October 2017 Circuit Rider

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Plainfield United Methodist Church

October 2017

A LETTER FROM PASTOR CHARLIE PUMC Core Values In 2016, the PUMC Church Council elected a special Task Force to work toward clarifying PUMC’s Core Values. They met several times over many months. After their own good work, they met with group leaders and committee chairs of the congregation to solicit additional feedback. Finally, they presented their report to the Church Council. Helpful and effective Core Values: • are 3-5 in number, • are compelling, clear, Christ-like, • serve to differentiate us as a congregation, • assist in decision making, and • help us develop as a congregation. The Church Council adopted the following Core Values on September 13, 2017. Accepting. We accept others as an expression of the love of God. Matthew 22:37-40 (NRSV) He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” Romans 15:7 (NIV) Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God. Creating Community. This is the way we, at PUMC, experience healthy relationships together. Hebrews 10:24-25 (NRSV) And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Romans 12:5 (NRSV) So we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another.



Serving. Meeting others’ needs is an expression of care for Christ. Matthew 25:40 (NRSV) And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’ These Core Values will act as a compass, used in tandem with our Mission (to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world) and Vision (our One Thing—to Serve the Children of Plainfield), to help us discern our way toward the fruitful future God has promised and prepared for us. Please continue to pray for PUMC and its ministry. Go in peace. Go with God. And be well. Shalom,

600 Simmons Street Plainfield, Indiana 46168-2264 Telephone: 317.839.2319 Sundays Classic Worship: 8:30, 9:50 & 11:00 a.m. NewDay Praise Worship: 9:50 a.m. Youth Worship (grades 6-12): 9:45 a.m. Bible Explorers (grades K-5): 9:45 a.m. Office Hours: 8:30a.m. – 3:30p.m. (M–F)

Table of Contents Senior Pastor’s Letter Classic Worship Notes Discovery in October NewDay Pastor’s Letter Consecration Sunday Small Group Call-out Children’s Ministry Youth Ministry Worship Arts Adult Book Study Mission News Encore Senior Ministry Church Council Report Giving Report Notes to the Congregation

Serving the Children of Plainfield

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8:30, 9:50 and 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary Classic Worship in the sanctuary in October celebrates the power of music to draw a person into the presence of God with the series “Feeling Groovy,” which launches October 15. The music of Simon and Garfunkel will serve as a starting point for exploring and discovering biblical insights.

Save the dates for these special worship experiences through the end of 2017! Nov. 12: Consecration Sunday Celebration @ PUMC, 10:00 a.m. worship (only) in both Classic and NewDay Praise, with free luncheon to follow. Sunday, Dec. 24: Christmas Eve Worship: Regular Sunday morning schedule: Classic at 8:30, 9:50 and 11:00; NewDay Praise 9:50 a.m. Christmas Eve Worship Schedule: 4, 5, 7, 9, and 11 p.m. Worship. 4

Discoveries in October by Marge Welker

Christopher Columbus discovered America on October 12, 1492, but did you know what a French chemist, Louis Pasteur, discovered? He discovered and developed the cure for rabies and the process of pasteurization. William Lassell, a British astronomer discovered Neptune’s largest satellite. What can we say we’ve discovered so far in our lives? Sometimes we are afraid of new challenges or new discoveries, and we need to step out of our comfort zone, pick a dream, and make it happen. Remember when you discovered the right person that you wanted to marry? Remember when you discovered you were going to be parents for the first time? And remember, as your child grew to adulthood, all the discoveries that were made? Even now, I am not sure you can imagine all the discoveries that are waiting for you. Prayer: Our Heavenly Father, let us discover the peace and joy only you can give. Let us discover the earth we walk on and see the miracle of it. Let us discover the Heavens and see the splendor of God, our Creator. Let us discover the goodness in others with love and kindness, and always believe! Amen pumc.org

A LETTER FROM PASTOR ELIZABETH Playlist How do you listen to your music? On the radio or your iPod? Maybe you are a fan of vinyl. Back in the day you might have made a mixed-tape to be able to listen to just your favorites. Today we use our smart phones and apps to keep our playlists at our finger tips. “Playlist” is a term to describe a list of video or audio files that can be played back on a media player sequentially or in random order. In its most general form, an audio playlist is simply a list of songs. But with today’s technology and access to an almost limitless amount of music, playlists have become so much more than just a collection of favorite songs. People have playlists to power their workouts, to create just the right mood for a dinner party, and to fuel the summer road trip. And more than just music to enjoy, the songs we curate on those lists have meaning for us; tell stories we connect to; and express our hopes, dreams, desires, and hearts. In NewDay Praise Worship in October, we’ll explore some songs that might be on your playlist. Songs that encourage us in our lives of faith, that inspire us to walk more closely with Jesus, and help us praise and worship our mighty and loving God. Your playlist can do more than energize your time at the gym. Your playlist can grow your faith and guide your relationship with Serving the Children of Plainfield

Jesus. Discover the stories behind some popular, contemporary Christian songs, and let God speak to you through the music of faith in the series “Playlist”, Sundays (9:50 a.m.) in October in NewDay Praise Worship. In anticipation of “Playlist,” load these series songs on to your own personal playlist today! • 21 Guns (Green Day) • Hello, My Name Is (Matthew West) • Tell Your Heart to Beat Again (Danny Gokey) • The Altar and the Door (Casting Crowns) • The House of God Forever (Jon Foreman) In NewDay Praise Worship we seek to create a space and an experience where people who don’t know Jesus can meet him, those who do know Jesus can grow in that relationship, and everyone can find a warm welcome and a safe place to ask questions and talk about faith. I hope you’ll join us soon! Blessings,


Consecration Sunday Is Coming November 12 Congregations that approach financial stewardship from a biblical perspective do not view the money Christians give to their church merely as a way to pay its bills. Rather, such congregations see financial contributions as a way to help people grow spiritually in their relationship with God by supporting their church’s mission and ministry with a percentage of their incomes.

like followers of Jesus Christ who want to give unselfishly as an act of discipleship. New Consecration Sunday encourages people toward proportionate and systematic giving in response to the question, “What percentage of my income is God calling me to give?” During morning worship on Consecration Sunday, November 12, we are asking attendees and members to make their financial Consecration commitments to our church’s Sunday Worship and missionary, benevolent, and Celebration educational ministries in this November 12, 2017 community and around the world. 10:00 a.m. Every attendee and member who At Plainfield UMC in both completes an Estimate of Giving Classic and NewDay Praise Card does so voluntarily by attending Worship morning worship on Consecration Sunday. We urge people to attend Childcare, Children’s Activities, who feel strongly opposed to and Lunch Provided completing a card. The procedure is Rather than the home-to-home done in such a way that no one feels pledge card campaign of years’ personal embarrassment if he or she past, our congregation’s Finance chooses not to fill out a card. Committee has selected the New We will do no home solicitation to Consecration Sunday Stewardship ask people to complete cards. During Program again this year as a way morning worship our guest leader, to teach the biblical and spiritual Rev. Greg McGarvey, will conduct principles of generous giving in our stewardship education emphasis this a brief period of instruction and inspiration, climaxed by members year. making their commitments as a New Consecration Sunday is based confidential act of worship. on the biblical philosophy of the We will encourage participation in need of the giver to give for his or her Consecration Sunday events through own spiritual development, rather the Consecration Sunday Team led than on the need of the church to by Bob Milligan and PUMC’s Church receive. Instead of treating people Council members. Since we will make like members of a social club who should pay dues, we will treat people no follow-up visits to ask people 6 pumc.org

to complete their cards, we will make every effort to inform, inspire, and commit everyone to attend Consecration Sunday worship on November 12. Thanks in advance for your enthusiastic participation in Consecration Sunday events. Nikki Shoultz Church Council Chair churchcouncil@pumc.org

Small Group Call-Out

friendship, and opportunities for spiritual growth. In even a quick look at the Gospel If you’d like to find a small accounts of Jesus we see that the group to be a part of, please mark life of a follower of Jesus is not an your calendar for Friday, October independent life, but a life lived 6, 6-7:30 p.m. for a Small Group in community. Among the first Call Out. The evening will include things that Jesus did in his public ministry was gather a small group pizza, experience a few typical small group elements, and provide of people around him with whom an opportunity to join a small to do life. They traveled together, group if you like. prayed and worshiped together, served together, encouraged and Please RSVP to Pastor challenged each other, and I’m Elizabeth at egilbert@pumc.org or certain, even had fun together. 317.839.2319, ext. 244. And invite a friend to join you for this Small Life lived together with other Group Call Out! It will be a fun followers of Jesus provides evening! encouragement, support,

Serving the Children of Plainfield


Children’s Ministry Amanda Norton, Director, anorton@pumc.org

Trunk or Treat! Ready for costumes, games, candy and door prizes? PUMC’s Trunk or Treat will be held on October 28 4:306! Join us in the PUMC parking lot for some safe family fun. This is fun for all so be sure to invite your friends and neighbors! Door prizes, bounce house, cookies, and more! Want to decorate the trunk of your car and pass out candy? Create a fun fall game? We would love to have your help in making this event a huge success! Please contact Amanda Norton at anorton@pumc.org to sign up!

The Great Organ Spook-tacular Right after Trunk-or-Treat, stick around for a family-friendly performance featuring your favorite spooky music! “The Great Organ Spook-tacular” is on Saturday, October 28, 6:00 p.m. (just after Trunk-or-Treat) and features the PUMC pipe organ playing music like Harry Potter, Phantom of the Opera and others you’ll love. Ps, don’t forget to wear your costume to the FREE, one-hour concert in the sanctuary.

PUMC Weekday Children’s Program Are Back in Session! Classes are back in session in PUMC’s weekday children’s programs! We are glad to welcome and serve nearly 150 children, ages 1-grade 5, throughout each week. If you’d like to know more about these programs at PUMC, please contact Directors Sigrid Schuld (age 1-PreK) at sschuld@ pumc.org or Carissa Wooden (grades k-5) at cwooden@pumc.org or phone the church office at 317.839.2319. 8




Thank you! Dear Church Family and Friends: Thanks for being part of the auction fun whether you donated, bid on items and/or helped promote the youth auction to family and friends. With over 350 donated items, we had a great variety for bidders to choose from. Not only did we have local bidders but the auction team shipped winning items to the top bidders in over 15 states! Final figures aren’t in but your support has helped make the difference in the lives of young people on their Christian journey. Thank you so very much for your support. People had so much fun participating we’ve already been asked about next year! Watch for our SEVENTH annual auction in August, 2018. With appreciation, Pastor Bob

2017 FALL


Serving the Children of Plainfield


Worship Arts

Michael Pettry, Director, mpettry@pumc.org

Get Involved In Music The Great Organ Spook-tacular It is here! For the first time in our church’s history, we will present a pipe organ concert open to the entire family, well-suited for all ages, and featuring some spooky and entertaining music appropriate for October. Saturday, October 28, 6:00 p.m. PUMC Sanctuary The one-hour concert is free and open to all persons, tickets are not needed. The concert includes music from Phantom of the Opera, Harry Potter, the smash Broadway musical Wicked and much more. Although not a “must,” everyone is invited to wear a costume or don a favorite bit of seasonal flair. This event is offered free to the church and the community as part of the PUMC Concert Series. Thank you for your generous donations to the Concert Series to keep events like this accessible to all. 10

Do you sing? Do you ring? Do you strum? No matter the form of musicmaking that you enjoy, PUMC has multiple opportunities for you to get involved. Lynn Blosser directs the church’s bell choirs and we have opportunities for people of all ages to participate. The ensembles rehearse on Monday evenings at different times. Contact Lynn at LBlosser@pumc.org. The Praise Team sings and plays at the 9:50 New Day Praise service each week and rehearses Sunday mornings before worship. Whether you’re a singer or an instrumentalist, there is room just for you! Contact Michael Norton at MNorton@pumc. org. The Adult Choir is comprised of singers of all levels who enjoy a range of music. Singing at a rotating schedule of Classic Worship services, the ensemble is open to all people and welcomes all voice parts. Contact Michael Pettry at MPettry@pumc.org. Curious about other ways to be involved – playing a piano prelude, a flute solo, singing in a quartet, or any other form of music-making? Contact Director of Music Michael Pettry and explore possibilities for you and your family to connect with this church community through the music at PUMC. pumc.org

Pipe Organ Lessons at PUMC PUMC Organ Scholar Jaime Carini will offer pipe organ lessons this fall at the church. In addition to her service at PUMC, Jaime is a doctoral student at Indiana University studying pipe organ performance. Lessons can be 30-minutes or one hour, and likely every 3 to 4 weeks. Organ students should have prior experience playing the piano at some level. These lessons are enjoyable, and a fun way to explore PUMC’s magnificent pipe organ. Persons from both within and outside of the PUMC congregation are invited to make use of the opportunity. Contact Organ Scholar Jaime Carini at JCarini@pumc.org.

Save the Date: Hendricks Symphony Organ Concert PUMC partners with the Hendricks Symphony to present a free organ recital featuring gifted organist Kurt von Schakel. The event Sunday, October 8, 3:00 concert features a range of music and is free and open to all. Advent Organ Vespers Former PUMC organist Jerry Gillooly will present an afternoon organ recital of Advent and Christmas music in a reverent, inspiring Vespers atmosphere. Mark your calendar: Sunday, December 10, 4:00 p.m. Free and open to all.

New Adult Study

Land of the Bible: The Galilee Do you enjoy taking road trips- piling into the car with nothing but a road map and the open road in front of you? You can ride along with Mart De Haan and Jimmy DeYoung as they tour the biblical region of the Galilee in this eight-part series program. You’ll get a thorough education in the geography of this fascinating section of the Holy Land, and you’ll gain valuable insights into the biblical events that took place in the region. Enjoy the beauty of Israel, the insights of Mart and Jimmy, and the opportunity to study this important part of the world in a small-group setting. In eight Bible study lessons, you’ll gain geographic knowledge, biblical insight, and spiritual truth as we explore the Galilee together. You are invited to this eight-week, DVD-based study that Jerry Rhodes will be leading on Sundays, 9:45 a.m., beginning on October 15, in the Wesley Room (room 21). See you there! Serving the Children of Plainfield


Mission News

Ruth Ellen Stone, Committee Chair, missions@pumc.org

Family Promise Thanks to the PUMC congregation for continuing to support Family Promise. The most recent group of families included eleven children. In cooperation with Plainfield Quaker Meeting, housing for all was provided along with meals, activities, and response to other needs. A great way to show God’s Big Love. PUMC will host again during the week of Christmas Watch for details of the plans for that, including something special ones.

Bundle Em Up Cold weather is coming. Coats will be needed! The Church Federation of Plainfield, of which PUMC is a member, is sponsoring a collection of coats and other cold weather items for children and adults in this area. After October 1, please bring coats of all sizes to PUMC, as well as hats, scarves, gloves, and mittens. There will be large marked boxes to receive these donations. They will be distributed at the end of the month to those who need them. Help keep our neighbors warm!

PUMC Fall Food Drive PUMC’s Fall Food Drive will begin October 29 when grocery bags and/or lists of needed items will be distributed. Shop now to be ready to help feed the hungry in our area. Thanks for your continuing generosity in the fight against hunger. 12


CROP Walk October 15

On October 15, those who want to walk to defeat hunger will meet in Hummel Park to register at 1:30 p.m. and walk at 2 p.m. for CROP, an effort of Church World Service to feed hungry people locally and around the world. Gather your friends and family of all ages (and your dogs if desired) to meet at the park for fellowship and an opportunity to Feed the Hungry with the donations of money you have made or collected. 25% of the

Hurricane Response Needs Relief is still needed in the areas devistated by recent hurricaines. Please go to www.umcor.org/ UMCOR/Relief-Supplies the current list of supplies need. If you prefer to send money, remember, 100% of you cash donations go to those in need.

Serving the Children of Plainfield

total raised will come back to local food pantries, such as the one at St. Mark’s in Plainfield. You’ll even get a free Dilly Bar at the Dairy Queen halfway through the four mile walk. (Shorter routes are available for those who require them.) More information will be available in the PUMC lobby on Sundays Oct. 1, 8, and 15. Get a packet for collecting donations from others not planning to walk on October 15.

Volunteers Needed Eventually Specially trained volunteers will be needed in the hurricane devastated areas a. Later many others will be requested. Watch for updates in the coming months for these opportunities for service.


Encore Senior Ministries September was a busy month for those who participate in Encore. Twenty-three of us enjoyed a wonderful trip, lunch and stage play at Myers Dinner Theatre in Hillsboro, Indiana. The atmosphere was “down home” with a friendly greeting from owner Donna Myers, fantastic home cooking supervised by owner Richard Myers, great entertainment, and a well-staffed gift shop that featured jewelry, clothing, and knick-knacks. This sounds strange, but another highlight was the restrooms. Donna loves to decorate and has put time into making each bathroom fun for guests to tour. Current themes include a garden, a fishing lodge, Victorian, and Noah’s ark, just to name a few. A favorite by many though was their outhouse! This is definitely a place that Encore will keep on their “to do” list. The motto of Meyers Dinner Theater is: You may come as a guest, but we will do everything we can to make sure you leave as family! All of us agreed that they accomplished their mission! Another exciting Sept. time was when we honored long-time member, Al Barker, with an open house. After almost 58 years of being an active member and example for PUMC, Al moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he is closer to family. We so appreciated the help of Mary Winters and the United Methodist Women who prepared and served snacks, Pastor 14

Charlie for his remarks and prayer, photographers Rod Williamson and Don Sanders; but most importantly, we thank you for coming to share your love and well wishes. Al’s birthday is November 26. Cards may be sent to: The Legend Mr. Al Barker, Room 606 7902 S. Mingo Road Tulsa, OK 74133 Encore Senior Ministry’s yearly highlight was with the Young at Heart Luncheon where people found wonderful food, great entertainment and fantastic fellowship. Thanks pumc.org

to Barbara Baker for spearheading this special event. She appreciates the help of Chef Julia Berberich, Bob Nolan and other committee members: Jan Baer, Judy Bobb, Ann Garceau, Judy Karstens, Sue Nadin, and Martha Roath. Rounding out the month, Encore worked with Pastor Ken, as we sponsored another gathering at Cumberland Trace. This was a fun and hopefully meaningful time for all. If you would like to learn more about these special gatherings, please be in touch. We have a place for you and we could use your help! Call Sue Hylton at 317.839.2946 or email shylton@indy.rr.com.

Serving the Children of Plainfield

What’s next for Encore? October 17 – Leave PUMC at 11:15 a.m. – Encore travels to Strides to Success located right here in Plainfield and then we will go to lunch at Stacks. Strides to Success is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing unique learning that strengthens and develop lives. They provide this unique learning through Equine Assisted Learning. (Very interesting.) November 7 – Leave PUMC at 10 a.m. Touring the home of Benjamin Harrison (the only US elected President from IN) with PUMC’s Debbie Proctor as our guide and then lunch at Indianapolis Propylaeum which is a Victorian home that now serves as a cafe that boasts delicious food and authentic antiques. December – An evening event that you won’t want to miss. Time and date will be determined. We will go to Glick Historical Center to enjoy the Christmas lights. The first year they had this display, they had 17 Christmas trees. Last year they boasted 72 trees with each one uniquely decorated. Carolers offered beautiful music for all to enjoy. This will certainly give you the Christmas Spirit! Join the Encore group whenever you can! If you have other suggestions or questions, please submit them to Sue Hylton, shylton@ indy.rr.com. Everyone is always welcome to activities that Encore sponsors! 15

Church Council Report

Nikki Shoultz, Committee Chair, churchcouncil@pumc.org

The Church Council met for its regular monthly meeting on September 13, 2017. In addition to hearing devotions and prayer, receiving regular reports from committee chairs and lay leaders, the Council celebrated Glory Sightings, evidences of God’s work for good around us. Additionally, the Council received the following reports and made the following actions: Mary Raver reported for the Missions Committee that the following missions projects are scheduled for the fall: • Oct. 15 CROP Walk (Hunger Relief) • Oct. 15 Henderson Settlement (Mission Work Team to Appalachia) • PUMC Fall Food Drive will start the end of October • Week of Dec. 24 PUMC will host Family Promise (Hendricks Homeless Outreach) The Endowment Committee announced that they have received three grant applications. Two have been funded (2018 Adult Mission Trip from PUMC to Costa Rica and an annual Teacher Sponsorship at Madina Village School in Madina Village, Sierra Leone) and the third has been tabled for future consideration. 16

Consecration Sunday will be November 12, 2017, onsite at PUMC. Worship will be at 10:00 a.m. in both the sanctuary and the worship annex. Rev. Greg McGarvey will be the guest preacher. Lunch will follow onsite. Pastor Charlie reported on the work of the Core Values Clarification Task Force. The Church Council adopted as PUMC’s Core Values: Accepting, Creating Community, and Serving. [Find more about PUMC’s Core Values process in Pastor’s Charlie letter to the congregation in page 2 of this newsletter.] Transforming for Tomorrow The Ad Hoc Committee that has been researching and planning for parking and building upgrades and maintenance projects announced the name of this initiative is “Transforming for Tomorrow.” Next steps are: • Questions & Answers Session for all interested persons, September 24, 5 p.m., in the sanctuary, to learn more about the proposed projects and funding plans. • Church Conference, Sunday, October 1, 2 p.m., in the sanctuary. All full members of PUMC who are present at this meeting may vote on this initiative. • Complete information about these projects is available in the pumc.org

church office. Bill Edie, Finance Chair, reported that year to date, PUMC giving is strong and the balance sheet shows a positive balance. Members may request a detailed financial report in the church office. As always, questions may be directed to Council Chair, Nikki Shoultz, at churchcouncil@pumc. org. Thank you for your ongoing prayerful support of the ministry and mission of the Church Council and PUMC.

Because God Gives, We Give. Thank You for Your Generosity! Brenda Barnett, PUMC Financial Administrator, reports the following giving in July-August 2017, to ministry and mission beyond the Basic Ministry Budget. Give easily and safely online any time at pumc.org. Thank you for your generosity! PUMC Homeless Outreach: $ 925.00 Madina Village School, Sierra Leone: $ 810.00 Henderson Settlement (UM Mission in Appalachia): $ 100.00 PUMC Youth: $ 120.00 Costa Rica Adult Mission Trip: $ 48.36 PUMC Music Ministry: $ 2,165.00 PUMC Last Saturday Lunch Outreach: $ 500.00 PUMC Family Assistance Fund (direct aid to local families in need): $ 1,185.00 Family Promise of Hendricks County: $ 45.00 PUMC Memorial Gifts: $ 575.00 United Methodist Committee on Relief – Hurricane Relief: $ 305.00 PUMC Food Drive: $ 100.00 Total Giving in July-August, 2017, beyond the Basic Ministry Budget: $ 6,878.36

Serving the Children of Plainfield


In the Hospital this Past Month

Love & Sympathy

• Jim Bell • Russ Combs • Judy Smith • Mel Low • Cherie Wesley • Wanda Hopper • Gabriella Layman

• Ted Underwood and family on the death of his son-in-law. • The family of Phil Shawver on his death.

Prayer Blankets

Notes to the Congregation

• Gwen Record from Debi Kinnamon with prayers for comfort and peace during a difficult time. • Michelle Hetrick from Charlie and Donna Wilfong with prayers for healing and comfort. • Denise Rose from Debi Kinnamon with prayers for strength and hope as she is caring for her mom. • Marsha Saxman from Cherie & Joel Wesley with for healing and strength after surgery.

Dear Church Family,

Do you want to order a prayer blanket or bandanna? Prayer blankets and bandannas are tangible ways to express God’s love and give those in need comfort and support from the PUMC congregation. If you would like to order a blanket or bandanna, please contact Carol Foxworthy at cfoxworthy@att.net or 317.838.7588. Blanket: $20; Bandanna: $10. Make your check payable to PUMC and mark it Prayer Blanket Ministry.


We feel your love. We feel your prayers. We appreciate everything done in the Celebration of Bob Walters’ Life Service. He was one of a kind and is greatly missed. Peace, Teri, Taylor, Robbie, Stuart, Jordan, and Evelyn We would like to thank everyone for the cards and prayers for Russ during his recent back surgery. Also, a big thank you to Pastor Charlie. Your visit right before Russ’ surgery meant a lot. What a wonderful church family we have! Thanks! Russ & Sandy Combs


We wish to thank you for the wonderful Celebration of Life service [PUMC] provided for my brother, Tabb Webster. The service was everything we hoped for and much more! The attention to our wishes and compassion shown to us by everyone was so genuine and heart-felt. Mere words cannot express our gratitude.

Ways to Connect eNews from PUMC Visit www.pumc.org to sign-up for free weekly eNews and digital delivery of the monthly newsletter, “The Circuit Rider.” Follow PUMC on /PlainfieldUMC /NewDayPraise /PUMCBibleExplorers PUMC weekly sermons available in the Plainfield UMC App.

Blessings to all of you! Dan and Jen Webster The church helped us to have a perfect service for Tabb. Bless you all! Jane Webster and family

Bible Reading Plan available in the Plainfield UMC App.

Ways to Give Give in person in worship on ACH Sunday morning. IN-PERSON











Online at pumc.org or via ACH SecureGive on your mobile device.AUTOMATED SECURE



Phone Brenda Barnett in the Church Office to set up, 317.839.2319.


Give through the Plainfield UMC App. Get the app on your mobile device at pumc.link/getapp

Serving the Children of Plainfield


Serving the Children of Plainfield

October 2017 Plainfield United Methodist Church 600 Simmons Street Plainfield, IN 46168

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