The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid
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Sat Sharma
Friday, July 29th, 2016
The Patrika
Rick Hansen Secondary launches ‘Next Generation: Canadian Global Citizenship Project’ Submitted by Bo Sidhu, Vice-Principal , RHSS
or the 2015-16 school year, Rick Hansen Secondary and The Mosaic Institute, a Toronto based not-for-profit society, began an education partnership to provide The Next Generation: Canadian Global Citizenship Project as an integrated school curriculum for all of the school’s 150 grade 9 students. Between February and June, students attended 10 workshops, designed and implemented five community service projects (Abbotsford Food Bank, Amnesty International, Vivek Foundation, Global Medic, and welcoming
Syrian students at RHSS), and participated in a United Nations style ‘Youth Summit’. Student groups presented to a Youth Summit Special Panel on the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as what they saw as solutions to solving some of the world’s biggest humanitarian, and environmental justice issues. The panel consisted of RHSS Continued on page 19
Patrika The Patrika
July18th, 29th,2015 2016 Friday, Friday, December
aY btsPorz dI myarfsL r vwltoN ikR sims co aqy amrIkf rpqI x nvy N sfl dIaF jn smU h nUM vDfeIaF rIpblIkn Aum Idvfr trMp
(pMjfbI pwiqRkf vwloN aYbtsPorz istI myar
amrIkf dI rfsL trpqI r mhIny hYnrI brfAU n nfl kIqIdIsMnvM Kypbpr ivsLysL ivw c ho x vflI co x vfsqy irpbilkn gwlbfq df sfraMsL pfTkF leI ikRsims pfrtI trMp nUM aqy nvyN nysflzonlz dy sLuB afgmn dIaFafpxf KusLIaF Au m Idvfr cu x ilaf hY . zY okrYitk sFJIaF krn ihwq pysL kIqf jfmirhf hY) pfrtI dy AumIdvfr dI cox ajy hoxI hY, ijvyN vI hI spw CwutsIaF npafAu iPr Lt hYdfiksIjL trM df xmukvflf fblfhY myar aqy kONsl kimAuintI ies eIvYNt sfbkf ivdysL mMqrI ihlyrI kilMtn dy jLos-KrosL ivwc vfDf krn leI sKq nfl hovygf. trMp dI cox drsfAuNdI hY imhnq kr rhy hn. stfP ny kfrobfrIaF ik ivwrcy sLrUihr VHIvfdI ivcfrDfrf nflamrIkf iml ky pU nuM sjfAu x vfsqy dI ikM n I qy j L I nfl vfpsI ho e . ijvy ik hfeIstrIt trI lfeIitMg, ikRI shYims aijhI qocN jmhU rI qy zYkorysLnivcfrDfrk jL nUM pUry sLcVH ihrq ivw cmkfAu xf, Au d frvfdI kdrF qy nIqIaF dy pY r okfrF hr sfl dI qrHF zfAUn tfAUn aYbtsPo rz nUikRM shYims rfnI tRqyI lfeIitM qklIPg hokrnf, xI suBstfP fivk hI vloN hYpR.feIvy KudtlI irpbilkn pfrtI ivw c trM p ikRsims iznr vI afrgynfeIjL dy iewkmypRamrwuKaqy ivroistI DI tYvwNzlkrU jL ny ph kIqf. oN sfry jntrM smU nUM nfmjL ikRsims nvyN sfl dIaF lwK-lw dI dgIaqy nUM ‘ipCFh-iKw cU qfkqF dIK vDfeIaF. myarhY.brfAU n aYnslpR btsPor ijw q’ dwisaf afpxI szq ivKy qy 1953 qoN rihMdfDhY .c jdodyN qobfvjU N AuhdkYrIal nyzf dI Au dfrvfd-ivro I so ivsL f l t trFijt asty t pR KyfqeIvy r nfl juiVafknstrksL kfrobfrI-n nI ivc sI. sU hYinbaF rI brfAU zokMnplz trMpsI[eI[E[ 37 amrIkI dIaFn aY b tsPo r z istI ivw c iqM n sfl kO pRfiemrIjL (dfavydfrI leI coxF)Nslr ivwc irhf aqy x vrqmfn ivc Auh myapCfVn r dI afpxy 16 hu ivro DIaF nUM afsfnI nfl pdvI ‘qy hY . ivwc kfmXfb irhf. klIvlYNz (EhfeIE) ivc I irpbilkn knvY sLn ivwc AuleI s dI myarhoebrfAU n aYbtsPo rzninvfsIaF ies nUM Au rum jIdvfr Lgfr, ishq Kyzx qoiewN ielfvf pfrtI vjoN coaqy x mihjL k rsm suK ieh sLFqIvwnfl sB qo N vwDnvDIaf sI. KrI rihx gwl hYleI ik ies knvY sLnnumf sQfn bnfAu x leI afpxI pU r I Xo g qf mOj-myly dOrfn irpbilkn pfrtI dy aqy keI XqnF y vDrkyrhy agvfeI Au Wc nynfl qf gLawYrghfjL . aijhIkrgLirhf YrhfjLhYr. I df mnorQ trMpdydIafriQk sKLsLIaqivkfs aqy nIqIaF aYbtsPorz leI pRafAu qI nfKL u s I pR g tfAu x f sI. x vfly kuJ sflF ivc myar iewk
cmqkfrIbfry dUr-idR sLtIjFdf rwKdfhY hY nrI amrIkf mMinaf ik. hY aflmI brfAU n aY b tsPo r z ivc afAu x vfly pwDr ‘qy hr pfsy afpxI pYNT bnfAux 60,000 nvyN lokF leI invfs vfsqy istI aqy srbAuWcqf kfiem krn dI lflsf dy mYnyjr nfl jrUrI kdm cuwkx dy XqnF bfvjU smfijk sulHfhY ku.l bfry sMdjies Idf Xodfjnf leI kMikrdfr m kr irhf hYinvfsIaF , pr trMdyprihx dy sKL sLI pbilk ikrdfrsQfnF nUM aijhf leI aqy nhIN mM i naf jFdf. Au h amrIkf dyfml hr afrgynfeIjLz istI sYNtr df ivkfs sL ivro DIarnUM mno kucrlMjndyx nIaF nfloN hY. my dI, lobfkI V nUM duvI smJdf amrIkf ibhqr qy Au c y r f mu l k ho x aqy hoieaf iqMnF afAutzor sYNtr sQfipq krn ies dIvIj iesy M bfkI dI qjL hY.srdfrI ies qoN vInUvD istIdun dIIaF sMpvwqIloN pU f adb-siqkfr idwqiblIan y jfx vrgIaf dyrnvInIkrn leI 1[5 zflr Krcf afey ijs ivw ienPrfstrkcr DfrnfvF dfgfDFrnI hYc. Au s dI cVHq leI df ivkfs ijvNpfrtI y ik aYb tsPornIqIaF z eyarpo irpbilkn dIaF nUrM tvI pR o j Y k t, vftr vrks, sVkF aqy pu l F dI ksUrvfr mMinaf jFdf hY. keI amrIkI Au s frI aqy ho r pbilk srivs ijvy isafsI pM i zqF df mM n xf hY ik Ngoikr I aYbtsPo rznUpuM laisw Is aqy t.x nslpR sqI Dy ZMPfier g nflzIpfrtmY hulfrf Ndy dI dI nIqI ny trMleI p nUM myairpbilkn r aYbtsPorpfrtI z dy snaw qI ivkfs afpxI rxnIqI iesy rw lIh Wqy ijvy Zflx vI qIbr idlcspI KdfAuhY N ikdy horfh r pfieaf jdo igaf, kfrobfrIaqy 5 lw K N ijvy vrgN huPuMgwtfrfieMvDdf zstrIal lYNz N iqvy ‘qy ienvY stmY Nt f leI iqvy N Aus dI BfsL qy sLbidlcspI dfvlI vIivKf iqwKI qyrhyquhn. rsL huMdI geI. Aus ny ipCly zyZ sfl dO mYkPusIknF, mihlfvF aqy myrafn r mukMsmlmfnF, kfj ivc rqI ilafAu x leI smilM g I BfeIcfry iKL L l fPL isw D y aisw D y qknIkI sfDnf dy nvInIkrn leI ZM vIg nfl ihr hYAu. gkOilaf mIzIaf M BMtzrx AuqsLjLfihq Nsl nyaqy stfP dy kMinU pAU qoN vI guryjL nhIN kIqf. ies sB dy bfvjUd
issitm nUM smyN dy hfx df bxfAux leI 2 imlIan zflr Krc krn df PYslf kIqf hY. ies Krcy krky istI nUM tYks ivwc 2[5 pRqIsLq df vfDf krnf hovygf. lokF nUM qurMq hI CyqI nfl nqIjy pRfpq hoxgy. stfP dy kMmkfj ivc qyjLI afeygI. byGiraF dy muwdy ‘qy myar ny afiKaf ik AunHF dy vfsqy Xqn kIqy jf rhy hn. istI sUbf srkfr nfl byGiraF leI rYx bsyrf bxfAux leI pRfprtI pRfpq krn leI Xqn kr rhI hY. AunHF ikhf ik kONsl ny pRfeIvyt sYktr nfl vI mfrikt hfAUisMg vfsqy sMprk kIqf hoieaf hY. ienHF skImF ‘qy ajy kMm ho irhf hY. ieh qurMq hI pUrIaF nhIN ho skdIaF.
myar ny hor ikhf ik Dfrimk BfeIcfiraF aqy kfrobfrI BfeIcfiraF nfl afrjLI sLYltr iqafr krn leI kMm kIqf jf irhf hY. myar ny byGiraF dI shfieqf leI PryjLr hYlQ XUint nfl kMm krn dI idlcspI jLfhr kIqI hY qF ik AunHF nUM Au s dI hmfieq dfierf lgfqfr idKfieaf jfey ikdfijL LMdgI bsL r krnvDdf df igaf. ieh dfierf vDidaF dy K ky Aus dI hor qrIkf vI hY.
sur vI AucyrI huMdI geI. Aus ny ieh socx myaivcfrn r vwloN istI nyj dI smJI qnKfhikivc jF dI vImYlo VrnhI Aus kIqy gey vfDy nUM jfiejL aqy ZukvF dI ieh rxnIqI amrIkI smfj ivwc iks afKidaF qswlI pRgt kIqI geI ik ies hw d qwistI k dunU PMyVlfB pf dy ygeI.ygf. istI mYnyjr nfl hIvho
dI qnKfh 230,000 N ies vyly aflmI pwDr zflr ‘quy ijssflfnf iksmqodI vDf ky 255,000 zflr kIqI geI hY ieh qlKL qy qursL rfjnIqI cwl rhI hY, Aus dy vfDf sdI gqfnUaqy m anusnIqIvy fr Xog mw dynAu jLr dunXoIaF M iewkkMaijhy qfhYdI ikAuNik 2013 qoN mYnyjr dI qnKfh ivwc koeI loV hY jo ik vMz-pfAU nIqIaF AuWpr kfbU vfDf nhIN hoieaf sI aqy nfly 260 imlIan pfAu x aqy iensfnIaq nUM joVn vflf mfhOl zflr dy bjt vflI aqy 900 krmcfrIaF iqafr krykO. Nszolndy lzkMmtrM p leI aijhI iksybrvI vflI istI kfj 16 nvM sKsL iblku wl AumIitM ltfgrUnypmYpynsyjL rkrdf nUM kONsIaq Ll dIdfaYg jYkitv dI hY . kO m I jF ivdy s L nIqI sbM dy ibafnF qnKfh ivwc vfDy dI qjLvIjLDpRI vAufns kr leI. ivw c o N sU K L m qf qy sM v y d nsL I lqf gfieb myardInyafeI hor afiKaf ik mYnqy yjrmYdI qnKfhdI rihM hY. muslmfnF ksIknF hor eyysy istI vrgIaF sUby dIaF ds istIaF amrIkf ivwc afmd AuWqy mukMml pfbMdI dy mYnyjrF nfloN pihlI qnKfh Gwt sI ijvNy lfAu rfsLtrpqI dInf,sUrmYqiplirj, ivwc mwD dI kuxk,tilm, zYltf,bxn klov pU rmbo, dyinAU jhfdI gTn ieslfimk t nUM nnY vYst sMminstr, ircmMz, sty sfnIc lgfqfr bM b frI rfhIN ny s qo nfbU d krn aqy srI. jykr mYnyjr ieh jfb Cwz jFdf aqy ivdynUsM LInvy kfimaF N vwBfl D tYBrnI ks vsU qF istI N mYnyjrqodI pYxlIx vrgy ibafn drsfAu N d y hn ik amrIkI sI. cODr dy mudweIaF nUM KusL krn leI Auh aKIr ivc myar ny aYbtsPorz dI qrwkI iks hwd qwk jf skdf hY. AuNJ, ijs ZMg aqy ivkfs leI sfAUQ eysLIan BfeIcfry nfl rfiesL frIaF cox srvyKkridaF x Aus nUM vwloN pfey Xogumdfn dI qy isPq-slfh ihly r I kilM t n dy aY n mu k fbly ‘qy afiKaf ik ieh BfeIcfrf istI dI vsoZuN kdfdf drsf Aus hY qoN ijs iehonyjfpdf ik ies lgBgrhy iewkhn, iqhfeI istI dyhY ivkfs kfro b frI nU M jL m In-jfiedfd dy DM d y rfhIN ivwc sLfndfr aqy sLlfGfXog ihwsf pfieaf vw munbrfAU fPLf kmfAu xsvFg amrIkI hY.Dmyqo aN rvwhYDnrI n ny ikR ims aqy nvyN sfl dIaF sfry hI BfeIcfiraF nUM vDfeI lo kF ,KL fs krky goiraF aMdrlI asu rwiKaf idMidaF nUikhf, ‘myrf afiPs hmysLfleI KuwlHf mw hYK ’.x Bfvnf M irVkxf aqy afpxy kw xf afAu f hY.suieh KrIKus gwLIlaFhYKyik Aus sLfZlf! nvF Nd sfl K sLFvwqI, iVaF df nr nfl bfkIBrpU dunIaF aqyieh KusLhu hflI r holeI vy! bycYnI pYdf krn vflf hY.
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
DIaF jMmIaF, qIaF afrMBIaF
rfjvMq kOr pMjfbI (zf[)
grmI ivwc mn dI guafcI hoeI sLFqI qy sihj nUM vfps ilafAux vflI sfAux-BfdoN dI rwuq sB dy mnF nUM moh lYNdI hY. jl Ql iew k ho jFdf hY . qpdy srIrF nUM mINh vsf ky TMZk dyx vflf sfvx mhInf bKLisLs krn vflf jfpdf hY. kflI Gtf, bUMdfbFdI, mohlyDfr mINh aqy bwdlcfl ijhy idRsL ies alokfrI bhfr dIaF KslqF hn. DrqI ‘qy sB pfsy hirafvl Cf jFdI hY. bwcy insMg sVkF AuWqy nwcdy twpdy hn. Auh mINh dy pfxI ivwc nhfAuNdy qy kfgjL dIaF iksLqIaF qYrfAuNdy njLr afAuNdy hn. pMCIaF dI cIN-cIN afkfsL ivwc gUMjx lwgdI hY. Auh afps ivwc klolF krdy njLr afAuNdy hn. koielF KusLI ivwc gIq gfAux lwgdIaF hn, mor pYlF pfAuNdy hn. iqwwqlIaF BMvry KusLI ivwc iewDr-AuDr JUmdy njLr afAuNdy hn. GrF ivwc suafdI pkvfn pwkxy sLurU ho jFdy hn. KIr pUVy qy gulguly qF ies mOsm df vDIaf qohPLf mMny gey hn. iksy smyN sfvx mhIny dI mhwqqf mINh rfhIN afnMd dyx dy nfl-nfl Aupj ivwc vfDf krn aqy qIaF df iqAuhfr afAux krky hor vI vD jFdI sI. ies mhIny dy pMdrF idn lMG jfx Bfv mwisaf lMGx mgroN aslI rfq eykm dI rfq huMdI hY. dUj cUVIaF cVHfAux qy mihMdI lgfAux vflf idn huMdf hY. cfnxI qIj qoN qIaF df iqAuhfr afAux krky hor vI vD jFdI sIcfnxI qIj qoN qIaF sLurU huMdIaF hn. ies qrHF qIaF df iqAuhfr qIj qoN sLurU ho ky rwKVI qwk cwldf hY. qIaF sLurU hox qoN pihlF pyky afeIaF ivafhuqf muitafrF afpxy BrfvF dy rwKVI bMnHx AuprMq mfipaF GroN ivdf lYNdIaF sn. Bfrq dy kuJ ihwisaF ivwc ies nUM hiraflI qIj vI ikhf jFdf hY. bhuvcn dy rUp ivwc vrqy jfx vfly pMjfbI sLbd ‘qIaF’ df arQ hY iesqrI. sLfied iesy krky ieh iqAuhfr muitafrF leI KLfs KusLIaF qy Aumfh lY ky afAuNdf irhf hY. ies iqAuhfr dI pRfcInqf pMjfbI aKOq ‘DIaF jMmIaF, qIaF afrMBIaF’ ivwco spwsLt njLr afAuNdI hY. ajoky sMdrB ivwc gwl kIqI jfvy qF ijnHF DIaF dy jnm nfl qIaF dI rOxk afrMB ho jFdI sI, Auh BrUx hwiqaf dy ajgr ny ingl leI hY.
iblkul Gtdf jf irhf hY. kuafrIaF qy ivafhIaF sB muitafrF iekwTIaF ho ky ies iqAuhfr df afnMd mfxdIaF sn. ipCly smyN ivwc mF-ipAu afpxI DI Gr kuJ nhIN sn KFdy. ies krky muklfvy qoN bfad dy virHaF ivwc Brf hI BYx nUM shuirAuN ilafAuNdf sI. qIaF dy idn nyVy afAuNidaF hI nvivafhI DI mF nUM sunyhy Gwlxy sLurU kr idMdI sI: mfey pIVHI bYTIey nIN, DIaF ikAuN idwqIaF dUr, sfvx afieaf. pMj syr ipMnIaF pf ky, mfey myrIey vIr myry nUM Byj, sfvx afieaf. ijs BYx dIaF ivafh qoN bfad pihlIaF qIaF huMdIaF, Aus nUM lYx leI vIr Aus dy shurIN jFdf. jy vIr Aus nUM acfnk lYx af jFdf qF Auh bVI KusL huMdI. pr vIr lYx afAuNdf nf idsdf qF Auh bfbl nUM sMboiDq huMdI: cMd cVH igaf qIaF dy idn nyVy vIr ikAuN nf Gwilaf bfblf. jy nvivafhuqf muitafr df koeI Brf nf hUMdf qF bfbl hI Aus nUM qIaF qoN pihlF lYx jFdf. mINh dI JVI kfrn sB pfsy jl-Ql hoieaf huMdf qF Auh mlfhF nUM bfbl dy pfr lMGfAux leI arjL krdI: pfvo vy mlfho byVIaF myrf bfbl lMGfE pfr. sfvx afieaf. pyky phuMc ky sfrIaF iewk-dUjI nUM hfr isLMgfr krky qIaF dy ipV ivwc jfx qy imwTy-imwTy pkvfnF df lflc ieAuN idMdIaF: qIaF dy idn rihgy QoVHy, mINh pYNdf ikximx kfxy. sIs guMdf lE pf lE zorI, rMg lE sUhy bfxy.
qIaF sLurU hox qoN ku J idn pihlF hI nvivafhIaF nUM pyky Gr bulvf ilaf jFdf qIaF dyKx afAux pRfhuxy, bx ky ieMdr sI, pr vrqmfn dOr ivwc ieh ruJfn rfxy.
bfkI pMnf 13 'qy PAGE 5
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
International visitor numbers stay strong
he latest international visitor numbers continue to show positive increases, which is good news for British Columbia’s flourishing tourism industry. The number of overnight international visitors coming to British Columbia grew significantly for the first five months of 2016, according to Statistics Canada. From January to May, 1,650,703 visitors came to the province, resulting in a 14% increase over the same period last year. In addition, 478,066 international visitors came to B.C. in May 2016, a 4.8% increase compared to May 2015. There were increases in visitors from a number of markets in May over the same month in 2015, including: Mexico up 29% India up 11.7% China up 10.2% Europe up 5% United States up 4.9% Asia/Pacific up 2.3% For the first five months of this year, visits from the U.S. were up almost 16% and visits from Mexico were up just over 38% over the same period last year.
Increased air access and additional flights to Vancouver contributed to growth from some countries. Each new daily international flight to Vancouver International Airport (YVR) creates between 150 and 200 new jobs at the airport, plus more jobs in B.C.’s hotels, tourism attractions and businesses. The new flights are thanks in part to a 2012 jet fuel tax that was eliminated by government to reduce costs for airlines and to give travellers more choice. Provincial tourism growth has also been helped by the low Canadian dollar, along with Destination BC’s new international marketing strategy. Another factor for the exceptional growth in tourism in B.C. is Aboriginal tourism. It is one of the fastest-growing tourism areas in the province. It experienced a doubling of revenue from $20 million to $42 million (2006-2012). In addition, there are more than 300 Aboriginal tourism businesses in B.C. This exceeds the BC Jobs Plan target of 300 Aboriginal owned tourism businesses by 2017.
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
shI jF glq? nvyN afey lokF leI kRYizt skor mfany rwKdf hY asIN aksr suxdy hF ik kYnyzf ivwc vwsx dy leI kRYizt ihstrI bxfAuxf ikÀnf ËrUrI hY. ieh ies bfry inrDfrx krn, ik kI koeI ivakqI krËf lYx dy Xog hY, aqy koeI ivakqI ikÀnf krËf lY skdf hY, leI vrqI jFdI pRikiraf df muwK ihwsf hY. AuDfr lYx dy ielfvf, kRYizt ihstrI aksr roËfnf iËÀdgI dIaF loVF leI vI cfhIdI huÀdI hY ijvyN ik shUlqF jF sYWl Pon df knYkÈn lYxf, kfr KrIdxI, Gr KrIdxf jF ikrfey 'qy lYxf kuJ AudfhrnF hn.
kRYizt skor sQfipq krn leI quhfƒ dovF ƒ afpxy nfm 'qy kRYizt dI loV huÀdI hY. jy quhfzf kRYizt kfrz, kfr df krËf jF morigj (igrvInfmf) isrP quhfzy pqI/ pqnI dy nfm 'qy hY, qF qusIN afpxf Kud df kRYizt skor bxfAux df kImqI mOkf guaf rhy ho. afpxIaF inwjI AuDfr lYx dI loVF leI qusIN afpxy pqI/pqnI dI kRYizt ihstrI 'qy inrBr nhIN ho skdy ho. kRYizt ihstrI df zytf hmyÈF leI quhfzI rYNikÀg 'qy rihÀdf hY.
kRYizt skor inrDfrq krn leI kYnyzf df glq: kYnyzf ivwc, quhfzI kRYizt ryitÀg 'qy kyNdrI kRYizt ibAUro AuhnF sfry krËf dyx zytf swq sflF leI rihÀdf hY. vfilaF qoN jfxkfrI iekwTI krdf hY ijnHF KuÀJ gey Bugqfn quhfzy kRYizt skor 'qy qoN qusIN AuDfr lYNdy ho. idKfeI idÀdy hn. quhfzI kRYizt ryitÀg quhfzy ivwqI mfmilaF df shI qrHF nfl pRbÀDn krn dy quhfzy shI: kRYizt skorF ƒ kRYizt irport krn irkfrz 'qy afDfirq huÀdI hY. krËf dyx vflIaF kÀpnIaF duafrf rwiKaf jFdf hY, vfly dyKdy hn ik qusIN afpxIaF ivwqI aqy ies ivwc Èfml huÀdf hY ik kI qusIN iËÀmyvfrIaF nfl ikvyN inptdy ho, ijvyN ik roËfnf shUlqF, mobfeIl Pon aqy kRYizt kI qusIN afpxy mhInfvfr iblF df smyN 'qy kfrz vrgy afpxy iblF df Bugqfn smyN Bugqfn krdy ho, kI quhfzy AuWpr bkfieaf 'qy kIqf hY, kI qusIN Bugqfn krn qoN KuÀJ bixaf rihÀdf hY, jF kI qusIN inXimq qOr gey ho, aqy kI quhfzy AuWpr krËf bkfieaf hY. smyN dy nfl-nfl, ieh zytf iewk pYtrn 'qy Bugqfn krn qoN KuÀJ jFdy ho. bxfeygf ik qusIN afpxy krËy df ikÀnI cÀgI kYnyzf ivwc nvyN afey keI lok hYrfn huÀdy qrHF nfl vfpsI Bugqfn krdy ho - jF nhIN hn ik kRYizt skor ikÀny mhwqvpUrn hn, krdy ho. iesy leI afpxy sfry iblF dI jF Auh ikvyN kÀm krdy hn. ho skdf hY ik Gwto-Gwt rkm df smyN isr Bugqfn krnf kYnyzf ivwc kRYizt isstm hmyÈF iksy hor ieÀnf iËafdf ËrUrI huÀdf hY, BfvyN Auh CotIaF dyÈ ivcly ivwqI ieiqhfs ƒ nf dyKy aqy jF ingUxIaF lwgdIaF hox. kRYizt ihstrI bxfAux df ivcfr nvF ho skdf hY, Kfs krky AuhnF sQfnF 'qy ijwQy myry GrylU dyÈ qoN myrI kRYizt ihstrI nkdI jF bYNk bYlyNs sB qoN vwD mhwqvpUrn myry kYnyzIan kRYizt skor ivwc pRdriÈq hovygI. ivwqI ivcfrÈIlqf huÀdI hY. glq: kYnyzf ivwc quhfzI kRYizt ihstrI qusIN kI kr skdy ho: iewQy kYnyzf ivwc quhfzI gqIivDI dy nfl jy qusIN kYnyzf ivwc nvyN afey ho qF quhfzy ÈurU huÀdI hY; Audfhrn leI jdoN qusIN pihlI duafrf kIqy jfx vfly sB qoN pihly kÀmF ivwcoN vfr pYsf AuDfr lYNdy ho, shUlqF df knYkÈn iewk hY kYnyzf dI ivwqI pRxflI dI ibhqr lYNdy ho, jF sYWl Pon KrIddy ho. smJ hfsl krnI. iksy RBC slfhkfr nfl gwl kro, smF kwZ ky mhwqvpUrn pRÈn afpxy kRYizt skor ƒ smJo: puwCo aqy Kud ƒ kYnyzIan isstm dy ivwc iewk afKrI suJfa: sfl ivwc iewk vfr Èfml krn leI Auh sB kuJ kro jo qusIN kYnyzf dy kRYizt ibAUro tRFsXUnIan kr skdy ho. asl ivwc, iewk srvyKx dy ( Tr a n s U n i o n ) j F i e k u e I P Y k s muqfbk, nvyN afey lok afpxI siQqI ivcly (Equifax) qoN irport mÀg ky afpxI Kud dUjy lokF ƒ muÌq ivwqI slfh lYx leI iksy dI kRYizt ihstrI dI jFc krnf iewk cÀgf bRFc ivwc jfx (39%) jF ivwqI Xojnfkfr ivcfr hY. ies nfl nf isrP quhfƒ ies ƒ imlx (34%) leI AuqÈfihq krngy. bfry jfxkfrI rwKx ivwc mdd imlygI ik kI qusIN kRyizt skorF ƒ smJdy ho? quhfzf pRdrÈn ikho ijhf hY, blik quhfƒ hyTF idwqy shI jF glq kQnF dy nfl afpxy iksy glqIaF df pqf lgfAux aqy ieh XkInI bxfAuNdy hoey ik jfxkfrI iblkul igafn dI prK kro: shI hY, pCfx nfl sbÀDq iksy DoKfDVI qoN hr iksy ƒ afpxy Kud dI kRYizt skor dI afpxI rwiKaf krn ivwc vI mdd imlygI. loV huÀdI hY. kYnyzf ivwc kRYizt isstm ƒ smJxf afpxy shI: quhfzf kRYizt skor quhfzf aqy isrP nvyN Gr ivwc iewk Tos ivwqI afDfr bxfAux quhfzf huÀdf hY. jy qusIN ivafhy hoey ho qF dy vwl pihlf kdm hY. PAGE 7
The Patrika
nIN mYN sws kwutxI sMdUkF Ehly BfrqI smfj ivwc hr aOrq dy jIvn ivwc do mwuK styjF afAudIaF hn. pihlF nUMh dI aqy iPr sws dI. BfvyN ies irsLqy ivwc ikqyikqy imTfs vI iml jFdI hY, pr afm qOr ‘qy ieh mYdfn-ey-jMg huMdf hY. ijvyN iewk imafn ivwc do qlvfrF nhIN huMdIaF. pihlF pMjfb ivwc ieh irvfjL sI ik nvivafhIaF kuVIaF pihly sfAux df mhInf pyky ibqfAuNdIaF sn. eyny suhfvxy mhIny ivwc pqIpqnI nUM dUr rwKx df kfrn myrI ingUxI smJ qoN iblkuwl bfhr hY. iewk vwzf Pfiedf ieh huMdf sI ik ipMz dIaF sfrIaF ipCly sfl ivafhIaF kuVIaF iekwTIaF ho ky qIaF mnfAuNdIaF sn. ipMz dIaF axivafhIaF kuVIaF AunHF nfl iml ky nwcdIaF twpdIaF sn. mwuK ivsLf swsF huMdIaF sn. sB qoN hrmn ipafrf gIq huMdf sI, ‘nIN mYN sws kuwtxI kwutxI sMdUkF Ehly.’ kwutxI hY qy Auh vI corI? isLv kumfr ny vI ienHF kuVIaF dIaF
BfvnfvF dI ikMnI sohxI qrjmfnI kIqI, ‘iewk myrI sws nIN burI, BYVI rohI dy ikwkr qoN kflI, gwly kwQy vIr puxdI, inwq dyvy myry mfipaF nUM gflI.’ hux smfj ivwc qbdILlI af geI hY. pyNzU kuVIaF vI pVHilK ky sLihrF ivwc jf vsIaF hn. ipMzf ivwc hux nf ipwpl rhy qy nf toBy. nf ipV rhy qy nf qIaF. sLihrF qy pfrkF ivwc nIrs ijhIaF qIaF lwgdIaF hn. AuQy awDKV Aumr dIaF aOrqF afpxy mihMgy kwpVy qy gihxf gwtf ivKfAux, Kfx-pIx aqy qMbolf Ky z x afAu N d IaF hn. smfjk qbdIlI qF afAuxI huMdI hY, pr sws-nUMh df purfxf kfto-klysL Ausy qrHF brkrfr hY. hux nUMhF ieh kihMdIaF hn, ‘jF qF sws cMgI hovy jF Poto kMD Auqy tMgI hovy.’ hux nUMhF leI pihlF qoN vI jitl smwisafvF pYdf ho geIaF hn. awj kwlH lVky qF pVHfeI ilKfeI vwl Gwt iDafn idMdy hn. lVkIaF
pVHfeI vI krdIaF hn, dfj nfl shuiraF dy Gr vI Br idMdIaF hn aqy nOkrI krdIaF hn. hostlF ivwc rih ky pVHn krky aijhIaF lVkIaF nU M cw u l H y - cO N k y df kM m iswKx df smF nhIN imldf, pr swsF AunHF qoN Gr df kMm vwD qoN vwD krvfAuxf cfhuMdIaF hn qF ik nUMh ‘qy dfbf rhy. ijhVIaF swsF ny pihlF kdy mMidr-gurduafry jfx dI Gwt-vwD Kycl kIqI huMdI hY, Auh acfnk aiq Dfrimk ho jFdIaF hn. svy r y Au T x-sfr iesLnfn krky mwQf tykx clIaF jFdIaF hn aqy kMm mwukx ‘qy af tpkdIaF hn.
huMdf. iesy krky nUMhF mOkf imldy sfr awz aflHxf bxf lYNdIaf sn. mobfeIl Pon afAux krky hr idn dI irport mfipaF kol phuMcdI hY qy Auh ivcfry byvws, pr duKI huMdy hn. nUMhF nUM aksr sws vwloN idwqI hr mwq tokf-tokI lwgdI hY. mnwuKI iPqrq hY ik Aus nUM afpxy aOgux Kud nUM idsdy nhIN qy dUijaF vwloN dwsy aOgux Aus nUM pcdy nhIN. dovF iDrF nUM iewk dUjy pRqI sihxsLIlqf rwK ky DMnvfdI ibrqI apxfAuxI cfhIdI hY. mn ivwc iewk dUjy iKlfP kuVwqx nhIN rw K xI cfhIdI. iew k dU j y pR q I eIrKf, sfVf aqy sLwk dI Bfvnf mnuwK nUM aMdroN-aMdr KoKlf kr sLihrF vflIaF swsf nUM svyry sLfm idMdI hY. sYr krn df sONk jfg pYNdf hY, BfvyN pfrk ivwc bYT ky gwlF mfr ies bfry myry iewk mnpsMd rwdI ky hI muV afAux. GroN bfhr jfx KrIdx vfly 50 ku sfl dy sLMkr vflIaF nUMhF ny bxdy qxdy kwpVy nFa dy rfjsQfnI ny idlcsp qF pihnxy hI hoey qy swsF bws Gtnf suxfeI. Auh piVHaf Gwt iehI rfg alfpdIaF rihMdIaF qy gUiVHaf vwD hY. hr mhIny rwdI hn ik sfzy vyly ies qrHF nhIN sI vycx vyly bfhr inMm hyT bYT ky
Friday, July 29th, 2016
pRo: bsMq isMG brfV mYN Aus dy akl dy qjrby suxdf hF. ipCly idnIN Auh rfjsQfn ivwc afpxI DI leI Gr vyKx igaf. lVky dy ipqf ny ikhf ik Auh motr sfeIkl, tI[vI[, vfisLMg msLIn vgYrf qoN ielfvf iqMn lwK rupey nkd lYxgy. sLMkr nUM pqf lwg igaf ik kMDolI ipwCy luk ky lVky dI mF iesLfrf kr rhI hY. sLMkr ny aijhy lokF nfl irsLqydfrI nhIN sI pfAuxI, Aus nUM iewk sLrfrq suwJI, Aus ny ikhf ik ieh sB kuJ mYN dy dyvFgf, pr myrI lVkI bI[aYWz hox dy bfvjUd nOkrI nhIN krygI. awT vjy AuWT ky ibsqry ivwc cfh lvygI qy Gr df koeI kMm nhIN krygI. gwusy ivwc af ky lVky dI mF KVI ho geI qy bolI, ‘Xy kYsy ho sky?’ sLMkr qFzv rUp ivwc af igaf aqy boilaf, ‘Gxo isafxy sY Qy, BfeI? mYN pIsf BI Krc krF, CorI nOkrI BI kry ar nOkrfxI BI bxy? awCf, rfm rfm.’ ieh kih ky Auh AuQoN qur afieaf.
Friday, July 29th, 2016
pqf nhIN ies ivwc ikMnI swcfeI hY, pr bhuqy lok mMndy hn ik dfj mMgx ivwc lVikaF dIaf mfvF df vDyry hwQ huMdf hY. jy sws sMqusLt nf hoeI hovy qF nUMh nUM imhxy mfr-mfr ky Aus df ijAUxf dwuBr kr idMdI hY.
The Patrika
sMgIq jgq nUM qnhfeIE myN Xfd afeygI mubfrk bygm
muMbeI, sfl 1961 dI romFitk iPlm ‘hmfrI Xfd afeygI’ dy tfeItl gIq nUM surIlI afvfjL nfl Xfdgfr bxfAux vflI AuWGI gfiekf mubfrk bygm df lMbI ibmfrI bfad dyhFq ho igaf. Auh 80 sflF dI sI. AunHF dy pirvfr dy iewk mYNbr ny dwisaf, sw s -nU M h dI iKw c o q fx pu r fxy ‘mubfrk bygm hux sfzy drimafn nhIN rhI. AunHF swiBafcfr qy rUVHIvfdI smfj vfly pwCmI dysLF ivwc vI cwl rhI hY. iewk Cotf ijhf KrbUjy vrgf Qohr huMdf hY ijs nUM aMgryjLI ivwc hux vI AuQy lVkIaF ‘mdr-ienlfajL ipwlo’(sws df isrhfxf) kihMdIaF hn. jyn aOstn dy iew k nfvl ivw c iew k lVkf afpxI pqnI nUM kihMdf hY ik Aus nUM afpxI alwg rih rhI mF qy BYx nUM hr mhIny kuJ pYsy Byjxy cfhIdy hn. Aus dI pqnI bhuq huisLafrI nfl nf isrP ieh ivcfr Cuzvf idMdI hY sgoN Aus Boly bMdy nUM ieh jcf idMdI hY ik df jogysLvrI ivwc AunHF dI irhfiesL ‘qy dyhFq ho Aus dI mF nUM AuunHF nUM pYsy Byjxy igaf. ipCly kuJ smyN qoN AunHF dI ishq TIk nhIN sI.’ cfhIdy hn. hux qF Auh lVky dy ivafh qoN pihlf hI alwg rihx df pRbMD kr idMdy hn. kI Bfrq ivwc vI aijhf sMBv hovygf?
‘afeIey’ nfl gfiekI ivwc krIar df afgfjL kIqf sI, ijs ivwc AunHF solo gIq ‘mohy afny lgI aMgVfeI afjf afjf’ aqy lqf mMgysLkr nfl ‘afE clyN sKI vhF’ gIq gfieaf sI. bygLm ny 1950 qoN 1960 dy dhfky ivwc iPLlm jgq dy srvoqm sMgIq inrdysLkF aYszI brmn, sLMkr jYiksLn aqy iKafm nfl sunIl dwq, nrigs aqy rfjyNdr kumfr vrgy isqfiraF dIaF iPlmF ivwc kMm kIqf. bygm ny ibml rfey dI iPlm ‘dyvdfs’
ivwc ‘vo nf afeygNy plt kr’ gIq gfieaf sI, ijs dy sMgIqkfr brmn sn. rfey dI iPLlm ‘mDUmqI’ ivwc vI AunHF ny ‘hm hfl-ey-idl sunfeyNgy’ gIq gfieaf sI. qnujf dy aiBnY vflI iPLlm ‘hmfrI Xfd afeygI’ df tfeItl gIq ‘kBI qnhfeIEN myN hmfrI Xfd afeygI’ bygm dy sB qoN Xfdgfr gIqF ivwcoN iewk hY. sfl 1980 ivwc irlIjL hoeI kfmyzI iPLlm ‘rfmU qoN dIvfnf hY’ ivwc AunHF ‘sFvrIaF qyrI Xfd myN’ gIq gfieaf sI, jo AunHF dy krIar df afKLrI gIqF ivwcoN iewk hY.
1950 qoN 1970 dy dhfikaF dOrfn ihMdI iPlmF dy keI gIqF aqy gLjLlF ivwc afpxI afvfjL df jfdU ibKyrn vflI bygm dI ishq ipCly virHaF qoN TIk nhIN sI. AunHF ny 1949 ivwc irlIjL hoeI iPLlm
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
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FOOD ING YOUR HO The Ba T behind Centre SUPPOR hopping
T H E F R A S E R VA L L E Y ’ S O N LY F O R D S U P E R S T O R E !
Do you have a non profit event needing some extra exposure? Email with 140 characters or less, and (space permitting) we will publish your event on behalf of MSA Ford on this weekly back page!
Dealer may sell or leas lease for less. Limited time offer and availability. Offers only valid at MSA Ford Sales. Retail offers may be canceled or changed at any time without notice. Limit one (1) incentive redemption per Eligible Model sale. Some offers are not rain-checkable. Some vehicles may be subject to factory order or could be an incoming vehicle. All prices are plus taxes and fees. All offers good on in-stock MSA Ford Sales vehicles only. All offers subject to prior sale. All available Ford incentives, MSA Finance cash, and rebates/credits/allowances/rates have been used in advertised prices. Costco rebate good for Costco members in good standing as of June 30th 2016. Proof of eligibility required. Some rebates and credits may be taxable. Financing/Leasing on approved consumer may be shown with optional equipment or may not be exactly as shown. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof, subject to incentive rules or business credit. Vehicle(s) Veh vehicle offers: *payments include GST, PST, $440 Dealer Fee. Payments based on $0 down, 84 months, Bi-Weekly, 182 payments at 4.97% O.A.C. ** payment include GST, PST, $440 Dealer Fee. Payment based on $0 down, 84 months, Bi-Weekly,182 payments at 6.57% O.A.C. Our advertised prices include Freight, and P.D.I. Add dealer documentation and registration fees and eligibility. Used veh of $440, and applicable taxes and fees. Advertised payments are based on 5.99% APR for 48-96 Month terms and do not include PST/GST but do include all fees . See dealer for details. All offers expire July 30th at 5:00 pm (PST).
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The Patrika
MP, Jati Sidhu's First Annual Family Barbecue
Friday, July 29th, 2016
ihlyrI kilMtn ny isrijaf ieiqhfs rfsL t rpqI dy ahu d y leI bxI pihlI mihlf AumIdvfr
rfsLtrpqI dy ahudy leI nfmjLdgI dOV ivwc ihlyrI kilMtn ny AudoN ieiqhfs isrj idwqf, jdoN Auh zYmokryitk pfrtI dI pihlI mihlf JMzf brdfr bx geI. ihlyrI df mukfblf irpbilkn pfrtI dy zonlz trMp nfl hovygf. ivdysL mMqrI rhI aqy inAU Xfrk dI sYnytr ihlyrI kilMtn (68) dI 4,764 zYlIgytF vwloN hmfieq krn mgroN iewQy zYmokryitk nYsLnl knvYnsLn dOrfn Aus dI nfmjLdgI Auqy mohr lwg geI. jy Auh 8 nvMbr nMU coxF ijwq jFdI hY qF Auh amrIkf dI pihlI mihlf rfsLtrpqI aqy POj muKI hovygI. zYmokrYitk knvYnsLn dy dUjI rfq dy KLfqmy vyly inAUXfrk qoN Byjy vIzIE ivwc ihlyrI ny ikhf ik Aus nMU idwqy gey aduwqI mfx leI Auh DMnvfdI hY aqy Aus nMU ivsLvfs nhIN ho irhf ik Aus ny ieiqhfs isrj idwqf hY. iewQy iek ienzor styzIam ivwc afpxy
idwlI cwlo, nOn-stOp. PLlfeIts hux syl `qy. 20 akqUbr qoN sLurU, sfzy nvyN 787 zRImlfeInr 'qy vYnkUvr qoN idwlI leI
nOn-stOp Auzfx Bro. sfzy kol iqMn qrHF dI kYibn srivs dI cox, pMjfbI qy ihMdI bolx vfly PLlfeIt atYNzYNt aqy ieMzIan Kfxy dI cox hY; itktF buwk krn df ies qoN ibhqr mOkf hfly qwk kdI afieaf hI nhIN. itktF buwk krn leI 4 agsq, 2016 qwk,`qy jfE jF afpxy trYvl eyjMt nfl sMprk kro.
hjLfrF smrQkF nMU ihlyrI ny ikhf ik Auh
AunHF sB dI DMnvfdI hY, ijnHF ieh kfrnfmf
sMBv bxfieaf. ihlyrI dy nfmjLdgI ijwqx
19 jnvrI - 6 apRYl, 2017 nmUny dy qOr 'qy, vYnkUvr qoN afAux-jfx leI rfAUNz-itRwp dI iekOnmI klfs dI kImq. rvfngI dIaF qfrIKLF AuWpr drsfey anusfr. kuwl kImq ivwc hvfeI sPLr df Krcf, tYks, PLIs aqy hor Krcy sLfiml hn.
mgroN brnI sYNzrjL dy vPLfdfrF ny knvYnsLn vflI QF aqy bfhr pRdrsLn kIqf aqy Auh pulIs nfl iBV gey. sYNzrjL vwloN afpxy hmfieqIaF nMU ihlyrI dI hmfieq dI apIl krn dy bfvjUd hjLfrF kfrkun knvYnsLn dOrfn glIaF ivwc af gey aqy AunHF vrmONt qoN pRgqIsLIl eyjMzy vfly sYnytr sYNzrjL dy hwk ivwc afvfjL bulMd kIqI.
Hearing-impaired (TTY): 1-800-361-8071. Baggage policy for Economy Class: International travel: A fee of up to $100 (CAD) per direction is charged for the second checked bag on flights between Canada and most international destinations. A different fee may be charged for checked bags by Air Canada partners on the flights they operate. See total price for baggage fees and complete details on baggage allowance at Fees for optional services such as itinerary changes, additional baggage, advance seat selection or certain special service requests may increase overall cost. For more information, please consult Conditions: DELHI (DEL): Tickets must be purchased by August 4, 2016. A 7 day advance purchase applies. Minimum stay: Saturday night; Maximum stay: 6 months. Advertised fares are valid Monday through Thursday departures. Additional conditions: Seats are limited and subject to availability. Total prices displayed include air transportation charges, taxes, fees and charges calculated based on nonstop flights. Taxes and fees are subject to change. Final price and breakdown of taxes, fees and charges will be displayed during booking on prior to final purchase. For immediate information on the final price and breakdown of taxes, fees and charges, contact your travel agent or Air Canada Reservations at 1-888-247-2262. Some itineraries may require connections. Itineraries involving connections may have higher or different total prices due to varying air transportation charges as well as taxes, fees and charges. Certain international destinations may have taxes, fees or charges that must be paid at point of origin or departure. Please contact the nearest foreign government office of the country you plan to visit for definitive, up-to-date information. Tickets are refundable subject to a fee of $300 (CAD). Advertised prices are valid at time of printing and apply to new bookings only. Prices may vary depending on routing and date of departure and return. Day-of-week, time-of-day
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
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pMnHf 4 dI bfkI aVIE prso N nU M asF gu V dy gu l gu l y sflIaF df mfx rwK lY. pkfAuxy. iksy kfrn iksy muitafr df pqI qIaF qIj vfly idn sfrIaF kuVIaF iekwTIaF dyKx nf afAuNdf qF Auh sunyihaF rfhIN Aus huMdIaF hn qF jo iksy rwuK ‘qy pING pfeI jf nUM bulfAuNdI: sky. jy ipwpl df ruwK iml jfvy qF pihl Aus nUM hI idwqI jFdI. sfAux dy mhIny dy horF dy jfnI qIaF dyKdy, myrf Koqy Gfh. kudrqI idRsL kuVIaF-icVIaf dy mn nUM vy mYN GwlF sunyhy, qIaF dyKx af. moh lYNdy: jy koeI nvivafhuqf iksy Kfs kfrn krky rl afE seIE nIN, sBy qIaF Kyzx jfeIey. pyky ipMz qIaF ivwc sLfml nf ho skdI hux af igaf sfvx nIN, pING ipwplIN jf qF Asu nUM pyikaF vwloN qIaF df sMDfrf Byijaf jFdf. iesy qrHF axmuklfeIaF nUM ky pfeIey. AunHF dy shuiraF vwlNoN sMDfrf Byijaf jFdf. pING pfAux qoN bfad sB qoN pihlF Auh dovyN hflqF ivwc qyV-isr dy kwpVy, sUq sfAux dI pRsMLsf krdIaF qy iPr qIaF dy dI rMgIlI qy JUtx vflI pIVHI, jy srdf iqAuhfr dy lvfAux vfly NnUM asIsF idMdIaF: hovy qF koeI gihxf, svf do syr lwzU (miTafeI),Pl qy isLMgfr df sfmfn afid sfAuxf vy qyrI bKqfvrI sLfml huMdf. sfvx mfh asl ivwc Drm vy qUM kuVIaf dy myly kIqy. qy jLfq-pfq dy Byd-Bfv nUM lFby rwK ky qIaF df igwDf iewk iksm dI lok kcihrI rl-iml ky pINGF JUtx df afnMd pRdfn huMdf hY ijwQy sfry asfvyN irsLiqaF nUM inMidaF krky agly sfl leI iPr afpxI AuzIk jFdf. afpxIaf sflIaF nU M igw D y ivc muitafrF nUM sONp jFdf. iesy krky muitafrF nwcdIaF vyKx leI jIjy corI iCpy qIaF dy jFdIaF jFdIaf sfAux nUM vIr df qy BfdroN nUM ipV ivwc puwj jFdy. sflIaf Aupr pYisaF cMdry df drjf idMdIaF afpo-afpxy shurIN dIaF mwuTF Br-Br suwtdy, pr jy jIjy kMjUsI clIaF jFdIaF: idKfAuNdy qF Auh jIjy nUM bolI mfrdIaF: sfAux vIr kwTIaF kry, BfdoN cMdrIN ivCoVy jIjf vfr dy duafnI KotI pfvy.
Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock
Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-toname Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have 20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business. We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the only authorized nursery to sell Reka we can provide you with this.
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When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.
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32787 Townshipline, Abbotsford, B.C. PAGE 13
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
B.C. Labour Market Outlook shows steady economic growth in 2025 The fifth edition of the British Colum- Consistent with last year’s Labour bia Labour Market Outlook (Outlook) Market Outlook, there will be almost one million job openings in B.C. over is now available on the next decade, approximately twoLabour market demand and supply are thirds due to retirements and one-third influenced by a combination of trends due to economic growth. Almost eight and they change from year to year. out of 10 of these job openings will The Outlook provides the most current require post-secondary education. data available on the kinds of jobs and Specifically, 36% of the projected jobs skills that will be in demand throughout will require a bachelor’s, graduate or B.C. between now and 2025. The new first professional degree and 42% will report also provides detail on projected require diploma certificates or trades job openings in key occupations and apprenticeship training. industries by region, an updated list of top-opportunity occupations, and the While this report does not include astop 10 competencies required for vari- sumptions about future LNG investments, the government continues to ous jobs now and in the future. work with communities, employers and The report highlights show stable post-secondary institutions to ensure economic growth in the province. Em- that, when final investment decisions ployment has continued on an upward are made, B.C.’s workforce will be trend and is now at record highs of ready. over 2.3 million. Employment growth is projected to be 1.2%, consistent with The 10 major occupational groups are forecasts from the Ministry of Finance ranked as follows in terms of job openand BC Stats. The province was the ings over the next 10 years: leader in economic growth in Canada Sales and Service last year and it is positioned to be among Canada’s leaders in economic Business, Finance and Administration growth again in 2016 as well as 2017. Management
Trades, Transport and Equipment Operators and Related Education, Law and Social, Community and Government Health Natural and Applied Sciences and Related Art, Culture, Recreation and Sport Manufacturing and Utilities
sectors. They are meant to reflect general expected trends over the medium to long term.
Natural Resources, Agriculture and The Outlook is a valuable resource Related Production for educators, counsellors, students Updated Outlook data can be accessed and their families in making decisions through online tools that regarding education and skills training. include comprehensive career, industry It also helps those who are unemployed and regional profiles. It is also avail- or underemployed find jobs that are able on DataBC at: https://catalogue. in demand right now. Post-secondary institutions also use this data to ensure their programming aligns with highoutloo demand occupations now and over the Labour market projections contained next decade. in the Outlook are based on available labour market data from Statistics Through B.C.’s Skills for Jobs BlueCanada and other sources, industry print, the government is re-engineering growth and population projections and its education and training system toconsultations with employers, industry wards a data-driven system, shifting partners and representatives from key investments and re-aligning programs to focus on jobs that are in demand.
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Friday, July 29th, 2016
The Patrika
BC government threatens the livelihood of hundreds of families
estrictions on independent container trucking operators contrary to signed agreement and free-enterprise principles Surrey, BC – Unfair limitations imposed by the Office of the BC Container Trucking Commissioner on independent container trucking operators are preventing small business owners from sustaining a livelihood sufficient to support their families.
Self-identified as being in support of “free-enterprise,” the BC Liberal government has abandoned its commitment to “create a more stable trucking industry” made in the Joint Action Plan that was signed in March, 2014 to end the strike at the Port of Vancouver. Under the reformed container trucking licensing system, independent operators are only permitted to access terminals on behalf of one sponsor company, which is the only provision of its kind imposed on small businesses in the province, according to Gagan Singh, spokesperson for the United Truckers Association.
“Under these new rules, our members are unable to seek out work from more than one licence holder, which is a restriction that no other small businesses in British Columbia have to deal with,” says Singh. “There is absolutely no reason why the BC government should have the ability to prevent independent operators from growing their businesses by seeking out additional customers.”
The current state of affairs for independent operators is bleak, with many being forced to leave the industry because of a lack of viability that is only being exacerbated by expensive vehicle upgrades soon to be imposed by the Port of Vancouver.
The United Truckers Association (UTA), which represents over 800 independent operators servicing the The Office of the BC Container Truck- Ports, is calling for an immediate meeting Commissioner has placed complete ing with Minister of Transportation discretion with trucking companies holding licences. Whereas once independent operators had permits that allowed them to access terminals for multiple clients, they are now unable to do anything in the long stretches where not enough work is available from their sponsor.
Todd Stone. UTA members transported over 1.5 million containers with a value of over $1 billion in 2015, serving as an essential link for the global supply chain that flows through Metro Vancouver. “We have been calling on the BC Container Trucking Commissioner’s Office for the past 18 months with no success, forcing us to make this urgent appeal to the Minister of Transportation to take action.”
As a result, sponsors are left with ample choice, where they can assign all trips to their company fleets, or pick and choose which independent operators they distribute work to. By contrast, independent operators have no ability to adjust in periods where they are making no revenue.
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
gAU rwiKaf dI isafsq gAU rwiKaf dy nF ‘qy ‘gAU bcfE grwupF’ vwloN KyzI jf rhI KwulHI Kyz Bfjpf dI Bgvf isafsq df hI prCfvF jfpdI hY. hfl hI ivc ienHF ‘gAU bcfE BgqF’ vwloN gujrfq dy ijLlHf igr-somnfQ aDIn pYNdy sLihr AUnf ivwc iewk mrI gAU dI Kwl lfhux qoN dilq BfeIcfry dy nOjvfnF dI burI qrHF kIqI geI kwutmfr ies gwl dI gvfh hY ik gAU rwiKaf dy nF ‘qy ienHF gruwpF nUM kuJ vI krn dI KuwlHI CwutI hY. aijhy hI gAU BgqF ny ies qoN pihlF AuWqr pRdysL dy ksbf dfdrI ivwc muhMmd aKLlfk nUM Aus dI rsoeI ivwc gAU df mfs hox dy sLwk ivwc hI kwut-kwut ky mfr idwqf sI. gujrfq aqy AuWqr pRdysL ivwc hI nhIN, pMjfb ivwc vI gAU BgqF ny iksfnF, zyarI kfrobfrIaF, trwk zrfeIvrF, psLU vpfrIaF aqy sfbx-cmVy dy snawqkfrF df ijAUxf muhfl kIqf hoieaf hY. gAU rwiKaf dy nF ‘qy iewk iPLrky dy gAU rfiKaF vwloN ipMz dIaF sFJIaF jLmInF AuWqy kbjLy krn mwD vrgI pirvfrF aqy dukfndfrF qoN jbrI AugrfhIaF vrgIaF kfrvfeIaF kIqIaF jf rhIaF hn. swqfDfrIaF dI Cqr-Cfieaf krky hI aKOqI gAU BgqF vwloN iewk ivsLysL iPLrky dy lokF nUM dihsLqjLdf kIqf jf irhf hY. ies qrHF swqfDfrIaF vwloN gAU rwiKaf dy mwudy nUM ihMdUqv nUM AuqsLfihq aqy mjbUr krn df sfDn bxf ilaf igaf hY.
ieh TIk hY ik sfzy mulk ivwc sdIaF qoN ‘gAU’ nUM pivwqr psLU mMinaf jFdf af irhf hY pr awj qwk kdy vI ies df pwj isafsq krn jF iewk iPrky vwloN dUijaF nUM zrfAux DmkfAux dI vihsLI Kyz nhIN KyzI geI. mulk ivwc iewk iPrky vwloN afpxI sLrDf muqfbk gAU dI pUjf vI kIqI jFdI rhI pr iksy hor iPrky vwloN aijhf nf krn AuWqy kdy vfvylf nhIN sI KVHf hoieaf. pMj-swq isqfrf hotlF ivwc gAU mfs vI proisaf jFdf irhf hY aqy keI snawqF vI ies AuWqy afDfirq hn. afjLfd hox dy 67 sflF dOrfn kdy vI gAU rwiKaf df kfrj smfj jF mulk df mwuK muwdf nhIN irhf, pr kyNdr ivwc nirMdr modI dI agvfeI vflI Bfjpf srkfr afAux nfl ieh sB qoN aihm mwudf bx ky sfhmxy af igaf hY. pMjfb smyq Bfjpf dI agvfeI jF BfeIvflI vflIaF srkfrF ny qF gAU rwiKaf nUM mhwqvpUrn srkfrI kfrj bxf idwqf hY aqy ies mMqv leI bfkfiedf ‘pMjfb gAU syvf kimsLn’ vI bxf idwqf hY. gAUaF dI rwiKaf leI 22 ijLilHaF ivwc srkfrI qOr ‘qy gAUsLflf bxfAux df kfrj imwQ ilaf igaf hY. pMjfb srkfr ny ies mMqv leI iewk kroV rupey dI gRFt, pMcfieq dI jLmIn, AusfrI leI mdd aqy pihl dy afDfr ‘qy ibjlI kunYksLn dyx ijhIaF shUlqF muhweIaf
krvfAux df PYslf lY ilaf hY. hor qF hor, gAU syvf kimsLn ‘aKOqI gAU rksLf dlF dI srpRsqI vI kr irhf hY. ienHF dlF AuWqy gAU rwiKaf dy pwj lokF nuM lwutx df dosL lwgdy af rhy hn. ieh dosL vI hn ik dl mfPIaf vFg ivcr irhf hY. iesy kfrn sUby dI sfbx qy cmVf snawq qoN ielfvf iksfnF dIaF PLslF, zyarI PfrimMg aqy psLUaF dI KLrId-vyc dy kfrj burI qrHF pRBfivq ho rhy hn aqy ienHF DMidaF nfl juVy mjLdUr vrgF dI afriQkqf hfsLIey ‘qy clI geI hY. gAUaF aqy hor afvfrf psLU sVk hfdisaF ivwc vfDf kr rhy hn. afvfrf psLUaF df vpfr bMd hox nfl ienHF dI igxqI vD geI hY aqy ienHF nUM sFBxf sUby aMdr cwl rhIaF 472 gAUsLflfvF dy vws dI gwl nhIN rhI.
gAU rwiKaf dy nF ‘qy Bfjpf vwlNo kIqI jf rhI isafsq nUM drusq nhIN ikhf jf skdf. ies nfl Auh afpxf vot bYNk qF kuJ hwd qwk mjLbUq kr skdI hY pr mulk dI iPrkU eykqf aqy BfeIcfrk sFJ nUM kmjLor krn dI ijLMmyvfrI qoN Bwj nhIN skdI. Bfjpf nUM pMjfb, AuWqr pRdysL aqy gujrfq dIaF ivDfn sBf coxF mulk dy smfijk qfxy-bfxy dy vjUd nUM kfiem rwKx qoN vI vwD mhwqvpurn jfpdIaF hn. iesy krky hI Auh gAU rwiKaf dy mwudy nUM AuBfrn dy rfh qurI hoeI hY. Bfjpf dI ieh nIqI ijwQy mulk leI nuksfndyh sfbq hovygI. AuWQy BivwK ivwc afvfrf gAUaF dI sFB-sMBfl dI smwisaf vI mulk ivafpI bx jfvygI.
Friday, July 29th, 2016
The Patrika
Governor General to be Canada’s official representative at Rio 2016 Olympic Games
he Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced that His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada and patron of the Canadian Olympic Committee, will travel to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from
August 3 to 8, 2016 as Canada’s official representative at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. The Rio 2016 Olympic Games—the first Olympic Games to be held in South America—will be an opportunity for Canadian athletes to write another chapter in our country’s rich sports history. Our athletes, as well as their coaches and support staff, have demonstrated tremendous dedication and commitment to rise to a level where they are competing against the best in the world. The Government of Canada is proud of its role in helping Canadian athletes realize their Olympic dreams. It is the largest single investor in Canada’s sport system, providing funding for initiatives that support our high-performance athletes and that promote sport participation among all Canadians.
PAGE 18 Friday, December 18th 2015
The Patrika
Friday, JulyPAGE 29th, 2016 19
$100M fundinvestment, to boost B.C.’s tech sector and job creation Action on foreign consumer protection and vacancy puts he Province of British this fund we’re creating ince,Columbians building on the success first The remaining two pillars, ing faster than the economy British Columbia is creating a stronger foundation for of the B.C. Renaissance talent and markets, include overall. Its continued growth
Second, thethe government creAug. 2, sector, 2016, andCapital will apply to (BCRCF), egislation introduced a $100-million ven- today B.C.’s effect technology actionsisto deepen the B.C. is integral to diversifying Fund ating a new Housing Priority foreign entities registering their purcreates new measures to help ture capital fund as it builds which is a major employer province’s well developed technology talent pool by the Province’s economy, provincial and attracting property in Metro Initiatives Fund for make home af- chase of residential the foundation for ownership a compre- more in communities across the developing Angel investment commustrengthening B.C.’s busihousing and rental Vancouver, excluding the treaty lands fordable, establishes a fund for market hensive technology strategy province, to shine on the nity, and responding to cur- theprograms, highest quality talent, ness landscape, and creating which will be announced in housing and rental initiatives, strength- of the Tsawwassen First Nation. aimed at stimulating growth global stage while creating rent funding needs. and actions to make it eas- jobs in B.C. communities. the near future. The fund will ens consumer protection, and gives the For mixed-use property, the additional receive an initial investment in the fast-moving sector, well-paying ier to access new City of Vancouver the tools it requested The BC Jobs Plan builds on tax would apply on the residential of $75 million. It will receive creating jobs and strengthenj o b s b a c k markets. The comto increase rental property supply. the strengths of B.C.’s key component of the foreign interest in a a portion of revenues fromplete ing a diverse economy. at home for the #BCTECH sectors and its educated and Bill 28, Miscellaneous Statutes (HousBritishproperty. Co- For example, the additional property transfer tax, includStrategy will be anPremier Christy Clark today tax on the purchase of a home valued ing Priority Initiatives) Amendment lumbians.” nounced in January. skilled workforce, keeping ing revenues from the new announced the new BC Tech Act, 2016, was introduced in the leg- at $2 million will amount to $300,000. additional tax on foreign buyers. the province diverse, strong new superintendent will also have the islature Fund astoday. part of the first of The BC Tech The BC Techauthority Fund and growing. to direct and oversee council “The data we started collecting earlier Third, the Province is amending the three economy-building pil- F u n d this w i lsummer l be in operation operations, including requiring council is showing that foreign Real Estate Services Actwill “Owning a home should be accessible to 2016 substanIn partnership theissue BC lars in the B.C. government’s help promin following to investigate a particularwith matter, to middle-class families, and those nationals invested more than $1 billion tially implement the key recommendaInnovation Council, the multi-year i s i nbeg into t e c B.C. h an open procurea notice of a disciplinary hearing, and property between June 10 tions of the independent advisory who are in a#BCTECH position to Stratrent should group provide province is hosting B.C.’s egy that will drive growth companies in ment process on the operations and able to find a suitable home,”Premier and July 14, more than 86% of it in the report, and to end self-regulation of the to se- reports of council to the superinten#BCTECH Summit, and job Clark creation in“These the multiB.C.’s tech Mainland,” said Finance Miniscure a private activities sector first Christy said. changes are Lower real estate industry. Government has dent. As well, the chair, vice-chair and billionhelping dollar to tech sector. tercreMichael de Jong. “While investment accepted all the recommendations about make sure that British sector by fund manager to 18-19, 2016, where the in all other Jan. members ofStrategy the council will outside one factor Columbians can continue to live,ating work anfrom avenue forCanada capitalis only administer it. The process for #BCTECH Capital is one the of report. three pilThese changes will increase be appointed by government. will be “B.C.’s technology sector is driving pricethem increases, it represents significantly the superintendent and raise their families in our vibrant funding, enabling to lars of realmanager released in full. The sumin the forthcoming identifying a fund consistently growing faster an additional source of pressure on a communities.” take the next step towards #BCTECH Strategy. today with a posting “We needmit to will ensure that when people estate’s authority and oversight. showcase our tech This begins than the overall economy market struggling to build enough new joining the ranks of other first pillar, announced today, for a Negotiated Request are for readyindustry to make and such offer an important An additional property transfer tax oppormaking this the perfect time homes to keep up. This additional tax The power to make the rules that ap- investment, the proper protections and job-creating tech companies. also includes continuing to Proposal (NRFP). rate of 15% will apply to purchasers of tunities to connect this to catch the wave and help on foreign purchases will help manage ply to the conduct of licensees will oversight are in place,” said detoJong. residential real estate who are foreign foreign demand while new homes are rest with the new superintendent of growing sector. To register smaller companies join in the The new fund will also help support B.C.’s competitive B.C.’s technology sector, “Consumers must be confident their nationals or foreign-controlled corpo- built to meet local needs.” real estate instead of with council. The more, all goelse." to: http:// ranks ofThe economy builders,” Jobs or arelearn held above rations. additional tax willdevelop take a sustainable venture tax system and research en- a key pillar of the BCinterests said Premier Clark. “With capital system in the prov- vironment. Plan, is consistently grow-
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The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
Continued from Page 3
principal David DeWit, Board of Education Trustee Stan Petersen, Assistant Superintendent of Schools Gino Bondi, and Kirpa Kaur, an Abbotsford community organizer who has played an integral role of bringing social services to women and girls in the local Punjabi Sikh community. “The Next Generation: Canadian Global Citizenship Project” of the Mosaic Institute is a global citizenship education project for Canadian high school students that began in 2011. The overall purpose of this project is to encourage and support youth to become active agents of social change and promoters of peace and justice in Canada, and around the world. The program has engaged nearly 1,000 secondary school students from five school districts in Ontario and British Columbia.
The project provides high school students with 20 specially designed workshops over six conferenceformat days. Workshop curriculum includes opportunities to explore identities, family histories, migration, Canada’s Aboriginal communities, Canadian challenges on the road to becoming a multi-cultural country, and active Global Citizenship. Each day, students had a special guest speaker who is a role-model. These included Naveen Girn who created the 100year anniversary art exhibit honouring the Komogatu Maru; Ranj Dhailwal, a former gangster and now a bestselling author who encourages youth to refrain from joining youth gangs; Audrey Siegl a community leader from the Musqueam Nation; and Anjali Appadurai , an environmental activist working at the UN level.
An equally important part of Next Generation is the development and implementation of community service projects (CSP), which seek to encourage students to take what they have learned and apply it outside of the classroom. One of these projects was a partnership with the Abbotsford Food Bank. To better educate the community on the hunger assistance work being done by the Sikh community, the students created a website and video (in both Punjabi and English) that showed the food assistance work being done by the Sikh community and also the common aims shared by the Food Bank and the Sikh Temple in Abbotsford. RHSS students during Conference
“Injustice takes place around
the world - how to be more inclusive/ open-minded. Everyone has a voice.” •
“Canada is truly a diverse
country. Working together to solve a community project was fun. Always embrace your culture.” •
“It has taught me so much
about what happens around me. There are so many good role models that I didn’t know about.” •
“This program is very
informative and makes me think differently about the things around
me.” Student comments about the things they “That we can make a difference learned during the Next Generation • Program and Youth Summit included: by taking small steps.”
New Democrats cheer addition of transgender protections to B.C.’s Human Rights Code New Democrat Leader John Horgan and VancouverWest End MLA Spencer Chandra Herbert issued the following statement in response to the B.C. Liberal government’s announcement that they will be adding gender identity and expression to B.C.’s Human Rights Code:
well overdue. We know that transgender British Columbians, especially trans people of colour, experience high rates of violence and suffer from discrimination, especially in housing and employment.
man Rights Code won’t eliminate discrimination and violence, but it sends a clear signal that transgender and gender variant people are welcome in British Columbia, and equal under the law.
ever for our government to send a clear signal that they are protected under our human rights laws.
“We hope that this is just the first step taken by the government to make our province a more “At a time when transgender welcoming place for transgender “Today marks a big step forward for British Columbia, a step towards a more open, diverse, and tolerant “Simply adding gender expres- people in many places are under and gender variant British Cosociety. For years we have joined with the LGBTQ sion and identity to the B.C. Hu- attack, it is more important than lumbians.” community to fight for this change. We applaud them for their determination, and are happy and proud that this legal recognition will now be in place. “The explicit recognition of gender identity and expression under B.C.’s Human Rights Code was
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
lLokrfj nUM klMikq kr rhy ny kfly kfnUMn amrIkI lokF ny hiQafrbMd sMGrsL krky bVI jw d o j ihd ipw C o N afjL f dI leI sI. sMivDfn bxfAux smyN amrIkIaF nUM keI mOilk aiDkfr idwqy gey, ijnHF nUM koeI srkfr sOiKaF bdl nhIN skdI. amrIkI sMivDfn bnfAux vfilaF ny ibRtyn nfloN vwKrI qrHF sMivDfn bxfieaf jd ik Bfrq ny brqfnvI sMivDfn dI qrjL ‘qy sMivDfn GiVaf. ienHF kfnUMnF ivwc gVbV krn vfly ielfikaF ivwc BfrqI sYnf qy hor surwiKaf dsiqaF nUM ivsLysL qfkqF dyx vflf ‘aPspf’ kfnUMn vI sLfml hY. gulfm Bfrq smyN aMgryjLF ny 15 agsq 1942 nUM kFgrs df sLurU kIqf Bfrq Cwzo aMdoln dbfAux leI ‘afrmz PorisjL spYsLl afrzInYNs afP 1942’ jfrI kIqf sI. iesy dI qrjL AuWqy afsfm dI srkfr ny ‘nfgf’ nYsLnl kONsl vwloN sLurU kIqf KudmuKqfrI aMdoln dbfAux leI 1953 ivwc nfigaF dI phfVIaF ‘c ‘afsfm mYntInYNs afP pbilk afrzr aYkt’ lfgU kIqf. jdoN hflfq hor ijLafdf Krfb hoey qF 1955 ‘c ‘asfm gVbVI
ielfkf’ kfnUMn pfs kIqf igaf, ijs ivwc hiQafrbMd dsiqaF nUM ivsLysL aiDkfr idwqy gey. ies ipwCoN jd hflfq nf suDry qF 22 meI 1958 nUM ‘afrmz PorisjL (afsfm aYNz mnIpur) spYsLl pfvrjL aYkt 1958’ bx igaf. ies nfl rfj srkfr qoN ielfvf kyNdr nUM vI iksy ielfky nUM gVbV vflf ielfkf aYlfn krn df aiDkfr idwqf igaf. ies df Gyrf vDf ky AuWqrI pUrb dy pMj rfjF afsfm, mnIpur, myGfilaf, nfgflYNz, iqRpurf, aruxfcl pRdysL qy imjLorm nUM vI ies ivwc ilaFdf igaf. iewk hor soD qoN bfad ies kfnMUn df nfa ‘afrmz PorisjL (spYsLl pfvrjL) aYkt 1958’ rwiKaf igaf. ijs nUM ‘aPspf 1958’ jF ‘aPspf’ nFa nfl jfixaf jFdf hY. hfl hI ivwc iqRpurf dI kimEuinst srkfr ny ies nUM vfps lY ilaf hY ikAuNik AuWQy hux hflfq afm vrgy ho gey hn, pr bfkI rfjF ivwc ieh hfly vI lfgU hY. Cy akqUbr 1983 nUM kyNdr srkfr ny pMjfb qy cMzIgVH ‘c ‘afrmz PorisjL ivsLysL pfvrjL aYkt’
The Valley’s biggest Ford dealership is looking to hire a Sales Consultant! Only career-minded individuals who know the true meaning of incredible customer satisfaction and hard work should apply! Sales applicants should possess the following:
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If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself. - Henry Ford
zf[crnjIq isMG gumtflf
lfgU kIqf, jo afsfm qy mnIpur dy 1972 kfnUMn dI qrjL ‘qy bxfieaf igaf sI. ies ivwc do hor DfrfvF drj kIqIaF sn, ijnHF anusfr surwiKaf dsqy iksy vI gwzI nUM jbrI rok ky Aus dI qlfsLI lY skdy sn qy Aus dy qfly vI qoV skdy sn. bhuq sfrIaF hor vI keI sLkqIaF idwqIaf geIaF, ijnHF df dunIaf Br ivwc ivroD hoieaf. cOdF sfl ipwCoN pMjfb dy hflfq afm vrgy hox ‘qy 1997 ivwc ies nUM vfips ilaf igaf.
mOqF hoeIaF, ijnHF bfry kOmI mnwuKI aiDkfr kimsLn ny isLkfieq kIqI hY. suprIm kort ny ‘aPspf’ kfnUMn bfry jo itwpxIaF idwqIaF hn, Auh bhuq ivcfrn Xog hn. adflq df kihxf hY ik mnIpur ivwc PLOj qy nIm sYink bl hwdo vwD kfrvfeI nhI kr skdy, ienHF dI jFc hoxI cfhIdI hY. adflq ‘aPspf’ kfnUMn nUM Kqm krn leI suxvfeI kr rhI hY. adflq df kihxf hY ik ipCly 58 sflF ivwc ieh kfnUMn mnIpur df kuJ nhIN sMvfr sikaf. Aus ny qurMq Bfrq srkfr, mnIpur sqMbr 1990 ivwc jMmU qy ksLmIr ivwc srkfr, mnIpur dy lokF qy bfgLIaF nUM iml ‘afrmz PorisjL (jMmU aqy ksLmIr) spYsLl bYT ky ies df hwl lwBx df suJfa idwqf hY. pfvrjL aYkt 1990’ lfgU kIqf igaf. ies hyT rfj srkfr qoN ielfvf kyNdr nUM ivsLysL eynf kuJ hox dy bfvjUd pMjfb srkfr aiDkfr idwqy gey. ieh AuQy ajy vI lfgU hY. ‘pkokf’ ilafAux dI iqafrI kr rhI hY. ‘aPspf’ dy Kfqmy leI mnIpur dI kivwqrI ieh kfnUMn mhfrfsLtr srkfr vwloN bxfey qy mnwuKI hwkF dI alMbrdfr ierom sLrmIlf kfnUMn ‘mkokf’ vrgf hY. iewk vfrI kyNdr cfnU do nvMbr 2000 qoN vrq ‘qy bYTI hoeI srkfr vwloN ‘sI[sI[tI[E[sI’ nFa df ibwl hY qy Asu nUM puls vfly jbrI itAUb rfhIN pfs kIqf igaf sI. Aus smyN dy rfsLtrpqI Kurfk dy ky ijAUNdf rwK rhy hn. ipCly zf[ey[pI[jy[abdul klfm ny ieqrfjL lf ky sOlF sflF qoN Auh ijs qrHF mnuwKI hwkF leI ies nUM vfps kr idwqf sI. modI srkfr ies jUJ rhI hY, Aus vrgI hor koeI imsfl kfly kfnUMn bfry kI krdI hY, afAux vflf dunIaF ivwc nhIN imldI 25 julfeI 2016 smF dwsygf. Bfrq ivwc mnwuKI aiDkfrF dI nMU Ausny afpxf vrq Cz idwqf. afsfm AulMGxf bfry XU[aYWn[E[ vwloN nukqfcInI rfeIPljL ny iewk nvMbr 2000 nUM mnIpur kIqI jFdI rihMdI hY. ies leI loV hY, ienHF dy mflom ksby ivwc bs dI AuzIk krdy kfly kfnUMnF nUM KLqm krn dI. ijwQy loV ds inrdosL lokF nUM ibnF vjHf golIaF nfl hovy AuQy mnuwKI aiDkfrF leI kMm krdIaF mfr idwqf, ijnHF ivwc, iewk bjLurg aOrq qy sMsQfvF vI slfh lY ky mOjUdf kfnUMnF ivwc iewk Auh lVkf, ijs nUM bhfdrI ivKfAux loVINdI qbdIlI kr leI jfvy. leI purskfr imilaf hoieaf sI, sLfml sI. Aus ny ienHF dIaF drdnfk idl ihlf dyx vflIaF qsvIrF aKbfrF ivwc vyKIaF. ies kFz dI jFc krfAux dI mMg kIqI, jo ajy qwk nhIN mMnI jf rhI. dlIl ieh idwqI jFdI hY ik afsfm ivwc surwiKaf blF nUM ivsLysL aiDkfr imly hoey hn, Auh iksy vI ivakqI nUM mfr skdy hn, jbr jnfh kr skdy hn, ijs ivrwuD koeI suxvfeI nhIN ho skdI. iswDU kIqI nhIN iewk vI gwl iswDI, ies loh aOrq ny do akqUbr 2000 nUM idwlI ibnF bfl qoN bYt Gumf igaf Auh. rfjGft mhfqmf gFDI dI smfDI ‘qy sLhIdF nUM sLrDFjlI Byt kIqI qy Aus ipwCoN jMqr eyDr-EDr dI idsLf nf koeI dwsI, mMqr jf ky ros mujLfhrf kIqf. Aus dy nfl ibnF mqlboN hfjLrI pf igaf Auh. vwzI igxqI ivwc bwuDIjIvI qy mnwuKI hwkF dy alMbrdfr vI sLfml hoey. Aus ny iewQy af ky eyDr jfxf jF jfAU Auh Es pfsy, pRDfn mMqrI, rfsLtrpqI qy gRih mMqrI nUM guwJI gwl qF Pyr lukf igaf Auh. pwqr ilKy. sMn 2004 ‘c Bfrq srkfr ny ‘aPspf’ kfnUMn dI GoK leI suprIm kort lfrf iksy nUM lf ky qur igaf Auh, dy iewk sfbkf jwj jIvn rYzI dI pRDfngI iksy hor nUM awKF ivKf igaf Auh. ivwc iewk kimsLn bxfieaf, ijs ny ies kfnUMn nUM KLqm krn dI isPLfirsL kIqI, pr ikhf afiKaf ‘hwQ’ ieh PVn lwgf, srkfr ny ajy qwk kimsLn dI isPLfrsL nUM nhIN mMinaf. ikhf iksy ny ‘JfVU’ hY lfAux vflf.
qIs mfr KF dy qIr
mfrc 2015 nUM jfrI iewk pRYs ibafn ivwc gRih ivBfg ny ieh kfnUMn vfps lYx qoN nFh kr idwqI. mnIpur ivwc 2002 qoN 2012 qk 1528 qwk 2580 inrdosL ivakqIaF dIaF
iksy afiKaf, sLrm kuJ krI jFdf, Qwly ‘bohV dy’ Pyr hY afAux vflf.
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
Elz iejL golz grdsL
nOrMg isMG
(ieh kivqf pMjfbI dy isrmOr lyKk gurbKLsL isMG pRIq lVHI vloN 1933 ivwc sLurU kIqy gey mfsk rsfly dy sqMbr 1939 dy aMk ivwcoN siqkfr sfihq pfTkF ihq pysL krn leI aYbtsPorz dy AuGy vkIl nYsL igwl dy asIN aqI DMnvfdI hF ijnHF ny ieh aMk pMjfbI pwiqRkf dy dPqr nMU Byt kIqI.) kI dwsF mYN mwudqF qoN
Cfx idwqf ibjlI ny mYnUM,
ikAuN iPiraf Koieaf Koieaf?
Cm Cm kr ky igiraf.
Koj iksy dI idl ivc lY ky,
kdy qfry dIaF ikrnF aMdr,
virHaF bwDI BONieaf.
pfry vFg Qrrfieaf.
PuwlF dI mYN KUsLbU bx ky,
muV bx ky mYN afh-sLrfrf,
vFg sLudfeIaF iPiraf.
cMn dy ijgr smfieaf.
bul bul df bx drd kdy mYN,
kdy mYN bx ky joq iesLk dI,
EhdI awKoN ikiraf.
chuM jwugF ivwc bilaf.
sfgr dy ivwc CwlF bixaf,
iPr mYN kdy pqMgf bx ky,
ndIaF ivwc rvfnI.
iksy sLmf qy siVaf.
mYnUM kdy bhf ky lY geI,
grdsL grdUM dI ny mYnUM,
cVHdI koeI jvfnI.
pOxF ivwc AuVfieaf.
bwdl bx ky mYN aMbr qoN,
KLfk imrI ny ajLlF qoN hI,
drd lukoeI iPiraf.
kdy n itkxf pfieaf.
nihr ‘c qyl irsx nfl sskYcvn ‘c pfxI dI ikwlq lgfqfr qyl dy irsfv kfrn ipRMs aYlbrt, sskYcvn vfsIaF nUM AuWqrI sskYcvn irvr ivwcoN pfxI lYx qoN mnHF kr idwqf igaf hY. sQfnk vfsIaF nUM ieh cyqfvnI vI idwqI geI hY ik hPqy dy mwD qwk AunHF kol pfxI mwuk vI skdf hY. hskI aYnrjI pfeIplfeIn ivwcoN myzston, sskYcvn nyVy nihr ivwc 200,000 qoN 250,000 lItr qyl qy qyl nUM pqlf krn vfly rsfiex lIk ho gey hn. vIrvfr nUM
ies irsfv df pqf lwgx qwk qy ies nUM bMd kIqy jfx qwk kfPI dyr ho cuwkI sI. ijMnI mfqrf ivwc ieh qyl lIk hoieaf hY Enf qyl qF do ryl tYNkr kfrF ivwc af jFdf. nfrQ bYtlPorz kimAUintI ny nihr ivwcoN pfxI lYxf bMd kr idwqf qy KUh df pfxI vrqxf sLurU kr idwqf. ies irsfv nUM rfh ivwc hI rokx dI bhuq koisLsL kIqI geI pr ieh hjLfrF iklomItr dUr ipRMs aYlbrt qwk phuMc hI igaf.
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
Irving K. Barber Learning Centre Digs Deep to Fund the Digitization of Your Abbotsford History! Ever wonder how 31,000 fascinating, history-shaping images depicting early life, commerce, development and events in Abbotsford, ended up on The Reach Gallery Museum Abbotsford’s website? The short answer is, due to thousands of hours of hands-on digitization work on specialized computer technology by a coordinator and student at The Reach’s archives. The long answer is: the continuous and renewed crucial funding by the BC History Digitization Program.
Digitization has also created a dialogue between images and context presented with knowledge and information held within, as well outside, the community. The greatest example of this is the newly launched Voices of The Valley museum exhibition sponsored by Columbia Kitchen Cabinets at The Reach. Voices of the Valley was developed using Historical Thinking Strategies that depend on personal interpretation of primary source material. The online photo archives provides extensive, visual primary source material in support of the exhibition and education opportunities that are designed to accompany it.
“The BC History Digitization Program, sponsored by UBC’s Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, has awarded another $10,000 towards recording and preserving our diverse and rich local history for current and future generations - their seventh year of financially supporting this project” says Kris Foulds, Curator of Historical Collections at The Reach. “To digitize and add another 5,000 historic images from our archives collection to the current publicly-accessible images bank is of enormous value to your community’s Many of the digitized historical images have also been used by local authors, history.” for collector car show awards, the Chris Hives, Project Manager for Downtown Abbotsford street banners, the BC History Digitization Program and more recently, in the new Cabela’s commented that “we are very pleased store in Abbotsford. “It motivates our to continue our partnership with The team to see the fruits of their labours Reach Gallery Museum in support of accessed by the community,” says their on-going efforts to digitize images Foulds who depends on support staff from the Abbotsford News photograph to help accomplish the massive project. collection in order to make the material “Tricia Taylor, David Seymour, Marc more broadly accessible for all poten- Forcier and Shawn Siemens have all tial users.” spent many hours carefully digitizing The Reach Archives is the only source and recording context in the developof the Abbotsford News images and the ment of the online photo archives.” only online photo archives in Abbots- The Reach Gallery Museum Abbotsford. The News does not maintain an ford (at 32388 Veterans Way) is an image archive, it has instead entrusted art gallery and museum committed to The Reach to conserve and share preserving and sharing the stories of these images with the public. As the our rich and diverse cultural heritage longest extant community newspaper, and showcasing the best in visual the its photographers have chronicled the arts from both inside and outside the city’s history for over 90 years, and community. documented the changes, challenges and triumphs of Abbotsford.
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
PICS VANCOUVER SETTLEMENT OFFICE IS NOW OFFERING Informal English Conversation Classes Starting July 26th PICS is taking a huge step in trying to help those who are interested in improving their English or simply learn to informally converse with others. Classes will be open to both men and women willing to learn. The conversation classes will consist of activities, games, worksheets and oral exercises. Students will participate in weekly verbal discussions in order to improve their conversation skills.
The aim of these classes is to help nonEnglish speaking individuals improve their English and conversation skills to settle into the Canadian Society. PICS hopes that English Conversation Classes will help individuals with their personal and professional growth. We wish these classes will have a positive outcome and will flourish in the future. Please contact Sukhwinder Gosal (Vancouver Settlement office) at 778371-8552 for further inquiries.
ART EXHIBITION TOURS Every Thursday at 12pm and 2pm!
of artworks on display. Tours explore contemporary artworks and are led by All tours are FREE for the general knowledgeable docents who provide a public. general overview of exhibitions and an Take a lunch-time break and enliven opportunity for lively discussion. your experience of current art exhibitions with a Gallery tour. These 30 min- To find out more please call reception at ute guided tours are a great way to learn 604 864 8087 x 0 or email programs@ about the cultural and social contexts
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
jobn rwuqy ivCiVaF isLv kumfr btflvI isLv kumfr btflvI pMjfbI kivqf df Auh suwcf moqI hY, ijs dIaF kivqfvF ivwc awj vI pyNzU rihql df swjrfpx Jlkdf hY. Aus ny CotI Aumry aqy QoVHy smyN ivwc hI afpxIaF kivqfvF qy surIlI afvfjL rfhIN lokF dy nfl smkflI kvIaF nUM vI afpxf dIvfnf bxf ilaf sI. isLv kumfr df jnm 23 julfeI 1936 nUM isaflkot(pfiksqfn) ijLlHy dy ipMz bVf ipMz lohtIaF ivwc ipqf pMizq ikRsLn gopfl ptvfrI dy Gr mfqf sRImqI sLFqI dyvI dI kwuKoN hoieaf. isLv kumfr ny afpxI muZlI qflIm ipMz lohtIaF
dy pRfiemrI skUl qoN hfsl kIqI aqy sfl 1853 ivwc Aus ny sflvysLn afrmI hfeI skUl btflf qoN dsvIN pfs kIqI ikAuNik dysL vMz qoN bfad Aus dy ipqf pirvfr smyq btflf vws gey sn. BfvyN isLv ny aglI pVHfeI leI keI kfljF ivwc dfKlf ilaf pr Asu ny pVHfeI vwl bhuqf iDafn nf idwqf. pVHfeI dOrfn hI bYjnfQ ivKy mYnf nfm dI iewk kuVI Aus dy idl nUM CUh geI ijs dI kuJ smyN bfad tfeIPfeIz nfl mOq ho geI. mYnf dI mOq qoN bfad ijs lVkI vwl Auh afkrisLq hoieaf, Auh vI Aus nUM
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A division of
blivMdr afjLfd
Cwz ky ivdysL clI geI. ies qoN bfad Aus BfsLf ivBfg ny drd BrIaF rcnfvf nUM afpxf sfQI vw l o N pihlF bxf ilaf. ienfm idwqf igaf, AuWQy BfvyN isLv ny vIh ku sfl dI Aumr ivwc sfl 1967 hI kivqf ilKxI sLurU kr idwqI sI pr ivwc Aus ny Aus ny zlhOjI dy kvI drbfr ivwc bqOr kfiv sMgRih kvI pihlI vfr 1957 ivwc afpxI kivqf ‘lU x f’ leI suxfeI ijs dy bol sn: ‘gLmF dI rfq lMmI Bfrq sfihq ey[[[.’ ajLfd suBfv dy mflk isLv kumfr akYzmI nUM ipqf ikRsLn gopfl ny pVHfeI ivwc nfkfm vwloN pRQm rihx qoN bfad ptvfrI luaf idwqf pr Aus pu r skfr dy ky invfijaf igaf. ies nUM ieh nOkrI vI psMd nf afeI aqy Aus AuprMq Aus ny hor kfiv sMgRih ‘mYN aqy ny 1961 ivwc nOkrI qoN asqIPf dy idwqf. mYN’, ‘afrqI’, ‘alivdf’ aqy ‘ibrhf qUM iPr Auh kfPLI smF byrujLgfr irhf aqy sulqfn’ ilKy. sfl 1972 ivwc Auh ieMglYNz sfl 1966 ivwc Aus ny bYNk ivwc klrk clf igaf ijwQoN Auh ijgr dI ibmfrI lY ky dI nOkrI hfsl kr leI. ies AuprMq 5 vfps priqaf. sLfied ibhrf dy sulqfn PrvrI 1967 nUM isLv kumfr df ivafh isLv ny afpxI mOq nUM BFp ilaf sI, ies ipMz kIVI mMigafl, ijLlHf gurdfspur dI leI qF Aus ny afpxI mOq df ijLkr kridaF aruxf nfl ho igaf ijs qoN bfad Aus dy pihlF hI ilK idwqf sI: ‘asF qF jobn ruwqy Gr iewk pwuq aqy DI ny jnm ilaf. isLv ny mrnf[[[.’ kfPLI smF cMzIgVH gujLfiraf. Aus ny 1960 qoN 1965 qwk pMj ikqfbF sfihq jgq dI 7 meI 1973 nUM pIVF df prfgf lY ky Auh JolI pfeIaF ijs ivwc Aus df pihlF kfiv sdf leI ies PLfnI dunIaF nUM alivdf kih sMgRih ‘pIVF df prfgf’, ‘dUjf kfiv sMgRih igaf. BfvyN isLv srIrk qOr ‘qy sfzy ivwc ‘lfjvMqI’ qIjf ‘afty dIaF icVIaF’, cOQf mOjUd nhIN pr Aus dIaF kivqfvF ivclI ‘mYnUM ivdf kro’ aqy pMjvIN pusqk ‘lUxf’ qfjLy Puwl vrgI mihk hmysLF Aus nUM sfzy sLfiml hY. ienHF kfiv sMgRihF ivwc ijwqy kol hox df aihsfs krvfAuNdI rhI hY aqy ‘afty dIaF icVIaF’ pusqk leI btflvI nUM krvfAuNdI rhygI.
pTfnkot mukfbly df Krc ‘afp’ dy pfrlImYNt mYNbrF ny muafP krf idwqf gRih mMqrI rfjnfQ isMG ny BgvMq nUM pwqr rfhIN jfxkfrI idwqI. cMzIgVH, 2 0 julfeIa f m afdmI pfrtI (afp) dy pfrlImYNt mYNbr BgvMq mfn qy pRo:sfDU isMG vwloN kyNdrI gRih mMqrI rfjnfQ isMG nUM ilKy pwqr sdkf pTfnkot dy awqvfdI hmly ivwc kyNdrI arD surwiKaf blF ‘qy afieaf Krcf muafP hoieaf hY. kyNdrI gRih mMNqrI rfjnfQ isMG ny BgvMq mfn nuM pwqr Byj ky jfxkfrI idwqI hY. BgvMq mfn dy nfm awT julfeI nUM ilKy pwqr ivwc kyNdrI gRih mMqrI ny iliKaf hY ik AunHF(mfn) vwloN 9 mfrc nUM ilKy pwqr anusfr pTfnkot eyarbys AuWqy hoey awqvfdI hmly leI surwiKaf Aupr afey 710 kroV rupey PAGE 24
dy Krc qNoN pMjfb srkfr nUM mukq kr idwqf igaf hY. BgvMq mfn ny dwisaf ik kyNdr srkfr ny pTfnkot awqvfdI hmly df mukfblf krn leI surwiKaf Pors df Krcf pMjfb qoN mMigaf sI. AunHF ny ies df ivroD kridaF rfjnfQ isMG nUM pwqr Byj ky ikhf sI ik pMjfb vI ies dysL df ihwsf hY, jd ik eydF pRqIq ho irhf hY, ijvyN kyNdr srkfr pMjfb nUM dysL df ihwsf hI nhIN mMndI. pihlF 26 jnvrI nUM gxqMqr idvs pryz qoN iswK rYjImYNt nUM kwZ idwqf sI aqy hux kyNdrI PorsF df Krcf mMg ky pMjfb qy dysL dI jnqf dIaF BfvnfvF nUM Tys phuMcfeI geI hY. AunHF ikhf ik ies pwqr qoN bfad kyNdr nUM surwiKaf Aupr afieaf Krcf Kud sihx krn df PYslf lYxf ipaf.
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
imnfrF qy XfdgfrF dI rfjnIqI pMjfb dI akflI-Bfjpf srkfr sUby dy lokF nUM drpysL aihm smwisafvF df hwl krn dI bjfey AunHF mUhry Dfrimk isafsq prosdI njLr af rhI hY . ies vo t F btorU sOVI isafsq qihq sUbf srkfr vwloN qIrQ sQfnF dI muPLq Xfqrf smyq zyZ drjn qoN vwD imnfrF aqy XfdgffrF dI AusfrI AuWqy lgpg 2000 kroV rupey KLrc kIqy jf rhy hn. aijhf Aus vyly kIqf jf irhf hY jdoN sUbf pOxy do lwK kroV rupey df krjLfeI hY aqy ies nUM ies dy ivafj dI iksLq Auqfrn leI vI krjLf lYxf pY irhf hY. srkfr mulfjLmF dIaF qnKfhF aqy pYnsLnf vI musLikl nfl dyx dy nfl-nfl mihMgfeI Bwqf vI smyN isr dyx qoN aksr hI asmrwQ rhI hY. ipMz qF kI, sLihr vI jIvn dIaF muZlIaF loVF-pIx vfly sfP pfxI, sIvryj aqy ibjlI smyq hor buinafdI shUlqF nUM qrs rhy hn. skUl aiDafpkF aqy hsqpfl zfktrF qoN swKxy pey hn. sUby dI afriQkqf dI rIVH dI hwzI iksfn krjLy df Bfr nf sihMdf hoieaf KudkusLIaF dy rfh pY igaf hY jdoNik mjLdUr vrg kMm-kfj Twp hox kfrn PLfkfksLI leI mjLbUr ho gey hn. dysL, kOm aqy sUby df BivwK nOjvfn pIVHI byrujLgfrI dy aflm ivwc nisLaF dy zUMGy vihx ivwc vih cuwkI hY. nsLyVIaF aqy ivhlV nOjvfnF ivwc vD rhy gLYr-smfijk ruJfn aqy gYNgstrF ny pMjfb dy afm lokF df ijAuxf duwBr kr rwiKaf hY. vD rhI mihMgfeI ny gLrIbF dI QflI ivwcoN dfl vI Koh leI hY. sUby dI mOjUdf icMqfjnk siQqI ivwc pMjfb srkfr vwloN imnfrF, smfrkF aqy XfdgfrF AuWqy kroVF rupey KLrc krn dI nIqI nUM drusq nhIN ikhf jf skdf. srkfr nUM ieh pYsf jnqk ihwqF leI jnqk kfrjF vfsqy lfAuxf cfhIdf hY pr Auh Aultf ies rfhIN votF BunfAux dy sOVy isafsI rfh qur peI hY. gurdfspur ijLlHy ivwc iewk smfgm nUM sMboDn krn afey kyNdrI ryl mMqrI surysL pRBU vwloN kIqf igaf ieh KLulfsf ik kyNdr srkfr pMjfb ivwc keI ivkfs pRfjYkt ies krky sLurU nhIN kr skI ikAuNik sUbf srkfr AunHF leI afpxf bxdf ihwsf pfAuxoN vI asmrwQ rhI hY, pMjfb srkfr nUM afeInf idKfAux vFg hY. ies qoN spwsLt ho igaf hY ik pMjfb dI akflI-Bfjpf srkfr dI qrjIhF ivkfsmwuKI nhIN blik vot-muKI
hn. sLRomxI akflI dl dI AuWGI afgU bIbI jgIr kOr ny pfrtI dI ies sOVI soc nUM ieh kih ky spwsLt kr idwqf ik sVkF vgYrF qF afm rutIn dy kfrj hn pr jo kMm XfdgfrF aqy imnfrF bxfAux df sRI bfdl kr rhy hn, AunHF nUM hmysLF Xfd kIqf jfvygf. akflI nyqf aqy iswKI isDFqF dI alMbrdfr swqfDfrI akflI pfrtI sLfied ieh Bw u l geI hY ik isw K I ivcfrDfrf aijhy imnfrF, smfrkF aqy bwuq Ausfrn dI ivroDI hY. mhfn sLKsLIaq dI ivcfrDfrf nUM lokF qwk phuMcfAux aqy nvIN pIVHI nuM AunHF qoN jfxU krvfAux leI lfiebRyrIaF aqy iswiKaf sM sQfvF Aus frn ijhy kfrj iksy hwd qk jfiejL mMny jf skdy hn pr bwuq aqy imnfrF AuWqy kroVF rupey jnqk KLjLfny ivwcoN KLrc krny drusq nhI khy jf skdy. Dfrimk sKLsLIaqF nfl sbMiDq ivkfs aqy hor kfrj Dfrimk sMsQfvF aqy Dfrimk ivakqIaF vwloN krny vDyry AuWicq ho skdy hn pr bhu-DrmI aqy bhu-pwKI swiBafcfr vfly sfzy Drm inrpwK mulk ivwc srkfrF vwloN srkfrI pYsy nfl aijhy kfrj krny sOVy isafsI ihwqF dy pRqIk hI jfpdy hn. srkfr nUM aijhy pRfjYktF ‘qy kroVF rupey KLrc krn dI bjfey sUby dy nOjvfnF nUM nisLaF aqy gLYr-sfmijk gqIivDIaF qoN roVn leI rujLgfrmuKI kfrj sLurU krn dI jLrUrq hY. muPLq qIrQ XfqrF dI QF lokF dI afriQkqf mjLbUq krn vflIaF nIqIaF GVn dI loV hY qF jo Auh KLud pYsy KLrc ky afpxI mrjLI dy Dfrimk sQfnF ‘qy jf ky afpxI akIdq dy Puwl Byt krn dy Xog ho skx. bMdf bhfdr df smfrk aqy bwuq lfAux dI QF Aus dIaF iksfn aqy mjLdUr pwKI nIqIaF nUM lfgU krn dI jLrUrq hY. PAGE 25
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
Medical assistance in dying
he B.C. government has passed a regulation which requires that all deaths that are the result of medical assistance in dying (MAiD) be reported to the BC Coroners Service.
that in the interim all such deaths in B.C. are reported to the BC Coroners Service.
The role of the BC Coroners Service will be to ensure compliance with the Parliament last month changed federal federal and provincial laws and regulegislation to permit medical assistance lations, and also to gather information about MAiD deaths in B.C. for aggrein dying in specific circumstances. gate reporting purposes. The federal government has indicated it will work with the provinces and The BC Coroners Service will work territories to develop regulations ensur- with the Ministry of Health to ensure ing the consistent reporting of MAiD all those involved are aware of the new deaths across the country. The regula- requirements. tion passed by the cabinet will ensure
B.C. reinstates civil hearing day fees
ffective Aug. 1, 2016, the B.C. government is reinstating hearing fees for civil cases before the B.C. Supreme Court. The Supreme Court Civil Rules have been amended to provide justices of the Supreme Court with the discretion to exempt parties from paying the fees, if the fees would cause an undue hardship. This amendment ensures that the hearing day fees for civil cases protect constitutional rights. At this time, hearing day fees will not be charged for family cases before the B.C. Supreme Court.
Hearing day fees serve to partially reimburse the Province for the costs of operating Supreme Court hearings and trials. There are no civil hearing day fees for the first three days of a proceeding. For days four to 10, the fee is $500 per day, while for each day beyond 10, the fee is $800 per day, to be paid by the party that files the notice of trial or filed documents to set the hearings. Civil hearing day fee rates have been unchanged since 2010.
Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on the anniversary of Black July
he Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the anniversary of Black July: “On this 33rd anniversary, we join Canadians of Tamil descent and members of the Tamil community around the world in commemoration of the events of Black July in 1983. “Let us pause to remember the victims of the anti-Tamil pogroms and all the lives that were lost throughout the entirety of the Sri Lankan Civil War. We offer our deepest condolences “Canada will continue to encourage to those who lost family and friends. the Sri Lankan government to fulfill its commitment to the United Nations Hu“The war and the devastation it wrought man Rights Council to bring about real reminds us to heal the wounds of those peace, reconciliation, accountability who have suffered, and to promote and justice for the people in Sri Lanka.” unity over division and inclusion over prejudice.
Friday, July 29th, 2016
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
BMvr ‘c PsI Bfjpf Dilq nyqf qy sMsd mYNbr mfieafvqI iKlfPL Bfjpf afgU dXfsMLkr isMG vwloN apmfnjnk sLbd bolx aqy gujrfq ivwc imRqk gAUaF dI KwlH lfhux vfly dilqF dI isL v sY n f kfrku n F vwloN kutmfr krn dIaF GtnfvF ny Bfjpf aqy kyyNdr srkfr nUM ksUqI siQqI ivwc Psf idwqf hY. ies kfrn ijwQy dilq BfeIcfry ivwc iqwKf roh aqy pRqIkrm pYdf hoieaf hY, AuWQy Bfjpf qy kyNdr srkfr dI mulk Br ivwc cMgI ikrikrI vI hoeI hY. kFgrs smyq sfrIaF isafsI pfrtIaF ny Bfjpf ‘qy iqwKy vfr kridaF Aus nUM dilq ivroDI grdfinaF hY. cOqrPLy dbfa hyT afeI Bfjpf ny ies isafsI nuksfn dI BrpfeI leI BfvyN qurMq muafPLI mMgx dI kvfied dy nfl-nfl AuWqr pRdysL dy afpxy bVboly afgU nUM pfrtI dI mYNbrI aqy sfry ahuidaF qoN muawql kr idwqf hY, iPr vI ieh mfmlf jld TMZf pYx dy afsfr nhIN. hfl hI ivwc vfprIaF GtnfvF df Bfjpf vwloN AuWqr pRdysL aqy pMjfb dIaF agly sfl hox vflIaF coxF mOky KimafjLf Bugqx dI sMBfvnf qoN ienkfr nhIN kIqf jf skdf. dUjy pfsy dXfsLLMkr isMG dy mfVy bolF ny bspf nUM Auh Pfiedf phuMcf idwqf hY ijs df Aus nuUM DUMaFDfr pRcfr krky vI
nhIN sI ho skdf. Bfjpf nyqf dI sLbdfvlI kfrn AuWqr pRdysL ivwc cox mYc sLurU hox qoN pihlF hI Bfjpf ny afpxy isr afp hI gol kr ilaf jfpdf hY. pRDfn mMqrI vwloN hfl hI ivwc mMqrI mMzl ivwc vfDy smyq pMj dilqF nUM mMqrI bxf ky AuWqr pRdysL ivwc dilq pwqf Kyzx dI koissL nUM vI ienHF GtnfvF ny imwtI ivwc imlf idwqf hY. Bfjpf pRDfn aimq sLfh vI ipCly kuJ smyN qoN AuWqr pRdysL ivwc Bgvf JMzf lihrfAux leI dilq BfeIcfry nfl myl-jol vDfAux ivwc lwgy hoey sn pr ies GtnfkRm ny sB kuJ Aultf-pultf kr idwqf hY. roihq vymulf dy mfmly smyq mulk Br ivwc dilqF ivrwuD vD rhy ijLafdqIaF dy mfmilaF kfrn
Bfjpf df aks BfvyN pihlF hI dilq ivroDI mMinaf jf irhf hY pr ienHF GtnfvF ny bldI ‘qy qyl pfAux vflf kMm kr idwqf hY. muMbeI ivwc aMbydkr Bvn nUM nuksfn phuMcfAux aqy ‘gAU rwiKakF’ vwloN muslmfnF aqy dilqF nUM qMg-pRysLfn krn dIaF GtnfvF Bfjpf dI sfKL nUM vwtf lfAux vflIaF hn. ieh sfry GtnfkRm df bspf nUM qF PLfiedf hoxf suBfivk hI hY pr nfl hI ienHF ny kFgrs smyq dUjIaF ivroDI pfrtIaF nUM vI srkfr nUM Gyrn leI iewk vwzf mwudf dy idwqf hY. Bfjpf afgUaF vwloN kyvl hux hI nhIN, kyNdr ivwc pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI dI agvfeI hyT aYWn[zI[ey[ srkfr dy gTn smyN qoN hI ivroDI pfrtIaF dy nyqfvF sbMDI GtIaf sLbdfvlI vrqy jfx df islislf jfrI hY. igrIrfj isMG qy vIky isMG smyq keI sInIar afgU afpxy mMdy bolF kfrn PLjIhq krvf cuwky hn. dUjy pfsy hYrfnIjnk gwl ieh vI hY ik pRDfn mMqrI aijhy mfmilaF bfry aksr KLfmosL rhy hn hflFik pfrtI ibhfr coxf ivwc afpxy nyqfvF dI bVbolI sLbdfvlI df KLimafjf Bugq cuwkI hY. AuWqr pRdysL dI swqf ‘qy kfbjL hox leI Bfjpf BfvyN bspf dy keI sInIar nyqfvF nUM mfieafvqI
nfloN qoVn ivwc sPLl ho geI pr hfl hI ‘c vfprIaF Gtnfvf Aus dIaF afsF ‘qy pfxI PyrdIaF jfpdIaF hn. BgvyNkrn dI nIqI qihq lokF nUM vrgF qy iPrikaF ivwc vMzx dI rfjnIqI Bfjpf nUM mihMgI pYNdI njLr af rhI hY. hux jdoN AuWwqr pRdysL aqy pMjfb ivwc isafsI pfrf cVHnf sLurU ho igaf hY qF Bfjpf nUM afpxI sMkuicq soc ivwc qbdIlI krn dI jLrUrq hY, ikAuNik ienHF rfjF ivwc musilm aqy dilq votrF dI vwzI igxqI cox nqIijaF nUM kfPLI pRBfivq krn dI smrwQf rwKdI hY. ies sMdrB ivwc hfl hI ivwc vfprIaF Gtnfvf Bfjpf dI rxnIqI nUM KuMZf krdIaF jfpdIaF hn.
AuWGy suqMqrqf sMgrfmI hridwq isMG BwTl nUM Xfd kridaF kuldIp isMG DnOlf mrhUm kfmryz hridwq isMG BwTl dysL dy AuWGy afjLfdI GulftIaF ivcoN iewk sn. Auh 1919 ivwc jilHaFvflf bfgL df sfkf vfprn ipwCoN pMjfb dy sfDfrn pyNzU lokF dy mnF aMdr rfjsI cyqnf pYdf hox dy dOr dOrfn srgrm smfijk qy isafsI jIvn ivwc afey. AunHIN idnIN iswKI dy pRcfr leI ‘cIP Kflsf dIvfn’ aqy ‘isMG sBf lihr’ dy hod ivwc afAux nfl DnOlf ielfky ivwc sLbd kIrqn dI lihr sLurU ho cuwkI sI. jQydfr BwTl ies lihr dy pRBfv hyT af gey. 1922 ivwc jdoN gurduafrf suDfr lihr dy islisly ivwc gurU ky bfgL df morcf lwigaf qF AunHF ies swiqafgRih ivwc sLfml ho ky AunHF igRPqfrI idwqI aqy iewk sfl leI mulqfn jylH aMdr njLrbMd rhy. jdoN Auh jylH qoN bfhr afey PAGE 28
qF Aus smyN jYqo df morcf isKLr ‘qy sI. AunHF DnOlf ielfky ivwc kwZy gey ros jlUs dI agvfeI kIqI ijs dy PlsrUp AunHF nUM nMd isMG DnOlf smyq ihrfsq ivwc lY ky aMgryjL hkUmq ny iewk sfl dI sjLf suxfAux dy nfl-nfl jfiedfd jL b q krky irafsq nfBf qo N jlfvqn krn dy hukm vI dy idwqy. 1927 ivwc irafsqF dy rfjsI kfrkunF ny ‘irafsqI prjf mMzl’ nF df sMgTn kfiem kIqf ijs ny jINd irafsq dy iksfnF nUM jLmIn dy mflk krfr dyx leI morcf lfieaf. nfBf irafsq dy akflIaF ny jQy d fr Bw T l dI agvfeI hyT ies morcy ivwc ihwsf ilaf. ienIN idnIN hI iksfnF dIaF mu s L k lF dy KL f qmy leI iksfn sBf kfiem ho geI. jQydfr BwTl nfBf irafsq dI iksfn sBf dy
dI numfieMdgI krdy rhy. Auh ivDfn sBf ivwc mjLdUrF, mulfjLmF, iksfnF aqy mwD vrg dy lokF leI afvfjL AuTfAuNdy rhy. pMjfb dI lok lihr df ieh srgrm afjL f dI Gu l ftIaf 20 ju l feI 1980 nUM idl df dOrf pYx kfrn sfQoN sdf leI ivCV igaf. AunHF qoN bfad 29 agsq 2007 mfqf jgIr kOr vI ies jhfn qoN ruKLsq ho gey. lokF ny ijwQy afpxy ies swcy-suwcy afgU nUM pUrn sihXog idwqf, AuWQy mOky dIaF srkfrF ny afjLfdI sMgrfm dI ies joVI pRqI byruKLI hI idKfeI. brnflf srkfr ny AunHF dI Xfd ivwc BwTlF ipMz hYlQ sYNtr KolHx df aYlfn kIqf pr ies leI Cy knfl jL m In suqMqrqf pRfpqI qoN bfad vI AunHF suK-afrfm dI pRvfh nf kridaF 1954 qoN lY ky lgpg do dhfky qwk jQydfr BwTl dy pirvfr vwloN hI iksfnF-mjL d U r F dy hw k F leI Ah pMjfb asYNblI dy DnOlf hlky idwqI geI. mIq pRDfn bxfey gey aqy bfad ivwc Auh ies dy mIq pRDfn vI cuxy gey. 1946 ivwc ‘irafsqI prjf mMzl’ ny irafsq nfBf ivwc iksfnI mMgF nUM lY ky morcf lfiea. morcf asPl huMdf dyK ky prjf mMzl ny iksfn sBf nfl sMprk kIqf. iksfn sBf ny jQydfr BwTl dI agvfeI ivwc 13 iksfnI mMgF nUM lY ky morcf lfieaf, jo kfPI sPl irhf aqy sfry igRPLqfr sfQI irhfa kIqy gey. jylH ivwc jQydfr BwTl ny Aumr kYd 14 sfl krn aqy gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy drsLnF leI BwuK hVqfl kIqI. srkfr nuM AunHF dy idRV ierfdy awgy Jukxf ipaf aqy mMgF pRvfn krnIaF peIaF.
sMGrsL jfrI rwiKaf. 1959 ivwc pRqfp isMG kYroN dI srkfr smyN KusL-hYsIaq tYks ivrwuD morcy dI agvfeI jQydfr BwTl ny hI kIqI. AunHF dI pqnI mfqf jgIr kOr ny KLud iesqrIaF df jQf iljf ky igRPLqfrI idwqI. ies morcy smyN vI afjLfd Bfrq dI srkfr ny AunHF dI sfrI jfiedfd kurk kr leI sI aqy Gr Zfh idwqf sI pr srkfr lokF dy jQydfr BwTl AuWqy bxy idRV ivsLvfs nUM KLqm nf kr skI. jQydfr BwTl azol, sLFq-icwq qy idRVH ierfdy nfl gupq rih ky jQy Byjdy rhy aqy aMq srkfr nUM Jukxf ipaf. ies morcy qoN bfad vI lok ihwqF dI Kfiqr AunHF nUM keI vfr afjLfd Bfrq dIaF jylHF ivwc njLrbMd rihxf ipaf.
Friday, July 29th, 2016
The Patrika
afE, buZfpy nUM mfxIeykYlfsL cMdr sLrmf ivlIam sYLkspIar ny mnwuKI jIvn nUM swq pVfvF ivwc drsfieaf hY. Aumr dy hr pVfa dIaF afpxIaF hI iKwcF hn. iPr vI bcpn, jvfnI aqy buZfpf afpxI KLfs pCfx rwKdy hn. ijwQy bcpn Auh msqmOlI avsQf hY ijs ivwc koeI vI gwl krn qoN pihlF socxf nhIN pYNdf, AuWQy buZfpf jIvn dy qjribaF dI jmHF pUMjI hox krky isafxf ho cwuky ivakqI nUM hr gwl krn qoN pihlF socx leI mjbUr krdf hY. ies dI afmd nfl anykF AUbV-KfbV rsqy qYa krdI ijLMdgI dI khfxI afKrI pVfa vwl vDdI hY. bwicaF dIaF ijLMmyvfrIaF qoN surKrU ho ky buZfpf Auh dOr huMdf hY, jdoN skUMn dI qlfsL huMdI hY. hor kudrqI vrqfiraF vFg buZfpf vI iewk kudrqI pRikiraf hY ijs ivwc phuMc ky ivakqI dI srIrk aqy mfnisk sLkqI hOlI-hOlI Gtx lwgdI hY. srIr ivwc pihlF vrgI AUrjf nf hox krky ivakqI lfcfrI vwl jFdf mihsUs krdf hY. Kud dI hoNd guafcdI hoeI mihsUs huMdI hY aqy KflIpx PnIar nfg vfg zwsx lwgdf hY. buZfpy ‘c kmjLorI aqy kmfeI df sfDn nf hox krky ivakqI dUijaF dy muQfj ho jFdy hn. buZfpy ivwc bMdf nvIN pIVHI ivwc nuks kwZdf hY. asl ivwc ieh Aus dy aMdr Gt rhI srIrk sLkqI kfrn hI huMdf hY. ies Aumr ivwc jy aOlfd dI byruKLI df vI sfhmxf krnf pY jfvy qF bjLurg nUM ies qrHF aihsfs hox lwgdf hY ijvyN Aus AuWpr qyjLfbI vrKf ho rhI hovy. ies avsQf ivwc ibmfrIaF vI ibnF bulfey dsqk dy idMdIaF hn. ies leI ivakqI nUM ieh avsQf iewk BfrI boJ vFg lwgdI hY ijs dy Bfr nUM Zox qoN Auh asmrwQ mihsUs krdf hY. Aus df mn hr vkq ZihMdIaF klF vwl jfx lwgdf hY. ies hflfq qoN AuBrn leI bjLurgF nUM smJxf cfhIdf hY ik buZfpf qF kudrq dI dyx hY. ieh sfzy jIvn df iewk mhwqvpUrn ihwsf hY. ies nUM mfVf, KLqrnfk jF lfhnq smJx dI bjfie afpxI jIvn sLYlI nUM bdl ky asIN afpxy buZfpy nUM KusLhfl, afrfmdfiek aqy snmfnjnk bxf skdy hF. AunHF nUM smJxf cfhIdf hY ik ijLMdgI dy mfVy idn qF iksy ivakqI dy kyvl AudoN hI afAuNdy hn jdoN Aus dIaF awKF, kMn qy gozy afid jvfb dyx lwgdy hn aqy Aus qoN afpxy vI mUMh moV lYNdy hn. buZfpf qF ijLMdgI df Auh pVfa hY jdoN asIN afpxy qjrby hm Aumr buZfpf qF Aus bUty vrgf huMdf hY jo AuWproN BfvyN hrf nf vI idsy pr Aus dIaF jVHF ivwc nmI jLrUr rihMdI hY. ies leI buZfpy ivwc inrfsL nf hovy ikAuNik buZfpf qF iksmq vfly lokF nUM hI imldf hY, keIaF nUM qF ieh nsIb hI nhIN huMdf.
ies leI KLrfb plF nUM KLrfb idnF ivwc qbdIl nf hox idE. aYNvy hI JUrdy rihx dI bjfie hflfq anusfr afpxy-afp nUM Zfl lYxf hI ibhqr huMdf hY. idl ivwc jy jjLbfq hox aqy awgy vDx df hONslf hovy qF iksy vI Aumr ivwc jIvn nUM nvF moV idwqf jf skdf hY. ies leI buZfpy nUM Bogx dI bjfie, dUjIaF avsQfvF vFg mfxn dI koisLsL krnI cfhIdI hY qF hI asIN buZfpy nUM husIn bxf skdy hF. sfnUM sdf ieh Xfd rwKxf cfhIdf hY ik mnuwKI ijLMdgI dy dwuKF-swuKF dI sfQI Aus dI afpxI aOlfd hI huMdI hY. ijs ivakqI dy afpxI aOlfd nfl PuwlF vrgy sbMD hox, Aus nUM kMzy Gwt hI vwjdy hn. jo ivakqI afpxI aOlfd nfl hr vyly KihMdy rihMdy hn, Auh afpxy leI kMizaF dI syj iqafr kr lYNdy hn aqy buZfpy dI avsQf ivwc nrk vrgI ijLMdgI bqIq krn leI mjbUr ho jFdy hn. asIN awj Auh nhIN rhy, ijs qrHF dy kdy hoieaf krdy sI. ijMnI BIV pihlF sfzy nfl iekwTI huMdI sI, EnI hux nhIN iekwTI ho skdI. sfzy bwcy awj bwcy nhIN rhy. nvyN bdldy jLmfny dy anusfr cwlx leI bwicaF dI smrwQf aqy smJ sfzy nfloN ikqy ijLafdf hY. KfhmKfh AunHF dy kMmF ivwc dKl nhIN dyxf cfhIdf. bjLurgF dI ijLMdgI qF BfPL Cwzdy cOlF dI qrHF ikirafsLIl hoxI cfhIdI hY. AunHF nUM bwicaF dI soc dy hfxI bxn dI loV hY, afpxIaF AuplwbDIaF df iZMzorf ipwtx dI bjfie, bwicaF dIaF AuplwbDIaF ‘qy KusL huMdy hoey AunHF nUM hor AuqsLfihq krn dI loV hY. suKI buZfpf jIvn leI bjLurgF nUM rUM, mombwqI aqy sUeI-Dfgy vFg ivcrdy hoey afpxy bolF nfl horF nUM mfnisk skMUn dyx leI sdf XqnsLIl rihxf cfhIdf hY. rUM vFg irsLiqaF ivwc afeIaF drfVF nUM kwjdy hoey, sUeI vFg irsLiqaF nUM joVn leI qqpr. ichry ‘qy BfvyN JurVIaF pY jfx pr afpxy idl-idmfg ‘qy kdy vI JurVIaF nf pYx idE. kdy-kdy afpxIaF XfdF dI ptfrI KolH ky KusLI vfly mOikaF nUM Xfd krdy hoey afnMidq hoxf cfhIdf hY. kihMdy hn ik ivhlf mn sLYqfn df Gr huMdf hY, Auh quhfzI soc nUM nfkfrfqmk idsLf vwl hI lY jfx dI koisLsL krygf. ies leI, asIN ivhly smyN ivwc Gr dy Coty-moty kMm krky, sYr krn dI afdq pf ky, sfihq pVH ky, afpxy poqry-poqrIaF nfl smF ibqf ky, afpxy vrgy hor bjLurg sfQIaF dI sMgq krky, ijMdgI dI ies sLfm nUM KLusLnumf bxf ky buZfpy df ibnF KOPL mjLf lYNdy hoey ies nUM sugMiDq kr skdy hF.
The Patrika
Public Accounts confirm 2015-16 balanced budget
s the province leading Canada in economic growth, British Columbia produced a balanced 2015-16 budget while making record levels of investment in core services like healthcare and education, Finance Minister Michael de Jong announced today with the release of the 2015-16 Public Accounts.
British Columbia ended the 2015-16 fiscal year with a surplus of $730 million. Compared to 2014-15, government committed an additional $2.4 billion to core services like health, education and the natural resource sectors. Revenues increased by $1.5 billion or 3.2% compared to the previous year, mainly due to taxation revenue. Stronger revenues, improved economic growth, and prudent fiscal management allowed government to increase spending by $2.4 billion (5.5%) over last year to support priority programs and services, while still maintaining a balanced budget. Compared to last year: $833 million increase in health care spending.
Friday, July 29th, 2016
$385 million increase in education Government also made important investments in spending. capital infrastructure, with $259 million increase in social services spending on hospitals, spending, including for child, youth schools, post-secondary and community living, and the exten- facilities, transit and roads sion of the BC Early Childhood Tax totalling $3.5 billion in Credit. 2015-16. Self-supported Natural resource and economic devel- infrastructure spending opment spending, which also includes on electrical generation, direct fire, forest revitalization, flood transmission and distrimitigation and film tax credits, in- bution projects, the Port Mann Bridge and other creased $371 million. capital assets totalled $2.5 billion. The All other sectors increased by $589 list of projects includes $918 million to upgrade B.C.’s transportation network, million. $1.2 billion to build, upgrade and Improvements in provincial revenues modernize K-12 and post-secondary came in part from increased taxation schools and $924 million spent on revenue of health facilities. $1.2 billion and a $368 million increase Provincial government direct operating in contributions from the federal gov- debt was reduced by $1.2 billion comernment. Personal income tax revenue pared to 2014-15 levels and is forecast increased by $304 million or 3.8%. to decline to $2.7 billion by 2018-19, a Other revenue increases included low point not seen since 1984-85. Taxcorporate income tax (5.8%), provin- payer-supported debt-to-GDP – a key cial sales tax (3.3%) and the property measure of affordability – declined to transfer tax (43.9% or $468 million) 17.4% from last year’s ratio of 17.5%, in line with the Budget 2015 forecast. compared to 2014-15.
Total provincial debt, calculated by combining taxpayer-supported debt and self-supported debt, increased by $2.4 billion or $418 million less than forecast at budget. Of this total, $1.5 billion was self-supported debt. Preliminary GDP growth numbers show the British Columbia economy grew by an estimated 3% in 2015, more than triple the national average and an improvement on 2014’s growth rate of 2.6%. Unemployment for 2015 was 6.2%, a 0.1% increase over 2014 but lower than the national average of 6.9%.
Friday, July 29th, 2016
The Patrika
sLhId AUDm isMG iswKF dI kMbo brfdrI dy BUsLx sR AUDm isMG df jnm 26 dsMbr, 1899 eI nMU pitaflf irafsq dy msLhUr ksby sunfm ivc ipqf cUhV dy Gr mfqf nrfiexI dI kwuKoN hoieaf. aMimRq Ckx qoN bfad ienHF dy nfm tihl isMG aqy hrnfm kOr rwKy gey. 1903 ivwc mfqf hrnfm kOr cVHfeI kr geI. Gr ivc aMqF dI grIbI sI. tihl isMG dohF bwicaF nMU nfl lY ky gurF dI ngrI aMimRqsr af igaf, ijwQy kuJ idn bImfr rih ky Auh vI cVHfeI kr igaf. rih gey dovyN anfQ bwcy AUDm isMG aqy sfDU isMG. sunfm df iek rfgI, cYNcl isMG drbfr sfihb kIrqn kiraf krdf sI. Aus ny afpxy ipMz dy ienHF dohF BrfvF nMU cIP Kflsf dIvfn vloN clfey jf rhy sYNtrl Kflsf XqImKLfnf, jo lhOr nMU jfx vflI sVk ‘qy puqlIGr dy kol siQq hY, 24 akqUbr 1907 nMU afpxy asr rsUK nfl dfKl krf ilaf. sMn 1913 nMU AUDm isMG df vwzf Brf sfDU isMG vI cVHfeI kr igaf. AUDm isMG ny XqImKLfny rihMidaF 1917 eI nMU dsvIN pfs kIqI. ieh Auh smF sI jdoN pihlI aflmI jMg lwgI hoeI sI. aMgryjL srkfr afpxIaF bsqIaF ‘coN DVf-DVf BrqI kr ky afiQk qMgIaF qursLIaF ivc psINdy lokF nMU blI dy bwkry bxf rhI sI. AudoN AUDm isMG vI POj ivwc BrqI ho igaf qy ies nMU bsry Byijaf igaf. iek sfl POj dI nOkrI kr ky ies
vfps af igaf. ieh ajy aMimRqsr hI sI jdoN ies dIaF awKF sfhmxy jilHaFvfly bfg df sfkf vriqaf. ihMdosqfnIaF ny pihly sMsfr XuwD ivc idl KolH ky aMgryjF dI mdd kIqI, ies afs ‘qy ik jM g ijw q x qo N bfad sfnUM afjLfdI iml jfey g I. jM g aM g ry j L F ijw q leI aqy ihMd os qfnIaF nMU qohPf idwqf rOlt aYkt df, ies df mqlb sI ik srkfr bgYr iksy mukwdmy dy iksy vI jylH ivwc suwt skdI sI. koeI apIl dlIl nhIN, ijvyN awj ihMdosqfn ivwc aYn aYs ey aYkt aDIn srkfr ijs nMU cfhy, jylH ivc suwt skdI hY. rlot aYkt ivruwD pUry dysL ivwc roh df jvflf BVk AuWTI. QF- QF ‘qy hVqflF, mIitMgF qy ros- mujLfhry hox lwgy. dysLvfsI ies nMU kflf kfnMUn kih ky vfps lYx leI aMgryj srkfr ‘qy jLor pfAux lwgy. 30 mfrc 1919 eI nMU sRI aMimRqsr ivwc mukMml hVqfl hoeI. ‘pfVo qy rfj kro’ dI nIqI dI DfrnI aMgryjL srkfr iqlimlf AuWTI. sLihr dy do vwzy lIzrF sYP Aud dIn ikcUl aqy sqpfl nMU zI sI ny gwlbfq krn leI afpxy Gr bulf ky igRPqfr kr
ilaf. afpxy nyqfvF dI igRPqfrI ivruwD aqy kfly kfnMUn rolt aYkt ivruwD avfjL bulMd krn leI ivsfKI vfly idn 1919 ivw c jilH a F vfly bfg ivwc jlsf rwiKaf igaf. gory jrnYl aYzvrz hYrI zfier jilHaF vfly bfg Audfly goriKaF dI pltn lf idwqI. sLfm smyN lok afpxy nyqfvF dy BfsLn sux rhy sn, qF jrnYl zfier ny purfmn lokF dy iekwT ‘qy golI clfAux df hukm dy idwqf. bfg ivwcoN bfhr afAux df ieko hI rsqf sI- ijwQoN golI af rhI sI. 379 ivafkqI mfry gey ijnHF ivwc bwcy aqy aOrqF vI sLfml sn, aqy hjLfrF hI ihMdU, iswK, muslmfn jKLmI hoey. srdfr AUDm isMG ny ieh duKFq afpxy awKIN vyiKaf aqy afpxy mnH ivwc ies df bdlf lYx leI pRx kr ilaf. ies qrHF Auh 19 sfl dI Aumr ivwc afjLfdI Gol ivwc kuwd ipaf. AUDm isMG amrIkf clf igaf, AuQy Auh gwdrI bfibaF nfl rlH ky dysL dI afjLfdI leI kMm krdf irhf. krqfr isMG srfBf aqy Bgq isMG Aus dy pRyrnf sroq sn. jdoN Auh stfktn, kYlIPornIaf ivwc sI, qF Bgq isMG df sunyhf imilaf ik kuJ hiQafr lY ky vfps pMjfb af jfEu. Auh
PAGE 31 kyvl isMG inrdosL klkqy huMdf hoieaf aMimRqsr puijaf ijwQy Auh knRMqIkfrI sfihq aqy asly smyq PwiVHaf igaf. 30 agwsq 1927 nMU Aus dy iKlfP kys drj kIqf igaf, aMimRqsr dy sYsLn jwj ny Aus nMU 5 sfl dI sjf kfied kr idwqI. irhf ho ky AUDm isMG 20 mfrc 1933 nMU lMzn puijaf. hux Aus df iewko iek insLfnf Ezvfier nMU mfrnf sI. Aus ny muhMmd isMG ajLfd dy nf ‘qy pfsport bxvf ky ieMglYNz puijaf sI. AUDm isMG 31 mfrc 1940 nMU ieMzIaf hfAUs igaf, ijwQoN Aus nMU pqf lwgf ik awj iqMn vjy, kYksn hfl ivwKy mfeIkl Ezvfier ny ihMdoqsfn aqy Kfs krky pMjfb Aupr lYkcr dyxy hn. AUDm isMG psqOl lY ky AuQy phuMc igaf, pMjfb df sfbkf gvrnr sr mfeIkl Ezvfier pMjfb bfry jihr Augl irhf sI aqy kih irhf sI ik ihMdosqfnI golI dI bolI hI smJdy hn, qF AUDm isMG ny awgy ho ik Aus dI CfqI ivwc golIaF mfrky Aus df kIrqn sohlf piVHaf. AUDm isMG sFq icwq KVHf irhf aqy kihx lwigaf, mYN jo kuJ krnf sI, mYN kr cuwikaf, mYN jilHaF vfly bfg dy KUnI sfky df bdlf lY ilaf hY, myrI iksy nfl dusLmxI nhIN, AUDm isMG nMU igRPqfr kr ilaf igaf aqy mukwdmf clf ky PFsI dI sjLf suxfeI geI. bhfdr AUDm isMG AurP mhMmd isMG nMU 31 julfeI 1940 ivwc PFsI cVHf idwqf igaf.
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
brqfnvI sLfhI joVy dI PyrI bfry pRImIar df ibafn
aYbtsPorz ivKy golI imQ ky clfeI geI –puils aiDkfrI
lYNglI dI itRintI vYstrn XUnIvristI nUM kfnUMnI ijwq imlI
bI sI dI mfnXog pRImIar ikRstI klfrk ny brqfnvI joVy dI PyrI bfry ikhf: “ ibRitsL colMbIaf nUM ieh jfx ky KLusLI hoeI hY ik kYNibRj dy izAUk aqy AuMnHF dI pqnI ny afAUNdI pqJV dOrfn bI sI ivc afAux df mn bxfieaf hY| EilMipks, ivmn vrlz kwp, aYkspo 86 aqy hor aMarrfsLtrI smfrohF vFg sLfhI joVy dI bI sI ivclI PyrI vI aflmI iKwc df kyNdr bxygI aqy sUby dI gOrvmeI byjoV sMudrqf qoN lY ky vD Puwl rhy BfeIcfiraF dI vMn-suvMnqf df pRdrsLn hovygf| sLfhI joVy dI PyrI dy vyrvy AuMnHF dI afmd qoN pihlF nsLr kIqy jfxgy|
aYbtsPorz puils dy lok sMprk aPsr ieafn mYkzfnlz df kihxf hY ik 23 julfeI svyry nUM irhfiesLI ielfky ivc clfeI geI golI iksy nUM insLfnf bxf ky clfeI pRqIq huMdI hY| ApulbD sMkyqF qoN iehI pqf lgdf hY ik ieh Gtnf gYNg-sMbiDq hY| ies golI nfl gMBIr rUp ivc jLKmI hoey 23 sflf ivakqI qoN hor puwC-igwC kIqI jf rhI hY | ieh ivakqI afpxI aYs XU vI clf irhf jdoN ies nUM irhfiesLI ielfkydy cOk ivc roikaf igaf aqy ies nUM keIgolIaF mfrIaF geIaF| AudoN rfq dy 2ku vjy df smF sI| jdoN Aus ny AuwQoN bcx leI afpxI gwzI BjfAux df Xqn kIqf qF Auh jozI gfrny dy lfn ivc jf viVaf| aYbtsPorz ivc pihlF vI aijhIaF keI GtnfvF ho cuwkIaF hn ijMnHF qoN aFZIaF guaFZIaF nUM prysLfnI df sfhmxf krnf pYNdf hY|
novf skfsLIaf bYirstjLlfa susfietI ny 2014 ivc lYNglI dI itRintI vYstrn XUnIvristI nUM mfnq dyx qoN ies krky nFh kIqI sI ikAuNik ieh XUnIvristI afpxy ividafrQIaF qoN ieh hlP lYNdI sI ik Auh smilMgI ivafh nhIN krngy| ies XUnIvristI dy pRbMDkF dI dlIlL ieh sI ik smilMgI ivafh eIsfeIaq dy Ault hY| hux novf skosLIaf dI Aucqwm adflq ny PYslf kIqf hY ik itRintI vYstrn XUnIvristI dygRYjUeyt novf skosLI ivc vkflq kr skxgy| ies qrF vYstrn XUnIvristI nUMkfnUMnI ijwq pRfpq hoeI hY ijs nUM ies XUnIvristI dy bulfry ny Drm aqy jLmIrdI ijwq afiKaf hY| Xfd rhy ik novf skosLIaf bYirstjL susfietI ny AUprokq hlPnfmy nUM cfrtr aOP rfeIts dI AulMGxf krfr idMidaF ikhf sI ik XUnIvristI afpxy ividafrQIaF nUM iek ivsLysL sFcy ivc Zly jfx leI mjbUr krdI hY | iesy krky Aus ny ies dy ividafrQIaF nUM vkIl vjoN mfnqf dyx qoN ienkfr kIqf sI|
bI sI ny srysLt ivafkqI snmfny 26 julfeI nUM ivktorIaf ivKy gvrnmYNt hfAus ivc bI sI dy 16 coxvyN sLihrIaF df snmfn afrzr aOP ibiRtsL kolMbIaf dy ky kIqf igaf| ies mOky lYPtInYNt gvrnr jUizQ gueIcn ny ikhf,” Auwqm sLihrIaF nUM afrzr aOP ibRitsL kolMbIaf nfl snmfnx dI iprq 27 sflF qoN cflU hY| ieh Auh sLihrI hn ijMnHf ny sUby dI byhqrI leI aduwqI Xogdfn pfieaf hY| mYN ieMnHF sfiraF nUM hfridk vDfeI idMdI hF aqy bI sI nUM ishqmMd, KusLhfl sUbf bxfAux ihq kIqy afpxy XqnF nfl hornF nUM cMg sLihrI bxn dI pRyrnf idwqI hY| bI sI dI qfkq ies dy sLihrI hn – Auh sLihrI ijhVy afpxI pRiqBf sUby nUM vDIaf bxfAux ihq vrqdy hn| iesy krky aijhy sLihrI Auwcqm snmfn dy hwkdfr hn|”
aYbtsPorz ivc aYgrIPyar 29,30 aqy 31 julfeI nUM aYbtsPorz dI numfiesLI pfrk ivc aYgrIPyar lwg irhf hY | ies dI dfKlf PIs hovygI $21 bflgF leI aqy $10 hovygI ividafrQIaF, sInIarjL aqy 10 sfl qoN Coty bwicaF leI| zfiepr, vfeIpr, aqy pfxI muPq imlygf| vwK vwK mnorMjk pRogrfm df afXojn kIqf jfvygf ijMnHF ivc jfdUgrI, msKrI zRwm bYNz, GoV svfrI afid dy anMddfiek sLoa vyKy jf skxgy| iesqoN ielfvf motr sLoa vI hoxgy| pRbMDkF df kihxf hY ik ies vfr ieh mylf iqMn idnF df hI hovygf ikAuNik ipCly sfl dy cfr idnF dy myly ivc $51,000 df Gftf irhf sI | aijhy Gfty qoN bcx leI mylf iqMn idnF df kIqf jf irhf hY |
82 sflf aOrq rih rhI hY kfr ‘c sIsLYlt, bI sI dI 82 sflf zoirs aYNQoisjL df kihxf hY ik Aus leI $1300 dI pYnsLn nfl gujLfrf krnf musiLkl ho irhf hY| ies krky Auh kfr ivc rihx leI mjbUr hY| Aus df kihxf hY ik Aus nUM ieMj mihsUs ho irhf hY ik ijvyN iek iensfndyqOr ‘qy Aus dI koeI hYsIaq nhIN| “ jy mYN ikrfey ‘qy rihMdI hF qF mkfn mflk $800 pRqI mhInf mMgdy hn| bfkI $500 nfl mYN ikvyN gujLfrf krF| AuMj mYN ishqmMd blvfn aOrq hF | kfr ivc hI rih lvFgI” Xfd rhy ik rfq smyN afr sI aYm pI Aus df iDafn rKdI hY| AuMnHF df vI kihxf hY ik Auh srIrk aqy mfnisk pwKoN TIk Tfk hY pr hY mrjLI dI mflk aqy kfr ivc rih rhI hY. PAGE 32
lYNglI df iek Gr awg nfl sV ky suafh 23 jylfeI dI sLfm nUM lYNglI dI 242 stRIt df iek Gr BfrI awg dI lpyt ivc afAux nfl burI qrF sV igaf| Gr ivc rihx vfly 6 ivakqI ies awg dy syk qoN nf bc sky | AuMnHF nUM hspqfl phuMcfieaf igaf| lYNglI dy izptI Pfier cIP rs jYniknjL df kihxf hY ik ieh awg pRopyn tYNk nfl juVy iek pfeIp dy Ptx kfrx BVkI aqy iek dm PYl geI| Aus smy 9 jfxy Gr ivc sn ijMnHF ivcoN 6 ies awg nfl pRBfivq hoey| ies awg nUM buJfAux leI 8 Pfier tRwk ilaFdy gey ijMnHF krky awg nUM sVk dy pfrly tfl itMbrglP kors qwk phuMcx qoN roikaf jf sikaf nhIN qF iswty hor vI iBafnk ho skdy sn|
tRFsjYNzr lokF dI rwiKaf leI ibwl pysL
tRFsjYNzr kimAuintI dy keIsflF dy dbf mgroN srkfr ny bI sI ivDfn sBf ivc aijhy lokF dI rwiKaf df ibwl pysL kIqf hY|| ieh ibwl pysL kIqy jfx ‘qy keI tRFsjYNzr lok ies kdm dIpRsLMsfkrn ihq ivktorIaf ivc iekwTy hoey| ieMnHF ivc 13 sfl df tRU ivlsn vI hY| Aus ny ikhf,” hux ieh spwsLt hY ik sfzy nfl ivqkrf nhIN kIqfjf skdf ; ieh kdm sfzy leI ienklfb ikhf jf skdf hY| vrxnXog hY ik tRFsjYNzr Auhlok huMdy hn ijhVy jnm smyN dy afpxy ilMg/jYNzr nUM afpxI mrjLI nfl mrdfnf jF jLnfnf krfr dy skdy hn| aYnzI pI ivDfiek spYNsr cMdrf hrbrt mYtro vYnkUvr ‘c ivdysLI KrIdafrF keI sflF qoN aijhIivDfnk KulH dI hmfieq kr rhy sn| cMdr ny ikhf,” pihlF lok quhfzI prvfh nhIN krdy; iPr qoN ilaf jfvygf 15%tYks quhfzI inKydI krdy hn; iPr hmlf krdy hn aqy aMq 25 julfeI nUM bI sI ivDfn sBf ivc pysL kIqy gey nvyN quhfzI ijwq huMdI hY|” Xfd rhy ik jy ieh ibwl pfs ho igaf inXmF ivc mYtro vYnkUvr ivc Gr KRIdx vfl ivdysLIaF qF koeI aYNplfier ilMg aDfirq ivqkrf nhIN kr skygf| qoN 15% pRfprtI tRFsPr tYks ley jfx dI ivvsQf hY| ieh inXm 2 agwsq qoN lfgU ho jfxgy| ies sbMDI ivq vYst jYt ny iKlfry KMB mMqrI mfeIk zI jONg df kihxf hY ik ieMnHF inXmF df mMqv dwKxI bI sI ivc rIal aYstyt dI asmfny cVH vYst jYWt ny aYLlfn kIqf hY ik Auh 2016-17 dy afpxy rhIaF kImqF nUM TlH pfAuxf hY| ies qbdIlI mgroN jy srd ruwq dy sYizAUl ivwc keI GrylU qy kOmFqrI AuzfnF sLurU koeI ivdysLI koeI pRfprtI $2 imlIan dI KrIddf hY qF krn jf rhI hY. ieh sLizAUl akqUbr dy aKIr ivwc sLurU Aus nUM $300,000 dyxy pYxgy| ies smyN afm KrIdfr nUM hovygf. eyarlfeIn dy ies nvyN sLizAUl ivwc kuJ AuzfnF pihly $200,000 ‘qy 1%, agly $2 imlIan ‘qy 2% torFto qoN vYnkUvr, Etvf qy mONktOn, inAU brMjLivwk leI aqy ies qoN awgy 3% tYks dyxf pYNdf hY| rIalaYstyt vI sLurU kIqIaF jfxgIaF. torFto qoN rvfnf hox vflIaF hor dI vDIaFkImqF krky ipCly sfl$1[5 iblIan pRfprtI kOmFqrI AuzfnF dI mMijl imrtl bIc, aYssI, ikMgstn, tRFsPr tYks vjoN pRfpq hoey jo ies qoN pihly sfl pRfpq jmfiekf, kostf irkf, iqRindfd aYNz tobYgo, arUbf qy syNt hoey aijhYtYks nfly $450 imlIan vD sI| KjLfnf mMqrI mfritn hovygI. ies qoN ielfvf kMpnI 41 nvIaF hPqfvfrI ny ieh vI dwisaf ik ipwCy ijhy pRfpq kIqy geY aMkiVaF qoN GrylU qy kOmFqrI AuzfnF sLurU krygI ijnHF ivwc kYlonf qy pqf lgdf hY ik 10 julfeI aqy 14 julfeI ivckfr ivdysLI ipRMs jfrj, bIsI, torFto, lfs eyNjls, honolulU qy kYNkn KRIdfrF ny $1 iblIan dI pRfprtI KrIdI| vrxnXog hY qy kfbo sYn luks vrgy mYkisko dy sLihr vI sLfml hoxgy. ik gRytr vYnkUvr dy rIal aYstyt borz vwloN srkfr dy ryjfeInf qy ErlYNzo drimafn nvIN nfn stfp hPqfvfrI nvyN tYks lfAux dy kMm nUM jldI ivc cuwikaf kdm ikhf syvf vI sLurU kIqI jfvygI. isznI, inAUjLIlYNz leI swq hY| aYn zI pI vwloN vI ivdysLIaF nUM vKrfAux vfly ies vfDU AuzfnF sLUrU krky hYlIPYks qoN srivs ivwc vfDf kdm dI iqwKI aflocnf kIqI hY| kIqf jfvygf.
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
prgt , qUM prgt hI irhf! iqMn ku mhIny pihlF prgt isMG ny mwuK sMsdI skwqr dI shuM nhIN sI cwukI. AudoN N Aus nUM sucyq kridaF ikhf igaf sIprgt, qUM prgt hI irhf. Auh hMiZaf vriqaf iKzfrI sI ijhVf jfl ivwc Ps ky vI AuWz igaf. prgt isMG ny hfkI dy 313 kOmFqrI mYc Kyzy hn ijnHF ‘coN 168 mYcF ivwc BfrqI tImF dy kpqfn sI. cYNpIanjL trfPI qoN lY ky, hfkI dy ivsLv kwp, eysLIaf kwp, sYP KyzF, eyisLafeI KyzF aqy ElMipk KyzF ivwc BfrqI hfkI tIm dI kpqfnI kIqI. eysLIan afl stfrjL ielYvn df vI Auh kpqfn irhf. Bfrq df Auh ieWko-ieWk iKzfrI hY jo do ElMipks ivwc BfrqI hfkI tIm df kpqfn irhf. aYtlFtf ElMipk KyzF ivwc Auh BfrqI dl df JMzf brdfr sI. Auh arjun aYvfrzI qy rfjIv gFDI rqn aYvfrzI hY qy Aus nUM pdmsRI dI AupfDI vI imlI hoeI hY. Auh pMjfb dy Kyz ivBfg df zfierYktr vI irhf hY. KyzF dI cMgI BlI syvf krky iewk iemfndfr iKzfrI nUM suKbIr isMG bfdl ny jlMDr CfAuxI dI sIt ijwqx leI 2012 ivwc KyzF dI zfierYktrI Cuzf ky isafsq dI Kyz Kyzx leI mjbUr kIqf sI. prgt isMG dI bfl tYkilMg, zirbilMg qy pYnltI kfrnr qoN gol dfgx dI jugq df koeI joV nhIN sI. Auh Puwl bYk Kyzdf hoieaf vI afpxI gol lfeIn qoN gyNd lY ky swq-awT iKzfrIaF nUM JkfnI idMdf ivroDI iDr isr gol kr idMdf sI. hfkI dy gVH sMsfrpur dy nyVy hI ipMz imwTfpur hY ijwQy 5 mfrc 1965 nUM Aus df jnm hoieaf. 2005 ivwc Auh pulIs dI kpqfnI Cwz ky pMjfb df Kyz zfierYktr bixaf. prgt isMG dI pqnI bIbI birMdrjIq kOr pMjfb dy sfbkf spIkr qy rfjsQfn dy sfbkf gvrnr drbfrf isMG dI DI hY. Aus dy sfZU vI isafsqdfnF dy pwuqr hn. isafsI qor ‘qy Auh vjLndfr hY, pr isafsq dI zirMbilMg krnI nhIN iswiKaf. aYm[aYl[ey[ qF Auh pihly hwly hI bx
igaf pr nf Aus nUM lfry lfAuxy afey, nf TwgI TorI krnI afeI qy nf KusLfmd. mOjUdf kdrF-kImqF rihq isafsq ivwc prgt dI kI dfl glxI sI? srkfr ny aYm[aYl[ey[ bxy prgt isMG qoN Kyzf df koeI kMm nf ilaf ijs ivwc Auh mfihr sI. nf Aus dy hlky df kuJ suafiraf igaf hflFik suafrn vflf bhuq kuJ sI. Aultf ivgfVn dy afsfr bx gey. dosq imwqr imhxy mfrn lwgy, Bfa jI btyry vFg ikwQy jf Psy? agilaF nUM iPLkr hoieaf ikqy AuzfrI nf mfr jfvy? mwuK sMsdI skwqr dy ahudy df jfl suwitaf igaf. Psx vfly Ps gey, pr Auh nf Pisaf. ploisaf qF Aus ny ikhf, ‘jy kuJ krnf hY qF myry hlky df kro, ikhVf mUMh ivKfAUN mYN afpxy votrF nUM? Auh afpxy hlky dIaF mMgF vfr-vfr srkfr dy iDafn ivwc ilafAuNdf irhf. lfry lgdy rhy pr aml tldf irhf. nf Aus dy hlky dIaF musLklF hwl hoeIaF aqy nf prgt isMG sMgq drsLn dyx vfilaF df KusLfmdI bixaf. nvqyj isMG iswDU ny rfj sBf dI sIt CwzidaF Cwkf mfiraf qF prgt isMG dI zrYg Pilwk qoN zridaF agilaF ny ibnF koeI ‘kfrx dwso noits’ dyx df, XFnI ‘PfAUl’ dyx bfry hI Aus nUM pfrtI ‘coN muawql kr idwqf. AuNj cMgf hI hoieaf, Aus nUM Purr kr ky nhIN AuWzxf ipaf. hux prgt isMG dI vfrI hY ik Auh srkfr dy ‘PfAUl’ dwsy. isafsq ivwc BfvyN Aus nUM mjbUr krky ilaFdf igaf sI pr hux Aus nUM ieh Kyz KuwlH ky KyzxI cfhIdI hY. ijhVy kihMdy sI. prgt aMdrlf prgt mr igaf, AunHF nUM suK df sfh afieaf hY ik prgt ajy prgt hI hY.
pulIs qsLwdd Etvf ‘c 1 afdmI dI mOq Etvf: somflIaf qoN afey prvfsI ivakqI afbdIrmn afbdI, ijs nuM sfry bVf Bwdr pursL dwsdy sn pr ieh vI dwisaf jFdf sI ik Auh mfnisk qOr AuWqy ibmfr hY, dI Etvf puils nfl hoeI KUnI mwuTByV ivwc Aus dI mOq ho geI. EntfrIE dI spYsLl jFc XU i nt bIqy aYqvfr nUM afbdI dI hoeI igRPLqfrI dy mfmly dI jFc kr rhI hY. ies Gtnf nUM puils dI byrihmI qy isafh nsl dy lokF nfl nslI ivqkry vjoN ilaf jf irhf hY. csLmdId gvfhF anusfr puils aiDkfrIaF
ny afbdI nUM igRPqfr krn lwigaF Aus nUM vws ivwc krn leI zMzy dI vrqoN kIqI. afbdI nUM Aus iemfrq dy bfhroN igRPLqfr kIqf igaf ijwQy Auh rihMdf sI. ies sfrI vfrdfq nUM afpxy Gr dI bflkonI ivwcoN vyKx vfly zyivz Qfieny ny dwisaf ik puils aiDkfrI jdoN Aus dy nyVy jFdy sn qF Auh cIkdf sI. 37 sflf afbdIrmn nUM kfbU krn leI jdoN puils aiDkfrIaF ny Aus nUM kuwtxf sLurU kIqf qF Aus dy hwQ bMnHy hoey sn. Auh AunHF awgy Aus nUM nf mfrn dIaF arjoeIaF krdf irhf.
BgvMq mfn ktihry ‘c ikAuN? afpxy qyjL-qrfr ivaMgF nfl mMqrIaF, sMqrIaF, aiDkfrIaF aqy krmcfrIaF smyq smfj dy hr vrg dy iBRsLt lokF dI klfs lfAux vflf BgvMq mfn hux KLud ktihry ivwc iGr igaf hY. afpxI irhfiesL qoN sMsd Bvn qwk dy sPLr dI vIzIE bxf ky sosLl mIzIaf ‘qy pfAux dy dosL ivwc Aus nUM iqMn agsq qwk sMsd dy sYsLn ivwc afAux qoN rok idwqf igaf hY aqy mfmly dI pVqfl leI kmytI bxf idwqI hY. hflFik Aus ny afpxI glqI dI spIkr qoN jLubfnI aqy ilKqI muafPI vI mMg leI sI pr ieh muafPI svIkfr nhIN kIqI geI. ies mwudy nUM lY ky swqfDfrI iDr dy mYNbrF vwloN pfey rOly-rwpy kfrn dovyN sdn mulqvI krny pey. jy swqfDfrI iDr dy sMsd mYNbr BgvMq mfn dI muafPI mMgx qoN sMqusLt nhIN sn qF vI AunHF nUM sMsd dI kfrvfeI Twp krn dI QF afpxy ivcfr sMsd dI mMc ‘qy rwKxy cfhIdy sn. BgvM q mfn vw l o N kIqI geI kfrvfeI axAuWicq ho skdI hY pr swqfDfrI iDr vwloN ies nUM sMsd qy mulk dI surwiKaf nUM KLqry df mfmlf bxf ky vfvylf KVHf krn ipwCy sOVy isafsI mMqv jfp rhy hn. ies mwudy nUM ijLafdf qUl dyx df kfrn kuJ mhIinaF bfad ivDfn sBf dIaF hox vflIaF coxF jfpdIaF hn ikAuNik BgvMq mfn aqy Aus dI pfrtI ‘afp’ ny pMjfb ivwc swqfDfrI iDr leI coKIaF musLklF KVHIaF kIqIaF hoeIaF hn. sLRomxI akflI dl dI sMsd mYNbr qy mMqrI hrismrq kOr bfdl vwloN lok sBf Cwz ky rfj sBf ivwc jf ky rOlf pfAux ipwCy vI isafsI mMqv idKfeI dy irhf hY. aYWn[zI[ey[ dI socI smJI ivAuNq qihq sRImqI bfdl ny rfj sBf dI kfrvfeI ivwc ivGn pfieaf qF ik aFDrf pRdysL nUM ivsLysL kYtygrI df drjf dyx vfly ibl ‘qy ivcfr nf ho sky ikAuNik ies kfrn aYWn[zI[ey[ srkfr nUM ksUqI siQqI df sfhmxf krnf pY irhf sI. Bfjpf aqy akflI dl dy sMsd mYNbrF ny BgvMq mfn dI vIzIE dy mfmly
nUM sMsd dI surwiKaf df mwudf bxf ky ijwQy pMjfb ivwc AunHF nUM cuxOqI dy rhI ‘afp’ nUM bdnfm krn df sfDn bxfAux dI koisLsL kIqI hY, AuWQy aFDrf pRdysL nUM ivsLysL drjf idwqy jfx dy ibl nUM rukvf ky rfj sBf ivwc afpxI sLfKL vI bcf leI hY. swqfDfrI iDr aqy kFgrs vwloN sMsd aqy dysL dI surwiKaf dy pwj BgvMq mfn dy mfmly qy isafsI rotIaF sykx nUM drusq nhIN ikhf jf skdf. swqfDfrI iDr kol sMsd ivwc bhusMmqI hY qF iPr mfn ivrwuD kfrvfeI leI Aus dy mYNbrF nUM sMsd dI kfrvfeI ivwc ivGn pfAux dI kI loV sI? spwsLt hY ik mfmlf dysL jF sMsd dI surwiKaf df nhIN blik ies dy pwj sOVy isafsI ihwqF dI pUrqI df hY. AuNJ, BfrqI sMivDfn nUM pfVn vfilaF, mhwqvpUrn mwuidaF AuWqy bihs dOrfn vI sMsd ivwc sOx vfilaF aqy sMsd dI kfrvfeI Twp krn vfilaF nUM dysL dy lokF df hyj aqy mulk dI surwiKaf dI icMqf hoxI hfso-hIxI jfpdI hY. ajoky sUhIey AupgRihaF dy Xwug ivwc nf kyvl Auh sB kuJ, blik Aus qoN vwD sUcnf pihlF hI jwg-jfihr hY ijs dI BgvMq ny vIzIE bxfeI hY. BgvMq mfn dI kfrvfeI sMsd dI mirafdf BMg krn df mfmlf qF ho skdf hY pr mulk dI surwiKaf nUM jfxbwuJ ky KLqry ivwc pfAux df nhIN ikhf jf skdf.
cox vrHf hY
cox vrHf hY
pMjvyN vrHy
sLFq vI krnf hY
zUMGy ho gey pfxI nfloN
QfpVf dyxf hY
vwzf iPkr KVf hY
kuJ nvyN dosL vI mVHny ny
sMgq drsLn kridaF
kuJ nvyN lfry vI GVny ny.
pr kuJ Ehly vI rwKxy ny
votF vI igxnIaF
cox vrHf hY
cox vrHf hY
zyiraF dI PyrI ‘coN vI
cuxOqIaF vwzIaF hn
jmHF qksIm krnI
Bry pIqy lokF nUM
zFgF KFidaF nUM vI
pMQ Kqry ‘c pf ky
krnf qF hor vI bVf kuJ hY
agyqf bIjxgy Jonf aYqkIN iksfn. PAGE 33
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
iBwj geI rUh imwqrf
myG vrHy dljIq kOr dfANU
gurbcn kOr “iZwloN”
pvn “igwlF vflf”
inwkI-inwkI BUr Jry,
DrqI sfvy vsqr pihry,
aMbroN myG vrHy.
af nI ijMdy.
ipafsI DrqI mus-mus rovy,
mnUaF ivsmfdI hoieaf
aMimRq vrKf muKVf Dovy.
kysr rMg Jry.
swukI imwtI igwlI ho ky,
aMbroN myG vrHy.
bIj nUM vwl kry.
sKIE! rl-iml
aMbroN myG vrHy.
mMgl gfeIey,
svfq bUMd JrI aMbroN
sLhu imlxy df vylf hoieaf,
inwkI qUeI AugxI aMdroN
aMbr DrqI iekimk hoey,
imwtI-rMgI cuMnI lfh ky,
mhF afnMd Jry,
aMbrNI Jfq kry.
aMbroN myG vrHy.
inwkI-inwkI BUr Jry.
inwkI-inwkI BUr Jry,
hiraf vx-iqRx cfr-cuPLyry,
aMbroN myG vrHy.
sfAux mhInf idn qIaF dy, Gtf kflIaF CfeIaF.
ikx-imx, ikx-imx krdIaF
lfAux mihMdIaF mFg suafrn, nxdF qy BrjfeIaF.
kxIaF sfAux dIaF,
bfhIN cUVf nwk cu kokf, hfr hmylF pfeIaF
imlx qyry dIaF GVIaF
iBwj geI rUh imwqrf, sfAux Gtf cV afeIaF
kd vy afAux gIaF.
qyV Gwgrf lMbI kuVqI, ihwk qy lf jMjIrI.
qUM pRdysI swjxf Pyrf pfieaf eI nhIN,
igwDy dy ivwc dy dy gyVf, GuMmx vFg BMvIrI.
pr idl sfzy ny qYnUM kdy Bulfieaf eI nhIN.
buwk buwk ipwpl mihkF Cwzx, dyvy husn duhfeIaF.
hr pl swuKF mMgdf qyry ijAux dIaF,
iBwj geI rUh imwqrf, sfAux Gtf cV afeIaF.
imlx qyry dIaF
sMqo bMqo pIGF JUtx, iek iewk lwj nUM PVky.
rMg jvfnI vfly Zldy-Zl cwly,
mUMh nfl pwqy qoV ilafvx, hubkf mfrn rlky.
pr qyrIaF XfdF ibn nf sfzy kuJ pwly.
cMdrI BfdoN vwKry kIqy, sfAux vIr dy afeIaF.
bws sFB-sFBky rwKdy rIJF pfAux dIaF,
iBwj geI rUh imwqrf, sfAux Gtf cV afeIaF.
imlx qyry dIaF, ikx-imx[[[[[[[[.
hrbMs isMG mUMzI aYbtsPorz
bwlHo pfeI ho ky iekwTIaF, qIaF idwqIaF bJyV.
afs Aumr dI GtdI-GtdI Gwt cwlI,
knyzf sB nUM iKlfeI iplfeI jFdf ey.
‘iZwloN’ JwlI pfeI vwlHo, qIaF vrHy idn nUM Pyr.
pr hfly vI qwkdIaF suMny rfh vwlI.
kuJ ku nUM bhuqf rjLfeI vI jFdf ey.
cuMnI dy lV bMn hirafvl, muV GrF nUM afeIaF.
pf-pf aOsIaF kd qwk nIr vhfAux gIaF,
knyzf dysL hY phfVF pRyrIaF qy JIlF df.
iBwj geI rUh imwqrF, sfAux Gtf cV afeIaF.
imlx qyry dIaF, ikx-imx[[[[[[[[.
lMbf cOVf KyqrPl sfZy vfht mIlF df.
hwQ joVdI, qrly-imMnqF krdIaF,
dUr nyVy dysLF qoN vIjy mMgfeI jFdf ey.
pvn “igwlF idaf” kOx vy sfzf drdI af.
knyzy kfbl zfktr vI afAuNdy ny.
pr qyrIaF afdqF burIaf
iewQy pVHy ilKy vDyry BfAuNdy ny.
suK cfhuMdf eyN jy myry dosq,
KHfb ivKfAux dIaF,
koeI trwk koeI tYksI clfeI jFdf ey.
dwuK isr ‘qy pey shfrny iswK.
imlx qyry dIaF, ikx-imx, ikx-imx,
knyzf sB nuM iKlfeI iplfeI jFdf ey.
gwl kihx lwigaF iksy qfeIN,
krdIaF kxIaf sfAux dIaF.
ikho ijhf kMm imly iewQy kry hr koeI.
rwj ky Kfvy iPr vI qswlI nf hoeI.
crnjIq nOhrf lokF dI QpQpf ky sulfeI jLmIr,
ieh BwuKf iksy nUM mrn nhIN idMdf.
kuJ iswK gurdyv isMG buwtr
pihlF afp soc ivcfrnf iswK. jy cfhuMdf eyN afdr jhfn aMdr, muKoN imwTy sLbd Aucfrnf iswK. glqI kwZx lwigaF iksy dI, pIVHI afpxI Qwly sotI mfrnf iswK.
ik hux koeI jgf nf idAu ikqy.
bjLurgF qoN byrIaF quVfeI jFdf ey. bhuqf iksy nUM AuqFh cVHn nhIN idMdf. lokF AuWqy kr lwdfeI jFdf ey.
jykr cfhuMdf eyN hr koeI cMgf afKy,
huMm humf ky phuMcI bwuqF dI BIV,
kMm jMqF dy hwQIN suafrnf iswK.
jfg koeI lf iKMzf nf idAu ikqy.
iksLqF moVnIaF sB qoN kMm aOKf ey.
jykr cfhuMdf eyN ijwqxf jwg qfeIN,
duwKF df jMgl lfieaf hukmrfnF,
idn rfq idmfg qy boJ pfeI jFdf ey.
pihlF afpxy afp nUM hfrnf iswK.
PuwlF df bfg, sjf nf idAu ikqy.
knyzf sB nUM iKlfeI iplfeI jFdf ey.
jy qUM cfhuMdf eyN axK dy nfl jIxf,
jumilaF dy jfl ivc Psy lok,
kuVIaF muitafrF bVy cfa nfl knyzf afAuNdIaF ny.
qF iPr afpxy-afp nUM vfrnf iswK.
qrk dws, jfl ktf nf idAu ikqy.
jdoN mjLdUrI krnI pYNdI hY iPr pCqfAuNdIaF ny.
amIrI cfhuMdf eyN jy agly jhfn aMdr,
awg lwgI hY qF lwgI rihx idE,
hrbMs hOlI hOLlI rc jFdIaf knyzf smJfeI jFdf ey.
qF iPr “dyv” iewQy grIbI Dfrnf iswK.
buJxhfro! lwgI buJf nf idAu ikqy.
knyzf sB nUM iKlfeI iplfeI jFdf ey.
krjLf lY ky Gr bxfAuxf sOKf ey.
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
pMjfb dI axK-mhfrfxI ijMdF
bIr isMG ny sMDfvflIey nUM, bMdf Byj sunyhf iBjvf idwwqf. bdlf BfeI-BqIjy df jy lYxf, hux rwb ny myl imlf idwqf. afh icwTIaF mYnUM jo phuMcIaF ny, Qwbf Auh vI nfl phuMcf idwqf. hrcMd isMGf aqr isMG ny mflvy qoN, ‘mwuiTaF vfly’ af zyrf sI lf idwqf. psLOrf isMG qy ksLmIrf isMG dovyN, ‘mwiuTaF vfly’ ley bulf bylI. iswK rfj leI dovyN vIr kihMdy, jfnF dyxIaF asf ny lf bylI. axKI gwBrU dysL leI mrn vfly, nfl AunHF ny ley rlf bylI. hrcMd isMGf zyry vfly vI af gey, dl AunHF ny ilaf bxf bylI.. hIrf isMG nUM afx jfsUsF ny, BOrf BOrf hY Kbr pucf idwqI. kOx kOx hY zyry dy ivwc afieaf, ikMnI nPLrI hY sB igxf idwwqI. hIrf isMG ny COxIaF ivwc jf ky, hfey-bUh duhfeI ey pf idwqI. hrcMd isMG sMDFvflIey ny, mwuiTaF vfly ilaf PLOj bhf idwqI.. pMdrF hjLfr POj iPrMgIaF dI, sqluj diraf dy kMZy pfr bYTI. Zyr lfey ny Aus ny iksLqIaF dy, pul diraf qy kr iqafr bYTI. aqr isMG dI sfrI cfl ieho, Bwuly sfry Auh kIqy iekrfr bYTI. hrcMd isMGf GVI nf socxy dI, sfzI sihm ky ikAuN qlvfr bYTI.. bIr isMG ny AunHF nUM pnfh idwqI, DRoh kOm dy nfl kmfAux lwgf.
PAGE 35 hrcMd isMG bfgVI
sLyry pMjfb dy rfj df bx vYrI,
bfbf bIr isMG df AuWqr
ienUM aMgryjLF dy aDIn krfAux lwgf.
bIr isMG jI nfl ipafr boly,
mYnUM dwso kI krIey Kflsf jI,
asIN kihMdy nhIN iksy nUM afx leI.
XUnIan jYk hY Auho JulfAux lwgf.
dr nfnk df sB dy leI KwulHf,
hrcMd isMGf bdlf lYx leI,
bMdy iewko ny sB Bgvfn leI.
nfl afpdy iek slfh krnI,
sfnUM goiraF nfl lVfAux lwgf..
afpxI mrjLI nfl ny lok jFdy,
afKx lwgf Auh DImf bol bylI.
jy kho qF khIey bIr isMG nUM,
koeI khy nf iksy nUM jfx leI.
lfB isMG nUM vkIl dI KLbr hoeI,
aqr isMG df sfQ Auh Cwz dyvy.
hrcMd isMGf jfeIey ikAuN asIN,
PYr qopF dy idwqy Aus KolH bylI.
mfn-mrXfdf zyry dI kfiem rhy,
kOx afieaf qUM hukm clfx leI..
hrcMd isMGF aqr isMG smJ igaf,
sMDfvflIey nUM AuWQoN kwZ dyvy.
BfeI jI dI sLfn dy Ault jdoN,
byeImfnI dI KwulH geI pol bylI..
jF qy sfzy hvfly kr dyvy,
mMdf vkIl ny bol suxfieaf ey.
aqr isMG ny ikhf gulfb isMG nUM,
isr Ausdf hwQIN jF vwZ dyvy.
aqr isMG qoN hoieaf shfr nhIAuN,
qUM qy cMgI nhIN kIqI kfr mIaF.
hrcMd isMGf nf bihx swp af ky,
roh sux srdfr nUM afieaf ey.
DoKy nfl UqUM sfnUM swidaf ey,
bMdf sdf leI kr ieh Kwz dyvy..
mfPLI mMgIN nf bfbf bIr isMG qoN,
JUTy inkly qyry iekrfr mIaF.
hIrf isMG ny lfeIaF mgr PLOjf,
Aultf Aus ny rohb vKfieaf ey.
jo hoiegI JwlFgy asIN isr qy,
mgrmwC dy hMJU vhfa ky jI.
hrcMd isMGf sMDfvflIey ny,
qy qUM mrn leI ho iqafr mIaF.
muslmfn qy zogrf pltnF ny,
isr Aus df DOx qoN lfihaf ey..
hrcMd isMGf ieqnI gwl kihky,
Gyrf pfieaf zyry nUM af ky jI.
aYny icr nUM gulfb isMG klkwqIaf,
mIaF lfB isMG qy iemfmwudIn dovyN,
aqr isMG dy afieaf kol bylI.
idwqf Aus df isr Auqfr mIaF.. cldf
Byjy sfrI gwl smJfa ky jI. hrcMd isMGf gulfb isMG, jvfhr vI nfl imlf ky jI.. zyry vfilaF smiJaF mIq sfzy, af gey ny sfzI mdfd leI. PLOj Kflsf gurF df nfm lY ky, iqafr-br-iqafr ho hoeI Psfd leI. iswK rfj hY ijnHF qbfh kIqf, af gey AunHF nUM krn brbfd leI. hrcMd isMGf mfpf hY hr chuMdf, cMgf krIey kuJ aOlfd leI.. 7 meI 1844 eI: nUM zyry ‘qy hmlf mIaf lfB isMG ny iek vkIl apxf, aMdr zyry dy Aus iBjvfieaf ey. bfbf bIr isMG nUM jf Ausny, nfl DONs dy afK suxfieaf ey. aqr isMG nUM kro spurd sfzy, vwzy sfhb ny hukm ieh lfieaf ey. hrcMd isMGf jF Cwz jfAu Kud zyrf, qusIN bgfvqI aMdr Cupfieaf ey.. PAGE 35
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
mF-DI nUM pUl qoN bfhr kwZx AuWqy muslmfn aOrq ny nslvfd df lfieaf dosL imsIsfgf: imsIsfgf dI iewk aOrq ny dfAUd ny afiKaf ik Auh afpxf sivMm sUt dwisaf ik Aus nUM qy Aus dI DI nUM pbilk nfl nhIN ilafeI qy Aus ny ieh vI afiKaf nvyN cfeIlz bYnyiPt nfl grIbI KLqm krn dy sivMimMg pUl ivcoN bfhr inklx leI ik Dfrimk kfrnF krky Auh qYr nhIN skdI vfady pUry krFgy: trUzo afiKaf igaf. Aus ny afiKaf ik istI ikAuNik Aus smyN pUl ivwc pursL vI mOjUd Etvf: iewk sfl pihlF jsitn trUzo ny AuWqy bwicaF nfl juVI grIbI dUr krn leI stfP vwloN AunHF nfl muslmfn hox kfrn sn. pr lfeIPgfrz ny dfAUd nUM afiKaf gYitinAU, ikAUibk dy izMtI rYstorYNt ivwc sLfied hI cwuky hox. coxF dOrn ilbrlF ny ivqkrf kIqf igaf. ik jy Auh pfxI ivwc nhIN jFdI qF AunHF nUM KVHy ho ky ieh vfadf kIqf sI ik nvyN vfadf kIqf sI ik Auh 315,000 bwicaF iewQoN jfxf hovygf. ieh sux ky dfAUd dI DI cfeIlz bYnyiPt nfl Gwt afmdn vfly nUM grIbI qoN injLfq idvfAuxgy. bwicaF leI sfjIaf dfAUd afpxI 11 sflF DI ibrf rox lwgI qy Aus ny afiKaf ik Auh dovyN AuWQoN ailafs nUM bIqy sLuwkrvfr nUM imsIsfgf kYnyzIanF dI mdd hovygI. ieh Bwqy jfrI kIqy jfxgy ijhVy AunHF dy nhIN jfxgIaF. dy aYplvwuz hfeIts afAUtzor pUl ivwc bIqy bwuDvfr nUM vI Auh iesy rYstorYNt pirvfrF dI afmdn nfl juV jfxgy. lY ky geI. dfAUd ny afiKaf ik Aus dI DI do amlf mYNbrF ny sikAUirtI nUM swd ilaf ivwc KVHy sn qy AunHF 1[74 iblIan zflr swqf ivwc afAux qoN bfad PYzrl afitsm dI isLkfr hY, qy Auh pUl dy Gwt qy AunHF nUM jLbrdsqI AuWQoN kwZ idwqf qy ieh dI kYnyzf cfeIlz bYnyiPt pyamYNt vwloN aiDkfrIaF ny ihsfb lgfieaf ik pRoivMsF pfxI vfly ihwsy ivwc jdoN qYr rhI sI qF mfmlf sLihr dy aiDkfrIaF kol AuTfAux iDafn idvfieaf qy afiKaf ik ieh pYsf ivwc 284,000 bwcy, tYrotrIjL ivwc 900 Auh Aus nUM vyK rhI sI qy Ausy vyly iewk leI vI afiKaf. dfAUd ny dwisaf ik iqMn imlIan pirvfrF qwk phMuc jfvygf. bwcy qy mUlvfsIaF dy 8,000 bwicaF nUM lfeIPgfrz Aus dy kol afieaf qy Aus ny lfeIPgfrz qy Aus df iewk hor sfQI ieh AunHF afiKaf ik iewk sfl dy aMdr srkfr vfadf krdI hY ik nvyN bYnyiPt plYn grIbI qoN Cutkfrf idvfey jfx dI loV hY. afiKaf ik Aus nUM afpxI DI nfl pUl ivwc sB vyK ky hws rhy sn. Aus ny afiKaf ik ieh nslvfd nhIN qF hor kI hY. qihq 12 mhIny qwk dI adfiegI qoN bfad ienHF nvIaF adfiegIaF qihq hr sfl hoxf cfhIdf hY. 300,000 bwcy grIbI ivwc nhIN rihxgy. aOsqn pirvfr nUM 2,300 zflr imlxgy. kYnyzf nyy do drjn rfjdUq bdly trUzo ny afiKaf ik asIN ieho vfadf kIqf Cy sfl qoN Gwt Aumr dy bwicaF dy pirvfrF, sI. AunHF afiKaf ik keI grIbI ivroDI ijnHF dI afmdn 30,000 zflr qoN Gwt hY, torFto: kYnyzf ny keI mulkF ‘c qfienfq jfpfn, Gfnf, mOjLMbIk, qurkI, zYnmfrk, keI kfrkuMnf anusfr ieh aijhy mfpdMz nUM vwD qoN vwD 6,400 zflr pRqI bwcy dy afpxy rfjdUq qbdIl kr idwqy hn. ivdysL spyn qy hMgrI ivwc aihm ahuidaF ‘qy bYTy hn ijhVy iksy vI dysL ny grIbI, KLfsqOr ihsfb nfl imlxgy. mMqrI stIPn izEn ny ikhf ik ieh kdm hfeI kimsLnr, kONsl jnrl aqy rfjdUqF AunHF dI srkfr ny afpxI nvInqf qy ilMg nUM qbdIl kIqf igaf hY. PrFs ivwc nfeIs kql kFz ‘c aYzmMtn df anupfq dI pRqIbwDqf inBfAux qihq cwuky ividafrQI mfiraf igaf sUqrF muqfbk bMglOr dI nvIN kONsl jnrl hn. aYzmMtn: aYzmMtn XUnIvristI vwloN ies mfsUm ijLMdgIaF clIaF geIaF. iksy vI jYnIPr zObnI, pYrI kflzrvwuz pfiksqfn gwl dI pusLtI kIqI geI hY ik AunHF dy iewk XUnIvristI leI ies qoN vwzI duwK dI gwl ipClI kMjLrvyitv srkfr vyly dy inXukq dI hfeI kimsLnr, jYins cYirt brqfnIaf ividafrQI dI vI ipCly hPqy PrFs ivwc hor kI ho skdI hY ik Aus df hoxhfr PrFs dy zbiln dy rfjdUqF nUM Cwz ky qy AuWqrI afierlYNz dI hfeI kimsLnr hoey trwk hmly dI mOq ho geI sI. ividafrQI ajfeIN afpxI jfn gu a f bfkI sB nvyN aiDkfrI lfey gey hn. ho v y g I. zO b rfh ilEnjL (iesrfeIl), bdly gey 26 rfjdUqF ivwc 13 mihlfvF mYkYvn XUnIvristI ny iewk irlIjL ivwc bYiTaf. byjLylyvskI dy sfhmxy ajy Aus df nUM sLfml kIqf igaf hY. ienHF inXukqIaF ieafn, brnI(jfpfn); ikRs kUtr(qurkI), afiKaf ik AunHF dy 22 sflf mfeIKylo sfrf jIvn ipaf sI. ivw c bM g lO r , brqfnIaf, pfiksqfn, eymI PurUaf (zYnmfrk), mYiQAU lyivn by j L y l y v skI nF df ividafrQI vI 14 byjL ylyvskI skUl afP ibjLns ivwc sI qy afierlYNz, iesrfeIl, aPgfinsqfn, (spyn) , msUd husYn (XUeyeI) dy nvyN julfeI nUM nfeIs ivwc hoey kqlyafm ivwc Aus kol kYnyzf dy pwky vsnIk df drjf vI jOrzn, inAUX frk, ikAUb f, ko lM b Iaf, rfjdUq hoxgy. mfiraf iga. skUl ny afiKaf ik Aus dI sI pr Auh XUkrynIafeI pfsport AuWqy sPr mOq dI pusLtI PrFs dy aiDkfrIaF qy Aus kr irhf sI. Aus dy mfpy ajy vI XUkryn vpfr, ishq aqy hor mwuidaF ‘qy ivcfr krn leI muK dy pirvfr vwloN bIqy mMglvfr dyr rfq ivwc rihMdy hn pr Aus df Brf qy BfbI kIqI geI. mMqrIaF dI hoeI mIitMg aYzmMtn ivwc rihMdy hn. Auh XUrpIan skU l dy pR Y j L I zY N t zy i vz aY t ikM s n ny ienovysLn akYzmI vwloN krvfey gey tryinMg vfeHIthOrs: kYnyzf dy pRoivMisjL qy tYrytrIjL srkfr drimafn jld hI tryz smJoqf iewk ibafn ivwc afiKaf ik nfeIs ivwc pRogrfm ivwc ihwsf lYx leI afpxy sfQI dysL dI hwd ivwc rih ky mukq vpfr krn hox dI sMBfvnf hY. ijhVf kqlyafm hoieaf hY Aus dI asIN ividafrQIaF qy amlf mYNbrF nfl PrFs leI vcnbwD hn. ieh kihxf hY ik XUkon pfsloskI ny afiKaf ik asIN koeI krfr inKyDI krdy hF. ies Gtnf ivwc keI qy sLihr nfeIs igaf sI. dI pRImIar zYryl pfsloskI df, ijnHF ieh cfhuMdy hF qy ieh XkInI bxfAuxf cfhuMdy hF trUzo vwloN sfry ivBfgF ‘c ilMg qy gwl vfeHIthOrs ivwc iekwTy hoey pRoivMsLIal ik jdoN asIN vpfr krIey qF hor aiVwky nf qy tYrytorIal afgUaF sfhmxy afKI. BfeIcfrk ieksfrqf ‘qy jLor pYx qy Aus qrHF dy hI inXm hox ijvyN hornF vYnkUvr: kYnyzf dy pRDfn mMqrI jsitn idnF ‘c ienHF ‘coN keI adflqI kursIaF pfsloskI ny afiKaf ik sfry afgU mukq dysLF nfl mukq vpfr smJOqy qihq huMdy trUzo vwloN srkfrI ahuidaF qy nOkrIaF ‘c ‘qy ibrfjmfn hoxgy., ies cox ivwc aOrqF vpfr smJOqy AuWqy iDafn kyNdirq kr rhy hn. vfeHIthfAUs ivwc aYboirjnl afgUaF ilMg qy BfeIcfrk ivqkrf dUr krn dI loV nUM vI brfbr qrjIh idwqI jFdI hY. pRDfn hn ijhVf pRoivMsF qy tYrytrIjL nUM iewk dUjy nfl mIitMg bwuDvfr qy vIrvfr dy nfl-nfl ‘qy jLor idwqf jf irhf hY. Auh inaFpfilkf mMqrI vwloN cox vfaidaF muqfibk mMqrI nfl kfrobfr krn dI KwulH dyvygf. ieh suLwkrvfr nUM vI jfrI rhygI. smyq sfry ivBfgF ‘c iksy KLfs BfeIcfry jF mMzl ‘c vI sfry vrgF smyq aOrqF df TIk Ausy qrHF hI hY ijvyN kYnyzf hornF dysLF pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo ienHF mIitMgF mrdF dI ajLfrydfrI KLqm krky ieksfrqf ilafAux leI Xqn kr rhy hn. inaF anupfq brfbr rwiKaf jf irhf hY. rwiKaf nfl mukq vpfr krdf hY. kfAuNsl afPL ivwc ihwsf nhIN lY rhy hn. pr pRImIarjL ivBfg vwloN iswK qy cInI BfeIcfry ‘coN mMqrI hrjIq isMG swjx pihlF hI sMkyq PYzrysLn, ijhVf kYnyzf dy ds pRoivMsF qy vwloN hYlQ kyar, vfqfvrx ivc hox vflIaF pRmwuK kfnUMndfnF dIaF bxfeIaF jf rhIaF dy cwuky hn ik rwiKaf ivBfg ‘c bIbIaF dI iqMn tYrytrIjL dI numfieMdgI krdI hY, dI qbdIlIaF, pYnsLn suDfr aqy vpfr bfry sUcIaF ies gwl df sMkyq hn ik agly igxqI vDfeI jfeygI. mIitMg dOrfn pRoivMsF, tYrytrIjL qy PYzrl gwl kIqI hoeygI. PAGE 36
Friday, July 29th, 2016
The Patrika
bwicaF dI ihPfjLq vfsqy suprIm kort vwloN 'tP aOn krfeIm' kYnyzf df iewk klXugI ipqf afpxI Aus inwkI ijhI bwcI nfl lMby smyN qwk kukrm krdf irhf sI jo hfly skUl jfx dI Aumr dI vI nhIN sI hoeI. 2008 qoN 2011 drimafn ieh hYvfn lgfqfr afpxI DI nUM afpxIaF koJIaF hrkqF df isLkfr bxfAudf irhf. aYnf hI nhIN sgoN Auh afpxI bwcI nfl kIqy kukrmF dIaF vIzIE ieMtrnYWt rfhIN vYWb AuWqy vI pfAux dI gusqfKI krdf sI. 38 sflf ies jflm ipqf nUM 2013 ivwc adflq ny 9 sfl dI sjLf suxfeI aqy hukm kIqf ik Aus nUM agly 7 sfl qwk ieMtrnYWt vrqx dI afigaf nhIN hovygI ikAuNik KLqrf hY ik Auh ieMtrnYWt nUM bwicaF df sosLx krn leI vrq skdf hY. ies kys ivwc nfbflg bwcf sLfml hox krky ipqf df nfm nsLr
nhIN sI kIqf jf skdf lyikn Aus nUM ‘ky afr jy’ krky aYkt qihq sjLf idwqI geI Auh qF jurm hox vyly hoNd jfixaf jFdf hY. ivwc hI nhIN sI afieaf. kYnyzf ivwc aijhf ieiqhfs vyKx nUM nhIN imldf ik juLrm hox qoN bfad bxy knUMn qihq adflq ny ky afr jy nUM ieMtrnYWt vrqx dI afigaf AuWqy ipClIaF GtnfvF leI sjLf idwqI jfvy. rok kMjLrvyitv srkfr vwloN mfrc 2012 ivwc pfs kIqy syP aYz kimAUintIjL aYkt qihq lfeI sI. ieh AuhI ibwl kYnyzf dI suprIm kort ny ‘tP aOn krfeIm’ stYNz lYNdy sI ijs nUM torI ‘tPL aOn krfeIm’ krky prcfrdy rhy sn hoey PYslf idwqf ik ieMtrnYWt dy ies nfjLuk dOr ivc bwicaF aqy ivroDI pfrtIaF torIaF nUM byloVIaF sKLqfeIaF lfgU nUM surwiKaq rwKx leI jurm qoN bfad ivwc bxy kfnUMn krn vflf grdfnky kosdy rhy. qihq sjLf dyxf jfiejL hY. suprIm kort ny ieh vI ikhf ik ieMtrnYWt vrqoN AuWqy lfeI pfbMdI ies hwd qwk jfiejL ky afr jy AuWqy leI ieMtrnYWt dI pfbMdI nUM suuprIm kort hY ik dosLI ieh dfavf nhIN kr skdf ik kYnyzf dy cfrtr qwk ies afDfr AuWqy cuxOqI idwqI geI ik ky afr jy vwloN afP refits aYNz PrIzm aDIn imlx vfly Ausdy hwkF kIqy jurm 2008 qoN 2011 drimafn vfpry jdoNik ijs dI AulMGxf hoeI hY. suBfivk hY ik suprIm kort dy ies PYsly df cfry pfsy suafgq ho irhf hY. mfxXog adflq dy afpxy sLbdF anusfr ieMtrnYWt qoN bwicaF nUM ijs pwDr df KLqrf pY cwukf hY, Aus nfl iswJx vfsqy sKLq kdm cuwky jfxy jLrUrI hn. qyjL rPqfr nfl qknflojI ivwc ho rhy bdlfvF ny sfzy smfjk ZFcy ivwc aYsIaF qbdIlIaF kr idwqIaF hn ik hux jurm hox dIaF sMBfvnfvF nUM smJxf aYnf sOKf nhIN irhf hY. drasl ivwc suprIm kort ny ipClI torI srkfr dI ies gwloN iewk iksm nfl sLlfGf kIqI hY ik Ausny sfzy bwicaF nUM drpysL Kqry dy snmuK sKLq kfnUMn ilafAux df AuWdm kIqf sI. ilbrl srkfr qoN afs sI ik swqf ivwc afAux qoN bfad Auh krfeIm bfry afpxy eyjMzy nUM lfgU krn leI kdm cwukygI. qkrIbn 9 mhIny bIq jfx dy bfvjUd hfly qwk prcfry gey iksy vI muwdy AuWqy ilbrlF kuJ nhIN kIqf igaf hY. Gwto-Gwt sjLfvF, pYrol, mYrIAuafnf afid ikMny hI mwudy sn ijhnF AuWqy ilbrl srkfr ny jorF sLorF nfl kMm krnf sI lyikn iksy gqIivDI df koeI AuWG suwG nhIN inkl rhI hY. pfrlImYNt df iewk kMm cMgyry kfnUMn bxfAuxf huMdf hY ijs vwl srkfr nUM iDafn dyx dI loV hY, jykr pbilk vfsqy nhIN qF afpxy kIqy vfaidaF vfsqy hI shI.
KMz imsLrI mdn vIr moh ‘c ipGl ky
pqfsy lwgdy ny.
rUp qk iBwj ky
imrg Cfl
iksy ny Aus nUM
mfnv jfmy
KMz imsLrI ikhf
psLUaF vrgI
qF Auh ijLMdgI
jUn hMZfAuxI
dI sfrI qlKI
jy ipCly krmF df
sfrf jLihr
Pl hY
iek sfr nfl
qF iPr
zIk geI
agly jnm df lfrf
hux Auhdy
lokF nfl inrf DoKf hY
ivhVy ‘c inMm nUM
imrg iqRsLnf
nmolIaF nhIN
imrg Cl hY. PAGE 37
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
Actor Abhay Deol says that his 'Happy Bhag Jayegi' co-star Diana Penty is a natural comic, but unaware of it. "Comedy is all about timing. I think comedy is such that if it's there in you and if you're automatically comical, then it comes very naturally. "In that sense, comedy is very easy if you're a natural comic. But if you're not, then it can be tougher than drama," "The good thing with Diana is that she doesn't think much... She just reacts. So I think she is a natural comic, but she is not aware of it. And that was fun” said Abhay Deol. "If I would do
something, she would respond accordingly. That's very important in comedy... That your actors also get each other’ he added. Diana herself says "Comedy is really very difficult and I'm not a natural. But I think it also has to do with the way it's scripted. "I give full credit to Mudassar (director Mudassar Aziz) because he really nailed the script in terms of the dialogues and the comic timing. And you have a cast where you put all these boys together... So it automatically just becomes funny. So I didn't have that much to do."
Actress Vidya Balan , who has portrayed Bengali character in films like ‘Parineeta’, ‘Kahaani’ and ‘TE3N’, feels she might have had a connection with Bengal in her previous life. Vidya is currently shooting for ‘Begum Jaan’ in Patjor on the West Bengal-Jharkhand border. “I think I was a Bengali in my last birth,” Vidya said in a statement. Vidya who hails from Kerala and was also honoured with the Pride of Kerala Award but she made her film debut in a Bengali film ‘Bhalo Theko’.
Sometimes I feel vulnerable : Alia Actress Alia Bhatt says she is not an insecure person, but there are times when she feels very vulnerable. The 23year old is not a stranger to the world of cinema and understand that there is a feeling of insecurity in the world of glitz and glamour. When Alia was asked about the insecurities that a star has, "I think various things like insecurities of feeling the pressure to perform with each film, the pressure for the film to perform well at the box office, which makes you little wary of the position that you are in, the questions that are always thrown at you that you might not have the answer to, but you are expected to have." "So all those things land (one) up in feeling a bit vulnerable and insecure in any
place." She also says she reaches out for family support when she feels vulnerable. She said: "I am not a very insecure person, but yes there are times when you feel very vulnerable and I think the only way to deal with it is with the support from your family and friends. Somewhere within yourself, you have to find a place where you are very happy and very peaceful." "Then, I think you have to enjoy your work... that is the way I look at it." She adds "I am a serious worker, but I don't take myself seriously. And I think that is the best way to do things. Because the day you start taking yourself way too seriously, then there are too many box of questions that will open up for yourself."
IT'S TIME FOR WOMEN TOSPEAK AGAINST INJUSTICE : SONAKSHI Actress Sonakshi Sinha says it’s time for woman to raise their voice against injustice the woman face. "We are used to keeping mum about injustice, be it in the office or public transport. We ignore the injustice faced by women," she said. Sonakshi Sinha has always been vocal on her thoughts for woman empowerment and feminism "If you won't speak up today, you will never be able to speak. You are stronger than you think you are. It is time to speak up," Sonakshi said in a statement.
I want to be in Chennai to see the Rajinikanth craze : Radhika Radhika Apte is one of the few lucky actors who have had the rare opportunity of working with legendary superstar Rajinikanth. She even admitted that she had accepted 'Kabali' simply because it was a Rajinikanth film. “To be honest I'd not even dreamt of it, but I also knew from the first phone call that even though it's a commercial film, it was a contentdriven one and I had a role that had substance. I wasn't just there to sing songs. I also like writerdirector Pa Ranjith's sensibilities," she reveals. She met the renowned actor for the first time during a photo shoot. Rajinikanth was in his vanity van and Radhika Apte asked the manager if she could meet him. When she reached his van he was waiting outside to receive her. "It was a great gesture. We chatted...Random conversation,
we chilled right from first connect. He spoke to me in Marathi on the first day of the shoot," she reminisces with a smile. She recalls Rajinikanth to be warm, very professional, a down-to-earth man. "He speaks to you as if you're his equal so there's no pressure and you don't feel stressed," she explains. She says she was mesmerized to see fans throng the sets out all day and scream every time they spotted him. "He would acknowledge them with a smile and a wave and I would absorb the fan worship.
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
jyT (ibRK) sMkRFqI
joiqS, Eqy Eqy 604-751-0220 kro
myK-mnobl kmjLor rhy, Dn-Kfny ivwc bRihspq afriQk-siQqI mjLbUq kry, imwqr-bMDU df suwK imly, sMpdf-lfB, sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf, mfn asLFq, kfrobfr TIk. julfeI 16, 17, 24, 25; agsq 2, 3, 12, 13 asLuwB hn.
You are on the verge of a whole new world when it comes to developing your own potentials. Over the next 18 months you need to realise what you truly believe in about yourself. This has to be in place first before there can be any possibility of ultimate accomplishment. To begin with now, think about what needs to go.
Don’t ignore thoughts that lean more towards scaling down on situations that impede your independence. You are likely to be challenged. You should not hold back on stating your case or the position you want to take. This is the only way you can succeed in getting someone else to move on and leave you to your choices.
ibRK-ishq kmjLor hovy. afriQk hflfq kmjLor. injI-jnF nUM ksLt. sLnI-mMgl ksLt-kfrk hn, KUn dI KrfbI aqy vfXU-rog, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, axjfxy dusLmx qoN sfvDfn, iesqrIksLt. julfeI 18, 19, 27, 28; agsq 4, 5, 14, 15 asLuwB hn.
imQn-ishq kmjLor, afmdn-Krc brfbr, imwqr-bMDU nUM ksLt, Dn-hfnI, ihMmq ‘c vfDf, sMqfn-pwK suwLB, dusLmx aqy ibmfrI df zr, iesqrI-pwK qoN hfnI. julfeI 20, 21, 29, 30; agsq 7, 8 asLuwB hn.
krk-ishq TIk, GrylU JgVy, mfnisk ksLt, iesqrI-pwK qoN lfB, imwqr-bMDU df sihXog imly, nyqr-ksLt, sMqfn bfry icMqf, sMpdf-lfB, acfnk Krc. julfeI 22, 23, 31; agsq 1, 9, 10, 11 asLuwB hn.
isMG-guwsy ‘c vfDf, mfnisk prysLfnI, Dn-lfB, pirvfrk JgVy sulJx, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, sMpdf-suwK, iesqrI-ksLt, sLnI-mMgl df dfn kro. julfeI 16, 17, 24, 25; agsq 2, 3, 12, 13 asLuwB hn.
kMinaf-ishq TIk pr mfnisk ksLt rhy. afmdn nfloN Krc ijLafdf, awKF ‘c qklIP, Brf nUM ksLt, sMpdf-suwK, sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf, iesqrI-ksLt. julfeI 18, 19, 27, 28; agsq 4, 5, 14, 15 asLuwB hn.
7 qulf-ishq TIk, mn prysLfn, afriQk sMkt, GrylU JgVy, imwqr-bMDU nfl axbx, sMpqIlfB, sMqfn bfry icMqf, iesqrI-ksLt, rog-BY. julfeI 20, 21, 29, 30; agsq 7, 8 asLuwB hn.
ibRsick-pyt ‘c KrfbI, Dn-lfB, pirvfrk-suwK, kfrobfr TIk, Brf df suwK, sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf, dusLmx aqy rog df BY, iesqrI-pwK qoN suwK rhy. julfeI 22, 23, 31; agsq 1, 9, 10, 11 asLuwB hn. Dn-ishq Krfb, Dfn-lfB ho ky hfnI, bMDU-ksLt, sMpdf-hfnI, sMqfn bfry icMqf, dusLmx dby rihx, kfrobfr ivwc hfnI. julfeI 16, 17, 24, 25; agsq 2, 3, 12, 13 asLuwB hn.
10 mkr-mfnisk aqy srIrk ksLt, sLnI-mMgl df dfn kro, rfj BY, imwqr-bMDU suwK, sMqfnpwK suLwB, iesqrI aqy pirvfrk suwK, kfrobfr gVbV. julfeI 18, 19, 27, 28; agsq 4, 5, 14, 15 asLuwB hn.
11 kuMB-ishq TIk, iesqrI-ksLt, mfnisk prysLfnI, bMDU-suwK, Dn-jfiedfd df suwK, sMqfnpwK TIk, kfrobfr ivwc lfB. julfeI 20, 21, 29, 30; agsq 7, 8 asLuwB hn.
mIn-ishq TIk rhy. ibmfrI aqy dusLmx df BY, Dn-hfnI, Brf df suwK, sMpqI-lfB, sMqfnpwK sLuwB, iesqrI-suwK TIk rhy, ihMmq bxI rhy. julfeI 22, 23, 31; agsq 1, 9, 10, 11 asLuwB hn.
This is the time to be honest with yourself when it comes to what you want as your priorities and what they might seem to be right now. You have been given plenty of opportunity this year to realise the detail that would be involved. Now you have to honestly look at whether you are prepared to deal with this on a daily basis.
Whatever you are prepared to commit yourself to, particularly during the next 18 months can result in huge levels of accomplishment, if you believe yourself to be capable of such things. This will involve money, which could be earnings or it might also be investment on your part. You cannot afford to take impulsive, blind risks.
You are going through one last stage of restructure that has been off and on this year. It is important you mentally commit to the actions that need to be taken to get a good foundation in place, primarily for the next 2 years. Even so, there is very likely a longer-term goal in mind. All things are possible – first things first though.
It will not be difficult to tune into the true intentions of somebody else or what it is they really expect of you. Verbalising it though can be a different matter. Any discussion you attempt can create tension, more for you than them. This is more about proving to yourself that what you have put together in your mind is correct.
You need to stay mentally focussed on your own priorities, which will include finances in some way. Be determined to bring to an end any situation where somebody else benefits more from your input than you do, particularly where finances are involved. This won’t be easy to sort out – it will require determination.
Mars is finishing up in your sign, where it has spent a particularly long period, off and on this year. This final period to 3rd August is challenging you to think about what you will be seriously committed to over the next 2 years. There is much you can accomplish if you make sure your ultimate goal is considered on a daily basis.
Find some time to yourself away from any sort of distractions so that you can prepare yourself well for the true beginning of your new 2-year cycle that will take place in August & September, after not completely firing earlier this year. You are now in a better position to ‘tune into’ what you are capable of creating long term.
If there is anything that someone else expects that puts your own priorities under too much pressure, now is the time to nip it in the bud. The next 18 months can see the whole foundation of your life alter dramatically. You must understand that it is what you believe you are capable of that determines your circumstances.
There is likely something you need to confront with somebody else with which you feel time is slipping by – it certainly is. You have to believe in yourself in your own mind. The next 18 months is providing an opportunity that has not been present in your life before, to develop this. Take initial steps shortly and maintain persistence.
You may not like the idea that something occurring on a daily basis doesn’t seem to have an ending in sight. Connected to this may be a sense of little appreciation for the efforts you feel you put in. It could be there but it just isn’t shown. This is challenging your belief in yourself as opposed to the influence other people exert.
The Patrika
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Friday, July 29th, 2016
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The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
Brick Yard Station 17455 56 Ave. Surrey, BC 778-574-1212
Cedar Hills 12845 96 Ave. Surrey, BC 778-395-6060
Khalsa Business Centre 8388 128th St. Surrey, BC 604-507-1234
King’s Cross Shopping Centre 7488 King George Surrey, BC 604-593-5130
Mt Lehman Crossing 2871 Livingstone Ave Abbotsford, BC 604-853-1344
For a limited time, get the latest Samsung phones from $0.
For a limited time, get the latest Samsung phones from $0.
Orchard Park Shopping Centre 2271 Harvey Ave. Kelowna, BC 250-762-5577
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Shops at New West 800 Carnarvon St., Unit 368 New Westminster, BC 604-553-2208
Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo
Capilano Mall 935 Marine Dr. North Vancouver, BC 604-770-2771
Samsung Galaxy S6
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The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
on a 2-year Silver Plan
on a 2-year Gold Plan
on a 2-year Platinum Plan
$4.99 Sim Card not included
ABBOTSFORD Mt Lehman Centre 604 381-3303
Limited time offer. Services available with compatible devices. One-time connection charge ($15) applies to new activations on 2-year agreements. One-time upgrade processing fee ($15) applies to hardware upgrades on 2-year agreements. Monthly 911 fees apply in: AB (44¢), NB (53¢),NL (75¢), NS (43¢), PEI (70¢), SK (62¢) and QC (40¢). Taxes extra. Other conditions apply; see for details. Offers and Member Benefits subject to change/cancellation at any time without notice. If you cancel your Commitment Period early, an Early Exit Charge will apply. Seeyour Agreement for details. Available with new activation and hardware upgrades. In Alta., B.C., O.N., A.B., M.B., S.K.: Silver plan with $45/mo spend; Gold plan with $50/mo. spend. In Alta., B.C., O.N., A.B.: Platinum plan with $80/mo. In M.B., S.K.: Platinum plan with $55/mo. spend; In Q.C.: Silver plan with $39mo spend; Gold plan with $44/mo. spend; Platinum plan with $75/mo. spend. Phones and some colours may not be available at all retailers. ALCATEL is a trademark of Alcatel-Lucent used under license by TCT Mobile Limited. Samsung is a registered trademark of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., used with permission. “LG” and the “LG logos” are registered Trademarks of LG Corp. and its affiliates. The VIRGIN trademark and family of associated marks are owned by Virgin Enterprises Limited and used under license. All other trademarks are trademarks of Virgin Mobile Canada or trademarks and property of the respective owners. © 2016 Virgin Mobile.
Friday, July 29th, 2016
The Patrika
Raise soil pH FAST with new HydroCal™ liquid lime. • • • • •
New HydroCalTM liquid lime is micronized to maximize. Special wet milling technology results in fine particle size for quick availability and increased effectiveness. Reach your target pH in weeks, not months. Safe to handle, non-caustic, and will not burn. Approved for use in organic crop production.
Contact TerraLink today at 1-800-661-4559 or visit for more information about how your crops can benefit from HydroCal.
Punjabi Patrika Hydrocal July 2016.indd 1
Data collected 2014 Onion Trial in Columbia Basin
7/26/2016 12:17:04 PM
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
nypfl ivwc swqf pirvrqn nypfl ivwc KVg pRsLfd sLrmf ElI vwloN pRDfn mMqrI dy ahudy qoN asqIPf dyx kfrn AupjI rfjsI asiQrqf brkrfr hY. BfvyN kimAUinst pfrtI afPL nypfl(mfEiest sYNtr) (sIpIaYWn-aYWmsI) dy nyqf pusLp kml dhl AurPL pRcMz dI pRDfn mMqrI dI gwdI AuWpr vfpsI hux mihjL rsm jfpdI hY, iPr vI ieh swqf pirvrqn ies ihmfilafeI mulk ivwc rfjsI siQrqf ilafAux pwKoN bhuqf inwgr nhIN jfpdf. pRcMz ies mulk dy 39vyN pRDfn mMqrI hoxgy. Auh 2008 ivwc sMivDfn sBf ‘c sB qoN vwzI pfrtI dy nyqf hox dI bdOlq pihlI vfr pRDfn mMqrI bxy sn, pr afpxI hI pfrtI ivwc bgLfvq ho jfx kfrn zyZ sfl bfad AunHF nUM asqIPf dyxf ipaf sI. hux AunHF dI swqf ‘qy vfpsI nypflI kFgrs aqy mDysI pfrtIaF dI mdd sdkf sMBv ho rhI hY. nypflI kFgrs BfvyN mfEvfdIaF dI kwtV ivroDI rhI hY, pr ElI srkfr nUM bdlx Kfiqr Aus ny sRI pRcMz df sfQ dyxf ibhqr smiJaf. pRcMz dI pfrtI pihlF sRI ElI dI agvfeI vflI srkfr dI hmfieqI sI, pr dovF dy mwqByd kfPLI smyN qoN jLwgjLfihr sn. ieh mwqByd iesy sfl meI mhIny tkrfa dI nObq qwk phuMc gey sn, pr aYn afKLrI mOky Kwby-pwKI sLkqIaF aqy
kuJ hwd qwk cIn srkfr dy dbfa kfrn pRcMz ny srkfr zygx df PLYslf acncyq bdl ilaf aqy ies qrHF ElI srkfr df bcfa ho igaf sI. ieh vwKrI gwl hY ik ieh pRbMD mihjL do mhIny cwilaf.
hyT iekjwut hn, ny vI pRcMz dI hmfieq df aYlfn kIqf hY. ies qrHF pRcMz nUM ies smyN kOmI pfrlImYNt ivwc 331 mYNbrF dI hmfieq hfsl hY jdoNik bhumq leI 298 sMsd mYNbrF dI loV huMdI hY.
nypflI sMivDfnk DfrfvF anusfr rfsLtrpqI ibidaf dyvI BMzfrI ny pfrlImYNt nuM afm sihmqI dy afDfr ‘qy swq idnF dy aMdr srkfr kfiem krn leI kih idwqf hY. afm sihmqI hoxI aOKI hY ikAuNik kOmI pfrlImYNt ivwc sRI ElI dI pfrtI- kimAUinst pfrtI afP ny p fl (XU n IPfeIz mfrkisstlYininst) (sIpIaYWn-XUaYWmaYWl), jo ik dUjI sB qoN vwzI pfrtI hY, ivroDI iDr dI BUimkf inBfAux leI idRV hY. nypflI kFgrs sB qoN vwzI rfjsI iDr hY, pr Aus ny sI[pI[aYWn (aYWmsI) dI hmfieq krn df aYlfn pihlF hI kIqf hoieaf hY. ies sbMDI dovF pfrtIaF drimafn ilKqI aihd vI ho cuwkf hY. ies aihd dy qihq pihly 9 mhIinaF leI srkfr dI agvfeI mfrksI nyqf pRcMz krygf. Aus qoN bfad pRDfn mMqrI df ahudf nypflI kFgrs dy pRDfn, sLyr bhfdr doiebf df ho jfvygf. BfrqI mUl jF Bfrq nfl lwgdy KyqrF dy lokF AuWqy afDfirq mDysI pfrtIaF, ijhVIaF hux sMXukq lokqFqirk mDysI morcy dy JMzy
sR I ElI ny afpxI Bfrq-ivro D I so c muqfibk afpxI srkfr dy pqn leI ‘bfhrI sLkqIaF’ nUM dosLI dwisaf hY. AunHF df dfavf hY ik ieh ‘bfhrI sLkqIaF’ nypfl dy Drm inrpyK sMivDfn qy ikrdfr qoN nfKusL sn aqy iesy leI ienHF ny sI[pI[aYWn(aYWmsI) nUM gMZ ky swqf pirvrqn sMBv bxf idwqf. Bfrq leI aijhy dosL nvyN nhIN. drasl, nypfl ivwc swqfsLIl hr pRDfn mMqrI iksy nf iksy mOky afpxIaF rfjsI kuMTfvF leI Bfrq nUM hI ksUrvfr dwsdf irhf hY. ieh vI ivzMbnf hY ik rfjswqf Kuwsx qoN bfad jF hor iksy sMkt smyN iehI nyqf Bfrq ivwc pnfh lYx qoN nhIN iJjkdy. pRDfn mMqrI vjoN pRcMz nUM vI Bfrq df doKI mMinaf jFdf sI, pr 2008-09 vflI afpxI srkfr dy pqn nfl juVy anuBvF aqy Aus qoN bfad hoey kusYly rfjsI qjribaF ny Aus nUM hr sMkt mOky mdd leI Bfrq vwl Jfkx dy rfh pf idwqf. ilhfjLf, Aus dy bolF dI sur hux bdlI hoeI hY aqy mDysI qy TfrU BfeIcfiraF dIaF mMgF pRqI sMvydnsLIlqf
iesy qbdIlI df hI hfisl hY. Bfrq srkfr ny nypfl nUM ipCly do sflF dOrfn 1[65 arb zflrF dI ivwqI shfieqf ivafj-rihq krijLaF dy rUp ivwc dyx df vfadf kIqf sI, pr ies ivwcoN mihjL 15 kroV zflr hI hux qwk adf kIqy gey hn. ies iksm dI ‘sjLf dyx dI ibrqI’ iqafgx dI loV hY. nirMdr modI srkfr ny ‘guaFZIaf nUM qrjIh’ dI nIqI apxfAux df vfadf kIqf sI. nypfl dy mfmly ivc ies nIqI AuWqy sucwjf aml ikAuN nhIN hoieaf, ies bfry modI srkfr nUM icMqn mMQn krn aqy vwD suhjmeI phuMc apxfAux dI loV hY. nypflI lokF df iewk vwzf vrg Bfrq nUM byloVf dfbf idKfAux vfly guaFZI vjoN dyKdf hY. ies df njLrIaf bdlx leI Bfrq nUM hmdrd dosq qy sMvydnsLIl guaFFZI vflf aks AuBfrn vwl iDafn dyxf cfhIdf hY.
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
sLok smfcfr bVHy hI duKI ihrdy nfl ieh sUcnf idwqI jFdI hY ik svrgvfsI zf alok sUd dy ipqf jI, sLRI pRfn sUd jI 25 julfeI nMU akfl clfnf kr gey. AUhnF df sskfr aYqvfr, ju l feI 31 nM U PR y j L r irvr iPAU n rn ho m , aY b tsPo r z ivKy hovygf. AunHF nimq ardfs duiphr bfad Kflsf dIvfn susfeItI gurU Gr ivwKy hovygI. Dr Alok Sood’s father, Shri Pran Sood ji passed away at the Abbotsford Hospital on July 25th. His funeral services will be performed on Sunday July 31st at 10:30 am at Fraser River Funeral Home in Abbotsford. The services will be followed by bhog and Guru Ka Langar at Khalsa Diwan Society Gurdwara at 12:30.
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
Employment kfimaF dI loV hfrvuwz lMbr ilmitz (myplirwj) vfilLaF nuM imwl ivwc kMm krn leI kfimaF dI loV hY| kMm bhuq hlkf hY aqy aOrqF vI kr skdIaF hn| pwkf kMm, sfrf sfl cwlygf, cMgI qnKfh idwqI jfvygI| aYbtsPorz qoN rfeIz df pRbMD hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604-615-5801
Workers Wanted
Employment cont'd
pypr zilvrI leI vrkrF dI loV sfnUM aYbtsPorz ivwc pypr zilvr (vMzx) krn vfilLaF dI loV hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604852-2288
Services aYbtsPorz df lokl isvl ryzIE
suxdy rho! mihk pMjfb dI 101[7 aYP[aYm[ hryk aYqvfr qy somvfr nUM sLfmI 6 vjy qoN 7 vjy qwk pvn igwlF vflLy dy nflL aqy somvfr nUMu 4-5 vjy kfimaF dI loV sLfm qwk afpxI afvfj surjIq klsI zrfeIvfl kMpnI nMU kfimaF dI loV hY| tryinMg vI idwqI jf skdI hY| nvyN nflL| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon: 604kfimaF nUM $14 aqy qjLrbykfr nUM 615-9877
qnKfh qjLrby anusfr aqy rfeIz Noor Appliances Repair / Cedar Shake & Shingle mill in df pRbMD hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon Tent Rental $25 Service Charge Mission, BC is looking for full- kro: 778-552-5400 jF 604time labourers. No experience 825-3508 Epl`ieMs irpyEr necessary. On-the-job training Epl`ieMs zrfievr aqy Enr aprytrF provided. Steel-toed work boots dI loV required. We are also seeking a full-time labourer with a valid aYbtsPorz dI kMpnI nUM bI[sI[ albrtf cw l x leI 2 sflF dy WorkSafeBC Occupational First Aid Level 2 ticket and an experienced qjLrby vflLy kMpnI zrfievrF aqy welder. Welding certification is not Enr aprytrF dI loV hY| vDIaf ryt aqy hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: required. Call Amar at 604-615- 778-908-4422 . 778-245-0020 7283 after 3:30 pm.Em
Friday, July 29th, 2016
The Patrika
The Patrika The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016 Friday, March 25th, 2016
amrIkf nUM hor zUMGy sMkt vwl Dwk rhI hY ihMsf
blbIr isMG sIcyvfl pfxI hY qF pR f xI hY , nhIN qF KL q m khfxI hY ! amrIkf srmfeydfrI dysLF ivwcoN sB qoN bMdUkF nfl dvMd (gMnizAULl) liVaf. AunHF ihMsf jF qF vD rhI hY jF ies ivwc nvyN amrIkf ivwc ihMsf bdl rhIaF smfijk
kf nUgoM pY . pfxI iew k afriQk pRsiQqIaF nfl bdl rhI hY. pfxI psfr DrqI sL aMfdml r su eaf hY cqF M pRN dvIU i sLmfr q qyidwjLqif.hrIlf l dfqF ivwcoN ho iivw vwkuDdrq ihMsfdIaF vflf anmo dysL irhf hY. amrIkf c ivw oN iewies k nUM nUjfno amrIkf howtrhylohn. ry purhI ilshYvfilaF aqy vpfrk vsqU bx jfvy g f ieh rhy hn. DrqI hy T pfxI jIrn dI krn df mqlb sfPL hY ik afpxy pfxI hI sB qo N Au W q m dfq hY , ihMsf dI qulnf asIN XUrop, jfpfn jF ies ivwc bMdUk swiBafcfr ijs nUM aMgryjLI vwloN isafhPfm nUM golI mfr ky mfrnf afm aTfrvIN aqy AunINvI sdI ivwc ihMsf ieh ijs ibnF jIvn sMBv hI nhIN hY, cOigrdy nUM qbfh krnf qy mnuwK kudrqI pRikiraf dI QF jLihrIlf kdy iksy ny soicaf qwk nhIN dy guaFZI dysL kYnyzf nfl krky dyK skdy ivwc gMn klcr ikhf jFdf hY, BfrU hY. ijhI gwl bx geI hY. muslmfn Drm nfl drsfAuNdI sI ik amrIkn smfj hfly pUrI ikAuNik pfxI hI jIvn hY. mnwuK jfqI dI hoNd leI hI Kqrf pYdf pfxI iswDf hI DrqI hyT Byijaf sI. dysL dy keI vzy sLihrF hF ivwc ivw ihMcsoN fhody ienHF muies Q dI kVy pujf sLtirhf I krhYskdy Dqvwz lofkGo F rvwlivw oN hocrrfsL DrmF kF rnUfsLM tqrH trI dyqy lobhu rI F siQr aqy sQfipq nhIN hoieaf. vIhvIN jo iksbM iewik nfPLyqwdI hoVkeI ivwcaMpfxI dI ik AuqamrIkf pqI vI pfxI eI aM hYk . Vykrnf. dyies sLF nflo N hY r fnIjnk igxqI nflo N ijL a fdf hn. Au d fhrn vjo N amrIkf ivw c 30 kro V go l IaF mfr ky mfrnf ihM s f df iew k nvF sdI DrqI ‘qy jdoN sB qoN pihlF dI ies kudrqI dfq nUM bVI burI aprfD hY. pMjfb dIaF sfrIaF kMpnIaF ny pfxI dy kfrobfr ivwc amrIkI smfj ivwc guxfqimk hn. dfhrnjIv vjoNpYjydfasIN amrIkf c qybMjdLI Uk F rijstr krvfeIaF psfr N ik hwamrIkf qbdIlI afeI pr XUropIan srmfeydfrI dI afpxy QF ivwc ivw lYcilaf nF gMdy hn. nfilaF dy bx rUp irhf ivwc hYnUM Bfvy F qy nfl pRdUisLq kIqf jf zrygeIaF koeI Au jfndfr hoieaf sI qrHivw iew k lw K vso N ipw C y bM d U k F nfl mrn vfilaF ieh igxqI amrIkf dI kw u l vso N dy ny V y mU l vfdI ieslfimk lihr lgpg aw D I sdI qrHF amrIkn srmfeydfrI pRoV nhIN ho skI qF Auh pfxI ivwc hI pYdf hoieaf irhf hY. pRdUisLq pfxI ny mnwuKI vg rhIaF hn. luiDafxf df buwZf hY. gMDly pfxIaF dI smwisaf dI dI XUdyrop jfpfn aqy keI phuMclfielfj jFdI hY. ieh swcfeI iksy qoN Cu pIDnhIN cl rhI hY jdoidno N qoN -nyidn sLn gMafP aqy dovyN srmfeydfrIaF ny vwK-vwK idsLf BIr ieslfm huMdI jf rhI nflf, jlM r dIqoN kflf sMiGaf ishq ibmfrIaF sI.igxqI ies DrqI suhdywpxdys dfLF,rfjL hY.cies smwpr isaf hwl lwB x tI vyevrgI IN, aMimR df bVf vw sMkqtvwKVH kr idwivw qfczylorknF aqy kYvInpfxI yzf nfl krIey qF hYhYr. fnIjnk ivwcquhIlnf Cuipaf hoieaf ikzfbhu zI figxqI kolicwibnF sMqssr QF hodINd ivw afeI musdylmfnF apxfeI. XUropIn dypfrtIaF sLF ivwc pRsrmfey rfjnIqk dUisLqdfrI ho df iehI vy l f hY ik afKr ieh qu M g Zfb zry n smy q ho r sfrIaf hY . ivsL v jl idvs mO k y pM j fb M sB DrmF vI bVf hIivwc ieh rijstr (lfeIsYNs) qoN bMdUkF hn. qusIN ny dUjy DrmF dy lokF nUM golIaF mfr ky nhIN ny pRoVqf rhy PLpfxI rk nUsfhmxy afvyivw gf.c amrIkf aqypfxI smJonUqM fajy krn vflf rvw e Iaf vI EnI gMBIrqf bxI hIs[ikAu kF nUM nflaqy zry n FdyhIielfky pM j fbmfiraf. dy lo kieh F leI gMDlyiksy ho rhy dy ku siqkfr37 idwqhYf hojdo ieaf ies dI cdy0[07 igxqI Nik hYieMqyglY Nz ivw vI pfxI kfilaF jFdrqI mYksIknF smwsiQqI isaf afeI[aY dy N?hoNdqy lo apxfiea F nU M ku i nafdI nhIN lo lYkrhIaF ijMJnIbunfl lYxf ikDr lY jfvy g I? srfp bxIaF ho e IaF hn, ienH F df sro q F ‘qy Jfq mfrIey qF siQqI pU j f vI kIqI jFdI hY . isw K Drm Bfv amrIkf ivwc ieMglYNz nfloN 500 guxf ivwc cly jfE qF qusI hYrfn ho jfEgy ik ivwc afAux qoN bfad sLurU hoeI hY. iesy qrHF shUlqF cfhIdf AuplwbDhY.krvfAux dI ijLMmyvfrI dy nfl-nfl bVIBfv gMBIr NdlI hYaijhIaF . DrqI jL ivwa cfdf pfxI drjf dy hY ijL ihMnU sMf ipqf hY. kYvrgf nyzf ivw c 0[5 ikMnnjL y kurloafAu kF ko bMidhrIlf UkF hn.pfxI keImflvy rfjnIqk ihMsf ivwivdy c vIsLInvy gey nUcuM wkpfxI leI, pr amrIkI srmfeydfrI hfly kMN ppsfr nIaF af Bfrq sRI gurU nfnk dyv jI dI crnCoh rfjsQfn dy Au n H F ielfikaF ‘c vI ‘qy pfxI dy by a M q jL K Iry hn. ies ky siqkfiraf igaf hY . sR I gu r U kYnyzf nfloN amrIkf 74 guxf ijLafdf ihMsf hflIvwuz dIaF iPlmF ny vI ieh swcfeI hn. pihlF ieh Au niew HF sMksvwQfvF qwzkI vjo sImq vI axGVq (krU zq I)ravsQf cINsI aqy dI z I mM N dy K rhIaF pRfpq pivw vyeIN dIivw hwQ sPfeI gRMQ sfihb jI df pihlf slok hI DrqI ‘qy 73 PLIsdI smMudr vflf kYNsr PYlf rhIaF hn, ijwQoN ieh hY aqy jfpfn ivwc 0[01 hY Bfv jfpfn nfloN idKfAux df Xqn kIqf hY ik ienHF ielfikaF sI jo ik aiq drjy KwpfxI by jF dI swjmfrkIt y pwKI sn ies nyLI lokrky k lihrF nU M sKL q I nfl dbfieaf. hn. ‘qy ivdy s sMgqF ny dysL dy sfhmxy iewk pfxI hY pr Auh Kfrf hox kfrx lMGdIaF hn. bIkfnyr df kYNsr pfxI bfry hY; pnIaF iejLfrydfrIieh rwKx amrIkf ivwc 3700 guxf ijLafdf ihMpIx sf hYXo.g ivw c lgpg iewkdynOrUjpvfnhspqfl kol(AunmrIjL HF ivwcFoN nfl ijvyBiraf N blYk ipaf pYNQrjkMaqy kuJafpxI mfrksvfedI iksymfzl vI rwKwib y pwhoKiIeaf aqyhY.smfjvfdI Kaf ies mfzl nhIN hY. glyshr LIarF leI sfrf jL o r lgfAu x ivw c ju t IaF pvxu gurivw U pfxI amrIkf c ihMsipqf f df mfqf aMdfjLDriq f ies ivw gwlc qo N keI mu M i zaF dI Au m r 10-12 sfl dI vI hY ) lY i nnvfdI sM s QfvF jo Kw b y pw K I ivcfrDfrf Ju k fa vflI lihr ‘qy jL u l m krn qoN ipwnU CMy nUM apxf ky lok afpxy pfxIaF phfVF ‘qy jMmI brP df pfxI hY. ies hspqfl ivwc pMjfb dy ho e IaF hn. ienH F kM p nIaF ny mhqu . . lfieaf jf skdf hY ik amrIkf dydirafvF ikMny aijhIaF F hoMcxdfdIhYkfPL hY. qoN ivw pRBcfivq XUropx aqy df iewkmdd hor leIamrIkf koeI srkfrI lokI sMvIBfvnf vwzI igxqI hr sn sfl aqy ikAU klYks klYn jo nhIN htI.bcfAu rfhIN sfzybMkodlUkphu ipCly sflF ivw c pfxI dy kfro b fr rfsL t rpqI kql kr idw q y gey jF Au n H F ‘qy iew Q y ieh vI dw s xf bxdf hY ik jy qu h fzI ik sw j y pw K I sM s Qf hY , ivw c ihM s f hu M d I hY . PL r k ieh vI irhf ik XU r o p dy mu k fbly ivw c dI Au z Ik kIqy ibnF afp ihM m q gurbfxI ivwc qF pfxI nUM bhuq hI pr ijs qrHF df vrqfrf dirafvF dfKl hMudy hn. dysL dy dirafvF nMU qoN 15000 kroV rupey df kfrobfr vIjvfd kfrjaqy sLursvY U kr skdy kfqlfnf rfsL bMdUkdfGr c hI hYbxfeI aqysL Auqihq s pr hux mw uK Dfrf ivwc inw -kyNd irq iewk hYsfijL plIq kIqf jf dIaF rfjnIqk pfrtIaF amrIkf krky cwlivwirhf ieh geI siqkfr hmly qy mhwho qe qfy. idw qt I rpqI hoeI hYabrfihm . nUM gMdy krn kIqf dw i saf jFdf hY . ivdy s L I hn. pfxIaF dy kudrqI sfDnF nUM ilM k n, gfrPIlz aqy kY n y z I kql kr idw q y irhf hY ik ku d rq dI ies anmo l dI nflI 50 imlImItr qo N Gw t hY qF Au s nU M (my n strIm pu l ItIkl pfrtIaF) ivw c vI pfxI vI pIxXo g nhIN rhy . DrqI rihxf ijL a fdf BfrU rhy . ieh ru c IaF mnw uK gurbfxI ivwc pfxI df anykF vfr kM p nIaF pfxI dy vpfr rfhIN lo k F bcfAu x leI sB qo N pihlF qF Au s nUM pihlF plIq dyvo qyhoxf sfDfrn ijhI gwl bx nUM ihMsf vwl Dwkx ivwc Xogdfn pfAuNdIaF Tlf pfxI pIxXogkrvfAu qF hY pr gey zoNr rijstr x dIieh loVdfq hI nhIN . ihMskhox tkrfa ijLk. riQAU afAu df rUhYj; LvYlt, Porz aqy hyrIgn n psIny dI kmfeI nUM muPLq ivwc pY rhy gMdy pfxI bMd kIqy jfx nUM sfPL dy dy KUpfrtI qf smF nhIN rihxf ikAuNik bfad ivwc lokF geI ‘qy kfqlfnf hmly hoey. amrIkf ivwbhu c iks hY. pfxI rIpbilkn AumIdvfries hn.bfry ienHF rucIaF nUM vIaqnfm dI lVfeI ivwc hI pI dyjfxgIaF. pihlf pfxI ijAu hY ijqu hiraf ijhVy loamrIkf ivw c ihMsbnfAu f dI smw ibhfny saf Gtx nflo N kdm pwuitaf ies df vpfr kro . ku d rq k pfxI nU M vpfr x pwsBu DrkodI ihMsf hY, Aus df aMdfjLf ies gwl zonlz trMp dy keI jlisaF ivwc AunHF dy ny nvIaFiPr isKLraglf F qwk phu Mcfieaf. swTjfvy ivaF. ie.. vDI jf rhIcwhY aqy hn hor dI guMJdfq ldfr hoeI bnfAuxf lokF dy socx dI GVI af geI hY. pfxI afE afpxy pfxIaF nUM sMBflIey nU M vpfr vfly pfsy qy j L I nfl l rhy qoN vI lfieaf jf skdf hY ik aYNzirAU smrQkF aqy ivroDIaF ivwc KwulH ky ihMsk ivwc amrIkf ivwc iewk nvIN iksm dI ihMsf jfDrqI rhI AupfxI dfhrn vjohwN knslI ihM szfky f, vFg hY. pfxI nUM dy dUisLq hox df mwudf dysL dIaF ikAuNik pfxI hY qF pRfxI hY nhI F ‘qy iew k Au h I lo k nU M vI pfxI mnu w K dI sB qo N mw u Z lI qy jYksn ny amrIkf df rfsLtrpqI bxn tkrfa hoey. sLurU ho geI jdoN cfrls ivtmYn jo ik rfjnIqk ihMesy hn. f aqybhuDrmF nfl vsqU sbMiDq bxfey jfx nfl ies rfjnIqk pfrtIaF Aus ZMg nfl qF KLqm khfxI hY. dUisLq krn ‘c lwgy ho qy vpfrk hY. ivro jdoN DpfxI sfzI qoaihm N pihlFloV afpxy IaF nfl 100 vfrI XU nIvristI afP tYksfs df ieMjInIairMg nhIN Au B fr rhIaF jF kih lvo N ik ijLMdgI df ainwKVvF aMg bixaf PYktrIaF vfly bor krky dUisLq dI sB qoN vwD mfr grIb mulkF dy
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
df ividafrQI sI aqy sfbkf POjI sI, ny afsitn kYNps ivwc 16 inrdosL lokF nUM golIaF nfl Auzf idwqf. ienHF inrdosLF nfl Aus df koeI lYxf-dyxf nhIN sI. ies qoN bfad ieh afm ijhI gwl bx geI ik jy koeI afpxy kMm nfl inrfsL hovy jF iksy hor kfrn inrfsL hovy, Auh inrdosL lokF nUM golIaF mfr ky afpxf gwusf kwZx lwg ipaf. Aus ny ieh nhIN soicaf ik kI Auh lok Aus dI inrfsLf leI ijLMmyvfr hn jF nhIN, Aus df qF isrP iewk hI mMqv huMdf hY ik vwD qoN vwD lokF nUM ikvyN mfiraf jfvy. kuJ mfrn vfly sLfipMg mfljL, isnymf hfl, skUl-kflj qy XUnIvristI jF hor koeI aijhI jgfh, ijwQy lokF df iekwT hovy, ivwc jf ky inrdosL lokF nUM mfrdy hn. 1980-90 dy dhfky ivwc aqy sovIaq XUnIan dy Zih jfx nfl amrIkf aqy bfkI sMsfr ivwc ieh Bfvnf pRbl ho geI ik amrIkf srmfeydfrI ivvsQf hI sB qoN vDIaf ivvsQf hY. Aus smyN aijhy inrdosLF nUM mfrn vflIaF GtnfvF ivwc kmI afeI pr dUjI dih sdI sLurU huMidaF hI amrIkf qy srmfeydfrI sMktF dy isLkfr hox lwg pey qF amrIkI srmfeydfrI ivvsQf hI sB qoN vDIaf ivvsQf df Brm tuwtx lwg ipaf. ieh spwsLt hox lwgf ik srmfeydfrI ivvsQf smwucy qOr ‘qy inGfr dI avsQf ivwc hY aqy arfjkqf vwl nUM jf rhI hY. amrIkf ivwc ihMsf nf isrPL pihlF vfly pwDr ‘qy clI geI sgoN ieh kfPLI vD geI aqy ies ivwc nvyN pfsfr sLfml ho gey, KLfs krky Dfrimk aqy rfjnIqk. Ploirzf dy sLihr aOrlYNzo ivwc 50 inrdosL mfry gey aqy keI jKLmI ho gey. ies iksm dI ihMsf
ivwc mrn vfilaF dI igxqI ies Gtnf ivwc sB qoN vwD sI pr amrIkf ivwc ijMnI ihMsf ho rhI hY, ieh Aus df iewk Cotf ijhf ihwsf hI khI jf skdI hY. Audfhrn vjoN ies Gtnf qoN bfad 72 GMty ivwc 93 lok ihMsf ivwc mfry gey. ies Gtnf qoN bfad do bhuq hI msLhUr gfAux vfly vI amrIkf ivwc ihMsf df isLkfr ho cuwky hn. ieh lwg irhf hY ik awj sMsfr iqMn vwzy DiVaF ivwc vMizaf igaf hY. iewk DVf hY pwCmI srmfeydfrI dysLF df, dUjf hY muslmfnF df aqy qIjf hY rUs, cIn aqy AunHF dy sfQIaF df. ies vyly sMsfr ivwc vfprn vflI ihMsf df mwuK kfrn pwCmI srmfeydfrI dysLF aqy ieslfm ivwc lg irhf hY. pr ies ihMsf nfloN ikqy iBafnk ihMsf pwCmI srmfeydfr dysLF aqy rUs aqy cIn dy gwTjoV ivwc tkrfa qoN Aupj skdI hY. aijhf tkrfa qIjy sMsfr XwuD df rUp Dfrn krky prmfxU XwuD ivwc bdl skdf hY. pwCm dI awj sB qoN vwzI smwisaf ieh lgdI hY ik ies ny ieko vyly tkrfa dy do PrMt (muhfjL) KolH ley hn. iewk ieslfm nfl qy dUjf rUs aqy cIn nfl. ies ny eysLIaf ivwc cIn nUM aqy XUrop ivwc rUs nUM iewko vyly afpxy mwuK ivroDI aYlfn idwqf hY. ies nfl rUs aqy cIn afpxy-afp nUM smfnFqr siQqI ivwc dyK rhy hn aqy afpsI sFJ mihsUs kr rhy hn. mUlvfdI ieslfm pwCmI dysLF dy aMdr ihMsf ilaf irhf hY aqy rUs qy cIn AunHF nUM AunHF dIaF hwdF qoN bfhr cuxOqI dy rhy hn. jy pwCm ny afpxIaF nIqIaF ivwc buinafdI qbdIlI nf ilaFdI qF ihMsf Gtx dI koeI sMBfvnf njLr nhIN afAuNdI.
ivCoVf hux bYTI inwq cUM cUM krdI, nfly ivCoVf mYN Jwilaf, nI swsy puwq pRdysIN, ikAuN Gwilaf, Edx dI qUM hwsxoN hwt geI, Kul ky gwl koeI dwsxoN hwt geI, bIh qwk jfxoN afAuxo hwt geI, cwj df lIVf pfAuxo hwt geI, KusLIaF AuzIaF mfr AuzfrI, gmF isrfxF af mwilaf, pwuq dI Xfd sqfAuNdI rihMdI, bih bih aONsIaF pfAUNdI rihMdI, koiTEN kFg AuzfAuNdI rihMdI, gIq gmF dy gfAuNdI rihMdI, ies Jory ny vrHmF bxky, QF-QF qoN idl ikAuN swilaf, mUMh ivwc buV-buV krdI rihMdI, mwiQaF qy hwQ DrdI rihMdI sKLq judfeIaf jrdI rihMdI, luk luk hONky BrdI rihMdI, ipClI Aumry ruly buZypy,
gurmyl isMG ‘brfV’ rozy hux qF jfxF kI hwilaf, af ibMd koly bih nI swsIey, iewk dUjy nUM idl dIaF dwsIey, vMizaF qoN duwK Gwt hI jFdy, drd idlF dy hwt hI jFdy idl diraf idaF vihxF qfeIN, rokF lf iksy nhIN Twilaf, bysLwk inwq muVdy pRCfvNy, nI bih bih AuzIk puwqF dI mfvyN, Gwldy sUrj kol sunyhy, kwl nUM af jfAU suBf sunyhy, mgroN qF iPr kuCL nI bxdf jF BOr srIroN Auz cwilaf, ilaf hux mYN hI kihky vyKF, nIN KbrF bdl jfxgIaF ryKf, koTy cVH cVH hfkF mfrF, vy cMn vqnF vwl moV muhfrF, vy af iml rozy ipMz idaF ‘ipMidaF’, nF rul pRdysF ivwc kwilaF, nI swsy pwuq pRdysIN, ikAuN Gwilaf PAGE 49
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
aYbtsPorz PIlz hfkI klwb vwloN kYnyzIan nYsLnl hfkI tIm leI afXoijq lMc bhuq hI vDIaf ZMg nflL nypry ciVHaf ipCly idnIN aYbtsPorz PIlz hfkI klwb vwloN kYnyzIan nYsLnl hfkI tIm leI lMc df afXojn kIqf igaf| ies ivwc klwb dy mYNbr, iKzfrI aqy mfpy sLfiml hoey aqy nYsLnl hfkI tIm dI ElMipk ivwc sPlqf leI pRfQnf kIqI| ies smyN BfeIcfry dy afgU aqy pqvMqy swjx vI phMucy, ijnHF ivwc kYlI cfhl (aYbtsPorz istI kONslr), pYm alYkiss (imsLn istI kONslr) sLfiml sn| ies qoN ielfvf lokl klwbF – sfzf gOrv sfzf ivrsf, iswK motrsfeIkl, aYbI rYsilMg klwb dy numfieMidaF ny vI isLrkq kIqI| hfkI tIm leI jsbIr isMG bnvYq vwloN hfkI tIm nUM $5000 df PMz muhweIaf krvfieaf igaf| asIN afs krdy hF ik sfzI kYnyzIan tIm afAux vflLy smyN ivwc hor vI bulMdIaF nUM Cohvy aqy kYnyzf ivwc PIlz hfkI hor pRPulwq hovy|
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Friday, July 29th, 2016
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, July 29th, 2016
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Balwinder S. Sran Navjot Ahluwalia Cell: 778-242-1202 Cell: 778-344-0007 DL #30735 30355 Automall Drive, Abbotsford, BC V2T 5M1 | Toll Free: 1.888.220.1853 All prices do not include taxes, license or admin fee of $499, see dealer for details. All prices, Details , Description may change .
Friday, July 29th, 2016
Friday, July 29th, 2016
Baldev Singh Gill
34641 7TH AVENUE Nicely renovated home located in a quite cul-de-sac. Some recent updates are: New paint, railing, kitchen cabinets, some flooring, window blinds, light fixtures, bath tub, tiles, one piece toilet and much more.
NEW LISTING NEW LISTING Beautiful custom built 11 bedroom over4800 sq.ft. home with 2-5-10 warranty in a West 9bath mega Abbotsford. High end house in West finishingthrough out of the h o u s e . 4 b e d r o o m s Abbotsford. upstairs with 3 baths and main floor has one master Close to all bedroom. 2 bedroom amenities and LEGAL SUITE in a basement plus Theatre easy access 31897 Madiera Place room, rec room and a 31816 Oak Ave steam bath forupstairs use. to freeway. Abbotsford Abbotsford NEW LISTING NEW LISTING
Super Mcmillan 5 year old three location. Close to storey 3 bedroom, 2 Prince Charles bath plus rec. room Elementary School, townhouse in West Fraser Middle Abbotsford. Near all School, Yale level of schools, Secondary School Gurudwara and Apollo and Abbotsford Gym. Excellent Recreation Centre. location.
20079 Wansted Street 7200 Sq. Ft. Lot. Very well maintained house. Granite counter tops& Central Air Conditioner. Located on dead end street
3631 Homestead Cres.
Very Clean 5 bedroom basement entry house, Rec room with full washroom, Living room, Family room, 2 bedroom legal suite.
3320 Jervis Crescent Abbotsford
5 bedroom updated home with Legal Suite in West Abbotsford
3533 Trethwey Street Abbotsford Updated home with Suite. Close to Rotary Stadium and Mouat Secondary School.
1726 Ackerman Abbotsford
5 bdrms, 3 baths, family room, living room, rec room, built in vac, fully air conditioned from upstairs, shed, covered sundeck, lots of room for the whole family. Great size 2 bdrm legal suite!!!
3302 FIRHILL DRIVE, Abbotsford • 5 bedrooms • 3 bathrooms • Recroom
• Legal Suite • New roof • Close to schools
37-31032 Westridge Pl. 3513 Merritt, Abbotsford 2604 Valemont Cr 33414 Kingsley Terrace 30922 Upper Maclure
32259 Atwater Cres
Thurston Place
32079 Astoria Court
7 Year new beautiful custom built house in West Abbotsford. 4 bedroom, 3 bath up. 1 bedroom, office and spice kitchen on main floor. Two basement suites. Call for appointment.
Beautiful homewith 8200 sq.ft lot. Upstairs: 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, dining, familyroom and 1-1/2 bath. Basement: 1 bedroom LEGAL SUITE plus den for upstairs use. New windows, new paint and high efficient furnace. Close to Rotary Stadium, MRC
Beautiful house in West Abbotsford. 2 Bedroom Legal Suite plus Rec. room, full washroom and one bedroom for upstairs use. New Paint, New Fence, New hot water tank and new drapes. Call for appointment.
Beautifully renovated house located in a quiet cul-de-sac. Close to Rotary Stadium, MRC and all level of Schools. 2bedroom LEGAL SUITE, ample parking and Flat fenced over 8000 sq.ft.lot.
Beautiful home in cul-de-sac with LEGAL SUITE and Rec. Rm. Over 8100 sq. feet lot. New flooring, New Paint , new toilets, new large covered sundeck with skylights.
2966 Glenavon Street #29- 31125 Westridge #12 3087 Immel
3480 Wagner Drive
New stainless steel appliances and granite countertops. 3 Bdrm suite. Recroom with full Bath. Walking distance to all levels of schools, Apollo Gym and Gurdwara.
2620 Caboose Place
Custom built 3 storey home Three storey 3 with 2-5-10 years warranty bedroom, 2 bath, in West Abbotsford's newest living room,kitchen subdivision. 4 bedrooms and family room upstairs with 3 full baths, townhouse. Close to mailfloor has office and spice kitchen too. 2 shopping, recreation, and French Immersion bedroom LEGAL SUITE in a basementplus media room, Elementary School. bar, bedroom and full bath
for upstairs use.
34641 7th Ave
Great starter home located in a quiteculde-sac. Just stepts away from the US border. Flat fenced lot with additional back lane access to the property.
#2-30989 Westridge
1 Year old 2 bedrooms and three bath townhouse in West Abbotsford. Like new condition. Near all level of schools. Excellent location.
2 year new townhouse in West Abbotsford. Like New Condition. Near all levels of schools, Gurudwara Darbar Sahib and Apollo Gym.
Fairfield Estates! Immaculate Rancher with 2Bedroon LEGAL SUITE in one of the bestneighborhoods of West Abbotsford. Thishome features 7 bedrooms/3 bathrooms, huge living room, dining, family room,big new patio off the kitchen & a flat private backyard.
Great family home in agreat neighborhood! Sunnyside area. Living, kitchen, dining, 3 bdrms up and1-1/2 up. Fully finished basement with 2 bedroom Legal suite and a family roomfor upstaits use
Super cleanbasement entry home on a corner lot. Living room, kitchen, dining, 3bedroomsand two bath up, 1 bedroom LEGAL SUITE down. Newflooring, paint and less than 2 year old roof. Close to University and easy access to freeway.
SOover a $57,000
sking p
Friday, July 29th, 2016
FOR LEASE Two retail units 3000sqft #130/140 - 304785 Cardinal Ave Abbotsford
(604) 725-6734 / (604) 595-1445
Friday, July 29th, 2016
Internationalizing education brings more than just profits As Canadian universities continue to promote internationalizing higher education, many experts worry that these institutions are recruiting international students primarily in order to increase profits without recognizing other benefits. According to the latest statistics from 2013, there
was an 84 per cent increase of international students over the last decade and an 11 per cent increase over the previous year in Canada.
taking place from July 26 to 29, 2016 says internationalization brings both short and long-term benefits to our society.
SFU education professor Kumari Beck and conference chair of Internationalizing Higher Education: Past Practices & Future Possibilities
“It is an increasingly high priority not only for institutions but also for national agendas,” agrees higher education researcher Fiona Hunter, a
keynote speaker who will be presenting at the upcoming conference. “Greater internationalization can be linked to national ambitions to position the country beyond its own borders or to use it as lever for reinvigoration of the higher education system.”
Friday, July 29th, 2016
Friday, July 29th, 2016
Friday, July 29th, 2016
Friday, July 29th, 2016
Friday, July 29th, 2016
The Right Realtors® for Today’s Market!
COMING SOON IN MISSION • 3 storey home • Built in 2016 • Great Mountain Views • Great living & family Rm • Big kitchen with lots of cabinets above • 3 bdrms & 2 full bath above • 2 bdrms down w/big Rec Rm • Extra Den downstairs • Close to all amenities
2826 CLEARBROOK RD • Vacant Lot • 5,400 sq ft. • Excellent for investors • Surrounded by Multi Family buildings • City residential OCP for higher density. • Close to shopping & City Center
• 70x129 (Apprx. 9,000 sf lot) • Building permit for 2 storey home already submitted in city of Abbotsford • Close to park & shopping • Back lane access
Great view lot Epworth Crt ABBOTSFORD
Center St
31550 Ridgeview DR ABBOTSFORD
Grant St
Kingsley Terr
Evergreen St
King Road
Mallerd Street
• 3 storey Townhouse • 3 bdrms & 2 full bath above floor • Great size living & family Rm Main floor • Big kitchen & den • Extra Rec Rm with full bath downstairs • Double car garage • Close to shopping & transit
• 2 storey Townhouse • 4 bdrms up & 2 full bath • Great size living & family Rm • Great size kitchen with lots of cabinets • Double car garage • Corner unit • Close to Highstreet Mall
Lantern Ave
T. 604-572-1008 F. 604-572-3008 #266 8128 128 St, Surrey, BC V3W 1R1
Blueridge Dr.
• Half Bluecrop and Half Elliot • Drilled Well and all irrigated • 5 year old plants • 5 minutes from Abbotsford • Big Storage Shed • Trade Welcome with Small Farm
Wagner Dr.
Clearbrook Vill
We have qualied buyers looking for new listings. PAGE R9
Friday, July 29th, 2016 PREC
Sutton Group - West Coast Realty #106 7565 132 St., Surrey. BC. PH:604-572-3005 FAX: 778-574-4174
- Highest Dollar Volume Award
- Commercial Top Sales Award
FOR SALE Spectacular! Estate home on 14.827 Acres of high yield blueberry farm. Luxury unfolds with the stunning front foyer, dual staircases, and elevated catwalk. The regal great room is situated next to a gourmet chef kitchen w/ separate wok kitchen & walk in pantry. A media room, yoga/ exercise room, 8 bedrooms & multiple entertaining rooms round out this spectacular home. Gaze out upon south views of Mt. Baker or the north views of the North Shore Mountains from outdoor patios situated both upstairs and down. This is true luxury at its best! The farm features healthy mature blueberry varieties Duke, Elliott, and Reca ensuring steady crops throughout the season. Fully automated irrigation. Too much to list! Book a showing today! Asking $4,999,900
A very rare opportunity to own a beautiful Parisian feel Salon/Café in Historic Abbotsford. Well established, with a loyal client following this beautiful establishment offers all day brunch, Lunch and Afternoon Tea. In addition, this beautiful café offers so much more! Reservations for Showers, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Special occasions and even Private Wedding ceremonies. Wait...there's more! This beautiful treasure of a business offers gorgeous select apparel, furnishings, jewelry, linens, gifts, vintage treasures and home décor. A beautiful, breathtaking turnkey operation this is a chance to own a niche business created and established with love and a business owners delight don't miss this opportunity! Please do not approach staff, contact listing realtor for any info required. Asking $75,000
4 acres, Hotel and development site available in the City of Regina, Saskatchewan. Prime location, not to be missed! Contact for more details.
Established custom steel and aluminum fabrication business. Great opportunity to run your own business with services that include: aluminum welding and repair, custom and stock trailers, mobile welding service, crane fabrication, fabrication of residential gates, security bars and much more! Mon– Fri operation closed on weekends. Please contact me for more details on this hard to come by opportunity! Asking $149,000
Established Indian Sweets and Restaurant business located in high traffic area of Scott Rd, Surrey. Wide variety vegetarian menu with sweets. Can be expanded to add non vegetarian dishes to the menu. Catering services provided regular clientele. Seating for 50. Complete turn key restaurant great business opportunity! Asking $129,000
Fantastic opportunity to run your own Pizza & Indian Cuisine business! Excellent food, rated 4.5/5 by customers open 7 days a week, very busy location take out with availability for seating if desired. Tons of tourists year round, central to major sites in Hope and integral area near grocery stores, city hall, local police station, motels and cinema. Well established, great sales and a complete turn key operation that will not last long! Asking $199,000
Don't miss this chance to run your own buy Convenience store/Mini mart! This well established business is well or-ganized, excellent set up, with all your essential sundries for sale as well as lottery AND the licensing to sell Pizza at this location! Busy area near parks, schools, residences it is the perfect small business! Ample of opportunity to add your ideas to an already turn key operation! Don't miss this great small business prospect! Asking $149,000
RETAIL SPACE AVAILABLE 8321 - 128 St., Surrey. Excellent location in busy plaza. Asking $209,000 OFFICE SPACE FOR SALE Approx. 3100 SF of office space available for sale in the busiest plaza in Surrey. Close to Banquet Halls, retailshops & offices. Asking $749,000 UNIT FOR SALE AT KHALSA BUSINESS CENTRE
Take advantage of this great investment opportunity! Ideal Ground floor retail/ showroom/office space with high ceilings in Surreys busy Khalsa Business Center at the corner of 128 and 84. CD zoning allows various businesses uses. Asking $349,000 UNITS FOR SALE (15299 68 AVE)
Excellent investment opportunity two retail storefront units in a busy Surrey Plaza central location. Currently leased to a Grocery Store, this is two units for sale. Asking $899,000
APARTMENT FOR SALE 6960 120 St, Surrey Perfect living space over 1000 sq ft 2 bedroom with den 2 bath corned unit in Harleen Gardens. Asking $289,900
Investment Opportunity in Hope. 7200 Sq. ft large Lot Fully renovated home close to the Downtown core. 2 bed, 2 bath 850 sq.ft home to use as a rental property. Asking $349,000
UNITS FOR SALE & LEASE 13737 96 Ave, City Centre #705 $465,000, #706 $335,000 Two adjoining offices in a new building across from SMH. Can be bought or leased together for a total space of 1600 sqft. or separate.
8077 KING GEORGE BLVD. The perfect retail corner unit in busy plaza move in ready. Approx 1200 sq ft perfect for fast food, office or retail space. Easy access to highway, close to all amenities on Busy King George Hwy. Great Opportunity contact me today.
8927 152 St.,Approx. 1100 sqft. office space for lease available in Guildford area on 152nsd street in Surrey.
93 AVE & 120 ST Units available on busy Scott Road at 93rd Ave & 120 St. Approx. 750 to 1700 sqft. space available on main floor, second floor and basement. Ready to move in! 11925 95 AVE
Approx. 4500 sqft. office space available. Rec. area, small office, lunch room and conference room. Very nicely designed and finished.
Amazing opportunity to be your own boss! Established Donair food outlet in prime busy area in Langley. Already steady clientele from the numerous businesses surrounding, tons of traffic and lots of opportunity to expand the business further. Low lease, and great area make this the perfect turn key operation to own your own business today! Asking $99,000
A treasure gem of Italian cuisine tucked away in Hope! Open for lunch and dinner this quaint restaurant serves traditional Italian classics in a fantastic atmosphere and ambiance. Perfect casual dining for locals as well as tourist traffic. Turn key operation ready for you to implement your dreams as a restaurant owner! Asking $219,000
Magnificent luxury estate situate don 8.5 acres with over 8100 sq. ft of living space. Home includes 6 bdrms, 8 washrooms, a separate guest house and fruit stand. 5 acres has blueberry plants as well. This stunning home possesses every luxury possible with high ceilings, crown molding, stainless steel appliances,Granite counter tops, open floor plan, large gym room, grand patio, sundecks, built in vacuum, top of the line security system, separate wok kitchen and much more! This gorgeous home is situated in the middle of serene farmland yet only two minutes away from Aldergrove Town centre and with quick access to Hwy #1. The second house is rented as well as fruit stall.Rare opportunity to advantage of this stunning home! Call today for a personal viewing.
Established auto body shop for sale be your own boss today! Well established and well equipped Auto Care Center which offers complete car & truck inspection, service and repair. The perfect opportunity to run your own business with a well recognized and established automotive center. Contact realtor for more details. Asking $139,000
Fully finished side by side strata units for a total of approx. 5540 sqft. Available for sale. Close to Port Kells Industrial area. Easy access to both Highway 1 and Pacific Highway truck crossing.
In Mughal Garden plaza 2 units available, approx 4875 sqft.Already leased to long term tenants, to be sold together. Asking $1.25 million
4020 272 ST, LANGLEY
17358 104A AVE
Hair Salon Business for sale
Located on Fraser Hwy, Cloverdale area, well established business, easy to maintain, higher monthly revenue. Asking $69,900 GREAT FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY
95 Ave & 152 St., 940 sqft. office space is available for lease on 2nd floor including 3 small offices, meeting room and reception. Also available 9400 sqft. space for lease. LOTS OF EXPOSURE.
Dream Pizza For Sale Perfect opportunity to be your own boss with this well established Pizza & Indian Cuisine in Langley. Running successfully for the Last five years with excellent daily sales. Close to Days Inn, The Best Western & Westward Inn also close to the Greyhound station, taxi stop bus stand and many apartments near by. Excellent location & turn key operation. This is an opportunity not to be missed! Asking $139,900
Great Franchise opportunity just listed! Busy Coquitlam Center Mall location for Chop N Toss Franchise! Wont last long! Asking $158,800
Don't miss this rare opportunity to own your own busy Lighthouse Indian Cuisine Franchise! Prime location in Brickyard Station Plaza this fantastic business has Take out and dine in, beautiful décor, quality kitchen, Full Liquor license and full Indian Cuisine Menu. Complete turn key operation enables you to be your own boss with this established franchise. Contact me today for further info. Asking $389,000
2590 sqft. Retail and Office space for sale Asking $649,000
8318 Scott Road is offering medical and other professionals an opportunity to purchase premium office space in Surey, BC. Set to be completed by fall 2016, this state if the art steel and concrete building will offer a mixture of retail and office space to professionals looking for a long term home for their business. Space is limited. Call today for more details.
2006-2007 2004-2005 2011, 2012 2008-2009 2013-2014
UNIT FOR LEASE ON 72 & 132 ST Available for lease. Opp JR Furniture. Good mix of warehouse and office space. Centrally located in light industrial zoning. Office for sale! Great Investment #1 1016 Sq Ft Excellent exposure, top floor office space within the busy Khalsa Business Center complex. Full area designated for classroom space and additional office space. Take advantage of tons of visual exposure from 128th st. High traffic complex great investment opportunity. $325,000.00 #2. 1920 sq ft of second floor office space. Includes 10 private offices, boardroom, reception area, kitchenette. Excellent exposure, top floor office space within the busy Khalsa Business Center complex. Take advantage of tons of visual exposure from 128th st. High traffic complex great investment opportunity. $550,000
Great opportunity to get into a Franchised and easy to operate Candy business! This established franchise is located in Ocean Park Shopping Center near major anchor Safeway. This rapidly growing franchise currently has 22 locations within BC and Alberta. With unique product Imported from the US and UK this franchise is completely turn –key and full training provided. This easy to run business is perfect for a couple and for those wanting to try their hand at being an entrepreneur. Asking $79,900
Located in a busy commercial plaza in the heart of Surrey. Lots of traffic and close to public transportation, restaurants, office and retail shops. Established recently the spa and salon offers modern décor up to date equipment/furnishings. Excellent turn key operation. Asking $60,000
Friday, July 29th, 2016 Welcome to trade house!Welcome toc trade iksythis ÊvIÊqrH ~ÊdIÊpR`prtIÊvy xÊEqythis ÊKRIhouse! dxÊqoNÊpihl~ÊiekÊv`rÊjrUrÊPonÊkroÊjI|
More than 22 Years of Experience in Real Estate
Surinder (Sam) Toor
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Buying or Selling any type of Property? Call Today!
Suite and a Shop! And 31710 SOUTHDALE CRES Legal room to park Boat, Motor
Home or extra vehicles. This well cared for home in a central location has a walk out basement, a large sundeck and a concrete apron out the back yard, very little grass to mow. Shared laundry with a tenant that would like to continue. Great shop! Also has a tent like covering good to keep the boat out of the rain.
32301 Slocan Pl. 2378 Holly St. Abbotsford Abbotsford
OPEN HOUSE Sat & Sun 1-4pm Custom built, Super clean 2 storey plus fully finished basement house in Fairfield Estate cul-de-sac location, almost 3900 SQ.FT. Close to all levels of schools, bus services, and exhibition park. New Roof, NEW paint, totally updated. It has large 3 bedrooms, Library upstairs. On the main floor there is a spacious kitchen, family rom, living room, dining room and a bedroom. Patio just off the family room/kitchen. In total there are two laundry rooms. In the basement there is one super clean bedroom fully finished basement suite with a separate entrance. Also, there is one large rec room and other. Entire house is professionally landscaped.
$599,000 Very hard to find 7700 SQFT big lot with house in west end of city. 2 bedroom house lot 70x110. Close to shopping and bus service, school. Easy to build dream house. It has a new roof, paint, tiles. Very good tenants paying $1100 rent per month. Please do not disturb the tenants. Showing only with appointment. All the measurements are approx. buyer to verify if important. Need offer.
30860 E OSPREY DRIVE – Abbotsford 3434 TOWNLINE ROAD, Abbotsford
4033 Brisbane Court
Wonderful family home located on a quiet street near elementary and high schools. New Highstreet Mall is a short walk away where you can shop or enjoy Starbucks and Tim Horton's. New flooring, new roof, New high efficiency furnace and PEX piping. A new central vacuum. Enjoy the roominess of 5 bedrooms include 1-2 bedroom suite, 2 laundries. Professional landscaped private backyard with new retaining walls and a cedar hedging. R-60 insulation in the attic will keep you warm in the winter and cool in summer.
Total 8 bedrooms beautiful house. Close to all levels of school, bus service, Apollo fitness centre, Fruiticana. This house has 4 large bedrooms up with spacious kitchen, family room leading to the back sundeck, living room, 2 sundecks, new flooring and new paint, new faux-wood blinds and new ceiling fans. Daylight entry basement includes 3 bedrooms legal suite and a bedroom and rec room for upstairs use.
$739,900 42460 WALNUT AVE YARROW
Welcome to trade this house!
Custom built two storey home with full walkout daylight legal basement suite. Home shows very beautiful with superb, quality millwork throughout, coffered ceilings, two kitchens on the main floor, maple kitchen cabinets and granite countertop. Bedroom on main could be an office. Two master bedrooms upstairs, total 4 bedrooms upstairs plus more, 2 laundries, large lot. This house is situated at the very end of a short cul-de-sac backing onto greenbelt and farmland. Seller may consider trade with small house.
34135 HIGGINSON CRES This 2 Storey w/basement home on
7954+sf Lot. Main oor starts with a large open foyer leading to formal livingroom & diningroom. Large Kitchen has stainless appliances, island w/breakfast counter & eating area. Family room, 2pc bath, an inlaw/guest bedroom, ofce and laundry. Above is the Lg Mbdrm w/WIC & 4pc Ensuite and 4bdrms and 2 4pc baths. Basement has 2Bdrm Legal Suite w/4pc bath as well as 1bdrm unauth suite w/4pc bath. Lot is completely landscaped, fenced and has veg garden & cherry tree. 2Bdrm Legal & 1Bdrm Unauth Suites offer $1500/mth rental income. Beautiful executive home in prestigious
Faireld subdivision in West Abbotsford offers this 2 Storey w/bsmnt 6 bedroom 4 bath beauty! Main oor has Large foyer with spiral staircase, Formal Living Room, Kitchen w/eating area, Dining Room, Family Room, Den and Laundry. Above is large MBdrm w/5pc ensuite and 4 pc bath with 3 more bedrooms, Basement has 2 Bdrm Legal Suite. Come and View!! What a combination! 2596 sqft house on a 9966 sqft lot with South facing backyard on a dead end street. Schoolyard behind with the Community Centre just steps away and the Vedder River just accross the street. The house has had several upgrades and is waiting for your nishing ideas. Large open country kitchen with gas stove opens to the dining room and large sundeck. 3 Bedrooms up and even a 4 piece ensuite. Basement has outside access and lots of options for future development. Backyard has dry storage, hot tub and possible vehicle access past the house. Renovations include some newer vinyl windows, roof replaced in 2013, furnace in 2006 and more.
Gardens. Timeless oorplan 45825 VERBENA DR CHILLIWACK Higginson with great room and master bedroom on
the main with massive walk-in closet. Superior nishes including hardwood, tile and crown moulding. Upstairs features 3 large bedrooms and a library area. Basement features a LEGAL 1 bedroom and den suite with 2 full bathrooms! Also in the basements are a rec room and ex room for the upstairs use. All of this set on a large fenced corner lot with side yard access for parking the toys. Great location with all amenities close by, including all levels of schools, Kinkora golf course, Village at Sardis Park shopping centre and Sardis park. This is an amazing house, meticulously maintained and ready for you today.
$849,900 10-31235 UPPER MACLURE RD
Well kept nice and bright townhouse in KLAZINA ESTATES! Lots of storage space and a beautiful backyard.Stainless steel appliances,granite countertops,shows very nice.Walk to all levels of schools,Apollo gym, close to high Street mall,Easy access to freeway.
We Have Qualied Buyers For Homes
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Sunrise West Coast Realty
#103 - 12030 80th Ave. Surrey, BC V3W3M1 | 604.595.3580
c: 604.825.0215 Kanwaljit K. Gill
House Coming Soon
10,600 sq. ft. lot, 4 bedroom house with basement. Central Abbotsford, Subdividable potential. Close to all amenities. Corner lot!
Exclusive Listing $329,000
A GREAT BUY!! 5 bedroom house
6 bedroom house. 2.5 bath, 3 bedroom basement suite with separete entry. 8700 sf. Corner lot west Abby near all amenities. Don't miss! Call Kanwaljit K Gill
sfzy kolL ivWc KRIddfr hY| ilsitMg dI loV hY | vYst aqy sYNtr aYbtsPorz ivwc.
Reasonal Price! - QUICK SALE! I Have Qualified Buyers Looking For House!
I N C .
Friday, July 29th, 2016
Friday, July 29th, 2016
Friday, July 29th, 2016
Friday, July 29th, 2016
Friday, July 29th, 2016
Friday, July 29th, 2016
Friday, July 29th, 2016
Friday, July 29th, 2016
Friday, July 29th, 2016