May 2018 Circuit Rider

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A LETTER FROM PASTOR CHARLIE A Good Start On Sunday, March 11, PUMC held a Special Called Church Conference to consider approving a capital campaign to fund needed building maintenance, upgrades, and renovations. The motion was passed, project leadership has been elected by the Church Council, and PUMC is ready to move forward on Transforming for Tomorrow (T4T)! T4T was approved on March 11. Find more information about Transforming for Tomorrow in the Info Center at or phone the church office for hard copies. And please be in prayer about how you can support Transforming for Tomorrow. May 20 will be a special Sunday! We will receive an early report on the coming Transforming for Tomorrow campaign. Looking to our future in this way is appropriate on what is also Pentecost, the “birthday of the Church”, which we will celebrate with a special birthday party (cake included!). Find more information about the party elsewhere in this Circuit Rider. Youth will be confirmed. Our historians will provide a special display in the main lobby for Heritage Sunday, of special interest this year on the fiftieth anniversary of the denominational merger of the Evangelical United Brethren and the Methodist Church which formed The United Methodist Church. As we consider this group of capital improvements projects, we have a timely opportunity. But it’s not just an opportunity to make our facilities nicer. It’s about so much more. These projects will help us grow by removing barriers to newcomers’ full participation and by attracting newcomers. These projects are about revealing the grace and love of God. According to 2 Corinthians 4:11, this is why we live as followers of Jesus. We live so that his life may be revealed in us. That’s why I’m excited about T4T. It will help us more fully demonstrate and reveal the grace and love of God to everyone who comes to PUMC. In worship on Sunday, May 20, meet project leadership and celebrate what God is already doing through Transforming for Tomorrow. It will be a day 2

to praise God for his goodness and for his ongoing faithfulness to PUMC and the church at large! Go in peace. God with God. And be well. Shalom,


Classic Worship – 8:45 and 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary Classic Worship in the Sanctuary in May continues “Experience the Risen Christ.” In PUMC’s church-wide study earlier this year, we considered the questions John Wesley and the earliest “Methodists” used to grow as followers of Jesus—to grow in love for God and neighbor. It is helpful to revisit those questions often. During the weeks following Easter, when we celebrate Jesus coming back alive from the dead and his continued life among us, the first Wesley question is especially helpful. “Is Jesus real to me?” If Jesus is alive from the dead and continues to live, have I experienced him? Do I know him? How can Jesus be real to me? What we find in the Gospel of Luke helps us understand how we can “Experience the Risen Christ.”

Serving the Children of Plainfield

600 Simmons Street Plainfield, Indiana 46168-2264 • 317.839.2319 Sundays Classic Worship: 8:45 & 10:00 a.m. Preaching Chapel: 11:15 a.m. NewDay Praise Worship: 8:45 & 10:00 a.m. Youth Worship (grades 6-12): 10:00 a.m. Bible Explorers (grades K-5): 10:00 a.m. Office Hours: 8:30a.m. – 3:30p.m. (M–F)

Table of Contents Senior Pastor’s Letter Classic Worship NewDay Pastor’s Letter Staff News & Updates Redbirds & Mothers United Methodist Women Birthday Party You’re Invited! Pre-Vacation Checklist Transforming for Tomorrow Children’s Worship Youth Ministry Encore Senior Ministry Mission News Church Council Report Notes to the Congregation

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A LETTER FROM PASTOR ELIZABETH Stay Positive Have you ever noticed the power negativity has to spread and influence beyond its point of origin? Negativity never keeps to itself. Once it gets started, it moves from one area of my life to the next, infecting every corner of my existence. Like the smoke from cookies burning in the oven floats into every room of the house, makes its way to the garage and the basement, and even sticks to my clothes well after the offending cookies have been discarded, negativity makes itself known in everything I do. Maybe that’s why Scripture has so much to say about not being a Negative Nelly. The Bible instructs us to look for good, to give thanks and praise in all circumstances, and to be an encourager – not a grumpy, negative, complainer. Our words, attitude, and countenance are powerful influences in our own lives and in the lives of those around us. We can build people up – or tear


them down – just by the way we ‘are’ with them. In NewDay Praise Worship starting April 29 through May 13 we will consider how to “Stay Positive” – not because we always feel like it, but because our good God gives us every reason to be and share optimism, gratitude, and encouragement. In NewDay Praise Worship, like all of PUMC’s worship experiences, we seek to create a space and an experience where people who don’t know Jesus can meet him, those who do know Jesus can grow in that relationship, and everyone can find a warm welcome and a safe place to ask questions and talk about faith. Invite a friend to join you this month for “Stay Positive.” We’ll save you a seat! Blessings,

Staff News & Updates Amanda Norton, Director,

Committee have a workable vision for those challenges that are exciting and that will take this ministry well into a vital and growing future. You may be in touch with Jacob at PUMC Seeking Choir Director/ Organist

PUMC’s Staff-Parish Relations Committee is pleased to announce that after a lengthy discernment process, the duties of Director of Music and Director of Children’s Ministry will be assigned to Jacob Tipantasig-Wolverton in addition to his duties as NewDay Praise Worship Leader. This combination of duties will be full time effective June 1. The committee is enthusiastic about the education, training, and experience that Jacob brings to oversee and organize both the music and children’s ministries. This arrangement of responsibilities in one person raises some logistical questions, but Jacob, Pastor Charlie, and the Staff-Parish Relations Serving the Children of Plainfield

The Staff-Parish Relations Committee also announces the open position of Choir Director/ Organist for which they are receiving applications. Inquiries, questions, and applications may be directed to Bob Milligan, Chair of SPRC at or Sr. Pastor Charlie Wilfong at cwilfong@pumc. org or by contacting the church office at 317.839.2319. Job description and application information is also available at (Staff tab). Our music ministry has grown in recent years to include special Sunday morning music events, the PUMC Concert Series, the Christmas Eve orchestra, and more. This staff alignment will provide PUMC with personnel to organize and execute both worship and the special events with which we have been able to bless our community.


Redbirds & Mothers Marge Welker

Several months ago a little red bird built its nest above my kitchen window. Every morning when I went to my kitchen to have breakfast, I would hear this little red bird chirping. One day he stopped. I thought he was gone, maybe south for the winter. Sometime in March, I heard him again, chirping at my window. What a wonder it was to have one of God’s creatures sing to me in the morning! Mother’s Day is May 13, and I know that a lot of people will plan to celebrate with their mothers. How will you spend Mother’s day? Plan it your own way and remember, everyone has but one mother. Mothers have endless love and are so kind and always there when you need them. Celebrate on this day how many things your mother has done for you! Mom’s Hands These hands have the strength to raise a family right, to wipe away every tear and hold you real tight. They come together each day in prayer, and whenever you need them, they’re always right there. By Reena Sharma


United Methodist Women News Rachel Circle (UMW small group) will meet Tuesday, May 8, at 7:00 pm in Clayton Hall. The program features exercise with Tara. All ladies are invited! Questions? Contact Becky McFarling at universe999@aol. com or Kathy List at klist@sprintmail. com.

Weekly Religious Education Closing Program May 16 You are invited to the closing program for the Plainfield Federation of Churches’ Weekly Religious Education (WRE) Program on Wednesday, May 16, 7 p.m. in the sanctuary at the Plainfield Christian Church. Throughout this school year more than 250 fourth grade Plainfield students have received ecumenical religious instruction through this program. On May 16, they will celebrate the year with families and program staff. As President of the Federation, PUMC Senior Pastor Charlie Wilfong will provide the opening prayer. Please join Pastor Charlie and local students and families for this special event.

to the east parking lot at 9:35 a.m. and find the table of your birthday month. Hosts will welcome you, help you meet others that share your birthday month, and together we will celebrate the birthday of the church!

Birthday Party for the Church! On Pentecost (May 20 this year) we celebrate the ‘birthday of the church’ when the first believers received the gift of the Holy Spirit and the church was born! (Find the story in Acts 2.) You are invited to a church-wide celebration of this special day on the church calendar. Join PUMC for cake, singing, and gifts on Sunday, May 20, 9:35-9:55 a.m. in the east parking lot to celebrate the church, PUMC, and our life together as a community of faith. (Note 8:45 worship well conclude early to allow everyone to participate, and the party will conclude in time for everyone to make it 10:00 worship and Sunday school.) Gifts of “Birthday Bags” will be received to be donated to the local food pantry. Please bring a birthday gift bag, cake mix, frosting tub, candles, and one additional item (such as paper plates or napkins), assembled or separately, so neighbors that use the local food pantry will have what they need to celebrate a birthday in their own home. On Sunday, May 20, make your way Serving the Children of Plainfield

Calling All Party Planners! On Sunday, May 20, PUMC is planning a birthday party for the church. Will you help make it extra special? If you can help in one of the following ways, please be in touch with the person indicated. The commitment is small, but the fun will be big! Thank you for your ministry and service. • Host a birthday month table. You will work with one other host to decorate a table for a particular month of the year; provide a cake to serve 15 people; facilitate introductions and conversation at your table using a simple outline that will be provided. Contact Pastor Elizabeth Gilbert to host ( or Continued on page 8 7

Continued from page 7 317.523.1125, ext. 244). • Be a Birthday Bag Mission Manager. Following the birthday party at about 10 a.m. May 20, gather the donated Birthday Bags and supplies. During the following week, assemble bags as needed, and deliver to St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Food Pantry in Plainfield. Contact Pastor Ken Loudenback to help ( or 317.523.1125, ext. 226). • Help with set-up and tear down. You will work with a team of volunteer servants to setup tables and chairs in the parking lot prior to the event May 20, 9:30 a.m. event (time that weekend to be determined), and to tear-down following the event. Many hands will make this work light and quick. Contact Facilities Manager Steve Manning to


Pre-Vacation To Check List Summer is almost here! And you’re making plans for lots of fun in the sun, and maybe even a vacation away from home. If so, take a few minutes to check-off the items on this list so you don’t miss out on anything going on at PUMC while you are gone! FF Download the PUMC mobile app to your phone or tablet. Search for “Plainfield UMC” in your app store. FF Subscribe to PUMC’s weekly eNews at You won’t miss any of the news and happenings at PUMC! FF If you usher, teach Sunday school, or otherwise serve on a team at church, let your ministry leader know that you will be gone – or better yet, recruit a friend to cover your assignment! FF “Like” PlainfieldUMC and NewDayPraiseWorship on facebook. You can worship live with PUMC each Sunday through these pages. FF Set-up your giving online so that your regular giving to God through this ministry continues uninterrupted. It’s easy to do at or through PUMC’s mobile app. Have a safe and fun vacation – and send pics!

On Sunday, March 11, PUMC held a Special Called Church Conference to consider approving a capital campaign to fund needed building maintenance, upgrades, and renovations. The motion was passed, project leadership has been elected by the Church Council, and PUMC is ready to move forward on Transforming for Tomorrow (T4T)! It wasn’t long ago that a long-time PUMC member had their Sunday morning schedule altered because of some minor distractions in leaving the house. Because of the delay, this couple arrived in two vehicles. One arrived at their usual time, plenty early for their adult Sunday school class. The other arrived just moments before class was to start. The first found a parking spot and made their way in to class without any inconvenience. The second, however, could not find one open parking spot! Finally parking in an ‘unauthorized’ spot, she was quite late to her class. A committed church member, like this person, will make the effort to find a place to park. A guest is much less likely to do so. In fact, on a recent

Serving the Children of Plainfield

Sunday, a church member watched people enter the lot, search for a parking spot, and unable to find one, they left. Among the very first T4T projects (given funding commitments and seasonal opportunity) will be to repair the current parking lot and add parking to the west of the church. It’s PUMC’s desire that everyone coming to PUMC on a Sunday morning will receive a warm welcome – and that starts with a place to park! Find more information about Transforming for Tomorrow in the Info Center at or phone the church office for hard copies. And please be in prayer about how you can support Transforming for Tomorrow so that PUMC can offer the fullest expression of welcome and hospitality through its facility and property. In worship on Sunday, May 20, meet project leadership and celebrate what God is already doing through Transforming for Tomorrow. It will be a day to praise God for his goodness and for his ongoing faithfulness to PUMC and the church at large!


Children’s Worship

Amanda Norton, Director,

If you can help make Sunday Deep Blue adventures extra special and meaningful for students, please contact Jeanne Milligan, Children’s Council Chair, at jeanne.milliga55@ to volunteer. Thank you!

Bible Explorers’ Adventure Continues! PUMC Bible Explorers (Grades PreK, and K-5) continue each Sunday morning to explore the world, sailing with new friends Asia, Edgar, Kat, and Caleb of the Deep Blue Crew. Each week in Bible Explorers (Sundays, 10:00-11:00 a.m. at PUMC) students are experiencing a new adventure to learn more about God and grow in their relationship with Jesus! Students learn about God and what it means to be a follower of Jesus through Bible stories and opportunities to serve as disciples in the classroom, the local community, and the world! Kids will explore Guatemala, Kenya, Alaska, and Armenia throughout the year as they dive deep into God’s Word together. Students will discover what it means to be a follower of Jesus in this around-the-world adventure. Parents, please note: Students must be signed-in by an adult. Please be with your K-5 student at drop-off (room 107) and pick-up in the south hall. 10

It’s time for Kinderbells! Traditionally at PUMC, Mother’s Day is the time for young children to ring bells in worship. If your child is 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 years old, they are eligible to participate. Rehearsals will be in the sanctuary at 6:30 p.m. on May 2 and May 9. Then on Mother’s Day, May 13, 2018, the children will gather in the bell room at 9:40 a.m. to rehearse and be guided at the proper time to ring in both NewDay Praise and Classic Worship at 10:00 a.m. Following their presentation, we will guide your children to the Education wing to join their classes. If you have questions or would like to register your child, contact Lynn Blosser at 317.293.0013 or lblosser@

7th Annual PUMC Youth Online Auction

PUMC Youth Confirmation, May 20

You can make a difference! The 7th Annual PUMC Youth Online Auction is scheduled for Friday, August 24th through Monday, September 10th. To gear up for this fun event, auction leadership is soliciting donations from the church family and friends. We invite you to participate by making a donation of new items, services, or talents. Gift cards to restaurants are very popular and always appreciated. By donating you are making a difference in the lives of middle and high school youth on their Christian journey. Donation forms are available in the church office, at the Welcome Desk in the south lobby or online. Learn more at (tab: ministries, youth auction 2018) or email Donations are appreciated by July 10, to allow the committee time to list your donation on the auction website. Watch for further info in August when you’ll have an opportunity to bid on an outstanding assortment of items without having to leave the comfort of your home. Thanks for your support!

On Sunday, May 20, this congregation will celebrate with PUMC students who have spent the last year preparing to make their public professions of faith in Jesus as they are confirmed in worship. This will be a high point in these students’, and their families’, lives. Please join them for worship in the Worship Annex, Sunday, May 20, 10:00 a.m.

Serving the Children of Plainfield


Encore Senior Ministry Sue Hylton,

What Will You Do? Encore Senior Ministries invites you to help in support of psychiatric hospitals, Cypress Manor (County Home), participating nursing homes and those in the community with chronic persistent mental health conditions who might otherwise be forgotten. The Mental Health Association (MHA) receives some contributions at Christmas time but the need continues throughout the year. After having Executive Director of MHA of Hendricks County, Tamara Jessup, as a guest speaker, Encore decided to lend a helping hand. Encore will have a collection box thru mid-June at the Encore Desk located in the Main Lobby (narthex) for you to drop off any of the following items which will serve the people of Hendricks County. • Warm socks – women • Sugar free candy • Puzzle books • Pencils • Blankets or throws • Wrapping paper • Fleece (2 yds. or bigger) • Plastic Totes - 30 gallon or bigger • Hygiene items (for men and women – but please no razors, loofahs or glass)


MHA Choice Pantry is stocked with non-perishable food items as well as basic hygiene and household necessities. Distribution is based on family size and need and operates on a referral only by appointment. Thank you for considering donation of the following items as well: • Soap • Pasta • Body Wash • Pasta • Toothpaste Sauce • Deodorant • Peanut • Sanitary Butter Napkins • Cereal • Tampons • Mac & • Shampoo Cheese • Conditioner • Canned • Lotions Veggies • Baby • Crackers Diapers • Canned • Baby Wipes fruit • Combs • Boxed meals • Hairbrushes • Rice • Canned • School meat Supplies • Refried beans • Toilet • Soups Paper • Tortilla • Paper shells Towels • Baby food • Household • Juices Cleaners • Stable milk • Grocery Store • Condiments Gift Cards • Sauces

Mission News

Ruth Ellen Stone, Committee Chair,

and a meaningful Communion service. If you would like more information or have an interest in participating, please contact Mission Team Leader Don Sanders at 317.839.7192 or

PUMC Mission Work Team Opportunity in May Come join the fun! A team from PUMC will once again be going to Henderson Settlement ( the week of May 20, in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains. Missioners will be working construction; helping in the Thrift Store, Library, greenhouse, and adult classrooms; painting; or landscaping. This is a chance for you to experience the joy of giving to others while also being entertained one evening by a group of Appalachian musicians, eating homemade ice cream, meeting new friends, and playing games in the evenings. Or if you prefer, you can just relax and wind down in a comfortable soft chair reading or watching TV. Morning devotions start each day, and the week is celebrated on Thursday evening with a review of memorable experiences by volunteers Serving the Children of Plainfield

Africa University Breakfast During Annual Conference of the Indiana United Methodist Church at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, a breakfast celebrating Africa University will be held at 7 a.m. on Friday, June 8. The speaker this year will be Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Busambwa Kanunu, an early graduate of Africa University (AU). His message will hold special meaning for persons from PUMC as one of its leading members, now deceased (Al Barker), helped Emmanuel complete his education at AU. Emmanuel has also been a guest at PUMC in the past. Dr. Kanunu says Continued on page 14 13

Continued from page 13 that Africa University was a place of transformation for him. PUMC has been a strong supporter of Africa University since it was established in 1988 and has followed its development, at one point hosting its choir as they toured in the Midwest. You may register for the breakfast at You may register as a guest and pay only the cost for the meal.

Please put yarn contributions in the Donation Depot across from PUMC main office. Your help is appreciated. And if you knit, please join the group on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. in the Koinonia Room at PUMC. Contact the group through the church office to learn more.


For more information, please contact PUMC Mission Chair Ruth Ellen Stone at Last Saturday Lunch Is


Knit for Kids at PUMC Did you see the pretty items on the display at PUMC on Mission Sunday (April 8) from the Knit for Kids mission group? The sweaters that this group knits are distributed around the world to children in need. Even if you do not knit, you can help that project. Yarn is always needed and can be donated in the Donation Depot near door #2. And if you or other family members have put supplies aside from former projects or one never completed, the knitting group can use that, as well. 14

Every last Saturday of the month, PUMC (led by members of the Adult FUN Class) provides a community meal. The meal is served in Clayton Hall here at PUMC from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., and about 100 meals are also delivered to various locations in Plainfield. Last Saturday Lunch (LSL) leadership has identified additional need in the community and is GROWING this ministry! On the second Saturday of May the ministry will begin offering a meal to the persons on the LSL delivery routes. Every month following, the ministry will deliver about 100 meals to those same persons that receive a delivery on the last Saturday of each month. (No meal will be served onsite at PUMC on these second Saturdays.) Will you help GROW this ministry and prepare and provide meals to hungry neighbors? Volunteer servants are needed to: bake and donate

brownies; coordinate and/or cook for please), as well as other home supplies. one (or more) months; prep, assemble Worshipers will receive grocery bags to lunches, or clean up from 9 a.m. - noon fill in May. on these second Saturdays; and deliver meals to area locations. To learn more or volunteer to serve, contact Mary Ann Hamilton at Thank you!

Easter Offering

Family Promise Golf Invitational Mark your calendar for May 19 to play golf and raise money for Hendricks County Family Promise (Homeless Outreach and Support Network) in which PUMC is a participant four times a year. You can have fun and give support to this agency which helps homeless families in this area. Learn more at familypromisehendrickscounty. org.

Thank you for your generous support of PUMC’s special Easter offering. Those funds will be used to help children and families through these area ministries to children and families: • Family Promise of Hendricks County • PUMC’s Last Saturday Lunch area lunch outreach • WRE (Weekday Religious Education) of the Plainfield Federation of Churches • Plainfield area Lunch Bunch (summer lunch support for students and families) • Active Grace • Susie’s Place.

Spring Food Drive PUMC’s Spring Food Drive is planned for May 13, 20, 27. As you shop for your household, include some non-perishable food (not glass jars, Serving the Children of Plainfield


Church Council Report

Nikki Shoultz, Committee Chair,

The Church Council met for its regular monthly meeting on April 11, 2018. In addition to hearing devotions and praying, receiving regular reports from committee chairs and lay leaders, the Council celebrated Glory Sightings, evidences of God’s work for good around us. Additionally, the Council received the following reports and made the following actions: Mary Raver, Lay Leader for Missions, reported two mission work teams will be traveling in April and May to domestic destinations. Missions committee will distribute grocery bags on Mother’s Day to be filled and returned for delivery to local food pantries. The recent UMCOR Sunday offering totaled $2,550. Kathy Perry, Lay Leader for Discipleship, reported that the next all church study will be “Gratitude” by Kent Millard, timed to precede Consecration Sunday. Rev. Millard will be PUMC’s guest preacher for Consecration Sunday. Jenn Finesilver, Lay Leader for Worship, reported that for Easter Sunday worship PUMC hosted 754 worshipers, a healthy number for an Easter that was also on the area schools’ spring breaks. On Easter, NewDay Praise recorded it’s highest ever one-Sunday attendance at 211 worshipers. • Classic worship included a living 16

floral cross created by worshipers and the singing of the Hallelulah Chorus by choir and worshipers. • NewDay Praise worship featured the creation of a piece of art on the platform during worship by Indy area artist Von Biggs. The morning also included special music by the Bible Explorers, a fun Easter photo booth, and special refreshments. Shannen Shortt, Lay Leader for Outreach and Evangelism reported that PUMC’s digital outreach is growing. As of April 2018, PUMC’s digital outreach measures: • 530 + mobile app downloads (and continues to grow weekly) • 30-40% of about 1,000 digital weekly eNews emails are opened (well above national averages) • 40-50% of about 1,000 digital monthly newsletter (The Circuit Rider) are opened (again, well above the national average) • Weekly we live stream both Classic and NewDay Praise Worship on facebook. • NewDay Praise Page, with nearly 300 page followers, reaches 300-500 persons with each live stream worship • PUMC Page, with about 850 followers, reaches 400-600 persons with each live stream worship

Transforming for Tomorrow The Steering Committee met recently to establish operating procedures and processes. The T4T Fund-Raising/Finance, Project, and Communication Committees will report to the Steering Committee. (More information is available in the Info Center on The Church Council elected the T4T Communications Committee of Elizabeth Gilbert, chair; Christie Wright, Bree Dunscombe, Stephanie Kirkling, and Eiric Shriner, staff. Kelli Snow was elected to the T4T Fund-Raising/Financing Committee.

Serving the Children of Plainfield

Bob Milligan, Staff Parish Relations Committee Chair, reported that the Staff Parish Relations Committee is still working to fill open positions of Children’s Ministry Director, Music Director, Organist and Choir Director. Paul Shriner, Trustee Chair, reported that several roof leaks are being addressed. Eagle Scout candidates are working on projects in the west lot to enhance the picnic area. Bill Edie, Finance Chair, reported that giving is strong. A complete financial report is always available in the church office. Thank you for your ongoing prayerful support of the ministry and mission of the Church Council and PUMC.


In the Hospital this Past Month • Katy Nadin • Steve Best

• Orville Stenger • Jim Covalt

Prayer Blankets • Jodi & Andy Brinson from Tina and Matt Kirchoff with prayers for wisdom, strength and healing. Do you want to order a prayer blanket or bandanna? Prayer blankets and bandannas are tangible ways to express God’s love and give those in need comfort and support from the PUMC congregation. If you would like to order a blanket or bandanna, please contact Carol Foxworthy at or 317.838.7588. Blanket: $20; Bandanna: $10. Make your check payable to PUMC and mark it Prayer Blanket Ministry.


Ways to Connect eNews from PUMC Visit to sign-up for free weekly eNews and digital delivery of the monthly newsletter, “The Circuit Rider.” Follow PUMC on /PlainfieldUMC /NewDayPraise /PUMCBibleExplorers

PUMC Vital Signs

2018 YTD Basic Ministry Budget thru March Giving: $320,618 Expenses: $254,053 Giving-Expense Balance: $66,566 3 month’s “budget”: $261,367

PUMC weekly sermons available in the Plainfield UMC App. Bible Reading Plan available in the Plainfield UMC App.

Ways to Give Give in person in worship on Sunday morning. ACH IN-PERSON




DRAFT via Online SECURE at pumc.orgBANKor SecureGive on your mobile device.





Phone Brenda Barnett in the Church Office to set up, 317.839.2319.


Give through the Plainfield UMC App. Get the app on your mobile device at

Serving the Children of Plainfield


May 2018 Plainfield United Methodist Church 600 Simmons Street Plainfield, IN 46168 Time Sensitive Material Return Service Requested

Serving the Children of Plainfield

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