Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Abbotsford Board of Education elections held
Cindy Schafer
Shirley Wilson
At its special meeting last night (December 3) to elect Chair and Vice Chair positions for the Abbotsford Board of Education, Trustee Cindy Schafer was re-elected to serve as the Board Chair, while Trustee Shirley Wilson was elected to the position of Vice-Chair. Trustee Schafer had served as Chair for the past year, as well as from 2008 to 2011. In her comments following the election, Chair Schafer reviewed the achievements of the past year. “The past 12 months have seen a variety of achievements and accomplishments by our students, schools and district. Many of these were the direct result of our focus on the district Strategic Plan. We articulated three priorities under the Strategic Plan: early learning, quality teaching, and expanded pathways for secondary students, and we have been able to successfully support those priorities,” Schafer said. “Just as integral is our continued focus on the two goals in the annual Achievement Plan, Student Plan for Student Success: to improve student achievement and our graduation rates.” After detailing some of the specific district accomplishments and milestones, the Chair noted “Perhaps it goes without saying, but week-in and week-out, our greatest achievements across this school district are those realized by our students, with the support and guidance of the teachers, leaders and support staff on our school district team. Collectively, as the Board of Education, we take great satisfaction in those accomplishments while knowing there is still work to be done to achieve even greater results.”
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Punjabi Patrika
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
ÁËé. ÁÅð. ÁÅÂÆÜ. çÆ ÜÅÇÂçÅç çÆ ÖzÆç-ò¶Ú òÅÃå¶ ÕÅ鱧éÆ ÁóÚäÅ Bfrq ivwc vDdI abfdI aqy byrujLgfrI kfrn kMm dI qlfsL ivwc lgBg 30 imlIan BfrqI awj dunIaF dy 140 mulkF ivwc rih rhy hn. jy asIN ienHF dI vwK-vwK dysLF ivwc pUrI DnsMpqI nUM joV ky vyKIey qF ieh prvfsI BfrqI lgBg 1[2 itRlIan amrIkI zflr dy mflk hn. ienHF prvfsI BfrqIaF ny ivdysLF ivwc sKq imhqn krky nf isrP afpxy pirvfr pfl rhy hn blik iensfnIaq nUM smJidaF Bfrq ivw c rihM d y mF-bfp, BY x -BrfvF, irsLqydfrF aqy dosqF dI dwuK-suwK ivwc bFh PVI hY. sfl 2013 ivwc BfrqI rupey dI kImq ivwc kOmFqrI pwDr AuWqy lgBg 20 PIsdI igrfvt afAux kfrn srkfr df mMnxf sI ik ies nfl ivdysLI invysL vDygf pr srkfr dIaF prvfsI BfrqIaF pRqI nIqIaF kfrn aijhf nhIN hoieaf. srkfr vwloN AunHF dy invysL aqy vpfr AuWqy lgfeIaF vwK-vwK pfbMdIaF qy BU-mfPIaf vwloN AunHF dI jLmIn-jfiedfd AuWqy kIqy jf rhy kbijLaF kfrn awj prvfsI BfrqI afpxI jnmBUmI qoN dUr huMdy jf rhy hn. ‘Porn aYkscyNj mYnyjmYNt aYkt’ 1999 muqfibk koeI vI BfrqI nfgirk jy afrjLI qOr `qy vrk primt, vpfrk vIjLf, grIn kfrz aqy pI[ afr[ afid AuWqy 182 idn qoN ijLafdf Bfrq qoN bfhr rihMdf hY qF kfnUMn Aus nUM aYn[ afr[ afeI[ mMndf hY. ies kfnUMn muqfibk iksy vI aYn[ afr[ afeI[ kol BfrqI pfsport hox dy bfvjUd Auh irjLrv bYNk afP ieMzIaf dI mnjUrI qoN bgYr Bfrq ivwc vfhIXog jLmIn, Pfrm hfAUs qy bfgF dy Pfrm afid nhIN KrId skdf. jy koeI aYn[ afr[ afeI[ jF BfrqI mUl df ivdysLI nfgirk mnjUrI bgYr ies Kyqr ivwc ivdysLI invysL krdf hY qF Aus dI KrIdoProKq nUM nfjfiejL TihrfAuNidaF srkfr Aus dI gYr-kfnUMnI jfiedfd nUM vI jLbq kr skdI hY ijs kfrn Aus nUM vwK-vwK QfixaF, vkIlF qy adflqF df sfhmxf krnf pY skdf hY. kfnUMn muqfibk prvfsI BfrqI ipMzF ivwc lfl lkIr aqy sLihr dI hwdbMdI aMdr mkfn bxfAux jF kfrobfr krn leI snaqI Kyqr ivwc jLmIn-jfiedfd KrId skdy hn pr jy Auh ipMz jF sLihr dI hwdbMdI qoN bfhr vflI jLmIn AuWqy vwK-vwK ivBfgF dI mnjUrI qoN bgYr ivdysLI invysL nfl jLmIn KrId ky afpxf Pfrm hfAUs bxfAuNdy hn jF koeI kfrKfnf, mYirj pYlys, sLfipMg sYNtr, sLoarUm, hspqfl, skUl qy hotl afid KolHdy hn qF AunHF nUM BfrI kfnUMnI aVcnF df sfhmxf krnf pY skdf hY. prvfsI BfrqIaF nUM gYr-kfnUMnI klonIaF ivwc irhfiesLI plft jF mkfn KrIdx qoN vI guryjL krnf cfhIdf hY. aksr ies qrHF dIaF klonIaF isafsI-BU-mfPIaf vwloN KyqI vflI jLmIn AuWqy srkfr dI mnjUrI lYx qoN bgYr bxfeIaF jFdIaF hn. kfnUMn dI ingfh ivwc ies qrHF dI KrIdo-ProKq gYr-kfnUMnI aYlfnI jf skdI hY. hfl hI ivwc jfiedfd tYks AuWqy AuWTy ivvfd qoN aYn[ afr[ afeI[ kfPI pRysLfn
hn ik srkfr ny gYr-kfnUMnI klonIaF ivwc AunHF dI jfiedfd AuWqy jfiedfd tYks Brn leI pUrf smF nhIN idwqf hY pr ivcfrn vflI gwl ieh hY ik prvfsI BfrqIaF vwloN gYr-kfnUMnI klonIaF ivwc ivdysLI invysL nfl KrIdI geI jLmIn-jfiedfd kfnUMnI qOr `qy jfiejL hY? BfvyN prvfsI BfrqI afpxI jwdI jF ivdysLI invysL rfhIN KrIdI jLmIn-jfiedfd vyc ky lfgq qoN hoey munfPy AuWqy kYpItl gyn tYks afid Brn qoN bfad vwD qoN vwD iewk imlIan zflr (qkrIbn pMj kroV rupey) dy brfbr qwk dI rkm slfnf bYNkF rfhIN ivdysLF ivwc iljf skdy hn pr pYsy vfps ivdysLF ivwc lY ky jfx smyN AunHF nUM ieh sfbq krnf hovygf ik ieh jLmIn AunHF dI jwdI hY jF jLmIn KrIdx smyN AunHF ny Aus vyly dy ‘Porn aYkscyNj mYnyjmYNt aYkt’ dy kfnUMnF dI pUrI pflxf kIqI sI aqy pYsy df sfrf lYx-dyx bYNk dy KfiqaF rfhIN hI hoieaf sI. ies kfnUMn muqfibk prvfsI BfrqIaF vwloN hvfly rfhIN ByjI rfsLI nfl KrIdIaF jLmIn-jfiedfdF nUM vyc ky pYsy vfps ivdysLF ivwc lY ky afAux smyN kfPI kfnUMnI aVcnF df sfhmxf krnf pY skdf hY. jy Auh ivdysLF ivwc hvfly rfhIN pYsy vfps lY ky jfx ivwc sPl vI ho jFdy hn qF AunHF leI ieh pYsf isrdrdI df kfrn bx skdf hY, ikAuNik ivdysLF dy mnI lFzirMg kfnUMn qihq pqf lwgx AuWqy ivdysLI srkfrF ies kfly Dn rUpI pYsy nUM jLbq kr skdIaF hn. awj gujrfq dy pMjfbI iksfnF nUM suprIm kort ivwc afpxI jLmIn nUM bcfAux Kfqr kfnUMnI lVfeI lVnI pY rhI hY aqy jy prvfsI BfrqIaF ny ivdysLI invysL soc-smJ ky nf kIqf qF nqIjy gujrfq qoN vI iBafnk inkl skdy hn. kfnUMn dI jfxkfrI nf hox aDfr Auqy adflq qoN iKmf dI afs nhIN jf skdI. hr prvfsI nUM iksy vI qrHF dI KrIdo-ProKq krn smyN pMj Kfs gwlF df iDafn rwKxf jLrUrI hY. pihlI, rijstrI krvfAux smyN mfl ivBfg nUM nfm, pqf aqy nfgirkqf sbMDI afpxI shI qy pUrI jfxkfrI idwqI jfvy. dUjf, mfl ivBfg nUM jfiedfd df shI mwul dws ky pUrI stYNp izAUtI Brn qoN bfad hI afpxI rijstrI krvfeI jfvy. qIjf, pYsy df Bugqfn isrP bYNkF rfhIN kIqf jfvy ikAuNik hvfly rfhIN kIqf Bugqfn quhfzy leI Gfqk sfbq ho skdf hY. cOQf, ivdysLI invysL isrP Aus Kyqr ivwc kIqf jfvy ijs dI kfnUMn pRvfngI idMdf hY. pMjvF, jLmIn-jfiedfd KrIdx lwigaF mfl ivBfg dy irkfrz (jmHFbMdI) dI cMgI qrHF kfnUMnI jFc jLrUr kr leI jfvy. jy asIN kfnUMn dI pflxf nhIN krdy qF asIN afpxy bwicaF leI jfiedfd nhIN bxf rhy blik AunHF nUM kfnUMnI aVcnF ivwc Psf rhy hF. awj srkfrF nUM aYn[ afr[ afeI[ sBfvF rfhIN isafsq krn dI QF hr rfj ivwc vwD qoN vwD ivsLysL afriQk jLon afid KolH ky prvfsI BfrqIaF nUM iBRsLtfcfr-rihq vpfrk mfhOl dyx nUM qrjIh dyxI cfhIdI hY.
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
ã°µâÆÕ¶ ÇòµÚ ÇëðÕ± åäÅÁ ÃçíÅòéÅ ìðÕðÅð ðµÖäÆ ÷ð±ðÆ
mogf iËlHy dy ipMz ZuwzIky ivKy zyrf isrsf smrQkfˆ aqy iswK sMgqfˆ ivwc hoey pQrfa kfrn pYdf hoieaf iPrkU qxfa icMqf df ivÈf hY. zyrf isrsf ÈrDflUafˆ vwloN ipMz dI dfxf mMzI ivwc kIqy jfx vflI blfk pwDrI nfm crcf nUM lY ky dovfˆ iDrfˆ ivwc viDaf qkrfr pQrfa, sfV-PUk, lfTIcfrj aqy hvfeI PfieirMg qwk phuMc igaf. jy pulIs smyˆ isr phuMc ky kfrvfeI nf krdI qfˆ hflfq hor vI gMBIr ho skdy sn. sUby ivwc ipCly lgpg cfr dhfikafˆ qoN iswKfˆ aqy keI hor iPrikafˆ drimafn kÈmkÈ iksy nf iksy rUp ivwc cldI af rhI hY. sMn 1978 ivwc inrMkfrIafˆ aqy iswKfˆ ivckfr hoey KUnI tkrfa ny lgpg zyZ dhfkf pMjfb dI BfeIcfrk sfˆJ aqy amn-ÈfˆqI vfly vfqfvrn nUM ieMnf qyËfbI kr ky rwiKaf, ijs dI BrpfeI awj qwk nhIN ho skI. axQwk Xqnfˆ bfad ijAuN hI ies iPrkU awg df syk TMzf ipaf qfˆ zyrf isrsf smyq kuJ hor sMsQfvfˆ vwloN afpxy akIdy df pRcfr krn leI kIqy jf rhy Xqnfˆ kfrn iswKfˆ smyq keI dUjy BfeIcfirafˆ ivwc qOKly KVHy ho gey. iswty vjoN bIqy dhfky dOrfn keI Qfvfˆ `qy iPrkU qxfa pYdf hox dy nfl-nfl ihMsk JVpfˆ ho cuwkIafˆ hn aqy keI Qfvfˆ `qy jfnI qy mflI nuksfn vI hoieaf hY. do sfl pihlf slfbqpurf ivKy zyrf isrsf smrQkfˆ aqy iswK BfeIcfry ivckfr BfrI tkrfa ho cuwikaf hY aqy mukwdmybfËI hfly qwk cwl rhI hY. ienHfˆ dovfˆ iDrfˆ ivckfr hor vI keI vfr keI Qfˆ qkrfrbfËI ho cuwkI hY. srkfr aqy Dfrimk-smfijk afgUafˆ vwloN smyˆ-smyˆ `qy Dfrimk sdBfvnf bxfey rwKx leI Xqn kIqy jfˆdy rhy hn pr ies dy bfvjUd pYdf ho cuwkI qlKI Kqm hox df nfˆ nhIN lY rhI aqy gfhy-bgfhy cMigafVI sulGdI rihMdI hY.
pMjfb gurUafˆ, pIrfˆ, PkIrfˆ aqy mhfˆ purÈfˆ dI DrqI hY aqy ies ny hmyÈf hI nf kyvl mulk nUM blik smuwcy ivÈv nUM Dfrimk sdBfvnf aqy BfeIcfrk sfˆJ df sMdyÈ idwqf hY. iswKfˆ df Dfrimk gRMQ sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb smuwcI mfnvqf nUM srb-sfˆJIvflqf df AupdyÈ idMdf hY. dUjy Drmfˆ dy Drm gRMQ vI aijhf hI AupdyÈ idMdy hn aqy iesy kr ky sdIafˆ qoN pMjfb dy lokfˆ ivwc Dfrimk sdBfvnf bxI af rhI hY. mulk ivwc hr iksy nUM koeI vI Drm jfˆ ivcfrDfrf apxfAux dI KuwlH hY, bÈrqy ik Auh dUijafˆ dIafˆ Bfvnfvfˆ nUM Tys nf phuMcfvy. ipCly smyˆ qoN kuJ ivakqIafˆ vwloN afpxy inwjI suafrQfˆ ihwq ies mfnvI Bfvnf nUM Tys phuMcfAux dy Xqn kIqy jf rhy hn Bfvyˆ ies ipwCy dyÈ aqy Drm ivroDI qfkqfˆ df hwQ hox qoN vI ienkfr nhIN kIqf jf skdf. dyÈ ivwc mOjUdf kwtVpMQI sMprdfiek aqy ÈrfrqI qwqfˆ dI aijhy mnsUibafˆ ivwc ÈmUlIaq iPrkU sdBfvnf
leI vwzf Kqrf bxdI hY. pMjfb, qfimlnfzU, jMmU kÈmIr, AuWqr pRdyÈ, asfm, idwlI aqy gujrfq smyq mulk dy keI sUby iPrkU qy mËhbI awg df syk ipCly kuJ sflfˆ ivwc afpxy ipMizafˆ AuWqy hMZf cuwky hn. kuJ isafsI nyqfvfˆ aqy pfrtIafˆ vwloN Drm, jfq aqy mËhb dI afV ivwc vot bYˆk pwkf krn dI pRivrqI lokfˆ dIafˆ Bfvnfvfˆ nUM BVkfAux df kMm krdI hY. sOVy isafsI mMqvfˆ kfrn srkfrfˆ vwloN ÈrfrqI qwqfˆ nfl sKqI nfl inptx dI bjfey AunHfˆ dI puÈqpnfhI kIqI jfˆdI hY ijs kfrn aijhIafˆ Gtnfvfˆ vfr-vfr vfprdIafˆ hn. sfzy mulk ivwc hr iksy nUM koeI vI Drm jfˆ ivcfrfDfrf apnfAux aqy mMnx dI KuwlH hY, bÈrqy ik Auh dUijafˆ dIafˆ Bfvnfvfˆ nUM Tys nf phuMcfvy. srkfrfˆ nUM mulk dy nfgirkfˆ dy ies aiDkfr nUM hr hflq ivwc XkInI bxfAuxf cfhIdf hY aqy iksy nUM vI kfnUMn hwQ ivwc lYx dI iejfËq nhIN dyxI cfhIdI. dyÈ ivwc iPrkU qxfa aqy ihMsf dIafˆ vD rhIafˆ Gtnfvfˆ dy mwdynËr keI sflfˆ qoN sMprdfiek ihMsf ivroDI kfnUMn bxfAux dI mMg ho rhI hY pr ies idÈf ivwc koeI Tos kfrvfeI nhIN hoeI. kyˆdr srkfr ny sfl 2004 ivwc aijhf kfnUMn bxfAux dI gwl afKI sI aqy 2005 aqy muV 2011 ivwc aijhf ibwl pyÈ vI kIqf igaf sI pr isafsI ivroD kfrn ieh Xqn isry nf cVH sky. pMjfb srkfr vwloN aijhf ibwl pfs kIqf jf cuwikaf hY pr sOVy isafsI mMqvfˆ aqy iewCf ÈkqI dI Gft kfrn ies nUM aml ivwc nhIN ilafˆdf jf sikaf. iehI kfrn hY ik iPrkU qxfa vfr-vfr hox dIafˆ Gtnfvfˆ vfpr rhIafˆ hn. isafsI nyqfvfˆ qoN ielfvf Dfrimk afgUafˆ nUM vI ies mfmly ivwc brI nhIN kIqf jf skdf. aPsos dI gwl hY ik Dfrimk nyqf lokfˆ nUM niÈafˆ, dfj aqy BrUx hwiqaf ijhIafˆ smfijk burfeIafˆ qoN rokx ivwc qfˆ nfkfm iswD ho rhy hn pr afpxy suafrQI mMqvfˆ leI lokfˆ dIafˆ Bfvnfvfˆ BVkfAux ivwc koeI ksr nhIN Cwz rhy. lokfˆ nUM dMBI Dfrimk afgUafˆ qoN sucyq rih ky iPrkU sdBfvnf kfiem rwKx dI pRiqwigaf krnI cfhIdI hY. ieh smJx dI ËrUrq hY ik iPrkU dMigafˆ ivwc nuksfn afm jnqf df hI huMdf hY. Dfrimk isafsI nyqfvfˆ qwk ies awg df syk kdy nhIN phuMcdf. srkfrfˆ nUM afpxf rfj Drm inBfAuNdy hoey ibnfˆ iksy pwKpfq qoN ÈrfrqI ansrfˆ ivruwD sKq kfrvfeI krnI cfhIdI hY qfˆ jo aijhIafˆ Gtnfvfˆ vfr-vfr nf vfprn. kfnUMn BMg krn aqy iPrkU sdBfvnf nUM Tys phuMcfAux vflI iksy vI iksm dI kfrvfeI nUM rokxf srkfr df PrË hY aqy iËMmyvfrI vI.
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Cold weather leads to higher electricity demand
s the temperatures drop, BC Hydro is expecting an increase in the overall provincial electricity use. Electricity demand peaked at 9,102 megawatts, on Monday evening between 5 and 6 p.m. This compares to a peak of only 8,723 megawatts last Monday. Generally, BC Hydro sees the highest demand for electricity between 4 and 8 p.m. on weekday evenings – the time of day when people come home, turn up the heat, do their laundry, make dinner, switch on the T.V., etc. BC Hydro expects demand to stay high in the evenings this week as the cold weather persists throughout the province and is expecting a peak of 9,500 to 10,000 megawatts this week. The highest peak demand on record was observed on Nov. 29, 2006, when consumption reached 10,113 megawatt, between 5 and 6 p.m. British Columbians can take steps to reduce energy use to offset an increase in heating requirements. Easy ways British Columbians can save on their daily power use include: washing clothes in
Worried? In this day and age, it seems like there’s so much to worry about. But, when it becomes pervasive and debilitating – often without a specific cause – it may be Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Often, anxiety drugs or serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs) are prescribed, but Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) has demonstrated the best results. Recognizing the signs and learning new ways to respond can do wonders. Lying awake, staring at the ceiling? You may have heard that exercising can help you sleep better, but a recent study has shown that this benefit takes some time to develop. It takes about four months of regular exercise to see the rewards – which can make it difficult since lack of sleep makes it that much harder to drag yourself off the sofa! But, stick with it since the result is a much more restful sleep than medications can provide.
cold water, turning off the ‘heat dry’ function on the dishwasher and using a programmable thermostat to heat their house only when they are home. Most of the electricity generated and used in BC is produced by large facilities in the north and the southeast of the province. The GM Shrum generating station and the Peace Canyon generating station on the Peace River produce about one-third of the electricity generated in B.C. each year, and the Columbia River facilities – including Revelstoke, Mica and Seven Mile – produce about one-half. The electricity is distributed to cities and towns using 76,000 kilometres of distribution and transmission lines. About BC Hydro: BC Hydro has been providing clean, reliable power to British Columbians for more than 50 years while maintaining among the lowest rates in North America. BC Hydro is a provincial Crown corporation that serves 1.9 million customers and invests in the electrical system and in energy conservation to deliver a safe and reliable supply of electricity for today’s customers and for generations to come.
out of Spain has shown that consuming 2-7 glasses of wine per week reduces the risk of developing depression. The study included over 5000 participants – none of whom had a history of depression – but it also noted that more than 7 glasses per week was associated with an increased risk of depression! Chicken or egg? Those who suffer from depression often have a poor diet, but it’s been unknown which came first: the diet or the depression. The University of Eastern Finland has now demonstrated the positive impact of a nutritious, balanced diet on both the management and prevention of depression. What did they eat? Vegetables, fruits, berries, wholegrains, poultry, fish and low-fat cheese. Added bonus? Many lost weight too! People often don’t make the connection between their lifestyle habits and the state of their health. There are both significant and subtle effects of the foods we consume and the activities we perform that can make a huge difference in the quality of our lives.
Drinking is often frowned upon as a home remedy for treating depression since alcohol acts, physiologically, as a depressant. That said, a large study Article Provided by Blueridge Pharmacy, See advertisement on page 4.
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Support local business during Buy Local Week
uy a dress from a local designer, purchase locally made paper or visit your local craft brewery this week, because it has officially been proclaimed ‘Buy Local Week’ in British Columbia. From Dec. 2 to 8, British Columbians are encouraged to support small businesses and grow the local economy by purchasing made-in-B.C. products and services. This week is your chance to celebrate the economic, social and environmental benefits of shopping local, especially during the busy holiday shopping season. Buying local not only keeps money in British Columbia, it also contributes to job creation. Small businesses employ more than one million people in B.C. and provide about 55 per cent of all private-sector jobs in the province – the second-highest rate in Canada. B.C.-owned businesses are a diverse group and offer products and services across many sectors, including business services, construction, manufacturing, insurance and real estate, educational services, accommodation and food production.
Buy Local Week is being organized by LOCO BC – a local business alliance working to create a diverse, vibrant local economy by strengthening small and midsized businesses. This is the second annual ‘Buy Local Week’ to be proclaimed in B.C. Quotes: Naomi Yamamoto, Minister of State for Tourism and Small Business – “We know buying local is an important economic driver in British Columbia. Not only does it keeps money and jobs in B.C., it also contributes to the character of our neighbourhoods and builds a sense of community.” “This is not only about buying a sweater at a local craft fair – there are thousands of businesses throughout the province to support, from real estate agents to craft brewers to local furniture makers. This week I’ll be buying local to support a strong B.C. economy.” Pat Pimm, Minister of Agriculture – “Almost all of our farms in British Columbia are family owned and operated. When we support our family farms, we get fresh and local foods while also helping build strong and sustainable communities.”
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Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
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vrqmfn smyN nUM asIN sfieMs dy Xuwg df nfm idwqf hY. pr sfzI mfniskqf ieh hY ik asIN ajy vI afpxy kfrobfr qy Gr pRIvfr dI hoxI nUM iksy gYbI sLkqI dy hwQ smJdy hF. sfzy smfj dy lokF dI bhuigxqI kMipAUtr dy ies Xuwg ivwc vI aMDivsLvfs dy hnyiraF `c Btk rhI hY. sfzI aigafnqf aqy kmjLorIaF df Pfiedf AuTfAux leI pMjfb aqy ies dy afs-pfs `c vwzI pwDr sMqvfd hY aqy zyrfvfd df dOr sLurU ho igaf hY. qrwkI krky jo idn-rfq vD-Puwl irhf hY. sfzy dysL ivwc ijwQy bhuigxqI aMDivsLvfs lokF dI hY, ies DMdy qNo vDIaf hor koeI DMdf nhIN hY. igafn-ivigafn qoN ivhUxy ieh sfD, sMq, qFqirk, pfKMzI idnF ivwc hI kroVF dI jfiedfd dy mflk bx jFdy hn. hOlI-hOlI Aus smyN iehnF df idmfg ivgVnf sLurU ho jFdf hY jdoN vwzy vwzy nyqf, mMqrI, aPsr afpxy svfrQF dI Kfqr iehnF dy pYrIN afx pYNdy hn. iehnF zyiraF aqy zyrydfrF dI bdOlq sfzy smfj ivwc iewk ivhlV jmfq pYdf ho rhI hY jo ikrqI lokF dI KUn psIny dI kmfeI nUM ivhilaF bYT ky zkfr rhI hY. aKOqI sfDF-sMqF dy inwq nvyN zyry ikvyN Ausr rhy hn? iehnF dy zyiraF `qy BIVF ikvyN lwgIaF rihMdIaF hn. ies ipwCy BfvyN hor vI keI kfrn ho skdy hn pr muwK rUp ivwc iqMn kfrn hn. sfzy sMskfr aqy aMDivsLvfsI DfrnfvF jo pIVHIdr-pIVHI cwlIaF af rhIaF hn. ijvyN asIN afpxI aqy afpxy pirvfr dI afriQk aqy srIrk qOr `qy surwiKaf leI iksy gYbI sLkqI nUM ijLMmyvfr
TihrfAuNdy hF. iesy vfsqy hI ijLafdfqr lok pfT, pUjf, Xwg, hvn qIrQ-Xfqrf afid krdy hn.
iehnF aKOqI sfDF dy zyiraF `qy idnF ivwc hI vwzyvwzy lMgr hfl, prbcn hfl qy srobr bx jFdy hn. ieh ieMnf pYsf ikwQoN afAuNdf hY. ieMnI jldI ieh qrwkI ikvyN sMBv huMdI hY, ieh smJx leI QoVHf hor ivsQfr `c jfx dI loV hY:
ihsfb nfl qkrIbn 50 joiVaF dy Gr lVkf pYdf hovygf. iehnF `c jykr hr iewk 1000 rupey vI zyry `qy dfn dyx qF ibnF iksy lfgq qoN zyry qy 50 hjLfr rupey ByNt ho jFdy hn. bfkI rhI lVkI pYdf krn vfly joiVaF dI gwl, Auh Aukq sfD nUM dosL nhIN idMdy, afpxI iksmq nUM kosdy hn aqy iksy hor zyry qy jfxf sLurU kr idMdy hn. dUjy arQF ivwc ies DMdy nUM ieMJ vI smiJaf jf skdf hY. jykr iewk ipMz df koeI clfk ivakqI afpxy ielfky dy ds bwicaF nUM khy ik mYN quhfnUM borz dy iemiqhfn `c pfs krvf idMdf hF. pr ies leI hryk bwcy qoN hjLfr rupey lvFgf. hux jykr pMj bwcy kudrqI pfs ho jfx qF ibnF iksy kMm kIiqaF Aus ivakqI nUM 5000 rupey iml gey. dunIaF ivwc koeI vI kMm krn leI aqy pYsf kmfAux leI imhnq krn aqy pYsf lgfAux dI jLrUrq pYNdI hY pr ieh dunIaF df iewko-iewk aijhf DMdf hY ijs ivwc pYsf lgfAux dI koeI jLrUrq nhIN pYNdI aqy afmdn vI vwD huMdI hY.
hr kMm dy hox ipwCy muwK rUp `c do hI pwK huMdy hn jF Auh kMm ho jfeygf jF nhIN hovygf. imsfl vjoN koeI ivakqI cfhvy ik Aus dy lVky nUM irsLqf hovy qF Aus dy lVky nUM jF irsLqf ho jfxf hY jF nhIN hovygf. irsLqf ho ky tuwt jfxf iewk vwKrI gwl hY. sfD-sMq, qFqirk bfby iesy gwl df hI Pfiedf lYNdy hn. Audfhrx dy qOr `qy iewk zyry dy sfD pfs sO joVy lVkf hox dI afs nfl ardfs krvfAuNdy hn, qF jn sMiKaf `c lVkI-lVky dy anupfq dy
sfzy dysL `c ijwQy kyNdrI iswiKaf mMqrI skUlF, kfljF qy hor ividak adfiraF ivwc joiqsL ividaf pVHfAux leI awzI cotI df jor lf rhy hox. ijwQy mINh pvfAux leI mMqrIaF vwloN guwzIaF PUkIaF jFdIaF hox, lokF vwloN kroVF rupey XwgF, hvnF qy Krc kIqy jFdy hox, sfD-sMq, tI[ vI[ cYnlF `qy smF KrId ky prvcn krdy hox, AuWQy hfl dI GVI pKMzI lokF dI igxqI hor vD jfx dI BivwKbfxI kIqI jf skdI hY.
sfzI ividak pRxflI ieMnI nuksdfr hY ik mnuwK pVH-ilK ky vI ivigafnk soc df DfrnI nhIN bxdf sgoN aMDivsLvfsI hI rih jFdf hY. iesy leI iksy sfD-sMq dy afAux qy pVHy-ilKy lok vI JfVU lf ky sVkF sfP krn lwg pYNdy hn. sfzy dysL ivwc mnorMjn dy sfDnF dI Gft hox krky vI lok trwkF, bwsF, trflIaF, jIpF, kfrF qy aijhy Dfrimk asQfnF qy vwzI igxqI `c jFdy hn. sfzI aigafnqf df Pfiedf aKOqI sfD-sMq aqy pujfrI vrg AuTfAuNdf hY.
gurcrn isMG nUrpur
ivigafnk soc rwKx vfly ivksq mulkF ivwc aijhy mjLbI pKMz df bolbflf Gt irhf hY. afm qOr `qy vyiKaf jfvy qF aijhy pKMz grIb mulkF ivwc hI pnpdy hn. awj vfhIXog jLmIn `qy zyry Ausfr ky ieh pKMzI sfD-sMq ijwQy dysL dI sMpqI nUM Korf lf rhy hn AuWQy iehnF zyiraF ivwc srIrk soLsLx qy afriQk luwt vI ho rhI hY. iehnF zyiraF ivwc mhIny bfad aqy slfnf hox vfly BMzfiraF, brsIaF aqy hor smfgmF leI lwKF lItr pYtrol, zIjLl njfiejL hI PUikaf jFdf hY, hjLfrF lokF dI sLkqI, PjLUl kMmF qy Krc huMdI hY. ivigafnk soc nUM BMzx vfly ieh aKOqI sfD ivigafn df muhweIaf krfieaf hr suwK Bog rhy hn. lokF nUM ‘mfieaf nfgnI hY, ies qoN bco’ df AupdysL dy rhy hn. lokF qoN afpxy vfsqy dfn lY ky agly jnmF `c svrg dy lfry lf rhy ieh lok afp iesy jnm `c hI rfijaF-mhfrfijaF vrgf jIvn bqIq kr rhy hn. iehnF sfDF dy hjLfrF dI igxqI `c huMidaF vI sfzIaF smwisafvF Gwt nhIN rhIaF sgoN vDIaF hI hn. awj aKOqI mjLbI zyry pfT-pUjf, hvn-Xuwg, BMzfry qrwkI dy rfhF dy roVy bx rhy hn. iehnF dI afV lY ky pKMzI qy clfk lok smfj dy glq vqIiraF nUM cldf rwKx leI shfeI ho rhy hn. iPr socIey ik iehnF pKMzI sfDF-sMqF mgr lwg ky aqy iehnF dy zyiraF dy vfr-vfr cwkr lgf ky asIN afpxf aqy afpxy smfj df suDfr ikvyN kr skdy hF.
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
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jfdUgr styj qoN afAuNdf hY. iek hvnkuMz ivwc DUP smwgrI pf ky jgfAuNdf hY. kflI mfqf dI mihmf ivwc mMqrF df jfp krdf hY. kuwJ dyr guMm suMm ijhf rihx bfad iewk dm acfnk hI AuWcI dy ky cIK mfrdf hY-jY kflI klkwqy vflI qyrf vfr nf jfey KflI isr GumfAux lwg jFdf hY. jtF KuwlH jFdIaF hn. PuMkfry mfrdf hoieaf drsLkF nUM afpo afpxIaF smwisafvF ilK Byjx leI kihMdf hY. drsLk kflI mfqf pRgt ho geI smJky afpxy ksLt ilK ky nfvF smyq Byjdy hn aqy nfl hI iql Puwl mfieaf vI ByNt kr afAuNdy hn. jfdUgr vfro vfrI iewk iewk smwisaf vflf kfgjL AuTfAuNdf hY pVHdf hY AuWcI avfjL ivwc-duKI Bgq df nF vI dwsdf hY. Pyr shfiek nUM afpxI jyb ivwcoN iewk korI prcI kwZ ky PVfAuNdf hY aqy hvn kuMz ivwc bl rhI agnI duafly prcI nUM
swq gyVy puwTy qy swq gyVy iswDy dyx leI afKdf hY. afp mMqrF df Aucfrx krdf hY. Pyr shfiek qoN prcI PVdf hY aqy iPr Aus Aupr iliKaf smfDfn pVHky suxfAuNdf hY jo ieMJ huMdf hY-kMm ivwc bhuq ivGn hY-imhnq krn nfl kfrj iswD ho skdf hY-dusLmx cOksL qy qkVy hn huisLafrI qoN kMm lvo afid, vfro vfrI sB dIaF smwisafvF dy jvfb dy idwqy jFdy hn. lokF qoN cMgI rkm btor leI jFdI hY. ieh iksy kflI mfqf dI ikRpf kfrn nhIN huMdf sgoN jfdUgr ny sPYd kfgjL dIaF prcIaF qy ipafj dy rs nfl pihlF hI bhuq sfry srb pwKI ZuwkvyN jvfb ilKy huMdy hn. jdoN iehnF nUM awg dy kol kIqf jFdf hY qF jvf jo pihlF ivKfeI nhIN idMdy syk nfl spwsLt pRgt ho jFdy hn. ieh rsfiexk ikRaf df hI nqIjf huMdf hY. iksy sLkqI df nhIN.
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iewk bwcy nUM jfdUgr styj qoN swddf hY. kfgjL df tukVf dy ky Aus nUM miTafeI df nF ilKx leI afKdf hY jo Auh bwcf KfxI psMd krdf hY. Pyr bwcy dIaF awKF bMd krvfky miTafeI df iDafn Drky nF lYx leI afKdf hY. QoVy dyr dI ies prikRaf bfad Auh miTafeI df nF ilKy vflf kfgj bwcy dI jIB ‘qy lf idMdf hY aqy pwuCdf hY ik ikho ijhf svfd sI miTafeI df bwcf
afpxy mnpsMd dI miTafeI dy svfd dI pusLtI krdf hY. ieh bhuq hI iswDf tirwk hY jo svfd-BrmF qy aDfirq hY. jfdUgr kfgj qy skrIn lf idMdf hY jo imwTI huMdI hY. qIh-cflI vfrI mn-psMd miTafeI df nF lYx nfl bwcy df iDafn Aus qy kyNdirq ho jFdf hY jdoN skrIn lwigaf kfgj Aus dI jIB qy lfieaf jFdf hY qF Aus nUM afpxI mn psMd miTafeI dy svfd df Brm ho jFdf hY.
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Punjabi Patrika
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
muPq huMdf hY gwl kI Aus nUM sfrIaF shUlqF muPq idwqIaF jFdIaF hn. bwicaF leI pMj pRfxIaF leI shUlq hY. CotI Aumr dy pRfxIaF leI bwicaF vflIaF KyzF AunHF dy mnprcfvy leI vIzIE gymjL pUrf pUrf pRbMD hY, qF ik bwcy afpxy afKrI smyN ivwc suKmeI aqy anMddfiek vfqfvrn ivwc ivcrn.
BfvyN aYbtsPorz pUry kYnyzf Br ivwc byrI kYpItl krky jfixaf jFdf hY aqy ies df kOmFqrI eyar sLoa vI sMsfr Br ivwc mshUrI df kfrn hY iPr vI ies dI invyklI qy inrflI ivlwKxqf df kfrn hor do ajUby vI hn. pihlf qF ieh hY ik aYbtsPorz dy AuWqrI amrIkf df sB qoN purfxf gurU Gr iewQy hI siQq hY. ijs nUM kYnyzf dI srkfr ny kOmI ivrfsq df drjf dy ky ies sLihr nUM sMsfr Br `c iswK BfeIcfry vloN kYnyzf dI afriQkqf siBafcfr qy rfjsI Kyqr ivc pfey gey Xogdfn nUM pRvfngI pRdfn kIqI geI. dUjf iswK Drm df iehI iek gurUduafrf hY ijs dI sqfbdI mnfAux df mfx vI imilaf aqy ieh kOmI ivrfsq gurU Gr aYbtsPorz Bfrq jF hor dysLF qoN afAux vfly sYlfnIaF dI iek ijafrqgfh vI bx igaf hY.
kYnyzf Br ivwc 5vF nvInI qknIk dy aDfirq nvF hspqfl aqy kYNsr sYNtr hspqfl aYbtsPorz dI iek anuTI PYisltI hY. ies qoN vI vwKrf iek hor invyklf inrflf ajUbf hY aYbtsPorz hfAuspfeIs sosfietI dI PisltI. ijs dI nvIN iblizMg nvyN hspqfl dy aYmrjYNsI ivBfg vfly pfsy Aus dy pwCm ivwc mfrsl roz `qy iqafr ho rhI hY. aYbtsPorz hfAuspfeIs sosfietI dI purfxI lokysLn vI hspqfl dy njLdIk hI sI jo Ausy pfsy hI Aus dy pUrb vwl siQq sI. ijs nUM vyc idwqf igaf hY aqy nvIN lokysLn qy nvIN iblizMg bx rhI hY. pMjfbI pwiqRkf dy pRqIinDF vloN bIqy idnIN ies nvIN lokysLn dy drsLn kIqy gey aqy sosfietI dy pRbMDkF nfl gwlbfq kIqI geI.
aYbtsPorz hfAuspfeIs sosfietI koeI srkfrI sMsQf nhIN hY iek smfj syvI sMsQf hY jo afpxIaF syvfvF leI jfxI pihcfxI jFdI hY. ies sosfietI vloN AunHF pRfxIaF leI iewQy Gr vrgIaF shUlqF pRdfn kIqIaF jFdIaF hn ijMnF df jIvn QoVf icr huMdf hY jF ieAuN kih lvo ik ijMnf pRfxIaF ny kuJ smyN bfad ies sMsfr qoN sdf leI kUc kr jfxf huMdf hY. AunHF dy jIvn dy aKIrly smyN nUM Auh afpxy pRIvfr smyq iewQy ivcrky –rihky suKfvF smF gujfr skx. AunHF leI ieh sfrIaF shUlqF muhweIaf kIqIaF jFdIaF hn. AunHF dy ielfj df pRbMD kIqf jFdf hY AunHF leI QrYpI msfj, KyzF, pVHn leI aKLbfr ikqfbF aqy rsfly, AunHF dy mnpRcfvy leI vIzIE gymjL aqy hor iPlmF dyKx leI tI[ vI[ kmiraF df pRbMD huMdf hY. gwl kI Gr
vrgf hI mhOl muhweIaf kIqf jFdf hY. bwicaF leI bwicaF vflIaF KyzF df pRbMD hY, aqy iblizMg dy ipCly ihwsy ivwc iek bhuq hI rmxIk njLfry vflI jgfh hY ijwQy mrIj tihl skdf hY. PuwlF nfl sjy sjfey njLfry pysL hn. gwl kI mrIj ijs ny hor QoVy smyN bfad ies dunIaF nUM Cwz jfxf huMdf hY Aus dy aKIrI smyN ivwc Aus dy suK arfm aqy anMd vflI siQqI Aus nUM muhweIaf krvfeI jFdI hY qF ik Auh hmysLf icMqf aqy iPkrF nfl duKdfeI plF qoN injLfq pf ky aqy sLFqI BrpUr sMqusLtqf dI Bfvnf nfl ivdf ho sky. ieWQy vflMtIar tRyinMg df pRbMD vI hY. ies PisltI ivKy iek smyN ds pRfxI rih skdy hn AunHF dy Kfx pIx aqy loVINdI mYzIkl shfieqf
mfrsl roz `qy siQq nvyN hspqfl dy aYmrjYNsI ivMg dI pfrikMg lft dy nfl siQq hY. ies dI vwzI iblizMg jo AusfrI aDIn hY dIaF vhIkl pfrk krn leI 52 aMzrgrfAUNz pfrkF vI hn. iblizMg do ihwisaF ivwc hY pihly ihwsy ivwc rIsYpsLn, pRbMDkI dPqr pUry pRIvfrF leI rihx dy kmiraF qoN ielfvf mrIjF leI Bojn vfsqy ikcn hY. mrIjF nfl AunHF dy pRIvfr vI rih skdy hn AunHF df Kfx pIx vI muPq huMdf hY. aYbtsPorz hfAuspfeIs sosfietI hr aijhy pRfxI leI Gr vrgIaF suKshUlqF pRdfn krdI hY. ieh aYbtsPorz df iek invyklf qy inrflf ajUbf hY. istI afP aYbtsPorz dI kONsl vloN ies hfAuspfeIs leI 2[2 eykV jmIn muPq dfn vjoN idwqI geI hY. ies sosfietI df sfrf bjt Krcf dfnIaF vloN idwqf jFdf hY. dfn ivakqIgq aqy sMsQfvF vloN kIqf jFdf hY. pYtirk gIjbrYkt jo bI[ sI[ cYNbr afP kfmrs dy zfierYktr vI hn aqy aYbtsPorz dI jfxI pihcfxI smfj syvI sKsLIaq ny dwisaf hY ik ies PisltI dy pUry pRojYkt `qy 12 imlIan zflr Krc afeygf aqy ieh pRojYkt dsMbr 2014 qwk mukMml ho jfeygf. sfry hI BfeIcfry nUM apIl kIqI jFdI hY ik mnuWKqf dI syvf kr rhy aYbtsPorz hfAuspfeIs sosfietI dI idl KolH ky mfiek shfieqf kro.
Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock
BLUEBERRY PLANTS Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-toname Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have 20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business.
  virus indexing � � � � � � � � � �   � € � � � � � � � �
We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the only authorized nursery to sell Reka we can provide you with this.
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When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.
€ � � � � † „� „ � � � � � „ � � † … † �† … ‡ „ ˆ � � � � � …� � � � � � � � � ‰ Š† � � ‹� � � � ‰
We are committed to provide you with only the best blueberry plants available and guarantee it.
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We offer: • Expert Consulting • Competitive Pricing • Exceptional Quality Stock • A Wide Selection of Varieties • Complete Customer Satisfaction
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For Further Information or to Place an Order Please Call:
Kam or Harry: (604) 853-1775
32787 Townshipline, Abbotsford, B.C. PAGE 13
Punjabi Patrika
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Friday, December 6th, 2013
B.C. students among best internationally Fifteen-year-old students in B.C. are ing jurisdictions in the world and, once again among the best in the world depending on the subject, puts B.C. at math, science and reading, accord- 15-year-old students in a range above ing to a major international assessment other high-performing jurisdictions released today by the Organisation for such as Finland, Germany and AusEconomic Co-operation and Develop- tralia. In comparison to the other Cament (OECD). nadian provinces, B.C students were top ranked in reading and science, and  The Programme for International Stusecond only to Quebec in math. dent Assessment (PISA) is conducted every three years and is one of the  It is important to note that while most comprehensive programs of its B.C. students did well in PISA 2012, kind in the world. student performance appears to have plateaued. Science and reading scores  Among the 65 participating countries have been relatively stable over the and economies, only one jurisdiction past decade. Scores in mathematics are statistically performed above B.C.’s down from PISA 2003, but changed range in reading, only two jurisdiclittle since PISA 2006. tions in science, and nine jurisdictions in mathematics. On a straight numeri-  These foundational skills will be cal rank basis, B.C. is sixth in both measured again through PISA 2015 reading and science and 12th in math- but the OECD will, for the first time, ematics. B.C. also demonstrated high also assess student competencies in equity in student performance, which collaborative problem-solving. Balis the gap between the highest- and ancing the focus on both foundational lowest-performing students, showing skills and key competencies is a goal the system is delivering high student underlying the current transformation achievement in an equitable manner. of B.C.’s K-12 curriculum.  This maintains B.C.’s historical position as one of the top perform-
 The PISA 2012 results follow last year’s Progress in International Read-
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
ing Literacy Study, which also demonstrated B.C.’s Grade 4 students were among the best readers in the world (ranked seventh among 45 jurisdictions). Quotes: Peter Fassbender, Minister of Education – “This study demonstrates once again that B.C. has one of the best education systems in the world. It is a testament to the dedication of B.C.’s teachers and to the significant investment we make as a society in our children’s education. “While these results are good news, they are no reason to be complacent. They show we’re solid on the basics but we must adapt to the changing needs of a rapidly changing world. In 2015, the OECD will begin to test for collaborative problem solving – the kind of skill increasingly in demand by employers around the world.” “I want to thank the BCTF for their help in developing our new curriculum which will help better prepare our students for the future.”
“Through the BC Education Plan, we are working to transform our system. Our goal is to foster capable, engaged, confident young people ready to thrive and succeed on their life’s journey, wherever that may take them.” Quick Facts: • PISA is designed to provide policyoriented international indicators of the skills and knowledge of 15-year-old students and shed light on a range of factors that contribute to successful students, schools, education systems and learning outcomes. • PISA is unique in that it is not tied to the curriculum of any province or participating country or economy but is instead a fair measurement of students’ abilities to use their learning skills to solve real-life situations. • In 2012, a total of 510,000 students took part in the PISA study. • In Canada, approximately 21,000 15-year-olds from 900 schools took part. This included 1,741 students from 74 B.C. schools.
Punjabi Patrika
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mhfn icwqrkfr s: soBf isMG dI soBf ilKx lwigafˆ icwqrx nUM bhuq Èbdfˆ dI Gft mihsUs ho rhI hY. Aus mhfn qy bhupwKI mhw q qf idw q I. ÈKsIaq leI do Èbd kihxy sUrj nUM dIvf idKfAux e y n I i m h n q vflI gwl hY. icwqrkfr soBf isMG ny afpxI iËMdgI aqy lgn sdkf ivc bhuq Auqrfa cVHfa vyKy. afpxI iËMdgI dy plfˆ hI AunHfˆ nUM awj nUM mfxidafˆ soBf isMG ies mukfm `qy phuMc igaf ik Xfd kIqf jfˆdf awj vI nfmvr icwqrkfr dy qOr `qy Xfd kIqf jfˆdf hY. s: soBf isMG hY qy AunHfˆ duafrf bxfey icwqr hËfrfˆ Grfˆ dI Èfn df ivafh 1923 bxy hoey hn. s: soBf isMG df jnm 29 nvMbr 1901 ivc s: rfm nUM ipqf s: dyvf isMG qy mfqf bIbI awCrfˆ dy Gr sRI isMG Tykydfr hirgoibMdpur iËlHf gurdfspur ivc hoieaf. bcpn d I s p u w q r I ivc soBf isMG ibafs dy iknfry ryq ivc Auglfˆ nfl bIbI pMjm kOr icwqr vfhuMdf sI. soBf isMG dI pVHfeI gurdfspur gurdfspur nfl qoN sLurU hoeI. afeI[ tI[ afeI[ aMimRqsr qoN afrt hoieaf. ivafh aYˆz krfPt df kors kIqf. akqUbr 1919 nUM ÌOj qoN bfad pMjm ivc nOkr ho ky ierfk clf igaf. izAUtI dOrfn Aus kOr df nfˆa bdl ky ieMdr kOr rwK idwqf igaf. kMm dIafˆ aMgryË klfkfrfˆ nfl imlxIafˆ hoeIafˆ. AunHfˆ dy islisly `c soBf isMG aMimRqsr, idwlI, lfhOr qy aMgryË aPsrfˆ ny soBf isMG dy kMm nUM bhuq srfihaf hor anykfˆ hI Qfvfˆ `qy GuMmy qy afpxI pRiqBf df lohf qy qfrIP kIqI aqy ies ivÈy `qy cMgf sfihq pVHn mnvfieaf. s: soBf isMG ny afpxI iËMdgI ivc do dI slfh idwqI. qkrIbn cfr sfl bfad 1923 nUM hËfr dy krIb icwqr bxfey, ijnHfˆ ivc sRI gurU nfnk soBf isMG nOkrI Cwz ky vfps dyÈ prq afieaf qy dyv jI dy keI icwqr, sRI gurU hirgoibMd sfihb jI, af ky sRI aMimRqsr sfihb Pvfrf cONk ivc afpxf sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI, bfbf dIp isMG jI, sfeIN mIafˆ afrt stUzIAu KolH ilaf. pRiswD nfvilst s: nfnk mIr jI, bfbf PrId jI, sRI ikRÈn jI, BfeI GneIaf isMG, pRiswD kvI BfeI vIr isMG, BfeI kfnH isMG jI, sohxI mhINvfl qy anykfˆ hI hor icwqr bxfey, ijnHfˆ nfBf, s: gurbKÈ isMG pRIqlVI AunHfˆ dy smkflI rhy dI bdOlq s: soBf isMG amr ho gey. gurU sihbfn hn. AunHfˆ dI afps ivc cMgI dosqI vI sI. sLurUafqI dy icwqr isrjx vyly soBf isMG dy kihx anusfr ik idnfˆ ivc s: soBf isMG ny Bgqfˆ qy pRiswD pRym kQfvfˆ ‘mYˆ, jdoN gurU sihbfn dy icwqr isrjdf hfˆ qfˆ, mYˆ gurU nfl sbMDq icwqr bxfey. pMQ pRiswD mhfˆigafnIafˆ sihbfn df srIr nhIN, sgoN AunHfˆ dy rUhfnI guxfˆ nUM dI sMgq sdkf s: soBf isMG df irÈqf gurU Gr nfl icwqrdf hfˆ` iËMdgI dy afKrI idnfˆ ivc Auh Bgq hor pkyrf ho igaf qy soBf isMG ny bVI hI iÈwdq nfl rvIdfs jI df icwqr bxf rhy sn jo aDUrf hI rih gurU sihbfnfˆ dy icwqr AulIky jo afpxy afp ivc iek igaf. afKrI idnfˆ dOrfn Auh ies dOV Bwj dI iËMdgI imsfl hn. s: soBf isMG afpxy kMm pRqI eyny vPfdfr qoN dUr aMdryty jf vwsy. 1986 nUM Auh gurU crnfˆ ivc This is a PROOF of your ad in the forthcoming edition Contract# qyofiemfndfr sn ik keI-keI GMBusiness itafˆ bwDI ieksfr jf ibrfjy. Auh afpxIafˆ mhfn klfikRqIafˆ krky the Indo-Canadian Pages ‘2013 kMm RnU M smripq hu M d y sn. Au n H f ˆ gu r U sihbfnfˆ dy hmyÈf iËMdDfATErihxgy. ANY QUESTION, CALL: 604.502.6100 EADY FOR PRESS DESIGNER CLASSIFICATION SALES REP. SIGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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mËdUrfˆ kol afpxIafˆ jMjIrfˆ dy isvf guafAux vfsqy kuJ nhIN hY aqy ijwqx vfsqy sfrI dunIafˆ peI hY, ‘dunIafˆ Br dy mËdUro, iewk ho jfE.` afpxy sfQI kfrl mfrks nfl rl ky dunIafˆ Br dy ikrqI mËdUrfˆ nUM ieh hokf dyx vfly mfrksvfd isDfˆq rcnf dy sihXogI, iPlfsPr, smfj ÈfsqrI aqy dfrÈink PrYzirk eyˆglj df jnm 29 nvMbr 1820 nUM prÈIaf dy bfrmyn ivKy hoieaf sI. AunHfˆ dy ipqf PrYzirk iewk kpfh vpfrI sn. Auh aqy eyˆglË dI mfˆ aYiljfbYQ eIsfeI Drm ivwc aquwt ivÈvfs rwKdy sn. eyˆglË ny 1838 eIsvI ivwc afpxI pihlI kivqf ‘byzUien` ilKI. iPr Aus ny afpxI pCfx gupq rwKdy hoey kfrKfinafˆ ivwc kMm krn vfly mËdUrfˆ dI aslIaq bfry kfrl mfrks dI sMpfdnf hyT Cpx vfly aKbfr ‘rInÈy jyquMg` ivwc keI lyK ilKy. ienHfˆ lyKfˆ sdkf hI Aus nUM kfrl mfrks nfl imlx df mOkf imilaf aqy iPr ieh dovyˆ gUVHy imwqr bx gey qy ienHfˆ dI imwqrqf afKrI sfhfˆ qwk inBdI rhI. eyˆglj dy mfpy Aus nUM afpxy kol Dfrimk rucIafˆ ivwc hI rwKxf cfhuMdy sn pr jdoN AunHfˆ nUM ieh jfipaf ik Aus ny hor rsqf cux ilaf hY qfˆ Gridafˆ ny Aus nUM afpxy kfbU ivwc rwKx dy ierfdy nfl ieMglYˆz dy mYncYstr ivKy ivktorIaf imwl ivwc kMm krn leI Byj idwqf. ies smyˆ qwk Aus ny afpxf rfh aKiqafr kr ilaf sI. iewQy Aus df sMprk iewk kRfˆqIvfdI mËdUr aOrq brMs nfl hoieaf, ijs nfl rl ky Aus ny mËdUrfˆ nUM jQybMd krn df kMm kIqf. iewQy rihMidafˆ AunHfˆ afpxI pihlI afriQk rcnf ‘afAUtlfeIn afP kirtIk afP puiltIkl iekonmI` ilKI. ies qoN
bfad eyˆglË ny JuwgIafˆ JOpVIafˆ dI aiq mfVI hflq nUM afpxy lyKfˆ df ivÈf bxfieaf. Aus ny bfl mËdUrI `qy vI keI lyK ilKy. ienHfˆ nUM pihlfˆ ‘rInÈy jyquMg` aqy iPr ‘zfAucy Prfˆsoiescy jfrbKyr` ivwc pRkfiÈq kIqf igaf aqy bfad ivwc ienHfˆ ilKqfˆ nUM 1845 ivwc ‘dI kMzIÈn afP vrikMg klfs ien ieMglYˆz` nfˆ dI pusqk dy rUp ivwc pRkfiÈq kIqf igaf. ies pusqk ivwc AunHfˆ pUMjIvfd dy BivwK aqy AudXoigk kRfˆqI bfry ivcfr pyÈ krn dy nfl-nfl ieMglYˆz dI imhnqkÈ jnqf dI aslI hflq nUM vI ibafn kIqf sI. ies AuprMq Auh bYljIam dy brsyls Èihr jf ky rihx lwgy. kfrl mfrks vI AudoN iewQy rih rhy sn. dovyˆ iekwTy kMm krn lwgy. ies dOrfn Auh aMzr-grfˆAUz jQybMdI ‘jrmn kimAUinst lIg` dy mYˆbr bx gey, jo kRfˆqIkfrIafˆ dI jQybMdI sI qy ijsdIafˆ ÈfKfvfˆ hor dyÈfˆ ivwc vI PYl cuwkIafˆ sn. iewQy rihMidafˆ hI AunHfˆ ‘mYnIPYsto afP dI kimAUinst pfrtI` dI rcnf kIqI jo 21 PrvrI 1848 nUM pRkfiÈq kIqf igaf sI. afpxy jIvn kfl dOrfn eyˆglj ny ‘sfihq aqy klf`, ‘pRikrqI df ivroD ivkfs aqy ‘aYˆtI zUhirMg` nfˆ dIafˆ ikqfbfˆ smfj nUM idwqIafˆ sn. iËMdgI dy aKrIly smyˆ Aus ny pirvfr, jfiedfd aqy rfj dI AuqpqI sbMDI iewk pusqk ilKI. 5 agsq 1895 nUM gly dy kYˆsr kfrn lMzn ivKy Aus dI mOq ho geI sI.
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Punjabi Patrika
íÅðå ç¶ ÃÅìÕÅ êzèÅé î§åðÆ ×°ÜðÅñ 鱧 ïÅç ÕðÇçÁź ipCly sfl 30 nvMbr nUM sRI ieMdr kumfr gujrfl vwzI syvf krky ies dunIafˆ nUM alivdf afK gey. afpxI ihMmq nfl AunHfˆ ny Bfrq dy pRDfn mMqrI dI pdvI pRfpqI kIqI. jd Bfrq 1997 ivc afËfdI dI 50vIN vrHygMZ mnf irhf sI qfˆ sRI gujrfl nUM ieiqhfsk lfl iklHy qoN bolx df avsr imilaf sI. Auh BfÈx awj vI Bfrq vfsIafˆ vfsqy iek eyjMzf hY. lok Aus nUM ‘gujrfl zfktrfeIn` kih ky pukfrn lwg pey sn. scmuwc gujrfl ny afpxy qjrby qoN Bfrq sfhmxy ihMd-pfiksqfn dosqI df iek nkÈf rwiKaf sI. ieMdr kumfr gujrfl df jnm awj dy pfiksqfn dy Èihr ijhlm ivc hoieaf sI. AunHfˆ dy ipqf ny Bfrq dI afËfdI leI jylHfˆ kwtIafˆ. gujrfl lfhOr ivc pVHdy sn. hr glI dy vfikP sn. AunHfˆ nUM lfhOr dI iKwc hmyÈf pukfrdI sI. AuQy hI afËfdI dI jMg ivc Auh Èfiml hoey. gujrfl Kwby pwKI isDfˆq vwl iKwcy gey. AunHfˆ dI dosqI dy Gyry ivc Aus vkq dy AuWGy ivdvfn dosq Èfiml sn. lfhOr adbI Èihr ny gujrfl nUM AurdU ÈfierI df vI pRsMsk bxfieaf sI. sfrI Aumr Auh AurdU dy iÈar suxf ky KuÈ huMdy sn. keI vfr AunHfˆ dy muslmfn pRsMsk jo hmyÈf AurdU nUM muslmfnfˆ dI bolI afKdy sn, nUM Èrmsfr hoxf pYˆdf sI. gujrfl hr AurdU dI mihÌl df iÈMgfr huMdy sn. AunHfˆ df imjfË hmyÈf dosqfnf huMdf sI. dosq df ilhfË qy hlImI AunHfˆ dy gux sn. pMjfbIafˆ nUM rwb dI iek vwzI dyx hY ik pMjfbI kdy ËmIr dI afvfË nUM dbf ky nhIN rwK skdf. sRI gurU nfnk dyv qy bfbf PrId dI bfxI kRfˆqIkfrI bxfAuNdI hY. julm ivruwD KVHf hox dI iswiKaf idMdI hY. gujrfl ies `qy KrHy Auqry. jd 1984 dy dhfky ivc pMjfb dy hflfq Krfb hoey. pMjfb nUM Bfrq srkfr ny iek duÈmx iKwqf smJ ky drbfr sfihb `qy hmlf kIqf aqy idwlI ivc iswKfˆ df kqlyafm hoieaf. Aus smyˆ swcy pMjfbI gujrfl awgy ho ky pMjfb dI Ëbfn bx gey. ies leI ‘pMjfb gruwp` bxfieaf. kuldIp neIar, jnrl jgjIq isMG aroVf, sfbkf pMjfb gvrnr inrml muKrjI nUM nfl lY ky sfzy leI sMGrÈ kIqf. pMjfb `qy hoey julm ivruwD afvfË AuTfeI. sB qoN vwzI gujrfl dI dlyrI qy vcnbwDqf pRgt hoeI sI jd 1975 ivc ieMdrf gfˆDI ny Bfrq ivc aYmrjYˆsI lgf idwqI sI. gujrfl Aus vkq sUcnf qy pRsfrn mMqrI sn. kYbint mIitMg ivc AunHfˆ ny aKLbfrfˆ `qy sYˆsr lfAux qoN nfˆh kr idwqI sI. pRYws dI afËfdI dy hwk ivc Auh afpxI ËmIr dI afvfË muqfibk KVHy rhy. AunHfˆ df mihkmf bdl idwqf igaf iPr AunHfˆ nUM vËfrq CwzxI peI. AunHfˆ nUM Bfrq df rfjdUq bxf ky rUs Byj idwqf igaf. AuQy AunHfˆ ny sfbq kr idwqf ik iek rfjsI qjrby vflf ikvyˆ izplomysI ivc kfmXfb ho skdf hY. keI sfl AuQy rhy. 1980 ivc jd mfsko ivc ElMipks hoeIafˆ mYˆ AunHfˆ nUM AuQy imilaf sI. sfrI BfrqI tIm AunHfˆ dI pRsMsf krdI sI. vfps af ky Auh kfˆgrs pfrtI ivruwD AuWTI hnyrI ivc Èfiml ho gey. vI[ pI[ isMG pRDfn mMqrI bx gey, gujrfl ivdyÈ mMqrI. sfry ivÈv ivc AunHfˆ ny Bfrq dI cMgI sfK bxfAux dI koiÈÈ kIqI. muV 1996 ivc dyvgOVf dI srkfr ivc ivdyÈ mMqrI bxy qy 1997 ivc pRDfn mMqrI dI AuWc pdvI `qy
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puwjy. pMjfb nUM mfx hY ik do vfr Auh jlMDr qoN mYˆbr pfrlImYˆt cuxy gey. AunHfˆ ny pMjfbI mfˆ dy pIqy duwD df bdlf cukfieaf. jd pRDfn mMqrI bxy qfˆ pMjfb iËMmy jo awqvfd dy smyˆ df kroVfˆ rupey df krËf sI, Auh muafP kr idwqf, pMjfb nUM eynI afriQk shfieqf kdy nhIN sI imlI. ies nfl pMjfb afriQk sMkt qoN bc igaf sI. koeI vI pMjfbI AunHfˆ dI ieh syvf Buwl nhIN skdf. Auh afpxI aBuwl Xfd Cwz ky gey hn. jlMDr ivc dUrdrÈn qy sfieMs istI AunHfˆ dI dyx hY. sfry Bfrq ivc ies df nfˆa hY. jlMDr Èihr ivc iek XqImKfnf aqy iesqrIafˆ leI afÈrm clf ky gey hn. AunHfˆ dy ipqf jlMDr af ky vsy sn qy pMjfb kONsl dy mYˆbr sn. gujrfl df jnqk jIvn bVf lMmf irhf hY, lgfqfr vËIr rhy pr iemfndfrI dI imsfl bx ky gey hn. Auh iek idafnqdfr qy kuÈl vËIr, Bfrq-pfik dosqI dy muwdeI aqy swcy pMjfbI sn.
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
ADVANCE IMMIGRATION SOLUTIONS INC. Have your say on rural highway We provide all types of Immigration Services, such as: òðÕ êðÇîà, Ãà¼âÆ êðÇîà Çò÷àð òÆ÷Å ëËâðñ ÃÇÕñâ òðÕð Ã꽺ÃðÇôê-îÅå/ÇêåÅ å¶ êåÆ/êåéÆ Ç§îÆ×ð¶ôé ÁêÆñ ðÇøÀ±ÜÆ Õ¶Ã êÆ.ÁÅð.ÁÅð.¶. ê̯òËéÃÆÁñ é½îéÆ ê̯×ðÅî éËéÆ òÆ÷Å
îé°¼ÖåÅ ç¶ åðà ÁèÅð Óå¶ ÁËêñÆÕ¶ôé ׯç ñËäÅ åÜðì¶ ç¶ ÁèÅð Óå¶ ÇÂéòËÃàð ÕñÅà Ãê»ÃðÇôê ñÂÆ ÔñëÆÁÅ ÇìÁÅé (Çò÷àð òÆ÷Å) êÆ.ÁÅð. ÕÅðâ ÁËêñÆÕ¶ôé ÇÃàÆ÷éÇôê ÁËêñÆÕ¶ôé ÇÃàÆ÷éÇôê àËÃà çÆ ÇåÁÅðÆ
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#203-2642 Cedar Park Place Abbotsford
safety and speed limits
Starting today, you can have your say on highway safety and speed limits in British Columbia, as the public consultation component of the Rural Highway Safety and Speed Review gets underway. From Nov. 29, 2013 to Jan. 24, 2014, the Government of B.C. is conducting a provincewide consultation and engagement to seek input about safety and speed limits on B.C.’s rural highways. Through a series of open houses and online engagement, the public can have their say on safety issues facing drivers on these highways. Speed limits on longer stretches of rural highways between communities are being reviewed to ensure that appropriate speed limits are
in place, encouraging safe driver behaviour. At the same time, the public will be asked to provide input related to reducing the risk of wildlife-related crashes and improving the safe and efficient movement of slower vehicles. This review will also include public consultation on the use of winter tires in an effort to ensure that tire requirements address safety and reflect current technology. Public input will form an important part of the Rural Highway Safety and Speed Review and will be considered in conjunction with the technical review, which is already underway. Included for consideration in the technical review are new technology, highway design
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Punjabi Patrika
and similar initiatives in other ju- Quotes: risdictions. Minister of Transportation and The ministry will also be seeking Infrastructure Todd Stone – input from ICBC, police, the Union of B.C. Municipalities, as well as “I’m sure most people have an other key stakeholders. Practical opinion on speed limits, and I recommendations from this review encourage all British Columbians and a strategy for implementation to make their voices heard. If it’s will be ready in early spring 2014. convenient, attend a public forum, or go online and provide your feedBritish Columbians can get more back. We’re interested in what you information on the review and share have to say about the speed limits feedback online and other safety concerns on the safetyandspeedreview/ highways you drive.” On Dec. 17, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., ICBC president and CEO Mark Minister Stone will host a Twitter Blucher – Town Hall to have a discussion on speed limits and other issues “ICBC is pleased to be partnering affecting highway safety. Join the with the provincial government and conversation and follow #BC- is looking forward to hearing what SpeedReview on Twitter. the public has to say about safety The public can also attend any of on B.C. highways. Road safety and the eight regional public forums keeping insurance rates as low as to be held starting Dec. 3, 2013. possible are priorities for us, and Forums will be held in Kamloops, public input on speed limits and Kelowna, Dawson Creek, Prince road safety issues will help us focus George, Vancouver, Cranbrook, on potential solutions that British Nanaimo and Chilliwack. Columbians support.”
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
êÅÇÕÃåÅé ÇòµÚ éò¶º ÃËéÅ î°ÖÆ ñÂÆ Á§çð±éÆ å¶ ìËð±éÆ Ú°ä½åÆÁź ìðÕðÅð pfiksqfn srkfr vwloN syvfmukq ho rhy POj dy nvyˆ muKI vjoN inXukq krn nfl nf hY blik guafˆZI mulkfˆ nfl sbMD sYnf muKI jnrl aÈPfk prvyË ikafnI kyvl pfiksqfn dI isafsI aqy aMdrUnI suKfvyˆ hox dy vI afsfr bx gey hn. dI Qfˆ lYPtInYˆt jnrl rhIl ÈrIP nUM siQqI ivwc hI nvfˆ moV afAux dI sMBfvnf sYnf muKI qoN ielfvf srkfr ny iqMnfˆ sYnfvfˆ dI sfˆJI kmytI dy muKI vjoN jnrl rfiÈd mihmUd dI inXukqI nUM vI pRvfngI idwqI hY. sYnf ivwc ieh nvIafˆ inXukqIafˆ pRDfn mMqrI nvfË ÈrIP dI inwjI cox mMnIafˆ jf rhIafˆ hn. gOrqlb hY ik ieh inXukqIafˆ sInIafrqf nUM nËr aMdfË kr ky kIqIafˆ geIafˆ hn. iehI kfrn hY ik jnrl ikafnI qoN bfad Ql sYnf dy sB qoN sInIar jrnYl hfrUn aslm ny afpxy ahudy qoN asqIPf dy idwqf hY Bfvyˆ ik Aus ny nfmËd jnrl rhIl ÈrIP aqy rfiÈd mihmUd nUM qrwkI leI vDfeI idwqI hY. pfiksqfn ivw c sInIafrqf nËr aMdfË krky POjI muKI lgfey jfx dI prMprf nvIN nhIN hY pr ieh vI iewk scfeI hY ik ies qrHfˆ inXukq kIqy gey POjI muKIafˆ ny kdy vI afpxy inXu k qIkfrfˆ nfl vPfdfrI nhIN ivKfeI. nvfË ÈrIP duafrf inXukq kIqy gey nvyˆ sYnf muKI rhIl ÈrIP ies imwQ nUM qoV ky pRDfn mMqrI nvfË ÈrIP dIafˆ iewCfvfˆ `qy Krf Auqrdy hn jfˆ nhIN, ieh qfˆ smfˆ hI dwsygf pr ipCly simafˆ ivwc pfiksqfn dI bdlI isafsI iPËf aqy jmhUrIaq dI hoeI mËbUqI qoN jfpdf hY ik ieiqhfs dy muV duhrfey jfx dIafˆ sMBfvnfvfˆ
nhIN hn. pfiksqfn dI srkfr aqy ivdyÈI mfmilafˆ ivwc Bfvyˆ hux qwk sYnf muKI kfPI mhwqv rwKdf irhf hY pr jmhUrIaq ivruwD sYnf nUM vrqx vflI gwl mulk `coN lgpg Kqm ho cuwkI hY aqy afpsI vYr-ivroD dy bfvjUd sfrIafˆ isafsI pfrtIafˆ jmhUrIaq dI mËbUqI leI iewkmuwT hn. ies siQqI dy mwdynËr BivwK ivwc supr ÈkqIvfn pRDfn mMqrI hI hovygf nf ik sYnf muKI ijvyˆ ik hux qwk cldf af irhf hY. pfiksqfnI POj ivwc ieh pirvrqn Aus vyly ho irhf hY jdoN mulk nUM iewk pfsy aMdrUnI qOr `qy aiqvfdI gruwpfˆ dI bÊfvq df sfhmxf krnf pY irhf hY aqy dUjy pfsy aPgfinsqfn qy Bfrq vflI srhwd AuWqy qxfa bixaf hoieaf hY. aiqvfdIafˆ dIafˆ srgrmIafˆ kfrn mulk `qy zron hmilafˆ dy bwdl vI hr vyly mMzrfAuNdy rihMdy hn ijs nfl Aus dI pRBUswqf nUM vI jrb phuMc rhI hY. pfik sYnf dy nvyˆ muKIafˆ leI ienHfˆ cuxOqIafˆ dy snmuwK pRDfn mMqrI nvfË ÈrIP dI nIqI anusfr cwlxf aihm pRIiKaf hovygI. pfiksqfnI smIiKakfˆ anusfr rhIl ÈrIP iewk amnpsMd dUridRÈtI vflf sUJvfn jrnYl hY aqy Auh Bfrq aqy dUjy guafˆZI mulkfˆ bfry srkfr dI nIqI AuWqy pihrf dyvygf. nvyˆ POjI muKI jykr Bfrq nfl lwgdI srhwd AuWqy GuspYT dIafˆ kfrvfeIafˆ vwl syDq hox dI bjfey mulk dIafˆ aMdrUnI aiqvfd sbMDI smwisafvfˆ nfl inptx leI vwD iDafn dyxgy qfˆ pfiksqfn sYnf ivwc AuprlI pwDr `qy hoeIafˆ ieh dovyˆ inXukqIafˆ Bfrq leI sLuB Ègn sfbq ho skdIafˆ hn. Bfrq ny hmyÈf hI pfiksqfn nfl guafˆZI mulk vfly dosqfnf sbMDfˆ nUM icqivaf hY pr Bfrq ivroDI ivcfrfˆ vfly sYnf muKIafˆ df pfiksqfnI srkfr AuWqy vDyry pRBfvÈflI hox krky irÈiqafˆ ivwc Ktfs hI bxI rhI hY. iPlhfl pfiksqfn dy mOjUdf pRDfn mMqrI nvfË ÈrIP Bfrq bfry skfrfqmk rvweIaf rwKdy jfpdy hn aqy nvinXukq sYnf muKI AunHfˆ dI afpxI inwjI cox hY. ies siQqI ivwc afAux vfly smyˆ ivwc nf kyvl Bfrq-pfik sbMD hI hor suKfvyˆ hox dIafˆ sMBfvnfvfˆ ho skdIafˆ hn blik pfiksqfn nUM aiqvfdI gruwpfˆ qoN Cutkfrf imlx dy vI afsfr bx skdy hn ijnHfˆ ny Aus nUM aMdrUnI qOr `qy kmËor aqy kOmfˆqrI pwDr `qy pRBfvhIx kr Cwizaf hY. ieh vyKxf bfkI hovygf ik pRDfn mMq rI nvfË ÈrIP aqy sYnf muKI rhIl ÈrIP pfiksqfn nUM aiqvfdI gruwpfˆ qoN injfq idvfAux aqy guafˆZI mulkfˆ nfl suKfvyˆ sbMD bxfAux ivwc ikMnf ku sPl huMdy hn.
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Punjabi Patrika
êðç¶Ãä èÆÁź çŠçåÅê jgqfr smflsr
iksy ny bhuq sohxf iliKaf ‘DIafˆ aqy Drykfˆ huMdIafˆ rOxk ivhVy dI` swcmuwc ijhVy Grfˆ dy ivhiVafˆ ivwc DIafˆ aqy Drykfˆ dI rOxk huMdI hY, Auh ivhVy sdf hI apxwq aqy imTfs nfl mihkdy rihMdy hn pr ijhVy Gr ienHfˆ dI hoNd nUM guaf bYTdy hn, AunHfˆ Grfˆ ivwcoN AudfsI aqy kuVwqx dI boa afAux lwgdI hY. DI sfzy Gr df aijhf jIa huMdI hY jo Gr ivwc afeI iksy vI qrHfˆ dI musIbq nUM ijwQy afp sihx krn df jËbf rwKdI hY, AuWQy hI pirvfr dy hor jIafˆ nUM vI hOslf pRdfn krdI hY. DI hI hY jo iksy vyly mfˆ-bfp ivwc pYdf hoey ivvfd nUM bVI sMjIdgI nfl anuBv krdI hY. jy afK ilaf jfvy ik DI Gr nUM eykqf rUpI Dfgy ivwc bMnHx leI mËbUq kVI df kMm krdI hY qfˆ ieh koeI aiqkQnI nhIN hovygI.
ijMnf smfˆ DIafˆ afpxy mfipafˆ dy Grfˆ ivwc rihMdIafˆ hn, Enf smfˆ Auh muMizafˆ nfloN vwD afpxy mfipafˆ df ipafr hfsl krdIafˆ hn. mfipafˆ dy ijgr df tukVf DIafˆ jdoN afpxy pirvfr nUM Cwz ky shury Gr vsybf krdIafˆ hn qfˆ zolI qorn lwigafˆ mfˆ-bfp dIafˆ awKfˆ ivwcoN lwgdI hMJUafˆ dI JVI ies gwl dI gvfhI BrdI hY ik DIafˆ df mfipafˆ nfl ikMnf gUVHf irÈqf huMdf hY. ajoky pdfrQvfdI Xuwg ivwc Bfvyˆ hor KUnI irÈiqafˆ ivwc pihlfˆ vflI ipafr dI Bfvnf nhIN rhI pr mfˆ-DI df irÈqf awj vI pihlfˆ vfˆg hI ipafr, apxwq nfl Biraf ipaf hY. afpxy hI dyÈ ivwc ivafhIafˆ DIafˆ qfˆ Bfvyˆ afpxy mfipafˆ dy hryk duwK-suK ivwc Èfml ho ky afpxy mfipafˆ nfl imlx dI mn aMdr pYdf hoeI iqRpqI nUM TMzf kr
lYˆdIafˆ hn aqy sMquÈtI mihsUs krdIafˆ hn pr ijhVIafˆ DIafˆ prdysxfˆ bx jfˆdIafˆ hn, AunHfˆ dy mn aMdr afpxy mfipafˆ nUM imlx dI qfˆG sdf hI bxI rihMdI hY. keI vfr qfˆ siQqI aijhI bx jfˆdI hY ik prdysLIN vsdIafˆ DIafˆ nUM ivlkidafˆ Cwz ky hI mfpy ies PfnI sMsfr qoN ruKsq ho jfˆdy ny aqy DIafˆ AunHfˆ dIafˆ aMiqm rsmfˆ ivwc vI Èfml nhIN ho skdIafˆ. drasl ajoky pdfrQvfdI Xuwg ivwc DIafˆ nUM afpixafˆ qoN vwK krn ivwc asIN Kud vwzI BUimkf adf kr rhy hfˆ. vyKx ivwc af irhf hY ik afpxy muMizafˆ nUM bfhrly mulk ivwc sYtl krn leI asIN DIafˆ nUM blI dy bwkry bxf rhy hfˆ. keI kuVIafˆ aijhIafˆ vI huMdIafˆ hn jo Bfrq aMdr aqy afpxy mfipafˆ dy nyVy rih ky afpxf jIvn ijAUxf cfhuMdIafˆ hn pr bhuqy mfpy afpxy dUjy pirvfr nUM ivdyÈI DrqI `qy sYtl krn leI bhuqI vfr afpxIafˆ DIafˆ nUM hI mohrf bxf ky vrqdy hn jo DIafˆ nfl srfsr byiensfPI hY. mfipafˆ nUM cfhIdf hY ik aijhy PYsly lYx qoN pihlfˆ DIafˆ nfl ivcfr krn. mfpy afpxI afriQkqf nUM mËbUq krn dy ierfdy nfl DIafˆ nUM sbËbfg ivKfAuNdy hn aqy keI vfr DIafˆ nUM nf cfhuMidafˆ hoieafˆ vI hfmI BrnI pYˆdI hY. mfipafˆ nUM DIafˆ dI aMdrUnI mfniskqf nUM brIkI nfl smJxf cfhIdf hY. kdy vI lflcvws aijhf PYslf nhIN lYxf cfhIdf ik DIafˆ df mfipafˆ nfloN ipaf ieh ivCoVf aYnf lMmf ho jfvy ik aMiqm smyˆ `qy DIafˆ-mfvfˆ nUM qy mfvfˆ-DIafˆ nUM imlx leI ivlkdIafˆ rih jfx ikAuNik pYsf iensfn, Bfvyˆ Gwt kmf lvy pr ÊmI aqy KuÈI ivwc afpixafˆ df kol hoxf aiq-ËrUrI huMdf hY.
ipCly kuJ idnF ivwc aijhy mfmly sfhmxy afey hn, ijnHF df vyrvf pVH ky ieMJ pRqIq huMdf hY ik sfzy jmhUr dy cfry QMm ieKlfkI pwKoN inGfr vwl nUM vD rhy hn. jy iksy ivakqI nUM ivDfn pfilkf jF kfrj pfilkf koloN inaF pRfpq nhIN sI huMdf qF Auh Jwt jf inaF pfilkf df drvfjf KVkfAuNdf sI. Auh jmhUrIaq dy cOQy QMm mIzIey kol ies afs nfl phuMc krdf sI ik Auh Aus dy hwk ivwc avfjL AuTfeygf.
ies sbMD ivwc sB qoN pihlF asIN ivDfn pfilkf qy Aus rfhIN swqf ivwc ibrfjmfn lokF vwloN inBfeI nFh-pwKI BUimkf df ijLkr krdy hF. huxy-huxy iewk vYWbsfeIt `qy iewk sI[ zI[ rIlIjL kIqI geI hY. ies sI[ zI[ ivwc Aus smyN dy gujrfq dy gRih rfj mMqrI aimq sLfh nUM iewk puils aiDkfrI nMU ieh kihMidaF ivKfieaf igaf hY ik ‘sfhb’ df afdysL hY ik bMglOr qoN afeI iewk muitafr dI ingrfnI kIqI jfvy. Aus nUM afAux-jfx vfly tYlIPon bkfiedf irkfrz kIqy jfx qy ies dI sUcnf idwqI jfvy. sfhb kOx hY, ieh gwl hux sfhmxy af geI hY ik ieh nirMdr modI sI. cfhy hux gujrfq srkfr ny ies mfmly dI inaFiek jFc dy afdysL dy idwqy hn, pr ies gwl df koeI vyrvf pysL nhIN kIqf igaf ik gYr-kfnUMnI ZMg nfl iewk muitafr dI ingrfnI ikAuN kIqI geI? hfly ieh mfmlf crcf ivwc hI sI ik ieh snsnIKyjL KLbr sfhmxy af geI ik knUMn dI iewk ividafrQx ny vYWbsfeIt rfhIN ieh dosL lfieaf hY ik jdoN Auh srb AuWc adflq dy iewk jwj nfl ieMtrn dy qOr AuWQy kMm kr rhI sI qF Aus ny iewk
pMj qfrf hotl ivwc Aus nfl CyV-CfV kIqI sI. ieh dosL eynf gMBIr sI ik srb AuWc adflq dy muwK jwj ny iqMn jwjF dI agvfeI ivwc iewk jFc pYnl inXukq kr idwqf. hwd qF EdoN ho geI, jdoN ies muitafr ny ieh kih idwqf ik jwjF dI kmytI sfhmxy pysL hox smyN Aus nfl ieMJ ivhfr kIqf igaf, ijvyN Auh Kud hI dosLI hovy. eysy dOrfn AuWqrfKMz dI iewk aOrq ny idwlI puils kol jLIro aYP[ afeI[ afr[ drj krvfeI ik Aus df rfj dy vDIk gRih skwqr ny ijnsI soLsLx kIqf hY. Aus smyN qF lokF dI hYrfnI dI koeI hwd hI nf rhI, jdoN AunHF nUM ieh suxn nUM imilaf ik iewk pwqrkfr ny nfmxy vfly rsfly qihlkf dy muwK sMpfdk qurx qyjpfl AuWqy ieh dosL lfieaf hY ik Aus ny goaf dy iewk pMj qfrf hotl ivwc Aus df ijnsI sLosLx kIqf sI. goaf puils ny qrux qyjpfl ivruwD aYP[ afeI[ afr[ drj krky aglI kfrvfeI arMB idwqI hY. iesqrIaF dy aiDkfrF bfry kOmI kimsLn ny ies Gtnf df gMBIr noits ilaf hY. Aus ny srkfr nUM ieh afdysL idwqf hY ik dosLI ivruwD sKq kfrvfeI kIqI jfvy. qihlkf dy ijnHF AuWc aiDkfrIaF jF sMpfdkF ny ies mfmly nUM dbfAux df Xqn kIqf hY, AunHF iKlfP vI sKq aYksLn ilaf jfvy. swqf df sMcfln krn vflIaF qkrIbn sfrIaF dIaF sfrIaF rfjsI pfrtIaF qy AunHF dy afgU lokqMqrI ivvsQf ivwc afey ies inGfr nUM rokx bfry sMjIdgI qoN kMm lYx dI QF iewk dUjy AuWqy icwkV suwtx dy afhr ivwc lwgy hoey hn. qy Auh aijhf ies leI kr rhy hn ik Auh iksy nf iksy rUp ivwc prvfrvfd dy Jmyly ivwc Ps ky rih gey hn.
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Bank of Canada holds overnight rate at 1.00% says substantial policy stimulus remains appropriate a.. Bank of Canada left the overnight rate unchanged at 1.00% as expected b.. Maintained neutral bias despite highlighting greater downside risks to inflation outlook as overall balance of risks in same “zone” as October c.. The Bank is seemingly balancing the downside risks to the inflation outlook with upside risks being generated from maintaining interest rates at very low levels. The statement itself put the greater emphasis on the downside risks to inflation. With respect to the growth outlook, until exports kick in, policy stimulus will be needed to support domestic demand. The improvement in the US sets up for the long-awaited rise in demand for Canadian exports to materialize with the sharp weakening in Canada’s dollar against the US dollar providing additional support. Increased demand for exports will be a key factor in boosting the economy’s growth rate above
its potential in 2014 and reducing the amount of excess capacity. In turn, downside risks to the inflation outlook will ease. Throughout this process, the Bank is likely to maintain the policy rate at 1.0% in order to preserve the domestic economy’s momentum. Our forecast assumes that the output gap will be eliminated in the second half of 2015 at which time the inflation rate will hit the Bank’s 2.0% target. To achieve this, the Bank is likely to maintain the overnight rate at the current 1.0% throughout 2014. As expected, the Bank of Canada held the policy rate at 1.0% today and maintained a neutral bias. With the inflation rate holding at or below the bottom end of the 1% to 3% target range for 16 consecutive months, the Bank flagged that the downside risk of inflation remaining below the 2% target over the medium term was greater. On the other hand, the risks to the outlook associated with households adding
to the already elevated level of debt remains of concern. Balancing off these two risks resulted in the Bank’s maintaining the status quo on policy today. The 2.7% annualized increase in third quarter GDP exceeded the Bank’s forecast for a 1.8% gain. The Bank stated that the economy’s growth rate is still broadly tracking their July and October forecasts (1.8% and 1.6% respectively) in 2013. With the stronger Q3 growth numbers, the Bank will have to reduce their Q4 growth forecast of 2.3% if October’s 1.6% growth projection is to be met. As in October, the statement points to the poor performance of the export sector and lacklustre business investment as the sectors holding back the economy. Still the Bank maintained its base case scenario and expects that the pace of growth will be sufficient to eliminate the output gap around the end of 2015. The Bank is seemingly balancing the downside risks to the inflation
outlook with upside risks being generated from maintaining interest rates at very low levels. The statement itself put the greater emphasis on the downside risks to inflation. With respect to the growth outlook, until exports kick in, policy stimulus will be needed to support domestic demand. Recent reports suggest that the US economy shrugged off the government shutdown and policy debate with the PMI data showing gains in manufacturing activity in October continued into November and hiring activity likely built on October’s 204,000 increase with another 175,000 gain in November. Further, US car sales in November surprised to the upside coming in at 16.4 million annualized units, the fastest pace since before the recession. The Bank acknowledged that the US economy is “gathering momentum”. Our view is that the improvement in the US sets up for the long-awaited rise in demand for Canadian exports to material-
ize with the sharp weakening in Canada’s dollar against the US dollar providing additional support. Increased demand for exports will be a key factor in boosting the economy’s growth rate above its potential in 2014 and reducing the amount of excess capacity. In turn, downside risks to the inflation outlook will ease. Throughout this process, the Bank is likely to maintain the policy rate at 1.0% in order to preserve the domestic economy’s momentum. Our forecast assumes that the output gap will be eliminated in the second half of 2015 at which time the inflation rate will hit the Bank’s 2.0% target. To achieve this, the Bank is likely to maintain the overnight rate at the current 1.0% throughout 2014.
RBC contacts: Dawn Desjardins, Assistant Chief Economist
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
British Columbians support victims of Super Typhoon Haiyan British Columbians and the Province have come together to raise $3.67 million to support the survivors of Super Typhoon Haiyan, the terrible storm that devastated parts of the Central Philippines in early November and people are encouraged to continue to give. To date, British Columbians have donated over $3.37 million to the Canadian Red Cross. With the Province’s commitment to match the first $300,000 donated by British Columbians, government is now in a position to provide its full contribution. Also of note, a significant portion of the donations in the province – more than $198,000 – have come from customers donating at BC Liquor Stores locations. With the federal government’s offer to match every eligible donation
made by individual Canadians in place until Dec. 23, British Columbians are encouraged to continue giving generously. Quotes: Attorney General and Minister of Justice Suzanne Anton – “Since Super Typhoon Haiyan struck, British Columbians have rallied in support of friends and family in the Philippines. The images of survivors, many of whom have lost loved ones, facing hunger and homelessness have been heartbreaking. This outpouring of generosity will be used to provide food, clean water, blankets and medical services – it will make a real difference in the lives of survivors as they struggle to meet their basic, every day needs.” Kimberley Nemrava, provincial director, Canadian
Red Cross B.C. & Yukon –
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KuKrfxf (mogf) ipMz dy mfqf gurdyv kOr syKoN imsLn invfsI dsMbr 1, 2013 nUM svrg sDfr gey hn. ipCly 30 sflF qoN imsLn ivwc rih rhy sn. mfqf gurdyv kOr syKoN supqnI sR: pUrn isMG syKoN ipMz puKrfxf ijlHf (mogf) pykf ipMz nwQUvflf XdId (mogf) pRmfqmf vloN bKsI 80 viraF dI Aumr Bog ky dsMbr 1, 2013 nUM svrg sDfr gey hn afpxy ipwCy 3 puwqr, iewk puwqrI, 12 grYNz iclzrn aqy 9 gryNt gRYNz iclzrn aqy pRIvfr dy hor mYbrF nUM sdIvI ivCoVf dy gey hn. srdfrnI gurdyv kOr syKoN dy pMj BUqk srIr df sskfr sLnIvfr dsMbr 7, 2013 nUM svyry 11 vjy PryjLr irvr kimAuintI kRYmftorIam susfietI 2061 irvr roz aYbtsPorz ivKy hovygf AuprMq AuhnF dI afqimk sLFqI nimq rKfey sihj pfT dy Bog aqy aMqm ardfs gurdvfrf guriswK susfietI imsLn 1 vjy dupihr pvygf.
“The needs in the Philippines following Typhoon Haiyan are vast. Thanks to the generosity of British Columbians and government, Red Cross has been able to quickly and effectively provide vital supplies to those who pRIvfr nfl duK sFJf krn leI Pon nMbrneed it most.” srbjIq isMG syKoN 604-826-2124 Quick Facts: · On Nov. 8, 2013, Super Typhoon Haiyan – one of the strongest storms ever recorded with wind speeds of up to 300 kilometres per hour – destroyed at least 80,000 homes, left more than 600,000 displaced, and completely devastated parts of the Central Philippines. · Approximately 100,000 individuals currently living in British Columbia are of Filipino descent.
Punjabi Patrika
“nhIN!” rfj df isr cwkr Kf igaf qy Aus df idl ibjlI dIaF krMtF Coh-Coh jFdIaF sn. Auh AuWQy iewk pl Tihry ibnF Gr nUM vg qurI, Auh Klo vI nhIN skdI sI.
“dyK rfj, jdoN mYN qYnUM iPr imlF, ieh cMdrI KMG nf hovy, suixaf kMn KolH ky?” crn ny Aus df kMn PiVaf hoieaf sI.
crn ‘ikAuN’ dI hYrfnI ivwc buwq bixaf Kloqf sI. rfj kdoN dI jF cwukI sI. Auh QMm vFg Kloqf socdf irhf, ‘rfj ny iKafl kIqf ey, mYN Aus dy ies qrHF ipafr cuMmx nUM mfVf smJFgf? nhIN, mYN mfVf ikvyN smJ skdf sF? ieh qF myrI afpxI KfhsL sI qy….’
fpU bpFq E`
ielfky ivw c mu j L f iraF dIaF izPYNs kmytIaF ny ibsvydfrF nUM vKq pf idwqf. ijwQy mujLfrf qihrIk kmjLor sI, AuWQy vI lok bMnH Kloqy. crn ny hr ipMz ivwc bYTk mIitMgF krky mujLfiraF leI afpxy Ky q hfsl krn df rfh dwisaf. ‘bydKlI aqy vtfeI afid df Bfr sFJf smJ ky cwuikaf jfvy aqy iewk mhfjL bxf ky liVaf jfvy, nhIN qF ibsvydfr mwC, mjLfrf jQybMdI ivwc af ky dlyrI qy qfkq bx igaf. mujLfiraF qy iksfnF dy kfhly aqy idKfvy dy josL ny jfgIrdfrF nUM afpxy BivwK bfry socx leI mjLbUr kr idwqf. AunHF slfh-msLvry leI afpxf sYNtr bKqgVH nUM cuixaf. nIaq idn qy AunHF nirMdrpfl isMG dy rfhIN bhfdr isMG kFgrsI lIzr nUM nyk rfey leI swd Gwilaf. asl ivwc iekwTy ho ky socx dI qjvIjL bhfdr isMG dy idmfg dI kfZ sI.
“hwCf mfstr jI!” Aus iewk sfigrd vFg afpxf dosL mMn ilaf. iPr AunHF df jLbq hfsy Aus dy swjy-Kwby brsym dy Kyq qRyl nfl iBwjy pey sn. ivwc pft igaf. jdoN rfj crn qoN ivdf hox lwgI. myry kol af hy asly dy ipafr kFby ny Aus nUM Bucfl vFg Qrwrf dI joqI. idwqf, ‘Kbry’ iPr dyK eI nf qyrI ivKmqf dy hMJU nUM bxf skF. Aus crn nUM pUry jLor nfl idaF moqI. gwlvkVI ivwc Guwitaf aqy Aus dy mUMh-jLor Btkdy jjLbfq ny crn KVsokV df mUMh cuMmxf cfihaf. jdoN Aus dy Aumr dy jrjry iekdm, blF qoN lrjLdy buwlH crn dy mUMh nyVy hoey, hfr gey rogI, Auh ibjlI dy krMt vFg Jtkf AunHF nUM moqI mfry vI, qbIbf kft bYTk dy nIly PrsL ivwc Kf geI aqy Aus mUMh Pyr ilaf. nhIN krdy. ivrlIaF-ivrlIaF mjITI
Friday, December 6th, 2013
DfrIaF peIaF sn aqy sfrf bfrzr cOVI lfl pwtI nfl muskf irhf sI. aYn bYTk dy ivckfr do vwzIaF myjLF nUM joiVaf hoieaf sI. AunHF `qy Puwl icVIaF kwZIaF cfdrF ivCfeIaF hoeIaF sn. bYTk ivwc bKqgVH dy bjurg jfgIrdfrF dIaF PotoaF cOKitaF ivwc jVIaF ltk rhIaF sn. iewk aKLbfrI qsvIr ibnF cOKty kMD nfl cuMbVI hoeI sI, ijs ivwc pYpsU rfj df pRmwuK qy hom minstr srdfr ptyl hwQ imlf rhy hn.
“golmyjL kfnPrMs vlYq ivwc aMgryjLF aqy ihMdusqfn dy lIzr gFDI ivckfr hoeI sI.” bjurg jfgIrdfr ny nOjvfn dI jfxkfrI ivwc vfDf kIqf, ‘sfzy ivwc mujLfiraF df koeI numfieMdf nhIN , ies leI ieh go l my j L kfnPrMs nhIN bx skdI.” “hF, ieh qF TIk aY.” nOjvfn ny pitafly-sLfhI isr ihlfieaf. bKqgVH dy jfgIrdfr ny sfry afey pRhuixaF qoN hwQ joV ky puwiCaf, “Kflsf jI, iewk bynqI aY, cfh nfl dI nfl pIqI jfvy jF afAux vfly df ieMqjfr krky pIxI eyN.” “ieMqjLfr kI krnf eyN cfcf jI! nfl dI nfl eI kMm mukfieaf cMgf ey.” nOjvfn jfgIrdfr ny iewk qrHF sfiraF vwloN hfmI Br idwqI.
hvy l I dy drF aw g y kfrF qy jIpF af-af KlodIaF geIaF. bYTk aMdrlIaF KflI kursIaF ‘vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf, vfihgurU jI kI Pqih’ dy sL b dF nfl BrdIaF geIaF. iewk nOjvfn jfgIrdfr ny rMg ZMg vyKidaF “jo afigaf brKurdfr!” afpxy nfl dy srdfr nUM ikhf, jfgIrdfr ny muskrFidaF “mlUm huMdf ey, ijvyN golmyjL nOjvfn nUM cot mfrI qy ipwCy kfnPrMs ho rhI aY.” iPr Auh Kloqy nOkrF nUM hukm idwqf, “hF afp hI hws ipaf. beI cuwk ilafE tryaF.”
Friday, December 6th, 2013
QoVHy smyN ipwCoN hI iprcF aqy ipaflIaF dI ‘Tkf-Twk’ myjLF `qy hox lwg peI. cfh pINidaF gwpswLp vI huMdI rhI. nirMdrpfl aqy bhfdr isMG vI cfh `qy af vwjy. sfiraF KVHy ho ky bhfdr isMG nUM siqkfr idwqf. Aus isr JukFidaF sB nUM bYTx leI hwQ nfl iesLfry kIqy. Auh vI cfh dy sugl ivwc dUijaF dy sfQI bx gey. sfiraF KFidaf-pINidaF iqMn vjf idwqy. bhfdr isMG ny GVI dyKidaF puwiCaf. ‘sfry srdfr af gey?’
Punjabi Patrika
mflk hY. sflm jF awDy-awDy ipMz qF keI hn. awj qoN qIh-cflHI sfl pihlF mrUs qy gYr-mrUs df JgVf jfgIrdfrF aqy mujLfiraF ivckfr cwilaf sI. Auh ijvyNikvyN vI JgVf nijwiTaf igaf. ikqy mrUs tuwt igaf aqy mujLfry afhlf mflk bx gey aqy ikqy zFg dy jLor dbf idwqy gey. asl ivwc AudoN mujLfiraF vI jQybMdI koeI nhIN sI. mujLfry vtfeI dyNdy rhy, jfgIrdfr KFdy rhy. mYN qF eyQoN qwk vI afKFgf ik sfzy Brf burI qrHF aYsL ivwc nsLeI rhy.” bjurg ny dm lY ky iPr bolxf sLurU kIqf:
“jI vIlHI qy BdOV dy nhIN afey, hor sB af gey.” bKqgVH dy srdfr ny AuWqr “hux dy iksfnF dI jQybMdI df muwZ asl ivwc PrFs dy jmhUrI ienklfb ny bwDf. idwqf. BfvyN qfkq iksfnF hwQoN iPr inkl geI, “Kbry AunHF nf hI afAuxf hovy jF afpxy pr AunHF nUM Brosf ho igaf ik asIN mujLfiraF nfl ‘Tfh bfh’ eI kr leI sYhnsLfhI qwk nUM Zfa skdy aF. eysy hovy.’ nOjvfn jfgIrdfr ny kfhilaF pY Brosy aqy jQybMdI sdkf pihly sMsfr ky afiKaf, ‘qusIN gwl qorn vfly bxo.’ XuwD ivwc rUs jfr hwQoN inkl igaf aqy nOkrF tryaF cuwk ky myjL sfP kr idwqy. EQy iksfnF-mjLdUrF dI pihlI hkUmq bx sfry srdfr kursIaF ivwc sUq ho ky zt geI. rUs ivwc mjLdUrF-iksfnF dy rfj dI gey. qkrIbn sfiraF dy hI bMd gly dy dyKf-dyKI dunIaF Br dy ajLfd-gulfm kot, cUVIdfr pjfimaF nfl sjy hoey sn, dysLF dy iksfn-mjLdUrF, iksfn kmytIaF, pitaflfsLfhI pwgF iPPtIaF nfl rohb tryz XUnIanF aqy kimAUinst pfrtIaF pf rhIaF sn. mIitMg sLurU krn leI KuwlHm-KuwlHf bxfAuxIaF sLurU kr idwqIaF. sfiraF dI rfie bx geI. hvf df ruK rUs vfilaF vI corI-CpyrI eynHF dI hr vyK ky bKqgVH dy srdfr ny bhfdr isMG qrHF mdd kIqI. sfzy dysL vI bIjL mfsko df nF pRDfngI leI pysL kr idwqf. Jwt qoN eI afieaf ey. eynHF dy sfhmxy eyky dI hI nOjvfn ny qfeId kr idwqI. cutkI dy msfl pYdf ho cuwkI sI aqy ipClI jMg ivwc Pyr ivwc cfcy-BqIjy ny bhfdr isMG nUM cIn ajLfd ho igaf. EdoN qoN hI ihMdusqfn pRDfn bxf idwqf. ies qoN pihlF ik bhfdr df iksfn bfbV ipaf ey, ‘hmfrf rfsqf, isMG koeI bynqI krdf sfiraF qfVI cuwk cIn kf rfsqf.’ cIn dy ienklfb df idwqI aqy Aus leI pRDfngI dI kursI `qy asr sfzy ihMdusqfn dy keI ihwisaF `qy bYTx ibnF koeI cfrf hI nf irhf. Auh ipaf. Kfskr qlMgfnf aqy Aus dy ipwCoN sMboDn hoieaf, sfzy pYpsU `qy. pYpsU ivwcoN ijlHf brnflf “quhfzI mrjLI! pr myrI KfhsL sI, pRDfn kuJ vDyry gVH bx igaf hY.” koeI quhfzy ivwcoN hI huMdf.” “sfzy ielfky ivw c bhu q f kM m BgO V y “lE jI quhfzy huMidaF?” iewk srdfr ny kimAUinst ny kIqf, awj vI Esy rPqfr nfl idn-rfq iewk kIqf hoieaf ey. izPYNs rvfjI vizafeI vjoN ikhf. kmytIaF AunHF KuPIaf mIitMgF kr-kr bhfdr isMG pRDfngI dI mKml cVHI bxvfeIaF. iew k -iew k jfgIrdfr dy kursI qoN AuWTidaF boilaf, mukfbly ivwc keI-keI gutbMdIaF KVHIaF “ieh qF jLfhr hI aY ik asIN mujLfiraF kIqIaF hoeIaF ny. ipClI hfVI-sOxI ivwcoN dy AuWdmUl nUM kfbU krn leI iekwTy hoey iksy nUM vtfeI iml geI, iksy nUM nhIN aF. so, ienHF dIaF smfj-dusLmx hrkqF imlI. aYqkIN dI iqafrI qF AunHF dI iewk nUM nwQ pfAux dIaF qjvIjF qoN pihlF dfxf vI nhIN cuwkx dyvygI. izPYNs kmytIaF mYN cfhuMdf hF, koeI srdfr ielfky dI KVHIaF krn ivwc nMgf icwtf hwQ vIilHaF gVbV bfry motI ijhI vfkPI dyvy. ies dy crn muMzy df ey. pr Auh sLoa-boafey qrHF keI cMgIaF gwlF suwJ pYNdIaF hn.” aY, Aus nUM clfAux vflf ienfmI BgOVf eynI kih ky bhfdr isMG bih igaf, pr ‘ajLfd’ hY. Auh mfsko jf afieaf ey. Aus sfzy srdfr iewk-dUjy dy mUMh vwl dyKx nUM hux vI sfzy ipMzF `c pnfh iml rhI hY. lwg pey. aKIr EhI bjurg jfgIrdfr mYN qswlI nfl nhIN kih skdf, ho skdf AuWiTaf, ijs nOjvfn nUM golmyjL kfnPrMs ey, mujLfiraF hiQafr vI hwQ hyT kr ley df jvfb idwqf sI. hox. AunHF dy ierfdy jfgIrdfrF df zMzf ‘vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf, vfihgurU jI kI zyrf cukf ky sLihrI vfVn dy aY. hux asIN Pqih. pRDfn jI qy srdfr irafsqF ivwc qusIN Aupfa soc skdy aF.” srdfr dfVHI jfgIrdfrI aqy ibsvydfrI df bVf jLor qoN dI hwQ Pyr ky bih igaf. sfiraF Aus hY. iewk-iewk srdfr keI-keI ipMzF df dy lYkcr `qy KusL ho ky qfVI mfrI.(cldf)
ëð¶÷ð Çðòð ÕÇîÀ±ÇéàÆ ÕzËî¶à¯ðÆÁî ÁËìàÃë¯ðâ çÆ ×z˺â úêÇé§× PryjLr irvr kimAUintI kRYmytorIam aYbtsPorz dI gRYNz EpinMg (irbn kitMg) rsm 8 dsMbr, aYqvfr 11 vjy hovygI. BfeIcfry dy pqvMqy sWjx aqy AuWGIaF sLKsIaqF phuMc rhIaFhn. sB nUM KuWlHf sWdf idWqf jFdf hY. hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro; gurnfieb brfV: (604) 309-1818, dPqr: (604) 746-3040
ÃzÆ îÅé A@H ê§Çâå íÅé ÇÃ§Ø ÜÆ çÆ ÃñÅéÅ ìðÃÆ nXfX mfrqMz pMizq Bfn isMG jI dI pivwqr Xfd ivwc ipMz nwQU vflf jdId (ijlHf mogf) dIaF sMgqF vloN Kflsf dIvfn susfietI, gurduafrf sfihb ivKy 33094 sfAUQ PryjLr vya aYbtsPorz ivKy sRI aKMz pfT dI syvf krvfeI jf rhI hY. sRI aKMz pfT df arMB 27 dsMbr 2013 idn sukrvfr nUM svyry 10 vjy hovygf ijMnHF dy Bog idn aYqvfr 29 dsMbr 2013, 10 vjy pfey jfxgy. ipMz dy vIrF, BYxF aqy ielfkf invfsIaF nUM sinmr bynqI kIqI jFdI hY ik iqMny idn drsLn dyx dI ikRpflqf krnI aqy syvf ivwc hwQ vtfAux dI byqnI kIqI jFdI hY. hor jfxkfrI dy leI: mihMdr isMG igwl (pRDfn gurduafrf kmytI) 604-853-0483, dlIp isMG igwl (ipRMsIpl) 604-852-1881, prmjIq isMG igwl 604-854-0909, hridafl isMG igwl 778-552-6422,gurivMdr isMG brfV 604-710-9281
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
International Delegation Visits Richmond Gurdwara Richmond’s Highway to Heaven (aka #5 Road) has become a major attraction not only for Richmond residents but also from people all across the province and the country. Nearly every day there is a delegation of ne or other kind visiting the places of worship along this strip of #5 Road. That includes school and university students of all ages and grades. The latest group of visitors was rather unique. It included the consul general of Indonesia, his staff and a number of diplomats from Indonesia, as well as a number of scholars and community activists. This special delegation was in Vancouver to attend a conference on comparative religions organised by SFU. It also included scholars on comparative religions from various post-secondary institutions. Ms. Ellen Vaillancourt, coordinator, Centre for the Comparative Study of Muslim Societies and Cultures at SFU was one of the main organizers of the event. The delegation had a very enjoyable visit to various places of worship before stopping at India Cultural Centre’s Gurdwara Nanak Niwas on Thursday, November 28. After getting a tour of
the premises the delegates were invited to the Diwan (Prayer) Hall. This writer gave a brief description of Sikhism and its basic principles. That was followed by a brief history of the Sikhs in Canada and around the globe and this community’s work ethic, hard work, generosity and resilience. The formal presentation
was followed by a question and answer period. The visitors seemed to be very impressed not only by the spacious facility but also by the basic principles of Sikhism and the Sikh community’s generosity. For a vast majority of visitors, especially those from Indonesia, it was their
first exposure to a Sikh Gurdwara and Sikh religion. Seeing more than twenty place of worship representing most of the religions of the world along a few kilometers of a road in Richmond was quite an eye opener for most of them. As a matter of fact, some of them were in awe by their experience. Tasting a vegetarian Indo-Canadian meal was another exciting experience for them. Nearly all of them were very appreciative of this wonderful opportunity. For the management of India Cultural Centre it has been a very valuable experience to spread the message of our Gurus. As the founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak Ji has emphasized that we are all children of God. As such, as human beings we have a lot more in common than we realize. Interactions like this go a long way in promoting intercultural harmony.
Balwant Sanghera
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
November RBC Canadian PMI Shows Strong Rise Though Down Slightly From October - RBC Economics The November RBC Canadian Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index Showed a Strong Rise in Sentiment Though at a Slightly Slower Pace Relative to October a.. The RBC PMI Index for November of 55.3 indicates a strong improvement in business conditions in the Canadian manufacturing sector though at slightly slower rate relative to October’s index reading of 55.6. b.. The index benefited from continued high readings for both new orders and output though weakened by indications of a slowing in hiring. c.. All regions indicated rising sentiment though only two did so at a faster pace relative to October. d.. The November PMI though down from October has remained at a relatively high level over the past three months. As
well, the index is still wellabove average levels close to 50 that prevailed a year ago. Some of that earlier weakness was thought to be the result of uncertainty about the U.S. economic outlook as it approached the so-called “fiscal cliff.” The recent stronger PMI readings are encouraging as they suggest that despite the return of some of this fiscal-related uncertainty in the U.S., business confidence in the Canadian manufacturing sector continues to rise at a solid pace. Rising business sentiment bodes well for a pick-up in investment spending which we are relying upon to help strengthen overall GDP growth in Canada to 2.6% in 2014 from the 1.7% expected this year. Implications The November RBC Canadian Manufacturing PMI indicated that business conditions continued to improve significantly in the month albeit at a mar-
ginally lower pace relative to October. This was reflected in an index reading in November of 55.3 that is slightly lower than the 55.6 recorded in October. The PMI is calculated as a diffusion measure with any reading above 50 indicating improving business conditions in the manufacturing sector. The higher the reading is above the breakeven level of 50; the greater is the pace of improvement. Sentiment has generally been improving since last November albeit in a step-function manner. Over the period from November 2012 to April of this year the index averaged only 50.4 rising to 52.4 over the period May to August. Over the last three months the index has averaged 55.0. The overall PMI reflects the combined effect of five key components. In November the moderation in the overall index reflected three of the five measures moving lower in the
month. Of the two components that moved higher, encouragingly one was for the key output indicator which rose to 57.1 from 56.6 in October. The stock of purchases measure moved up as well though relatively modestly to 51.6 from 51.4. The main offset came from the employment measure. Though it indicated that firms continued to take on additional workers, the pace of hiring slowed as indicated by the index in November dropping to 52.8 from 53.7 in October. The new orders measure for November encouragingly indicated a strong pace of growth with an index reading of 58.0 though it was down from the 58.5 recorded in October. The October index for new orders represented the second highest pace over the history of the series. The delivery times measure, which enters inversely into the overall PMI measure, continues to indicate a slowing in delivery
times as the index remained below 50 in November at 47.2. However, the slowing was not a great as what prevailed in October when the index reading was 46.3. Other components of the survey, that are not included in the overall PMI measure, presented a mixed picture at less lofty levels of activity. Export orders continued to rise in November though at a modest pace with an index reading of 52.0 which was down from the 52.6 recorded in October. The backlog of work orders continued to rise though barely so as indicated by an index reading of 50.5. As well this was down from 51.1 that prevailed in October. The quantity of purchase index indicated a relatively robust pace of activity in the month with a diffusion measure of 55.1 though this compared to 55.5 in October. Offsetting these weaker cont’d on page 30
Punjabi Patrika
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kmr drd iewk afm pr gMBIr rog hY ijhVf Aumr vDx dy nfl-nfl qkrIbn hr ivakqI nUM ho skdf hY. ies rog ivwc svyry AuWTx sfr kmr afkVIafkVI lwgdI hY aqy pIV huMdI hY. QoVHf-bhuq qurn jfˆ lMmy pYx nfl afrfm imldf hY. iĂ‹afdf dyr qwk bYTx jfˆ KVHy rihx nfl pIV vD jfˆdI hY. moty jfˆ Bfry lokfˆ nUM ieh qklIP vDyry huMdI hY, ikAuNik rIVH hI hwzI hI srIr df pUrf vĂ‹n cuwk rhI huMdI hY. QoVHI ijhI Qkfvt nfl hI pRyĂˆfnI vD jfˆdI hY. ies rog dI sLurUafq kmr dy hyTly ihwsy ivwc pIV AuWTx nfl huMdI hY. hOlI-hOlI ieh qklIP gMBIr rUp Dfrn kr lYˆdI hY. jy shI smyˆ `qy ies rog df ielfj nf kIqf jfvy qfˆ ieh srIr dy dUjy
Ă•ĂŽĂ° çðç קĂÆð Ă°ÂŻĂ—
ihwisafˆ qwk vI PYl skdf hY. ies leI ies rog rIVH dI hwzI `qy iksy swt lwgx jfˆ dbfa pYx nfl. df Auicq aqy smyˆ isr ielfj krvfAuxf ËrUrI hY. afrfmdyh soiPafˆ/bYwz afid `qy bYTx jfˆ sOx nfl.
jnm qoN hI rIVH dI hwzI dI bxqr ivc KrfbI hoxf. rIVH dI hwzI dI tI[bI[ hoxf.
BfrI vËn cuwkx jfˆ Juk ky lgfqfr kMm krn nfl.
awj dy Xuwg ivwc mYzIkl Kyqr ivwc kfPI qrwkI hoeI hY ijs nfl bhuq sfrIafˆ ishq shUlqfˆ af geIafˆ kuJ lokfˆ dI srIrk bxqr hI ies qrHfˆ dI huMdI hn, ijnHfˆ nfl ies rog df ielfj hor vI afsfn ho hY ik Auh silwp izsk df iĂˆkfr ho jfˆdy hn. igaf hY. ies df sB qoN ibhqr ielfj hY- ‘lyĂ‹r izskytfmI` ijs nUM ‘ipMnhol srjrI` vI kihMdy agfˆh nUM Juk ky qurn, glq bYTx jfˆ Klox nfl. hn. ies ivwc rogI nUM lMimafˆ pf ky afrfm mĂˆIn dI shfieqf nfl Aus dI izsk df pqf lgfieaf jfˆdf hY qy iPr Aus nUM pUrf byhoĂˆ nf kr ky izsk dy ivckfr iewk sUeI pfeI jfˆdI hY. ies sUeI ivckfroN SALES AND INSTALLATION ‘afsitk PfeIbr` nfl bixaf ‘lyĂ‹r pRQo` pfieaf jfˆdf hY. ‘pRQo` nfl izsk `qy hr 5 sikMt bfad do sikMt leI lyĂ‹r plws dy qkrIbn 1200 qoN 1500 jUilm pfey jfˆdy hn. ies ivDI nfl izsk suMgVn • HARDWOOD lwgdI hY aqy nsfˆ qoN dbfa Gtxf sLurU ho jfˆdf hY • LAMINATE qy ies qrHfˆ rogI nUM pIV qoN Cutkfrf iml jfˆdf hY. rIVH dI hwzI df afpxI asl Qfˆ qoN iKsk jfxf.
vfijb kImq aqy qsWlIbKs kMm
40 sfl qoN Gwt Aumr dy mrIĂ‹fˆ ivwc keI vfr sLurU dI avsQf ivwc spfeInl srjrI kIqI jfˆdI hY ijs ivwc iKskI hoeI izsk df bImfr ihwsf kwZ idwqf jfˆdf hY. ieh srjrI qklIĂŒ sLurU hox dy pihly 6 mhIinafˆ ivwc hI kIqI jfvy qfˆ pUrf lfB imldf hY. ijnHfˆ df rog purfxf ho cuwikaf huMdf hY, AunHfˆ nUM pIV GtfAux leI grm pfxI jfˆ lyĂ‹r df syk idwqf jfˆdf hY. ies qrHfˆ nfl mfspyĂˆIafˆ ivwc qxfa Gt jfˆdf hY, ijs nfl rIVH dI hwzI, izsk afid ishqmMd rihMdy hn. ies qoN ielfvf kmr drd dy ielfj ivwc
Friday, December 6th, 2013
suKmMdr isMG qUr ielYktro- aYikXUpMkcr, itrYkĂˆn, lwk dI py t I afid Ăˆfml hn. pIV vflI Qfˆ `qy ieMjYkĂˆn dyx nfl hI afrfm imldf hY.
kuJ hor Aupfa kmr drd qoN bcx leI hyT ilKy Aupfa vI PfiedymMd rihMdy hn: bYTdy hoey kmr aqy DOx iblkul iswDI rwKo. jykr dyr qwk Kloxf hovy qfˆ iewk pYr Jukfa ky Aus nUM afrfm idE. srIr df vĂ‹n iewk-iewk krky dovfˆ pYrfˆ `qy rwKo. iewko avsQf ivwc bhuqI dyr qwk kMm nf kro . hr aw D y GM t y bfad siQqI bdlo . kmr dIafˆ mfspy Ăˆ Iafˆ nU M iKcfa idM d y rho . sOx vflf plMG/bYwz afid iswDf aqy sKq hoxf cfhIdf hY. gwdy gudgudy Bfvyˆ hox pr iZwly nf hox. DOx Qwly isrP iewk isrhfxf Enf hI motfeI df lE ijs nfl kmr jfˆ DOx `qy Ă‹or nf pvy. jykr smfn afid iĂ‹afdf BfrI hY qfˆ Aus nUM iekw l y cu w k x dI Qfˆ iksy dU j y dI mdd lE jfˆ do QfeIN vMz ky iewk-iewk hwQ ivwc PVo. ies nfl srIr df sMquln bixaf rhygf. dPqr ivw c qu h fzI ku r sI azjsty b l ho x I cfhIdI hY. kursI dI lMbfeI ieMnI hovy ik lwqfˆ nUM afrfm iml sky. ies qrHfˆ kmr sOKI rhygI. ilKx/pVHn vfly myĂ‹ dI AucfeI ieMnI hovy ik Jukxf nf pvy. ieh kuJ nukqy kmr drd qoN afrfm dy skdy hn. iĂ‹afdf qklIP hox `qy mfhr zfktr qoN ielfj krvfE.
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amrIkI smfj, jy asIN ies nUM swiBaqfvF dIaF mfnqfvF dy anusfr smfj df ruqbf dy skdy hF qF iek aijhf smfj bx cuwikaf hY ijhVf iksy vI vrqfry, ivakqIgq jF smUihk pwKoN sihj nhIN afiKaf jf skdf. QoVy ijhy sLwk dy aDfr qy hI hmlf krn dI pRivrqI afm hY. AunIvIN sdI dy arMBly sflF ivwc amrIkf dy Auc ividak adfiraF ivwc aqy XUnIvristIaF ivwc aijhf mhOl bx igaf ik iswiKaf gqI-ivDIaF aqy Koj-kfrjF nfloN KyzF, tUrnfmYNt aqy mYc ijLafdf aihmIaq lY gey. iek iksm nfl ivwidaf mwlF dy aKfVy bx geI. iPr, ieh vI ik KyzF, Kyzx dI Bfvnf nfl nhIN sgoN ijwq hfr dI Bfvnf nfl hI KyzIaF jFdIaF sn. iehnF sflF ivwc kfljF ivwc ieMny ividafrQIaF dIaF Kyz mukfbilaF kfrn mOqF hoeIaF ik iehnF ny afm huMdy kqlF dy aMkiVaF nUM vI mfq pf idwqf. bhuq sfry kflj aqy XUnIvristIaF ny qF ies ruJfn nUM Twl pfAux vfsqy KyzF qy pfbMDI hI
lgf idwqI. rfsLtrpqI rUjvYlt ny pfrlImYNt ivwc ies ivsLy qy ivsLysL bihs vI krvfeI sI. sfry amrIkf ivwc gRih XuwD dy vyly dIaF XfdF qfjLf ho AuWTIaF. amrIkf ivwc Puwtbfl df mYc sB qoN pihlF pirMstn aqy ruwtrj kflj ivwc hoieaf. pr CyqI hI ies df srUp ieMglYNz dI Puwtbfl qoN bdl igaf. ies dy inXm vfltr kYNp ny bdly ijhVf Xyl XUnIvristI ivwc koc sI. koc dI qnKfh XUnIvristI dy pRDfn qoN vI ijLafdf sI. bysvfl dI Koj amrIkf ivwc vfeIaYmsIey ny 1891 ivwc kIqI. XUnIvristIaF qy kfljF df mhOl aYsf ho igaf ik Auh styzIamF df hI rUp Dfr geIaF. ividafrQI pVHnf ilKxf CWz Czf ky iehnF ivwc hI ruwJy rihMdy sn aqy mYcF mukfbilaF vyly qF afhmxy sfhmxy lVfeI dy idRsL huMdy sn. mYc dyKx vflf, zr dy mfry, koeI vI nhIN sI huMdf. ijs sLihr ivwc mYc huMdf sI AuWQy kfrobfr bMd ho jFdy sn.
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Punjabi Patrika
Punjabi Patrika
PAGE 30 cont’d from page 27
readings, the stocks of finished goods measure rose to 51.7 from 49.6 in October. The rate of increase for this component was the fastest in almost two-and-one-half years. The survey also provides a read on price pressures both in terms of inputs and outputs. In November both measure indicated that, though prices continued to rise, it was at a slower pace relative to October. The output price index fell 51.1 in November from 53.8 in October while the input price measure moderated to 53.6 from 54.4 over the same period. Though input prices were rising at a faster rate in November relative to output prices, the increase in input prices remains historically very low. The RBC PMI is also calculated on a regional basis for Ontario, Quebec, Alberta/British Columbia
and the “Rest of Canada.” The November data indicated that business conditions in the manufacturing sector continued to improve in all four regions though only two did so at a slightly faster pace relative to October. The biggest increase occurred in Ontario where the measure rose to 55.1 from 54.1 in October. The ‘Rest of Canada” also saw an improvement to 54.6 from 54.1. The fastest pace of improvement in business conditions occurred in Alberta and British Columbia with a November index reading of 58.0. However, this was down from the 59.2 recorded in October. There was also a moderation in the index for Quebec which dropped to 51.5 from 51.9. This left Quebec with the slowest pace of improvement in business conditions among all of the regions.
tober has remained at a relatively high level over the past three months. As well, the index is still well above levels close to 50 that prevailed a year ago. Some of that earlier weakness was thought to be the result of uncertainty about the U.S. economic outlook as it approached the so-called “fiscal cliff.” The recent stronger PMI readings are encouraging as they suggest that despite the return of some of this fiscalrelated uncertainty in the U.S., business confidence in the Canadian manufacturing sector continues to rise at a solid pace. Rising business sentiment bodes well for a pick-up in investment spending which we are relying upon to help strengthen overall GDP growth in Canada to 2.6% in 2014 from the 1.7% expected this year.
The November PMI though down from Oc-
Paul Ferley, Assistant Chief Economist
RBC contacts:
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
What’s New @ The Reach Upcoming Events & Programs Hatha Yoga at The Reach with Simran Bains Mondays, December 2 - 16, 2013 5:30pm | $15 drop-in It’s a Hatha class to improve mobility, ease tension and decrease stress. Contact Donna Dempsey at or 604 864-8087 to register.
Think Outside the Art Box Thursday, December 12, 2013 3:30 - 5:30pm | Free Science. Math. Social Studies. English. Art? See how the visual arts is so much more than simply putting paint to canvas. Join us after school for fun experiments and explorations through various techniques in art making. Pre-registration is required to confirm your child’s spot in the program. Max 30 attendees. Email The Reach to register at info@thereach. ca or call 604 864-8087 x 111. An adult must drop off and pick up their child to Think OUTSIDE the Art Box, and signing in and out is required.
Before Midnight - Fall Film Series Friday, December 13, 2013 7pm | Rated R | Free Join us for the last film in our Fall Film Series! It has been nine years since we last met Jesse and Celine, the French-American couple who once met on a train in Vienna. They now live in Paris with twin daughters, but have spent a summer in Greece on the invitation of an author colleague of Jesse’s. When the vacation is over and Jesse must send his teenage son off to the States, he begins to question his life decisions and his relationship with Celine is at risk.
A Very Heritage Holiday Camp December 30, 2013 - January 3, 2014 9am-3pm | No camp January 1 Ring in the New Year in vintage style with The Reach on December 30, 31, January 2 and 3. We’ll decorate the studio with heritage themed holiday crafts, act out heritage skits, sing carols and more. Single day options are available for $25 or register for all four days for $90. Friends of The Reach receive 10% off! To register call 604 864-8087 x 111. A Very Heritage Holiday Camp is a nut-free camp and is brown-bag lunch. Please contact Jennifer Pride at or call 604 864-8087 x 127 with any questions.
Upcoming Progam at the Clearbrook Library ‘Tis the Season - A Family Christmas Special. At the Clearbrook Library (32320 George Ferguson Way, phone 604-859-7814 ext 229) on Wednesday, Dec 11, 7-7:45pm. Bring your family and Christmas Spirit to the library for stories, crafts, snacks and sparkly festive fun.
Trade mission to Asia grows markets and promotes investment
ritish Columbia and its natural gas potential are the talk of Asia as Premier Christy Clark’s 2013 Jobs and Trade Mission comes to a close. Premier Clark and International Trade Minister Teresa Wat led a diverse delegation with one common purpose: to strengthen ties in Asia and secure markets for British Columbia’s liquefied natural gas (LNG). “LNG is an unprecedented opportunity for B.C. with 100,000 jobs and 1 trillion dollars in new economic activity over 30 years to provide clean energy to power Asia’s growth and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” Premier Clark said. “Asian investors and governments now clearly understand that B.C. businesses and labour, First Nations and communities are united and working together to be a long-term stable supplier of British Columbia’s clean natural gas.” Over 120 companies, First Nations and labour representatives, and organizations and communities took part in the Jobs and Trade Mission to China, Korea and Japan. Premier Clark and Minister Wat participated in high-level meetings with LNG decision makers and signed co-operation agreements with multiple levels of governments. This strategic outreach included: · A tour of the Jiangsu Rudon liquefied natural gas terminal that offered a first-hand look at a facility that is ready
to receive British Columbia’s LNG exports. · Premier Clark addressed forums dedicated to British Columbia’s resources and natural gas in Beijing, Seoul and Tokyo. · Key government-togovernment agreements to expand co-operation and strengthen energy-related business opportunities · Bank of China (Canada), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Bank of China, announced it has consolidated its Canadian trade finance services at its International Business Centre in Vancouver; it will lead new trade settlement business for the Bank of China (Canada). · Samsung Electronics announced the official opening of its first Canadian research and development centre in Burnaby; it will focus on developing mobile enterprise solutions. · An agreement between the University of British Columbia and the Korea Gas Corporation to formulate a joint strategy related to fuel cell technology and the production, processing and liquefaction of natural gas. Yesterday, Minister Wat witnessed the signing of an agreement between the Ministry of International Trade and the Guangdong Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation to advance trade and investment partnerships in the South China region. Minister Wat also attended a B.C. LNG forum in Guangzhou
with approximately 50 representatives from South China’s natural gas industry. “China, Korea and Japan are actively changing their energy mix and looking for new solutions and partners, and this trade mission allowed us to personally deliver the message that British Columbia is open for business,” Minister Wat said. “We promoted British Columbia’s advantages in meetings with LNG investors and at B.C. resource forums in high priority markets, and we advanced government-to-government energy co-operation in countries where those relationships are the key to securing investment.” British Columbia’s trade mission and its natural gas potential have been widely covered in the Asian media. Premier Clark and Minister Wat participated in a series of interviews with outlets that reach massive audiences, including CCTV, accessible to over a billion TV viewers, and news services Xinhua and Chinese Financial Times, which together are viewed by over 100 million readers per day. British Columbia’s new energy partnership agreement with Japan was covered by major outlets such as Kyodo News, Nikkei and Denki Shimbun, a daily paper devoted to the energy industry, and a feature story about the mission and B.C. LNG was published yesterday in Korea’s Maeil Business Newspaper, which has a circulation of over 835,000 readers.
Punjabi Patrika
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aOtvf- kYnyzf dI POj ivc KudkuÈIafˆ dI vDdI pRivrqI dy kfrn ies msly Auqy kOmI iDafn iKwicaf igaf hY. iek hPqy dy ivc 3 sYinkfˆ duafrf KudkuÈI kr lYx dy kfrn POj dy aMdrUnI pRÈfsn Auqy svflIaf inÈfn lwg rhy hn. hfl hI ivc mfeIkl mkYnIl jo aPgfinsqfn ivc qfienfq rhy sn ny KudkuÈI kr leI hY. hor do jvfnfˆ ny ies qoN pihlfˆ KudkuÈI kIqI. iehnfˆ iqMny sYinkfˆ dIafˆ KudkuÈIafˆ dy kfrn POj dI iËMmyvfrI aqy qfienfqI drimafn af rhIafˆ muÈiklfˆ vwl vI kOmI iDafn iKwicaf igaf
aOtvf- kYnyzf srkfr ny iPlpInË dy qUPfn pIVqfˆ leI iekwTI kIqI jf rhI rfÈI ivc mYicMg grfˆt dyx df smfˆ hux 9 dsMbr qoN vDf ky 23 dsMbr qwk kr idwqf hY. ies smyˆ qwk smfj syvI sMsQfvfˆ ijMnI rfÈI iekwTI krngIafˆ, Aus ivc 50 PIsdI Xogdfn mYicMg grfˆt vjoN srkfr dyvygI. kOmfˆqrI ivkfs mfmilafˆ dy mMqrI ikRscIan prfizs ny ieh smfˆ vDfey jfx df aYlfn kridafˆ ikhf ik iPlpInË ivc
ik ies sM m y l n dy drimafn surwiKaf sfzf pRmuwK tIcf sI aqy ies afÈy dI pUrqI leI hr iksm dy qrIky dI vrqoN kIqI hY. Auhnfˆ ikhf ik ieh KuPIaf jfxkfrI lYx dI koiÈÈ nhIN sI blik surwiKaf XkInI bxfAux dy leI KuPIaf eyjMsIaf df afpsI qflmyl sI. Auhnfˆ ikhf ik ies tIcy dI pU r qI leI amrIkI surwiKaf eyjMsIafˆ dI vI mdd leI sI aqy Auhnfˆ nUM mulk ivc surwiKaf XkInI bxfAux leI KuPIafigrI dI iejfËq idwqI sI. t r f ˆ t o - G r i v c k f r b n monoafksfeIz bx jfx kfrn iek vwzy pirvfrk hfdsy ivcoN guËr rhy iek pirvfr dy pMj dy pfrtnr hn, vwloN kfl imlI sI sflfˆ dy sMGrÈ nUM hux sPlqf aqy ikhf sI ik sYnytr mfeIk zwPI imlI hY. AuntfrIE ivDfn sBf duafrf pYsy vfps krn bfry kI qih ivc Aus ibl nUM lwgBwg sihmqI hoieaf hY aqy ikMnI rkm qih hoxI nfl pyÈ kr idwqf hY, ijs dy hY. itm ny ikhf ik ies qoN qurMq qihq hux hryk Gr ivc kfrbn bfad kfl kwtI geI. pr itm ny monoafksfeIz gYs dI icqfvnI ikhf ik Auhnfˆ nUM nhIN pqf sI ik dyx vflf XMqr lgfAuxf lfËmI koeI jfˆc hoxI hY aqy PfeIlfˆ dI krfr idwqf igaf hY. hfikns jfˆc krky koeI nqIjf dyxf hY. ies iggnk aYkt nfˆ dy ies nvyˆ qoN ieh spÈt ho irhf hY ik ieh kfnUMn dy qihq hux hryk Gr zIl afizt qoN bfhrvfr hI hoeI sI. ivc ies XMqr df hoxf lfËmI hovygf. ieh muihMm jOhn iggink nfˆ dI iek aOrq ny clfeI sI, ijs dI BqIjI aqy pqI smyq do bwcy Gr ivc pYdf hoeI kfrbn bhuq BfrI qbfhI hoeI hY aqy monoafksfeIz gYs dy kfrn mfry sfzI srkfr dI koiÈÈ hY ik gey sn. ieh hfdsf 2008 ivc vwD qoN vwD rfÈI Aus mulk dy vfpiraf sI. ieh gYs rMg rihq, lokfˆ dI mdd leI idwqI jfvy. mu È k rihq, gM D rihq iek prfizs Kud iPlIpInË df dOrf aijhI gYs huMdI hY, ijs dI hoNd krky rfhq kMmfˆ dI smIiKaf vI ivc sfh lYxf aOKf ho jfˆdf hY krn gey sn. Auhnfˆ ikhf ik aqy mnuwK nUM pqf vI nhIN lwgdf, kYnyzf ivc smfj syvf df kMm jdoN qwk Auh byhoÈ ho jfˆdf hY. inrMqr jfrI hY. kYnyzf dI tIm kYnyzf ivc srdIafˆ dy mOsm ivc rYz krfs dI mdd nfl ErmYk bMd Grfˆ ivc ieh smwisaf af ivc hspqfl clf rhI hY aqy skdI hY. ies smwisaf df tfkrf knyzIan Porsfˆ ies mulk dy muV inrmfx leI kMm kr rhIafˆ hn.
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isrP ies XMqr nfl hI kIqf jf skdf hY, ijhVf sihx ÈkqI qoN iËafdf kfrbn monoafksfeIz Gr ivc bx jfx dI sUrq ivc alfrm dyvygf. 2008 qoN ies pirvfr dI ijMdf bcI ieko iek mYˆbr lfirl hfikns ny mIzIaf ivc muihMm clfeI aqy ies qoN bfad ieh muwdf isafsq ivc af igaf. hux sfrIafˆ pfrtIafˆ ies qy jdo N sihmq hu M d Iafˆ idwsIafˆ qfˆ ieh ibl ivDfn sBf ivc pyÈ kIqf igaf. ies leI 2008 ivc ivDfiek hfrzrmYn pRfeIvyt mYˆbr ibl pyÈ kIqf sI pr Auh ibl pfs nf ho sikaf. ivDfn sBf ivc ies ibl nUM pUrn sihmqI nfl pfs krn qo N bfad hu x ies XM q r nU M lgfAux dy leI srgrmI qyË ho jfvygI. ies ibl dy ËrIey Pfier pRIvYnÈn aqy pRotYkÈn aYkt ivc vI asurwiKaq kfrbn monoafksfeIz dI ivafiKaf kr idwqI geI hY. ieh gYs kYnyzf aqy amrIkf ivc keI Grfˆ ivc pYdf hox dIafˆ iÈkfieqfˆ imldIafˆ af rhIafˆ hn. ieh ËihrIlI gYs hY aqy blx vfly pdfrQfˆ qoN pYdf huMdI hY.
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dr df tIcf pUrf nhIN ho sikaf. ies df pRmuwK kfrn amrIkI arQcfry dy pRBfv mMny jf rhy hn. amrIkf ivc vI ivkfs dI dr 28 PIsdI dy krIb ies sfl drj kIqI geI hY. kYnyzf ivc arQcfry dI mËbUqI df pRmuwK kfrn mYnUPYkcirMg, rItyl aqy holsyl vpfr smyq ivwq aqy ieMÈorYˆs sYktr duafrf idKfey gey afÈfvfdI ruJfnfˆ nUM dwisaf jf irhf hY.
Friday, December 6th, 2013
âµëÆ îÅîñ¶ ÒÚ êzèÅé î§åðÆ é¶ ÇçµåÅ ìÅÕÆ ÃàÅë çÅ ÃÅæ aO t vf- pR D fn mM q rI stIPn hfrpr ny sYnytr zwPI dy byPjUl Kricafˆ dI BrpfeI mfmly ivc afpxy dPqr dy bfkI stfP df bcfa kridafˆ spÈt qOr qy ikhf hY ik Auhnfˆ dy dPqr dy stfP dy jo mYˆbr ies zIl ivc Èfml pfey gey, Auh bfhr kr idwqy hn aqy bfkI iksy stfP mYˆbr dI ies ivc BUimkf nhIN hY. pRDfn mMqrI dy sfbkf pI[ ey[ ingyl rfeIt duafrf afpxy sfbkf bOs qy ies ivvfdgRsq zIl bfry lgfey gey doÈfˆ qoN bfad hux bfkI stfP Auqy AuNglfˆ AuTxIafˆ suBfivk hn. pr pRDfn mMqrI dPqr dy bfkI sInIar stfP ijs ivc zfierYktr afP iesU mYnyjmYˆt ikRs vuwzkfk aqy mY n y j r pfrlImfnI aPy a rË pYtirk rOËr Èfml hn, pihlfˆ hI ies crcf ivc rih cuwky hn ik ikvyˆ zwPI dy Kricafˆ dI pUrqI kIqI geI sI. ieh dovyˆ hfly vI srkfrI dPqrfˆ ivc qfienfq hn. vuwz stfP kudrqI sroq mMqrI joie ElIvIaf dy nfl kMm kr rhy hn, jd ik rOjr ivrfsq mMqrI ÈYlI glovr dy shfiek hn. ieh zIl asl ivc pfrtI dy PMzfˆ qoN zwPI dI rIpymYˆt krn nfl sbMDq sI, jd ik afizt ny klym leI kuJ
hor kfrn dwsy hn. kMjLrvyitv PMz cyarmYn ierivMg gRYstn pihlfˆ hI ies sbMDI spÈtIkrn dy cuwky hn aqy afpxI irport dy cuwky hn. hu x svfl ieh hY ik pR D fn mM q rI dPqr dy bfkI stfP mYˆbrfˆ vwl kfrvfeI dI klm ikAuN nhIN cwlI? aYn[ zI[ pI[ lIzr Qfms mulkyar ny svfl pIrIaz drimafn bfkI mYˆbrfˆ qy vI kfrvfeI dI mMg kIqI sI. ilbrl lIzr jsitn trU z o lgfqfr bfkI lokfˆ qy vI kfrvfeI dI mMg kr rhy hn aqy Auh mMg kr rhy hn ik pRDfn mMqrI ieh spÈt krn ik ikAuN ierivMg gYstyn lgfqfr qfienfq hn? pR D fn mM q rI ny ikhf sI ik do ivakqI hI ies zIl leI iËMmyvfr sn rfeIt aqy zwPI. afr[ sI[ aYm[ pI[ ny ies nuM Prfz dwisaf hY aqy keI hor aprfDfˆ qihq vI nfmËdgI hoeI hY pr hfly qwk iksy nUM cfrj nhIN kIqf igaf. pRDfn mMqrI df kihxf hY ik jfˆc dy dfiery ivc do hI ivakqI hn jd ik ivroDI iDr df kihxf hY ik hor vI stfP dy mYˆbr ies zIl ivc Èfml hn, pr Auhnfˆ df bcfa kIqf jf irhf hY.
í¯ñÅ âðµ× Õ¶Ã: ÕËé¶âÆÁé êµåðÕÅð å¶ Û¶ êðòÅÃÆ Ãî×ñðź çÆ ôéÅÖå pitaflf, amn sUd/t[n[s[: pMjfb pulIs ny niÈafˆ dy 2500 kroV rupey dy kfrobfr nfl juVy do drjn aYn[ afr[ afeIË leI sUcnf iekwqr krn vfly torfˆto vsy pwqrkfr dI ÈnfKq kIqI hY. pulIs ny Cy horfˆ aYn[ afr[ afeIË dI ÈnfKq vI kIqI hY, jo Bfrq ivc niÈafˆ df vpfr clfAu x dy nfl-nfl kY n y z f rfhIN ivdyÈfˆ ivc vI niÈafˆ dI splfeI krdy hn. pulIs vwloN kIqI pVqfl ivc kynyzf vsy pwqrkfr ‘iswDU` dy nfˆ df Kulfsf hoieaf hY. ies pwqrkfr ny kuJ mhIny afpxf aKLbfr clfieaf aqy ieh 2003-04 ivc niÈafˆ dy kfrobfr nfl juiVaf hoieaf hY. ies mgroN ieh brqrP kIqy pulIs aPsr jgdIÈ Bolf aqy kfhloN dy sMprk ivc afieaf. sUqrfˆ anusfr ienHfˆ ny kuJ hor aY n [ afr[ afeIË smglrfˆ dI imlIBugq nfl niÈafˆ df kfrobfr clfieaf. hux ieh sfry Prfr hn. pitaflf dy aYs[ aYs[ pI[ hridafl isMG mfn ny
ikhf ik kfrvfeI pihlfˆ hI AuWc pwDr `qy cwl rhI hY aqy ÈnfKq kIqy ienHfˆ aYn[ afr[ afeIË dI igRPqfrI mhwqvpUrn hY ikAuNik ies nfl bhuq sfry aihm Kulfsy hoxgy. ieh sfry kOmfˆqrI pwDr `qy niÈafˆ dI smgilMg nfl juVy hoey hn. iswDU dI igRPqfrI vI aihm hY ikAuNik Auh ies groh nUM sUcnf dyx vflf muwK ivakqI sI. Aus dI mIzIaf nfl nyVqf hox krky Auh afpxy sMprkfˆ rfhIN pMjfb aqy kYnyzf dIafˆ gqIivDIafˆ `qy nËr rwKdf sI. ies vyly Auh inafgrf PflË nyVy stor clfAuNdf hY pr pMjfb ivc niÈafˆ bfry hoey Kulfisafˆ mgroN Auh gfieb hY. torfˆ t o qoN pRqIk isMG dI irport anusfr iswDU ny roËfnf ‘pihrydfr` dy krqf-Drqf nfl rl ky afpxf prcf ‘dUr-dyÈ` sLurU kIqf sI. Auh 2000 ivc bxy pMjfbI pRYs klwb, kYnyzf df mYˆbr sI. Auh brYˆptn ivKy grfsrI stor vI clfAuNdf irhf.
Friday, December 6th, 2013
gwTjoV rfjnIqI Bfrq df ÈOk nhIN sgoN iewk mjbUrI hY. ajoky rfjnIqk mfhOl ivwc ieh iewk rvfieq bx geI hY. ipCly lgpg iqMn dhfikafˆ qoN dyÈ gwTjoV srkfrfˆ dy kOVy-imwTy qjrby hMZf irhf hY. sMn 1977 qoN ies ny cODrI crn isMG, vI[ pI[ isMG, cMdr ÈyKr, dyvgOVf, vfjpfeI aqy mnmohn isMG dI agvfeI hyT smyˆ-smyˆ `qy gwTjoV srkfrfˆ vyKIafˆ qy hMZfeIafˆ sn. ienHfˆ gwTjoVfˆ ivwc kOmI Bfvnf dI Qfˆ bhuqI vfr KyqrIvfd, rfjnIqk-mOkfpRsqI, Dn dI lflsf aqy ‘Auqr kfto mYˆ cVfˆ` dI sOVI Kyz hI idKfeI idwqI hY. cfr-cfr jfˆ CyCy mYˆbrfˆ vflIafˆ pfrtIafˆ vwloN rfj kr rhI vwzI iDr nUM blYkmyl krnf aqy swqf kfiem rwKx leI vwzIafˆ isafsI iDrfˆ df ienHfˆ sfhmxy ilPxf qy rfj krn dy asUlfˆ qy kOmI ihwqfˆ nUM iqlfˆjlI dy ky isrP rfj dI vkqI sQfpqI leI lylHVIafˆ kwZx qwk jfxf hux afm gwl hY. sMsfr Br dy lokqMqrI dyÈfˆ ivwc lokqMqr df srbpRvfinq afdrÈ iehI hY ik ies ivwc cox pRbMD ivwc dfKl hox vflI hr iDr afpxf cox pR o g rfm bxfAu N d I hY , lo k lu B fAU nIqIafˆ afDfirq mnorQ pwqr iqafr krdI hY aqy cox ijwqx `qy swqf ivwc af ky Aus nUM sucwjy ZMg nfl lfgU krn df Xqn krdI hY jfˆ iPr ivroDI iDr
Punjabi Patrika
×µáܯó ðÅÜéÆåÆ çÅ è°§çñÅ íÇòµÖ bx ky sMsd dy aMdr qy bfhr srkfr dIafˆ kmIafˆ nUM Aujfgr krdI hY. ijwQy rfj krdI iDr sucfrU rfj pRbMD rfhIN lokfˆ dy nyVy rihxf locdI hY, AuWQy ivroDI iDr jnqk smwisafvfˆ nUM muwdf bxfAuNdI hY. ieh vrqfrf do-pfrtI pRxflI ivwc hI ibhqrI nfl cwl skdf hY, ikAuNik bhu-pfrtI pRxflI ivwc nf qfˆ rfj `qy kfbË iDrfˆ lok ihwqfˆ leI juafbdyh rihMdIafˆ hn aqy nf hI ivroDI iDr ivwc bYTIafˆ pfrtIafˆ lok ihwqU ivroD dy isDfˆq `qy cwldIafˆ hn.
BfrqI isafsq dI qRfsdI ieh rhI hY ik iewQy afËfdI qoN 66 vrHy bfad vI do-pfrtI pRxflI ivksq nhIN ho skI hY. KyqrIvfd rfhIN kurfhy pYˆdIpYˆdI BfrqI isafsq awj inwjvfd, hAumY aqy pirvfrvfd dI rsfql ivwc Ds geI hY. ihMdosqfn dI bxqr bhuDrmI, bhujfqI aqy bhuBfÈI hox df ijwQy dyÈ nUM mfx hY, AuWQy Kyqrvfd ny iewQoN dy isafsI pRbMD nUM bsqIvfdI phu M c ivw c Dw k idw q f hY . afpsI vwKryivafˆ ny hI BfrqI gulfmI dI Aumr lMmyrI kIqI sI aqy ies kfrn hI pRfcIn swiBafcfrk sfˆJ dy bfvjUd aMgryË sfzy mulk ivwc Drm afDfirq vMzIafˆ dI icMgfrI suwt gey ijhVI sMn 1947 ivwc BfˆbV bx geI. dyÈ totytoty ho igaf pr awj vI ieh sulgdI awg keI iKwiqafˆ ivwc bl pYˆdI hY. afËfdI qoN bfad vI ies dyÈ dI
isafsq Drm, jfq, mËhb, BfÈf aqy sUbfvfd rfhIN gRihxI geI aqy rihMdI ksr BfÈf afDfirq rfjfˆ dy ptyl PfrmUly ny pUrI kr idwqI. ijwQy ies PfrmUly ny KyqrI pfrtIafˆ nUM jnm idwqf, AuWQy rfÈtrI isafsI iDrfˆ vI KyqrI phuMc df iÈkfr ho geIafˆ. koeI kOmI iDr Gwt-igxqIafˆ nUM KuÈ krn lwg peI aqy koeI bhuigxqI Drm dI agvfeI leI pwbfˆ Bfr ho geI. vwKvwK iPrikafˆ dI pRPulqf dy eyjMizafˆ ny rfÈtrvfd dy srb-ivafpk isDfˆq `qy kflK poc idwqI aqy kOmI Bfvnf muwK eyjMzy qoN iqlkdI KyqrIvfd dy isafsI eyjMzy `qy phuMc geI. BfrqI isafsq ivwcoN mnuwKqf mnPI ho geI.
smyˆ dy gyV nfl rfÈtrvfd aKIr inwjvfd dy hnyr awgy gozy tyk igaf aqy iewk-iewk, do-do mYˆbr vflIafˆ isafsI pfrtIafˆ ny sMsd dI bhuigxqI brkrfr rwKx dy smIkrn bdl ky aijhy iBRÈt isafsI swiBafcfr nUM jnm idwqf ik lokqMqr Èrmsfr ho igaf. awj aijhy isKr `qy phuMc ky BfrqI lokqMqr nUM ipCokV `qy Jfq mfrn dI ËrUrq hY. awj dy sMdrB ivwc Bfrq ajy do pfrtI isstm pRxflI qoN kohfˆ dUr jfpdf hY aqy Bivw K ivw c aijhy iksy acM B y dI afs vI nhIN hY. BfrqI rfjnIqI ny ajy gwTjoVfˆ dI rfjnIqI hI rihxf hY. ienHfˆ hflfq ivwc smUh rfjnIqk
iDrfˆ nUM dyÈ-ihwq nUM sfhmxy rwK ky gwTjoV rfjnIqI sbMDI inXm aqy asUl GVny cfhIdy hn qfˆ jo gwTjoV rfjnIqI aMqrrfÈtrI isafsI imafr dI ho jfvy. ihMdosqfnI isafsq vI iksy asUl `qy cwly. isafsq aqy iqafg df irÈqf dubfrf bxy. sMGrÈ isafsI sQfpqI df afDfr bxy, nf ik pirvfrk srpRsqI. ies iksm dI lokvfdI phuMc nUM sMivDfnk pRvfnqf idvfAux leI isafsI iDrfˆ cfhy Auh rfjBfg ivwc hox jfˆ ivro DI iDr ivwc, koeI skfrfqmk kMm nhIN kr skxgIafˆ.
Krfk vsqfˆ dI ËKIrybfËI rfhIN Gft pYdf kr ky aqy iPr muwlfˆ nUM asmfnI cfV ky BfrqI lokfeI dI huMdI luwt `qy aMkuÈ lfAux leI iËMmyvfr mMqrI hI jdoN ieh ibafn dyvy ik kImqfˆ `qy kMtrol srkfr dy vws dI gwl nhIN hY qy iPr alwg-alwg simafˆ `qy cfr-cfr vfr ieh ibafn dohrf ky ËKIrybfËfˆ nUM Èih dyvy qfˆ Aus srkfrIqMqr hwQoN swiBak isafsI BivwK dI qvwko krnI PjUl hI hovygI. mËfk bxI BfrqI rfjnIqI nUM lIh `qy ilafAux leI BfrqI cox kimÈn ijhI sMivDfnk sMsQf hI pihlkdmI krn dy smrwQ hY aqy ibnfˆ hor smfˆ gvfey ies nUM ieh pihl krnI vI cfhIdI hY qfˆ jo BfrqI lokqMqr ivwc lokfˆ df ivÈvfs bixaf rih sky.
PAGE 33 minMdr pfl isMG ies mksd leI cox kimÈn nUM kuJ bM d Èfˆ aqy sy D fˆ mu k w r r krnIafˆ cfhIdIafˆ hn aqy AunHfˆ qoN pfsy ho rhy mOkfpRsq gwTjoVfˆ nUM rwd krn dI ivvsQf kIqI jfxI cfhIdI hY. sfrIafˆ pfrtIafˆ cox gwTjoV cox pRogrfm jfrI hox qoN pihlfˆ hox aqy ienHfˆ muqfibk hI cox lVI jfvy. sMsd dI bhuigxqI jfˆ Gwt-igxqI coxfˆ qoN pihlfˆ hoey gwTjoVfˆ muqfibk hI mMnI jfvy aqy cox ivwc iewk-dUjy dy ivroD ivwc KVHIafˆ pfrtIafˆ dI cox qoN bfad dI hmfieq `qy pfbMdI hovy. gwTjoV pfrtIafˆ df sfˆJf cox mnorQ pwqr hovy aqy agly pMj sfl Aus `qy kMm krn dI ilKqI sihmqI leI jfvy. KyqrI jfˆ Dfrimk eyjMzy lukvyˆ nf hox aqy ieh gwTjoV dy mnorQ pwqr df ihwsf bxn. gwTjoV lok Pqvy df siqkfr krn dy pfbMd hox. coxfˆ qoN bfad dy gwTjoVfˆ AuWqy sKqI nfl pfbMdI hovy. aijhy gwTjoVfˆ rfhIN iekwTI kIqI bhu-igxqI sMsd ivwc nf mMnxXog hovy aqy aijhy gwTjoVfˆ leI AuqÈfihq krn vflIafˆ isafsI pfrtIafˆ dI mfnqf rw d krn dI ivvsQf hovy. aijhIafˆ bMidÈfˆ lgf ky BfrqI lokqMqr nUM ies dI mUl Bfvnf muqfibk qoiraf jf skdf hY.
Punjabi Patrika
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Friday, December 6th, 2013
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Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Ranbir Averts Clash With SRK, But May Compete With Hrithik
With film release dates gaining utmost importance in Bollywood, the practice of grabbing the big dates well in advance continues to gain momentum. The film corporation, which has signed both Jagga Jasoos and Happy New Year, were in a spot when the respective actors — Ranbir Kapoor and Shah Rukh Khan — put their finger on Diwali 2014 as the release date for their home productions.In what could be described as a prudent move, RK Junior decided to advance his movie to October 2, Gandhi Jayanti, the same date on which he released Besharam this year.But now we hear that Hrithik Roshan has that date reserved for Bang Bang. And, as of now, we hear the release date of Jagga Jasoos will not be moved again. So, this time around there could be a Ranbir-Hrithik date clash as sources from the film corporation handling Bang Bang say they are definite this film will release on the allotted date too.
Nargis Gets Booked
Nargis Fakhri has been approached by a popular European couture designer to be his guest at a prestigious fashion week mid next year in Paris. Not just that the designer has also approached the actress for a look-book for the label that has previously featured Kate Moss and Sienna Miller. Says a source, “He spotted Nargis when she was at the London Fashion week this year and felt not only does she have a beautiful body but also it suits the type of clothes he designs. But Nargis, though honured by his gesture, is in a bit of a fix as the same dates are clashing with one of her films, Shaukeen.” Ah!Just like Deepika Padukone and the Fast And The Furious 7 episode!
Amitabh Enjoys Video Game With Abhishek, SRK
Rahul Dev In Devon Ke Dev Mahadev After tossing various names including Danny Dengzonpa, Jackie Shroff and Mithun Chakraborty for the pivotal role of Arunasur in Devon Ka Dev Mahadev, Rahul Dev has been confirmed. Sources say that Rahul, who has played a villain in South and Punjabi films, fits the role of the demon who took on Lord Shiva. Arunasur is said to be a complex character
hailing from Arunachal Pradesh. “Rahul who is tall and fit is apt for the edgy role. It will also be the first time he will be doing a TV show,” says the source. The track will be on air for three months. Danny who had been approached for the role apparently plans his schedule well in advance and though he liked the role couldn’t take it up as he had scheduled a trip to Shillong.
Short Film Based On Real-life Inci- Hrithik Set To dent During 1984 Riots In Oscar Race Fly Overseas Actress Sonika Chopra is elated that Kush, a 25-minute film featuring her in the lead, has been shortlisted for the top 10 live action shorts category at the Oscars. Based on director Shubhashish Bhutiani’s teacher, the film revolves around a real-life incident that took place during t h e
1984 riots, post the assassination of India’s then Prime Minister, the late Indira Gandhi. Sonika plays a teacher who saves the only Sikh boy in the group from the violence raging around them while on a school picnic. She says, “This film has been made with love and respect. I didn’t take a penny for the film, nor did the kids. We did it for our producer, who is director Shubhashish’s dad.” Kush has already won several international honours, including the Orizzonti Award at the Venice International Film Festival, a Jury Award at Hamptons International Film Festival and the Best Short Film at Brescia, Italy
He may be 71, but enjoys playing video games like a 7 or 17-year-old! Megastar Amitabh Bachchan joined his actor son Abhishek and superstar Shah Rukh Khan for a round of video games during their shooting schedule. Big B had gone to Mehboob Studio to pick up Abhishek from the set of " Happy New Year". He saw that Abhishek and Shah Rukh, who also stars in the Farah Khan diAjay Devgn is also planning a four-day break in London in the first week of December, say sources. It is said that the Singham star looks for reasons to spend time in UK’s
Hrithik Roshan is all set to fly to London and the US for a 12-day break. Insiders say that the superstar will do some health checks and also spend quality time with his parents, who are likely to join him after a few days. The actor could be back in India around December 10 because his wife Sussanne Roshan has a social engagement on December 11 and Hrithik is likely to be with her on that big day.
rectorial, were engrossed in a game of football on PS4. "These people are not interested in work. Sitting in the comfort of Shah Rukh Khan's vanity van and immersed in a PS4 game of football, they take their own time to come out, until I have to barge in and well also get immersed in the game," Big B posted on his blog. Amitabh is also an avid follower of international soccer. buzzing city, his all-time favourite destination. And, of course, chances are his dream of owning a home in the English capital will soon become a reality.
Ajay Planning A 4 day Break In London
Punjabi Patrika
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Friday, December 6th, 2013
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2005 ivc aYbtsPorz istI vwloN nsLy dy tIky lgvfAux nUM aqy aiojhy tIky lfAux leI vrqIaF jFdIaF sUeIaF dI afpsI adlf bdlI nU M ro k x df bfeIlfa bxfieaf sI| ies bfeIlfa nfl pRBfivq hox vfly nsLeIaF vwloN ies bfeIlfa nUM cxOqI idMidaF dlIl idwqI sI ieh AupinXm AuMnHF dy aiDkfrF dI AulMGxf krdf hY| AuMnHF vwloN bI sI mnuwKI aiDkfr itRibAUnl kol sLkfieq kIqI sI ik aYbtsPorz istI dy ies bfeIlfa nUM rwd kIqf jfvy| pRMqU ies ivc vfDf nhIN hoieaf| zRwg vrqx vfilaF dy bulfry ihsfb dy ivsLy ivc pRfpq kIqy bYrI sLFjL df kihxf hY ik iksy
nsLy dy afdI ho jfx nUM mYzIkl mslf smiJaf jfxf cfhIdf hY aqy aijhy amlIaF nUM iGrxf krnf AuMnHF nfl ainafie krn dy qwl hY| AuMnHf ikhf ik hfrm irzksLn nUM ivigafnk hmfieq pRfpq hY pRMqU aYbtsPorz istI df bfeIlfa ies ivigafnk qwQ nUM nkfrdf hY| auMnHF ikhf ik mnuwKI aiDkfr itRibAUnl vwloN ies sLkfieq nUM pRvfn krn nfl hI nsLeIaF nUM kuJ rfhq imlI hY| hux ieh mslf bI sI mnuwKI aiDkfr itRibAUnl dy sfhmxy hY ijs df PYslf jnvrI ivc hox dI afs hY|
jUn ivc byGiraF nUM iek pfrk ivcoN KdyVn smyN byGiraF df kuJ nuksfn ho igaf sI | KdyVn dy ies kMm ivc sLfml kuJ puils aPsrF dI kfrvfeI bfry vI svfl AuwTy sn| kuJ Dfrimk ivakqIaF vwloN vI by GiraF dI hmfieq kridaF pu i ls ivru w D ro s df pR g tfvf kIqf sI| hu x aY b tsPo r z pu i ls aio D kfrI iean mY k zfnlz dy kihx anusfr sbMDq iDrF
ivc smJOqf ho igaf hY | AuDr Dfrimk ivakqIaF vw l o N vI smJOqy bfry hoeI gwL ‘qy sMqusLtI pRgtfeI geI hY aqy smJOqy dI gwlbfq smyN puils dI phuMc aqy vqIry dI srfhxf kIqI geOI hY| jUn ivc hoey JgVy ivc sLfml puils aPsrF ivruwD kfrvfeI krn jF nf krn bfry ies smJOqy ivc koeI AulyK nhIN hY | ies dy bfvjUd sLkfieq krn vflI iDr smJOqy qoN sMqusLt hn|
ÁË ì àÃë¯ ð â âÅÀ° é àÅÀ° é ç¶ Õ° Þ ÕÅð¯ìÅðÆÁź 鱧 ÇîÇñÁÅ èîÕÆ êµåð ìÆ ÃÆ ç¶ ÇòÇçÁÅðæÆ ç°éÆÁź íð ç¶ ipCly idnIN aYbtsPorz zfAun asIN jy kuJ ilKdy hF qF Aus qoM Ô°ÇôÁÅð ÇòÇçÁÅðæÆÁź ÇòÚ ôÅîñ tfAun dy kuJ kfrobfrI adfiraF nUM iek pwqr pRfpq hoiaf hY ijs ivc ieMj iliKaf hY: “ asIN aYbtsPorz dy byGry hF| asIN zfAun tfAun nUM afpxf Gr aYlfndy hF| sfnUM iksy kfrobfr nUM jF sfry kfrobfrIaF nUM iewQoN kwZx df hwk hY|’ ieh pwqr istI vwloN jublI pfrk nUM KflI krn dy noits mgroN pRfpq hoieaf hY| AuDr jublI pfrk ivc ivKfvf kr rhy lokF dI bulfrI bYrI sLFjL df kihxf hY ik AuMnHF df ies pwqr nfl koeI sbMD nhIN|
muwkrdy nhIN| Aukq pwqr ivc kfrobfrIaF nUM zfAun tfAun nUM Cwz jfx leI 30 idn df smF idw q f igaf hY | aY b tsPo r z zfAu n tfAu n aY s o s O I ey s L n dI aYgjLY kitv zfierY ktr tInf stUart df kihxf hY ik Auh ies pwqr nUM bhuq gMBIr smJ rhy hF| puils aiDkfrI iean mYkzfnlz df kihxf hY ik ieh mslf swc muwc bhq sMgIn hY| ies krky puils ies DmkI pwqr dy ilKx vfly df pqf krn dy BrpUr Xqn kr rhI hY|
aOrgynfeIjLysLn Pfr ieknOimk ko-afprysLn aYNz izvYlpmYNt vwloN pRkfsLq irport ivc ikhf igaf hY ik bI sI dy 15 sfl dy ividafrQI dunIaF Br dy huisLafr ividafrQIaF dI kqfr ivc sLfml hn| ieh irport Aus prK dy afDfr ‘qy kIqI geI ijhVI 2013 dOrfn kIqI geI aqy ieh hr dUsry sfl aM q rrfsL t rI pw D r ‘qy kIqI jFdI hY| prK dy ies mukfbly ivc 65 dy s L F dy ividafrQI sL f ml ho e y ijM n H F ny sfieM s , ihsfb aqy rIizMg dy KyqrF ivc afpxI kfrgujLfrI df pRdrsLn bImfrI PYl jFdI hY| ieh hflq kIqf| ieh vI not kIqf igaf hspqflF ivc pey mrIjLF leI ik bI sI dy ividafrQIaF dI swc muwc hfnIkfrk iswD huMdI hY kfrgujLfrI ipCly dhfky vFg hI cwl rhI hY aqy sMqoKjnk qF hY ikAuNik aijhy lokF ivc bImfrI nfl lVn dI sLkqI dI Gft huMdI hY | hux jy koeI ivakqI afpxy snyhI nUM imlx leI hspqfl jfvygf qF Aus nUM PlU df tIkf lgvfAuxf jLrUrI hovygf| pRMqU jy Auh ieh tIkf nhIN lgvfAuNdf aYbtsPorz puils ivBfg vwloN 2 qF hspqfl ivc jfx qoN Aus nUM dsMbr nUM pRkfsLq irport ivc mfsk pihnx leI ikhf jfvygf | dwisaf igaf hY ik ipCly iqMn sflF dy aMkVy drsfAuNdy hn ik Kqrnfk zRfeIivMg krn vfilaF Auqsfh imlygf| aijhy kfrobfrI ivc mrd zRfeIvrF dI gxqI adfry vpfr, iemfrqF, inrmfn, aOrq zRfeIvrF dI igxqI nfloN iensLorYNs aqy rIal aYstyt, vwD hY| ies sbMDI aYbtsPorz puils dy lok sMprk aiDkfrI ividak aqy PUz ijhy anykF iean mYkzfnlz df kihxf hY KyqrF ivc kMm kr rhy hn| ieh ik BfvyN sihr dIaF sVkF ‘qy hPqf loko bIsI vwloN mnfieaf jf zRfeIv krn vfly mrdF aqy irhf hY | aijhf hPqf mnfAuix aOrqF dI igxqI lgBg iewko df ieh dUjf sfl hY| pRbMDkF ijhI hY pRMqU Kqrnfk zRfeIivMg vwloN lokF nUM jLordfr apIl kIqI krn ivc mrd aOrq zRfeIvrF geI hY ik bI sI ivc bxypdfrQ nfloN vwD hn| mrd zRfeIvrF ivcoN 71% nUM Kqrnfk zRfeIivMg KrIdo|
ëñ± ç¶ àÆÕ¶ ñ×òÅÀ° Üź îÅÃÕ êÅú bI sI ivc 2 dsMbr qoN PlU dy tIky lgvfAux df kMm rsmI qOr ‘qy sLurU ho igaf hY| ibRitsL kolMbIa sYNtr Pfr izjLIjL kMtrol dI pbilk hYlQ aYmrjYNsI mYnyjmYNt dI zfierYktr zf: bOnI hYntrI df kihxf hY ik hr sfl PLlU qoN AupjIaF AulJxF kfrn 2000 qo lYky 8000 kYnyzIan mr jFdy hn| hr sfl Kfs qOr ‘qy lFg trm kyar GrF ivc PlU dI
ÒÃæÅéÕ êçÅðæ ÖðÆç¯Ò ÔëåÅ bI sI ivc 2 dsMbr qoN 8 dsMbr df hPqf ‘ sQfnk pdfrQ KrIdo ’ hPqy vjoN mnfieaf jf irhf hY | ieMj krn df mMqv lokF nUM bI sI ivc bxIaF cIjLF KRIdx leI pRyrnf hY| jy lok ieMj krdy hn qF Krc kIqy pYsy bI sI ivc hI rihxgy; aijhIaF cIjLF nUM bnfAu x vflIaF kM p nIaF dI shfieqf ho sky g I ies qrH F bI sI dy lwKF lokF nUM nOkrIOaF dyx vfly Coty kfrobfrF nUM hor
aMk 2003 nfloN kuJ Gwt hn| bI sI dy ividafrQIaF dI ies kfrgujLfrI ‘qy bI sI dy isiKaf mMqrI pItr PfsbYNzr ny KusLI df pRgtfvf kIqf hY pRMqU AnHF ikhf ik sfnUM ies pwKoN iZwly nhIN pYxf cfhIdf ;isiKaf dy pwDr nUM hor cMgf bnfAux leI qwqpr rihxf cfhIdf hY| AuMnHF ikhf,” asIN bI sI aYjUkysLn plYn rfhIN isiKaf pRxflLI df rUp bdlx dy Xqn kr rhy hF| sfzf insLfnf hY ik jIvn dy sPr ivc sPl hox leI jvfnF nUM vDyry Xog, afqm ivsLvfsLI aqy AuwdmI bxfieaf jfvy|ies insLfny dI pRfpqI leI loVINdy kdm puwtx ivc koeI ksr nhIN CwzI jfvygI|”
ÖåðéÅÕ âzÅÂÆÇò§× Õðé òÅÇñÁź ÇòÚ îðç âzÅÂÆòðź çÆ Ç×äåÆ Á½ðå âzÅÂÆòðź 寺 òµè dIaF itktF idwqIaF geIaF jdoN ik aOrqF ivc ieh aMkVf 29% irhf| AuMnHF nfl hI ieh kih idwqf ik ieh aNkVy pysL krn df arQ ieh arQ kdficq ieh nhIN ik aOrqF mrdF nfloN cMgI zRfeIivMg krdIaF hn pRMqU ieh aMkVy surwiKaf pwKoN crcf dI mMg krdy hn| ieh aMkVy sfry zRfeIvrF nUM surwiKaq zRfeIvMg bfry cyqMn krn ivc shfeI hoxgy| ies irport ivc iek hor idlcsp jfxkfrI ieh idwqI geI ik 1620 sfl dIaF muitafrF iesy Aumr guwt dy jvfn lVikaF nfloN vDyry syP zRfeIivMg krdIaF hn|
ê°Çñà Áå¶ ì¶ØÇðÁÅ ÇòÚÕÅð ÃîÞ½åÅ
ÃðÕÅðÆ ÕðîÚÅðÆÁź Áå¶ ÃðÕÅð ÇòÚÕÅð Çå§é ê§Ü ÃÅñÅ ÃîÞ½å¶ Ô¯Â¶ iqMn srkfrI sYktrF ivc kMm kr rhy 51,000 krmcfrIaF aqy srkfr ivckfr iqMn pMj sflf smJOqy nypry cVHy hn| ieMnHF ivc hYlQ kyar, pbilk syPtI, sosLl srivisjL aqy vfqfvrn mYnyjmYNt dy krmcfrI sLfml hn| ieh smJoqy 1 aYpRYl 2014 qoN 31 dsMbr, 2019 qwk lfgU rihxgy| ies dOrfn ieMnHF krmcfrIaF dIaF qnKfhF ivc vfjb vfDf huMdf rhygf| bI sI dy ivwq mMqrI mfnXog mfeIk zI jONg vwloN afs
kIqI geI hY ik bI sI aiDafpkF nfl vI smJOqf ho jfx dI afs hY| Xfd rhy ik srkfr aqy pbilk skU l F dy aiDafpkF ivckfr ds sflf smJOqf hox df ryVkf bhuq lMmy smyN qoN cwl irhf hY | mMqrI df kihxf hY ik ieh smJOqf lybr siQrqf nUM XkInI bnfAux leI kIqy gey hn| srkfr ies siQrqf nUM sUby dI KusLhflI aqy qrwkI leI bhuq mhwqvpUrn smJdIO hY
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Punjabi Patrika
êzòÅÃÆ ê§ÜÅìÆ Ã§î¶ñéź ç½ðÅé ÕÆå¶ òÅÁç¶ é¶êð¶ ÇÕÀ°º éÔƺ Úó·ç¶?
gurjiqMdr isMG rMDfvf
pMjfb srkfr vwloN ipCly kuJ sflfˆ qoN pMjfb ivc pRvfsI sMmyln krvfAux dI iprq pfeI geI hY. ies sMmyln ivc bfhrly mulkfˆ qoN isafsI, vpfrI aqy mIzIaf nfl sbMDq ÈKsIaqfˆ nUM ivÈyÈ swdf pwqr Byj ky swidaf jfˆdf hY. ivdyÈfˆ ivc cuxy hoey pMjfbI mYˆbr pfrlImYˆt, ivDfn sBf dy cuxy hoey mYˆbr, pMjfbI myar, kONslr aqy hor isafsI ahudydfr, kuJ coxvIafˆ aKLbfrfˆ dy sMpfdk afid ies sMmyln ivc phuMcdy hn. ipCly sfl pMjfb srkfr vwloN 4 aqy 5 jnvrI nUM pRvfsI pMjfbI sMmyln krvfieaf igaf sI. dysfˆ-pRdysfˆ qoN koeI 200 dy krIb pRvfsI pMjfbIafˆ nUM ivÈyÈ swdf dy ky smfgm ivc swidaf igaf sI. pMjfb srkfr vwloN ies dOrfn ienHfˆ ÈKsIaqfˆ dI KUb syvf kIqI geI sI qy pUrf idn cwly sMmyln ivc srkfr ny afpxIafˆ pRfpqIafˆ aqy afAux vfly smyˆ ivc pRvfsI pMjfbIafˆ nUM keI qrHfˆ dy sbËbfg idKfey gey. pRvfsI pMjfbIafˆ dIafˆ pRyÈfnIafˆ nUM GtfAux leI bhuq sfry vfady kIqy gey. AunHfˆ nUM keI qrHfˆ dIafˆ irafieqfˆ dyx df aYlfn kIqf igaf, pMjfbI aYn[ afr[ afeIË nUM ÈnfKqI kfrz qurMq dyx df vfadf kIqf igaf. AunHfˆ nUM jfiedfd KrIdx leI stYˆp izAUtI `c 1 PIsdI irafieq dyx dI gwl kIqI geI. aYn[ afr[ afeIË dIafˆ ËmInfˆ `qy ho rhy kbiËafˆ nUM rokx dI gwl vI bVI iÈwdq nfl kIqI geI. ies dOrfn aYn[ afr[ afeI[ Qfixafˆ nUM vDfAux dI gwl vI bVy Ëorfˆ-Èorfˆ nfl hoeI. pRvfsI pMjfbIafˆ nUM pMjfb `c invyÈ krn leI Ëordfr apIl kIqI geI. pRvfsI pMjfbIafˆ nfl iewQy huMdI Kwjl-KuafrI nUM dUr krn leI vI aYlfn kIqf igaf. pMjfb dy Aup-muwK mMqrI suKbIr isMG bfdl ny bhuq vwzy-vwzy vfady kIqy sn. AunHfˆ pRvfsI pMjfbIafˆ awgy pMjfb nUM BfrI sMBfvnfvfˆ vflI DrqI vjoN pyÈ kridafˆ ikhf sI ik AudmI pMjfbI aqy iËMmyvfr srkfr kfrn pMjfb dy afriQk ÈkqI vjoN AuBrn dI pUrn smrwQf aqy sMBfvnf hY. AunHfˆ ny 90 imMt dI afpxI qkrIr ivc pRvfsI pMjfbIafˆ nfl sfl 2013 dy ivc-ivc bhuq sfry pRfjYktfˆ nUM pUry krn df vfadf qwk vI kr idwqf sI. aijhy vfady pMjfb srkfr vwloN pihlfˆ vI lgfqfr kIqy jfˆdy rhy hn, pr hfly qwk kdy vI AunHfˆ vwloN khy Èbdfˆ `qy bUr nhIN ipaf. pRvfsI pMjfbI hr vfrI iksy nvIN afs nfl ienHfˆ sMmylnfˆ ivc ihwsf lYˆdy hn. Auh afpxf kImqI smfˆ kwZ ky iewQy phuMcdy hn. lIzrfˆ dy BfÈn suxn qoN bfad AunHfˆ nUM ieMJ mihsUs huMdf hY ik bws awj hI sfzIafˆ smuwcIafˆ muÈiklfˆ df inptfrf ho jfvygf. hr vfr dI qrHfˆ ipCly sMmyln ivc vI pRvfsI pMjfbIafˆ ny afpxIafˆ smwisafvfˆ df KuwlH ky iËkr kIqf sI. pMjfb srkfr pRvfsI pMjfbIafˆ dIafˆ muÈiklfˆ qoN BlIBfˆq jfxU hY. pr hr vfrI aijhy sMmyln BfÈnfˆ dI Byt cVH ky hI rih jfˆdy hn. mOjUdf
pMjfb srkfr lgfqfr dUjI vfrI swqf ivc afeI hY. ienHfˆ dy rfj dOrfn keI sMmyln kIqy jf cuwky hn. pr hr vfr pRvfsI pMjfbI inrfÈf df mUMh lY ky hI vfps jfˆdy hn. pRvfsI pMjfbIafˆ dIafˆ jfiedfdfˆ `qy kbËy hfly vI ho rhy hn. bhuq sfry pRvfsI pMjfbI hfly vI jfiedfdfˆ CuzfAux leI qrlo-mwCI ho rhy hn. pRvfsI pMjfbIafˆ leI afpxy kMmfˆkfrfˆ ivcoN smfˆ kwZ ky ienHfˆ kysfˆ `qy jfxf koeI sOKf kMm nhIN. adflqfˆ dy cwkr kwZ-kwZ ky bhuqy pRvfsI pMjfbI Qwk cuwky hn. AunHfˆ ny afpxIafˆ jfiedfdfˆ afpxy hwQoN guaf leIafˆ hn. bhuq sfry pRvfsI pMjfbI pMjfb srkfr vwloN iqafr kIqI kflI sUcI df iÈkfr bxy hoey hn. jdoN ikqy vI Auh pMjfb afpxI ËmIn-jfiedfd CuzfAux leI jfˆdy hn qfˆ ivroDI iDr AunHfˆ `qy koeI nf koeI JUTf kys puaf idMdI hY, ijs nfl pRvfsI pMjfbI AuQoN Bwjx leI mjbUr ho jfˆdf hY. cfhy Auh kys Coty-Coty hI huMdy hn pr adflq ivc pyÈ nf hox kfrn AunHfˆ nUM adflq vwloN BgOVf krfr dy idwqf jfˆdf hY. ijs df irkfrz puils mihkmf, Bfrq dI smuwcI eyarport aQfrtI aqy ieMmIgRyÈn ivBfgfˆ nUM Byj idMdf hY, ijs nfl Auh vfps vqn prqx qoN asmrwQ ho jfˆdy hn. ies kfrn AunHfˆ dIafˆ jfiedfdfˆ hmyÈf leI ivroDIafˆ dy kbËy ivc clIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ hn. pMjfb srkfr vwloN ieh vfadf kIqf igaf sI ik pRvfsI hux afpxIafˆ iÈkfieqfˆ ieMtrnYt rfhIN drj krvf skxgy. pr amlI qOr `qy ies nUM hfly vI sLurU nhIN kIqf igaf.
êÇÔñÆ îÇÔñÅ ÁÇèÁÅêÕÅ ieh Gtnf lgpg 160 sfl purfxI hY. asIN aMgryËfˆ dy gulfm sI. lokfˆ nUM pVHfeI dI koeI kdr nhIN sI. Kfskr lVkIafˆ nUM ies qIjy nyqr qoN kohfˆ dUr rwiKaf jfˆdf sI. Aus smyˆ iewk ivwidaf pRymI qy smfj syvI ijAuqIbf PUly nfˆ df afdmI puxy `c rihMdf sI. Aus ny lVkIafˆ nUM pVHfAux df bIVf cuwikaf qy 3 julfeI 1853 nUM puxy `c lVkIafˆ nUM iswiKaf dyx leI skUl KoilHaf. hux sB qoN vwzI smwisaf ieh sI ik lVkIafˆ nUM pVHfAux leI aiDafpk dI Qfˆ aiDafpkf hoxI cfhIdI hY. AunHfˆ idnfˆ `c iewk aiDafpkf dI qlfÈ krnf bhuq hI cuxOqIpUrn kMm sI. jo lVkIafˆ afpxy idRVH ierfdy nfl QoVHf bhuq pVH geIafˆ sn, Auh vI Gr dI cfrdIvfrI aMdr hI kYd sn. ijAuqIbf PUly nUM jdoN koeI aiDafpkf nf imlI qfˆ AunHfˆ ny afpxI pqnI sfivwqrI bfeI PUly nUM ies muÈikl kMm leI rfËI kr ilaf. aijhy smyˆ jdoN lVkIafˆ nUM pVHfAuxf bhuq hI burf smiJaf jfˆdf sI, sfivwqrI bfeI ny aiDafpkf bxn df PYslf kr ky afpxy leI musIbqfˆ KVHIafˆ kr leIafˆ. ieh
bldyv isMG iswDU sux ky sfrf smfj sfivwqrI dy ies PYsly nfl ihwl igaf. nyk kfrjfˆ `c rukfvtfˆ KVHIafˆ krn vfilafˆ ny DmkIafˆ dyxIafˆ sLurU kr idwqIafˆ. jdoN Auh skUl jfˆdI qfˆ rsqy `c byvkUP iksm dy lok Aus `qy iPkry kwsdy qy hr qrHfˆ nfl pRyÈfn krdy rihMdy. iewk idn iewk isriPry nOjvfn ny jdoN iewt cuwkx dI ihMmq kIqI qfˆ sfivwqrI bfeI ny llkfridafˆ ikhf, “Kbrdfr! jy mfrn dI koiÈÈ kIqI qfˆ mYˆ pwQr nfl isr pfV idafˆgI. mYˆ iewk pqIvrqf nfrI hfˆ qy afpxy pqI dy afdyÈfˆ dI pflxf kr rhI hfˆ. ies qoN ielfvf ibnfˆ iksy loB-lflc dy kuVIafˆ nUM anpVHqf dI dldl `coN kwZx leI ieh nyk kMm sLurU kIqf hY.`` ieh Èbd suxdy hI sfry iqwqr-ibwqr ho gey qy sfivwqrI bfeI ibnfˆ iksy zr dy lgfqfr skUl jfˆdI rhI. afKr iewk idn Aus df ivroD krn vfly vI afpxIafˆ lVkIafˆ nUM skUl Byjx lwg pey. ies qrHfˆ Aus dI imhnq rMg ilafeI qy awj AunHfˆ nUM dyÈ dI pihlI mihlf aiDafpk vjoN jfixaf jfˆdf hY.
ðԵêä çÅ ðÅ÷
zf[ hrpRIq isMG BMzfrI purfxy smyˆ qoN hI duwD nUM suMdrqf leI vriqaf kwcy duwD ivwc kfly iql aqy pIlI srHoN brfbr jfˆdf irhf hY. duwD dI mdd nfl suMdrqf nfl ihwisafˆ ivwc lY ky imlf ky pIs lvo. ies nUM sbMDq bhuq sfrIafˆ smwisafvfˆ df hwl kIqf lgfAux dy nfl ikwl-muhfisafˆ dy dfg qfˆ Kqm jf skdf hY. bfËfrfˆ ivwc kYmIkl nfl sbMDq huMdy hI hn qy nfl hI cyck vrgy dfg vI Kqm kfsmYitk sfzI cmVI leI bhuq Kqrnfk sfbq ho skdy hn. ho skdy hn pr GrylU ZMgfˆ nfl asIN afpxy-afp pRvfsI pMjfbI Enf icr pMjfb ivc pUMjI invyÈ nUM sfP, sohxf aqy suMdr bxf ky rwK skdy hfˆ. duwD ivwc mfˆh dI dfl rfq nUM iBE ky svyry pIs nhIN krngy, ijMnf icr AuQoN df isstm TIk duwD dI vrqoN sfzy suhwpx nUM cfr cMn lf skdI hY: ky ichry aqy hwQfˆ `qy rgVo, rMg inKr jfvygf. nhIN ho jfˆdf. afvfjfeI dy sfDn, ibjlI dy axaY l fny kw t , srkfrI dPqrfˆ ivc iBRÈtfcfr, rfjnIqk dKl afid kuJ aijhIafˆ muÈiklfˆ hn, ijnHfˆ krky pRvfsI pMjfbI pMjfb ivc pUMjI invyÈ krn qoN zrdy hn. s: suKbIr isMG bfdl vwloN ipCly sfl bVy Ëorfˆ-Èorfˆ nfl ieh vfadf kIqf igaf sI ik pRvfsI pMjfbIafˆ nUM ÈnfKqI kfrz jfrI kIqy jfxgy pr hfly qwk ies `qy aml vI sLurU nhIN hoieaf qy aglf pRvfsI pMjfbI sMmyln isr `qy KVHf hY. pMjfb ivc kuJ aYn[ afr[ afeIË Qfxy bxy hoey hn pr AuQy isrP pRvfsI pMjfbIafˆ dI afE Bgq qoN ielfvf hor koeI vI kMm aml ivc nhIN ilafˆdf jfˆdf ijs df ik pRvfsI pMjfbIafˆ `c kfPI ros hY. ies qoN ielfvf aYn[ afr[ afeIË dy adflqI kysfˆ dI suxvfeI df inptfrf jldI krn leI 3 Pfst trYk adflqfˆ bxfey jfx df aYlfn vI kIqf igaf sI. ies vfr df pRvfsI pMjfbI sMmyln jnvrI mhIny dy awD ivc hox dI sMBfvnf hY. awigAuN lok sBf dIafˆ coxfˆ isr `qy KVHIafˆ hn. pMjfb srkfr nUM cfhIdf hY ik ipCly sfl dy sMmyln ivc kIqy vfady jld qoN jld pUry kIqy jfx, qfˆ ik afAux vfly sMmyln ivc AunHfˆ `qy koeI ikMqU-pRMqU nf hovy.
kxk dy afty ivwc Èihd aqy duwD imlf ky roËfnf kwcy duwD ivwc mYdf imlf ky lyp bxfE. ies nUM ichry jfˆ grdn `qy mlx nfl srdIafˆ ivwc hox ichry `qy mlo, ichrf cmk AuWTygf. vflIafˆ CfhIafˆ dUr ho jfˆdIafˆ hn. duwD ivwc cOlfˆ df aftf Gol ky ichry `qy Aus df lyp krn dy nfl JurIafˆ Kqm ho jfˆdIafˆ hn qy duwD dI mlfeI ivwc QoVHf ijhf Èihd imlf ky pyst ichrf sfP qy cmkdfr ho jfˆdf hY. bxf lvo. ies pyst nUM awKfˆ dy hyTfˆ lgfAux dy nfl kflfpx dUr huMdf hY. jy ies nUM buwlfˆ `qy duwD ivwc mulqfnI imwtI (gfcxI) imlf ky ichry lgfieaf jfvy qfˆ nf hI buwl suwkxgy aqy nf hI jfˆ srIr `qy lyp krn dy nfl TMZk qfˆ imldI Ptxgy. hI hY aqy nfl hI muhfsy jfˆ grmIafˆ ivwc hox vflI ipwq qoN Cutkfrf iml jfˆdf hY. duwD ivwc kwcy nfrIal nUM bfrIk pIs lvo. ies bfdfm dIafˆ kuJ igrIafˆ pfxI ivwc iBAuN ky pyst nUM ichry, grdn aqy hwQfˆ pYrfˆ `qy mlo. iClkf Auqfr ky duwD ivwc pIs ky QoVHy ijhy duwD cmVI inKr jfvygI. nUM ichry `qy mlo. suwk jfx `qy ies nUM iPr mlo. jykr quhfzI cmVI qylI pRikrqI dI hY qfˆ duwD rMg sfP ho jfvygf. ivwc KIry df rs imlfE aqy jy cmVI KuÈk hY qfËy duwD ivwc QoVHf ijhf jON df aftf imlfE aqy qfˆ sMqry df rs imlfE. ies loÈn nUM ichry `qy iPr ies nUM ichry `qy vtxy vfˆg mlo. ichrf mlo, suwkx `qy iPr mlo, Aus qoN bfad qfËy pfxI nfl Do lvo. ichrf cmk AuWTygf. cmk AuWTygf.
duwD ivwc qulsI dy pwqy pIs ky ichry `qy lgfAux ies gwl df iDafn rwKo ik duwD suwD hovy. bxfAutI nfl ichry dy dfg aqy CfhIafˆ Kqm ho jfˆdIafˆ duwD jfˆ kYmIkl nfl iqafr kIqf duwD suMdrqf nhIN sgoN cmVI dy hor keI rog dy skdf hY. hn. PAGE 37
Punjabi Patrika
rgV ky mwQy suwK hI Bfly, ieh bMdy dI jUn nhIN hY . vItH smuwcI ijMdgI imldf, ieh sOdf pRcUn nhIN hY . lflc Kfiqr ivikaf bMdf, bYTf axK ËmIr vyc ky, Kfey Aubfly gYrq aMdr, ies dy ivc Auh KUn nhIN hY . KfDf ies ƒ hIx Bfvnf, ieh qF ilP ky hoieaf dohrf, axK eImfn df ies dy aMdr, lgdf rqf jnMUn nhIN hY . qwk ky hfsf Aupmf ikDry, ieh qF sVdf bldf Buwjdf, eys DuaFKy idl ‘c ikDry, idsdf rqf skMUn nhIN hY . byihws ihrdy lfÈF inrIaF, cMm KuÈIaF dy ieh qF puqly, afpxI Kfiqr hI qF jIxf, bMdy dI koeI jUn nhIN hY . dy ky isr srdfrI lYxI, jIvidaF hI mr ky jIAUxf, ies qoN vzf jIvn Kfiqr, iËMdgI df kfnUMn nhI hY . Klkq syvf vqn pRsqI, kihxI krnI qy kurbfnI, mMËl dy ies afÈy AuWpr, hor koeI mËmUn nhIN hY . arÈI pING dy suhjF jyhf, pYNdf hwQIN surg sjfAuxf, sfzy leI koeI Qfl prosI, iPrdf aPlfqUn nhIM hY .
ibwkr isMG ‘Kosf’ vgx nf qwqIaF TMzIaF hvfvF duaf kro rihx slmfq ruwK qy Cfvf, duaf kro puwqr prdysLIN suwKIN muV ky afAux GrIN guMmy nF koeI isrnfvF duaf kro mF dy sfhvyN Pyr nf ijMdf puwq jly kdy Gtx nf Auh GtnfvF duaf kro sjLf imly dosLI nUM AuWc adflq qoN ibn dosLF nf hox sjLfvF duaf kro srhwdF dy lFGy sOKy ho jfvx sqluj ibafsf imlx JnfvF duaf kro puwq kupwqf sfrI kul df nfs kry krmIN DIaF jMmx mfvF duaf kro busL blyar Pyr nf hux bYTx rlky muwk jfvx mfrU GtnfvF duaf kro hwk bjfnb sLfierI nUM snmfn imly vDx Puwlx hor klfvF duaf kro imhnq afvy rfs ivcfry sLfier dI Cp jfvx iKMzIaF rcnfvF duaf kro
gurdrsn ‘bfdl’
igwl ‘morFvflI’
igafn isMG kotlI
Ôæƺ ðð× ÃÜÅÀ°äÅ ê˺çÅ
Friday, December 6th, 2013
amrjIq ‘iZwloN’
nfc, igwDf, gIq cldy jfxgy. rfq idn, idn rfq Zldy jfxgy.
ies qrHF vI mfq pf jFdf hY ikRsLmf ipafr df. Prk imt jFdf hY, sc-muc, dfr qy idldfr df.
hor af ky Xfr rldy jfxgy. jfm mgroN jfm cldy jfxgy.
josL qoN bc, hosL kr, kr hrK nf sMsfr df. mfr guwsf, kI pqf huMdf smyN dI mfr df?
kfimaF, prqIq afpxI jfx qUM syT qYnUM rojL dldy jfxgy.
bfq dy arQF `c Cuipaf, Pwt sI qlvfr df. Byd pfieaf, Byd jd KuwilHaf qyry ieqbfr df.
joq iek df cfnx sfry idsy nyHr cfnx ivwc bdldy jfxgy.
iPkr hY, qF mrn ipwCoN pYx vfly Bfr df. soc eyhI, Krc ikMnf vD igaf sskfr df.
pIV lYky iek dUjy dI dosqf dfs, mfilk mcldy jfxgy.
guMJlF sn, jF buJfrq sI, koeI aYlfn ivwc. dyr hogI, arQ jd qUM smiJaf srkfr df.
bfq pwkI jfx lY myry idlf sfk, sbMDI sB bdldy jfxgy.
afPrI hoeI lihr ny dUsrI nUM puwiCaf. ‘tokxy df hOslf kIkx ipaf pqvfr df?’
rUh sfzI rwb df prkfsL hY rwb rUh prkfsL imldy jfxgy.
akl df gfhk koeI vI BfilaF lwBdf nhIN. Bfa bhuq hI qyjL awj-kwlH, ijsm dy bjLfr df. eys dI mrhm nf ‘bfdl’ eys df Aupcfr nf. rwq-pIxf jLKm ieh, idwqf ivaf prvfr df.
ÇÂÔ Õ½ä î°ÃÕðÅÇÂÁÅ hrBjn isMG ‘mFgt’ ieh kOx muskrfieaf iksny suwqy idl dy awj drd nUM jgfieaf… XfdF dy kMvl iKV pey idl vflI JIl mihkI ijLMdgI dy aMbrF qy bIqy dI icVHI cihkI Buwilaf hoieaf jo ngmf iks ny hY JUm gfieaf… EhI sFvlI-juafnI jo supinaF dI rfxI muV af geI hY cyqy Auh husn dI khfxI ijLMdgI qy hoieaf hY gUVHf gm df sfieaf… mYN ro ky ijLMdgI Br jo pIV sI sulfeI ‘mFgt’ qUM EhI muV ky ikAuN pIV hY jgfeI? jLKmF nUM dyr ipwCoN aMgUr hY sI afieaf…
ö÷ñ gurBjn ‘igwl’
jl ndI df ieh inrMqr vih irhf hY. qurdy rihxf, ijLMdgI nUM kih irhf hY. hor ikMnf icr bhogy bxky pwQr, vihMdf pfxI kMiZaF nUM kih irhf hY. brP dI cotI ihmflf sI kdy jo, Es df hMkfr Kur ky Zih irhf hY. awKIaF `coN mr irhf sLrmF df pfxI, Drq ivwcoN vI Auh Qwly lih irhf hY. qrl ho ky brP qF sfgr `c phuMcI, aflsI mn pr ajy Gr bih irhf hY. pfxI aMdr agn cfnx rihx kwTy, bxky ibjlI ‘rwb’ ikwQy rih irhf hY. BfPL bxky Auz irhf aMbr `c pfxI, grjdf bwdl suxo kI kih irhf hY.
gorK E vfc
gorK afKdf rFiJaf bx nyqf, imwTy lwgdy bVy bol qyry. itkt imlUgI Pyr qUM dws pihlF, POj guMizaF dI ikMnI kol qyry. vMJlI JUT dI qUM vjfeIN aYsI, jfx sky nf koeI vI pol qyry. cox PMz awDf mYnUM dy CwzIN, hIr krUgI kol klol qyry.
hIr E vfc
hIr afKdI jogIaf jugq dwsF, koeI Drm asQfn Ausfr leIey. kuwJ afpxy iqafr murId krky, ivwc lokF dy kr prcfr leIey. lwgy ihMg nf PtkVI sohixaf vy, pYdf afpxf kr rujLgfr leIey. dunIaF luwt ky mkr nfl rFJxf vy, rotI sLwkr dy nfl zkfr leIey.
Եà ն â¯ñÆ å¯ð rxjIq ‘ikMgrf’
awj qwk mYnUM Gft puwq dI, mihsUs nf hoeI sI. hrdm qYnUM puwq mYN afiKaf kdy afiKaf nhIN sI DI. rwj rwj qYnUM lfz lzfey, kdy vwK nhIN kIqf sI. awj DIey qYnUM qorn lwigaF, myrf Br Br afAuNdf jI. muwZ kdImoN rIq hY jwg dI, DIaF suhry jfxf. DI nUM Gr nf koeI rwKdf, kI rfjf kI rfxf. DI soNhdI Gr shuiraF dy, jd ho jfey muitafr. hws ky zolI qor bfblf, krn AuzIk kuhfr. bfbl mYnUM dyh asIsF, shurIN mYnUM ipafr imly. jo mfxI mYN qyry bfgIN, Aus qoN vwD guljLfr imly. shuiraF dy Gr ijLMdgI myrI, bx jfey sdf bhfr. mYnUM dyKy ibnF qUM bfbl, rotI vI nhIN KFdf sI. bUhy aMdr vVidaF hI mYnUM, hfkF mfr bulFdf sI. nhIN Bwulxf mYnUM sfrI Aumry, ies ivhVy df ipafr. aMmIey kfhqoN icwq zulfvyN, nf kr idl idlgIr nI mF. qUM vI DI sI, DIaF dI qF, iehIE hY qkdIr nI mF. BYx BfbIaF vIrF nUM Cwz, jfx AuzfrI mfr. Guwg vsdf rhy bfbl ivhVf, hws ky shurIN jfvF mYN. pyikaF qoN TMzI vfa afvy, eyhIE krF duafvF mYN. ipMz ckr ivwc hwsdf vwsdf, rhy ikMgrf pRvfr.
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
ì¯ñÆÁź rfm srUp sLrmf
JfvF JfvF JfvF ijLMdgI Puwl vrgI, iehdf Puwl vrgf prCfvF. gwl krF cyqnf dI, bolI glq nf pfvF. lokF dy nfl imwqro, mYN vI ijLMdgI df drd hMzfvF. bolIaF pf pf ky, mYN qF suwiqaF qfeIN jgfvF. gIq huMdy bohVF vrgy, TMzIaF ijnHF dI CfvF. afpxI bolI nUM, kdy nf idloN BulfvF. dfxf dfxf dfxf DrqI pMjfb dI ‘qy, iPr igaf koeI idE kfxf. rfqF nUM bult Dmky, qVky nf itkdf Tfxf. kfl KVkfvy qKqy, iksy rfhI ny dr KVkfAuxf. iqwKy iqrsUl krky, afAuNdf mhFdvy kf lfxf. kOzy ny gurF dy nfm qy, idwqf hY bjLfrI Cfxf. Jfkdy gutfr vfgrF, AulJ igaf jd qfxf. jLbrF dy bwdlF `coN, kI lwBdF axjfxf. roVy roVy roVy juwg afieaf sfieMs df, idn rih gey pKMzIaF QoVHy. joqsLI dI PUk srkI, jdoN kIqy sfieMs ny lohVy. ijwQy aigafn imwqro, AuWQy Drm BjfAuNdf GoVy. mMqrF `c krfmfq nf, asIN mUMh diraf dy moVy. swc nfl lf XfrIaF, ijhVf sfrI Aumr nf qoVy. DrqI qy BrmF dy, rih gey ny idn QoVHy. Coly Coly Coly pYsf pRDfn ho igaf, hux rl gey imhnqI Boly. guMzy qy blYkIaF dy, AuWzdy kbUqr goly. golkF qy dfbf mfiraf, pf ky ivhlVF coly. lIzrF ny vqnF dy, cfa ny imwtI ivwc roly. kfmy dy kmfeI krdy, bx gey hwzF dy koly. tOmI bYTf gwdIaF qy, KFvdf hY ibskut poly. pwQrF dy buwq koly, dws kI BfldF doly. Zyry Zyry Zyry DrqI qy virHaF qoN lfey ny kUV ny zyry. cyqnf df lfVf muMizE, afAUgf kdoN bMn syhry. dfj idaF loBIaF nUM, dyeIN nf bfblf Pyry. nfjLk gMdly nI, kYd supny sMDUrI qyry. eys jLmfny dy, sdIaF purfxy cyhry. ibjlI bx ktky, ijLMdgI dy hoxgy nbyVy.
ÇÂôÕ çÆÁź ÕÔÅäÆÁź gurjIq ‘iZwloN’ sonI kI krF afpxy iesLk dIaF khfxIaF df AuhnF sfhUkfrF qy bfxIaF df ibn jMmy mrIaF DIaF iDafxIaF df myry idl dIaF bxIaF rfxIaF df jo ivwCV gey AuhnF hfxIaF df nsLy `c iml geIaF AuhnF jvfnIaF df
î˺ Ôź ÇÂµÕ ÕòÆ... pvn ‘igwlF vflf’
Á½Ö¶ Õ§î kulvIr isMG ‘zfnsIvfl’
kyvl isMG ‘inrdosL’
mYN hF iewk kvI loko BuwKf snmfn df, iml jfvy mfx mYnUM sfry hI jhfn df. Pyr myrI bwly-bwly hovy aKLbfrF ivwc, Cp jy koeI Poto myrf imly hoey ienfm df.
pYsf sB bxf lYNdy, pihcfx bxfAuxf aOKf ey zflr sB kmf lYNdy, nfm kmfAuxf aOKf ey
ijsny afpxf sIs qlI qy Diraf hY. Auh Xfr dI glI afAux qoN nhIN ziraf hY.
mfrky JrItF pypr krdf Krfb mYN, afKdy BivwK hwQIN myry hY jhfn df.
smfn ilafAuxf aOKf nhIN, dukfn clfAuxf aOKf ey jIB clfAuxI sOKI hY, ikRpfn clfAuxf aOKf ey
dfqy dfq ielm dI Aus nUM bKsLI hY, ijs ny Kopr qfeIN kfsf kiraf hY.
myry kr ky ivrsf qy mF-blI bcI afvy, mYN BfvyN inwq rhF CfxnI `c Cfxdf.
DIaF puwqr pYsy Kfqr, sfry eI mrdy ny dysL kOm qy Drm leI, jfn gvfAuxf aOKf ey
ikMnf cfhy burf-Blf afKI jfvF lokF qfeIN, myry awgy AuWTy nf koeI isr iensfn df.
AuWcI cIkxf, awKF mItxf, mflf Pyrnf, musLkl nhIN bfxI pVHidaF pfT suxidaF, iDafn lgfAuxf aOKf ey
mihPlF-musLfieiraF `c vfh-vfh krfeI jfvF, idsdf nf hfly koeI mYnUM myry hfx df.
sMG pfVHnf klm clfAuxf, sB nUM afAuNdf ey rfgF, surfN `qy bihrF aMdr, ilKxf gfAuxf aOKf ey
qoV-PoV lokF dy GsoVF nfm afpxf, socdf ‘pvn’ mYnUM ikhVf nhIAuN jfxdf.
dUijaF koloN afpxy vfsqy, Pfiedf sfry qwkdy ny dUijaF vfsqy jybF `coN, nuksfn krfAuxf aOKf ey
hF-jI qy hjUrI do hI gwlF pwly bMnIaF, inmrqf hI bxI myrI pfqr pihcfx df.
syvf aqy BlfeI krky, hwub huwb dwsdy sfry hI ‘zfnsIvflIaf’ krky hwQIN, dfn CupfAuxf aOKf ey
asl `c jIxf Ausy df hI sPlf hY, jyhVf afpxy mursLd mohry miraf hY. soc socky sUqr ieh hwQ afieaf hY, jo afpxy ivwc zwuibaf AuhI qiraf hY. Auh kI ijwqF ijwq ky jMg `coN afvygf? jo isr DV dI bfjLI lfAuxoN ziraf hY. kyvl pfqr bxdf Auh imhrMmq df, ijs ny hr duwK dfq smJ ky jiraf hY. swcy idl qoN sfihq dI JolI pf idwqf, jo ‘inrdosL’ jI iql Puwl sfQoN siraf hY.
Zzl bldyv sIhrw
p`qJV ‘c iKiVAw &u`l mYN AjIb hW[ JiVAw nw BwvyN AOV dy mYN krIb hW[ BwvyN Fl igAw hW vWg sUrj dy mYN, mgr i&r vI prBwq dy mYN krIb hW[ &rhwd qoN isiKAw prbqW nUM cIrnw, JuikAw nw kdy &rhwd dw mYN hbIb hW[ Xwr imtw rMjSW igly iml ky gly qUM, qYQoN ivCiVAw qyrw hI mYN nsIb hW[ aufIk qyrI ‘c su`ikAw vWg ibrK hW, dosqw i&r vI bhwr dy mYN krIb hW[ ivCV ky mYN AMbr dw qwrw bixAw hW, rwh ruSnwvWgw jugnUM mYN AjIb hW[
bgIcIaF suwk geIaF AuhnF mflIaF df suwt gey bld AuhnF pMjflIaF df
hoxgy auh hor jo sjwvW qoN fr gey, kwzI knUMn jlwd qy Awp mYN slIb hW[
ibn vjf imlIaF AuhnF gflIaF df kI krF ‘sonI’ iesLk dIaF khfxIaF df
Xwd Awvygw dyv qYnUM jd smyN v`t C`fy, vWg prCwvyN kol hovWgw qyrw mYN nsIb hW[ PAGE 39
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
ÁîðÆÕÆ ÚÅñź 寺 ðڶå ðÇÔä çÆ ñ¯ó
ieklOqI mhF sLkqI hox dy grUr ivwc amrIkI sfmrfj dI kmfn sMBfl rhy rfsLtrpqI brfk Ebfmf dy pihlI vfrI ijwqx AuWqy dunIaF dy bhuq sfry lokF ny sMsfr rfjnIqI ivwc iewk moVf afAux dI afs rwKI sI. dUsrI vfrI vI BfvyN Auh ijwq igaf, Aus vyly qwk dI pihlF vflI afs nhIN sI rhI, pr iPr vI kuJ lok ieh soc rhy sn ik jFdf hoieaf ies vfrI ieh aijhf pRBfv Cwzx df Xqn krygf ik ies nUM iksy cMgI gwl leI Xfd kIqf jf sky. bdiksmqI nfl ieho ijhf koeI lwCx idKfeI nhIN dy irhf. Auh purfxI lIh AuWqy hI cwldf njLr af irhf hY. brfk Ebfmf dI ies nIqI df sB qoN vwzf sbUq pfiksqfn aqy aPgfinsqfn dy hflfq df qfjLf Gtnf krm hY. Auh iewko vkq keI ipafidaF dI cwk-Qwl krnI cfhuMdf hY . iew k pfsy Au h afpxy kw t V dusLmx grdfny hoey qfilbfn nfl kqr dI rfjDfnI dohF ivwc gwlbfq df gyV clf irhf hY qy dUsry pfsy qfilbfn dy kuJ hor DiVaF dy iKlfP zrox hmly krI jFdf hY. hfly kuJ
idn pihlF pfiksqfn dI srkfr Aus dy ivhfr dy ies doglypx qoN iKJ geI sI. Aus df kihxf sI ik ijvyN amrIkf ny qfilbfn dy iewk DVy nfl gwl clfeI hY, AuvyN hI pfiksqfn dI srkfr vI qihrIky qfilbfn pfiksqfn dy nfl gwl clf ky amn dI koisLsL kr irhf hY, ijs nUM amrIkf ny sfboqfj kIqf hY. ijhVf iewk gruwp ies gwlbfq ivwc sLfml sI, Aus dy itkfxy AuWqy zrox hmlf krky Aus df mohrI afgU mfr idwqf igaf qy gwlbfq kwtI geI, pr agly hI hPqy ieh kih idwqf ik aglI vfrI jdoN gwlbfq krnI hovy, pfiksqfn sUcnf dy dyvy, eydF dy hmly Aus dOrfn nhIN kIqy jfxgy. tuwtI hoeI gwl dobfrf sLurU krnI sI qF iPr hmlf kr idwqf, ijs nfl qfilbfn dy bMdy mfry gey qy gwl suwkrvfr iPr tuwt geI hY. jy mfmlf isrP qfilbfn dy iewk jF dUsry DVy dy bMdy mfrn df hovy qF Auh dihsLqgrd hI hn, bhuq sfry lok AunHF ny mfry hn qy AunHF dy mfry jfx df vI iksy nUM aPsos nhIN hovygf, pr Kyz eynI iswDI vI nhIN. amrIkf iewk DVy dy qfilbfn nUM mfr ky dUsry nfl gwl clfAux dy
nfl pfiksqfn srkfr nUM muwTI ivwc vI rwKxf cfhuMdf hY. jdoN gwlbfq clf rhy DVy dy kuJ afgU mfry jfx nfl pfiksqfn srkfr ny amrIkf AuWqy sfboqfj krn df dosL lfieaf qF Aus ny ies ros nUM mwTf krn leI gulfm nbI PfeI dI sjLf AuWqy lkIr mfr idwqI hY. ksLmIrI mUl df ieh pfiksqfn qoN afieaf bMdf hfly ipCly sfl ies dosL hyT igRPqfr kIqf igaf sI ik pfiksqfnI KuPIaf eyjMsI afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ dy idwqy pYisaF nfl amrIkf dI kFgrs dy mYNbrF nUM KrIdx df kMm krdf hY. Aus dI ies hrkq nUM bhuq gMBIrqf nfl lY ky afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ dy kuJ aPsrF dy iKlfP kfrvfeI dy vI sMkyq kIqy gey sn. gulfm nbI PfeI ikAuNik Bfrq ivroDI lfbI vfly bMidaF df vwzf PfeInYNsr sI, ies leI Aus dy PVy jfx nfl ijMnf vwzf Jtkf pfiksqfn nUM lwgf sI, EnI vwzI qswlI Bfrq nUM hoeI sI. hux Aus dI sjLf AuWqy lkIr mfrn nfl amrIkI hkUmq ny pfiksqfn nUM KusL krn leI Bfrq dI nfrfjLgI dI vI prvfh nhIN kIqI. ieh kMm amrIkf dy ipCly rfsLtrpqI krdy rhy sn
qy ieho hux vflf brfk Ebfmf krI kuJ sfl pihlF ijhVf dihsLqgrd jf irhf hY. hmlf hoieaf sI, qy ijs nUM afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ dI pUrI srpRsqI sI, ieiqhfs ies gwl df gvfh hY ik vI ies krky kIqf igaf sI ik ipwCy amrIkI rfsLtrpqIaF dIaF pfiksqfn qy Bfrq dI iewk ho jMg nIqIaF nfl sMsfr dy amn nUM pwky krvfAuxI hY. hYrfnI dI gwl hY ik pYrIN krn dI mdd nhIN sI imlI, sgoN ijwQy ikqy amn sI, EQy vI jMgI smfn vycx vflIaF ijhVIaF cuafqI lwg jFdI rhI sI. brfk sfmrfjI kfrpo r y s L n F ieh jM g Ebfmf ny ikhf sI ik Auh sMsfr krvfAuxI cfhuMdIaF hn, AunHF df amn leI Xqn krygf qy sMsfr dy aqy pfiksqfn dI KuPIaf eyjMsI df ijhVy vI dysL ivwc amrIkI lokF eynf qflmyl hY ik ieh eyjMsI afpxy dy POjI puwqr Psy hoey hn, AunHF nUM dysL dy ihwqF bfry vI nhIN socdI qy vfps afpxy prvfrF kol afAux dy ibgfnI sYnq AuWqy kMm krdI hY. hflfq pYdf krky ivKfvygf. eydF df ieh vI amrIkI nIqI dI mwkfrI kuJ nhIN ho irhf. aPgfinsqfn ivwc df ihwsf hY, ikAuNik ieh sfrf kuJ Aus dI iesy do-DfrI phuMc dy kfrn hux bfhr af cuwkf hY, ieh vI pqf ipCly idnIN iewk smJOqf huMdf-huMdf hY ik nvIaF ijhVIaF cflF cwlIaF rih igaf qy hux pfiksqfn ivwc jf rhIaF hn, AunHF df mMc ihMd dy Esy qrHF dI nIqI nfl iewk nvyN gvFZ ivwc hY, ies leI ieh hux tkrfa df muwZ bwJx dy sMkyq iml Bfrq srkfr dI ijLMmyvfrI hY ik rhy hn. ies qoN amrIkI nIqI dI Auh hflfq bfry cOksI qoN kMm lvy Aus mwkfrI df pRgtfvf huMdf hY, ijs qy ies vihm df isLkfr nf bxy ik ny bIqy ivwc bhuq sfry ibKyVy KVHy brfk Ebfmf keI vfrI Bfrq nfl kIqy hoey hn. Bfrq Aus iKwqy dy nfl imwqrqf df sMklp duhrf cuwkf hY. lwgdf hY, ijs ivwc amrIkI nIqI amrIkf dy hfkm iksy dy awj qwk dIaF ieh cflF cwlIaF jf rhIaF imwqr nhIN bxy. AuNJ vI ijs dy hn. huxy ijhy afeI iewk irport imwqr amrIkf dy hfkm hox, Aus ieh kih rhI hY ik muMbeI ivwc nUM dusLmxF dI bhuqI loV nhIN huMdI.
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‘aOrq qyry rUp anyk` iksy ny shI ikhf hY. jnm qoN mrn qwk Aus nUM ikMny hI irÈiqafˆ `coN ivcrnf pYˆdf hY. ivafh df irÈqf sB qoN pivwqr mMinaf jfˆdf hY. nUMh dy afAuNdy hI sws leI poqy dI KvfihÈ nfl Gr dI inAuN jVH vDdI hY. ijvyˆ hI aOrq nUM mfˆ bxn df suwK imldf hY, AuWQy sB qoN vwzf Jorf vI lwg jfˆdf hY ik jy kuwK ivwc kuVI hoeI qfˆ pirvfr vfly Aus dIafˆ afˆdrfˆ nUM noc ky suwt hI nf dyx. Aus smyˆ nf qfˆ Aus dI mfniskqf kMm krdI hY aqy nf hI srIr. ijs bwcy nUM Auh afpxy lhU nfl isMjdI hY qy ijs dI DVkx nUM afpxy aMdr mihsUs krdI hY, Aus dI vydnf nUM koeI nhIN smJ skdf. axjMmI DI dI pukfr Aus dI afqmf nUM Dur aMdr qwk JMjoV ky rwK idMdI hY ik dyKIˆ ikqy aMmVIey! qUM iksy awgy mjbUr ho ky mYnUM kuwK ivwc kql nf krvf dyeIN. mYˆ vI rwb bxfeI rMgIn dunIafˆ nUM vyKxf cfhuMdI hfˆ. jdoN vI qUM zfktr kol jfˆdI hY, myry sfhfˆ dI zor iZwlI pY jfˆdI hY. mYˆ jfxdI hfˆ ik qyrf hwQ hmyÈf myry isr AuWqy asIs bx ky rihMdf hY. mYˆ vI qyry ihjr Bry hAuky mihsUs krdI hfˆ pr awj dy Xuwg ivwc mnuwK ny afpxI soc qy mÈInfˆ nfl rwb nUM mfq pf idwqI hY. iËMdgI qy mOq dy gyV nUM afpxI muwTI ivwc bMd kr ilaf hY, jdoN mrËI iksy nUM bxfAutI sfh dy ky iËMdgI dy dyxI qy jdoN mrËI mOq.
hr mfˆ cfhuMdI hY jo qsIhy Aus ny Jwly Auh Aus dI DI nhIN JwlygI pr smfj dIafˆ Tokrfˆ idmfg ivwc GuMmxGyrI pf lYˆdIafˆ hn. Auh socdI rih jfˆdI hY ik hux qfˆ mYˆ ies dI rwiKaf afpxI kuwK ivwc kr rhI hfˆ ijvyˆ hI ieh dunIafˆ `qy afvygI mYˆ ikwQy-ikwQy ies dI rwiKaf krUMgIˆ. smfj ivwc dirMdgI ieMnI vD geI hY ik hwQ nUM hwQ Kf irhf hY. hr irÈqf qfr-qfr ho irhf hY. awj dI DI afpxy Gr ivwc vI surwiKaq nhIN hY.
hrpfl kOr
DI jdoN hI sfl dI hox lwgdI hY qfˆ bolx dy nfl-nfl cwlxf vI iswKdI hY. sB qoN pihlf Èbd jdoN Auh ‘mfˆ` boldI hY qfˆ mfˆ dI KuÈI df itkfxf nhIN rihMdf pr ijvyˆ hI Auh do iqMn sfl dI huMdI hY. mfˆ nUM vfr-vfr pukfrn `qy Aus nUM ieMJ mihsUs huMdf hY ijvyˆ DI Aus nUM iksy mdd leI mfˆ-mfˆ kih rhI hovy. mfˆ prCfvfˆ bx ky Aus dy nfl cwldI hY. jy DI bfhr Kyzx jfxf cfhuMdI hY qfˆ mfˆ Aus nUM rokx dI pUrI koiÈÈ krdI hY. kihMdy ny DI qfˆ kOVI vyl vfˆg jldI hI vD jfˆdI hY. mfˆ jnm qoN lY ky jvfnI qwk Aus `qy huMdy julmfˆ dI igxqI krdI rih jfˆdI hY. Èfied iesy leI rwb ny aOrq nUM sihxÈIlqf dI mUrq bxfieaf hY. awj-kwlH icVIafˆ dI qrHfˆ kuVIafˆ dI vI igxqI Gwt ho geI hY. jy kuJ ku kuVIafˆ AuzfrI Brn jogIafˆ rih vI geIafˆ hn qfˆ Ëflm lok AunHfˆ `qy qyËfb pf ky AunHfˆ dy KMB sfV idMdy hn jfˆ blyz dI iqwKI Dfr nfl KMB kwt idMdy hn. aijhIafˆ kuVIafˆ dI igxqI nf qfˆ ijAuNdIafˆ ivwc huMdI hY qy nf hI mrIafˆ `c. kuJ lokfˆ dI soc ivwc qbdIlI afeI hY, Auh DI nUM puwqfˆ df drjf dyx lwg pey hn qy srkfr ny vI Tos kdm cuwky hn. lok vI jfgrUk ho gey hn ik puwq niÈafˆ dy vihx ivwc vih ky mfˆ-bfp df siqkfr nhIN krdy qy AunHfˆ nUM duqkfr rhy hn aqy DIafˆ mfˆ-bfp df shfrf bx rhIafˆ hn qy hr Kyqr ivwc awgy vD rhIafˆ hn. smfj leI aOrq dI mOjUdgI mrd ijMnI hI ËrUrI hY. ies leI jo lok puwqfˆ dI kfmnf krdy hn, AunHfˆ nUM vI pihlfˆ DI dI hoNd bcfAuxI pvygI. ies qrHfˆ dI pihl sfnUM afpxy Gr qoN hI krnI pvygI qfˆ ik hr irÈqy dI mirafdf kfiem rih sky.
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
ìÅÜÆ îÅð ðÔ¶ é¶ ëËâÇðñ Çñìðñ swqfDfrI torIË qoN 6 aMkfˆ dy Prk nfl sB qoN pihly nMbr qy afeI ilbrl pfrtI aOtvf- sYnyt Gpilafˆ dy swqfDfrI kMsrvyitv pfrtI dy bhuq mfVf asr hoieaf hY aqy ies nkfrfqmk PYkt df Pfiedf pihly qoN qIjy sQfn qy iKsk geI ilbrl pfrtI nUM imldf nËr af irhf hY. hfl hI ivc afey iepsos rIz dy qfËf aMkiVafˆ muqfbk jykr awj PYzrl coxfˆ ho jfˆdIafˆ hn qfˆ insicq hI ilbrl pfrtI sB qoN vwzI pfrtI vjoN sfhmxy afvygI. ies srvyKx muqfbk ilbrl pfrtI kOmI aOsq pwKoN 35 PIsdI dy krIb pfpUlr vot hfsl kr skdI hY. ies pfrtI nUM ipCly mhIny dy mukfbly 4 PIsdI df Pfiedf hoieaf hY. dUjy sQfn qy kMjLrvyitv pfrtI af geI hY, jo 1 PIsdI dy nuksfn nfl 29 PIsdI vot bYˆk qy af geI hY. qIjy sQfn qy inAU zYmokRyt pfrtI rih geI hY, ijs df pfpUlr vot bYˆk 26 PIsdI dy krIb rih igaf hY aqy ies pfrtI nUM 5 PIsdI df nuksfn hoieaf hY. blfk ikAUibks 6 PIsdI aqy gRIn pfrtI 3 PIsdI vot bYˆk dy nfl cOQy aqy pMjvyˆ sQfn qy hn. ies srvyKx muqfbk jsitn trUzo duafrf ilbrl pfrtI dI lIzriÈp sMBfly jfx qoN bfad ilbrl lgfqfr mËbUqI pkVdy jf rhy hn. PYzrl swqf dIafˆ brUhfˆ qwk phuMcfAux vfly iqMn sUby AuntfrIE, ikAUibk aqy ibRitÈ kolMbIaf ivc ilbrl pfrtI ny bhuq qyËI
nfl mËbUqI pkVI hY. ies srvyKx muqfbk AuntfrIE ivc ilbrl pfrtI ies smyˆ 37 PIsdI jnqk hmfieq rwKdI hY aqy ies dI ieh hmfieq swqfDfrI kMjLrvyitv pfrtI qoN 7 puafieMt awgy hY. kMjLrvyitv pfrtI nUM ies sUby ivc 30 PIsdI aqy aYn[ zI[ pI[ nUM 29 PIsdI hmfieq pRfpq hY. ikAU i bk ivc ilbrl pfrtI 33 PIsdI hmfieq dy nfl nMbr iek qy hY, jd ik blfk ikAUibk aqy aYn[ zI[ pI[ 27 PIsdI dy krIb rih geIafˆ hn. kMjLrvyitv pfrtI ikAUibk ivc 12 PIsdI hmfieq nfl kfPI pwCV rhI hY. ibRitÈ kolMbIaf ivc ilbrl pfrtI 37 PIsdI hmfieq dy nfl aYn[ zI[ pI[ qoN 7 puafieMt awgy inkl geI hY. kMjLrvyitv pfrtI ies sUby ivc 28 PIsdI hmfieq nfl qIjy sQfn qy af geI hY. ies srvyKx muqfbk 2015 dIafˆ coxfˆ qwk ieh ruJfn jykr kfiem rihMdf hY qfˆ ilbrl pfrtI dI agvfeI ivc aglI srkfr bxnI qYa hY. hflfˆ ik srvyKx muqfbk hfly vI kfPI igxqI ivc lokI aijhy hn, ijhVy inAUtl hn aqy Auhnfˆ ny ieh qih nhIN kIqf ik iks pfrtI nUM vot dyxI hY.
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
m@Gr 61134123 joiqS, Eqy Eqy 604-832-7859 kro
ishq TIk rhy. DnysL bRihsLpq dI Dn-sQfn AuWpr pUrn-idRsLtI hY, Dn-lfB cMgf hovy. mhIny dy mwD ivwc duKdfeI KLbr imly. pqnI-pwK sLuwB. kfrobfr ivwc qbdIlI afvy. mhIny dy aKIr `c afmdn nfloN Krc ijLafdf hovy. nvMbr 22, 23, 24; dsMbr 2, 3, 10, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.
Mars, your ruling planet, will generate challenging situations when it comes to your dealings with others until late July. Right now you can have a vision of how you want to change the future. What you want and what somebody else will agree with could be two different things. You need to accept that things won’t happen quickly.
Anything involving you with a group of people will be comfortable in many ways. Conversation can be broad ranging as well as reminiscent. Someone could surprise you with their honesty and perhaps prove to be more straightforward than you had previously realised. Don’t attempt to work out the future, just go with the flow.
You will be busy with others, some of which will produce some pleasant surprises in an unpredictable way. There is not a need to spend a lot of money. Regular commitments are not likely to leave you with much to spare. Someone else may have more difficulty coping with this than you. Don’t let that take you off course.
You can feel as though it is possible to go back to your old self in some way – that something is freeing you up, even though there are obligations or some limitations attached. It can make you realise what you have learned about yourself and how it is possible to have happiness from simple things that you would have once overlooked.
There will be a lot to think about from now to July – some of it clashing with the way you want to get things in place or challenging you to put certain things in place. The more patience you can muster, the better you will prepare yourself for beneficial growth that can be the result. Quiet time for contemplation is necessary.
The changes you have made on a personal level since mid October now move onto the next stage. You need to be careful with money and expect hold-ups. For now you should work on gaining a clear impression of where others stand. It might also be helpful to work out the dynamics operating within a group of people that involve you.
Mars has moved into your sign for an exceptionally long period of time – it will stay here until 26th July. Initially, it will give you a sense of new beginnings, as Mars does this. However, because it will go through many changes, creating hold-ups and reviews that will likely result in frustrations. Finding a balance will be tested.
You can feel secure about the vision of what is possible in the long term, as well as fortunate for what you are learning or have recently learnt on a personal level. Even so, your patience is going to be tested to July. It will pay you to employ your natural skills of secretiveness and caution, mainly because you have to let matters surface of their own accord.
You will have positive expectations in your mind with a sense that there is a lot to look forward to. You are mentally prepared to embrace change and enjoy any out of the ordinary experiences that come your way. Even so, there is still some pressure behind the scenes in some way – for the moment, even that is easing off to a degree.
Dealings and interaction with others can be pleasant and easy going. Conversation will flow easily with all sorts of ideas expressed. Any out of the ordinary thoughts you have might be better kept to yourself, even if you are tempted to shock. There will be much to commit yourself to from now to July. Consistent work will pay off.
You will enjoy the company of like-minded people, as it will enable you to express your ideas more openly than usual. You can feel as though you have found a way to successfully juggle obligations and what seems too much detail attached. Perhaps you are learning the skill of ignoring things until they actually demand your attention.
You can feel good about what you have learned about yourself and how you can utilise this to create more stability in the long term. Enjoying what you do and finding ways to be happy forms a large part of this. The more you view things this way, the greater will be your success in turning personal dreams into a reality.
kfrobfr ivwc aVcnF pysL afAux. ivroDI-pwK qfkqvr. nyqr aqy isr-pIVf. pqnI-pwK qoN lfB hovy. nvIN Xojnf `qy Krc hovy. kMm-DMdy ivwc ivsLysL qbdIlI hovy. syLarF ivwc Gftf pvy. nvMbr 16, 17, 25, 26, 27; dsMbr 4, 5, 12, 13, 14 asLuwB hn.
kfrobfr Gfty ivwc rhy. mn prysLfn rhy. imwqr-bMDU qoN mdd imly. Xfqrf ivwc prysLfnI hovy. krjLf cVHy. PjUl dy ivvfd aqy swt-cot qoN bco. 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29; dsMbr 6, 7 asLuwB hn.
Dn lfB hovy. koeI KusLKbrI imly. sMqfn aqy pqnI-ksLt dI sMBfvnf. kfrobfr ivwc irDIisDI rhy. jLmIn-jfiedfd bfry lfB dy Xog hn. nvMbr 20, 21, 22, 29, 30; dsMbr 1, 8, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.
kwP-vfXU ivkfr, Dn-lfB ho ky hwQoN inkly. BfeI-bMDU nUM ksLt. suwLB kfrjF vfsqy Krc hovy. sMpdf-lfB dI sMBfvnf gupq-dusLmx qoN sfvDfn rho. nvMbr 22, 23, 24; dsMbr 2, 3, 10, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.
srIr ivwc vfXU-ivkfr kfrn prysLfnI rhy. PjUl-Krc ijLafdf hovy. inwjI lokF nfl myl hovy. sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf. lVfeI JgVy qoN dUr rhy. kfrobfr TIk rhy. nvMbr 16, 17, 25, 26, 27; dsMbr 4, 5, 12, 13, 14 asLuwB hn.
7 Dn-lfB hovy. mhIny dy mwD ivwc ksLt-Xog hY. Xfqrf ivwc sfvDfn. jLmInI JgVy qoN bco. dusLmx mjLbUq rhy. pqnI-pwK nfl ax-bx rhy. kfrobfr ivwc lfB rhy. nvMbr 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29; dsMbr 6, 7 asLuwB hn.
PjUl dy qkrfr qoN bco, inwjI lokF nfl axbx rhy. sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf. pqnI-pwK qoN lfB hovy. kMm-DMdf aqy sQfn bdlx nfl lfB hovy. nvMbr 20, 21, 22, 29, 30; dsMbr 1, 8, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.
Dn-lfB hovy. nyqr-ksLt dI sMBfvnf. dusLmx jLor PVn. iksy dI shfieqf lYxI hI pvy. pqnI-pwK qoN lfB dy hflfq bxn. nvMbr 22, 23, 24; dsMbr 2, 3, 10, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.
10 sLnI pRbl hY. mMgl ksLt dyvygf. gAU nUM guV idE. BfeI-bMDU dI shfieqf imly. nvIaF XojnfvF ivwc aVcnF. Xfqrf lfBkfrI rhy. sMqfn-suwK pRfpq hovy. rfj-pwK qoN BY. nvMbr 16, 17, 25, 26, 27; dsMbr 4, 5, 12, 13, 14 asLuwB hn.
11 Dn-lfB ho ky hfnI df zr hY. BfeI-bMDU qoN mdd imly. acfnk Dn-pRfpqI df Xog hY. kfrjF ivwc idl lwgy. kfrobfr ivwc ivkfs dy pRogrfm bxn. nvMbr 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29; dsMbr 6, 7 asLuwB hn.
JgiVaF qoN dUr rho. rfj-pwK qoN BY hY. vpfr ivwc acfnk hfnI kfrn mn prysLfn hovy. mhIny dy mwD ivwc ikqoN lfB dy hflfq bxn. mhIny dy aMq ivwc vfqfvrx sLFq rhy. nvMbr 20, 21, 22, 29, 30; dsMbr 1, 8, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Punjabi Patrika
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Punjabi Patrika
Grand Opening Celebration of Central Valley Insurance In Abbotsford on November 29th
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Punjabi Patrika
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
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604 825 7183 604 744 8296 PAGE 49
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Employment cont’d
Workers Wanted
MiE lo
Farm workers wanted for M&G Brothers Farms Ltd, $10.25/Hr., must be hard working, energetic & willing to work in all weather conditions. Duties include: planting, weeding, harvesting and packing of berries, 50-60 hrs/wk starting in vrk fr`iev lo March and ending in October. Send s`n sn ht`au v`l t@ resumes to: 143 Mt. Lehman Road, cl`au l p`r t` i e Abbotsford, BC, V4X 2L5
kYnyE @ i lVk 1 l lV c`I hY au @j Mpr kr j ausd iME riMd m`m d lVk -1 M kYnyE irSq krv skx ho j`xk` l Po kr6857
fr`iev(kl` lo h Y M nMb iv sUr h j`vyg` ho j`xk` l Po kr687
Mg bn`au v`l lo K`ls Iv` sus`ieEYbtsPor nUU Mg bn`au v`l iEk lo h Y ho j`xk` l P o kr 6 5 7 3 PYk6511
Services isvl 101.7 FM I Eqy smv `r nUM 4-5 o vjy S`m q@k E`pxI E`v`j surjIq klsI n`l|
mkYin lo
Noor Appliances Repair / t@ irpE SO l qzrbyk`Eq Tent Rental nvy mkYin zrUr h ho j`xk` $25 Service Charge l Po kr6-3000 Epl`ieMs irpyEr
k`iE lo lok -mYnUPYkciM pl~ l k`iE lo h$1 pRMt qK`h ho j`xk` l Po kr693
Flowers for weddings and babies ivE`h v`ly Pu@l Eqy nvyN b@cy v`ly P@ul lYx leI sMprk kro|
k`imE~ dI loV
For Rent PryimMg kMpnI leI qzrbyk`r vrkr~ bysmYN ikr`eK` dI jrUrq hY| $16 qoN $22 pRqI GMt` qnK`h id@qI j`vygI| hor j`xk`rI ie bYfrU bysmYN dMb leI Pon kro: 778-882-6561 qo ina k Y s ey Ie i@ (ina kYs kor ikr`e lK` hY k`imE~ dI loV ie skU p`rEq @ st` lokl fr`eIv`l kMpnI nMU k`imE~ dI d ny V hY ho j`xk` l loV hY| nvyN k`my vI Epl`eI kr skdy Mpr kr65-2 hn Eqy qzrbyk`r nUM qzrby Enus`r j6-15 qnK`h id@qI j`vygI| hor j`xk`rI leI Pon kro: 778-552-0844
JAGO RENTAL ivE`h leI j`go Eqy hor sm`n
Ph: 604.556.0867 • Cell: 778.908.6655
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tYNt sYtap krn leI kfimaF dI loV hY
604-850-1118 778-552-3395 778-552-3396
Chair Cover
Sashes & Table Runners
Items for Sale ¢
k` ivk`a 20 m`f Is`
sY Ntr E`to m Y i t fo Pu lof(p`v iMf p`v lOE`i koEYkIfYN nI bhu E MIS i@ ivk`a hY Im5 j v`ijE`P ho j`xk` l Po kr667
wog kM inE` dI loV
26 s`l`, 5' 10" k@d, j@t is@K lVk`, kYnyfI En iemIgR~t lVky leI ieMfIE` qoN lVkI dI loV hY, auhI sMprk krn jo ausdy ieMfIE` rihMdy ccyry Br` aumr 26 s`l , k@d 5'11" nUM p@ky qOr 'qy kYn yf` bul` skx| Po n: 778-241-0931 j~ 604-807-1323
k`iE loV
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s`n i@ bzur joV dB kr vL kE-igv lo hY j i auH lK`x bx`v sP` krEq ho ikE`v i@ m@ k sky irh`ie d pR hY ho j`xk` l Po kr68-337
kE igv(s-B` kr vL lo
k`imE~ dI loV EY btsP o rf dI l o kl fr`eIv`l (borifMg) kMpnI nUM qzrbyk`r k`imE~ dI loV hY, EYbtsPorf qoN r`eIf d` pRbMD, qnK`h qzrby Enus`r| hor j`xk`rI leI Pon kro: 778-2410931 j~ 604-807-1323
Floral Designs
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
Government Licenced
K-5 itaUSn
Government Licenced
 • 2 ½ • 2 ½ • Phonics Program • € ‹ Â? Â? Â?ˆ ‹ Â?ˆ ‚Â? Â? Â? Â? ‚  Â?Â? Â? Â?   Â? Â? Â? • €Â?‚ Â? Â? Â? Â? • ƒ Â? „ ‚ Â?  Â? Â? Â? Â? Â?  Â? • Â… Â? Â? Â? Â? ‚†Â? Â? Â? ‡ Â?ˆ ‰ • Â? Â? „ (Subjects) ŠÂ? Â? ‰ Â? Â? „ Â?ˆ ‰ • Â? Â? ‚Â? Š „ Â? „ (Graduation Celebration) • Â? Â?€ Â? Â? € (Punjabi Cultural Dance) • ‚ Â?Â? Â? Â?€  € Â?Â? Â? • Â?  Â?† ĂŞzÆ ĂƒĂ•ÂąĂą Ă ĂĽÂś Çà À¹ôÊ çÆà  ĂƒÂśĂ˛Ă…Ă˛Âť ĂœÂšĂąĂ…Ă‚Ă† Ă ĂĽÂś Ă Ă—ĂƒĂĽ ÇòžÚ òÆ ùË ĂƒĂ•Ă§Âś Ô¯ Ă?
hux SnIv`r Eqy EYqv`r nUM vI pRI-skUl auplbD hY|
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quh`fIE~ plMimMg, hIitMg (Paul)
Eqy gYs iPitMg dIE~ zrUrq~ leI s`Ă“ pihl~ Pon kro |
For all your plumbing, heating or gas fitting needs call us first!
(Manpreet) 604-751-3536 PAGE 51
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
ÁËìÆ ðËÃÇñ§× Õñµì ÁÅÂÆ êÇÔñ¶ é§ìð å¶
nvMbr 30 aYqvfr nUM bI[ sI[ rYsilMg dI dyK ryK hyT 2 rYsilMg tUrnfmYNt
mYzlF df vyrvf ies qrHF hY:
1.Queen Elizabeth Secondary School Surrey B. C.
Gold Medals- Jasdeep Dhillon, Armaan Malhi, Gaytam Dhaliwal, Harjot Dhaliwal, Sahil Bajwa, Navdeep Dhillon, Harman Basran, Camron Hieks,
2.Robert’s Rumbel Tournament at Carson Graham School N. Vancouver. ivwc bVI sfno sOkq nfl smfpq hoey aYbI rYsilMg klwb dy Wrestlers ny dohF hI Silver Medals- Chandmdeep Pander, Gavin Garcha, Anmol Lidder, Jaskarn tUrnfmYNt ivwc ihwsf ilaf. afpxI rYsilMg dy bhuq vDIaf jOhr idKfey aqy dohF Khela, Amtoj Dhaliwal, Parvi Dhaliwal, Eknoor Bajwa, hI tUrnfmYNt ivwc pihlf sQfn pRfpq kIqf. Bronze Medals- Ndeep Sandhu, Sherbaaz Malhi, Gurleen Kaler
Friday, December 6th, 2013
ÃîÕÅñÆ Þð¯Ö¶ ÒÚ¯º awjklH pMjfb `c do gwlfˆ dI crcf hY. crcf vI eynI ik ies leI Zol vwjxy sLurU ho gey hn. pihlI hY idwlI `c ivDfn sBf dIafˆ coxfˆ dI aqy dUsrI hY cOQy ivÈv kbwzI kwp dI. idwlI coxfˆ df aYlfn kuJ smfˆ pihlfˆ ho igaf sI. AuQy 4 dsMbr nUM votfˆ pYxIafˆ hn. akflI dl (b) ny ies vfr ienHfˆ coxfˆ leI nvfˆ pYˆqVf aKiqafr kIqf hY. 70 `coN cfr sItfˆ `qy afpxI pfrtI dy AumIdvfr KVHy kIqy hn. ienHfˆ cfrfˆ `coN dl ny ikMnIafˆ `qy jyqU hoxf hY ies bfry qfˆ hfly qwk vI XkIn nfl kuJ ikhf nhIN jf skdf pr akflI dl ny idwlI `qy pUrI cVHfeI kr idwqI hY. pMjfb `coN koeI vI aijhf Cotf-vwzf afgU nhIN irhf ijs ny idwlI vwl kUc nf kIqf hovy. hËfrfˆ hI afgUafˆ qy vrkrfˆ dy dyÈ dI rfjDfnI `c jf ky bYTx aqy srgrm hox nfl smuwcy rUp ivc pfrtI nUM ikMnf ku lfB iml skygf ies df aMdfËf qfˆ bfad `c hI lgfieaf jf skygf pr awj hr Cotf vwzf afgU afpxI hfËrI luafAux leI kfhlf idKfeI dy irhf hY. pMjfb dy lgBg sfry vËIrfˆ dy AuQy zyry lgfAux nfl srkfr dI kfrguËfrI iks qrHfˆ cwl rhI hovygI Aus df aMdfËf lgfAuxf muÈikl nhIN hY. AuNJ pihlfˆ vI vDyry kMm qfˆ sbMiDq aPsr hI krdy hn. jy Auh hux sfrf kMm vI krn lwg pYx qfˆ srkfr ny qfˆ cwlxf hI hY. Èfied ies nfl srkfr dI kfrguËfrI ËrUr pRBfivq hovygI pr coxfˆ qoN bfad ies gwl df lyKf-joKf krnf ËrUrI
Punjabi Patrika
ìçñçÆÁź åðÜÆÔź
brijMdr isMG hmdrd sMpfdk rojLfnf ajIq
bxdf hY ik akflI dl qy srkfr vwloN ies `c hrj kI hY? isrP 20 kroV df bjt hI kdr qy eynI ÈkqI ienHfˆ coxfˆ `qy Krc krnI qfˆ ies vfr ienHfˆ mYcfˆ leI rwiKaf igaf hY. ikMnI ku isafxp BrI XojnfbMdI hY? ipCly sflfˆ `c vycIafˆ srkfrI jfiedfdfˆ `coN isafxI srkfr ijs msly `qy ijMnI ku ÈkqI qfˆ ieh rkm kuJ pRqIÈq hI bxygI. awj df lgfAuNdI hY Aus qoN ikqy vwD pRfpqI krdI hY. akflI dl ipCly smyˆ df akflI dl nhIN jykr lgfeI ÈkqI iKwlr-puwlr jfey qfˆ iksy hY. gurduafirafˆ, sfˆJIafˆ Qfvfˆ `qy ies dIafˆ Tos pRfpqI dI afs kIqI jfxI muÈikl huMdI hY. bYTkfˆ nhIN huMdIafˆ. awj ieh bYTkfˆ goaf qy ieho hfl kbwzI dI Kyz `c hoieaf hY. kbwzI iÈmlf dy irËOrtfˆ df iÈMgfr bxdIafˆ hn. dI Kyz pMjfbIafˆ df mfx rhI hY. ieh pMjfb dI iPr ies dI crcf vwzI pwDr `qy kIqI jfˆdI DrqI nfl juVI hoeI Kyz hY. sdIafˆ qoN pMjfbI hY qfˆ jo sB nUM ieh aihsfs hovy ik ieh nvfˆ iksy nf iksy qrIky nfl ies nUM Kyzdy afey hn akflI dl hY. ËrUrI nhIN ik prMprfvfˆ nfl pr smyˆ qy soc nfl akflIdl dy nfl-nfl juiVaf rhy. awj hr cIË bdl rhI hY. akflI ies Kyz df srUp vI bdldf idKfeI dy irhf dl dI qrË bdlx `qy iksy nUM kI ieqrfË ho
skdf hY. pr afpxIafˆ Xo j nfvfˆ qy afpxIafˆ srgrmIafˆ nUM hflfq dy anukUl hI rwiKaf jfxf cfhIdf hY . aslIaq nflo N tu w t ky Au h To s qy mfxXog pRfpqIafˆ kIqIafˆ jfxIafˆ muÈikl hn ijnHfˆ dI awj pMjfbIafˆ qy pMjfb nUM sKq jLrUrq hY. iesy `c hI smfj dI ibhqrI mMnI jf skygI.
hY. awj pMjfb dI hkIkq kI hY? Qfˆ-pur-Qfˆ afpxIafˆ mMgfˆ mnvfAux leI muËfhry kIqy jf rhy hn. Èihrfˆ dI hflq bd qoN bdqr huMdI jf rhI hY. aYlfnIafˆ qy AulIkIafˆ skImfˆ aDvfty hI KVHIafˆ idKfeI idMdIafˆ hn, srkfr dI afriQk mMdhflI dI jfxkfrI Gr-Gr puwj cuwkI hY. KËfnf KflI hY qy ies dy Kyz pRbMDk bflIvuwz dIafˆ klfkfrfˆ nUM ilaf ky AunHfˆ dy nfc-gfxy idKf ky kroVfˆ rupey Krc kr rhy hn. ipClI vfr vI aijhy hI Tumky akÈY kumfr qy kYtrInf kYP ny lgfey sn qy ÈfhruK Kfn vI styj `qy nwicaf-twipaf sI. ies vfr ipRaMkf copVf nUM dyK ky akflI afgU inhflo-inhfl idKfeI idMdy hn. kuJ imMtfˆ dy Aus dy Tumikafˆ leI kroVfˆ rupey lutfAux aqy ies dI sMsfr Br ivc crcf krvfAux
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Punjabi Patrika
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Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
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Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Punjabi Patrika
Report Provides Update on Small Business Consultation After a series of consultations with small businesses throughout B.C., there is now a clearer picture of what government can do to make it easier for small businesses to compete for and win government contracts. Released today, the interim report on the Small Business – Doing Business with Government Project contains an update on the fall consultation process. In October, 56 small business owners or representatives attended four community consultations and about 90 people responded to a survey. Another four sessions were held in November and hundreds of people were in contact with the executive project lead directly.
Feedback heard from small businesses during the consultation process asks government to:
a say by taking the survey before Dec. 6, 2013 at: selltobcgov/survey.htm
1) Tell them, through a variety of ways, what opportunities they have to access government business.
3) Make the processes for competing for government work as easy as possible.
Overall, the Doing Business with Government Project follows through on one of the principles of the BC Small Business Accord, to create longterm growth opportunities for small business and to reduce barriers to government’s procurement process. A final report including recommendations for government will be publicly released by March 2014.
The success of this project depends on input from the small business community. Although the inperson consultation sessions are finished, small businesses can still have
To read the interim report, and to learn more about the Small Business – Doing Business with Government Project, visit: selltobcgov/index.htm
2) Enhance the information and resources specifically targeted for small businesses related to selling to government.
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Punjabi Patrika
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Punjabi Patrika
A Secular, Independent and Progressive Newspaper
pMj`bI p@iqRk`
inrp@K, sYkUlr Eqy Eg~hvDU ivc`r~ nUM prn`ieE` hoieE`
Friday, December 6th, 2013
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Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
af¤kf rfhf FrdCtrYPq ¤dpP¡fqAd DtDprBPq
2061 irvrsfeIz roz, aYbtsPorz, bI[sI[ susfietI smuWcI kimAUintI nfl jfxkfrI sFJI kridaF bhuq sMqusLtI mihsUs kr rhI hY ik afpxI kimAUintI df iPAUnrl hom aYbtsPorz ivWc cflU ho cuWikaf hY aqy pihlI iPAUnrl srivs 17 nvMbr nUM idWqI jf cuWkI hY. srivs buWk krfAux vfsqy qusIN oiPAUnrl hom nfl 604-746-3040 qy sMprk kr skdy ho.
iPAUnrl hom cflU hox ivWc kuJ dyrI hox krky susfietI ny kimAUintI dI suivDf nUM iDafn ivWc rWKidaF, pRI-nIz kMntrYkt (srtIiPkyt) vycx dI afKrI qrIk 31 dsMbr, 2013 qWk vDf idWqI hY. qkrIbn 400 pRI-nIz kMntrYkt (srtIiPkyt) hor vycxy hn jykr Auh 31 dsMbr qoN pihlF ivk jFdy hn qF susfietI hor pRI-nIz kMntrYkt (srtIiPkyt) vycxy iksy vyly vI bMd kr skdI hY. so jldI – jldI susfietI dy iksy vI zfierYktr nfl sMprk kro aqy pRI-nIz kMtrYkt (srtIiPkyt) KrId lvo. ies pRI-nIz kMtrYkt (srtIiPkyt) rfhIN $3500 ivWc iewk mukMml iPAUnrl srivs idWqI jfvygI
Gwto-Gwt 5000 zflr dfn dy ky qusIN ies susfietI dy sQfeI mYNbr bx skdy ho. ieh mYNbrisLp pIVHI dr pIVHI clygI| ienHF pRIvfrF dy nfm iPAunrl hom dI aYNtrI ivwc mUhrlI kMD qy Aukry jfxgy. ieh nfm hmysLf vfsqy kMD AuWpr dfnIaF dI Xfd duafAuNdy rihxgy. nfm Aukrx dI afKrI qrIk 31 dsMbr, 2013 hY. ies qoN bfad vfly dfnIaF dy nfm ies kMD Aupr nhIN ikqy hor ilKy jfxgy. nfm Aukrn dIaF iqMn sLRYxIaF hn.
1[ 5000[00 qoN AuWpr
2[ 10,000[00 qoN AuWpr
3[ 25,000[00 qoN AuWpr
jldI qoN jldI dfn dy ky susfietI dy mYNbr bxo. dfn idWqI geI rkm dI tYks dI rsId vI idWqI jfvygI.
hor jfxkfrI leI iPAUnrl hom df Pon nMbr: 604[746[3040 Ô¯ð ÜÅäÕÅðÆ ñÂÆ ÁÅê Ô¶á ÇñÖ¶ ë¯é» Óå¶ Ã¹ÃÅÇÂàÆ ç¶ ì¯ðâ ÁÅø âÅÇÂðËÕàð÷ éÅñ ÿêðÕ Õð ÃÕç¶ Ô¯Í êÅñ òèÅòé (Paul Wadhawan) F@D-C@H-FBCD ×°ðéËì ÇÃ³Ø ìðÅó (Gurnaib S. Brar) F@D-C@I-AHAH ìñÇܳçð ÇÃ³Ø ì˺à (Baljinder S. Bains) F@D-H@G-AIIE ÃéÆ ×ð¶òÅñ (Sonny Grewal) F@D-EAB-CDE@ ×°ðîÆå ÇÃ³Ø èÅñÆòÅñ (Gurmeet S. Dhaliwal) F@D-EEF-HIDI îéÜÆå ÇÃ³Ø Ã¯ÔÆ (Manjit S. Sohi) GGH HGH G@F@ îéÜÆå ÇÃ³Ø ÇîéÔÅà (Manjit S. Minhas) F@D-FDD-AADB çðôé Õ°îÅð ôðîÅ (Darshan K. Sharma) F@D-C@H-EC@A (Dr. Rajinder Singh Bhatti) (Nash Gill)
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
ieh AuhnF pRIvfrF dy nfm hn ijnHF dy nfm iPAunrl hom dI aYNtrI ivwc mUhrlI kMD qy Aukry jfxgy. ies ivwc lfeIP mYNbrisLp jF pRI-nIz kntrYkt vfsqy idwqI geI rkm sLfml nhIN. The following is a list of donations to the Society. The amount shown does not include amount paid for pre-need contracts and life memberships.
Khalsa Credit Union Wadhawan Family Khalsa Diwan Society of Abbotsford
$250,000 $75,000 $51,000
Buttar Gurdeep S & Parmjit K $50,000 Gill Nachhatar S (Nash)
Sidhu Jatinder Singh (Jati)
Toor Garry & Bam Sidhu Raiwal Balbir Singh Sidhu Hardev Singh Ranjit Singh Hardip Singh Kehlar Bruce & Georgina Gill Sukhi (Mid Valley and Charlesworth Insurance) Binning Jasvir Singh Baldev, Harnek, Sukhdev & Ajmer Singh Seikhon Bhogal Family (Aldergrove & Mission) Mission Gur Sikh Society Gian`s Sweet Shop & Jagraon Enterprises Sharma Darshan Kumar Khangura Balbir S (Khangura Engineering) Gurudwara Kalgidhar Darbar Sahib Greenland Growers Nursery (Dhami) Dr. Malwinder S. Dhami Dhillon Harbans Singh Abby Pharmacy Thandi Sucha S Thandi Gurdev S. & Sons Sivia Nirmal Singh Sidhu Kinder & Associates Sidhu Chamkaur S(Alamwala) Sangha Norm S. Sandhu Sachiar Kaur Minhas Satpal S (Satkul Development) Manku Jasbir S Kooner Nachhattar S (Surrey) Heer Manmohan Singh Gill Mohinder S & Gurdev S Gill Baljinder S (Fraser Cedar) Dhillon Malkiat Singh Dhaliwal Shamsher Brar Davinder Singh & Amarjit Singh Banwait Jasbir Singh Alamwala Sarwan S & Family Dhaliwal Baljit Singh Tiwana Garry Parhar Onkar Singh (Jashin Enterprises) Dr. Rajinder S. Bhatti
$31,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000
$25,000 $25,000 $21,000
$15,000 $13,000 $12,000 $11,000 $11,000 $11,000 $10,100 $10,100 $10,100 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $7,111 $7,100 $7,000 $7,000
Dr. Sukhdev S. Gill Sidhu Kartar S (Mahean walla) Brar Gurnaik S Bhullar Baljeet S (Ramgarh) Romana Gurpiar S Purewal Kamalprit S Minhas Manjit Singh Mann Baljinder S Lally Tarlochan Singh (Dunamis Farms) Kular Harmel S Westberry Farms Waqat Enterises Varing Garry Toor Sadhu Singh Tiwana Parminder Singh Thind Parmjit S. Thind Hardial Singh (High Class Homes) Swaich Ekbal Singh Sood Romesh Sohi Manjit Singh Sivia Agarvir Singh Singh Satpal Singh Jiwan (Moga) Sidhu Terry (Notary Public) Sidhu Surjit K (RPR Farms) Sidhu Kulwinder S Sidhu Harbhajan K Sidhu Gogi Singh (Kanaka Creek) Sidhu Andy & Pritam (Punjabi Patrika) Sekhon Sikander S & Jasvir S Saran Mehar S Sanghera Makhan Singh Sangha Sukhdev S Sandhu Surjit S (SD Farms) Sandhu Sukhwinder S Sandhu Ajit Singh Randhawa Rattan S (G & R Growers) Randhawa Ranjit S Randhawa Harbhajan S Phangura Tarsen S Oberoi Bhupinder Singh Neger Balwant S Neger Bhajan K Narang Gurmail Singh Narang Gurbux Singh Nanuwa Santokh S Maskeen Development Ltd. (Surrey) Marshal Pharmacy Mann Palwinder (Superstar Roofing) Mander Jeet (Sarbjeet), Balbir S Malhi Shaminder Singh Mahil Tarvain S Mahil Darshan S Lickman Food & Fuel Limited Lanji Dildar Singh Kular Harminder Kaur Kooner Kewal Singh Kooner Balraj S Khattar Ajit S Khaira Bakhshish S Judge Param Singh J’s Pizza (SFW) Heer Jarnail Singh
$7,000 $5,250 $5,200 $5,100 $5,100 $5,100 $5,100 $5,100 $5,100 $5,100 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000
Hayer Harbhajan S Hayer Gurmit S Harbor Trucking Grewal Surinderpal S Grewal Rajvir Singh Aldergrove Grewal Rajinder Singh Grewal Harbans Singh Grewal Davinderpal S Gladwin Pharmacy Gill Swaran S (Dhudike) Gill Surinder S. (Dhudike) Gill Satvir Singh (Sat) Gill Ravinder S (Robbie) Gill Pritam S (Karyal) Gill Nazar Singh Gill Nashattar S Gill Mukhtiar Singh (Aldergrove) Gill Makhan & Jaswinder Gill Jaswinder (Jas) Singh (Electrician) Gill Jaspal S Gill Jarnail S. Gill Gurdev S. & Sons Farm Gill Baldev S Gill Balbir Singh Gill Moe & Jagdish K Ghalli Farms Nursary Gill Gursewak Singh Garden Grove Nursary Aldergrove Garcha Sukhdev Singh G Mann Trucking Fraser Valley Hindu Society Dr. Shavinder S. Gill Dr. Ron Brar Dr. Manjinder S.Saini Dr. Harjit S. Lail Dr. Gagan Grover Dr. Alok Sood Dr P. K. Sidhu & Jesse Sidhu Dhillon Jagdish K Dhillon Baaga S. Dhesi Malkiat Singh & Daljit Singh Dhami Narang & Co. Dhaliwal Gurmeet Singh Mission Deol Harinder Singh Country Lumber Chohan Zora S. Cheema Manjit S ( York Home Design) Cheema Kaviraj S Cedar Park Pharmacy Butter Farms Brar Shabnam Singh Brar Lakhvinder (Bagi) Singh Brar Gurnaib Singh Brar Gurbhej Singh (MGB Enterprise) Braich Sher S. & Surinder K Blueridge Pharmacy Bhattal Zora S. Bhatti Opinder S Bathe Raj Bangar Raghbir Singh Bandesha Hari Bains Patvinder Singh Bains Baljinder Singh Alamwala Jasvir (Jessie)
$5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000
Punjabi Patrika
ipCly smyˆ ipMzfˆ ivwc kuJ mohqbr bMdy huMdy sn ijnHfˆ ivwc sPYdpoÈ, ËYldfr, jgIrdfr qy lMbVdfr afid iËkrXog hn. AunHfˆ ivwcoN lMbVdfr ajoky smyˆ vI ipMz dy muKIafˆ ivwc afAuNdf hY. ienHfˆ ivakqIafˆ qoN ielfvf kuJ Auh nOkrIpyÈf lok vI afpxI vwKrI pCfx rwKdy hn ijnHfˆ dy ahudy nfl ‘dfr` Èbd juiVaf huMdf hY ijvyˆ Tfxydfr, qihsIldfr, rsfldfr, sUbydfr, hOldfr qy jmfdfr afid. ienHfˆ qoN ibnfˆ iek hor jfixaf-pCfixaf ikrdfr ipMzfˆ ivwc huMdf jo hux vI hY Auh hY cOkIdfr. ipMz dy ienHfˆ ‘dfrfˆ` ivwcoN lMbVdfr dI ivÈyÈ hYsIaq huMdI ikAuNik Aus dI srkfry-drbfry bhuq puwCpRqIq huMdI. ies df kfrn sI ik iksy vI msly ivwc ipMz dy iksy vsnIk dI pCfx jfˆ qsdIk, jo lMbVdfr vwloN kIqI jfˆdI hY Aus nUM hI aslI mMinaf jfˆdf. vrqmfn smyˆ vI iksy dI pCfx dI qswlI krn leI lMbVdfr qoN hI shI pvfeI jfˆdI hY, ijvyˆ kort-kcihrI jfˆ qihsIl ivwc iksy msly, ivÈyÈ qOr `qy ËmIn dI rijstrI krfAux leI ipMz df lMbVdfr hI qsdIk krdf hY pr ajoky smyˆ qfˆ kuJ qihsIlfˆ ivw c pw k y qO r `qy hI aijhy lMbVdfr bYTy huMdy hn jo muwl dI gvfhI pf idMdy hn Xfin ik AunHfˆ nUM kuJ ‘syvf` dy ky ijhVf cfhy AunHfˆ qoN hsqfKr krvf lvy, ieh koeI guwJI bfq nhIN hY.
ñ§ìóçÅðź ç¶ çðòÅ÷¶…....
lMbVdfrfˆ dy drvfËy Tfxydfr nfl-nfl ivÈyÈ qOr `qy ipMz kuwtIdf.`` dy lMbVdfrfˆ df vI mfx-afdr kIqf jfˆdf. pirvfr dy kwpVyjy ko e I pu l Is aPsr iksy lIVy dy nfl sfry lMbVdfrfˆ leI mfmly sbMDI ipMz ivwc jfˆdf kMbl jfˆ Kys, nfnikafˆ vwloN qfˆ cOkIdfr rfhIN sunyhf dy ky ilafˆdy jfˆdy. bhuqy ipMzfˆ ivwc lMbVdfr nUM bulfAuNdf qy aglI lMbVdfrfˆ dI igxqI cfr huMdI kfrvfeI krdf. pr iksy ipMz dI vwsoN dy ihsfb lMbVdfr, sfry ipMz `qy nfl ieh Gw t -vw D vI hu M d I lMbVdfrI krdf hoieaf kdy hY. ieh kMbl jfˆ Kys pirvfr jfxy-axjfxy lokfˆ `qy byloVI vw l o N srdI-bxdI miTafeI DONs vI jmfAuNdf. Aus dI ies smy q Au n H f ˆ sfirafˆ dy Gro cODr nUM dyKidafˆ koeI muitafr GrI phuMcfey jfˆdy. ivafh vfly afpxy hfxI gwBrU nUM kihMdI: Gr dy koTy dI Cwq `qy cVH ky, “mwkI dI rotI `qy imrcfˆ Buwkfˆgy, ÈrIky-BfeIcfry, Gr dIafˆ qy hor mylxfˆ nfl rfq nUM nfnkIafˆ lY-lY lMbVdfrI afpfˆ lokfˆ nUM vwloN Cwj qoiVaf jfˆdf. Cwj qoVn kuwtfˆgy.`` df afÊfË ijs igwDy dy gIq nfl ieh gwl ivcfrn vflI hY ik kIqf jfˆdf, Aus ivwc ivafˆhdV lMbVdfr dI kIqI iksy mnmfnI dy nfˆ qoN lY ky Aus dy pirvfr, nfl Au s dI lM b VdfrI Ku w s irÈqydfr aqy ngr smyq jfˆdI sI qy awj vI Kuws jfˆdI lMbVdfr df nfˆ vI Éfs qOr `qy hY . jy lM b Vdfr ko e I ju r m ilaf jfˆdf. ieh gIq BfeIcfrk krdf hY qy Aus nUM sËf ho jfˆdI sfˆJ aqy srbwq df Blf mMgx hY qfˆ ies hflq ivwc Aus dI df pRqIk huMdf. igwDf pfAuNdIafˆ lMbVdfrI rwd ho jfˆdI hY. ienHfˆ mylxfˆ vfrI nfl gfAuNdIafˆ. iewk gwlfˆ dy bfvjUd lMbVdfr dy iDr ivafˆhdV muMzy-kuVI df nfˆ crcy sfzy pMjfbI lok-kfiv lY gfAuNdI: jfˆ pMjfbI gIqfˆ ivwc imldy hn “boly nI bMbIhf boly, Èfvf nI qy lMbVdfr gIqfˆ ivwc vI pUrI bMbIhf boly lMbVdfrI krdf hY. keI vrHy pihlfˆ iÈv df iliKaf qy mrhUm jIqo kuVI dy bfr nI bMbIhf boly`` suirMdr kOr df gfieaf gIq awj dUjI iDr jvfb idMdI: vI iÈwdq nfl suixaf jfˆdf hY inkl nKro bfhr, nI bMbIhf ijs dy bol hn: boly “mYnUM hIry-hIry afKy, hfey nIˆ BM n idafˆ g y bfr, nI bM b Ihf muMzf lMbVfˆ df…`` boly`` iesy qrHfˆ nirMdr bIbf df gfieaf pMjfbI gIq awj vI nhIN ies qo N bfad ivafˆ h dV dy Bulfieaf jfˆdf. ienHfˆ gIqfˆ ivwc bfp-dfdy, Brf-BxoeIey, qfeylMbVfˆ dy muMizafˆ dI lMbVdfrI cfcy qy mfmy-nfny dy nfl-nfl ipMz dy lMbVfˆ df bMbIhf vI rhI: bulfieaf jfˆdf: “mihlIˆ mor boldf-mihlIˆ mor “bo l bM b Ihf sfzy lM b Vfˆ df boldf bMbIhf bol… nI Auh lMbVfˆ df muMzf bolI hor mYˆ vI bolfˆ qUM vI bol….`` boldf.``
keI kfrnfˆ kr ky hux lMbVdfrfˆ dI puwC kuJ Gt geI hY. ipCly smyˆ lMbVdfr dI ies leI vI kdr jfˆ cVHq huMdI sI ik Aus smyˆ pMcfieq pRxflI hoNd ivwc nhIN sI afeI. awj dy smyˆ bhuqy msilafˆ ivwc lMbVdfr dI nhIN srpMc dI loV pYˆdI hY jfˆ iPr lokIˆ inwkI-motI gwl qoN hI Tfxy puwj jfˆdy hn jdoN ik ipCly smyˆ lMbVdfr dI aihmIaq Tfxydfr sfzy py ˆ z U BfeIcfry ivw c vI vrgI hI huMdI sI. ies gwl dI lMbVdfr df cMgf siqkfr huMdf. puÈtI pMjfbI lok-kfiv dI ieh jdoN iksy dy DI-puwq df ivafh bolI krdI hY: huMdf qfˆ rIqI irvfjfˆ anusfr “GVf afr suwtIdf, GVf pfr nfnky pirvfr vwloN afpxI suwtIdf, DI-BY x dy shu r y pirvfr dy PAGE R10
Friday, December 6th, 2013
vrqmfn smy ˆ qfˆ ipM z fˆ ivw c vI bMbIhy dy surIly qy moh Bry bol, zI[ jy[ dy kMn pfVvyˆ Èor qy idKfvy dI ckfcOND ivwc db ky rih gey hn. ieh apxwq vfly gIq ikqy suxn nUM nhIN imldy.
jy iksy ivrly - tfvy ˆ ivafh ivwc ‘bMbIhf` boldf hY qfˆ Aus ivwc ngr-KyVy qy lMbVdfr df iËkr nhIN huMdf. ijwQy hux rIqIirvfjfˆ ivwc qbdIlI afeI hY, AuWQy pIVHI-dr-pIVHI lMbVdfr bxn dI rIq vI tuwt cuwkI hY. ajoky smyˆ jy koeI lMbVdfr ies dunIafˆ qoN clf jfˆdf hY jfˆ Aus dI lMbVdfrI iksy kfrn clI jfˆdI hY qfˆ ipMz ivwcoN cfhvfn ivakqI lMbVdfrI leI afpxf hwk jqfAuNdy hn. Auh srkfr ko l afpxI mM g rw K dy hn. AumIdvfr leI inwkIafˆ-motIafˆ Èrqfˆ vI hn ijvyˆ Aus dy nfˆ kuJ ËmIn hovy, Auh Gwto-Gwt dsvIN pfs hovy aqy smfj syvf krdf sfˆJy kMmfˆ ivwc ihwsf lYˆdf hovy afid. qihsIldfr, lMbVdfrI sbMDI Xog ivakqI dI isPfrÈ krdf hY. aYs[ zI[ aYm[ rfhIN ieh mM g pw q r zI[ sI[ ko l puwjdf hY qy zI[ sI[ mnËUrI idMdf hY. jy iËafdf drKfsqfˆ hox qfˆ votfˆ rfhIN lMbVdfr cuixaf jfˆdf hY. jdoN kdy koeI isafsI lfhf lY ky lMbVdfr bx jfˆdf hY qfˆ dUjf Xog ivakqI afpxf hwk lYx leI AuWc aiDkfrIafˆ kol apIl krdf hY. suxvfeI nf hox dI sUrq ivwc mslf hfeI kort qwk vI puwj jfˆdf hY. ipCly kuJ smyˆ qoN iewk lMbVdfr irËrv Bfv pCVIafˆ sLRyxIafˆ ivwcoN vI bxfieaf jfˆdf hY jo pihlfˆ nhIN sI huMdf.
prmjIq kOr srihMd
nU M iew k hËfr rupey pRqI mhInf, snmfn Bwqf imldf hY jo Aus dy bYˆk Kfqy ivwc jmHfˆ ho jfˆdf hY. mfmlf vsUlx qoN ibnfˆ lM b Vdfr df dU j f kM m kursInfmf qsdIk krnf huMdf sI jo awj vI hY. iksy vI KfndfnI Bfv pIVHIafˆ qoN cwlI af rhI pirvfrk pCfx dI qswlI krn ihwq dsqKq krn nUM kursInfmf qsdIk krnf ikhf jfˆdf hY. srkfr vwloN lMbVdfr nUM iewk pCfx-pwqr vI jfrI kIqf jfˆdf hY . ieh vI iËkrXo g hY ik lMbVdfr sfzI pyˆzU pMjfbI bolI hY AuNJ aslI Èbd nMbrdfr hY qy pVHn-ilKx smyˆ nMbrdfr Èbd hI vriqaf jfˆdf hY. byÈwk lMbVdfrI dI pIVHI-drpIVHI vflI iprq Kqm kr ky srkfr ny cMgf kdm AuTfieaf hY aqy ies nfl iewko pirvfr dy hI lMbVdfrI `qy kfbË rihx dI rvfieq tuwtI hY pr kuJ lokfˆ df ivcfr hY ik ies bdlI nIqI nfl ipMzfˆ ivwc pfrtIbfËI vDI hY. lMbVdfrI sbMDI lVfeIJgVy kfrn kortfˆ-kcihrIafˆ ivwc cwldy kysfˆ nfl byloVy Krcy pyˆzU lokfˆ dy gl pey hn jfˆ AunHfˆ ny ieh Krcy afp shyVy hn. eIrKf kfrn afpsI imlvrqx nUM vI Korf lwigaf hY. bdldy smyˆ anusfr ijwQy awj lMbVdfrI kcihrIafˆ-Tfixafˆ ivwc KwjlKu a fr hu M d I iPrdI hY , Au W Qy ipCly smyˆ ieho lMbVdfr ipMz dy msly ipMz ivwc hI nijwT idMdy sn. lMbVdfr dI afpxI aYnI vuwkq huMdI sI ik lMbVfˆ dI Èih nfl iksy JgVy-JyVy `c koeI aOrq vI Qfxydfr dy brfbr bolx df jyrf kr lYˆdI jdoN ik AunHfˆ simafˆ ivwc mrd vI Tfxydfr nfl gwl krnoN iJjkdy sn. pMjfbI lok-kfiv ivclI, ieh iewk sqrI bolI ipCly smyˆ `c lMbVfˆ dy dbdby qy aOkfq dI bfq pfAuNdI hY:
lMbVdfrI, brqfnvI hkUmq smyˆ sLurU hoeI qy ies df sbMD mfl mihkmy nfl irhf. Aus smyˆ dI clfeI ËYldfrI qy sPYdpoÈI qfˆ rwd ho cuwkI hY pr lMbVdfr srkfrI numfieMdf bx ky ivcr irhf hY. ipCly smyˆ ies df muwK kMm iËmIdfrfˆ qoN mfmlf Augrfhuxf huMdf sI. ieh mfmlf cMgI-mfVI ËmIn dy ihsfb nfl vsU i laf jfˆ d f. nihrI pfxI vflI ËmIn df mfmlf kuJ smfˆ bMd irhf pr iPr dubfrf lfgU ho igaf sI. hux QoVHy arsy qoN srkfr ny kuwl mfmlf hI bMd kr idwqf hY. vsUl kIqy mfmly ivwcoN nfmfqr rfÈI lMbVdfr nUM cuwkI hoeI lMbVfˆ dI Tfxydfr dy vI imldI sI. ies smyˆ lMbVdfr brfbr boly
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Punjabi Patrika
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Punjabi Patrika
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013
íÅðå ÒÚ òÆ ÁîðÆÕÅ ÕËé¶âÅ òÅº× éÅìÅñ× Òå¶ Áµñóź òñ¯º ÕÆå¶ Ã§×Æé Ü°ðîź çÆ ÃÖå Ã÷Å çÆ ñ¯ó
idwlI smUihk blfqkfr kfˆz dI pIVq muitafr dy mfipafˆ vwloN iewk doÈI dy nfbflg hox kfrn sKq sËf qoN bc inklx ivruwD suprIm kort ivwc guhfr lfey jfx nfl aijhy doÈIafˆ AuWqy iÈkMjf ksy jfx dy afsfr bxdy jf rhy hn. pIVqf dy mfˆ-ipAu vwloN bfl jsits aYkt dy Aus ihwsy nUM rwd krn dI mMg kIqI geI hY ijhVf 18 sfl qoN Gwt Aumr dy doÈIafˆ `qy afm adflq ivw c mu k w d mf clfAu x `qy ro k lgfAuNdf hY. suprIm kort ny ies muwdy `qy kyˆdr srkfr smyq kyˆdrI mihlf aqy bfl ivkfs mMqrfly nUM noits jfrI krky siQqI spÈt krn leI ikhf hY. iËkrXog hY ik ies cricq kfˆz ivwc Èfml iewk doÈI dI Aumr aprfD krn vyly 18 sfl qoN isrP 6 mhIny Gwt sI ijs krky Auh sKq sËf qoN bc igaf. ies Gtnf AuprMq mulk Br ivwc aijhy sMgIn mfmilafˆ ivwc Èfml aprfDIafˆ dI Aumr nvyˆ isirEˆ qYa krn dI mMg AuWTI sI
qfˆ jo AunHfˆ nUM jurm muqfibk sKq qoN sKq sËf iml sky.
smUihk blfqkfr aqy kql ijhy sM g In aprfDfˆ ivw c nfbflgfˆ dI ÈmUlIaq lgfqfr vDx nfl ijwQy AunHfˆ ivruwD nfbflg adflq dI bjfey POjdfrI adflq ivwc mukwdmf clfey jfx dI mMg Ëor PV rhI hY , Au W Qy srkfr aqy inafˆpfilkf vI ies muwdy `qy pihlfˆ nfloN gMBIr hoeI jfpdI hY. suprIm kort ny idwlI smUihk blfqkfr kfˆz dy PYsly smyˆ iesy sfl julfeI ivwc nfbflÊ dI Aumr hwd 18 sfl qoN Gwt krn sbMDI ptIÈn rwd kr idwqI sI pr hux Aus ny ies mfmly `qy ivcfr krn dI hfmI BrI hY. srkfr vI hux ies muwdy `qy sKq ruK aKiqafr krdI nËr af rhI hY. kyˆdrI mihlf aqy bfl ivkfs mMqrfly vwloN iewk pRsqfv iqafr kIqf igaf hY ijs ivwc kql aqy smU i hk blfqkfr ijhy sM g In mfmilafˆ ivwc Èfml 16 sfl qoN vwD Aumr dy nfbflg aprfDIafˆ
nUM bflgfˆ dI sLRyxI ivwc hI rwKx dI qjvIË hY. ies pRsqfv nUM pRvfngI imlx AuprMq bfl iensfP aYkt ivwc soD hox df rfh pwDrf ho jfvygf aqy iswty vjoN 16 qoN 18 sfl qwk dI Aumr dy awlHV aprfDIafˆ nUM sKq sËfvfˆ iml skxgIafˆ. dUjy pfsy mihlf aqy bfl ivkfs mMqrfly dI ies qjvIË df bwicafˆ dy aiDkfrfˆ dI rwiKaf leI kOmI kimÈn (aYn[sI[pI[sI[afr[) ny ivroD kridafˆ ikhf hY ik sMXukq rfÈtr vwloN qYa bfl Aumr hwd ivwc qbdIlI nhIN hoxI cfhIdI. kimÈn vwloN srkfr dy pRsqfv df ivroD krnf suBfivk hY ikAuNik bwicafˆ dy aiDkfrfˆ dI rfKI krnf Aus df PrË hY pr ieh gwl vyKx vflI hY ik ijs smyˆ ieh Aumr hwd inÈicq kIqI geI sI, Aus smyˆ bwicafˆ duafrf aijhy aprfD krn bfry soicaf vI nhIN sI jf skdf. jIvnÈYlI ivwc qyËI nfl af rhy bdlfa aqy sUcnf sMcfr ivwc afey ienklfb nfl bwcy CotI Aumr ivwc hI vwizafˆ vfˆg ivhfr krn lwg
pey hn. ies qbdIlI qoN awKfˆ nhIN mItIafˆ jf skdIafˆ aqy nf hI AunHfˆ duafrf kIqy jf rhy Gor aprfDfˆ leI AunHfˆ nUM doÈ-mukq hI kIqf jf skdf hY. kyvl Bfrq ivwc hI nhIN, dunIafˆ dy keI hor mulkfˆ ivwc vI bdl rhIafˆ smfijk pRsiQqIafˆ dy mwdynËr bfl aprfD kfnUMn ivwc qbdIlIafˆ kIqIafˆ jf rhIafˆ hn. amrIkf dy keI suibafˆ ivwc bfl adflqfˆ df aiDkfr Kyqr sImq hY aqy gMBIr aprfDfˆ dy mfmly bflg adflqfˆ nUM sONp idwqy jfˆdy hn. ieMglYˆz ivwc vI sMgIn aprfDfˆ ivwc Èfml awlHV Aumr dy nfbflgfˆ nUM sKq sËfvfˆ idwqy jfx dI ivvsQf hY. awlHV Aumr dy nfbflg Gor aprfDIafˆ nUM sKq sËfvfˆ idwqy jfx sbMDI AuBr rhI lok afvfË dy mw d y n Ër srkfr vw l o N bfl jsits aYkt ivwc soD krn dI qjvIË Au W qy bu w D IjIvIafˆ vw l o N rlvfˆ-imlvfˆ pRqIkrm pRgt kIqf jf irhf hY. aijhy aprfDIafˆ dI
igxqI lgfqfr vDx kfrn afm lok ienHfˆ nUM POjdfrI adflqfˆ rfhIN sKq qoN sKq sËf dyx dy hfmI hn pr dUridRÈtI vfly smfj ivigafnI ies muwdy `qy sMjm vrqx dI gwl kr rhy hn. aijhI siQqI ivwc srkfr nUM dovfˆ pwKfˆ nUM zUMGfeI ivwc GoKx AuprMq hI kfnUMn ivwc soD krnI cfhIdI hY. ieh vI ivcfrn dI ËrUrq hY ik afKr awlHV Aumr dy nfbflgfˆ dI kqlfˆ aqy blfqkfrfˆ dy mfmilafˆ ivw c ÈmU l Iaq ikAu N vDdI jf rhI hY ? bfl mno i vigafnIafˆ aqy smfj ivigafnIafˆ nUM ies muwdy dy sfry pwKfˆ nUM gMBIrqf nfl ivcfrnf cfhIdf hY. adflqfˆ aqy srkfr vwloN ies muwdy `qy kfhlI ivwc kIqI geI koeI vI kfrvfeI BivwK ivwc hor gMBIr smwisafvfˆ nUM jnm dy skdI hY. awlHV Aumr dy bwicafˆ ivwc af rhI nYiqk igrfvt leI mfipafˆ aqy aiDafpkfˆ smyq smuwcy smfj aqy smfijk pRsiQqIafˆ nUM iËMmyvfrI qoN mukq nhIN kIqf jf skdf.
Punjabi Patrika
Friday, December 6th, 2013