11052017 NewDay Praise Worship Folder

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November 5, 2017 NewDay Praise Worship - 9:50 a.m.

Banquet of Love

Luke 22:14-20 Rev. Elizabeth Gilbert What elements make for a memorable meal? A beautiful table scape? Exotic, specially prepared food like you might find in a celebrity chef’s restaurant? Maybe you prefer a home-cooked meal like grandma used to make. Maybe its not about the food at all. For you it might be all about who is at the table with you. Jesus spent a lot of time eating meals with people. Meals feature so prominently in the Gospels that scholars have commented: ‘Jesus ate his way through the Gospels.’ He ate with the rich and the poor, the ‘in’ crowd and the outcasts, the powerful and the powerless. Regardless the setting, the guest list, or the price point, the acceptance, love, and grace of God was always on the menu. Jesus’ legacy of love at the table is still with us today at the Communion Table. Pull up a chair and “...taste and see that the Lord is good...” (Psalm 34:8)

Today’s Scripture The Institution of the Lord’s Supper When the hour came, he took his place at the table, and the apostles with him. He said to them, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer; for I tell you, I will not eat it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.” Then he took a cup, and after giving thanks he said, “Take this and divide it among yourselves; for I tell you that from now on I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes.” Then he took a loaf of bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” And he did the same with the cup after supper, saying, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.

We are so glad to welcome you to worship this morning! If you are new to PUMC, you are invited to stop by the Welcome Center located in the south lobby. A PUMC member is there to welcome you and answer your questions. In Clayton Hall (north end of building) you’ll find refreshments and a place to chat and meet people. Please make yourself at home.

Luke 22:14-20 (NRSV)

Fall Food Drive Deliveries of donated food begin today! Please bring your grocery bags of food as soon as possible. Don’t have time to shop? Cash is also accepted. You can drop a check of in the office or use the SecureGive app.

Blessing Bags November 26 Thanksgiving Sunday. Bring your Blessing Bags to worship on Sunday, November 26, to share about God’s blessings in your life and Glory Sightings (the ways you’ve seen God at work for good) you’ve encountered throughout the year. Blessing bags are available in the church office, the sanctuary, the Worship Annex, and all lobbies.

Thank you for your suppport. Many hungery people thank you!

Mitten Tree Mitten Trees are in place and ready to receive your donations of mittens, gloves, scarves, and hats. It is getting cold so many are needed! Thanks for helping keep children warm.

Angel Tree Mission PUMC shares God’s BIG Love with the children of incarcerated parents each Christmas through the Angel Tree (Prison Ministry) Mission as we provide gifts, cookies, and Bibles for these children. Members of the congregation choose a child from the “Angel Tree” in the main lobby, purchase and wrap the gift. Once returned and sorted, these gifts are delivered to the children There are many opportunities to be involved with this mission: Choose a name and buy a gift. In the main lobby in the coming weeks (Nov. 19 & 26 and Dec 3) pick a name off of the Angel tree and purchase a gift using the info on the angel. Wrap the gift in a box. Return the single, wrapped item to PUMC by noon December 10. Bake Cookies. Two and one-half dozen homemade cookies are delivered to each Angel Tree home. The kids love to eat them while opening their Christmas gifts! Deliver cookies to PUMC by 5 p.m., December 15. Volunteer to sort or distribute gifts and cookies Sunday, December 10, 1 p.m. If you have questions please contact Steve Brizendine through the church office. “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” 2 Corinthians 9:15

Joseph Stephens, Sr. Jack Blevins Linda May Pat Spielman Naomi Ruth Earle Bill Lyons James Vogel Howard Little Alice Buchanan Pete Toon Nelle Cook Jane Schoon Vivian Haase Charles Morris Donald Imbody Bob Walters Tabb Webster Linda Musser Philip Shawver Vicki Felty Suzanne Durell Sharon Howard

Encore Senior Ministries Mark these dates on your calendar November 7

your own expense at a nearby restaurant. Sign up on November 12 or 19.

We will leave PUMC at 10 a.m. to tour President Benjamin Harrison’s home in Indianapolis. The tour will be led by PUMC’s Debbie Proctor. Cost is $8 per person. Lunch will be close by at the Propylaeum, a Victorian home with a history all its own. Lunch will be at your own expense. Stop by the Encore Desk in the Main Lobby to check out the menu and register October 29 and November 5.

December 5

Tour Benjamin Harrison Home and Lunch at the Propylaeum.

November 30

Edinburgh Premium Outlets and Lunch We will leave PUMC at 9:30 a.m. for some browsing or serious shopping. There are over 85 shops at this mall and you can anticipate saving 25-65%. Lunch will be at

Dinner and Festival of Trees We will leave PUMC around 4 p.m. to travel to the Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History Center where you will view over 80 uniquely decorated trees, enjoy carolers and entertainment in the Cole Porter Room, and visit the other displays throughout the center. Cost for admission is $6. Dinner at your expense will be at the restaurant located at the center. Sign up on November 19 or 26. As always, if you have questions regarding any of these events, please feel free to contact Sue Hylton at 317.839.2946 or shylton@indy.rr.com. Join the fun and fellowship with Encore!

November 12 10:00 a.m.

Classic and NewDay Praise Worship Church-wide Picnic Lunch to follow immediately after worship. Infant/Toddler & Children’s Programming (PreK - 5 grade) will be available.



Please take a moment to touch and pray over the blankets for: Debbie from Marty Williams with prayers for strength, comfort, and healing. Tom from Scott and Marty with prayers for healing, comfort, and strength. Our love & sympathy are shared with: the Bob Howard & family on the death of his wife, Sharon Howard. Hospitality Volunteers include: Tom Hilligoss, Ben & Justin Laver, Frank Davis, Russ & Sandy Combs, Martha Roath, Betty Denton, Sara Thrasher, Chuck & Jan Farnsley, Tamara Miller, Mary Anne Hamilton, Shirley Overton, Greg Hole, Jim Rodarmel, Joe Bennett, Larry Rudy, Tim Hansen, Leanne Tam, Mark Preis, Mike McFarling, John Bizeau, Kevin Gray, Brooks Wagler, Gerald Rhodes, Lance Burris, Orville Stenger, Todd Sprinkle, Clint Groeschen, Mike & Laurie Rohrer, Steve & Karen Best Acolytes: 8:30 a.m.

Brandon Rodarmel Matthew Rodarmel

Liturgists: 8:30 a.m. 9:50 a.m. 11:00 a.m.

Dave Korty Bree Dunscombe Kimberly Meyer





Jane Brizendine Lou Sullenger Jane Iles Tina Kirchof Shannen Shortt IN-PERSON Jamelin SwingerCASH/CHECK

Infant/Toddler Room this Sunday: 8:30 a.m. Kathy Everman 9:50 a.m. Antha McKinney 11:00 a.m. Kathy Everman

507 443 35

Ways to Give Give in person in worship on Sunday ACH morning. IN-PERSON




Online at pumc.org or via SecureGive on ACH your mobile device.

Communion Stewards: 8:30 a.m. 9:50 a.m. 11:00 a.m.

$7,183 $847,093 $841,224 $13,191






Phone Brenda Barnett in the Church Office to set up, 317.839.2319.


Give through the Plainfield UMC App. Get the app on your mobile device at pumc. link/getapp

Stay in Contact eNews from PUMC Visit www.pumc.org to sign-up for free weekly eNews and digital delivery of the monthly newsletter “The Circuit Rider.” Follow PUMC /PlainfieldUMC /NewDayPraise /PUMCBibleExplorers PUMC weekly worship notes Available in the Plainfield UMC Mobile App PUMC Wireless Network Wireless Network Name: PUMC Network Password: pumc1 Give Securely Online pumcgives.to/pumc or in the Plainfield UMC Mobile App. Sermon Downloads Sunday sermons can be downloaded from pumc.org, from iTunes, or are available in the Plainfield UMC Moble App.



Sunday, November 5 All Saints Sunday 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 9:50 a.m. 9:50 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m.

Classic Worship (S) NewDay Praise Team Rehearsal (A) Sunday School for all ages Bible Explorers Worship/ Grades K-5 (100) Youth Worship/ Grades 6-12 (200) Classic Worship (S) NewDay Praise Worship (A) Classic Worship (S) Small Group (K) Disciple 1 Fast Track Ken Loudenback (L)

Monday, November 2 12:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

Homeless Outreach Food Preparation (Ki) Homeless Outreach Food Delivery (O) Joyful Praise Bell Choir (B) Chancel Bell Choir (B)

Tuesday, November 3 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

TODAY • Angel Tree (ML)

Thursday, November 5 9:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

Bible Study with Pastor Ron Mercer (K) Kids Connection Program Board Meeting (210) N.E.S.T. Meeting (W) Margaret Wielenberg’s Yoga Class (205) Adult Choir Rehearsal (S)

Friday, November 6 9:45 6:30

a.m. p.m.

Friday Morning Bible Study (K) Snack N’Craft (CH)

Saturday, November 7 Sunday, November 8 10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m.

Consecration Sunday (S & A) Disciple 1 Fast Track Ken Loudenback (L)

Tuesday Morning Prayer Group (K) Nine on Tuesday (Y) JOY ChristCare Group Diane Preusch Leader (W) Safety Committee Meeting (K) Cub Scout Den Meetings, Pack 399 Disciple 2 Fast Track Kathy Perry (L) Rachel Circle (CH)

Wednesday, November 4 1:30 3:00 7:00

p.m. p.m. p.m.

Knit for Kids (K) More Than Conquerors (Y) Church Council (L)

Locations noted on Calendar (A) Worship Annex (B) Bell Choir Room (CH) Clayton Hall (EP) East Parking Lot (FP) Fire Pit (H) Hospitality Area (K) Koinonia Room (KI) Kitchen (L) Library (ML) Main Lobby

(MR) Music Room (NL) North Lobby (SL) South Lobby (NP) North Parking Lot (O) Off-site (S) Sanctuary (W) Wesley Room (WW) Wesley Woods (Y) Youth Rooms (#) Room Number

The Plainfield UMC App Available in the App Stores Download today at


PUMC Staff: Charlie Wilfong Senior Pastor Elizabeth Gilbert Associate Pastor Ken Loudenback Associate Pastor Bob Preusch Pastor of Youth Ministries Amanda Norton Director of Children’s Ministries Michael Pettry Director of Music Jaime Carini Organ Scholar Michael Norton NewDay Praise Worship Leader Lynn Blosser Bell Choir Director Brent Miller Office Manager Eiric Shriner Communications Brenda Barnett Financial Administrator Sigrid Schuld Weekday Children’s Director Carissa Wooden Kids Connection Director Steve Manning Facility Manager Bonnie Walden Custodian/Housekeeper Brooks Wagler Night Custodian Contact staff members through the church office at 317.839.2319 or by email. (first initial, last name@pumc.org) (Example: cwilfong@pumc.org)

The Plainfield UMC App Available in the App Stores Download today at


AVAILABLE TO YOU Thank you for spending time at Plainfield United Methodist Church today! We hope that you enjoyed worship and were able to experience God’s presence in this place. Please stop by the Welcome Center (left out of the sanctuary) to talk with a PUMC member, learn more about PUMC, and receive a free gift. For those with children: The children’s programs of PUMC are well supervised and offer warm, caring, and fun atmospheres. Care for infants and toddlers is in room 15 from 8:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. every Sunday. Sunday school class for children age 3 - Pre-K is 9:45 a.m.- 10:45 a.m. in room 20. The Sunday morning children’s program “Bible Explorers” (Grades K-5) begins at 9:50 in the south hallway. Classrooms are marked. Children arriving 9:30-9:50 a.m. may go to room 107 (Gathering Place) for worship and music before class. During all worship services in the sanctuary, activity bags for children are available from the ushers. Sunday Worship Hours: Classic Worship: 8:30, 9:50 & 11:00 a.m. NewDay Praise Worship: 9:50 a.m. Sunday School Hour: Classes for all ages: 9:45 a.m. Weekday Children’s Programs: PUMC offers weekday children’s programs for ages 12 months—age 5. Please email Director Sigrid Schuld at sschuld@pumc.org. Before & After School Program: For children in Grades K-5 from 6:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. For more information, email Director Carissa Wooden at cwooden@pumc.org. Student Ministry Programs: Middle and High School students will find a worship experience led by Youth Pastor Bob Preusch and the student worship team at 9:45 a.m. every Sunday upstairs in room 200. Adult Small Group Life: Learn more about the many adult small groups at PUMC by picking up a brochure from the information rack in the south lobby. Spiritual Support and Encouragement: Stephen Ministers are church members trained to be confidential, listening, prayerful encouragers to anyone needing extra support for life’s challenges. Please contact a Stephen Minister by phoning the church office.

The deadline to have information included in this weekly folder is Tuesday, 9 a.m. Please deliver to the church office or to eshriner@ pumc.org.

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