May 2017 Circuit Rider

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Plainfield United Methodist Church

May 2017

A LETTER FROM PASTOR CHARLIE Why? I recently had the pleasure of attending one of the PUMC Confirmation Class sessions. Rev. Bob Preusch, our Associate Pastor of Youth Ministries, leads an outstanding ministry with our youth. Our annual Confirmation experience is no exception. In the class I attended, the youth asked me questions. Some of them were questions they had faced as part of their studies. Other questions were prepared just for me by the students. All of the questions were good and thought-provoking. Our youth have a strong relationship with Christ through their engagement in Bible study, prayer, Christian fellowship, and service. This session with our confirmation youth gave me the chance to deal with some significant questions about my calling, the nature of God, the presence of evil, and others. I’m looking forward to hearing some of their statements of faith in our Confirmation worship on Sunday, May 21, in NewDay Praise worship at 9:50 a.m. We begin asking questions at a young age. We all have questions. And it starts early in life. Some suggest 1

that a 4-year-old asks an average of 437 questions a day. With twelve waking hours a day, that’s about one question every thirty seconds. That’s difficult to believe. But, we chuckle and nod because they do ask so many questions. Various studies and surveys put the real number somewhere above 200 questions each day. For toddlers, youth, and adults alike, many questions have their foundation in “why.” I appreciate how persistent youth and children can be with that one question. When you are forced to face the question “Why?” you can discover your deepest assumptions and beliefs.

Discover your “why.” Rev. Adam Hamilton suggests that followers of Jesus persist

in considering their personal answer to three questions. Why do you believe in and recognize God in your life? Why do you value church? Why do you choose Plainfield United Methodist Church? Answering these questions honestly has at least two benefits. First of all, your response to these questions will shape your behavior. Those who experience God and live daily with a vital sense of God’s love, presence, and guidance will behave differently than those who merely affirm the idea of God out of habit or family tradition. If you can answer Why God? Why the church? Why PUMC? then you stand ready to fulfill 1 Peter 3:1516 which says, “Always be ready to make your defense to anyone who demands from you an accounting for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and reverence.” I hope you will spend some time with these questions and discover your own personal answers. These are questions that no-one else can answer for you. Your story about “the hope that is in you” is a testimony to Christ that will help others. Go in peace. Go with God. And be well. Shalom,

Serving the Children of Plainfield

600 Simmons Street Plainfield, Indiana 46168-2264 Telephone: 317.839.2319 Sundays Classic Worship: 8:30, 9:50 & 11:10 a.m. NewDay Praise Worship: 9:50 a.m. Youth Worship (grades 6-12): 9:45 a.m. Bible Explorers (grades K-5): 9:45 a.m. Office Hours: 8:30a.m. – 3:30p.m. (M–F)

Table of Contents Senior Pastor’s Letter 1 Classic Worship Highlights 3 2017 PUMC Fish Fry 3 Newday Pastor’s Letter 4 Children’s Ministry 5 Youth Ministry 6 Worship Arts 7 Pipe Organ Celebration 7 Mission News 11 Church Council Report 15 Encore Senior Ministry 15 Book of Job, Small Group Study 16 Mother, My Friend 16 Notes to the Congregation 17


MAY Chapter twenty-one of the Gospel of John opens with these words… “After these things Jesus showed himself again to the disciples by the Sea of Tiberias; and he showed himself in this way….” (NRSV) On select Sundays in May, Classic Worship will examine Jesus’ postresurrection experiences with his disciples as recorded in John 21. Discover for yourself Jesus’ call when he invites you to, “Follow me.” Sunday, May 7 – Reception of New Members Sunday, May 21 – Music Sunday Music Sunday will feature and celebrate the many musical expressions of PUMC’s Classic Worship, including the Bell Choirs, a visit from former organist Vince Carr, and some good, old-fashioned hymn singing.

2017 PUMC Annual Fish Fry Now is the time to pull out your calendars and mark the dates for the 2017 PUMC Annual Fish Fry coming July 28 and 29. And so you can be a part of the ministry, mission and fun - there will be sign-ups to serve at the Fish Fry in the Main Lobby during the month of July. There are many perks for those who serve each year, and this year is no exception. You want to check the sign-up sheets early so you get your favorite spot on the main serving line, hosting, drive-through, frying fish, making desserts, or whichever position you prefer. For anyone new to PUMC and wishing to become more involved, this is one of the best opportunities to start. And invite a friend! It’s one of PUMC’s greatest outreach events each year! Todd Sprinkle, First Chair Jane Iles, Second Chair Rich Philip, Third Chair 3

A LETTER FROM PASTOR ELIZABETH Celebrate! May is a month of celebrations… graduations, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day. There are so many people and occasions to celebrate and be thankful for. NewDay Praise Worship joins in the spirit of the month as we make our way through May… • Reception of New Members, May 7. Welcome and celebrate with new PUMC members, and renew your own commitment to God and the congregation. • Mother’s Day, May 14. Parenting is a tough job, the fruits of which are often not realized until years, even decades later. In worship on May 15 we will celebrate mothers and all who ‘mother,’ offering encouragement to those who show God’s love through nurturing relationships in their lives. • Confirmation Sunday, May 21. On Sunday, May 21, we will celebrate with PUMC students who have spent the last year preparing to make their public professions of faith in Jesus as they are confirmed in worship. This will be a high point in these students’, and their families’, lives. Plan to be present to celebrate with them.

Serving the Children of Plainfield

• Memorial Weekend Worship, May 28. On this unofficial start to summer, we’ll give God thanks and praise as we worship together and head in to the summer months. And bring a friend to experience worship and these celebrations with you. You’ll notice that we’ve added seating (including more ‘soft’ seating) to accommodate your friends and family. The coffee is good and the people are warm and welcoming. We think they will have a great time here. Every Sunday in NewDay Praise we seek to create a space and an experience where people who don’t know Jesus can meet him, those who do know Jesus can grow in that relationship, and everyone can find a warm welcome and a safe place to ask questions and talk about faith. I hope you’ll join us in May for worship, celebrations, fun, and encouragement. Blessings,


Children’s Ministry Amanda Norton, Director,

Community Garden

BOOT Camp Vacation Bible School June 12-15. 5-8 p.m. Kindergarten - Grade 5 It’s tough out there, and BOOT Camp is a call to arms to join the Lord’s Army. There is no middle ground. You’re either a soldier of Christ (the Commander-in Chief), or a POW of the enemy! At BOOT Camp, recruits will learn to battle sin, equip themselves for daily struggles, and learn how to march against the darkness with the gospel, advancing on the enemy and helping to claim territory for the name of Jesus! Recruits are training to be warriors for God! Join us for this high intensity week! Recruits (students) and Drill Sergeants (volunteers) please register online at! Contact Amanda Norton at for more information on how you can be a part of this exciting week! 5

Spring has sprung, and seedlings have started sprouting around PUMC’s Sunday children’s ministry. The Bible Explorers (grades K-5) are preparing for their first ever Community Garden. We are excited for this opportunity to experience how God uses creation to help build community. Students will spend part of each Sunday morning this summer nurturing, growing and harvesting their crop. Gardens are a great place to learn, build friendships and get to know your neighbors. Do you enjoy gardening? Stop by this summer (Sundays, 9:45 a.m.) west lot at PUMC to see how you can help, or contact Amanda Norton, Director of Children’s Ministry, at

Youth Ministry

Rev. Bob Preusch, Youth Pastor,

6th Annual PUMC Youth Online Auction


The 6th Annual PUMC Youth Online Auction is scheduled for Friday, August 25 - Monday, September 11. To gear up for this fun event, we are soliciting donations from the church family, friends and business supporters. We invite you to assist by making a donation of new items, services, or talents. Gift cards to restaurants and handcrafted items are always popular auction items. By donating, you are making a difference in the lives of middle and high school youth on their Christian journey. Donation forms are available in the church office or online. Learn more at (tab: ministries, youth auction 2017) or email Donations appreciated by June 15, to allow the committee sufficient time to list your donation on the auction website. Ready to bid? Watch for details in August when you’ll have an opportunity to bid on an outstanding assortment of items without having to leave the comfort of your home. Thanks for your support!

Warm Weather Welcome Warm weather brings new opportunities for reaching out to your neighbors and sharing the hospitality of Jesus with them. As the spring-like temps have you out-of-doors more often, consider some of the following as ways to serve and welcome your neighbors…. • Spend a little more time out on your front porch. Greet neighbors as they pass, get to know the kids, invite them to sit and chat. • Take your own rake or shovel and join a neighbor who is working in their yard. • Take regular walks around your neighborhood to greet your neighbors and pray for the homes and families you pass. • Host a “Welcome to Summer” BBQ or picnic. Provide a simple main dish, invite neighbors to bring something to share, plan a few activities for the kids, and simply enjoy each other and the weather. “Be kind and compassionate to one another…” Ephesians 4:32 (NIV) Serving the Children of Plainfield


Worship Arts

Michael Pettry, Director,

Pipe Organ Celebration Concert Mark your calendars – and invite everyone you know – for the official, public unveiling of PUMC’s new pipe organ in concert. Canadian organist Ken Cowan, one of the leading organists of our time, will present a concert on Sunday, May 7 at 4:00 p.m. The event is open to all people, and is free of charge. In the life of a new pipe organ, these Celebration Concerts are considered the grand unveiling of the instrument not only to the congregation (we’ve been enjoying the instrument in worship each week for a number of months while for PUMC’s music ministry in the the organ community. builder has FAST FACT: Did you know that We selected Ken been fine your contributions to the “music Cowan to present tuning its guild” help underwrite concerts, this inaugural particulars), new music for the choirs, and pipe organ concert but also special brass in worship among not just due to mark the other items? Thanks for noting his unparalleled instrument “music guild” with any special musicianship, “being ready gifts you donate to the ministry. but also with an for primetime” eye to his truly in the engaging commentary and lively community. In essence, this signals conversation with the audience. the public beginning of a new era


Ken Cowan Canadian Organist Ken Cowan – whose playing has been heralded as “… nothing short of superb” – plays this celebration concert on PUMC’s refurbished and expanded pipe organ. Honor this congregation’s rich musical legacy and its bright future with what may be one of the finest organ recitals of all-time.

Pipe Organ Celebration Concert Sunday, May 7, 2017 @4:00 p.m. Plainfield United Methodist Church

600 Simmons Street · Plainfield, IN 46168


Serving the Children of Plainfield


Welcome Back: Vince Carr As part of the completion of our new pipe organ, we are inviting back to the organ bench persons who have served as PUMC organist in prior years. (Stay tuned for continued announcements over the coming months.) Vince Carr will take the bench in worship at all three Classic Worship hours (8:30, 9:50 and 11:10) on Sunday, May 21. Vince served on the PUMC staff 15 years ago while a student at Indiana University. He now serves as Assistant Organist and Choirmaster at Cathedral of the Incarnation (New York) and Adjunct Professor at Montclair State University. In addition to providing music during each of the three worship hours, Vince also looks forward to seeing so many familiar faces. You are welcome to come forward to the organ console and greet Vince after the postlude.


Oma Buckner: The Gift of Music As was announced earlier this spring, Oma Buckner will retire this spring after 24 years on the PUMC music staff. Having served in multiple capacities over those years including director of the Wesley Choir (children’s choir) and most recently as Bell Choir Director, Oma has touched hundreds of lives through music and faith. Thanks to Oma and Ken both for their service! The Staff Parish Relations Committee will host a reception on Sunday, May 21 between all three Classic Worship hours to celebrate Oma’s tenure. Be with us to share with her your words of thanks, and bring a note or card of gratitude for Oma’s dedication to this church. We are in awe of Oma’s musical gift, we are honored by her unwavering commitment to the ministry of this PUMC, and we gratefully acknowledge the impact she has made on all of our lives.

PUMC Staff Parish Relations Committee Announces Retirement Celebration

May 21, 2017 Oma Buckner is retiring from the PUMC Staff after many years of service. Oma and her husband of 54 years, Ken Buckner, began It’s Time for Kinderbells! attending church here in 1992. Oma was hired as both the Bell Choir and Traditionally at PUMC, Mother’s Wesley Children’s Choir Director at Day is the time for young children to ring bells in worship. If your child that time. She directed the Wesley Choir for 15 years and Bell Choirs is 3 - 7 years old they are eligible to participate. Rehearsals will be in the for 25 years. Oma also has directed sanctuary at 6:30 p.m. on May 3 and music for Vacation Bible School, May 11. Then, on Mother’s Day, May the Summer Instrumental Consort, and led Kinderbells (preschool bell 14, 2017, the children will gather in the bell room at 9:20 a.m to rehearse, choir), playing on Mother’s Day for 10 years. and be guided at the proper time to ring at the 9:50 worship hour in both Ken has been Oma’s favorite and Classic Worship and NewDay Praise best sidekick since they married in Worship. (Contact the church office 1963. They met while both playing with questions.) clarinet, sitting next to each other, in IU’s band. Ken has generously We look forward to working with assisted Oma with set-up, teardown, your children! bell repair, copying music, and Oma Buckner, Kelly Rodarmel, tutoring new bell ringers. Linda Harbison and friends! Oma is retiring from her PUMC Bell Choir position, but will continue to teach private piano and band instrument lessons. We wish Oma and Ken a wonderful The PUMC Summer Adult Chorus will sing the first and third retirement and want to thank them Sundays of June, July and August. for their many years of service at PUMC. We hope you will consider joining You are invited to celebrate Oma, the Chorus this summer as you are able – lighter, fun, gorgeous music! her ministry, and her retirement, in Rehearsals are from 7:00-8:00 p.m., the Main Lobby on Sunday, May 21, between worship hours (9:30-9:50 Thursdays, just prior to “singing a.m. and 10:45-11:10 a.m.) Sundays.” Serving the Children of Plainfield


Mission News

Ruth Ellen Stone, Committee Chair,

Africa University Celebration! At Indiana UMC’s Annual Dining Out to Support Conference this Costa Rica Mission year, June 8-10 The PUMC adult Costa Rica Mission in downtown Trip is sponsoring several dining out Indianapolis, nights to help raise funds for their there will be 2018 mission work trip. And you can a celebration for the successful double your support with these two completion of a $1.6M campaign in easy steps…. support of Africa University. This 1. Buy a Scrip gift card for each will endow a chair in the Faculty of location. Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2. Go out to eat! as well as several scholarships. These fundraisers (all Plainfield PUMC was a strong supporter of locations) are scheduled for: this campaign and PUMC mission • Applebee’s, June 20, 4-9 p.m. representatives were a part of a • Panera Bread, July 19, 4-8 p.m. pre-celebration on April 26. Martha • Panda Express, August 16, 4-10 Roath and Al Barker represented p.m. PUMC, honoring their roles as By combining a Scrip gift card with persons who first promoted Africa University in PUMC. Thanks to dining out at these locations, your them for sharing their vision, and donation will increase by as much thanks to the whole congregation as 30%. Restaurant flyers will be for your support in this campaign. available for each location closer to the event dates. For more information Henderson Settlement about Scrip gift cards (for these Work Team in May events or for general use and gift giving) contact LeeAnn Overbey at Once again a work team from 317.372.4898 or email scripgiftcards@ Plainfield United Methodist More restaurants and dates Church will be heading to are still being planned - be watching Henderson Settlement, May for more information! 14 – 20, to serve those living in Appalachia. If you want to learn Contact Costa Rica Mission Trip more about this trip or have any organizers Mike Rohrer and Steve Brizendine through the church office interest in joining the work team, (continued on page 13) to learn more. 11

Saturday, May 20, 2017 11:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Registration & lunch begin at 11:30 a.m. Deer Creek Golf Course 7143 S. State Highway 39 Clayton, IN 46118

$75 per Golfer 18 Holes of Golf with Cart Lunch and BBQ Dinner Silent Auction with "Buy It Now" Items Fun Games Support Family Promise by becoming a sponsor, donor or volunteer! Funds raised will have an impact on the lives of homeless children and their family in our Hendricks County community. If you have any questions, please send and email to Debi Campbell at

Serving the Children of Plainfield


an informational meeting will be held soon to discuss travel arrangements, room and board, and job assignments. There is a job for everyone including home construction/repair; quilting; working in the greenhouse, the Library, or the Thrift Store; or painting. There is a job waiting for anyone interested in working. But we are not all work! In the evenings we have fun with games, live mountain music, ice cream, and euchre. In addition, you get a chance to make new friends from other churches. Please ask questions without feeling any obligation. Contact Don Sanders through the church office (317.839.2319) to learn more.

Extra Food Feeds More People Boy Scout and Cub Scout groups who meet at PUMC have been collecting food to help meet the needs of hungry people in the area. These items have been added to the ongoing food donations in the PUMC Donation Depot and will be delivered to area food pantries. Thanks to these young people for their concern for those who do not have enough to eat!

Thank You, Kroger Shoppers!!

…for supporting PUMC’s 2018 PUMC’s Spring Adult Costa Rica Food Drive is Mission Team! May 14, 21, and Because 25 PUMC 28. Grocery Kroger shoppers bags to be filled registered along with lists with Kroger’s Community Awards of needed food program, Kroger donated $88.57 in and supplies will be distributed the first quarter of 2017 towards the on Sunday, May 14, with the first mission trip. delivery to be made to local food From Kroger…. pantries on May 21. All types of “The Kroger Family of Stores is non-perishable food, paper goods, committed to bringing hope and help to and household supplies are needed. local communities. We do this through Please remember, however, to avoid a variety of activities, including anything in glass jars. charitable giving, sponsorships and the With summer coming, there will unique Community Rewards Program be more children than usual at of Kroger. We are also committed to home for daily meals. Your help in carefully protecting our customers’ meeting the needs of local children personal information. In order to meet and families is greatly appreciated. their expectation of privacy, we have 13

PUMC Spring Food Drive

adopted a simple policy to never share a customer’s personal information. Our privacy policy applies to Community Rewards participation as well. As your neighborhood food retailer, we deeply value our ability to support local organizations like yours. Your supporters (25 households) who shopped at Kroger between 12-312016 and 3-30-2017 have contributed to your $88.57 total donation. Thank you for your continued support of your local Kroger store.” Visit to register your Kroger rewards card and support PUMC’s Costa Rica Mission Team. Contact Mission Trip leaders, Mike Rohrer or Steve Brizendine, through the church office with questions or to learn more.

UMCOR Sunday Offering Formerly known as One Great Hour of Sharing, the UMCOR Sunday Offering underwrites the basic expenses for the United Methodist Committee on Relief so that other donations for specific locations or issues can go 100% to the designated need. Thanks to your generosity, PUMC received $2,135 in the March 26 special offering. You can always via cash or check in worship on Sundays, or safely and securely online at or in the PUMC mobile app.

Imagine No Malaria In March PUMC emphasized the lives that could be saved by the use of mosquito netting in regions of the world where malaria is still prevalent and deadly. Your generosity provided $2,048 for these mosquito nets. At $10 per net, and 4-6 people using each net to sleep under at night, your giving shows God’s BIG Love to over 200 families and saves as many as 1,200 people from the deadly mosquito bites. Thanks for being life savers with your generous support.

Serving the Children of Plainfield

PUMC Mission Brochure Find an updated PUCM Missions Brochure at the Welcome Center (south lobby) on Sundays at PUMC or via the Plainfield UMC App. You will find many projects listed which you may already support or in which you would like to become involved. PUMC shows God’s BIG Love in many, many ways. Pick up a brochure and join the fun!


Encore Senior Ministry Sue Hylton,

Encore to Visit the International Culinary School May 18 Next trip for Encore will be on May 18 as we travel to “Eleven at the Pyramids� for a delicious lunch. Join Encore to experience wonderful time-tested food prepared by the students at the International Culinary School located at The Art Institute of Indianapolis. Sign up at the Encore Senior Ministry Desk, located in the PUMC main lobby on May 7 or 14 before or after the middle worship hours. Seating is limited, so sign up soon. Cost is $3.00 to cover transportation expenses. You will pay for your meal at the restaurant. Menus are available at the time of sign up. We hope you will participate in this culinary adventure and enjoy the fellowship and great food! Encore thanks Margaret Hay for making arrangements for this activity. Questions? Call Sue Hylton at 317.839.2946 or Margaret Hay at 317.839.5643.

Encore Walked the Canal in April Twelve Encore enthusiasts walked the canal in Indianapolis in April. It was a perfectly beautiful day of sunshine, warm breezes and lots of talking and of course eating. No rain was experienced until we pulled out of the parking garage. We can thank Roberta Rhodes for pulling this event together. Some of us hiked while others strolled, but we all had a great day!

Church Council Report

Nikki Shoultz, Committee Chair,

In observance of Holy Week, the PUMC Church Council did not meet in April. As always, questions may be directed to Council Chair, Nikki Shoultz, at Thank you for your ongoing prayerful support of the ministry and mission of the Church Council and PUMC. 15

New PUMC Book Study

The Book of Job Starts June 2

Why does God permit suffering? It’s a question all of us have asked, and the book of Job points us toward some answers. Job’s questions are our questions, and we can identify with his frustration, disappointment, and confusion in the midst of trials. In this series, Dr. Derek W.H. Thomas walks us through the book of Job and considers what the Bible says about our darkest moments. He addresses the difficult question of the relationship between God’s sovereignty and the existence of evil, sin, and suffering. In the end, as Dr. Thomas shows, it’s in our trials that we learn to trust God and say with Job, “Blessed be the name of the Lord.” You are invited to this 12-week Bible study in the Koinonia Room weekly, Fridays at 12 noon – 1:30 p.m., beginning on June 2. Contact Ron & Carolyn Mercer or Larry & Anne Rudy through the church office for more information.

Serving the Children of Plainfield

Mother, My Friend by Marge Welker

In honor of Mother’s Day, I share this letter written from a daughter to her mother… Growing up isn’t easy, whether one is The mother or the child, But somehow you knew we’d make it through. And in spite of the stresses, you smiled. I understand now what I didn’t see then, Sacrifices you cheerfully made; The battles you bravely fought for me; The prayers that you faithfully prayed. Now that I have become an adult And we’ve finished those turbulent years; Both of us can look back on it all And a warm, special closeness appears. I am proud of what you and I have become Since my “growing up” came to an end. You’ve always been my beloved mom. And now you’re my most treasured friend. By Helen Bush And we also celebrate grandmas and all the special, nurturing women in our lives. Let us pray for the women in our lives, wherever they are. Thank God for your mother!


Ways to Connect eNews from PUMC Visit to sign-up for free weekly eNews and digital delivery of the monthly newsletter, “The Circuit Rider.” Follow PUMC on /PlainfieldUMC /NewDayPraise /PUMCBibleExplorers PUMC weekly sermons available in the Plainfield UMC App. Bible Reading Plan available in the Plainfield UMC App.

Ways to Give Give in person in worship on ACH Sunday morning. IN-PERSON







Phone Brenda Barnett in the Church Office to set up, 317.839.2319.


Give through the Plainfield UMC App. Get the app on your mobile device at

In the Hospital this Past Month


• Midge Gordon • Mel Low • Steve Best

Terrence Toon, family and friends on the death of his father, Herod ‘Pete’ Toon.

In Our Prayers •


Online at or via ACH SecureGive on your mobile device.AUTOMATED

• Shirley McCoy • John Esquerdo • Betty Little

Love & Sympathy

Matt Smith from Ordinary People Sunday School Class with prayers for strength and healing and prayers for his family as they continue his care. Jasmine from Greg and Karen Hole with prayers for comfort, strength and courage on the death of her mother. Brandon from Greg and Karen Hole with prayers for comfort, strength and courage on the death of his mother. Rick Huddleston from Clayton and Carol Foxworthy with prayers for comfort and peace on the death of his wife.

Notes to the Congregation Dear Church Family, It is with a heavy heart that I write this note. I want to thank each and every one of you for your love and prayers for myself and my family during this most difficult time. Love to all, Betty Little

Thank you for your support of the UMW Chili Supper. A special thank you to Mike and Becky McFarling and Culvers of Plainfield for their generous donations to the meal. And many thanks to the wonderful UMW bakers for their delicious desserts. With the efforts of all our members, the United Methodist Women were able to make a generous donation to the Last Saturday Meal Ministry. It was a blessing to share the meal with our church family and friends. PUMC United Methodist Women Thank you to the “Men of the United Methodist Women”: Gene Young, Dennis Darrow, Todd Sprinkle, Doug Meyer, Norm Geible, Jerry Rhodes, Bob Milligan, Bob Howard, Bob Nolan, and Brent Miller. Thank you for always coming to our rescue and making so many of our projects possible. We appreciate your support. You are truly a blessing to the mission of the United Methodist Women.

Do you want to order a prayer blanket or bandanna? Prayer blankets and bandannas are tangible ways to express God’s love and give those in need comfort and support from the PUMC congregation. If you would like to order a blanket or bandanna, please contact Carol Foxworthy at or 317.838.7588. Blanket: $20; Bandanna: $10. Make your check payable to PUMC and mark it Prayer Blanket Ministry.

PUMC United Methodist Women Dear PUMC, Thank you again for your prayers, generosity, and love in supporting another year of TnT (Tuesdays and Thursdays Van Buren Elementary School After School Enrichment Program). We especially appreciated Ken and all the church family that gave their time in the after-school program at Van Buren this past year. Peace, Teri Walters

Serving the Children of Plainfield


Serving the Children of Plainfield

May 2017 Plainfield United Methodist Church 600 Simmons Street Plainfield, IN 46168

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