neck out and covered for someone, or gave generously from the little that you had—all to be ostracized and ridiculed by the very people that you thought had your back? Or what about this—you consistently pay your tithes and offerings, give to local charities, sacrifice time out of your day to lend a listening ear, or serve in various capacities—yet the goals, dreams, and desires you have so deep in your heart, still has not come to pass?

Many of you reading may be, right now, in one of these situations. But while you may be down and out, wondering when your prayer will be answered, the devil is also telling you things that contradict God's promises for your life. See, it's when we take that second thought of doubt, that we stop or delay the harvest that is meant just for us.

I believe many of us have been on the verge of promotion on our jobs—have been given the tasks of training others that come after us, to then be sideswiped by seeing that very same person be elevated to the position we felt we were supposed to get. Why? Because we took the second thought, or we murmured and complained to our friends and co-workers about the problems of the company instead of being the one to see change take place—by being the change (setting the atmosphere for promotion to take place). Also if you are doing your job as unto the Lord, your gifts will make room for you. We as Christians should never be the ones up in a conversation of gossip and slander. We should run away from that, lest we also be seen as fools. The woman Folly is loud; she is undisciplined and without knowledge. (Proverbs 9:13 NIV) And in Proverbs 12:23 NIV, it says, "A prudent man keeps his knowledge to himself, but the heart of fools blurts out folly." Another thing that is important to point out is just where we should put our confidence. Our confidence should not be just enough to make the status quo in this world— obsessed on the cars, the house, the fine designer clothes and shoes, or our outward appearance—what to get to be seen by people or to fit the world's or society's way of doing things. Yes, many of those things are nice, and God does want us to prosper in every area of our lives, and will give us those things when and if He sees fit to bring it to us. However, your confidence should be more on what we should be storing up in heaven, our Heavenly treasures. How do we do that, by sowing consistently into the Kingdom of God. Not just with our finances, but our time, our talents—whatever we can put our hands to work to do. Continued on page 21

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“When we have that fearless confidence, as the word suggests, we can hold our heads up high, because we already have the victory, even though in the natural, it may look like we are falling apart. “ Our confidence should be built in patience for what God has for us. Remember what God has for you will be just for you. No one will be able to take it away or boast about having any part in it. God will be the one to get all the glory and you can tell everyone how you made it over! Hallelujah! Keep putting your hands to the plow, doing more than what is expected of you, keeping a smile on your face, and displaying longsuffering towards ones that have despitefully used you. Target them and be steady in order to win them to Christ! When we have that fearless confidence, as the word suggests, we can hold our heads up high, because we already have the victory, even though in the natural, it may look like we are falling apart. We will still be confident—never wavering from our faith that God will continue to provide and that what you sow into the Kingdom, God never forgets and he counts it all toward your ultimate reward. And shouldn't we only want to do what is pleasing to God anyway? Only what we do for Him will last! So be confident, my brothers and sisters. Stand strong and in the power of His might! We will always be victorious, in Jesus Name!

Do not, therefore, fling away your fearless confidence, for it carries a great and glorious compensation of reward. (Hebrews 10:35 AMP)

Lily L. Jenkins is a best-selling author, minister, entrepreneur and speaker. As a Purpose Development Coach, Lily educates and inspires young women to go after their divine purposes for living, She is an ordained Elder, and first lady to Pastor Donald E. Jenkins For more information about Lily, log onto or 21

by Zachary Pullins, Sr.


The other afternoon my sweetie and I sat down to have a ―Family Meeting‖ in order to seriously access our past, present, future and God-given vision for our family. We just transplanted to Brandon, Florida from Columbia, Maryland and my paycheck is the majority share of our income at the present and it‘s more than enough especially because Florida is a non income tax state. The meeting lasted the better part of our entire Saturday which began with income, investments and eventually ebbed and flowed through future purchases, spending and covenants. What began as a ―Family Meeting‖ became a meeting surrounding the covenant that exists between me and my girly. This got me to thinking; do you know the extent of your covenant with your Man of God, High Priest and husband. I know on your wedding day you exchanged vows and words of love and emotional tenderness, but when was the last time you rehearsed your marriage covenant? The bible tells us to establish memorials or places and times that remind us of the victories and triumphs in our lives. It says that two can‘t walk together unless they agree and that a house divided against itself cannot stand. Your marriage covenant should be reviewed periodically in order for you to know where you‘ve been, where you are and where you‘re going. God commands his blessings in unity therefore it behooves us all to be in unity with one another especially in the institution of marriage. This isn‘t my first time in the institution of marriage but it is the first time being in unity with my marriage partner. It is sheer joy when two people can plan goals and work together on the same page to bring those plans to past.

protected the weaker and the weaker who offered something of value to the stronger. In Old Testament times covenant were established between soldiers and farmers. The soldiers provided protection for the farmers and the farmers provided food for the soldiers. Times have changed some, however the principle still remains the same. Protection and safety are still at the heart of the marriage covenant as well as financial support, fidelity, trust, loyalty and friendship. It is also the responsibility of each covenant partner to create an environment in which honesty is encouraged and welcomed. My wonderful wife does that ever so well. In this environment there is no room for condemnation or judgment. It‘s akin to a little slice of Heaven on Earth because the walls that hinder direct and effective communication are gone, leaving the two of you to share your hearts and minds with one another the way God intended.

In the discussions we shared our total understanding of the lengths and depths of our marriage covenant. We discussed that all that she had in the past is now my present responsibility to include her all of her debts and obligations. Biblical covenants were always initiated between two parties, one stronger who

Whenever you think about your marriage please consider it through the eyes of Our Lord and Savior. You have a living breathing covenant that should be heaven on earth. While you‘re busy ministering to your Household High-Priest think about how you‘re honoring God. Until next month dear hearts, friends and loved ones; keep it real and keep it Christ

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The bible tells us that Jehovah is a covenant making and covenant keeping God. In so speaking He expects us his people ―The Called Out One‘s‖ to be people of covenant. God by covenant met with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden in the cool of the day. They were covered with his glory and therefore didn‘t even know they were naked because they were in covenant with God. God established his covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to give them the land of Canaan. God established a covenant with Moses, Noah and David throughout the Bible in order to bring His promises to past on the Earth. Check it out for yourselves by taking a walk through the scriptures

COMING May 3, 2011

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