January 2018 Circuit Rider

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A LETTER FROM PASTOR CHARLIE Encouraging One Another During this season of “New Year’s resolutions,” the experts advise us to share our goals with others and to work with others in achieving those goals. One of the wellness apps provided by my health insurance encourages the “buddy system” for nearly all of the good health practices they recommend. Find someone else to exercise with, plan your meals with, pray with, etc., they say. “Find an accountability partner” to help you accomplish your most important desires. Twelve-step addiction recovery programs also know the wisdom of accountability sponsors and group meetings. This practice of thriving with group accountability has faded from modern Christianity. Many who love Jesus strive to follow him all on their own. The Bible has something different to say on the subject. Hebrews 10:24-25 (NIV) says, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another —and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Following Jesus is a group experience. Following Jesus is designed to be a 2

group experience. Jesus had a team of disciples—followers—and sent them into mission in pairs. We are at our best when we encourage one another and meet together. This is an important part of our heritage as United Methodists. Early in the Methodist movement, when people discovered Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, they were immediately introduced to their small group leader. It was assumed that noone could sustain the life of imitating and following Jesus—discipleship— alone. The Wesley Challenge: Church-Wide Study and Worship Series for 2018 Our church-wide study and worship series will reintroduce us to the practice of meeting in discipleship accountability groups. “The Wesley Challenge: 21 Days to a More Authentic Faith” by Chris Folmsbee, will help us explore the questions John Wesley asked in early Methodist small group meetings. On the Sundays of January 21, 28, and February 4, we will explore this material in worship. Everyone is encouraged and invited to engage this study in a small group. pumc.org

Let’s do it together! If your Resolution for 2018 is to love God more deeply; to become the person God intends you to be; and to develop healthy, life-giving relationships with others; then your interaction with this study in a small group will be great encouragement. We will “spur one another on toward love and good deeds” as we explore these compelling questions of discipleship together. I’m looking forward to talking about following Jesus with a group of others who love Christ and love their neighbors. Let’s do it together! Go in peace. God with God. And be well. Shalom,

600 Simmons Street Plainfield, Indiana 46168-2264 pumc.org • 317.839.2319 Sundays

Classic Worship: 8:45 & 10:00 a.m. NewDay Praise Worship: 8:45 & 10:00 a.m. Preaching Chapel: 11:15 a.m. Youth Worship (grades 6-12): 10:00 a.m. Bible Explorers (grades K-5): 10:00 a.m. Office Hours: 8:30a.m. – 3:30p.m. (M–F)

Table of Contents Senior Pastor’s Letter 2 Classic Worship Notes 4 Finacial Peace University 4 NewDay Pastor’s Letter 5 Football Sunday 6 Consecration Sunday Report 6 New Worship Schedule 7 Glory Sightings 8 Worship Arts 12 Mission News 13 J-O-Y Book Study 14 Church Wide Study 15 Church Council Report 16 Notes to the Congregation 18 Serving the Children of Plainfield


JANUARY CLASSIC WORSHIP Classic Worship Highlights 8:45 and 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary January 2018 brings a new schedule to Sunday morning worship at PUMC. Beginning Sunday, January 7, Classic Worship will be hosted in the Sanctuary at 8:45 and 10:00 a.m. These worship experiences will include all that we’ve come to expect in Classic Worship: excellent preaching, high quality music of all kinds including choral and bell choirs, and organ music.

NEW in 2018 – Weekly Preaching Chapel New in 2018 is the addition of a weekly preaching chapel. In the Sanctuary at 11:15 a.m. each Sunday you can experience a hymn, prayer, and a message. Often the message will be similar to what was shared in Classic Worship, but sometimes it will be a unique message or guest presenter. This experience will last approximately thirty minutes.



A LETTER FROM PASTOR ELIZABETH Happy New Year! In January 2016 NewDay Praise Worship moved to its new home in the (then) newly redesigned Worship Annex. Worship was also redesigned to create a welcoming experience for everyone, but especially for those new to church life. And NewDay Praise Worship’s first year in the new worship space was amazing. We learned a lot in 2016, grew in spirit and experience, and ended the year with an average weekly attendance of 67 – with six Sundays when we enjoyed near or greater than 100 in attendance. With seating capacity of just 100, this average had us at capacity. It was a GREAT year and lots of fun! In 2017 we continued to grow and added seating mid-year to increase our capacity to 125. At the close of 2017, average Sunday worship was over 90 and we had experienced capacity seating of over 100 in attendance on nearly 30% of the Sundays. Throughout these two years we’ve celebrated God’s goodness as we’ve experienced: • New members. • Infant and adult baptism. • Youth confirmations. • Celebrations of the ministry and Serving the Children of Plainfield

mission of children, youth and adults. • Welcoming newcomers and helping some ‘old timers’ find a new place and way to worship. Through it all, we’ve grown in spirit, knowledge, wisdom and service. We are grateful for the many ways God has been present and active in this worship experience. 2018 brings even more opportunity for people to experience the love and grace of God through PUMC’s worship ministry, and especially NewDay Praise Worship. Beginning Sunday, January 7, NewDay Praise will expand to offer two worship opportunities every Sunday morning at 8:45 and 10:00 a.m. Tell your friends, and invite and bring them on a Sunday morning in January. We’ll do our best to provide a warm welcome and a meaningful experience. Also in January interim Praise Worship Leader Jacob TipantasigWolverton continues on the platform on Sunday mornings. We will post the job in January and work towards a permanent hire early in the year. A big “Thank You” goes to Jacob for stepping in to provide excellent musical leadership through this time of transition. 5

In NewDay Praise Worship we seek to create a space and an experience where people who don’t know Jesus can meet him, those who do know Jesus can grow in that relationship, and everyone can find a warm welcome and a safe place to ask questions and talk about faith. I hope you’ll join us sometime soon! Blessings,

Football Sunday at PUMC! Sunday, February 4, is game day across America. Invite a friend to NewDay Praise Worship (8:45 and 10:00 a.m.) to hear from some NFL players about their life with Christ, on and off the field. And help make this a ‘souper’ Sunday for some hungry people. Bring canned soup to donate to the local food pantry.


UPDATED: Statistical Report on Consecration Sunday Results Thank you for your generous and sustained giving to PUMC and its ministries through the Basic Ministry Budget. Based on responses to Consecration Sunday and best estimates of unpledged giving along with loose offerings, 2018 giving in support of the Basic Ministry Budget will be approximately $1,025,562. Our 2017 Basic Ministry (operating) Budget is $1,052,434. This budget was balanced to last year’s estimated income based on Consecration Sunday responses. For 2018, we currently anticipate giving falling $26,872 short of the 2017 budget. This has been an unusual year with a loss of $50,000 in giving due to death and relocation of PUMC members. Nearly 50% of those who have completed a pledge card increased their pledge for 2018. We have a challenge and an opportunity in 2018. The Finance Committee and Council will be working to prepare a budget that will meet our estimated 2018 giving, but doing this while maintaining all of our current ministry will be difficult. We hope not to make significant changes in things that we provide and enjoy as a congregation. Has God called you to reconsider your pledge or to make a special one-time gift? If so, please contact Brenda Barnett (bbarnett@pumc.org or 317-839-2319, ext. 227). Thank you for your prayerful stewardship of your giving and for your generosity. pumc.org

Worship Schedule Changes at PUMC in 2018! The New Year will bring a new schedule to PUMC’s worship ministry. In PUMC’s desire to give the greatest opportunity for people to experience the full love and grace of Jesus through the worship ministries of PUMC - without burdening worship and ministry teams - January will see an adjusted worship schedule. This new schedule will: • Maintain PUMC’s high quality Classic Worship ministry • Open up more opportunity for people to experience NewDay Praise Worship • Add a creative opportunity for people to experience a message of hope from the Word This new schedule will not: • Significantly disrupt the majority of worship and Sunday educational programming (Adult Sunday School and Adult Small Groups, Children’s programming, youth worship) • Burden leadership and serving teams with additional duties Beginning January 7, 2018, PUMC’s Sunday morning worship schedule will be adjusted in the following ways: • Classic Worship will be at 8:45 and 10:00 a.m. • NewDay Praise Worship will be at 8:45 and 10:00 a.m. • A new “Preaching Chapel” will be held in the sanctuary at 11:15 a.m. • This 30-minutes experience will include a hymn, prayer, and message in a more casual, intimate style • This experience will not require tech or media support, and limited hospitality and music support. • Children and Youth programming will be 10-11:00 a.m. Existing Sunday Adult Groups and Classes may choose to meet at any time that best suits the members of their group, being mindful that children and youth programming and support is primarily at 10-11:00 a.m. Note: Infant and Toddler care will continue to be available throughout the morning for 8:45 and 10:00 a.m. Worship and for 11:15 a.m. Preaching Chapel. PUMC’s Worship ministry is of the highest quality, engaging, and relevant. Invite and bring a friend to join you for worship in January so that they can also experience the full embrace of the grace and love of God in Jesus Christ through worship at PUMC.

Serving the Children of Plainfield


2017 Glory Sightings [Senior Pastor Charlie Wilfong delivered the following report to the UMC District Superintendent on the occasion of PUMC’s Annual Charge Conference in November, 2017. The report has been updated to include some information unavailable at the time the original report was prepared.] Grace and Peace to you! Ministry with Plainfield UMC over the last year has been an experience of several Glory Sightings; that is, instances in which we have seen God at work for good among us and through us so that Jesus might be more clearly revealed in our life and in our witness. I list the highlights of our Glory Sightings here in no particular order. • We continued the Plainfield Concert Series. On Sunday, March 19, we hosted “Lenten Choral Evensong”; May 7, the Pipe Organ Celebration Concert with guest artist, Ken Cowan; July 29 “And Friends” concert in conjunction with the annual Fish Fry; and “The Great Organ Spook-tacular” on October 28, in tandem with our Trunk-or-Treat event. Glory to God! • We will reorganize our worship schedule beginning in January to host NewDay Praise worship in the worship annex of Clayton Hall twice each Sunday morning. The resulting Sunday worship schedule will include: Classic Worship at 8:45 and 10:00 a.m., NewDay Praise at 8:45 and 10:00 8

a.m.; and “Preaching Chapel” in the sanctuary 11:15-11:45 a.m. • NewDay Praise Worship attendance in 2017 has increased more than 30% over 2016 for a current average attendance of 90+. NewDay Praise has enjoyed worship attendance over 100 on 13 Sundays in 2017. We have experienced 5 Sundays in 2017 with total worship attendance over 500. Glory to God! • We had a special retirement celebration as Oma Buckner, Bell Choir Director, retired after more than twenty years of service to PUMC! Our staff serves with grace and excellence! Glory to God! • For our next church-wide study in January/February, 2018, we are preparing to engage The Wesley Challenge by Chris Folmsbee. We anticipate over 300 participants will participate in this study about discipleship accountability. Glory to God! • We are thrilled to enjoy relationships with new members. Year to date we have received 31 new members of whom 20 were received on Profession of Faith. Glory to God! • The Church Council adopted the following Core Values on September 13, 2017. Accepting. We accept others as an expression of the love of God. Matthew 22:37-40, Romans 15:7. Creating Community. This is the way we, at PUMC, experience pumc.org

healthy relationships together. Hebrews 10:24-25, Romans 12:5. Serving. Meeting others’ needs is an expression of care for Christ. Matthew 25:40. These Core Values will act as a compass, used in tandem with our Mission (to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world) and Vision (our One Thing—to Serve the Children of Plainfield), to help us discern our way toward the fruitful future God has promised and prepared for us. Glory to God! • PUMC and Weekday Children’s Ministries leaders renewed our relationship with several special gatherings resulting in a new written Memorandum of Understanding and a shared vision as follows: The PUMC Weekday Children’s Ministries serve the children of Plainfield with a Christ focused, safe learning environment helping families be healthy families. Glory to God! • With guidance from the Church Council, we are moving toward a collection of capital improvements called “Transforming for Tomorrow.” Three open meetings have already been held to discuss our future. We plan to improve our facilities so that all who come to our building and grounds will have a full experience of the love and grace of God in Jesus Christ. Glory to God! Serving the Children of Plainfield

• With

the help of a wonderful worship staff team, we continue planning and preaching some exciting worship series in both Classic and NewDay Praise worship. Noteworthy series in Classic Worship included: “Limitless Life”, “Seven Last Words of Jesus”, “Character under Construction”, “Key Lessons from the Old Testament”, and “Feelin’ Groovy” (music of Simon and Garfunkel). Noteworthy series in NewDay Praise Worship included: Lent: “Upside Down” (The Sermon on the Mount), “Jonah: One Whale of a Tale,” “The Hacked Life” (helpful words from Jesus about living for and with him), and “Playlist” (grow your faith and guide your relationship with Jesus with the songs you sing). Glory to God! • Other new exciting ministries and missions include: • More than 1,100 in worship for Christmas Eve. • Youth mission trip to New York. • Community Sunday with Van Buren Elementary School guests. • Glory to God! • Powerful ongoing ministries • PUMC is acting as a serving partner with Plainfield’s children’s “Just Be Kind” Club. • Fish Fry. • Weekly homeless feeding 9

ministry and Last Saturday Lunch. • Family Promise homeless ministry. • Disciple Bible Study classes with 2 this fall and small groups with 5 classes. • Transportation Ministry with Van Buren Elementary School. • Adult Sunday School. • Confirmation experience and instruction. • Consec rat ion Su nd ay, November 12. • Glory to God! Again, these are just the highlights that come to mind at this writing. God is moving in exciting ways to grow our discipleship and witness to Christ. Thank you for the opportunity to serve this vibrant and exciting community of faith! Shalom,

Charles D. Wilfong


Pastor Charlie encourages everyone to continually watch for God’s work for good in our lives, our families, our community, and our world. And in one recent worship experience, worshipers added their own 2017 Glory Sightings to our celebration of God’s goodness experienced this last year… • Family! Men’s Quartet. • Moving to the welcoming community of Plainfield, IN and PUMC. • God has opened the door for us to visit many relatives whom we hadn’t seen for many years. • Being able to spend time with both of my sons in past years. • I have two working knees! • Family reconciliation. • Welcoming grandchild #14. • Retirement. • In my husband’s last moments, he raised up from the bed, opened his eyes wide, reached up toward heaven with both arms, then laid down quiet and at peace. God was reaching to take him home – we felt it. • Having all my children, grandchildren and greatg ra ndc h i ld ren l ive i n Hendricks County and be able to participate in all family affairs and events. • Two new babies this year • Being able to buy a house when my rent was raised without advance notice. It all fell into place in less than a week. pumc.org

• Being able to spend time with my very dear aunt in hospice care this summer before she passed away on July 30. • My son’s health and personal growth. • Blessed to be serving such a wonderful church! PUMC is a joy! • My brother, who is an alcoholic, has stayed sober for the longest period in the last 5 years. He also joined a church. • I thank God He brought me from a war-torn country to Plainfield to live and worship. • Getting to spend time with Grandma, who turned 90 this year, seeing and hearing her talk about her life and faith. • That God has given me another year with my dear husband. • I made a new friend who is a wonderful Godly woman. • I was physically able to participate in an important event. Also, I was blessed to be a part of the State Champion – Plainfield High School Red Pride Marching Band. • I have been blessed with the love of music, and the ability to help others and greet at church. • Becoming a member of PUMC. • God led me here to PUMC by events in my life. • New job. • Beautiful rainbow – largest I ever saw. Serving the Children of Plainfield

• God has provided good health to my husband. • The opportunity to be with family I rarely see, and to be with others I have never met before. • My family, beautiful sunrises and sunsets, great friends and my church family. • Last Saturday Lunch. • Relief from severe back pain! • T he l aug hter of my grandchildren. • Time with family. • A mass that the doctor saw on an MRI, when rescanned one week later, results showed there was nothing there! • All the love and support I receive as a widow from family and friends through God’s guidance. • Family, as members heal from the sudden loss of a family member and continue to look to God for strength and guidance. • 20+ eagles resting in a marshy area in Alaska! Glory to God!


Worship Arts

Michael Pettry, Director, mpettry@pumc.org

schedule for the chorus, leads and orchestra musicians can be found on PUMC’s website. Mark your calendar to attend the performances and spread the word to persons in the community who may wish to sing in the production.

Music in Classic Worship Jesus Christ Superstar at PUMC As part of the PUMC Concert Series, we will present the musical Jesus Christ Superstar – the original Broadway orchestration – live in both Classic Worship Services on the first Sunday of March. Before the curtain goes up on the classic musical, we will hold auditions for leads and supporting roles in the musical. All people from PUMC and from the entire community are welcome to audition on Saturday, January 27 if interest in lead roles, and you can email Director of Music Michael Pettry (mpettry@pumc.org) for more information. A complete rehearsal 12

It takes a village to make possible all the music each week in worship, and the congregation is grateful for each person who volunteers to sing and play. Whether as a member of one of the ensembles – Adult Choir, bell choirs, men’s or women’s ensembles – or by singing a solo or playing an instrument, it is only through your generous service we have such vibrant music each week. If you or someone you know are interested in participating in some form, contact Director of Music Michael Pettry (mpettry@pumc.org).


Mission News

Ruth Ellen Stone, Committee Chair, missions@pumc.org

Christmas Eve Offering The offering received on Christmas Eve in all PUMC worship experiences will directly benefit children and families right here in the local area. Thank you for your generous gifts that will go, in their entirety, to: • Sheltering Wings (Hendricks County support program for female victims of domestic violence and their children) • Last Saturday Lunch (PUMC’s meal outreach to local families) • Lunch Bunch (Hendricks County summer lunch program for schoolage children) • Family Promise (Hendricks County Homeless Outreach) • PUMC’s Family Assistance Program (PUMC’s program of direct financial aid for local residents and families). Because God gives, we give. Thank you for your generosity. Serving the Children of Plainfield

PUMC Welcomes Missionary Janet Lahr Lewis January 13 On Saturday, January 13, at 10:00 a.m. in Clayton Hall, PUMC’s Mission Committee invites you to brunch to meet and hear Janet Lahr Lewis. Janet is a UM General Board of Global Ministries missionary which PUMC supports. She was based in Palestine for many years but now works from the United States, still supporting the issues of concern for the church in the Middle East. She always brings stories and information we don’t often have access to. Mark your calendar to be a part of this special and informative morning!


Work Teams Planned for 2018 In May and November of 2018 a Mission Work Team from PUMC will be going to Henderson Settlement in Frakes, KY. You are invited to be a part of this team which will work toward “creating opportunities for better lives through Christ-centered service.” Contact team lead, Don Sanders, through the church office to express interest in joining this Work Team. Learn more about Henderson Settlement at hendersonsettlement.com. And in April a PUMC Work Team will go to the Midwest Mission Distribution Center (MMDC) in Chatham, Illinois, to help with preparing items for shipping to places of need all over the world. For the week of April 22-27, 2018, participants help build school desks, sew, tear down and rebuild various kits, work on landscaping needs, repair bicycles or sewing machines, and a variety of other projects, based on skill and interest. The total cost of the trip is $185/ person. A deposit of $90 ($20 of which is nonrefundable) is due by February 1, 2018. The remaining $95 will be due by 4/1/18. Contact Sue Schultz through the church office to express interest in participating or to learn more.


Join J-O-Y Small Group for New Book Study A decade ago, Priscilla Shirer authored Discerning the Voice of God, and since then God has continued to grow, teach, and challenge her in her walk with him. The J-O-Y Small Group will read and discuss the revised and expanded edition of this helpful book. Discover the root to clear and daily communication with God - humble obedience. Learn how surrender unlocks God’s many blessings intended for us, centers us in God’s will, and helps us discern God’s voice in everyday life. J-O-Y Small Group meets the 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesday of the month from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at PUMC. Women of all ages are welcome. The group will begin this new study on Tuesday, January 16 in the Wesley Room. Cost for the book is $16.00. To learn more or order a book, contact Diane Preusch, class facilitator, at 317.837.0443 or at dpreusch@hotmail. com.


Take The Wesley Challenge in 2018! “ Te a c h e r, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” He [Jesus] said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” (Matthew 22:36 - 40, NRSV) One way to do this in 2018 is to learn about God and each other in small groups of study and fellowship. Starting on or around Sunday January 21, 2018, PUMC will host the 2018 churchwide study, The Wesley Challenge , written by Chris Folmsbee. Signups for small group participation will begin on Sunday, December 31, 2017, in the Main Lobby. Small Groups and Worship during this three-week event will guide participants to a more vibrant and engaging faith. Please visit The Wesley Challenge display in the Main Lobby in January to sign-up and learn more. Or contact Pastor Ken Loudenback, kloudenback@ pumc.org, with questions or to learn more.

Serving the Children of Plainfield


Church Council Report

Nikki Shoultz, Committee Chair, churchcouncil@pumc.org

The Church Council met for its regular monthly meeting on December 13, 2017. In addition to hearing devotions and praying, receiving regular reports from committee chairs and lay leaders, the Council celebrated Glory Sightings, evidences of God’s work for good around us. Additionally, the Council received the following reports and made the following actions: • Mary Raver reported that the entirety of PUMC’s Christmas Eve offering will be distributed to organizations in Hendricks County that serve area children. • Consecration Sunday leadership reported that while total dollar commitments for 2018 were less than anticipated (due largely to deaths and relocation of members), they celebrate that nearly half of all commitments represented an increase in giving or new commitments. Transforming for Tomorrow PUMC and Transforming for Tomorrow (Capital Improvements Plan) leadership presented names for the Steering Committee, Project Management Committee, Fund-Raising and Financing Committee, and Communications Committee. The following persons were elected to Transforming for Tomorrow leadership committees. (Additional persons will be added as appropriate.) Steering Committee: Chair: Mike Simek Members: Nikki Shoutz, Charlie Wilfong, Elizabeth Gilbert, Bill Edie, Paul Schreiner, Bob Milligan, Kimberly Meyer, Ray Shannon, Bud Green. Project Management: Chair: Paul Schreiner. Members: Kevin Barnett, Linda Cook, Mark Preis, Dan Fleck, Cherie Wesley, Orville Stenger, Steve Brizendine. Fund-Raising/Finance: Chair: Bill Edie. Members: Charlie Wilfong, Michael Pettry (advisory), John Mainella (advisory) Communication: Chair: Elizabeth Gilbert. Members: Christie Wright. Thank you for your ongoing prayerful support of the ministry and mission of the Church Council and PUMC.



The New Year

by Marge Welker

Staff News and Updates In gratitude for her ministry and service over the last several years, in December PUMC received Amanda Norton’s, Director of Children’s Ministries, resignation. PUMC thanks Amanda for her service and wishes her well in her next ventures. After the first of the year leadership will consider the needs of the program and seek paid staff to fill those needs. Please be assured that PUMC’s children’s ministry continues with qualified people providing programming and care for children on Sunday mornings and throughout the week. Weekday programming continues with its same, excellent staff. Sunday morning programming continues uninterrupted with volunteer servants that have long served the children and some new, exceptionally qualified volunteer leaders. If you have any questions please be in touch with Pastors Charlie or Elizabeth, or Staff Parish Chair Bob Milligan, through the church office. Serving the Children of Plainfield

Here it is! We’re in a new year, and I’m sitting in my rocking chair before an open fire reading the paper. It’s snowing, and my children are at Hobbs Hill going down in their sleds. When they arrive home, they are very cold and very hungry. That’s a sign for me to get up and fix something to eat. Now that it’s a new year, what resolutions are you going to make? Think about it and come up with some good changes for you to make in your life for 2018. And so we pray this anonymously written prayer, edited for the new year… This is the beginning of a new year. God has given me this year to use as I will. I can waste it – or use it for good, but what I do this year is important, because I am exchanging it for my life. I want it to be gain, and not loss; good, and not evil; success, and not failure; in order that I shall not regret the price I have paid for it.


In the Hospital this Past Month • Charlie Muston • Laurie Rohrer • Mary Strong • Oma Buckner

• Amy Cronin • Bob Stilwell • Vida Stilwell

Prayer Blankets • Michelle Coatsworth from Mick and Linda Linn and Joan Belser with prayers for healing, strength, and comfort. • Teresa from Margaret Hay with prayers for comfort and healing.

an instrument, served on the media team, provided childcare, or served in any way. You all helped make an exceptionally memorable evening of worship. Thank you for sharing your gifts, time and talents so generously so that members, families, guests and the community could have a special holiday. We pray all the best for you and yours in 2018 and look forward to an amazing year together. PUMC Pastors and Staff

Love & Sympathy

Dear Friends,

• Brenden & Natalie Macy and family on the death of Brenden’s grandfather Don Parker. • Tamara Miller, Sarah Miller and family on the death of Tamara’s mother Carolyn Jolly.

Pat & Jerry have for years been surrounded by your support and love. These past few days have been a total revival of those feelings. Being invited to participate in the celebration of the new organ was very much appreciated. Your love has surpassed all expectations of our being!

Notes to the Congregation Thank you to everyone for your notes, cards, kindnesses and remembrances during the seasons of Advent and Christmas. It is a joy to know and serve alongside the members of this congregation in the name of Christ. Your expressions of care and concern brightened our holiday! And we thank you for your ministry and service on Christmas Eve! So many contributed in so many ways! Thanks to all who decorated, greeted, ushered, tidied the worship spaces, sang, played 18

Sincere thanks to everyone involved with the planning and execution of the Advent Vespers. We are grateful to all! Blessings, Pat & Jerry Gillooly


Do you want to order a prayer blanket or bandanna? Prayer blankets and bandannas are tangible ways to express God’s love and give those in need comfort and support from the PUMC congregation. If you would like to order a blanket or bandanna, please contact Carol Foxworthy at cfoxworthy@att.net or 317.838.7588. Blanket: $20; Bandanna: $10. Make your check payable to PUMC and mark it Prayer Blanket Ministry.

Ways to Connect eNews from PUMC Visit www.pumc.org to sign-up for free weekly eNews and digital delivery of the monthly newsletter, “The Circuit Rider.” Follow PUMC on /PlainfieldUMC /NewDayPraise /PUMCBibleExplorers PUMC weekly sermons available in the Plainfield UMC App. Bible Reading Plan available in the Plainfield UMC App.

Ways to Give Give in person in worship on ACH Sunday morning. IN-PERSON











Online at pumc.org or via ACH SecureGive on your mobile device. SECURE



Phone Brenda Barnett in the Church Office to set up, 317.839.2319.


Give through the Plainfield UMC App. Get the app on your mobile device at pumc.link/getapp

Serving the Children of Plainfield


Serving the Children of Plainfield

January 2018 Plainfield United Methodist Church 600 Simmons Street Plainfield, IN 46168 Time Sensitive Material Return Service Requested

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