August 9th, 2013

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Punjabi Patrika


Agrifair ‘Wild, Wild West’ a phenomenal success!

Hello Andy, Stan Loewen and I are very impressed and very thankful that our ad, for Stella Maris kelp (“Want better Brix?) was placed on page 54, right in with the “Canada Day Celebrations in Abbotsford!” feature in your July 5th edition of the Patrika. We feel this has given TerraLink very good exposure to our clientele and consequently we are very happy with it.

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In general, on behalf of TerraLink, I will say we are pleased to be able to work with you and your paper, the Punjabi Patrika. Although we only typically put in 6 or so ads per year, this is suitable for our level of business and for the amount of products and services we feel we must advertise. We have been happy with the response we get from our • them. 8% Ca, 6% N, 0.5% B to customers, whoControl are also your customers, many of Compared Eco-Cal CaCl • Organic complexed other newspapers and trade magazines, we often hear from customers calcium • Unsurpassed foliar after they have seen our ads in the Patrika.

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ow! What a fair it was! This year ’s ‘Wild, Wild West’ themed Abbotsford Agrifair and Mighty Fraser Rodeo was a huge success! Although the weather was unsettled on opening day, it didn’t stop rodeo fans and fairgoers from coming out to enjoy the rodeo and other festivities. With sun-filled skies the rest of the weekend, the grounds were packed and bustling with excitement and activity right through to the end on Monday afternoon! “Agrifair has been absolutely phenomenal!” exclaimed Ernie Silveri, Agrifair President. “We are certain, based on the crowds in the stands and activity on the fairgrounds, that attendance is up this year!”

fifteen dollars, you likely took advantage of the free concerts beginning with BC’s talented youth in the Valley Voices Competition Friday night, then alternative rocker turned country star, Dallas Smith, on Saturday night, and finally three-time Grammy award winning Christian rock band Jars of Clay on Sunday night! There was tons of talent to hear in the Valley Voices competition running all day Friday with the finals held on the Concert Stage Friday evening. The winner this year was Kiana Nicholson who sang the Canadian national anthem during Saturday evening’s rodeo.

Dallas Smith rocked Agrifair grounds Saturday night with an estimated eighteen hundred fans and fairgoers! The audience cheered and a mass of young people swarmed the stage as Dallas appeared. Fans were singing, dancing and fist-pumping as Dallas rocked songs from his latest album as well as songs from his former alternative rock band, Default. At the end of the concert, the audience didn’t let him go easily! Cheering and whistling If you managed to take advantage of brought Dallas back to perform two more the new four-day weekend pass for only songs. 4H barns were full and thanks to the great weather there was also a great audience turn-out. The dairy show was likely the biggest one in the province this year, according to Lorne Webster, Livestock Committee Chair. Contestants as far away as Ontario competed in the National Shorthorn Show. There was also a good sized 4H Horse Club Show and participation in goat, sheep and dog 4H.

Post-secondary students need to think about jobs 5/17/2013 11:46:51 AM

By Amrik Virk, Minister of world-class post-secondary education, skills training Advanced Education and other public services This school year in British are viable only with a strong Columbia, we expect more economy. We need to work than 400,000 students to within budgets and make enrol in at least one course the most effective use of at our public post-secondary existing resources. institutions. We are all part of a large colAs the new post-secondary laborative education network school year gets underway, that is working together to my goal as British Columprovide the right training at bia’s new Advanced Education Minister is to ensure the right time so we can fill post-secondary students the jobs of today and tomorobtain the experience and row – wherever they are in qualifications needed to B.C. And, we will continue put a paycheque in their to work with Aboriginal back pocket. Whether they communities to increase are thinking about courses access to post-secondary to upgrade their skills, just education and employmentstarting out, well underway related training. or finishing their studies – Labour market forecasts we expect there will be job expect an estimated one openings in many fields million jobs here by 2020 over the coming years. — and 43 per cent of them As a parent of three children – two of whom will be returning to post-secondary education classes in September – I want all our children to have greater opportunities than we had. But


Friday, August 9th, 2013


find further improvements to meet students’ needs. We will be working hard to increase the number of international students who choose B.C. as a place to study. And we will establish a school of traditional Chinese medicine at a public post-secondary institution and create a Centre of Excellence in Agriculture in the Fraser Valley.

British Columbians must be flexible about going where the jobs are. Government must make sure that skills and training are aligned to jobs. And institutions must continue to adapt and respond when it comes to preparing students for the jobs of today as well as the jobs of tomorrow, whatever they may be. My advice to students is to look at where the jobs are based and tailor their education and training to match. Our population is concentrated in the Lower Mainland and on southern Vancouver Island, but as a resourcebased economy, many directly and indirectly related jobs are located elsewhere.

teacher, a worthy career that she said she wanted to pursue since high school. But if she wants to stay in the Lower Mainland close to family, she may need to work as a substitute teacher. Right now there are more elementary teachers than jobs available. If she were to consider taking a job in a more rural or remote part of the province, she might more easily find fulltime work as an elementary school teacher.

In the coming years, we expect to see many job opportunities emerge in the will require trades or techniNorthwest, which is the cal training. We are a provheart of liquefied natural gas ince where there are going development. to be a million jobs because the world believes in the Recently, I talked with an relationships and the strong individual who is training My vision is for a system economy that we have built. to be an elementary school that is nimble and flex-

ible – a system that meets the ever-changing needs of students, institutions, industry and government through innovative ideas and new approaches. Working in partnership, we will leverage the expertise of institutions and enhance collaboration in sectors such as shipbuilding, agriculture, mining, and oil and gas development. Our mandate is clear. Some of the areas that government will look at in the months ahead include a review of the student loan program to

We need to strike a balance between growing our economy and educating a skilled workforce with the research and intellectual curiosity that is a vital element of our post-secondary system. The public post-secondary system belongs to all of us. I believe we can maintain it and ensure its future success only by working together, continuing to engage in dialogue and collaborating to find administrative savings, while at the same time developing programs to align skills with jobs.

Friday, August 9th, 2013

A gorgeous sunset sky turned to stars Sunday evening as approximately four thousand fans and fairgoers staked out spots on the grass with chairs and blankets in anticipation of three-time Grammy award winning Christian rock band, Jars of Clay. Their unique sound, a blend of alternative rock, folk, acoustic and R & B, brought the audience to their feet. The deep, hauntingly beautiful sound of the cello together with the acoustic guitar, drums and pristine vocals had the audience singing, swaying, dancing and embracing. At the end of the concert, Jars of Clay was called back to perform three more songs. They stayed after the show to meet and greet a long line of their fans. The bleachers in Thunder Bowl both Saturday and Sunday evenings were so packed the audience was forced to spill out onto the grassy slopes to take in the high energy rodeo action! JJ Harrison, rodeo clown, and Al Parsons, rodeo announcer, kept the audience entertained with good back-and-forth jokes and some knee-slapping comic relief. The air suits were hilarious! Even City of Abbotsford Mayor, Bruce Banman, sported one and put on a show of dance moves on Sunday evening! The Strathcona Mounted Troop performed their “Musical Ride” in the Thunder Bowl and Agrifair Arena throughout the weekend. Audiences were delighted by the

Punjabi Patrika  equestrian skill as the troops performed several choreographed riding sequences and demonstrated the historical art of tent-pegging in period uniform. It was an awesome display of Canada’s military heritage that everyone enjoyed!

Record crowds gathered early to get a good seat in the Thunder Bowl stands Monday afternoon before the Demolition Derby unleashed its automotive carnage despite the heat. Both the bleachers and the grassy slopes were packed! It was literally mini-vans to the death as what Wrestling in the Cadet building drew a started off as a figure eight huge audience! There was standing room only as eager wrestling fans strove to race turned into an all-out smash up derby snag one of three hundred seats and get until only one remained moving. Crowds a good look at Jimmy Hart, “The Mouth loved it! They cheered and laughed as of the South”. People were crazy to see vans smashed each other into automotive him! Wrestling fans were satisfied and pulp! even came back for multiple days of good The Midway was bustling with activity, entertainment! screams and laughter all weekend long! Chef Dez drew crowds to his cooking There were lots of great rides and games tent with his quick wit humour and mouth to keep people of all ages entertained! The watering cooking demonstrations which included some healthy ‘Wild, Wild West’ themed meals created from common household ingredients.

PAGE 3 fair food was also delicious! Did you see the size of those ice cream cones? They sure hit the spot on the hot days! Or how about those mini donuts or the deep fried pickles? There’s nothing like fair food to complete a good fair experience! Agrifair proved what it claims to be this August long weekend, “The best little country fair!” With so much for families to do and see, the four-day weekend pass was a hit and people took advantage of it! The high energy of the crowds in the stands and the buzz throughout Agrifair grounds were positive! There is so much more in store for next year so be sure to mark it on your 2014 calendar! You won’t want to miss it!

There was always a cheering crowd around for the West Coast Lumberjack Show proving they’ve been missed at the fair the past few years. Lumberjacks put on a good humoured show as they battled each other through climbing, sawing, chopping and balancing matches such as the ‘Spring Board Chop’, ‘Jack n’ Jill Double Buck’ and ‘Log Rolling’. There was no pulling the wool over kids’ eyes! They were on the look-out for any kind of cheating among competitors! The lumberjacks also delighted audiences with their chainsaw carvings!



Punjabi Patrika 

Friday, August 9th, 2013

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ilbrlF nUM vI sfvDfn ho ky aYn[ zI[ pI[ df sihXog XkInI bnfAuxf pvygf.

AuntfrIE dy pRImIar kYQlIn vyn dy leI hfl dIafˆ Aup coxfˆ iek kiTn sbk dy geIafˆ hn. Auhnfˆ nUM pRImIar df ahudf sMBfilafˆ iËafdf mhIny nhIN hoey pr Auhnfˆ dI pfrtI hwQoN ijs qrHfˆ 3 sItfˆ inkl geIafˆ, Aus dI BrpfeI qfˆ Auh nhIN kr skdy, pr jykr afpxI srkfr dy aqIq qoN KihVf Cuzf ky iek nvIN idÈf pkV lYx qfˆ insicq hI Auh kuJ ibhqr hux pMj hlikaF dI AuWp cox ivwc il- pRfpqI aglyry smyˆ ivc kr skdy hn. brl pfrtI dy mMqrIaF ny hI ieh sItF kYnyzf dI rfjnIqI ivc Aup coxfˆ nUM KflI kIqIaF sn. iehnF sItF AuWqy ijwq mwDkflI coxfˆ dy leI iek sMkyq mfqr pRfpq krky hflF ik pRImIar kYQlIn vyn smiJaf jfˆdf hY ikAuNik votrfˆ dy Pqvy bhumq qF pRfpq nhIN kr skdy sn pr nUM lMmyrI rfjnIqI df sMkyq nhIN mMinaf mjLbUq jnqk Pqvy df Pfiedf lY skdy jfˆdf. ibRitÈ kolMbIaf df qjrbf sfzy sn. pr aijhf nhIN ho sikaf ikAuNik sB dy sfhmxy hY. AWuQy vI pRImIar ikRstI ies srkfr nUM GpilaF GutfilaF dy klfrk nUM iek kmËor nyqf mMinaf jf kfrn bhuq bdnfmI df sfhmxf krnf irhf sI, pr Auhnfˆ ny jo kmfl kr idKpY irhf hY aqy sfbkf pRImIar migMtI fieaf, Aus qoN AuntfrIE dy ilbrl sbk dI agvfeI vflI iblrl srkr dy sfey ËrUr lY skdy hn. pRImIar kYQlIn vyn dI srkfr qy vI pY pR I mIar kY Q lIn vy n nU M ivvfd aqy rhy hn. skYˆzl ivrsy ivc imly hn. Auhnfˆ qoN hux ieh srkfr pUrn qOr qy ivroDI iDrF ipClI pRImIar zfltn migMtI jdoN sfry dy kbjLy ivwc af geI hY. srkfr dy kol pfisAuN iGr gey qfˆ Auhnfˆ ny asqIPf dy bhumq nhIN aqy nf hI hux pUrf hox dI idwqf. ies qoN bfad pRImIar kYQlIn vyn afs hY. ies krky ies srkfr nUM aYn[ ny ahudf sMBfilaf pr Auhnfˆ nUM iehnfˆ zI[ pI[ dy shfry rihxf pvygf. ieh pfrtI skYˆzlfˆ dIafˆ prCfeIafˆ ny Gyr ilaf. kdoN afpxf hwQ ipwCy iKwcdI hY, ieh iPl- kYˆsl kIqy gYs plfˆtfˆ dy hr roË ho rhy hfl nhIN ikhf jf skdf ikAuNik aYn[ zI[ nvyˆ Kulfisafˆ dy kfrn pRImIar vyn nUM pI[ nUM skfrfqmk ruK df lfB iml irhf vfr vfr sPfeIafˆ hI nhIN dyxIafˆ pY hY. iehnF coxF ivwc aYn[ zI[ pI[ do sItF rhIafˆ sn, blik Auhnfˆ nUM ivroDI iDrfˆ AuWqy ijwq pRfpq krky iek mjLbUq pfrtI dy mUhry Jukxf vI pY irhf hY. vjoN AuWBrI hY aqy afAux vfly smyN ivwc ieh pfrtI afpxI sMgTnfqmk qfkq hor byÈwk ivroDI iDrfˆ iehnfˆ cox nqIijafˆ qoN mjLbUq krnI cfhygI. aYn[ zI[ pI[ ieh vI AuqÈfihq hn pr pRImIar vyn kol hfly nhIN cfhygI ik asiQrqf df TIkrf Aus vI kfPI smfˆ ipaf hY ik Auh aglIafˆ dy isr Puwty. ies qoN ielfvf ieh jnqk coxfˆ qwk srkfr dy aks nUM suDfr lYx muwidaF nUM AuTf ky srkfr dI bFh mroV blik ies nUM cmkf ky aglIafˆ mwDkflI coxfˆ ivc pyÈ krn qfˆ insicq hI Auhnfˆ ky kMm vI krvfeygI aqy Aus df ishrf nUM Pfiedf ho skdf hY. afp lvygI. ieh vI spsLt hY ik BivwK ivwc ilbrl bhu igxqI sItF nhIN ijwq pRImIar kYQlIn vyn ny iehnfˆ coxfˆ nUM skxgy. nyV BivwK ivwc torI coxF cfhuMdy BUqkfl dy kMmfˆ df Pqvf dwisaf hY. byÈwk hn pr ieh qF hux aYn[ zI[ pI[ qy in- Auh afpxI kfrguËfrI nfl iehnfˆ coxfˆ rBr hY ik Auh kdoN cox cfhuMxgy. jdoN dy nqIijafˆ nUM nhIN joVdy pr ilbrlfˆ dy AunHF leI smF suKfvF hovygf qF srkfr pwK ivc jnqk rfey bxfAux dI iËMmyvfrI qoN hmfieq vfps lY lYxgy pr afpxy juMmy Auhnfˆ dy isr hY qfˆ hI Auh aglyry smyˆ srkfr zygx df dosL nhIN lYxgy. ies leI ivc kfmXfbI dI afs rwK skx. PAGE 4

Friday, August 9th, 2013

Punjabi Patrika

ÕËÊÆ ĂĽÂŻÂş ĂŞzòĂ…Ăƒ ÇòíĂ…Ă— ÇÕÀ°º Ă–°Ă‡ĂƒĂ Ă…? pRvfsI mUl dy lokF ivwc jysn kYnI nUM kOx nhIN jfxdf. AunHF dy ieMmIgRysLn suDfrF dy rfm rOly aqy hr rojL afAuNdy ibafnF dy kfrn Auh ipCly 5 sflF qoN lgfqfr crcf ivwc bxy rhy hn. pRDfn mMqrI dy sB qoN nyVly mMqrIaF ivwcoN iek rhy jysn kYnI ny iehnF suDfrF dI pRikiraf ivwc bhuq sfrIaF aijhaF glqIaF vI kIqIaF hn, ijhnF dy kfrn kMsrvyitv pfrtI nUM votF ivgVn df Kqrf ijLafdf vDdf njLr afieaf hY. kYnyzf ivwc pRvfs aqy njfiejL pRvfs AuWqy rok, Prfz mfmilaF dI pCfx, pirvfrk mYNbrF df pRvfs aqy nklI ivafhF afid AuWqy pRvfsI mUl dy lokF ivwc AunHF dI bhuq crcf rhI hY. AunHF ny ijwQy kfPI suDfr kIqy, AuWQy kYnyzf ivwc pRvfs krn dy cfhvfnF nUM inrfsL vI bhuq kIqf hY. pRvfs krn dy cfhvfnF ivwcoN ijLafdfqr lokI AuhI hn, ijhnF dy pirvfrk mYNbr pihlF hI iewQy rihMdy hn aqy pwky nfgirk vI hn. AunHF lokF dy leI iewQy afAuxf aqy rihxf sOKf vI hY, pr ieMmIgRysLn mMqrI huMidaF jysn kYnI ny aijhy bhuq sfry aiVwky KVHy kIqy, ijhnF dy kfrn AunHF dy leI pRvfs krnf musLkl ho igaf. aijhIaF hI kuJ glqIaF hn, ijhVIaF hfrpr mMqrI mMzl ivwc AunHF df ruqbf Gtvf geIaF aqy AunHF df ivBfg bdl idwqf igaf. iehnF glqIaF ivwcoN pRmwuK hn: sRI jysn kYnI ny kYnyzf afAux qoN pihlF BfsLf ivwc mfihrqf dI sLrq Qop idwqI. ies sLrq dy qihq hux kYnyzf ivwc AuhI af skygf, ijhVf cMgI qrHF aMgryjLI jF PrYNc BfsLf bol skdf hovy. kYnyzf vwK vwK siBafcfrF aqy iPrikaF qoN afey lokF df mulk hY. ies mulk ivwc rihx vfly lok sYNkVy BfsLfvF boldy hn, pr ijhnF mulkF ivwc aMgryjLI aqy PrYNc ijLafdf pRcwlq nhIN, AunHF lokF df iewQy afAuxf isrP supnf bx ky hI rih igaf sI. sRI kynI dy ies PYsly df vwK vwK QfvF qy ivroD vI hoieaf aqy ikAUibk ivwc vI AunHF dy iKlfP avfjL afeI. ieMmIgRysLn mMqrI jysn kynI ny bhuq sfry tYNpryrI ivdysLI vrkrF dy leI drvfjLy KolH idwqy, jd ik ivwq mMqrI kih rhy sn ik kYnyzf dI arQ dsLf hfly nfjLk dOr ivwcoN lMG rhI hY. ivdysLF qoN afAux vfly tYNpryrI vrkrF df hVH iewQy pihlF hI byrujLgfrI dI mfr Jwl rhy lokF leI hor ijLafdf ksLtdfiek iswD ho skdf hY. ieMmIgRysLn mMqrI huMidaF jysn kynI ny kfrporyt Kyqr nUM kYnyzf df pRvfs isstm mrjLI muqfbk ivgfVn dI afigaf df pRsqfv rwK idwqf. ies nvIN skIm dy qihq rujLgfr dyx vflf, nf ik ibAUrokRyt ieh qih krygf ik kOx kYnyzf afvygf. ieh PYslf srkfr


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dy pRBUswqf aiDkfr dI AulMGxf vI kr skdf sI aqy iewQy byloVy lokF dy afAux df rfh pwDrf vI kr skdf sI. ieMmIgRysLn mMqrI jysn kynI ny ‘istIjLnisLp PrfzF’ bfry jo PYslf ilaf, Aus dy kfrn PYzrl srkfr dy do ivBfgF ivckfr hI qx geI. ssqI ivdysLI lybr `qy awK rwKx vfly AudXoigk Kyqr dy leI pRvfs mMqrI ny kuJ CotF dyx df PYslf kIqf. pr sQfnk kYnyzIan pRvfsIaF nfloN pwky nfgirkF nUM pihl dyx dy hwk ivwc hn. sRI kynI ny pRDfn mMqrI dI cfeInIjL hyztYks qoN muafPI ivwc dKLl aMdfjLI kIqI. ies dy nfl AunHF ny iek ieiqhfsk moV ilaf. ilv ien kyarigvrs pRogrfm dy ivwc vI AunHF ny CyVCfV kIqI, ijs krky iPlpIno kynyzIan pRBfivq hoey. kYrIbIan BfeIcfry nUM pRBfivq krn vfly AunHF dy PYsly dI aflocnf vI hoeI. AunHF ny myz ien kYnyzf aprfD aqy pRvfsIaF ivckfr vwzf Prk kr idwqf. ivdysLI mUl dy lokF dy aprfiDk aks aqy aprfDF ivwc sLfml pfey jfx qy vqIrf vwKrf ho igaf. nrsF, mYzIkl zfktrF aqy mnuwKI aDfr qy mdd krn vfilaF dy mfmly ivwc kYnI ny iek vwzy gruwp riPAUjLI nUM mdd qoN bfhr kr idwqf. riPAUjLI kYnyzf ivwc ielfj hI nhIN krvf skx kfrn mr vI skdf hY, Aus nUM jykr koeI CUq dI ibmfrI ho geI qF Aus df ielfj qurMq jLrUrI ho jFdf hY, pr kynI ny Aus BfeIcfry nUM ielfj dI shUlq qoN hI bfhr kr idwqf.


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AunHF dI sB qoN vwzI Buwl ieh rhI ik pRvfs mMqrfly nUM AunHF ny kfrporyt jgq df gulfm bxf idwqf. kfrporyt Kyqr dy ihwqF dI pUrqI leI nIqIaF bxn lwgIaF. ipCly sfl gy kYnyzIan nUM AunHF ny insLfnF bxfieaf, ijs dI alocnf hoeI. pirvfrk muV imlfp pRogrfm do sflF dy leI bMd kr idwqf igaf. ieMmIgRysLn mMqrI dI ies PYsly kfrn bhuq aflocnf hoeI, bysLwk AunHF ny bhuq sPfeIaF idwqIaF, pr Auh ies bdnfmI qoN bc nf ksy. aijhy kuJ kfrnF krky Auh lgfqfr gYr-lokipRaf huMdy cly gey. ipClIaF coxF qoN pihlF AunHF ny pRvfsI mUl dy lokF nUM kMjrvyitv pfrtI vwl afkrisLq krn leI kfPI cMgy kdm vI cuwky sn, pr ies drimafn Auh glqIaF vI krdy gey aqy ies dy kfrn pfrtI nUM vot bYNk bxn dI bjfey ivgVn df zr ijLafdf sqfAux lwigaf. aijhy hI kuJ kfrn rhy hn ijhnF kfrn AunHF dI ies mMqrfly qoN CuwtI ho geI. PAGE 5


Punjabi Patrika

Friday, August 9th, 2013


More than 800 Cone Zones in province this summer


rivers will experience increased presence of roadside workers including landscapers, road construction workers and municipal workers during the summer months. Richmond, B.C. / August 6, 2013 – Drivers in the Metro Vancouver area and throughout British Columbia will see an increase in the number of roadside workers over the summer months working in the “Cone Zone”.


Drivers will encounter “Cone Zones” for road construction and road maintenance, but “Cone Zones” are also the work places for landscapers, municipal workers, linesmen and others who work behind those orange cones, signage, and/or other traffic control devices to plant trees on boulevards, cut tall grass With over 800 work at the roadside, or repair zones or “roadside of- communication lines and fices” set up in munici- drainage infrastructure. palities and highways Drivers can reduce the throughout the province, likelihood of a delay by drivers are reminded to avoiding work zones or slow down and drive with allowing for more drivcare in the “Cone Zone”. ing time. And while most roadside work, like these more Here are some ways to than 800 work zones, is make sure that both you scheduled in advance, and roadside workers stay there are instances when safe this summer: unforeseen work needs 1.) Check for traffic deto be done and a “Cone lays before you leave Zone” is set up without prior notice.

• Tr a c k s a c t i v e o r planned work zones around the province • – Provides real time information on current road and travel conditions • Visit your municipal website or listen to your local radio station traffic report 2.) Give yourself more time for your commute and take a different route if possible.

ers in B.C. are a reality. On a daily basis, roadside workers continue to be at risk of being seriously or fatally injured by distracted, aggressive or speeding drivers. Watch their stories at www. The “Cone Zone” campaign is an annual driver awareness initiative aimed at increasing public awareness about the dangers faced by roadside workers and telling drivers to slow down and pay attention when driving through a “Cone Zone.”

3.) When entering a Cone Zone, slow down to posted speed limits and pay Quotes: attention. “There are tens of thou4.) Follow sign and flag sands of roadside workdirections. Be respectful ers in B.C.,” stated Mark Ordeman, WorkSafeBC of roadside workers. Industry and Labour Services Manager. “The Facts message we want to get to • Between 2003 and drivers is that they need 2012 WorkSafeBC to slow down, pay attenreceived 396 injury tion, and to be respectful claims from people when driving through employed in B.C. these Cone Zones.” that work at the roadside. Of these 192 “The ‘Cone Zone’ camwere serious injuries, paign is about making the 21 resulted in a death. roads safe for everyone – workers and drivers,” • It is estimated that stated Mark Ordeman, there could be as WorkSafeBC Industry many as 20-30 near and Labour Services miss incidents every Manager. “Between 2003 day in B.C. and 2012, twenty-one • There are tens of roadside workers were thousands of roadside killed in motor vehicle incidents in B.C. When workers in B.C. someone is killed or seEven with safety mea- riously injured, that has sures in place, injuries a devastating effect on and near misses experi- families, workplaces and enced by roadside work- the community.”

“When a vehicle enters the Cone Zone and hits a roadside worker the resulting injuries can be very serious, and in some cases are fatal,” says Mark Ordeman, WorkSafeBC Industry and Labour Services Manager. “These injuries shouldn’t be happening. Roadside workers have the right to a safe workplace just like every other worker in this province.” About the Work Zone Safety Alliance: The Cone Zone campaign is a joint provincial initiative supported by organizations committed to improving the safety of roadside workers. They are the Justice Institute of British Columbia, Shaw Communications Inc., Ambulance Paramedics of BC, BC Construction Safety Alliance, BC Flagging Association, BC Hydro, BC Landscape and Nursery Association, BC Municipal Safety Association, B.C. Road Builders and Heavy Construction Association, FortisBC, IBEW258, ICBC, BCAA, Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, RDM Enterprises, Actsafe, Telus, The Community Against Preventable Injuries, Automotive Retailers Association, Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services, Lower Mainland police, and WorkSafeBC.

Friday, August 9th, 2013

Punjabi Patrika 


Buy Local funding helps shoppers choose B.C. products Shoppers will be able to identify B.C. foods for family meals, school snacks and even pet food, as a result of a branding program the B.C. Food Processors Association (BCFPA) is developing through $65,000 in Buy Local Program funding.

sector, with about $8 billion in annual sales and more than 30,000 employees. B.C. products are chosen locally and around the globe as a trusted source of nutrition.

The Buy Local program offers successful applicants matching funds up The BCFPA is developing both in-store to $100,000 to launch or expand local and web materials to help shoppers food marketing campaigns. recognize and choose the wide range of products their members make in Building the local market for B.C. British Columbia. More than 130 foods is a key commitment of governBCFPA members produce thousands of ment’s Agrifoods Strategy, a comproducts that can add local flavours and ponent of the BC Jobs Plan, to lead adventure to dining options. Products the agrifoods sector growth into a that consumers will be able to identify $14-billion-a-year industry by 2017. include baked goods, beverages (including beer, coffee and wine), dairy, Agriculture Minister Pat Pimm – meat and seafood, fruit and vegetable “This province has an incredible range products, ethnic specialties with global of local, high-quality, food options and flavours, natural health products and the Buy Local Program is all about pet food. making it easier for folks to identify The BCFPA will launch the program them and support local products and in multiple locations throughout the jobs. The BCFPA project will lead province this fall. Food and natural to new opportunities for B.C.’s food health product processing is British processors, and help consumers choose Columbia’s largest manufacturing B.C. foods every day of the year.”


Punjabi Patrika


Friday, August 9th, 2013

ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

nobyl purskfr svIzn dy rsfiex ivigafnI alPrYz brnhfrz nobyl dy nfˆ nfl juiVaf hoieaf hY. Aus ny afpxI dOlq df vwzf ihwsf nobyl purskfr dyx Kfqr rwK idwqf sI. AuNJ Auh afpxI pRiswD Koj ‘zfienfmfeIt` krky vDyry jfixaf jfˆdf hY. alPrYz nobyl df jnm 21 akqUbr 1833 nUM svIzn dy ksby stfkhom ivwc ipqf iemYnUaYl nobyl dy Gr hoieaf. Aus df ipqf pulfˆ dI AusfrI df kMm krdf sI, ijs nUM bfrUd nfl cwtfnfˆ AuzfAux dIafˆ keI qknIkfˆ afAuNdIafˆ sn. Aus ny pItrsbrg (rUs) `c iewk vrkĂˆfp KolHI ijs ivwc bfrUdI surMgfˆ dy nfl keI qrHfˆ dy klpurĂ‹y bxdy sn. CotI Aumr qoN hI alPrYz nobyl bVf kmĂ‹or aqy suwkVy srIr vflf sI. Auh hr vyly mMjI `qy ipaf rihMdf. sfQIafˆ nfl Kyz vI nf skdf. iekwlf rihxf cfhuMdf. Aus dI sLurUafqI pVHfeI Gr ivwc hI hoeI. Aus nUM hor iviĂˆafˆ nfloN rsfiex ivigafn vDyry cMgf lwgx lwigaf. Aus df ipqf cfhuMdf sI ik Auh rsfiex ieMjnIar bx ky Aus dy ikwqy nUM hor awgy iljfvy. AudoN alPrYz aTfrfˆ


virHafˆ df sI, jdoN Aus nUM rsfiex ieMjnIar bxn leI amrIkf Byj idwqf igaf. Auh amrIkf, jrmn, Prfˆs GuMimaf. Aus dI mulfkfq ietlI dy rsfiex ivigafnI afskfnIE sObrYro nfl hoeI ijs ny iqMn sfl pihlfˆ iewk ĂˆkqIĂˆflI ivsPotk ‘qrl nfeItRogilsrIn` Koijaf sI. ies ivsPotk nUM sfˆBxf joKm Biraf kMm sI. ies dy Pt jfx df Kqrf hr vyly bixaf rihMdf sI. alPrYz `qy nfeItRogilsrIn dI sfˆBsMBfl dy qrIky lwBx dI Dun svfr ho geI.

sMn 1852 `c nobyl nUM Gridafˆ ny vfps bulf ilaf. Aus dy ipqf df bfrUdI surMgfˆ vycx df kMm vDIaf irV ipaf sI. rUsI POj nUM sfmfn qyĂ‹I nfl Byjxf sI. sMn 1853 `c krImIan jMg iCV geI. Aus dy ipqf ny BfrI igxqI `c bfrUdI hiQafr aqy mfeInĂ‹ vycIafˆ. Aus nUM coKI kmfeI hoeI sI. sMn 1856 `c krImIan jMg Kqm hox `qy Aus nUM vwzf Jtkf lwigaf. hiQafr ivkxy bMd ho gey. Aus df kfrKfnf awg dI lpyt `c af igaf. Aus dy iqafr kIqy ivsPotk aYny ĂˆkqIĂˆflI nhIN sn. hiQafrfˆ dI mkbUlIaq Gt geI. Auh krĂ‹eI ho igaf. nobyl dy pirvfr nUM muV

ipRM: hrIikRsLn mfier

svIzn jfxf ipaf. rUs `c hiQafrfˆ df kfrKfnf Aus dy Brf luzivg nUM sONp ky AunHfˆ ĂˆkqIĂˆflI ivsPotk pdfrQ iqafr krn bfry aiDaYn kIqf. sqMbr 1864 `c nfeItRogilsrIn dy Auqpfdn smyˆ iewk BfrI ivsPot hox kfrn Aus df Brf aYiml aqy cfr hor bMdy mfry gey. kfrKfnf sV ky suafh ho igaf. srkfr ny nfeItRogilsrIn bxfAux `qy pfbMdI lf idwqI.  sMn 1863 `c nobyl ny ‘zYtonytr` Koijaf aqy 1865 `c ‘blfsitMg kYp` iqafr kIqI. alPrYz ny afpxf kfrKfnf jrmnI dy Ăˆihr hYmbrg ivwc lf ilaf. AuWQy Auh ivsPotk pdfrQ aqy nfeItRogilsrIn vycx lwgf. ieh ivsPotk iewk Qfˆ qoN dUjI Qfˆ iljfx smyˆ keI vfr hfdsy ho jfˆdy sn. lwkVI dy zwby ivwc burfdf Br ky nfeItRogilsrIn ijsq dIafˆ boqlfˆ `c rwKI huMdI sI. srkfr ny ies dy vycx `qy pfbMdI lf idwqI. nobyl ny iewk aijhf pdfrQ lwiBaf, jo imwtI vrgf sI aqy sOiKafˆ hI nfeItRogilsrIn nUM soK lYˆdf sI. hux iewk Qfˆ qoN dUjI Qfˆ ies nUM iljfxf sOKf ho igaf sI. iesy lVI `c nobyl ny 1867 `c ivsPotk ‘zfienfmfeIt` dI Koj nUM pytYˆt krvfieaf. zfienfmfeIt dI

vrqoN purfxIafˆ iemfrqfˆ nUM zygx, sVkfˆ bxfAux, cwtfnfˆ qoVn aqy Kfxfˆ dI KudfeI ivwc bVI lfhyvMd sfbq hox lwgI. zfienfmfeIt ĂˆkqIĂˆflI vI sI aqy itkfAU vI. XUrp dy lok ies dy dIvfny ho gey. ies dI mMg vDx krky nobyl ny vwK-vwK mulkfˆ ivwc kfrKfny sQfpq kIqy. zfienfmfeIt dI ivkrI ny Aus nUM hor amIr bxf idwqf. sMn 1875 `c Aus ny hor ĂˆkqIĂˆflI ivsPotk â€˜Ă‹YlIgnfeIt` Koijaf. ieh nfeItRosYlUloĂ‹ aqy nfeItRogilsrIn dy myl qoˆ iqafr kIqf sI. sMn 1887 `c Aus ny ‘bYlIsfeIts` pdfrQ iqafr kIqf. Aus ny POj dI vrqoN leI iewk DUMafˆ rihq ivsPotk pfAUzr vI iqafr kIqf. Aus dI Koj dy Kyqr vI bVy vMn-suvMny sn. bnfAutI rbV, cmVf aqy ryĂˆm vI Ausy ny iqafr kIqy. Aus dy sfZy iqMn sO dy krIb Koj kfrj pytYˆt hoey. Aus df Koijaf bYilstfeIt awj vI rfkyt pRopYlYˆt vjoN vriqaf jfˆdf hY. sMn 1884 `c Auh svIzn dI rfiel akYzmI df mYˆbr bixaf. Aupfslf ivĂˆvivafly ny Aus nUM mfx vjoN zfktryt dI AupfDI idwqI. Aus dy Brf luzivg aqy rfbrt

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Friday, August 9th, 2013

ny kYspIan sfgr nyVy qyl df kfrKfnf lf ilaf aqy cMgI kmfeI kIqI. nobyl dIafˆ bfrUd bxfAux dIafˆ nwby PYktrIafˆ vwK-vwK mulkfˆ ivwc cldIafˆ sn. Aus df suBfa bVf Ă‹flm sI. lokfˆ dy nuksfn nUM Auh gOldf hI nhIN sI. nobyl dy iqafr kIqy bfrUdI hiQafrfˆ ny jMgfˆ dOrfn lwKfˆ lokfˆ nUM mOq dy Gft Auqfiraf. Aus dy iqafr kIqy rsfiexk goly, bMb, qfrpIzo, surMgfˆ afid ny axigxq Gr qbfh kIqy sn. Aus dI ipwT ipwCy lok qrHfˆ-qrHfˆ dIafˆ quhmqfˆ Aus AuWqy lgfAuNdy sn. Auh iĂ‹MdgI Br kuafrf irhf. do-iqMn kuVIafˆ Aus dI iĂ‹MdgI ivwc Ă‹rUr afeIafˆ. alPrYz dI iĂ‹MdgI dy aMqly virHafˆ ivwc iewk Gtnf vfprI. iksy PrfˆsIsI aKbfr ivwc Aus dI mOq dI Kbr pRkfĂˆq ho geI sI. Kbr `c Aus nUM sPl vpfrI ikhf igaf sI. Aus dI Koj zfienfmfeIt nUM KUb inMidaf igaf sI. lokfˆ itwpxI kIqI ik Auh lfĂˆfˆ dy Zyr lf ky amIr bixaf sI. nobyl nUM bVf duwK hoieaf. Auh lokfˆ dI aflocnf nUM awKoN-proKy nf kr sikaf. Aus nUM aihsfs ho igaf ik Auh mOq dy krIb af igaf hY aqy mnuwKI pIVHIafˆ Aus nUM iewk Ă‹flm kih ky Xfd krngIafˆ. ieh sdmf Aus dy idl `qy bYT igaf. Aus dI inwjI skwqr byronYs brQfvfn stwnr ny vI nobyl nUM kfPI pRBfivq kIqf. Auh aOrq ĂˆfˆqIpsMd sI. Aus dI pusqk vYPYn nfiezr (hiQafr suwt idAu) bVI cricq hoeI sI.

Punjabi Patrika


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

afpxI mOq qoN kuJ arsf pihlfˆ sMn 1895 ivwc Aus ny afpxI dOlq df vwzf ihwsf (qkrIbn vIh lwK pONz) nobyl purskfr dyx leI rwK idwqf sI. dyĂˆ-ivdyĂˆ dIafˆ hwdfˆ qoVidafˆ Aus ny pMj nobyl purskfr, dunIafˆ dy isrkwZ BOiqk ivigafnI, rsfiex ivigafnI, cikqsk, arQĂˆfsqrI aqy ivĂˆv pwDr `qy ĂˆfˆqI sQfpq krn vfly ivakqI nUM hr sfl dyx leI ikhf. alPrYz df ivĂˆvfs sI ik Kojkfrfˆ nUM hwlfĂˆyrI dyx nfl smfj syvf nUM mfnqf iml jfvygI. ieMJ ĂˆfˆqI df cfry pfsy psfrf hovygf. afpxy aMqly idn Aus ny ietlI dy Ăˆihr sfnirmy `c ibqfey. Auh aYˆjInf qoN pIVq sI. idmfg `coN KUn vgx nfl Auh 10 dsMbr 1896 nUM ies dunIafˆ nUM alivdf afK igaf. Aus nUM stfkhom dy nog ĂˆmĂˆfnGft `c dPnfieaf igaf. nobyl dy mfrU hiQafr pihlI sMsfr jMg `c vrqy gey. iPr dUjy ivĂˆv XuwD `c hiQafrfˆ df KOPnfk rUp dunIafˆ ny dyiKaf. axigxq lok mOq dy Gft Auqfry gey. awj Kqrnfk prmfxU  mnuwKqf df Gfx krn leI iqafr hn. iĂ‹MdgI Br mfrU hiQafrfˆ df vpfr krn vflf nobyl, afpxI aMiqm iewCf pRgtfAuNdf hoieaf lokfˆ nUM amn aqy sdBfvnf dy rfh `qy cwlx df hokf Ă‹rUr dy igaf. hr vrHy nobyl purskfr dyx smyˆ Aus nUM cyqy kIqf jfˆdf hY.


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Punjabi Patrika

Friday, August 9th, 2013


Warba potatoes, B.C.’s special spud FRASER VALLEY – Whether you call them ‘taters, spuds or plain ol’ potatoes, there’s no question this nightshade plays a big role in B.C., both on the fields and in our kitchens. To help give B.C. taters a boost, BCfresh was a recent recipient of a $16,000 Buy Local grant to help promote the Warba potato variety. BCfresh is a grower-owned distribution and marketing agency, representing over 50 family farms in B.C. They market and distribute local farmers’ products to local retailers, wholesalers, restaurants and national chains. The government of B.C. is investing $2 million to help B.C. producers and processors promote local foods. This funding helps local businesses and organizations launch or expand their marketing campaigns, and allows B.C.’s diverse food industry to use customized promotions specific to their market and needs. Quotes: Agriculture Minister Pat Pimm –

consumers buy local they are providing fresh and healthy food for their family while generating economic benefits for B.C. food producers and communities.” Brian Faulkner, vice-president of sales and marketing, BCfresh – “Warba is a unique product – It’s the first local potato of the year. We’re one of the few companies, and perhaps the only company that we know of, to grow them commercially.” Peter Guichon, Felix Farms grower of Warba potatoes – “Our family has grown Warba in B.C. as an early-variety potato for over 50 years. We love its flavour and can hardly wait for the early summer harvest, the first in Canada.” Quick Facts: · Warba potatoes are an heirloom product from the 1920s, designed to be an early-producing crop.

“The B.C. government is committed · Warba potatoes are available from June to promoting local foods, and when to August.


Friday, August 9th, 2013

Punjabi Patrika 

The Princess Myth Art Exhibition By Mandeep Wirk


the studio photo Optimism, the statement reads, “South Asian girls are socialized to be pleasers and rarely let their guard down. Yet they also possess a well spring of optimism and unwavering desire to succeed.” Inspite of the stress placed by these unrealistic sociocultural expectations on our girls, many do well because they are strong individuals.

urrey Art Gallery’s exhibition The Princess Myth: Exploring South Asian Teen Identity and Wellness is an extensive and insightful investigation of the ‘in-between world’ of South Asian Canadian girls. This exhibition challenges social stereotypes that stifle the personal development of South Asian teen girls South Asian culture in Canada remains growing up here in Canada. very traditional and highly judgemental Using thought provoking studio photo- because it is male-dominated 4 generations graphs, digital artworks and paintings on. This can make the teen years (14 – 19 complimented with literary compositions years) extremely challenging, especially created by our South Asian teen girls for our young girls who are negotiating themselves, this exhibition contrasts how their personal identity between East and these girls see themselves with how other West. Mind the Gap (acrylic painting) porpeople perceive them. This inquiry reveals trays the identity struggle of a South Asian a huge gap between how our South Asian girl showing her sandwiched between the Canadian girls want to be perceived and South Asian culture of her traditional famhow society actually sees them. Our South ily and the mainstream Canadian culture Asian Canadian girls see themselves as of her high school. The stress of living being strong and equal to any one else and in 2 very different worlds shows in her rightfully so; whereas society in general anxiety ridden face. In Happiness (watersees them as delicate, quiet, polite and ac- colour painting), the artist shows her friend commodating subordinates. The artworks Jusleen dressed in salwar-kameez and in expose this Princess myth by showcasing western attire and writes, “ Jusleen doesn’t the inner strength and inner beauty of our have strict parents like some South Asian South Asian Canadian girls. I was very girls. She is really cheerful and happy moved by this exhibition, which took two person. She loves her Indian culture and years of research to put together. also Canadian lifestyle.” The art statement for the digital photograph Behind the Façade showing an elegant young woman hiding behind her veil says,


ÃðÆ ðËÃÇñ§× à±ðéÅî˺à- ÁËìÆ ðËÃÇñ§× Õñµì 鶺 ÇÜµå¶ Ãµå ׯñâ îËâñ

gurduafrf sfihb dsLmysL drbfr ny XUnfeIitz rYsilMg PYzrysLn dy sihXog nfl srI icWc gdrI bfibaF dy sOvyN sfl nUM smripq agsq 3 aqy 4 nUM msrI ivWc 126 strIt aqy 64 Ave. vflI grfAUNz ivWc bhuq hI sLfndfr tUrnfmYNt krvfieaf igaf. qkrIbn 125 dy krIb rYslrj ny ihsf ilaf aqy afpo afpxy jOhr idkfey. aYbI rYsilMg klWb dy pihlvfnF ny koc gfrsIaf qy njIr lfl dI sKq imhnq sdkf bhuq vDIaf Kyz pRdrsLn kIqf aqy sfrIaF klWbF qoN vWD mYzl aqy trfPIaF ijWqIaF, ijnHF df vyrvf ies qrHF hY;

golz mYzl : anmol ilWDV, joq DflIvfl, (14 sfl ivWc) qnjoq kfhloN, (50 iklo) qyjpfl kulfr, (60 iklo) zyv sLrmF, (66 iklo) qnjoq kfhloN, (spYsLl mYc) armfn mWlIH .

islvr mYzl : cMdndIp pMDyr, jsdIp iZloN, (50 iklo) eyknUr bfjvf, (55 iklo) nvdIp iZloN, (14 sfl ivWc) nvdIp iZloN . 3263-04

Soulless Wealth by Marc Pelech. Model: Ritika Dhir (Digital Photo)

Another striking artwork, Soulless Wealth presents a South Asian girl digitally transBehind the Facade by Joanne Wong. formed with gold’s marriage dowry into Model: Priya Sandhu (Digital Photo) a shattered representation of her former self. Other artworks like Indian Bangles “There are many social and cultural expec- and Mysterious Thoughts show our young tations that a girl must face and sometimes women content with their Indian heritage. it is very difficult for her true personality to shine through.” Another girl writes, “ Every girl knows how it feels. What it’s like to have the burden of needing to be perfect.” Indeed, South Asian Canadian teenage girls are expected to be perfect in every way and excel at everything. For

One of Canada’s best, right on your doorstep. Learn more.

Indian Bangles by Allyson Ugalde. Model: Avneet Toor (Digital Photo)

Optimism by Danika Martin. Model: Neelum Kumar (Digital Photo)

This fabulous and interesting exhibition presented by the Arts Council of Surrey and organized by Surrey school district teachers Marc Pelech and Mandeep Nijjar and their students is really worth seeing. (Until August 10th at the Surrey Art Gallery)



Punjabi Patrika


Friday, August 9th, 2013






2013 GATES OPEN: 9:00 Am TO 6:00 Pm FLYING EVENTS:11:00 Am TO 4:30 Pm

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Punjabi Patrika

Friday, August 9th, 2013


ÜÇñ·Áź òÅñ¶ ìÅ× çÅ ÔÆð¯- âÅ: ÇÕÚñ± aMimRqsr kcihrI dy nËdIk cONk ijwQy awj-kwlH PlfeIEvr bx irhf hY ivcoˆ lMGdy smyˆ XfqrU df iDafn cONk ivc lwgy buwq vwl sihj suBfa jfˆdf hY. buwq Qwly ilKy zf[ sYPUdIn ikclU pVHn AuprMq Aus df iekdm iDafn iKicaf jfˆdf hY ik zf[ ikclU kOx sI? zf[ ikclU df sbMD jilHafˆvflf bfg dy 13 aprYl 1919 dy KUnI sfky nfl hY. ies sfky ny dyÈ dI afËfdI nUM nvfˆ moV idwqf. ies kfˆz ivwc ihMdUafˆ, iswKfˆ qy muslmfnfˆ dy sfˆJy zuwlHy KUn ny BfrqIafˆ ivwc nvIN rUh PUkI. ies KUnI sfky dy ipCokV `qy Jfq mfrIey qfˆ pqf lwgdf hY ik zf[ sYPUdIn ikclU ies sfky df nfiek sI. ikAuNik ies jlsy ivwc pRDfngI leI AunHfˆ dI Poto rwKI geI sI. ies df kfrn ieh sI ik zf[ ikclU qy zf[ sqpfl nUM 10 aprYl nUM igRPqfr kr ilaf igaf sI. AunHfˆ dI igRPqfrI krky hflq ivgVI qy AunHfˆ dI irhfeI nUM lY ky 13 aprYl, 1919 nUM jilHafˆvflf bfg ivc jlsf hoieaf, ijs `qy inhwQy lokfˆ `qy golI clfeI geI qy sYˆkVy dyÈ Bgq ÈhId kr idwqy gey. ies qoN AunHfˆ dy hrmn ipafrf hox df pqf lwgdf hY. zf[ ikclU df jnm 15 jnvrI, 1888 nUM aMimRqsr `c iewk rwjy puwjy kÈmIrI muslmfn Grfxy ivwc hoieaf. aMimRqsroN muwZlI ivwidaf pRfpq krn AuprMq alIgVH musilm XUnIvristI qoˆ bI[ey[ pfs kIqI. briln XUnIvristI

qoN kfnUMn dI pI[aYc[ zI[ dI izgrI pRfpq kIqI. lMzn ivc pVHdy smyˆ AunHfˆ df sbMD pMzq jvfhr lfl nihrU qy ÈhId mdn lfl ZINgrf nfl hoieaf. 1915 ivc afp ny aMimRqsr ivc vkflq sLurU kr idwqI qy nfl hI isafsq ivc Bfg lYxf sLurU kr idwqf. afpdy joÈIly BfÈxfˆ sdkf 1915 ivc bMgfl srkfr ny AunHfˆ dy dfKly `qy pfbMdI lf idwqI. 1917 ivc Auh aMimRqsr imAuNspl kmytI dy mYˆbr cuxy gey. 1918 ivc aMimRqsr ivc rylvy plytPfrm itkt jfrI hoieaf qfˆ AunHfˆ ny zf[ sqpfl nfl iml ky ies ivruwD sPlqfpUrbk aMdoln clfieaf. 1918 ivc aMimRqsr ivc pihlI vfr kfˆgrs df sMmyln hoieaf ijs ivc Auh muslmfnfˆ dI BfrI igxqI `c Èfml hoey. mhfqmf gfˆDI vwloN PrvrI 1919 ivc rolt aYkt ivruwD aMdoln afrMB kIqf igaf. aMimRqsr ivwc ies aMdoln dI AunHfˆ ny zf[ sqpfl nfl iml ky vfgzor sfˆBI. AunHfˆ dI pRDfngI hyT 27 mfrc, 1919 nUM BfrI jlsf hoieaf. 30 mfrc qoN 6 aprYl nUM Ëbrdsq hVqfl kIqI geI. 9 aprYl nUM rfmnOmI dy pivwqr iqAuhfr `qy kwZy gey jlUs ivc muslmfn BfrI igxqI ivc Èfml hoey qy ihMdU-muslmfnfˆ ny pihlI vfr iewko iglfs ivc pfxI pIqf. Xfd rhy ik Aus smyˆ rylvy styÈnfˆ aqy hornfˆ Qfvfˆ

`qy ihMdUafˆ aqy muslmfnfˆ leI vwKovwK GVy huMdy sn ijnHfˆ `qy iliKaf huMdf sI ihMdU pfxI, muslmfn pfxI. 10aprYl, 1919 nUM AunHfˆ nUM aqy zf[ sqpfl nUM igRPqfr kr ilaf igaf. ies ivruwD ÈfˆqmeI jlUs inkilaf ijs `qy pulIs ny golI clf idwqI. ies nfl ds ivakqI mfry gey. ivroD ivc BIV ny kuJ bYˆk luwty, pMj aMgryË aPsr mfr idwqy qy tfAUn hfl nUM awg lf idwqI. ies `qy 12 aprYl nUM mfrÈl lfa lgf idwqf igaf. 13 aprYl nUM ienHfˆ dI irhfeI leI jlsf hoieaf ijs `qy jnrl zfier ny aMnHyvfh golI clfeI qy axgixq ivakqI ÈhId kr idwqy. kuJ idnfˆ ipwCoN AunHfˆ aqy AunHfˆ dy 15 sfQIafˆ `qy ‘aMimRqsr sfËÈ kys nMbr-1` nfˆ hyT mukwdmf cwilaf qy zfktr bÈIr

nUM PfˆsI, zf[ ikclU , zf[ sqpfl qy zfktr gurbKÈ rfey nUM Aumr kYd dI sËf hoeI qy bfkIafˆ nUM vI vwK-vwK sËfvfˆ hoeIafˆ. bfad ivwc srkfr vwloN afm irhfeIafˆ df aYlfn krn `qy 26 dsMbr 1919 nUM irhfa kIqf igaf. 1921 dy iKlfPq aMdoln ivc AunHfˆ nUM do sfl kYd hoeI. 1924 ivc jYqo dy morcy ivc vI jylH gey. kuwl imlf ky Auh lgpg 14 sfl kYd rhy. 1923 dI iKlfPq kmytI dy pRDfn vI rhy. 1924 ivc afl ieMzIaf kfˆgrs kmytI dy jnrl skwqr bxy. 1929 dy ‘pUrn afËfdI` dy ieiqhfs dy mqy nUM pMzq jvfhr lfl nihrU ny pyÈ kIqf qy zf[ ikclU ny ies dI qfeId kIqI. 1937 ivc aMimRqsr ÈihrI musilm hlky qoN pMjfb asYˆblI dy mYˆbr cuxy gey. Auh dyÈ Bgqfˆ nUM afriQk shfieqf vI idMdy sn. DnvMqrI jo ik pRiswD ienklfbI sI qy Ìrfr hoieaf sI nUM zf[ sfihb ny 500 rupey idwqy hflfˆ ik AunHfˆ dI afriQk hflq bVI mfVI sI. 1952 ivc afp nUM kOmfˆqrI amn leI iek lwK rupey df lYinn purskfr imilaf pr afp ny ieh rkm sMsfr ivc amn kfiemI leI dy idwqI. ies qoN AunHfˆ dI AusfrU soc df pqf lwgdf hY. pfiksqfn bxn smyˆ, AunHfˆ ny aMimRqsr Cwz idwqf qy idwlI jf ibrfjy. suqMqrqf ipwCoN AunHfˆ lok sBf dy mYˆbr jfˆ mMqrI bxn dI iewCf nhIN rwKI. Aus

PAGE 13 zf: crnjIq isMG gumtflf mhfn dyÈ Bgq ny 9 akqUbr 1963 vfly idn aMqm sfh ley. Auhnfˆ nUM jfmIaf imlIaf, idwlI dy kbrsqfn ivc dPnfieaf igaf. Aus dyÈ Bgq ny afriQk qMgI krky 12 dy krIb mkfn vyc idwqy qy iek smyˆ `qy ikrfey qy rih ky guËfrf kIqf pr dyÈ BgqI df pwlf nf Cwizaf. bVy aPsos nfl ilKxf pYˆdf hY ik 15 jnvrI 1988 AunHfˆ dI jnm ÈqfbdI `qy koeI srkfrI smfroh nhIN kIqf igaf qy nf hI zfk itkt jfrI kIqI geI. Aus ny pfiksqfn dI sQfpnf df lgfqfr ivroD kIqf qy pfiksqfn bxn `qy Bfrq ivc rihx df PYslf kIqf. aMimRqsr ivwc kcihrI lfgy cONk df nfˆ zf[ ikclU cONk bfad ivwc rwiKaf igaf hY ijs dI ÈlfGf krnI bxdI hY pr loV ies gwl dI hY ik jd Bfrq smyq sfrI dunIafˆ ivwc iPrkfpRsqI idn-b-idn vwD rhI hY, aijhy lok nfiek ijnHfˆ ny iPrkfpRsqI dI ivroDqf kIqI aqy dyÈ dI afËfdI aqy iewkmuTqf leI sfrI iËMdgI kurbfn kr idwqI AunHfˆ dI Xfd qoN nOjvfn pIVHI nUM jfxU krvfAux aqy AunHfˆ df sMdyÈ Gr-Gr phuMcfAux leI pMjfb srkfr aqy Bfrq srkfr nUM iek Xfdgfr bxfAuxI cfhIdI hY aqy AunHfˆ df jnm idhfVf vwzI pwDr `qy nOjvfnfˆ dI ÈmUlIaq nfl mnfAuxf cfhIdf hY.




Punjabi Patrika 

Friday, August 9th, 2013

Punjabi Patrika

Friday, August 9th, 2013


The Do’s of Safe, Pet Friendly Boating

ith boating season in high gear it’s a good time for a little refresher on pet friendly boating to ensure your little one is safe. Before hitting the high seas with your pet it’s important to plan ahead and always keep the best interests of your four-legged friend in mind. Boating with your pet can be a wonderful and bonding experience or a not so pleasant one. It’s all a function of proper planning and preparation.

Let your pet explore the boat while it is docked before going out on the water. Turn on the engine and let them get used to its sound, smell, and feel while the boat is docked. Then, take your pet out on small cruises and gradually build up to longer cruise.

c.. Safe & Easy Boat Access: Provide a special pet ramp for your pet to get on and off the boat. This not only includes from the dock to the boat but also from the water to the boat. Be sure to take these neces- Pets weigh much more wet sary provisions to ensure than dry and it can be very that your pet’s boat cruise difficult to lift them back into your boat after a swim. is a happy and safe one. a.. Identification Tag: d.. Flotation Device: A Make sure your pet has a personal flotation device collar with an identifica- (a.k.a. pet life jacket) can tion tag. Include contact also ensure safety while information, marina ad- on the water. Not all pets can swim (including some dress and slip number. dogs). Even if your pet is b.. Familiarization with the a good swimmer, getting Boat: It is best to gradu- tossed overboard can put ally introduce your pet to any animal into a panic. your boat and the water. In addition, your pet could

suffer from exhaustion or hypothermia. Many pets also fall into the water from the dock or while trying to get from the dock to the boat. Having your pet equipped with a floatation device with a lifting handle makes retrieving your pet much easier and safer. Help your pet get used to the PFD by first practicing at home for short periods of time. Start by putting the PFD on your pet and let them walk around with it on. The next step is to let your pet swim with it on for a short period. It’s a new experience for your pet so it’s important for them to get used to it before the boat trip.

We provide all types of Immigration Services, such as: òðĂ• êðÇÎà , Ăƒà ŸâÆ êðÇÎà Çòáà ð òÆáĂ… ĂŤĂ‹âðù ĂƒĂ‡Ă•ùâ òðĂ•Ă° Ăƒ꽺ĂƒĂ°Ă‡Ă´ĂŞ-ĂŽĂ…ĂĽ/ÇêüÅ ĂĽÂś êüÆ/êüÊÆ Ç§ÎÆ×ðœôÊ Ă ĂŞĂ†Ăą ðÇøĂ€ÂąĂœĂ† Ă•ÂśĂƒ êÆ.Ă Ă…Ă°.Ă Ă…Ă°.Ă‚Âś. ĂŞĂŒ¯òĂ‹ĂŠĂƒĂ†Ă Ăą ʽÎÊÆ ĂŞĂŒÂŻĂ—Ă°Ă…ĂŽ ÊËÊÆ òÆáĂ…

ÎÊ°ŸĂ–ĂĽĂ… çœ ĂĽĂ°Ăƒ à èĂ…Ă° Ă“ĂĽÂś à ËêùÆÕœôÊ Ă—¯ç ùËäĂ… ĂĽĂœĂ°ĂŹÂś çœ à èĂ…Ă° Ă“ĂĽÂś ÇÂÊòĂ‹ĂƒĂ Ă° Ă•ĂąĂ…Ăƒ ĂƒĂŞÂťĂƒĂ°Ă‡Ă´ĂŞ ùÂÆ Ă”ùÍÆà Å ÇÏà ÅÊ (Çòáà ð òÆáĂ…) êÆ.Ă Ă…Ă°. Ă•Ă…ðâ à ËêùÆÕœôÊ Ă‡ĂƒĂ Ă†áÊÇôê à ËêùÆÕœôÊ Ă‡ĂƒĂ Ă†áÊÇôê Ă Ă‹Ăƒà çÆ Çüà ÅðÆ

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by Kim Salerno, President of

deck cool to protect paw pads. Bring along a pet travel bowl and fresh water. It is critical to hydrate pets before they get into the water. Otherwise, they will drink the natural water and may get sick. f.. Going Potty: A big challenge of boating with your pet is making provisions so that they can go to the bathroom. Bringing along your cat’s litter box and securing it inside the cabin is a good solution for your feline friends. Dogs, however, are a bigger challenge. If your boat trip does not allow for regular land stops for your dog to do their business, then provisions must be made so that they can relieve themselves on the boat. A portable dog potty that simulates grass is an excellent solution.

not familiar with, be sure to bring along a copy of vaccination and health records. Some places may require proof of immunization before letting pets explore on land. h.. Call Ahead: While most marinas and parks welcome pets, there are some that aren’t pet friendly. Be sure to call ahead before arriving on shore.

e.. Proper Hydration & Staying Cool: Pets do not sweat, so keep an eye out for heavy panting or drool and a rapid heart beat. Protect pets from heat by providing some shade on g.. Health Records: If your Wishing you and your pet the boat, providing plenty boating destination is a safe and happy travels on of water and keeping the marina or place that you’re the water this season!



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About the Author Kim Salerno is the President & Founder of Trips Wi t h P e t s . c o m . S h e founded the pet travel site in 2003 and is an expert in the field of pet travel. Her popular web site features pet friendly hotels & accommodations across the US and Canada, along with other helpful pet travel resources. Her mission is to ensure that pets are welcome, happy, and safe in their travels.



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Friday, August 9th, 2013


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Punjabi Patrika

Friday, August 9th, 2013



Çê§×ñòÅóŠçÃæÅ ç¶ ìÅéÆ í×å ê±ðé ÇÃ§Ø ipMglvfVf sMsQf dy bfnI Bgq pUrn isMG jI ny afpxf sfrf jIvn mnuwKqf dI BlfeI vfsqy guËfiraf. afp gurU dr Gr dy swcy iswK, syvfdfr, nOkr qy JfVU brdfr bx ky rhy. afp vfqfvrn pRymI sn. afp df jnm 4 jUn 1904 nUM ipqf lflf iÈwbU mwl aqy mfqf mihqfb kOr dI kuwKoN ipMz rfjyvfl qihsIl KMnf iËlHf luiDafxf ivwc hoieaf. ipqf ÈfhUkfrf krdy sn. afp dI mfqf Dfrimk iKaflfˆ vflI aOrq sI, ijs ny afp dy idl ivwc dieaf Bfvnf pYdf kIqI. afp df bcpn df nfˆ rfmjI dfs sI. afp nUM skUl ivwc pVHny pfieaf igaf. iewk vkq aYsf afieaf ik iksy kfrn krky ipqf df ÈfhUkfrf Kqm ho igaf. grIbI ny Gr ivwc afx pYr psfry. ipqf dI mOq qoN bfad gurbq dI iËMdgI guËfridafˆ afp dI mfqf ny afp df pVHnf jfrI rwiKaf, Bfvyˆ ies leI afp dI mfqf nUM iksy zfktr dy Gr Bfˆzy mfˆjx dI nOkrI hI ikAuN nf krnI peI. sMn 1923 ivwc afp ny luiDafxy jd dsvIN df iemiqhfn idwqf qfˆ afp dy jIvn ivwc iewk Gtnf GtI, ijs dy cwlidafˆ afp df Jukfa gurUGr vwl iËafdf ho igaf qy afp zyhrf sfihb lfhOr syvf krdy rhy. AuWQy hI afp df nfˆ ‘pUrn isMG` rwiKaf igaf qy igafnI krqfr isMG ny ‘Bgq` Èbd joV ky rihMdI ksr vI pUrI kr idwqI qy mhMq qyjf isMG dy AuqÈfh sdkf 18-20 sfl gurduafrf

zyhrf sfihb afp ny joVy JfVn, psUafˆ nUM pwTy pfAuxy, Bfˆzy mfˆjxy, rogIafˆ, apfhjfˆ dI hr pRkfr dI syvf krn df kfrj inBfieaf. 30 jUn 1930 nUM afp dI mfqf mihqfb kOr df gurduafrf Cyhrtf sfihb ivKy idhfˆq ho igaf. Aus qoN bfad 1934 nUM afp ny byshfrf, XqIm, rogIafˆ, anfQfˆ qy byafsirafˆ dI syvf-sMBfl dI sLurUafq krky afpxI mfqf nUM swcI-suwcI ÈrDfˆjlI Byt kIqI. gurduafrf zyhrf sfihb lfhOr ivwc koeI cfr ku sfl dy apMg bwcy nUM roNdf Cwz gey. Bgq jI ny Aus bwcy dI syvf-sMBfl kIqI qy Aus df nfˆ ipafrf isMG rwiKaf. Aus idn qoN Bgq jI dI iËMdgI ivwc iewk nvfˆ aiDafie juV igaf qy mfno ipMglvfVf sMsQf dI sLurUafq hoeI. sMn 1947 nUM jd dyÈ afËfd hoieaf qfˆ vMz kfrn dohfˆ mulkfˆ dy lokfˆ `qy jd BfrI kihr tuwtf qfˆ afp lfhOr qoN Kflsf kflj aMimRqsr ivwc ipafrf isMG nUM ipwT `qy cuwk ky riPAUjI kYˆp ivwc phuMcy, ijwQy afp ny qn-mn nfl syvf inBfeI. sMn 1958 nUM aMimRqsr ivwc ipMglvfVf sMsQf dI sLurUafq hoeI. afp vfqfvrx pRymI aqy iewk bhuq hI sulJy hoey lyKk vI sn. afp ny ikqfbfˆ pVH ky jo igafn hfsl kIqf, Aus igafn nUM ikqfbfˆ, pYˆPilt, tRYkt qy hor anykfˆ qrIikafˆ nfl lokfˆ qwk phuMcfieaf. awj vI Dfrimk Qfvfˆ `qy ipMglvfVf sMsQf vwloN muPq sfihq vMizaf jfˆdf hY. Bgq jI jo lokfˆ nUM sunyhf idMdy sn, pihlfˆ afp Aus `qy

Kry Auqrdy sn. afp ny lokfˆ nUM vfqfvrn pRqI vI jfgrUk kIqf. afp ny lokfˆ nUM vfqfvrn nUM pRdUiÈq krn qoN roikaf. svwC vfqfvrn hI suKI jIvn df afDfr hY. Bgq jI afpxI lfeI hoeI ipRMitMg pRYs ivwc rwdI kfgË KrId ky dUjy pfsy motI CpfeI krky vrq lYˆdy sn, ikAuNik lok kfgË df iewk pfsf hI vrqoN ivwc ilafAuNdy hn. Bgq pUrn isMG jI smJdy sn ik kfgË bxfAux leI drwKqfˆ dI ktfeI krn dI ËrUrq pYˆdI hY. so Auh kfgË bhuq hI qrIky nfl iesqymfl krdy sn. Auh afpxf sPr bwsfˆ, kfrfˆ Cwz ky irkÈf jfˆ ryl gwzI dy Qrz klfs zwby rfhIN hI krnf psMd krdy sn. Auh ibjlI nfl cwlx vflI hr cIË nUM Gwt qoN Gwt iesqymfl krn dI slfh idMdy sn. eyar-kMzIÈn dI vrqoN qoN vI rokdy sn ikAuNik ies dI vrqoN nfl vfqfvrn gMDlf huMdf hY qy anykfˆ pRkfr dIafˆ bImfrIafˆ jnm lYˆdIafˆ hn. Bgq jI Ëor idMdy sn ik jy smfˆ rihMdy asIN nf bdly qfˆ afAux vfly sO sflfˆ ivwc dunIafˆ df nkÈf hI kuJ hor hovygf. imwtI df Kurnf, hums df Kqm hoxf, abfdI df vDxf ijs nfl zyZ kroV lok hr sfl BuwK nfl mrngy. mOsm ivwc BfrI qbdIlIafˆ ho skdIafˆ hn. DrqI brPfnI Xuwg ivwc phuMc skdI hY. DrqI bMjr ho skdI hY. ryq dIafˆ hnHyrIafˆ Juwl skdIafˆ hn. sokf pY skdf hY jfˆ iPr BfrI hVH qbfhI mcf skdy hn. DrqI hyTly pfxI df pwDr hr sfl Gtxf, pfxI df

DrimMdr isMG vVYc

pRdUiÈq hoxf qy pfxI dI aMn H y v fh vrqo N vI byhwd icMqf df ivÈf hY. Bgq jI dIafˆ syvfvfˆ dy mwdynËr Bfrq srkfr vwloN 1979 ivwc Bgq jI nUM pdmsRI nfl invfijaf igaf. sMn 1990 ivwc hfrmnI aYvfrz, sMn 1991 ivwc rog rqn aqy BfeI GnweIaf aYvfrz nfl snmfinq kIqf igaf. sMn 1984 nUM sRI drbfr sfihb `qy srkfr vwloN kIqy atYk ny ijwQy keI iswK pRymIafˆ dy ihrdy CwlxI kIqy sn, AuWQy Bgq pUrn isMG jI df ihrdf vI CwlxI hoieaf, ijs dy ros vjoN Bgq jI ny pdmsRI aYvfrz vfps kr idwqf sI. Drm dI kfr kridafˆ afKr 5 agsq 1992 nUM 88 sfl dI Aumr Bog ky afpxI sMsfrk Xfqrf pUrI krky Auh akfl purK dy crnfˆ ivwc jf ibrfjy. AunHfˆ dy mgroN zf[ ieMdrjIq kOr ipMglvfVf susfietI dy muwK syvfdfr vjoN bfKUbI AunHfˆ dy pfey hoey pUrinafˆ `qy cwl ky syvf inBfa rhy hn. Bgq pUrn isMG jI dI 21vIN brsI mnfeI jf rhI hY.


Punjabi Patrika


Friday, August 9th, 2013


ê§ÜÅìÆ ÇÕÃÅéź çÅ À°ÜÅóÅ- modI srkfr ktihry `c gu j rfq dI mo d I srkfr ivru w D 2002 dy dM i gafˆ kfrn Gw t igxqIafˆ ivruwD nPrq Bry vqIry aqy kfrvfeI dy doÈ ajy TMZy nhIN pey ik AuWQoN pMjfbI iksfnfˆ dy AujfVy dy muwdy ny Aus nUM muV ktihry `c KVHf kIqf hY. gujrfq srkfr ny iqMn sfl pihlfˆ iewk nfminhfd murdf mfl aYkt dy pwj kwC Kyqr ivwc vsdy lgpg 1000 pMjfbI iksfnfˆ nUM AunHfˆ dIafˆ ËmInfˆ qoN bydKl krn dy hukm jfrI kr idwqy sn. srkfr dy ies hukm ivruwD iksfnfˆ ny gujrfq hfeI kort ivwc kys pfieaf hY. adflq ny iksfnfˆ df hwk bhfl kridafˆ srkfr dy hukm rwd kr idwqy pr pMjfbI iksfnfˆ nUM AuWQoN AujfVn leI biËwd modI srkfr ny gujrfq hfeI kort dy ienHfˆ hukmfˆ nUM suprIm kort ivwc cuxOqI dy idwqI hY. ies kys AuWqy suxvfeI 27 agsq nUM hoxI hY. suprIm kort ivwc ies kys sbMDI kdoN aqy kI PYslf hoxf hY, ieh qfˆ smfˆ hI dwsygf pr gujrfq srkfr dI ies kfrvfeI ny mulk dy agfmI pRDfn mMqrI dy ahudy leI pr qol rhy gujrfq dy muwK mMqrI nirMdr modI aqy Aus dI srkfr dI Gwt-


igxqIafˆ ivroDI kfrjÈYlI nUM muV skdf. AuNJ vI jd iksfn gujrfq bynkfb kr idwqf hY. hfeI kort ivwcoN kys ijwq cuwky hn iËkrXog hY ik 1965 ivwc Bfrq- qfˆ sUbf srkfr duafrf ienHfˆ hukmfˆ pfik jMg bfad qqkflI pRDfn ivruwD suprIm kort ivwc jfx dI mMqrI mrhUm lfl bhfdr ÈfÈqrI kfrvfeI modI dy Gwt-igxqIafˆ pRqI ny pMjfbI iksfnfˆ nUM kwC Kyqr ivwc vqIry AuWqy svflIaf inÈfn lfAuNdI af ky KyqI krn df swdf idwqf sI. hY. hYrfnI dI gwl qfˆ ieh hY ik modI ÈfsqrI jI df mMqv sI ik bhfdr iewk pfsy jMmU-kÈmIr ivwc ivÈyÈ aqy imhnqI pMjfbI iksfn iewk qfˆ aiDkfrfˆ vflI Dfrf 370 df zt iewQoN dI byabfd ËmIn nUM afbfd ky ivroD kr rhy hn pr dUjy pfsy krky Psl pYdf krngy, dUjf smyˆ- Ausy nIqI qihq afpxy sUby ivwcoN smyˆ ies Kyqr dI rfKI vI krngy. gYr-gujrfqIafˆ nUM bfhr Dwkx dI ÈfsqrI jI dy swdy `qy pMjfb dy kfrvfeI kr rhy hn. lgpg hËfrF iksfnfˆ ny AuWQy ËmInfˆ KrIdIafˆ sn. gujrfq srkfr ny ienHfˆ dIafˆ rijstrIafˆ vI ienHfˆ dy nfˆ kr idwqIafˆ sn. Aus smyˆ qoN hI pMjfbI iksfn iewQy ÈfˆqmeI ZMg nfl rih ky gujrfq dy ivkfs ivwc ihwsf pf rhy hn. srkfr duafrf AunHfˆ dy rfÈn kfrz, afDfr kfrz, pYn kfrz aqy votr kfrz vgYrf bxfey hoey hn. ies dy bfvjUd ipCly lgpg pMj dhfikafˆ qoN vws rhy pMjfbI iksfnfˆ nUM modI srkfr duafrf hux AujfVn vfsqy qul jfxf iksy vI qrHfˆ drusq nhIN ikhf jf

gujrfq srkfr vwloN pMjfbI iksfnfˆ nUM AujfVn leI hfeI kort dy hukmfˆ ivruwD suprIm kort ivwc kys pfey jfx dI kfrvfeI ivruwD ijwQy pRBfivq iksfn pirvfrfˆ aqy iksfn jQybMdIafˆ ny morcf KolH idwqf hY, AuWQy ies muwdy ny pMjfb dI isafsI iPËf ivw c vI hlcl pY d f kr idwqI hY. pMjfb kfˆgrs qoN ielfvf sI[pI[aYm[ ny vI ies muwdy `qy modI srkfr dI iKcfeI kIqI hY. sLRomxI akflI dl Bfvyˆ hmyÈf afpxy afp nUM pMjfbIafˆ aqy iksfn ihwqfˆ df pihrydfr aKvfAuNdf hY pr Bfjpf

nfl isafsI sfˆJ ny ies muwdy `qy Aus dI hflq swp dy mUMh ivwc kohV ikrlI vflI kr idwqI hY. ies kr ky Auh ies aqI gMBIr muwdy AuWqy gujrfq srkfr ivruwD sKq stYˆz lYx dI bjfey ‘gwl krfˆgy` dI nIqI apxf ky buwqf sfrn dI koiÈÈ kr irhf hY. kfˆgrs aqy sI[pI[aYm[ duafrf gujrfq srkfr nUM ies muwdy `qy Gyrn AuprMq hI akflI dl nUM vPd gujrfq Byjx aqy modI qoN ielfvf Bfjpf dy kOmI pRDfn rfjnfQ isMG nfl gwl krn df ibafn dyx leI mjbUr hoxf ipaf hY. dUjy pfsy pMjfb Bfjpf duafrf ies mfmly dI jVH kfˆgrs srkfr nUM grdfnidafˆ modI df bcfa krn dI koiÈÈ kIqI jf rhI hY. gujrfq ivwcoN pMjfbI iksfnfˆ nUM bydKl krn dy mfmly nfl ieh muwdf vI sfhmxy af irhf hY ik kI mulk dy nfgirkfˆ nUM ies dy dUjy sUibafˆ ivwc rihx, ivcrn, kMmkfj, vpfr jfˆ KyqI afid krn df aiDkfr nhIN hY? iewk pfsy srkfr ivdyÈI kMpnIafˆ nUM mulk ivwc kfrobfr krn leI BfrI irafieqfˆ aqy swdy dy rhI hY, dUjy

pfsy Ausy mulk dy bfiÈMidafˆ nUM dUjy sUibafˆ ivwcoN Dwky nfl AujfiVaf jf irhf hY. amrIkf, ieMglYˆz, kYnyzf aqy afstrlIaf vrgy mulkfˆ ny vI ivdyÈIafˆ nUM AuWQy rihx-vsx aqy kfrobfr krn dI KuwlH idwqI hoeI hY pr aPsos ik nirMdr modI afpxy mulk dy nfgirkfˆ nUM hI afpxy sUby `coN bfhr kwZx leI quly hoey hn. gujrfq srkfr dIafˆ aijhIafˆ nIqIafˆ nf kyvl gujrfq blik dyÈ dI kOmI eykqf aqy aKMzqf leI vI Kqrnfk hn. ies sMdrB ivwc kyˆdr srkfr nUM dKl dy ky gujrfq ivwcoN pMjfbI iksfnfˆ df AujfVf rokx dy nfl-nfl dyÈ dy dUjy sUibafˆ duafrf pfs kIqy gey aijhy glq kfnUMnfˆ nUM Kqm krn leI POrI kdm cuwkxy cfhIdy hn qfˆ jo dyÈ dI eykqf aqy aKMzqf nUM koeI afˆc nf phuMcy aqy Gwt-igxqI BfeIcfirafˆ nUM bygfngI df aihsfs nf hovy. modI srkfr nUM vI ies gMBIr muwdy dy mwdynËr pMjfbI iksfnfˆ nUM AujfVn dI nIqI Cwz ky suprIm kort ivwcoN qurMq kys vfps lY lYxf cfhIdf hY qfˆ jo ies ivvfd nUM hor vDx qoˆ roikaf jf sky.

Punjabi Patrika

Friday, August 9th, 2013



Further improvements to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program

Õz˺÷ Á˺â ÔËâîËé ñÅÁ ÁÅÇøà pirvfrk vkIl

of Citizenship and Immigration. “These new measures demonstrate that our Government is committed to ensuring the Temporary Foreign Worker Program functions as intended.”

The Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Employment and Social Development, today announced reforms to strengthen and improve t h e Te m p o r a r y F o reign Worker Program (TFWP). As announced in Economic Action Plan 2013, the Government of Canada has now implemented a user fee for employers applying for labour market opinions along with new language and advertising requirements for the TFWP. “Our Government’s number one priority remains jobs, economic growth and long-term prosperity. These additional reforms help ensure that Canadians are first in line for available jobs,” said Minister Kenney. “Qualified Canadians, including new Canadians, should have first crack at available jobs,” said the Honourable Chris Alexander, Minister

applications by employers intending to hire temporary foreign workers. Exceptions will be made in rare and specialized circumstances only when the employer can demonstrate that another language is essential for the The following reforms job, such as for a tour are now in effect, as of guide or translator. July 31, 2013: 3. Employers will now 1. A new $275 processing need to make greater fee for each temporary efforts to hire Canadiforeign worker position ans before they will be that an employer requests eligible to apply to hire through a Labour Market temporary foreign workOpinion (LMO). This ers. New advertising reensures that the cost to quirements essentially process employer LMO double the length and applications is no longer reach of employers’ adpaid for by Canadian vertising efforts which taxpayers. In 2012, 60 will increase Canadians’ percent of positive LMOs awareness of available did not lead to a work jobs. permit being issued to a temporary foreign work- 4. Additional questions er. The fee is charged have been added to all per position, rather than LMO applications to enper application, as an sure that the TFWP is equitable way to ensure not used to facilitate the that larger businesses outsourcing of Canadian that make extensive use jobs. of the program pay more It is important to note than smaller businesses that these reforms do not that make less use of it. apply to on-farm primary There is no refund in the agriculture occupations, event of a negative LMO such as those under the or if the application is Seasonal Agricultural withdrawn or cancelled. Worker Program and the Agricultural Stream. 2. English and French are the only languages These improvements to that can be identified as the TFWP are in addition a job requirement in ad- to changes announced in vertisements and LMO April.


ÕËÇðé ö֯º


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sMsd dy sLurU ho rhy mOnsUn sYÈn qoN pihlfˆ hoeI srb-pfrtI aqy kYbint mIitMg ivwc isafsq nUM iBRÈtfcfr qoN mukq qy pfrdrÈI bxfAux vwl syiDq suprIm kort qy kyˆdrI sUcnf kimÈn dy PYsilafˆ nUM byasr krn leI ivKfeI geI srbsM m qI keI svfl KVH y kr rhI hY. sMsdI mfmilafˆ bfry kyˆdrI mMqrI kml nfQ vwloN bulfeI geI srb-pfrtI mIitMg ivwc sfrIafˆ isafsI pfrtIafˆ ny suprIm kort duafrf hfl hI ivwc dfgI ivDfiekfˆ nUM cox lVn qoN aXog krfr dyx sbMDI idwqy gey do PYsilafˆ dI sKq aflocnf kridafˆ ienHfˆ nUM rwd krn leI ies mOnsUn sYÈn ivwc ibwl ilafAux leI srbsMmqI df pRgtfvf kIqf hY qfˆ jo dfgI ivDfiek pihlfˆ vfˆg hI cox lVn dy Xog bxy rih skx. dUjy pfsy pRDfn mMqrI zf[ mnmohn isMG dI pRDfngI hyT hoeI kYbint mIitMg ivwc kOmI sUcnf kimÈn vwloN isafsI pfrtIafˆ nUM sUcnf aiDkfr dy Gyry ivwc ilafAux leI idwqy gey PYsly ivruwD soD ibwl nUM hrI JMzI dy idwqI geI hY ijs nfl mulk dIafˆ sfrIafˆ isafsI pfrtIafˆ sUcnf aiDkfr kfnUMn dy Gyry ivwcoN bfhr ho jfxgIafˆ. ies


Punjabi Patrika

Friday, August 9th, 2013


ÃòÅðæ ÇÔµå ÃźÃçź çÆ ÃÇÔîåÆ nfl AunHfˆ nUM afpxI afmdn aqy aijhy aprfDI isafsqdfnfˆ qoN lokfˆ Krc dy vyrvy jnqk krn qoN Cot dI BlfeI dI kI afs rwKI jf skdI hY? iesy pRsMg ivwc kOmI sUcnf iml jfvygI. suprIm kort qy kyˆ d rI sUcnf aiDkfr kimÈn df PYslf vI dfgI kimÈn dy ienHfˆ PYsilafˆ df isafsI aqy aprfDI isafsqdfnfˆ nUM ikvyˆ nyqfvfˆ qoN ielfvf mulk dy lgpg rfs af skdf hY? kroVfˆ rupey df sfry vrgfˆ dy lokfˆ ny nf kyvl Brvfˆ kflf Dn coxfˆ smyˆ Krc krn vfly svfgq hI kIqf hY blik ienHfˆ nUM nyqf aqy pfrtIafˆ pfrdrÈqf ikvyˆ ieiqhfsk PYsly krfr idwqf hY. rwK skdIafˆ hn? kfˆgrsI sMsd ies gwl ivwc koeI do rfie nhIˆ ik mYˆbr birMdr isMG duafrf rfj sBf ienHfˆ PYsilafˆ nfl mulk dI isaf- dI sIt 100 kroV rupey ivwc ivkx ˆ rfˆ dI sMpqI 500 sq ivwc kfPI hwd qwk pfrdrÈqf aqy 300 sMsd mYb kro V qw k ho x dy kIqy gey Kulfsy afAux dy nfl-nfl iBRÈtfcfr Gtx qo N ieh gw l ho r vI spÈt ho jfˆdI aqy mujrmfnf ibrqIafˆ nUM lgfm hY ik pfrdrÈqf isafsI nyqfvfˆ qy pYx dI sMBfvnf hY. isafsI pfrtIafˆ pfrtIafˆ dy gly dI hw z I bx skdI aqy nyqfvfˆ vwloN ienHfˆ PYsilafˆ df ivroD krnf suBfivk hI hY ikAuNik hY. aijhI siQqI ivwc isafsI nyqf vrqmfn isafsq ienHfˆ dy afsry hI aqy pfrtIafˆ suprIm kort aqy KVHI ivKfeI dy rhI hY. aYsosIeyÈn kOmI sUcnf kimÈn dy PYsilafˆ AuWqy Pfr zYmokryitk irPfrmË duafrf Puwl cVHf ky afpxy pYrIN afp kuhfVf hfl hI ivwc jfrI kIqI geI irport ikvyˆ mfr skdy hn? isafsq ivwc anusfr ipCly iewk dhfky dOrfn aprfDIafˆ, dfgIafˆ, iBRÈtfcfrIafˆ cox lVn vfly mulk dy 62,847 aqy amIrfˆ df bolbflf ho igaf hY sMsd mYˆbrfˆ aqy ivDfiekfˆ ivwcoN qy afm afdmI mnPI ho igaf hY. 11,093 ivruwD aprfiDk mfmly sMsd mYˆbrfˆ dI sMpqI lgfqfr keI hn ijnHfˆ ivwcoN 5233 ivruwD gMBIr guxfˆ vDdI jf rhI hY ijsdy jnqk mfmly drj hn. ies qoN spÈt hY hox nfl AunHfˆ dI aslIaq lokfˆ ik mulk dfgI aqy aprfDI sMsdfˆ qy sfhmxy af jfvygI. iehI kfrn hY ik ivDfiekfˆ dI agvfeI vflI Kqrn- Auh afpxy ies sfˆJy isafsI muPfd fk jmhUrIaq vwl vD irhf hY. leI sfry vYr-ivroD Bulf ky ienHfˆ

nUM byasr krn leI iewkjuwt ho gey hn. gOrqlb hY ik ienHfˆ muwidafˆ qoN ielfvf afpxIafˆ qnKfhfˆ, Bwqy aqy hor shUlqfˆ ivwc vfDf krn vyly ieh aksr iekwTy ho jfˆdy hn. afpxy sO V y svfrQI ihw q fˆ leI adflqfˆ aqy kimÈn nU M afpxy aiDkfr Kyqr qoN bfhr jf ky PYsly dyx nfl sMivDfnk sMkt pYdf ho jfx dI afÈMkf BrI ienHfˆ dI dlIl Bfvyˆ suwt pfAux vflI nhIN pr ies qwQ nUM vI awKoN-Ehly nhIN kIqf jf skdf ik afKr ieh siQqI pYdf ikAuN hoeI? cox suDfr, pfrdrÈqf, iBRÈtfcfr aqy kfly Dn ijhy muwdy lMmy smyˆ qoN sMsd dy aMdr aqy bfhr vwzI bihs qy aflocnf df ivÈf bxy rihx dy bfvjUd sMsd mYˆbr ienHfˆ sbMDI koeI kfnUMn nhIN bxf sky. lokpfl df muwdf ipCly 42 sflfˆ qoN ltkdf af irhf hY. jykr sfˆsdfˆ ny afpxI iËMmyvfrI nhIN inBfeI qfˆ hI adflqfˆ aqy kOmI sUcnf kimÈn nUM lok-ihwqfˆ leI aijhy PYsly dyxy pY rhy hn. ienHfˆ PYsilafˆ dI durvrqoN df ÈMkf vI inrmUl hY. jykr isafsI pfrtIafˆ bdly dI rfjnIqI qoN Aupr AuWT ky lok-ihwqfˆ leI kMm krn qfˆ aijhI nObq af hI nhIˆ skdI. ies sMdrB ivwc isafsI nyqfvfˆ nUM su-

prIm kort aqy kOmI sUcnf kimÈn dy AunHfˆ lok-pwKI PYsilafˆ nUM kosx qy rwd krn dI bjfey afpxI pIVHI hyT sotf Pyrn dI ËrUrq hY. mulk dy vzyry ihwqfˆ ivwc kfrjpfilkf aqy inafˆpfilkf dovfˆ nUM hI lok-ihwqfˆ nUM srvAuWc smJdy hoey iewk-dUjy dI aflocnf krn dI Qfˆ smqol bxf ky cwlx dI ËrUrq hY. isafsI nyqfvfˆ nUM ieh smJx dI ËrU r q hY ik jy k r Au h hI inafˆpfilkf aqy sUcnf aiDkfr kimÈn df siqkfr nhIN krngy qfˆ afm lok vI kfnUMn nUM hwQ ivwc lYx qoN guryË nhIN krngy ijs nfl mulk arfjkqf vwl vD skdf hY. isafsq ivwc iBRÈtfcfr aqy aprfDIafˆ df bo l bflf hu x jw g -Ëfihr ho cuwikaf hY qy ies nUM nkyl pfAuxI ËrUrI ho geI hY. jykr isafsI nyqf kMD `qy iliKaf ieh pVHn qoN munkr hn qfˆ mulk dI aDogqI nUM rokxf muÈkl ho jfvygf. isafsI nyqfvfˆ nUM ieh smJ lYxf cfhIdf hY ik Auh vI mulk dy afm nfgirk hn aqy Auh afp hI afpxy leI vwKry kfnUMn nhIN GV skdy qy nf hI lokfˆ sfhmxy afpxI jvfbdyhI qoN Bwj skdy hn.

Punjabi Patrika

Friday, August 9th, 2013


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Punjabi Patrika


Friday, August 9th, 2013


Canada’s June merchandise trade deficit a smaller-than-expected $0.47B and down from May’s revised deficit of $0.78B a.. The June merchandise trade deficit came in at a smaller-than-expected $0.47B which represented an improvement from the revised May deficit of $0.78B. b.. The improvement resulted from a $0.6B (1.4%) rise in exports more that offsetting a $0.3B (0.6%) gain in imports.

largely resulted from a sizeable upward revision to the shortfall in May. As a result, of these revisions external trade is expected to subtract 0.1 percentage point from annualized Q2 GDP growth down from a 1.4 pp contribution in the first quarter. This suggests some downside risk to our current Q2 GDP growth rate of 1.7% as we had been assuming an add of 0.5 pp. However some offset may be provided from some of the import growth going into inventories.

c.. On a volumes basis (using 2007 chained dollars), the trade picture was even brighter with exports rising 1.5% while imports fell 0.3% resulting in a more Implications marked improvement in real net exports to -$0.5B The June merchandise trade report was better than from -$1.1B in May. expected with the deficit d.. The improvement in unexpectedly improving to the June real net export $0.47B from a May deficit balance is encouraging of $0.78B. Expectations as it suggests a limited going into the report were impact from the Alberta for a deficit of $0.56B. floods on Canadian exter- The improvement largely nal trade. However, the resulted from the May shrinking of the deficit


shortfall being increased from a previously-estimated $0.30B. The deficit in April was also increased to $1.18B from $0.95B.

broadly based as well with increases in energy products ($0.6B) and aircraft & other transportation equipment ($0.3B).

revision to the shortfall in May. As a result, of these revisions external trade is expected to subtract 0.1 percentage point from annualized Q2 GDP growth down from a 1.4 pp contribution in the first quarter. This suggests some downside risk to our current Q2 GDP growth rate of 1.7% as we had been assuming an add of 0.5 pp. However some offset may be provided from some of the import growth going into inventories.

rebuilding in Alberta started by the beginning of July, the previous month’s weakness is expected to be fully reversed through the third quarter. This is expected to send GDP growth back up to 3.4% in Q3. The Bank of Canada will likely “look through” this quarterly volatility and base policy on the average growth rate between the two quarters. Our forecast implies an average rate of 2.6% with further modest strengthening expected through final quarter of this year and through 2014. This pace of growth along with the attendant downward pressure on the unemployment rate is expected to return the Bank of Canada to tightening mode by the middle of 2014.

On a volumes basis (using 2007 chained dollars), the trade picture was even brighter with exports rising 1.5% while imports fell 0.3% resulting in a more marked improvement in real net exports to -$0.5B from -$1.1B in May. It is of note the May deficit had been previously reported as $0.4B. As well, the April real net export deficit was The impact of the Alberta The gain in exports was deepened to $1.3B from floods along with Querelatively broadly based $1.1B. bec construction strike are led by increases in metal expected to be evident in and non-metallic mineral The improvement in the other areas of domestic products ($0.5B), motor June real net export bal- production weighing on vehicles ($0.3B) and air- ance is encouraging as it both June GDP, which is craft & other transporta- suggests a limited impact expected to decline 0.3%, tion equipment ($0.3B). from the Alberta floods on and Q2 annualized growth, Energy exports provided Canadian external trade. which is expected to slow RBC contacts: a minimal offset falling However, the shrinking of to 1.7% from 2.5% in Q1. $0.1B. Similarly the gain the deficit largely resulted However, with both the Paul Ferley, Assistant Chief in imports was relatively from a sizeable upward strike in Quebec over and Economist (416) 974-7231 Expectations of a deterioration in June trade were partly based on the assumption that the Alberta floods likely weighed on activity in the energy sector curtailing energy exports. This was not evident in today’s report with imports rising $0.6B (1.4%) which more than offset the $0.3B (0.6%) rise in imports.

Punjabi Patrika

Friday, August 9th, 2013

ÔÆð¯ôÆîÅ-éÅ×ÅÃÅÕÆ Ççòà ÁåÆå 鱧 é÷ðÁ§çÅ÷ Õð ðÔ¶ Ôé ì§ìź ç¶ òêÅðÆ

svrn isMG BMgU jpfn dy 2 Èihrfˆ hIroÈImf qy nfgfsfkI `qy 68 vrHy pihlfˆ suwty gey pRmfxU bMb, rihMdI dunIafˆ qwk, dUsry ivÈv XuwD dy duKdfeI aMq vjoN jfxy jfˆdy rihxgy. ieh Auh smfˆ sI jdoN ivksq dyÈfˆ dy hukmrfn ny mnuwKI pfglpx dI crmsImf nUM CUh ilaf sI. ies qoN pihlfˆ vI, isriPry hfkmfˆ dy hMkfr ny, ies DrqI `qy mcfieaf kuhrfm ieiqhfsk dsqfvyËfˆ ivc drj hY. kroVfˆ virHafˆ dy kudrqI sihj-ivkfs dy isKr vjoN inwky bflfˆ, aOrqfˆ, bjurgfˆ, gwBrUafˆ, muitafrfˆ smyq kroVfˆ lok blI dy bUQy dy idwqy. DrqI drjnfˆ vrHy ryzIafeI pRBfv qoN mukq nf ho skI, BivwK dIafˆ mfˆvfˆ dIafˆ kuwKfˆ nUM apMg pYdf krn df srfp dy idwqf igaf. Aus smyˆ dI bdqmIËI, sMvydnf df isr Jukf idMdI hY jdoN mnuwK-mnuwK nUM mfrn leI ivafkul hoieaf ipaf sI. mnhMtn pRojYkt dy nfˆa `qy amrIkf ny pRiswD BOiqk ivigafnI albrt afeInstfeIn dy sfpyKqf dy isDfˆq `qy aDfrq, lYsly ircrz grvj dI agvfeI ivc zYnmfrk, jrmnI, ieMglYˆz, amrIkf, Prfˆs afid dyÈfˆ dy pRiswD BOiqk ivigafnI nIlj bOhr, aYnirko PrmI, ilE jIlfrz, PrYˆk EpnhImr, nOmn rfmsy, jOhn ivlIamË, aYzvrz tYlr, cfrls kirc PIlz, rfbrt EpnhImr afid ies Koj `qy Jok idwqy sn ik vwD qoN vwD mfrU smrQf dy bMb iqafr kro. Aus smyˆ kroVfˆ zflr Krcy gey. ivigafnIafˆ dI KuÈI df koeI itkfxf nf irhf jdoN AunHfˆ afpxy afkf amrIkI rfÈtrpqI trUmYn nUM pihlf ‘tRIintI` bMb iqafr krn dI KLbr suxf idwqI. AuprMq ies bMb dI prK df smfˆ qYa kr ilaf igaf. inrDfrq smyˆ `qy 100 Puwt AuWcy POlfdI mInfr `qy rwK ky jdoN ieh bMb 16 julfeI 1945 dI svyry 5[30 vjy inAU mYksIko dy ryigsqfnI ielfky alfmogfrzo ivc clfieaf igaf qfˆ ivigafnIafˆ dI inrIKk tIm vwloN ies dI qIbrqf nUM iBafnk, iBafnk, bhuq hI iBafnk not kIqf igaf. AuprMq Aus smyˆ dy ivÈv dy 68 pRiswD ivigafnIafˆ ny amrIkI rfÈtrpqI nUM apIl kIqI ik ienHfˆ bMbfˆ nUM mnuwKI afbfdIafˆ `qy nf clfieaf jfvy ikAuNik aijhf krn dI sUrq ivc, qbfhI sfzI klpnf dIafˆ hwdfˆ qoN ikqy vwD hovygI. pr ieh Auh smfˆ sI jdoN ivigafnI mnuwKqf ivruwD pYdf kIqy dYˆq nUM rfjnIqI dy spurd kr cuwky sn. afKr 6 aqy 9 agsq 1945 nUM jpfn dIafˆ hIroÈImf aqy nfgfsfkI ÈihrI afbfdIafˆ `qy ieh bMb suwt hI idwqy gey. hsdIafˆ-vsdIafˆ mnuwKI afbfdIafˆ dI kudrqI Aumr Koh leI. Auh sfry burI mOq mry. jpfn ivc pihly aYtm bMb dI JMBI iek mjbUq iemfrq awj vI hIroÈImf Èihr ivc cÈmdId bxI KVI hY jdoN ik ies vwzI qrfsdI dy tukiVafˆ nUM hIroÈImf pIs imAUËIam pfrk ivc sfˆB rwiKaf hY. ies qrHfˆ 9 agsq nUM aYtm bMb dy JMBy dUsry Èihr nfgfsfkI dIafˆ smyˆ dy rukx dIafˆ, hUkfˆ dIafˆ, kUkfˆ dIafˆ duKdfeI khfxIafˆ hn. Aukq dy sMdrB ivc iËhn `c mfnvI moh rwKx vfly lok sdf kfmnf krdy hn ik muV aijhf



kuJ vI nf vfpry, ies DrqI dy lok Guwg vsdy rihx pr AunHfˆ dI ies iemfndfr iewCf AudoN gRihxI jfˆdI hY jdoN Auh ivÈv dy ivksq dysfˆ nUM bMb bxfAux dI hoV ivc lwigafˆ vyKdy hn. meI 2, 2013 dI irport dy anusfr rUs ivc 8500, amrIkf ivc 7700, Prfˆs ivc 300, cIn ivc 240, ieMglYˆz ivc 225, pfiksqfn ivc 100, Bfrq ivc 90, iejrfeIl ivc 70 aqy korIaf kol 10 bMb hn jo 1945 dy mukfbly ikqy vwD mfrU smrQf dy hn aqy ies DrqI nUM hËfrfˆ vfr qbfh krn dy smrQ hn. kroVfˆ virHafˆ dy hI sihj ivkfs AuprMq mOjUdf mnuwK hoNd ivc afieaf hY. svfl pYdf huMdf hY ik kudrq dI kroVfˆ virHafˆ dI ikrq AuprMq hoˆd ivc afey mnuwKI jIvn nUM ikAuN qbfh kIqf jfvy? hukmrfnfˆ nUM aijhf iGRxq aprfD krn dI Kuwl nhIN idwqI jfxI cfhIdI hY. hfsl hflqfˆ ivc asIˆ ijQy vI hfˆ, ijMny jogry vI hfˆ, sfnUM ivÈv amn dI lihr df ihwsf bxnf cfhIdf hY. ies qoN ibnfˆ vI Bfrq smyq pfiksqfn, sIrIaf, ierfk, somflIaf, aPgfinsqfn, suzfn, brfËIl afid aijhy dyÈ hn ijQy mnuwKI jIvn surwiKaq nhIN smiJaf jfˆdf, ijQy GroN inkilafˆ nUM vwK-vwK kfrnfˆ vs, Gr muVnf XkInI nhIN huMdf. mnuwKqf ivruwD ieh vI sfry inwky-inwky ivsPot hn jo nhIN hoxy cfhIdy. jdoN ieh ivigafn dI sdI hY ijs ivc mnuwKI jIvn nUM srl bxfAux vfly mYmrI kfrz qoN lY ky smuMdrI jhfË qwk dy XMqr hn ijnHfˆ ivc dunIafˆ nUM ipMz bxfAux vfly mobfeIl, hvfeI jhfË hn, aMbrfˆ dI Qfh pfAux vfly rfkt hn aqy hor afDuink qknIk pRxflIafˆ hn qfˆ bhuq bhuq ËrUrI hY ik ies DrqI df mnuwK vI shI mfainafˆ ivc mnuwK hox dy nfl-nfl nYiqk kdrfˆ Biraf mhfˆmfnv hovy, ies DrqI `qy hiQafrfˆ, bMbfˆ dIafˆ jMgfˆ nf hox aqy hr smyˆ mnuwKI jIvn afbfd rhy, iËMdfbfd rhy.

×ñËâÇòé âðÅÂÆ ÕñÆéð÷




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Punjabi Patrika

Friday, August 9th, 2013


fpU bpFq E`

kI bfp afpxI iewko DI nUM ies leI pVHf ilKf ky pRvfn cVHFdf hY ik Aus nUM ijLbfh Kfny Byj dyxf huMdf hY. ksfeI jfxdy hn, myrf mfs imwTf hY, suafdI hY. eysy leI sO vl Pryb krky AunHF iewk sony df ipMjrf bxfieaf hY, ijs dy bfhr rysLm dy prdy ltk rhy hn, aMdr mKml ivCI hY qF ik mrn qoN pihloN pMCI QoVHf arfm lY sky, afpxI byvsI gIq gf sky. Aus sony dy ipMjry ivwc awgy ikMnIaF mfsUm rUhF dI afh pukfr Kqm ho cuwkI hY. koeI ijAuNdy kMn sux nhIN skdy, axKIlIaF awKF dyK nhIN skdIaF. afh! ikMnf vwzf qmfsLf hY, ipafr husn nUM ijLbfhKfny qor irhf hY. crn rfj nUM vhutI sjf ky pfl dy Gr Byj irhf ey. cOk ivwc zugzugI vwj rhI hY. qmfsLf dyKx vfilE, dOVy qusIN qF


vyKo, ijLMdgI df nIlfm, ikMnf drd sLf vyKx vfilaF dIaF awKF pftIaF rih jfxgIaF, jdoN Auh zugzugI rfj Biraf! ikMnf ssqf!![[[.” “rfj! bs kr.” mYN qYQoN pfnh mMgdf dy hwQ vyKxgy. rfj smfj dI gMdI hF, rwb dy vfsqy bs kr.” crn pfrsfeI qy JUTI iewjLq dy Bry bjLfr Kud nIlfmI krygI aqy afpMU bolI dI Buwb inkl geI. Aus dIaF awKF dyvygI. ikAuN srdfr jI, TIk hY nf? BrIaF hoeIaF sn aqy sfh kfhly af rhy sn. Auh icwTI ihwk `qy Guwt bhuq ho cuwkI, brdfsLq dI hwd ho ky pY igaf. Aus pftdIaF njLrF nfl cuwkI. smfj df julm hux hor nhIN Cwq dy lfgy do pIly iBMRzF nUM lVidaF sihaf jf skdf. kuVI iewk bulbul qwikaf. dUjy pl Auh guwQm-guwQf hoey nhIN, jLor iDMgfxy prqI avfjL hY, myjL `qy af izwgy. pqf nhIN ikrlI ik- julm dy ivruD mUMh qoVvIN llkfr. wDroN afeI, Auh Jwt ivwc dohF nUM hVwp mYN qF iewQoN qwk khFgI ik Aus nUM kr geI. crn dyKdf hI rih igaf. afpxy jIvn hwkF leI nMgI qlvfr crn ny hOlI-hOlI icwTI iPr awKF awgy bxnf cfhIdf hY. rfj aMigafrF `qy ilaFdI, iblkul ijvyN ibmfr mUMh qoN qurygI afpxy PuwlF dI rfKI leI. rfj nUM mfrnf aYnf suKflf nhIN, ijMnf rumfl cuwkdf hY. smJ ilaf igaf hY. mrd qy Aus df …kI ieh nIlfm aYnf suKfilaF ho smfj aOrq nfl bhuq jLbrdsqIaF jfvygf, ijMnf sfiraF soc rwiKaf krdf afieaf ey, pr hux Auh jLmfny ey? nIlfm hox vflI qoN qF puwC ilaf lwd gey. jFdf? Blf rfj! awgy kdy iksy puqUM jo jI cfhy soc, jo krnf eyN kr. wiCaf ey. qUM qF nvIN gwl krn lwgI eyN, jLulm kr, Dwky dyh, pr mYnUM myry pYrF ijvyN qUM mnuwK vI huMdI eyN qy duwK-suwK qoN AuKyV nhIN skdf. jy qYnUM mn mrjLI nUM mihsUs kr lYNdI eyN. bol skdI eyN, krn df aKiqafr ey, rok koeI mYnUM cIk skdI eyN. vI nhIN skdf. srdfr jI kMn KolH ky mYN afpxy sB imhrbfnF nUM dwsxf sux lYxf, buwDvfr dI rfq nUM mYN nihr cfhuMdI aF, iewk mylf lwgygf, qmfsLf `qy afvFgI, puloN cVHdy pfsy. mYN iswDI juVygf qy nIlfm jLrUr hovygf. sB nUM Gr af ky quhfnUM bdnfm nhIN krnf gwj-vwj ky afAuxf cfhIdf hY. qmf- cfhuMdI. mYN suixaf ey, ipMjrf isLMg-

firaf jf irhf ey. mYN quhfnUM afKrI PYsly leI swd rhI aF. ies qoN pihlF ik dusLmx myrI hfsI Auzfvy, mYN kuJ kr jfxf cfhuMdI hF. quhfnUM hr hflq ivwc afAuxf pvygf, mYN awDI rfq qwk AuzIkFgI. ieh myrI muhwbq df swdf hY, ipafr df bulfvf. jy qusIN vcn jF prn dy bwyDy nhIN afAuxf cfhuMdy, nhIN imlxf cfhuMdy, qd pul dy lihMdy bMnHy myrI ruVHI jFdI lfs vyKx jLrUr af jfxf. mYnUM pUrn Brosf hY, nihr quhfzy vFg DoKf nhIN dyvygI, byvPf nhIN inklygI. iknfrf imlxf cfhIdf hY, ijLMdgI df nhIN qF mOq df hI shI. ipafr dI mOq vI ijLMdgI huMdI aY. …rfj


koeI bMDn nhIN, jLrUr afvFgf….” Auh afpxI iksm dy afvysL ivwc cIkdf hI irhf. rfj df ipqf awj rfqIN kudrqI Gr nhIN sI. Auh sLihroN pYnsLn lYx igaf, sLfmI vfps nhIN afieaf sI. rfj ies nUM sLuB sLgn smJdI sI. Aus mlkVy AuWT ky rbV dy PlIt pfey aqy Jolf cuwk ky iqafr ho geI. Aus dI bycYnI ny Aus nUM ipMj ky rwK idwqf. idl dI aDIr DVkx kuJ socx df avsr nhIN dyNdI sI. Auh cfr idnF qoN ies sMsy ivwc KfDI jf rhI sI, ‘jy crn nf mMinaf?’ Aus iKVkI ivwc dI mF nUM hsrq BrIaF njLrF nfl qwikaf. Aus df isr Juk igaf. Auh pYr PV ky bI jI qoN muafPLI mMgxf cfhuMdI sI. Aus dy KVHI-KVHI dy hMJU af gey. jjLbfq BrI Auh kMbI jf rhI sI.

crn icwTI dy afKrI iPkry pVH ky suMn ho igaf. Aus dI hosL jvfb dy cuwkI sI. KloqIaF awKF qy hONkxI Aus nUM pfgl bxf rhIaF sn. Auh icwTI nUM GUr irhf sI. Aus df ijLhn afpy “by jI! mYnUM….” Auh `mfPL kr ivwc sUeIaF coB irhf sI. iPr Aus idE’ vI nf afK skI qy CyqI nfl iekdm bolxf sLurU kr idwqf:BON geI. Aus df rox AuCl afieaf “nhIN rfj pfgl ho geI ey. mYN ieh sI. “mYN crn nfl iewk hox jf rhI kdy nhIN hox dyvFgf. rfj myrI ijLM- aF, jF mrn jf rhI aF!” Aus dy dgI ey. mYN Aus nUM bfhF awz ky boc afpxy vws kuJ vI nhIN sI. ieh vI lvFgf. mYN jLfm nhIN ho skdf,, mYN aYnf crn dy hwQ sI, Aus nUM mfr dyvy jF hYNisafrf nhIN. rfj! mYN afvFgf, mYnUM ijAuNdI rwK lvy.

Punjabi Patrika

Friday, August 9th, 2013

asmfn sfPL sI, qfry BrpUr iKVy ho e y sn. hvf aslo N rukI hoeI sI. pUrb df dumyl suhfgx df mihMdI Biraf hwQ jfpdf sI. cMn cOQ dI gozI ivwcoN DIry-DIry AuWT irhf sI. awgy afpxI inafeIN ivwc crn nUM imlidaF Auh kdy iJjkI nhIN sI. Au s anH y r y - svy r y ieh QF keI vfr dyKI sI. iewk apxwq Aus ivwc hylmyl sI. pr awj awDf-pOxf mIl sfAuxIaF ivwc dI Auh ikvyN jfvygI? Auh jLrUr jfvygI. Aus dy aMdr hOslf sI, pr ies hO s ly ivw c zr dIaF prCfeIaF vI sLfml sn. rfj jfx ky rfh nhIN sI peI. Auh afpxI inafeIN qoN hI KyqF ivwc dI iswDI nihr nUM ho qurI. dwKx vwl nUM qurnf cMgf nhIN huMdf, Aus dI Bfvnf ikMnIaF ingUxIaF sLwkF nUM idl ivwc QF dy rhI sI. Auh iekdm iqRbk geI, Aus dy ipwCy koeI af irhf sI. Aus BON ky qwikaf, ikwkrF dy ipCvfVy cMn pUrf inkl afieaf sI. ‘jLrUr koeI bfjry ivwc luk igaf ey.’ Aus hor qyjL kdmF puwtxIaF sLurU kr idwqIaF. kfhly sfhF nfl Aus df afpxf-afp bfhr nUM af irhf sI. cfr-pMj KyqF dI ivwQ qoN Aus iPr BON ky dyiKaf. ipwCy koeI nhIN sI, pr af jLrUr irhf sI. ‘mYnUM afpxf eI zr KFdf ey. mYN kfhnUM nihr df iekrfr krnf sI. Aus nUM KUh `qy swd lYNdI. KUh `qy Aus kdoN afAuxf sI…qy jy eyQy vI nf afieaf? Auh zuwb ky mrygI?’ Aus dIaF awKF juV geIaF aqy vwt ivwc aOKV ky izwgxoN msF bcI. kuJ KyqF dI ivwQ qoN igwdV huaFikaf. ‘nI by jI!’ rfj df kfljf hI inkl igaf. ‘ikMny isafpy pfey aY vYrI ny.’ Aus nMU igwT-igwT AuWcy hoey


moT GurinaF ivwcoN inkldy biGafV jfp rhy sn. Aus kMb rhI ny afpxy nUM hOslf dyx df Xqn kIqf.

nUM hor kI cfhIdf hY.’ crn dI avfjL ivwc lohVy df suwqf drd jfg ipaf. avfjL AuWcI cVH rhI sI.

mYN zrdI nhIN? sohxI afpxy pRymI kol inwq jFdI sI qy mYN qF isrP awj dI rfq eI jfxf ey. Aus nUM ieAuN pRqIq hoieaf, ijvyN Aus dy kdmF ivwc mjLbUqI af geI hovy. nihr nyVy af geI sI. Aus sfrf pMD iewk qrHF kfhlI ivwc nwTidaF vFg hI mukfieaf sI.

klI `qy rMg af jfvy, myry armfn sV jfvx.

‘hYN avfjL? koeI hY. mYnUM eyDr dI ho jfxf cfhIdf hY.’ Aus pfsf vwitaf hI sI ik avfjL AuWcI ho geI. rfj iekdm hrI ho geI, ieh qF crn dI avfjL hY. Auh kuJ gf irhf ey. Aus df afpf iewk vfr hI bfhr nUM AuCilaf qy Bwj ky crn dy gl jf cMbVnf cfihaf. Auh kdm puwt ky iPr ruk geI qy JukI-JukI pfsy qurI geI. hux Auh crn dy ipwCy iewk tfhlI dI CfvyN KloqI sI qy Auh iewk tfkI dI ivwQ `qy gf irhf sI.


mYN imt ky bfg husnF dy sdf guljLfr ho jfvF. rfj afpxf-afp rok nf skI. Aus vjd ivwc afey crn dy gl ipwCoN bfhF pf idwqIaF. gIq acfnk Kqm ho igaf. crn nf qRbikaf, nf ziraf, Auh aijhI avsQf ivwc sI koeI vfr krn vI af jFdf, Auh muskrf pYNdf. Aus jfx ilaf sI ik rfj qoN ibnF ies vyly Aus dy gl kOx kuVI bfhF pf skdI hY. Aus hwQF nUM GuwtidaF ihwk nfl cmyV ilaf. “ikAuN?” rfj ny Bry mn nfl gIq dI afKrI Bfvnf df iglf kridaF puwiCaf.

“rfj!” crn BON ky muskrf ipaf. Aus df afpxf-afp iewk hfAuky ivwc iKwicaf hfie mYN ijLMdgI dy rfj df igaf. rfj nUM loVINdf AuWqr iml igaf. Aus crn nUM Esy srdfr ho jfvF. qrHF jLor dI Gwuitaf. ipafr dy ik bMDn qoV ky jg dy ipafro lohV ivwc Auh mDhosL ho cuwkI ipafr ho jfvF. sI. rfj nUM sB kuJ Buwl igaf. Auh ipafr gIq dI lX ivwc Aus ny crn nUM iKwcidaF ikhf, iKw c I pY r -pY r aw g y vDdI “ i e s q r H F h I l Y k y geI. Aus dy sfhmxy do cMn n i h r ` c r u V H j f v F ? ” sn; iewk asmfn `qy AuWicaF “ies qoN cMgf hor kI ho skdf AuWT irhf sI qy dUjf DrqI df hY?” crn df isr Aus dI JolI cMn nihr dI ptVI qoN lwqF ivwc sI. psfrI gf irhf sI. rfj dIaF nihr rvF-rvIN afpxI cfl njLrF pUrb ivwcoN kuJ boc vgI jf rhI sI. Aus dI rvfnI lYxf cfhuMdIaF sn. Aus dI ivwc idlF dIaF DVkxF vrgf KusLI apfr ho cuwkI sI. Auh imwTf KfmosL sLor sI. cuglF cfhuMdI sI nihr bMnHy KolH ky df jo V f bo l df-bo l df Au z AunHF nUM afpxy ivwc smf lvy. ky aglIaF tfhlIaF `qy jf ‘crn Aus nUM AuzIk skdf hY bYTf. Aus dI ipafr Xfd ivwc bihbl qVp skdf hY, ijLMdgI

ÖÅñÃÅ çÆòÅé ïÃÅÇÂàÆ òµñ¯º Üæ¶çÅð åðñ¯Úé ÇÃ§Ø ç¶ ç¶Ôźå å¶ Áëïà qKq sRLI kysgVH sfihb dy jQydfr igafnI qrlocn isMG jo akfl clfxf kr gey hn. ieh isWK kOm nUM kdy vI nF pUrf hox vflf Gftf ipaf hY. asIN Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI aYbtsPorz dI pRbMDk kmytI vloN isWK kom dI ies duWK dI GVI ivWc zUMGI hmdrdI pRgt krdy hF aqy gurU mhfrfj dy crnF ivWc ardfs krdy hF ik igafnI qrlocn isMG nUM afpxy crnF ivWc sdIv kfl invfs bKsLy aqy ipWCy iswK pMQ aqy AuhnF dy pirvfr nUM Bfxf mMnx df bl bKsLy.

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Punjabi Patrika


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

Friday, August 9th, 2013

UFV’s football concussion study a no-brainer for local high school Memory, attention, reaction, and processing time are all recorded using delicate sensors inserted through cloth skull caps before and after vigorous stationary bike sessions.

Grizzlies staff can immediately determine if a player suffers a concussion during a game or practice by issuing a series of sideline tests, and measuring results against his or her Balance is also tested, baseline information gathas are cognitive abilities ered at UFV — potentially


rainbow of wires streams across the table as UFV kinesiology instructor Michael Gaetz whispers “Breathe . . . perfect� and the bulky teen stares ahead, unblinking. The test, taking place in a small room at the University of the Fraser Valley’s Chilliwack campus at Canada Education Park, is more than an exercise in meditation — it’s part of an ongoing study placing local athletes head and shoulders above the rest when dealing with the

increasingly troublesome world of concussions. Led by Dr. Gaetz, and involving football players at Chilliwack’s G.W. Graham middle/secondary school, the study is built on baseline testing — measuring students’ physical and mental ca- using a standardized compacities before they suffer puter test with ties to Harconcussions, not just after. vard University used by NHL teams during “quiet “It’s the only way to get a room� consultations folsense of where the student lowing potential on-ice is starting from,� Dr. Gaetz concussions. says. Armed with that information, G.W. Graham


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exercise is appropriate — Entering only their second season, G.W. Graham’s if any. football teams (Grade 8, “It allows us to say ‘you jr. varsity, and varsity) are have a concussion, now rushing past programs in let’s manage that concus- existence for decades. sion,’� explains Dr. Gaetz, who is currently assisted “It immediately put us in by five UFV student vol- the spotlight in the province, and now all high unteers. school teams are trying to “We’re doing this as a find a way to follow us,� service to the community,� says G.W. Graham athletic he says. director Jake Mouritzen. “It doesn’t cost G.W. In addition to eliminating Graham school anything.� the peer pressure of playing through an often inNeedless to say, it’s a pro- visible injury, Dr. Gaetz’s gram the Grizzlies have cont’d on page 31 embraced with open arms.

eliminating the chance of a secondary (and often more severe) injury. As time passes, tests also determine where a player is in terms of recovery, and what level of physical

Friday, August 9th, 2013

Punjabi Patrika 




Punjabi Patrika

Friday, August 9th, 2013

ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

à ½ðü ʹ§ Ă­Ă…ò°Ă•ĂĽĂ… çœ òÇÔä ÒÚ¯º Ă•¾ãÆœ

divMdr kOr trFto

ipafr aqy rihmidlI sfzIafˆ mUl pRivrqIafˆ hn. ienHfˆ qoN bgYr mnuwKqf ijAuNdI nhIˆ rih skdI pr kI iensfn ienHfˆ muZlIafˆ loVfˆ df shI iesqymfl kr irhf hY? ikqy koeI durvrqoN qfˆ nhIN ho rhI? awj rihmidlI aqy Bfvukqf iewk smwisaf df rUp Dfrn kr cuwkIafˆ hn. svfl aOrqfˆ dIafˆ smwisafvfˆ df hY, ijnHfˆ ivwcoN iewk hY aOrq df Bfvuk hoxf. aOrq muwZ-kdIm qoN Bfvuk rhI hY aqy hr koeI Aus dI Bfvukqf df nfjfieĂ‹ Pfiedf AuTfAuNdf irhf hY. Bfvyˆ vrqmfn Xuwg ivwc Auh AucfeI dIafˆ bulMdIafˆ nUM CUh rhI hY qy hr Kyqr ivwc mUhry hY pr Ăˆfied iPr vI ikqy nf ikqy Auh afpxy idl hwQoN mjbUr qy Bfvuk hY. iehI kfrn hY AuhdI kmĂ‹orI qy hfr df. ies nUM dUr krnf iksy iewk dy hwQ vws nhIN pr iehdf hwl Ă‹rUr hY. loV hY sfnUM awgy afAux dI, afpxI pqnI, DIafˆ-BYxfˆ, nUMhfˆ nUM Gr ivwc ieMnf inwGf mfhOl dyx dI qfˆ jo koeI ibgfnf sfzy Gr dI mjbUrI df nfjfieĂ‹ Pfiedf nf AuTf sky qy Bfvnfvfˆ dI lihr ivwc sfzy Gr dI iewĂ‹q nUM byafbrU nf kr sky. Xuwgfˆ dy bdlx nfl kuJ nhIˆ hoxf, afpxy-afp nUM afDuink kihx nfl asIN afDuink nhIN ho jfvfˆgy ikAuNik sfzI soc qfˆ awj vI purfxy Xuwg vflI hY. jy sfzI nUMh, DI qoN koeI ĂŠlqI ho jfvy qfˆ asIN Aus nUM muafĂŒ nhIN krdy sgoN Aus nUM sĂ‹f idMdy hfˆ‌ ieh ikAuN? jy Auh glqI puwq qoN hovy qfˆ Auhdy leI muafPI hY, ieh ikhVf iensfP hY? iehI kfrn hY ik keI aOrqfˆ iĂ‹MdgI ivwc keI axjfxy irĂˆiqafˆ hwQoN Bfvuk ho ky afpxfafp guaf lYˆdIafˆ hn jfˆ Gridafˆ dI iewĂ‹q nUM bcfAux leI Gutvyˆ mfhOl ivwc byĂ‹bfn ho ky iĂ‹MdgI kwtdIafˆ hn. ienHfˆ Bfvuk aOrqfˆ nUM ies dl-dl `coN bfhr kwZx leI sfnUM sfirafˆ nUM ies pfsy iDafn dyx dI loV hY. afey idn asIN dyKdy hfˆ ik aOrq nUM bcfAux leI sMsQfvfˆ qfˆ bxdIafˆ hn pr smfˆ pf ky ieh afpxI hoNd bcfAux qk hI sImq rih jfˆdIafˆ hn. sfnUM iĂ‹afdf sMsQfvfˆ bxfAux dI loV nhIN, loV hY qfˆ isrP afpxy afly-duafly dIafˆ aOrqfˆ df duwK suxn, cukMny rihx aqy AunHfˆ dIafˆ mjbUrIafˆ df hwl lwBx dI hY qfˆ ik awj jo sfzI iksy DI-BYx nfl hoieaf hY, Auh iksy hor nfl nf vfpry. ies qrHfˆ asIN keI Gr qbfh hox qoN bcf skdy hfˆ. vwzI qy iDafn rwKx Xog gwl ieh hY ik iewk-dUjy nUM glq sfbq krn dI bjfey asIN smfijk irĂˆiqafˆ dI gMZ nUM pwkI krn dI koiĂˆĂˆ krIey, ijs bfry BfeI gurdfs jI ny ikhf, “dyK prfeIafˆ cMgIafˆ mfvfˆ BYxfˆ DIafˆ jfxy.`` Aus dirMdy nUM sbk isKfAux dI Ă‹rUrq hY jo aOrq nUM isrP qy isrP BogxXog vsqU smJdf hY. jy aOrq Bfvnfvfˆ ivwc ruVHn dI Qfˆ mfnisk, smfijk aqy afriQk qOr `qy mĂ‹bUq ho jfvy qfˆ iĂ‹MdgI ivwc afAux vfly hr qUPfn df azol rih ky mUMh qoV skdI hY.



vfijb kImq aqy qsWlIbKs kMm

778-552-3033 PAGE 28

Punjabi Patrika

Friday, August 9th, 2013

ÇÃÔðÅì§çÆ å¶ Ø¯óÆ Úó·éÅ



lKivMdr isMG reIaf

ky rihMdf af irhf hY. pihly vyilafˆ ivwc afm krky srbflHf lfVy df aksr skf jfˆ iksy hor nyVy dI irÈqydfrI ivwcoN Cotf BfeI hI huMdf sI. bgYr ishry vfly ies lfVy bfry ieh Dfrnf mMnI jfˆdI ik jy ikqy axsuKfvIˆ Gtnf nfl mOky `qy lfVy dI mOq ho jfvy qfˆ srbflHy nUM lfVy df bdl mMnidafˆ Ausy zoly nUM Gr dI iewËq smJ ky ivafh ilaf jfˆdf Bfvyˆ ik ies Dfrnf df amlI sbUq qfˆ nhIN iml sikaf ik vfikaf hI ieMJ huMdf hovygf pr eynf ËrUr hY ik srbflHf lfVy vy vIrf qUM ikAu dodlf vy, dI hr qrHfˆ dI ihÌfËq krn ivwc muwK BUimkf bfbl srdfr qyry nfl vy. inBfAuˆdf af irhf hY. ijvyˆ lfVy dy pihrfvy dI lfVy dy jIjy leI mKOl vjoN ieh bol khy jfˆdy: tOhr/swj-Pwb ivwc afAux-jfx smyˆ koeI vI AunI-iewkI afAuNdI qfˆ Aus nUM qruMq dUr krn dI vy vIrf qUM ikAuN dodlf vy, pUrI koiÈÈ krdf. ies leI srbflHy dI pRÈMsf jIjf JuzU qyry nfl vy. ieMJ kIqI jfˆdI hY: ies mOky lfVy dIafˆ BYxfˆ (ijnHfˆ ivwc cfcy-qfey, vylf afieaf suhfvf, mfmy, BUaf, mfsI afid dy irÈqy dIafˆ kuVIafˆ vI Èfml huMdIafˆ) vwloN bVy cfvfˆ-mlfrfˆ nfl vfg cfvfˆ-mlfrfˆ vflf myry rfm jIE, PVn/guMdx dI aihm rsm inBfeI jfˆdI, ijs vIr ivafhvx cwilaf, leI vfrI-vfrI GoVI dy mwQy dy vflfˆ jfˆ iPr nfl sohy srbflHf myry rfm jIE. GoVI dy mwQy `qy ltkfeIafˆ ryÈmI/moqIafˆ/mOlHI dy PuMmxfˆ vflIafˆ lVIafˆ nUM guMdxf huMdf sI. ies hux srbflHy dy pRqIk vjoN lfVy dy Coty BfeI dI smyˆ GoVI nUM vI Aus dI mnpsMd Kurfk Coilafˆ Qfˆ Aus dy BqIjy/Bfxjy jo bflfˆ dy rUp ivwc huMdy dI dfl QflI jfˆ prfq ivwc pf ky KvfeI jfˆdI: hn, nUM hI srbflHf bxf ilaf jfˆdf hY. Kfry AuTflI qoN bfad nfnikafˆ vwloN ilafˆdy kwpVy pihn aqy dsqfr sjf ky ishrybMdI dI rsm mfimafˆ vwloN kuJ Ègn dy ky inBfeI jfˆdI aqy iPr sjI-sjfeI GoVI `qy ivafhulf lfVy dy rUp ivwc cVHdf. ipwCy srbflHy nUM vI ibTfieaf jfˆdf. ies smyˆ lfVy qy srbflHy nUM srdy-bxdy rupey Ègn vjoN idwqy jfˆdy ijs nUM ‘slfmI pfAuxI` afiKaf jfˆdf aqy myl-gyl dIafˆ aOrqfˆ vwloN ieMJ gfieaf jfˆdf:

vy vIiraf pIlI-pIlI dfl qyrI GoVI cry, BYx suhfgx qyrI vfg PVy. vfg guMdx vflIafˆ BYxfˆ nUM lfVy vwloN kuJ nf kuJ ËrUr Byt kIqf jfˆdf. keI vfr qfˆ mfˆ jfeIafˆ BYxfˆ nUM kImqI qohPy ijMnfˆ ivwc gihxy jfˆ mwJfˆ gfvfˆ dy sMgl vI PVfey jfˆdy. Aukq lYx-dyx nUM vfg PVfeI ikhf jfˆdf. vfg PVfeI `qy BYxfˆ vwloN hfsy Biraf ieMJ ikMqU kIqf jfˆdf: asIN pMj-swq BYxfˆ vy, asfˆ rupeIaf nhIAuN lYxf vy. rupeIaf rwK pwly vy, qyrf lUx qyl cwly vy.

pYsf bVf ipafrI ÈYa hY ijs dI pRfpqI leI mnuwK bhuq dOV-Bwj krdf aqy qrHfˆ-qrHfˆ dy ËPr jfldf hY pr keI KuÈIafˆ eynIafˆ ipafrIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ hn ik AunHfˆ AuWproN sB kuJ lutf dyx leI mn AuWCl AuWTdf hY. ieh AuCflf hI KuÈI vyly ‘sMvfrny` (rupey vfrny) aqy lfVy AuWproN dI iswikaF/notfˆ dI suwt krn df muwZ bwJx df afDfr bixaf, jo mnuwKI KuÈI df isKr ho inwbVdf. ieh ‘suwt` GoVI cVHn qoN lY ky zolI ilafAux qk smyˆ-smyˆ kIqI jfˆdI af rhI hY. ies suwt leI ivÈyÈ rUp ivwc ‘lfl guQÜI` iqafr kIqI jfˆdI, ijs nUM mfx-qfx ivwc ‘dMmfˆ dI borI` afK ky ieMJ vizafieaf jfˆdf:

inwkI- inwkI kxI inwikaf mINh vy vry, BYxfˆ df ieh ikMqU QoVH-icrf hI huMdf aqy Kfs dMmfˆ dI borI qyrf bfp PVy. ijwd nf krdIafˆ hoeIafˆ afpxy vIr vwloN jo vI iql-Puwl idwqf jfˆdf, Aus nUM iKVy mwQy kbUl ieh suwt afm krky bfp vwloN kIqI jfˆdI hY. kdy ieh smfˆ sI jd aijhy Ègn ivhfr krn kr lYˆdIafˆ: qoN bfad lfVy smyq sB jMÖ GoVIafˆ AuWpr hI vIrf ieho ruipaf qyrf svf lwK vy, svfr ho ky Aus dy shuirafˆ vwl rvfngI krdI vIrf sdf rwKIN isr `qy ipafr vflf hwQ vy. sI. lgpg hr jfˆÖI dI afpxI-afpxI GoVI ies qrHfˆ ieh vfg PVfeI dI rsm BYx-Brf dy huMdI pr jy iksy dI afpxI GoVI nf huMdI qfˆ irÈqy ivclI mmqf df isKr ho inwbVdI. ies Auh jMÖ leI mMg-qMg ky sfr lYˆdf. keI mncly smyˆ bfbl vwloN DI-BYx nUM vfg PVfeI ivwc jo gwBrU jfˆÖI GoVIafˆ dIafˆ duVwkIafˆ lvfAuNdy hoey kuJ vI vfDU idwqf jfˆdf, Aus nUM ‘iewkI pfAuxf` iewk-dUjy qoN awgy lwwgx dI koiÈÈ vI krdy. rfh ikhf jfˆdf. BfbI vwloN lfVy dy surmf pfAux dI ivwc iksy hor jMÖ nfl tfkrf ho jfx `qy lfiVafˆ rsm adf kIqI jfˆdI hY. vwloN iewk-dUjy nfl TUTI-rupeIaf vtf ky Ègn ‘GoVI` dI cox bfry ieh cuMJ crcf suxn nUM kIqf jfˆdf, jo agly-ipCly pMD dy iewk suKfˆqk imldI hY ik GoVI gTvyˆ, mËbUq qy PurqIly lfˆGy df sMkyqk hMdf. ieh vt-vtfeI df Ègn srIr aqy vPfdfr qy sIl suBfa dI huMdI hY ajy vI ikqy nf ikqy idKfeI dy hI jfˆdf hY. jdoN ik ieh sB KUbIafˆ hor iksy jfnvr ivwc Dyqy (kuVI) pirvfr vwloN ijwQy jMÖ dI tihlnhIN huMdIafˆ. pfxI df pUrf pRbMD kIqf jfˆdf, AuWQy GoVIafˆ jy lfVf jMÖ df nfiek hMdf hY qfˆ ‘srbflHf/ isrvflf` nUM sih-nfiek ikhf jf skdf hY. ieh lfVy df rwiKak huMdf hY, jo GoVI cVHn qoN lY ky zolI ilafAux qwk Aus df prCfvfˆ bx

leI ivÈyÈ cfry qy dfixafˆ (Coilafˆ) df vI Aucycf pRbMD kIqf huMdf. jMÖ dy Auqfry qoN bfad GoVIafˆ nUM afrjI qOr `qy bxfey qbyilafˆ ivwc bMnH ilaf jfˆdf.


Punjabi Patrika


¶Áðê¯ðàź òð×Æ Ã°ðµÇÖÁÅ ÇòòÃæÅ íÅðå çÅ FFòź ÁÜÅçÆ Ççòà AE Á×Ãå 鱧 òËéÕ¯òð ÒÚ ìÔÅñ Ô¯ò¶×Æ òÆÁź ð¶ñ Ãà¶ôéź Òå¶ aOtvf-hux kYnyzf ivc rylvy `c sPr krn vfly XfqrIafˆ nUM vI eyarportfˆ vrgI sKq surwiKaf aqy cYikMg ivvsQf ivcoN inklxf pvygf. ies dI sLurUafq sB qoN pihlfˆ vIafˆ ryl krn jf rhI hY. hfl hI ivc sfhmxy afey kuJ dsqfvyËfˆ muqfbk vIafˆ ryl ny sfry styÈnfˆ dy Auqy XfqrIafˆ dy smfn, bYg aqy Auhnfˆ dI inwjI qlfÈI dy leI sKq su r w i Kaf mfpdMz apxfAux df PYslf kIqf hY. ies Xojnf ivc sQfnk puils vI Èfml hovygI aqy XfqrIafˆ dy smfn dI qlfÈI leI KojI kuwiqafˆ df vI shfrf ilaf jfvygf. iksy ÈwkI awqvfdI hmly qoN bcfa dy leI ieh ivvsQf kIqI jf rhI hY. vrxnXog hY ik apRYl ivc pkVy gey iqMn ÈwkI tRyn hmlfvrfˆ qoN bfad trynfˆ ivc sPr nUM surwiKaq bxfAux leI ieh kdm cuwky jf rhy hn. vIafˆ ryl dy bulfry jYks gjnn vI svIkfr krdy hn. Auhnfˆ df kihxf hY ik asIN surwiKaf leI kfPI ieMqËfm kIqy hn aqy aglf kdm hor vI sKq hovygf.

cfihl aYsgr vfsI mONtrIal duafrf jo Kulfsy kIqy gey hn, Auhnfˆ dy mwdynËr tryn afvfjfeI vI hux cuxOqIpUrn huMdI jf rhI hY. ies sfijÈ ivc qIjf mulËm aihmd abfsI amrIkf ivc pkiVaf igaf hY. iehnfˆ dI Xojnf amrIkf jfx vflI tryn nUM AuzfAux dI sI.

vYnkovr:-BfrqI kONslyt jnrl vwloN dysL df 66vF ajfdI idvs 15 agsq nUM kONslyt jnrl dI qIjI mMjLl `qy mfnieaf jfeygf, jo ik 201-325 ho v strIt vYnkovr ivwc siQq hY. Bfrq df kOmI JMzf TIk ds vjy Julfieaf jfeygf kONsl jnrl vwloN Bfrq

Çîôé ÁÅðà Ã˺àð ÇòÖ¶ ÕñÅ ÇÕzåÆÁź çÅ ô¯Á AC Á×Ãå 鱧

trFto-ietoibk siQq iek Gr ivc vVy cor nUM Gr ivc rihx vflI aOrq ny llkfiraf, iPr zrI vI pr Aus df swt-Pyt qoN bcfa ho igaf. ies ielfky ivc corI aqy luwtKoh dIafˆ vDdIafˆ Gtnfvfˆ dy kfrn sfry ielfky ivc dihÈq vflf mfhOl hY. mYrI gRys zImfrko nfˆ dI ies aOrq ny afp bIqI suxfAuNidafˆ ikhf ik rfq nUM awDI rfq qoN iËafdf df smfˆ hovygf, jdoN Auh awD nINdry sI. Aus nUM Gr ivc iksy dy Gusx df ÈMkf hoieaf. Aus ny awK KolHI qfˆ bYzrUm qoN dyiKaf ik iek kfly rMg df cor Gr dy aMdr iPr irhf hY. mYˆ bhuq zr geI aqy socx

bIqy buwDvfr nUM imsLn kimAuintI hYlQ sYNtr dI irbn kitMg rsm pRovYsLIal imAuNsIpl aqy Pryjr vYlI hYlQ aiDkfrIaF vwloN adf kIqI geI. imsLn dy ho rhy ivkfs aqy vsoN dy vfDy nUM muwK rwKidaF pihlI vfr afpxI iksm dIaF syvfvF ieko Cwq hyT pRdfn kIqIaF jfxgIaF. 27000 vrg Puwt vflI ies PisltI ivKy pbilk hYlQ, hom hYlQ, mYNtl hYlQ dIaF

bIqy sfl nvMbr ivwc dIvflI mnfAuNidaF iek pMjfbI ryzIE stysLn rYz[aYP[aYm[ jo ik sI afr tI sI vwloN lfeIsMs sudf hY vwloN krvfey gey gulfb jfmn Kfx dy mukfbly ivwc ipCly ipMz ZuzIky mogf dy hfl afbfd srI sLfml jIq isMG aOlK nfl hfdsf vfpr igaf ik gulfb jfmn Aus dy sMG ivwc Ps geI aqy Aus nUM sfh dI qklIP hoeI qy zfktrI shfieqf leI aYNbUlYNs rfhIN hspqfl phuMcfieaf igaf pr EdoN qoN hux qwk kOmF

syvfvF qoN ielfvf ies ivWc azlt kilink aqy zfiebItIjL klIink hoxgy. ies smyN mYplirjL-imsLn qoN aYm[ aYl[ ey[ mfrk zfltn aYbtsPorz-imsLn qoN aYm[ aYl[ ey[ sfeImn igbsn aqy PryjLr vYlI irjnl hspqfl izsLitRkt vfeIs dy pR D fn jfhn simQ hfjLr sn. ieh nvIN PisltI imsLn mYmorIal hspqfl dy nfl lgvIN hI hY.

ieh vI ikhf ik bIqy ivwc ilbirl srkfr ny kr dfqfvF dy toiePf `qy 11 imlIan zflr PjUl hI Krc kr idwqy hn jdoN ik ies eIvYNt qoN 6000 jfbF hor pYdf krn df aMdfjLf lfieaf igaf sI.

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Çîôé ÕÇîÀ°ÇéàÆ ÔËñæ Ã˺àð çÆ Çðìé ÕÇà§× ðÃî Ô¯ÂÆ

kYnF qy boqlF iekwqr krky kfPI rfsI joV leI aqy aYbtsPorz aqy srI ivwc hoey gdrIaF dI Xfd `c hoey vwzy iekwTF dOrfn jnqf ny bwicaF dI ihMmq aqy hOsly dI dfd idMidaF iehnF vloN afrMBy kfj ivwc sihXog idwqf. ies qrHF kul rfsLI 38 hjLfr 19 zflr df cYk kYnyzf kYNsr susfietI nUM dfn vjoN idwqf jo bhfdr bwuDImfn bwicaF dy imQy tIcy qoN vI 6 hjLfr zflr vwD hY.

ÇÕzÃàÆ ÕñÅðÕ çŠܽì êñÅé çà Ô÷Åð ÜÅìź Ö°µÃÆÁź-ÔËðÆ ì˺Ã

qwk hovygI. pihly iqMn klfkfrF nUM kYsL ienfm idwqy jfxgy imsLn afrt sYNtr 33529-1 aYvInAU `qy siQq hY. iqMn klfkfrF dIaF ikRqF dI pihlF hI cox kr leI aYn[ zI[ pI[ dy srI inAUtn aYm[ hoeI hY. aYl[ ey[ hrbMs isMG hyrI bYNs ny afiKaf hY ik jdoN qoN muwK mMqrI ikRstI klfrk ny jOb plfn sLurU kIqf hY byrujgfrI Gwt krn leI Aus smyN qoN hux qwk ds hjLfr jfbF Kus cuwkIaF hn. hYrI bYNs ny mksd skUlI bwicaF ivwc vwD rhI kfmuk ihMsf bfry kimAuintI nyqfvF nfl ivcfrF krngIaF hn. iesy qrHF ies bfry iek ivwidak pRogrfm kynIaF ivwc pihlF 2012 srI:-bIqy idnIN PYzirl ilbirl ivwc kIqf igaf sI. afpxI tIm nUM pfrtI dy pRDfn jsitn trUzo ny rijstr krfAux leI lIjfkrIn bI[ sI[ df tUr kIqf aqy srI mYn nfl 604-722-2994 qy ivKy Aus ny iek iekwqrqf ivwc sMprk kro jI. bolidaF ikhf ik hr iek rfeI-

éðÃź çÆ àÆî éÅñ òÅñÆìÅñ ֶ⯠ë§â ð¶ÇÜ§× òÅÃå¶

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dy sfry imwqrF, sfry BfrqIaF nUM ies rsm ivwc sLfml hox leI Kulf swdf idwqf jFdf hY. AunHF apIl kIqI hY ik ies rsm ivwc sLfml hox vfly sfry BfrqI imwqr aqy BfrqI, pOxy ds vjy phuMcx dI ikRpflqf krn jI.

îź îÇÔàð do ìµÇÚÁź òµñ¯º Õ˺Ãð ðÃÅÇÂàÆ ñÂÆ CH@@@ âÅñð ÇÂÕµåð ÕÆå¶

swq sflf armfn isMG iswDU aqy 11 sflf sfihl isMG iswDU spuwqr suKmMdr isMG iswDU ipClf ipMz suKfnMd (mogf) hfl abfd srI ny afpxI mF dy 32vyN jnm idn `qy 32000 zflr iekwqr krky kYnyzf kYNsr susfietI nUM dyx df pRx kIqf sI. Xfd rhy ik dovF bIby bflkF dI mF blivMdr kOr imsLn afrt sYNtr ivKy ies sfl hoxgIaF. sLoa 13 qoN 31 agsq iswDU df meI mhIny ivwc kYNsr dI df dUjf klf ikRqIaF df dUjf soLa qwk cwlygf aqy EpinMg rIsYpsLn jfnlyvf bImfrI kfrn idhFq ho 13 agsq nUM hovygf. ies sLoa 17 agsq nUM 1 qoN 4 vjy sLfm igaf sI. so Aus dy bwicaF ny KflI

iehnfˆ iqMny mulËmfˆ ivcoˆ jysr ny afpxy qy lwgy doÈfˆ nUM nkfiraf hY aqy aYsgr knyzIan kfnUMn ivvsQf ivc ivÈvfs hI nhIN rwKdy. iehnfˆ Auqy rYgUlr mukwdmf iesy mhIny sLurU ho irhf hY. ivwc 19 klfkfrF dIaF 38 klf vrxnXog hY ik ies igRPqfrI ikRqF ivKfeIaF jfxgIaF. pihlF qo N bfad kY n y z f ivc srkfr sLoa ies sfl vfeIt rOk ivKy qoN lY ky surwiKaf eyjMsIafˆ qwk hoieaf sI. ieh 19 klfkfr pUrI cOks ho geIafˆ hn. hfAUs afP Pryjr vYlI ivwcoN hI hn. ies kfmnË dI surwiKaf kmytI ny meI sLoa ivwc qyl pyitMg, vftr klr qoN ielfvf gRfiPt pyNitMgjL vI ivc hI sKq ivvsQf dI isPfrÈ kIqI sI. ieh vI ivvsQf krn dI crcf iCVI sI ik hryk tryn XfqrI dI pCfx hoxI vI ËrUrI hY aqy rUtIn cYikMg df dfierf vDfieaf jfvy. srkfr duafrf imsLn spirMg pwb vflIbfl vIafˆ ryl nUM idwqIafˆ hdfieqfˆ tUrnfmYNt `c 10 agsq nUM PMzqoN bfad surwiKaf eyjMsIafˆ ny ryijMg vfsqy hYqI leI jfx vflI dfierf vDfAux dI Xojnf qy aml nrsF dI tIm nfl vflIbfl Kyzx df swdf idwqf jFdf hY. jyqU tIm nUM sLurU kr idwqf hY. 500 zflr ienfm idwqf jfeygf. aY b tsPo r z irjnl hspqfl dIaF nrsF dI iek tIm nvMbr lwgI ik kI kIqf jfvy. zImfrko ivwc hYqI jf rhI hY. ies tIm df ny dwisaf ik ieh Gtnf rfq dy krIb 2 vjy dI hY, Aus ny bYz rUm qoN hI cor nUM llkfiraf. Auh drvfËy dy ipwCy luk igaf. mYnUM zr ho igaf ik ieh ikqy myry Auqy srI:-iewQoN dI sQfink srI hfkI hmlf nf kr dyvy. Ausny dwisaf klwb vwloN lfienjL kwp aMqrrfik mYˆ zrdI zrdI sYlPon qwk sLtrI CyvF Kyz mylf 23 agsq phuMc geI, jo dUjy bYzrUm ivc qoN 25 agsq qwk krvfieaf jf ipaf sI aqy puils nUM kfl kIqI. irhf hY. ies hfkI Kyz myly ivwc jdoN Aus nUM lwigaf ik mYˆ puils nUM kOmFqrI pwDr dIaF hfkI tImF kfl kIqI hY qfˆ Prfr ho igaf. kYnyzf, amrIkf aqy Bfrq qoN Bfg ieh Gtnf sYlytIn zRfeIv, nyVy lYxgIaF. pRbMDkF vwloN dwisaf kilipMg aYvyinAU aqy izksI roz igaf hY ik hfkI dy kO m FqrI siQq iek mkfn ivc vfprI hY. pRiswDI dy mflk DMnrfj iply vwloN cor ny jfˆdy jfˆdy vI Aus df lYptfp aqy gihxy corI kr ley.

vrxnXog hY ik apRYl ivc pkVy gey irafd jysr vfsI trfˆto aqy

Friday, August 9th, 2013


izMg `qy nOmInysLn krfeI jfeygI. AuproN koeI AumIdvfr nhIN Qoipaf jfeygf. Aus dI afpxI rfeIizMg qy vI nomInysLn hoeygI. inAutn srI zYltf rfeIizMg ijwQoN aYn[ zI[ pI[ iqafr kIqIaF hfkI dIaF tImF dy joigMdr kOr ismj ijwqI hoeI qoN ielfvf sLkqIsflI nfmDfrI hY. Aus dy mukfbly guljfr cImf ielYvn ivsLysL qOr qy mukfbilaF ivwc Bfg lYxgIaF. hfkI dy mYc vI kOmfqrI hfkI dy inXmF-nymF anusfr hI hoxgy. sMsfr Br dy hfkI pRymI ies Kyz myly df iswDf pRsfrn www.pun- amrIkf dy pRDfn Ebfmf ny ivskonsn styt dy Ek-krIk ‘qy vyK skxgy. duafrf ivKy bIqy sfl 5 agsq nUM iek nslvfdI gory vwloN kIqI geI aMDf-DuMd golIbfrI dOrfn mfry gey iswKF nUM sLrDFjlI Byt kridaF amrIkI pRDfn Abfmf nyN gurU Gr nUM 5.12 imlIan zflr ivwc ipaf hY. dwisaf jFdf hY ik dI shfieqf dyx df aYlfn kIqf Aus dy idmfg nUM nuksfn hoieaf hY. Auh bol nhIN skdf aqy qur iPr nhIN skdf Aus dI pqnI vwloN rYz[aYP[aYm[ ryzIE stysLn ijs ny ies eIvYNt nUM afrgynfeIjL kIqf mO N r tIal-iek Au s frI aDIn sI `qy kys krn dI iqafrI kIqI iblizMg dI AuUprlI mMiËl qoN jf rhI hY dwisaf jFdf hY ik Aus mlbf izwgx kfrn iewQy iek hyTfˆ ny vkIl hfier kr ilaf hY. pYdl qury jf rhy ivakqI dI mOq ieh pRIvfr mMdhflI df isLkfr ho ho geI. ieh ivakqI mONtrIal igaf hY Aus nUM mflI shfieqf dI siQq zI lf montyË stRIt ielfky ivc quiraf jf irhf sI, jdoN Dfq jLrUrq hY. dI iek vwzI plyt ies Auqy af

×°ñÅì-ÜÅîé ÖÅä ç¶ î°ÕÅìñ¶ ÒÚ êÆóå ç¶ òÅðà òµñ¯º Õ¶Ã

cox lVn leI idlcspI lY irhf hY. ies rfeIizMg `qy suK DflIvfl df vwzf pRBfv hY Aus ny BfvyN subfeI coxF ivwc srgrmI nhIN kIqI pr PYzirl coxF qwk Auh afpxy kysF qoN vI surKrU ho jfeygf aqy iesy rfeIizMg qoN cox mYdfn ivwc Aus bfry ikafPy lwg rhy hn ies leI Aus df nfmInysLn leI guljfr cImf nfl mukfblf hox dI sMBfvnf bxdI peI hY.

EìÅîÅ òñ¯º ×°ð± Øð 鱧 E.AB ÇîñÆÁé âÅñð çÆ ÃÔÅÇÂåÅ hY. Xfd rhy ik amrIkf srkfr ny vrHf pihlF hoeI ihrdyvydk Gtnf `qy iswK BfeIcfry dy duwK ivwc srIk huMidaF amrIkf df kOmI JMzf sLhIdF dy sskfr qwk nIvF rwiKaf sI. cfr jLKmIaF ivwc iek jFbfj amrIkn puils aPIsr vI sLfml sI.

ÇìñÇâ§× çÅ îñìÅ ÇâµÇ×ÁÅ, ÇÂÕ ÇòÁÕåÆ çÆ î½å izwgI. hfdsf svyry krIb 8:20 vjy vfpiraf dwisaf jfˆdf hY. ieh ivakqI afm nfgirk sI aqy ies kMm nfl koeI sbMD nhIN sI. mOˆtrIal puils muqfbk ies ivakqI dI hspqfl ivc mOq hoeI hY. ies Gtnf dI gihrfeI nfl jfˆc kIqI jf rhI hY.

Punjabi Patrika

Friday, August 9th, 2013



Greggain needed a partner data is not yet conclutesting alleviates strain on for concussion research. sive when understanding parents and coaches alike Combing through UFV’s whether or not concuswhen it comes to deciding website for student as- sions are more damaging when a student is ready to sistance, he dug through to younger people. That said, he adds, “We think play again. kinesiology’s page, even- (youth concussion preven“We’ve taken all the tually contacting program tion and treatment) is more guessing out of it, and head Chris Bertram. important than with adults.

cont’d from page 26

we’re relying on science,” Mouritzen says, adding 90 per cent of his 100 athletes were already tested by early July ahead of fall’s football season.

“He said ‘not me, but I’ve Cognitive ability needs to got your guy,’” Dr. Greg- be at its highest during high school and college. gain recalls.

And along came Gaetz, who made concussions the subject of his doctoral “We’ve been really blessed thesis while studying at and very grateful to UFV Simon Fraser University. and Dr. Gaetz for involving us in this program . With UFV’s new Chilli. . it’s absolutely world wack campus opening so close to G.W. Graham, class.” the partnership was a noGaetz’s involvement be- brainer. gan shortly after local family and emergency “This is what community room doctor Josh Greg- partnerships are all about,” gain starting looking into Dr. Greggain said, calling how concussions plague Gaetz’s research “absoyoung athletes in the lutely phenomenal work.” spring of 2012. Serving While his role with the as the team’s medical di- team involves looking rector alongside former after the clinical side of minor football volunteer concussions, Dr. Greggain and current Grizzlies head says the relatively short coach Laurie Smith, Dr. period of collection means

“We believe this is of paramount importance . . . we want to protect (student–athletes’) brains and livelihood — more than their chance to get back out there and play more football.” And while Grizzlies players allow him to gather information for his concussion research, Gaetz says the program — above all else — is simply another way UFV’s connection expands beyond campus walls.

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KusLKbrI! KusLKbrI!! KusLKbrI!!! vYnkUvr eyrIey dy msLhUr bYyNkut hflF dy mfstr qjLrbykfr aqy kfmXfb nF qoN hr koeI jfxUM hY, Auh hn “jsivMdr isMG gryvfl”, ijMnF ny hux KoHl idwqf hY.

hux aYbtsPLorz ivwc. nvIN rYnovysLn, KULbsUrq sjfvt vflf

“strilMg bYNkut hfl” nvF nfm nvyN pRbMDk qjLrbykfr hlvfeI qy kwuk ieMzIaf qoN mMgvfey gey hn,

jo quhfzy svfd aqy psMd jfxdy hn. bhuq hI KuwlIH pfrikMg lft . asIN kytirMg vI krdy hF. lyzIjL pfrtI leI KfLs izskfAUNt. quhfzy Gr qMdUr lfky kytirMg vI krdy hF. ivafh sLfdI vfsqy vMzx leI (insLfnI) afrzr qy iqafr krdy hF. Gr afey mihmfnF leI hfl ivwc (bPLy) KLfxy df pRbMD vI kIqf jf skdf hY. 50 jF ijafdf iekwT leI Gr iljfx leI KLfxf vI bxvf skdy ho . quhfzI KLusLI, qswlI qy pRfhuxcfrI sfzf mksd hY. vfijb kImq qy gRMtI sLudf vDIaf syvfvF leI asIN vcnbwD hF .

gurduafrf sfihb qy mMidr qy hor smfgmF leI KLfs izskfAUNt idwqf jfvygf .

ivafh sLfdI, mMgxI, jnm idn, gRYjUeysLn, ibjins mIitMg leI jF iksy vI pRkfr dI CotI jF vwzI pfrtI krn leI

KLUbsUrq styj sYitMg qy zYkorysLn

“strilMg bYNkut hfl” dy mflk

jsivMdr isMG gryvfl nfl sMprk kr skdy ho jI. 604-825-8131 604-856-9005 3227 264 strIt, aYYlzrgrov, bI[sI[ PAGE 31


òËéÕ±òð çÆ î°ÃÕÅé 鱧 ÁÃñÆ Ççñ ñÅ Õ¶ ÇçµåÅ ÜÆòé çÅé torfˆto: 6 sflfˆ dI muskfn gryvfl hux swcI-muwcIˆ mfipafˆ dI muskfn bx geI hY. Aus dy nMnHy sIny ivc iPr nvfˆ idl DVkygf aqy Auh iewk vfr iPr afm jIvn jIa skygI. muskfn ajy 10 idnfˆ dI hI sI jd zfktrfˆ nUM ivÈyÈ iksm dI idl dI ibmfrI (zIlytz kfrzIEmfieEpYQI) df pqf lwgf ijs nfl idl kmËor aqy PYl jfˆdf hY. ipCly sfl Aus nUM idl dI DVkx rukx kfrn ibRitÈ kolMbIaf qoN hYlIkfptr rfhIN aYzmMtn dy hspqfl ilafˆdf igaf sI. keI mhIny hspqfl aqy bfad ivwc Aus nUM vYˆtrIkulr aisst izvfeIs (vyzs) nfˆ dy iek ivÈyÈ pMp dy afsry rwiKaf igaf sI. muskfn dunIafˆ dI pihlI CotI Aumr dI bwcI hY, ijs dy ieh pMp lfieaf igaf. bnfAutI idl ivBfg dy zfierYktr zf[ hOlgr bwcOlË anusfr afm qOr `qy 13 sfl qoN vwzy aqy 27 iklo qoN Bfry bwicafˆ dy aijhf XMqr lfieaf jfˆdf hY. hspqfl dy muwK hfrt srjn zf[ ievfn irbYkf ny dwisaf ik jy AudoN POrI qOr `qy muskfn dy bnfAutI pMp nf lfieaf jfˆdf qfˆ msfˆ iewkdo hPqy ijAuNdI. muskfn df idl AudoN msfˆ aMzy ijMnf sI aqy ieh pMp ieh qoˆoN rqf vwzf, ijs nUM idl dy hyTly pfsy joiVaf igaf. hux muskfn nUM ies XMqr qoN Cutkfrf iml igaf hY aqy julfeI ivwc ieh pMp lfh ky nvfˆ aslI idl lf idwqf igaf hY. muskfn dy mfpy suKjIq qy armn bhuq KuÈ hn aqy afsvMd hn ik AunHfˆ dI bwcI muV pihlfˆ vfˆg nwcx-kuwdx lwg pvygI.

êÅêÆ é±§ Ã÷Å ÇîñÆ A@@@ ÃÅñ çÆ ÕËç

isLkfgo-amrIkf dy EhIE sUby ivwc iqMn lVkIaF nUM ds sflF qwk bMdI bxf ky rwKx vfly eyrIal kfsqro nUM Aumr kYd aqy 1000 sfl dI vfDU sjLf idwqI geI hY aqy nfl hI Aus nUM pYrol dI afigaf nhIN idwqI geI hY. QfeIlYNz `c rihx vfly eyrIal kfsqro ny iqMn lVkIaF imsLyl nfeIt (32), amFzf byrI (27) aqy ijnf zIjIss (23) nUM ds sflF qwk afpxy Gr ivwc bMdI bxf ky rwiKaf sI aqy AunHF nfl axmnuwKI vqIrf kIqf sI. kfsqro aqy Aus dy Brf ny ienHF iqMnF nfl keI vfr dusLkrm kIqf aqy grBvqI ho jfx `qy ienHF df jLbrdsqI grBpfq krvf idwqf. bMdI bxfeIaF geIaF iqMn lVkIaF ivwcoN iek amFzf ny ies dOrfn iek bwcy nUM jnm vI idwqf sI aqy Auh hI sI jo Aus dy cuMgl qoN bc ky Bwj inklI sI aqy lokF df iDafn ies Gtnf vwl kIqf sI. eyrIal `qy lVkIaF nUM jLbrdsqI bMdI bxf ky dusLkrm krn qoN ielfvf 100 hor dosL vI lfey gey hn. mfmly dI suxvfeI dOrfn kfsqro ny kdy vI afpxf gunfh nhIN kbUilaf aqy hmysLf Kud nUM mfnisk rUp qoN kmjLor sfbq krn dI koisLsL hI krdf irhf hY. mfmly dI suxvfeI kr rhy jwj ny ikhf ik dUijaF nUM gulfm bxf ky rwKx vfilaF leI ies dunIaF ivwc koeI QF nhIN hY.

Punjabi Patrika 

Friday, August 9th, 2013

ÁËé.âÆ.êÆ. À°µê Ú¯äź ç¶ éåÆÇÜÁź 寺 À°åôÅÇÔå

àðźà ÕËé¶âÅ ÁñìðàŠ寺 ÁËé.ìÆ. êÅÂÆê ñÅÂÆé ñÂÆ Áµ×¶ ÁÅÂÆ

trfˆto- hoeIafˆ Aup coxfˆ ivc afey nqIijafˆ ny ijwQy ilbrl Kymy ivc inrfÈqf pYdf kIqI hY, AuQy hI ivroDI iDrfˆ aYn zI pI aqy kMsrvyitv pfrtI dIafˆ vfˆCfˆ iKV geIafˆ hn. skYˆzlfˆ dI BMnI ilbrl srkfr dy leI ieh nqIjy iek sbk vjoN dyKy jf rhy hn, AWuQy hI ivroDI iDrfˆ ies nUM qbdIlI dI hvf vjoˆ dyK rhIafˆ hn.

kYlgrI- trfˆs kYnyzf kfrporyÈn ny aYnrjI eIst pfeIplfeIn pRfjYkt nUM awgy vDfAux df PYslf kIqf hY. ies qyl pfeIp lfeIn dy ËrIey qyl irPfienrIafˆ qwk phuMcxf hY. pRsqfivq pfeIp lfeIn isstm syˆt jOhns qwk phuMcygf, ijwQy kYnyzf dIafˆ qyl irPfiernrIafˆ hn. ieh pfeIp lfeIn mONtrIal aqy ikAUØbk istI ivcoˆoN inklygI.

aYn zI pI lIzr aYˆzrf horvYQ qfˆ iehnfˆ nqIijafˆ qoN bhuqy hI AuqÈfihq hn. Auhnfˆ dI pfrtI nUM ivMzsr aqy lMzn hlikafˆ dIafˆ do sItfˆ imlIafˆ hn. Auhnfˆ df kihxf hY ik ies Pqvy qoN iblkul spÈt hY ik hux ilbrl pfrtI df AuntfrIE ivcoN vkq Kfqmy vwl hY. aYn zI pI afgfmI mwDkflI coxfˆ nUM iehnfˆ nqIijafˆ qoN bfad iek vwzI sMBfvnf vjoN dyK rhI hY.

albrtf dy pRImIar aYlIsn rYzPorz jo ik ies pfeIp lfeIn dy vwzy hmfieqI mMny jfˆdy hn, ny ikhf ik ieh skfrfqmk sMkyq hn, ies nfl asIN nvIafˆ mfrkItfˆ lwB skfˆgy aqy qyl dI afvfjfeI ivc qyËI hovygI. Auhnfˆ ikhf ik sfzI srkfr qyl dy inrXfq leI nvIafˆ mfrkItfˆ qwk phuMc dy pwK ivc hY. Auhnfˆ ikhf ik ieh sfzy arQcfry leI bhuq vwzf sLuB sMkyq hY.

ñÅÇÂé÷ ëÆñâ ÔÅÕÆ Õñì çÅ à±ðéÅî˺à Ô¯ÇÂÁÅ Ãëñ

dUjy ivroDI iDr kMsrvyitv pfrtI vI iehnfˆ nqIijafˆ nUM qbdIlI dy sMkyq vjoN dyK rhI hY. Auhnfˆ dI pfrtI nUM trfˆto dI sIt 1999 qoN bfad imlI hY. Auh kihMdy hn ik hux aYn zI pI nUM jnqf dy Pqvy nUM smJ lYxf cfhIdf hY aqy ilbrl srkfr df sfQ Cwz ky sUby ivc brYˆptn/julfeI 20 nUM lfienË PIlz hfkI klwb brYˆptn vwloN kYsI mwDkflI coxfˆ df rfh pwDrf krnf cfhIdf hY. kYˆbl dI aYstro-trP grfAuNz ivwc mYnË PIlz hfkI df AuWc pwDr hflfˆ ik jdoN aYn zI pI nUM ikhf igaf ik kI Auh ilbrlfˆ nUM hmfieq df tUrnfmYˆt krvfieaf igaf. ijs ivwc 8 tImfˆ ny Bfg ilaf. iehnfˆ jfrI rwKxgy qfˆ Auhnfˆ df jvfb sI ik hfly Auh smfˆ nhIN afieaf ivwc Xunfietz bRdrË, lfienj brYˆptn æ, pMjfb hfks, pMjfb pYˆQrË, ikAuNik ilbrlfˆ dy kol Gwt igxqI srkfr clfAux df Pqvf hY aqy E ky zI, , trfˆto tfietn aqy lMzn jYtlmYn hfkI dIafˆ tImfˆ ny Bfg ilaf. Xunfietz bRdrË ny E ky zI nUM afpxy pUl ivwc hI hrfieaf asIN sUby ivc isafsI asiQrqf nhIˆ cfhuMdy. | pihlf sYmI PfeInl E ky zI aqy lfienË klwb dI tIm ivckfr hux agly bjt AWuqy ilbrlfˆ dy leI agnI pRIiKaf hovygI. vYsy vI hoieaf,ijhVf lfienË klwb ijwq ky PfeInl ivwc phuMicaf. iewQy ilbrl hux bhumq pRfpq krn dI afs guaf cuwky hn ikAuNik Auhnfˆ ijkrXog hY ik E ky zI dI tIm ivwc iqMn knyzf dy AulMipan plyar kol bhumq qoN 4 sItfˆ Gwt rih geIafˆ hn. Kyz rhy sn| jd ik lfienË klwb ivwc sfry lokl plyar Kyz rhy sn ies dy bfvjUd ilbrlfˆ nUM hfly vI afs dI ikrn nËr af rhI hY. |dUsrf sYmI PfeInl Xunfietz bRdrË aqy trfˆto tfietn drimafn ilbrlfˆ ny skfrbRo aqy aOtvf sfAUQ sItfˆ ijwqIafˆ hn. pRImIar hoieaf,ijhVf Xunfietz bRdrË ny ijwiqaf.hfkI df PfeInl mYc Xunfietz bRdrË aqy lfienË PIlz hfkI klwb drimafn hoieaf, kYQlIn ieh mMndy hn ik votr sfzI pfrtI qoN kYˆsl kIqy gYs plfˆtfˆ ijhVf Xunfietz bRdrË ny ijwiqaf.Xunfietz bRdrË dI ies sIËn dy kfrn nrfË hn pr Auh ies dI BrpfeI krngy aqy cMgf kMm dI ieh lgfqfr qIsrI ijwq sI.ies leI Xunfietz bRdrË vDfeI dy krky idKfAuxgy. hwkdfr hn. tUrnfmYˆt leI lfienË PIlz hfkI klwb dy jIvnjoq bfT, jgqfr isMG, pRIq rMDfvf, ibkrm kMdolf, jgrUp bwl, sqnfm isMG afid vDfeI dy pfqr hn.

çÇòèÅéÕ åìçÆñÆ å¯º ÇìéÅ òÆ ÃËé¶à ÇòµÚ ðèÅð çíò aOtvf- kMsrvyitv pfrtI df kihxf hY ik sMivDfn ivc qbdIlI kIqy ibnfˆ hI sYnyt ivc suDfr kIqy jfxy cfhIdy hn. srkfr ny suprIm kort ivc pyÈ kIqy afpxy qrk ivc ikhf hY ik sYnyt ivc suDfr sMBv hn aqy sMivDfn ivc qbdIlI krn dI loV nhIN. srkfr ny ieh pwK sYnyt suDfr ibl sI-7 leI mMgIafˆ geIafˆ isPfrÈfˆ dy sMdrB ivc suprIm kort ivc rwiKaf hY.

Çéò¶ô å¶ Çòç¶ôÆ ÇòÀ°êÅð ìÅð¶ ÁËâëÅÃà òñ¯º ׯñî¶÷ ÕÅéëð§Ã brYˆptn- aYm[ pIæ[prm igwl aqy kOmfˆqrI vpfr mMqrI sRI aYz Pfst ny iewQy Coty kMm DMidafˆ ivc lwgy lokfˆ nfl bIqy idnIN golmyj kfnPrMs afXoijq kIqI, ijs ivc kOmfˆqrI vpfr aqy ivkfs bfry srkfr dIafˆ Xojnfvfˆ dwsIafˆ geIafˆ.

lokrfjI suDfr mfmilafˆ dy mMqrI pIary polIivr df kihxf hY ik ies mOky sRI prm igwl ny vpfrI vrg nUM sMboDn kridafˆ ikhf ik srkfr sYnyt ivc suDfrfˆ dy msly Auqy bihs krnf cfhygI ikAuNik sfzI srkfr df pRmuwK tIcf ruËgfr ivkfs, arQcfry nUM gqI dyxf hux qwk sfry sUibafˆ dI rfey nhIˆ leI geI hY. aqy kYnyzf ivc afriQk smfnqf vDfAuxf hY. Auhnfˆ ikhf ik dI ies srkfr ny PrvrI ivc vI suprIm kort nUM ikhf sI ik sYnyt dy Kfqmy mIitMg ivc asIN kOmfˆqrI vpfr mMqrI dy sihXog nfl sQfnk kMm dy leI Aus dIafˆ qfkqfˆ nUM inafˆpfilkf spÈt kry. srkfr ny sY- DMidafˆ aqy CotIafˆ iekfeIafˆ clfAux vfilafˆ dIafˆ muÈiklfˆ jfnx nyt suDfr aYkt jUn 2011 ivc ilafˆdf sI aqy ivroDI iDrfˆ qy doÈ afey hfˆ aqy Auhnfˆ nUM mfrkIt dy ruJfn bfry dwsx afey hfˆ.

lgfieaf sI ik Auh suDfrfˆ df rfh pwDrf krn dy rfh ivc aiVwkf ies mIitMg drimafn keI aihm muÈiklfˆ ijvyˆ ik tylYˆtz lokfˆ aqy bx rhy hn. pr sYnytr aqy kuJ sUbf srkfrfˆ ny hfrpr srkfr dy invyÈ nUM afkriÈq krnf aqy ivdyÈI vpfr nUM hwlfÈyrI dyx leI kdm cuwkx bfry ivcfr vtfˆdrf kIqf igaf. ies pRsqfv nUM Tukrf idwqf sI. Aus vkq ieh svfl KVHf ho igaf sI ik iËafdfqr sUbf srkfrfˆ mIitMg ivc Èfml sfry AudmIafˆ ny brYˆptn ivc ivdyÈI vpfr ivc sYnyt ivc suDfrfˆ dy pwK ivc hn jfˆ iPr Auh ies sdn df Kfqmf vfDf krn aqy kOmI aqy kOmfˆqrI iPlmfˆ dy leI sMBfvnfvfˆ smyq aOtvf- kYnyzf dI rIal grOs zomYsitk pRfzkt Xfin jIæ zIæ pIæ ies iKwqy ivc drpyÈ muÈklfˆ bfry vI dwisaf. cfhuMdIafˆ hn. ny ies sfl meI dy mhIny ivc 0æ2 PIsdI df vfDf drj krvf ky arQcfry leI cMgy sMkyq idwqy hn. ies mhIny srivs AudXog, ijs srkfr dy pRsqfivq ibl sI-7 muqfbk sYnytrfˆ dI smfˆ hwd 9 sfl ivc irtyl aqy holsyl vpfr df vI kuJ ihwsf hY, ny ivkfs dI gqI nUM imwQy jfx df pRsqfv hY aqy Auhnfˆ nUM sUbf srkfrfˆ nUM sYnytrfˆ dI qyË kIqf hY, jd ik hor Kyqrfˆ ivc qrwkI dI dr susq rhI hY. meI inXukqI dy mfmly ivc vwD aiDkfr idwqy jfx df vI pRsqfv sI. pRDfn dy mhIny kYnyzf ivc pbilk sYktr, akmozyÈn aqy PUz srivs, mMqrI ny qfˆ iewQoN qwk pRsqfv rwiKaf sI ik sYnytr jykr sUbfeI cox pRoPYÈnl syvfvfˆ aqy rIal astyt ny cMgI gqI idKfeI hY, hflfˆ ijwq vI jfˆdf hY qfˆ vI Aus dI inXukqI gvrnr jnrl dy ËrIey hovy. trfˆto-trfˆto ivc hoeI kYrIbIan kfrnIvl pryz drimafn iek Plot dy hyTfˆ af ky mfry gey nOjvfn dI pCfx kr leI geI hY. 18 sflf ik trfˆsportyÈn aqy vyarhfAUisMg syvfvfˆ ivc mMdI rhI hY. ieh ies dy nfl hI kM s rvy i tv cfhu M d y hn ik sY n y t r dI afpxI sM p qI dy ies muMzy df nfˆ rUÈfd gRfˆt sI. ieh muMzf imsIsfgf df rihx vflf sI. aMkVy srkfrI eyjMsI stYsitk kYnyzf ny jnqk kIqy hn. eyjMsI dy bfry vI inXmfˆ ivc qbdIlI ho v y aqy ies df inrDfrx sY n y t Ku d kry . ieh Aus vkq sVk qy jf irhf sI, jdoN lyk Èor bulyvfl vYst ielfky aMkiVafˆ muqfbk vsqfˆ df pRfzkÈn 0æ3 PIsdI Gitaf hY ikAuNik mfeIinMg, kuaYirMg aqy qyl aqy gYs dI inkfsI ivc kmI afeI hY. kYnyzf dy sMivDfn muqfbk sYnytr dy kol ijwQoN Auh pRqIinDqf krdf ivc ies nUM Plot dI Pyt vwjI. ies ivakqI nUM hspqfl iljfieaf ies dy bfvjUd mYnUPYkcirMg aqy KyqIbfVI smyq PfrYstrI sYktr hY, AWuQy Gwto Gwt 4 hËfr zflr dI sMpqI hoxI ËrUrI hY. ieh sMpqI igaf pr rsqy ivc hI iesdI mOq ho geI sI. puils muqfbk hfly ieh ny qrwkI kIqI hY aqy kMstRkÈn Kyqr pihlfˆ vfˆg hI afpxI gqI dI hwd bhuq Gwt hY, jd ik sYnytr kYnyzf dI amIr sRyxI aqy kRImI spÈt nhIN ho sikaf ik ieh hfdsf ikvyˆ vfpiraf aqy iks dI glqI sI. Aus vkq sVk Auqy vwzI BIV sI. Plot dI spIz bhuq Gwt sI. nfl cwl irhf hY. lyar ivcoN afAuNdy hn.

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Punjabi Patrika

Friday, August 9th, 2013





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Punjabi Patrika 

Friday, August 9th, 2013

Punjabi Patrika

Friday, August 9th, 2013



B.C. peace officers compete at World Police and Fire Games


ineteen provincial peace officers, along with police and fire representatives from across B.C., are heading to Northern Ireland to compete at one of the largest sporting events in the world. The athletes are competing at the World Police and Fire Games (WPFG) in Belfast from Aug. 1 to Aug. 10 and will take part in a number of events including the triathlon, softball, golf, shot-put and the triple jump.

“I am proud to see some of our leading experts in youth justice competing at this international event. These individuals work hard every day helping young people who have come into conflict with the law. I have no doubt they will apply this same dedication to this event. I know they’ll do an outstanding job representing B.C. and I wish them the best of luck.”

president Inspector Brad Fire Chiefs’ Association Haugli – of British Columbia president, Fire Chief Timothy “Each and every one of Pley – these competitors is a credit to their profession “I would like to congratuand their home agency. late all the firefighters The fact that they train and representatives who and compete on their are taking part in this own time and on their year’s games. We are own dime shows that the very proud of the athleticamaraderie, teamwork cism of B.C.’s firefighters and commitment that is – and now is our chance so much a part of their to show our prowess on daily work keeping Brit- the world stage.” ish Columbians safe is Quick Facts: British Columbia Associ- really part of who they ation of Chiefs of Police are 24/7.”

· Participants in the biennial event are active and retired law enforcement, customs, corrections and fire and emergency service personnel.

· Over 10 days of competition, athletes will take part in 56 sports held at 41 venues across Northern Ireland ranging from wrestling, biathlon and pistol shooting to karate. · WPFG is the third-largThe “toughest competiest international multitor alive” event involves sport event in the world. nine sports over two days. The 2013 Games will have more competitors · B.C. government team than any previous Com- members fund their own monwealth Games. participation in these events; however they re· More than 7,000 comceived a track suit, duffel petitors from 60 countries bag, and support for their are expected to take part. registration costs.

The province is represented by Ministry of Justice staff from BC Sheriff Services, BC Corrections, the BC Coroners Service, as well as members of the Ministry of Children and Family Development’s youth justice sector and the Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch of the Ministry of Finance. They join members of the RCMP, independent municipal police departments and fire organizations from throughout B.C. Quotes: Attorney General and Minister of Justice Suzanne Anton – “Congratulations to the entire team that is taking part in the World Police and Fire Games this year in Northern Ireland. Competing at one of the world’s largest sporting events is an opportunity to show to the world the dedication of our B.C. peace officers, who work every day to maintain public safety and enforce the law.” Minister of Children and Family Development Stephanie Cadieux –


Punjabi Patrika


Friday, August 9th, 2013


ç¶Ö Õ¶ ÕÅñ¶ ÕÅð¶ hrcMd isMG

îôòðÅ ×ÅÇÂÕź 鱧 pRmjIq ivrk

‘bfgVI’ gIqkfr qy gfiek vIrno dyK ky kfly kfry, gorI srkfr dy, awKF ivwc afey awQrU, AUDm srdfr dy. pilaf XqImKfny, AUDm srdfr sI.

mYN AOrq hW

ðÖÇò§çð Á§Çîzå çÆÁź â¶ã å°ÕÆÁź ì¯ñÆÁź

gurdIS kOr

mulK rfj



aYnf kihr kmfE nf, pYsy, ÌokI Èohrq ipwCy

mYN AOrq hW BwvyN

niÈafˆ nUM vizafE nf.

AOrq hI rhWgI

ihMdU, iswK, muslm, sfry, Aus df prvfr sI.

qusIN dovfˆ dy gIqfˆ rfhIN

awj iPr mfry mYNbr, Ausdy prvfr dy.

pul isPqfˆ dy aYsy bMnHy,

awKF ivwc af gey awQrU…

pMjfb dy ivwc Èrfb dI ivkrI

jilHaF dy bfg df sfkf, kIqf AuzvYr ny.

twp geI sB hwdfˆ bMny.

KflI hwQ Bfrq-vfsI, mfry sI zYr ny.

niÈafˆ dy iksy sOdfgr dy hwQ

ieMJ qF psU vI nhIN, psUaF nUM mfrdy,

sfzI zor PVfE nf,

awKF ivwc afey awQrU…

gIqkfr qy gfiek vIrno[[[[

inwkI jI ijMd qy sfkf, sdmf bx bih igaf.

msfˆ ey iewQy prqI ÈfˆqI

lAUNgf bdlf KUn df, mn hI mn kih igaf.

Pyr cuafqI lfAux ikAuN lwgy,

dyKxgy lokI iewk idn, sfry sMsfr dy.

kbËy lYx dy leI bMdUkfˆ

awKF ivwc afey awQrU…

muMizafˆ hwQ PVfAux ikAuN lwgy.

moeIaF sI mfvF AuWQy, ivlkdy bfl sI.

kwcI soc kurfhy pf ky

jilHaF dy bfg dI imwtI, ho geI lfl sI.

jylHfˆ ivwc pucfE nf,

‘cMd PrvfhI’ lfhxq, aYsy mrdfr dy.

gIqkfr qy gfiek vIrno[[[[

À±óÅ Ç×ÁÅé, ܱóÅ ôÅé

pr mYN qyry ip`Cy nhIN kdmW dy brwbr kdm DrWgI[ mYN sIqw nhINjo Awpxy sq leI qYNnUM Agn pRIiKAw idAWgI[ mYN dropqI vI nhINjo iek vsqU dI qrHW qyry h`QoN jUey ‘c jw hrWgI[ mYN s`sI vI nhINjo qyrI fwcI dI pYV BwldI BwldI ryigsqwn dI qpdI ryq ‘c sV mrWgI[

qyry Puwlfˆ ny ÈIÈy df Gr qoiVaf mYˆ cMgI BlI vsdI sI myry idl dI idwlI nUM sr kr ky hux ikwQy pfeIafˆ CfAuxIafˆ asIN Cwzqy hfr ky dfavy sfzf nf koeI Ëor cwilaf lwK tukVy joV ky vyKy Pyr nfl Auh idl bixaf qyry suwkgy iknfirafˆ `qy bUty pMjfˆ dirafvfˆ vfilaf sfzy hirafˆ murwibafˆ `c af ky ngrfˆ ny pfn Quwikaf bUty Kug ky bgfnI imwtI lY geI mfpy rihgy puwq pfldy puwTf gyV nf smyˆ nUM afAuNdf afpfˆ iPr ikvyˆ imldy

gurUaF pIrF Drq pMjfb, nfnk goibMd jfey dsF gurF dI bfxI gurU gRMQ sfihb shfey AuWcI bolI suwcI bfxI koeI qul nf pMjfbIaF AUVf igafn, jUVf sLfn Buwl nf pMjfbIaf. rojL AuWT pihr dy qVky iesLnfn kr pRfxI hwQ ivwc PVky gutkf KusLI KusLI pVH bfxI aMg sMg gurU hmysLf hor KulH nf pMjfbIaf pMj qKLq, pMj ipafry pMj diraf pMjfbI pMj qwq df puqlf

sYˆkiVafˆ ivwc hor vI jfqfˆ

bMdf ieh bMdy-Kfxf kihr kmf igaf.

mYN sohxI vI nhIN-

qyry hMJUafˆ `c bicaf nf cfnxf zuwbidf vy sUrjf

vwsx iewQy swjy-Kwby,

‘jIss’ dy suhxy nF nUM kflKF lf igaf.

jo k`icAW qy qrdI qrdI

qYnUM kOx krUgf Cfvfˆ

gIq ilKx leI ikAuN quhfnUM

JnW dy fUMGy pwxIAW ‘c

myrIey vrfn imwtIey

iswKI lf muwl nf pMjfbIaf

bws iekwly jwt ny lwBy.

jw KrWgI[

iewk nf do, mfry, mfry ds vIh nf.

mYN Ablw nhIN, sblw bxWgI[

duwK dws dy idlfˆ dIey rfqy puMinafˆ df cMn Zuwikaf

gurF dsvyN isMG sjfey

zuwb jfxgy rihMdy-KUMhdy bhuqI PUk CkfE nf,

aMnHyvfh Pfier KolH ky, Cwizaf koeI jI nf.

mYN qW mweI Bwgo bx

isr qlI `qy Dr itkfxy

gIqkfr qy gfiek vIrno[[[[

Btky hoey vIrW nUM

ndI AuWqrI phfV AuWqoN sLUkdI Qlfˆ `c af ky issk peI

bVy ivÈy ny gIq ilKx leI

rwhy pwauxw hY[

Ck aMimRq ipaflf

iewko Qfˆ `qy klm ikAuN atkI,

mYN rwxI JWsI bx

sfnUM rihx dy dIvy dI loey vsdy JfqIafˆ nf mfr cMn vy

lwcrqf nUM ilKdy-gfAuNdy

AzwdI dw ibgl vjwauxw hY

lwB jfx jy imlx nUM Qfvfˆ mYˆ `kwlf `kwlf duwK dws dfˆ

gurF idwqf mfx pMjfbI

soc quhfzI lIhoN BtkI.

mYN goibMd dI SmSIr bx

Ëihr irÈiqafˆ aMdr Br ky

zwilm nUM sbk isKwauxw hY

mihk pRdysLF PYl geI

inwG, imTfs imtfE nf,

mYN klpnw cwvlw bx

kwQoN afieaF grdOrI kr ky vy Gr qyry hogI kurkI

gIqkfr qy gfiek vIrn[[[[

DrqI hI nhIN

suwcy moqIE vy afb nf guaf ilE kOzIafˆ dy ipwCy lwg ky

gory iswKx ivrsf bolI

qyry mihlfˆ ny qfb nhIN JwlxI sfzIafˆ PkIrIafˆ dI

dsqfr gurF ny bKsLI

awKF ivwc afey awQrU…

ijsmF `coN pYx pRnfly, KUn dI Dfr dy. awKF ivwc afey awQrU…

pfxI…hfey…pfxI-pfxI, jLKmI pukfr dy. awKF ivwc afey awQrU… hoey sI `kwTy lokI krnI ivcfr sI. bwcy qy buwZy afey, afey nr nfr sI. Cwzo ieh mulk PrMgIAu, nfhry sI mfrdy. awKF ivwc afey awQrU…


rfm srUp sLrmf ijhVy lokI mF bolI dI, kdr nf krdy Borf. AunHF dy ieiqhfs nUM,iewk idn lwg jFdf hY Korf.

ijnHfˆ sdkf imlI afËfdI Auh hIro qfˆ mnoˆ Bulf `qy,

zfkU, afÈk, iPlmI hIro ijhnIaq rhI gulfmI vflI, qur igaf BfvyN gIqfˆ rfhIˆ nfiek bxf `qy. gorf. aMgryjI dI igtimt ipwCy, hoieaf iPrdYN borf. Èfnf-mwqf ivrsf sfzf hflq vyK pMjfbI mF dI, KFdf ey idl Jorf.

Zfh eys nUM lfE nf,

lIrF lIrF bolI kIqI, qrs nf kiraf Borf.

gIqkfr qy gfiek vIrno[[[[

imwTVI bolI nUM Buwl igaf klihrI morf.


AMbr vI gwhuxw hY[ mYN Ajy keI swgr qrny ny mYN Ajy prbq sr krny ny bhuq k`uJ hY Ajy myry krn leI ‘dIS’ kol ivhl nhIN Ajy mrn leI[

qwqf pfxI nf Puwlfˆ nUM pfeIey imTf imTf iCVk deIey KflI GVy leI afAux muitafrfˆ pwqxfˆ `qy ryq AuWzdI jwg hfiraf lgfmfˆ iKwc ky smyˆ df kdoN rwQ ruikaf

hY siqgur pfs cfbI pMj kwky, pMj bfxI

svf lwK sy eyk lVfey nf dusLmx nyVy afey nisLaF `c rul nf pMjfbIaf ivrsf AuWcI sLfn mF bolI qy jLbfn qUM zuwlH nf pMjfbIaf ‘pRymI’ bKsI hY srdfrI ikAuN kYcI PyrI jfnf dsqfr lgdI BfrI srbMs vfiraf gurF ny koeI qul nf pMjfbIaf AUVf igafn…

Punjabi Patrika

Friday, August 9th, 2013

î˺ ìÅöÆ Ôź

Aus dOlq qoN,


iekbflpRIq kOr

ÃðÆð ç¶ Á§×

drsLn isMG avfrf

jIhnUM vrqx mfxn, lYx leI,

mYN bfgLI, mYN bfgLI mjLhbF.

kohxf pY jfey jLmIrF nUM,

mMdrF aqy msIqF qoN.

vIrF dy gly ktfxy pYx.

ikqy bsMq dI bhfr hY.

jIvn-Gfqk svrg nrk qoN,

svY-mfn vycxf pY jfvy,

ikqy pwqJV lwgy,

byidl murdf rIqF qoN.

rIJF, armfn lutfxy pYx.

ikqy idl nUM Twgy,

qyry AuWcy dfhvy koloN,

lUM lUM dI jIBo kihMdf hF,

kdy ivhVy ivwc iKiVaf

qyry by-rs gIqF qoN.

mYN Aus dOlq qoN bfgLI hF.

gulfb hY.

sB kuJ sdky GolI kIqf,

mYN afkI hF.

kI hY ijLMdgI[[[[[[[.

guV qwqf krky pfvy

Aus smfj qoN,

kdy hfisaF dI Cxkfr,

krmy jwt dy

kdy roNdy idl dI pukfr,

jo kwty gey

kdy hvf ivwc mihkdI,

QrYsLr ‘c afky

guljLfr hY ijMLdgI.

Es ikrqI leI sn

kI hY ijMLdgI[[[[[.

ikMny mhfn

kdI ndI dy pul vrgI,

hwQ ?

ijs dy tuwt jfx df zr hY,


‘ies bMdy’ dIaF pRIqF qoN.

sO sO pfKMz bnfxy pYx.

kI hY ijLMdgI? KuwlHI ikqfb hY.

Aus mjLhb qoN,

bdly myrIaF cMigafeIaF dy,

ijhVf swky vqnI vIrF nUM,

jIhdy hyTF qy iek ‘vfh’ vI nhIN.

vwK vwK rihxf isKlf dyvy.

myry duwK vyly hmdrdI nhIN,

kdy bfgF qoN, kdy vfjy qoN,

do awQrU jF iek afh vI nhIN.

zFgF soty KVkf dyvy.

idl qoVn, jjLby rolx dI,

ivwc rwb nUM jLfmn rwK ky qy,

jIhnUM rqI ijMnI prvfh vI nhIN.

ijhVf iZwz ivwc Curf KuBf dyvy.

lUM lUM dI jIBo kihMdf hF,

ijs dy Cuwt jfx df zr hY,

lUM lUM dI jIBo kihMdf hF,

mYN Es smfjoN bfgLI hF.

pr smyN dI vwKrI cfl hY

mYN Aus mjLhb qoN bfgLI hF.

mYN afkI hF.

kI hY ijMLdgI[[[[[[[[.

mYN afkI hF.

Aus ieiqhfs qoN mYN bfgIML hF

kdy asmfnI Auzf lY jfvy,

Aus pusqk qoN,

ijs dy ivc lV lV mrn leI,

kdy dunIaF qoN hoNd nUM imtfvy,

dws dws ky rohb ikafmq dy,

Biraf bfrUd msflf hY.

bhuqy KqiraF df jfl hY

ijhVI jIvn nUM sihmfie pfeI.

hr aWKr ijHdf mnuWKF nUM,

kI hY ijLMdgI[[[[[[.

mfsUm jhI idl-kihxI qoN

pfVn qy vMzn vflf hY.

kdy KusLIaF ivwc TfTF mfry,

ijhVI kuMBI nrk ivKfey peI.

duKdfeI kflIaF XfdF qoN,

ds gurj mYnUM XmdUqF dy

ijHdf iek iek vrkf kflf hY.

pr hmysLF cMgy-mMdy simaF dI afs hY

myrf hrdm KUn sukfey peI.

lUM lUM dI jIBoN kihMdf hF,

kI hY ijLMdgI?

lUM lUM dI jIBo kihMdf hF,

mYN Aus ieiqhfs qoN bfgLI hF.

KuwlHI ikqfb hY.

mYN Aus pusqk qoN bfgLI hF.

mYN afkI hF.

mYN afkI hF.

iksmq qoN,


Aus ‘bIqy’ qoN,

ijhVI hWQIN kwK nf krn dey,

ijhVf myry jIvn mfrg qy,

qy lWk ihMmq qoV dey.

ieAuN prbq vFg Klo jfvy.

zory pf pf qdbIrF nUM,

afdrsL myry dI mMjLl hI,

kr bot dy vFgr CoV dey.

awKIaF qoN Auhly ho jfvy.

hr cMigafeI mMidafeI nUM,

hr hrkq qy, myry supny nUM,

jUnF dy nfl cMboV dey.

ijhVf pYrF hyT mlHo jfvy.

lUM lUM dI jIBoN kihMdf hF,

lUM lUM dI jIBo kihMdf hF,

mYN Aus iksmq qoN bfgLI hF.

ikhnUM dwsF mn dI pIVf,

mYN Aus ‘bIqy’ qoN bfgLI hF.

mYN afkI hF.

qn nUM lwgf gLm df kIVf,

mYN afkI hF.

Aus jIvn qoN,

rovF BuwbF mfr,

Aus mMdr qoN,

ijnUM jI Br ky mYN jI nF skI,

suxky myrI drd khfxI,

ijwQy pwQr dy iek buwq awgy,

mrjLI anusfr ibqf nf skF.

smwgrI kuJ iKlfrI hY.

jIvn df sfQI cux nf skF,

iek poQI hY, iek twlI hY,

sWDrF,armfn suxf nf skF.

nfl iek KudgLrjL pujfrI hY.

mYN hWsxf cfhF, hWs nf skF,

vy idldfr mihrmf,

ijhVf BgqF ivwc ieAuN idsdf ey,

jy gfxf cfhF qy gf nf skF.

“mihl klF” AuzIkF krdI,

ijAuN mjmyN ivwc mdfrI hY.

lUM lUM dI jIBoN kihMdf hF,

lUM lUM dI jIBo kihMdf hF,

mYN Aus jIvn qoN bfgLI hF.

mYN Aus mMdr qoN bfgLI hF.

mYN afkI hF.

mYN afkI hF.



kdy qyjL lMGdI Aus gwzI vrgI,

kdy afpixaF hwQoN hfrF Kfvy,

gurmyl isMG bIroky


bMb nfl

ivhlV sMqF qy hfkmF dy hwQ

Auhdy leI sn ikMny mhfn

kr- kml khfAuNdy,

pYr ?

hvylI vfilaF dI nUMh


“mYnIikAUr” slUn ‘qy krfvy,

Kfky lokF df

ivhVy vfly mfVU dI nUMh gohy dy ilWbiVaF, pftIaF ibafeIaF ‘c

ivhlV sMqF dy pYr crn khfANudy, hwk lYx Kfqr qury sn jo qVky AuWT DrqI qy nf lwgx hfkmF ny nUV nUV kwuty mfs pfiVaf pfqlLIaF df, POjI lVHn igaf sI do tikaF Kfqr srhwd ‘qy Auhdy Kqm hogy donyN

keI iesnUM sfrI Aumr GtfAuNdy GtfAuNdy mr jFdy, keI iesnUM sfrI Aumr Brdy Brdy mr jFdy, srmfeydfrI Xuwg ivWc aOrq df iZWz jLmIn bxfieaf ijQy bMdy jfiej, njfiej bIj bIjky nvIaF pIVHIaF dI KyqI krdy….

awKF--koeI JIl khy, koeI smuMdr koeI sLrfb dy ktory koeI gIq ilKy koeI kivqf, ivhVy vfly ipWlU dI mF nUM puWCo ijsdIaF igWz dIaF BrIaF rihx ijnHF nUM kdy aYnk nf juVI Auhdy leI ikMnIaF mhfn hn awKF .

gursyvk ‘iZwloN’ ikAuN qUM sfzf idl qVpfieaf jobn sfzf KLfk imlfieaf idl qy duwK hjLfr, afjf qUM iewk vfr, vy idldfr mihrmf[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

ho jfxf qUM pfxI-pfxI, vyhNdI rfh geI hfr,

afx bcf lY “iZwloN” mrdI, afjf mfr Auzfr, vy idldfr mihrmf.


Punjabi Patrika



Friday, August 9th, 2013

s`vx 50735083 joiqS, Eqy  Eqy 604-832-7859 kro





myK- mfnisk pRysLfnI ivwc vfDf hovy. PjLUl dy JgiVaF qoN dUr rihxf hovygf nhIN qF hflfq ivgVngy. kfrobfr kuJ TIk rhy. sMqfn pwK qoN smF sLuwB hY. dusLmx kmjLor hox. QF bdlx df ivcfr bxy. julfeI 18, 19, 20, 26, 27, 28 agsq 5, 6, 7, 14, 15 asLuwB hn.

  ibRK- nyqr ksLt BY hY. inwjI-lokF nfl ivgfV hovy. ividafrQIaF vfsqy sPlqf df smF hY. sMqfn-pwK qoN KusLI imly. pqnI ksLt, kfrobfr ivwc qbdIlI df mn bxy. julfeI 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30, 31 agsq 7, 8, 9, 10 asLuwB hn. 3  imQun- ishq df iDafn rwKy. nyqr aqy isr-pIVf kfrn prysLfnI bxy. imwqr-bMDU nfl myl hovy. sMpdf lfB dy Xog bxn. pqnI pwK qoN icMqf. kfrobfr gVbVf jfey julfeI- 16, 22, 23, 24 31 : agsq 1, 2, 10, 11, 12 asLuwB hn. 4  krk- srkfr pwK qoN BY, pyt Krfb, sMpdf lfB df Xog hY. gupq dusLmn qoN sfvDfn rhy. kfrobfr ivwc qrwkI aqy mhIny dy aKIr ivwc lfB dy hflfq bxn. julfeI 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26: agsq 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14 asLuwB hn. 5  isMG- guwsy ivwc vfDf hovy. PjUl Krc hovy. imwqr-bMDU qoN shfieqf imly. by-iewjLqI df zr hY. smfijk kMmF ivwc ivsLysL rucI rhy. kfrobfr kfPLI kmjLor rhy. julfeI 18, 19, 20, 26, 27, 28 agsq 5, 6, 7, 14, 15 asLuwB hn. 6  kMinaf- ishq TIk rhy. sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf, iesqrI ksLt rhy. kfrobfr ivwc rukfvtF pYdf hox. bRihspq, sLnI aqy mMgl df dfn kro. julfeI 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30, 31 agsq 7, 8, 9, 10 asLuwB hn. 7  qulf- rkq-ipwq-ivkfr. Dn lfB ho ky hwQoN inkly. jLmIn-jfiedfd bfry JgiVaF ivwc vfDf. pqnI pwK qoN lfB pRfpqI dy hflfq bxn. kfrobfr ivwc vfDf hovy. julfeI 16, 22, 23, 24, 31; agsq 1, 2, 10, 11, 12 asLuwB hn. 8  ibRsLick- ishq TIk rhy. Dn lfB hovy. BfeI-bMDU-ksLt, sMqfn pwK qoN icMqf. pqnI nfl axbx. kfrobfr TIk rhy. julfeI 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26 agsq; 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14 asLuwB hn. 9  Dn- gupq dusLmn qoN BY. PjUl Krc hovy. imwqr-bMDU nfl vfd-ivvfd hovy. acfnk Dn lfB hovy. mn- prcfvy dy kfrjF vfsqy Krc hovy. ivroDI pwK kmjLor rhy. julfeI 18, 19, 20, 26, 27, 28 : agsq 5, 6, 7, 14, 15 asLuwB hn. 10  mkr- pyt ivwc qklIP rhy. Dn-lfB hovy. gupq dusLmn qoN BY hY. sLuwkr-sUrj pRfprtI bfry ivvfd ivwc AulJf skdy hn, sfvDfn rho. kfrobfr TIk rhy. julfeI 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30, 31 agsq 7, 8, 9, 10 asLuwB hn. 11  kuMB- Dn-lfB hovygf. nyqrF ivwc ksLt kfrn prysLfnI hovy. sLuwB smfcfr imly. dusLmn kmjLor rihx. kfrobfr TIk rhy. sPr dOrfn ksLt dI sMBfvnf hY. julfeI 16, 22, 23, 24, 31 agsq 1, 2, 10, 11, 12 asLuwB hn. 12  mIn- mhIny dI kuMzlI ivwc mMgl, bRihspq aqy buwD dI pujLIsLn rfj-pwK qoN zr pYdf krdI hY. acfnk PLjUl KrcI kfrn mn prysLfn hovy. sMqfn pwK qoN KusLI df mfhOl hovygf. PAGE 38

You can come up with all sorts of imaginative, creative as well as logical ideas but getting somebody else to see it this way can prove difficult. Persistence is the key here. They can persist with their resistance. This will test how important this is to you. If it is, you will have to be prepared to be just as persistent in insisting.

Do not be too quick to presume somebody else will view the way you want to structure things from the same standpoint. Responsibility could be the issue here and even more so if they feel you expect too much from them. Watch your choice of words – it can be easy to say something you will regret. Details will be important.

You need to proceed with caution and ensure that all the details are covered. This is a good time to be able to recognise areas where it would be possible to cut back on spending without affecting things too much. What it may take is a different way of looking at what produces enjoyment. Involvement with a group of people is stimulating.

What the future has to offer can lack clarity and you need to be careful this doesn’t get you down. There is much to consider about you right now. The starting point should be what you would like to be committed to, as well as the obligations attached and how this combination can be established to create an underlying sense of peace.

Personal decisions about getting a good basis in place is important and can lead to dividends over the next 2 years. There are things to learn that can lead to endings of some description, to late August. Embrace alternatives – it can open up a whole new world to you in the long term. Ignore negative impressions coming from others

It may be time to bring ideas you have been contemplating into some form of concrete reality. Somebody else could have out of the ordinary suggestions that could be helpful so don’t ignore them. What you learn from friends or involvement with a group of people could alter your perspective on what should be priorities.

Venus, your ruling planet as well as being the planet of peace, harmony and balance, moves into your sign this week where it will remain until 11th September. This provides an excellent period to spoil yourself as well as to enjoy whatever you get involved in. It will also encourage you to change your appearance in some way.

You can be put under pressure to more seriously consider the things you are prepared to commit yourself to in a permanent way. A big help with this is to judge what you have learned recently in relation to setting and gaining long-term goals or what you still need to learn. There is much you can gain – just don’t be uncertain.

Ideas you have for the future can work – they will be slow to materialise. To avoid feelings of frustration you need to involve yourself in pleasurable pursuits, even if this is out of the ordinary. You can tap into the true intentions of somebody else through consistent questioning within. You may discover they have no direction.

You are in a better position to challenge somebody else’s aggressiveness or expectation that they dominate. The more they are not listened to the louder they can get. Don’t let this put you off. One of their ploys could be to accuse you of being aggressive. Control any frustration of mind and stay steady in your position.

Constructive communication or idea sharing can take place with somebody else. Be sure you make it clear about what you are prepared to accept. Do not take on their obligations. Consider how this is not a responsible thing for you to do. How daily routine will be affected can require constant monitoring or updating for success.

Just following your feelings is not enough. You need to consider the pattern involved in the way things have been established so far. That will enable a clear vision of likely development in the future. It will also enable you to avoid getting tied into matters that will be difficult to alter once you have made a commitment.

Punjabi Patrika

Friday, August 9th, 2013

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zf: nirMdr isMG kpUr

- jo sfzy leI asMBv huMdf hY, Aus nUM sfzy bwcy sMBv kr ivKfAuNdy hn.

Big breakfasts, not dinners help lose weight


eople who eat their largest daily - jy bwicafˆ dI aflocnf hI krdy rhogy, Auh sfrf jIvn horfˆ nUM BMzx ivwc lf dyxgy. meal at breakfast - jy AunHfˆ dIafˆ suBfivk Bfvnfvfˆ df ivroD krogy, Auh ihMsk aqy lVfky ho inwbVngy. time are far more likely to lose weight and have - jy AunHfˆ nUM zr pfEgy, Auh hr cIË qoN zrngy. a lesser waist line cir- jy AunHfˆ `qy qrs krogy aqy hr Qfˆ shfrf bxogy qfˆ Auh inwkIaf-inwkIafˆ gwlfˆ `qy ZyrI Zfh cumference than those bYTxgy. who eat a large dinner, a new study has revealed. - bwicafˆ ivwc asMBv nUM sMBv bxfAux dI ihMmq bIjo.

erides throughout the day, translating into a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol.

The research conducted by Tel Aviv University - jy AunHfˆ nUM Èrmsfr krdy rhogy qfˆ AunHfˆ df idRÈtIkox sMkIrn aqy snkI ho jfvygf. has found that that proper meal timing can make - pr jy AunHfˆ nfl sbr nfl pyÈ afEgy qfˆ Auh vI DIrjvfn bx jfxgy. an important contribu- jy AunHfˆ ivwc svY-ivÈvfs Brogy qfˆ Auh asMBv nUM sMBv kr ivKfAuxgy. tion towards managing obesity and promoting - jy AunHfˆ dy cMgy kMmfˆ dI isPq krogy qfˆ AunHfˆ ivwc dUijafˆ nUM slfhux dI dlyrI AupjygI. an overall healthy life- jy AunHfˆ nUM, ijvyˆ Auh hn, Auvyˆ pRvfn krogy, AunHfˆ nUM hr iksy nfl rihx dI jfc af jfvygI. style

Prof. Daniela Jakubowicz and her fellow researchers conducted a study in which 93 obese women were randomly assigned to one of two isocaloric groups. Each consumed a moderatecarbohydrate, moderatefat diet totalling 1,400 calories daily for a period of 12 weeks.

Participants who ate a larger breakfast- which - jy AunHfˆ nUM eImfndfrI aqy vPfdfrI isKfEgy qfˆ Auh swc aqy iensfP dy pihrydfr bx jfxgy. included a dessert item - jy AunHfˆ ivwc surwiKaf aqy suqMqrqf dI Bfvnf jgfEgy qfˆ AunHfˆ ivwc dUijafˆ df iDafn rwKx such as a piece of chocodI amIrI jfgygI. late cake or a cookiealso had significantly jy AunHfˆ nUM afpxI mfˆ dIafˆ afsfˆ dI jfg lfAuNdy rhogy, Auh pirvfr, smfj aqy dyÈ leI mihmf lower levels of insulin, kmfAuxgy. ijvyˆ TIk lwgy, Auvyˆ krnf pr inklx vfly iswitafˆ nUM iDafn ivwc rwK ky krnf. glucose, and triglyc-

The first group consumed 700 calories at breakfast, 500 at lunch, and 200 at dinner, while the second group ate a 200 calorie breakfast, 500 calorie lunch, and 700 calorie dinner. The

- jy AunHfˆ df mKOl AuzfEgy qfˆ Auh lukx lwg jfxgy.

- AunHfˆ ivwcoN eIrKf-sfVf nhIN kwZogy, Auh hIx-Bfvnf qoN kdy mukq nhIˆ hoxgy.

- jy AunHfˆ dy guxfˆ nfl doÈfˆ nUM vI svIkfr krogy qfˆ Auh sfry sMsfr nUM afpxf smJxgy.

700 calorie breakfast and dinner included the same foods. By the end of the study, participants in the “big breakfast” group had lost an average of 17.8 pounds each and three inches off their waist line, compared to a 7.3 pound and 1.4 inch loss for participants in the “big dinner” group. According to Prof. Jakubowicz, those in the big breakfast group were found to have significantly lower levels of the hunger-regulating hormone ghrelin, and showed a more significant decrease in insulin, glucose, and triglyceride levels than those in the big dinner group.

Public to have its say on digital service delivery in B.C.


he Province is opening the lines of communication so British Columbians can speak up about the future of digital services and the tools that deliver them, including the BC Services Card.

This fall, government will undertake a provincewide citizen consultation process to gain a better understanding of British Columbians’ priorities, expectations and vision for the future delivery of government services digitally, with a specific focus on how the BC Services Card may be used as a key tool to enable this vision. The first step in the engagement process is today’s presentation to the public of a white paper entitled “Designing the Digital Service Consultation”. The white paper outlines government’s proposed consultation plan – which includes plans for a BC Services Card user panel, a broad public consultation and a specialist forum. Government will seek public feedback on the plan itself. This feedback will then be used to help finalize the

consultation process, which is scheduled to take place beginning this fall. In addition to the white paper, a Request for Proposals (RFP) has been posted today for a contractor to help organize and facilitate the BC Services Card user panel component of the planned public consultation. The panel will be selected from the general public and will represent a cross-section of B.C.’s population. There will also be an independent chair and a facilitator who will help guide the panel’s work. The successful proponent will work to provide administrative and operational support to the panel and its members. The full RFP can be found on the BC Bid website at: The white paper contains a detailed description of the proposed approach to this consultation, as well as information on how to submit feedback and can be found online at:


Punjabi Patrika


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ÇòĂ•Ă…Ăƒ çÆ ÕÆÎü Ă’ĂĽÂś Ô¯ ÇðÔÅ ÇòÊĂ…Ă´ zfrivn duafrf jIvn bfry pyĂˆ kIqf igaf mUl qwQ ieh hY ik ijs afly-duafly `c vI ieh ivcrdf hY, Ausy anukUl ieh Zl jfˆdf hY. ijvyˆ-ijvyˆ aflf-duaflf bdldf hY, Ausy anukUl jIvn df ivkfs huMdf rihMdf hY. mnuwK afpxy anukUl aqy pRqIkUl hflfq nfl jUJdf hoieaf afpxI vrqmfn siQqI qwk puwijaf hY pr kItfˆ qy kItfxUafˆ ivwc vI anukUlx pRikiraf Gwt nhIN hY. bhuq sfry kIVy, bImfrIafˆ aqy ndInfˆ AuWqy inwq iCVky jfˆdy Ă‹ihrfˆ pRqI sihx ĂˆkqI pYdf ho geI hY. iswty vjoN ienHfˆ `qy kfbU pfAuxf muĂˆkl ho irhf hY. awj ienHfˆ dI rokQfm iksfnfˆ aqy ivigafnIafˆ leI cuxOqI bxI hoeI hY. iksfnfˆ nUM mihMgIafˆ Ă‹ihrfˆ dI vrqoN krnI pY rhI hY. pMjfbI iksfn afpxy Audfrqf vfly suBfa kfrn Pslfˆ Aupr Ă‹ihrfˆ df iCVkfa vI Audfrqf nfl krdy hn. Ă‹ihrIlypx qoN rihq Kfx-pIx vflf kuJ vI nhIN hY. ieh kItnfĂˆk qn nUM hI nhIN sgoN mn nUM vI ivgfV rhy hn. mnuwK kItfˆ nfloN sUJvfn aqy blvfn hY pr afpxy lfBdfiek qy hfnIkfrk pRBfvfˆ nUM hmyĂˆf sfhmxy rwKx vflI pRivrqI kfrn Auh suafrQI ho igaf hY. afAux vfly nqIijafˆ bfry ieh AuWkf hI pRyĂˆfn nhIN huMdf.

mihMgy kItnfĂˆkfˆ aqy rsfiexk Kfdfˆ dI lgfqfr vrqoN smuwcI Bojn lVI nUM pRBfivq kr rhI hY. dysI aqy hrIafˆ Kfdfˆ dI bjfey rsfiexk Kfdfˆ dI vrqoN vDyry krn krky ishq qy vfqfvrn nUM qfˆ nuksfn puwj hI irhf hY ies dy nfl ies dIafˆ kImqfˆ vI asmfn nUM Coh rhIafˆ hn ijs df KimafĂ‹f Coty iksfnfˆ nUM Bugqxf pY irhf hY. imwtI, pfxI aqy hvf lgfqfr pRdUiĂˆq ho rhy hl. pMjfb dy keI ihwisafˆ dy pfxIafˆ ivwc nfeItRyt rsfiex dI mfqrf Kqry dI hwd qwk phuMc cuwkI hY. dyĂˆ dy aMndfqf pMjfbI iksfn dI kOmI anfj BMzfr ivwc kxk-Jony df vwzf ihwsf pfAux krky bwly-bwly hoeI hY pr pMjfb dy iksfnfˆ ny vwD munfPy dy cwkr ivwc qyl bIj aqy dflfˆ dIafˆ Pslfˆ qoN iknfrf krnf sLurU kr idwqf hY. vwD JfV dyx vflIafˆ Pslfˆ KyqI smwgrI vDyry lYˆdIafˆ hn aqy vwzI mfqrf ivwc BUmI ivwcoN qwq soKdIafˆ hox krky BUmI dy vwzmuwly KurfkI qwqfˆ dy BMzfr nUM Korf lf rhIafˆ hn. iesy kfrn BUmI ivwcoN PfsPors, gMDk, potfĂˆ, iĂ‹Mk, lohf, mYgnIĂ‹ afid qwqfˆ dI Gft ho rhI hY. iehI nhIN jfnvrfˆ ivwc vI PfsPors aqy qfˆby vrgy qwqfˆ dI Gft ho rhI hY. pfxI df pwDr eynf nIvfˆ clf igaf hY ik afm motrfˆ qy ieMjx asmrwQ ho gey hn. sfzIafˆ

 �    � � � �  ­ PAGE 40

srkfrfˆ ny hux ies pfsy socxf sLurU kIqf hY. PslI iviBMnqf rfhIN dflfˆ dI KyqI nUM AuqĂˆfihq krn leI srkfr vwloN iksfnfˆ nUM keI shUlqfˆ idwqIafˆ jf rhIafˆ hn. pMjfb dy iksfnfˆ duafrf prflI df 80 PIsdI ihwsf awg lf ky sfV idwqf jfˆdf hY ijs nfl nf kyvl vwzmuwly KurfkI qwq hI sV ky suafh nhIN ho jfˆdy sgoN hvf ivwc vI keI Ă‹ihrIlIafˆ gYsfˆ ijvyˆ nfeIitRs afksfeIz, slPr zfeIafksfeIz, kfrbnzfeIafksfeIz aqy kfrbn-monoafksfeIz Gul jfˆdIafˆ hn. pMdrHfˆ akqUbr, 1998 ivwc vI kuJ aijhf hI vfpiraf sI jdoN prflI nUM awg lfAux kfrn DUMeyˆ dy sMGxy bwdlfˆ dI prq sfry pMjfb ivwc Cf geI sI ijs kfrn sfh, KMG afid dI qklIP kfrn bhuq sfry lokfˆ nUM hspqflfˆ ivwc jfxf ipaf sI. luiDafxf hOĂ‹rI aqy AuWn nfl juiVaf snaqI kyˆdr hY. AuWn aqy sUq rMgx qoN bfad bcI hoeI rihMd-KUMhd nUM buwZy nfly ivwc vhf idwqf jfˆdf hY. ies rMgdfr pfxI ivwc keI BfrIafˆ Dfqfˆ aqy Ă‹ihrIly kx huMdy hn ijhVy hrIky JIl ivwc puwj jfˆdy hn. ieh Ă‹ihrIly kx mwCIafˆ, JIˆigafˆ, pMCIafˆ, jfnvrfˆ aqy pOidafˆ ivwcoN dI huMdy hoey mnuwK dy Kfxy qwk phuMc jfˆdy hn.

Friday, August 9th, 2013

prmjIq kOr srF Bfrq smyq bhuqy ivkfsĂˆIl eyiĂˆafeI, aPrIkI aqy lfqInI amrIkI mulkfˆ df vwzf ihwsf ijwQy iewk pfsy gurbq, kupoĂˆx qy CUq dy rogfˆ df iĂˆkfr hY, AuWQy dUjf ihwsf bhulqf, amIrI, byZMgy Kfx-pIx qy byZMgy jIvn ĂˆYlI dy glq ZMg apnfAux kfrn pYdf ho rhIafˆ bImfrIafˆ nfl srfipaf ipaf hY. ivĂˆv ishq sMgTn dI iewk irport anusfr Bfrq ivwc sLUgr, blwz pRYĂˆr, motfpy aqy idl dy dOry vrgy rogfˆ dy mfmilafˆ kfrn mhfˆmfrI vrgy hflfq pYdf ho rhy hn. ivigafnk lwBqfˆ qoN imlIafˆ shUlqfˆ dy bfvjUd kupoĂˆx, hYĂ‹f, dsq, tfeIPfeIz, pIlIaf aqy tI[bI[ vrgy rogfˆ qoN ajy mukMml inĂ‹fq pfeI nhIN jf skI sI ik anykfˆ nvyˆ rogfˆ ny pYr afx Diraf hY. qrwkI dy nfm `qy kIqIafˆ jf rhIafˆ kfrvfeIafˆ kfrn srIrk, mfnisk rog, dbfE aqy bycYnI vDI hY. gYr-ishqmMd mukfblybfĂ‹I vDI hY. keI pivwqr ikwiqafˆ ivwcoN vpfrk swiBafcfr dI sVHfˆd afAuNdI hY. awj KuĂˆhflI dI aglyrI pwDr Ausfrn dI loV hY. ivkfs leI nvyˆ Auprfly krn aqy vrqmfn ivkfs pRikiraf qoN inkl rhy BYVy iswitafˆ nUM ivcfrn dI loV hY.

Friday, August 9th, 2013

Punjabi Patrika



ÇÃµÖ ê§æ Òå¶ ÇÂÕ é÷ð- ÕËêàé ÚËé ÇÃ§Ø ÜÆ (ÁÜÅç ÇÔ§ç ë½Ü) (ê°óËä ñ°ÇèÁÅäÅ) sRI gurU nfnk dyv jI ny avqfr Dfr ky iswK Drm df bUtf lfieaf ijs dI jVH gRihsq jIvn rwiKaf. iswKF nUM ikhf ik qusIN gRihsq jIvn ivwc rihMdy hoey (hfQ pfAu kir kfmu sBu, cIqu inrMjn nfil) dsF nhuMaF dI kmfeI krdy hoey bwicaF dI pflxf krnI. iswDF qy jogIaF nUM ikhf ik qusIN gRihsq ijLMmyvfrI qoN zrdy hoey jMglF ivwc bYT ky gRihsq jIvn nUM inMddy ho. BuwK lwgx qy Ausy gRihsqI dy dr qy KVy huMdy ho. gurU nfnk dyv jI dy vwzy sfihbjLfdy bfbf sRI cMd bVy puwjy hoey Bgq sn, ijnHF ny 135 sfl dI Aumr qwk iswKI df bhuq pRcfr kIqf. pr gurU sfihb jI ny AunHF nUM gurgwdI qF nhIN idwqI ikAuNik Auh gRihsq jIvn ivwc nhIN rihxf cfhuMdy sn. bfbf sRI cMd ny afpxy vwloN AudfsI sMprdfey bxfeI. ies qoN ielfvf iswK nUM swc bolx qoN nhIN zrnf cfhIdf, ijvyN afp bfbr bfdsLfh nUM KrIaF KrIaF sunfAux smyN jylH ivwc cwkI pIsx qoN nhIN zry. iswKF nUM qIrQF qy jfx dI mnfhI vI kIqI0 (aTsiT qIrQ jy nfvih AuqrY nfhI mYlu).

sRI gurU rfm dfs jI ny aMimRq srovr iqafr kIqf. afpxy spuwqr arjn dyv jI dy ivafh smyN anMd kfrjL dI rsm suLrU kIqI. iswKF nUM inmrqf ivwc rihx dI pRyrnf kIqI. jd bfbf sRI cMd jI gurU sfihbfnF nUM imlx afey qF, AunHF hwsidaF ikhf ik ieMnI lMmI dfhVI vDfAux df kI Pfiedf, qF gurU sfihbfn ny hlImI ivwc ikhf ik “quhfzy vrgy mhFpursLF dy joVy JfVn dy kMm afAuNdI hY.”

sRI gurU arjn dy jI ny aMimRq srovr ivwc hirmMdr sfihb Ausfiraf. sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI bIV BfeI gurdfs jI qoN ilKvfeI, ijs ivwc afpxy smyq pMjF gurUaF dI bfxI drj kIqI, ies qoN ielfvf sfry mjLhbF dy BgqF dI vI bfxI drj kIqI, ijhVy gRihsq jIvn ivwc sn. sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb df pRkfsL hirmMdr sfihb ivwc krky, bfbf buwZf jI nUM gRMQI Qfipaf. (bfbf buwZf jI, gurU nfnk dyv jI nUM 7 sfl dI Aumr ivwc imly sn, CyvyN pfqsLfh qwk 125 sfl dI Aumr qwk syvf inBfAuNdy rhy.) hirmMdr sfihb dy drsLnF leI hr mulk, hr jfq-pfq, dosq qy dusLmxF nUM iswK Drm ivwc sLfml hox leI ieh Xogqf afAux dI Kul idwqI. KLbrF pVHn qoN jfxkfrI imlI hY ik swc bolx vfly sLrDflU nUM bFh PVH hoxI cfhIdI hY, ky hirmMdr sfihb qoN bfhr jfx leI ikhf jAu qAu pRym Kylx kf cfAu, igaf. (pMjvyN pfqsLfh ny jhFgIr bfdsLfh dI eIn mMnx qoN ienkfr kIqf aqy qwqIaF isru Dir qlI glI morI afAu.. qvIaF qy bYT ky sLhIdI pfeI aqy iswKI dy iequ mfrig pYru DrIjY, bUty nUM afpxy KUn nfl isMiJaf). isru dIjY kfix nf kIjY.. hr iswK kysF DfrI hovygf aqy isr qy dsqfr sjf ky rwKygf, isrP iewk akfl purK dI pUjf krygf. cfr vrx iewk kIqy bRfhmxF ny ies df rwj ky ivroD kIqf.

sRI gurU qyg bhfdr jI ny (bFh ijhnF dI pkVIey, isr dIjY bFh nf CoVIey) qy aml krdy hoey, ksLmIr dy pMzq, ikrpf rfm dI Pirafd sux ky ihMdU Drm nUM aOrMgjyb dy juLlm qoN bcfAux leI idwlI dy cFdnI cOk ivwc sLhIdI pfeI. AuhnF dy nfl gey hoey iswK, BfeI idaflf jI nUM dyg ivwc Aubfilaf igaf, BfeI mqI dfs jI nUM afry nfl cIiraf, BfeI sqI dfs jI nUM rUM ivwc lpyt ky sfiVaf igaf. ies sLhIdI dy kfrn iswKI df bUtf hr vyly hrf Brf (cVHdI klf) ivwc rihMdf hY. jy gurU sfihb sLhIdI nf idMdy qF aOrMgjyb ny sfry ihMdUaF nUM muslmfn bxf dyxf sI. sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI ny Kflsf pMQ dI sfjnf gurU nfnk dyv jI dy avqfr idhfVy, 1 ivsfK nUM kysgVH anMdpur sfihb ivKy kIqI. Kflsy df jnm idn aqy gurU nfnk dyv jI df avqfr idhfVf 1 ivsfK nUM iewko idn hI hY. hux gurU nfnk dyv jI df avqfr idhfVf kwqk dI pUrnmfsLI nUM mnfAux bfry mYnUM koeI jfxkfrI nhIN gurU sfihb ny dmdmf sfihb (qlvMzI sfbo) ivKy nOvyN pfqsLfh dI bfxI sRI gurU gMRQ sfihb jI ivwc drj kIqI. dmdmf sfihb qoN cwl ky sMn 1708 ivwc nMdyV (hjUr sfihb) phuMcy. AuWQy jf ky mfDo dfs nUM aMimRq Ckf ky bMd isMG bxfieaf. bfbf bMdf isMG jI nUM 25 isMGF df jQf dy ky pMjfb nUM

qoiraf. bfad ivw c sR I gu r U gRMQ sfihb jI nUM gurgwdI idwqI. iswKF nUM hukm idwqf “gurU gRMQ jI mfinE, prgt gurF kI dyh” aqy awgy vfsqy iksy dyhDfrI nUM gurU nhIN mMnxf. akfl purK qoN ibnHF hor iksy dyvI dyviqaF dI pUjf Kflsy ny nhIN krnI. iswKF nUM afpxf pRvfr vfr ky jLulm ivruwD lVHn dI guVqI idwqI. iswKF ny mulk dI ajLfdI dI Kfqr afpxIaF sLhIdIaF df mINh vrsf idwqf. dfKl hoieaf sI qyry skUl aMdr, dyxy pYxgy bIs qy qIs koeI nf, jd dyiKaf afx klfs aMdr, pVHn vfilaF dy DVF qy sIs koeI nf. not:-jy dsvyN pfqsLfh sRI gurU goibMd sfihb jI ny afpxf koeI gRMQ, aKOqI dsm gRMQ afid iliKaf huMdf qF sLfied afp ny gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI bjfie dsm gRMQ nUM gurgwdI idwqI huMdI.

sRI gurU hir goibMd sfihb jI ny mIrI pIrI dIaF do ikrpfnF Dfrn krky, iswKF nUM sMq ispfhI bxfieaf aqy jLulm df tfkrf krn leI iqafr kIqf. akfl qKq sfijaf, aqy iswKF nUM hukm kIqf ik awgoN leI srkfrI adflq ivwc jfx dI bjfie afpxy JgiVaF dy PYsilaF leI akfl qKq phuMcxf. iswK akfl qKq dy hukm nUM akfl purK df hukm mMndy sn. imsfl-jd akflI PUlf isMG akfl qKq dy jQydfr sn, mhfrfjf rxjIq isMG akfl qKq df hukm mMndy hoey, gl ivwc pwlf pfeI korVy Kfx leI nIvIN pfeI KVy sn.

Dur kI bfxI afeI nUM ilKx df pRbMD kIqf. mulk dy dOiraF (AudfsIaF) smyN dUjy mjLhbF dy BgqF (ijhVy gRihsqI sn) dI bfxI iekwqr krky poQI ivwc drjL kIqI iPr ies poQI ivwc dUjy, qIjy aqy coQy pfqsLfhIaF ny afpxy vwloN bfxI ilK ky ieh poQI pMjvyN pfqsLfh nUM sONp idwqI. 1630 ivwc hir goibMd sfihb jI ny aMimRqsr sRI gurU aMgd dyv jI ny iswKF nUM pMjfb dI bolI Cwz ky kIrqpur nUM pRcfr kyNdr bxfieaf. pVHfAux df bMdobsq kIqf aqy akfl purK df sRI gurU hir rfie sfihb jI kIrqpur ivwc hukm mMnx leI pRyrnf kIqI (hukim mMinaY rihMdy, iswKI df pRcfr krdy rhy. afp ny hovY prvfxu qf KsmY kf mhlu pfiesI..) qIrQ Xfqrf nUM koeI mhfnqf nhIN idwqI. afp sRI gurU amr dfs jI ny jfq pfq dI ibmfrI sn 1654 ivwc (24 sfl bfad) hirmMdr htf ky sfiraF nUM iewk pMgqI ivwc lMgr Ckx sfihb dy drsLnF nUM gey. iswKF nUM sfdI ijLMdgI df hukm kIqf. 22 pRcfr kyNdr (mMjIaF) bsr krn df AupdysL idwqf. bxfey. ijs ivwc 19 mrd aqy 3 bIbIaF sRI gurU hir ikRsLn sfihb aOrMgjyb dy sMmn pRcfrk sn, ijMnHF nUM bfad ivwc msMd kihx imlx qy idwlI gey. AuWQy jf ky rfjf jY isMG dy lwg pey. gurU sfihb jI ny iswKF nUM syvf krn bMgly ivwc rhy. aOrMgjyb nUM imlx qoN pihlF df sbk pVHfieaf. hI ibmfr ho gey aqy bfbf bkflf kihky joqI (syv kIqI sMqoKIeI, ijnI sco scu iDafieaf) joq smf gey. Aus bMgly dI QF gurduafrf bMglf sfihb hY aqy AuWQy jl dI cUlI idwqI gurU armdfs jI ny BfeI pfro dy bynqI krn jFdI hY. ijhVI gurU hir ikRsLn sfihb jI ny qy gurU nfnk dyv jI df avqfr idhfVf 1 idwlI ivwc peI ibmfrI dy ielfjL smyN qoN sLurU ivsfK nUM goieMdvfl ivKy pihlI vfr mn- kIqI geI sI, hux cUlI mqlb krm kFz qoN fieaf. ibnF kuJ nhIN.


Punjabi Patrika


Friday, August 9th, 2013


CAPTAIN CHAIN SINGH I.N.A. (AZAD HIND FAUJ) time, the Japanese won the war and all the Imperial Force had surrendered on 13th February 1942. In 1943, the Indian National Army (INA) was formed by Netaji Subash Chandra Bose. I had the privilege to join the INA and commissioned after passing the officers training course. I was posted as a Company Commander of the 2nd Infantry Battalion, 5th Guerrilla Brigade of 2 Division under the Brigade Commander Colonel Prem Kumar Sehgal.

Recently Captain Chain Singh Ji a living legend and icon of the Indian National Army visited the office of Malaya Samachar, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia where the staff The division was posted interviewed him: to Ipoh (Malaya) in March I was born in October 1944. We were given or1918 in the Bessi family ders to go Burma. We left of Sardar Nand Singh in Ipoh on 15th September the village Purain, District 1944 under the slogan of Ludhiana of Punjab, India. ‘Chalo Dheli ‘ singing I joined the 1st Punjab ‘Chal Chal-re Naujawan’. Regiment, Indian Army We traveled mostly by foot on 12th December 1934. via Thailand and Mergui During the 2nd World (Burma), reaching Ranwar (in January 1942), goon in November 1944. my regiment was posted I was now performing the to Singapore. During this duties of an Adjutant of


2nd Infantry Battalion. We were ordered to move into the frontline of war and had to travel by foot at night due to the fighter jets of the enemy surrounding the airspace in the daytime. One moonlit night we were attacked by an enemy fighter plane. We lost one of our officers Rawel Singh. After cremating the officer we continued to march again and took position at Mount Popa, in the area of Alymio facing Imperial Forces at the end of February 1945. On 2nd April 1945, we were overpowered by the enemy and were forced to withdraw. General Shah Nawaz Khan and Colonel Gurbax Singh Dhillon took another route, while Colonel Prem Kumar Sehgal accompanied us with the 2nd Infantry Battalion. Colonel Prem Kumar Sehgal was also separated from us on the night of 4th April 1945 in Magyigan

village near Magwe. The next morning, 5th April the enemy forces attacked us with heavy firing. To save lives of the Jawans, I had to surrender the last unit of INA on the war front. At the same time, one of our officers, Bishan Singh and two Jawans were killed and a few wounded. I was also wounded and fell to ground in a pool of blood. After a medical operation In the field hospital. I was flown to India and admitted In the Military Hospital at Lucknow on 15th April 1945. I recovered and was discharged from the hospital on the 4th August 1945 and was sent to Civil Jail Lucknow and then taken to the army detention camp In Multan on 5th September 1945 After a few months of interrogations. I was dismissed from army service on 14th February 1946. My 4 years pay and allowances were forfeited On reaching home. a Police Inspector came to my

house and ordered me to report to Dakha Police Station once a week The Leaders of Congress and Shiromani Akali Dal Party asked me to join their party. I re fused to Join politics. After the Independence on 15th August 1 47. the honorable Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru said the INA had brought the independence sixty years ahead. General Kareapa and other officers of the Indian Army, for their promotion (Indian Army Officers in INA were more senior to them) convinced Prime Minister not to take back the INA Into the Indian Army, all Indian National Army personnel were left at the mercy of god. After few years of unemployment most of them, left their motherland to persue work overseas for survival. During the same time I came to Malaya (Malaysia) in 1953.

On arrival, I served in the civilian staff of the British Army from 1st January 1954 till 30th September 1957. Then from 1st October 1957 to 1st October 1970, I served as a civilian clerk in the Malayan Armed Forces. Since 5th March 1972, I started my own business as an insurance agent in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I am very proud to sacrifice my golden years of my Jawani for the freedom of my countrymen suffering (Slavery Life) for the last 200 years under the British Rule. I am very lucky that I had followed the footsteps of my forefathers, who had sacrificed more than 80% of their lives in the freedom struggle of India for the Liberation of their motherland. As per media reports, there is no hope to fulfill the dream of Netaji, to see India as ‘Sone ki Chiria again.

Punjabi Patrika

Friday, August 9th, 2013

SFU piper’s artwork kicks off Worlds fest in Glasgow When Scottish piping legend Robert Mathieson came out of retirement two years ago to become a piper with the Simon Fraser University pipe band, Pipe Sergeant Jack Lee described the acquisition as the equivalent to the Vancouver Canucks signing Sidney Crosby. But the former pipe major of rival Scottish band The House of Edgar Shotts & Dykehead – with five world championships under his own belt – is not only an acclaimed piper. He’s also a gifted painter whose works – which feature the stars of the piping world, SFU band members among them - will highlight an art show kicking off Glasgow’s week-long Piping Live event, which culminates with the World Pipe Band Championships Aug. 17-18. Members of the SFU band will head to Scotland Aug. 10 to attend their band mate’s show and spend a week in practice leading up to the “Worlds�. The works of Mathieson and Scottish historian/piper Duncan Brown will be unveiled Aug. 11 with the artists providing a live art demonstration and brief piping recital of tunes linked to the paintings. SFU Pipe Major Terry Lee and


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Lead Drummer Reid Maxwell smithing, and decided to join are among Mathieson’s many Brown’s local art classes “really portrait subjects. just to get me off the couch on what once was band practice “After retiring from Shotts I nights. You don’t fully apprecineeded something to fill the time ate how pipe bands can totally typically taken by practice,� says take over your life like an allMathieson, a colourful addition consuming addiction.� to the SFU band as a senior player and mentor to younger Mathieson’s commissioned members. The SFU band is vy- work is available and he has ing for world championship #7 sold several prints of the World this month. Championship banner and trophy. The original is still for sale. “Joining SFU has been great An auction of six individual in terms of fulfilling my piping prints peaked at more than $600 habit and painting has kept the for a print at a recent fundcreative juices flowing during raising event. A limited edition the non-piping winter nights,� he print of a montage of many of the added. “Bringing the two hobpaintings on show to celebrate bies together for this exhibition the 10th anniversary of Piping has been very satisfying for me Live will also be on sale, with personally. all proceeds going to Glasgow’s “Capturing the performers and National Piping Centre. events in a creative way is always very worthwhile and Simon Fraser University is Canwill help keep a historic record ada’s top-ranked comprehensive of certain things for the future. university and one of the top 50 However, it is very nerve-rack- universities in the world under ing, exhibiting your works right 50 years old. With campuses in next to a master painter like Vancouver, Burnaby and Surrey, Duncan Brown. It’s a bit like B.C., SFU engages actively with G.S. McLennan asking to hear the community in its research the latest tune that you have and teaching, delivers almost 150 programs to more than written.� 30,000 students, and has more Mathieson has an art degree in than 120,000 alumni in 130 design, specializing in silver- countries.

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Punjabi Patrika 

Friday, August 9th, 2013

×°ÁÅÚ ×ÂÆ Ã°ðî¶çÅéÆ

lfzI suKijMdr kOr kulfr

pihlfˆ afm hI suafxIafˆ Krl dI shfieqf nfl surmf Gr ivwc pIsdIafˆ sn. surmf pIsx leI surmy dI zlI, CotIafˆ ielfiecIafˆ, kOl zozf, hrVfˆ, iewk pqfsf qy iewl df afˆzf ieh sfrf inwk-suwk Krl ivwc pf ky lMbUqry ijhy pwQr nfl keI-keI idn lgfqfr QoVHI-QoVHI rgVfeI krky cMn dI roÈnI ivwc surmf brIk pIs lYˆdIafˆ qy pIisaf hoieaf surmf surmydfnI jfˆ ÈIÈI ivwc pf ky rwK lYˆdIafˆ sn. surmy df iËkr bolI ivwc ies qrHfˆ hY:

dUroN qfˆ afeI qyrI Bfbo vy afeI. dy-dy vy dy-dy sfnUM surmf pvfeI. kuJ smyˆ bfad Grfˆ ivwc surmf pIsx df kMm Gt igaf aqy pIisaf surmf bËfrfˆ ivwc ivkx lwg ipaf: surmf ivkxf afieaf, iewk lwp surmy dI, Èfvf! iewk lwp surmy dI.

kuJ smfˆ pihlfˆ suafxIafˆ surmf pIs ky ipwql, lohy, stIl dIafˆ bxIafˆ surmydfnIafˆ bfrI Ehly surmf pfvfˆ, ivwc pf lYˆdIafˆ sn. surmydfnIafˆ ivwc rwKy AuwqoN af igaf qfieaf. surmcUafˆ dI shfieqf nfl aOrqfˆ Dfrfˆ bMnH-bMnH ky awKfˆ ivwc surmf pfAuNdIafˆ ro-ro inkl igaf, sn. surmydfnIafˆ keI pRkfr dIafˆ bxIafˆ bVy ÈOk nfl pfieaf. huMdIafˆ sn. surmcU qy surmydfnIafˆ Bfry keI muitafrfˆ lMmI Dfr bMnH ky surmf nmUny dIafˆ bxIafˆ huMdIafˆ sn. surmydfnI pfAuNdIafˆ sn. Aus nUM pUCfˆ vflf surmf ikhf df iËkr bolI ivwc ies qrHfˆ hY: jfˆdf sI. pUCfˆ vflf surmf pfAuxf cMgf nhIN sVky-sVky mYˆ rotI leI jfvfˆ, smiJaf jfˆdf sI. keIafˆ Grfˆ ivwc kuafrI lwB peI surmydfnI. DI-BYx muitafr nUM surmf pfAux dI iejfËq nhIN huMdI sI. jdoN muitafr surmf pf lYˆdI Gr af ky mYˆ pfAux lwgI, sI qfˆ Aus dI mfˆ Aus nUM imwTI ijhI iJVk mwcdI iPry jyTfxI. dy ky kihMdI: imMnqfˆ nf kr vy, bfrI hyT KVoqIey,

mYˆ rotI nhIN KfxI.

mUÜI pwq PVf.

igwDy ivwc kuVIafˆ nwcdIafˆ keI vfr iksy sohxI-sunwKI muitafr dIafˆ awKfˆ ivwc surmf pfieafˆ vyK ky Jwt ieh bolI pf idMdIafˆ:

awg lwgy qyry rUp nUM, QoVHf surmf pf. DfrI bMn surmf nf pfeIey, mfipaF dy ipMz kuVIey.

Kwtx igaf sI,

Kwt ky ilafˆdI mDfxI. muMzy dy ivafh smyˆ GoVI `qy cVHy idEr nUM pihlfˆ ikhVf rUp Gwt sI, BfbIafˆ bVy cfvfˆ nfl surmf pfAuNdIafˆ hn: hux lV bMnH leI surmydfnI. Bfbo suhfgx qYnUM surmf pfvy, hux pRfxIaF pRfxIaF surmydfnIaF ajfieb pIlI-pIlI dfl qyrI GoVI cry. GrF `c hI imldIaF hn. ikAuNik zfktr BfbIafˆ idEr nUM surmf pf ky iPr Aus qoN ajkwlH surmy nUM awKF leI guxkfrI nhIN mMndy. kuJ pYsy Ègn vjoN mMgdIafˆ hn:


Punjabi Patrika

Friday, August 9th, 2013



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Punjabi Patrika


Friday, August 9th, 2013


The Abbotsford Arts Council Presents “Architextiles,” Works in Fibre Art by FibreSix at the Kariton Art Gallery The Abbotsford Arts Council announces its next show at the Kariton Art Gallery: “Architextiles,” showcasing a collection of works in fibre art by a group of six local textile artists, FibreSix.

as “built on tradition,” “built on faith,” and “built on power” are given visual interpretations. Jennifer Cooper’s pieces explore how the Atlantic Codfish were one of the instrumental architects in building our nation, Canada, while Nancy Riemersma’s pieces interpret life-like figures of stone, the Inukshuk, which serve as directional markers on treeless horizons and are regarded as among the most important objects found along ancient pathways.

from pillars she photographed while in Italy, Greece and Spain, while Gail Hunt chose to interpret seasonal themes of “home” using iconic shelter shapes house photos of what home means to her.

Jennifer Cooper Gadus Morhus

Lilly Thorne Pillar 1

“Architextiles” consists of pieces that represent both literal and figurative architectural themes. Pieces by FibreSix member Patt Wilson focus on architectural elements found during her travels, while pieces by Pam Dangerfield explore the impression of the foundation on which architec- Lilly Thorne drew inspirature is built; concepts such tion for her series pieces Gail Hunt Home Summer

The members of FibreSix have been meeting monthly for over 12 years. They have many years of cumulative experience showing their work, as a group and individually, in national and international juried quilt and art exhibitions.

“Architextiles” will run from August 23 to September 17 at the Kariton Art Gallery, located in Mill Lake Park at 2387 Ware Street, and non-perishable food donations for the Abbotsford Food Bank will be accepted throughout the exhibition. The gallery’s hours are Tuesday to Friday from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday to Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The artists will be present at an opening reception on Sunday, August 25, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. For additional information, please contact the Abbotsford Arts Council

by phone at (604) 8529358, by email at abbotsfordartscouncil@gmail. com, or visit our website at

Established in 1972, the Abbotsford Arts Council acts as a resource for local artists while promoting the vision, creativity, and energy of the Abbotsford community through the arts. The Abbotsford Arts Council consists of members, volunteers and directors representing diverse artistic, economic,

and cultural interests of community members of all ages. Nearly 70 local arts, heritage and culture organizations receive support from the Abbotsford Arts Council as member groups, and the talents of hundreds of local artists are showcased each year by the Arts Council at the Kariton Art Gallery, the Envision Coffee House Concert and Concert in the Park Series, the Arty Awards and the Christmas Artisan Gift Fair. To learn more about the Abbotsford Arts Council, visit

Nancy Riemersma Inukshuk 1

Pam Dangerfield Built on Faith

Pat Wilson Pillar of Strength

Elsay are ready to take the stage in week seven of the Envision Concert in the Park Series Capilano University jazz students with a unique love of Scottish and Irish fiddle music. They started jamming together in the summer of 2012 as a flute and guitar duo. The Elsay, a spirited new Van- pair discovered an incredcouver-based folk group, ible compatibility, and was the brainchild of two in searching for a fuller On August 17 from 6-8 PM, the Envision Concert in the Park Series is proud to present Elsay at Mill Lake Park (Kariton Art Gallery Stage, 2387 Ware Street) in Abbotsford.


sound recruited a fiddler, mandolin player, and a tin whistle player. Thus was born a fresh new sound in Canadian folk, replete with rhythmic and energetic guitar riffs, soaring whistle harmonies, and bright fiddling that will get your feet tapping!

For more information about the Envision Concert in the Park Series, including the full concert schedule, please contact the Abbotsford Arts Council at, or visit us online at

About the Abbotsford Arts Council

Punjabi Patrika

Friday, August 9th, 2013



î¶Áð òñ¯º ׯÇì§ç êÅðÕ ÒÚ éò¶º ÇêÕÇéÕ ôËñàð ôËâ çÅ À°çØÅàé bilAUirj-golz iPMc cursqy `qy lfeItF lfAux dI mMg

bIqy vIrvfr aYbtsPorz dy myar vloN sYNzpfeIpr aqy kuawl kot dy kony `qy siQq goibMd pfrk ivKy istI dy pfrks aYNz rIkrIeysLn ivBfg vloN Ausfry gey nvyN vwzy sLYz (inAUipkink sLYltr) df AudGftn iribn kitMg dI rsm adf krky kIqf igaf. ies smyN goibMd pfrk sInIarjL sosfietI vloN ipRMsIpl dlIp isMG ny myar aqy istI stfP nUM jI afieaF afKidaF, ies suMdr pfrk ivwc BfeIcfry dI jLrUrq nUM muK rwKidaF ies nvyN sLYz dI AusfrI leI DMnvfd kIqf. ies eyrIey ivwc ieMzo kYnyzIan vsoN vwzI igxqI ivwc vsdI hY aqy iswK BfeIcfry df sLfndfr gurduafrf klgIDr drbfr sfihb vI ies eyrIey dI sLfn ivwc vfDf kr irhf hY. ies eyrIey ivwc aYlImYNtrI dyv kYNzl skUl vI hY. bilAuirj aqy golz iPMc dy ieMtr sYksLn `qy bIqy ivwc cfr-pMj vfr durGtnfvF vfpr cuwkIaF hn aqy iek durGtnf ivwc mOq vI ho geI sI. gurU Gr nUM rojLfnf sMgqF df vwzI igxqI ivwc afAux jfx aqy dyv kYNzl skUl nUM bwicaF dy afAux qy jfx smyN hr vyly iksy hfdsy df zr bixaf rihMdf hY. mfAUNt lyhmYn eyrIey ivwc afto mfl aqy Aus dy nyVy hI vwzf mfl bx igaf hY, ies leI tRYiPk dy rsL nUM iDafn ivwc rwKidaF

goibMd pfrk dI sInIarjL sosfietI vloN myar aqy istI kONsl qoN purjLor mMg kIqI hY ik ies ieMtrsYksLn `qy CyqI qoN CyqI lfeItF lgfAux df pRbMD kIqf jfvy qF ik BivwK ivwc koeI vwzf hfdsf nf vfpr sky. dlIp isMG igwl ny svfgqI pwqr pVHidaF istI myar, stfP aqy kONslrF Kfs krky moa igwl df jo BfeIcfry vloN ivsLysL qOr `qy DMnvfd kIqf igaf ijMnF dy axQwk Xqnf nfl goibMd pfrk df ivkfs vI hoieaf hY aqy ies pfrk df nfm vI iswK Drm dy dsvyN gurU goibMd isMG jI dy nfm nUM smripq rwiKaf igaf hY.

BfeIcfry dy vwzy iekwT nUM sMboDq huMidaF myar ny ikhf ik ies BfeIcfry dI vwzI mhfnqf hY jo afriQk qy siBafcfrk srgrmIaF ivwc ivsLysL vrnxXog Xogdfn pf irhf hY. hux ies pfrk ivwc iek vwzf aqy do Coty sLYz hn ijwQy bjLurg qfsL Kyzdy hn. afpxf mnpRcfvf vI krdy hn aqy ivcfr vtFdrf vI krdy hn, bwcy Kyzdy hn. myar qy pfrk ivwc krIk vflI dwKxI bfhI `qy PYNs lfAux, aOrqF leI do bYNc sQfipq krn dI mMg vI BfeIcfry vloN kIqI geI. myar vloN BfeIcfry dIaF mMgF qy ivcfr krn df hF pwKI Brosf idwqf igaf. ies smyN kONslr

moa igwl ny BfeIcfry vloN istI dy myar aqy kONsl df DMnvfd kridaF goibMd pfrk dy ivkfs dI khfxI dwsI ik ikvyN ies CotI pr sohxI pfrk nUM pVfvfr vDfieaf igaf. ies dy ivwc keI vfr swiBafcfrk pRogrfm hoey hn ijMnF ivwc vrqmfn Kjfnf mMqrI mfeIk zI jONg hlky dy aYm. aYl. ey. ivsLysL qOr qy sLfml huMdy rhy hn. istI dI pfrks pRojYkts mYnyjr kIQ sYPyt ny iekwT nUM sMboDq huMidaF dwisaf ik ies pRojYkt df muZlf aMdfjLf 60,000 zflr df lfieaf igaf sI pr AunHF ny sQfink ibjinsL qoN ies dy ZFcy nUM izjfien krvf ky 30,000 zflr dy Krcy nfl hI bxvf ilaf bjfey rYzImyz KRIdx dy. pfrk rIkrIeysLn aYz klcrl kimsLn dy pRqIinD PrYzI lfQm ny BfeIcfry vloN istI nfl sihXog dy mhwqv df vrnx kIqf. byrI sIjLn hox krky bhuq sfry lok kMm ivwc ruJy hoey sn iPr vI pRbMDkF dI afs nfloN vwD AudGftnI rsLm ivwc vwzI igxqI ivwc eyrIaf invfsIaF ny sLmUlIaq kIqI. BfvyN ies smfgm ivwc rIPrYsLmYNt df sfrf pRbMD istI vloN afpxy qOr qy kIqf igaf sI. iPr vI pMjfbI BfeIcfry vloN cfh smoisaF aqy miTafeI nfl kIqI syvf dI myar, kONslrF aqy istI stfP ny bhuq sLlfGf kIqI.


Punjabi Patrika


Friday, August 9th, 2013


ÁÅðÇæÕ éÅ-ìðÅìðÆÁź 鱧 Üéî ç¶ ÇðÔÅ ÔË ÇòôòÆÕðé qrwkI leI sMquilq ivkfs aqy sfvIN vMz dI loV huMdI hY. Bfrq ivclf ivkfs burI qrHfˆ asfvfˆ hY. syvfvfˆ df Kyqr qyËI nfl viDaf hY, snaqfˆ aijhy ZMg nfl vDIafˆ hn ik lokfˆ nUM ruËgfr muhweIaf nhIN krf skdIafˆ aqy KyqI Kyqr, ijs `qy 60 PIsdI lok inrBr krdy hn, isrP 2 PIsdI dI dr nfl vD irhf hY. Bfrq ivcly ivkfs ny vfqfvrn dI vwzI qbfhI kIqI hY. jgdIÈ ntvr lfl BgvqI inAUXfrk dI kolMbIaf XUnIvristI ivc arQ-Èfsqr dy pRoPYsr hn. Auh afpxy aflockfˆ pRqI burI qrHfˆ asihxÈIl hn. 2004 ivc kolMbIaf XUnIvristI ivc AunHfˆ dy nfˆa `qy cyar sQfipq kIqI geI sI, ijs `qy arivMd pnfgrIaf inXukq hn. pnfgrIaf keI ikqfbfˆ ivc BgvqI dy sih-lyKk hn. BgvqI aqy pnfgrIaf dovyˆ kwtV nv-AudfrvfdI hn. AudfrIkrn, inwjIkrn aqy sMsfrIkrn dIafˆ rwd kIqIafˆ jf cuwkIafˆ nIqIafˆ dy dovyˆ pwky ‘vkIl` hn. BgvqI mukq-vpfr nUM ivkfs dI kuMjI krfr idMdy hn. pnfgrIaf eyÈIafn ivkfs bYˆk dy muwK arQ-ÈfsqrI rih cuwky hn. dovyˆ ‘dUjI pIVHI dy afriQk suDfrfˆ` dy hwk ivc hn aqy Kurfk surwiKaf, ruËgfr gfrMtI qy hor BlfeI skImfˆ df ivroD krdy hn.

pRqI ËihrIlIafˆ itwpxIafˆ BrIafˆ hoeIafˆ hn. iPr vI ËIn zRyË aqy syn dI nvIN ikqfb ‘aYn ansrtn glorI: ieMzIaf aYˆz iets kMtrfizkÈnË` bfry itwpxIafˆ kridafˆ jdoN BgvqI GtIaf inwjI hmly krn dI pwDr qwk phuMc gey qfˆ lokfˆ nUM ies `qy hYrfnI hI hoeI. Èfied BgvqI dI BVkfht df kfrn ieh hY ik syn ny Kurfk surwiKaf df pwK pUiraf hY, ibhfr ivc jfrI smfj BlfeI Auprfilafˆ df smrQn kIqf hY aqy nirMdr modI dI pRDfn mMqrI dy ahudy dI AumIdvfrI df ivroD kIqf hY. BgvqI dIafˆ itwpxIafˆ df jvfb syn vwloN bVI sMjm BrI BfÈf nfl idwqf igaf. BgvqI vwloN syn `qy qrwkI-ivroDI hox dy doÈ lgfey gey. ies sfry mfmly nfl do iDrfˆ ivclf tkrfa sfhmxy afAuNdf hY. iek iDr AunHfˆ dI hY jo smuwcy GrylU Auqpfdn ivcly vfDy (jI[zI[pI[) dy pujfrI hn. ieh smuwcy GrylU Auqpfdn ivc vfDy nUM hI aMiqm tIcf mMndy hn. dUjI iDr AunHfˆ dI hY jo smUihk smfijk ivkfs aqy BlfeI `qy Ëor idMdy hn. ies leI isrP vfDy qoN iËafdf dI loV huMdI hY. jI[zI[pI[ dy vfDy df KoKlfpx ipCly do dhfikafˆ dy Bfrq dy qjrby qoN hI Ëfhr ho jfˆdf hY. ieh smfˆ BfrqI ieiqhfs ivc sB qoN qyË vfDy df smfˆ irhf hY. pr ies dOrfn nf qfˆ bhuigxqI lokfˆ dy jIvn-imafr ivc bhuqf suDfr hoieaf hY aqy nf hI grIbI, afriQk gYr-brfbrI aqy KyqrI asfvyˆpx ivc koeI ktOqI hoeI hY, ijnHfˆ nUM qrwkI df aslI pYmfnf ikhf jf skdf hY.

afpxy nfl asihmq hox vfilafˆ df BgvqI vwloN GtIaf ZMg nfl mËfk Auzfieaf jfˆdf hY. AunHfˆ ny aijhf vqIrf nobl ienfm jyqU amriqaf syn pRqI Kfs qOr `qy apxfieaf hoieaf hY. BgvqI dIafˆ ikqfbfˆ, Kfs krky ‘vfie gRoQ mYtrË` (jo qrwkI leI sMquilq ivkfs aqy sfvIN vMz dI loV pnfgrIaf nfl iml ky ilKI geI hY), ivc syn huMdI hY. Bfrq ivclf ivkfs burI qrHfˆ asfvfˆ

pRPuwl ibdveI

tIcf jmhUrI aqy lok ÈmUlIaq vfly Zfˆcy ivc iekjut pRBfv vfly ivkfs df hY. AunHfˆ ny Bfrq dIafˆ smfijk Kyqr dIafˆ ibmfrIafˆ nUM AuBfiraf hY ik dyÈ dy 5 sfl qoN Gwt Aumr dy 43 PIsdI bwcy kupoÈx dy iÈkfr hn. bflfˆ nUM jnm dyx dI Aumr vflIafˆ awDy qoN vwD aOrqfˆ KUn dI kmI df iÈkfr hn. ipCly do dhfikafˆ qoN bwicafˆ aqy aOrqfˆ dI ieh igxqI ijAuN dI iqAuN hY, ies ivc koeI suDfr nhIˆ hoieaf. pRcfry jfˆdy ivkfs dy bfvjUd smfijk qrwkI pwKoN Bfrq dwKxI eyÈIaf ivc pfiksqfn nUM Cwz ky bfkI sB qoN pCiVafˆ nËr afAuNdf hY. ieQoN qwk ik sfzy qoN awDI pRqI ivakqI afmdn vflf bMglfdyÈ vI anykfˆ smfijk sUck aMkfˆ pwKoN Bfrq qoN awgy hY. sb-shfrfeI aPrIkf qoN bfhrly ivÈv dy 16 sB qoN grIb dyÈfˆ dy mukfbly anykfˆ mfmilafˆ ivc Bfrq dI kfrguËfrI inrfÈ krn vflI hY. eyÈIaf dy hyTly mwD vrg vflI afmdn vfly dyÈfˆ (ijnHfˆ ivc Bfrq vI afAuNdf hY) ivc smfijk surwiKaf, smfijk shfieqf aqy ikrq pRogrfmfˆ leI smuwcy GrylU Auqpfdn df 3[4 PIsdI ihwsf Kricaf jfˆdf hY. pr Bfrq ivc msfˆ ies qoN awDf ihwsf Krc kIqf jfˆdf hY. BgvqI-pnfgrIaf ko l ies gw l df ko e I ies Krc df vI vwzf ihwsf iekwlI nrygf skIm jvfb nhIN hY ik mOjUdf ivkfs aml, ijs ivc `qy hI Kricaf jfˆdf hY. asMquln aqy gYr-brfbrIafˆ kfiem ho rhIafˆ zRyË aqy syn ny grIbfˆ dy sÈkqIkrn aqy AunHfˆ hn, afpxy-afp ienHfˆ nUM Kqm ikvyˆ kr dyvygf? dIafˆ smrQfvfˆ `c vfDf krn leI suDfrk AuAunHfˆ dI ikqfb ivc koeI gMBIr aiDaYn nhIN hY. prfly krn vfsqy mËbUq dlIlfˆ idwqIafˆ hn. BgvqI-pnfgrIaf ny syn nUM ‘arQ-Èfsqr dI AunHfˆ ny isrP arQ-Èfsqr dy muwidafˆ nUM hI nhIN guMmrfh mdr tYrysf` kih ky BMizaf hY aqy ikhf Coihaf, sgoN iBRÈtfcfr, jvfbdyhI, lokfcfr, hY ik AunHfˆ dIafˆ Dfrnfvfˆ ‘vwzf nuksfn` kr iensfP aqy jnqk qrk afid vrgy BfrqI rhIafˆ hn. BgvqI aqy pnfgrIaf grIbfˆ nUM lokqMqr nfl sbMDq hor muwidafˆ bfry vI crcf imldI Kurfk sbiszI df iqwKf ivroD krdy hn kIqI hY. iensfP pRqI AunHfˆ df jËbf ikqfb dy aqy ies `qy hox vfly iek lwK kroV dy Krcy nUM aKIrly aiDafie ‘df nIz Pfr ieMpyÈMs` ivc vwzf ‘ivwqI Kqrf` krfr idMdy hn pr ies qoN Ëfhr hoieaf hY. ies ivc sfzy nIqI-GfiVafˆ ikqy vzyrIafˆ qyl sbiszIafˆ jfˆ amIrfˆ nUM hr vwloN iensfP aqy brfbrqf pRqI apxfeI jfˆdI sfl bjt ivc idwqIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ 5 lwK kroV dIafˆ Gor lfprvfhI pRqI lokfˆ nUM asihxÈIl hox leI Cotfˆ bfry cuwp hn. zRyË aqy syn ny ishq sMBfl, kihMidafˆ ienHfˆ muwidafˆ `qy smfijk lfmbMdI krn sfKrqf, iswiKaf, grIbI GtfAux aqy smfijk df swdf idwqf igaf hY. shfieqf afid vrgy Kyqrfˆ ivc Bfrq dI mfVI kfrguËfrI dI gwl kridafˆ ienHfˆ ivc srkfr dy dKl dI pRyrnfdfiek vkflq kIqI hY. AunHfˆ df hY. syvfvfˆ df Kyqr qyËI nfl viDaf hY, snaqfˆ aijhy ZMg nfl vDIafˆ hn ik lokfˆ nUM ruËgfr muhweIaf nhIN krf skdIafˆ aqy KyqI Kyqr, ijs `qy 60 PIsdI lok inrBr krdy hn, isrP 2 PIsdI dI dr nfl vD irhf hY. Bfrq ivcly ivkfs ny vfqfvrn dI vwzI qbfhI kIqI hY. ivÈv bYˆk dy aMdfËy muqfibk vfqfvrn dy Gfx kfrn Bfrq nUM smuwcy GrylU Auqpfdn dy 5[7 PIsdI df sflfnf nuksfn ho irhf hY. Bfrq ivclIafˆ afriQk gYr-brfbrIafˆ vI Kqrnfk ZMg nfl vDIafˆ hn. kOmI nmMUnf srvyKx dI qfËf irport muqfibk ÈihrI BfrqIafˆ dy AuWprly 5 PIsdI lokfˆ vwloN kIqf jfˆdf Krc 2011-12 ivc hyTly 5 PIsdI lokfˆ qoN 15 guxf vwD sI. jdoN ik 12 sfl pihlfˆ Krc df ieh Prk 12 PIsdI sI. idhfqI Kyqrfˆ ivc ieh Prk 7 guxf qoN vD ky 9 guxf ho igaf hY. srkfrI aMkiVafˆ muqfibk vI grIbI isrP 2[2 PIsdI dI sflfnf dr nfl hI Gt rhI hY. ieh byhwd mwTI rPqfr hY. Bfrq ivc ivkfs df lfB ‘irs ky` hyTly vrgfˆ qwk phuMcx vrgf kuJ nhIN ho irhf, sgoN mOjUdf ivkfs pihlfˆ qoN hI rwijafˆ nUM hor rjf irhf hY.

ôðÅì éÅñ ÇÃ×ðà êÆä òÅÇñú õìðçÅð! lMzn: aksr nsLfKorF nUM sLrfb pIx dy nfl isgrtnosLI kridaF vI vyiKaf jf skdf hY qy keI qF kihMdy vI suxy gey hn ik sLrfb dy nfl hI isgrtnosLI krdy hF qF ik nsLf hor iKVy. pr iewk nvyN aiDaYn muqfbk aijhy lokF nUM KLbrdfr ho jfxf cfhIdf hY ikAuNik bhuqI sLrfb qy isgrt nfl idmfg dI smJ Gtx df aml 36 PLIsdI qwk qyjL ho jFdf hY. ieh aiDaYn XU n IvristI kflj lM z n dy KojkfrF ny kIqf hY. Kojkfr tIm df ieh aiDaYn 6473 ivakqIaF AuWqy afDfirq hY ijnHF ivcoN 4635 mrdF qy 1838 aOrqF sn ijnHF dI Aumr 45 qoN 69 sfl drimafn sI. aiDaYn krIb 10 sfl cwilaf.


ienHF sfry BfgIdfrF nUM AunHF dy isgrt qy sLrfb pIx dIaF afdqF bfry svfl kIqy gey aqy 10 sflF ivc iqMn vfr kuJ tYst vI ley gey. Kojkfr tIm ny pfieaf ik ijhVy ivakqI ijLafdf sLrfb pIx dy nfl hI DUMaFKorI vI krdy hn, AunHf ivwc Gwt sLrfb pIx vfilaF dy mukfbly idmfg dI smJ Gtx df aml 36 PLIsdI qwk qyjL sI. ieh asr 10 sflF ivwc 12 sflF ijMnf buZfpf afAux dy brfbr sI. Kojkfr tIm dy muKI zf: grYQ hYgr-jOhnsn ny ikhf, “ijnHF lokF ny mMnjLUrsLudf hwd (aOrqF leI hPLqy ivc 14 pYWg qy mrdF leI 21 pYWg) qoN vwD sLrfb pIqI,

AunHf AuWqy Enf hI vDyry asr dyiKaf igaf. asIN dyiKaf ik vDyry sLrfb nfl isgrtnosLI krn vfilaF dI Aumr dy 10 sfl vDx qwk idmfg 12 sfl bwuZf huMdf hY.” AunHf ikhf, “jnqk ishq dy njLrIey qoN idmfg dI Aumr vDx dy ies asr nUM sLrfb df syvn krky Gtfieaf jf skdf hY. sfzf suJfa hY ik lokF nUM ies ivsLvfs nfl ijLafdf sLrfb nhIN pIxI cfhIdI ik alkohl nfl idmfg cusq rihMdf hY, ikANuNik asl ivwc aijhf nhIN huMdf.” AunHF ikhf ik hwdoN vwD sLrfb pIx qoN hr hfl bicaf jfxf cfhIdf hY. ieh aiDaYn irport ‘ibRitsL jrnl afPL sfeIkYtrI’ nfmI rsfly ny CfpI hY.

Friday, August 9th, 2013

Punjabi Patrika 



Punjabi Patrika

Friday, August 9th, 2013

ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

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ď€śď€°ď€´ď€­ď€ľď€ľď€śď€­ď€šď€ľď€łď€ľď€ ď€ ď Şď žď€ ď€śď€°ď€´ď€­ď€¸ď€ľď€°ď€­ď€°ď€łď€˛ď€¸ď źď€ ď€

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Friday, August 9th, 2013

Punjabi Patrika


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ǧçðĂœĂ†ĂĽ Ă•½ð Ă‡Ăƒ¾è¹ çÆ ê°ĂƒĂĽĂ• TÇÂÔ òÆ Ă‡Ă‚Ă‡ĂĽĂ”Ă…Ăƒ ÔÆ ÔËT ù¯Ă• à ðêä srI (ibWkr isMG Kosf) kivqrI aqy lyiKkf ieMdrjIq kOr isWDU dI lyK dI pusqk “ieh vI ieiqhfs hYâ€? kyNdrI pMjfbI sBf(AuWqrI amrIkf) vWloN cyqnf pRkfsLn dy sihXog nfl lok arpx kIqI geI. styj sMcflx bVy sucWjy ZMg nfl aMgryjL isMG brfV vWloN kIqf igaf. pRDfngI mMzl ivWc sBf dy pRDfn hrcMd isMG bfgVI, ieMdrjIq kOr isWDU, svrfj kOr, kuljIq kOr, ijMnI ismjL(M.P.), mnjIq kOr kMg aqy srvpWKI lyKk rivMdr rvI(sfbkf pRDfn) sLsoiBq sn. afrMB ivWc primMdr kOr qUr ny ieMdrjIq nUM sLuWB ieWCfvF Byt kridaF aOrq dI ieWjLq bfry qrMnum ivWc ieWk rcnf sFJI kIqI. ds agsq dI mIitMg ivc mohn igWl dI vfrqk pusqk rIlIj hovygI.


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vpfrI jIvn dy hr Kyqr ivwc srgrm hn. inrDfrq kIqI skirpt anusfr isrP sUitMg Kyzfˆ, hux vpfr kfrobfr qoN vI awgy kflfbfĂ‹frI hI hoxI huMdI hY. Kyz Kyzx df qfˆ aYvyˆ BulyKf hI dy dOr ivwc pRvyĂˆ kr geIafˆ hn. ipCly idnIN isrijaf jf irhf huMdf hY. ikRkt mYc iPkisMg sbMDI hoey Kulfisafˆ qoN jdoN lwKfˆ lok styzIam/tI[vI[`qy ieh Kyz bfad ikRkt nUM Kyz afKxf iewk qrHfˆ nfl Kyz dyKx leI bYTy hox aqy Kyz dy nfm `qy AunHfˆ nUM Ăˆbd dI byiewĂ‹qI krn vfˆg hI hY. ieh iewk pihlfˆ qoN hI inrDfrq kIqy cOky, Cwky qy dOVfˆ aijhI ‘Kyz iPlm` bx geI hY ijsdI sLUitMg dOV ky ivKfeIafˆ jfx qfˆ kI ieh AunHfˆ nUM mUrK DnfZ iKzfrI, iPlm jgq dy kuJ lok, mfPIaf bxfAux vflI gwl nhIN hY? srkfrfˆ dy nwk hyT groh, jUeybfĂ‹ aqy DnfZ vpfrI iml ky krdy ieh sB kuJ dhfikafˆ qoN cwl irhf hY. kyˆdrI hn. ies Kyz ivwc iKzfrI aYkitMg krdy hn. mMqrI kipl iswbl ny ikhf hY ik srkfr Kyzfˆ DnfZ lokfˆ dI dyK-ryK hyT kIqI jfx vflI dy mfmilafˆ ivwc dKl nhIN dyvygI pr lokfˆ ies Kyz rUpI sLUitMg nUM isry cfVn leI iPlmI dIafˆ Bfvnfvfˆ nfl iKlvfV krn vfly aqy isqfirafˆ, hIroienfˆ dy KrIdy hoey aYktr iKzjUeybfĂ‹I ivwc kroVfˆ rupey bxfAux vfly kI lokfˆ frI, aMzrvrlz mfPIaf grohfˆ dy ieĂˆfirafˆ `qy dy doĂˆI nhIˆ hn? cOky-Cwky lfAuNdy hn, gyˆd suwtdy, kYc krdy aqy afAUt huMdy hn. mIzIaf pwbfˆ Bfr hoieaf ies ikRkt nUM jYˆtlmYnfˆ dI Kyz ikhf jfˆdf hY, ijsdf sfrI sUitMg nUM lokfˆ leI iswDf pRsfirq krn df iswDf Bfv hY ik ieh grIb-guribafˆ dI nhIN pRbMD krdf hY. qyl, sfbx aqy pfAUzr vycx blik vwzy lokfˆ dI Kyz hY. ieh vwKrI gwl hY ik vflIafˆ vwzIafˆ kMpnIafˆ ies mOky ieĂˆiqhfr dy hux grIbfˆ dy bwcy vI ipMzfˆ, ksibafˆ qy bsqIafˆ y Carp Vina ky tI[vI[ cYnlfˆ nUM mflfmfl krdIafˆ hn. ies etivw&c AujfV ijhIafˆ Qfvfˆ `qy ivktfˆ dI Qfˆ iewtfˆ lstery Cleaning Ltd. Upho Kyz iPlm ny afpxI sUitMg dy nfl hI Bfvyˆ Kqm joV ky ikRkt dI Kyz df Jws pUrf kr lYˆdy hn 778.878.0025 ho jfxf huMdf hY pr ies dy kuJ sIn lokfˆ dI aqy afpxIafˆ Kyzfˆ nUM ivsfrdy jfˆdy hn. ies idlcspI leI keI idn vfr-vfr ivKfey jfˆdy sB qoN pqf lwgdf hY ik vpfrI idmfg ikvyˆ lokfˆ hn qy ies dy nfl hI cwldf hY- swtybfĂ‹I aqy dy iĂ‹hn `qy kfbĂ‹ ho jfˆdy hn. vyiKaf jfvy qfˆ jUeybfĂ‹I df kflfbfĂ‹fr, jo dyĂˆ dy hr ihwsy qoN sfzy mulk dIafˆ afpxIafˆ dysI Kyzfˆ vI sMpUrn ielfvf bfhrly mulkfˆ qwk PYilaf hoieaf hY. hn ijnHfˆ ivwc srIr dI vrijĂˆ vI huMdI hY aqy ieh rOck vI huMdIafˆ hn. ieh hĂ‹frfˆ-kroVfˆ rupieafˆ df aijhf kflf kfrobfr hY ijsdIafˆ qfrfˆ dyĂˆ dy vwzy DnfZfˆ qoN awj ikRkt nfl juVIafˆ vwzIafˆ-vwzIafˆ hsqIafˆ lY ky pYsy lY ky kql krn vfly kfql guMizafˆ aqy ikRkt stfrfˆ dIafˆ polfˆ KuwlH rhIafˆ hn. qwk nfl juVIafˆ hoeIafˆ hn. ies Kyz iPlm dI lok hYrfn vI ho rhy hn aqy pRyĂˆfn vI pr sUitMg qoN pihlfˆ dI iqafrI vI aihm hY ijs ieh sB kuJ idnfˆ leI hY. ikRkt nfl juVy hr ivwc hr qrHfˆ dy hwQkMzy apxf ky ies dI sUitMg qrHfˆ dy lok, iKzfrI aqy tImfˆ nUM iKzfrIafˆ nUM df afDfr iqafr kIqf jfˆdf hY. inrDfrq kIqy vycx-KrIdx vfly afpxf ieh kfrobfr muV smyˆ `qy ‘Kyz iPlm` df iPlmfˆkx krn leI bVI jldI lIh `qy lY afAuxgy. ikAuNik AunHfˆ iksy mihMgy styzIam dIafˆ sItfˆ dI buikMg sLurU kol sMcfr sfDn nfm df Auh jfdU mOjUd hY ijs huMdI hY ijs nUM vyKx leI Kyz pRymI vwzIafˆ rkmfˆ nfl lokfˆ nUM vrglfieaf jf skdf hY aqy iksy Krc ky afAuNdy hn. bfhrly mulkfˆ dy lok vI niKwD cIĂ‹ nUM bhuigxqI dy isr `qy bTfieaf bVy AuqĂˆfh nfl gwlfˆ aqy mwQy `qy iqrMgy dy jf skdf hY. ies ivwc koeI Ăˆwk nhIN ik jldI inĂˆfn bxfeI hwQfˆ ivwc bYnr leI hfĂ‹r huMdy hI ies kfly dOr nUM Bulf idwqf jfvygf qy ies hn. tI[vI[ cYnlfˆ dy kYmirafˆ awgy cOikafˆ- qrHfˆ dIafˆ sUitMg bnfm Kyzfˆ nUM dubfrf iPr sfzy Cwikafˆ `qy nwcdy-twpdy lok aijhf nĂ‹frf pyĂˆ lokfˆ dy isr `qy mVH idwqf jfvygf. krdy hn ik ijvyˆ mYc ijwq lYx nfl dyĂˆ dy sfry Kyz Bfvyˆ koeI vI mfVI nhIˆ hY pr Kyz nUM Kyz Doxy Doqy jfxgy. hI rihx idwqf jfxf cfhIdf hY. bhuq sfrIafˆ ies ‘iPlm Kyz` nUM dyĂˆ dy tI[vI[ nYWtvrk aijhIafˆ Kyzfˆ hn jo smyˆ dy bdlx nfl hux iswDf pRsfirq krdy hn. ies dIafˆ itktfˆ dI Kyzfˆ nhIN rhIafˆ qy ienHfˆ ivwc keI qrHfˆ dIafˆ vI kflfbfĂ‹frI huMdI hY. dlfl iekwTIafˆ itktfˆ burfeIafˆ pRvyĂˆ kr geIafˆ hn. kuĂˆqI, kbwzI, KrId ky bfad ivwc blYk `qy vyc ky pYisafˆ dy vyt ilPitMg afid Kyzfˆ ivwc vI sB kuJ awCf gwPy iekwTy krdy hn. styzIam dy cfr-cuPyry nhIN irhf. awj-kwlH Kyzfˆ, vpfr aqy kfrobfr rwKy jfx vfly mĂˆhUrIafˆ dy borzfˆ qoN lY ky df rUp aKiqafr kr geIafˆ hn. afm mnuwK iKzfrIafˆ dy pfey jfx vfly bUt, kmIĂ‹fˆ sB nUM ijs dIafˆ Bfvnfvfˆ vwK-vwK Kyzfˆ nfl juVIafˆ kMpnIafˆ afpxy pRcfr leI vrqdIafˆ hn. ies huMdIafˆ hn, leI aijhI siQqI bVI in‘Kyz iPlm` dI ho rhI sUitMg nUM vyKky styzIam rfĂˆfjnk ho inbVdI hY. ies ivwc ksUr iekwly ivwc vyK rhy Kyz pRymI qfˆ qfVIafˆ aqy sItIafˆ iKzfrIafˆ jfˆ Kyz vpfrIafˆ df nhIˆ blik AunHfˆ mfrdy hI hn sgoN keI vfr iksy PYslfkuMn mYc Kyz pRymIafˆ df vI hY jo kroVfˆ ivwc ivkx vfly leI Grfˆ, glIafˆ aqy bfĂ‹frfˆ ivwc lok afpxf ienHfˆ iKzfrIafˆ dy mMdr bxf ky ienHfˆ dI pUjf kMm Cwz ky bih jfˆdy hn. iewQy hI bs nhIN, lok krn qk cly jfˆdy hn. afpxy iKzfrIafˆ dI ijwq leI hvn krdy hn. ieh lok ieh nhIN jfxdy huMdy ik Kyz iPlm dI



Friday, August 9th, 2013

Punjabi Patrika

Friday, August 9th, 2013



ÇÕzÕà Òå¶ ÕÅñ¶ êzÛÅò¶º Ô¯ð ×±ó·¶ Ô¯Â¶

ies sLYlI dy mYcF dy hoNd ivwc afAux mgroN ijwq-hfr nUM lY ky swtybfjLI df islislf sB hwdF-bMny twp igaf hY. idwlI qy muMbeI dI puils ny swtybfjLI d afhr ivwc lwgy keI storIaF qy iKzfrIaF nUM hI nfmjLd kr ky ihrfsq ivwc nhIN ilaf, sgoN ieh qwQ vI sfhmxy ilaFdy hn ik ies DMdy dy qfr dfAUd dI juMzlI nfl juVy hoey hn. swtybfjLI krn vfilaF dy sbMD dfAUd nfl hox dy crcy qF pihlF vI cwldy

Çô§×Åð å¶ ×ÇÔä¶

pRmjIq kOr srfE

mhfn koÈ ivwc gihxy nUM BUÈn (Ëyvr) afiKaf igaf hY. pihlfˆ gihxy mnuwKI bfhU-bl dy pR q Ik sn. afid mfnv KUMKfr jfnvrfˆ dI Kwl, hwzIafˆ afid nU M afpxy srIr Au W qy gihixafˆ vjoN sjf ky afpxI bhfdrI df sbUq idMdf sI ik Auh jMglI jfnvrfˆ qoN vDyry qfkqvr hY. mwD-kfl ivwc gihxy nUM kyvl srIrk KU b sU r qI df sfDn bxfieaf igaf pr ajoky smfj ivwc ieh gihxy jfpdf hY ik mnuwK dI afriQkqf df pRqIk bx ky rih gey hn ikAuNik ieh kImqI Dfqfˆ qoN iqafr huMdy hn. pwQr Xuwg ivwc qfˆ kImqI gihixafˆ dI Qfˆ bwicafˆ leI kyvl kuJ kOzIafˆ dy gihxy (lUlHfˆ, Jfˆjrfˆ, kMgx afid) hI vrqoN ivwc ilafˆdy jfˆdy sn. ies bfry jIvf isMG pwqrkfr ny iliKaf hY: kOzI Jfvn lUlHfˆ

vI gihixafˆ qoN bgYr pUrI ÈoBf nhIN idMdf. ies leI mnuwK dI iPqrq ieMnI vD geI hY ik Auh gihixafˆ nUM Dfrn krn leI afpxy srIrk aMgnwk, kMn afid nUM Cydx qoN nhIN zrdf. pMjfbI swiBafcfr aMdr sony dy gihixafˆ dI vrqoN vIhvIN sdI ivwc vDyry pRclq hoeI. jdoˆ lokfˆ ny kOzIafˆ qy qfˆby dy gihxy Cwz ky sony-cfˆdI dy gihxy bxvfAuxy/pfAuxy sLurU kr idwqy qfˆ sony dI Dfq dI mMg qy kImq ivwc vfDf hoieaf. sony dI kImq dy vfDy bfry 1946 ivwc cMd isMG ny iliKaf sI:

jdoN qoN lokfˆ ny srIrk gihixafˆ nUM bhuigxqI ivwc iÈMgfr vjoN vrqxf sLurU kIqf hY, Aus smyˆ qoN hI sony vrgIafˆ vsqUafˆ dI kImq ivwc idn pRqI idn isr muMizafˆ dy, vfDf hoieaf hY. awj-kwlH sony Cuwty kokly qy moqI df Bfa qIh hËfr rupey nUM phuMicaf ipaf hY. byloVf vfDf ijhVy kMnfˆ df iÈMgfr nI. vI gihixafˆ nUM pfAux vfly murkI qy vflf nfly kMn df vI lokfˆ dI igxqI nUM Gtf irhf hY. Cuwt igaf, kuJ lokfˆ leI qfˆ sony dy gihxy pihnxf supnf bx ky hI rih quMgl qy cONkI igaf hY. afDuinkqf dy dOr ijhVI GVI suinafr nI. ivwc awj aOrq aqy mrd dovyˆ (mrdfˆ dy gihxy) hI mihMgfeI dI mfr hyT af ky bMnHy qyry nI iÈMgfr nklI gihixafˆ dI vrqoN vDyry kr rhy hn. sony dy bxy gihxy sfry Jumky qy vflIafˆ. qfˆ kyvl amIr lok hI Dfrn isrdfvxI qy cONk kr rhy hn jfˆ iPr mwD sLRyxI dy kuJ lok. iewk lok kfiv ivwc nfly bMinHafˆ smyq Puwlfˆ, vI afAuNdf hY: ryÈm dI zorI donoN julPfˆ nI qY n U M nw q Iafˆ Bfbo nU M ipw p l kflIafˆ. pwqIafˆ (aOrqfˆ dy gihxy) BfmX df ivcfr hY ik suMdrI ivafh krvf lY vIrnf… df muKVf sohxf huMdf hoieaf

invfsn ny afpxy ahudy qoN asqIPf dyx qoN pihlF mdrfs hfeIkort dy do syvfmukq jwjF `qy aDfrq iewk jFc kmytI inXukq kr idwqI. ies kmytI ny hux afpxI swT siPaF dI irport bI[ sI[ sI[ afeI[ nUM pysL kr idwqI hY. ies irport ivwc imawpn qy rfj kuMdrf nUM dosL-mukq krfr dy idwqf igaf, pr ies irport nfl asihmqI pRgtfAux mgroN ibhfr ikRkt aYsosIeysLn ny muMbeI hfeIkort ivwc iewk jnihwq ptIsLn dfier kr idwqI. adflq dy do mfxXog jwjF aYs jy vjLIPdfr qy aYm[ aYs[ sunk ny ies irport nUM ies aDfr AuWqy rwd kr idwqf hY ik bI[ sI[ sI[ afeI[

nMU aijhf krn df aiDkfr hI hfsl nhIN sI. ies jFc kmytI nUM Qfpx smyN nymF nUM iDafn ivwc nhIN rwiKaf igaf. bI[ sI[ sI[ afeI[ dy krqy-DriqaF nUM afs sI ik jFc irport dy aDfr AuWqy Au h pihlF vFg afpxf kfr-ivhfr jfrI rwKxgy qy sRI invfsn muV pRDfngI dy ahudy AuWqy ibrfjmfn ho jfxgy, pr hfeIkort dy PYsly ny AunHF dIaF afsF `qy pfxI Pyr idwqf hY. idwlI qy muMbeI dI puils dy bulfiraF ny ieh spwsLt kr idwqf hY ik AunHF kol swtybfjLI dy DMdy ivwc lwgy lokF ivrwuD Tos dsqfvyjLI sbUq mOjUd hn qy Auh CyqI hI dosLIaF ivruwD adflq ivwc kys dfier krn jf rhy hn. THE TIMES TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 2013


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Cfp, ËMjIrI, quMgl Cuwty, kYˆTf pfvy koeI. sO qoN AuWqy ho igaf qolf, puwC sony dI hoeI.

rihMdy sn, pr ies vfr puils Aus nfl sMprk krn vfly swtybfjL kirMidaF dI gwlbfq typ krn ivwc sPl rhI. puils vloN ieMksLfP ny ikRkt Kyz nfl juVy Bwdr pursLF dy ikrdfr nUM AudoN nMigaF krky rwK idwqf, jdoN ieh gwl sfhmxy afeI ik bI[ sI[ sI[ afeI[ dy mOjUdf pRDfn sRI invfsn dy jvfeI qy cynweI suprikMg dy sMcflk gurU nfQ imawpn qy rfjsQfn rfieljL dy mflk rfj kuMdrf mYc iPkisMg df DMdf krdy hn qy ijwq-hfr nUM lY ky swtf vI lfAuNdy hn. ieh qwQ Aujfgr hox nfl bI[ sI[ sI[ afeI[ dy kriqaF-DriqaF nUM hwQF pYrF dI pY geI. AunHF vwloN bcfa leI sbIlF GVIaF jfx lwgIaF qy sRI


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ies Kyz dy mukfbilaF ivwc drsLkF dI vwD idlcspI hox kfrn ies qoN hox vflI afmdn ivwc aQfh vfDf hoieaf hY. jdoN qoN bI[ sI[ sI[ afeI ny afeI[ pI[ aYl[

mYcF dI sLurUafq kIqI hY, EdoN qoN ies dI afmdn kroVF qoN vD ky arbF qwk awpV geI hY. pihlF afeI[ pI[ aYl dI inlfmI huMdI hY qy Aus mgroN iehnF dy krqy-Drqy bolI lf ky iKzfrIaF nUM KrIddy hn.


ies gwloN koeI ienkfr nhIN kr skdf ik ikRkt Bfrq dysL dI sB qoN hrmnipafrI Kyz bx cuwkI hY, pr ies df sMcfln krn vflI sMsQf borz afP kMtrol Pfr ikRkt ieMzIaf (bI[sI[sI[afeI[) inwq ivvfdF ivwc PsI rihMdI hY. kdy ies dy pRbMDkF AuWqy ieh dosL lwgdy hn ik AunHF ny mYcF dy pRsfrx df Tykf lYx-dyx krky idwqf hY kdy ieh ik Auh mYcF qoN hox vflI afmdn df koeI ihsfb-ikqfb nhIN rwKdy qy Aus ivwc Gflf-mflf kIqf jFdf hY.

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Punjabi Patrika 

Friday, August 9th, 2013

Punjabi Patrika

Friday, August 9th, 2013



Celebrating Eid Al-Fitr At The End Of Ramadan One of the most joyous days in the Islamic calendar, Eid al-Fitr, also known as Eid ul-Fitr or Eid, is a celebration that marks the end of Ramadan (a holy month of fasting observed by Muslims). This year Eid al-Fitr will most likely be observed on Thursday, August 8, 2013 in the United States. It is celebrated on the first day of Shawwal, the 10th month of the Islamic lunar calendar. Traditionally, the observance begins with the sighting of the new moon. While many will wait to see the moon or an announcement from Mecca, the Fiqh Council of North America has determined that Eid al-Fitr 2012 will fall on August 8, 2013, based on astronomical calculations. According to a hadith attributed to Anas ibn Malik, a companion of the Prophet Muhammad, the two festivals of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha were instituted by the Prophet after his journey from Mecca to Medinah.

“When the Prophet arrived in Medinah, he found people celebrated two specific days in which they used to entertain themselves with recreation and merriment. He asked them about the nature of these festivities to which they replied that these days were occasions of fun and recreation. At this, the Prophet remarked that the Almighty has fixed two days [of festivity] instead of these for you which are better than these: Eid alFitr and Eid al-Adha. The first Eid al-Fitr was celebrated in 624 CE by the Prophet Muhammad and his companions after the victory of the battle of Jang-e-Badar. To mark the beginning of Eid and in accordance with the Sunnah, or practices of the Prophet Muhammad, many Muslims wake up early in the morning and pray Salat ul-Fajr, or the pre-dawn prayer. After brushing their teeth, taking a bath and wearing perfume, they have breakfast before heading off to perform special congregational

celebrate by gathering with friends and family, preparing sweet delicacies, wearing new clothes, giving each other gifts and putting up lights and other decorations in their homes. A common greeting during Eid al-Fitr is a day of great merri- this holiday is Eid Mubarak, which ment and thanksgiving. Muslims means, “Have a blessed Eid!” prayers known as Salaat al-Eid. Many Muslims recite the takbir, a declaration of faith, on the way to the prayer ground and give special charitable contributions known as Zakat al-Fitr.

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Punjabi Patrika 

Friday, August 9th, 2013

A Real Estate Professional can be one of your most valuable resources Selling a home is a time consuming and complicated process. Why would you want to risk getting less than you deserve? Why take chances with your equity that you have worked so hard to achieve? A Real Estate Professional is trained to understands the numerous details and factors that contribute to a successful sale and your bottom line. In fact, with their background, education, contacts and experience, this person could be one of your most valuable resources. Here are just a few of the reasons why you should consider a professional, when it comes to selling your home. An experienced Real Estate Professional: •

Understands market conditions and has access to the most current information.

Place and pay for effective advertising in the right places, for the best results.

Price your home realistically, to give you the highest price.

Create demand for your home.

Knows how to screen potential buyers, and eliminate the bargain shoppers.

Is experienced in negotiation.

Is always on call, and available at all times to show your home.

Remains objective when presenting offers and counter-offers.

Listens to your needs, respects your opinions and allows you to make decisions.

Understands the real estate industry, from both the buyer and seller perspective.

Protect your rights.

Handle the numerous details involved in the sale of your home.

Can recommend a real estate lawyer to take care of your interests.

Is experienced with resolving problems to ensure a successful closing.

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Adhere to a professional code of conduct, established by local and national associations.

Recommend improvements that can increase the price you’ll receive on your home.

Submit offers, negotiate prices and handle paperwork of the transactions.

When it comes time to sell your home, an experienced Real Estate Professional can save you time and money. Most important, he or she will ensure that your home is sold fast, and for the best price!



Punjabi Patrika 

Friday August 9th, 2013

Friday August 9th, 2013

Punjabi Patrika 





Punjabi Patrika 

Friday August 9th, 2013

Friday August 9th, 2013

Punjabi Patrika 





Punjabi Patrika 

Friday August 9th, 2013

Friday August 9th, 2013

Punjabi Patrika



For All Your Real Estate Needs PARAM BRAR PARM JUDGE

Lighthouse 604-825-3954 604-864-7656 R E A L T Y L T D

CEDAR PARK PLAZA - ABBOTSFORD COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX - RIGHT BESIDE CEDAR PARK PLACE POTENTIAL USES: Professional Offices, Medical Offices, Sweet Shop, Grocery Store, Clothing Stores, Jewellery Store, Video/Music Stores, Restaurants, Bring your ideas.



OLD 11 S10

3 12

4LD SO 5LD SO 13















Punjabi Patrika 

Friday August 9th, 2013

Punjabi Patrika





17 $









$ 358,888








$ 373,888




$ 198,888





2 BEDROOMS LEGAL SUITE Call Harpreet : 604 217 8888

$ 489,888









Close to University of Fraser Valley, Rental Investment property ! Property already rented, Updates like windows, floors, Painting and Blinds. Call for more information !

$ 299,888

D SOL TOWNHOUSE This beautiful townhouse has been completely renovated with a Brand new Kitchen, Newer Floors, Appliances, This is a huge unit and not different than a home - low strata fees, Best unit on the market !


$ 738,888









$ 268,888


7000 + SQ.FT LOT 19

$ 439,888






$ 448,888



$ 369,888

$ 284,888

# 9 31255 Upper Maclure Rd.


$ 359,888


19166 SQ.FT




Almost 2000 Sq.ft Townhouse, Well kept - Privacy at the back ! New Floors, Paint, Furnace, Electrical Fixtures and appliances. Double wide Garage, 3 Full washrooms At a quiet dead end location !

$ 314,888



$ 594,888




FROM $ 299,888



UNDER $ 474,888




$ 344,888





REDUCED BY $ 40,000

27779 Porter Drive




Basement Entry Home Basement Suite for Mortgage Help! Beautiful inside and out ! Great quality fixtures and designer color scheme - ready to move in ! Call now for exclusive viewing !




Basement Entry Style 8 Bedrooms & 6 Full Washrooms, Only 3 years Old Home with a Legal Suite, Spacious Bedrooms, Big sized Lot, Close to all amenities, highway access schools, recreation and other facilities. New Paint !!! Granite Kitchen and stainless steel appliances, Huge Family Room. List goes on - call now !


$ 304,888


31875 Starling Avenue

$ 598,888



YES !!! GST IS INCLUDED !!! Basement Entry Home Basement Suite(s) for Mortgage Help! Close to all levels of school, recreation and amenities Great Plan and well built !



3261 Deertrail Avenue


$ 509,888


Basement Entry Home Basement Suite for Mortgage Help, Well kept upstairs, walking distance to all levels of schools An office/den for the owner use Very easy to show - Call now !




$ 458,888




$ 434,888







Friday August 9th, 2013


Call Harpreet : 604 217 8888

$ 156,888



CALL JOE : 778 388 1035


$ 349,000


$ 420,000


$ 360,000


$ 214,888


$ 332,500







$ 699,000


$ 299,000


$ 450,000


$ 415,000


$ 331,000


$ 578,000


$ 526,888


$ 569,888


$ 434,888


$ 385,000


$ 150,000


$ 339,000


$ 333,000


$ 353,000


$ 363,000


$ 630,000


$ 408,888


$ 336,888


$ 475,888


$ 524,000





















Commercial . Residential . Agriculture . Businesses . Foreclosures 027

Landmark Realty Corporation. # 100 32555 Simon Avenue, Abbotsford Tel : 604 855 0800 Fax : 604 855 0833




Punjabi Patrika 

Friday August 9th, 2013

Friday August 9th, 2013

Punjabi Patrika 


GWt lfAu vWD pfAu myrIaF syvfvF smyq 1. MLS Exposure 2. Paid Adver sements 3. Social Media Marke ng 4. Open Houses 5. Professional Photos, Videos & Virtual Tours 6. A ended Showings & Much More

1[ aYm aYl aYs aYkspojLr 2[ pyz aYzvrtfeIjLmYNts 3[ sosLl mIzIaf mfrikMitMg 4[ Epn hfAUs 5[ poRPYsLnl Poto, vIzIEjL aqy vrcUl tUrj 6[ afE dyKo aqy hor bhuq kWuC




Punjabi Patrika 

Friday August 9th, 2013

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