The Patrika 604.852.2288 | “BRIDGING COMMUNITIES” Weekly | Friday, October 29th, 2021 | Vol.26. No.06 | | inrpwK, sqMqr aqy agFhvDU soc nMU prnfieaf hoieaf A SECULAR, INDEPENDENT & PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER
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The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
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Province takes aim at banning problem plastics
eople in British Columbia con- to create a cleaner, stronger future for tinue to take action to remove everyone.” problem plastics from comThe current act allows for packaging munities and the natural environment. materials, such as plastic checkout New legislation will mean the Prov- bags and single-use polystyrene foam ince can move more quickly to re- takeout containers, to be regulated move plastic debris through phased- or banned. Following feedback from the public and local governments, the in provincewide product bans. changes will add the ability to reguChanges under new legislation mean late other products like plastic drinkthe Province will be able to identify ing straws, utensils and stir sticks that and take direct action to phase out are harmful to the environment. single-use plastic products and packThis furthers the Province’s actions aging. Decisions will be made based launched in July 2021 to allow loon the environmental and economic cal governments to ban single-use impacts of any bans, with the first plastics without requiring ministerial starting to create greater opportunities phase of new regulations expected approval. More than 20 municipali- to use material previously considered in early 2023. ties are developing bylaws banning waste in the development of new products. The plan will add milk and “We have heard the call for more single-use plastics, and the municimilk-alternative containers to the direct action to reduce plastic debris palities of Esquimalt, Nanaimo, Richdeposit-refund system as of February and its impact on the environment mond, Rossland, Saanich, Surrey, 2022 and more single-use items to and wildlife,” said George Heyman, Tofino, Ucluelet and Victoria have the packaging part of the Recycling Minister of Environment and Climate approved bylaws in place. Regulation as of January 2023 Change Strategy. “These changes B.C.’s CleanBC Plastics Action Plan mean we will expedite the actions un- is addressing the use of plastics, In addition, the largest shoreline der the CleanBC Plastic Action Plan expanding recycling categories and cleanup in B.C.’s history has resulted PAGE 2
in the removal of more than 580 tonnes of marine debris from B.C.’s coastline under the Clean Coast, Clean Waters Initiative. It is estimated that in 2019, more than 340,000 tonnes of plastic items and packaging were disposed of in British Columbia. This equates to more than 65 kilograms of plastic waste sent to the landfill per person in one year.
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
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*By appointment only. PAGE 3
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
sMpfdkI dIvflLI sfry sMsfr ivwc mnfieaf jFdf iewk Kfs iqAuhfr hY. ies iqAuhfr nUM kuwl dunIaF ivwc sB DrmF dy lok mnONdy hn pr ihMdU aqy iswK Drm ivwc ies idhfVy dI sLurUafq iewk Kfs ieiqhfs df ihwsf hY. ihMdU Drm muqfibk isrI rfm cMdr jI ipqf jI vloN imlI sjLf 14 sfl bnvfs pUrf kr ky ies idhfVy pirvfr smyq afpxy Gr aXuiDaf phuMcy sn. ies 14 sflF dI lMmI sjLf ivwcoN iewk bfp vloN idwqy hukmF dI pflxf, puwqr vloN idKfeI afigafkfrI aqy bnvfs dy duKiVaF dy aihsfs aqy aXuwiDaf invfsIaF vloN idKfey aQfh ipafr aqy siqkfr dI lMmI lVI iewk gfQf bx ky lok-idlF nUM tuMbdI hY qy aXuwiDaf aqy afs pfs dy sLrDflUaF aqy pRymIaF dIaF afsF nUM bUr pYNdf hY, lokF ny KusLI ivwc Aus idn dI rfq nUM iGE dy dIvy vflL ky idlI-KusLIaF df iejLhfr kIqf, afiqsLbfjLIaF dIaF rOsLnIaF ny kflLI rfq dy aMbrF nUM rMg-brMgIaF rOsLnIaF nflL rMg idwqf, ptfikaF dIaF Tfh TUh dIaF afvfjLF ny dUr dUr qwk KusLI dy pYgfm phuMcdy kIqy, miTafeIaF vMzIaF, KfDIaF qy KvfeIaF geIaF. isw K Drm ivw c dIvflL I idhfVf keI mhwqqfvF rwKdf hY. gurU nfnk dyv jI qoN pIrI dI prMprf dUjy gurU jI, qIjy gurU jI, cOQy gurU jI aqy pMjvyN gurU arjn dyv jI qwk qF phuMc geI pr ies Drm dI qrksLIlqf qy brfbrqf dI iKHc nflL sB
DrmF dy lokF df ies Drm vl iKwHcy jfxf mugl rfj leI Kqry dI GMtI sI. so mugl slqnq ny pMjvyN gurF nUM axmnuwKI qsIhy dy ky sLhId kr idwqf pr gurU jI qwqI qvI, qwqy ryqy aqy AublLdI dyg ivwc vI sLFq rhy. AunHf dI sLFqI dy smuMdr ny lok mnf ivwc sLrDf vDfeI qy mugl rfj leI nPrq. muglF dIaF jLulmI anHyrIaF nUM TwlHx leI pMjvyN gurF ny sfihbjLfdy isrI hrgoibMd rfey nUM sMkyq idwqf ik hux BgqI dy nflL sLkqI dI vI loV hY. pMjvyN gurU jI dI sLhIdI qoN bfad CyvyN gurU jI gwdI qy ibrfjmfn hox vyly do qlvfrF pihn ky afey iewk mIrI dI qy iewk pIrI dI. smyN dy kihrI hflfqF dI drusqI leI hux dusLmx nflL lohf lYx df smF af cuwkf sI. gurU jI ny mrjIviVaF dI POj df sMgTn afrMB idwqf, qlvfrF qy aflIsLfn GoVy Byt cVHn lwgy, jMgI aiBafs hox lwg pey XuwDF dIaF vfrF gUMjx lwgIaF. ieh sB kuwJ mugl rfj nUM ikwdF hjLm ho skdf sI? AunHf hflfqF ivwc gurU jI rfj gwdI nUM cuwBx lwgy, srkfrI msLInrI hI ivrwuD nhIN sI sgoN irsLqy dI nFh qoN duKI cMdU, qfieaf ipRQIcMd, kjLn imhrbfn vI ivroDIaF dI DfV ivwc jf sLfiml hoey. guwsy ivwc af ky bfdsLfh jhFgIr ny gurU jI dI igRPqfrI dy hukm dy idwqy qy AunHF nUM gvflIar dy ikly ivwc kYd kr idwqf. gurU jI dy shI afisLaF nUM muslmfn Drm mMnx vfly bhuqy lok vI TIk mMndy sn. Esy shI kwZidaF aslIaq dwsI qF AunHF ny gurU jI soc dy mflk sfeIN mIaFmIr, vjLIr KF aqy dI sjLf Kqm kridaF irhfeI dy hukm dy sLyK injLfmodIn ny bfdsLfh jhFgIr dy BulyKy idwqy. jylH ivwc rihx smyN 103 kYdIaF ny gurU sfihbF dI soc nUM afpy arpn kr idwqy qy AunF dy pRym nUM dyKidaF gurU jI ny sfry kYdIaF nUM nflL lY ky jylHoN jfx df svfl pfieaf, ijs kr ky 51 kYdI qF Cwz idwqy pr 52 rfjsI kYdI nf Cwzy, gurU jI dI ijd qy gurU jI df colLf PV bfhr jfx dI igxqI mnjLUr hoeI so gurU jI ny 52 kMnIaF vflLf colLf pf ky sB dI irhfeI krvf idwqI. jdoN gurU jI gvflIar qoN aMimRqsr phuMcy qF iswKF ny KusLI ivwc dIpmflf kIqI. dIpmflf nUM dIivaF vflI vI ikhf igaf qy iesy sLbd qoN Cotf ho ky dIvflI sLbd qy iqAuhfr bx ky mnfieaf jfx lwgf.
gvrnr jLkrIaf KF ny BfeI mnI isMG df bMd bMd kwitaf sI, purfqn smyN iesy idn srbwq Kflsf iekwTf ho ky mqy pfs krdf sI, iesy idn dI iqafrI leI GrF nUM rMg rogn huMdy rhy, ies idn dI KusLI ivwc hor vfDf krn leI miTafeIaF vMzIaF KfDIaF jFdIaF hn. hr Gr dIp jgy, dIvflLI afvy bnvfsI hukmF nUM sfVn vflLI afvy hYvfnIaq, nPLrqF, sfVyGVI suKflLI afvy moh muhwbqF dI nHyrI koeI bolLI kflLI afvy hr Gr dIp jgy, dIvflLI afvy. DMnvfd sihq,
ies idn nflL iswK ieiqhfs dy hor vI keI pwK juVy hoey hn ijvyN ies idn lhOr dy
sMpfdkI mMzl
PUNJABI PATRIKA STAFF pMjwbI p`iqRkw stw& Chief Editor/Publisher : Dr. Andy Sidhu
General Manager : Dave Sidhu
mu`K AYfItr/pRkwsæk: fw: AYNfI is`DU
The Patrika pMjwbI p`iqRkw PAGE 4
Punjabi Editor Sr. Advertising Executive Advertising Executive Typist Layout Graphic Designer Administration Assistant
: : : : : : :
Prof. Surjit Singh Badhesha Lakhbir Lucky Gakhar Paramjit Singh Kanda Ekam Banipal Gurmeen Banipal Gurjeet kaur Muhar Brahmjot Kaur
jnrl mYnyjr: dyv is`DU
Administration Executive: Ronnie Sidhu AYfiminstrysæn mYnyjr: rxvIr rOnI is`DU
: sInIAr AYfvrtweIijMæg mYnyjr : AYfvrtweIijMæg mYnyjr : tweIipst : lyAwaUt fIjæweIn : gRwiPk fIjæweInr : AYfiminstrysæn AisstYNt : pMjwbI AYfItr
pRo surjIq isMG bDysæw lKbIr ‘l`kI’ g`KV prmjIq isMG kMfw eykm bYnIpwl gurmIn bYnIpwl gurjIq kOr muhwr bRhmjoq kOr
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
Piara Singh Bhullar
things and knowledge overcomes ignorance. Religious significance in Hinduism.
Diwali is one of the happiest of holidays for Indians all over the world. People clean their homes and decorate them for the festivities. Diwali is one of the biggest shopping seasons in India; people buy new clothes for themselves and their families, gifts, appliances, kitchen utensils. Small to big ticket items such as cars and gold jewellery. People also buy gifts for family members and friends which typically includes sweets, dry fruits and seasonal specialities depending on regional harvest and customs. It is also the period when little kids hear ancient stories, legends, myths and battle between good and evil, light and darkness from their parents and elders. Girls and women go shopping, and create rangoli and other creative patterns on floors, near doors and walkways. Youth and grownups graduate to helping with lighting and preparing for fireworks (Patake) Diwali is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, and Sikhs to mark historical events, stories or myths, but all spiritually mark the victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, good over evil, hope over despair. With this awakening comes compassion and the awareness of the oneness of all
The religious significance of Diwali varies regionally within India, depending on the school of Hindu philosophy, regional myths, legends and beliefs. Many see Diwali honouring the return of the lord Rama, his wife Sita and his brother Lakshman from exile, as told in ancient Hindu epic called Ramayana. To some, Diwali marks the return of Pandwas after 12 years of Vanvas and one year of agyatvas in the other epic Mahabharata. Many other Hindus believe Diwali is linked to the celebration of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity and wife of deity Vishnu. Many other variations of celebration of Diwali are prevalent throughout India- ---Puja of Kali, Puja of Sraswati the goddess of literature and learning and offering being made to Ganesha, symbol of fearless remover of obstacles. Religious significance of Diwali for Sikhs Diwali for Sikhs marks the Bandi Chhor Divas, when Guru Hargobind Ji freed himself and Hindu Kings from Fort Gwalior, from the prison of Islamic ruler Jahangir and arrived at the Golden Temple in Amritsar. Ever since then , Sikhs celebrate Bandi Chhor Divas, with the annual colourful lighting of Golden Temple, fireworks and other festivities. This is one festival that is celebrated by most Indians throughout the world where friends of all religion, colour or creed are invited to partake in the festivities.
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The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
Province gives local government more tools to increase housing People in B.C. communities will benefit from legislative amendments that give local governments more powers to simplify and speed up their development approvals processes, helping to get the homes people need built faster.
remove the default requirement for local governments to hold public hearings for zoning bylaw amendments that are consistent with the official community plan; and
enable local governments to delegate decisions on minor development vari“We are working with local govern- ance permits to staff. ments, the development sector and These changes will support local govhousing advocates to streamline local ernments to move forward more efdevelopment processes to help get ficiently on developments, bypassing more homes built faster for people,” barriers and speeding up housing apsaid Josie Osborne, Minister of Muprovals. They were identified during nicipal Affairs. “By updating public consultation with local governments, hearing and certain permit requirehousing providers and builders, and ments, we are giving local governother stakeholders as part of the ments more tools to deliver the housProvince’s Development Approvals ing that communities need throughout Process Review. These changes will B.C. This is one important step in the also build on the work of the Local work all orders of government must Government Development Approvals do to meet housing needs for people Program that is providing $15 million in our communities.” to help local governments create more Increasing housing supply is a prior- efficient approvals processes. ity for the Province and these amend“B.C. local governments have been ments are an important step in that seeking improvements to streamline ongoing effort. The amendments will development approval processes,” update the Local Government Act to: said Laurey-Anne Roodenburg,
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jYsko PorYst pRozkts ilmitz aYbtsPorz, bI[sI[ ivwc kMm krn leI lfeIt izAUtI jnrl lybr vrkrF dI Bfl ivc hY. • jnrl lybrr • pfieilMg lMbr, cyn nUM bfhr iKwHcxf • afm sPfeI • 8 GMty dI idn dI isLPt • qnKfh: $16 -$18/ pRqI GMtf
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president, Union of BC Municipalities. “These amendments to the current legislation provide new options that align with recommendations in UBCM’s housing strategy, maintain local government flexibility, and will be welcomed by many UBCM members. We will continue to work with the government to seek further improvements to the development approval process.” To ensure transparency, the proposed amendment for public hearings requires local governments to provide public notice of the rezoning bylaw before the bylaw is considered at first
reading by a municipal council or regional district board. The proposed legislation also makes amendments to streamline the Islands Trust development approvals processes by enabling local trust committees to adopt and amend Development Approval Information bylaws. As well, the Province is proposing changes that will support the City of Powell River’s economic development objectives by removing city-owned lots from the designated mill site area to allow for further development of those lands and support community planning.
Friday, October 29th, 2021
The Patrika
EV owners can access more rebates for home, workplace charging British Columbians wanting to charge their electric vehicles (EVs) at their condominium building or their place of work can access further funding to help buy and install EV chargers through CleanBC’s Go Electric EV Charger Rebate program. “To better support British Columbians living in condominiums and apartments, we’re offering rebates to make more buildings EV ready,” said Bruce Ralston, Minister of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation. “With the highest uptake rates of EV adoption in North America, we want to make sure that more people supporting our transition to a low-carbon economy have easy access to charging infrastructure.”
EV chargers was something we were going ahead with anyway, we were pleased to receive quick support from the Province through their CleanBC program as well as from the federal government.” CleanBC’s EV Ready option supports the adoption of EV infrastructure at apartment and condominium buildings. EV Ready provides rebates for the development of EV Ready plans, a strategy for buildings supported by professionals to make at least one parking space per unit EV ready, and the installation of electrical modifications and upgrades needed to support widespread future access to EV charging for residents.
The Province’s CleanBC Go Electric EV Charger Rebate program is receiving $10 million as part of Budget 2021 to help with the upfront costs that come with EVs. Condominiums, apartments and workplaces that purchase and install eligible EV chargers can receive a rebate up to 50% of costs to a maximum of $2,000 per charger. Customers who take advantage of the EV Charger Rebate may have access to top up rebates through participating municipalities and local governments.
Up to five hours of free support services from an EV charging station adviser are available through the EV Charger Rebate program for condominiums, apartments and workplaces that need help moving from idea to installation.
The strata council for a condo building in Vancouver’s Olympic Village neighbourhood made use of the EV Ready program, as well as federal support to upgrade their building’s electrical infrastructure. The strata council worked together to first determine, through a load review, if there was enough incoming power to support a level 2 charger for every owner. Once this was determined, the strata’s chosen electrical contractor went to work with the base installation, as well as individual chargers for owners who ordered them. The strata council also ensured a charger was installed in the guest parking.
The Province is providing a range of rebates through its CleanBC Go Electric programs and building out the fast-charging network to ensure the increasing demand for EVs is supported. B.C. has one of the largest public-charging networks in Canada with more than 2,500 public charging stations throughout the province.
Single-family homes, including duplexes and townhouses, can get a rebate of up to 50% of purchase and installation costs of an eligible EV charger to a maximum of $350 through the EV Charger Rebate program.
The CleanBC Go Electric EV Charger Rebate program aligns with the recently released CleanBC Roadmap to 2030. Announced on Oct. 25, 2021, the CleanBC Roadmap to 2030 details a range of expanded actions to accelerate the transition to a net-zero future and achieve B.C.’s legislated greenhouse “The majority of owners in our build- gas emissions targets. ing came together and gave our strata council approval to make the necessary CleanBC is a pathway to a more prosupdates to the building’s infrastructure perous, balanced and sustainable futo support electric vehicle charging ture. It supports government’s commitwhere we live,” said Jim Bayles, vice- ment to climate action to meet B.C.’s president of strata council. “While up- emission targets and build a cleaner, grading the electrical and installing the stronger economy for everyone.
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The Patrika
jyT mhIny dI dupihry jd sfrf ipMz lU aqy grmI nfl qp irhf sI qF muKiqafrf afpxy GrIN aMdrly koTVy ivc luikaf bYTf kMbI jf irhf sI. KysI dI buwkl nfl Aus afpxf isr vI Zikaf qy nfly drvfjLf vI ByV rwiKaf sI. hF Aus dy kMn bfhrlI glLI vwl hI lwgy hoey sn qF ik iksy vI afAux vfly dI ibVk Aus nUM iml sky. ieh kFbf Aus nUM srdI nfl nhIN sgoN zr nflL sI ik pqf nhIN kdoN guridaflf af bhuVy. Auh afpxy afp nuM kos irhf sI ik ikAuN kwlH svyry svyry hI KyqF vwl nUM inkl igaf sI. nihr dy prly pfsy do kohF qy hI qF AuhdIaF vwtF sn. socdf sI ik do iqMn GMty KyqF ivc lgf ky GrIN prqx qoN pihlF Auh nihr dy pfxI ivc zubkI mfrygf qy qro-qfjLf ho jfvygf. dupihry dlfn ivc afrfm nfl lytygf ijsdf drvfjLf Auh KuwlHf rwKxf nhIN Buwlygf qF ik bfhrlI vwzI inMm Qwly ho ky afAuNdI hvf nfl dlfn ivc TMZ bxI rhy.
hY. sLfied iksy dI irsLqydfr hoxI aF. pr Aus hmysLF vFg koeI Kfs iDafn AuhnF vwl nhIN idwqf. bs koloN dI lMGdf lMGdf iewk njLr nfl AuhnF nUM qwk ilaf sI. pr prkfsLo ny siq sRI akfl bulf hI idwqI. Aus ny vI srsrI qOr qy puwiCaf, “ieh bIbI kOx ey?” prkfsLo ny dwisaf ik Aus dI mfsI dI ivckfrlI DI ey imMdo. mogy kflj ivc pVHdI ey. awj kwlH CuwtIaF ny qy Auh imlx afeI hoeI ey. muKiqafr ny suKI rihx dI asIs idwqI qy agFh qur igaf.
nihr dy ieDrly pfsy hI Aus agFh jFdy guridafly nUM vyiKaf sI. Aus nfl hmysLF vFg ipMz dy do musLtMzy dIpf qy mysLf sn. hwQF ivc zFgF, qihmqF pfeIaF hoeIaF qy AuwWcI avfjL ivc Auh Bwdy Bwdy bol boldy qurI jf rhy sn. muKiqafry nfl AuhnF dI kdy vI nhIN bxdI sI. nf hI AuhnF vFg Auh avfrf grdI krdf sI aqy nf hI ipMz dIaF kuVIaF nUM CyV-CfV krdf sI. Aus idn vI soicaf, “ikWQy ids pey ieh qVky hI Ays vyly ipMz dIaF keI muitafrF mrdUd. cMgI BlI svyr df suafd hI Krfb vI afpxy afpxy KyqF vwl qurdIaF idKfeI kr idwqf. ieh vI KYr ik mYN ienHF dI njLr dy rhIaF sn. kuis J iek nUM Difference. Auh pihcfxdf Difference the nhIN ipaf. nhIN qF rojL dI qrHF do cfr vI sI ijvyN Aus dI glLI dI nuwkry rihMdy gflLF vI suxnIaF pY jFdIaF.” Auh hOlLI blvMq dI DI prkfsLo qy iPr sMqI krnYly ho igaf sI qF ik ivckfrI ivWQ vD jfvy. PLOjI dI DI. hF AuhnF ivc kwlH iewk nvIN iPr nihr dI pulLI twp ky Auh afpxy Kyq kuVI vI sI. Aus vyly pqf nhIN sI ik kOx
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Friday, October 29th, 2021
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Mandeep Brar: 778.908.3317
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ivc jf viVaf. kMmI ruwJ igaf qy Aus df vg rhy sI. Auh koisLsL kr vI kuJ bol iDafn guridafly vwloN ht igaf. nhIN pf rhI sI. ajy msF Aus iek Kyq nUM hI pfxI lfieaf sI ik nihr dy dUjy pfsy vloN “bcfE bcfE” qy cIKF dI avfjL nfl Aus dy hwQ PVI khI izwg peI. ieh qF kuVIaF cIK rhIaF ny. socdy hI Auh pulLI vwl dOiVaf. Aus nUM pfr krky cIK dI afvfjL vflLy pfsy dyKx lwgf. ieMny nUM prkfsLo qy sMqI sfho-sfhI nwTdIaF qy cIKdIaF kolLoN lMG geIaF. pr qIjI kuVI AuhnF nfl nhIN sI. Auh awgy viDaf qy nfl dy cfry dy Kyq ivc Auh izwgI peI idsI. Auh nihr dy kMZy qoN Auqr Kyq ivc igaf. dyKdy hI Aus dI rUh kMb AuTI. ivcfrI imMdo jLmIn qy iltI peI sI. Aus dy kwpVy gfry qy lhU nfl ilwbVy pey sI. nIlf dupwtf iksy JfVI ivc Pisaf ihwl irhf sI. ivcfrI dI slvfr iksy ny iKHwcky lfh suwtI sI. Aus nfl kukrm kr Auh sLYqfn jf cuwikaf sI. muKiqafr ny iek do pl qF afpxy sfh qy kfbU pfAux ivc lMGfey. pr iPr sfiraF qoN pihlF afpxy isr dI pwg KolH, imMdo nUM Zikaf. nihr qoN pfxI ilaf kuVI dy mUMhIN pfieaf. imMdo hosL ivc qF af geI pr sihmI hoeI sI. awKIaF ivcoN awQrU lgfqfr
muKiqafry ny kuJ puwCxf PjLUl soc ky Aus nUM shfrf dy ibTfieaf qy iPr hwQ pkV hOlLI hOlLI nihr dy kMZy dI sVk qy lY afieaf. ieMny nUM ipMzoN prkfsLo afpxy bfp qy POjI nUM lY afAuNdI idsI. afvfjL mfr Aus AuhnF df iDafn iKHwicaf qy sfry dOV ky Aus kol puwjy. muKiqafry nfl do ku gwlF kr Auh kuVI nUM nfl lY ipMz vwl muV gey. jFdy jFdy afpxIaF BrIaF awKF nflL Aus df sLukrIaf vI krdy rhy. bVy duKI mn nfl muKiqafrf vI afpxy GrIN prq afieaf sI. koeI GMtf Br qF AuWQy hI ibnF mqlb bYTf socdf irhf. iPr kuJ soc ky AuWiTaf qy blvMq dy GrIN jf puwijaf. pqf lwgf ik sfrf kFz kI hoieaf sI. kuVIaF Kyq dy prly pfsy jf svyr dy kMmoN ivhlIaF hI hoeIaF sn ik ikqoN iqMn mrd af gey AuhnF nUM Gyrn lwgy. hwQF ivc zFgF nfl zrf rhy sI. kuVIaF cIKdIaF nwTx lwgIaF. prkfsLo qy sMqI qF nihr dy sVkIN puwj ipMz vwl dOV geIaF. ivcfrI imMdo nUM KyqF ivc nf qF ies qrHF Bwjx dI afdq sI qy nf hI rsqy df bhuqf pqf. AuqoN sLihrI kwpVy vI mwddgfr sfibq nhIN hoey. Aus df pYr bfkI pMnf 12 'qy
“Helping Make Canada Home”
supr vIjf prmfnYNt rYNjIzYNs stwzI primt vrk primt pRoivMsLIal nOmInysLnj ienvYstr klfs pqI/pqnI spONsrisLp
Sukhvir Chand RCIC, BBA: 778.549.6851 Commissioner of Oaths for British Columbia Member of CAPIC
Abbotsford BC : Unit 101-32883 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford BC V2S 2A6 | Tel: 604-852-3201 | Fax: 604-852-3284 PAGE 8
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
• Real Estate Transfers • Mortgage Refinance • rIal astyt tRFsPr • mOrigj dubfrf krfAuxf
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The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
B.C. launches stronger climate plan for a better future
British Columbia is launching a stronger, more ambitious climate plan to deliver on its commitment to reduce climate pollution and build a cleaner, stronger economy for people throughout B.C. The CleanBC Roadmap to 2030 plan accelerates measures in B.C.’s continent-leading climate plan that has been proven effective and introduces new ideas to help B.C. achieve the Paris emissions reduction targets for 2030 and reach net-zero by 2050. “Here in B.C., the threat of climate change is no longer decades or even years away. The impacts are all around us, from devastating wildfires to intense heat waves and droughts,” said Premier John Horgan. “The scale of the climate emergency demands that we act with even greater urgency than ever before. By bringing people and businesses together, we can rise to the challenge and seize the opportunity to build a stronger, more resilient B.C. for everyone. That’s what this plan is all about.” The CleanBC Roadmap to 2030 builds on the progress British Columbia has made since 2018 by making polluting more expensive and the shift from fossil fuels to clean alternatives more affordable. The plan will help power more businesses and communities with clean, renewable madein-B.C. hydro electricity. Working with large industry partners, it will also ensure sector-specific plans to reduce their climate pollution and meet B.C.’s targets. “By working with all sectors, we can see clearly where we are making progress and where new thinking and resources are required,” said George Heyman, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy. “The CleanBC Roadmap puts greater focus on transitioning away from fossil fuels faster and adopting clean energy solutions. It strengthens B.C.’s position to attract investment and build opportunity for British Columbians and embodies our determination and commitment to meet our climate targets.”
The CleanBC Roadmap to 2030 in- relations, Innergex cludes a series of actions across eight Renewable Energy pathways. They include: Inc., and co-chair of B.C.’s Climate a commitment to increase the price Solutions Council. on carbon pollution to meet or exceed “The plan incorpothe federal benchmark, with supports rates extensive input for people and businesses; from the independent requirements for new industry proj- Climate Solutions ects to have enforceable plans to Council, and the reach B.C.’s legislated and sectoral challenge before us targets and net zero by 2050; all now is to roll up our sleeves, harness stronger regulations that will nearly all available resources and partners to eliminate industrial methane emisensure B.C. can navigate and thrive sions by 2035; in the transition to a net-zero world.” a comprehensive review of the oil and gas royalty system to ensure it The CleanBC Roadmap was analigns with B.C.’s climate goals and nounced highlighting Seaspan Ferries provides a fair return for British Co- recently completed pilot project suplumbians, with outcomes released in ported through CleanBC to test the performance of biofuels in its cargo February 2022; vessel, the Seaspan Reliant. The new requirements to make all new company is also working on a project buildings zero-carbon by 2030; which will increase the size of the a nation-leading adoption of zero- battery storage systems onboard two emission vehicles (ZEVs) by 2030 of its vessels by means of a new battery technology developed by Corvus and 100% ZEVs by 2035; Energy at its facility in Richmond. developing new ZEV targets for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles; an accelerated shift toward active transportation and public transit (30% by 2030; 40% by 2040; 50% by 2050);
“Seaspan Ferries is making great progress reducing emissions across our fleet and CleanBC has been an important part of that,” said Ian McIver, president, Seaspan Marine Transportation. “This new biofuel and battery project has shown we can find innovative ways to lower greenhouse gas emissions and fuel consumption in our ships and get better engine performance and costsavings. We’re confident the new CleanBC Roadmap will help us accelerate this transition and bring even more benefits.”
increased clean fuel and energy efficiency requirements; and support for innovation in areas like clean hydrogen, the forest-based bioeconomy and negative emissions technology. “We made our oil and gas sectoral targets clear a year ago and this roadmap includes our commitments to meet that reduction target. We will work with experts, industry and Indigenous Nations on programs and policies that will achieve this, including regulation where necessary,” Heyman said. “The CleanBC Roadmap updates B.C.’s climate and clean economy plan to put the province on a path that will cut pollution in line with our emissions targets and support affordability for people and businesses along the way,” said Colleen GirouxSchmidt, vice-president of corporate
Friday, October 29th, 2021
The Patrika
B.C. launches first accredited PPE testing lab in Western Canada The Province is further protecting health-care workers, patients, families and frontline workers during COVID-19 with Western Canada’s first accredited personal protective equipment (PPE) lab, specializing in testing and validating PPE.
lish a PPE testing laboratory in a short few months is no small feat, especially during a global pandemic,” said Vivian Eliopoulos, president and CEO, Vancouver Coastal Health. “This initiative truly speaks to the VCH team’s commitment to innovation and dedication to providing safe, quality care to staff and patients. These tests are now available to any organization looking to test the safety and efficacy of PPE.”
The scope of the lab has expanded since it opened last year. The PPE testing lab now offers seven tests, including tests for gowns (such as fluid resistance and hydrostatic pressure) and surgical masks (such as flammability and synthetic blood resistance) and is now available to any Canadian The lab is a pandemic-driven inno- organization. vation by Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH), with support from the Ministry VCH’s PPE testing laboratory was of Health and the Provincial Health completed in June 2020 and accredited in October 2020. Initially, the lab’s Services Authority (PHSA). mandate was to ensure the safety of “The safety of our health-care and health-care workers and patients by frontline workers continues to be a top providing testing for priority pieces of priority as we prepare our health-care PPE, such as N95 respirators. system and our province for longterm management of COVID-19,” VCH’s PPE testing laboratory team said Adrian Dix, Minister of Health. continues to work closely with PHSA “This collaborative effort demonstrates supply chain to ensure the supply of B.C.’s leadership in innovative solu- PPE obtained from new local, national tions in the face of challenges brought and international suppliers meets all on by the pandemic, and dedication to Health Canada and WorkSafeBC regulatory requirements as well as staff and patient safety.” certification requirements for the CaPPE, which includes medical gloves, nadian Standards Association (CSA) gowns, surgical masks and N95 res- and National Institute of Occupational pirators, works as a barrier between Safety and Health (NIOSH). an individual’s skin, mouth, nose, or eyes and viral and bacterial infec- Located on the Vancouver General tions. When used properly and with Hospital campus, the PPE testing other infection-control practices, such laboratory was established by a multias hand washing, PPE minimizes the disciplinary team led by Vancouver spread of infection from one person Coastal Health and supported by Public Health Agency of Canada, National to another. Research Council Canada, Standards At the onset of the COVID-19 pandem- Council of Canada, B.C.’s Ministry ic, there was an immediate increased of Health, University of British Codemand for PPE around the world lumbia, Provincial Health Services and it severely disrupted global sup- Authority and Providence Health Care. ply chains. VCH recognized the need for a local lab that could quickly test Additional funding for the lab has been and validate the effectiveness of PPE provided by VGH and UBC Hospito provide assurance to health-care tal Foundation, Lions Gate Hospital workers and patients in the province. Foundation and with the support of the Chan Better World Foundation, Teck “Mobilizing a multidisciplinary team Resources Limited, and Patricia and across several organizations to estab- Kevin Huscroft.
Surrey Women’s Clinic srI ivimns klIink We are pleased to offer VOTIVA and FRACTORA Treatment at Surrey Women's Clinic! FRACTORA is a non-invasive radio frequency and rejuvenation of the face skin. VOTIVA is the most advanced medical treatment for feminine wellness. If you suffer from the following: • Vaginal dryness • Vaginal itchiness • Stress urinary incontinence (passing urine while doing activities) • Vaginal Atrophy Prolapse We can help you!
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The Patrika
ALL MAJOR COMPANIES INSURANCES COVERED asIN sfrIaF ieMnsoLrYNs kMpnIaF nUM vI kvr krdy hF. anykF bImfrIafˆ dy shI ielfj leI hux sfzy koloˆ nvIˆ Koj nfl iqafr kIqIafˆ dvfeIafˆ lY skogy. * mfeIgRyn. * joVfˆ dy drd. * koeI vI aMdrUnI bImfrI. * iksy vI qrHfˆ dI ienPYkÈn. * gRihsqI jIvn sbMDI smwisafvfˆ. * AudfsI aqy Gbrfht rog. * cmVI dy rog. * ikwl muhfsy, iÌnsIafˆ afid. * Qfierfz. FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL DR.SHVETA SAINI MBBS,MD,DHMHS(ONTARIO) PRACTICE SINCE LAST 10 YEARS SURREY LOCATION:231-8138 128ST.SURREY (2ND FLOOR PAYAL BUSINESS CENTRE) 604-502-9579
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Call Tarsem Singh at 604-897-2152 PAGE 12
Friday, October 29th, 2021
pMnf 8 dI bfkI ikqy atikaf qy Auh igr peI sI. agly hI pl iek ny af Aus nUM dboicaf qy GVIs ky Kyq dy aMdr AuWgy cfry ivc lY igaf. Auhdy donoN sfQI vI af gey. ieh sfry hor koeI nhIN sn AuhI guridaflf mMzlI sI. pr kuVI qF pihcfx nhIN sI skI. Auh qF Gbrfht nfl AuNJ hI awDmrI ho geI sI. AuhnF iqMnF ny vfrI-vfrI imMdo nfl mUMh kflLf kIqf qy Aus nUM AuQy hI suwt ky cldy bxy. prkfsLo qy sMqI vI zrIaF hoeIaF cuwp sn. afiKr AuhnF ny rihxf qF iesI ipMz ivc sI. sfry soc rhy sn ik iksy qrHF kuVI nUM bhfny isr vfips Byj idwqf jfvy. sfrI gwl nUM dbf ilaf jfvy. afpxy GrIN puwj Auh jy jLrUrq peI qF iksy zfktr dI mdd vI lY skygI. koeI vI guridafly nfl vYr muwl lYx dy hwk ivc nhIN sI. so sfry hI zr rhy sn. sLfied muKiqafrf vI iesI gwl dI hfmI Br idMdf jy AusI vyly sMqI df PLOjI ipE nf af jFdf. afAuNdy hI sfrI gwlbfq qoN bfad Aus ny jLor idwqf ik puils ivc jLrUr irport krnI cfhIdI hY. nhIN qF ipMz dIaF hor kuVIaF dI asmq ‘qy vI hmlf ho skdf hY. kfPI slfh msLvry qoN bfad Aus dI gwl mMn leI geI. pr hux svfl sI ik dosLIaF df nF ikvyN ilwqf jfvy qy AuhnF dI dusLmxI ikMj shyVI jfvy. muKiqafr ny dwisaf ik svyry Aus ny guridafly nUM afpxy do sfQIaF nfl nihr qy jFdy qwikaf sI. AuhnF dy hwQIN zFgF vI sn. hux kuVIaF ny vI mUMh KoilHaf qy prkfsLo ny ies gwl dI pusLtI kIqI ik AuhI iqMnoN sn ijnHF ny Gyiraf sI. pr imMdo ijs nfl sfrf kuJ vfpiraf sI bol nhIN pf rhI sI. QoVHI dyr bfad sfry jf ky srpMc srdfr mwKx isMG nUM imly aqy ies Gtnf dI jfkfrI idwqI. AuhnF nUM qy kuJ hor ipMz dy bMidaF nUM nfl lY ky sfry Qfxy gey qy irport drj krf idwqI. Qfxydfr sfihb ny agly idn qhkIkfq krn leI ipMz afAux df vfadf vI kr idwqf. nfl hI imMdo dy srIr df muafienf krn leI ipMz dy zfktr nUM hdfieq Byj idwqI. ploplI sfry ipMz ivc gwl PYl geI. ijMny mUMh EnIaF gwlF. lokF nUM ijvyN hor koeI kMm hI nf bicaf hovy. kuJ iek ny kuVI nfl hmdrdI vI jqfeI. keIaF ny AuhnF ‘qy avfrf-grdI ivc iewDr-AuWDr jfx df ieljLfm vI lgfieaf. sLfm ho cwlI sI. muKiqafr vI hux GrIN muV afieaf sI pr bhuq Qkfvt qy prysLfnI mihsUs krdf hoieaf. AuNJ GrIN hor koeI qF hY nhIN sI. Aus dy mF bfp aMimRqsr mwQf tykx gey hoey sn. ivafh Aus df hoieaf nhIN sI. Gr ivc iekwlf hI sI. Aus soicaf awj iek awDf pYwg ivskI df lf lvF. nINd
qF af jfvygI. ieh soc Auh AuWiTaf qy do PrlFgF dUr srkfrI Tyky qy boql lYx leI clf igaf. Tyky dy nfl hI dfrU pIx df ahfqf vI bixaF hoieaf sI. muKiqafr AuQy hI bih igaf. boql ‘coN glfs ‘c iek pYwg pfieaf qy hotl vfly nUM Kfxf dyx leI ikhf. ajy Aus msF awDI ku rotI hI KfDI sI ik sfhmxy qoN guridaflf afpxy XfrF nfl af Dmikaf. bVI bysLrmI nfl mjLy lY lY ky Auh awj dI afpxI krqUq df ibafn krn lwgy aqy jsLn mnfAux lwgy. acfnk guridafly ny ikhf, “suixaF hY ik sfzy iKlfPL irport Qfxy ivc hoeI ey. pqf nhIN iksnUM afpxI jfn guafx df sLOk AuWiTaf ey. ijhVf vI hoieaf aglI svyr nhIN dyKx idaFgy. jfxdy nhIN sfnUM.” sLrfb dy Guwt BridaF muWCF nUM qfa idMdf Auh iPr boilaf, “Qfxydfr ikhVf sfQoN guwJf hY. hjLfrF vfr nfl bYT dfrU pI cuwkf ey. afp vI qF ieWDr-AuWDr mUMh mfrdf rihMdf hY. hF, bs Aus dI vI QoVHI ijhI Kfiqr krnI pvygI. pr awj jo mjLf afieaf Aus dy bdly ieh qF CotI ijhI kImq hY.” muKiqafry ny sfrI gwlbfq suxI. Aus nUM lwigaf ijvyN rotI sMG ivc hI aV geI hovy. msF njLr bcf Auh ahfqy ivcoN inkl dwby pYrIN Gr nUM muiVaf. sfrI rfq awKF ivc hI kwtI. svyr df Auh GroN nf inkilaf. nf hI ihMmq hoeI ik dlfn df drvfjLf awj vI rojL vFg KolH lvy. Aus nUM XkIn sI ik Qfxydfr df bulfvf Aus nUM jLrUr afvygf. jfxf vI pvygf. hoieaf vI ieMJ hI. ds vjy iek ispfhI ny af bUhf KVkfieaf. ikhf ik Auh Qfxy cwly. Qfxy ivc puwj Qfxydfr ny pihlF qF Aus nUM GUr ky AuWproN Qwly qwk njLr mfrI. iPr puwiCaf, dws Eey kI jfxdf eyN. qUM kI kr irhf sI AuQy? AuhnF dy nfl hI sI qy hux pfsf prq irhf eyN. swc bolIN nhIN qF mYnUM afAuNdf hY sfrf kuJ Auglvfnf.” hwQ joV muKiqafr ny sfrI gwl afpxy vloN sfPL-sfPL qy swc kih idwqI. pr Qfxydfr ny GurkI vwtI, “sLLrm nhIN afAuNdI ies qrHF nfl ieljLfm lgFdy dUijaF qy. ho nf ho qUM vI AuhnF dy nfl hI sI. AuhnF nfl qF bfad ivc inptFgf pihlF qyry vwt kwZdf hF.” Aus dI hr bynqI nUM nkfrdy hoey Qfxydfr ny afpxI muwC nUM hor vwt cfiVHaf qy ichry ‘qy guwsf ilaFdf. kuJ pl leI Qfxydfr bfhr jf ky KVHf ho igaf. ispfhI aMdr afieaf qy afpxfpn jqf ky slfh dyx lwgf, “Qfxydfr ny qYnUM qF aMdr bMd kr dyxf hY. dosLI qF jd pkVy jfxgy AudoN hI vyKygf. myrI gwl mMn, kuJ dy idvf ky glLoN musIbq tflL. khyN qF mYN jf ky kuJ isPfrsL krF. sLfied QoiVHaF ivc hI mMn jfvy. nhIN qF kI pqf sfrf dosL qyry isr ‘qy hI mVH dyvy. qUM vI qF kbUl kIqf hY ik qUM kuVIaF nUM rsqy ivc jFdy imilaf sI. qUM hI nflLy imMdo nUM KyqoN bfhr ilafieaf
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
sI. ikqy guridafly df nF afpxy afp nUM ikhf hY ik jy AuhnF dy iKlfP jLubfn KolHI qF byksUr sfbq krn leI qF nhIN kih idwqf. KYr nhIN. pqf nhIN kdoN qy ikwQy vwZ dyeIey kuVI qF dws nhIN rhI.” asIN qYnUM. zFg KVkFdf Auh prq igaf sI. bhuq imMnqF bfad ispfhI bfhr KVHy Qfxydfr kolL igaf qy kuJ igtimt krdf irhf. vfips af ky kihx lwgf, “qyrI iksmq cMgI jfpdI hY. sfihb mMn igaf hY pr do hjLfr qoN Gwt nhIN. hF pMj sO myry leI vI ieMqjLfm kr lY. bhuq musLikl nfl mnfieaf hY. jfh jf ky pRbMD kr kwlH svyr qoN pihlF. hF, ikqy guridaflf nf sfihb nUM pihlF imlL jfvy. donoN iek dUjy nUM jfxdy vI ny.” kih ispfhI ny muKiqafry nUM jfx df iesLfrf kr idwqf. bfhr inkldy ny Qfxydfr nUM slfm mfrI qy nwTdf vfips puwijaf.
iek pfsy Qfxydfr sfihb, qy dUjy pfsy gu r idaflf qy AuW Dr imMd o leI Aus dI gvfhI. Auh sfrIaF gwlF hI muKiqafry nUM GyrI bYTIaF sn ijnHF ivc ivcfry df koeI vI dKLl nhIN sI. bs iksmq dI mfr sI. Auh kwlH svyry-svyry hI ikAuN afpxy KyqF vwl qur ipaf sI. kflLI hnHyrI vFg AuhdI ijLMdgI acfnk hI duwK nfl iGr geI. hux zr nfl bYTf kMb irhf sI ijvyN koeI kbUqr ibwlI nUM vyK awKIaF mIt lYNdf hY qy socdf hY ik ibwlI clI geI. muKiqafrf vI ieMJ msF ds ku imMt hI bIqy hoxgy ik dIpf hI Kys dI buwkl mfrI mUMh CupfeI bYTf sI. afieaf nfly Dmkf igaf ik guridafly ny ivcfrf zrpok muKiqafrf[[[[[[.
kuafltI bOzI aqy pyNt rIpyar syvfvF Prym vrk aqy XUnIbOzI rIpyars pUrIaF pYNt jObs (sOilzs, mYtfolks, trfeIkots, kuaYzkots) afeI.sI.bI.sI klym aqy prfeIvyt klym hYNnzlz promptlI muPq aYstImyts kstm pyNt kmplIt rIstorysLn kstm kfr afzIE/ vIzIE sfrIaF puKqF syvfvF ijLMdgI Br leI ilKqI grMtI smrwQ aqy dosqfnf syvfvF OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8 AM TO 6PM & SATURDAY 9AM TO 1 PM
dIvflI ‘qy sqvMq pMDyr
kfhdIaF ny lohVIaF, qy kfhdIaF dIvflIaF[ nHiyraF mnF ‘c jy nF, bwqIaF hI bflIaF[ cIrdI hniyHraF nUM, cfnxI dI rfq ijvyN[ sUrjy dIi twkI lY ky, afAuNdI pRBfq ijvyN[ ieho ijhI rOsLnI nUM, mnF ‘c Auqfr ky bdlIey socF jo ny, bdnIqI vflIaF[ ikhxI aqy krnI ‘c, hovy nF Prk ijWQy
diIvaF dI rOsLnI jy, rOsLn kry soc sfzI Gr-Gr sohxgIaF, Pyr hI dIvflIaF[ bMdf nhIAuN mfVf koeI, soc nF jy mfVI hovy
Esy QF qy huMdIaF ny, inwq hI dIvflIaF[ eIrKf dI BwTIi vwc, ijMd nF jy sfVI hovy[ kr Blf, ho Blf, aMq Blf ikhx sfry lwBxy nF suwcy sqvMq moqI jd qfeIN sLflf ! swc hox gwlF, swc hox vflIaF[
socF dy smuMdrF ‘c, bwdlIaF kflIaF[
afp jIAu horF nUM vI, hwki dAu ijAux df
kfhdIaF ny lohHVIaF,
qF hI Pifedf diIvaF ‘c,
qy kfhdIaF dIvflIaF
iGAu qyl pfAux df[
niyrHaF mnF ‘c jy nF, bwqIaF hI bflIaF[
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Province intends to introduce legislation to extend key COVID-19 orders Due to the ongoing fourth wave of the pandemic, the Province intends to introduce amendments to the COVID-19 Related Measures Act to extend it beyond the repeal date of Dec. 31, 2021.
ities staff are permitted to work at to help reduce COVID-19 transmission. Additionally, the act provides civil liability protection to certain individuals or businesses that are providing an essential service, operating a business or engaged in an activity that benefits the community, as long as they are following the necessary public health orders.
The act provides statutory authority for various COVID-19 related orders that were introduced to respond to and minimize the effect of the pandemic. This includes orders: The Province is providing notice of to allow for remote witnessing of the this planned amendment to assist affected organizations and businesses signing of key legal documents; in planning for the possibility that to allow the courts to specify that existing orders that apply to their court proceedings can be conducted operations will continue beyond Dec. remotely; and 31, 2021. to support orders of the provincial More details on the amendments will health officer that impose conditions be available when the legislation is on the number of long-term care facil- introduced in the house. PAGE 14
Friday, October 29th, 2021
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koivz-19 hox krky hYrItyj gurU Gr ivKy kIqy jfxgy.
lfeIP srtIiPkyt tYst
jLrUrI sUcnf
BfrqI pYnsLnrF dy lfeIv srtIiPkyt atYst krn vfsqy ieMzIaf kONslr dI tIm hYrItyj gurU Gr aYbtsPorz ivwc 7 nvMbr aqy 27 nvMbr 2021 nUM svyry 10 vjy qoN sLfm 4 vjy qwk syvfvF dyvy gI. hyT ilKIaF loVF df Kfs iDafn rwiKaf jfvy. 1. ijnHf df jnm 1940 jF ies qoN pihlF df hY, aqy jo vIl cyar qy hn, AunHF dy Pfrm 7 nvMbr 2021 nUM atYst krn ivwc pihl idwqI jfvygI. 2. bfkI BYxF vIrF dy Pfrm 27 nvMbr nUM svyry 10 vjy qoN sLfm 4 vjy qwk atYst hoxgy. 3. nvyN Pfrm gurduafrf sfihb dy dPqr ivwcoN jF dyg dI syvf qy bYTy syvfdfr qoN lY skdy ho. 4. do nvyN lfeIP srtIiPkyt Br ky ilafvo jI. 5. pfsport dI Poto kfpI, aYzrYWs df sbUq ijvyN ik zrfeIivMg srtIiPkyt, mYzIkl kyar kfrz, ienkm tYks dy pypr, bYNk akfAUNt jF koeI hor sbUq. 6. mfsk pf ky afieE qy srIrk dUrI df vI Kfs iKafl rwiKaf jfvy jI.
hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: vfeIs pRDfn Bjn isMG qUr: 1-604-832-7777 gurduafrf sfihb df nMbr: 1-604-850-7338
Friday, October 29th, 2021
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Throughout the Lower Mainland PAGE 15
The Patrika
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Friday, October 29th, 2021
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
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kfrF aqy vYnF dI vHIl alfeInmNYt hr qrF dy tfier aqy vHIljL df vwzf soL-rUm quhfzy sLihr ivwc KuwlH igaf hY.
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The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
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jnvrI dy dfKly leI arjLIaF avIkfr kIqIaF jf rhIaF hn; sqMbr leI sImq sItF ajy vI AuplbD hn.
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aYbtsPorz ivwc KyqIbfVI nUM vDfAuxf asIN aYgirPRYsL leI XojnfbMdI pRikiraf dy aMq dy nyVy hF aqy KrVy nUM sFJf krn leI AuqsLfihq hF! aYbtsPorz sLihr aYgirPRYsL nUM pUrf krn dy nyVy hY, jo sLihr dIaF KyqIbfVI nIqIaF, Aup-kfnUMnF, aqy inXmF dI smIiKaf krn aqy KyqIbfVI BUmI irjLrv ivwc Aup-kfnUMn dI pflxf ivwc suDfr krn leI iqMn pVfvF dI XojnfbMdI pRikiraf hY. pVfa 3 irport ivwc nIqIaF aqy inXmF dy KrVy nUM pVHn aqy 5 nvMbr, 2021 qwk afpxIaF itwpxIaF sFJIaF krn leI sfzy kol afnlfeIn. jfE.
PAGE 18 604-864-5620
pVfa 3 irport ivisLaF dI pVcol kro ijvyN ik… • • • • • • • •
pfrsLl sfeIjL hfAUisMg afn-Pfrm pRosYisMg Pfrm irtyl Pfrm alkohl agrI-tUirjLm aqy smfgm pyNzU kyNdr aqy horF nUM…
Friday, October 29th, 2021
The Patrika
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Lots of items at 50%off Entire store is 25%off Room Full Of Stock On Sale At 80% Off cox ijwqx qoN bfad dyv iswDU 18 akqUbr 2021 nUM istI hfl ivKy shuM-cuwk smfgm vyly. mYN dyv iswDU afp sB votrF aqy sportrF df idl dIaF gihrfeIaF ‘coN DMnvfdI hF. afp sB ny myrI cox ivwc rfq idn iewk krI rwiKaf. afp sfry iewk QfpVf hor idE qF ju mYN aYbtsPorz dy srbpwKI ivkfsF leI quiraf rhF aqy sB BfeIcfiraF dy jIvn nUM sOKf, ipafr qy siqkfr Biraf dyK skF.
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COVID-19 ਟੀਕੇ ਨਾਲ ਸੁਰੱਿਖਅਤ ਰਹੋ. ਕੈਨੇਡਾ ਦੇ 73% ਤ� ਵੱਧ ਲੋ ਕਾਂ � ਪੂਰੀ ਤਰ� ਾਂ ਟੀਕਾ ਲਗਾਇਆ ਿਗਆ ਹੈ!
ਆਪਣੀ ਅਤੇ ਆਪਣੇ ਆਲੇ ਦੁਆਲੇ ਦੇ ਲੋ ਕਾਂ ਦੀ ਰੱਿਖਆ ਕਰੋ, ਟੀਕਾ ਲਗਵਾਓ. ਫ�ੇਜ਼ਰ ਹੈਲਥ ਦੀ ਵੈਬਸਾਈਟ 'ਤੇ ਆਪਣੀ ਮੁਲਾਕਾਤ ਬੁੱਕ ਕਰੋ ਜਾਂ ਐਬਟਸਫੋਰਡ ਐਗ ਰੇਕ ਸ�ਟਰ (32470 Haida Drive)' ਤੇ ਵਾਕਇਨ ਕਰੋ ਆਪਣਾ ਪਿਹਲਾ ਅਤੇ ਦੂਜਾ ਸ਼ਾਟ ਲੈ ਣ ਦੇ ਬਾਅਦ ਤੁਸ� ਥੋੜੇ ਦੁਖੀ ਮਿਹਸੂਸ ਕਰੋਗੇ, ਪਰ ਲਾਭ ਅਸਥਾਈ ਦਰਦ ਤ� ਬਹੁਤ ਿਜ਼ਆਦਾ ਹਨ!
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
idvflI kI rfq dIvy…? aqy ajoky iswK afgU ipR M s Ipl igafnI su r jIq isM G , isw K imÈnrI, idwlI, ipRMsIpl gurmiq aYjukyÈn sYˆtr, idwlI, mYbr, Drm pRcfr kmytI, id: is: gu: pR: k: idwlI: PfAUˆzr iswK imÈnrI lihr 1956 “dIvflI kI rfiq, dIvy[ [ ?” hor qfˆ hor idvflI dy idnfˆ `c iswK Drm dy kyˆdr drbfr sfihb qoˆ hI arMB ho ky awj sfzy bhuqy pRcfrk-rfgI- “dIvflI kI rfiq, dIvy bflIain” pMkqI nUM mUl arQfˆ dy iblkul Ault pyÈ kr rhy huMdy hn. asl `c BfeI gurdfs jI dI vfr 19Ḳ6 dI ieh pihlI pMkqI hY aqy pAuVI ies qrHfˆ hY: “dIvflI kI rfiq, dIvy bflIain] qfry jfiq snfiq, aMbr BflIain] Pulfˆ dI bfgfiq, cuix cuin cfilafix] qIrQ jfqI jfiq nYix inhflIaix] hir cMdAurI Jfiq, vsfie AucflIaix] gurmuiK suK Pldfiq, sbid smflIaix]” arQ hx; “ijvyˆ dIvflI dI rfq nUM lokIˆ dIvy bfldy hn pr ieh rOÈnI kuwJ dyr leI hI huMdI hY. rfq nUM qfry idKfeI dyˆdy hn, kyvl idn cVHx qIk. poidafˆ nfl Pul iKwVdy hn pr lwgy rihx leI nhIˆ. qIrQfˆ qy jfx vfly XfqRI idKfeI qfˆ dyˆdy hn, pr AuQy rihx nhIˆ jfˆdy. bwdlfˆ dy afkfÈI mhwl nËr afAuˆdy hn pr Auhnfˆ dI hoˆd nhIˆ huMdI. aMq ÌYslf dyˆdy hn- “gurmuK sMsfr dI ies nÈvrqf nUM pCfx lYˆdy hn qy ies `c Kwcq nhIˆ huMdy. gurmuK ipary, gurU dy Èbd nfl juV ky afpxy jIvn dI sMBfl krdy hn.” aMdfËf lgfE! smJxf qfˆ hY ik pAuVI df ÌYslf kI hY? Aultf pAuVI `c afey pRmfx nUM tyk bxf rhy hfˆ. afiKr pRcfr iks gwl df kr rhy hfˆ? gurmiq df jfˆ anmwq df?
arQ `c afieaf, iksy nUM ies nfl lYxdyxf nhIˆ. idvflI dy idhfVy sMbMDq Èbdfˆ nUM ies pRBfv `c ilaf jf irhf huMdf hY ik sMgqfˆ nUM gurbfxI ivcfrDfrf qoˆ qoV ky anmwqI ivÈvfsfˆ `c AulJfieaf jfvy. kI iehI hY awj df sfzf gurmiq pRcfr?
gurbfxI nf hI bRfhmxI vrx-vMz `c BfrI dIpmflf kIqI geI. iPr jdoˆ ies ivÈvfs rKdI hY, nf DMn afid dyvI-dyv dIpmflf nUM vI bRhmigafnI bfbf buwZf pUjf `c qy nf avqfr vfd `c. jI nfl joiVaf jfˆdf hY qfˆ Auh bRfhmxI imlfvt hI sfbq huMdI hY. AupRMq dsvyˆ idvflI ivsfKI dy pMQk iekwT- sfl `c pfqÈfh qIk drbfr sfihb ivKy iksy idvflI-ivsfKI do idn hn, jdoˆ pMQ dy idvflI-dIpmflf dI sUcnf nhIˆ aqy nf do BfrI iekwT hoieaf krdy sn. gurU hI aTvyˆ qy dsvyˆ pfqÈfh kdy aMimRqsr ies qrHfˆ ijwQy sfzy ajyhy rfgI-pRcfrk, nfnk sfihb df afgmn ivsfK sudI dUj pDfry hI. hor, jy kr irhfeI hI pMQ leI gurmiq-gurbfxI ivruD pRcfr dy doÈI huMdy (15 apRYl) kfrn ivsfKI. cUMik sfl vwzf KuÈI df ivÈf sI qfˆ AunHIˆ idnI hoeI hn AuQy nfl hI BolIafˆ BflIafˆ sMgqfˆ dI ivwQ lMmI sI, qIjy pfqÈfh ny ies pMjvyˆ pfqÈfh dI, qsIhy BrpUr Èhfdq nUM gumrfh krx df vI kfrn bxdy hn. nUM idvflI-ivsfKI `c bdl idwqf. dysI bfry kI ikhf jfvygf? AUpRMq nOvyˆ pfqÈfh afiKr kfhdy leI? jfxy-–axjfxy bhuqf ihsfb nfl iehnf `c Cy mhIny df aMqr dI Èhfdq bfry pMQ dI kI soc hovygI? krky afpxy hwlvy mfˆzy, notfˆ-zflrfˆ-pOˆzfˆ hY qy sMgqf nUM vI cyqy rKxf afsfn huMdf leI. asl `c ajyhy pRcfrk sMgqfˆ nUM inrol bRfhmxI `idvflIafˆ` `c AulJfAux vflf bjr gunfh hI kr rhy huMdy hn, gurmiq pRcfr nhIˆ. loV hY qfˆ sMgqfˆ nUM jfgx dI.
dIvflI df iqAuhfr hY kI? `idvflI` jfˆ dIpfvlI` - arQ hY dIivafˆ df iqAuhfr. ijnHfˆ idnHfˆ `c ies df arMB hoieaf, roÈnI df sfDn hI dIvy sn. vihmI qy iqAuhfr nfl sMbMDq lok awj vI rOÈnI dy anykfˆ mfDmfˆ dy huMdy dIvy bflxf, afpxf Drm mMxdy hn. idvflI df ipCokV hY-pihlf, bRfhmx ny smfj nUM cfr vrxf `c vMizaf hoieaf hY-bRfhmx, KqRI, vYÈ, ÈUdr. hor ivwqkiraf vfˆÕ iqAuhfr vI vwK-vwK vrxf leI imwQy hoey sn. bRfhmxf leI `ivsfKI`, KwqRIafˆ leI `duishrf`, aKOqI ÈUdrfˆ leI Gw t f-imwtI Auz fAux -KVmws qIafˆ leI `holIafˆ`. vYÈfˆ Bfv kIrqIafˆ, kfimafˆ, bfbUafˆ leI idvflI. idvflI dy idn ieh lok `DMn dI dyvI` `lwCmI` dI pUjf krdy hn. dUjf- idvflI nfl sRI rfm cMdR rfhIˆ rfvx nUM mfr ky ajuiDaf vfps afAux dI Gwtnf vI juVI hoeI hY. ies qrHfˆ ieh ieMnf hI nhIˆ, gurbfxI `c lÌË dIvf hor iqAuhfr sRI rfmcMdR nUM avqfr mMnx vI bhuq vfrI afieaf hY, ikQy qy iks vfilafˆ nfl vI sMbMDq hY. sfry dy Ault
sI. AuˆJ iswK Drm `c, ieh dovyˆ iekwT, bRfhmxI iqAuhfrfˆ vjoˆ kdy nhIˆ sn ijvyˆ pMQ awj ies ijwlx `c Pws ky, iswK pnIrI nUM bRfhmxI siBaqf vwl Dwkx df ijMmyˆvfr bixaf ipaf hY. donfˆ smfgmfˆ smyˆ, ijwQy ikwQy vI gurU sfihb huMdy, sMgqfˆ AuQy puwj ky agvfeI lYˆdIafˆ. pfqÈfh vI dUroˆ-pfroˆ puwjIafˆ sMgqfˆ dIafˆ qklIPfˆloVfˆ-duwKfˆ-drdfˆ nUM suMxdy `qy hl dyˆdy. iswKfˆ leI idvflI-dIivafˆ, miTafeIafˆ, afiqÈbfËIafˆ df iqAuhfr kdy vI nhIˆ sI. Cyvyˆ siqgurU aqy idvflI- ijvyˆ gurU nfnk sfihb vI bfbr dI kYd `coˆ qfˆ hI bfhr afey jdoˆ Aus ny sfry kYdIafˆ nU M irhfa kIqf. Cy v y ˆ pfqÈfh, gurU hirgoibMd jI Cy mhIny dI kYd bfad agsq 1621 nUM gvflIar dI jylH `coˆ 52 phfVI ihMdU rfijafˆ nUM afpxy nfl irhf krvf ky ilafey. Aus idn qoˆ afp df nfˆ `bMdI CoV` Cyvyˆ siqgurU vI pRclq ho igaf. irhfeI bfad idvflI, pMQ df pihlf vwzf iekwT sI. pRclx hY, Edoˆ drbfr sfihb
ikAuˆik ajyhy KuÈI-Êm dy Aucycy pRgtfvy gurbfxI isDfˆq nfl vI myl nhIˆ Kfˆdy. qfˆ iÌr awj hr sfl drbfr sfihb ivKy dIpmflf, afiqÈbfËI ikAuˆ? BfeI mnI isMG `qy idvflI-ipCly lMmyˆ smyˆ qoˆ hI pMQ `qy BIVf bxI rihx kfrn ivsfKI-idvflI dy iekwT nhIˆ sn ho sky. kfPI smfˆ bfad sMn 1737 `c BfeI mnI isMG jI ny iswKfˆ dy `idvflI iekwT` df ÌYslf kIqf. ieh iekwT, srkfrI mnËUrI nfl hI kIqf jf irhf sI pr Byd Kuwlx qy ik srkfr dI nIXq sfÌ nhIˆ; rok idwqf igaf. BfeI mnI isMG jI ny afpxy bMd bMd qfˆ ktvf ley pr sMgq df iewk pYsf vI srkfrI KËfny `c tYks-jurmfny afid vjoˆ dyx qoˆ sfÌ mnHf kr idwqf. Auqwr sI jy iekwT ho jfˆdf qfˆ tYks dyxf sI, jy iekwT hI nhIˆ qfˆ tYks dyxf sMgq dy pYsy dI kuvrqoˆ hY. swcfeI hY ik gurU kI golk dI jo kuvrqoˆ awj ho rhI hY, Ausy df nqIjf hY ik pMQ pUrn qwbfhI vflI hflq `c puwj cuwkf hY, iswKI alop ho rhI hY. cMgf huMdf, jykr BfeI mnI isMG jI dI mhfn Èhfdq qoˆ hI kuwJ sbk lY skdy. KYr! ieh Gwtxf vI ajyhI nhIˆ ik ijs nfl joV ky drbfr sfihb-aMimRqsr ivKy pMQ hr sfl idvflIafˆ mnfey qy dIpmflfvfˆ, afiqÈbfËIafˆ kry. XkInx idvflI vjoˆ iehnf dIpmflfvfˆ, afiqÈbfËIafˆ, miTafeIˆafˆ afid nfÜ iswK Drm df Auwkf sMbMD nhIˆ.
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
'Bunty Aur Babli 2' Conning their way back in the game
One often wondered what happened to con artists Bunty and Babli after they left their unlawful ways at the end of the 2005 eponymous hit. Sixteen years later, the makers of the crime comedy are rolling out the sequel, Bunty Aur Babli 2. While Rani Mukerji reprises her role of Vimmy aka Babli, she is joined by her Hum Tum co-star Saif Ali Khan. Varun V Sharma, who served as the assistant director on Sultan (2016) and Tiger Zinda Hai (2017), has taken the directorial baton from Shaad Ali to tell the story of the nowretired con artists who are stuck in a rut. If the first look of the film is any indication, it is evident that a monotonous life doesn’t suit the protagonists. Sharma has set the comedy — also featuring Siddhant Chaturvedi and Sharvari — in Fursatganj, the small town acting as a contrast to his leads’ big dreams. Mukerji reveals her character has since become a fashion designer. “Vimmy is bored being a housewife in a small town. She knows she is the OG Babli, a smart woman who pulled off incredible cons. Though she is happy in her marriage, she craves being the centre of attention. She has decided to pursue fashion; her fashion choices are loud, colourful and happy.” When Khan came on board the project, he had to adopt a podgy frame to become Rakesh, an unhappy ticket collector with a sedentary lifestyle. “I had to put on several kilos, and then lose it quickly because of my packed shooting schedule. Now, when I look back, I’m glad I went through the process because Rakesh aka Bunty looks believable,” he says. For Khan, it was important to get familiar with his character’s backstory to understand his motivations. “He misses strategising for cons that became the talk of the nation. He was a legend, and now, he is a nobody. That makes him disappointed about how his life has shaped up.”
I love my curly hair; have never shied away from flaunting it : Sanya As the entire world embraces natural looks and emphasises the importance of body positivity, Bollywood is not far behind. Stereotyping actors on the basis of their looks are a thing of the past, as we see several artistes wholeheartedly accepting their natural selves. Proudly flaunting real-life curly hair is one of the highlights of today’s actresses. For example, Dangal girl Sanya Malhotra whose amazing curls are every youngster’s object of envy. In an interview recently, the actress whether she was ever asked to straighten her hair to fit the bill, to which she said, “I’ve never faced it. In fact, this also comes from selfacceptance. I wholeheartedly accept the way I am. I love my curly hair, and that’s what I promote. I feel very happy when there are a lot of curly-haired girls coming up with promoting natural
hair and texture. That’s what I’m trying to do (leading by example) with my work and personally, too. Obviously, as an actor, I have to experiment with it for the characters I play. But I love my curls and I’ve never faced any hurdles (because of the same).” But doesn’t she want to experiment with her hair? Sanya replied, “In fact, people in the industry really like my hair and sometimes it gets difficult even if I want to experiment with my hair for a character. My directors tell me that they love the texture and ask me to keep it the way it is. So that happens a l o t (smiles).”
Emraan Hashmi knows the genre’s rhythm : Jay Krishnan Emraan Hashmi has done more than his fair share of horror films in Bollywood. The actor is gearing up to send a c h i l l down the audience’s spine again with his upcoming release, Dybbuk. The film, which also stars Manav Kaul and Nikita Dutta, is a remake of Prithviraj Sukumaran’s Malayalam film Ezra (2017). For director Jay Krishnan, Hashmi was an obvious choice for the project, given his familiarity with the genre. “Emraan has mastered the genre. He had asked me for the script in advance,
and prepared thoroughly for the role. Since he has done three to four horror films, he knows the rhythm. Horror films can be a little tricky — you need to be subdued in some scenes, and go slightly overboard in others. Emraan knows how to balance it,” says the filmmaker, who had helmed the 2017 original as well. The Amazon Prime Video offering borrows its name from Jewish mythology in which ‘dybbuk’ is a
malicious possessing spirit believed to be the soul of a dead person. Krishnan, who is making his directorial debut in Hindi cinema, says that horror movies have remained untapped in India. “These days, most films made in this genre are horror comedies. We need to attempt more subjects in the [traditional] horror genre. As a country, we have a lot of content in our culture [that can lend itself to] such films.”
Hope to do justice to the character : Zarina Wahab
Chandrashekhar Azad, the Indian revolutionary, has often featured in movies — The Legend of Bhagat Singh (2002) and Rang De Basanti (2006) — to name a few, but rarely has his full story been captured on the silver screen. Bringing the biopic o n the freedom fighter alive on screen is director Darsan Kumar Sant. Hero of Nation Chandrashekhar Azad will focus on his relationship with his mother who stood by him for years while he was out laying his life for the who is gearing up for the release of country. The role will be essayed by his next 'Hum Do Humare Do', added: Zarina Wahab, who stood by him "There has definitely been a change. “Kabir [Ahmad Kabir Shadan, who I have anyway never been in support will play Azad on screen] came to of vulgar comedy or run down me for this role. He informed that this someone and make fun of physical is the first film on Azad,” says deformity. That is disgusting. I think Wahab. The role comes with a lot the first high comedy I did was of responsibility and “is a huge 'Andaz Apna Apna'." The family honour”, says the actor, adding, “I entertainer 'Hum Do Hamare Do' have the details about the character. tells the story of a man forced to It’s a challenge that I accepted. Hope to "arrange" a set of parents to impress do justice with it.” The film will go on the love of his life. It also stars Ratna floors in the first week of November in Pathak Shah, Kriti Sanon and Prayagraj. Aparshakti Khurana.
Have never been in support of vulgar comedy : Paresh Rawal Paresh Rawal has always upped his own game when it comes to the genre of comedy. But there is one thing he is not in support of and that is vulgar comedy or running down someone for making others chuckle.While having a chat the 66-year-old star also talked about the changed definition of comedy in Hindi cinema."Yes, definitely (it has changed). The buffoonery which was there was also a variety but the kind of comedy which is coming in now is high and good comedy, which I enjoy doing," Paresh said. The actor,
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
Kamal Gill
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spONsrisLp icwTI “Karen was commissioned as a Notary Public by the Supreme Court of Canada in July 2016. Previous to founding Karen Bungar Notary Corporation, she worked as an associate Notary at an established firm in Abbotsford. Her professional background includes working for Surrey Provincial Court and with multiple, well-known non-profit organizations, assisting individuals who were battling mental health and addictions. Karen chose to pursue her Master's degree and become a Notary as it allowed her to combine her passion for legal work with her passion for working with people. Her background in Psychology assists her in understanding client concerns while offering a friendly, approachable service. She is also fluent in three languages: English, Punjabi and Hindi.”
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Excellent investment proper- CORNER UNIT!!!!! For First time ty, POTENTIAL for I-2 General buyer/Investors, Very nice and Industrial Zone for truck park- quiet townhouse has 4 bedrooms ing, Automobile repair and with full bathroom upstairs, one 30261 OLDYALE ROAD down. Spacious living room, dinbody shop, manufacturing and ABBOTSFORD, British Columbia V4X2N8 storage, Commercial truck ing area. Beautiful renovated with parking, Recycling depot, laminate floors, window, kitchen $2,499,000 Warehousing. Can be verified cabinets, pantry, doors, paint, by the city. Tear down Rancher and an updated main bath with house with 3 bedrooms and 2 a heated floor. Walking distance baths. Property is being sold to shopping, schools, recreation, as is where is. Close to all stadium, and public transit. Prishopping, restaurant, gas sta- vate backyard with a 8*10 storage tion, easy freeway access. To shed(new), and lots of room for kids to play. RENTALS ALLOWED. view Call. Excellent investment property. Prime location. Almost 18000sq ft. lot. Frontage 142 and Call to view.
Location! Location! Location, Corner Lot with house for first time buyer or for investment, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms upstairs and 1 bedroom suite downstairs. one bedroom downstairs for own use. Renovations completed in 2010 including new windows, paint, flooring and carpet. Close to all Shopping malls, Mill lake, Drug stores, Restaurants, Hospital, MSA Arena, Potential for 2 lots. Can be verified by city. Won’t last long. Call to view.
depth 125.77 with potential for I-2 zoning General Industrial zone. Rancher house with 1 living room, 2 family room, laundry, 3 entrance, need renovations, close to shopping, restaurants, gas station just half a block, easy freeway access. Any buyer interested should go to the City of Abbotsford website and make an appointment to discuss what they would like to do with this property.
• Buyer looking for 10000 sqft lot. front must be 80 to 100 in Abbotsford town. • Buyer is looking for 1 acre lot around airport. • Buyer is looking for 5 acre industrial in Abbotsford
Moving tips to make your life easier (NC) Fall is a popular season for moving, and many people across Canada have decided to relocate or find a new home that better meets their needs during the pandemic. Whether you’re planning a move across the country or down the street, follow these tips for a smooth experience: Declutter everything. A new home is a fresh start, so why not take inventory of all your stuff to see what you really need? The fewer things you have, the less you need to
pack, move, unpack and find a new place for. Well before your move, clear out old clothing, digitize family photos and have a garage sale for unwanted items. Create an essentials bag. After a long day of moving furniture and boxes, the last thing you want to do is launch a search party for the things you’ll need for your first night. So, pack a bag with the essentials like pyjamas, fresh clothes for the next day, toiletries, medications and snacks. Make one for each family member. Switch your providers. Find out who your utility, cable and internet provider will be and make the switch early for a seamless transition. Remember to check with your new telephone provider to see if you can keep your current phone
number. Depending on where you’re moving to, you may be able to keep your number if you transfer services from landline to landline, landline to mobile, mobile Invest in the right tools. to landline and mobile to mobile. It can seem like a smart idea to pack To keep your phone number, don’t and move everything yourself, or to cancel your service before switching. get old boxes from the grocery store. Tell your new provider that you want But at the time, the stress and headto keep your number and they’ll take aches of boxes falling apart on the care of the transfer for you — they’ll go, or debating the best way to load ask for some personal details to set your vehicle mean it might be worth up your account and ask you which it to pay the cost for hiring movers services you want to keep, remove or or buying sturdy packing boxes and change. This is a great time to shop supplies. Do your research early and around for a better deal. decide what will help you most on the day. If you simply want to cancel, know that you don’t need to provide 30 Find more information on switching days' notice before cancelling your providers at phone, mobile, internet or TV services.
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
* Uptown - Condominium * Inside unit, spacious patio * 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms * Unit size: 912 sq. ft. * Clean, updated, vacant * Rentals & pets permitted * In suite laundry * Hub central of Abbotsford * Walking distance to Superstore * Steps away from transit
Call Harj, 604-309-1111
* Investors Alert – Half acre lot * Rancher/Bungalow style home * 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms * House size: 2,064 sq. ft. * Lot size: 21,780 sq. ft. * Open layout, lots of updates * SS appliances, laminate floors * 1 bedroom suite w/ laundry * Huge driveway / ample parking * Big sundeck, large fenced backyard * Minutes to HighStreet Shopping Center Call Harj, 604-309-1111
Brace for snow by winterizing your home (NC) It’s no surprise that Canadian winter weather can be unpredictable. That’s why it’s good practice to ensure that you — and your home — are ready for whatever rolls in with the cold temperatures.
and test e a c h one to see that they’re worki n g With the Farmer’s Almanac calling for properabove-normal levels of rain and snow ly. Heat this year, make sure your home is ready rises, so start with the basement first. by following these three tips: 3. Empty exterior pipes. 1. Check your furnace. Water expands in the cold, so when Make sure your furnace is in good severe cold snaps hit, pipes can be at working order by booking a furnace in- risk of bursting. To avoid having your spection before the coldest part of win- water pipes freeze and burst, empty all ter hits. Wait times can be longer as we exterior taps, and shut off the valves get deeper into the season, and that’s until next spring the worst time to make do without. With these tips, you’re well on your Regular maintenance and inspections way to protecting your home. But if can save you money in the long run. anything happens, insurance providers like Belairdirect will be there to 2. Insulate doors and windows. support you along the way with 24/7 Keep the warmth in by installing or re- claims service and digital tools that placing weather-stripping or weather- make submitting and tracking a claim strip film. When you turn your heaters as simple as uploading photos. Learn on, ensure your baseboards are clean more at
* Custom Built - 2 Storey w/Bsmt * 8 bedrooms, 6 bedrooms * 2 or 3 bedroom accommodation * Desired West Abbotsford location * 2 master bedrooms with ensuites * House size: 3,222 sq. ft. * Lot size: 4,586 sq. ft. * High vaulted ceilings * SS appliances / granite countertops * Great location, fully fenced backyard
* Abbotsford Place - Condominiums * Inside Unit * 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom * Unit size: 912 sq. ft. * Great for investors * Family friendly, pet friendly * Allows rentals & all ages * Wheelchair access, bike storage * Directly in front of transit * Very central location
SOLD #25 – 19760 – 55 AVENUE
Call Robby, 604-300-0472
Call Harj, 604-309-1111
* Terraces 3 - Townhomes * 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms * Unit size: 1,510 sq. ft. * Large corner unit * Big energy star windows * A/C, electric fireplace * Energy saving heat exchanger * High end appliances * Close to shopping, transit, restaurants, etc. * Rooftop patio / Amazing views Call Harj, 604-309-1111
* Basement Entry Home * 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms * 2,120 sq. ft. of living space * HUGE 9,156 sq. ft. lot * LEGAL suite w/ laundry * Hardwood floors, large sundeck * brand new furnace, walk out basement * Fully fenced backyard * Tons of room for swimming pool / trampoline * Central location near Heritage Park
Call Robby, 604-300-0472
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604.746.4603 32090 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, BC V2T 1V7 Hours: 9:30- 5:30 M-F * A Professional Notary Corporation
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
David Tsen PREC
Jim Makkar
Mary Seebach
Sunny Ahuja PREC
Personal Real Estate Corporation M: 778-241-6663 WWW.DAVIDTSEN.COM
Personal Real Estate Corporation M: 778-242-7653 WWW.SUNNYAHUJA.CA
Award Winning Real Estate Team
#22 3015 Trethewey St, Abbotsford
• 3 Bedroom • 3 Bathroom • 1,324 Sq.Ft • 2 Storey • Patio • Master Bedroom w/ensuite • Centrally Located
#302 32097 Tims Ave, Abbotsford
• 3 Bedroom • 2 Bathroom • 1,396 Sq.Ft • Corner Unit & Top Floor • Master Bedroom w/ensuite • 2 Enclosed Balconies • 45+ Age Restricted
You’vefound a home
#503 33065 Mill Lake Rd, Abbotsford • 2 Bedroom • 2 Bathroom • 1,297 Sq.Ft • Balcony • Master Bedroom w/ensuite • Centrally Located • 40+ Age Restricted
#309 2565 Campbell Ave, Abbotsford • 1 Bedroom + Den • 1 Bathroom • 606 Sq.Ft. • Balcony • Low Strata Fees • Centrally Located • Rentals Allowed
2455 Parent Rd, St Lawrence Heights • Over 1 acre lot • Land Only • Perfect to Build Dream Home
33150 Dalke Ave, Mission
• 6 Bedroom • 4 Bathroom • 2,727 Sq.Ft House • 4,039 Sq.Ft Lot • Deck • Separate Entry Suite
2451 Crescent Way, Abbotsord
• 4 Bedroom • 2 Bathroom • 2,170 Sq.Ft House • 13,939 Sq.Ft Lot • Rancher w/ Basement • Massive Backyard • Centrally Located
#310 2238 Whatcom Rd, Abbotsford
3291 Atkinson Ln, Abbotsford
•1 Bedroom + Den • 1 Bathroom • 826 Sq.Ft • Balcony • Pool • Master Bedroom w/ WIC • Rentals Allowed
$415,000 NEW
#109 2435 Center St, Abbotsford
• 2 Bedroom • 2 Bathroom • 1,007 Sq.Ft • Ground Level Unit • Master Bedroom w/ensuite & WIC • Patio
• 5 Bedroom • 6 Bathroom • 4,556 Sq.Ft House • 37,461 Sq.Ft Lot • Master Bedroom w/ensuite + private deck • Detached Triple Car Garage • Studio Coach House • Covered Gazebo
111-33546 Holland Ave, Abbotsford
• 2 Bedroom • 2 Bathroom • 933 Sq.Ft • Ground Floor Unit • Master Bedroom w/ensuite • Centrally Located • Patio
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
Rupinder AZAD & Associates
4.93 ACRES WITH 2 HOMES AND BLUEBERRY FARM. The main Estate home was built in 2009 and is 8,283 SQ/FT, which includes 9 spacious Bedrooms and 9 Bathrooms included is a 2 bedroom suite. The second house is a 1,200 SQ/FT Mobile home with 2 Bedrooms and 1 Bathroom. Approx. 3 Acres are planted in Duke, and Elliott Blueberry varieties. Close to all amenities and easy access to Fraser Highway, Highway #1, USA Border.
102 32033 OLD YALE ROAD
Very spacious Corner Unit with glassed wrap around balcony at rear. The unit is above ground with convenient ground level parking from east side. No recent up-dates, yet floor laminating and carpets installed in Living room and bedrooms few years ago. Age restriction 55+, No rentals allowed, yet 1 small dog or cat is allowed. Very cozy complex of 14 units only on 3 floors for quiet and comfortable living. Guest suite is fully equipped for your guests comfort by prior booking with the Strata Council.
BUSINESS FOR SALE Convenience Store in Langley 20517 DOUGLAS CRESCENT
To be your own boss, but this grocery store. Excellent opportunity for making a good living. Low overhead expenses, Low Lease rates.Lease to March 31/2026 with option to renew. High Sales volume including LOTTO. Call for more information.
For Viewing or Inquiry, Please call : Rupinder Azad
Harpreet Mann
Davinder Brar Personal Real Estate Corporation
Personal Real Estate Corporation
hrpRIq mwn
divMdr brwV
#21-5960 Cowichan Street, Chilliwack
Beautiful location backing onto a small private park. This 4 bed, 3 bath Garrison Crossing Townhome is located in a quiet area with an oversized deck off living room & master bdrm, both overlooking a private treed meadow area. Maple cabinets, stainless steel appliances, hardwood flooring & a fully finished basement. Walking distance to shops,schools, UFV, Rotary Trail & Vedder River fishing.
3763 244th Street, Langley Not in ALR.
This Dream land is surrounded by Estate Properties. Prime Half-Acre lot in the desirable Otter District. 2 bdrm 2 bath Rancher house. Close to great local amenities. Minutes from the Otter Co-Op. Perfect to build your Dream Country home or potentially rezone and build two homes like others on the street.
#91-3030 Trethewey Street, Abbotsford
14967 Kew Drive, Surrey
Clearbrook Village! Totally Renovated 3 bed, 2 bath townhome is located close to Rotary stadium, shopping center, city hall, library, all levels of schools. New paint, hardwood floors, kitchen cabinets with countertops, Steel appliances, new washrooms, new roof, windows, new doors, new electrical & plumbing fixtures. The living room, dining room are Beautiful & bright. Gas fireplace working. Fenced yard, parking in carport plus extra. Patio & green space behind. East facing. Ready to move in unit!
41688 Third Avenue, Chilliwack
UNDER CONSTRUCTION will be ready for approx April 2022! This 2 Story home will have Modern finishing throughout. Great layout with lots of space for the whole family. The Upper floor will feature a large Great room with a big sundeck, windows & open floor plan. High End quality plumbing fixtures & appliances, 9' ft ceiling all over. 3 bdrm upstairs including a master with a large Ensuite! Basement features a big rec room, 2 bdrms & separate entrance. Showhome available for viewing!
Spacious rancher on a 7391 square foot lot, in a Quiet Family Oriented Community! Live in this updated rancher while you wait to build on this beautiful lot. Updates made to the kitchen, bathroom, powder room, bedrooms and more! South facing lot with a Huge Patio and large outdoor Shed! Big private backyard for your summer time family activities! Steps away from Robin Park!
31477 Aerolane AVENUE Abbotsford
NEW LISTING SUBDIVISION POTENTIAL! Massive 8600+ sq ft lot with 108 ft frontage. This 3 level split has lots of great features such as a large bright kitchen, walk-out deck, open family room, 3 bedrooms & 2 baths up + extra bedroom & bathroom on the lower level. Bsmt suite potential! an RV. PlentY of parking for
2931 McCallum Road, Abbotsford
3 Lots Approved. PLA in place. plz cheque with the city of Abbotsford for any potential. Value mainly in land. Servicing agreement submitted in the city hall. ASSIGNMENT - 35345 Selkirk Avenue, Abbotsford
ASSIGNMENT 35345 Selkirk Avenue, Abbotsford
Completion Date: October 27, 2021
Newly Renovated 4 bed, 3 bath home situated in the desirable East Abbotsford area is a must see! Fully renovated kitchen, all new appliances & open concept living & dining. Central A/C Unit. The main floor features 3 bedrooms with a large master bdrm & 2 piece en-suite. Below features 1 bed, 1 bath with a brand new Chef Style Kitchen.
Commerical Land Beside Ceder Park
Shopping. Ready to Build Retail Store with Apartments. Call for Info.
Subway: Own the #1 franchise! Become a part of the SUBWAY family by owning a restaurant franchise. This store is well kept and located in the Fraser Valley. Very busy location in a free-standing building with a low lease. Need to sign Non-Disclosure Agreement in order to get location information.
New Listing Subdivi sion Potential! Massive 21,000 sq ft lot in Chilli wack. Rezoning poten tial for a 4 storey Condo! $3,300,000
swfy kol quhwfI pRwprtI leI kuAwlIPweIf KRrIdwr hn, huxy Pon kro
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
Office: 604-596-1800 Cell: 604-832-2831 Rupinder Davesher 604-832-2831
Harmesh Davesher Suresh Davesher 604-897-4521 604-832-1899
Looking for a new modern home, with an open floor plan and floor-to-ceiling windows, we got the perfect place for you! This home is located in a new subdivision of Abbotsford East. the open floor plan, high ceilings, and grand windows make this home bright and luxurious. The main floor features a great room, dining, laundry completed with a state-of-the-art kitchen plus a spice kitchen leading out to the back patio. The open floorplan makes this house an exceptional place to entertain guests. The upper level features a master bedroom with a grand walk-in closet, luxury ensuite bath plus two bedrooms. The basement has 2 bedrooms, a full bath, and a large Rec room. Call for showings!!!
138 32633 SIMON AVENUE
Popular Allwood Place. Steeply pitched roofs and front porches are not a thing of the past here. Planter boxes and window shutters add a nice touch. Open floor plan with 3 bedrooms up & Ensuite for the master. Total of 2 1/2 baths. Nice open kitchen with quartz countertops and island. Great complex with a clubhouse, Exercise centre plus a playground for the kids. Pets are allowed with restrictions.
36775 Carl Creek
This home is located in Abbotsford East. The open floor plan, high ceilings, and grand windows make this home bright with lots of natural light. The main floor features a great room, dining, master bedroom with a grand walk-in closet plus laundry completed with a state-of-the-art kitchen leading to the back patio. The open floorplan makes this house an exceptional place to entertain guests. The upper level features two bedrooms and a 4 piece bath. In the basement, you have one bedroom, a Living room, and a Laundry. plus a separate entry.
33985 Tooley Mission Under Construction
This 3 bedroom townhome is great for entertaining!!! Open plan offers a huge living room plus, family room and dining room on the main floor. Gourmet kitchen with granite countertops with stainless steel appliances, island, and pantry. Many features throughout include hickory floors, heated ensuite floors, designer colors, custom millwork, hunter douglas blinds, and lighting! The master suite is complete with a good size walk-in closet and 5 piece spacious ensuite. You will fall in love with the featuring a covered patio and fenced area for the kids or pets. Oversized double car garage and visitor parking. Just minutes from HWY 1, shopping,
Custom Quality Built Home!!! Total 6 Bedrooms, 5 Baths! including 2 Master Bedrooms. Over 3700 square feet. open main floor; upper floor has 4 bedrooms; basement including 2 bedrooms, A rec room plus family room. Great location close to shopping, restaurants, and transportation
36720 CARL CREEK CRESCENT $1,100,000
Asking $368,000
33545 Rainbow One bedroom 1 bath Condo, Well kept building. Close to the FVC, transportation Shopping, Freeway access, and the hospital.
Call Suresh 604-832-1899
Two story home with basement in a quite greenbelt neighbor hood. Main floor : Living room, Kitchen, Family room,Dining room, full bathroom and a bedroom. The above floor has four bedrooms and three bathrooms. The basement has a rec room, 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Close to Mission UFV campus , public transportation, shopping centres and minutes away from the Mission
Looking for a new modern home, with an open floor plan and floor-to-ceiling windows, we got the perfect place for you! This home is located in a new subdivision of Abbotsford East . The open floor plan, high ceilings and grand windows make this home bright and luxurious. The main floor features a great room, dining, laundry completed with a state-of-the-art kitchen.Plus a Master bedroom with a grand walk-in-closet, luxury ensuite bath. The open floor plan makes this house an exceptional place to entertain guests. Upper floor features 2 bedrooms, flex room and a 4 piece bath. In the basement you have one bedroom , Rec room and Laundry with a separate entry
36715 DIANNE BROOKE AVENUE $1,100,000
36738 CARL CREEK CRESCENT $1,100,000
36669 CARL CREEK CRESCENT $1,100,000
36761 CARL CREEK CRESCENT $1,100,000
Looking for a new modern home, with an open floorplan and floor-to-ceiling windows, we have the perfect place for you! This home is located in a new subdivision of Abbotsford East . The open floor plan, high ceilings and grand windows make this home bright and luxurious. The main floor features a great room, dining, and with a state-of-the-art kitchen leading to the back patio. The open floorplan makes this house an exceptional place to entertain guests. The upper level features a master bedroom with a grand walk-in-closet, luxury ensuite bath and two bedrooms plus
Looking for a new modern home, with an open floor plan and floor-to-ceiling windows, we got the perfect place for you! This home is located in a new subdivision of Abbotsford East. The open floor plan, high ceilings, and grand windows make this home bright and luxurious. The main floor features a great room, dining, laundry completed with a state-of-the-art kitchen. Plus a Master bedroom with a grand walk-in closet, luxury ensuite bath. The open floor plan makes this house an exceptional place to entertain guests. The upper floor features 2 bedrooms, a flex room, and a 4 piece bath.
Looking for a new modern home, with an open floor plan and floor-to-ceiling windows, we got the perfect place for you! This home is located in a new subdivision of Abbotsford East. the open floor plan, high ceilings and grand windows make this home bright and luxurious. The main floor features a great room, dining, laundry completed with a state-of-the-art kitchen leading to the back patio. The open floorplan makes this house an exceptional place to entertain guests. The upper level features a master bedroom with a grand walk-in closet, a luxury ensuite bath plus two bedrooms.
WELCOME TO YOUR NEW HOUSE SETTLED IN THE BEST UP AND COMING FAMILY OREINTED NEIGHBOURHOOD! Finished with nothing but the best quality throughout this home shows 10/10 with functional living on the main floor featuring the kitchen, high quality great room and extravagant dining room along with a formal foyer and gorgeous powder washroom. As you head upstairs you'll be greeted with designer lighting top of line master with ensuite and an additional two bedrooms and flex room.
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
rfsLIPl awsU sMkRFqI 16/10/2021-16/11/2021 joiqS, Eqy Eqy 604-751-0220 kro
1 ishq TIk, Dn hfnI, siQr sMpqI lfB, gupq icMqf, kfrobfr ivc kuJ bdlfv, nyqr ksLt. sqMbr 21,22, akqUbr 1,2,10,11 asLuB. ishq TIk, Dn lfB, dusLmx kmjLor, sMqfn suwK, iesqrI ksLt, mhIny dy aMq ivc ivsLysL Krcf, sqMbr 23,24,25 akqUbr 3,4,12,13 asLuB. 3 afriQk hfnI, nyqr ksLt, GrylU JMjt vDy, nIc qoN apmfn df zr, kfrobfr aqy sQfn bdlx dy lfB. sqMbr 17,18,26,27, akqUbr 5,6,14,15 asLuB. 4 guwsf vDy, Dn hfnI, afpixaF nfl axbx, iesqrI suwK, kfrobfr kuJ TIk, mhIny dy aMq ivc ivsLysL Krc. sqMbr 19,20,28,29,30 akqUbr 8,16 asLuB. 5 guwsf vDy, Dn lfB, Brf qoN suwK, sMqfn leI ivsLysL Krc, gupq icMqf, rfj pwK qoN zr, sqMbr 21,22, akqUbr 1,2,10,11 asLuB. 6 ishq TIk, Dn lfB, imwqrF nfl axbx, sMqfn ksLt, dusLmx pRbl, iesqrI suK, kfrobfr gVbV. sqMbr 23,24,25, akqUbr 3,4,12,13 asLuB.
If there is anything you feel unclear about when it comes to somebody else, you should set out to discuss it. This could clear up presumptions or uncertainties on both sides. An opportunity can present itself which will allow you to make future plans that can be pleasure orientated or that will satisfy your priorities more so.
Your interest will be moving forward in a manner that will open you up to greater freedom and enjoyment in the long term. Other people involved might be expecting more than you can realistically manage. There will be challenges but as long as you focus on the details or work that needs to be done you will eventually get there.
Anything that has been important to you on a personal level during the last two years can now reach a stage where you feel you are in a better position to do things your way. You might get some opposition from somebody who thinks they know better but there will be ways of either getting support or working around them.
You could realise the amount of work involved in something you thought was important, isn’t worth it. You may need to change your priorities based on the expectations of somebody else. Before you do, you should consider the amount of control or the limitations that come with this. Your independence can’t be put aside
Work hard on finalising things that need to be put into place so that you will be free to enjoy yourself more. It will not hurt to question any pressure somebody else is placing on you to perhaps get things done more quickly. It might simply mean pointing out the amount of work involved if matters are to be dealt with properly.
Follow what you believe is the most balanced approach when it comes to putting things in place or dealing with family matters. Don’t be influenced by somebody attempting to make you feel guilty or perhaps sorry for them. You need to act on what you consider you can handle because it will work best and be the most efficient.
It may be necessary to make a final decision Being prepared to be serious, as well as
7 to end something that has proved inefficient or putting in the effort required to get a good ruky kMm bxngy, siQr sMpqI ivvfd, iesqrI ksLt, iewjLq mfx pRfpq hovy, kfrobfr kuJ a big time wasting exercise, otherwise it can foundation in place that you can continue to hold you back over the next 2 years. You need develop long term has every potential to reap TIk. sqMbr 17,18,26,27, akqUbr 5,6,14,15 asLuB. 8 ishq kmjLor, Dn lfB ho ky hwQ qoN inkly, afpixaF nfl axbx, suK lfB, sMqfn pwK TIk. sqMbr 19,20,28,29,30, akqUbr 8,16 asLuB. 9 srIrk ksLt, Dn lfB, afpixaF qoN sihXog, pfp kMmF ivc mn lwgy, ibmfrI df zr, kfrobfr kuJ TIk. sqMbr 21,22, akqUbr 1,2,10,11 asLuB. 10 nuksfn aqy ksLt df zr, burI Kbr, iesqrI pwK qoN icMqf, bMDU sihXog, kfrobfr TIk, mhIny dy aMq ivc ivsLysL Krc. sqMbr 23,24,25, akqUbr 3,4,12,13 asLuB.
11 Dn lfB, BfeI bMDU qoN mwdd, dusLmx pRbl, iesqrI ksLt, kfrobfr ivc rukfvt hovy. sqMbr 17,18,26,27 akqUbr 5,6,14,15 asLuB. 12
PjL U l Krcf, ishq TIk, asPl Xo j nf, kfro b fr gVbV, sQfn bdlx df ivcfr, rfj-pw K qo N zr. sqM b r 19,20,28,29,30, akqU b r 8,16 asL u B .
to weigh up opportunities that you know you successful rewards. It might take a while to be can enjoy against accepting limitations that as financially satisfying as you would like but can result in restricting potential future growth. if you are determined to persist, your rewards will materialise.
In any situation where discussion will take place be cautious as to the underlying agenda of those involved. This is not a time for you to be forthright with your ideas to get things going. You need to see what is put forward. That way it will become obvious as to where there is support, as well as the opportunity to have your say.
Catching up with friends or acquaintances and be most relaxing and enjoyable as long as you ensure your responsibilities don’t suffer. There is no reason to spend more money than you feel comfortable about. Stand your ground in any situations where somebody else expects you to accept the way they want to do things.
Finances could encourage you to reconsider something that was an important priority, especially if it involved travel or that it was for reasons of getting away from it all. You could enjoy the feeling of having money behind you for when the unexpected arises. Being able to let your mind wander can be a relaxing practice.
There is little point in attempting to avoid responsibilities, especially with people who have authority in some way. You will benefit more from being prepared to negotiate in such a manner that you give assurances you will see things through. From your standpoint, you need visualise yourself taking these future directions.
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
ieMJ qUM dIvflIaF mnf bldyv suKI ‘rozy’ kwt ilaf sB bnvfs mnF myiraf, muV vqnF nUM hux jfh. bflL ky icrfg mnF mn dy bnyiraF ‘qy, ieMJ qUM dIvflIaF mnf.
af nI dIvflIey
sfl ipwCoN afeI, qyry jsLn mnfeIey.
hrcMd isMG bfgVI rl-iml sfry awj KusLIaF mnf lIey
jIvn dI joq afpF, afp nf buJflIey
af nI dIvflIey, af BfgF vflIey.
af nI dIvflIey, af BfgF vflIey.
af nI dIvflIey, af nI BfgF vflIey.
myl qy imlfp hovy, kuwl pirvfr df
kuwlIaF qy Puwt-pfQF ivc ny jo Trdy
Aujlf BivwK krI, hr nr-nfr df
BwuK qy ibmfrI nfl Gol ny jo krdy
tuwitaF nUM joVIey qy ruwsy nUM mnf lIey
AunHF lokF koly vI qUM jfeIN nI dIvflIey
af nI dIvflIey, af BfgF vflIey
KusLIaF qy KyVy sdf afAuNdy rihx ijLMdgI ‘c,
vMzI ey ipafr sfry guwsy-igly Cwzky
vDy Puwly sfzf sMsfr.
AUc-nIc jfq-pfq idlF ivwcoN kwZky
kMizaF qoN ibnf hr tfhxI AuWqy Puwl hovy,
BuwlF-cuwkF hoeIaF qfeIN, idlF ‘coN BulfeIey
hox KusLboaF dy BMzfr. nfsL kr nPLrqF dy bIj mnF myiraf, pfxI hr bUtVy nUM pf – bflL ky icrfgL mnF[[[[[[[
af nI dIvflIey, af BfgF vflIey. kudrq nfl loko, krIey KrUd nf agnI dI ByNtf hfVf krIey brUd nf mfrU DUMeyN koloN vfqfvrn bcf lIey
gLmIaF nUM mfrIey qy KusLIaF iKlfrIey sIinaF ‘c bl rhI awg qfeIN TfrIey jwg AuWqy suwKF vflf surg bsf lIey af nI dIvflIey, af nI BfgF vflIey. sIqf qfeIN ‘cMd’ koeI rfvx curfey nf kuwK ivwc kMinaf df kql krfey nf dIvflI dy idn sONh sfry awj pf lIey
af nI dIvflIey, af BfgF vflIey.
af nI dIvflIey, af nI BfgF vflIey.
cuwikaf nf jfey sfQoN cfa qyry afxdf
suxo kMn lf ky mfqf Drq pukfrdI
af nI dIvflIey, af BfgF vflIey.
mn-BoNdf idn bwcy, buWZy qy jvfn df
bMdy dI vDIkI hux hor nf shfrdI
sfl ipwCoN afeI, qyry sLgn mnflIey.
pMjfb dI dIvflI kulbIr isMG ‘zfnsIvfl’ mombwqIaF dI zfr aqy dIivaF dI QflI
bVf cyqy afAuNdI ey pMjfb dI dIvflI
kfhnUM kryN hvf gMdI sfV ky brUd aYvyN,
bVf cyqy afAuNdI ey pMjfb dI dIvflI
pI ky sLrfbIaF df Pyr mwGy kwZxf
aOKf hojU lYxf qYnUM sfh.
koiTaF nUM klIaF krfAuNdy huMdy sI
DUh ky AunHF nUM iPr GroN GrIN Cwzxf
dIvy mombwqIaF jgfAuNdy huMdy sI
awDI awDI rfq qfeIN gwlF krI jfxIaF
Gr vflI murgI bxfAuNdy huMdy sI
mUMgPlI irAuVIaF svfd nfl KfxIaF
TMZf pfxI dyeIey iCVkfa.
rUVI mfrkf df sLfmI pYWg lfAuNdy huMdy sI
awg sykI jfxI iPr jfl ky prflI
bMdI CoV gurU vFg sBnF df Blf mMg,
aMb df acfr aqy dfrU dI ipaflI
bVf cyqy afAuNdI ey pMjfb dI dIvflI
bVf cyqy afAuNdI ey pMjfb dI dIvflI
muV muV jfxf iPr ipMz vflI hwtI nUM
kwTy ho ky sLfmI iPr sLihr vwl jfxf
sLoipMg bhfny huMdf imlxf sI jwtI nUM
bflL ky icrfgL mnF[[[[[[[[
ptfikaF df Jolf pUrf Br ky ilafAuxf
ptfikaF bhfinaF iPr gwl kr lYNdy sI
GrF dI sPfeI ijvyN mnF dI sPfeI AuvyN,
bwkry df mIt iPr bfpU ny bxfAuxf
ilK ky ilaFdf Auhdf Kq PV lYNdy sI
bYT ky hvylI ivc rwj rwj Kfxf
cMdrI XfrF dy AuWqy, mrdI sI vfhlI
miTafeIaF nfl pIxI iPr cfh kMzy vflI
bVf cyqy afAuNdI ey, pMjfb dI dIvflI
gflLIey gumfn qy igafn dIvf bflLIey,
bVf cyqy afAuNdI ey pMjfb dI dIvflI
‘shoiqaF’ knyzf ivwc kfhdIaF dIvflIaF
imt jfey jwg qoN klysL.
KuMjy KV BYx PuwlJVIaF clfAuNdI sI
kMmF AuWqy jfx dIaF rihMdIaF ny kfhlIaF
cuwly mUhry bYT byby rotIaF bxfAuNdI sI
tfiem iewQy Gwt mjLbUrIaF ny bfhlIaF
clfAuNdf sI ptfky bfpU, hwQ ivwc PV ky
duwKF dIaF gwlHF ivwc peIaF ny pMjflIaF
kMnF ivwc AuNglF sI pfAuNduy zr zr ky
awKF ivwc rVky AunINdrf qy lflI
ptfikaF dI qfV-qfV, rfq kflI kflI
bVf cyqy afAuNdI ey pMjfb dI dIvflI
pihlF hI plUsLn ny sfV idwqI DrqI ‘qy,
nPLrqF dI kMD dyeIey Zfh-
idMdI ey dIvflI ieh sMdysL.
hr idn hovy sfzf eId qy dIvflI, ‘suwKI’ gLYrF nUM vI imwqr bxf – bflL ky icrfgL mnF[[[[[[ PAGE 28
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
Dfrimk aqy ieiqhfsk pwK qoN dIvflI
gurbcn kOr ‘iZwloN’
dIvflI sfzy smfj df purfqn
iehnF ivwcoN pMj mYdfny jMg ivwc
zUMGI sfjsL hY. aMimRqsr hoey
qoN bfad mgry hI dIvflI af
aqy KusLIaF Biraf iqAuhfr
hI sLhfdq pf gey sn. icwqr
iekwT qy isMGF nUM Kqm krn
jFdI hY. lok afpxy GrF nUM
hY jo asIN hr sfl dIvflI
isMG aqy gurbKLsL isMG afp
dI. afp jI ny gupq snyihaF
purfxy jLmfny ivwc pocy, gohf
df iqAuhfr, mnf ky KuLsLIaF
jI dy nfl lfhOr ivwc 1734
rfhIN sMgq nUM dIvflI qy afAux
imwtI nfl, awj kwl dy jLmfny
pRfpq krdy hF. pr ieiqhfsk
eI: nUM sLhId kr idwqy gey. gurU
qoN rok idwqf. ies krky cVfvf
ivwc klIaf, sPYdIaF nfl sfP
pwK qoN dIvflI BfeI mnI isMG
hirrfie jI dy clfxy AuprMq
nf cVx kfrn, BfeI mnI isMG
jI dI aduwqI aqy ihrdyvydk
idwlI qoN afp mfqf sulwKxI jI
jI jLjIaf nf Br sky.
krdy hn aqy dosqF, imwqrF,
sLhfdq df iqAuhfr hY. so
dy nfl bfbf bkfly gurU qyg
ies bhfny nfl BfeI mnI isMG
AuhnF dI sLhfdq qoN pihlF
bhfdr jI pfs phuMc gey. jdoN
jI nUM sfQIaF smyq igRPqfr
AuhnF dy jIvn qy kuJ pMCI Jfq
Drm hyq gurU qyg bhfdr jI
krky, axhoey qsIhy dy ky,
pf leIey.
idwlI cly gey, afp anMdpur
1734 eI: nUM dIvflI vfly idn
afp Drm dy ieiqhfs Kyqr
sfihb gurU dsLmys pfs hI rhy.
BfeI sfihb df bMd bMd kwt
ivwc anYiqkqf vflIaF hkUmqF
sRI anMdpur sfihb ivwc msq
ky AuhnF nUM sLhId kr idwqf
ivruwD jLordfr afvfjL nfl
hfQI nfl twkr lYx vflf BfeI
igaf. awj kwl AuQy sLhId
tkrfey. BfeI mnI isMG jI
bicwqr isMG, BfeI mnI isMG
gMj gurduafrf sfihb bixaf
df jnm 10 mfrc, 1644 eI:
jI dy spuwqr hI sn. BfeI mnI
hoieaf hY.
dIvflI vfly idn lwCmI dI pUjf
nUM hoieaf. afp jI nUM gurU
isMG jI dy 5 pwuqr cmkOr dI
asIN sB jfxdy hF ik dIvflI
kIqI jFdI hY aqy keI lok
hir rfey, gurU hirikRsLn jI,
gVHI ivwc sLhId ho gey sn.
vfly idn CyvyN pfqsLfh gurU
qF ies idn jUaf Kyzxf sLuwB
gurU qyg bhfdr jI aqy gurU
gurU dsm ipqf jI dy joqI joq
hirgoibMd sfihb jI 52
smJdy hn.
goibMd isMG jI dI syvf AuprMq
smf jfx bfad, bfbf bMdf isMG
rfijaF nUM irhfa krfky dIvflI
dukfndfr afpxy smfn jF
afsLIrvfd pRfpq hoieaf.
jI dI cVq dyK ky vYrI Gfbr
vfly idn hI sRI aMimRqsr phuMcy
kwpiVaF dIaF sylF lf ky jnqf
afp gurU goibMd isMG jI dy
AuTy sn.
sn aqy AuhnF dy afAux dI
nUM buwDU bx ky luwtdy hn.
ivsLvfs pfqr sn. BfeI mnI
gurU goibMd isMG jI ny dyhDfrI
KusLI ivwc sRI hirmMdr ivKy
awj kwl qF ivigafnIaF ny
isMG jI, gurU gRMQ sfihb dy
gurUaF pRQf smfpq krky, gurU
dIpmflf kIqI geI sI.
bUty vI lwB ley hn jo rfq smyN
ilKfrI sn. hor vI afp jI ny
gRMQ sfihb jI nUM gurgwdI sONp
sRI rfm cMdr jI vI cOdF sfl dy
dIvflI dy dIivaF vFg cfnx
keI vzmuwlIaF rcnfvF rcIaF
gey sn. Kflsf pMQ nUM cVdIaF
bnvfs qoN bfad dIvflI vfly
sn. afp sRI hirmMdr sfihb
klF ivwc dyK ky, lfhOr aqy
idn hI aXuwiDaf phuMcy sI,
ibKyrdy hn. KuMB(msLrUm)
dy, qIjy muwK gRMQI sn.BfeI
idwlI drbfrF ivwc zr pYdf ho
AuhnF dI afmd qy aXuwiDaf
mnI isMG jI nUM 13 sfl dI
igaf sI. aqy msMdF dI nINd vI
ivwc dIpmflf krky AuhnF df
Aumr ivwc afp jI dy ipqf jI
hrfm ho geI sI
svfgq kIqf igaf sI.
ny AuhnF nUM gurU hirrfie jI
BfeI mnI isMG jI dI Aumr
smfjk pwK qy dIvflI qoN
dy drbfr ivwc Bytf kr idwqf.
BfvyN 90 sfl dI ho geI sI, pr
pihlF dusihrf afAuNdf hY. sfzy
AuWQy hI syvf kridaF 15 sfl
pMQ dy afgU sn. so afp jI ny
iqAuhfrF dI sfzy smfj ivwc
dI Aumr ivwc, afp jI dI sLfdI
1734 dI dIvflI nUM DUm-Dfm
bhuq BfrI mhwqqf hY. dusihry
bIbI sIqo jI nfl hoeI. aqy
nfl mnfAux df PYslf lY ilaf
qwk sfzI sfAuxI dI Psl pwk
bIbI sIqo jI dI kuwKoN swq puqrF
sI. lfhOr sUby qoN afigaf vI lY
ky iqafr ho jFdI hY. Jony dI
ivafs vflI KuMB nrMgI rMg dI
ny jnm ilaf. ijnHF dy nfm,
leI sI, nfl hI ds hjLfr rupY
Psl aqy gMinaf df rs hr
rosLnI CwzdI hY. rfq smyN iehnF
icqr isMG, bicwqr isMG, AudY
jLjLIaf dyxf vI mMn ilaf sI.
iksy nUM apxy vwl iKwcdf hY.
dI rOsLnI dIvflI dy dIivaF
isMG, aink isMG, ajb isMG,
pr BfeI mnI isMG jI nUM iksy
sfzy vzyry pihlF gMnf dusihry
vFg cmkdI hY. ies qoN ieh
ajfieb isMG aqy gurbKLsL
pfsoN sUa lwg geI sI , ky
vfly idn hI cUpx nUM idMdy sn.
isD huMdf hY ik bUty vI mnfAuNdy
isMG jI sn.
ies srkfr dI ies ipWCy koeI
dusihry dI rfm lIlf muwkx
hn dIvflI.
irsLqydfrF nUM miTafeIaF dy qoyhPy idMdy hn. rfq smyN afpxy koiTaF dy bnyiraF nUM dIivaF dI rosLnI nfl Gr rOsLn krdy hn. KUhF, toiBaF, aqy sLmsfnF ivc vzyiraF dIaF mVIaF qy dIvy rwKy jFdy hn.
kudrq dI dyx hY pr awj kwlH ienHF dI Psl vI AugfeI jFdI hY.ivigafnIaF anusfr iehnF dIaF pMj jfqIaF ajyhIaf hn jo rfq smyN afpxI CqrI ivwcoN cfnx CwzdIaf hn. amrIkf ‘c ienHF df nfm hI ‘lfltYn’ rwiKaf hoieaf hY. 5 ieMc dy
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
kMinaF dI loV
Employment available growing, harvesting and pruning raspberries and blueberries starting immediately on a full time basis. Individuals must be prepared to work varying hours in an environment that is physically demanding. Requires the ability to work repetitive tasks in a range of outdoor weather conditions. No education or experience required. Hourly wage of $15.20, 45 to 60 hours per week.
sMprk:- 306-351-5411, 416-475-4400
If interested, please fax resume to J & J Farms Ltd. (604) 855-0534 located at 30860 Huntingdon Rd., Abbotsford, BC V2T 6B7.
jwt iswK sMDU 6 Puwt kwd, ieMzIaf qoN aYWm ey pfs, Epn vrk primt holzr lVky dy ivafh leI lVkI dI loV hY. lVkI knyzf dI P.R. 5[5” kwd jF vwD, aqy sDfrn afdqF vflLI hovy.
vr dI loV
M&G Brothers Farms Ltd. $15.20/hr. Must o be hard working, energe work in all weather c include: plan , weeding, harves packing of berries, 50-60 hours per week o Oct. st Send resume to 143 Mt Lehman Rd Abbotsford, V4X 2L5
jwt iswK lVkI Aumr 34 sfl, qlfksuLdf, iewk bwcI dI mF vfsqy vr dI loV. lVkf BfvyN kwcf hI hovy, pwkf ho skygf, pr hovy nsLf rihq aqy cMgIaF afdqF df mfilk.
6 Full-time Workers wanted in Abbotsford, BC for G. Mann Farms Ltd. Work location is at 28470 Huntingdon Rd, 1912 Lefeuvre Rd and 27721 Simpson Rd. Work involves blueberry pruning, tying, spraying, loading unloading flats from harvester to truck, lifting upto 50 lbs. Work is physically demanding & includes bending. Pay $15.20/hr.
sMprk:- 778-779-0492
Fax resume to 604-607-1210 or Email to
sLok smfcfr bVy hI duKI ihrdy nfl sUicq kIqf jFdf hY ik sfzy ipafry vIr mndIp isMG KwtkV 20 akqUbr nUM sdIvIN ivCoVf dy ky prmfqmf dy crnF ivwc jf ibrfjy hn. AunHF df jnm 12 akqUbr 1986 nUM ipMz svfjpu r iËlH f nvFsihr ivKy hoieaf sI,AuhnF df aMiqm sMskfr Pryjr irvr iPAUnrl hom 2061 irvrsfeIz roz aYbtsPorz ivKy idn snIvfr imqI 30 akqUbr 2021 nUM 12:30 hovygf AuprMq aMiqm ardfs 2:00 vjy gurduafrf klÊIDr drbfr aYbtsPorz ivKy hovygI . duKI ihrdy mfqf ksmIr kOr KwtkV 604 504 1947 gurivMdr isMG ilwdV 778 552 7878 jsivMdr isMG iZwloN 778 552 6212 PAGE 30
WORKERS NEEDED vrkrF dI loV 6350 Unsworth Rd, Chilliwack
Need a hard working guy for lumber sticking desticking and paper wrapping. ALSO NEED EXPERIENCED FORK LIFT DRIVER WHO CAN TALLY & OPERATE DRY KILNS Starting wage be 25$ to 35$ dollars per hour.
* pMjfbI bolx vfly nUM pihl idwqI jfvygI.
Call Gurjit
6048663923 or email
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
BPR Full Home Renovation
AsIN tweIl ieMstwlySn iv`c mwihr hW Full bathroom renovation All kinds of tile installation Kitchen cabinets & countertops Laminate Flooring Plumbing
Pu`l bwQrUm rYnovySn hr qrHW dI tweIl ieMstwlySn ikcn kYbints Aqy kwaUNtrtOp lYmInyt PloirMg plMibMg
New basement & new bathroom extension
nvIN bysmYNt Aqy bwQrUm bxwauNdy hW
Call Param Gill At :
kfrIgrF dI loV !! Full Time / Piece work for Kitchen Cabinet Shop aYbtsPorz ivwc kYbint bxfAux vflI kMpnI nUM kMm krn vfly vrkrF dI loV hY. cMgf mfhOl aqy qjLrby anusfr vDIaf qnKfh.
Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses Workers Wanted kfimaF dI loV All Kinds of Renovations kstm Aqy kuAwiltI ikcn kYbints Aqy klozt AwrgynweIzr (pYNtrIz) AsIN ikcn Aqy vwSrUm dy purwxy kwaUNtr tOp vI bdldy hW Basement Washroom Framing Painting Plumbing
Drywall Finishing Sundeck Siding Tile
Laminate Kitchen Vinyl Paper
* Door, Fireplace * Full Finish Basement * Sundeck All Complete * Crown, Baseboard
hor jfxkfrI leI sMprk kro. 604 832 3532
Workers Wanted
hrdIp ibrdI
Call : HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765
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kfimaF dI loV
Full Time Workers Wanted for Finishing Carpentry Company aYbtsPorz dI iPinisLMg kfrpYNtrI kMpnI leI Puwl tfeIm vrkrF dI loV hY. cMgI qnKfh, vDIaf mfhOl. rfeIz df pRbMD hY. hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604-832-3532 jF 604-864-8122 LEHRA FINISHING LTD.
For Pick Up
asIN sQfnk rijstrz cYirtI hF jo loVvMdF dI shfieqf leI kyNdrq hY. hyT iliKaF dy quhfzy dfn dI bhuq pRsLMsf kIqI jfeygI: • gYr-nfsLvfn Bojn • pfxI • jUs • PlYsL lfeItF • AA aqy AAA bYtrIaF • lfeItr • tUQbrwsL • tUQpyst • hwQF df sYnItfeIjLr • igPt kfrz (vflmfrt, zrwg stor, zOlr stor, itMm hOrtn) kYsL dfn myl rfhIN jF aOnlfeIn kIqf jf skdf hY. hor dfn leI ijvyN kwpVy, juwqy, afid vI kr skdy ho. ikrpf krky eImyl kro: jF 604-864-9464 qy mYsyj Cwzo.
quhfzy KuwlHy smrQn leI DMnvfd!
ndia is a culturally rich and diverse land with deep rooted customs and traditions. The colorful and vibrant array of festivals celebrated here signifies some or the other virtue, right from righteousness to courage in the face of darkness. One such vivacious and important festival celebrated across India with great reverence is Diwali; the festival symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness. In North India, it is celebrated to commemorate victory of Lord Rama over the evil demon King Ravana and his return back home after an exile of 14 years, whereas in the South, people celebrate the day to mark the victory of Lord Krishna over Narakasura. In the eastern states, especially in Bengal, the day is venerated as a day on which the fierce Goddess Kali vanquished the demon named Bakasura. Though the reasons of celebrations might be different, but the underlying theme and traditions remain the same. Some of the most fascinating and prevalent traditions of Diwali are given here. Read on. Rolling the Dice As per the Hindu mythology, it is believed that playing dice on the day of Diwali is very auspicious, the reason behind it being the legend according to which, on this day, once Goddess Parvati played dice with her husband Lord Shiva and enjoyed the game thoroughly. Delighted, she declared that ‘whosoever plays dice on this
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
Diwali Traditions food baskets, one can present anything and everything under the sun to their loved ones. On Diwali, people give gifts to business associates as well as employees. Many people still prepare lots of sweet delicacies at their homes to distribute on this occasion, which includes Gulab Jamun, Gajar Ka Halwa, Besan Ke Ladoo, etc.
day shall be bestowed with a good fortune throughout the year’. With the passing of time, dice has been replaced by cards and people often, to honor the age old tradition, organize card parties on this day, where friends and relatives get together and indulge in friendly gambling matches with limited stakes. Lighting Up Fireworks and Lamps As per Diwali traditions, illumination of houses is a must to invite the goddess of good fortune into one’s home. And the traditional way to do so is by lighting handmade earthen lamps. On the day of Diwali, these multicolored lamps are filled with mustard
or coconut oil and wick. Once the prayer ceremonies dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha are completed, these diyas are lit. These ethnic and exquisite earthen lamps are placed on window sills, doorways and in the darkest corners of the house. Bursting firecrackers is one of the most joyous and looked forward tradition of Deepavali. The night sky glitters with numerous sparkles of firecrackers and their sound resonates throughout the night. It is believed that their sound and light wards off evil spirits.
Shopping lenged person will definitely try to keep his/her abode absolutely immaculate during Diwali. This tradition is based on the belief that Goddess Lakshmi graces only those homes that are absolutely skip and spam. Other than cleanliness, people also put in a lot of effort and time in decorating their homes with embellishments, such as strings of light bulbs, torans, shimmering streamers and ribbons, etc. Colorful and vibrant traditional motifs, known as rangolis, are drawn with great finesse at the doorways using colored powder or flower petals.
The festive season of Diwali is considered highly auspicious for making various financial investments. The day of Dhanteras is considered perfect for buying gold and silver
Presenting Diwali gifts to one’s friends, relatives and acquaintances has become one of the most important traditions of Diwali with every
coins as well as jewelry. People also shop for various kitchenware on this day, especially utensils made of gold, silver, steel and copper, which are considered a good buy on this occasion. Throughout the five days of Diwali festivities, markets are beautifully decorated and filled to brim with latest gadgets, furniture, clothes,
passing year. Traditionally, just boxes of sweets were gifted; however, with numerous gifting permutations and combinations available in the market, right from electronic appliances to
etc. which people do not just buy for themselves but also for gifting purposes as well. Besides this, people also prefer to buy new property and vehicles during this time of the year.
Exchanging of Presents
Cleansing and Home Decor People from all walks of life begin to clean, repaint and refurbish their homes depending on their budget. Even the most economically chalPAGE 32
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
The Future of Tradex Bid to operate Tradex Includes Consumer Shows coupled with largest indoor sports facility of its kind in the province A group of local Abbotsford residents is rising up to submit a bid to be the long-term operator of Tradex. The current operator, Tourism Abbotsford, has a contract in place that expires at the end of 2022. The land and structure is owned by the City and after an internal review the City decided to assess market interest with a view to “transforming the property into a revenue generating asset”. The local group operating under the banner of Thrive Campus Ltd has a vision of retro-fitting the building to an athletics and holistic health centre that would also be able to accommodate trade and consumer shows and other community festivals and events. The bid process is wide open and is expected to attract significant interest from industry, in particular, logistics, warehousing and distribution companies. Thrive spokesperson Ken Baerg claims there are a host of reasons why the City should take a very hard look at simply letting the opportunity go to the highest bid. “Everyone knows that industrial land and warehouse space is in high demand. As a large column-free turnkey space next to the airport and close to the freeway, there is no doubt that the City will receive
full offer bids from various parties. But I can’t see the City justifying going into the warehouse lease business - in competition with the private sector no less - just to maximize rent revenue on a single building. If Tradex is converted into a warehouse, the opportunity for accommodating large scale indoor events in our City will be gone.” Tradex is a unique structure in the region that has a significant economic impact for the community. In 2019 alone, events generated $19.3 million in local direct spen ing and accounted for approximately 15% of all hotel room bookings. Baerg also notes a serious gap in the information the City staff have, when it comes to the ability or appetite for these events to simply relocate to another venue in the City. “The dates and specific requirements for these events are defined. They can’t go relocate to a venue with inadequate parking, with limited loading bays, with dirt floors etc. With full knowledge of other venue options in the City, 24 of 24 events surveyed said unequivocally that they would not use another Abbotsford venue for their show. Fifteen of the 24 events require at least 120,000 square feet of space. So, it’s very obvious, as much as the City would like to suggest that there are other options, there clearly are not. That $20 million of economic impact to our community will be gone”, says Baerg.
“And the community hopefully understands the implications. $20 million is not some nebulous number. That translates into businesses like hotels, restaurants, and other retailers not surviving and many, many jobs being lost”.
our bid could compete with that of a warehousing or distribution company. Those are big dollar operations with massive cashflows. For our bid to be successful, the City will have to take significantly less in lease revenue with the knowledge that Abbotsford citizens will benefit in a big way from sports and recreation infrastructure and with appreciation for the significant spending that goes on as a result of consumer show and event activity.”
The vision of Thrive is to create programming with up to 15 basketball / volleyball courts including a feature court with stands, outdoor beach volleyball, large scale pickleball, an indoor turf area for soccer skill development, a climbing wall, and Baerg goes on to say, “The sort of potentially an indoor straight track. infrastructure Thrive will offer, would Additionally, thrive intends to create be one-of-a-kind in the Province, in a center for medical, para-medical terms of the scale. It’s also important services with an emphasis on mental to note that Abbotsford already has a health and resiliency training. “Of deficit of sports and recreation buildcourse, we would also be looking ings relative to its population and we to retain significant consumer show would be offering something to the activity to help with the financial vi- community that the City would have ability of this project. The retention to build at some point in time. Not of shows coupled with a strong sport only should the qualitative nature tourism opportunity with tournaof the bid along with the economic ments and festivals along with our center for holistic health could drive impact be taken into consideration: even greater economic impact for the City should also look at the 10’s the City and its stakeholders”, claims of million they won’t have to spend as a result of this offering in our comBaerg. munity.” Sports venues and trade and convention centers are frequently built and Baerg states, “More warehousing / or subsidized by various levels of will get built to meet demand. This government, justified on the basis is our single opportunity to save a of the economic impact on the com- very unique venue and to move Abmunity and the quality of life factors botsford closer to being a complete for the residents. “There is no way community.”
New guidelines support K-12 boards considering staff vaccine requirements Guidelines have been developed to support school boards and independent school authorities in their decisions on implementing vaccine requirements for their employees. “From the beginning of the pandemic we have worked together – to keep students safely learning in-class, to encourage all eligible British Columbians to get vaccinated and to make sure school safety plans are robust and supported,” said Jennifer Whiteside, Minister of Education. “With guidelines now available, trustees can make decisions around vaccina-
tion policies that work best for their supported by the BC Public School communities as we work together to Employers Association. continue to support a culture of vacThe guidelines provide a roadmap cination in our schools.” to enable school boards to make an The guidelines were created by the Ministry of Education and its partners informed decision on a mandatory including the BC School Trustees vaccination policy and help school Association, the BC Teachers’ Fed- boards to ensure that the continued eration, CUPE, the First Nations delivery of safe in-person education Education Steering Committee, the is a top priority. The Ministry of Federation of Independent Schools Education will continue working with Association, and school district leadership associations, in consulta- school boards to ensure they have the tion with the Office of the Provincial tools, resources and information they Health Officer. This work was also need to support this process.
These guidelines build on the existing K-12 health and safety measures including daily health checks, hand washing, staying home when sick, masks for all students and staff and improved ventilation systems. Government will continue to be responsive to changes in the pandemic and will continue working with parents, teachers, school districts, First Nations, Indigenous Rightsholders and all education partners to make sure schools are safe for students, teachers and staff. PAGE 33
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
Contact: Shinder Gill For More Details
15 YEARS of Experience 14 YEARS Medallion Member
Contact: Parv Harry For More Details 604.832.0944
"It's A Good Time To Sell. Give Us A Call"
34573 Verado Court
2748 Montana Place
35629 Zanatta Place
11 Dent Road
10590 McVeety Street
Price Reduced
$2,549,900 Blueberry Field 10.36 acres
$898,800 9.46 Ac r es
11096 241A r Street
$799,900 6994 sq. ft. Land Investment
Stephen Leacock Drive
Stephen Leacock Drive
Bedrooms: 7 Bathrooms: 7
Bedrooms: 6 Bathrooms: 6
Bedrooms: 7 Bathrooms: 6.5
Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 6
Bedrooms: 6 Bathrooms: 3.5
Bedrooms: 6 Bathrooms: 3.5
4464 Stephen Leacock Drive
Lot Size:5127sq. ft. 4434 Stephen Leacock Drive
$1,250,000 Bedrooms: 6 Bathrooms: 4 Lot Size: 3397sq. ft.
$1,224,800 Bedrooms: 6 Bathrooms: 3.5
Lot Size: 5393 sq. ft.
Stephen Leacock Drive
$1,208,800 Bedrooms: 6 Bathrooms: 3.5
12,632 sq. ft.
7121 Beharrell Rd
2385 Peardonville Road
3155 Bradner Road
28522 Ranch Avenue Cres
Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 3 9.6 acres
Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms:4 5 acres
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
Contact: Shinder Gill For More Details
Contact: Parv Harry For More Details 604.832.0944
"It's A Good Time To Sell. Give Us A Call" HOMES
35598 Zanatta
31285 Coghlan Place Lane
31849 Beech Avenue
Land Opportunity
2272 Lynden Street
31034 Sidoni Avenue
#14-2799 Allwood Street
Bedrooms: 8 Bathrooms: 8 Lot Size: 7,846 sq. ft.
Bedrooms: 8 Bathrooms: 5 Lot Size: 8,719 sq. ft.
Lot size: 10,956 sq. ft.
Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 1 Lot Size: 8000 sq. ft.
Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2.5 Lot Size: 6534 sq. ft.
Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 3
sfiraF nUM dIvflI aqy bMdI CoV idvs dIaF bhuq bhuq vDfeIaF
Shinder Gill & Parv Harry Wishes All Our Clients Happy Diwali ! PAGE 35
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2021
sfiraF nUM dIvflI aqy bMdI CoV idvs dIaF bhuq bhuq vDfeIaF
Wish You A Joyous
& Prosperous Diwali!
Dave Sidhu
Abbotsford City Councillor Cell: 604 621 1827 Email:
afp sfiraF nUM dIvflLI dIaF bhuq bhuq vDfeIaF jI
Happy Diwali With over 15 years of experience in high quality
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The Patrika 604.852.2288 | “BRIDGING COMMUNITIES
sfiraF nUM dIvflI aqy bMdI CoV idvs dIaF bhuq bhuq vDfeIaF
Web: | E: | Ph: 604.852.2288
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2020
To all our clients, friends, and family, Let's celebrate this year by practicing safety guidelines and continuing to look out for each other during these unprecedented times. sfzy klfieMtF, dosqF-imwqrF, aqy irsLqydfrF nMU sfzy vloN dIvflI dIaF vDfeIaF! ies mfhFmfrI dy dOrfn afpF ies sfl df kYnyzf zya surWiKaf syDF dy anusfr cwl ky aqy iek dUjy dI dyK-Bfl krky mnfeIey!
604-853-1600 #1-32442 George Ferguson Way, Abbotsford
MON TO FRI 9:00 AM - 7.00 PM SAT 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM SUNDAY - Closed D2
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2020
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qusIN dPLqr nhIN af skdy? asIN quhfzf ieMsLorYNs Pon ‘qy hI krky kol ilaf skdy hF |
afpxIaF hr qrHF dIaF ieMsoLrs jrUrqF leI sMprk kro.
778.549.3200 MANNY THIND Account Manager
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The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2020
insurance services ltd.
Phone: 604-852-2565 Fax: 852-2996
8:30 AM - 8 PM 8:30 AM - 9 PM 9 AM - 6 PM 10 AM - 5 PM
1A-32465 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, BC V2T 1X4 D4
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2020
Central Valley
Insurance Services Ltd
Happy asIN KusL hF ik asIN ieho ijhy simaF ivc kimAUintI dI syvf kr skdy hF. sfzy kfimaF, kstwmrF, aqy kimAUintI dI surwiKaf sfzI sB qoN vwzI icMqf hY. sfzf afiPs bhuq surwiKaf nflL kMm kr irhf hY qF ik asIN kstwmrF, pfrtnrF, aqy kfimaF dI syvf kr skdy hF. We are happy to con nue to serve the community during these uncertain mes. The health and safety of our employees, customers, and communi es are our primary concern. Our office is prac cing a number of measures to ensure safety while con nuing to serve our customers, partners, and employees effec vely.
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#160 32500 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, B C V2T 4W1 ( Beside FreshCo ) D5
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2020
Diwali Greetings dIvflI dIaF suLBkfmnfvF dIvflI sfzy sLihr dI iviBMn ivrfsq aqy sfzy BfeIcfry nUM rOsLn krn vflIaF swiBafcfrk prMprfvF nUM pCfnx df iewk ZukvF smF hY. ies nUM iDafn ivwc rwKdy hoey, asIN quhfnUM aqy quhfzy ajIjLF nUM KusLI aqy surwiKaq dIvflI dy jsLn leI idloN suLBkfmnfvF idMdy hF. aYbtsPorz istI kfAUNisl
Happy Diwali • • • •
New Patients Welcome • nvyN mrIjLF nUM “jI afieaF” • dvfeIaF dI Gr phuMc muPq Free Home Delivery • • • sLFq rho surwiKaq rho • Stay Calm Stay Safe • ivswKI dy iqauhwr • koivq-19 dy prhyjLI suJfvF COVID-19 prevention dIAW sB nMU • Good Prices / Rates aqy AupfvF dy pRbMD hn. • FREE Home Delivery measures in practice • Full Service Pharmacy K -l` K vDweIAW l` • Accept all Insurance Plans • dvfeIaF bfry puwC pVqfl Medication Consultation • FREE Consultation Regarding Medicines • Compression Stockings • FREE Blood Pressure Testing • Prescription Program
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2481B McCallum Rd. Abbotsford BC V2S 3P8
Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 5:30pm Saturday: 8:30am - 3:30pm Sunday: 9:30am - 2:00pm
Monday-Friday 8:30-5:00 Saturday 8:30-3:30 Sunday 9:00-1:30
somvfr-sLuwkrvfr 8:30-5:00 8:30-3:30 sLnIvfr 9:00-1:30 aYqvfr
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2020
The University of the Fraser Valley is proud to celebrate Diwali and wishes you an enjoyable festival of lights! XUnIvristI afPL PryjLr vYlI dIvflI mnfAux qy mfx mihsUs krdI hY aqy quhfnUM rOsLnI df anMd mfnx vfly iqAuhfr dI sLuwB kfmnf idMdI hY.
Happy Diwali
A heartfelt thanks to our community for generously supporting UFV students. Your donations assist UFV with its mission of engaging learners, transforming lives, and building community. To make a donation in honour of Diwali, please visit:
To learn more about UFV
visit D7
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2020
Trucking Ltd.
Sarbjit Gill, Davinder Gill, Inderjit Sekhon
Diwali Greetings to all our Clients and Friends!
604-854-8081 • 604-854-8073 Class One Driver Needed BC-CAL BACK TO BC BC-CAL TO ALBERTA TO BC
2143 Townline Rd, Abbotsford BC V2T 6E7 D8
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2020
You don’t have to go to ICBC! Come straight to us and we will help you with your claim.
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rOk icwp rIpyar
with insurance
107 - 30125 Automall Drive, Abbotsford BC
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A Division of Gurjeous Inc.
dIvflI vI mnfE pr vfqfvrx vI bcfE. Bfrq irsLIaF-munIaF, pIrF, pYgMbrF dI DrqI hY. Dfrimk pRMprfvF nUM mMndy hoey mulk dy hryk Drm, kOm aqy jfqI dy lok afpxy pIrF, pYgMbrF, irsLIaF-munIaF dy vwKo-vwKry iqAuhfr mnfAuNdy hn. iqAuhfr mnfAux smyN sfnUM ieh iKafl rwKxf pvygf ik ikqy asIN kfdr dI kudrq nfl iKlvfV qF nhIN kr rhy. sfnUM kudrqI inXmF nUM iDafn ivwc rwK ky, AunHF dI AulMGxf kIqy ibnF iqAuhfr mnfAuxy cfhIdy hn. isafixaF ny swc ikhf hY ik ijvyN-ijvyN mnuwK df ivkfs huMdf jf irhf hY, iqvyNiqvyN Auh afpxy aqy dunIaF dy srvnfsL leI smfn vI iekwTf krI jf irhf hY aqy kudrq qoN idno-idn dUr huMdf jf irhf hY. jo cIjLF Aus nUM suwK-afrfm vflIaF lwg rhIaF hn, Auho cIjLF Aus dI mOq df kfrn vI bx rhIaF hn. awj ipRMt aqy ielYktRfink mIzIaf kUk-kUk ky ‘globl vfrimMg’ dI duhfeI dy irhf hY aqy ruwK lgfAux aqy vfqfvrn bcfAux dI apIl vI kr irhf hY. pr asIN afpxI nf-smJI krky ies nUM axgOilaf krI jf rhI hF. sfzI nf smJI df iswtf hY ik awj asIN BFq-BFq dIaF ibmfrIaF df isLkfr ho rhy hF. kuJ smfijk jQybMdIaF aqy cyqMn mnuwK BfvyN vfqfvrn nUM bcfAux dy isrqoV
Xqn kr rhy hn pr AunHF dI igxqI ieMnI aflIsLfn koTIaF bxf lvy. pr Gwt hY ik AunHF dIaF afsF nUM bUr nhIN pY mnuwK ny afpxI lflcI suBfa aqy vwzIaF iewCfvF kfrn hmysLf irhf. kudrq dy inXmF nUM qoiVaf hY kudrq ny mnuwK nUM Kfx leI Bojn, imwTy aqy hux vI qoV irhf hY. jy gwl Pl, jIAUx leI suwLD hvf aqy pfxI, sB iqAuhfrF dI krIey qF mnuwK vwloN kuJ idwqf hY. kudrq mnuwK dI sB qoN swcI iqAuhfrF dOrfn KusLI mnfAux dosq hY pr mnuwK dIaF axigxq iewCfvF dy nF ‘qy vwzy pwDr qy pRdUsLx ny kudrq dI dosqI nUM dusLmxI ivwc bdlx PYlfieaf jFdf hY aqy kudrqI leI mjLbUr kr idwqf hY. BfvyN kudrq mnuwK inXmF nMU iCwky tMigaf jFdf hY. nUM brbfdI qoN bcfAux leI smyN-smyN ‘qy mnuwK ny dIvflI df iqAuhfr ijs sucyq krdI rihMdI hY pr mnuw K kMD AuWqy nUM ‘rOsLnI df iqAuhfr’ vI ikhf iliKaf kdy nhIN pVHdf. ksmIr, ijs nUM jFdf hY, nUM ptfky clf ky ‘dUisLq iqAuhfr’ DrqI df svrg ikhf jFdf sI, awj Auh bxfAux ivwc koeI ksr bfkI nhIN CwzI. svrg ikhf jFdf sI, awj Auh svrg lok Kfx-pIx dIaF cIjLF dI mihMgfeI df nrk df rUp Dfrn kr cuwkf hY. pMj DfmF rOlf pfAuNdy hn pr ptfikaF dy rUpF ivwc dI Xfqrf AuWqy gey mnuwKF dI hoxI iks ny notF nUM hwQIN awg lf ky KusL huMdy hn. ies nhIN dyKI. kI ies leI isrP kudrq hI nfl ijwQy AuhnF dI jyb hlkI huMdI hY, ijLMmyvfr hY, mnuwK nhIN? AuWQy hI Auh pRdUsLx vDfAux leI ijLM myvfr asIN kih ky sfr idMdy ik kudrqI afPqF bxdy hn. ptfky clfAux nfl hvf aqy df isLkfr hoey lokF df aMq ieMj hI iliKaf sLor pRdUsLn huMdf hY jo keI ibmfrIaF df sI jF kudrq dI hoxI nUM kOx tfl skdf kfrn bxdf hY. hY. pr scfeI ieh hY ik ieh sB kfsy leI asIN Kud ijMLmyvfr hF. kudrq ny kdy nhIN ikhf ik DrqI ‘qy mnuwK nUM jIvnjfc dyx vfly rwuKF dI ktfeI kro. DrqI ‘qy jo hiraflI hY, Aus nUM Kqm krky
kIqf jFdf. dIvflI vfly idn hryk amIrgrIb, bwcf-buwZf aqy juafn vfqfvrn nfl afpxI dusLmxI inBfAuxgy pr ‘hr mnuwK lfvy iewk ruwK’ kMD ‘qy iliKaf nhIN pVHngy. mnuwK nUM vfqfvrn df dosq ikvyN bxfieaf jfvy, ieh dwsx vflf awj koeI pYdf nhIN hoieaf. bysLwk kudrq smyN-smyN AuWqy mnuwK nUM smJ nhIN af rhI. ikhf jFdf hY ik jdoN koeI gwl smJ qoN bfhr ho jfvy qF ies df nF prlo hY. mnuwK afpxIaF glqIaF nfl prlo nUM afp swdf dy irhf hux dIvflI aqy dusihry vfly idn hI hY. ajy vI zuwlHy byrF df kuJ nhIN ivgiVaf. ptfky clf ky vfqfvrn nUM dUisLq nhIN prlo afAux qoN pihlF hI mnuwK nUM bynqI kIqf jFdf sgo N ivafhF-sL f dIaF aqy hY ik iqAuhfr jLrUr mnfAu pr vfqfvrn jnm idn dy mOikaF ‘qy vI ptfky clf ky nUM vI bcfE. vfqfvrn nUM dUisLq krn qoN guryjL nhIN D9
The Patrika
D 10
Friday, October 29th, 2020
everything you need to build your
Happy Diwali
Jhaj Parivar
J`j pirvwr
jy kr qusIN Gr bxw rhy ho qW swfy nwl sMprk kro:
pYrI brwV
778 552 7063
AsIN pMjwbI vI boldy hW[
10th year Anniversary
sfiraF nUM dIvflI aqy bMdI CoV idvs dIaF bhuq bhuq vDfeIaF
afto aYgrIklcrl ieMzstRIal Paint & Body Supplies aftomoitv pyNt & bOzI splfeI
Import, Domestic, Heavy Duty & Agricultural
OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK !! 33406 S. Fraser W ay Abbotsford, BC 604.853.2218
Wish You A Safe & Prosperous Diwali! Mr. Ross Seimens Abbotsford City Councillor
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, 20529-62 Ave Langley 604.530.7278
ieMpOrt, zomYsitk, hYvI izAUtI aqy aYgrIklcrl
Industrial Supply ieMzstRIal splfeI
Automotive Parts aftomoitv pfrt
Abbotsford 32700 S Fraser Way Abbotsford, BC V2T 4M5
Langley 20529- 62 Ave, Langley, BC V2Y IN7
WestCan Surrey 12743- 80th Ave, Ph: 604-594-8800
WestCan Coquitlam 820 Henderson Ave, 604-936-1466
WestCan Burnaby 5140- Imperial St, Burnaby, BC 604-434-7707
Home Hardware 7788- Edmonds Street Burnaby, BC 604-630-7722
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2020
D 11
gurduafrf bfbf bMdf isMG bhfdr iswK susfietI aYbtsPorz 31631 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford BC V2T 1T8
Office: 604.746.1700
ikrpf krky koivz-19 dy inrdysLF dI pflxf kro: • mwQf tykx afAux leI mfsk pf ky afvo. • gurU Gr ivwc dIvy jF mombwqIaF nhIN jgfeIaF jfxgIaF. • sfiraF nUM bynqI hY ik gurU Gr ivwc koeI vI imTfeI nf lY ky afAux.
bMdI CoV idvs qy Kfs pRogrfm df pRbMD kIqf igaf hY ijsdf vyrvf ies pRkfr hY: dsqfr mukfbly sLhId BfeI byaMq isMG dI Xfd ivwc hoxgy. idn: 30 akqUbr sLnIcrvfr dupihr 2 vjy Bfg lYx vfilaF dI Aumr: 7 sfl qoN 15 sfl dUsrf gruwp: 15 sfl qoN 22 sfl ienfmF df vyrvf: pihlf sQfn: $300 dUjf sQfn: $200 qIsrf: $100 lMgrF dI syvf BfeI kulivMdr isMG bfjvf pRDfn vwloN hovygI. mIrI pIrI idvs sMbMD ivc svyry 4 vjy qoN lY ky rfq dy 9 vjy qwk kIrqn, kQf, kvIsLr, ZfzI aqy bulfry Bfg lYxgy. afp sMgqF nUM sinmr bynqI hY ik afp pirvfrF smyq hum hmf ky phuMcx dI ikRpflqf krnI jI. muwK syvfdfr: kulivMdr isMG bfT- 778-808-1921 | krnYl isMG tuwt- 604-825-7944 pRogrfm buwk krvfAux vfsqy 604-825-7944, 778-808-1921, 604-832-171 D 11
The Patrika
D 12
Friday, October 29th, 2020
afqsLbfjLI buJfAux dy kMmF nUM gYrkfnUMnI ZMg nfl pRkfsLq krn qoN pihlF afpxy nyVly lokF ‘qy ivcfr kro.
! i l a Diw
Pfier vrks sfzy sLihr ivwc pfbMdIsLudf hn.
afqsLbfjLI df inXm sLihr dIaF srhwdF dy aMdr afiqsLbfjLI dI ivkrI, kbjLy aqy inkfs ‘qy pfbMDI lgfAuNdf hY. afiqsLbfjLI nfl PVy gey vsnIkF nUM $50,000 qwk dy jurmfny kIqy jfxgy aqy AunHF dy afiqsLbfjLI jLbq kIqy jfxgy.
Pfiervrks dI vrqoN jF ivkrI dI irport kro: Aup-inXm: 604-864-5512 aYbI pIzI: 604-864-5512 abbotsford.Ca/bylaw-service-request
CITY OF ABBOTSFORD Fire Rescue Service
jF @abbotsford aYp qy irport kro!
for all your insurance needs
DAIRY QUEEN LOCATIONS Abbotsford 34596 Delair Rd., Abbotsford 604 852-6733 31911 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford 604 850-0080
Mission 32754 Lougheed Hwy, Mission 604 826-4200
Mortgage Term Whole Life Cash Back V isitor & Travel Medical
Critical & Disability Accidental & Sickness Group & Individual
KIRAN KANDA BLIZZARD, DQ, and the ellipse shaped logo are trademarks of Am. D.Q. Corp., Mpls., MN © 2005.
D 12
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2020
D 13
1- Free prescription and client pick up and drop off/Delivery; details in store 2- On-Call Pharmacy Services; details in store 3- Accu-Pak BUBBLE PACKAGING 4- Health and Wellness Events 5- Immunizations 6- Medication Reviews 7- Medication Return Program 8- Referral Program 9- 35% off on OTC/Nonprescription medications for seniors 7 days a week 10- 25% off OTC/Nonprescription medications for regular clients. 11- Special order program; details in store 12- Other programs, details in store
D 13
D 14
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2020
dIvflI dIaF lwK-lwK vDfeIaF!!
D 14
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2020
D 15
Happy Diwali ! On Behalf Of THE AERIE INSURANCE GROUP, We Would Like To Wish Everyone A Safe And Happy Diwali !
Happy Diwali ! Stay Safe
Gary Kaler, BBA
Branndi Ross ADMIN ASSISTANT | | #105 – 2955 Gladwin Rd Abbotsford, BC V2T 5T4
D 15
The Patrika
D 16
Friday, October 29th, 2020
ALUMINUM STEEL WELD Glass Railing Glass Railing Picket Railing Driveway Gates
Security Bars Patio Covers Driveway Gates Window Security Bars
Picket Railing D 16
Security Bars
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2020
D 17
ÖÅñÃÅ çÆòÅé ùÃÅÇÂàÆ, ÁËìàÃë¯ðâ 33089 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 2B1
e-mail: Ph: (604) 850-7338, Fax (604) 854-1165
sfiraF nUM dIvflI aqy bMdI CoV idvs dIaF bhuq bhuq vDfeIaF sfrI sMgq nUM bynqI hY ik: • ikrpf krky mfsk pf ky rwKo jI. • ikrpf krky hwQF df sYnItfeIjLr vrqo. • 6 Puwt dI smfijk dUrI bxf ky rwKo. • mwQf tykx vfsqy drbfr hfl ivwc isrP 10 jfxy hI hox. • jy qusIN ibmfr mihsUs krdy ho qF afpxy Gr hI rho. • ikrpf krky koivz dy inrdysLF dI pflxf kro.
nvMbr:- 7, 13, 20, 21, 26, 27 nUM anMd kfrj dIaF rsmF hn. nvMbr 4, vIrvfr- bMdI CoV idvs aqy dIvflI nUM dIvfn sLfm 5 qoN 9 vjy qwk sjxgy. sfrf idn lMgr dI syvf nfgrf pirvfr vwloN hY jI. nvMbr 6, sLnIvfr- svyry, swgU pirvfr vwloN suKmnI sfihb dy pfT qy lMgr dI syvf. nvMbr 14, aYqvfr- svyry, svrgvfsI gurmyl isMG igwl dI sflfnf Xfd ivwc Bog sRI sihj pfT jI aqy lMgr dI syvf smUh pirvfr vwloN. nvMbr 17, 18, 19- DMn DMn sfihb sRI guru nfnk dyv jI dy jnm idn nUM smripq smUh sMgq vwloN afrMB sRI aKMz pfT sfihb jI 17 nvMbr idn buwDvfr sLfm 4 vjy aqy Bog 19 nvMbr idn sLuwkrvfr sLfm 4 vjy AuprMq 8 vjy qwk dIvfn sjxgy. iqMno idn guru kf lMgraqut vrqygf. 18 nvMbr vIrvfr sfrf idn lMgr dI syvf bYNs pirvfr vwloN. 19 nvMbr idn sLuwkrvfr sfrf idn lMgr dI syvf islvr myar PfrmysI dy mflkF vwloN.
hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: vfeIs pRDfn Bjn isMG qUr: 1-604-832-7777 gurduafrf sfihb df nMbr: 1-604-850-7338 D 17
The Patrika
D 18
Friday, October 29th, 2020
sfiraF nUM dIvflI aqy bMdI CoV idvs dIaF bhuq bhuq vDfeIaF
(604) 746-4545
Thank You To All Our Customers
asIN sfry gfhkF df idlF dIaF gihrfeIaF qoN DMnvfd krdy hF.
100% Fresh & Pure iewQy hr qrHF dIaF miTafeIaF PrYWsL aqy ipEr imldIaF hn.
31950 Madiera Pl, Abbotsford, BC V2T 4J4 D 18
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2020
D 19
Wishing you and your family a
A message from your BC Liberal MLAs
Quality Bakery And Deli Full Service Pharmacy kuafltI bykrI aqy zYlI pUrI srivs PfrmysI
3270 Mt Lehman Road, Abbotsford | 1888 North Parallel Road, Abbotsford
Food & Pharmacy PUz aqy PfrmysI
afp sB nUM dIvflLI dIaF bhuq bhuq vDfeIaF
----------- -----------------------
In-store Cut Meat Fresh And Local Produce stor ivwc kwt mIt qfjLf aqy sQfnk Auqpfd
D 19
The Patrika
D 20
· Livestock Feed and supplies · Fertilizer · Fencing · Grass Seed · Pet food and Supplies · Wild Bird Seed and Supplies · Hand tools · Clothing · Giftware · Rodenticides
· lfeIvstfk leI Kfxf aqy splfeI · Klfd · PYNisMg · Gf df bIj · pflqU jfnvrF leI Kfxf aqy splfeI · vfeIlz pMCIaF leI Kfxf aqy splfeI · hwQF nfl clfAux vfly tUl · kwpVy · igPtvyar · cUhyaF leI dvfeI
And a Whole Lot More! hall
Mars Rd
Phone the store for further information
31852 Marshall Place, Abbotsford 604-556-7477 D 20
Friday, October 29th, 2020
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2020
D 21
Hub Motor Service and Centex Petroleum Family owned and operated for 67 years
We are happy to continue to serve the community during these uncertain times. The health and safety of our employees, custom - ers, and communities are our primary concern. Our office is practicing a number of measures to ensure safety while continu .ing to serve our customers, partners, and employees effectively
33839 Essendene Avenue Abbotsford BC V2S 2H3
Wishing Everyone A Safe & Happy Diwali !
dIvflI dIaF lwK lwK vDfeIaF
afp sfiraF nUM dIvflLI dIaF bhuq bhuq vDfeIaF jI
Happy Diwali
604-825-7879 THINKING OF BUYING OR SELLING? GIVE SAHAJ A CALL TODAY! kI qusIN KrIdx jF vycx bfry soc rhy ho? awj hI shj nfl sMprk kro!
Michael de Jong, MLA Abbotsford West
103 32660 George Ferguson Way Abbotsford, BC V2T 4V6
Bruce Banman,MLA Abbotsford South
304-2031 McCallum Rd Abbotsford BC V2S 3N5
T : 604.870.5486 F : 604.870.5444
T : 604-744-0700 F : 604-744-0701 D 21
The Patrika
D 22
Friday, October 29th, 2020
knwk plys idMdf hY: Double your impact! afpxy pRBfv nUM duwgxf kro!
30 nvMbr qwk dfn kro aqy quhfzy qohPLy df myl rIienMPorisMg stIl gruwp aqy dosqF duafrf kIqf jfvygf.
e h t s e v i l t r o h s e n i h s o t e c n a ch
Light the way. Give today. rsqf rOsLn kro. awj idE. tuesday
afp sB nUM dIvflLI mubfrk hovy
D 22
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2020
D 23
sfiraF nUM dIvflI aqy bMdI CoV idvs dIaF bhuq bhuq vDfeIaF
Wish You A Safe & Prosperous Diwali!
Kelly Chahal
Abbotsford City Councillor
dIvflI mihMdr mfn
awj myry dysL dy lok
Kf ky vI
KusLIaF df iqAuhfr
KusLI mnf rhy ny
dIvflI mnf rhy ny
svyr hox qwk ienHF coN
ptfky, afiqsLbfjLIaF aqy anfr clf rhy ny byvws pMCIaF qy jfnvrF nUM
bhuq sfry lok bImfr ho ky hspqflF ‘c phuMc jfxgy
qy afpxI ishq bcfAu
zrf rhy ny
Gr vfps phuMcx leI
ptfikaF dI afvfjL
hjLfrF rupey dy ibwl
aqy DUMeyN nfl
adf krngy
vfqfvrx nUM
hy myry dysL dy
hor dUisLq krn ivwc
aigafnI loko
Xogdfn pf rhy ny
hfly vI vylf hY
ieh lok awg ivwc
sMBl jfAu
‘qy qrs kro
kroVF rupey PUk rhy ny
nklI miTafeIaF
qy crwsI lwK jUnF ‘coN
nklI miTafeIaF
Kfx qoN qobf kro
AuWqm hox df sbUq idAu.
ptfky, afiqsLbfjLIaF aqy anfrF qoN vfqfvrx nUM hor dUisLq hox qoN bcfAu byvws pMCIaF qy jfnvrF
D 23
D 24
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2020
bMdI CoV idvs dI ieiqhfsk mhwqqf BfeI goibMd isMG lONgovfl pRDfn, sLRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI
CyvyN pfqsLfh sRI gurU hrgoibMd sfihb jI dy gvflIar dy ikly ivcoN irhfa hox mgroN swcKMz sRI hirmMdr sfihb ivKy phuMcx dI Xfd ‘c iswK dIvflI nUM bMdI CoV idvs vjoN mnfAuNdy hn. bMdI CoV idvs iswK pMQ df Auh idhfVf hY , jo sfnUM swc dI afvfjL bxn qy jLulm dy sqfey hoey lokF dy hwk ivc awgy afAux dI pRyrnf idMdf hY. CyvyN pfqsLfh sRI gurU hrgoibMd sfihb vloN gvflIar dI kYd ivcoN Cuzvfey 52 rfijaF df ieiqhfs sMBflI bYTf ieh idhfVf smuwcy pMQ vloN pUry AuqsLfh nfl mnfieaf jFdf hY qy ies idn sMgqF sRI aMimRqsr ivKy swcKMz sRI hirmMdr sfihb dy rUhfnI vfqfvrx df afnMd mfnx leI lwKF dI igxqI ivc puwjdIaF hn. gurU sfihbfn df smuwcf jIvn jLbr, julm aqy ainaF dy iKlfPL iek sMGrsL irhf hY aqy smkflI jrvfixaF vloN sqfeI qy dbfeI jf rhI pIVq iDr dI afvfjL bx ky prAupkfrF dI AuWGVvIN imsfl vI bixaf hY. sLFqI dy puMj sRI gurU arjn dyv jI dI aduwqI sLhfdq qoN bfad ieh gwl spwsLt ho geI sI ik jLflmF dy jLulm nUM TwlH pfAux leI hiQafr cuwkxy hI pYxgy. iesy leI CyvyN pfqsLfh sRI gurU hrgoibMd sfihb jI ny guirafeI Dfrn krdy smyN mIrI aqy pIrI dIaF do ikrpfnF Dfrn kIqIaF. axKIly nOjvfnF dI POj iqafr krky AuhnF nUM jMg dI isKlfeI idwqI jfx lwgI. ies ‘qy hkUmq nUM zr sqfAux lwgf. lohgVH dy iklHy dI sQfpnf nfl qF hkUmq hor vI sV blL geI. gurU Gr dy ivroDIaF ny gurU sfihb ivruwD jhFgIr dy kMn Brny sLurU kr idwqy, ijs dy PlsrUp CyvyN pfqsLfh sRI gurU hrgoibMd sfihb jI nUM gvflIar dy iklHy
ivc njLrbMd kr idwqf igaf. gvflIar dy iklHy ivc mIrI-pIrI dy mflk sRI gurU hrgoibMd sfihb dy afgmn nfl hkUmq duafrf bMdI bxfey rfijaF dy Gor inrfsL ho cuwky jIvn ivc afs dI ikrn jfg AuWTI. dUsry pfsy gurU sfihb jI dI kYd dI KLbr sux ky iswKF ivc bycYnI pYdf ho geI. sMgqF jQy bxf ky gvflIar puwjdIaF pr mulfkfq dI iejLfjq nf hox kfrn Audfs ho ky vfps prq afAuNdIaF. gurU Gr dy pRymIaF qy nyk idl muslmfnF ny afvfjL AuTfeI, ijs ‘qy gurU sfihb dI irhfeI df hukm dy idwqf igaf. ies nfl kYdI rfjy mfXUs hoey vyK gurU sfihb ny ikhf ik Auh iekwly nhIN jfxgy sgoN 52 kYdIaF nUM nfl KVHngy. ies gwl df pqf lwgx ‘qy jhFgIr ny ikhf ik ijMny rfjy gurU jI df pwlf jF hwQ PV ky inkl skx, Cwz idwqy jfx. ies qrHF gvflIar iklHy ‘coN irhfeI smyN gurU jI ny afpxy colLy dIaF klIaF nfl 52 rfijaF dI bMd-KlfsI krvfeI. gvflIar qoN pUrn snmfn sihq irhfa hox AuprMq jdoN gurU jI sRI gurU rfmdfs pfqsLfh dI vsfeI ngrI sRI aMimRqsr ivKy puwjy qF bfbf buwZf jI dI agvfeI ‘c smUh ngr invfsIaF ny KusLI ivc GrF ‘c iGAu dy dIvy jgfey aqy glLIaF, bjLfrF ‘c BfrI dIpmflLf kIqI. ies idn qoN bfad iswK dIvflI nUM bMdI-CoV idhfVy dy rUp ivc mnfAuNdy af rhy hn. dUsry pfsy dsm pfqsLfh sfihb sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI dy joqI-joq smfAux qy bfbf bMdf isMG bhfdr dI sLhIdI AuprMq iswKF leI iBafnk smF afieaf. BfeI mnI isMG jI, jo ik AunHIN idnIN sRI drbfr sfihb dy muwK
gR M Q I dI mhfn syvf inBfa rhy sn, ny 1733 eIsvI dI bMdICoV idvs mOky iswK sMgqF dI aMi mRq sr ivKy iekwqrqf leI ivsLysL tYks dyxf mMn ky hkUmq qoN iejfjLq leI. EDr nvfb jLkrIaf Kfn ny ies iekwT AuWqy hmlf krky iekwqr hoey isMGF nUM mfr mukfAux dI Xojnf bxf leI. ies gwl df pqf lwgx ‘qy BfeI sfihb ny iswKF nUMM aMimRqsr afAu x qo N ro k idwqf. BfeI sfihb ny ikhf mYnUM iswKI ipafrI hY jfn nhIN, mYnUM sLhId hoxf pRvfn hY. kfjLI vwloN idwqy Pqvy anusfr BfeI mnI isMG jI nUM bMd-bMd kwt ky sLhId kr idwqf igaf. ies qrHF bMdI-CoV idhfVy df sbMD BfeI mnI isMG jI dI sLhIdI nfl juV igaf.
rhIaF hn qF bMdI CoV idvs sfnUM hwk-swc dIaF kdrF-kImqF ‘qy pUrn rUp ivc idRV rih ky iswKI isdk qy hwk swc pRqI kfiem rwKx vfsqy XqnsLIl hox df sunyhf idMdf hY. so ies ieiqhfsk idhfVy ‘qy mYN smUh sMgqF aqy gurU Gr pRqI sLrDf, ipafr aqy siqkfr rwKx vflLI lokfeI nUM gurU sfihbfn awj jdoN iswK pMQ dy sfhmxy keI gMBIr dIaF iswiKafvF aqy adrsLF nUM apnfAux ssmwisafvF vMgfrF dy rUp ivc isr kwZ dI apIl krdf hF. D 24
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2020
D 25
mfstr mnjIq isMG idAul dIvflI df pivwqr idn rfjnIqk pwK qoN aqy smfijk pwK qoN BfrqI ieiqhfs nfl juiVaf hoieaf hY. iswK Drm dIaF bhuq sfrIaF GtnfvF qy GlUGfry ies idn nfl juVy ho e y hn. pu r fqn smyN ies iqAuhfr nuM mnfAux leI keI keI idn pihlF iqafrI ho jFdI sI. GrF dI sPLfeI rMg-rogn GrF nUM krvfieaf jFdf sI. awj-kwlH dy msLInI Xwug ivwc pYsy dI dOV ivwc lwgI dunIaF isrPL nfmfqr hI iDafn idMdI hY. iewkdUjy nUM qohPLy PfrimltI bybuinafd rsmI qOr-qrIky hI vrqy jf rhy hn. kroVF rupey dy ptfky jlf ky lok pYsy dI brbfdI kr rhy hn. idlF ivwcoN ipafr Kqm ho irhf hY. QF-QF nklI brPI miTafeIaF imlfvt vflIaF PVIaF jf rhIaF hn. dIvflI dI aslIaq aihmIaq qoN dUr hoieaf jf irhf hY. nPrq, iGRxf qy pfp df bolbflf hY. rwb krky pihlF vflf ipafr qy afpsI sFJ pYdf hox. dIvflI srdI rwuq df pihlf iqAuhfr hY. ieh afm qOr AuWqy kwqk dI mwisaf vfly idn nfl joV ky afm qOr AuWqy mnfieaf jFdf hY. dIvflI df arQ hY dIpmflf Bfv dIivaF dI rOsLnI df pRqIk ho inbVdf hY. ieh iqAuhfr afpxy ieiqhfs ivwc bhuq vwzy-vwzy sfikaF aqy kihrmeI ieiqhfs nUM smoeI bYTf hY. ies iqAuhfr nUM afpsI sFJ df pRqIk vI mMinaf jFdf hY. iswK aqy ihMdU Drm dy lok ies nUM bVy cfvF nfl mnfAuNdy hn. mIrI-pIrI dy mflk sRI hirgoibMd sfihb jI mugl bfdsLfh jhFgIr dI kYd ivcoN irhfa ho ky 52rfijaF smyq gvflIar dy iklHy ivwcoN afey sn. gurU nfnk dyv jI qoN pIrI dI prMprf sLurU hoeI dUjy- qIjy-cOQy aqy pMjvyN
ÃzÆ éÅí Õ§òñ ðÅÜÅ ÃÅÇÔì ÜÆ ç¶ ÁÇéé í×å Áå¶ ×¹ðç¹ÁÅðÅ ÃzÆ ðÅÜÅ ÃÅÇÔì
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pfqsLfh dI sLhIdI qoN bfd CyvyN pfqsLfh jI dy hwQF ivwc afx puwjI sI. gurU arjn dyv jI ny sLhIdI pfAux qoN pihlF afpxy sfihbjLfdy sRI hirgoibMd sfihb jI nUM ieh sMNkyq dy idwqf sI ik hux qlvfr cuwkx df smF af igaf hY. gurU jI dI sLhIdI qoN bfad CyvyN pfqsLfh jI ny hiQafrF df pRXog krnf sLurU kr idwqf aqy lVfeI dI isKlfeI sLurU kr idwqI. guru jI gurgwdI sMBflx vyly do qlvfrF pihn ky afey. ienHF qlvfrF nUM mIrI-pIrI df pRqIk mMn ky iswKF ny XuwDf iqafrIaF ivwc Bfg lYxf GoVy hiQafr Byt krn dy vwzy pwDr AuWqy kfrj sLurU kr idwqy. gurU jI ny cfr XwuD ivwc Piqh hfsl kIqI. iesy nfl sbMDq gurU jI gvflIar qoN jdoN aMimRqsr pwujy qF iswKF KusLI ivwc dIpmflf krky gurU jI df BrvF svfgq kIqf. “dfl rotI Gr dI, dIvflI aMimRqsr dI” Aus idn dIvflI vflf idn sI. iswK ies nUM ies krky bMdICoV idvs dy qOr AuWqy mnfAuNdy hn. dUjy pfsy ihMdu Drm anusfr sRI rfmcMdr jI 14 sfl df bnvfs kwtx qoN bfad vfps aXwuiDaf phuMcy sn. iewQy sRI rfmcMdr jI ny iewk afigafkfrI pwuqr dI imsfl pYdf kIqI sI. mfipaF dI afigaf qy hukm dI pflxf krnI jLrUrI hY. ies krky aXwuiDaf vfsIaF ny sRI rfmcMdr lCmx aqy sIqf dy vfps prqx dI KusLI ivwc dIpmflf kIqI. Aus idn vI dIvflI vflf idn hI sI. iesy idn lfhOr dy gvrnr jkrIaf Kfn ny BfeI mnI isMG df bMd-bMd kwtky AunHF nUM sLhId kIqf sI. dIvflI nfl iswK Drm dy hor bhuq sfry ieiqhfsk pwK juVy hoey hn. dIvflI vfly idn hI purfqn smyN srbwq Kflsf bxfieaf jFdf sI. ijs ivwc iswK pMQ nUM af rhIaF aOkVF qy rukfvtF nUM dUr krn dy mqy pfs kIqy jFdy sn.
afKMz pfT sfihb dI syvf ipMz ilWdVF dI smUh sMgq aqy smUh ngr invfsIaF vloN krvfeI jf rhI hY. sMprk leI: jmsLyr isMG ilwdV Pon kro: 604-864-6170
Blueridge Drive, Çå§é¶ Ççé ×¹ð± Õ¶ ¦×ð ìäÅÀ¹ä çÆ Ã¶òÅ Òç×åÅºÓ ò¾ñ¯º Ô¯ò¶×Æ Í D 25
The Patrika
D 26
Friday, October 29th, 2020
Sweet Shop & Restaurant
òèÆÁÅ Áå¶ Ã¹ÁÅçñÆÁ» îÇáÁÅÂÆÁ» Áå¶ éîÕÆé
31836 S. Fraser Way, Abbotsford, BC
31549 S. Fraser Way, Abbotsford, BC D 26
Fully Licensed Over 50 Years Experience
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2020
D 27
D 27
The Patrika
D 28
Friday, October 29th, 2020
afp sB nUM dIvflLI dIaF bhuq bhuq vDfeIaF
Dhanu Dhaliwal Law Group 2459 Pauline Street Abbotsford, BC V2S 3S1
604-746-3330 Fax: 604-746-3331
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IMMIGRATION (Canada & USA) • Immigration Appeals • Refugee Claims • Sponsorship & Citizenship • Permanent Resident & Green Card • Visas (Tourist, Employment, Student, Nafta) • Provincial Nominations • Investor & Business Applications
FAMILY • Divorce, Custody & Adoption • Child/Spousal Support • Provincial Court and Supreme Court
D 28
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• Drug Offences
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- Marijuana Grow Operations - Cocaine and Heroin Trafficking - Importing/Exporting
• Assaults Including Domestic & Sexual • Impaired and Other Driving Offences • Theft, Fraud and Property Crimes • Weapons Offences • Proceeds Of Crime • Young Persons Charged with Criminal Offences
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The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2020
D 29
sfiraF nUM dIvflI aqy bMdI CoV idvs dIaF bhuq bhuq vDfeIaF
Residential | Private Construction | Commercial Mortgage Heavy Equipment | Truck And Trailer
Vikram Sran
GrF, pRfeIvyt, kMstRksLn aqy kmrsLIal mOrgyj, hYvI Aupkrx, trwk aqy tRylr
Ishwinder Sandhu
bYNk vwloN hogI nFh, kfl kro sMDU aqy srHF !
sB qoN Gwt ryt dI grMtI | asIN pRfeIvyt mOrgyj 1 GMty ivwc aprUv krvf ky idMdy hF D 29
The Patrika
D 30
Friday, October 29th, 2020
PREET RAI & FAMILY WISH EVERYONE A HAPPY DIWALI ! sfiraF nUM dIvflI aqy bMdI CoV idvs dIaF bhuq bhuq vDfeIaF
Happy Diwali
afp sfiraF nUM dIvflLI dIaF bhuq bhuq vDfeIaF jI
Customer Appreciation Barbeque Sunday, October 31st
Time: 1pm - 5pm at Capitan Meats Abbotsford (Snacks, Sweets and Beverages will be served)
Great Offers For Customers D 30
The Patrika
Friday, October 29th, 2020
D 31
For safe celebration tips visit
afpxy dupihr dy Kfxy df anMd grm itMbr Prym dy ivhVy ivwc mfxo.
nfsLqy aqy dupihr dy Kfxy df bIstro, vYjItyrIanF dI Kfxy dI cox, aqy hor vI bhuq kuJ
CALL NOW 604.856.9339 TangleBankGardens 29985 Downes Rd Abbotsford, BC, V4X 1Z8
Mailing Address PO Box 12, Mt Lehman Stn Abbotsford, B.C. V4X 2P7
Want To Know More About Our Services Visit At :
pflxf krnI jLrUrI hY. ies krky aXoiDaf vfsIaF ny sRI rfm cMdr lCmx aqy sIqf dy vfps prqx dI KusLI ivwc dIp mflf kIqI. Aus idn vI dIvflI vflf idn hI sI. iesy idn lfhOr dy gvrnr jLkrIaf Kfn ny BfeI mxI isMG df bMd bMd kwtky AunHF nUM sLhId kIqf sI. idvflI nfl iswK Drm dy hor bhuq sfry ieiqhfsk pwK juVy hoey hn. dIvflI vfly idn hI purfqn smyN srbq Kflsf bulfieaf jFdf sI. ijs ivwc iswK pMQ nUM af rhIaF aOkVF qy rukfvtF nUM dUr krn dy mqy pfs kIqy jFdy sn. idvflI df pivwqr idn rfjnIqk pwK qoN aqy smfijk pwK qoN BfrqI ieiqhfs nfl juiVaf hoieaf hY. iswK Drm dIaF bhuq GtnfvF qy GwlU Gfry ies idn nfl juVy hoey hn. purfqn smyN ies iqEhfr nUM mnfAux leI keI keI idn pihlF iqafrI ho jFdI sI. GrF dI sPfeI- rMg rogn GrF nUM ikrvfieaf jFdf sI. awj kwl dy msLInI Xuwg ivwc pYsy dI dOV ivwc lwgI dunIaF isrP nfmqr hI iDafn idMdI hY. iek dUjy nUM qohPy PfrimltI bybuinafdI rsmI qOr qrIky hI vrqy jf rhy hn. kroVfN rupey dy ptfky jlf ky lok pYsy dI brbfdI kr rhy hn. idlF ivwcoN ipafr Kqm ho irhf hY. QF QF nklI brPLI imiTafeIaF imlfvt vflIaF PVIaF jf rhIaF hn. idvflI dI aslIaq aihmIaq qoN dUr hoieaF jf irhf hY. nPrq, iGRxf, qy pfp df bol vflLf hY. rwb kry pihlF vflf ipafr qy afpsI sFJ pYdf hovy.
Hours Of Operation Tue To Sat 9:00 To 4:00pm Kitchen closes at 3:00pm
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dIvflI srdI rwuq df pihlf iqEhfr hY . ieh afm qO r Au W qy kwqk dI mwisaf vfly idn nfl joV ky mnfieaf jFdf hY. dIvflI df arQ hY dIp mflf Bfv dIivaF dI rOsLnI df pRqIk ho inbVdf hY. ieh iqEhfr afpxy ieiqhfs ivwc bhuq vwzy vwzy sfikaF aqy kihrmeI ieiqhfs nUM smoeI bYTf hY. ies iqEhfr nUM afpxI sFJ df pRqIk vI mMinaf jFdf hY. iswK aqy ihMdU Drm dy lok ies nUM bVy cfvF nfl nfl mnfAuNdy hn. mIrI pIrI dy mflk sRI hrgoibMd sfihb jI mugl bfdsLfh jfhFgIr dI kYd ivwcoN irhfa ho ky 52 rfijaF smyq gvflIar dy iklHy ivcoN afey sn. gurU nfnk dyv jI qoN pIrI dI prMprf sLurU hoeI dUjy-qIjycOQy aqy pMjvyN pfqsLfh dI sLhIdI qoN bfd CyvyN pfqsLfh jI dy hwQF ivwcoN afx puwjI sI. gurU arjn dyv jI ny sLhIdI pfAux qoN pihlfN afpxy sfihbjLfdy sRI hrgoibMd sfihb jI nUM ieh sMkyq dy idwqf sI ik hux qlvfr cuwkx df smF af igaf hY. gurU jI dI sLhIdI qoN bfd CyvyN pfqsLfh jI ny hiQafrF df pRXog krnf sLurU kr idqf aqy lVfeI dI isKlfeI sLurU kr idwqI. gurU jI gurgwdI sMBflx vyly do qlvfrF pihn ky afey. ienHF qlvfrF nUM mIrI-pIrI df pRqIk mMn ky iswKF ny XuwD iqafrIaF ivwc Bfg lYxf- GoVy Byt krn dy vwzy pwDr AuWyqy kfrjL sLurU kr idwqy. gurU kI ny cfr XuwDF ivwc Piqh hfsl kIqI. iesy nfl sbMDq gurU jI gvflIar qoN jdoN aMimRqsr puwjy qF iswKF ny KusLI ivwc dIpmflLf krky gurU jI df BrvF svfgq kIqf. “dfl rotI Gr dI idvflI aMimRqsr dI” ieh Es idn idvflI vflf idn sI. iswK ies nUM ies krky bMdICoV idvs dy qOr AuWqy mnfAuNdy hn. dUjy pfsy ihMdU Drm anusfr sRI rfm cMdr jI 14 sfl dy bnvfs kwtx qoN bfd vfps aXoiDaf phuMcy sn. iewQy sRI rfmcMdr jI ny iewk afigafkfrI puwqr dI imsfl pYdf kIqI sI. mfipaF dI afigaf qy hukm dI
Wander Thru The Winter Gardens! Enjoy Lunch Under The Heated Timber Frame Patio srdIaF dy bfgF ivwc GMmxf iPrnf!
D 31
D 32
The Patrika
afp sB nUM dIvflLI dIaF bhuq bhuq vDfeIaF
D 32
Friday, October 29th, 2020