June 2018 Circuit Rider

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Fine Arts Camp June 18-22 Sign Up Today pumc.link/2018FACC

Pastor Charlie Wilfong Senior Pastor, cwilfong@pumc.org

Trust Jesus

It’s been one of my favorite mottos for a long time. In fact, the first cell phone I had that would allow me to customize a message on the home screen was displaying that phrase, “Trust Jesus”. And that was long before my first smart phone! Even today, it’s what I read when I first open my phone (which is several times a day). Trusting Jesus is far from a oneand-done proposition. Of course, it’s a milestone in one’s journey with God to discover and declare a trust in Jesus Christ for eternal salvation. We trust God with our life and soul for today and forever. I trust Jesus routinely and regularly for many things throughout each and every day—strength, guidance, provision, wisdom, and more.

believe” was proving difficult. One day a native companion came into the missionary’s quarters, tired from hard work, and dropped onto a chair with a one-word exclamation in the native tongue. The missionary asked for an explanation of this new word. It meant to place all of one’s weight and trust on an object to securely and safely hold without breaking. That became the word the missionary used to translate the bible word for “faith/believe”. In English, the best one-word meaning is “trust”. In John 14:1, Jesus invites us, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust me, too.”

Our relationship with God is built on trust. We trust God to forgive our Trusting Jesus is what the Bible past failures. We trust God to sustain means when we find the words us and guide us today. We trust God to transform us tomorrow so that we “faith” and “believe”. live and love more like Jesus. The first missionary in one remote part of the world worked hard to learn the native language and be the first to translate the Bible for them. The bible word for “faith/ 2 pumc.org

Our Summer Fine Arts Camp for kids completing Kindergarten through 5th Grade is all about trusting God. This experience for children is scheduled for June 18-22, 9:00 a.m.Noon each day. Please find details elsewhere in this edition of the Circuit Rider or contact the church office to learn more. Along with all the fun, hands-on activities, the kids will prepare to present a musical about trusting God entitled, “O Chicken of Little Faith”. Invite and bring the children you know and love so that they can grow in their love for and trust in God. Regardless your age, the promise of God in Hebrews 13:8 is true. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” That same Jesus is trustworthy to forgive us, sustain us, and grow us in love now and always. So, whatever else you may do this summer, trust Jesus! Go in peace. God with God. And be well. Shalom,

600 Simmons Street Plainfield, Indiana 46168-2264 pumc.org • 317.839.2319 Sundays Classic Worship: 8:45 & 10:00 a.m. Preaching Chapel: 11:15 a.m. NewDay Praise Worship: 8:45 & 10:00 a.m. Youth Worship (grades 6-12): 10:00 a.m. Bible Explorers (grades K-5): 10:00 a.m. Office Hours: 8:30a.m. – 3:30p.m. (M–F)

Table of Contents Trust Jesus 2 Classic Worship 4 Designed by God 5 Are You Worshiping God in Spirit and Truth? 6 Celebrating Father’s & Flag Day 7 New Adult Study 7 Transforming for Tomorrow 8 Mission News 10 Church Council Report 12 Notes to the Congregation 14 The Plainfield UMC App Available in the App Stores Download today at


Serving the Children of Plainfield


JUNE CLASSIC WORSHIP Classic Worship – 8:45 and 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary Do you learn by doing or do you learn then do? Do you try a new activity first, then observe to get better—and after you’ve tried it, maybe get some advice from others who are good at it? Or, do you major on studying up before you try it? The practice of the Christian faith has been a little more “learn by doing” from the beginning. The first generation of Jesus-followers practiced their faith, prayed; and they provide some guiding principles for us. We find that record in the Bible in the book of Acts. The early church— Big “C” Church—helps us as we follow the same Jesus. What did the early believers experience as they came together in small communities and sought to live as faithful followers of Jesus? Those practices and beliefs unite all the little “c” churches across time and geography. These practices and beliefs are a part of the Big “C” Church (the spiritual body of Christ in all places) and they keep all of our local communities of faith on the same page, so to speak. In the coming weeks Pastor Charlie will examine some of the biblical foundations of the Big “C” Church in Classic Worship and find through church history, and our own experience, that we really have a lot in common with that early church. June 3: One “G”od (The Holy Trinity) Acts 1:1-8 June 10: Big “C”hurch (Nature and Mission of the Church) Acts 2:37-47 July 1: Youth Sunday in Classic Worship July 8: Living and Giving in “G”race (Our Sacramental Life Together) Acts 10:44-48; 20:7-12 July 15: Forward together in “L”ove (Discerning with Love) Acts 15:1-21


Fine Arts Camp June 18-22 Sign Up Today pumc.link/2018FACP



Pastor Elizabeth Gilbert Accociate Pastor, egilbert@pumc.org

Designed by God

A desire to live a purposeful, meaningful life is one of the most universal of human aspirations. And decisions meet us at every turn of that desire.... Do I go to this college or that? Do I take this job or that? What kind of mate should I seek? Should I move to the Midwest or the east coast? Is it time to retire? Is it time for a career change? At some point, we might even be responsible for these kind of lifedecisions for others.... What activities should I encourage my children toward, what will bring them the most benefit? Which school district has the best opportunities for my children? Is it still safe for my mom and dad to drive? How will I tell my parents it’s time to consider moving from their home to some place with more care for them? As followers of Jesus we additionally seek to live a life pleasing to God and fulfill God’s hopes for us. “What does God want of me?” is a question that believers often ask. Beyond living a meaningful life, we want to live according to God’s will and way. But what is that? While it’s impossible Serving the Children of Plainfield

to know the mind of God, there are things we can do to align ourselves with God’s heart and hopes. In seeking to build a God-honoring life we can learn how to make wise decisions, seek godly direction, and practice faithful discernment. In June in NewDay Praise Worship we will examine the 3 ‘D’s of a life Designed by God: Decisions, Direction, and Discernment. Invite a friend, grab a cup of coffee, and join us in the Worship Annex at PUMC for this summer series: 3D:Designed by God. In NewDay Praise Worship, like all of PUMC’s worship experiences, we seek to create a space and an experience where people who don’t know Jesus can meet him, those who do know Jesus can grow in that relationship, and everyone can find a warm welcome and a safe place to ask questions and talk about faith. Invite a friend to join you this month for “3D:Designed by God.” We’ll save you a seat! Blessings,


Jacob Tipantasig-Wolverton

Director Worship Arts | Director Children’s Ministry, jwolverton@pumc.org

Are You Worshiping God in Spirit and in Truth? God is a spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. - John 4:24 I would like to start off with saying thank you to everyone that has welcomed me & Luis to PUMC! We are so very honored to be part of the ministry, and look forward to what God has in store for all of us! I know that God’s hand has truly been at work, and will continue to be at work as we listen to his guiding. The purpose behind worshiping God, is that we bring him honor, exalt his name, praise him for the things that he has done, is doing and what he will do. As we enter into this time of change, I want to challenge all of us to continually pour our hearts & souls into the love of our life, Jesus. If we are capable of pouring such love out to our significant other, how much more can we show that love towards our Creator, Savior, and closest Friend. What would happen in our lives if we just paused in the chaos to give our King the honor he deserves? As we come into worship, have you prepared your heart to truly come together with the family of God to worship him in a corporate setting? Perhaps Sundays are the only time that you take time to truly worship him throughout the week. 6

What would our earthly relationships look like if we only shared our love with others once per week...or perhaps not even that much? I would venture to say that those relationships would start to dissipate. The love of God is constant. He never leaves us and will be there through everything for us. So many times we always look for the incentive that we get out of putting ourselves into something, but for this particular lesson, let us consider what the Lord gets out of us pouring into him. God is worthy to be praised. The Bible goes on to declare that the rocks will cry out if we do not praise him. Let us look to the story of the one leper that returned to give thanks for being healed. He was not looking for a blessing for himself, but he simply came with a thankful heart to praise the Healer. In so doing, Jesus declared the leper to be healed. So what is the point of worshiping in spirit and in truth? It is simple, God commands us to do so, but beyond that, we should do so out of a thankful heart. Perhaps we are all a bit guilty of coming to worship to “sit in the pews” and be “entertained.” However, I challenge us all to take a look on the inside and move towards a place of worshiping the one that deserves all the praise, all the glory, and all the honor. pumc.org

Celebrating Father’s Day and Flag Day Marge Welker

I hope everyone is getting ready to celebrate Father’s Day. This year it’s on June 17. For many, fathers are the breadwinners for his family, and a fixer-upper for all things broken in their house. He is there when needed, and this is the day we set apart to thank him for all he does. Make a list of all the things your father has done in the past to help the family, and say ‘thanks’ to him this June 17. And June 14 is Flag Day. Be proud to fly your American flag on this day - and maybe all year long. From an anonymous author…. I watched the flag pass by one day. It fluttered in the breeze. A young Marine saluted it. And then he stood at ease.... I looked at him in uniform So young, so tall, so proud, With hair cut square and eyes alert He’d stand out in any crowd. I thought how many men like him Had fallen through the years. How many died on foreign soil How many mothers’ tears? I thought about a graveyard At the bottom of the sea Of unmarked graves in Arlington. No, freedom isn’t free. The Plainfield UMC App Available in the App Stores

New Adult Study

The Parables of Jesus During Jesus’ earthly ministry, one of the primary ways he would instruct his disciples was through parables. People would gather from far and wide in order to listen to what Jesus said about the kingdom of God. And the most common way he would explain the kingdom was in parables. But what does God want us to learn from these parables? In this series Dr. R.C. Sproul examines several parables of Jesus, exploring the rich truths they reveal about who Jesus is and what he came to achieve through his life, death, and resurrection. The Ordinary People Adult Sunday School Class is pleased to have Jerry Rhodes as the discussion leader for this two-part study, with the first six DVD sessions beginning on Sunday, June 10. Plan now to join the Ordinary People Class in the Wesley Room (room 21), on Sundays at 10:00am. All are welcome!

Download today at


Serving the Children of Plainfield


Transforming for Tomorrow Prayer Board Find this Transforming for Tomorrow Prayer Board around PUMC in the coming weeks. Please add your prayers for God’s tomorrow at PUMC. Learn more about Transforming for Tomorrow at transforming4tomorrow.org.

Transforming for Tomorrow Mike Simek, Steering Committee Chairperson, msimek@pumc.org

Mike and his wife Jamie became PUMC members in 2015, and he has served on the PUMC Church Council since 2 0 17. He works as a Program Manager at Rolls-Royce and is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Marine Corps Reserves. Mike and Jamie are the proud parents of Kate 8

(13) and Tyler (10). In his free time, Mike enjoys watching his kids play sports, cooking with his wife, and watching college football. Mike is serving as the Chair of the Steering Committee of PUMC’s Transforming for Tomorrow capital improvement project. About the project Mike says, “This is our opportunity to help others find God through this congregation.” You may contact Mike at msimek@pumc.org. pumc.org

Transforming a loved and well-used building into an effective and attractive tool for ministry and mission tomorrow and into the future.

Transforming for Tomorrow is an initiative of PUMC that will update, renovate, and prepare its building for effective and meaningful ministry tomorrow and beyond. Through this five-year project we will improve the building and property at 600 Simmons Street, Plainfield, to the point where we can provide everyone, especially newcomers, the full experience of the grace and love of God that we talk about — so that all of a person’s experience from ease of parking; wayfinding signs; a pleasant, current appearance; security for children; up-to-date restrooms; and more; matches our words of grace and welcome. Find project details and plans, as well as photos, helpful documents, FAQ’s, and leadership contact information at transforming4tomorrow.org.

Serving the Children of Plainfield


Mission News

Ruth Ellen Stone, Committee Chair, missions@pumc.org

to reach sleeping family members and spread this condition. One $10 net can protect several persons. Look for the display following worship on those days and be prepared to make your contribution! Thank you for giving to save lives!

Food Drive Thanks for your generous support of PUMC’s recent Spring Food Drive, both with food and supplies, as well as cash gifts. Deliveries are now Mission/Justice Summit in process so that hungry persons can be fed. Thank you to all who Five persons from PUMC recently contributed and to persons making attended the Indiana Conference of the UMC Summit event on Mission and the deliveries! Justice Issues. Among other topics, they gained new understandings about ways to address issues of homelessness, and poverty. Thank you to these faithful servants who gave their time to learn more about ministry with people in need. PUMC looks forward to the many ways they will share their learning in the coming months and years. (Learn more at inumc.org/missionandjusticeministries.)

Imagine No Malaria

Operation Classroom

In many parts of the world malaria is still a common and much feared disease. On June 10 and 17 at PUMC you will have an opportunity to give money to provide nets to help prevent mosquitoes from being able

PUMC recently received an update from UMC Operation Classroom on the current progress being made at the Taimia School in Sierra Leone with which PUMC has been involved for many years. Having previously



emphasized high school education, Operation Classroom now focuses more on providing training and resources to prepare young adults for employment opportunities. This is a significant need in that region, and Operation Classroom will provide very important help as that country develops more of its potential. Learn more at operationclassroom.org.

Bob Walters Memorial Breakfast On Thursday, July 7, PUMC will host (as an event of the Indiana Conference of The United Methodist Church) Friendly Planet Missiology’s Bob Walters Memorial Breakfast at 7:30 a.m. Tickets have sold out for the meal, but you may still plan to attend for the program at 8:30 a.m. Rev. Taylor Walters Denyer will give a short presentation about how Friendly Planet Missiology is carrying on Bob’s vision followed by Q&A time and the inaugural ride of the Indiana Circuit Riders (leaving Plainfield at 9 a.m. to ride bicycles to the Indianapolis Convention Center for the Celebration of Life Service there). There will also be copies of Bob Walters’ book, “The Last Missionary,” available for purchase. No tickets or reservations are needed to attend the program only. Please contact Rev. Walters Denyer at taylor@ friendlyplanetmissiology.org for more information.

Serving the Children of Plainfield

Indiana United Methodists Support MMDC When the Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church (annual meeting of UM churches from all across the state) meets in early June in Indianapolis, the Mission & Justice Team will collect materials needed by the UMC Midwest Mission Distribution Center (MMDC) in Illinois. The following items will then be distributed to education mission sites regionally, nationally, and globally. You may make donations of the following items in the PUMC Donation Depot (near the church office, inside door #2) between now and June 7. Thank you for your generosity! • Blue or black ink pens • Glue sticks • 24 count Crayola crayon packages • Bicycle reflectors

United Methodist Women News and Updates Rachel Circle (UMW Small Group) will meet Tuesday, June 12, at 7:00 pm in Clayton Hall at PUMC. The program features Strides to Success, an area horse stable whose mission is “to provide unique equine experiences that promote learning opportunities that strengthen and develop lives.” You are invited! Questions? Contact Kathy List at klist@sprintmail.com or Roberta Rhodes at bert38@sbcglobal. net 11

Church Council Report

Nikki Shoultz, Committee Chairperson, churchcouncil@pumc.org

The Church Council met for its regular monthly meeting on May 9, 2018. In addition to hearing devotions and praying, receiving regular reports from committee chairs and lay leaders, the Council celebrated Glory Sightings, evidences of God’s work for good around us. Additionally, the Council received the following reports and made the following actions: • Mary Raver, Lay Leader for Missions, reported that PUMC will be invited to participate in the annual spring food drive during the month of May, and PUMC will also serve for a week with Family Promise (Hendricks County homeless support network). • Bob Milligan, Staff Parish Relations Committee Chair, reported that the Staff Parish Relations Committee is still working to fill the open position of Organist and Choir Director. The job has been posted in numerous places and we anticipate receiving applications in the coming weeks. Jacob Tipantasig-Wolverton will assume his additional duties of Director of Music and Worship Arts and Director of Children’s Ministry effective June 1. • Mark Preis, Trustee Co-Chair, reported that the Trustees continue to investigate improvements for the Kelly Property that would need to be 12

done to rent it. No decision about renting the property has been made. • Bill Edie, Finance Chair, reported that giving is strong. A complete financial report is always available in the church office. Transforming for Tomorrow Mike Simek, Steering Committee Chair, reported that the Steering Committee has met twice, and emphasized that the committee meetings are open to all interested persons and that the committee is finalizing their charter that will guide the details and processes of their work. Finance and Fund-raising Committee reported a total of about $150,000 already received in gifts and pledges. Project Management Committee reported that they are meeting with contractors to gather more information and proposals for the parking lot project. No contracts or specific plans have been made as of yet. Communications Committee reported that a public website will be up and running prior to May 20. This will be a central point for all information relating to Transforming for Tomorrow. (transforming4tomorrow.org). pumc.org

Because God Gives, We Give. Thank You for You Generosity! Brenda Barnett, PUMC Financial Administrator, reports the following giving in March-April 2018, to ministry and mission beyond the Basic Ministry Budget. Give easily and safely online any time at pumc.org. Thank you for your generosity, PUMC Homeless Outreach: $890.00 Madina Village School, Sierra Leone: $395.00 Henderson Settlement (UM Mission in Appalachia): $225.00 PUMC Youth: $240.00 PUMC Music Ministry: $ 3,150.00 PUMC Bell Choir: $1,100.00 PUMC Family Assistance Fund (direct aid to local families in need): $ 2,541.00 Family Promise of Hendricks County: $100.00 PUMC Memorial Gifts: $765.00 PUMC Trustees Memorial: $ 1,000.00 United Methodist Committee on Relief – Disaster Relief: $220.00 United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Sunday: $2,625.00 PUMC Food Drive: $60.00 PUMC Last Saturday Lunch: $40.00 PUMC Lenten/Easter Offering (for local families in need) $2,470.00 PUMC Kids Connection: $6.00 Youth Church Camp Scholarships: $400.00 Total Giving in March-April, 2018, beyond the Basic Ministry Budget: $ 16,227.00


Fine Arts Camp June 18-22 Sign Up Today pumc.link/2018FACP

Serving the Children of Plainfield


In the Hospital this Past Month • Mel Low • Mary Lew Taylor • Steve Best • Orville Stenger

Ways to Connect eNews from PUMC Visit www.pumc.org to sign-up for free weekly eNews and digital delivery of the monthly newsletter, “The Circuit Rider.”

• Troy Crum • Jim Ward • Dolly Hilligoss

Love & Sympathy • Paul & Shana Schreiner and family on the death of his mother. • Marla Lenz and family on the death of her mother. • Pam Lyons and family on the death of her mother. • Hiddy Bagwell and family on the death of her brother. • The family of Joan Ulrey on her death. Do you want to order a prayer blanket or bandanna? Prayer blankets and bandannas are tangible ways to express God’s love and give those in need comfort IN-PERSON and CASH/CHECK support from the PUMC congregation. If you would like to order a blanket or bandanna, please contact Carol IN-PERSON ONLINE Foxworthy atCASH/CHECK cfoxworthy@att.net or SECURE 317.838.7588. Blanket: $20; Bandanna: $10. Make your check payable to PUMC and mark it Prayer Blanket Ministry.

Follow PUMC on /PlainfieldUMC /NewDayPraise /PUMCBibleExplorers PUMC weekly sermons available in the Plainfield UMC App. Bible Reading Plan available in the Plainfield UMC App.

Ways to Give Give in person in worship on Sunday morning. ACH IN-PERSON




DRAFT via Online SECURE at pumc.orgBANKor SecureGive on your mobile device.





Phone Brenda Barnett in the Church Office to set up, 317.839.2319.


Give through the Plainfield UMC App. Get the app on your mobile device at pumc.link/getapp

PUMC Vital Signs

2018 YTD Basic Ministry Budget thru April Giving: $407,370 Expenses: $334,052 Giving-Expense Balance: $73,318 4 month’s “budget”: $348,489



Serving the Children of Plainfield


June 2018 Plainfield United Methodist Church 600 Simmons Street Plainfield, IN 46168 Time Sensitive Material Return Service Requested

Serving the Children of Plainfield

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