The Patrika
sfAux dI JVI purfxy smyN qoN hI pMjfb dy lok jIvn ivwc sfAux mhIny dI ivsLysL mhwqqf rhI hY. pMjfb KyqI pRDfn iKwqf hox kfrn iewQoN df iksfn cMgyrI PLsl dI pYdfvfr leI mOsm ‘qy hI inrBr krdf irhf hY. pfxI dy kudrqI sfDn hI Aus dy mwuK isMcfeI sfDn rhy hn ijs krky iksfnF nUM ijwQy mINh ‘qy tyk rwKxI pYNdI sI, AuWQy AunHF nUM mOsm dI kropI df vI tfkrf krnf pYNdf sI. sfAux df mhInf iksfnF leI KusLhflI df Zoaf lY ky afAuNdf. rwjvIN bfrsL sfAuxI dI BrpUr Psl leI AunHF dy mnF aMdr AuqsLfh aqy Aumfh pRdfn krdI. pihlF ipMzF ivwc afm krky Gr kwcy huMdy sn ijs krky ipMzF dy lok sfAux mhIny dI afmd
qoN pihlF afpxy GrF dIaf kMDF aqy CwqF nUM qUVI nfl goeI cIkxI imwtI nfl ilwp ky sfAux dI JVI df tfkrf krn leI iqafrI kr lYNdy sn. jy ikDry sfAux cVHn ‘qy mINh nf pYx qF kuVIaF ny gwuzIaF PUk PUk ky mINh leI ardfsF krnIaF aqy bwicaF ny glIqaF ‘c nwc-nwc gfAuxf:
hn aqy ikDry koielF kUkdIaF hn:
rwbf rwbf mINh brsf, sfzI koTI dfxy pf.
peI kU-kU krdI nIN seIE, koiel hMJU zolHy
kflIaF iewtF kfly roV, mINh brsf dy jLoro jLor. jyT hfVH dI aiq dI grmI aqy lUMhdIaF loaF mgroN sfAux mhIny dIaF TMZIaF Tfr aqy mihkdIaF hvfvF vfqfvrx nUM romFick bxf idMdIaF hn. inwkI-inwkI kxI df mINh, sfAux dy Crfty aqy sfAux dIaF JVIaF pMjfb dy swiBafcfrk jIvn ivwc anUTf rM g Brdy hn. sfrf vfqfvrn nisLaf jFdf hY . DrqI mO l dI hY , bnspqI ‘qy nvF inKfr afAuNdf hY. bwdlF nUM dyK ikDry mor pYlF pfAuNdy
Friday, August 5th, 2016
suKdyv mfdpurI
rl afE seIE nIN, sBy qIaF Kyzx jfeIey hux af igaf sfvx nIN, pINGF ipwplI jf ky pfeIey
ppIhf vyKo nIN BYVf, pIaf pIaf boly lY pYlF pFdy nIN, bfgIN morF sLor mcfieaf
nwcx kwudx JUtx pINGF, vwizaF GrF dIaF jfeIaF
afh lY imwqrf kr lY KrIaF, bFkF myc nIN iKV-iKV PuwlF ny, sfnUM mfhIaf Xfd nf afeIaF krfieaf igwDF pf rhIaF nxdF qy BrjfeIaF mYN awQrU zolHF nIN, koeI sfr nf lYNdf myrI ies romFick vfqfvrx ivwc hI pMjfbxF inwkI inwkI kxIN df mINh muitafrF aMdr df hrmnipafrf qIaF df iqAuhfr afAuNdf suwqy drd jgf idMdf hY aqy Auh igwDf hY. pMjfb dIaF muitafrF ies nUM bVy cfvF pfAux leI Auqsuk ho AuWTdIaF hn. sfAux nfl AuzIkdIaF hn. ivafhIaF kuVIaF df swdf Blf kuVIaF ikAuN nf pRvfn krn: afpxy pyikaF dy Gr af ky ieh iqAuhfr sfAux mhInf idn igwDy dy, kuVIaF rl ky mnfAuNdIaF hn: afeIaF
mihMdI qF pf dy suwkxI, mfey myrIey mihMdI df rMg nIN Audfs, sfvx afieaf bfkI pMnHf 36 'qy
The Patrika
Friday, August 5th, 2016
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid
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sfhF ‘coN afeI hvf ariqMdr sMDU sfhF ‘coN afeI hvf df
ijMd dIaF kuMdrF ‘coN
hfl qF pwuCo
BtkdI afeI
ikMny hAuky lY ky afeI
ikMnf huMms DUh ilafeI
nfl qF pwuCo pI rhy soky ibrK jo afs dy aMdr ikMj sMBfly lfiraF dy
nfl qF pwuCo mn dy qpdy aMbrF nUM mINh dI bfq pf
nfl qF pwuCo
dyvy ikvyN supinaF nUM
AuzdI aMdr pqJVF dI
qfl qF pwuCo
rfK iks qrHF
mwuk jfxf eyN kdy qF
afAuNdI qy jFdI hvf dy
mYN qF sfhF ny
nfl qF pwuCo
ikAuN hvf hoeI huxy PAGE 3
The Patrika
Friday, August 5th, 2016
ieMmIgrFt kYdIaF dI vI suxo AutrIE dIaF do sB qoN vwD surwiKaf pRbMDF vflIaF jylHF ivwc 11 julfeI qoN 60 qoN vwD ieMmIgrFt kYdI BwuK hVqfl AuWqy cly af rhy hn. AuhnF dI mMg mihjL aYnI hY ik jdoN AuhnF nUM kfnUMn dI iksy Dfrf qihq cfrj nhIN kIqf igaf qF aximwQy smyN leI aiqaMq surwiKaf vflIaF jylHF ivwc ikAuN zwikaf igaf hY. Auh ieh vI mMg kr rhy hn ik pbilk syPtI mMqrI hflP guzyl af ky AuhnF dI gwl suxn. guwzyl sfihb nUM kYdI hI nhIN sgoN kYdIaF dI ishq sMBfl leI jLuMmyvfr zfktrF ivwcoN iewk zfktr imsLyl PryjLr vI icwTI ilK cwukI hY ik prvfsI njLrbMdF dI gwl suxnI cfhIdI hY. cyqy rhy ik kYnyzf ivwc sfl 2000 qoN lY ky 15 ieMmIgrysLn kYdIaF dI jylH ivwc mOq ho cwukI hY ijhnF ivwcoN 3 dI mOq ilbrl srkfr dy ipCly 9 mhIinaF dy rfj kfl ivwc hoeI hY. kYnyzf ivwc ies vkq qkrIbn 11 hjLfr qoN vwD ieMmIgRysLn kYdI hn ijhnF ivwc 300 qoN vwD bwcy hn. XUnIvristI afP torFto dI iewk stwzI muqfbk kYnyzf ivwc iekwly 2013 ivwc 7300 prvfsI njLrbMd kIqy gey ijhnF ivwcoN 60% njLrbMdIaF AuNtyrIE ivwc vfprIaF. aMqrrfsLtrI mnwuKI aiDkfrF bfry ijLafdfqr irvfieqF ieMmIgrFt kYdIaF nUM mulk dy mujrm kYdIaF nfl rwKx dy ivrwuD hn. kYnyzf AuhnF cMd ku coxvyN ivkisq mulkF ivwcoN iewk hY ijwQy ieMmIgrFt kYdIaF nUM sKLq mujrmF nfl rwiKaf jFdf hY. globl zItYnsLn pRojYkt muqfbk kYnyzf ivwc ieMmIgRFt kYdIaF bfry qswlIbKLsL jfxkfrI hfsl krnI lgBg nfmumikn hY ikAuNik iehnF nUM lokl kYdIaF nfl zwk idwqf jFdf hY. vwzI igxqI ivwc prvfsI kYdIaF nUM ibnF iksy cfrj qoN sflF bwDI jylH ivwc rwiKaf jFdf hY aqy bfad ivwc zIport kr idwqf jFdf hY. prvfsIaF dy hwkF leI kMm krn vflIaF globl zItYnsLn pRojYkt, rYz krfs, ieMz iemIgRysLn zItYNsLn intvrk vrgIaF jwQybMdIaF df iKafl hY ik aijhf krky kYnyz f afpxy aiDkfrF dy cfrtr dI AulMGxf krdf hY. PAGE 4
2006 qoN lY ky kYnyzf ivwc 90 hjLfr dy krIb prvfsIaF nUM surwiKaf eyjMsIaF vwloN PiVaf igaf hY. XUnIvristI afP torFto dy ieMtrnYsLnl ihAUmn rfeIts pRogrfm vwloN 2015 ivwc jfrI iewk irport muqfbk
prvfsIaF nUM aqIaMq surwiKaf vflIaF jylHF ivwc mujrmF nfl zwkxf jflmfnf aqy gLYrmnwuKI vrqfrf hY ijs nfl kYnyzf afpxy aMqrrfsLtrI PrjLF dI kuqfhI kr irhf hY. kYnyzIan bfrzr srivsjL eyjMsI (sI[ bI[ aYs[ ey[) aiDkfrIaF nUM iksy vI ivdysLI nfgirk aqy kYnyzf dy prmfnYNt rYjLIzYNt nUM rok ky njLrbMd krn df hwk hfsl huMdf hY, jykr AuhnF nUM jfpy ik sbMiDq ivakqI df kYnyzf ivwc dfKlf nhIN hoxf cfhIdf jF sbMiDq ivakqI jnqf leI Kqrf ho skdf hY, sbMiDq prvfsI afpxI pihcfx sfbq krn ivwc asPl irhf hY. Aus ivakqI nUM vI njLrbMd kIqf jf skdf hY ijs bfry bfrzr eyjMsI nUM sLwk hovy ik Ausny mnwuKI aiDkfrF jF aMqrrfsLtrI aiDkfrF dI AulMGxf kIqI ho skdI hY. aijhy kuJ hor vI kfrx hn ijhnF nUM afm krky pRsLfsink kfrxF dI pRIBfsLf ivwc rwiKaf jFdf hY. prvfsIaf dy aiDkfrF leI kMm krn vflIaF jQybMdIaF df dosL hY ik pRsLfsink kfrxF krky njLrbMd kIqy ivakqIaF nUM ibnF cfrj kIqy 90 idn qoN vwD njLrbMd rwKxf AuhnF dy mnwuKI aiDkfrF dI iswDI AulMGxf hY. ilbrl srkfr Ku d nU M prvfsI pw K I sdvfAux ivwc mfx mihsUs krdI hY lyikn iesdy pbilk syPtI mMqrI BwuK hVqfl AuWqy bYTy njLrbMdf nUMimlx qwk leI iqafr nhIN hn. gwl isrP BwuK hVqfl AuWqy bYTy njLrbMdF dI nhIN sgoN smwucy isstm ivwc drusqI dI hY. hVqfl qF smwisaf vwl mihjL iewk sMkyq hY. ieh shI smF hY ik srkfr isstm ivwc pfeIaF jFdIaF KfmIaF nUM dUr krky prvfsI kYdIaF dy mnwuKI aiDkfrF nUM bhfl kry.
The Patrika Patrika The
Friday, August December Friday, 5th,25th, 20162015
gurU qyg bhfdr aflmI wKI aiDkfrF ihlyjIrIdIkilM tnmnukry gI nUM dyx
nOvIN pfqÈfhI gurU qyg bhfdr (1621-1675) vwloN idwqy gey blIdfn nUM BfrqI mwDkflI ieiqhfs ‘c invyklf sQfn hfsl hY. AunHfˆ amrIkI trpqI vwloN iqMn rfsL sfQIafˆ BfeI mqI dfs, BfeI sqI dfsdyaqy ahu leI BfeI zYmokidafl ryitk dfs nfl idwlI ivwc nvMbr 1675 M idwqI geI kurbfnI nUM iswKfˆ pfrtI dy AumnUIdvfr dy nfl-nfl pU r I kOm ihlyrI kilMtn ny adb qy siqkfr nfl Xfd krdI hYY. mugl hkUmq dy julmfˆ iKlfÌ afpxy irpbilkn afvfË bulMd krn aqy ÈhIdI pRfpq krn dy ivroDI zonlz trMp nUM mMqv ipCly asl qy Aucycy arQfˆ bfry ajy grm imjLaiDaY fj dwsnidaF qwk shI nhIN kIqf igaf aqy nf hI ik i kK pqorN Go mifKaf x U igaf hY. ipCly kuJ shIh fpirpy hiQafrF nkHF fˆ bfry aflmI aMdolnfˆ dhfikafˆ nU qoMN lY mnukywKAu I hw ‘qy nhINhuxkIqf dy AuBro Bfrsfnfl sfnUM mhfn gurU dI ÈhIdI ipCly AuWc hYmfnvI dy arQfˆ dI Koj jf skdf . ihlyaiDkfrfˆ rI krn df mO k f imilaf hY . (68) ny amrIkf
hwkfˆ dI rfKI leI ztx df PYslf krky gurU jI ny afpxy ivcfrDfrk ivroDIafˆ dy hwkfˆ dI rfKI dI hfmI BrI. ivcfrDfrk ivroDIafˆ dI rwiKaf leI AunHfˆ nUM afpxI kurbfnI dyxI peI.
mukfblf trMp df
pRmnu qwIKIafpxy njLnUrM Iey aiDkfrfˆ do nËrIafˆ nfl dyiKaf nUjfˆM py trF dfshYL kridaF - shfiekvojfˆ kfnUMnI phuMc aqy suBfivk Mc. pihlI nUphu M ikhf ik mulqrH k fˆ nUdIM phuMc dOrfn mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ ,nUihM M ku isafsI tIicafˆ arQcfry sfJaqy aiqvfd dI cunUxM Oqhfsl I df krn leI hiQafr vjo N vriqaf jfˆ d f hY sfhmxf krnf pY irhf hY aqy hux PLYsaqy lf mnu hwkfˆ hYdI. AurfKI smyˆ lY xwKdII GVI nHF zYbfry mokrYcrcf itk Aukrdy mIdvfr iPrkUvfd Puwt pYˆdf hY. iPrkU soc pnpx df vjoN afpxI nfmjLdgI nUM svIkfr kridaF nqIjf ieh huMdf hY ik mnuwKI hwkfˆ dy rKvfly ikhf ku J , qfkqF k nU M qo Vaqy nf afpxy ik BfeIcfry afpxI kOmuml , ivcfrDfrf cfhu MdIaFsihXo hn gpr ienH qfkqF isafsI Iafˆiekju dy hwQwtTohokky y bx ky Frih jfˆdy nUhn. M mfq . amrIkI kF hwdidw qfˆqAuI djf oN hoskdI jfˆdI hYhYjdo N ies soc lo qihq nUiksy M Auivro nHF Dikhf ikwKAu h aijhfdIarQcfrf I dy mnu I aiDkfrfˆ AulMGxf nUM axgoix laf kr ‘c idwqhry f jfˆkdnU f MhYruj jfˆLgivro DIafˆgdy bxfAu gy ijs fr imly f mnuwKnPL I hwrkqfˆ dI df ivro Dq hoxhoe lwyg dfnhYHF . aqy ‘qyrfKI ipafr dI ijw gI.pYˆAu ikhf Aulhtiksy Drm pfbMdI mnu nhINwKI ies ik dy Au suBvI fivk phu‘qy Mc qihq Ll fAu x gy aqy sfry amrIkIaF nfl iml aiDkfrfˆ dI ibnfˆ iksy BydBfv dy kdr kIqI jfˆdkMI mhY. krngy Auh Bfvyqyˆ afpxy hox jfˆmul ivro I Kymy ky BfeIvfl kFDnfl dy . ies so c dI dlIl hY ik mnu w K ho x dy aiqvfd nUM hrfAux leI lVngy. Aunfqy nHF sfry iensfn ivÈyÈshwLnkfˆ sudyDhw kdfr ieh ivafpk iemIgry frF df hn. vfadf phuMc mnuwKikhf I hwkfˆik dI ies srv nfl ivafpkqf dI Dfrnf kridaF arQcfry df nUM jnm idMdI hY, ijs qihq nsl, Drm, kOm, ivkfs hoeygf aqy pirvfr iekwTy rihxgy.
mnuwKI ieiqhfs aijhIafˆ keI imsflfˆ nfl Biraf hoieaf hY ijwQy lokfˆ ny afpxy BfeIcfry, kOm jfˆ ivcfrDfrf leI jfnfˆ vfrIafˆ. afpxy ihwqfˆ qoN AuWpr AuWT ky aijhy lokfˆ ny nYiqk kfblIaq df pRdrÈn kIqf pr gurU qyg bhfdr jI ny afpxy ivcfrDfrk ivroDIafˆ dy hwkfˆ dI rwiKaf leI afpxI kurbfnI dy ky ijs nYiqk-rUhfnI bulMdI nUM Coihaf, Aus dI imsfl mnuwKI ieiqhfs ‘c ikqy nhIN imldI. ies leI gurU qyg bhfdr jI nUM mnuwKI hwkfˆ dI bRihmMzI ivcfrDfrf dy moZIafˆ ‘coN iek igixaf jf skdf hY. gurU qyg bhfdr jI dy lfimsfl blIdfn nUM dyKidafˆ aflmI mnuwKI aiDkfr sMsQfvfˆ vI Au nHfˆ nUM afpxy moQ ZIafˆ ivwcoN ieksYdf amrIkf dI pR m mihlf, nytdrjf r aqydy rhIafˆ hn. ivdy s L mM q rI rhI ihly r I kilM t n ny
afpxIaF njLrFmnuwKI vfeItaiDkfr hfAUs ‘qy gwz lMzn afDfrq jQybMdI idwqIaF AuÈnnl HF trM jIaF amnY stI hn. ieMtrnY ny pgurdIaF U qyg Dwbhfdr jI nMU smnunUwKM I CohwtkIfˆ so dIcmhw nfl AuzdI fAuÈhIdI NidaF Au dfqqf mflk jo V ky Au s bfry ivcfr-vtfˆ d rf vI kIqf sI. krfr idwqf jo vrkrF dy dm ‘qy amIr amnY stIhYieM bixaf . trnYÈnl Aus smyˆ mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ dy ivÈv-ivafpI aYlfnnfmy dI 50vIN jYaMqI ihly rI ny ikhf, nlz trM afKdf bfry hY, mO ky aflmI mnuwKI“zo aiDkfrfˆ dy pieiqhfs iek ikqfb iqafr rhIssI. jQybMdsI [vwnUlM oN mYN jnrlF qoN vwD krvf afeI[aY [afeI[aY ies pRfjYhF ktpr df zo Aun dlz yÈ hryaijhf k sdI nhIN ‘c mnu jfxdf hYwK. IquhwskINfˆ dy alMbrdfrfˆ sI..”ies ieslfimk stydIt pCfx nUM nhINkrnf jfxdy Aunikqfb HF dosL df isrly K ‘id lO N g mfrc tU PrIzm` sIbaqy lfieaf ik 70 virHaF df vwzf kfro frI ies ‘c 17vIN sdI dy pMj AuWGy mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ amrIkIaF nUM vMzxf cfhuMdf hY. trMp vwloN dy rfiKafˆ ‘c gurU qyg bhfdr jI df nfm vI irpbilkn svyr qo(1617N hnyry Èfml hY. bfkIpfrtI cfrfˆ ‘cnUMjOswhjnrI illbrn vwl DwjOkhxn df sL lfAuNidaF AuivlIam nHF ikhf pYikWn 57), lOkdo(1632-1704), rfsL t rpqI Au h ho x f cfhIdf hY , jo mrdF (1644-1718) aqy voltyar (1694-1778) aqy mihlfvF df siqkfr krdf hovy jo hn. ilMg jfˆ ivcfrDfrf df koeI sQfn nhIN huMdf. Èfml afpxIaF jfnF KLqry ‘c pfAuNdy hn. gurU qyg bhfdr jI dI ÈhIdI iesy aMqrIvI ku J ivcfrvfn gurU qyg bhfdr sfihb dI soc nUM qfkq bKÈdI hY aqy nfl hI mnuwKI Èhfdq nUM ihMdU Drm dI rfKI Kfqr idwqI hwkfˆ dI srv ivafpk Dfrnf nUM bl idMdI hY. kurbfnI dsdy hn. iesy leI ‘ihMd dI cfdr`
kYlgrI dy 11 sflF bwcy dI lfsL imlI
gurU jI vwbI[sI[: loN afpxfXoblIdfn dyl x dypfrk PYsly ipCly PIlz, ho nYsLn ivwc kfrnfˆ Au W q y Jfq mfrnf ËrU r I hY . kÈmIrI ndI ivwc izwg ky zuwbx kfrn 11 sfl dy pMizqfˆ (bRfhmxfˆ) nUM Aus smyˆ dy mugl bfdÈfh bwcy dI mOq ho geI hY. pfrkjL kYnyzf dI aOrMgËyb dy julmfˆ df sfhmxf krnf pY irhf qrjL mfnAulIjL kihxfmMhYgx ik afey 11 sI aqy h gufrpflsn U jI qoN df shfieqf qysn. 9 Au sflf bw c y bIqy sL u w k rvfr nU M nihr dy h ies afs nfl gurU jI kol afey sn iknfry KyzÈKsIaq rhy sn vjo ik N doAuvnyNHfˆacfnk ik rUhfnI df aihmiPsl ruqbf ky nihr ivw c izw g gey . pr hI mOjUdnUM hY aqy ivcolf bx ky aqy mugnylVy bfdÈfh Au nHF dyky 14 qydivwfrcoN nykwZqyxgy jLI . nfl smJf Aunsflf Hfˆ nUM muirsL sIbq asIN smJ ik kÈmIrI pMizqfˆ vwloN gubwrc U jI inw ky bwskdy cy nUhfˆ M PVH ilaf pr 11 sflf f dI hmfieq lY x df PY s lf Au n H f ˆ leI bhu q Iafˆ pfxI dy qyjL vhfa ivwc ruVH igaf.
muÈklfˆ Biraf irhf hovygf. ieh sfry cMgI qrHfˆ jfxdy sn ik iswK Drm dy moZI gurU nfnk sn aqy AunHfˆ ny smfj qy siBafcfr ivwc jfqI pRQf df KuwlH ky ivroD kIqf sI. AunHfˆ dIafˆ iswiKafvfˆ bRfhmxvfdI soc nUM nkfrdIafˆ sn. iswK Drm ny lMipMgdr,rsMKY gr qfaqy dI pRky QfNdrfhIN smfijk (ru rUppMI)gqsrI rI pM jfbI aqy Dfrimk brfbrI nU M Au q Èfhq kIqf. ies lyKk sBf AuWqrI amrIkf vwloN 6 agsq, rfhIN AunHfˆ CUqCfq dI burfeI nUM BMizaf, ijs dI 2016 idn sinwcrvfr nMU srI ivKy bfad bRfhmxvfdI soc dy DfrnI vkflq krdy sn. duiswpKihr 2 dIafˆ qoN 5 vjy irhfkrky hY. Drm ienHfkrvfieaf ˆ sfrIafˆ iswijf Kafvfˆ ies ivsLbRysfhmx L smfgm qihq qO nfmvr kÈmIrI ivcfrDfrk r ‘qy guly rK U qykg bhfdr jI dy ivroDI sn. bRfhmxfˆ dy Dfrimk
Èbd vrqy jfˆdy hn. gurU jI dy blIdfn dI pflsn ny dwisaf ik Gbrfey hoey pirvfrk aijhI ivafiKaf AunHfˆ dy bRihmMzI nËrIey nUM mYiNb rF nyx Qo y nU iewk Cu tafAu vfˆVgHI hYdU. rjyIkAu rWqkoy ehI I ihMbwdcU hu kMmrfn, vfrI lw B vI ilaf qy rfhgIrF ny afpxI musilm pRjf AuWqy julm Zfh irhf huvI Mdf Au s nU M lBfAu x ivw c mdd kIqI pr Au h qfˆ gurU jI ny AudoN vI afpxf afpf vfrn dy rfh du b frf njL r nhIN afieaf. pflsn ies hI qurnf sI. AunHfˆ dI Èhfdq ipwCy jo sMklp sI, Au h iksy DrmsLn ivÈy qwk sImq sI. Bfl iehI src afpry dIÈkmFzr sInhIN qy ieh qw AunHfˆ dIsvy Èhfdq M vwlDI.mhfn bxfAu hY. mMQglvfr r qwknUcw bwcy dI lfsLNdf13
iklom Itr dIqodU rl I Au Xoho qy ikikM hOrcOsk iesy nËrIey N idw I dyWqyieiqhfsk cfˆg dnI ndIaF dy jM k sL n vflI QF Au W q y imlI. ijs Qfˆ ‘qy ies mhfn gurU df sIs Auqfiraf igaf sI, siQq gurduafrf sIs gMj sihb nUM isrP iswKfˆ jfˆ ihMdUafˆ leI aihm Dfrimk asQfn nhIN mMinaf jfxf cfhIdf. ies asQfn nUM qfˆ ivÈv ivafpI mnuwKI aiDkfr lihr dy qIrQ asQfn df drjf idwqf jfxf cfhIdf hY. ieh kdm mhfn gurU dI gYr-sMprdfiek qy sLifhmM hgIr isMGhwigw iqMnx nUikqfbF bR zI mfnvI kfˆ lvflydIaF idRÈtIko M mfnqf qy dyr nflryqcuwidykaf, (sLakIdq msLIr, sLdybxd vwdIl afrqI, GrONdpr y) aiqaM q Zu k vfˆ kdm ho v y g f. irlIjL kIqIaF jfxgIaF. sB sfihq
kyNdrI pMjfbI lyKk sBf vwloN ikqfb irlIjL smfgm 6 agsq nUM
M ies smfgm krn -pRymlyIaF K knUafksPo r z bruivwkcs isL XUr nkq IvristI, leI KuwlrHfzsw(XU df [idw . afksPo ky [q)f jFdf ivw c hY ieknfimks df pRoPYsr hY.
The Patrika
Friday, August 5th, 2016
he Liberal government is holding supplemental hearings in an attempt to make up for the acknowledged deficiencies in the National Energy Board Process regarding the Kinder Morgan pipeline proposal from Alberta to Canada’s west coast. As stated in the previous report, each week we are providing an on-going scorecard and update for these public meetings. SCORECARD All Hearings to date (as of 8/2/16): THOSE OPPOSED: 84.2% For: 19, Against: 101 Attendees: 251+ Hearings by city: July 19th, 20th - Kamloops, BC: Local Government Roundtables For: 5, Against: 20 Attendees: 86 July 21st - Chilliwack, BC: Public Town Hall For: 3, Against: 20 Attendees: 75 July 26th - Abbotsford, BC: NGO Roundtable For: 2, Against: 15 Attendees: 35 July 27th, 28th - Langley, BC: Public Town Hall; Local Government, ENGO, and Labour and economic roundtables
“Building more pipelines and meeting our Paris Commitments to reduce fossil fuels are absolutely in contradiction.” said Dr. Carl Jensen, Abbotsford Resident “Prime Minister Trudeau has stated his priority is to repair relations with First Nations. He needs to live up to that commitment and not allow this company with a horrible track record of betrayal, lie, and violation of UN Human Rights build a pipeline.” said Dawn Wright, Abbotsford resident “We feel this process has failed us... it’s done absolutely nothing to address [our rights].” said Tumia Knott, Kwantlen First Nation “Here are two pipeline facts: the pipeline will leak, and the detection systems will fail.” said John Evanachko, local Langley resident “The financial and environmental risk of the pipeline will be paid by the Canadian taxpayer, and only Kinder Morgan will gain the profits.” said Jonathan Stevens, Abbotsford resident We are providing this information to you directly as the government is not providing ongoing documentation of these hearings. “The Trudeau government said they wanted to hear from the public and the public is increasingly saying ‘No.’ At every meeting, around 80 percent of people oppose the Kinder Morgan pipeline. One thing is clear: this pipeline will never be built,” said Karen Mahon, Stand Director. For more information contact:
For: 9, Against: 46
Karen Mahon 604 836 5992
Attendees: Unconfirmed
Sven Biggs 778 882 8354
Friday, August 5th, 2016
The Patrika
Prudent actions mean 10 Year Rates Plan on track B.C. has among the lowest rates in North America
C Hydro today confirmed its revenue requirements with the BC Utilities Commission, applying for electricity rates for the 2017, 2018 and 2019 fiscal years, consistent with the 10 Year Rates Plan announced in November 2013. “A lot has changed since the 2013 10 Year Rates Plan was introduced. Many of our industrial customers are facing declining prices for the commodities they produce, which means $3.5 billion less revenue for BC Hydro over that period,” said Jessica McDonald, President and CEO, BC Hydro. “In preparing this application, we had a choice: instead of passing those issues onto our customers, we gave careful thought to new measures to reduce our costs even further so we could stick to our plan to ensure low and predictable rates.” BC Hydro has taken several actions to reduce costs, including:
• developing a debt management strategy to lock-in low interest rates; • limiting base operating cost increases to an average of 1.2 per cent per year; • re-prioritizing capital projects to reduce expenditures by about $380 million over the next three years; • reducing the cost of conservation programs to an average of $22 per megawatt hour; • renewing contracts with independent power producers at prices less than what they are currently paid, recognizing that those producers have typically recovered most of their capital costs over their original contract terms. In February, BC Hydro delayed filing a three-year revenue requirements application and instead asked the Commission for an interim rate increase
for fiscal 2017 of four per cent, which came into effect April 1. The extra time allowed BC Hydro to update its load forecast to reflect developments in the mining and liquefied natural gas sectors. The application contains a fully updated load forecast which shows that while growth has slowed in the near-term, BC Hydro is expecting significant long-term load growth across all customer classes. “We have a growing population and a growing economy. Our updated long-term projections indicate that demand for power will increase by 39 per cent over the next 20 years,” added McDonald. BC Hydro is investing, on average, $2 billion a year, to upgrade aging assets and build new infrastructure so that British Columbia’s electricity system remains affordable, reliable and clean for the long-term. This includes building the Site C Clean Energy Project
and installing a new unit at the Revelstoke generating station – two projects that are critical to providing the firm capacity required to meet growing demand for power. Without these two projects, British Columbia would face a capacity deficit of almost 10 per cent within the next 10 years. Even with the current rate increases, BC Hydro’s rates remain among the lowest in North America. In fact, the average family pays about twice as much for their TV, internet and phone services than they do for electricity. The four per cent rate increase for fiscal 2017 means an additional: • $4.65 per month for a family of four living in a single-family detached home, • $1.37 per month for a single person living in an apartment, or • $2.88 per month for a couple living in a townhouse.
The Patrika
jIvn df qohPf, aMgF df dfn aMg dfn qoN Bfv hY iksy ijAUNdy jF mr cwuky ivakqI duafrf iksy loVvMd jIvq ivakqI/ro g I dI jfn bcfAu x vfsqy afpxy srIr dy aMgF jF qMqUaF df dfn krnf. aMg dyx vfly ivakqI dI mYzIkl ihstrI muqfibk Aus dy qMdrusq aMg apRysLn duafrf kwZ ley jFdy hn. ies nUM ‘afrgn hfrvYsitMg’ ikhf jFdf hY. mnwuK qNo mnwuK nUM lgfey jfx vfly aMg-bdlx nUM ‘aYlo tRFsplFt’ qy iksy jfnvr qoN mnwuK nUM lgfey jfx nfly aMg-bdlx nUM ‘jLIno tRFsplFt’ ikhf jFdf hY aqy jy iewk ivakqI df koeI qMqU ijvyN (cmVI, lwq jF bFh qoN lfh ky Ausy ivakqI nUM iksy hor jgHf ‘qy lgfieaf jfvy qF Aus nUM ‘afto logs tRFsplFt’ ikhf jFdf hY. iewk anumfn muqfibk Bfrq ivwc 20 lwK gurdy(ikznIaF) qy 10,000 ijgrF(ilvr) dI jLrUrq hY pr ies vyly isrPL do qoN iqMn PLIsdI hI AuplwbD huMdy hn. iewk hor aMkVy anusfr 90,000 BfrqIaF dI sVk durGtnfvF ivwc mOq huMdI hY ijnHF ‘coN 40 PLIsdI ‘bRyn zYWz’ ho jFdy hn. jy lokF ivwc shI rUp ivwc jfgrUkqf hovy qF
Friday, August 5th, 2016
zf[mnjIq isMG bwl
sVk hfdisaF ivwc aijhy ‘bRyn zYWz’ ivakqIaF dy aMg iml jfx nfl qkrIbn 50 PLIsdI jLrUrq pUrI ho skdI hY. aMg-dfnI dI ishq qMdrusq hovy qF aMg dfn krn dI Aumr dI koeI hwd nhIN, iewQoN qwk ik 70-80 sfl dy ivakqIaF dy aMg vI vrqy jf skdy hn. mfihr zfktr KLud ieh PYLslf lYNdy hn ik ikhVf aMg jF qMqU vriqaf jf skdf hY. aMg hfsl krn vfilaF dI AuzIk-sUcI ivwc sB qoN vwD gurdf(ikznI), idl, ijgr qy PyPVy hfsl krn vfly huMdy hn. iewk aMgdfnI dy aMgF nfl bhuq sfry lfBpfqrIaF nUM Pfiedf pwuj skdf hY ijvyN iewkoN ivakqI dy do gurdy, ijgr, do PyPVy, idl, CotI aMqVI, lblbf(pYNkrIafs) cmVI aqy hwzIaF afid hfrvYst kr (lY) ky jLrUrqmMdF nUM lgfey jFdy hn. kuuJ hor qMqU ijvyN do awKF df sfhmxy vflf pfrdrsLI ihwsf Bfv ik kornIaf jF sLIsf (pUrI awK nhIN bdlI jf skdI), idl df vflv, pwiTaF dy tYNzn qy kfrtIlyj vI aMg dfn
vjoN vrqy jFdy hn. aMg dfnI afpxI mrjLI hY ik Bfv ik idmfg iblkwul mr cwukf hY jF sihmqI nfl ijhVy aMg jF qMqU cfhy qy bfkI sfry aMg (vYNtIlytr nfl) kMm kr dfn kr skdf hY. rhy hn; qy hux Auh ivakqI iblkwul TIk nhIN ho skdf qF Aus dy vfrsF jF mfipaF aMg dfn dIaF iksmF: duafrf aMg-dfn df PLYslf lYx qoN bfad bRyn zYWQ qoN bfad: vDyry aMg bRyn-zYWQ qoN lfB-pfqrIaF dI AuzIk sUcI vfilaF nfl bfad hI ley jFdy hn. isr dI swt jF mYicMg kIqI jFdI hY. EnI dyr vYNtIlytr idmfg dI rsOlI kfrn jdoN mfihr zfktrF ‘qy ‘ijLMdf lfsL’ vFg pey ivakqI dy sfry dIaF vwK-vwK tImF PLYslf krky aYlfn kr aMgF dI kfrgujLfrI cYWk krn leI sfry idMdIaF hn ik ivakqI dI bRYn zYWQ ho cuwkI tYst kIqy jFdy hn. iksy hor qrHF dI
Friday, August 5th, 2016
ienPYksLn qoN bcfAux leI ivsLysL Auprfly (afiesolysLn) kIqy jFdy hn. jdoN idl shI slfmq DVk irhf hovy qF bfkI aMg kwZx qwk AunHF nUM shI mfqrf ivwc KUn dI splfeI qy afksIjn imldI rihMdI hY. so DVkdy idl vfly aMg dfnI dy aMg, lfBpfqrI ivakqI dy aMdr sPlqfpUrvk kMm krdy rihMdy hn. kfrzIak (idl) zYWQ qoN bfad: jdoN iksy ivakqI dI hfdsy ivwc, isr dI swt, jLKLmF/swtF nfl jF ientYNisv kyar XUint(afeI[sI[XU[) ivwc acfnk mOq ho jfvy qF jy Aus ny afpxy jIvn dOrfn aMg dfn krn sbMDI PLYslf ilaf hoieaf hovy qy Aus dy kol ‘zonrkfrz’ hovy qF idl dI DVkx bMd hox dy kuJ imMtF dy aMdr-aMdr hI Aus dy aMg lY ley jFdy hn ikAuNik kuJ dyr bfad KLUn aqy afksIjn dI kmI kfrn ieh aMg iksy kMm dy nhIN rihMdy.
The Patrika
aMg bKLsLy hoey hn. srIr dy vfsqy iewk gurdf hI kfPLI huMdf hY.
nYWtvrk’ jF ‘mohn’ qy ‘jLYz tI[sI[sI[ arQfq jLonl tRFsplFt ko-afrzInysLn sYNtr jo ies qrHF dI jfgrUkqf PYlfAux leI kMm kr rhIaF hn. mnuwKI aMgF dy dfn sbMDI Bfrq srkfr iewk nvF kfnUMn bxfAux leI KrVf iqafr kr rhI hY ijs ivwc ishq mMqrfly dI slfh anusfr, ijhVf ivakqI zrfeIivMg lfeIsYNs vfsqy ibnY-pwqr dyvygf, Aus nUM ieh pwuiCaf jfvygf ik kI Auh durGtnf dOrfn ‘bRyn zYz’ hox ‘qy aMg dfn vfsqy hfmI Brdf hY. ijLafdfqr lokF nUM ies gwl df pqf hI nhIN hY. ies leI zrfeIivMg lfeIsYNs vfsqy ibnY-pwqr ivwc ieh sqrF sLfiml krn nfl ies sbMDI jfgrUkqf vI vDygI qy aMg(afrgn) vI AuplwbD ho skxgy. ijMnI dyr zrfeIivMg lfeIsYNs vflIaF lfeInF aml ivwc nhIN afAuNdIaF, EnI dyr ‘zonr-kfrz’ bxf ky jyb ivwc rwKy jf skdy hn ik hfdsf ho jfx dI sUrq ivwc iksy aMg lfB-pfqrI dI jfn bcfAux vfsqy myry ieh-ieh aMg lY(hfrvYst kr) ley jfx.
ies vyly Bfrq ivwc aijhy isrPL 120 kyNdr hI hn ijwQy aMg-bdlx kIqf jf skdf hY. afpxy dysL ivwc aMD-ivsLvfsF dI vI Brmfr hY ijvy ik mOq qoN bfad bMdy ny iPr iesy jfmy ivwc afAuxf hY jF ivakqI ny iksy hor jUn ivwc pYxf hY qy aMg dfn krn nfl sMskfr vyly Aus df srIr mukMml nhIN hovygf. iewk cMgI gwl vI hY ik ieslfm, ihMdU-iswK, eIsfeI qy hor DrmF ivwc aMg dfn krn dI ikqy vI mnfhI nhIN hY blik sfry DrmF duafrf ies nUM puMn vflf kMm smiJaf jFdf hY, pr mfVI gwl ieh hY ik aMg-dfn sbMDI cyqMnqf dI bhuq Gft hY. jy asIN afpxy bfry hI socxI ik rwb nf kry sfzf koeI ipafrf, durGtnf ivc ‘bRyn zYWQ’ ho jfvy qF asIN iksy jLrUrqmMd ivakqI vfsqy jIvq ivakqI duafrf aMg dfn: afm Aus dy aMg dfn krn bfry socdy hF? ies krky pirvfr dy mYNbr (mfpy, DIaF-pwuqr, df iewko-iewk hwl hY ik aMg-dfn bfry lokF mfsI, BUaf, pqnI jF pqI) hI aijhy aMg nUM jfgrUk kIqf jfvy. supr spYsLilst (ijvyN gurdf jF ijgr) dfn idMdy hn. bhuq zfktrF qy aMg-bdlx ishq kyNdrF dI aMg dfn jfgrUkqf kfrn hux keI lok nyVly dosq vI ies qrHF dy aMg-dfn krdy bhulqf hovy qF vwD qoN vwD lok afpxy ivsLysL krky cyqMn lok KLUn dfn, aMg dfn hn; ies vfsqy sKLq kfnUMnI pRxflI ivwcoN jF afpxy irsLqydfrF dy aMg-dfn vfsqy qy zfktrI iswiKaf vfsqy srIr dfn leI dI gujLrnf pYNdf hY qF ik aMgF dI KLrIdosfhmxy afAuxgy. sfhmxy af rhy hn. pMjfb dy srkfrI ProKq nf ho sky. gurdf dfn qoN bfad dfnI nUM iksy vI qrHF dI smwisaf nhIN muMbeI ivwc kuJ svY-syvI sMsQfvF hn mY z Ikl kfljF ivw c slfnf qkrIbn afAuNdI ikAuNik kudrq ny sfnUM loV qoN vwD ijvyN ‘mltIpl aOrgn hfrvYsirtMg eyz 12 qoN 15 srIr dfn vjoN afAuNdy hn jo
PAGE 9 ividafrQIaF dI pVHfeI leI vrqy jFdy hn. afrgn hfrvYsitMg aqy AunHF nUM tRFsplFt krn vfly zfktrF qy nrisjL dI tIm dy mYNbr vI bhuq hI mfihr huMdy hn. aijhIaF gwlF ivwc koeI qrk nhIN huMdf ik irsLqydfrF jF twbr dI ilKq sihmqI qoN ibnF aMg kwZy jFdy hn. lfBpfqrIaF nfl pUrI mYicMg krn leI bVy guMJldfr qy mihMgy tYst krny pYNdy hn ijnHF ‘qy bhuq vkq lgdf hY. ieMnI muhfrq rwKx vflI tIm aMg dfn krn bfry hokf vI nhIN idMdI, ieh kMm smfj-syvI sMsQfvF krdIaF hn. aijhI tIm duafrf pihlF hI sLok qy gLm ivwcoN gujLr rhy lokF nUM pRysLfn krn bfry socxf vI gLlq hY. jy aMg-dfnI jF Aus dy irsLqydfrF vwloN koeI ilKLq rjLfmMdI nf hovy qF koeI vI aMg nhIN kwZ skdf. aMgdfn vfsqy iksy nUM mjbUr vI nhIN kIqf jFdf. mwudf qF iksy dI ijLMdgI bcfAux df hY iksy nUM Tys phuMcfAux df nhIN. keI vfr qF ieh vI suixaf igaf hY ik pihlF idwqI hoeI sihmqI dy bfvjUd iksy kfrn krky aMg nf ley jfx qF dfnI/irsLqydfr mfXUs ho jFdy hn. ies ivsLy sbMDI afm jnqf nUM hor vI bhuq sfrI jfxkfrI AuplwbD krfAux dI jLrUrq hY. loV anusfr aMg bdlx leI keI kImqI jfnF bcfeIaF jf skdIaF hn.
The Patrika
gLjL l
Friday, August 5th, 2016
zf[ mIq KtVf
Drq dy husn nUM, koeI bfrUd nf iCVky,
axK vMgfry af, abdflI jF cMgyjL kdy,
AuWg nf pYx ikqy qopF, sMgInF qy golIaF.
inkly mrjIviVaF dIaF bMnH bMnH tolIaF.
soc nf ivgV jfvy, ikrq dy rfhIaF koloN,
BIVF jdoN pYx kdy, lokqf dy isr AuWqy,
ikAuN aYNvy nPLrq dIaF, jLihrF qusIN GolIaF.
Kyzdy hF iml sBy, asIN KUn dIaF holIaF.
dysL dI aKMzqf nUM, nf njLr lwgy gLYrF dI,
ivcfrf gLrIb BwuKf, qrsy nf rotI qfeIN,
BfeI hF asIN sfry, qy vwK boldy hF bolIaF.
hIr afjLfdI KLfqr, Byjdy hF zolIaF.
imhnqF musLwkqF nfl, aMn dfqy dysL dy,
iesLk dy imjLfj qfeIN, hkIkI dy rfj qfeIN,
mnwuKqf dy Bly KLfqr Br idMdy JolIaF.
pMjfb dy afsLkF ny, gl pf leIaF ZolIaF. nf mwuikaf hnyrf ajy, kflI bolI rfq KVHI, cfnxF ‘c jIx dIaF, kdy socF qusIN qolIaF? pYsy dI lfr izwgy, jobnF dy ny lUsy rMg, cFdI idaF iCwlVF ny, lwtu leIaF BolIaF. iKLdrfxy dI Zfb cwup, ikMnf vwzf hoieaf duwK, afpixaF dy hwQoN hI ny, pwqF geIaF rolIaF. ivhiVaF dI suMn jry, mF mr mr hAuky Bry, nf drF dI AuzIk mwukI, awKF Br Br zolHIaF. qy drdF df mfrf mIq, gl nfl lfvy af ky, kfimaF dI ikrq dIaF, nf gwlF kry polIaF.
Friday, August 5th, 2016
The Patrika
mMjLl vl nMU jfeI jf igafn isMG kotlI isKr dupihry sLok dI grmI,
afpxI AuWcI ihMmq dyKIN,
ZihMdf cfr cuPyr nf dyKIN.
qwk ky lihMdI sUrj itwkI,
AuWcy Zyr sumyr nf dyKIN.
AuWdm hIly isdk vsIly,
aYvyN awQr kyr nf dyKIN.
pwujdy qoV ny afiKr EhI,
gihrF nMU rusnfeI rwKdy,
aOJoV rfhF ibKVy pYNzy,
ihMmq nMU prnfey ijHVy,
mMjLl kihMdy tuiraF dI hY,
suMny Gor cuigrdy aMdr,
Cwz ky ikDry isdk abUrI,
bih ky bhuqI dyr nf dyKIN.
mMjLl vl nMU jfeI jf, ikDry aMq avyr nf dyKIN. JwKV JFjf mINh hnyHrI, ikDry nyHr svyr nsf dyKIN. pIVF dI prCfeIN turdI, nfly turdy pYrIN Cfly, ibKry pwQr toey itwby, ikDry bulH atyr nf dyKIN. dunIaF dy ny Gr bQyry, cwkr-ivAU dy Pyr bQyry, syD ky apYr TIk insLfnf, muV ky zulHy byr nf dyKIN. sFB suafrIN rihMdy iqxky, prlo dI afPfq dy ivcoN, sihmIN dyK nf afhF ZfhF, sInf ivMnHdI lyr nf dyKIN afs AuzfrI ikrnf dI hY, cfvF ny rusLnfey supny, srGI soc Aujflf kihMdy, ipwCy muV ky Pyr nf dyKIN. son-svyry rIJ dI lflI,
The Patrika
Friday, August 5th, 2016
julfeI 20 qoN julfeI 24 qwk kYlgrI ivKy KyzI geI aMzr 16 PIlz hfkI nYsLnl cYpIanisLp ivwc bI[sI[ dI muMizaF dI tIm ny pihlf sQfn hfsl kIqf, ijs ivwc bhuigxqI pMjfbI iKzfrIaF dI sI. ies tIm ivwc cfr iKzfrI aYbtsPorz dy sn. ijnHF dy nF ies pRkfr hn, mnvIr isMG Jwmt, gOrv agnIhoqrI, Xuvrfj isMG brfV aqy sumIq isMG kulfr. mnvIr isMG Jwmt aqy hrvIr mwlI tUrnfmYNt dy bYst igafrF iKzfrIaF ivwc cuxy gey.
The Patrika
Friday, August 5th, 2016
pMjfb srkfr vwloN sI[bI[afeI[ gTn krn dy arQ ipCly kuJ smyN qoN keI mhwqvpUrn kysF nUM vI hwl krn ivwc asPl rihx dy dosLF ivwc iGrI pMjfb srkfr ny afKLr jurmF dI jFc-pVqfl dy kfrj leI vwKrI ‘pMjfb ibAUro afP ienvYstIgysLn’(pIbIafeI) bxfAux df PYslf ilaf hY. vwKry kfzr qihq sQfpq kIqI jfx vflI ies ibAUro ivwc vwK-vwK ivisLaF dy mfihrF nUM sLfml krn dI ivvsQf kIqI geI hY qF jo jurmF dI hr pwK qoN zUMGI jFc-pVqfl krky iksy Tos nqIky ‘qy phuMicaf jf sky. ieh ibAUro kqlF, aOrqF qy bwicaF AuWqy jLulmF, sfeIbr, afriQk qy sMgiTq aprfDF smyq mnwuKI qskrI dy kysF smyq hor mhwqvpUrn kysF dI jFc krygI. ies mMqv leI 5000 dy krIb nvIaF asfmIaF isrj ky AunHF ‘qy BrqI krn dy nfl-nfl vwK-vwK jurmF dI jFc leI ivsLysL tImF giTq kIqIaF jfxgIaF. zfierYktr-km-vDIk zfierYktr jnrl pulIs dI agvfeI hyT kfiem kIqI jf rhI pIbIafeI df Gyrf sb-izvIjLn qwk hovygf.
dwsxXog hY ik sfl 1996 ivwc pulIs dy do syvfmukq zfierYktr jnrlF pRkfsL isMG aqy aYWn[ky[isMG ny suprIm kort ivwc iewk jnihwq ptIsLn dfier krky pulIs suDfrF leI guhfr lfeI sI. 2006 ivwc suprIm kort ny ies ptIsLn df inptfrf kridaF kyNdr srkfr aqy sfrIaF sUbf srkfrF nUM pulIsqMqr nUM isafsI dKLlaMdfjLI qoN mukq krn leI sUbf sikAuirtI kimsLn bxfAux, zfierYktr jnrl dI mYirt anusfr inXukqI krn, pulIs aiDkfrIaF dI iewk sQfn ‘qy inXukqI dI imafd Gwto-Gwt do sfl XkInI bxfAux, jFc aqy amn kfnUMn bxfeI rwKx dy kfrjF nUM alwg-alwg krn, bdlIaF, inXukqIaF, qrwkIaF aqy hor syvf mfmilaF ivwc pfrdrsLqf ilafAux leI pulIs aYstYbilsLmYNt borz bxfAux, pulIs isLkfieq invfrn aQfrtI kfiem krn aqy kOmI surwiKaf kimsLn bxfAux sbMDI swq idsLf-inrdysL jfrI kIqy sn. aPsos dI gwl ieh hY ik pMjfb srkfr ny iewk dhfky bfad vI ienHF ivwcoN isrPL iewk pMjfb srkfr vwloN pIbIafeI df gTn, inrdysL vwKrI pIbIafeI bxfAux AuWqy hux drasl, pulIs suDfrF sbMDI suprIm aml krn df PYslf ilaf hY jdoNik bfkI kort vwloN dhfkf pihlF jfrI kIqy gey pMjF bfry hfly vI nf kyvl cuwp hI sfDI idsLf-inrdysLF qihq hI kIqf jf irhf hY. hoeI hY. ijLkrXog hY ik mOjUdf akflI-
Bfjpf srkfr ny pRbMDkI aqy mfl ivBfg ansufr dhfikaF qoN cly af rhy pulIs QfixaF dI ivDfn sBf hlikaF anusfr BMnqoV krky pulIs pRsLfsn ivwc isafsI dKLlaMdfjLI ies kdr vDf idwqI hY ik Qfxf muKI cuxy hoey jnqk numfieMidaF dy hI nhIN, blik swqfDfrI iDr vwloN afpMU Qfpy hlkf ieMcfrjF dy vI gulfm bx ky rih gey hn. ies siQqI ivwc pulIs vwloN inrpwKqf nfl jFc-pVqfl krn dI afs nhIN rwKI jf skdI. ieMnf hI nhIN, sUbfeI pulIs muKI dI inXukqI qoN lY ky QfixaF qwk dy ieMcfrjF dIaF bdlIaF aqy inXukqIaF ivwc isafsI dKLlaMdfjLI BfrU ho cwukI hY.
ivrwuD vDIkIaF aqy nisLaF dI qskrI df vD irhf vrqfrf pulIs Pors ivwc vD cwukI isafsI dKLlaMdfjLI df iswtf hI mMinaf jf irhf hY. jykr pMjfb srkfr vwloN suprIm kort dy idsLf-inrdysLF dI hux qwk shI ZMg nfl pflxf kIqI geI huMdI qF sLfied sUby ivwc amn-kfnUMn dI ieh qrsXog hflq nf huMdI. vwKrI jFc ibAUro bxfAuxI drusq kdm hY pr ijMnf icr pulIs pRbMD ivwcoN byloVI isafsI dKLlaMdfjLI nUM KLqm nhIN kIqf jFdf. Enf mhwqvpUrn kysF dI jFc df iksy qx- icr ieh ibAUro vI loVINdy nqIjy dyx ivwc pwqx nf lwgxf, vD rhy gYNgstr gYNg, sPl nhIN ho skygI. lwutF-KohF dIaF vfrdfqF ivwc vfDf, aOrqF
The Patrika
Friday, August 5th, 2016
WARNING: LETHAL DRUGS CONTINUE TO CIRCULATE IN FRASER HEALTH Overdose Strategy Update Fraser Health continues to see overdoses in our emergency departments resulting from people who use illicit drugs, including opioids. While the administration of naloxone has reversed the effects of some of these overdoses, tragically one person has died at Surrey Memorial Hospital. There have also been additional suspected deaths across the region since the recent spike in overdoses in Surrey. “It is important to note that these individuals include not only people who use drugs regularly but also those who use drugs on a recreational basis. In addition, people report taking a variety of drugs including but not limited to heroin, crack cocaine, cocaine, amphetamines, ecstasy and GHB,” said Dr. Victoria Lee, chief medical health officer. “At this time, we are warning people that all drugs may be contaminated with lethal substances.” Since the recent spike in overdoses, we have distributed more than 250 naloxone kits in Surrey. These kits have
been distributed at Surrey Memorial Hospital, opioid substitution therapy clinics, on the street and through our community partners. All 12 Fraser Health emergency departments are registered to distribute naloxone and eight of these are actively issuing kits. The remainder will begin distributing kits in the coming weeks as take-home naloxone supplies are received by our sites. Since the weekend of July 15, when we saw 43 overdoses between Friday and Monday, we have seen an average of three overdoses per day at Surrey Memorial Hospital. Today, we are posting a social media kit, including photos (see attached examples) and social media posts, to our overdose hub and distributing the kit to our community stakeholders to help disseminate this information to the public. In the coming weeks, we will distribute posters in various community locations including transit stops, bars and restaurants. The posters will accompany an ongoing social media awareness campaign targeting the various types of people who use drugs,
their families and friends. To people who use drugs, and to their friends and families: • If you are using drugs, do testers and go slow. • If you are using drugs, have a buddy you can trust with you who is sober, able to recognize the signs of an overdose, and willing to call for medical help if you need it. • If you are using drugs alone, tell someone before you use, leave the door unlocked and have someone check on you. • If you are using drugs, we strongly advise you not to mix multiple substances, including alcohol. Mixing opioids with downers or opioids with uppers puts you at higher risk of overdose.
Fraser Health will continue to increase the number of take-home naloxone kits available to people who use drugs, their families and supporters. The aim of these kits is to provide people who use opioids with an opportunity to prevent an overdose and reduce harm in emergency situations. The public health emergency called on April 14th by British Columbia’s chief medical health officer, Dr. Perry Kendall, remains in effect. Yesterday, Premier Christy Clark announced a newly-formed Joint Task Force on Overdose Response headed by Dr. Kendall and Clayton Pecknold, director of police services.
Friday, August 5th, 2016
o d a y, t h e Pr ime Minister, Justin Trudeau, announced a new process for appointing Supreme Court of Canada Justices that is open, transparent, and sets a higher standard for accountability.
The Patrika
Prime Minister announces new Supreme Court of Canada judicial appointments process
Under the new process, an independent and non-partisan Advisory Board has been given the task of identifying suitable candidates who are jurists of the highest caliber, functionally bilingual, and representative of the diversity of our great country. For the first time, any qualified Canadian lawyer or judge may apply for appointment to the Supreme Court of
To enhance transparency, the assessment criteria guiding the Advisory Board, the questionnaire that all applicants must answer, and certain answers provided to the questionnaire by the Prime Minister’s eventual nominee, will all be made public. The Minister of Justice and the chair of the Advisory Board will appear before Parliament to discuss the selection process. A number of Members
of Parliament and Senators – from all parties – will also have the opportunity to take part in a Q&A session with the eventual nominee, before she or he is appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada. Fundamentally, this process will demonstrate a degree of rigor and responsibility that Canadians expect from their government.
Canada through the Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs. The seven-member Advisory Board, chaired by former Prime Minister Kim Campbell, includes four members nominated by independent professional organizations. The Advisory Board will review candidates who apply and will submit a shortlist of three to five individuals for consideration by the Prime Minister.
The Patrika
mfxhfnI mukwdmy aqy cox rfjnIqI iksy ny slfh idwqI jF afpy kys kr idwqf, ieh vwKrf ivsLf hY, pr pMjfb dy kYbint mMqrI ibkrm isMG mjITIaf vwloN idwlI dy mwuK mMqrI qy afm afdmI pfrtI dy muKI arivMd kyjrIvfl dy iKlfPL kIqy gey mfx-hfnI kys ny pMjfb dI cox-jMg nUM iewk nvIN ptVI cfVH idwqf hY. ies kys qoN pihlF ijhVy llkfry pMjfb pRdysL kFgrs df pRDfn kYptn amirMdr isMG mfrdf huMdf sI ik cox ijwqx ipwCoN mYN ibkrm isMG mjITIey nUM jylH ByjFgf, Auh llkfry hux kyjrIvfl mfrdf qy amirMdr isMG rwb awgy ieh duaf krdf suxdf hY ik coxF ivwc kyjrIvfl dI pfrtI zwub jfvy. isafsI Kyqr ivwc ies vyly pMjfb dy do vwzy mhFrQI pRkfsL isMG bfdl qy kYptn amirMdr isMG smJy jFdy sn. hux ienHF dovF leI BfsLxF df mwuK mwudf arivMd kyjrIvfl bx igaf hY aqy dovF dy BfsLxF ivwc ipCly idnF dIaF surF qoN mfVf pRBfv ipaf hY. mwuK mMqrI bfdl ny lokF nUM ieh imhxf dyxf sLurU kr idwqf hY ik ipClI vfrI qusIN BdOV ivDfn sBf sIt aqy sMgrUr qy aMimRqsr dIaF lok sBf sItF qoN glq bMdy ijqf idwqy sn. lok ies ivwcoN iKJ not krdy sn. afm afdmI pfrtI dI
byVI zobx leI amirMdr isMG dI rwb awgy jodVI vI Esy qrHF df pRBfv dy rhI hY. clMq hPqy ivwc bhuq vwzI Kbr bixaf mjITIaf-kyjrIvfl kys iewko mfmlf nhIN sI, ijs ivwc iksy AuWqy iksy ny mfx-hfnI df dfavf kIqf hY. iPr vI ieh vwzf ho igaf. arivMd kyjrIvfl dy ivrwuD kyNdrI KLjLfnf mMqrI arux jyqlI vflf mfx-hfnI kys vI ies hPqy adflqI kfrvfeI df ihwsf bixaf hY, pr Auh bhuqf cricq nhIN hoieaf. iewk kys hor ies hPqy crcf ivwc afieaf, ijhVf iewk afr[aYWs[aYWs vrkr ny kFgrs dy mIq pRDfn rfhul gFDI dy iKlfPL kIqf hoieaf sI. mfx-hfnI df Auh kys bVy icr df cwldf ipaf sI, pr kdy crcf ivwc nhIN sI afieaf. hux EdoN cricq hoieaf, jdoN mwudf suprIm kort ivwc igaf qy dysL dI sB qoN vwzI adflq ny rfhul nUM afr[aYWs[aYWs koloN ‘muafPI mMgx jF kys df sfhmxf krn’ ivwcoN koeI iewk rfh cuxn leI ikhf. ies gwl nUM bhuq pRcfiraf igaf ik suprIm kort ny rfhul gFDI nUM afr[aYWs[aYWs koloN muafPI mMgx nUM kih idwqf hY, pr asl khfxI ies pRcfr dy EhlyN lukvIN rih geI. clMq hPLqy iewk hor mfx-hfnI kys vI crcf ivwc afieaf, pr Kfs cricq nhIN hoieaf, hflFik Aus
Friday, August 5th, 2016
jiqMdr pnUM
dI crcf iksy vI hor kys qoN vwD hoxI cfhIdI sI. Auh kys qfimlnfzU nfl sMbMDq hY. pihlI gw l ieh jfx lY x I cfhIdI hY ik suprIm kort vwloN rfhul gFDI nUM khI gwl nUM asl siQqI df Ehlf rwK ky aPvfh vFg pRcfiraf igaf hY. mfx-hfnI df kys hovy jF koeI hor iksm df, adflq ivwc ijs ivakqI dy iKlfP hY, Aus nUM jFdy sfr pihlF ieho pwuiCaf jFdf hY ik Auh dosLF nUM mMndf hY jF nhIN? kuJ lok ies mOky afpxy AuWqy lfey gey dosL mMndy qy iekbflIaf ibafn ipwCoN sjLf ivwc Cot mMgdy hn, pr bhuqy kysF ivwc ieh gwl khI jFdI hY ik dosL glq hn qy kfnUMnI lVfeI lVI jfvygI. rfhul gFDI df vI ieho mfmlf sI. ijhVy kys dI gwl cwldI sI, Auh mhfrfsLtr dy iewk afr[aYWs[aYWs[ vrkr ny kIqf sI qy ies df afDfr ieh bxfieaf sI ik rfhul gFDI ny afr[aYWs[aYWs AuWqy mhfqmf gFDI nUM kql krfAux df dosL lfieaf hY. rfhul gFDI ny hfeIkort nUM
dwisaf ik ieh gwl nhIN khI sI, isrP eynf ikhf sI ik afr[aYWs[aYWs[ nfl juVy lokF ny gFDI df kql kIqf sI. ieh gwl iewk hwd qwk shI hY. nfQU rfm gOzsy bfad ivwc BfvyN afr[aYWs[aYWs qoN vwK ho igaf dwisaf jFdf hY, pihlF Auh afr[aYWs[aYWs[
Friday, August 5th, 2016
The Patrika
nfl juiVaf irhf sI. rfhul gFDI ny mMg kIqI sI ik Aus dy iKlfP kIqf igfaf kys rwd kr idwqf jfvy. hfeI kort ny ieh bynqI nf mMnI qF Auh suprIm kort clf igaf qy suprIm kort ny iewk pysLI mOky Auho muwZ vflI gwl kih idwqI ik kys cwlx qoN nhIN roikaf jf skdf, Auh lwgy hoey dosL mMny qy muafPI mMg ky gwl mukf skdf hY jF iPr kys lVn leI iqafr hovy. ies nUM eydF bdilaf igaf ik rfhul nUM suprIm kort ny afr[aYWs[aYWs koloN muafPI mMgx nUM kih idwqf hY. aglI pysLI mOky siQqI iewk vwKrf moV lY geI.
vrkr ivcfly cw l df hY , mhfrfsL t r srkfr df vkIl ies ivwc nhIN bol skdf. mhfrfsLtr ivwc Bfjpf dI agvfeI vflI srkfr hY qy Aus dI pulIs ny sQfnk jwj dy kihx AuWqy rfhul gFDI dy iKlfP ijhVI jFc dI kfrvfeI kIqI hovygI, ies mwudy qoN Aus bfry vI ikMqU AuWBr pYxgy aqy rfhul gFDI nUM afr[aYWs[aYWs koloN muafPI mMgx vflI gwl hux rOly ivwc rul jfxI hY. aglI pysLI jdoN suprIm kort ivwc hovygI, Aus vyly qwk ies kys ivwc keI nukqy inkl afAuxgy. lwgdf hY ik aMq nUM ies kys df pfsf hI plt skdf hY.
ijhVf nvF moV afieaf, Auh rfhul gFDI jF Aus dy vkIlF ny nhIN ilaFdf, kort ivwc iewk jwj sfihb ny ieh nukqf cwuk ilaf ik ies kys ivwc ijs jwj ny mwuZlI suxvfeI kIqI, Aus ny kys dI jFc leI puls koloN mdd ikAuN leI? ieh bVf jfiejL nukqf sI. jdoN kys do iDrF ivcfly huMdf hY, ijvyN ibkrm isMG mjITIaF qy arivMd kyjrIvfl ivcfly hY, Aus dy qwQF dI jFc leI puls nUM nhIN ikhf jf skdf. pihlF ieh gwl axgOlI rhI sI. suprIm kort dy jwj ny jdoN puls jFc df mwudf PiVaf qF mhFrfsLtr srkfr df vkIl bolx lwgf qy ies AuWqy vI bihs BK peI ik kys do ivakqIaF rfhul gFDI aqy afr[aYWs[aYWs
hux afeIey Aus qfimlnfzU vfly mfxhfnI kys vwl. suprIm kort ies kys dI suxvfeI dy vkq kfPI sKLq ruK ivwc idKfeI idwqI hY. ieh kys qfimlnfzU dy iewk klfkfr joVy dy iKlfP hY, ijnHF ny qfimlnfzU dI srkfr AuWqy iBRsLtfcfr dy dosL lfey sn aqy rfj srkfr kihMdI hY ik ies qrHF srkfr aqy mwuK mMqrI dI mfxhfnI kIqI geI hY. mwuK mMqrI jYlilqf nUM adflq qoN do vfrI iBRsLtfcfr dy kysF ivwc sjLf hoeI, do vfrI Aus nUM ies sjLf kfrn mwuK mMqrI df ahudf Cwzxf ipaf qy dovyN vfr AuWprlI adflq qoN Auh bfad ivwc brI ho geI sI. Auh ieh gwl kdy mMnx nUM iqafr nhIN ik Aus dy rfj ivwc iBRsLtfcfr
hoieaf sI jF hux huMdf hY, iesy leI jdoN koeI ieh gwl kihMdf hY ik qfimlnfzU srkfr dy aMdr iBRsLtfcfr hY qF ies nUM jYlilqf afpxI mfx-hfnI smJdI hY. Aus klfkfr joVy leI qfimlnfzU ivwc rihxf vI aOKf kr idwqf igaf sI. suprIm kort ny ies mfmly ivwc srkfr AuWqy iBRsLtfcfr dy dosL lfAux nUM mfx-hfnI krnf nhIN mMinaf, sgoN ieh afiKaf hY ik awj-kwlH mfx-hfnI dykys rfjnIqI df iewk hiQafr bxI jf rhy hn. suprIm kort ny qfimlnfzU srkfr nUM hdfieq kIqI hY ik aglI suxvfeI vyly qfimlnfzU ivwc bxy ies qrHF dy sfry kysF dI bfkfiedf sUcI pysL kIqI jfvy. ieh Kfs hukm hY. suprIm kort dy kol igaf ieho kys mfx-hfnI qy rfjnIqI dy sMbMDF ivwc ieho ijhf mIl pwQr ho skdf hY, ijs dI sB qoN vwD crcf hoxI cfhIdI hY qy sfzy pfsy bhuq Gwt hoeI hY. afKr nUM ieho hoxf sI. suprIm kort TIk kihM d I hY . aw j -kw l H mfx-hfnI ky s rfjnIqI df hiQafr bxn lw g y hn. rfjnIqI nUM rfjnIqI dy Kyqr ivwc nijwTxf cfhIdf hY. rfjsI dUsLxbfjLI koeI nvIN gwl nhIN. sfZy nON sfl pihlF jdoN amirMdr isMG dy rfj df Bog pYx vflf smF afieaf sI, EdoN akflI dl ny
PAGE 17 pUry sPLy dy iesLiqhfr jfrI kIqy aqy kuJ lokF dIaf Poto AunHF ivwc CfpIaF sn ik ieh sfry iBRsLt hn, sfzI srkfr bxn ipwCoN ienHF dy rYx-bsyry jylHF ivwc bxngy. akflI dl coxF ijwq igaf aqy lok ieh AuzIk krdy rhy ik iBRsLt lokF nUM jylH ivwc Byijaf jfvygf, pr aml ivwc lgBg sfry iBRsLt afgU aqy aiDkfrI iPr akflI mMqrIaF nfl sFJ pf ky purfxf DMdf krn lwgy sn. akflI dl dy iesLiqhfrF ivwc pMjfb df iewk bVf sInIar aPsr hmysLf huMdf sI qy sfiraF qoN vwD iBRsLt ikhf jFdf sI Aus nUM pMjfb dI srkfrI msLInrI df muKI bxf idwqf igaf. keI iBRsLt afgU qy kFgrsI ivDfiek vI akflI dl ivwc afx imly sn. hr Xuwg ivwc aqy hr dysL ivwc hr srkfr bfry lok ieh gwl kihMdy huMdy hn ik srkfr dy aMdr iBRsLtfcfr hY, qy isrP aMdr nhIN, bfhr smfj ivwc vI ieh iBRsLtfcfr PYlf rhI hY. pMjfb dI ies vyly dI srkfr bfry jy koeI afKdf hY qF Aus dy afKy qoN lokF ny nhIN mMnxf, inwq df jIvn gujLfridaF ijwdF df qjrbf huMdf hY, Aus df asr mMnxf huMdf hY. coxF rfjsI phuMc qy lokF mUhry pysL kIqy jfx vfly BivwK nksLy dy afDfr AuWqy hoxIaF hn, afm lok ieho ijhy mfx-hfnI dy kysF dI kfrvfeI pVH ky votF pfAux awj qwk kdy gey nhIN qy ies vfrI jfxy nhIN.
The Patrika
Friday, August 5th, 2016
Saint Soldier Announced as Jam in Jubilee’s FVMA Performer
nfluential South Asian Hip Hop Artist to Help Kick off Abbotsford Festival
sponsored slot on August 4th, Jam in Jubilee recently announced that the Fraser Valley Music Award’s 2016. Orga(FVMA) 2016 Best Hip Hop artist, Saint Soldier, will fill its FVMAnizers are saying that the groundbreaking South Asian hip hop artist is the The Patrika Friday, December 11th, 2015 PAGEperform27 ideal er to help kick cont’d from page 23 off the popular have,” FVBIA executive director two stages. In the first stage, $10,000 free community festival. Carol Paetkau said. “Thank you to the Government of British Columbia for recognizing the value of communitybased services for this population.”
“The expansion of the programs being offered will make a huge difference in our community,” Abbotsford South MLA Darryl Plecas said. “A brain injury can happen at any moment and change a life forever. This investment will touch many lives.”
was provided to each of B.C.’s 16 community-based, non-profit braininjury service providers to help with operational costs.
In the second stage, brain-injury organizations in B.C. receive funding based on applications for programs specific to their needs. These organizations run programs and services to help reduce the incidence of injury or directly help those affected by brain “I’m happy to hear that thanks to this injuries. funding, the Fraser Valley Brain Injury Pictured: Abbotsford South MLA Association will be able to provide Darryl Plecas, Abbotsford-Mission new programs throughout the region,” MLA Simon Gibson, and Chilliwack Abbotsford West MLA Michael de MLA John Martin congratulate Carol Jong said. “The hard work they con- Paetkau, FVBIA executive director tinue to do will improve the lives of (left), Joy Scoobie, FVBIA program those impacted by a brain injury.” facilitator (middle) and FVBIA clients In May, the government provided $3 Mary-Ann Kostelyk, Laura Solomon, million in funding over three years to Paulette Roussy, John Oltuis, and the Brain Injury Alliance which has Bernie Wiens for expanding their sucdistributed funding to organizations in cessful programs.
“Saint Solider is a great example of the type of artist our festival loves to share with the community,” said Jam in Jubilee Director Jennifer TrithardtTufts. “He makes great music and he’s also involved in the spoken word community. He’s doing exciting things and sharing important messages in Abbotsford.”
follow each evening in the park. The “After Dark” series will feature local electronic, dance, and pop-oriented acts, as well as local DJs. For the past seven years, members of a youth-oriented group called the Jam In Jubilee Committee have donated thousands of hours of their time to planning and executing the festival. The Committee’s focus on procuring the Fraser Valley’s most exciting indie music talent for its main-stage has endeared the community event to its 15-35 year old demographic. The youth-focused yet family-friendly concert series is unique in Abbotsford. CIVIL Radio organized and hosted the first-ever Fraser Valley Music Awards this past year. The event’s mandate is to celebrate local arts and culture and provide resources and support for local musicians.
The Jam in Jubilee Summer Concert To find out more or volunteer, visit Series, a free event featuring local and regional talent, is slated to run for four Thursday nights in Jubilee Schedule: Park, beginning on August 4th, 2015. The evenings start at 6 p.m. with an August 4: Saint Soldier; Western art market and craft beer service, fol- Jaguar; Alex Rake; (and for the After lowed by music and entertainment at 7 Dark Series) DJ Johnny K, followed p.m. The series takes place in Jubilee by Herokah & DJ RAV3N Park, in downtown Abbotsford in the August 11: Lonesome Town Painters; area of South Fraser Way and McCal- Adrian Teacher and the Subs; Julie lum Road. Finally, the “After Dark Doiron; (and for the After Dark Series) Series,” a concert at Townhall Public DJ Sonja, followed by Kristin Witko House (33720 South Fraser Way) will August 18: Kin; Jenny Banai; Poison Corn; (and for the After Dark Series) DJ Joel Sojonky, followed by Dove August 25: Chicken-Like Birds; Sylvia Platters; Atodaso; (and for the After Dark Series) DJ Simon Bridgefoot, followed by Teen Daze Founded in 2010, Jam in Jubilee (formerly known as Jammin’ in Jubilee) carries on the live music tradition started by the Abbotsford Downtown Business Association (ADBA) in 2004. Jam in Jubilee was adopted by the Jam in Jubilee Committee, a mélange of young people in Abbotsford dedicated to local music, business, culture, and art. The Jam in Jubilee Summer Concert Series stages live music and an arts and crafts market in Abbotsford’s Jubilee Park each Thursday night for four nights in August. For More Information: Check out Like us on Facebook ( Follow us on Twitter (@JaminJubilee) Admire our Instagram (JaminJubilee)
Friday, August 5th, 2016
The Patrika
Nothing Certain in BC Except Death, Taxes & Foreign Investment This commentary first ran in The Province on July 28, 2016. It is available for other outlets to pick up. It was a bleak time for the Vancouver middle class. Money was pouring into the red hot housing market from Asian investors and pricing everyday people out of the market. The premier heard their cries. Flashing a trademark grin, the premier announced a major tax increase. “Foreign investors, many speculatively, [are] driving up home prices beyond the reach of British Columbians,” the premier explained. “These people paid no tax and most [have] never paid a BC tax of any kind … these welcome newcomers should also contribute to the needs of the province and this should be done through some sort of ‘property transfer tax.’” No, this wasn’t Christy Clark on July 25, 2016. This was 1987. And the smiling premier was Bill Vander Zalm. Those quotes, pulled from Vander Zalm’s two books written long before the current real estate boom, remind us of how these problems keep coming back. The property transfer tax was originally created to apply only to the top five per cent of properties. But that luxury tax, under the watch of both NDP and Liberal governments, quickly became a tax on everyone. Clark’s new foreign investor tax is riddled with loopholes. It doesn’t address the problem of the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program, which allows foreign millionaires to buy their way into Canadian permanent residency status. Any investor with a family member with permanent residence or citizenship could simply buy property through them. In Australia, a similar tax was hamstrung by numbered companies and other creative dodges. Even if it does work, it could simply move these investors to Victoria, Nanaimo, Kelowna, Whistler or Fraser Valley estates, driving up home prices for people there. Targeted taxes, as we saw with Vander Zalm’s 1980s property transfer tax, often become everyone taxes. Moreover, you can bet wealthy investors will use their cadre of lawyers, ac-
countants and tax experts to find ways around it. In response, government will try and close those loopholes. This will inevitably cause the tax to spread to other people. The bureaucracy will grow and the government will become dependent on whatever revenue it does manage to catch. And housing will still be out of reach for many families. The BC Liberals’ housing plan ignores a major hurdle to making homes more affordable: supply. This week’s announcement doesn’t speed up municipal bureaucracy, which is currently choking three-and-half years’ worth of construction starts. Nor does it force mayors and councils to look at their ridiculous housing tax regimes. In fact, it makes it even worse. By going along with Mayor Gregor Robertson’s ill-conceived vacancy tax (another key piece of the plan announced by Clark), the BC Liberals have ensured Vancouver property taxpayers will be on the hook for collecting an expensive, unworkable tax. Trying to prove people don’t live somewhere will force Vancouver to grow its bureaucracy. Today, if you believe polls, these tax measures have public support. There’s no tax quite as popular as a tax on someone else. But will the people still be on board once the bills come in for collecting the Vancouver vacancy tax, or when the foreign investment tax has to morph to catch the money coming into the country? Or if housing prices are unaffected? Or if housing prices plunge and Canadian homeowners owe more than their home is worth? No doubt, some years from now, some other smiling premier will try another tax to protect British Columbians from skyrocketing housing prices. In BC, the more things change, the more things stay the same.
The Patrika
sMkt dy dOr ‘coN gujLr irhf hY pMjfbI smfj smfj ivwc byrujLgfrI ivkrfl rUp aKLiqafr kr geI hY, nisLaF dI smwisaf nfl Gr brbfd ho rhy hn, ibmfrIaF df pRkop vD irhf hY,DrqI hyTlf pfxI hr sfl hor zUMGf ho irhf hY.lVfeIaF-JgVy, lwutmfr dIaF GtnfvF lgfqfr vD rhIaF hn. mfVI afriQkqf aqy krijLaF dy BMny lok afqm-hwiqafvF kr rhy hn. mfnisk ivkfr vD rhy hn. qyjLI nfl gMDly ho rhy vfqfvrx smyq keI smwisafvF hn, jo ies vyly sfzy smfj nUM drpysL hn. XUnfn df pRiswD dfrsLink hrkulIks kihMdf hY qusIN iewk ndI ivwc dubfrf pYr nhIN pf skdy. dUjI vfr jdoN pYr pfEgy ndI bdl cwukI hovygI. iesy qrHF iksy vI smfj df swiBafcfr lgfqr qyjLI nfl bdldf vrqfrf hY. qknIkI ivkfs ivwc hoey ienklfb nfl mnwuK dI vrqoN dIaF cIjLF bVI qyjLI nfl bdlIaF hn. vsqF df bdlfa mnwuKI ivhfr nUM vI EnI hI qyjLI nfl qbdIl krdf hY. qbdIlI dy ies vrqfry nUM jykr asIN pMjfbI smfj dy sMdrB ivwc vyKIey qF iewQy hry, icwty ienklfb aqy ies qoN bfad dy dOr nUM vwzIaF qbdIlIaF df dOr ikhf jf skdf hY, ijs nfl pMjfbI lokF df rihx-sihx, suBfa, Kfx-pIx aqy rsmF irvfj bVI
qyjLI nfl qbdIl hoey. KyqI dy sMd aqy ies nfl juVy kMmkfj, afvfjfeI dy sfDn, ivafh-sLfdIaF dy rsmo-irvfj, iek ikrsfn aqy Gr ivwc kMm krdI suafxI dy ruJyvyN afid sB kuJ Bfrq dy dUjy sUibaF dy mukfbly qyjLI nfl qbdIl hoieaf. pMjfbI smfj df ieh Kfsf irhf hY ik pMjfb dy lok sKLLq Gflxf Gflx vfly imhnqI lokF vjoN jfxy jFdy sn. dUijaF pRqI snyh, moh-muhwbq aqy sbr-sMqoK vflf jIvn ijAUx nUM qrjIh idMdy rhy hn. pr awj mMzI dIaF munfPLf btorU nIqIaF nUM ies kdr hfvI kr idwqf igaf hY ik smfj dI bhuigxqI df ivhfr bfjLfrmwuKI ho ky rih igaf hY. ikrq krnf pMjfbI smfj df Kfsf mMinaf jFdf sI, ies nUM awj pMjfb dy lok ivsfr gey hn. srkfrF dI KyqI pRqI byruKLI ny iksfnF dI aOlfd nUM KyqI qoN tflf vwtx leI mjbUr kr idwqf hY. shfiek DMidaF aqy CotIaF snawqF pRqI vI srkfrF df rvweIaf koeI bhuqf vDIaf nhIN irhf. srkfrI nOkrIaF leI dr drvfjLy AuNJ hI lgpg bMd kr idwqy gey hn. pVHy-ilKy byrujLgfr nOjvfnF dI igxqI hr sfl vD rhI hY. pMjfb dy pVHyilKy nOjvfnF nUM iewQy afpxf BivwK DuMdlf njLr afAux lwgf hY. Auh bfhrly mulkF
ivwc pVHfeI leI jfx aqy AuWQoN dy vsnIk bxn dIkoisLsL krn ivwc afpxI BlfeI smJx lwg pey hn. sImq sfDnF dy huMidaF sB lok aijhf nhIN kr skdy. pVH rhy aqy pVHy-ilKy ividafrQI/nOjuafnF leI bVf vwzf sMkt ieh KVHf ho igaf hY ik ies DrqI ‘qy AunHF df BivwK kI hovygf. awj hr Kyqr ivwc bfjLfrU qfkqF ny afpxy bVy vw z y jfl ivCfey hn. munfPLf btorU nIqIaF nUM qyjLI nfl vDfieaf jf irhf hY. ies vrqfry qihq smfj ivwc ivKfvf krn dI mnoibrqI hfvI hoeI hY. gLlq srkfrI nIqIaF dy nfl-nfl, bwicaF dI mihMgI pVHfeI, vwzIaF gwzIaF, AuWcIaF koTIaF, ivafhF aqy mrgF ‘qy idKfvy leI kIqy jFdy byqhfsLy KricaF ny vI bhuigxqI lokF nUM krjLfeI krn ivwc vwzf rol adf kIqf hY. pMjfbI smfj ivwc ieh vyiKaf igaf hY ik afriQk pwKoN kmjLor hox dy bfvjUd lokF ivwc iewk-dUjy qoN vD ky ivKfvy dI ibrqI BfrU ho rhI hY.
Friday, August 5th, 2016
gurcrn isMG nUrpur
dI iewk vwzI mMzI hY.lokF df byqhfsLf pYsf dvfeIaF/zfktrF dIaF PLIsF ‘qy Krc ho irhf hY. iksy vI iKwqy dy lokF dI KusLhflI ies gwl ivwc nhIN ik AunHF kol srmfieaf ikMnf hY, blik ies gwl ivwc hY ik ijs iKwqy ivwc Auh rih rhy hn AuWQy kudrqI vfqfvrx aqy pOx-pfxI ikho ijhf hY? pMjfb dI DrqI dy awj hflfq ieh hn ik vfqfvrink qbdIlIaF aqy ikrq dy iewQoN dy pOx-pfxI nUM brbfd krky iewQoN jo Kfsy qoN tuwtx kfrn lok keI qrHF dIaF kuJ Kwitaf kmfieaf sI Auh vI hux lokF ibmfrIaF aqy mfnisk ivkfrF dy isLkfr kol nhIN irhf. srkfrF dIaf gLlq nIqIaF ho rhy hn. pMjfb ies vyly dvfeI kMpnIaF sdkf sgoN Auh Aultf krjLfeI ho gey hn
The Patrika
Friday, August 5th, 2016
aqy pRdUisq hoey imwtI, pfxI, hvf hux ibmfrIaF dy vfhk bxdy jf rhy hn. sfnUM ieh ivcfrn dI loV hY ik awj rihx leI bysLwk sfzy kol bhuq sfry kmiraF vflf Gr nf hovy pr ijs hvf ivwc asIN sfh lYxf hY Auh jLrUr sfPL-suQrI hoxI cfhIdI hY. plIq pfxI aqy gMdI hvf kfrn ies iKwqy ivc anykF ibmfrIaF pnp rhIaF hn. ies pRqI sfnUM pMjfb vfsIaF nUM sucyq hox dI loV hY. pMjfb dI ijLafdf vsoN ipMzF ivwc vwsdI hY aqy kuJ arsf pihlF ieh ikhf jFdf sI ik ‘ipMzF ivwc rwb vwsdf.’ ikhf jFdf hY ik ‘ipMz’ sLbd, ipMzy(srIr) qoN bixaf hY. ipMz qoN Bfv kuJ ku lokF df Auh smUh jo afps ivwc iewk jfn ho ky rihMdy hn. iewk dUjy dy dwuK-swuK ivwc kMm afAuNdy hn. iksy iewk nUM jykr koeI qklIP huMdI hY qF ies df duwK dUijaF nUM vI mihsUs huMdf hY. pr hux pMjfb dy ipMzF ivwc rwb nhIN vwsdf. idwlI qoN sMcfilq huMdI rfjnIqI ny hux ipMz nUM bVI burI qrHF afpxI igRPq ivc lY ilaf hY. lgpg hr ipMz rfjnIqk DVybMdI df isLkfr hY. lok afps ivwc lVJgV rhy hn. afpxI hAumYN nUM pwTy pfAux aqy dUijaF dI ingHf ivwc vwD qfkqvr hox dI mnoibrqI vD rhI hY. ipMzF dy gurduafiraF dy spIkr bysLwk hor AuWcy ho gey hn pr gurU nfnk dyv jI ny nIvF
ho ky cwlx dy AupdysL nUM mnoivsfr idwqf igaf hY. rfjnIqk DVybMdIaF nfl pey klysLF dy vwzI igxqI ivwc kys adflqF ivwc sflF qoN cwl rhy hn aqy hr sfl ienHF dI igxqI vDdI jFdI hY. keI kys aijhy vI hn, ijnHF ivwc pfrtI dI DVybMdI dI hoeI lVfeI qoN bfad lIzr ny afpxI pfrtI vI bdl leI pr lok iewk dUjy nUM nIvF ivKfAux leI ajy vI AunHF kysF ivwc AulJy hoey hn. awj pMjfbI smfj df bhuq sfrf pYsf, smF aqy AUrjf adflqF, QfixaF qy kcihrIaF ivwc lwg rhy hn. ieh iewk vwzf mslf hY pr ies nUM kdy iksy smfijk jF Dfrimk sMsQf ny gOilaf nhIN. iksy vI rfjsI pfrtI qoN aijhy lok msilaF dy hwl dI Jfk krnf qF AUT dy bwulH izwgx dI AuzIk krn vFg hY. myly iqAuhfr sfzy swiBafcfr df ainwKVvF aMg rhy hn. ies ivwc koeI sLwk nhIN ik ipCly kuJ arsy qoN ieh vI vyiKaf igwaf hY ik pMjfb ivwc myilaF dI Brmfr ho geI hY. pMjfb dy bhuigxqI ipMzF ivwc kuJ QfvF ‘qy myly lf ky lwKF rupey Krc krny afm vrqfrf ho igaf hY. kuJ ipMz jo burI qrHF DVybMdIaf dy isLkfr hn AuWQy iewko jgHf ‘qy pihlF iewk DVy vwloN mylf krvfieaf jFdf hY qyiPr kuJ idnF bfad dUjf DVF koeI gfiek jF gfiekf swd ky qn-mn-Dn nfl swiBafcfr dI syvf ivwc afx jutdf
We print your Vision...
hY. swiBafcfr dy nFa hyT lfey jFdy ienHF myilaF dOrfn gMdy gIq, icwqrkfr pysL krky afpxy bwicaF nUM ivKfAux aqy aijhy pRogrfmF leI byqhfsLf pYsf Krc krn ijhy vrqfry sfzy bOiDk pwKoN kMgfl ho jfx dI gvfhI Brdy hn. jy ies pYsy nUM iksy sfrQk ZMg nfl vriqaf jfvy qF hr ipMz ivwc vwzy pRogrfm krn leI iewk KUbsUrq iemfrq bxfeI jf skdI hY. hr ipMz ivwc iewk-iewk KUbsUrq pfrk bxfieaf jf skdf hY. pr aijhIaF socF ajy sfzy smfj dI mfniskqf df ihwsf nhIN bxIaF.
brbfd ho rhy hn, ibmfrIaf df pRkop vD irhf hY, DrqI hyTlf pfxI hr sfl hor zUMGf ho irhf hY. lVfeIaF JgVy, lwutmfr dIaF GtnfvF lgfqfr vD rhIaF hn. mfVI afriQkqf aqy krijLaF dy BMny lok afqm hwiqafvF kr rhy hn. mfnisk ivkfr vD rhy hn. qyjLI nfl gMDly ho rhy vfqfvrn smyq keI smwisafvF hn jo ies vyly sfzy smfj nUM drpysL hn. ienHF ‘coN bhuq sfrIaF smwisafvF hn, jo kyvl srkfrF dy sfrQk Auprfly krn leI hwl hoxIaF hn. pr afm lokf nUM vI afpxIaF musLklF pRqI jfgrUk hox dI vwzI loV hY. smwisafvF dy isLkfr ho rhy smfj ivwc inwjI aqy smUihk qOr ‘qy ho rhI pYsy dI afpf DfpI df aflm hY. smfijk kdrFbrbfdI aqy mnwuKI AUrjf nUM Xog kMmF leI kImqF aqy bOiDk pwKoN sfzf smfj lgfqfr Krcy jfx dI loV hY. igrfvt vwl jf irhf hY. hkIkqF qoN Ault ivKfvf krn aqy afpxI hAUmYN nUM mnwuK ny ies DrqI ‘qy rihMidaF kyvl pwTy pfAux dI mnoibrqI lgfqfr BfrU pYsy nUM hI smripq nhI ho jfxf huMdf, sgoN ho rhI hY. qyjLI nfl bdldy dOr ivwc afpxy inwj qoN AuWpr AuWT ky Aus ny aijhy imhnq-musLwkq krn vflf smF hux bIqy kfrjF leI kfrjsLIl hoxf huMdf hy, ijs df ieiqhfs bxdf jf irhf hY. vsqF dI nfl Aus leI jnm BUmI ‘qy ijAUx leI bhuqfq aqy mMzI ny mnwuK df vsqF pRqI sfjLgfr hflfq bxy rihx. swiBafcfr, ivhfr aqy njLrIaf bdl idwqf hY. mnwuK iswiKaf, rfjnIqI aqy Dfrimk pwKoN sfzI aqy smfjI kdrF-kImqF ipwCy ho geIaF agvfeI krn vfly lok awj cMgy rol mfzl hn. mMzI dy ies dOr ivwc dunIaF dy nhIN rhy. sfzy smfj sfhmxy cMgy rol nfl-nfl vsqF pMjfbI smfj dI vI sB mfzlF df vI bVf vwzf sMkt hY. qyjLI nfl qoN pihlI qrjIh bx geIaF hn. smfj bdl rhI dunIaF dy kdm nfl kdm imlf ivwc byrujLgfrI ivkrfl rUp aKLiqafr ky cwlx leI ieh jLrUrI hY ik asIN afpxy kr geI hY. nisLaF dI smwisaf nfl Gr afly-duafly qoN cMgI qrHF vfkPL hoeIey.
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The Patrika
Letter toInEditor particular, I want to thank those
Dear Friend, In recent months, thousands of friends across Canada encouraged me to seek the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada to renew the national party at a challenging time. I am humbled by their confidence in me. However, I recently decided to seek the leadership of the Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta in order to unite conservatives, defeat the NDP government, and get Alberta back on the right track.
In order to commit myself completely to the huge task before me, I will be resigning from my seat in the House of Commons when the PC leadership campaign formally begins in October. I have had the great honour of representing my constituents and fighting for our values in Parliament for the past nineteen years. I want to thank you and the thousands of Canadians who have assisted or encouraged me in that work.
FERTIGATING BERRIES? Choose from BERRY RED, GREEN, YELLOW or BLUE (available in 20 LT Pails, 208 LT Drums, or TOTES) A division of
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who have done so much over the past decade to help me in our important work of making the Conservative Party a natural home for new Canadians, and members of our diverse cultural communities. Between 2004 and 2011 we managed to more than double the support of new Canadians for the Conservative Party, and even in the difficult 2015 federal election voters who immigrated to Canada were more likely to vote Conservative than those who were born here. Ours is the only centre-right party in the world for whom that is true, a fact which makes me enormously proud of our work in encouraging people of diverse backgrounds to vote their values! I am also deeply grateful to those who helped me achieve so much in my public service over the past decade: • As Canada’s longest-serving Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, implementing fundamental reforms to help new Canadians succeed, while strengthening the fairness and integrity of the system; • As Minister of Employment, where I launched the skills agenda to boost trades training, and implemented the Canada Jobs Grant; • As Minister of National Defence, working with our brave men and women in uniform, and deploying the Canadian Armed Forces to take the fight to ISIL in the Middle East, and to Ukraine to strengthen their defenses; and
We offer successful applicants the following:
• As Minister of Multiculturalism, where we emphasized the importance of integration, civic literacy, and our shared values.
MSA Ford Sales 30295 AUTOMALL DR. 604-856-9000
After ten years in office, the last federal election was a difficult one for Conservatives. There are lessons to be learned in all humility, but we can still be immensely proud of what we achieved under Stephen Harper’s leadership, including:
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If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself. - Henry Ford
• Cutting the federal tax burden to its lowest level in six decades; • Giving Canada the strongest economy in the G7 throughout the global crisis;
• Restoring balance to the justice system;
Friday, August 5th, 2016
• Giving Canada a strong and principled voice in world affairs; and • Giving prairie farmers marketing choice, scrapped the long gun registry, and did so much else to expand freedom. Thanks in part to the great work of our brilliant interim Leader Rona Ambrose, I am truly optimistic about the future of the Conservative Party of Canada. We have a strong caucus, energized grassroots members, and a strong foundation. I believe that the Trudeau Liberal government is already planting the seeds of its demise with policies that Canadians will reject, from higher taxes and debt, to weakening our national security and role in world affairs. I hope that you will help Rona Ambrose and our team in Ottawa in this important work. Here are some ways that you can help me in my campaign to get Alberta back on the right track: 1. If you are an Alberta resident, please sign up at We will let you know how you can vote in the PC leadership election, volunteer, or help in other ways. 2. If you live outside of Alberta, you could help by encouraging Alberta friends to help us by signing up at, or to donate financially to our campaign. We can only accept contributions from Alberta residents. 3. Like my page on Facebook and follow me on Twitter, and share my content with your friends — everybody we reach represents a potential new voter. 4. Once our campaign is fully up and running, we would always be happy to have extra help from volunteers from across Canada. If you’re interested in helping us out, please sign up here. Thank you again for your encouragement, advice, and support in the past. I am excited about the new challenge that I am facing, and believe that together, we can continue to fight for the values that have made Canada an example to the world, the true North strong and free!
Yours sincerely, Honourable Jason Kenney, PC, MP
Friday, August 5th, 2016
The Patrika
Joint task force mobilized to scale up overdose response
ritish Columbia is experiencing an unprecedented rise in overdoses.
In response to this, Premier Christy Clark announced a newly formed Joint Task Force on Overdose Response headed by provincial health officer Dr. Perry Kendall and Clayton Pecknold, director of police services. Other members are still being determined but will include representatives from BC Centre of Disease Control and the ministries of Health and Public Safety. British Columbia has taken decisive action to address the overdose situation. Dr. Kendall declared a public health emergency in April 2016. Since that time, Dr. Kendall and chief medical health officers have been working with health authorities, emergency room staff, first responders and the BC Coroners Service to improve the sharing of data between organizations. The new task force will provide expert leadership and advice to the Province on additional actions to prevent and respond to overdoses in British Co-
lumbia. It will work closely with the BC Drug Overdose and Alert Partnership and senior police officials to build and strengthen the actions already in place to prevent drug overdoses. Government supports a strengthened partnership with the federal government to make progress on measures under federal jurisdiction. As part of this, the Province will take action to work with the federal government on the establishment of additional supervised consumption sites in B.C., restricting access to pill presses and tableting machines, limiting access to the materials used to manufacture fentanyl and escalating charges for the importation and trafficking of fentanyl. B.C. will also request that Canada Border Services Agency has the right tools to keep illicit opioids from reaching B.C. streets. In addition, the task force will work with partners to establish a testing service to help people find out if their drugs contain adulterants, including fentanyl. It will help facilitate a social marketing campaign to increase public
awareness on how to prevent, identify and respond to overdoses. The task force will also work with partners to expand the range of medications available, the accessibility of the opioid substitution treatment program and access to substance-use recovery programs for those who wish to stop using drugs. B.C. has been leading the country in responding to the growing number of opioid overdoses and was the first province in Canada to establish a provincewide take-home naloxone program. Naloxone is a safe medication that can reverse the effects of an overdose of an opioid drug, such as heroin, morphine, fentanyl or oxycodone. Training and take home naloxone kits are available at more than 260 sites across B.C. Since its launch, the Take Home Naloxone program has shown effectiveness at saving lives with more than 700 opioid drug overdose reversals. More than 10,000 naloxone kits have been distributed to people who use opioids and more than 9,700 people
have been trained to administer naloxone, including people who use opioids, their friends and family and service providers. Recently, the federal government also approved naloxone nasal spray kits for sale in Canada and government is working with Health Canada and provincial partners to introduce this product in B.C. as soon as possible. The Province has recently funded specialized training for first responders responding to calls that require them to deal with fentanyl. Police leaders and drug experts have been delivering workshops focused on helping investigators to get fentanyl and other deadly drugs off B.C.’s streets. In addition, on July 1, 2016, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC made changes to prescribing requirements, making is easier for doctors to prescribe Suboxone to treat opioid addiction. The college has also recently adopted new professional standards to help doctors prescribe opioids more safely.
The Patrika
Friday, August 5th, 2016
qurkI ‘c iewk kYnyzIan igRPLqfr Etvf: globl aPyarjL kYnyzf df kihxf Etvf dI aYnftolIan hYrItyj PYzrysLn ny hY ik dUjy kYnyzIan nfgirk nUM vI qurkI iewk irlIjL ivwc afiKaf ik ijs ivakqI ivwc njLrbMd kr ilaf igaf hY. nUM igRPLqfr qy njLrbMd kIqf igaf hY Aus df nF lhfn aYrzm hY. Aus nUM iesqnbuwl mfn PrYNkOies lYsfly df kihxf hY ivwc aYqfqurk eyarport qoN igRPqfr kIqf PYzrl srkfr ny bjt ivwc 114 imlIan zflr vfDU qrjL ik kYnyzIan kfAuNslr aiDkfrI qurkI igaf. qurkI mIzIaf vwloN dosL lfieaf hox df kIqf aYlfn aiDkfrIaF nfl pUrf rfbqf rwK rhy hn qy igaf hY ik aYrzm kYnyzf ivwc ihjLmq pirvfr nUM sihXog vI muhweIaf krvfieaf Etvf: 2016-17 ivwqI sfl dy pihly do dsqfvyjLF muqfbk do mhIny dI sFJI irlihr dI agvfeI krn vfilaF ivwc sI. jf irhf hY. globl aPyarjL vwloN ajy qwk mhIinaF ivwc PYzrl srkfr ny bjt ivwc port muqfbk krfAUn kfrporysLn, syljL njLrbMd kIqy gey ies kYnyzIan df nF 114 imlIan zflr vfDU hox df aYlfn afmdn qy Porn aYkscyNj afmdn qoN imlx jfrI nhIN kIqf igaf hY. kIqf hY. ivwq ivBfg dI qfjLf irport vflIaF inwkIaF irtrnF kfrn afmdn giVaF kfrn eyar kYnyzf dI aYmrjYNsI lYizMg dy ihsfb nfl meI dy mhIny srkfr nUM iewk iblIan jF 2[1 PLIsdI Gwt hoeI. 592 imlIan zflr df Gftf ipaf sI pr srkfr anusfr iesy arsy dOrfn pRogrfm torFto: giVHaF ivwc iGr jfx kfrn torFto jhfjL qyjL mINh, qUPfn qy giVaF ivwc aprYl ivwc srkfr nUM 706 imlIan zflr dy KricaF ivwc 3[5 iblIan zflr dy qoN kYlgrI jf rhy eyar kYnyzf dy jhfjL dI iGr igaf. ijs kfrn ies dI ivMzsLIlz df vfDf aYlfinaf igaf hY. ihsfb nfl vfDf hoieaf. ivMzsLIlz iqVk jfx kfrn jhfjL nUM bIqy ctk geI. ies jhfjL ivwc 144 XfqrI sLinwcrvfr rfq nUM lYWbibRwj, albrtf ivwc svfr sn. aYWm[pI[ tutU leI ilbrl drvfjLf bMd aYmrjYNsI lYNizMg krnI peI. mfh ny afiKaf ik inXmF dI pflxf krdy Etvf: sfbkf ilbrl kY b int mM q rI aiDkfrIaF dy ivroDfBfsI rvweIey df hI eyar kYnyzf dI qrjLmfn aYNjylf mfh ny hoey kYptn dy nyVly eyarport, jo ik hMtr tutU nUM pfrtI dl ivwc vfps sLfiml pqf lwgdf hY. eI-myl rfhIN dwisaf ik PlfeIt eysI lYWQibRj sI, AuWqy jhfjL Auqfr ilaf. nhIN kIqf jfvygf. ieh jfxkfrI sInIar jdoN tutU ny asqIPf idwqf sI qF trUzo ny 1159 kYlgrI phuMcx vflI sI jdoN ey320 srkfrI sUqr vwloN idwqI geI. isrP iewk KusLk ijhf ibafn idwqf sI kynI aYzmMtn ivwc lFc krngy sLrfb dI lq qoN Cutkfrf pfAux leI afpxf ik sfzy kol ies ivsLy AuWqy kihx leI XUnfeIt albrtf trwk tUr ielfj krvfAux mgroN tutU kMm AuWqy prq hor kuJ nhIN hY. pr jdoN inAUPfAUNzlYNz afey hn. ijLkrXog hY ik AunHF ipCly meI aYNz lYbrfzOr dy ilbrl aYWm[pI[ sIms aY z mM t n: sfbkf kM j L r vy i tv kY b int afiKaf ik ieh tUr ipwkawp trwk ivwc mhIny ivwc kYbint qy ilbrl isafsI dl Erygn ny dsMbr ivwc sLrfb dI lwq qNo mMqrI jysn kYnI ny grmIaF dy mOsm kIqf jfvygf. kynI ny julfeI ivwc afiKaf qoN asqIPf dy idwqf sI. ijs qoN bfad pRDfn KihVf CuzfAux leI asqIPf idwqf sI qF ivwc albrtf df roz tirwp krn df mn sI ik AunHF nUM afs hY ik Auh pI[sI[ pfrtI mMqrI jsitn trUzo ny ies nUM bhuq musLkl trUzo df sur bVf vwKrf sI. trUzo ny Aus bxfieaf lwgdf hY. qy ivroDI swjy pwKI ivMg vfeIlzrojL nUM siQqI dwisaf sI. smyN tivwtr AuWqy afiKaf sI ik Auh afpxy rlf skxgy. sihXogI qy dosq dy nfl KVHy hn qy AunHF kynI ny aYlfn kIqf ik Auh aYzmMtn ivwc tutU dy bulfry ny dwisaf ik nunfvq leI XUnfeIt albrtf trwk tUr lFc krngy. albrtf dI pI[sI[pfrtI, ijs nyu cfr nUM pUrf sihXog dyxgy. afjLfd mYNbr vwloN hlkf mYNbrF nfl muV ijLkrXog hY ik julfeI dy sLurU ivwc kynI dhfikaF qwk swwqf sFBI, nUM ipCly sfl rfbqf kfiem krn dI koisLsL kIqI jf tutU ny iewk pRYWs kfnPrMs qy Epn hfAUs ny PYzrl isafsq Cwzx qy pRoivMsLIal hrf ky aYWn[zI[pI[ ny swqf AuWqy kbjLf rhI hY qy Auh tutu dy Etvf prqx qy rfhIN afiKaf ik nf qF AunHF dI gwl trUzo pRogYrisv kMjLrvyitv lIzrisLp dI vfgzor kIqf sI. pfrtI agly sfl mfrc ivwc isafsI dl ivwc muV sLfml kIqy jfx qwk nfl hoeI hY qy nf hI iksy hor ilbrl nfl sFBx df aYlfn kIqf sI. nvF lIzr cuxygI. kynI nUM huxy qoN hI sfbkf AuzIk krngy. ies nfl pfrtI dy sInIar qy jdoN Auh sqMbr ivwc Etvf prqxgy qF pRDfn mMqrI stIPn hfrpr qy aMqirm kYNpyn dy bulfry ny bhuqf KwulH ky ies muihMm Auh ies mwudy AuWqy ivcfr krngy. PYzrl afgU ronf aYbrojL df QfpVf hfsl bfry koeI aYlfn nhIN kIqf pr ieh jLrUr ho cuwikaf hY.
ibwl-sI-51 mnsUKL krn leI aYWn[zI[pI[ aYWm[pI[ pysL krygf pRfeIvyt mYNbr ibwl[[[
Etvf: aY W n[zI[pI [aY W m[pI[ ny trU z o srkfr AuWqy suDfrF dy nF AuWqy zING vI nf pwutx df dosL lfAuNidaF afiKaf ik Auh jld qoN jld pRfeIvyt mYNbr ibwl ilafAuxgy qy ivvfdgRsq awqvfd ivroDI mfpdMzF nUM mnsUKL krvfAux dI koisLsL krngy. aYWn[zI[pI[ pbilk syPtI ikRitk rYNzl gYrIsn df kihxf hY ik sikAUirtI kfnUMn ijs nUM ibwl sI-51 vjoN vI jfixaf jFdf hY, syPtI ivwc suDfr leI qF kuJ Kfs nhIN krdf sgoN ieh kYnyzIanF dy aiDkfrF nfl smJOqf krn vflI gwl ijLafdf jfpdI hY. ies ibwl rfhIN kYnyzIan sikAUirtI ieMtYlIjYNs srivs nUM swLkI awqvfdI sfijsLF nUM nkfrf krn leI vDyry sLkqIaF imlIaF hoeIaF hn. PAGE 24
iewQy hI bs nhIN sgoN ies qihq kYnyzIan sikAUirtI ieMtYlIjYNs srivs nUM PYzrl sikAUirtI jfxkfrI, no Plfie ilst sbMDI vDyry sLkqIaF afid vI imlIaF hoeIaF hn. ijLkrXog hY ik kMjLrvyitv srkfr ny ipCly sfl ikAUibk dy syNt jIn sur ircyilAU qy Etvf ivwc jyhfdIaF vwloN pRyirq ho ky kIqy hmilaF ivc mfry gey kYnyzIan sYinkF qoN bfad srbgRfhI ibwl pysL kIqf sI. ieh ibwl ilbrlF dy sihXog nfl kfnUMn df rUp aKLiqafr kr sikaf sI. ilbrlF ny vfadf kIqf sI ik Auh ies ibwl dy kuJ gVbVI vfly kfrkF nUM bdl dyxgy. iewk inAUjL kfnPrMs ivwc gYrIsn ny afiKaf ik akqUbr dIaF coxF qoN bfad ilbrlF ny koeI kfrvfeI nhIN kIqI sgoN srkfr sB kuwJ Bulf cwukI hY.
mUlvfsI aOrqF sbMDI cwl rhI kOmI jFc dy nqIjy af skdy hn agly hPqy[[[ Etvf: lfpqf qy kql kIqIaF geIaF ik ies jFc ivc dm nhIN hY. ieh vI ik mUlvfsI aOrqF qy kuVIaF sbMDI cwl rhI mUlvfsI aOrqF qy kuVIaF iKlfPL ihMsk kOmI jFc dy nqIjy bwuDvfr nUM jfrI kIqy mfmly Kqm krn leI koeI Tos kdm jfx dI sMBfvnf hY. cwukx vfsqy ihMsf dy kfrnF df pqf lfAux mUlvfsI mfmilaF dy mMqrI kYrolIn bYnyt leI kimsLnrjL nUM ijLMmyvfrI sONpI jfvygI. ny ipCly hPqy ieh afiKaf sI ik ies sbMDI aYlfn jld hI hovygf. jfxkfrF ny pirvfrF qy vkIlF ny inrfsLf pRgtfAuNidaF afpxf nF gupq rwKx dI sLrq AuWqy dwisaf afiKaf ik ies dsqfvyjL ivwc pulIs jFc ik AunHF nUM dwisaf igaf hY ik ies sbMDI df koeI ijLkr qwk nhIN hY. iewQoN qwk ik aYlfn 3 agsq nUM hovygf. ies dsqfvyjL ivwc kimsLnrjL nUM ieh iewk pfsy ilbrl srkfr dI nukqfcInI hdfieq vI kIqI geI hY ik Auh cwl rhI ho rhI hY qy ieh vI afiKaf jf irhf hY mujrmfnf jFc ivwc dKl nf dyx.
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Punjabi Patrika
Friday, August 5th, 2016
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, August 5th, 2016
Agri-tourism balance supports farmers, celebrates farming The British Columbia government has brought clarity to permitted agri-tourism activities and has established new opportunities around events, such as weddings in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR), to help farmers grow their incomes and help British Columbians share the growing passion for local foods and farming. The Ministry of Agriculture has developed a regulation that establishes that ALR land owners will not need a permit from the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) to host specific activities like commercial weddings, concerts or non-agriculture related festivals, providing that: The farm is classified as having farm status under the Assessment Act; No new, permanent structures are being built;
30,000th application in for B.C. Training and Education Savings Grant
ducation Minister Mike Bernier welcomed the 30,000th application for the $1,200 B.C. Training and Education Savings Grant (BCTESG) less than one year since the program went live. The grant puts British Columbians first by helping families kick-start their savings for post-secondary education and helping make that education more affordable and accessible. The minister was on hand with financial partner BMO at the B.C. Legislature today for the application by the Blokmanis family for their 6-year-old daughter Rowen, who became the 30,000th applicant for the BCTESG. Applying takes three easy steps: obtain a Social Insurance Number for the eligible child, open a Registered Education Savings Plan at a participating financial institution, and apply for the grant. Families have three years to submit an application for the grant when their child becomes eligible.
People can apply for the grant at financial institutions throughout B.C., including BMO Bank of Montreal, Scotiabank, RBC Royal Bank, HSBC Bank of Canada, BC credit unions and an additional 36 promoters. So far the province has funded more than $33 million worth of grants under the program. Starting Aug. 15, 2016, children born on or after Jan. 1, 2006, will be eligible to apply for the grant. Through Budget 2016, government is investing an extra $39 million to extend the grant to children born in 2006. Currently, eligible children must have been born in 2007 or later. All children must be residents of B.C., along with a parent or guardian. There are no barriers for low-income families applying for the grant since no matching or additional contributions are required to access the $1,200. The Province is also working to ensure children in care have access to equivalent funds for training and education through a trust fund.
All parking must be on the farm (no road parking) but the parking area must not be permanent nor interfere with the farm’s agricultural productivity; The number of guests at any event is 150 or less; and The number of events is 10 or less in a calendar year. An application to the ALC is required if any of the above conditions are not met. For example, a farm that wishes to hold a wedding with 200 guests, or hosts the 11th wedding on their farm in a calendar year will need to apply to the ALC. In addition, regardless of whether an application to the ALC is required, farmers must also continue to meet all relevant local government requirements, such as event hosting, liquor licenses, and fire code requirements. The restrictions in the regulation do not apply to wineries, meaderies and cideries, as many are established providers of these services and already have infrastructure, licensing and procedures in place. These facilities can continue to operate as they have been without requiring an application to the ALC.
In addition, irrespective of the above criteria, no application to the ALC is required for a famer hosting weddings for family members or friends at no charge. If famers are receiving a payment for hosting the wedding of a family member or friend, an application to the ALC is required if any of the above conditions are not met. Local governments cannot prohibit weddings from taking place on land in the ALR, but can require the farmers to apply for a permit which could specify conditions related to amplified sound, parking, fireworks or other disturbances. The policy of not requiring permits for activities described in the ALC’s Policy on Agri-tourism Activities has also been formalized into the regulation. Activities that do not require an application to the ALC include: Farm tours and farm demonstrations Hay, tractor and sleigh rides Corn mazes, pumpkin patch tours and related activities Seasonal promotional events (e.g., harvest and Christmas fairs and activities) Special promotional events (e.g., private or public special occasion events for the promotion of farm products) The regulation is in effect immediately. The clarity regarding agri-tourism and new opportunities related to events were established through discussions with the Union of British Columbia Municipalities, the British Columbia Agriculture Council, the Agriculture Land Commission, and the British Columbia Young Farmers Association in February 2016.
Friday, August 5th, 2016
The Patrika
Liberals Must Answer Questions before Sending Troops to War Zone
ames Bezan, Official Opposition Critic for National Defence, and Pierre Paul-Hus, Associate Critic for National Defence, issued the following statement in response to the Liberal government’s refusal to address serious concerns about the safety of Canadian troops: “This week the world witnessed attacks on both UN peacekeeping forces and African Union security officials in Somalia, by members of Al-Shabab. A terrorist organization that has been waging guerrilla warfare against UN forces since 2011, Al-Shabab has pledged to eliminate all foreign troops in Somalia. With over 100 peacekeepers killed since 2013, these conflict zones have been recognized by the UN Security Council as the deadliest mission for UN troops. “In spite of these dangers, the Liberal government remains persistent in their refusal to address the serious concerns that have risen in response to their commitment of Canadians troops to conflict zones in Africa. This decision, which neglects the responsibility that the government has to our men and women in uniform, also clearly demonstrates that the Liberals’ defence policy review is nothing more than window dressing.
“Before the Liberals send our troops into a war zone against jihadi terrorists, we call on the government to bring this to Parliament for a debate and vote. Canadians are demanding to know where and when will our troops be deployed? How many will be deployed? Will they be given the necessary tools to defend themselves? What are the rules of engagement? “Canada must stand up for the rights and freedoms of those who cannot do so for themselves. In turn, the government must ensure that our troops are prepared to confront all threats they may face. Canadians deserve to know why this Liberal government is refusing to be transparent with Canadians about their plan for our troops.”
Statement by the Prime Minister on the Royal Tour of Canada by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
he Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement regarding the upcoming Royal Tour of Canada by Their Royal Highnesses, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, which will take place in the fall of 2016: “We are delighted by the Governor General’s announcement that Their Royal Highnesses, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, will visit Canada this fall. During their stay, the Duke and Duchess will travel to British Columbia and Yukon on a visit that will showcase some of Canada’s finest natural beauty. “This Royal Tour, the second undertaken by Their Royal Highnesses
to Canada, also presents a unique opportunity for Canadians of all backgrounds to meet with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and learn more about our heritage, traditions, and institutions.
3rd Annual Anonymous Art Show and Fundraiser at the Kariton Art Gallery
his year the Abbotsford Arts Council is pleased to host the 3rd Annual Anonymous Art Show Fundraiser, taking place August 6th-30th at the Kariton Art Gallery. Please join us for some light refreshments at the opening reception to be held on Saturday August 6th, from 6 – 8 pm. The Anonymous Art Show features artwork of many diverse styles, subject matters, and media from Lower Mainland artists of all ages and skill levels. Each piece in the show is on an unframed canvas of the same size (12” x 12” x 1.5”) and the artists remain anonymous until after their pieces are purchased.
“Our government looks forward to This exhibition is an opportunity to providing Canadians with further raise funds for the programs initidetails closer to the beginning of the ated by the Abbotsford Arts Council Royal Tour.”
that support arts in our community. Each piece is priced at $100, with half of proceeds going directly to the artist and half to the Abbotsford Arts Council. Art buyers will be able to take their piece home immediately upon purchase and a sold tag will be put in its place revealing the artist’s name. In addition, you can follow all of the excitement via social media as the Abbotsford Arts Council will announce each artist as their work is sold on Facebook (, Instagram (instagram. com/abbotsfordartscouncil), and Twitter (@abbyartscouncil).
The Patrika
DrqI df avfrf pwuqr cfrls zfrivn ieh sfrf kuJ ieMglYNz dy sLihr sLrUjLbrI nyVy iewk inwky ijhy phfV hOgmMz kol vfpr irhf sI. ijwQy ieMnIaF purfxIaF cwtfnF sn ik ijhVIaF DrqI dy mwuZly idnF dI insLfndyhI krdIaF sn. sLrUjLbrI df inwkI ijhI Aumr df iewk muMzf cfrils zfrivn ienHF cwtfnF nUM afpxy nMgy hwQF nfl CUh bYTf. cwtfnF ivwc qpdf kroVF sflF df ielm zUMGI nINd ivwcoN jfg AuWTf qy ikwsf, ijs ny iewk idn sLurU hoxf hI sI, sLurU ho igaf.
ieh sB suxdy zfrivn nUM lwgx lwgdf ijvyN Aus bjLurg dy purfxy qy bdbUdfr kot ivcoN rMg-ibrMgy qoqy qy swp inkl inkl ky bfhr Bwj rhy hox. bfq sux ky Auh iekdm jMgl vfly pfsy Bwj jFdf qy afpxy ipMzy AuWqy ryqf ml ky Auh QF lwBx lwg jFdf ijwQy AuWcy rwuKF dIaF tfhxIaF ivwcoN cwpf ku Dwup zuwlHdI huMdI sI. aksr Aus df sfh ciVHaf huMdf qy aksr lyty hoey df Aus df iZwz iksy ngfry vFgUM AuWpr-Qwly vwjdf. AuhnUM koeI iKafl nf rihMdf kdoN Auhdy ipMzy ‘cV ky inwky-inwky kIt keI zfrivn dy sLihr df mYlI ijhI dfVHI qy qrHF dIaF KyzF Kyzx lwgdy. mDry ijhy kwd vflf iewk bjLurg, ijs ny afpxI sfrI Aumr AujfVF ivcoN qIlHy jdoN skUl ivwc sfrI jmfq aljbry dy iekwTy kridaF lMGf idwqI sI, rojL iksy suafl smJ rhIN hUMdI, zfrivn afpxI nwukr ivwc bYTf bwicaF nUM koeI khfxI-numf iksy klpnf ivwc guMm AunHF jMglI icVIaF gwl suxfAuNdf. AuhdI ieh bfq zfrivn nUM dI grdn AuWqy bxy inwky-inwky DwibaF dI bVI psMd afAuN dI sI: ‘kihMdy kudrq ny igxqI kr irhf huMdf ijhVIaF skUloN jdoN afpxIaF BrvIaF awKF nfl pihlI muVdy nUM rojL Aus nUM purfxy rwuK dy muwZ kol vfrI DrqI df husn dyiKaf qy JfVIaF nfl bYTIaF imldIaF. jmfq ivwc bYiTaF Aus KihMdIaF swpxIaF dI srsrfht suxI qF dIaF awKF kdy qF imrgF vFgUM ilsLkx Auh rwj ky roeI. AuhdIaF awKF dy pfxI ny lwg jFdIaF qy kdy iksy axjfxI AudfsI ryqy-imwtI ivwc Gul ky gfry dI isrjxf ivwc guafc jFdIaF. cVHdI jvfnI dy muwZly kIqI qy iesy gfry ivwcoN mnuwK dy cUilaF- sflF ivwc Auhny afpxy Brf nlf iml ky cwpxIaF ny afkfr ilaf. Dwup ivwc mnwuK Gr dy gfrzn dI iewk nuwkr ivwc inwkI dI kMgroV pwkdI rhI qy BFq-BFq dy pMCI ijhI pRXogsLflf vI bxf leI sI ijwQy Auhny Auhdy isr qoN Auzdy gey.’ rsfiex ivigafn dy muwZly isDFqF bfry
Friday, August 5th, 2016
jfixaf. idmfgL ivwc huMdI rihMdI AuWQl-pwuQl AuhdIaF nfVF ivwc bycYnI bx ky nwsdI rihMdI. dunIaF Gu M m x qy jIv-jM q U a F dI aw Q rI dunIaF bfry jfnx dy sONLk aqy ipqf vwloN rojL dIaF iPtkfrF ny afKLr iewk idn Aus qoN Auhdf Gr Cuzf idwqf. lgfqfr keI sfl Auh afpxI imwqr mMzlI nfl dwKxI amrIkf dy supinaF vrgy tfpUaF ‘qy mMzrfAuNdf irhf. hr vkq bfirsLF nfl igwly rihM d y qy icw k V nfl Bry jM g l Aus df nvF Gr bx gey. DrqI ivwc dwbIaF hjLfrF sfl purfxIaf hwzIaF AuhnUM pivwqr gRMQF vrgIaF lwgdIaF qy Auhdf sfrf idn KudfeI kridaF lMG jFdf. AuhnUM jfpdf ijvy hr avsLysL afpxy aMdr dunIaF dI mhfn ivwidaf sMBflI bYTf hovy. jdoN smuMdr vwloN TMZI hvf dy bwuly afAuNdy, AudoN kdy kdy ivhl ivwc AuhnUM sYksLpIar pVHnf cMgf lwgdf.
dI rhwsmeI dyhF ivwc surwiKaq peIaF hn. iksy vI swiBaqf dI mhfn ikqfb pihlF ienHF ryisLaF ivwcoN gujLrdI hY qy iPr CfpyKfinaF ivwc AuWqrdI hY.
pOidaF dy qixaF dy bfrIk ryisLaF nuM ipafr nfl nyiVEN qwkx ‘qy AuhnUM lwgdf ik ieh vI bVIaF lMmIaF dfsqfnf dy hsIn pfqr hn. ijhVIaF awj vI ienHF ryisLaF
ienHF tfpUaF qoN ielfvf ijhVI DrqI dI vI zfrivn nUM swd peI, Auh hr Aus QF AuWqy GuMimaf. swuwky hoey pwqy, mwCIaF dI cmVI dIaF AuprlIaF qihaF, cIlF vrgy
Friday, August 5th, 2016
iksy pMCI dy KMB, kbUqrF dy pMjy, swp qy bfGF dy jbfVy dIaF bxqrF Aus dI potlI ivwcoN bfhr KwulHy afsmfn vwl JfkdIaF qF zfrivn muskrf pYNdf. Auh CwpV iknfry bYTf jMglI bwqKF dIaF cuMJF nUM ghu nfl dyKdf-prKdf qF sfrI ipRQvI dy pOxpfxIaF dy Kfky bwqKF dI cuMJ ivwcoN lMGx lwgdy qy koeI lVI Aus dy cyqn aqy acyq mn dy ivckfr juVn lwgdI. jdoN kfPLI sfl dI afvfrgI ipwCoN zfrivn Gr priqaf qF AuhdI KopVI pihlF vrgI nf rhI. ies ivc hor hjLfrF svfl isr cuwkx lwgy sn. Aus dy vihmI ipqf nUM qF ieAuN lwgdf ijvyN zfrivn dy isr dI, Aus dI KopVI dI bfhrI bxqr ivwc vI qbdIlI af geI hovy. mwQy AuWqy hwQ mfrdf Auh afpxy pwuq dI iksmq nUM kosdf. zfrivn afpxy nfl iqMn vwzafkfrI kwCUkuMmy vI ilafieaf sI ijnHF ivwcoN iewk dI mOq 2007 ivwc afstrylIaf dy iewk icVIafGr ivwc hoeI. jdoN Gr dy mYNbr iksy pfrtI ivwc isLrkq kr rhy huMdy jf jsLn dy mfhOl ivwc nwc rhy huMdy qF zfrivn muMizaF dI BIV nUM iksy smuMdrI jIv dy lfrvy dy rhwsmeI ZMg nfl pfxI ivwc qYrn bfry dws irhf huMdf. BFqBFq dy suafl AuhnUM itkx nf idMdy. ieh sfry suafl qy ienHF dy asrdfr jvfb hI Aus dI Xwug pltfAU ikqfb ‘aOirjn aOP
The Patrika
dy ryqy dI cmk, jLYNjLIbfr dI grmI, islon dI dflcInI ivwc iBwjI hvf, eIznbrg dIaF CfvF, rUs dIaF jylHF dI kusYlI qy Audfs iPLjLf nUM iksy ny ieMny sohxy ZMg nfl nhIN ibafinaf ijMnf holmYn ny. iewQy ieh dwsxf vI lfjLmI hY ik holmYn pwcI sflF dI Aumr ivwc aMnHf ho igaf sI qy ies dy bfvjUd Aus ny sMsfr df hr konf GuMimaf. zfrivn ny ikhf: ‘sfzy sB dy srIrF ‘qy aPLrIkf dy jMglF dy insLfn hn qy AuhI kdy sfzf purfxf rYx bsyrf sn. hux mYnUM ieh smJxf aOKf lwg irhf hY ik asIN prmfqmf dI sLfhkfr rcnf hF jF iksy dYNq dy isMgF dI hYvfnIaq? asIN mnwuK afpxy afp dy vYrI, ivnfsLk prmfxU bMbF dy sfrf Dfrimk jgq bOKLlf AuWiTaf ik ieh isrjk ijhVy cutkI ivwc sB kuJ ipGlf kOx af igaf jo pivwqr bfeIbl ivc soDF dyx, afp bxfeIaF msLInF dy hI gulfm qy krdf iPrdf hY qy sfzIaF Tos dlIlF qy DrqI dy pfxIaF dy vYrI hF. Auh vI asI isLkfieqF nUM afpxy vxjfiraF vrgy vflF hF jo hws skdy hn, nwc skdy hn, kIiVaF dy Qwuk ivwcoN rysLm dy isrjk, AujfVF ivwc qoN JfV-JfV ky hyTF suwt irhf hY? vI suMdrqf dyKx vfly, sqrMGI pING qoN vI glIaF ivwc pfdrI, zfrivn dy pfTkF pfr dy rMg Kojx vfly, Auh ijnHF ny jwg nUM bFdr-bFdr kih ky CyVdy. AunHF idnF dIaF afvfjLF nUM afpxf sMgIq dy ky inKfr ivwc zfrivn jymjL holmYn dy trYvl not idwqf, ijnHF ny BfsLf isrj leI qF ik koeI pVHdf rihMdf sI ijnHF ny zfrivn nUM Dur Xfd kyvl Xfd hI bx ky nf rih jfvy sgoN aMdr qwk Coihaf qy afqm-ivsLvfs dI awKrF dy rUp ivwc awKF mUhry iQrkdI rhy. nvIN bulMdI vI idwqI. Auh aksr kihMdf rihMdf ik BfrqI smuMdrI KyqrF dy jIvF, DrqIaF GumwkV pYrF qy bfgI nYxF nUM kdy jvflfmuKIaF AuWpr bdly afsmfnF, arb nhIN BwuldIaF. spIsLIjL’ dy rUp ivc dunIaF dy sfhmxy afey qy sfry jwg sfhmxy zfrivn ny aYlfn kr idwqf ik sfnUM iksy rwb ny swq idnF ivwc nhIN sfijaf. ies pRikiraf ipwCy lwKF-kroVF sflF dI qy hOlI-hOlI ho rhI kRFqIkfrI qbdIlI df hwQ hY. mnwuK dy mOjUdf srUp dI koeI qMd vxmfnsF nfl jf juVdI hY. jy asIN sfzI afpxy pYrF ‘qy KVHy ho skx, iswDI ipwT, qur skx dI kfblIaq, sohxI qor dI gwl krIey qF ies ipwCy AunHF vxmfnsF dIaF ipMjxIaF, PurqIlIaF CflF, pOx-pfxIaF, DuwpF-CfvF qy rwuKF dy AunHF tfhxF dI AumrF lMmI sfDnf hY ijnHF qoN sfzy pUrvj Auqr ky KuwlHIaF jLmInF ‘qy iPrq krn lwgy sn.
pUnm ibilMg nYx Bry hn Clkf nhIN skdI Llok pwuCxgy kfhdy hMJU hn awjkwlH GrF ivwc DUMaF vI hY nhIN pwj DUMeyN dy vI ro nhIN skdI.
The Patrika
Wrestling: Cascades reel in deep, talented recruiting class
he University of the Fraser Valley wrestling program has reloaded for the 2016-17 season, signing nine promising recruits.
The Cascades men’s wrestling team will have seven new grapplers among its ranks. University of Winnipeg transfer Mitchell Berenz, a two-time Canada West champion, lends some veteran presence to the group, and he’ll be joined by six Fraser Valley high school grads: Amtoj Dhaliwal and Alex Johnson of Abbotsford; Hassib Javeed and Husayn Mohammad of Surrey; Kamil Golowko of Langley; and Marko Kolobara of Maple Ridge. On the women’s side, Surrey’s Karla Godinez Gonzalez and Gurpreet Sengar of Abbotsford will lend their talents to the Cascades. “We’re going to have a lot younger group,” noted Raj Virdi, who serves as co-head coach of the Cascades wrestling program alongside Arjan Bhullar. “We’re glad our team is growing, and I believe we’ll have success throughout the year. Myself and Arjan are going to work really hard with the kids, and
hopefully we’ll get some good results at the Canada West and CIS championships. We’re looking forward to working with these athletes for the next four or five years and try to help them win a national title.” Mitchell Berenz 68 kg men’s division
of high-level competition and what it takes to succeed. They aren’t just building national champions – their goals are building world champions and having success not only at a national level but beyond that. While attending UFV I hope to gain as much experience as possible from the coaches and not only win an individual national title but a team title as well.”
Arrowhead High School (Hartland, Amtoj Dhaliwal Wis.) Berenz brings some impressive bona fides to the Cascades, having won the Canada West gold medal in the 65 kg weight class in both 2014 and 2015. He also had a highly decorated high school career in Wisconsin. “He’s done well his last couple years in CIS, and he’s going to be a very good addition to the team,” Virdi said of Berenz. “He’s a good kid, and we expect big things from him in the coming year.” “I chose to come to UFV because of the athletic talent and achievements of its coaching staff,” said Berenz, who will study business at UFV. “They have the experience and knowledge
84 kg men’s division Abbotsford Traditional Secondary (Abbotsford, B.C.) Dhaliwal was a member of the Abby Traditional Titans senior boys wrestling squad which won the team title at the 2015 B.C. high school championships and followed up with a silver medal in 2016. He’s a two-time individual silver medalist at the B.C. high school meet, and finished fourth at the cadet national championships in 2014. Dhaliwal also won gold medals in back-to-back years (2014 and 2015) at the prestigious Western Canada Age Class and SFU War on the Floor tournaments. “Amtoj is good,” Virdi observed. “His family is very serious about the sport, and actually moved from the Island to the Valley because there’s a lot more wrestling over here. He won provincials last year, and he’s a young guy who’ll wrestle for a very long time.” “I chose to attend UFV because of the excellent coaching staff and the amount of one-on-one time they give you both inside the wrestling room and out,” Dhaliwal said. “My goals and dreams are to successfully finish my bachelor’s degree as well as become junior national champion.” Kamil Golowko 130 kg men’s division Langley Secondary (Langley, B.C.) “He’s a good kid,” Virdi said of Golowoko. “He’s young, he’s got a little bit to learn, but we’ve got some big guys he can train with and we think he has a lot of potential.” “I chose UFV because I believe that I can excel there the most, both academically and athletically,” Golowko said. “My goals at UFV are to achieve a bachelor’s degree in criminology and
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also to complete for Team Canada in wrestling at the Olympics.” Haseeb Javed 61 kg men’s division Guildford Park Secondary (Surrey, B.C.) “I’ve known Haseeb for a while, from provincial camps,” Virdi said. “He works hard – harder than most kids I’ve seen. The only thing that held him back last year was, he broke his hand and that kept him out of provincials and nationals. He’ll be a really good addition.” “My goal is to be the best I can be, whether on the mat or in the classroom,” Javed said. “I wish to learn and grow and develop life skills that will help me through my journey. I am truly applicative for this opportunity to wrestle for such a great school. I wish to get as much as I can out of it and one day to give back to those who have helped me.” Husayn Mohammad 57 kg men’s division Guildford Park Secondary (Surrey, B.C.) “He works really hard,” Virdi said. “He went to provincials and lost to a couple guys who made the finals. He hasn’t wrestled as long as some of the others, and he’ll be a good kid to work with. I’ve seen him at some camps and tournaments, and I think he’ll be really good.”
“I would like to thank all my coaches from Guildford Park for the time and effort they spent on me to become the wrestler and man I am today,” said Mohammad, who will pursue a criminology degree at UFV. “I look forward to a new and fresh start. I chose the Cascades because they give me the chance to further my education while competing as a wrestler. My dreams and goals with the Cascades are to be a better wrestler each and every day in hopes of being a national champion one day.” Alex Johnson 72 kg men’s division W.J. Mouat Secondary (Abbotsford, B.C.) Johnson was a silver medalist this season at the Upper Fraser Valley zone
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The Patrika
“Gurpreet is relatively new to wrestling, but she’s very keen to learn,” Virdi said. “I think she’ll have suc“I really like the coaches and it’s close to home,” cess in university and Johnson said, reflecting on his decision to sign with beyond. She’s one of the Cascades. “I want to get my degree and be a CIS those girls who really champion.” loves the sport.” Virdi noted that Johnson was recommended to him “I chose UFV because by Mouat coach Jim Mitchell, a member of Wrestling it’s local – a lot of my Canada’s Hall of Fame and a huge supporter of the friends go there – and Cascades wrestling program. has a really good wres-
championship to qualify for provincials. He also posted a fifth-place finish at the Abby Invitational, and a sixth-place result at the Alberni Invitational. He’ll study business at UFV.
“I’ve seen him wrestle a couple times, and he’s got tling team,” Sengar said. “My goal is to make it to the a lot of potential,” Virdi said of Johnson.
conference championships and win a medal, and advance to the
nationals. I’m looking forward to improving in the sport.”
Marko Kolobara 76 kg men’s division Maple Ridge Secondary (Maple Ridge, B.C.) Kolobara climbed the podium at four tournaments during the high school season, picking up bronze medals at the SFU War on the Floor, Western Canada Age Class, Alberni Invitational, and Upper Fraser Valley zone championships. The three-time provincial championship qualifier will enrol in business at UFV. “He’s wrestled for a long time, and been really involved in the sport,” Virdi said. “When he gets to compete at a higher level and absorbs some more coaching, I think he has a lot of potential.” “I’m proud to be part of the UFV Cascades wrestling program and I’m very excited to start my next season with the team,” Kolobara said. “UFV has a great program with great coaches, and I think I will be able to excel with the help of my coaches and teammates. I hope to eventually be able to help lead the team to a CIS national championship.” Karla Godinez Gonzalez 54 kg women’s division Earl Marriott Secondary (Surrey, B.C.) “We saw her wrestle at provincials, and we were very impressed,” Virdi said. “She’s going to excel – she loves wrestling, she loves working hard, and she’s tough. She’s only been wrestling a couple years, and I know she’s going to absorb all the information we give her.” “My goals are to learn as much as possible, help others, and succeed as a student-athlete at UFV,” Gonzalez said. “I dream to travel and compete internationally.” Gurpreet Sengar 64 kg women’s division W.J. Mouat Secondary (Abbotsford, B.C.) Sengar’s senior season with the W.J. Mouat Hawks was highlighted by a silver medal at the Miri Piri Tournament and a fourth-place finish at the Western Canada Age Class tourney.
The Patrika
sfAux muKqfr igwl dburjI sfAux mhInf crHIaF sLUkx, sr-sr krdy Jony. hry kcUr kmfd sLUkdy, kUly-kUly pony. Llih-lih krdIaF PslF idwsx, DrqI dy hr kony. vMn-suvMny PLl, Puwl tihkx, DrykF qy Drkony. pury dI pOx vgy jd, idl nUM TMzk jFdI pY. kflIaF icwtIaF bwdlIaF nUM, nfl ieh afpxy afAuNdI lY. pihlF inwkIaF inwkIaF kxIaF, mINh iPr Br ky jFdf pY. glIaF dy ivwc bfl inafxy, Bwj-Bwj mOJF lYNdy ny. itkitk krdIaF inwkIaF zzIaF, zwzU krn gVYN-gVYN. aYqvfr nUM qIaF df idn, pwkx pUVy KIr sxy. qIaF dy ivwc kuVIaF nwcx, pfAux kbwzIaF jxy-Kxy. cVHdIaF rihx inwq Gtf kflIaF, morF bgilaF nUM cVH jfey cfa. rwbf! sfAux mhIny dy ivwc, CihbrF lwgIaF rihx sdf.
pRo: jsvMq isMG gMzm hnyiraF rl ky mqf pkfieaf, Cwzxf nhIN koeI cfnx-jfieaf. hnyry nON do igafrF ho gey sB, inwkf ijhf jdoN dIp jgfieaf. dIvf, bwqI, jugnUM qy sUrj, sBnF loa df lMgr lfieaf. soc nUM arG dy sUrj df, sMvr jfxgy krm qy kfieaf. qUM kfhdf sulqfn sfgr df? jy mYN ajLlF qoN hF iqRhfieaf. moh-mfieaf dy zwsy hoey jo, tfhrF mfrn JUTI mfieaf. mYN ikrqI dI kfr df kMcn hF, qy qUM KyqF dy sony df jfieaf. PAGE 32
sLflf suKI vsy pMjfb gurbcn kOr ‘iZwloN’ iKVdy Puwl nisLaF ny sfVy, sfVqIaF bhfrF.
arjLoeI ksLmIr dI
crn sIcyvflvI pYrF ‘c iewk dUjy dy bfrUd nf ivCfeIey.
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ies dy pr huMdy ny isr nhIN huMdf
iskMdr isMG inafmIvflf ksLmIr sV irhf hY ksLmIr nUM bcfeIey. ies dy dr huMdy ny hwdF qy rfKy cuMGIaF Brdy, huMdy Zyr hjLfrF. Gr nhIN huMdf. zwl JIl df iknfrf ieh pihlgfm sfrf, icVIaF kuVIaF Auzxf muwikaf, ieh afkfsL qoN AuqrdI hY kihMdy svrg ijs nUM iPr nrk nf bxfeIey. isr mMz lfAux bfjF dIaF zfrF bwulHF qoN AucrdI hY kd qwk cwlFgy afpF bMdUk, bMb bxky, hvf ‘coN ivcrdI hY. iewjqF koNhdy bfj qy isLkry, mrdIaF rojL hjLfrF. afAu ik hux qF koeI amnF df gIq gfeIey. keI vfr iewk ‘sLbd’ vI ijwdx dy pYdf hoey Edx dy lV rhy hF, jd nfc Qrikaf pYrF dy ivwc, kdm jfx nf puwty. iek kivqf huMdf hY. ruwKF qy pirMidaF nUM hor nf zrfeIey. LlwutI jfvy mihk PuwlF dI, bfg AujfVn Joty. keI vfr pUrI ijLMdgI vI krnI bMdUk dy nfl CwzIey hux icwqrkfrI, bfl bflVIaF afey jobnIN, mihk AuTIaF KusLbUaF. iewk kivqf huMdI hY hIrosLImf df iewQy koeI icwqr nf bxfeIey. gey DuafKy cVdI Aumry, igaf lUs nisLaF df DUMaF. ieh duwK nhIN huMdI ijhlm vI ieho kihMdf kihMdI JnF vI ieho, ieh suwK nhIN huMdI suhj rs jo DrqI Biraf, aMbrIN nUr svfieaf. iewk dUsry dy lhU ‘c, hux hor nf nhfeIey. kivqf qF iek vkqf hMdI hY ibKrI ivK DrqI qy af ky, aMbr igaf gRihxfieaf. awDy ku mr gey hF, awDy ku rih gey bfkI, sur nfl imilaf ijLMdgI dI mohxI suMdr mUrq, rul gey bfl ieÖfxy. imly jy koeI sbUqf, iml awQrU vhfeIey. ieh qfl huMdI hY. aw g y bQy r f sihm hY , vw s dy GrF ‘c Cfieaf, Koh ley sfeI bflF hwQoN, Kf gey krjLy afdm Kfxy. ieh ipMgl vI huMdI hY vw s dy GrF dy dIvy , hu x ho r nf bu J feIey . ieh sfjL vI huMdI hY tuwty KMB pRvfjL mwuk gey, zwkI geI AuzfrI. mMdr qy msijdF qoN AuT ky rqf ku Aupr, ieh sbjL vI huMdI hY nsIbF aMdr Br gey hMJU, isr itkI gmF dI KfrI. vwsdf hY ijhVf idl ‘c, Aus dI vI Qhu pfeIey. ieh lfl vI huMdI hY rhy nf cfa iqAuhfrF dy hux, n glIey blx imsLflf. afAu isr joV afpF, mslf ieh hwl krIey, mfsUm ijhy bfl nUM mfnv dI sfvDfnI mwukI, mwuikaF cfnx aMdr mkfnF. mfvF dy idl dy toty, hux hor nf gvfeIey. mmqf dI lorI huMdI hY. ‘iZwloN’ dI arjoeI sfeIN, Drq qy TMz vrqfdy. BYxF vwloN gfeI cIlF vI rihx iKVIaF, kysr vI rhy iKiVaf, vIr dI GoVI huMdI hY Dwup dy mwQy ‘qy itwkf, iPr kysUey df lfeIey. rMgly pMjfb ‘c afvy sLFqI, KusLI dI rMgx ilafdy. icwq kr irhf ‘crn’ df, bih vfdIaF ‘c ikDry, aMbrF ‘qy gey pwuq dy mfipaF dI gLjLl zMgorI huMdI hY bih ky iekwTy afpF syb qy aKLrot KfeIey. inrBY anUpgVH ipafr ivwc guMdI ijs dihsLq dy bfry sux kMibaf vjUd myrf, gLjLl iek khfxI huMdI hY. anU bflf ieh ikwsy qF Auhdy sLihr ‘c huMdy afm ny. qkrfr ivwc AulJI hnyry dI sjI mjils nUM BMg krdf hY. bVf msLhUr hY Aus df rfj-Bfg BfvyN, ieh vIrfnI huMdI hY gu n fh krdf hY Au h cfnx dI mM g krdf hY . pr AuWQy rihMdy bfisLMdy qF bVy bdnfm ny. jwg ivwc jUJdI mru M z IaF tfhxIaF ‘qy tM g ky pw i qaF dI Po t o , awj vI hF iqafr qyry dwuK nfm lvfAux nUM, jvfnI huMdI hY ieh Puwl vI huMdI hY Auh myrI muPLilsI ‘qy vI ivaMg krdf hY. sfzy ihwsy dIaF guljLfrF awj vI qyry nfm ny. sugMD vI huMdI hY hY bOxf afdmI, hAuumY df pr ivsQfr ieMnf, sOVy rfhF dy pFDIE dwsxf hux mYnUM qusF, ieh pfxI vI huMdI hY ik DrqI nUM klI, aMbr nUM rMg krdf hY. iks qrHF mYN pf skxy afKLr ieh mukfm ny. ieh rMg vI huMdI hY kOx lY ky jfvy Pirafd Auhdy drbfr ‘c, AudfsI, drd hY, nHyrf hY, pr bldf inrMqr, ieh sMDUr vI huMdI hY. sB bybuinafdF jo sfzy ‘qy lwgy ieljLfm ny. ieh vMg vI huMdI hY ieh idl jugnUM hY, rfqF nfl jMg krdf hY. ieh lor vI huMdI hY muridaF dy sLihr ivwc awj sihikaf sI koeI, myry ‘qy hwsdf, ryqy ‘qy iliKaf nF myrf, ieh BMg vI huMdI hY Bry drbfr ‘c imly gl PMidaF dy ienfm ny. KLudI dy pwQrF nUM vI pqMg krdf hY. ijMdf ijMdVI dy hr suhj df qUM iks idn AudY hoxf inrBY cVHdI svyr vFgUM, ieh Aus df jurm hY ik pfxIaF ivwc dyK ichrf, ieh vrkf huMdI hY pwuiCaf sI mYnUM iewk idn ZldI hoeI sLfm ny. itkI hoeI JIl nUM qrbo-qrMg krdf hY. kivqf qy bs ‘kivqf’ huMdI hY.
The Patrika
Friday, August 5th, 2016
pMjfb dI axK-mhfrfxI ijMdF
cfry pfisAuN zyry qy hox hmly, goly, golIaF, qIr sI vrHn lwgy. zyry ivwc sI isMG srdfr QoVHy, jMg pr Gmsfn df krn lwgy. aMq bhuiqaF awgy nf pysL geI, Auh vFg bhfdrF mrn lwgy. hrcMd isMGf afpxy KLUn AuWqy, ivc zyry dy sUry qrn lwgy.. bIr isMG nMU vwijaf afx golf, izgdy afiKaf siqkrqfr BfeI. aqr isMG ny PLUkIaF mYgjLInF, aslF mwuikaf afKrkfr BfeI. ksLmIrF isMG ny kry sI hwQ pUry, roky Ausny bVy sI vfr BfeI. hrcMd isMG jUJ mYdfn gey, pr mMnI nf AunHF ny hfr BfeI.. psLOrf isMG nUM sI iewk idn pihlF, kr msLvrf zyry ‘coN Gwilaf eI. kI mfjrf kI ey ivAuNqbfjLI, Byq lYx lfhOr nUM cwilaf eI. suixaf hor qy ho igaf hor vyKo, Bfxf hox qoN kdy nf tilaf eI. hrcMd isMGf nypry cfVH idwqf, hIrf isMG ny cflf jo cwilaf eI.. muslmfn qy zogrf PLOjIaF ny, aMdr jf ky zyry nUM Poilaf jI. ksLmIrf isMG dI mfqf idaf kOr, aqy do pqnIaF qfeIN jf toilHaf jI. bwcy-bwuZy, gRMQI jo hwQ afey,
PAGE 33 hrcMd isMG bfgVI
hIrf isMG ny KLflsf PLOj qfeIN,
POLj Kflsf hoeI iqafr ey jI.
jfx-bwuJ ky bwuDU bxfieaf jy.
rfxI ijMdF df vIr jvfhr isMG,
bIr isMG Drmfqmf pruK qfeIN,
quiraf PLOj nUM Auh llkfr ey jI.
zyry mfr ky KLUn bhfieaf jy.
kfilaF vflf XoDf aqr isMG,
hrcMd isMGf jnfnIaF bMnHIaF ny,
nfl sLfm isMG atfrI srdfr ey jI.
ksLmIrf isMG nUM mfr mukfieaf jy..
hrcMd isMG DUVF AuzdIaF ny,
ipMz ilaf isMGF ny Gyr mIaF.
sux-dyK krqUq sB zogry dI,
ktk ciVHaf DONsy mfr ey jI..
krnf tfkrf morcy lf bYTf,
pMQ-drdIaF DfhF mfrIaF ny.
pYVF nwpdy Kury dy mgr cwly,
hIrf isMG rfjpUq dlyr mIaF.
lfvf Puwtdf Pwutdf Pwut ipaf,
KLurf Koj hY kihMdy mukf dyxf.
hrcMd isMGf Gmsfn sI hox lwgf,
Auho lwgy krn iqafrIaF ny.
sfzf ijnHF ny swiqafnfs kIqf,
dovyN pfisEN lfeI nf dyr mIaF.
Ausny sfzy kysF ivwc hwQ pfieaf,
ivwc imwtI dy AunHF imlf dyxf.
ipMz vfly ipMz ‘coN kwZ idwqy,
iPrIaF idlF dy Auqy afrIaF ny.
qopF BfrIaF nfl bfrUd goly,
mrd, aOrqF, bwcy, jvfn BfeI
hrcMd isMGf AunHf hIrf isMG qfeIN,
mfr mfr ky quKLm Auzf dyxf.
psLU, lIVy-kwpVy, aMn-pfxI,
gwlF afKIaF awq krfrIaF ny.. jwly afiKaf hIrf isMG qfeIN,
hrcMd isMG njLr nf afAux muVky,
hor loVINdf jo sfmfn BfeI.
dl zogrf Drq qy pf dyxf.
ijMnf icr lVfeI nhIN Kqm huMdI,
swq mIl lfhOr qoN msIN gey,
nyVy afAux nf kIqf Prmfn BfeI.
idn ciVHaf hoeI svyr mIaF.
hrcMd isMGf PLOjF pMjfb dIaF,
hux sfzI nhIN hY KLYr rfjf bVf kMm gLlq hF kr bYTy, hux sfzy nf lwgxy pYr rfjf jfnF lY ky jMmU dy rfh peIey,
hIrf isMG ny ijwQy-ijwQy pVfa kIqf,
dyKLo lwgIaF mrn mrfn BfeI.. cldf...
ies qoN pihlF ik Zihjy kihr rfjf hrcMd isMGF nf Cwizaf KLflsy ny, ies nfl pfieaf ijs ny vYr rfjf hIrf isMG qy jwlHy pMzq ny afpxy jrnYlF, PLOjIaF aqy pirvfrF nUM lY ky jMmU vwl Bwjxf hIrf isMG qy jwlHf aMdr-Kfqy, Bwjx leI iqafrIaF krn lwgy. sonf, nkdI, mfl-asbfv sfrf, Auho gwizaF ivwc sI Brn lwgy. POLjI iqMn hjLfr aqy jrnYl ingdy, jrUrI vsqF hor ny Drn lwgy. hrcMd isMGf rfq df lY lfhf, rfh jMmU df rfq nUM PVn lwgy..
lfB isMG bMnH ky lhOr nUM ho ilaf jI.
21 dsMbr 1844 eI: nUM Kflsf PLOjF ny ipwCf krky rfjf hIrf isMG,
hrcMd isMGf hurmqI dyK iehy,
jwlHf pMzq, gulfb isMG df lVkf mIaF
lhU KLflsf POLj df KOilaf jI..
sohx isMG aqy mIaF
nf hI cVH iPrMgI dI PLOj afeI,
lfB isMG nUM kql krnf.
nf hI AunHF ny pul bMnHfieaf jy.
hIrf isMG dy kUc dI KLbr suxky, PAGE 33
The Patrika
Friday, August 5th, 2016
pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzy vYnkUvr dI pRfeIz pYryz ‘c sLfml hoey
bfeIk-bI sI PMizMg df lfB hovygf 23 sLihrF nUM
aYbtsPorz dy ivakqI Aupr lwgy kfm-AuksfAU sfihq rcn dy dosL
mfnXog jsitn trUzo kYnyzf dy pihly pRDfn mMqrI hn ijhVy afpxI pwqnI soPIaf gRIgoier aqy bwicaF smyq vYnkUvr dI 38vIN pRfeIz pYryz ivc sLfml hoey| ies mOky pRDfn mMqrI ny ikhf,” mYnUM kYnyzf dI pRfeIz pYryz ivc sLfml ho ky hfridk KusLI ho rhI hY| pYryz dy rUt clidaF jsitn trUzo iek strolr nUMDwk rhy sn ijs ivc AuMnHF df iek bwcf ipaf sI| drsLk pRDfn mMqrI dIaF qsvIrF iKwc rhy sn| ieh aijhf mOkf hY jdoN sfrf sLihr, pirvfr, BfeIcfry pYryz df anMd mfxdy hoey mhfn iviBMnqf df pRdrsLn kr rhy hn| vrxnXog hY ik jsitntrUzo dI ieh sLmUlIaq pihlI nhIN ikAuNik Auh 2014-15 ivc vI ilbrl pfrtI dy muKI vjoN ies
bI sI dy tRFsportysLn mMqRflf vwloN sUby dy afvf-jfeI ZFcy dy suDfr leI $2[7 iblIan Krc krn dI Xojnf bxfeI geI hY | Ausy Xojnf dy ihwsy vjoN aqy bI sI awg vD irhf hY-dy ihwsy vjoN sUby dy 23 sLihrF nUM bfeIk lynF bxfAux, sVkF nUM cOVIaF krn leI $6[5 imlIan dyx df PYslf kIqf igaf hY| ies sbMD ivc tRFsportysLn mMqrI tOz ston ny ikhf ik ies shfieqf nfl ieMnHF sLihrF dIaF imAuinpYltIaF afpxy sLihrF ivc sfeIkl clfAux vfilaF leI rfKvIaF lynF bxf ky lokF nUM sfeIkl clfAux leI Auqsfihq kr skxgIaF aqy lokF dI ishq nUM byhqr krn ivc shfeI ho skxgIaF| AuMnHf ieh vI ikhf ik srkfr 2001 qoN hux qwk $220 imlIan dI sfekilMg gRFt dy cuwkI hY|
aYbtsPorz dy 61 sflf bYrI gRYbfies Aupr kfmAuksfAU sfihq rc ky bwicaF nUM vrglfAux dy dosLF df sfhmxf krnf pY irhf hY| ioek sfl dI jFc pVqfl mgroN aYbtsPorz puils ny Cfpf mfrn dy vfrMt pRfpq kIqy aqy Aus dykMipAUtr, mYmorIsitwks, hfrz zRfeIv kYmry aqy Pon jLbq kIqy| kFstybl ieafn mYkzfnlz df kihxf hY ik Auprokq vsqF dI jFc pVqf krn qy pqf lwgf ik Auh bwicaF df kfmuk sosLn krdf irhf hY aqyAuMnHF nUM vrglfAuNdf irhf hY| igRPqfrI qoN bfad adflq ny Aus nUM kuJ sLrqF qihq Cwz idwqf| AuMnHF sLrqF qihq Auh 18 sfl qo NGwt Aumr dy bwicaF nUM nhIN iml skdf; pfrkF, zy-kyarF, mnorMjn vflIaFQfvF q\ivc nhIN jf skdf; ieMtr nYt dI vrqoN nhIN kr skdf|
aYbtsPorz ivKy srkfrI pYnl ny suxy pfeIp-lfeIn ivruwD qOKly
kOmI pVqfl bfry atfrnI jnrl df ibafn
ipCly idnI aYbtsPorz dy tRyzYks ivKy srkfrI pYnl ny sUmfs mfAuntyn Aupr ikMzr morgn vwloN iek tYNk bxfey jfx dy pRsqfv bfry aqy jotydfr pfeIplfeIn ivCfAux bfry aYbtsPoz invfsIaF dy qOKly suxy| BfvyN pYnl dy sfhmxy kyvl 30 lok hI hfjLr hoey prMqU AuMnHF ivcoN drjn ku ny Auprokq pRsqfv df ivroD kIqf| AuMnHF ikhf ik ieh pRojYkt aYbtsPorz dI KyqIbfVI leI hfnIkfrk hovygf; poltrI PfrmF dIaF murgIaF aqy trkIaF pfeIplfeIn dy sLor qoN burI qrF pRBfivq hoxgIaF| aijhf ivroD Kfs qOr qy PRyjLr vYlI leI kMm kr rhy aYgrIklcrl slfhkfr brUs tRYivsL vwloN pRgtfey gey| AuMnHF dwisaf ik AuMnHF dI kMpnI ny iksfnF Aupr pYx vfly BYVy pRBfvF nUM Gwt krn leI keI sPfrsLF nYsLnl ienrjI borz nUM ByjIaF hoeIaF hn| vfqfvrn Aupr pYx vfly bury pRBfvF nUM vI axgOilaF nhIN kIqf jf skdf| Xfd rhy ik pfeIplfeIn df 30 iklomItr ihwsf aYbtsPorz ivcoN dI lMGx vflf hY| ijwQy Auprokq qOKly pRgtfey gey AuwQy cwk PYlps ny ikhf ik kYnyzf dI afriQkqf leI pfeIplfeIn mhwqvpurn hY ikAuNik qyl nUM iek QF qoN dUsrI QF iljfx vfsqy pfeIplfeIn qoN cMgyrf hor koeI sfDn nhIN | Aus ny ikhf,” iksy vI joKm qoN rih skx bfry socxf supinaF dI dunIaF ivc rihx vflI gwl hovygI| AuMnHF ikhf ik sfnUM pqf hoxf cfhIdf hY ik dunIaF Br dI apivwqrqf aQvf mlInqf ivc kyvl kYnyzf df ihwsf kyvl 1[6% hY aqy ies ivcoN kyvl 5% qyl aqy kudrqI gYs qoN pYdf huMdf hY ijs nUM KurdbInI jF nf-mfqr hI kihxf bxdf hY|
bI sI dI inafie mMqrI sujLyn aYNtn ny guMm hoeIaF aqy kql hoeIaF mUlvfsI aOrqF bfry kOmI pVqfl bfry ikhf,” awj kYnyzf srkfr ny gumM hoeIaF aqy kql hoeIaF mUl vfsI aOrqF bfry pVqfl sLurU krky PYzrl coxF dOrfn kIqf vfadf pUrf kIqf hY| BfvyN bI sI srkfr ny vI ies sbMDI Epl pVqfl rfhIN zfAuntfAun eIstsfeIz dIaFguMmhoeIaF aOrqf bfry pVqfl kIqI sI prMqU kOmI pVqfl ivc nhIN phuMc apnfeI jfvygI ijs ivc AuMnHF mUl kfrnF dI GoK krygI ijMnHF kfrn mUlvfsI aOrqF aqy kuVIaF dI surwiKaf Kqry ivc pY jFdI hY| mYN ies kOmI pVqfl leI cuxI geI port kuiktlm dy jwj myrIan bulr-byint nUM vDfeI idMdI hF ikAuNik Aus nUM ies pVqflIaf kmytI dI muKI Qfipaf igaf hY| bI sI srkfr ies pVqfl ivc hr sMBv shfieqf dyvygI | asIN ies muwdy nUM aiq mhwqvpUrn smJdy hF|”
pYryz ivc sLfml hoey sn prMqU pRDfn mMqrI vjoN ieh AuMnHF dI pihlI sLmUlIaq sI| pRfeIz susfietI dy pRDfn aYln jrnign df kihxf hY ik pRDfn mMqrI dI sLmUlIaq susfietI leI mfn vflI gwl hY|
rIE KyzF bfry mMqrI df ibafn bI sI dyKyz mMqrI pItr PYsbYNzr ny rIE,bRfijLl ivKy ho rhIaF EilMipk KyzF bfry idwqy ibafn ivc ikhf,” mYN kYnyzf dy AuMnHF iKzfrIaF nUM hfridk vDfeI pysL krdf hF ijhVy ieMnHF KyzF ivc Bfg lYx leI jf rhy hn| nfl hI ieMnHF nUM isKlfeI dyx vfly kocF aqy shbRFjLIlfiek stfP nUM vI mubfrk kihMdf hF| sfzy sUby nUM bRfjLIl ivc ihsf lY rhy IKzfrIaF ‘qy mfn hY ; asIN AuMnHF pRqI vcnbwD hF ; asIN 2001 qoN hux qwk KyzF leI $1 iblIan df invysL kr cuwky hF ijs ivc ies sfl dy $50 imlIan sLfml hn| mYN ieMnHF iKzfrIaF dI kfmXfbI dI kfmnf krdf hF|”
300 sfl purfxf cfrlI drwKq izwgf pihly sMsfr XuwD dy bhfdr ispfhI cfrlI prikMn dI Xfd nUM smripq swrHI dy drwKq df kuJ ihwsf ipCly idnIN hfeIvya 1 ivc af izwgf| ieh vfrdfq AudoN vfprI jdoN iek vhIkl ies nfl jf tkrfieaf aqy pUrb vwljFdIaF dolynF bMd krnIaF peIaF| hfeIvya nfl sbMDq amly nUM izwgydrwKq nUM pfsy krn ivc keI GMty lwg gey| ies drwKq nUM AuwQoN htfAux df mslf AudoN vI KVHf ho igaf sI jdoNhfeIvya 1 nUM ivksq krn df plYn bxfieaf igaf sI| AudoN prikMn ies drwKq nUM bcfAux ivc sPl ho igaf sI | prikMn dIaF BfvnfvF krky hI ies drwKq nUM war memoriel df nF idwqf igaf sI | PAGE 34
Kqrnfk aprfDI nUM aYbtsPorz qoN imsLn Byijaf bI sI kurYksLn vwloN iek pbilk sUcnf pwqr jfrI kIqf igaf ijs ivc dwisaf igaf hY ik 41 sflf Kqrnfk kfmuk aprfDI jymj LkOnvya nUM aYbtsPorz jylH ivcoN imsn LjylH ivcoN Byijaf jf irhf hY| Auh pRfprtI nUM nuksfn phuMcfAux, kfmuk hmly krn, mucwlky dIaF sLrqF nUM BMg krn ijh aprfD kr cuwkf hY| aYbtsPorz ivKy Aus ivruwD AudoN keI ivKfvy hoey jdoN Auh hfPvya hfAus ( aDvftI srF) ivc rih irhf sI|
ivdysLI KRIdfrF qy lgfey tYks nfl bhuqf Prk nhIN pvygf BfvyN KjLfnf mMqrI mfeIk zIjONg df kihxf hY ik mYtro vYnkUvr ivc ivdysLI KRIdfrF ‘qy15%pRfprtI tRFsPr tYks lfAux df mMqv hfAuisMg dI vrqmfn splfeI nUM vDfAux hY prMqU rIal aYstyt mfriukt nfl juVy mfhrF dI rfey hY ik ivdysLI KRIdfrF Aupr lgey gey 15% lgfAux nfl vfrFKLFdy GrF dI igxqI ivc bhuqf vfDf nhIN hovygf| srkfr vwloN pRkfisqL aMkiVaF ivc dwisaf igaf hY ik 10 julfeI qoN 14 julfeI qwk ivky GrF ivcoN 10%Gr ivdysLIaF vwloN KRIdy gey| nfn-pRoiPt ieMzstrI aYsosIeysLnarbn izvYlpmYNt ieMstIicAUt dI pRDfn eyn mYkmuiln df kihxf hY ik ijMnf icr ieh nhIN pqf lgdf ik ies tYks pRqI KRIdfrF df pRqIkRm kI hY AuMnf icr agly cfr Cy mhIny ainsLicq siQqI vfly hoxgy | pr AuMnHF ikhf ik iek gwl pwkI hY ik vfrfKFdy GrF dI vrqmfn siQqI ivc bhuq Prk nhIN pYx vflf| iesy qrF XU bI sI dy arQsLfsqr dy pRoPYsr Qfms zyvIzOP df iKafl hY ik ies tYks nfl ivdysLI KRIdfrF df Kfqmf nhIN hovygf| AuMnHF ikhf ik shI siQqI df pqf lwgx ivc kuJ smF lwgygf|
The Patrika
Friday, August 5th, 2016
'I'm Even More Commitment Phobic Now: Akshaye
I can never be disciplined like Aamir, says ShahRukh
Superstar Shah Rukh Khan says he can never be as disciplined as Aamir khan when it comes to working on body fitness. Shah Rukh was speaking about Aamir Khan’s weight gain and loss for his upcoming film ‘Dangal’, he also said that the “Aamir works really hard on his body.
“Aamir is very disciplined and works really hard on his body. Two years ago, when I had met him, he had put on a lot of weight and now he has lost all those extra kilos. I can never be disciplined. “Infact, I started working out only after ‘Om Shanti Om’,” Shah Rukh said.
Yami Gautam made a breakthrough debut with Vicky Donor and now the actress hopes Kaabil will help cement her position more commercially. While Yami has appeared in a number of films like Total Siyappa, Action Jackson, Badlapur and Sanam Re her roles in some movies have been limited to bit parts as opposed to prominent characters. She says Kaabil, in which she will be seen opposite Hrithik Roshan, has the potential to become a career-defining film for her. “When you are on your own, it can be a bit challenging. There could be roles which I’d want to do but maybe right now I can’t get them. I have to formulate my way so I can slowly move towards reaching there. Whatever I have done so far has led me to Kaabil. It is a big opportunity for me to establish myself more commercially. It is a huge platform,” This is also one of the most challenging roles she has played so far “My character is different from what I have done. Hrithik and I are playing blind people in the film. It required a certain kind of homework. It is challenging not just for the actors but also for the director and the rest of the crew. “But everyone is so much into their zone and they know exactly what they want. I think everybody is working really hard to rise above the script.”
Akshaye Khanna, who had taken a five year long sabbatical, will finally be onscreen in the Varun Dhawan and John Abraham starrer Dishoom. In a recent interview when he was asked about his absence from the big screen, he was quoted saying, “I have been working since I was 19. When someone like me takes a sabbatical, it leads to a few happy realisations. It was only when I was away that I realised how films are such a big part of my life. Here’s my analogy, when you are running a business, it has to keep making money to thrive. Similarly, acting is a physical and mental necessity. It is essential for artistes to have that release of creativity, almost as necessary as eating food or drinking water. As an actor, it is paramount for us to be on our toes. Without delving much into reasons, I am glad that I took time off. I had rejected offers, but I took an unusual amount of time to find the next few projects to start off
with.” When asked about his relationship status, Akshaye had a surprising response. He said, “I’m even more commitment phobic now. I wasn’t like that in the past but over time, I have become more wary of relationships. It has a lot to do with the fact that I enjoy being alone. I am comfortable in my skin. As bizarre as it sounds, it is important for me to be left in my space. I prefer it that way. Ninety per cent of people in the world like to be surrounded by loved ones but I’m diametrically opposite. My ‘alone time’ is sacrosanct. The thought of giving up my space for anyone is frightening.”
Priyanka inspires me a lot: Parineeti
Actress Parineeti Chopra says cousin the way Priyanka is inspiring and insane. Priyanka has created made a splashy debut in the west with her American show ‘Quantico’ and is now gearing up for the release of ‘Baywatch’, where she stars as the main villain. “She has gone there (West) and represented India. She has also impressed them. I am sure they would be looking at us in a different light and that is amazing. Kudos to her,” . “She has gone there as a debutante and did a show and now a film. She is a one man army and she inspires me a lot. There is no stopping her whether she is ill or anything. It’s insane,” she said. “Emotionally as an elder sister, it work wise or personally she has always been there for me. She is an amazing sister. She is so busy and successful but still she gives all of us attention. That is amazing,” Parineeti said. “She does everything on her own and does it to the fullest. Whenever I want to talk to her, I just have to call her up. We both talk about each other’s lives. She is big part of my life,” she added.
Actor Varun Dhawan says that all his movies are like his babies and he is protective about them. "I enjoy working in every film because that is the only thing I enjoy. Every film is like a baby for me, it's like my own child. I feel protective and aggressive each time my film hit theatres," said Varun on a promotional event of his upcoming release 'Dishoom'. While he is protective about his movies he said is not biased towards films made by his father or brother and gives his 100 percent to all the projects. "I cannot say I enjoy working the most in that film or I cannot choose it just because of my father or brother. I will equally love my next film like my previous ones," he added.
The Patrika
PAGE 36 pMnHf 2 dI bfkI nUMhF nUM ByjI mfey pykVy, mfey myrIey nIN
sUihaF dy idn cfr
DIaF nUM leI nIN mMgf, sfvx afieaf
sfvx afieaf
ijhVIaF ivafhIaF kuVIaF iksy kfrn sfAux mhIny ivwc afpxy pykIN nhIN af skdIaF, AunHF leI AunHF dy mfpy qIaF df sMDfrf Byjdy hn. qIaF dy sMDfry ivwc DIaF leI iqAur aqy miTafeI huMdI hY. qIaF dy sMDfry df kuVIaF nUM ikMnf cfa huMdf hY, ies dI ivafiKaf iewk lok gIq ies qrHF krdf hY:-
ikwkUM nI ByjF sUhVy,
ByjI nIN aMmf rfxI sUhVy,
Friday, August 5th, 2016
ipE qyrf pRdys
hn ijnHF rfhIN prdysF ivwc bYTI muitafr ijwQy afpxy dUr vsyNdy mfipaF dy drd df swl sihMdI hY, EQy prdysIN KwtI krn gey afpxy mfhI dy ivXog nUM vI bVy drdIly bolF ivwc ibafn krdI hY. sfAux dy idnF ivwc shury geI BYx nUM vIr lYx afAuNdf hY qF sws nxfn mwQy vwt pf lYNdIaF hn:
sfvx afieaf
sfvx afieaf nIN sKIey sfvx afieaf
purfxy simaF ivwc afAux-jfx dy sfDn sImq sn, nf sVkF sn, nf ndIaF nfilaF ‘qy pul. pMj-dws koh dI vft ‘qy ivafhI muitafr afpxy-afp nUM prdysx smJdI sI. vrHy iCmfhI mgroN hI koeI imlx afAuNdf. sfvx dy anykF lMmy gIq imldy
iewk qF afieaf myrI aMmF df jfieaf af jf vy vIrf, sws nxfn mwuK moiVaf af jf vIrf cVH AuWcI atfrI myry kfnH AusfrI, dy jf vIrf myrI mF dy sunyhVy rfm
kuVqI hro dI iBwjI vrI dI, iksLno dI PulkfrI pING JUtdI swsI izwg peI, nfly nUrI nfBy vflI iBwj geI lfjo vy, bhuuqy ihrKF vflI igwDf iewk aijhf ipV hY ijwQy muitafrF afpxy idl dy guB-guBft kwZdIaF hn aqy ibd ibd ky bolIaF pf ky afpxy mn df Bfr hOlf krdIaF hoeIaF sfAux mhIny dy sdkVy jFdIaF hn. ies leI qF Auh kihMdIaF hn: sfAux vIr kwTIaF kry, BfdoN cMdrI ivCoVy pfvy
qIaF dy rMgly iqAuhfr qoN ielfvf sfAux dy hor vI keI rMg hn. ies mOsm dOrfn pihlF keI idn JVIaF lwgdIaF, cfry pfsy sfQ atyrn sUhI rMgLlI rfm jl-Ql ho jFdI. Gr-Gr KIrF irwJdIaF af vy vIrf cVHIey AuWcI atfrI qy mflH pUVy pwkdy pr hux Auh gwlF nhIN sfAux ivwc kuVIaF ipMzoN bfhr broitaF- rhIaF. ivkfs dy nF ‘qy lwKF drwKqF dy tfhlIaF dy drwKqF ‘qy pINGF JUtdIaF kqlyafm ny kudrqI vfqfvrx df sMquln aqy igwDF pfAuNdIaf iewk vfr smF bMnH hI ivgfV idwqf hY. hux pihlF vFg mINh nhIN pYNdy. keI vfr qF sfAux swukf hI lMG idMdIaF hn: jFdf hY. ipMzF df sLihrIkrn ho irhf hY. afieaf sfvx idl prcfvx, JVI lwg pihly sLONk vI hux rhy nhIN aqy qIaF geI BfrI df iqAuhfr vI hux pihlF vfly AuqsLfh JUty lYNdI mrIaf iBwj geI, nfly rfm nfl nhIN mnfieaf jFdf. sfAux mhIny ivwc pwkdy suafdI mflH pUVy aqy irwJdIaF ipafrI KIrF awj bIqy smyN dIaF XfdF bx ky rih geIaF hn. mF qF qyrI BYxy, plMGy pIhVy bTfeI
kyvl isMG inrdosL bxdy jd ptvfrI gflHV AujVy bfgF dy. ho jFdy hMkfrI, gflHV AujVy bfgF dy. pYrF hyT btyrf, jd vI Buwlky af jfvy, afKx asIN isLkfrI, gflHV AujVy bfgF dy. rfq rfq ivc bxdy, inrDn qoN srDn ijhVy, bxdy sPl vpfrI, gflHV AujVy bfgF dy. suMZ dI gwTI jykr, iml jy ikDroN AuhnF nUM, afKx asIN pMsfrI, gflHV AujVy bfgF dy. kfhlI kfhlI kwTy krky kmly keIaF nUM, kursI kihx hmfrI gflHV AujVy bfgF dy. nf vsdy hF afpMU iksy nUM vsx nhIN idMdy, afKx idl ivc DfrI, gflHV AujVy bfgF dy. votF dy ies dOr ‘c swc inrdosL ny iliKaf hY, awj pY gey ny BfrI gflHV AujVy bfgF dy. PAGE 36
The Patrika
Friday, August 5th, 2016
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The Patrika
Friday, August 5th, 2016
jyT (ibRK) sMkRFqI
joiqS, Eqy Eqy 604-751-0220 kro
myK-mnobl kmjLor rhy, Dn-Kfny ivwc bRihspq afriQk-siQqI mjLbUq kry, imwqr-bMDU df suwK imly, sMpdf-lfB, sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf, mfn asLFq, kfrobfr TIk. julfeI 16, 17, 24, 25; agsq 2, 3, 12, 13 asLuwB hn.
You will begin to gain clearer vision of longterm aims. In part this can be connected to a release of pressure from the desires of somebody else. The big picture will need to be filled in with all the small details to early October. Failure to do this will result in blockages that will hold back progress and become frustrating.
Put the finishing touches on whatever you feel you need to get established to create a good foundation with any situation moving forward. Something new is likely to be part of the process. You need to be firm about what suits you best as someone else will have no qualms putting pressure on you to change things to suit them more.
ibRK-ishq kmjLor hovy. afriQk hflfq kmjLor. injI-jnF nUM ksLt. sLnI-mMgl ksLtkfrk hn, KUn dI KrfbI aqy vfXU-rog, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, axjfxy dusLmx qoN sfvDfn, iesqrI-ksLt. julfeI 18, 19, 27, 28; agsq 4, 5, 14, 15 asLuwB hn.
imQn-ishq kmjLor, afmdn-Krc brfbr, imwqr-bMDU nUM ksLt, Dn-hfnI, ihMmq ‘c vfDf, sMqfn-pwK suwLB, dusLmx aqy ibmfrI df zr, iesqrI-pwK qoN hfnI. julfeI 20, 21, 29, 30; agsq 7, 8 asLuwB hn.
krk-ishq TIk, GrylU JgVy, mfnisk ksLt, iesqrI-pwK qoN lfB, imwqr-bMDU df sihXog imly, nyqr-ksLt, sMqfn bfry icMqf, sMpdf-lfB, acfnk Krc. julfeI 22, 23, 31; agsq 1, 9, 10, 11 asLuwB hn.
isMG-guwsy ‘c vfDf, mfnisk prysLfnI, Dn-lfB, pirvfrk JgVy sulJx, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, sMpdf-suwK, iesqrI-ksLt, sLnI-mMgl df dfn kro. julfeI 16, 17, 24, 25; agsq 2, 3, 12, 13 asLuwB hn.
kMinaf-ishq TIk pr mfnisk ksLt rhy. afmdn nfloN Krc ijLafdf, awKF ‘c qklIP, Brf nUM ksLt, sMpdf-suwK, sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf, iesqrI-ksLt. julfeI 18, 19, 27, 28; agsq 4, 5, 14, 15 asLuwB hn.
7 qulf-ishq TIk, mn prysLfn, afriQk sMkt, GrylU JgVy, imwqr-bMDU nfl axbx, sMpqIlfB, sMqfn bfry icMqf, iesqrI-ksLt, rog-BY. julfeI 20, 21, 29, 30; agsq 7, 8 asLuwB hn.
ibRsick-pyt ‘c KrfbI, Dn-lfB, pirvfrk-suwK, kfrobfr TIk, Brf df suwK, sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf, dusLmx aqy rog df BY, iesqrI-pwK qoN suwK rhy. julfeI 22, 23, 31; agsq 1, 9, 10, 11 asLuwB hn. Dn-ishq Krfb, Dfn-lfB ho ky hfnI, bMDU-ksLt, sMpdf-hfnI, sMqfn bfry icMqf, dusLmx dby rihx, kfrobfr ivwc hfnI. julfeI 16, 17, 24, 25; agsq 2, 3, 12, 13 asLuwB hn.
10 mkr-mfnisk aqy srIrk ksLt, sLnI-mMgl df dfn kro, rfj BY, imwqr-bMDU suwK, sMqfnpwK suLwB, iesqrI aqy pirvfrk suwK, kfrobfr gVbV. julfeI 18, 19, 27, 28; agsq 4, 5, 14, 15 asLuwB hn.
11 kuMB-ishq TIk, iesqrI-ksLt, mfnisk prysLfnI, bMDU-suwK, Dn-jfiedfd df suwK, sMqfnpwK TIk, kfrobfr ivwc lfB. julfeI 20, 21, 29, 30; agsq 7, 8 asLuwB hn.
mIn-ishq TIk rhy. ibmfrI aqy dusLmx df BY, Dn-hfnI, Brf df suwK, sMpqI-lfB, sMqfnpwK sLuwB, iesqrI-suwK TIk rhy, ihMmq bxI rhy. julfeI 22, 23, 31; agsq 1, 9, 10, 11 asLuwB hn.
Activity with others will certainly step up a notch. Things that weren’t fully sorted out in March, April and May involving others, can now become settled by late September. Simply speaking about new directions is not enough – this will take detailed and persistent follow up from you to get things settled and in place.
Now is the time to put some new habits in place when it comes to money matters, which more than likely relates most to spending. You can be exceptionally clear headed on many issues to early October. There is no need for quick decisions. What is more important are the details and awareness of obligations attached.
The New Moon occurs this week in your sign, providing the opportunity to set new directions in place with anything on a personal level. Its easy-going link to Saturn brings an added bonus of being able to deal with obligations more easily than usual. Focus moves to your finances to early October. Impulsiveness here won’t be rewarded.
You will have an extra long period with Mercury, the planet of thought and communication now in your sign until 7th October. It will provide opportunity to come to terms with all things important. You should think over what has happened since your last birthday while Jupiter has been in your sign – it has been a turning point.
From now to early October you will need to find time to yourself to contemplate what really needs to be let go of in life, based on what you have experienced since August. New priorities can take shape this week and it won’t be difficult to either find the information you need or to realise the practical decisions you should make.
July especially has been an important time for you to realise where you stand or what you are about as your new 2-year cycle finally crystallised. New obligations can now arise. This can require you to become more detailed when it comes to priorities from now to early October. Expect to change your mind in this time.
With Mars now moving back into your sign where it will remain until the 27th September, you can now expect your new 2-year agenda to become more solid after it didn’t fully engage in March, April & May. New horizons are beckoning. You must deal with commitments in a most fine tuned manner for ultimate long-term success.
There is a lot going on under the radar, particularly where other people are concerned. You just need to be patient, let time take its course and allow details to emerge, as they will. Meanwhile focus on your own goals in detail to early October, especially in relation to surprising options that may have presented in the last year.
New directions involving other people can have a surprisingly stable result when it comes to things important to your own life. Amongst this could be the establishment of new friendships. There can still be mystery and mind changing with others to early October so ensure you act in your own best interests, always.
If somebody else questions your level of commitment don’t be too quick to react. This could be the start of a conversation that will go on to early October. It will test you to consider your obligations carefully, as well as deciding what you believe is worthwhile to act on. Mainly you will want to feel appreciated for your efforts.
Friday, August 5th, 2016
The Patrika
Communities throughout B.C. benefit from BikeBC funding 23 communities throughout B.C. will receive more than $6.5 million in funding for 25 projects to expand and build cycling lanes, trails and paths for cyclists and pedestrians. “The variety of cycling infrastructure projects chosen for funding through our BikeBC program is really impressive,” said Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Todd Stone. “It’s evident that local governments are carefully considering which improvements will best suit both residents and visitors when planning and designing these projects. All of this year’s projects will provide more opportunities for British Columbians and tourists to cycle for commuting, recreation and tourism.” BikeBC is the Province’s cost-sharing
Premier’s statement on Royal Visit
remier Christy Clark has issued the following statement on the upcoming Royal Tour:
events, the Royal Tour will focus global attention on B.C. and showcase everything British Columbians take
“British Columbia is pleased to hear Through B.C. on the Move, the Min- the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have chosen to highlight British Columbia on their Royal Tour this fall.
pride in, from our unmatched natural beauty to our thriving, diverse communities.
Move, the government’s 10-year transportation plan. The ministry committed to $18 million over three years to cost-share with municipalities on projects like bike trails, pedestrian bridges, multi-use paths and shoulder bikeways. Since 2001, the Government of B.C. has invested more than $220 million in cycling grants and infrastructure throughout the province. Cycling contributes to increased physical activity and helps reduce greenhouse gases. The 25 projects that received funding this year cover a range of initiatives, including bike lanes, multi-use trails and improvements to roads and highways to allow better shared use for cyclists.
“Like the Olympics, Women’s World Cup, Expo 86 and other international
program that helps communities build cycling projects that attract and support commuter and tourism cyclists. The funding is part of B.C. on the
Details of the visit will become available in the months leading up to their arrival.”
istry of Transportation and Infrastructure will invest almost $2.7 billion over the next three years to improve British Columbia’s transportation network.
The Patrika
Friday, August 5th, 2016
‘qur geIaF byVIaF qy lMG gey ny pUr Eey’ vflI mubfrk bygm mndIp isMG iswDU qur geIaF byVIaF qy lMG gey ny pUr Eey kwlHI mYN KloqI rih geI, kMZVy ‘qy dUr Eey qur geIaF byVIaF… ieh pursojL ngLmf 1960 ivwc irlIjL hoeI kvfqVf ipkcrjL dI iPlm ‘hIr isafl’ df hY ijs dy KUbsUrq bol ilKy sn mnohr isMG sihrfeI ny aqy mOiskI qrqIb kIqI sI srUdl kvfqVf ny. ies ngLmy nUM afpxI afvfjL nfl sjfAux vflI mubfrk bygLm bIqI 18 julfeI nUM afpxy Gr jogysLvrI ivKy 80 sflF dI Aumr Bog ky ies sMsfr nUM alivdf afK geI. 50 aqy 70 dy dhfky ivwc ihMdI aqy pMjfbI iPLlmF ivwc Aus ny bysLumfr gIqF aqy gLjLlF nfl coKI mkbUlIaq hfsl kIqI sI. Aus dI iPLlm ‘hmfrI Xfd afeygI(1961) ivwc gfeI AurdU gLjLl ‘kBI qnhfeIEN myN XUM, hmfrI Xfd afeygI, aMDyry Cf rhy hoNgy ik ibjlI kOND jfeygI[[[‘awj vI sMgIq-mwdfrF dI rUh nUM tuMb-tuMb jFdI hY. mubfrk bygLm dy Kfndfn df qfaulk rfjsQfn dy nvlgVH nfl sI jdoNik Auh vfildf grF JUMJnUM dI rihx vflI sI. mubfrk bygLm df jnm 5 jnvrI 1936 nUM JMuJnUM ‘c hoieaf. Aus dy dfdf dI aihmfdfbfd ‘c cfh dI dukfn sI. ies leI Aus dy awbf vI smyq pirvfr aihmfdfbfd afx vsy sn. iewQy AunHF ny PLl vycx df kfrobfr sLurU kIqf. aihmfdbfd ‘c mubfrk bygLm df bcpn bIiqaf. Aus dI qflIm nfm-inhfd sI. 1943-44 dy lgBg Aus dy awbf ny bMbeI vsybf kr ilaf. mubfrk bygLm dy vfild nUM qbfl vjfAux df sLONk sI. ies qrHF Aus nUM vfild qoN mOsIkI dI qrbIaq imlxI suBfivk sI. Auh byhwd sLONk nfl surweIaf aqy nUrjhF dy gIq guxgxfAuNdI rihMdI sI. mOsIkI ‘c Aus dI idlcspI dyKidaF Aus dy vfild ny Aus nUM ikrfnf Grfxy dy Ausqfd irafjLUdIn KLfn aqy smd Kfn koloN gfiekI dI qflIm idvfAuxI sLurU kr idwqI. ies dy nfl mubfrk bygLm nUM afl ieMzIaf ryzIE ‘qy vI gfAux df mOkf imlx lwigaf. iewk idn sMgIqkfr, adfkfr aqy inrdysLk rPLIK gLjLnvI ny Aus df ngLmf sux ky afpxI iPLlm ‘c gfAux leI swidaf pr stUzIE ‘c lokF dI BIV dyK ky Auh Gbrf geI aqy gf nhIN skI. sMgIqkfr isLafm suMdr ny vI iewk iPlm ‘c Aus nUM mOkf idwqf pr irkfrizMg dOrfn jLbfn qflU nfl icpk geI qy gIq gfieaf nhIN igaf. iPr hOlI hOlI ihMmq krky Aus ny BrpUr imhnq kIqI. sfl 1949 PAGE 40
ivwc numfiesL hoeI ieMzIaf pRozksLn, bMby dy bYnr hyT XfkUb dy inrdysLn ‘c afeI iPLlm ‘afeIey’ ivwc mubfrk bygLm ny nksLb df iliKaf afpxf pihlF ngLmf ‘mohy afny lgI aMgVfeI, afjf afjf blm hrjL f eI[[[‘irkfrz krvfieaf ijs dy sMgIqkfr sOLkq dyhlvI (AurPL sLOkq hYdrI, AurPL nfsLfd) sn, ijnHF ny nfsLfd (nOsLfd alI nhIN) dy nF nfl keI ihMdI iPlmF ‘c sMgIq idwqf. ies iPLlm ‘c mubfrk bygLm ny adfkfrI vI kIqI sI. iPLlm ivwc lqf mMgysLkr aqy jI[aYm[durfnI ny vI ngLmfsrfeI kIqI sI aqy lqf dy nfl mubfrk bygLm df gfieaf Xugl qrfnf ‘afE clyN[[[afE clyN’ vI kfPLI mkbUl hoieaf sI. ies qoN bfad Aus ny keI iPLlmF ‘c gIq gfey. iPLlm ‘bsyrf’ ivwc sMgIqkfr aYm[ey[ rfAUPL ny mubfrk bygLm qoN cfr ngLmy gvfey sn aqy sMgIqkfr hMsrfj bihl ny Aus qoN swq gIq gvfey sn. inrdysLk kmfl amrohI dI inrdysLnm ivwc pRXogfqmk iPLlm ‘dfierf’ df sLumfr klf iPLlmF ‘c kIqf jFdf hY, ijs ivwc sMgIqkfr jmfl syn ny mubfrk bygLm qoN keI gIq gvfey sn ‘dIp ky sMg jlUM mYN’, ‘pltn Et, suno moro nXnf’, ‘albwqf muhMmd rPI dy nfl gfieaf. Aus df Bjn ‘zfl dI jl-Ql myN neIXf[[[[dyvqf qum ho myrf shfrf, mYny Qfmf hY dfmn qumhfrf’ bhuq ihwt hoieaf sI. sLfier kYPL ierPLfnI dy ilKy ies Bjn dI Dun bysfKLqf BgqF nUM sLrDf ‘c JUmx lf idMdI hY. 1955 ivwc ibml rfey dI inrmfx aqy inrdysLn ‘c afeI nfvl afDfirq iPLlm ‘dyvdfs’ ‘c iewk mujrf gIq ‘vo nf afeyNgy plt ky, AunhoN lfK hm bulfeyN’ awj vI Xfd kIqf jFdf hY. sMgIqkfr nOsLfd alI ny iPLlm ‘mugl-ey-afjLm’ (1960) ivwc mubfrk bygLm qoN iewk sihgfx gvfieaf sI ‘husn kI bfrfq clI’[[[, ijs ivwc AunHF df sfQ idwqf sI gulUkfrf sLLmsLfd, lqf mMgysLkr aqy sfQIaF ny. ies nUM irkfrz qF kr ilaf pr iPLlm ‘c sLfiml nhIN kIqf igaf sI. 1961 ivwc irlIjL hoeI iPLlm ‘hmfrI Xfd afeygI’ ‘c mubfrk bygLm dI gfeI AurdU gLjLl ‘kBI qnhfeIE myN XUM, hmfrI Xfd afeygI[[[‘ jdoN iPLjLfvF ‘c gUMjI qF sMgIq-mwdfhF ny Aus nUM KuwlHy idl nfl KusLafmdId ikhf. 1963 ivwc pRdrisLq hoeI inrdysLk tI[pRkfsL rfE dI iPLlm ‘hmrfhI’ ‘c sLMkr-jYiksLn dy sMgIq ‘c Aus ny muhMmd rPLI nfl Xugl gIq ‘muJko afpxy gly lgf lo[[[ aY myry hmrfhIN’ gfieaf ijs nUM adfkfrf jmunf qy rijMdr kumfr ‘qy iPLlmfieaf igaf, ijs ny byhwd
mkbUlIaq hfisl kIqI. mubfrk bygLm ny ihMdI qoN ielfvf pMjfbI, rfjsQfnI aqy BojpurI jLbfn ‘c bxIaF qkrIbn 140 iPLlmF ‘c 200 qoN vI mjLId ngLmy gfey. Auys qoN gIq gvfAux vfly sMgIqkfrF dI kwul igxqI 69 hY jo ies gwl dI sLfhdI BrdI hY ik Aus dI afvfjL df sB sMgIqkfrF ny KUbsUrq iesqymfl kIqf. iPLlmF ‘c ps-ey-prdf gulUkfrf vjoN mkbU l Iaq hfsl krn dy nfl mubfrk bygLm ny gYLr-iPLlmI 55 gLjL lF, nfq aqy kwvflIaF vI irkfrz krvfeIaF, ijnHF ny 78 afrpIaYm[ dy grfmoPon ‘qy irkfrz kIqf igaf sI. mubfrk bygLm ny afpxf pihlF pMjfbI ngLmf 1960 ‘c afeI iPlm ‘hIr isafl’ ‘c gfieaf. ies pursojL gIq dy bol sn ‘qur geIaf byVIaF qy lMG gey ny pUry Eey[[[‘ ijs nUM iPLlm dI adfkfr ieMdr ibwlI ‘qy iPLlmfieaf igaf jo awj vI byhwd mkbUl hY. Aus dI iesy sfl afeI eIst aYNz vYst mUvIjL, bMby dI iPLlm ‘pwgVI sMBfl jwtf’ ivwc iewk AurdU gLjLl ‘arjL mnjLUr ho iesrfr mYN kXf rKf hY’ vI KUbL srfhI geI. 1976 ivwc irlIjL hoeI suprmYks iPLlmjL, bMby dI ‘nOkr bIvI kf’ ivwc Aus ny sMgIqkfr KLwXfm dy sMgIq ‘c do gIq gfey. ‘swuk gey ny hMJU myry qwk-qwk vftF vy’ adfkfrf rfxI ‘qy aqy dUjf aYs[blbIr nfl ‘muV muV ky nf vyK JFjrf vflIey’, nUM hrIsL qy ryxUkf AuWpr iPLlmfieaf igaf. sfl 1980 ivwc iPLlm ‘rfmU qoN dIvfnf hY ’ leI gfieaf ‘sFvrIaf qy r I Xfd myN[[[‘ mubfrk bygLm df aMiqm ngLmf sI. Aus ny bhuq sfry styj-sLoa vI kIqy. Aus dI afvfjL ‘c rfjsQfn df lok-rMg aqy rsIlfpx vwisaf hoieaf sI. afpxy gfien dy afrMiBk dOr ‘c mubfrk bygLm
dI afvfjL mInf kpUr aqy mDUbflf JvyrI dy drimafn afAuNdI sI. Aus ivwc komlqf sI, kisLsL sI. bfad ivwc Aus ny afvfjL nUM bdlx aqy nUrjhF sLYlI apnfAux dI koisLsL kIqI. mubfrk bygLm df ivafh iPLlmsfjL jgnnfQ sLrmf nfl hoieaf sI, ijs ny nrigs aqy dyv afnMd dy mrkjLI ikrdfr vflI iPLlm ‘ibrhf kI rfq’ df inrmfx kIqf sI. Aus dy Gr iqMn DIaF qy iewk pwuq ny jnm ilaf. qflImXfPLqf nf hox kfrn mubfrk bygLm iPLlm sMgIq dy Kyqr ‘c Auh nfm nf kmf skI jo Aus dIaF smkflI gfiekfvF ny hfsl kIqI. Auh bMbeI dI iewk KMzrnumf KsLqf hfl iemfrq ivwc lMmy arsy qoN bdhflI dI ijMdgI bsr kr rhI sI aqy Aus dI qrsXog hflfq dyKidaF adfkfr sunIl dwq ny afpxy rsUK sdkf jogysLvrI ‘c iewk Cotf ijhf PlYt Aus nUM lY idwqf sI. iP swq sO rupey mhInf Aus nUM pYnsLn vI imlx lwg peI sI. mihMgfeI dy Xwug ivwc swq sO rupey ‘c gujLfrf ikvyN hoxf sI. pRsMsLkF ny vI Aus dI bhuq mdd kIqI pr Auh qMdrusqI nfl jUJdI hI ies dunIaF qoN ruKLsq hoeI. ies ajLIm gulUkfrf nUM Xfd kridaF ‘iPLlmjL izvIjLn’ ny sfl 2008 ivwc iewk ryKf icwqr vI bxfieaf sI, ijs nUM goaf ivwc hoey aMqrrfsLtrI iPLlm PYstIPl ivwc idKfieaf igaf sI.
ShIdW dy srqwj DMn-DMn SRI gurU Arjn dyv jI dy ShIdI idhwVy nMU smripq The Patrika
ngr kIrqn
Friday, August 5th, 2016
nagar kirtan
gurU GrW qoN svyry 9 vjy ngr kIrqn leI b`sW c`lxgIAW
Sunday Sept 4th, 2016
Kirtan, Katha, Dhadi, Speeches, Gatka
Starts 11:00am
The Patrika
Friday, August 5th, 2016
Nirajdeep Kaur Aulakh and Jaspreet Singh Brar tied the knot on July 31, 2016! Congratulations to the Aulakh and Brar Family!
icwqrkfrf ibMdU mTUVU dIaF klf ikrqF swc qy suMdrqf df sumyl mohn igwl ipCly idnI zYltf afrt kONsl vwloN lgfeI iek pRdrsLnI ivc ibMdUM mTfVU dIaF bxfeIaF hoeIaF pyitMgF dyKx df mOkf imilaf. pyitMgF ivc ijQy aiDafqmvfd dI Jlk sfP idKfeI dy rhI sI AuQy klfkfr dy hwQF, idRsLtI, bursL aqy rMgf ivcoN klfkfr dI soc ivclI prpwkqf vI sihjy hI njr af rhI sI. hor prdrsLnI ivc sLfml klfkfrF dy nfl jd mYN ibMdU mTfVU nMU imilaf qF AuhnF dI gwlbfq ivwcoN vI sLbd qy iKafl iblkul Aus qrF dy hI imly ijho ijhy AunHF dIaF bxfeIaF qsvIrF ivwcoN Jlkdy sn. soc aqy klf ikRq ivc sumyl vfly klfkfr bhuq Gwt imldy hn.
Friday, August 5th, 2016
jwg Buwlky DoKf Kf jFdf,
The Patrika
gurmyl isMG iswDU brfV
Buj gey vFgrF dfixaF dy,
ho aYmrjYNsI ipafr tUwty,
Bwjy GroN dupihry iqKVy aY,
ipaf kUMj vFg kurlfAuNdf ey,
pqf lwgdf ivCVn lwigaf qoN
bx jFdI mOq BbMkVF dI,
idl twuitaf qoN gwl mwuk jFdI,
dfh sB qoN burf ivCoVy df,
ibRhoN dy dIivaF jwigaF qoN,
nhIN KVkf bfhr suxONdf ey,
nhIN hwtdf nfl duafeIaF dy,
sB twut jfAUN tuwt jfANU krdf eIaf,
kuCL bxdf nhIN guurmyl isMGf,
Pwt zUMGy zfktr isAuN iswtdy,
pqf lwgdf ivCVn lwigaf qoN
isr qoN dI pfxI vwigaf qoN,
nhIN htdy jKLm judfeIaF dy,
jy tuwtjy aMg srIrF df,
sB tuwt jfANU tuwt jfAUN krdf eIaf,
bMdf bhqu duhfeIaF pONdf ey,
pqf lwgdf ivCVn lwigaf qoN .
rMg icwitaF goiraF bwigaF qy sB tuwt jfANU tut jfAUN krdf eIaf,
dwuK vDdy vDdy vD jFdy, bx jFdy rUp sLudfeIaF dy dunIaF dy hfsy ho jFdy, vwj gey Zol qy zwigaf qoN, izwg DrqI qy awg lf jFdI, jfey ibjlI tut asmfnF ‘coN PVy mwgr Bwjy qoN nhIN jFdy, Cut jfvx qIr kmfnF ‘coN, Auh aglI drgfh nhIN imldy, jo inKVy eys jhfnF ‘coN, afKr nUM gwl nf af lwgIaF, jo twutIaF bfhvF KuwigaF qoN , jd lohf tuwtdf lohy qoN, pfsIN cMigafVy pf jFdf, sB DfqoN BYVf qUM pwQrf, pr tuwtx lwgf awg lf jFdf, sB ibRCF ivwcoN bFs bUrf, jd twutdf jMgl mcf jFdf, iPr vI kuC nf kuC bc jFdf, jy soc smJ leIey awigaF qoN, vwl vyKo jMglI jfnvrF, sB joVy bx bx rihMdy aY ivwc pMCI Auzx akfsLF dy, iewk afx aflxy bYNhdy aY, kdy ijAUNdy sfQ inKyVn nf, rl iml ky duwK suwK sihMdy aY
idwlI cwlo, nOn-stOp. PLlfeIts hux syl `qy. 20 akqUbr qoN sLurU, sfzy nvyN 787 zRImlfeInr 'qy vYnkUvr qoN idwlI leI
nOn-stOp Auzfx Bro. sfzy kol iqMn qrHF dI kYibn srivs dI cox, pMjfbI qy ihMdI bolx vfly PLlfeIt atYNzYNt aqy ieMzIan Kfxy dI cox hY; itktF buwk krn df ies qoN ibhqr mOkf hfly qwk kdI afieaf hI nhIN. itktF buwk krn leI 11 agsq, 2016 qwk,`qy jfE jF afpxy trYvl eyjMt nfl sMprk kro.
20 jnvrI - 6 apRYl, 2017 nmUny dy qOr 'qy, vYnkUvr qoN afAux-jfx leI rfAUNz-itRwp dI iekOnmI klfs dI kImq. rvfngI dIaF qfrIKLF AuWpr drsfey anusfr. kuwl kImq ivwc hvfeI sPLr df Krcf, tYks, PLIs aqy hor Krcy sLfiml hn.
sB jgq luwtx nMU iPrdf eIf, awK KuwldI apdy TwigaF qoN, jf pwuCky vyKo AuhnF nUM, jo bx bx joVy inKVy aYN, mwuk afp gey nhIN vft muwkI, rfh qury iekyrF ivKVy aY,
Hearing-impaired (TTY): 1-800-361-8071. Baggage policy for Economy Class: International travel: A fee of up to $100 (CAD) per direction is charged for the second checked bag on flights between Canada and most international destinations. A different fee may be charged for checked bags by Air Canada partners on the flights they operate. See total price for baggage fees and complete details on baggage allowance at Fees for optional services such as itinerary changes, additional baggage, advance seat selection or certain special service requests may increase overall cost. For more information, please consult Conditions: DELHI (DEL): Tickets must be purchased by August 11, 2016. A 7 day advance purchase applies. Minimum stay: Saturday night; Maximum stay: 6 months. Advertised fares are valid Monday through Thursday departures. Additional conditions: Seats are limited and subject to availability. Total prices displayed include air transportation charges, taxes, fees and charges calculated based on nonstop flights. Taxes and fees are subject to change. Final price and breakdown of taxes, fees and charges will be displayed during booking on prior to final purchase. For immediate information on the final price and breakdown of taxes, fees and charges, contact your travel agent or Air Canada Reservations at 1-888-247-2262. Some itineraries may require connections. Itineraries involving connections may have higher or different total prices due to varying air transportation charges as well as taxes, fees and charges. Certain international destinations may have taxes, fees or charges that must be paid at point of origin or departure. Please contact the nearest foreign government office of the country you plan to visit for definitive, up-to-date information. Tickets are refundable subject to a fee of $300 (CAD). Advertised prices are valid at time of printing and apply to new bookings only. Prices may vary depending on routing and date of departure and return. Day-of-week, time-of-day restrictions may apply. This offer may not be combined with, applied to or used in conjunction with any other discount. Flights may be operated by Air Canada, Air Canada Express™ carriers (Jazz Aviation LP, Central Mountain Air, Sky Regional Airlines Inc., Air Georgian or Exploits Valley Air Services Ltd.) or Star Alliance™ partners Lufthansa (LH), Swiss (LX), Austrian Airlines (OS) or Brussels Airlines (SN). International destinations: For certain International destinations, a cancellation fee may apply. Other flight restrictions and purchase conditions may apply. ™Air Canada Express is a trademark of Air Canada. ™Star Alliance is a trademark of Air Canada in Canada. *Vancouver to Delhi non-stop flights will operate between October 20, 2016 and April 6, 2017.
The Patrika
kI itktF dI vMz ipwCoN vI kFgrs ‘c eykqf rhygI? pMjfb pRdysL kFgrs dy nyqfvF vwloN pihlI vfr pMjfb ivDfn sBf coxF nUM muwK rwKidaF iekmwuTqf df sbUq idwqf jf irhf hY. lgfqfr do vfr ivDfn sBf coxF ivwc hfr df mUMh dyKx qoN bfad kFgrs pfrtI dI hosL itkfxy afeI lwgdI hY. pMjfb pRdysL kFgrs ivwc keI DVy hn qy hr DVf afpxy-afp nUM KwbI Kfn smJdf hY. sB nUM pqf hY ik kYptn amirMdr isMG afpxI ihwk dy jLor nfl pRdysL kFgrs dI pRDfngI lY ky afieaf hY. ies leI koeI vI nyqf Aus nfl ivgfVnI nhIN cfhuMdf ikAuNik itktF dI vMz ivwc Aus dI rfie BfrU rihx dI AumId hY. AuNj, ies vfr dIaF ivDfn sBf coxF nUM afm nhIN ikhf jf skdf hY ikAuNik afm afdmI pfrtI dy AuBfr nfl smqol ivgVx dI AumId qoN ienkfr nhIN kIqf jf skdf. sfl 2012 dIaF ivDfn sBf dIaF coxF ivwc mnpRIq isMG bfdl dI pIpljL pfrtI ny kFgrs dI byVI ivwc vwty pfey sn aqy ies vfr afm afdmI pfrtI dovF rvfieqI pfrtIaF sLRomxI akflI dl aqy kFgrs leI brfbr df KLqrf bx skdI hY. ies vfr nvIN gwl ieh hY ik kYptn amirMdr isMG df kMm krn
df ZMg iblkuwl hI bdilaf hoieaf hY. afpxI ‘juMzlI’ nUM vI dUr rwiKaf hoieaf hY. Auh lgfqfr ivDfn sBf hlikaF ivwc mIitMgF kr irhf hY. ies qoN pihlF mIitMgF ivwc lgfqfrqf nhIN sI. pRdysL kFgrs dy ahudydfrF nUM vI ijLMmyvfrIaF lf ky ijLilHaF dIaF mIitMgF krn leI srgrm kIqf hoieaf hY. ienHF mIitMgF ivwc kyNdrI kFgrs dy numfieMdy vI ihwsf lY rhy hn. dUjI gwl ieh hY ik Aus dy mukfbly pMjfb dI hor iksy isafsI pfrtI kol ieMny vwzy kwd bwuq vflf nyqf nhIN hY. pRkfsL isMG bfdl df kwd BfvyN vwzf hY pr vrqmfn pMjfb srkfr df gRfPL lgfqfr ds sfl rfj krn krky izwg cwukf hY. afm afdmI pfrtI ivwc mwuK mMqrI df koeI AumIdvfr hI nhIN. nvjoq isMG iswDU dy rfj sBf qoN asqIPf dyx qoN bfad ikafsarfeIaf lfeIaF jf rhIaF hn ik pMjfb ivwc afm afdmI pfrtI df nyqf hovygf pr rvfieqI lIzrF dy ivroD krky Aus leI vI musLikl hovygI. arivMd kyjrIvfl ny ikhf ik nvjoq isMG iswDU nUM afm afdmI bx ky hI pfrtI ivwc afAuxf hovygf.
mfry hn. pRqfp isMG bfjvf dI kfrjkfrnI nUM bdilaf vI nhIN pr afpxI kfrjkfrnI vI bxf leI ijs krky Aus df ivroD nhIN hoieaf, sgoN sfry DVy KusL ho gey. ahuidaF dIaF sIrnIaF dy gwPy vMzx ivwc kYptn bfjLI mfr igaf hY. Aus dy kwtV ivroDI nyqf vI Aus dy kdm nfl kdm imlf ky cwl rhy hn ikAuNik AunHF dy irsLqydfrF nUM vI ahuidaF df cogf pf idwqf igaf hY. kFgrs dI kyNdrI kmFz vI hux pMjfb bfry sMjIdf lwgdI hY ikAuNik pMjfb ivwc pfrtI dy lIzr afpxy ivroDIaF dIaF vwKIaF ivwc hwujF nhIN mfr rhy. AuNj, qfkq qoN ibnF Auh qrlomwCI jLrUr ho rhy hn. idwlI vfilaF ny akl qoN kMm lYNidaF kYptn amirMdr isMG nUM pMjfb dI vfgzor vI sMBfl idwqI aqy nfl hI smqol rwKx dI koisLsL vI kIqI hY Aus dy kwtV ivroDI pRqfp isMG bfjvf aqy sLmsLyr isMG dUlo nUM rfj sBf df mYNbr bxf idwqf hY.
Friday, August 5th, 2016
Aujfgr isMG
cIP ivwp bxf ky AunHF dIaF votF ‘qy awK rwKI geI hY. ies qrHF kYptn amirMdr isMG vwloN bVy XojnfbwD ZMg votF btorn dI koisLsL kIqI jf rhI hY. iksfn kYptn dI kfrjLsYlI dy pihlF hI mudweI hn. sqlujXmunf ilMk nihr dy mwudy ‘qy kYptn pihlF hI PLYslf rwd krky pfxIaF df rfKf bx cwukf hY. nOjvfnF nfl vI kYptn amirMdr isMG ny rfbqf bxfieaf hoieaf hY. ies qoN ielfvf zyiraF dI pMjfb dI isafsq ‘c BUimkf qoN jfxU hox kfrn Auh ies pfsy vI ivDfn sBf dIaF coxF nUM mwuK rwKidaF Cy kfrjsLIl hY. hYrfnI dI gwl hY ik ijhVy mhIny pihlF hI cox muihMm kmytI bxf kFgrs pfrtI dy pMjfb dy lIzr kYptn idwqI hY ijs ivwc sfry DiVaF nUM iPwt kr amirMdr isMG df nF suxn nUM iqafr nhIN kYptn amirMdr isMG ny pRdysL kFgrs idwqf hY. afm qOr ‘qy kFgrs cox muihMm sn, Auh vI afpxy hlikaf ivwc kYptn dy gTn smyN vI iewk qIr nfl do insLfny kmytI aYn mOky ‘qy hI bxfAuNdI huMdI hY. nUM bulf ky mIitMgF kr rhy hn qy Aus dy ies kmytI dI cyarprsn aMibkf sonI nUM sohly gf rhy hn. pMjfb kFgrs dy sfry bxf ky ieh pRBfv idwqf igaf hY pMjfb dy DiVaF ivwc ies qoN pihlF kdI vI ieMnI ihMdUaF dI brfbr dI aihmIaq hY. kmytI sLFqI nhIN hoeI. afm afdmI pfrtI dIaF df knvInr luiDafxf lok sBf dy mYNbr GtnfvF vI kFgrs leI sLuB sMkyq hn. rvnIq isMG ibwtU nUM bxfieaf igaf hY. pMjfb kFgrs dI ivDfnkfr pfrtI dy muKI mwukdI gwl jy kFgrs pfrtI ny sQfnk sunIl jfKV nUM bdl ky anusUicq jfqIaF nyqfvF dIaF iewCfvF muqfbk smyN isr dy nyqf crnjIq isMG cMnI nUM bxf ky ienHF itktF dI vMz kr idwqI qF coxF ivwc cMgI jfqF dIaF votF btorn dI koisLsL lwgdI kfrgujLfrI ivKfAux dy smrwQ ho skdI hY. sunIl jfKV nUM pMjfb pRdysL kFgrs df hY. AuNJ ies dI afs Gwt hI lwgdI hY Aup pRDfn bxf ky sMqusLt krn dI koisLsL ikAuNik itktF dI vMz nyqfvF df aslI hY pr iPr vI Auh KusL nhIN lwgdf qy kdy ichrf sfhmxy ilafvygI. afm qOr ‘qy bfgLIpx ivKf jFdf hY. luiDafxf qoN hI kFgrs hfeI kmFz idwlIEN hI pYrfsLUt ivDfnkfr Bfrq BUsLn afsLU nUM ivDfnkfr rfhIN AumIdvfr Byj idMdI hY. jy ies vfr pfrtI df Aup nyqf bxfieaf igaf hY. vI ievyN kIqf qF kFgrs df sPfieaf hoxf nfmDfrI sMprdfie dy nvqyj isMG cImf nUM qih ho jfvygf.
Friday, August 5th, 2016
The Patrika
The Patrika
Employment cont'd
kfimaF dI loV
kfimaF dI loV
hfrvuwz lMbr ilmitz (myplirwj) vfilLaF nuM imwl ivwc kMm krn leI kfimaF dI loV hY| kMm bhuq hlkf hY aqy aOrqF vI kr skdIaF hn| pwkf kMm, sfrf sfl cwlygf, cMgI qnKfh idwqI jfvygI| aYbtsPorz qoN rfeIz df pRbMD hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604-615-5801
zrfeIvfl kMpnI nMU kfimaF dI loV hY| tryinMg vI idwqI jf skdI hY| nvyN kfimaF nUM $14 aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qnKfh qjLrby anusfr aqy rfeIz df pRbMD hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-552-5400 jF 604825-3508
pypr zilvrI leI vrkrF dI loV
zrfievr aqy Enr aprytrF dI loV
aYbtsPorz dI kMpnI nUM bI[sI[ - albrtf cwlx leI 2 sflF dy sfnUM aYbtsPorz ivwc pypr zilvr qjLrby vflLy kMpnI zrfievrF aqy (vMzx) krn vfilLaF dI loV hY| Enr aprytrF dI loV hY| vDIaf hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604- ryt aqy hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-908-4422 852-2288
Friday, August 5th, 2016
Services nsLy Cwzx leI jy qusIN sLrfb jF zrwg dy kfrn musIbq ivwc ho aqy Cwzx leI mdwd dy cfhvfn ho qF jOhn nUM Pon kro: 604-859-8244 jF 778-779-1337 jF jjt.fvu@
Services cont/d
Noor Appliances Repair / Tent Rental $25 Service Charge
Epl`ieMs irpyEr Epl`ieMs aYbtsPorz df lokl isvl ryzIE suxdy rho! mihk pMjfb dI 101[7 . 778-245-0020
aYP[aYm[ hryk aYqvfr qy somvfr nUM sLfmI 6 vjy qoN 7 vjy qwk pvn igwlF vflLy dy nflL aqy somvfr nUMu 4-5 vjy sLfm qwk afpxI afvfj surjIq klsI nflL| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon: 604615-9877
The Patrika
Friday, August 5th, 2016
& Framing Ltd. J&J Fresh Look JJ Home Builders • • • •
Framing for two & three-story houses We have an excellent framing record Our framing is passed on the very first inspection We provide home warranties
EsINÊs`ryÊloErÊmynlYNfÊEqyÊPryzrÊvYlIÊivcÊdoÊEqyÊiqMnÊstorIÊ Gr~ÊdIÊPryimMgÊkrdyÊh~ s`fyÊkIqyÊhoeyÊkMmÊ(PryimMg)Êd`Êirk`rfÊs`&ÊsuQr`ÊhYÊEqyÊ hmyS`ÊpihlIÊv`rÊp`sÊhoieE`ÊhY|Ê
We build custom homes We provide 10 years home warranty tfAUn hfAUs, nvyN Gr grMtIsLudf kuafltI vrk & Pfst srivs rYjLIzYNsLIal aqy kmrsLIal
Workers Wanted Jarnail Maan
kfimaF dI loV hY • Fax 604-850-9308
The Patrika
kurbfnI df mujwsmf sn jQydfr mohn isMG quV jQydfr mohn isMG quV akflI dl dy isrkwZ lIzr hoey hn. afp jI dI pRDfngI df smF sLRomxI akflI dl dy sLfnfmwqy ieiqhfs ivwc mIl pwQr dy smfn hY. awj jQysfr mohn isMG quV nUM svrgvfs hoieaf cfr dhfky hox vfly hn pr awj vI smyN dy lIzr AunHF dy jIvn dIaF AudfhrnF styjF ‘qy idMdy hn. svrgvfs hox qoN iqMn dhfky bfad vI ijs lIzr nUM ies qrHF Xfd kIqf jFdf hovy Aus dI sKLsLIaq ivwc jLrUr koeI ikRsLmf hovygf. awj vI sUJvfn iswK jQydfr mohn isMG quV vrgy pMQk lIzr dI loV mihsUs krdy hn. jQydfr quV sfihb ‘pMQ vsy mYN AuWjVF’ dy sMklp ‘qy qf ijLMdgI pihrf idMdy rhy. pMQ nUM vsdf rwKx leI afp jI nUM hI nhIN afp jI dy pirvfr dy bwicaF qy aOrqF nUM vI jLulmF df sfhmxf krnf ipaf pr jQydfr mohn isMG quV gurU sfihb dy sMklp nUM inBfAux dy leI insLcf krky qurdy gey qy pMQ AunHF dy nfl qurdf igaf. ‘pMQ vsy mYN AujVF’ dy sMklp df hI nqIjf sI ik jdoN qwk jQydfr sfihb akflI dl dy pRDfn rhy pMjfb ivwc dUjf koeI akflI dl nhI bixaf.
iksfn sn. afp nUM kurbfnI qy dysL BgqI df jLjLbf afpxy ipqf qoN hI pRfpq hoieaf sI, ikAuNik bfpU jgq isMG Kud afjLfdI GulftIey sn. jQydfr mohn isMG quV ny CotI Aumr ivwc hI sLRomxI akflI dl dIaF srgrmIaF ivwc ihwsf lYxf sLurU kr idwqf sI. afp 1945 ivwc srhflI srkl dy jQydfr Qfpy gey. jQysfr quV srkl jQydfrI qoN sLRomxI akflI dl dI pRDfngI qwk afpxI kfblIaq dy shfry phuMcy. jQydfr mohn isMG quV sLRomxI akflI dl dy pRDfn qoN ielfvf sLRomxI kmytI mYNbr, aYm[aYl[ey[, aYWm[pI[ aqy sRI akfl qKLq sfihb dy jQydfr vI rhy. pr ienHF vwkfrI pdvIaF ‘qy bYT ky vI afpxI mwq AuWcI qy isr nINvf rwiKaf. afp jI ny sfrI Aumr sfdf qy iemfndfrI vflf jIvn bqIq kIqf. jQydfr quV sfihb ny sdf afm lokF dy hwk leI lVfeI lVI.
10 akqUbr 1975 eI: nUM aYmrjYNsI dy ivrwuD jQydfr mohn isMG quV dy iewk swdy AuWqy luiDafxf ivKy jY pRkfsL nrfiex dI mhF rYlI ivwc irkfrz qoV iekwT hoieaf. jQydfr quV sfihb dI cVHq vyK ky smyN ies mhfn sKLsLIaq df jnm sMn 1916 dI pRDfn mMqrI ny ivcoly pf ky jQydfr eI: ivwc ipMz quV ivKy jQuydfr jgq isMG sfihb nfl gwl inbyVn df rfh cuixaf dy Gr hoieaf. afp dy ipqf jI iewk sDfrn pr jQydfr mohn isMG quV nUM pMQ dy vzyry
Friday, August 5th, 2016
gurpRIq isMG aMtfl
pRDfngI ivwc hoeIaF 1977 dIaF lok sBf coxF ivwc akflI qy Aus dIaf BfeIvfl pfrtIaF ny 13 dIaF 13 sItF ijwqIaF. ieh iewk irkfrz bx igaf, ijhVf nhIN twuitaf. afp ny KLud coxF lVIaF qy kFgrs 9 julfeI 1975 nUM sRI akfl qKq sfihb dy keI vwzy lIzr hrfey, ijnHF ivwc guriAuWqy hoey BrvyN iekwT ivwc jQydfr mohn dafl isMG iZwloN vI sLfiml sn. isMG quV nUM aYmrjYNsIN ivrwuD morcy df iz- jQydfr mohn isMG quV isafsq ivwc ktytr Qfipaf igaf. afp jI dI agvfeI BfeI-BqIjfvfd dy sKLq ivrwuD sn. jdoN ivwc ieh morcf Pqih hoieaf. ies qoN qwk Auh Kud srgrm isafsq ivwc rhy ielfvf afp jI ny pMjfbI sUby dy morcy ivwc vI mhwqvpUrn rol adf kIqf qy bMsI iksy pwuqr-DI, jvfeI nUM afpxf shfrf lY lfl srkfr ivrwuD krnfl df morcf vI ky isafsq ivwc nhIN afAux idwqf. jQydfr lfieaf qy Pqih kIqf. jQydfr mohn isMG sfihb pirvfrk mYNbrF nfloN pfrtI vrkrF quV duafrf smyN dIaF srkfrF dy jLulm nUM ijLafdf aihmIaq idMdy sn. jQydfr ivrwuD kIqy ienHF sMGrsLF krky hI AunHF sfihb jdoN ikqy bfhr dOry AuWqy jFdy sn, nUM srIrk, mfnisk qy afriQk nuksfn qF iksy sLfndfr hotl ivwc rukx dI QF Jwlxf ipaf. smyN dI srkfr ny afp jI nyVy dy iksy ipMz ivwc akflI vrkr dy df Gr Zuhfieaf, zMgr inlfm krfey aqy Gr jf ky rukdy sn. iewk awj dy akflI brPLF ‘qy lMmf pf ky qsIhy idwqy. keI hn, ijnHF nUM cMzIgVH qy idwlI dy ey[sI[ rfqF pirvfr dy sfry mYNbrF nUM sVkF ‘qy kmiraF qoN bgYr nINd nhIN pYNdI. sDfrn kwtxIaF peIaF. pr jQydfr mohn isMG vrkr dy Gr rukxf qF bhuq dUr dI gwl quV ‘pMQ vsy mYN AuWjVF’ dy nfary AuWqy hY. aKIr ieh drvysL isafsqdfn 30 kfiem rhy qy sfrI ijLMdgI pMQ dI cVHdI julfeI 1979 nUM sMKyp ibmfrI qoN bfad klf leI kMm krdy rhy. gurU crnF ivwc jf ibrfijaf awj vI pMQk afp jI isafsq ivwc kFgrs dy kwtV hlikaF ivwc jQydfr mohn isMG quV df ivroDI sn. jQydfr mohn isMG quV dI nFa bVy siqkfr nfl ilaf jFdf hY. ihwq kFgrs nfl lMmI lVfeI ivwc njLr afey. 30 jUn 1975 eI: nUM afp jI ny akflI lIzrF dI mIitMg bulfeI ijs ivwc aYmrjYNsI ivrwuD lVfeI lVn df aYlfn kIqf igaf.
Friday, August 5th, 2016
The Patrika
DunF nUM ilsLkfAux dy mfihr sn muhMmd rPLI rPI sfihb ny kdy vI iksy sMgIqkfr dy kMm ivwc dKLl nhI idwqf. Auh hr sMgIqkfr vwloN isrjI Dun nUM KLfmosLI nfl suxdy. jykr AunHF nUM ieh jfpdf ik ies Dun ivwc suDfeI kIqI jf skdI hY qF afpxI rfie avwsL idMdy, ies nUM Tosdy nhIN sn. iPLlm ‘pRoPYsr’ dy dogfxy ‘mYN clI mYN clI, pICy pICy jhF’ dy muKVy dI ies lfeIn qoN bfad rPI ny ieh lfeIn gfAuxI sI ‘swjdy myN husn ky, Juk igaf afsmF[[[.’ asl Dun ivwc ieh lfeIn vwKry qOr ‘qy gfeI jfxI sI pr rPLI ny sMgIqkfr joVI sMLkr-jYiksn nUM suJfa idwqf ik jykr Auh afpxI lfeIn sumn kilafxpur dy mukfbly kuJ nIvIN sur ivwc surU krn qF Dun vwD idlksL bx jfeygI. ies mgroN AunHF ny afpxI soc muqfbk lfeIn gf ky suxfeI. dovF sMgIqkfrF nUM ieh POkI psMd af geI aqy AunHF ny iesy ihsfb nfl sfjLF df aryNjmYNt vI bdl idwqf. ies mgroN sLMkr keI vfr rPLI sfihb qoN pwuC ilaf krdy sn, ‘ikAuN rPLI sfab, kuJ hor hY mn ivwc’. rPI vFg sMLkr vI pMjfbI sn hflF ik AunHF dI sMgIqk qflIm hYdrfbfd dI sI. Auh rPLI nfl pMjfbI bolxI psMd krdy sn. awbf (mYN rPI sfihb nUM iesy qrHF sMboDn krdI sI) df gIqF dI iqafrI krn df afpxf aMdfjL sI. sMgIqkfr nfl Dun df aiBafs kr lYx qoN bfad Auh Gr af ky bYT jFdy sn aqy gIq nUM DImI sur ivwc gfAuNdy rihMdy sn. ies dOrfn AunHF dy hwQ pYr gIq dI lYa muqfbk cwldy rihMdy sn. AunHF df iDafn pUrI qrHF Dun dIaF
kfPI purfxI gwl hY, AudoN kflj ivwc pVHdf sI ik sfzy guaFZIaF dI nvIN ivafhI bhU, jo irsLqy ivcoN myrI BfbI lwgdI sI, nUM EprI ksr ho geI. Auh kdy gohy df bwTl lY ky qurI jFdI izwg pYNdI sI, kdy ivhVy ivwc JfVU lfAuNdI nUM dMdl pY jFdI jF hor kMm krdy smyN byhosL ho ky izwg pYNdI sI. Aus dy Gr idaF ny zfktrF kol ielfj krvfieaf, pr zfktrF dI dvfeI nfl vI koeI Prk nf ipaf, sgoN EprI sLYa ny pihlF nfloN vI iBafnk rUp Dfrn kr ilaf, afKIr AunHF ny sfDF sMqF kol jfxf sLurU kr idwqf. isafxy ny ikhf ik Aus nUM pirvfr dy iewk imRqk nOjvfn dI afqmf icMbVI hY, jo keI sfl pihlF Pfhf lY ky mr igaf sI. isafxf afpxf qorI Pulkf clfAux leI afey hPqy cONkIaF BrfAuNdf irhf, pr BfbI nUM Pyr vI koeI Prk nhIN ipaf. iewk idn qfeI(BfbI dI sws) sfzy Gr dfdI hurF kol bYTI afpxy Gr dy duwKVy ro
bfrIkIaF pkVx vwl kyNidRq huMdf. gIq iks hIro ‘qy iPLlmfieaf jfvygf, iPLlm df inrydsLk kOx hY jF gIq iliKaf iks ny hY, ieh sfrIaf gwlF AunHF dy ijLhn ivc Aus vyly afAuNdIaF hI nhIN sn. AunHf df iDafn ies gwl AuWqy hI kyNidRq huMdf sI ik Auh ies gIq ivwc rUh ikvyN Br skdy hn. iewk vfr ies bfry pwuCy jfx ‘qy AunHF ny ikhf sI, “koeI vI sMgIqkfr quhfzy mUMh ivwc ibirafnI dy cmc nhIN pf skdf. jy gIq nUM isLMgfrnf hY, ies ivwc jfn pfAuxI hY qF quhfnUM KLud imhnq krnI pvygI. myry kol qF aijhIaF DunF vI afAuNdIaF hn jo ilKy hoey sLbdF nfl inaF nhIN krdIaF. mYN sLbdF nUM inaF idvfAux df Xqn krdf hF. Dun vI bdlx dI slfh idMdf hF.” ieh aiqkQnI nhIN ik AunHF nUM gfAux leI bhuqy gIqF dIaF DunF ivwc AunHF ny ikqy nf ikqy suDfeI kIqI. Auh jLfhrf qOr ‘qy kuJ nhIN sI kihMdy-bs, sMgIqkfr dy kMn ivwc PUk mfr idMdy sn. afpxI gwl mnvfAux leI aVI nhIN sI krdy. mYN qy myry pqI Kfild(rPLI sfihb dy byty) AunHF dy bhuqy gIqF dIaF KUbIaF dI crcf hux vI krdy rihMdy hF. sfnUM AunHF dy dogfxy qy kors vwD psMd hn. dogfixaF dI igxqI sYNkiVaF ivc hovygI pr ijnHF ivwc AunHF vwloN KsUsI qOr ‘qy rUh BrI geI, AunHF ivwcoN kuJ ku hn: ‘hm ieMqjLfr kryNgy, qyrf kXfmq qwk [[[(bhU bygLm), ‘idl qoVny vfly, quJy idl ZUMz rhf hY[[[’ (sMn afPL ieMzIaf), ‘mqvflI afKoN vfly, E albyly idl vfly’ (Coty nvfb), ‘rfq ky hmsPLr, Qk ky Gr ko cly’ (aYn eIvinMg ien pYirs), ‘mYN rfq
kf rfhIN hUM, qyrI jLulP ky sfey myN, kuC dyr Tihr jfAUN’ (eyk musfiPr, eyk hsInf) sLMkr qy jYiksLn, rPLI sfihb df bhuq adb siqkfr krdy sn aqy AunHF dI gfiekI dy bhuq vwzy pRsLMsk sn. jdoN vI dovF drimafn iksy Dun bfry asihmqI AuWBrdI qF Auh PLYslf rPLI ‘qy Cwz idMdy. awbf ijhVI Dun psMd krdy, EhI irkfrz kIqI jFdI. rPLI sfihb dI afvfjL dI ryNj qy imafr df sB qoN vwD sMLkr-jYiksLn ny lfB ilaf. AunHF ny rPLI sfihb qoN sB qoN vwD sLMmI kpUrnumf gIq gvfey pr nfl hI sLfsqrI sMgIq dI awbf dI muhfrq nUM vI afpxy gIqF ivwc KLUb iesqymfl kIqf. 1956 ivwc irlIjL hoeI iPLlm ‘bsMq bhfr’ dy gIq muhMmd rPLI dI ryNj qy sLfsqrI gfiekI ivwc hunrmMdI dy gvfh hn. iPLlm dy do Bjn, awbf dI gfiekI dy do aMgF dy pRmfx hn: ‘dunIaF nf Bfey muJy ab qoN bulf ly, crnoN myN, crnoN myN’ qy ‘bVI dyr BeI, bVI dyr BeI, kb logy KLbr mory rfm’. iksLor kumfr afpxy afp ivwc ivlwKx gfiek sn, pr iPLlm ‘sLrfrq’(1959), ijs ivwc Auh nfiek sn, AunHF ny iewk gIq gfAux qoN ienkfr kr idwqf aqy rPLI qNo Auh gIq gvfey jfx ‘qy jor idwqf. sLMkr-jYiksLn ny ieh gIq ‘ajb hY dfsqF qyrI ijLMdgI, kMBI hMsf dIaf rulf dIaf kBI’ rPLI sfihb qoN gvfieaf. iPLlm ivwc ieh gIq iksLor kumfr ‘qy iPlmfieaf igaf. ies ivwc awbf ny iksLor kumfr vflf rMg Brn ivwc kfPI hwd qwk kfmXfbI hfsl kIqI.
EprI ksr dI aslIaq
rhI sI, ‘bhU nUM pqf nhIN ikho ijhI sLYa icMbVI aY, mgroN eI nhIN lihMdI. zfktr qy isafixaF ny Gr lwut ky Kf ilaf.’ mYN kol bYTf sB sux irhf sI. mYQoN qfeI dI gwl sux ky irhf nf igaf qF mYN qfeI nUM ikhf, ‘qfeI, ksr kusr kuJ nhIN huMdI, qusIN aYvyN ikAuN Gr KuMGl krdy E. quhfzI bhU nUM koeI ksr nhIN hoeI, ieh sB Auh awz hox dI mfrI krdI hoAU. cfhy prK ky dyK lE, jdoN BfbI awz ho geI, EprI ksr afpxy afp htjU.’
dI koisLsL krdf hY. ijvyN sLrfbI pqI dI sLrfb CuzfAux leI, kMm qoN bcx leI, sFJy pirvfr qoN awz hox jF mnpsMd kuVI jF muMzy nfl ivafh krfAux leI, rupey dy lYxdfrF nUM tflx leI, keI bwicaF duafrf pVHfeI qoN tlx jF keI kuVIaF nUM jdoN mfpy awgy pVHn qoN htf idMdy hn qF mfipaF nUM awgy pVHn lfAux nUM rfjLI krn Kfqr ksr df zrfmf krdIaF hn.
AunHF df pirvfr sFJ aqy vwzf hox krky Gry kMm df boJ bhuq vwD rihMdf hY. kMm drasl ipqf jI sfnUM EprI ksr bfry qoN bcx qy smfj ivc cwl rhy iekihry dwsdy huMdy sn ik ies dy ipwCy koeI nf koeI pirvfrF dy ruJfn kfrn BfbI dy mn ivc kfrn jLrUr iCipaf huMdf hY. asl ivwc vI awz ho ky afpxI mrjLI muqfbk jIvn ksr qoN Bfv hY koeI kmI jF nuks rihxf. bqIq krn df iKafl afieaf hovygf. myrI iksy nUM ksr hox df Bfv huMdf hY ik Aus gwl sux ky qfeI qy myrI dfdI vrgIaF ivakqI nUM Gr, smfj jF Kud ivwc koeI myry glL pY geIaF, ‘qYnUM kwlH dy jvfk nUM nf koeI kmI jF nuks mihsUs huMdf hY. jdoN dunIaF df hfly kI pqf aY. jIhnUM EprI iksy nUM afpxI gwl kihx leI jF sbMDq sLYa icMbV jfvy, Esy nUM pqf lgdY ik kmI jF nuks nUM dUr krn leI koeI rfh EprI ksr kI huMdI aY. qYnUM qF ivhly nUM nf idsy qF Auh EprI ksr df shfrf lYx gwlF ahuVdIaF ny.’
PAGE 49 XfsmIn KLfild rPLI muhMmd rPI dy iPLlm jgq ivcly bhuqy lokF nfl inwjI iksm dy sMbMD nhIN sn. gfiek mihMdr kpUr KLud nUM AunHF df sLfigrd mMndf sI aqy rPLI sfihb ny vI Aus nUM sLfigrdF vflf ipafr idwqf. pUrI iPLlm snawq ivwc awbf dI krIbI dosqI isrP sMgIqkfr E[pI[ neIar nfl sI. dovyN lfhOr qoN sn aqy dovF ivwc nyVqf ies hwd qwk sI ik afps ivwc gwlbfq dOrfn hornF ‘mfvF-BYxF’ nUM pux jfieaf krdy sn. aMmI (myrI sws) nUM dovF dI ies iksm dI vfrqflfp qoN koPLq hoieaf krdI sI. Auh kihMdI sI ik ‘E[pI[lPMgf hY, Aus dI sMgq ivwc qyry awbf vrgf jLhIn iensfn vI ivgV jFdf hY’. pr E[pI[ jdoN aMmf dy sfhmxy huMdy sn qF adb qy krInf dyKx vflf huMdf sI. E[pI[ neIar dI iPLlm ‘bfjL’(1953) df pihlf gIq ‘Gtf myN Cup ky BI, jo idl kI bfq hoqI hY[[[’ rPLI ny gfieaf. gruU dwq dI ieh iPLlm cwlI pr gIq bhuqf nf cwilaf pr neIar sfihb ny sfrI ksr ‘sIafeIzI’ (1956) rfhIN pUrI kr idwqI. ies iPLlm dy gIq ‘afKoN hI afKoN myN iesLfrf ho gXf[[[’ qy ‘aY idl hY musLikl jInf XhF, jLrf ht ky, jLrf bc ky’ suprihwt hoey aqy hux vI Cy dhfky pihlF ijMny mkbUl hn. sLMmI kpUr nUM suprstfr bxfAux vflI ‘qumsf nhIN dyKf[[[’, ‘nXf dOr’, ‘eyk musfiPr eyk hsInf’, ‘Pfgun’, ‘myry snm’, ‘iPr vhI idl lfieaf hUM’ qy ‘bsMq’ Auh iPLlmF sn ijnHF ivwc E[pI[ qy rPLI df jfdU isr cVH boilaf. (‘mfeI awbf-ey mYmOier’ pusqk dy aMsL) hrijMdr anUpgVH qfeI qF BVfs kwZ ky afpxy Gr clI geI, pr mYN afpxI mfqf qy dfdI jI nfl ikMnf icr bihs krdf irhf ik ‘qusIN dyK lYxf, jdoN qfeI ky awz ho gey, BfbI nUM ksr hoxo ht jfAU.’ afKIr do iqMn mhIinaF bfad nvIN BfbI qy Aus df pqI bfkI pirvfr nfloN awz ho gey. awz hox ipwCo BfbI nUM icMbVI EprI ksr vI afpxy afp AuzfrI mfr ky Bwj geI. sfl ku bfad jdoN qfeI iewk idn iPr sfzy Gr bYTI ipMz ivwc iksy dI nUMh nUM ksr hox bfry gwlF kr rhI sI qF mYN qfeI nUM ikhf, ‘Aus nuM vI quhfzI bhU vflI ibmfrI hovygI. myrI gwl sux ky qfeI hws peI qy kihx lwgI,’ gwl qF qyrI shI sI pwuq, jdoN dI bhU awz hoeI aY, muV ky ksr nhIN hoeI. PAGE 49
The Patrika
Friday, August 5th, 2016
Brick Yard Station 17455 56 Ave. Surrey, BC 778-574-1212
Cedar Hills 12845 96 Ave. Surrey, BC 778-395-6060
Khalsa Business Centre 8388 128th St. Surrey, BC 604-507-1234
King’s Cross Shopping Centre 7488 King George Surrey, BC 604-593-5130
Mt Lehman Crossing 2871 Livingstone Ave Abbotsford, BC 604-853-1344
For a limited time, get the latest Samsung phones from $0.
For a limited time, get the latest Samsung phones from $0.
Orchard Park Shopping Centre 2271 Harvey Ave. Kelowna, BC 250-762-5577
Scottsdale Centre 7031 120th St. Delta, BC 604-507-5566
Sevenoaks Shopping Centre 32900 South Fraser Way Abbotsford, BC 604-850-7721
Shops at New West 800 Carnarvon St., Unit 368 New Westminster, BC 604-553-2208
Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo
Capilano Mall 935 Marine Dr. North Vancouver, BC 604-770-2771
Samsung Galaxy S6
Samsung Galaxy S7
Offers end August 15, 2016, subject to change without notice. 1. Samsung GS7 at $50 (with eligible trade-in) and GS6 Edge at $0, each with a 2-year Plus30 plan. Samsung GS5 Neo at $0 with a 2-year Plus15 plan. Early cancellation fees apply. Taxes extra. 2. Subject to FidoTRADE Terms and Conditions, Credit applied in store against concurrent purchase of accessories or another new phone (for new activations) or applied as a credit to your bill within 2 or 3 bill cycles (for existing customers). TMFido and related names & logos are trademarks used under licence. ©2016 Fido
Friday, August 5th, 2016
The Patrika
Sikh Sewa International Society of Youth serves over 150 people in need during their second Gur Nanak Kitchen in Abbotsford
The Patrika
Friday, August 5th, 2016
Friday, August 5th 2016
koeI ikRsLmf kr igaf hY rqn isMG iZwloN (zf[) jugfVI koeI ikRsLmf kr igaf hY
QuVHF ny afiKaf KusL-afmdId
qlI myrI ‘qy supnf Dr igaf hY.
Auh jd vI afpxy Gr igaf hY.
kflI rOsLnI ‘c qr-b-qr ho ky
gAUsLflf dy pRbMDko dyKo jLrf
svyry dyK drpx zr igaf hY.
srkfrI sLfnH Kyq cr igaf hY.
Kud hI bih igaf grdn Jukf ky
pjfrIaF ny jyb krf idwqI KflI
afpxy kfql ‘qy ikMnf mr igaf hY.
lY ky Bfvnf jo qyry dr igaf hY.
kwlH qwk rYlIaF ‘c ihxkdf sI
mfr ky lMmI AuzfrI Auz cwlF
mOsm afAuNidaF hI Tr igaf hY.
ies injLfm qoN idl zr igaf hY.
BrI nf hfjLrI drbfr aMdr
byhurmqI, ijLwlq, iglfnI, nfpsMdI
iPr vI dyK sfzf sr igaf hY.
rqn jIx Kfqr sfrf jr igaf hY.
Friday, August 5th, 2016
Friday, August 5th 2016
Welcome to trade house!Welcome toc trade iksythis ÊvIÊqrH ~ÊdIÊpR`prtIÊvy xÊEqythis ÊKRIhouse! dxÊqoNÊpihl~ÊiekÊv`rÊjrUrÊPonÊkroÊjI|
More than 22 Years of Experience in Real Estate
Surinder (Sam) Toor
Toll Free: 604-857-1098
Cell: 604-857-2427
Buying or Selling any type of Property? Call Today!
Custom built, Super clean 2 storey plus fully finished basement house in Fairfield Estate cul-de-sac location, almost 3900 SQ.FT. Close to all levels of schools, bus services, and exhibition park. New Roof, NEW paint, totally updated. It has large 3 bedrooms, Library upstairs. On the main floor there is a spacious kitchen, family rom, living room, dining room and a bedroom. Patio just off the family room/kitchen. In total there are two laundry rooms. In the basement there is one super clean bedroom fully finished basement suite with a separate entrance. Also, there is one large rec room and other. Entire house is professionally landscaped.
Personal Real Estate Corporation
4033 Brisbane Court
Rookie of the YEAR
Wonderful family home located on a quiet street near elementary and high schools. New Highstreet Mall is a short walk away where you can shop or enjoy Starbucks and Tim Horton's. New flooring, new roof, New high efficiency furnace and PEX piping. A new central vacuum. Enjoy the roominess of 5 bedrooms include 1-2 bedroom suite, 2 laundries. Professional landscaped private backyard with new retaining walls and a cedar hedging. R-60 insulation in the attic will keep you warm in the winter and cool in summer.
Welcome to trade this house!
Custom built two storey home with full walkout daylight legal basement suite. Home shows very beautiful with superb, quality millwork throughout, coffered ceilings, two kitchens on the main floor, maple kitchen cabinets and granite countertop. Bedroom on main could be an office. Two master bedrooms upstairs, total 4 bedrooms upstairs plus more, 2 laundries, large lot. This house is situated at the very end of a short cul-de-sac backing onto greenbelt and farmland. Seller may consider trade with small house.
#35- 30748 Cardinal Ave
Renovated Home in Central Location
West abbotsford Legal suite Renovated with open kitchen concept 7100 sq ft lot
West abbotsford Fully renovated 8300 sq ft lot
Renovated 4 bdrms & 2 baths. Close to schools, shopping parks, recreation and much more.
Corner/ Ground level unit. This neat & clean corner ground level unit is ready to move in to. This home has 2 spacious bedrooms/ 2 baths, living area, good size kitchen & dining space. It has a nice patio for entertainment and a huge backyard for kids to play. Close to schools, shopping, malls, parks, recreation, public transit and easy access to freeway. Easy to show. Call to view now!!
$585,700 $564,700
Corner Unit. Huge backyard. 4 bedrooms/ 2.5 bathrooms PLUS Den. Modern Concept, Open Kitchen Layout, Granite Counter Tops & Stainless Steel Appliances.
#6 - 30748 CARDINAL AVE
West Abbotsford 1,860 Sqft. Split entry, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Full basement fully finished. Central location, nearby recreation + shopping.
Legal Suite! Perfect family home in one of the best neighborhoods of West Abbotsford. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 2.5 baths and a nice backyard. Main floor has 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms with a half ensuite bathroom, huge living room, dining, kitchen & a nice sundeck. Basement has a Legal Suite with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen with a separate entrance. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, parks, malls and freeway. Call to view now!! $584,700
What a deal? Perfect family home in a good neighborhood at an affordable price. This home features 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, huge living room, dining area, kitchen, wide entrance, rec room and a private yard. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, parks and much more. Easy to show, call to view now!
Inverstors Alert! Huge corner lot with a solid home on it. This home features 6 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, huge living room, kitchen, dining, rec room and a nice backyard. Other features- newer roof, new hotwater tank, flooring upstairs, newer kitchen counters & cabinets, newer bathroom tub, toilet seats upstairs & counters, lots of parking with 2 driveways and much more. Close to schools, hospital, public transit, recreation, malls, shopping and freeway. Call to view now!
A Rare Find! 3 storey home. This home features 7 bdrms/ 4 baths & a good view. Main floor has a huge living room with high ceiling, dining room, family room, kitchen, nook, 2 bdrms, full bath and a nice sundeck. Top floor has 4 good size bdrms, 2 full baths with an ensuite in master, patio with an awesome view and an open space for miscellaneous use. Basement is on ground level and has a separate entrance. Close to schools, shopping, recreation & freeway.
Basement entry home with a Legal Suite in West Abbotsford. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms with a private backyard for entertainment. Main floor has 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, huge living room, dining, family room, kitchen, nook and a private backyard.
Custom Built- 1 year plus old 3 storey home in West Abbotsford. 8 bdrms/6 baths & a decent size backyard. Main floor features- living room with high ceiling & gas fireplace, dining room, family room, kitchen with an island, spice kitchen, bdrm, half bath & a nice sundeck. Top floor has 4 bdrms/ 3 baths out of which 2 are masters with ensuite. Bsmt has 3 bdrms/2 full baths, rec room (one of the berms can be used as games room or gym). Other features- Vaulted ceilings, granite counter tops, superior flooring, excellent finishing, roughed in a/c, spice kitchen, quite street, rv parking & much more. Close to schools, shopping, recreation & freeway.
5600 sq ft + Custom Built 3 storey home in Pepin Brook Estates. This home features 9 bedrooms/6 bathrooms including 3 Master Bedrooms & a lovely garden. Main floor has a wide entrance, Master Bedroom, huge kitchen with granite counter top island, big living room & family room, dining area, nook & another bedroom (can be used as an office/den). Top floor has 4 Bedrooms/3 full bathrooms- all bedrooms have attached bathrooms. Basement has a home theatre room, rec room, wet bar & has a potential for a 3 bedrooms in-law-suite.
Fully Renovated Home on a flat 8400 sq ft lot in one of the most desirable areas of West Abbotsford. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms & a huge backyard. Close to all levels of schools, shopping, recreation, mall, hospital, parks and easy access to freeway. Open House Sunday, March 06.
Townhouse in Abbotsford
3 storey, 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bath. 2 covered parking spots, double tandem garage. Visitor parking close. Fenced yard.
2 bedrooms,2 bathrooms. 853 sqft. Only 10 years old. Rentals Allowed.
Rancher house, 3 bedrooms 1 bath 1,056 sq.ft. house, 6,000 sq.ft. lot. $499,700
Fairfield Estates! Immaculate Rancher with walkout basemen. Perfect family home. This home features 5 bedrooms/3 bathrooms, huge living room, dining, family room, nook, walk out basement with rec room, big sunny sundeck off the kitchen & a flat private backyard.
Great home in a perfect location. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms with a legal suite. Main floor has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, family room, dining, kitchen, eating area, ensuite and a walk in closet OVER in Master. Basement has a ASKING rec room (can be used as bedroom) and a walk out legal suite. Other features newer flooring, paint, blinds, new rugs in bedrooms upstairs, quiet cul-de-sac, no thru road, private backyard and much more... Close to all levels of schools, shopping, recreation, Rotary Stadium, malls and easy access to freeway. Call to view now.
Legal Suite! 7000 plus sq ft Corner Lot! A perfect family home in one of the best neighborhoods of West Abbotsford. This home features 5 OVER bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms ASKING and a big backyard for entertainment. Main floor has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, huge living room, dining, kitchen & family room(sundeck converted into family room off dining room). Basement has 2 bedrooms, bathroom, living room and kitchen. Close to schools, shopping, parks, malls, recreation, public transit & easy access to freeway.
ALERT! West Abby Rancher with basement. 8050 Sq. Ft. Lot
Investors and 1st time home buyers ALERT! Solid home in one of the best neighborhoods of OVER A b b o t s f o r d . ASKING This home features 5 b e d r o o m s / 3 bathrooms, kitchen, living, dining, rec room and a good size backyard for entertainment. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, parks, malls and much more...
A Rare find! Side by side Rancher style duplex on a corner lot in West Abbotsford. It has OVER 3 b e d r o o mASKING s/ 1 bathroom on each side and it has a nice fenced yard. Close to schools, s h o p p i n g , recreation, parks, malls and easy access to freeway.
Renovated Family Home in West Abbotsford. Huge 10,400 sq ft lot. 2600 plus sq ft home. Private Big Backyard. Huge Sundeck
$674,700 #44 - 30748 CARDINAL AVE
3 storey, 5 bedroom, 3.5 bath. Double garage parking for 2. Central location, recreation nearby, shopping nearby.
2805 Countess Cres.
SOLD First time buyers & Investors
Fairfield Estates! 2 Storey home in a perfect location. This home features 5 bedrooms & 3 bathrooms. Main floor has a nice entrance, huge living room, dining, family room, eating area, kitchen & 1 bedroom (can be used as a den/office). Upstairs has 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths & laundry room (good size to make it a 5th bedroom upstairs). Other features- New roof, quiet neighborhood, steps to Rotary stadium, fenced backyard & much more. Close to shopping, schools, recreation, malls, parks & easy access to freeway. Call to view now!
2,556 Sqft. 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms. Basement entry, fenced yard with patio/deck. Central location, nearby recreation + shopping.
2208-2210 BEAVER ST
31856 LINK CRT
305 - 33960 Old Yale FULL PRICE
2,350 Sqft. 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms. Basement entry, fenced yard. Central location, Rec. + shopping nearby
Total 8 bedrooms beautiful house. Close to all levels of school, bus service, Apollo fitness centre, Fruiticana. This house has 4 large bedrooms up with spacious kitchen, family room leading to the back sundeck, living room, 2 sundecks, new flooring and new paint, new faux-wood blinds and new ceiling fans. Daylight entry basement includes 3 bedrooms legal suite and a bedroom and rec room for upstairs use.
30860 E OSPREY DRIVE – Abbotsford 3434 TOWNLINE ROAD, Abbotsford
(604) 725-6734 / (604) 595-1445 pRfprtI KRIdxf qy vyrxf iek shWqvpUrk PYslf hY, ies leI muPLq aqy shI slfh vfsqy rijMdr DuWqI nfl sMprk kro:
Very hard to find 7700 SQFT big lot with house in west end of city. 2 bedroom house lot 70x110. Close to shopping and bus service, school. Easy to build dream house. It has a new roof, paint, tiles. Very good tenants paying $1100 rent per month. Please do not disturb the tenants. Showing only with appointment. All the measurements are approx. buyer to verify if important. Need offer.
Two retail units 3000sqft #130/140 - 304785 Cardinal Ave Abbotsford
Rajinder Dhutti
2378 Holly St. Abbotsford
32301 Slocan Place Abbotsford
23- 32310 MOUAT DR
Home with a Legal Suite in West Abbotsford. 5 bdrms/4 full baths, huge rec room & a private backyard. Main - 3 bdrs/2 full baths with an ensuite & walk in closet in the master, bright living room with lots of windows, dining room, cozy family room with a gas fireplace, nook, kitchen & a sundeck off from family room. Bsmt-2 bdrs/2 full baths, big living room, kitchen, laundry room & a huge rec room for your own use. Central Location.
YS DAOVER IN 10 ASKING A wonderful revenue generating property sitting on a huge flat 10,500 sq ft corner lot. Each side features 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living, kitchen, dining, rec room and a nice backyard for entertainment. $759,700
Renovated 3 bedrooms and 1.5 baths townhouse. Affordable price. Close to schools, shopping, Rotary Stadium, parks and malls.
201 30519 BLUERIDGE DR
$40,000 OVER
3345 TRETHEWEY ST $530,000
$35,000 OVER
Friday, August 5th, 2016
Listing Needed Call Jag
#110 - 30485 Cardinal Ave Abbotsford, BC V2T0E5
Phone: 604.625.2245 Fax: 604.625.2249 Toll Free: 1.866.967.0666
Call Gurcharan or Jag for your FREE no obligation Market Evaluation
3429 Thurston Place
OPEN HOUSE Sun Aug 7, 2-4pm 3 story, 10 years old, 2 bedroom legal suite, and 1 bedroom suite 3 bedroom up could be 4.
30-31098, Westridge Pl, Abbotsford 3123 Babich St. 2899- Crossley Dr. Abbotsford 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, 4 year old, 2 Storey, Near School, Shopping Mall, Appollo Gym
6700Sq. Ft, 4 bedroom
3 bedrooms, 2 bath,Family Room up, 2 bedroom legal suite, recroom full bath for upstairs use
31091 Creekside, Abbotsford
Two lots in maple ridge over 15000 sqft near 235a st
4 bedrooms, 3 bath, recroom, renovated, Near School, Shopping Mall, Gladwin Rd Area, Must see
3844 Balsam Cres., Abbotsford
32120 Balfour Dr.
Fully renovated, 6 bedroom, 3 full bath
8500Sq. Ft. lot, 4 bedroom, 4 bath
34041 WAVELL LANE, Abbotsford
3044 Royal Street 5 bedroom 2 and half bath on 6600 sqft lot close to all levels of school.
43-3030 Tretheway St, 3980 Brighten Pl., Abbotsford 3 story 9 bedroom 6bath. Clearbrook village Over 5000 sqft of living.
3 bedroom 2 bath townhouse Huge lot over 8000 sqft.
2728 Centennial, Abbotsford
3454 Sidegrove, West Abbotsford
as Over
725 Short Rd, Abbotsford 2740 Cambie St Abbotsford 2136 Opal Place, Abbotsford
32085 Ashcroft Dr
It is a 2 bedroom house, close to Wal-Mart
7 bedrooms, 5 bath, Family 5 bedroom 2 1/2 bath family room fully 3 bedroom 1 1/2 bath rancher with and freeway. It is rented for $950 per Room, recroom, built in renovated home near new hospital, cul- over 8000 sqft lot month. It is hard to find in this price in Abbotsford area, demolish it and make a 2008, Near Park, Must see de-sac. new house.
Ross, Fraser Hwy Area Good for Trucker
3 story 9 bedroom 5 bath west Abby.
2135 Bakerview 4 bedroom
New Listing 5 ACRES, Rolling Land 6 Bdrm, Workshop Rented $2500 Per month
Custom Built 3 Story home 4 bdrms upstairs, Family Rm, Living Rm, 2 bdrm legal suite, Media Rm, Office in another Master bdrm on main, 6720Sq, Ft, lot, Near All Amenities
#22-3030 Trethway bdrm townhouse
33951, Mccrimmon Dr. Abbotsford 2889 Victoria Street 32277 Peardonville Road 6 bedrooms, 4 bath, 17000 Sq.Ft. Lot, recroom, 3 Storey, Near School, Shopping Mall
Almost 11000 Sq. Ft. 5 bdrm, 2 bath sold
This home is centrally located in West Abbotsford, close to schools, shopping and parks. OVER 12000 SF Large lot, that can be subdivided into 2 lots that would be over 6000 sqft each.
36432 Estevan Court, Abbotsford
35358 Wells, Gray Avenue #102 - 3080 Townline Rd 2081 Bakerview Fully Abbotsford renovated house 4 bedroom 3 bedroom, 2 bath
on 7000 Sq.Ft lot
Friday, August 5th 2016
Baldev Singh Gill
34641 7TH AVENUE Nicely renovated home located in a quite cul-de-sac. Some recent updates are: New paint, railing, kitchen cabinets, some flooring, window blinds, light fixtures, bath tub, tiles, one piece toilet and much more.
NEW LISTING 11 bedroom 9bath mega house in West Abbotsford. Close to all amenities and easy access 31816 Oak Ave to freeway. Abbotsford NEW LISTING NEW LISTING
New stainless steel appliances and granite countertops. 3 Bdrm suite. Recroom with full Bath. Walking distance to all levels of schools, Apollo Gym and Gurdwara.
2966 Glenavon Street #29- 31125 Westridge #12 3087 Immel
2620 Caboose Place
7200 Sq. Ft. Lot. Very well maintained house. Granite counter tops& Central Air Conditioner. Located on dead end street
3631 Homestead Cres.
Very Clean 5 bedroom basement entry house, Rec room with full washroom, Living room, Family room, 2 bedroom legal suite.
Beautiful custom built over4800 sq.ft. home with 2-5-10 warranty in a West Abbotsford. High end finishingthrough out of the h o u s e . 4 b e d r o o m s upstairs with 3 baths and main floor has one master bedroom. 2 bedroom LEGAL SUITE in a basement plus Theatre room, rec room and a steam bath forupstairs use.
3320 Jervis Crescent Abbotsford
#2-30989 Westridge
5 bedroom updated home with Legal Suite in West Abbotsford
3533 Trethwey Street Abbotsford Updated home with Suite. Close to Rotary Stadium and Mouat Secondary School.
1726 Ackerman Abbotsford
5 bdrms, 3 baths, family room, living room, rec room, built in vac, fully air conditioned from upstairs, shed, covered sundeck, lots of room for the whole family. Great size 2 bdrm legal suite!!!
3302 FIRHILL DRIVE, Abbotsford • 5 bedrooms • 3 bathrooms • Recroom
• Legal Suite • New roof • Close to schools
37-31032 Westridge Pl. 3513 Merritt, Abbotsford 2604 Valemont Cr 33414 Kingsley Terrace 30922 Upper Maclure
32259 Atwater Cres
Thurston Place
32079 Astoria Court
7 Year new beautiful custom built house in West Abbotsford. 4 bedroom, 3 bath up. 1 bedroom, office and spice kitchen on main floor. Two basement suites. Call for appointment.
Beautiful homewith 8200 sq.ft lot. Upstairs: 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, dining, familyroom and 1-1/2 bath. Basement: 1 bedroom LEGAL SUITE plus den for upstairs use. New windows, new paint and high efficient furnace. Close to Rotary Stadium, MRC
Beautiful house in West Abbotsford. 2 Bedroom Legal Suite plus Rec. room, full washroom and one bedroom for upstairs use. New Paint, New Fence, New hot water tank and new drapes. Call for appointment.
Beautifully renovated house located in a quiet cul-de-sac. Close to Rotary Stadium, MRC and all level of Schools. 2bedroom LEGAL SUITE, ample parking and Flat fenced over 8000 sq.ft.lot.
Beautiful home in cul-de-sac with LEGAL SUITE and Rec. Rm. Over 8100 sq. feet lot. New flooring, New Paint , new toilets, new large covered sundeck with skylights.
Super Mcmillan 5 year old three location. Close to storey 3 bedroom, 2 Prince Charles bath plus rec. room Elementary School, townhouse in West Fraser Middle Abbotsford. Near all School, Yale level of schools, Secondary School Gurudwara and Apollo and Abbotsford Gym. Excellent Recreation Centre. location.
20079 Wansted Street
31897 Madiera Place Abbotsford
3480 Wagner Drive
Custom built 3 storey home Three storey 3 with 2-5-10 years warranty bedroom, 2 bath, in West Abbotsford's newest living room,kitchen subdivision. 4 bedrooms and family room upstairs with 3 full baths, townhouse. Close to mailfloor has office and spice kitchen too. 2 shopping, recreation, and French Immersion bedroom LEGAL SUITE in a basementplus media room, Elementary School. bar, bedroom and full bath
34641 7th Ave
Great starter home located in a quiteculde-sac. Just stepts away from the US border. Flat fenced lot with additional back lane access to the property.
for upstairs use.
1 Year old 2 bedrooms and three bath townhouse in West Abbotsford. Like new condition. Near all level of schools. Excellent location.
2 year new townhouse in West Abbotsford. Like New Condition. Near all levels of schools, Gurudwara Darbar Sahib and Apollo Gym.
Fairfield Estates! Immaculate Rancher with 2Bedroon LEGAL SUITE in one of the bestneighborhoods of West Abbotsford. Thishome features 7 bedrooms/3 bathrooms, huge living room, dining, family room,big new patio off the kitchen & a flat private backyard.
Great family home in agreat neighborhood! Sunnyside area. Living, kitchen, dining, 3 bdrms up and1-1/2 up. Fully finished basement with 2 bedroom Legal suite and a family roomfor upstaits use
Super cleanbasement entry home on a corner lot. Living room, kitchen, dining, 3bedroomsand two bath up, 1 bedroom LEGAL SUITE down. Newflooring, paint and less than 2 year old roof. Close to University and easy access to freeway.
D OLking price
S57,000 over as $
I N C .
Friday, August 5th, 2016
Friday, August 5th 2016
gLjLl som dwqf idlgIr asIN ikAuN jgfAuxy sI dIvy idny hI,
mjLf ikMnf afAuNdf ik QoVHf ijhf,
ikqy cfnx ivwc bsyrf jy huMdf.
ieh sPr musLklF df lMmyrf jy huMdf.
ik hux qk qF afpF vI hoxf sI rOsLn,
ieh sfhs dI hsqI, KumfrI isdk dI,
iekwlf hI dusLmx hnyrf jy huMdf.
Clfvy dy jMglF ‘c guMm jFdI hux qwk,
quM ikrnF qy lwKF sI pihry ibTfAuxy,
jF Kf cwukI huMdI ieh Bfr nhIN mYnUM
qy irsLmF nUM rwKxf sI kYdI bxf ky.
quhfzy ijhf rfh idsyrf jy huMdf.
pirMdy vI hoxy sI mhuqfj qyry,
inrf hI idKfvf hY aPsos qyrf.
ikqy sfrf aMbr hI qyrf jy huMdf
cflfkI, CupI hY, isafsq dI ies ivc,
idsI pihly hwly hr mMjLl asfnUM
ieh ‘qfbUq’ ivwc puq gYr df hY,
aiVwky qF pfey sI lwKF qusF ny,
qYnUM pqf lwgdf, ieh qyrf jy huMdf. PAGE R7
Friday, August 5th, 2016
Friday, August 5th 2016
grIbF df rfKf sI mOVF df ijAuxf
qyjI mflvf Kyqr dy ipMz mOVF ivwc KVk isMG df swuKI-sFdI vsdf inwkf ijhf pirvfr sI. Aus dy pirvfr ivwc pqnI pRym kOr, puwqr iksLnf qy ijAuxf aqy DI ibsLnI sI. Aus smyN ipMz mOVF dIaF do pwqIaF sn lfZf qy jfnI. sfry ipMz df goq mfn sI qy iewQy hjLfr ku Gr sn. ies ipMz dy lok iZwlvF mOV qoN AuWT ky afey sn. iewk idn sLfm df vylf sI. prym kOr ny qOVI df cwpx cwuk ky vyiKaf, pr sfg dI qOVI KflI sI. Aus ny soicaf ik hux do cIrnIaF mroV ilafAuNdI hF. ijAuN hI Aus dI njLr vfsdyv dy Kyq ivwc motIaF-motIaF gMdlF ‘qy peI. prym kOr ny AuWQy hI cfr cIrnIaF qoV leIaF. AuDr iksLnf swQ ivwc bYTf sI. ieny nUM vfsdyv af igaf. Auhny kVkvI afvfjL ivwc ikhf, “Auh KVk ky mlMgo kdy afpxy Kyq ivwcoN vI Kf pkf ilaf kro. qyrI mF myry Kyq ivwc sfg qoV ky ilafeI hY.” iksLny dy aMdroN lftF inkl geIaF. Auh bhuq dyr DrqI ivwc ingHf gwzI socdf irhf. aKIr Auh afpxy jotIdfr iDafn klfl, jo iksLny nfl rl ky pihlvfnI krdf huMdf sI, nUM nfl lY ky iswDf vfsdyv srdfr dy Gr phuMc igaf. iksLnf aMdr clf igaf qy iDafn klfl bfhr KVHf irhf. iksLny ny jFidaF hI moZy AuWqoN prnf Auqfr ky vfsdyv dy gl nUM vlytf pf ilaf. Aus dI GrvflI ny iksLny dy pYrIN cuMnI rwK idwqI qy lwgI qrly imMnqF krn. Gr dI iewk-iewk tUm-tfkI Aus dy pYrF ivwc rwK idwqI. iksLny ny Auh gihxf gwtf, KizaflI ipMz dy jYml isMG nUM sONp idwqf. iksLny ny iDafn klfl rfhIN afpxy Gr sunyhf Byj idwqf, ‘myry Gr kih dyxf, mYN lMmy vftIN pY igaf hF, hux mYN nhIN afvFgf, myrf ieMqjLfr nf krn’. iksLny ny sfrf mfl mwqf Kizafl ipMz dy jYml isMG nUM sMBfl idwqf. kuJ smyN bfad iksLnf tUmtfkI lYx afieaf qF jYml mwukr igaf. iksLnf AuWQoN clf igaf. keI idn bfad Auh GuMmdy GumfAuNdy jYml nUM Kizafl dy bMny AuWqy iml igaf. iksLny ny mOkf qfV ky jYml nUM dboc ilaf. iksLny ny Aus df ieMny joLr nfl glf Guwitaf ik Aus dI QfeyN mOq ho geI. iksLny ny Aus dy Gr jf ky Aus dI pqnI koloN sfrf mfl kZvf ilaf. iPr ieh sfrf sfmfn hirafAu aihmd zogr kol sMBfl idwqf. Auh koeI vI zfkf mfrdf qF sB lwuitaf mfl zogr kol hirafAU ipMz rwK afAuNdf sI. zogr dIaF lwuty hoey mfl nfl do gfgrF Br geIaF. iewk idn iksLnf Aus koloN afpxf lwuitaf mfl vfps lYx afieaf. zogr ny ikhf, “mfl Kwbyswjy itkfxy lfieaf hoieaf hY. ijs idn myry kol mfl af igaf, mYN qYnUM Kud bulf lvFgf.” acfnk iewk idn aihmd zogr df sunyhf iml igaf. iksLnf hirafAU af igaf. aihmd zogr ny Gr peIaF gfgrF iksLny nUM ivKf idwwqIaF qy KfqrdfrI leI kih ky Aus nUM rok ilaf. sLrfb pI ky iksLnf
iZwloN zgmgf igaf. zogr ny afpxf bMdf Byj ky buZlfzy qoN pulIs mMgvf leI. pulIs ny Aus nUM kfbU kr ky sjLf vjoN kfly pfxI jylH Byj idwqf. iksLny dI igRPLqfrI 1882-83 ivwc hoeI sI. Aus ny sfQIaF nfl iml ky kuJ asly qy GoVIaF df jugfV kIqf. sB qoN pihlF iewk kflI GoVI qy kuJ rfeIPlF hwQ afeIaF. iewk idn pqf cwilaf ik mhfrfjf pitaflf df rsflf BvfnIgVH Tihiraf hoieaf hY. ijAuxy ny sfQIaF smyq gurIlf ZMg nfl bwgI GoVI qy pMdrF bMdUkF ‘qy hwQ sfP kr idwqf. iekdm pwqry vfc afieaf. AudoN qwk ijAuxy df nF pUry mflvy ivwc msLhUr ho cwuikaf sI. ijAuxf pulIs dy muKLbrF dI vI cMgI KLbr lYNdf sI. ipMz mOVF nyVy gujrF ipMz df imwqf pulIs df muKLbr sI. ijAuxy ny Aus dy Gr keI cwkr mfry, pr KflI muVdf irhf. muMzy nUM pwuiCaf qF Auh vI pYrF ‘qy pfxI nf pYx dyvy. aKLIr ijAuxy ny Aus dy nwk dI krUMbl vwZ idwqI. iewk idn ijAuxy ny sunfm qoN lONgovfl jFdI jMJ Gyr leI. iekdm kuVI zolI qoN bfhr afeI qy kVkvIN afvfjL ivwc kihx lwgI, “quhfnUM pqf nhIN mYN iks dI BYx hF.” ijAuxy puwiCaf, “iks dI?” “ijAuxy mOV dI.” “bIbf qyrf nF kI ey?” “goibMdI.” ijAuxf iKViKVf ky hwisaf qy kihx lwgf, “mYN hI ijAuxf moV hF.” Aus nfl gwlbfq kridaF vfadf kIqf, “kdy duwK suwK ivwc Xfd krIN BYxy. mYN jLrUr hfjLr hovFgf.” sfQIaF smyq brfq nUM lONgovfl Cwz ky afieaf. iewk vfr ijAuxy df grwup GuMzy bnyry ipMz koloN lMG irhf sI. zfkUaF nUM vyK ky lok Bwjx lwgy. ijAuxy ny afiKaf, “qusIN Bwjo nf. mYN qF quhfzf hmdrd hF. koeI syvf dwso.” Jwt iewk bjLurg AuWT ky rox lwg ipaf qy afpxI ivwiQaf suxfeI, “myrI kuVI CwzI bYTI hY, mYN bhuq duKI hF.” ijAuxy ny kuVI vI vsfeI qy shuiraF dI lfh-pfh kIqI. ies qoN bgLYr vI hor keI duKI kuVIaF vsfeIaF. ijAuxy ny keI lutyiraF nUM vI nwQ pfeI. iewk idn ijAuxy nUM KnOrI qoN awgy hMs lihl bIV ivwc kflypfxI qoN jylH kwt ky afieaf GuMmx isMG BMgU imilaf. Aus ny ijAuxy nUM iksLny dI icwTI idwqI ijs ivwc aihmd zogr qoN bdlf lYx leI ikhf igaf sI. KLq df mjLmUn pVH ky ijAuxy dI afqmf JMjoVI geI. ijAuxy ny AuWQoN hI zogr nUM mOq df sunyhf Byj idwqf. srkfr ny ijAuxy isr iewk hjLfr rupey qy kMgxF dI iewk joVI ienfm rwiKaf hoieaf sI. aihmd zogr ny soicaf ik isLkfr afp ipMjry nUM iswDf af irhf sI. aihmd zogr vwzy kwd kfT vflf ivakqI sI qy Aus df Bfr sfZy swq mx sI. dovyN DiVaF ny BfpVy dy itwby ‘qy imlxf imwQ ilaf. ijAuxy ny sUey dI pulI ‘qy nfky luafey hoey sn qy ijAuxf qy zogr afhmo-sfhmxy sn. ijAuxf bwgI GoVI ‘qy svfr sI qy zogr
Sukh Malhi 604.832.6034 Office 604.855.0800 Fax 604.855.0833
Suite and a Shop! And 31710 SOUTHDALE CRES Legal room to park Boat, Motor
$599,000 32107 CLINTON AVE
$739,900 42460 WALNUT AVE YARROW
Home or extra vehicles. This well cared for home in a central location has a walk out basement, a large sundeck and a concrete apron out the back yard, very little grass to mow. Shared laundry with a tenant that would like to continue. Great shop! Also has a tent like covering good to keep the boat out of the rain.
34135 HIGGINSON CRES This 2 Storey w/basement home on
7954+sf Lot. Main floor starts with a large open foyer leading to formal livingroom & diningroom. Large Kitchen has stainless appliances, island w/breakfast counter & eating area. Family room, 2pc bath, an inlaw/guest bedroom, office and laundry. Above is the Lg Mbdrm w/WIC & 4pc Ensuite and 4bdrms and 2 4pc baths. Basement has 2Bdrm Legal Suite w/4pc bath as well as 1bdrm unauth suite w/4pc bath. Lot is completely landscaped, fenced and has veg garden & cherry tree. 2Bdrm Legal & 1Bdrm Unauth Suites offer $1500/mth rental income. Beautiful executive home in prestigious
Fairfield subdivision in West Abbotsford offers this 2 Storey w/bsmnt 6 bedroom 4 bath beauty! Main floor has Large foyer with spiral staircase, Formal Living Room, Kitchen w/eating area, Dining Room, Family Room, Den and Laundry. Above is large MBdrm w/5pc ensuite and 4 pc bath with 3 more bedrooms, Basement has 2 Bdrm Legal Suite. Come and View!! What a combination! 2596 sqft house on a 9966 sqft lot with South facing backyard on a dead end street. Schoolyard behind with the Community Centre just steps away and the Vedder River just accross the street. The house has had several upgrades and is waiting for your finishing ideas. Large open country kitchen with gas stove opens to the dining room and large sundeck. 3 Bedrooms up and even a 4 piece ensuite. Basement has outside access and lots of options for future development. Backyard has dry storage, hot tub and possible vehicle access past the house. Renovations include some newer vinyl windows, roof replaced in 2013, furnace in 2006 and more.
Gardens. Timeless floorplan 45825 VERBENA DR CHILLIWACK Higginson with great room and master bedroom on
$849,900 10-31235 UPPER MACLURE RD
WEEK IN A Well kept nice and bright townhouse in
KLAZINA ESTATES! Lots of storage space and a beautiful backyard.Stainless steel appliances,granite countertops,shows very nice.Walk to all levels of schools,Apollo gym, close to high Street mall,Easy access to freeway.
the main with massive walk-in closet. Superior finishes including hardwood, tile and crown moulding. Upstairs features 3 large bedrooms and a library area. Basement features a LEGAL 1 bedroom and den suite with 2 full bathrooms! Also in the basements are a rec room and flex room for the upstairs use. All of this set on a large fenced corner lot with side yard access for parking the toys. Great location with all amenities close by, including all levels of schools, Kinkora golf course, Village at Sardis Park shopping centre and Sardis park. This is an amazing house, meticulously maintained and ready for you today.
#6 - 30748 CARDINAL AVE
A Rare Find! Only 6 years old Town home in West Abbotsford. This home features 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, huge living room, dining area, family room, open kitchen concept with granite counter tops and a double/ garage tandem. Other features - laminate flooring, stainless steel appliances, fireplace, low strata fees, lots of windows, modern concept and much more...Close to schools, shopping, recreation, freeway, parks, steps to High Street Mall, Walmart & Cineplex.
We Have Qualified Buyers For Homes afpxI GoVI ‘qy. ijAuxy ny pihlF vfr krn leI ikhf. zogr ny iqMn Pfier kIqy. bwgI GoVI ny rsfly dI isKlfeI imlI hox krky ijAuxy nUM vfl-vfl bcf ilaf. iPr ijAuxy dI vfrI afeI. zogr ny Bwjx dI koisLsL kIqI. jdoN Auh pul vfly pfsy igaf qF awgy cqry horIN cfr bMdUkF vfly bYTy sn. iPr Aus ny GoVI dI sUey AuWqy Cfl mrvfAux dI koisLsL kIqI. GoVI df igwtf inkl igaf qy QFeyN izwg peI. ieMny nUM ijAuxy ny zogr dy golI mfr ky PwtV kr idwqf. zogr imMnqF –qrilaF ‘qy af igaf, pr ijAuxy ny Aus df isr DV qoN alwg kr idwqf. ijAuxf hr sfl nYxf dyvI dy joV myly jFdf qy Cqr cVHf ky afAuNdf sI. Auh Bys vtf ky jFdf sI qy pulIs nUM ckmf dy ky inkl jFdf sI. ies vfrI iPr Aus ny cqry nUM nfl lY ky Cqr cVHfAux dI iqafrI kr leI. Ausny vfl KolH ky sfDU df Bys bxf ilaf. mMidr dy hyTF itkfxf bxfieaf sI. ijAuxy ny aMdfjLf lfieaf. pulIs dy bhuq ijLafdf pihry sn. Aus ny cqry nfl slfh bxfeI, “mYN hyToN hI nmskfr kr idMdf hF. qUM Cqr cVHf ky af.” cqry ny ieAuN hI kIqf. pulIs dy sUhIaf qMqr nUM sLMkf ho geI ik ieMnf Bfrf Cqr iksy sfDfrn bMdy df nhIN ho skdf. Aus ny cqry df ipwCf krnf sLurU kr idwqf qy aKIr ijAuxy qy cqry nUM Gyr ilaf. puwCigwC krn ‘qy dovF ny afpxf shI nF nhIN dwisaf. aKIr dovF nMU mOV ilaFdf igaf. ipMz ivwc hr iksy ny axjfnqf ivKfeI. iksy muKLbr
ny pulIs dy kMn ivwc PUk mfrI ik ies dI BYx BfdsoN kol suDyvfl ivafhI hoeI hY: Aus koloN sLnfKq krvf lAu. pulIs ny bVy nftkI ZMg nfl ijAuxy nUM sfdy kwpVy puaf ky pMj-swq bMidaF ivwc KVHf kr idwqf qy ibsLnI nUM sunyhf lfieaf ik ZwkoN ivc qyrf BfeI Xfd kr irhf hY. ibsLnI ny afAuNidaF hI ijAuxy dy gl lwg ky Dfh mfrI. ieAuN ijAuxy dI sLnfKq ho geI. kuJ idn ijAuxy ‘qy zogr vflf kys cwilaf qy cqry nUM vI nfl hI muljLm bxfieaf igaf sI. ijAuxy nUM sjLf-ey-mOq qy cqry nUM kflypfxI dI sjLf suxfeI geI. cqry nUM kfly pfxI Byj idwqf igaf. hux ijAuxf ihsfr jylH ivwc af cwuikaf sI. BfdoN dy mhIny 1903 dI svyr Aus nUM PFsI dy idwqI geI.(dMd kQfvF muqfibk ijAuxf nYxf dyvI dy phfV qoN Cfl mfr lop ho igaf sI.)ajy ijAuxy df isvf TMZf nhIN hoieaf sI. kudrq vwloN cmqkfr hoieaf. gory jylHr dy bMgly nUM awg lwg geI aPsr suBfa pwKoN awCf sI. jylHr dy bwcy qy mym bMgly ivwc hI sn. iksLny qy cqry ny bwicaF qy mym nUM awg qoN bcf ky bfhr ilaFdf. jylHr ieMnf KusL hoieaf ik Aus ny afpxf rsUK vrq ky dovF dI rihMdI kYd muafP krvfeI qy KuLd dovF nUM Gr Cwz ky igaf. cqrf, ijAuxy dy PFsI lwgx qoN bfad qIh pYNqI sfl ijAuNdf irhf. aKIr Auh afpxI sfrI jLmIn gurduafry dy nF krvf ky hjLUr sfihb clf igaf sI.
Friday, August 5th, 2016
Friday, August 5th 2016
Friday, August 5th, 2016
Jasbir Singh Banwait
Manbir Banwait
Banwait Group 1
Multiple fully tenanted buildings with approx 6% Cap Rates. Asking price $5.9 Million
565 Acres Sub Dividable Into 1 Acre Lots Out Of ALR Ready To Develop. Excellent View , Very Close To Whisper Ridge Sub Division . MultiMillion Dollar homes sold out across the street. Whisper Subdivision Is All Sold out. For More Info, Asking Price $13.5 million. Call: 778-552-0305
Over 5100 Sq. Ft, home plus 5 acres for s a l e . Ve r y c l o s e t o t h e C i t y o f Abbotsford,Abbotsford International Airport, University of Fraser Valley, Abbotsford General Hospital, five minutes to all shopping centers, easy access to highway #1, minutes to US border, 40 minutes to Simon Fraser University, 50 minutes to University of British Columbia, Half hour to Surrey and 20 minutes to Langley. Enjoy very quite and peacefull living. Appox. 4 acres planted high yielding and full production RASPBERRY. Will not last long call me right now at 778-552-0305.
8 32113 HUNTINGDON RD VACANT INDUSTRIAL 7 2.4 ACRES OF LAND NEXT TO LAND - MISSION INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ABBOTSFORD 1.31 Acre plus house well Can be developed into Possibility to rezone to Airport maintained house and any number of industrial commercial. This property is outbuildings. Close to all located in the North West uses. Excellent location corner of Queen Street and facilities, International n e a r a l l r e q u i r e d Marshall Road. 3200 sqft. Airport, hospital, schools amenities. Easy access house rented for $1500.00 per a n d s h o p p i n g . B e s t a n d v e r s a t i l e m o n t h p l u s 2 1 0 0 s q f t . Location for a new home! warehouse rented for $999,000 land/zoning. $2.99M $1500.00 per month
ABBOTSFORD/ LANGLEY BORDER Two 10 Acre Parcels with Perfect Building Sites with no restrictions on your home and outbuildings. Minutes to US Border, Hwy 1. 25 Minutes to South Surrey. Surrounded by estate homes
ABBOTSFORD/ LANGLEY BORDER 20 Acre Parcel with Perfect Building Sites with no restrictions on your home and outbuildings. Minutes to US Border, Hwy 1. 25 Minutes to South Surrey. Surrounded by estate homes
High yielding variety, 7 minutes to Mission. Nice area to build a house and the price is right. Call for more info. $999,000
150,000+ lbs it 2015. New drip irrigation installed last year. Take advantage of the low land price to increase your return on investment. $1.25M
Auto drip irrigation system plus setup for machine pick, with a very high production. All machinery included. Very clean farm look, like Stanley park. 8 minutes to city center of Abbotsford. Build your very own dream home with an asking price of $2,750,000!
Two side by side 7500 sqft duplex lots for sale. RS4 Zoning allows to build two duplexes or you can build two large houses. Very close to university of fraser valley in abbotsford. Call for more info Asking Price only $$509,000 Each Lot
Next door to commercial development! Great holding potential and perfect to use for Agri-Business. Take advantage of the surrounding area which is rapidly growing. Property is all usable. Call us for details and to discuss your ideas!
8 bedrooms, entertainment areas, indoor pool, hot tub, sauna, and gym. Everything in this home is spacious 2 bedroom nanny quarters or suite. Blueberry farm features 3 varietiesplanted in approximately 27 acres. Mature plantings provide strong production. Open to all your proposals and ideas. Call today!
Central/downtown Abbotsford location provides easy access to all facilities inc. shopping, schools, hospitals. This property has 6 parcels and has four houses rented. Up to 6 stories and 90+ Units possible. $2.9 Million
Farm in full production. Fully auto drip irrigation system in place. High yielding varieties dukes bluecrop and elliots. Seller will pay good rent for the outbuldings. Close to city of Abbotsford on a busy road. You can setup a fruit stand to sell fresh produce. Asking price only $1,899,000!
15 Acre blueberry farm all planted. Auto drip irrigation system in place. Abbotsford & C h i l l i w a c k B o r d e r. D u k e B l u e c r o p & E l l i o t s . Tw o Houses and our building. Rental income $4500/month. s e l l e r m o t i v a t e d . Tr a d e s welcome. Asking Price: $1,499,000
Corner property with excellent frontage, access, and soil. Professionally installed irrigation system. This field has excellent drainage and soil quality and plantings are in exceptional health. Home and additional home can be still be built on the property. $3.449M
Fully auto drip irrigated fi e l d . H o u s e a n d outbuildings rented for $1500.00 per month. This farm is located right on Lougheed Highway in Deroche Mission. Look at the asking price only $1.55M. Will not last long
Great Location on F r a s e r H i g h w a y. Excellent building for steady cash flow. Fully leased building should provide $9000/month rental income!
Great Location for this 20 Acre Blueberry Farm. In production farm - ready for machine pick professionally planted and c a r e d f o r fi e l d . Va r i e t i e s include Bluecrop & Duke. Extra machine shop - 30' x 50'. No residence on the property so bring your ideas and build your custom home. $1.99M
Excellent location! Property is loc close to Costco, the Sumas Shopping area, Hwy 1, the Mission Hwy and the US B o r d e r. C e n t r a l l y l o c a t e d f o r a processing plant - city water is available. It has 2 houses with a rental income of $3500/month. There is a full production field, with 11 acres of Duke and 9 acres of Bluecrop; auto drip irrigation installed. Please call for more info
6000 SF Commercial Building with 6 Separate Units
Versatile and operating industrial land - currently utilized as a shake and shingle mill. Ideal for barge and truck access. Excellent for any heavy industrial use. Developed 5.8 acres on the waterfront. Take advantage of the operating and fully functioning business or bring your own business to this one of a kind property. VERY VERY GOOD RETURN ON YOUR INVESTMENT $9.9M
Spectacular 5400 sqft. main house is simply breathtaking with 7 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms (3 ensuites, 1 with steam shower & 1 with jetted tub) gourmet maple kitchen with stainless steel appliances and butler's kitchen. Family room enjoys gas fireplace and built in entertainment unit. 12' ceiling throughout living room & dining room. l8' vaulted foyer with sparkling chandelier. Enjoy excellent revenue from blueberry crop and rental income from second house. 10 minutes from Mission. $1.849M
Cedar Park Place Commercial Unit 2 units in busy multi tenant strip mall known a s C E D A R PA R K . Central location and excellent income. Open up your own business or lease out. One unit already rented.
qua blue Blu hea exc irrig This So befo
Friday, August 5th 2016
Friday, August 5th, 2016
Friday, August 5th 2016
Friday, August 5th, 2016 PREC
Sutton Group - West Coast Realty #106 7565 132 St., Surrey. BC. PH:604-572-3005 FAX: 778-574-4174
- Highest Dollar Volume Award
- Commercial Top Sales Award
FOR SALE Spectacular! Estate home on 14.827 Acres of high yield blueberry farm. Luxury unfolds with the stunning front foyer, dual staircases, and elevated catwalk. The regal great room is situated next to a gourmet chef kitchen w/ separate wok kitchen & walk in pantry. A media room, yoga/ exercise room, 8 bedrooms & multiple entertaining rooms round out this spectacular home. Gaze out upon south views of Mt. Baker or the north views of the North Shore Mountains from outdoor patios situated both upstairs and down. This is true luxury at its best! The farm features healthy mature blueberry varieties Duke, Elliott, and Reca ensuring steady crops throughout the season. Fully automated irrigation. Too much to list! Book a showing today! Asking $4,999,900
A very rare opportunity to own a beautiful Parisian feel Salon/Café in Historic Abbotsford. Well established, with a loyal client following this beautiful establishment offers all day brunch, Lunch and Afternoon Tea. In addition, this beautiful café offers so much more! Reservations for Showers, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Special occasions and even Private Wedding ceremonies. Wait...there's more! This beautiful treasure of a business offers gorgeous select apparel, furnishings, jewelry, linens, gifts, vintage treasures and home décor. A beautiful, breathtaking turnkey operation this is a chance to own a niche business created and established with love and a business owners delight don't miss this opportunity! Please do not approach staff, contact listing realtor for any info required. Asking $75,000
4 acres, Hotel and development site available in the City of Regina, Saskatchewan. Prime location, not to be missed! Contact for more details.
Established custom steel and aluminum fabrication business. Great opportunity to run your own business with services that include: aluminum welding and repair, custom and stock trailers, mobile welding service, crane fabrication, fabrication of residential gates, security bars and much more! Mon– Fri operation closed on weekends. Please contact me for more details on this hard to come by opportunity! Asking $149,000
Established Indian Sweets and Restaurant business located in high traffic area of Scott Rd, Surrey. Wide variety vegetarian menu with sweets. Can be expanded to add non vegetarian dishes to the menu. Catering services provided regular clientele. Seating for 50. Complete turn key restaurant great business opportunity! Asking $129,000
Fantastic opportunity to run your own Pizza & Indian Cuisine business! Excellent food, rated 4.5/5 by customers open 7 days a week, very busy location take out with availability for seating if desired. Tons of tourists year round, central to major sites in Hope and integral area near grocery stores, city hall, local police station, motels and cinema. Well established, great sales and a complete turn key operation that will not last long! Asking $199,000
Don't miss this chance to run your own buy Convenience store/Mini mart! This well established business is well or-ganized, excellent set up, with all your essential sundries for sale as well as lottery AND the licensing to sell Pizza at this location! Busy area near parks, schools, residences it is the perfect small business! Ample of opportunity to add your ideas to an already turn key operation! Don't miss this great small business prospect! Asking $149,000
Laundry Business for Sale. Well established coin laundry on Scott Rd. and 94 Ave. Very profitable, heavy duty washers and dryers. D SOL Good lease terms. Baby ultrasound franchise, 3D ultrasound private clinic for pregnant moms is available for sale. Easy to run with low overhead. Located D SOL across Surrey Memorial Hospital in a medical building. Asking $169,900 Non Stop Pizza and Curry Business for Sale Very well running Non-Stop Pizza and Curry Restaurant for sale in D SOL Cloverdale - 191 and 72 Ave. Don’t miss it. Asking $99,000 Hair Salon Business for sale
Don't miss this rare opportunity to own your own busy Lighthouse Indian Cuisine Franchise! Prime location in Brickyard Station Plaza this fantastic business has Take out and dine in, beautiful décor, quality kitchen, Full Liquor license and full Indian Cuisine Menu. Complete turn key operation enables you to be your own boss with this established franchise. Contact me today for further info. Asking $389,000
Great Franchise opportunity just listed! Busy Coquitlam Center Mall location for Chop N Toss Franchise! Wont last long! Asking $158,800
In Mughal Garden plaza 2 units available, approx 4875 sqft.Already leased to long term tenants, to be sold together. Asking $1.25 million RETAIL SPACE AVAILABLE
8321 - 128 St., Surrey. Excellent location in busy plaza. Asking $209,000 OFFICE SPACE FOR SALE
Approx. 3100 SF of office space available for sale in the busiest plaza in Surrey. Close to Banquet Halls, retailshops & offices. Asking $749,000
17358 104A AVE
Fully finished side by side strata units for a total of approx. 5540 sqft. Available for sale. Close to Port Kells Industrial area. Easy access to both Highway 1 and Pacific Highway truck crossing.
A treasure gem of Italian cuisine tucked away in Hope! Open for lunch and dinner this quaint restaurant serves traditional Italian classics in a fantastic atmosphere and ambiance. Perfect casual dining for locals as well as tourist traffic. Turn key operation ready for you to implement your dreams as a restaurant owner! Asking $219,000
Magnificent luxury estate situate don 8.5 acres with over 8100 sq. ft of living space. Home includes 6 bdrms, 8 washrooms, a separate guest house and fruit stand. 5 acres has blueberry plants as well. This stunning home possesses every luxury possible with high ceilings, crown molding, stainless steel appliances,Granite counter tops, open floor plan, large gym room, grand patio, sundecks, built in vacuum, top of the line security system, separate wok kitchen and much more! This gorgeous home is situated in the middle of serene farmland yet only two minutes away from Aldergrove Town centre and with quick access to Hwy #1. The second house is rented as well as fruit stall.Rare opportunity to advantage of this stunning home! Call today for a personal viewing.
UNITS FOR SALE & LEASE 13737 96 Ave, City Centre Two adjoining offices in a new building across from SMH. Can be bought or leased together for a total space of 1600 sqft. or separate.
8077 KING GEORGE BLVD. The perfect retail corner unit in busy plaza move in ready. Approx 1200 sq ft perfect for fast food, office or retail space. Easy access to highway, close to all amenities on Busy King George Hwy. Great Opportunity contact me today.
Established auto body shop for sale be your own boss today! Well established and well equipped Auto Care Center which offers complete car & truck inspection, service and repair. The perfect opportunity to run your own business with a well recognized and established automotive center. Contact realtor for more details. Asking $139,000
OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE 8927 152 St.,Approx. 1100 sqft. office space for lease available in Guildford area on 152nsd street in Surrey.
93 AVE & 120 ST
Units available on busy Scott Road at 93rd Ave & 120 St. Approx. 750 to 1700 sqft. space available on main floor, second floor and basement. Ready to move in! 11925 95 AVE
Approx. 4500 sqft. office space available. Rec. area, small office, lunch room and conference room. Very nicely designed and finished.
Amazing opportunity to be your own boss! Established Donair food outlet in prime busy area in Langley. Already steady clientele from the numerous businesses surrounding, tons of traffic and lots of opportunity to expand the business further. Low lease, and great UNIT FOR LEASE ON 72 & 132 ST area make this the perfect turn key operation to own your own Available for lease. Opp JR Furniture. Good mix of warehouse and office space. Centrally located in light industrial zoning. business today! Asking $99,000
2590 sqft. Retail and Office INVESTOR OPPORTUNITY Investment Opportunity in Hope. 7200 Sq. ft large Lot Fully space for sale Asking $649,000 renovated home close to the
95 Ave & 152 St., 940 sqft. office space is available for lease on 2nd floor including 3 small offices, meeting room and reception. Also available 9400 sqft. space for lease. LOTS OF EXPOSURE.
4020 272 ST, LANGLEY
#705 $465,000, #706 $335,000
Located on Fraser Hwy, Cloverdale area, well established business, easy to maintain, higher monthly revenue. Asking $69,900
8318 Scott Road is offering medical and other professionals an opportunity to purchase premium office space in Surey, BC. Set to be completed by fall 2016, this state if the art steel and concrete building will offer a mixture of retail and office space to professionals looking for a long term home for their business. Space is limited. Call today for more details.
2006-2007 2004-2005 2011, 2012 2008-2009 2013-2014
Downtown core. 2 bed, 2 bath 850 sq.ft home to use as a rental property. Asking $259,000
Great opportunity to get into a Franchised and easy to operate Candy business! This established franchise is located in Ocean Park Shopping Center near major anchor Safeway. This rapidly growing franchise currently has 22 locations within BC and Alberta. With unique product Imported from the US and UK this franchise is completely turn –key and full training provided. This easy to run business is perfect for a couple and for those wanting to try their hand at being an entrepreneur. Asking $79,900
Located in a busy commercial plaza in the heart of Surrey. Lots of traffic and close to public transportation, restaurants, office and retail shops. Established recently the spa and salon offers modern décor up to date equipment/furnishings. Excellent turn key operation. Asking $80,000
Friday, August 5th 2016
Friday, August 5th, 2016
Jasbir Singh Banwait
Manbir Banwait
Banwait Group 1
Multiple fully tenanted buildings with approx 6% Cap Rates. Asking price $5.9 Million
565 Acres Sub Dividable Into 1 Acre Lots Out Of ALR Ready To Develop. Excellent View , Very Close To Whisper Ridge Sub Division . MultiMillion Dollar homes sold out across the street. Whisper Subdivision Is All Sold out. For More Info, Asking Price $13.5 million. Call: 778-552-0305
Over 5100 Sq. Ft, home plus 5 acres for s a l e . Ve r y c l o s e t o t h e C i t y o f Abbotsford,Abbotsford International Airport, University of Fraser Valley, Abbotsford General Hospital, five minutes to all shopping centers, easy access to highway #1, minutes to US border, 40 minutes to Simon Fraser University, 50 minutes to University of British Columbia, Half hour to Surrey and 20 minutes to Langley. Enjoy very quite and peacefull living. Appox. 4 acres planted high yielding and full production RASPBERRY. Will not last long call me right now at 778-552-0305.
8 32113 HUNTINGDON RD VACANT INDUSTRIAL 7 2.4 ACRES OF LAND NEXT TO LAND - MISSION INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ABBOTSFORD 1.31 Acre plus house well Can be developed into Possibility to rezone to Airport maintained house and any number of industrial commercial. This property is outbuildings. Close to all located in the North West uses. Excellent location corner of Queen Street and facilities, International n e a r a l l r e q u i r e d Marshall Road. 3200 sqft. Airport, hospital, schools amenities. Easy access house rented for $1500.00 per a n d s h o p p i n g . B e s t a n d v e r s a t i l e m o n t h p l u s 2 1 0 0 s q f t . Location for a new home! warehouse rented for $999,000 land/zoning. $2.99M $1500.00 per month
ABBOTSFORD/ LANGLEY BORDER Two 10 Acre Parcels with Perfect Building Sites with no restrictions on your home and outbuildings. Minutes to US Border, Hwy 1. 25 Minutes to South Surrey. Surrounded by estate homes
ABBOTSFORD/ LANGLEY BORDER 20 Acre Parcel with Perfect Building Sites with no restrictions on your home and outbuildings. Minutes to US Border, Hwy 1. 25 Minutes to South Surrey. Surrounded by estate homes
High yielding variety, 7 minutes to Mission. Nice area to build a house and the price is right. Call for more info. $999,000
150,000+ lbs it 2015. New drip irrigation installed last year. Take advantage of the low land price to increase your return on investment. $1.25M
Auto drip irrigation system plus setup for machine pick, with a very high production. All machinery included. Very clean farm look, like Stanley park. 8 minutes to city center of Abbotsford. Build your very own dream home with an asking price of $2,750,000!
Two side by side 7500 sqft duplex lots for sale. RS4 Zoning allows to build two duplexes or you can build two large houses. Very close to university of fraser valley in abbotsford. Call for more info Asking Price only $$509,000 Each Lot
Next door to commercial development! Great holding potential and perfect to use for Agri-Business. Take advantage of the surrounding area which is rapidly growing. Property is all usable. Call us for details and to discuss your ideas!
8 bedrooms, entertainment areas, indoor pool, hot tub, sauna, and gym. Everything in this home is spacious 2 bedroom nanny quarters or suite. Blueberry farm features 3 varietiesplanted in approximately 27 acres. Mature plantings provide strong production. Open to all your proposals and ideas. Call today!
Central/downtown Abbotsford location provides easy access to all facilities inc. shopping, schools, hospitals. This property has 6 parcels and has four houses rented. Up to 6 stories and 90+ Units possible. $2.9 Million
Farm in full production. Fully auto drip irrigation system in place. High yielding varieties dukes bluecrop and elliots. Seller will pay good rent for the outbuldings. Close to city of Abbotsford on a busy road. You can setup a fruit stand to sell fresh produce. Asking price only $1,899,000!
15 Acre blueberry farm all planted. Auto drip irrigation system in place. Abbotsford & C h i l l i w a c k B o r d e r. D u k e B l u e c r o p & E l l i o t s . Tw o Houses and our building. Rental income $4500/month. s e l l e r m o t i v a t e d . Tr a d e s welcome. Asking Price: $1,499,000
Corner property with excellent frontage, access, and soil. Professionally installed irrigation system. This field has excellent drainage and soil quality and plantings are in exceptional health. Home and additional home can be still be built on the property. $3.449M
Fully auto drip irrigated fi e l d . H o u s e a n d outbuildings rented for $1500.00 per month. This farm is located right on Lougheed Highway in Deroche Mission. Look at the asking price only $1.55M. Will not last long
Great Location on F r a s e r H i g h w a y. Excellent building for steady cash flow. Fully leased building should provide $9000/month rental income!
Great Location for this 20 Acre Blueberry Farm. In production farm - ready for machine pick professionally planted and c a r e d f o r fi e l d . Va r i e t i e s include Bluecrop & Duke. Extra machine shop - 30' x 50'. No residence on the property so bring your ideas and build your custom home. $1.99M
Excellent location! Property is loc close to Costco, the Sumas Shopping area, Hwy 1, the Mission Hwy and the US B o r d e r. C e n t r a l l y l o c a t e d f o r a processing plant - city water is available. It has 2 houses with a rental income of $3500/month. There is a full production field, with 11 acres of Duke and 9 acres of Bluecrop; auto drip irrigation installed. Please call for more info
6000 SF Commercial Building with 6 Separate Units
Versatile and operating industrial land - currently utilized as a shake and shingle mill. Ideal for barge and truck access. Excellent for any heavy industrial use. Developed 5.8 acres on the waterfront. Take advantage of the operating and fully functioning business or bring your own business to this one of a kind property. VERY VERY GOOD RETURN ON YOUR INVESTMENT $9.9M
Spectacular 5400 sqft. main house is simply breathtaking with 7 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms (3 ensuites, 1 with steam shower & 1 with jetted tub) gourmet maple kitchen with stainless steel appliances and butler's kitchen. Family room enjoys gas fireplace and built in entertainment unit. 12' ceiling throughout living room & dining room. l8' vaulted foyer with sparkling chandelier. Enjoy excellent revenue from blueberry crop and rental income from second house. 10 minutes from Mission. $1.849M
Cedar Park Place Commercial Unit 2 units in busy multi tenant strip mall known a s C E D A R PA R K . Central location and excellent income. Open up your own business or lease out. One unit already rented.
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Friday, August 5th 2016
I LOVE MY OWN COMPANY: KANGANA The last few months have been tumultuous for Kangana Ranaut, but she sure knows how to move on and move up in life. Sometimes by literally climbing mountains. On her recent getaway , the actress lived it up like a Queen, albeit solo. And she proudly claims, “I love my own company .“ Talking about her trip, in the faraway exotic locales of Germany , where apparently the Obamas vacationed, too, she says, “The staff there knew who I was, and they were very attentive.“ “They offered their services, but I preferred public transport, so I would walk 10 km to the bus station and train station and take off on my own.They were surprised, but they just let me be,“ she adds. Now that she's back in Mumbai, prepping for her role in Simran, what she misses the most is hiking and going for long walks. She says, “Yes, I am a mountain girl, so I love going back to nature and into the wild. For me, hiking is more therapeutic than meditation. On my trip, I would hike for seven to eight hours. Then, take a break at lakeside cafés or even take a quick nap. I ride horses really well, so I found a village that had a huge stable.Of course, the European horses are much bigger, so on the first day, I fell off the horse.“
Ask her if she feels lonely on a solo long trip, she quickly answers, “Having people around can be a lot of fun, but from time to time, you should be on your own. There are things you need to address to yourself, which you can't do in a crowd. It is like having a oneon-one conversation with yourself to know what you are seeking and what you are missing in life. If I don't do it, I feel conflicted. Sometimes, I would sit in a café and read a book for h o u r s . People can be flawed, but a great story , and a great author is like a magician. Travelling makes me feel grateful about my existence.“
WHAT WE CANNOT SEE, DOESN'T EXIST FOR US : VIKRAM BHATT Filmmaker Vikram Bhatt is the master of horror movies in indian film industry. His latest offering '1921', which is the next installment in the 1920 franchise is in the pipeline. Vikram is all set to return to the horror genre with '1921', starring Zareen Khan. Vickram said, "1921 is a fantastic love story about people who are studying music. It has a fair leaning towards classic love story. There's an evil force as an antagonist. I haven't decided about the rest of the star cast." While female lead is set, Vickram is still on a look out for the male lead opposite Zareen Khan. "I am looking for a good looking new boy as the lead opposite Zareen." Horror has been his forte for quite long, so what is it about this genre that fascinates him? Has he ever had a brush with the supernatural? He has a shocking re-
Hunky Muscular Aamir takes our breath away! Its official! Aamir Khan is not just a perfectionist but also sets the graph for perfectionism. We had seen the physical transformation he underwent to look like Mahavir Phogat, the wrestler he plays in Dangal. To play an aging but physically stout Phogat Aamir worked hard almost
endangering his health. Now his latest avatar which is of Phogat as a young man has left us drooling. The actor look to share a still of his with the muscled up look. Aamir will be portraying two different times from the wrestler’s life.
Films on sports very necessary : Randeep
Actor Randeep Hooda, who played a mixed martial arts (MMA) artist in 'Do Lafzon Ki Kahani' and will be seen as Salman Khan's wrestling coach in 'Sultan', says films on sports are essential. "Films on sports are very necessary. It gives birth to a sporting culture, which I think, we need as a country," "Films about boxing and MMA, like 'Do Lafzon Ki Kahani' or 'Sultan', are ultimately about an all-encompassing sport. The whole thing about sports movies or boxing movies -- which is a genre in Hollywood -- is to draw the parallel of struggle within the ring in life," he added.
ply to this “I have many times encountered spirits but the reason I don't talk about these things in person is because I feel the people might think that I am doing this for publicity of my films and I also feel that it belittles my experiences. Hence, I don't talk about it. What we cannot see, doesn't exist for us."
Shaan and Amaal Mallik have come together for Tum Ho Toh Lagta Hai, a romantic single produced by Bhushan Kumar. Shaan, who is considered to be one of the most romantic voices in Bollywood, is working with the young composer for the first time. He says, “As soon as Amaal played out the first line, it just blew me away and I told Bhushan that I wanted to sing this. I am known for romantic numbers and have composed, written and sung Tanha Dil, Gumsum Ho Kyun, Aksar and Tishnagi, but I haven't heard a more sincere love song than this, in a long time.“ The lyrics are by Rashmi Virag and the video, directed by Aleya Sen, features Saqib Saleem and Taapsee Pannu as well as the singer. Talking about it, Bhushan Kumar says, “Shaan has sung the song beautifully and I am confident that the audience will love it.''
Friday, August 5th, 2016
A Series of GURMAT CAMPS Bhai Harman Singh Guest speaker:
(Ages 5 and Up)
July 04 - Aug 18, 2016 9:30 am - 4:00 pm
July 04 – 07
Camp Nankana Sahib
Guru Nanak Dev ji
July 11 – 14
Camp Goindwal Sahib
July 18 – 21
Camp Harmandir Sahib
July 25 – 28
Camp Akal Takht Sahib
Aug 08 – 11
Camp Kiratpur Sahib
Aug 15 – 18
Camp Anandpur Sahib
Guru Angad Dev ji Guru Amar Das ji Guru Ramdas ji Guru Arjan Dev ji Guru Hargobind Sahib ji Guru Har Rai Sahib ji Guru Har Krishan Sahib ji Guru Teg Bahadur ji Guru Gobind Singh ji
CAMPS HIGHLIGHTS * Punjabi & Gurbani * Kirtan & Tabla * Gatka (Sikh Martial Arts) * Sikh History, Sikh Movies * Dastaar Training * Arts & Crafts * Delicious Langar
Contact for more information: Bhai Sarabjit Singh: 778-808-7042 • Arvin Singh Dhaliwal: 778-241-0510