04302017 NewDay Praise Worship Folder

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Rev. Elizabeth Gilbert

Growing Patience 1 Corinthians 3:5-9

April 30, 2017 NewDay Praise Worship - 9:50 a.m.

Growing Patience

Rev. Elizabeth Gilbert 1 Corinthians 3:5-9 So many things require our attention everyday - - kids, jobs, friends, the house, the yard - and this time of year... maybe a garden. If you are a gardener, it’s the time of year to think about planting. And then comes the watering, weeding, feeding, and pruning. And months of care, lots of waiting, and patient watching until something beautiful comes on the plant. Finally, after weeks and months of work and waiting, you can enjoy the flowers, or the fruit, or the vegetables... you can enjoy the rewards of your efforts. If only all of our investments and efforts brought such sure results. Every area of our lives demands work and attention... watering, weeding, feeding, and pruning. It can seem, though, as if we’ll never enjoy that which we hoped to produce. The promotion never happens, the grades don’t get any better, the relationship with your mom just never seems to improve. When we get impatient with the working and the waiting, we’re tempted to pull up stakes and move on to the next venture or just give up. But if you’ve ever planted a garden, you know that the real work is done in the waiting as the Master Gardener grows good things out of our efforts. Waiting brings its own kind of reward as we trust the One who grows that which we plant and tend. What then is Apollos? What is Paul? Servants through whom you came to believe, as the Lord assigned to each. I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. The one who plants and the one who waters have a common purpose, and each will receive wages according to the labor of each. For we are God’s servants, working together; you are God’s field, God’s building. 1 Corinthians 3:5-9 (NSRV)

We are so glad to welcome you to worship this morning! If you are new to PUMC, you are invited to stop by the Welcome Center located in the south lobby. A PUMC member is there to answer your questions, and we have a gift for you, too! In Clayton Hall (north end of building) you’ll find refreshments and a place to chat and meet people. Please make yourself at home.

Membership Discovery Class April 30 PUMC offers a Membership Discovery Class for persons seeking to learn more about membership at PUMC. The spring 2017 class is today, April 30. The class provides an overview of the ministry and mission of PUMC and helps participants find meaningful places to connect with this congregation. Participants are invited to consider membership at the conclusion of the class.

It’s time for Kinderbells!

Walk-ins are welcome today, 11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. in the Worship Annex in Clayton Hall. The group will enjoy a light lunch during the session. Childcare is provided.

Traditionally at PUMC, Mother’s Day is the time for young children to ring bells for worship. If your child is 3-7 years old, they are eligible to participate. Rehearsals will be in the sanctuary at 6:30 p.m. on May 3 and May 11. Then, on Mother’s Day, May 14, 2017, the children will gather in the bell room at 9:20 a.m. to rehearse, and be guided at the proper time to ring in both Classic & NewDay Praise Worship during the 9:50 a.m. worship hour.

See Pastor Elizabeth Gilbert this morning with questions.

If you have questions or would like to register your child, contact Kelly Rodarmel: 317.371.8210 or Jkrodarmel@ gmail.com.

A driver/teacher is needed for PUMC’s Kids Connection starting August, Monday-Friday, 6:30-9:00 a.m. Must be punctual, dependable, work well with children and be 21 years of age. Contact Carissa Wooden at cwooden@ pumc.org to apply.

Service Opportunity

11:10 Small Group Study

One Way Love: Inexhaustible Grace for an Exhausted World The Sunday 11:10 Small Group invites you to study One Way Love: Inexhaustible Grace for an Exhausted World starting May 14. In his book, Tullian Tchividjian, is convinced our exhausted world needs a fresh encounter with God’s inexhaustible grace - His one-way love. Tchividjian convincingly shows that Christianity is not about good people getting better. If anything, it is good news for bad people coping with their failure to be good. We look forward to you joining the group in the Koinonia Room. If you have any questions please contact Mike Rohrer at indyroar@gmail.com.

Mission Costa Rica 2018 The Costa Rica adult mission team is looking for people who would like to join us in sharing God’s BIG Love. We will be going to Costa Rica in March of 2018. For more information and to pick up an application please stop by the table in the Main Lobby today. There will also be an informational meeting on May 1, 7:00 p.m. in the Wesley Room with Strong Mission representative Brianna Selch. Or email Mike Rohrer at indyroar@gmail.com for more information.

Thank You, Kroger Shoppers!! …for supporting PUMC’s 2018 Adult Costa Rica Mission Team! Because 25 PUMC Kroger shoppers registered with Kroger’s Community Awards program, Kroger donated $88.57 in the first quarter of 2017 towards the mission trip. Visit krogercommunityrewards.com to register your Kroger rewards card and support PUMC’s Costa Rica Mission Team. Visit Mission Trip leaders, Mike Rohrer or Steve Brizendine, in the main lobby today to learn more.

Give Blood, Save Lives! A Community Blood Drive will be held at PUMC on Monday, May 8th from 3-6 p.m. Pre-registration will be available after the first and second worship hours (today) and May 7. Appointments can be scheduled online at DonorPoint.org or by calling the church office at 317.839.2319. Registration is not required and all are welcome the day of the drive. Please remember to bring photo identification with you on the day of your donation.

Encore to Visit the International Culinary School May 18 On May 18, Encore Senior Ministry will travel to “Eleven at the Pyramids” for a delicious lunch. Join Encore to experience wonderful time-tested food prepared by the students at the International Culinary School located at The Art Institute of Indianapolis. Sign up at the Encore Senior Ministry Desk, in the Main Lobby on May 7 or 14 before or after middle worship hours. Seating is limited. Cost is $3.00 to cover transportation expenses. You will pay for your meal at the restaurant. Menus are available at the time of sign up. Encore thanks Margaret Hay for making arrangements for this activity. Questions? Call Sue Hylton at 317.839.2946 or Margaret Hay at 317.839.5643.

May Pipe Organ Celebration Concert May 7 In celebration of its public debut, PUMC welcomes Ken Cowan to the pipe organ bench on Sunday, May 7, 4:00 p.m. to play a 90-minute recital that includes some of the most flashy, tasty and gorgeous music for the “King of Instruments” in a free concert. Invite your friends and family to this free celebration of God’s goodness and PUMC’s new pipe organ.

PRAISE & PRAYER Known in the hospital this week: Steve Best

Hospitality Volunteers include:

Dennis & Nancy Darrow, Tom Hilligoss, Ben & Justin Laver, Linda & Greg Cook, Carolyn Mercer, Tom & Charlene Highsmith, Greg & Karen Hole, Jim & Darlene White, Shirley Overton, Gabriel Hansen, John & Sue Hylton, Diane Preusch, Brian Meyer, Lou & Vern Sullenger, Dick & Shirley Belcher, Jay Harbison, Jerry Nadin, Andy Montgomery, Grady Daubenspeck, Darrell Kehrt, Shannen Shortt, Ted Underwood, Clint Groeschen, Shana Schreiner, Chris Fred


8:30 a.m.


8:30 a.m. 9:50 a.m. 11:10 a.m.



Gabriella Layman Kristin Wesley Rev. Dan Stone Rev. Dan Stone Michael Gilbert

Ways to Give Give in person in worship on Sunday morning.

Kathy Everman Becca Mount Kathy Everman


Online at pumc.org ONLINEor via SecureGive onSECURE your mobile ACH device.


Phone BrendaAUTOMATED Barnett in BANK DRAFT the Church Office to set up, 317.839.2319.






463 439


Infant/Toddler Room this Sunday: 8:30 a.m. 9:50 a.m. 11:10 a.m.

$12,608 $356,421 $333,245




Give through the Plainfield UMC App. Get the app on your mobile device at pumc.link/ getapp

The Plainfield UMC App Available in the App Stores Download today at



THIS WEEK Sunday, April 30 8:30 a.m. Classic Worship (S) 9:45 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 9:45 a.m. Bible Explorers Worship/ Grades K-5 (100) 9:45 a.m. Youth Worship/ Grades 6-12 (200) 9:50 a.m. Classic Worship (S) 9:50 a.m. NewDay Praise Worship (A) 11:00 a.m. Membership Discovery Class (A) 11:10 a.m. Classic Worship (S) 11:10 a.m. Small Group (K) 12:30 p.m. Jesus In the Gospels - Shannen Shortt (K) Monday, May 1 12:00 p.m. Homeless Outreach Food Preparation (Ki) 5:00 p.m. Homeless Outreach Food Delivery (O) 5:15 p.m. JOY Bells - a beginning bell choir (B) 6:00 p.m. Praise Bells - an intermediate bell choir (B) 7:00 p.m. Chancel Bell Choir (B) 7:00 p.m. Costa Rica Mission Team Meeting (W) Tuesday, May 2 8:30 a.m. Tuesday Morning Prayer Group (K) 9:00 a.m. Nine on Tuesday (Y) 7:00 p.m. JOY ChristCare Group, Diane Preusch Leader (L) 7:00 p.m. Cub Scout Den Meetings, Pack 399 Wednesday, May 3 3:00 p.m. More Than Conquerors (Y) 6:00 p.m. Connection Point High School Youth Bible Study (O) 6:00 p.m. Kinderbells Rehearsal (S) 7:00 p.m. Satisfying the Hunger ChristCare Small Group (L)

Locations noted on Calendar (A) (B) (CH) (FP) (K) (KI)

Clayton Hall Worship Annex Bell Choir Room Clayton Hall Fire Pit Koinonia Room Kitchen

(L) Library (ML) Main Lobby (MR) Music Room (O) Off Site (S) Sanctuary

• Blood Drive • Kinderbells • 2018 Costa Rica Mission

Thursday, May 4 9:00 a.m. Bible Study with Pastor Ron Mercer (K) 6:30 p.m. NewDay Praise Team Rehearsal (A) 7:00 p.m. Margaret Wielenberg’s Yoga Class (205) 7:30 p.m. Adult Choir Rehearsal (S) 7:30 p.m. Safety Committee Meeting (K) Friday, May 5 9:45 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m.

Friday Morning Bible Study (K) Golden Girls (CH) Snack N Craft - Note Change of Date (CH)

Saturday, May 6 9:00 a.m. Stephen Ministry Continuing Education (K) Sunday, May 7 8:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 9:50 a.m. 9:50 a.m. 11:10 a.m. 11:10 a.m. 4:00 p.m.

Classic Worship (S) Sunday School for all ages Bible Explorers Worship/ Grades K-5 (100) Youth Worship/ Grades 6-12 (200) Classic Worship (S) NewDay Praise Worship (A) Classic Worship (S) Small Group (K) Pipe Organ Celebration Concert (S)

(TBD) (W) (WW) (Y) (#)

To Be Determined Wesley Room Wesley Woods Youth Rooms (Upstairs) Room Number

PUMC Staff: Charlie Wilfong Senior Pastor Elizabeth Gilbert Associate Pastor Ken Loudenback Associate Pastor Bob Preusch Pastor of Youth Ministries Amanda Norton Director of Children’s Ministries Michael Pettry Director of Music Jaime Carini Organ Scholar Michael Norton NewDay Praise Worship Leader Oma Buckner Bell Choir Director Brent Miller Office Manager Eiric Shriner Communications Brenda Barnett Financial Administrator Sigrid Schuld Weekday Children’s Director Carissa Wooden Kids Connection Director Steve Manning Facility Manager Bonnie Walden Custodian/Housekeeper Brooks Wagler Night Custodian Contact staff members through the church office at 317.839.2319 or by email. (first initial, last name@pumc.org) (Example: cwilfong@pumc.org)

Fill out your connection card online. Scan the code above or go to pumc.link/connect

The deadline to have information included in this weekly folder is Tuesday, 9 a.m. Please deliver to the church office or to eshriner@pumc.org.

AVAILABLE TO YOU Thank you for spending time at Plainfield United Methodist Church today! We hope that you enjoyed worship and were able to experience God’s presence in this place. Please stop by the Welcome Center (left out of the sanctuary) to talk with a PUMC member, learn more about PUMC, and receive a free gift. For those with children: The children’s programs of PUMC are well supervised and offer warm, caring, and fun atmospheres. Care for infants and toddlers is in room 15 from 8:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. every Sunday. Sunday school class for children age 3 - Pre-K is 9:45 a.m.- 10:45 a.m. in room 20. The Sunday morning children’s program “Bible Explorers” (Grades K-5) begins at 9:50 in the south hallway. Classrooms are marked. Children arriving 9:30-9:50 a.m. may go to room 107 (Gathering Place) for worship and music before class. During all worship services in the sanctuary, activity bags for children are available from the ushers. Sunday Worship Hours: 8:30, 9:50 & 11:10 a.m. - Classic 9:50 a.m. - NewDay Praise Sunday School Hour: 9:45 a.m. Classes for all ages Weekday Children’s Programs: PUMC offers weekday children’s programs for ages 12 months—age 5. Please pick up a brochure from the rack near the Welcome Center or email Director Sigrid Schuld at sschuld@pumc.org. Before & After School Program: For children in Grades K-5 from 6:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. For more information, email Director Sandy Fansler at kidsconnection@pumc.org. Student Ministry Programs: Middle and High School students will find a worship experience led by Youth Pastor Bob Preusch and the student worship team at 9:45 a.m. every Sunday upstairs in room 200. Adult Small Group Life: Learn more about the many adult small groups at PUMC by picking up a brochure from the information rack in the south lobby. Spiritual Support and Encouragement: Stephen Ministers are church members trained to be confidential, listening, prayerful encouragers to anyone needing extra support for life’s challenges. Please contact a Stephen Minister by phoning the church office.

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