February 2018 Circuit Rider

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A LETTER FROM PASTOR CHARLIE What Jesus Prayed for Us Followers of Jesus around the world enter the season of Lent on Ash Wednesday, which falls on February 14 this year. Lent is traditionally a time of soul-searching and sacrifice in order to prepare for receiving God’s grace through what Jesus did for us by dying on the cross. The new life of Jesus from the grave provides us with new and eternal life. During Lent, we often review some of the last things Jesus did and taught with his followers before his execution on the cross, especially his last supper with the disciples. Part of what has captured my attention is what Jesus prayed for his followers of all times, including us, in those hours before his arrest. Jesus prays to the Father, for those who will have faith in Jesus, “that they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me” (John 17:21, NRSV).

followers as well. How can Jesus’ prayer for all of us be answered? Unity, not Uniformity is the way Jesus’ prayer is answered. Even among these twelve disciples, there is great diversity— not just contrasts, but extremes like Matthew the tax collector for Rome and Simon the Zealot the armed rebel against Rome. In the same last supper that Jesus prays this prayer, he also promises that he is going to prepare a place for his followers which has “many rooms” or “dwelling places” (John 14:2). This clearly suggests unity and diversity as opposed to uniformity. Uniformity is when all are identical. Uniformity is dysfunctional. The Apostle Paul makes this clear in his analogy of the Church and the human body in 1 Corinthians 12. He suggests that if everyone were an “eye”, the body would be unable to hear, etc.

Jesus prayed that we may all be PUMC has a beautiful unity. one. This helps me understand and What does that mean? That word celebrate the beautiful unity “all” means “each and every one, that PUMC enjoys. We are a along with all types”. The word “one” large congregation—larger than in this verse is a number. Jesus is 98 percent of United Methodist also referencing to all of his future 2


congregations in the U.S. We are also large enough to be a collection of congregations in one. Most of our classes and activity groups are larger than many entire congregations in Indiana and around the country. We offer diverse expressions of worship each Sunday—Classic, NewDay Praise, and Youth. We are not all alike, not uniform. Houses are no longer made entirely of wood because the variety of materials makes them strong, beautiful, and functional. One house, many rooms, many materials. Unity, not uniformity. We enjoy a beautiful, healthy unity worshiping Jesus Christ as Lord and growing in love of God and neighbor. To paraphrase John Wesley, if your heart is like mine with love for God and all people, I ask no more: give me your hand. This unity helps the world see Jesus, as he prayed. This unity is strong, beautiful, and serves a world in need of grace. Go in peace. God with God. And be well. Shalom,

Serving the Children of Plainfield

600 Simmons Street Plainfield, Indiana 46168-2264 pumc.org • 317.839.2319 Sundays Classic Worship: 8:45 & 10:00 a.m. Preaching Chapel: 11:15 a.m. NewDay Praise Worship: 8:45 & 10:00 a.m. Youth Worship (grades 6-12): 10:00 a.m. Bible Explorers (grades K-5): 10:00 a.m. Office Hours: 8:30a.m. – 3:30p.m. (M–F)

Table of Contents Senior Pastor’s Letter 2 Classic Worship Notes 4 Football Sunday 4 NewDay Pastor’s Letter 5 Worship Arts 6 Mission News 8 Children’s Worship 10 A Family Promise Christmas 11 United Methodist Women 12 Adult Book Study 13 Church Council Report 14 Giving Report 15 Employment Opportunity 16 Loving One Another 16 Notes to the Congregation 17 3


Weekly Preaching Chapel

New in 2018 and continuing in February is the weekly preaching chapel. In the Sanctuary at 11:15 a.m. each Sunday you can experience a hymn, prayer, and a message. Often the message will be similar to what was shared in Classic Worship, but sometimes it will be a unique message or guest presenter. This experience will last approximately thirty minutes. February 11 Preaching Chapel will feature Francis Mustapha, founder of the Madina Village School in Madina, Sierra Leone, Africa (madinavillageschool.com). Invite a friend to hear about this ministry which PUMC supports.

Football Sunday at PUMC!

Sunday, February 4, is game day across America. Invite a friend to NewDay Praise Worship (8:45 and 10:00 a.m.) to hear from some NFL players about their life with Christ, on and off the field. Tailgate party, with food & games, included! And help make this a ‘souper’ Lent Begins February 14 Sunday for some hungry people. The season of Lent begins with Ash Bring canned soup to donate to the Wednesday Worship in the sanctuary local food pantry. on 7:00 p.m. on February 14. Weekly Sunday Classic Worship 8:45 and 10:00 a.m. – Sanctuary



A LETTER FROM PASTOR ELIZABETH Eight Days Eight days… a little more than one week… When you are on vacation, it seems to fly by and be much too short a time span. When you are waiting on a report from the doctor, it can seem like an eternity. In a span of just eight days, about 2,000 years ago, God changed the world and the course of human history forever. It was in just eight days that Jesus went from the people’s hero as he entered Jerusalem with cheers and palm waving to his death on the cross. Eight days…. a little more than one week…. A handful of scriptural snapshots reveal Jesus’ actions and teachings in those eight days prior to his death on the cross. In the weeks leading up to Easter in NewDay Praise Worship, we will examine Jesus’ final days. And as we draw close to Jesus during his last days, we’ll prepare to celebrate his resurrection on Easter. Join us in NewDay Praise Worship during Lent (beginning February 18) for “Eight Days,” and discover for yourself the power that changed the world - and can change your life. But prior to the beginning of the “Eight Day” series, we will celebrate Football Sunday on February 4. Invite your friends and family to join you for this very special Sunday. Serving the Children of Plainfield

The day will include a tailgate party, complete with food and games, in Clayton Hall, and will be highlighted by a message from NFL players about their lives of faith both on and off the field. Plan to wear your favorite team’s jersey and be present to be inspired by players from this season’s biggest game and CBS Host James Brown as they share messages around the theme of Seek, Search, Surrender. And help make this a ‘souper’ Sunday for hungry neighbors. Please bring canned soup to donate to the local food pantry. In NewDay Praise Worship we seek to create a space and an experience where people who don’t know Jesus can meet him, those who do know Jesus can grow in that relationship, and everyone can find a warm welcome and a safe place to ask questions and talk about faith. I hope you’ll join us sometime soon! Blessings,


Worship Arts

Michael Pettry, Director, mpettry@pumc.org

Jesus Christ Superstar at PUMC For the first time in nearly two decades, PUMC will present a full Broadway musical. As part of the PUMC Concert Series, Jesus Christ Superstar will be performed with singers and full orchestra during worship on Sunday, March 4 in the sanctuary. (Standard worship times: 8:45 and 10:00 a.m.) With favorite songs like “I don’t know how to love him” and “Jesus Christ superstar,” the in-concert production is sure to inspire as we move into Lent. Be sure to invite others from throughout the community to attend either of the one-hour productions of the timeless musical. If you are interested in joining the production as a member of the chorus, there is still a little time to sign up. Chorus rehearsals begin February 15 and we have room for all voice parts. There is no audition or charge, but contact Director of Music Michael Pettry, mpettry@pumc.org, soon to join the production.



Ash Wednesday Worship The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday – take a purposeful pause in your busy life to worship at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary on Wednesday, February 14. Worship includes music sung by the Adult Choir and a flute solo by Lynn Blosser. Center yourself, pray, meditate to lush music, and begin this season of preparation with worship at PUMC.

Calling All Musicians Whether you’re in grade school or a few years – or even decades – past the school year, we are looking for musicians to play solos in worship this winter and spring. Do you play the piano and would consider playing the prelude sometime? Does your niece or nephew play in their high school band and might provide a stirring offertory? Not only does weekly worship offer an opportunity for the congregation to worship, it also provides the setting for those with musical gifts to give back to our church family. We welcome you to contribute or to encourage someone else to contribute their musical talent. All ages and experience levels are welcome. Contact Director of Music Michael Pettry, mpettry@pumc.org. Serving the Children of Plainfield


Mission News

Ruth Ellen Stone, Committee Chair, missions@pumc.org

MMDC Work Team A work team from PUMC will be serving at the UMC Midwest Mission Distribution Center, April 22-27 (near Springfield, Illinois). You can be a part of the team in service to people around the world. Contact Sue Schultz through the church office for more information. There are tasks for persons of all skill (including none) and energy levels.

Thanks for Your Generosity Thanks for all the generous contributions to the INUMC Bishop’s Offering for Children in December as well as to PUMC’s Christmas Eve Offering. Your gifts, totally $7,115.11, will serve the needs of children and families locally, throughout the state, and around the world. Thank you! 8

Trip to Africa University If you’ve always wanted to visit Africa University in Zimbabwe, this is your chance! A group from the Indiana Conference of the UMC will be traveling to Africa University October 22 - November 8, 2018 (approx. dates). This is an exciting opportunity to see the campus, meet professors and students, and learn how this project of the United Methodist Church is positively affecting the development of businesses, schools, churches, agriculture and many other facets of life all over Africa. There are scholarships available for young adult lay or clergy persons interested in participating. Contact PUMC Mission Chair, Ruth Ellen Stone, through the church office for more details.


Sheltering Wings In December Sheltering Wings (Hendr icks Count y Shelter for Women and Children, shelteringwings.org) reported a “full house” with 28 women and 36 children in residence. Since Jan 1, 2017, they had handled 1,444 crisis calls. PUMC is an ongoing friend and supporter of this ministry. Thank you for showing God’s BIG Love to these neighbors in need.

Christmas at Fletcher Place & IPS School #34 Many servant volunteers from PUMC helped to provide needed items, as well as physical help, in service to clients at Fletcher Place Community Center (fletcherplacecc. org) and families of Indianapolis Public School #34. Your presence, as well as food and gifts, added joy to the season for many families. Thank you! Serving the Children of Plainfield


Children’s Worship

Amanda Norton, Director, anorton@pumc.org

Bible Explorers Set Sail on Another Adventure! In January PUMC Bible Explorers (Grades PreK, and K-5) began a grand adventure, sailing around the world with new friends Asia, Edgar, Kat, and Caleb of the Deep Blue Crew. Each week in Bible Explorers (Sundays, 10:0011:00 a.m. at PUMC) students are experiencing a new adventure! Students will learn about God and what it means to be a follower of Jesus through Bible stories and opportunities to serve as disciples in the classroom, the local community, and the world! Kids will explore Guatemala, Kenya, Alaska, and Armenia throughout the year as they dive deep into God’s Word together. Students will discover what it means to be a follower of Jesus in this around-the-world adventure. Parents, please note: Students must be signedin by an adult on Sunday mornings. Please be with your K-5 student at dropoff (room 107) and pickup in the south hall. And if your child needs/wants a morning snack, please sign them in at 9:45 a.m. At 10:00 a.m. food is put away and the fun begins! If you can help make Sunday Deep Blue adventures extra special and meaningful for students, please contact Jeanne Milligan, Children’s Council Chair, at jeanne.milliga55@gmail.com to volunteer. Thank you!



A Family Promise Christmas Mary Raver, mraver@pumc.org

Thank you for making PUMC’s Christmas host week (December 24December 31) special for our Family Promise (Hendricks County Homeless Support) guests! PUMC went above and beyond to once again provide delicious meals; a safe, warm place to stay; company and activity for the parents and children (sometimes a challenge with the cold weather); and a special Christmas celebration. Not only did we have over 30 volunteers (not including the children who came to play!) who provided meals or spent time at the Friends’ Meeting with the families in some capacity, but there were dozens who came together to provide supplies for the week and Christmas gifts for the kids. Our Three families woke to gifts and stockings on facility hosts, the Plainfield Friends, Christmas morning. A fourth family was able to provided gifts for the parents. Thank move into housing a few days before Christmas. The you helped purchase for them were delivered you for your time, effort, gifts, gifts so they could have Christmas in their new home. prayers and encouragement. Your involvement and generosity are not only what makes this ministry possible, but worthwhile. Mark your calendars now so you can be a part of PUMC 2018 Family Promise weeks. PUMC host dates are: • March 18 • May 20 • September 9 • November 25

Serving the Children of Plainfield


United Methodist Women Focused on Mission in 2017 The entire program and organization of United Methodist Women focuses on mission. In 2017 Plainfield United Methodist Women continued its mission of providing Bereavement Meals for members and friends of the church when needed. In addition, Plainfield United Methodist Women raised and donated $10,232.65 to the following Mission Projects: • Sheltering Wings (Hendricks County Shelter for Women and Children) • IPS School #34 Food Pantry • Indiana UMC Save the Date for • Sewa River Mission UMW 2018 Events: • PUMC Family Assistance • Family Promise (Hendricks County • BIG Game Bake Homeless Support) Sale • Henderson Settlement (Appalachian Feb. 4, 2018 Mission) • Friendly Planet Missiology • Chili Supper • Kairos Prison Ministry March 16, 2018 • Lebanon Children’s Home • Lucille Raines Residence, Indianapolis • Red Bird Mission (Appalachian Mission) • PUMC’s Last Saturday Lunch • PUMC Youth • Global Missions of the United Methodist Women • Sheltering Wings, Fletcher Place and School #34 Eleanor’s Christmas were supported with donated items and canned food.

Rachel Circle Invites You for February 13 Meeting & Program Rachel Circle of United Methodist Women will meet February 13, 7:00 p.m., in Clayton Hall. Sue Schultz will present a program on Henderson Settlement mission in Appalachia. You are invited! Questions? Contact Kathy List at klist@sprintmail.com or Roberta Rhodes at bert38@sbcglobal. net. 12

United Methodist Women Big Game Bake Sale The women of PUMC’s Mary Martha Circle, Rachel Circle, and Hope Circle will be having a bake sale on Sunday, February 4. Look for goodies in Clayton Hall and south lobbies. Stock up for your big game parties! Proceeds will be used for local missions.


New Adult Study

Top Ten United Methodist Beliefs There can be no doubt about what Jesus thought was “the main thing,” the Great Commandment to love God with our heart, soul, and mind and to love neighbor as yourself. What were the non-negotiables for the founder of the Methodist movement, John Wesley? Wesley’s first priority was to grow Christian disciples who loved God and neighbor with a holy love that keeps those Commandments. Using John Wesley as guide, Top 10 United Methodist Beliefs describes the 10 most important United Methodist beliefs, so that we are equipped for every good work. It also describes how a passionate Wesley can still inspire us to travel the road to perfection using these basic beliefs as signposts, not hitching posts, so that we can more fully follow Jesus. Rev. Dan Stone is serving as discussion leader for this series. You are invited to join the Ordinary People Adult Sunday School Class on February 18 for this series. Group meets in the Wesley Room (room 21) on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome.

Serving the Children of Plainfield


Church Council Report

Nikki Shoultz, Committee Chair, churchcouncil@pumc.org

The Church Council met for its regular monthly meeting on January 10, 2018. In addition to hearing devotions and praying, receiving regular reports from committee chairs and lay leaders, the Council celebrated Glory Sightings, evidences of God’s work for good around us. Additionally, the Council received the following reports and made the following actions: Mary Raver reported that PUMC provided gifts and other Christmas celebration items for Family Promise (Hendricks County Homeless Support) families the week of Christmas Eve through New Year’s Eve. PUMC’s team of servant volunteers enjoyed several new persons that were available to serve because of the school break. The Council considered an a mended Memora ndu m of Understanding of the relationship between PUMC and PUMC’s weekday children’s programs. With language changes to add clarification, the Council approved the amended Memorandum.


Bill Edie, Finance Committee Chair, reported that total giving to the Basic Ministry Budget for 2017 exceeded 2016 giving. Bill also reported that cash reserves covered a small shortfall in 2017 giving to expenses of about $2,000. Pledges for 2018 are about $20,000 short of maintaining 2017 expense levels in 2018. The Church Council and the Finance Committee are considering appropriate responses and budget considerations prior to setting a 2018 Basic Ministry Budget in early February. PUMC members and participants are invited to prayerfully consider an additional pledge or one-time gift for the 2018 Basic Ministry Budget. (Additional pledges or gifts may be made to Brenda Barnett, bbarnett@pumc.org, or through the church office.) PUMC Council and Finance leadership will host an informational meeting about PUMC’s Finances and Future on Sunday, January 21, 1:30 p.m. in the sanctuary. Thank you for your ongoing prayerful support of the ministry and mission of the Church Council and PUMC.


Because God Gives, We Give. Thank You for You Generosity! Brenda Barnett, PUMC Financial Administrator, reports the following giving in Nov-Dec 2017, to ministry and mission beyond the Basic Ministry Budget. Give easily and safely online any time at pumc.org. Thank you for your generosity. PUMC Homeless Outreach: $ 1,961.00 Madina Village School, Sierra Leone: $ 1,230.00 Henderson Settlement (UM Mission in Appalachia): $ 1,110.00 PUMC Youth: $ 120.00 PUMC Music Ministry: $ 4,260.00 PUMC Family Assistance Fund (direct aid to local families in need): $ 2,475.00 Family Promise of Hendricks County: $ 1,219.35 PUMC Memorial Gifts: $ 1,127.00 United Methodist Committee on Relief – Disaster Relief: $ 610.00 PUMC Food Drive: $ 955.00 PUMC Bell Choir: $450.00 Friendly Planet Missiology: $ 1,210.00 INUMC Bishop’s Children’s Offering and Christmas Eve Offering: $ 7,115.11 Angel Tree Prison Ministry: $ 25.00 CROP Walk (Hunger Relief): $ 10.00 Alternative Christmas Gifts: $ 1620.00 Youth Church Camp Scholarships: $ 671.00 Total Giving in Nov-Dec, 2017, beyond the Basic Ministry Budget: $ 26,168.46

Serving the Children of Plainfield


Director of Children’s Ministries PUMC is seeking a part-time Director of Children’s Ministries (DCM). The ideal candidate will have a visible and vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ displayed in his/ her leadership of PUMC’s Children’s Ministries. Expectations include giving leadership to the children’s ministries of Plainfield United Methodist Church. The DCM will work with pastors, staff, and volunteers to develop, articulate, and deploy a Christ-centered philosophy for faith development at PUMC. The DCM will give direction to the Children’s Council; direct process for recruiting, training, and deploying volunteer leaders; and supervise and train child care and nursery volunteers. (Please see job description at pumc. org for complete list of expectations.) Candidates must demonstrate spiritual character and maturity, passion for Christ and their ministry, enthusiasm, vision, versatility, effective communication and administration skills and teamwork in the leadership of an established and growing Children’s Ministry. A background in education and theological training will be helpful. To find complete details and to apply, visit pumc.org (staff/available positions). Completed applications received by February 15, 2018, will be given priority consideration. Questions and inquiries may be made to jobs@pumc.org. 16

Loving One Another

Marge Welker The Bible clearly says: God is love. (I John 4:7-8). Love also is a gift from God. We should find ways every day to use this love. When I was growing up, my parents gave me a lot of love, and I in turn loved my husband and my children. Love is something that is no good unless you give it away. Love is looking out for all those around us. Ultimately, as Jesus teaches, God must be at the center of our love. We must set our hearts to love the Lord and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Even though we have many loves, shouldn’t we wrap ourselves in God’s gift of love to us? In I Corinthians 13:13 (NRSV), Paul said, “And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.” The Lord our God is in our midst....He will quiet us with his love. Have you told someone lately that you love them? Have a happy Valentine’s Day, with Love!


In the Hospital this Past Month • Herb Stultz • Vi Stilwell

Prayer Blankets • Beverly Morphew from Edie and Al Pointer with prayers for comfort and peace. • Steve Sandell from Mike & Elizabeth Gilbert with prayers of strength and healing.

Love & Sympathy • the family and friends of Jack Westhead on his death. • the family and friends of Mary Shrum on her death. • Larry & Anne Rudy and family on the death of Larry’s sister, Pamela Miller. • the family of Al Barker on his death.

Notes to the Congregation Ken and I would like to thank you all for the well wishes, cards, food, help with moving, emails, visits and phone calls during this challenging time for us. You all are such a blessing. We are trusting God for healing and renewed strength. Praying for a blessed 2018 to all of you and your loved ones. Ken and Oma Buckner

Serving the Children of Plainfield


Ways to Connect eNews from PUMC Visit www.pumc.org to sign-up for free weekly eNews and digital delivery of the monthly newsletter, “The Circuit Rider.” Follow PUMC on /PlainfieldUMC /NewDayPraise /PUMCBibleExplorers PUMC weekly sermons available in the Plainfield UMC App. Bible Reading Plan available in the Plainfield UMC App.

Do you want to order a prayer blanket or bandanna? Prayer blankets and bandannas are tangible ways to express God’s love and give those in need comfort and support from the PUMC congregation. If you would like to order a blanket or bandanna, please contact Carol Foxworthy at cfoxworthy@att.net or 317.838.7588. Blanket: $20; Bandanna: $10. Make your check payable to PUMC and mark it Prayer Blanket Ministry.

Ways to Give Give in person in worship on ACH Sunday morning. IN-PERSON






Online at pumc.org or via ACH SecureGive on your mobile device. SECURE



Phone Brenda Barnett in the Church Office to set up, 317.839.2319.


Give through the Plainfield UMC App. Get the app on your mobile device at pumc.link/getapp



Serving the Children of Plainfield


Serving the Children of Plainfield

February 2018 Plainfield United Methodist Church 600 Simmons Street Plainfield, IN 46168 Time Sensitive Material Return Service Requested

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