BfeI myvf isMG kYnyzf 'c PFsI df rwsf cuMmx vfly pihly ÈhId sn. BfeI myvf isMG nUM PFsI ikAuN idwqI geI, ieh ieiqhfs jfnxf ies krky vI ËrUrI hY, ikAuNik ieh kurbfnI hI awigE anykF gdrI XoiDaF qy afËfdI GulftIaF leI pRyrnf df kfrn bxI. awj qoN iewk sO awT vrHy pihlF vYnkUvr Èihr dI ibRitÈ kolMibaF pRoivMiÈal kort ivwc, iewk mukwdmy dOrfn BfeI myvf isMG ny aYNglo-ieMzIan aiDkfrI hfpiknsn nUM soiDaf sI qy mgroN Éud nUM puils hvfly kr idwqf sI. ieh khfxI AUDm isMG vloN lMzn 'c pMjfb dy sfbkf gvrnr, mfeIkl Auzvfier nUM sMn 1940 ivwc mfrn nfl kfPI imldI hY, Prk isrÌ eynf hY ik ÈhId myvf isMG ny ieh kfrnfmf 26 sfl pihlF kIqf sI, ijhVf ieiqhfs dIaF ikqfbF dy axgOly pMinaF dI DUV 'c hI guafc igaf. ikMnf cMgf hovy Gwto-Gwt pMjfb dy skUlF dIaF ikqfbF ivwc ÈhId myvf isMG dI kurbfnI bfry pVHfieaf jfvy qy AunHF dI Xfdgfr sQfpq krky, afAux vflIaF pIVHIaF leI syD leI jfvy. ÈhId BfeI myvf isMG df jnm pMjfb dy aMimRqsr ijlHy 'c pYNdy ipMz lopoky, qihsIl ajnflf ivKy sMn 1880 nUM s[ nMd isMG aOlK dy Gr hoieaf. iswKI ipCokV nfl sbMDq pirvfr vfly myvf isMG 20vIN sdI dy ÈurU 'c hornF pMjfbIaF vFg sunihrI BivwK isrjn leI 1906 eIN ivwc vYnkUvr af vsy. kYnyzf dI srkfr eyÈIafeI lokF iKlfÌ kfly kfnUMn bxf rhI sI, ijs dI sB qoN iGnfAuxI imsfl, 1907 ivwc BfrqIaF qoN vot df hwk vfps lYxf vI Èfiml sI. BfeI myvf BfvyN ikrqI vjoN inAU vYstiminstr dI PryËr imwl 'c kMm krdy sn, pr AunHF df sMprk afËfdI leI jUJx vfly iswK afgUaF nfl lgfqfr bixaf rihMdf sI. iewQy ieh vI smJxf ËrUrI hY ik aijhy swcy -suwcy mnuwKF aMdr afËfdI dI icxg ikqy nf ikqy avcyqn mn aqy proK rUp ivwc pihlF hI mOjUd sI. kYnyzf af ky Aus nUM nslvfd aqy ivqkiraF dy mfhOl ny hor hvf idwqI. jo lyKk ieh sfbq kr dI koiÈÈ krdy hn ik gdrI XoiDaF aMdr jfigRqI kyvl bfhrly mulkF jF bfhrI PlsiPaF krky afeI sI, Auh BulyKy pYdf krdy hn. kYnyzf dI pihlI sMsQf Kflsf dIvfn susfietI, vYnkUvr dy pihly gurduafrf sfihb dI sQfpnf ivwc BfeI myvf isMG dI ivÈyÈ BUimkf sI. 21 jUn 1908 nUM myvf isMG ny aMimRq Cikaf aqy afpxf jIvn Ëulm iKlfÌ lVn aqy swc 'qy pihrf dyx nUM smripq kIqf. hwk swc aqy iensfÌ leI mr-imwtx dI BfeI sfihb dI Bfvnf ies gwl qoN hor vI spwÈt huMdI hY ik ajy AunHF ivafh nhIN sI
sLhId BfeI myvf isMG lopoky
zf gurivMdr isMGkrfieaf, jdoN Auh Br juafnI 'c ÈhIdI pf gey. BfeI myvf isMG dy jIvn 'qy gurU nfnk jhfË (kfmfgftfmfrU ) nUM kYnyzf qoN vfips moVn dI Gtnf df zUMGf asr ipaf sI. 23 meI 1914 nUM bfbf guridwq isMG srhflI dI agvfeI 'c 'gurU nfnk jhfË' ijsnUM smuMdrI byVy kfmfgftfmfrU vjoN jfixaf jFdf hY, dy vYnkUvr puwjx qy kYnyzf srkfr ny Aus dy musfiPrf nUM kYnyzf dfiKl hox qoN rok idwqf. BfeI myvf isMG smyq AuwqrI amrIkf 'c vsdy sfry gdrI XoiDaF aMdr, ies Gtnf ny ros dI lihr pYdf kr idwqI. 6 julfeI,1914 nUM bI[sI[ apIl kort ny jhfË dy svfrF iKlfÌ PYslf suxf ky, AunHF nUM vfips moVn df rfh pwDrf kr idwqf. aijhI siQqI ivwc gdrI bfibaF ny PYslf kIqf ik kfmfgftfmfrU dy vfips jfx qoN pihlF ies dy svfrF rfhIN, Bfrq aMdr gdr lihr dy sfihq qoN ielfvf hiQafr vI Byjy jfx df Xqn kIqf jfvy. ies mksd leI vYnkUvr dy afgU BfeI Bfg isMG, BfeI blvMq isMG, BfeI hrnfm isMG kfhrI sfhrI smyq BfeI myvf isMG kYnyzf dI srhwd pfr krky amrIkf 'c dfiKl hoey, ijQoN hiQafr KrId ky agly idn vfips prqy.
kYnyzf dy Èihr aYbtsPorz 'c suUms bfrzr nyVlIaF JfVIaF rfhIN dfiKl huMidaF, BfeI myvf isMG vI bfkI gdrI afgUaF smyq hiQafrF sxy igRÌqfr kr ley gey. ihMd srkfr dy sUhIey ivlIam hfpiknsn aqy ieMmIgRyÈn aiDkfrI mYklm hIz ny, BfeI myvf isMG lopoky nUM keI qrHF dI sËf dy zrfvy qy irhfeI dy lflc dy ky hornF gdrI XoiDaF iKlfÌ ibafn dyx leI Dmkfieaf, prMqU BfeI myvf isMG ny JUTI gvfhI dyx qoN sfÌ ienkfr kr idwqf. mgroN 7 agsq nUM AunHF nUM irhfa kr idwqf igaf. ies dOrfn hI 23 julfeI nUM kfmfgftfmfrU jhfË vYnkUvr dI bMdrgfh qoN moV idwqf igaf sI, ijs krky gdrI XoiDaF aMdr ibRitÈ sfmrfj iKlfÌ ivroD isKrF 'qy sI. pihlf ivÈv XuwD ÈurU huMidaF sfr kYnyzf qy amrIkf dy bhuq sfry gdrI bfby, Bfrq nUM afËfd krfAux leI rvfnf hox lwgy, qF iewk srkfrI ipwTU qy byly ijafx ny hfpiknsn dI Èih 'qy vihÈIafnf kfrvfeI kridaF, 5 sqMbr 1914 nUM vYnkUvr dy gurduafrf sfihb ivKy golIaF clf idwqIaF. dIvfn hfl aMdr ardfs mOky susfietI dy pRDfn BfeI Bfg isMG aqy AunHF nUM bcfAuNidaF BfeI bqn isMG ÈhIdIaF pf gey. gurduafry aMdr mOjUd sMgq ivcoN keI hor ivakqI ËKmI vI hoey. ieh Gtnf kYnyzf dy iswK ieiqhfs df sB qoN drdnfk pMnf sI, jdoN sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dI hËUrI ivwc
iswK afgUaF nUM ÈhId kIqf igaf hovy. nOjvfn BfeI myvf isMG Aus vyly sMgqF ivwc mOjUd sn, ijnHF dy ihrdy nUM ies Gtnf ny vlUMDr idwqf. BfeI myvf isMG lopoky dI nËr 'c ies duKFq leI hfpiknsn qy rIz muwK doÈI sn, ijnHF vloN ieh sfrf kfrf krvfieaf igaf, ijvyN kuJ virHaF bfad sMn 1919 'c aMimRqsr dy jilaF vflf bfÊ 'c ÈFqmeI iekwT qy goÜIaF clidaF byksUr sYNkVy lokF dI ÈhIdI mgroN AUDm isMG df ÉUn KOl AuiTaf sI qy Ausny KUnI sfky leI jnrl zfier qy mfeIkl Auzvfier nUM doÈI mMnidaF soDx dI shuM KfeI sI. JolI cuwk qy Êwdfr bylf ijafx iKlfÌ, vYnkUvr dI sUbfeI adflq ivwc, gurduafry aMdr golI clf ky isMGF nUM ÈhId krn df mukwdmf cwl irhf sI, ijs ivwc ivlIam hfpiknsn gvfhI dyx leI adflq ivwc puwijaf. ajy Auh brFzy ivwc hI sI, jdoN BfeI myvf isMG ny Aus nUM dboc ilaf qy afpxy ipsqOl aqy irvflvr dohF hwQF 'c vfrI -vfrI lY ky, golIaF dfÊ idwqIaF. ihMd srkfr df sUhIaf ivlIam cfrls hfpiknsn mOky 'qy hI mfiraf igaf qy BfeI sfihb ny Éud nUM hiQafrF smyq puils hvfly kr idwqf. 30 akqUbr nUM BfeI myvf isMG qy mukwdmy dI suxvfeI leI, bI[sI[ suprIm kort dy jwj imstr afeIly mOrIsn vloN 12 mYNbrI ijAUrI cuxI geI. bxfAu pwK dy vkIl imstr vuwz aqy srkfrI vkIl imstr tylr sn. adflq 'c iewk hËfr dy krIb lok hfËr sn, ijMnF 'coN cfr ku hI BfrqI sn. ies mOky 'qy BfeI myvf isMG ny jo ibafn idwqy, Auh bhfdrI ny inzwrqf pwKoN Kfs aihmIaq rwKdy sn. adflq ivc anuvfdk zfltn vloN, BfeI sfihb dy ibafn jwj awgy rwKy gey : ''myrf nF myvf isMG hY, mYN rwb qoN zrn vflf bMdf hF, jo hr roË ardfs krdf hF. myrI Ëbfn ivwc aYsy Èbd nhIN, jo ibafn kr skx ik vYnkUvr ivwc mYnUM ikhVy-ikhVy duwK, musIbqF aqy pRyÈfnIaF JwlxIaF peIaF hn[[[ asIN iswK gurduafry 'c ardfs krn jFdy hF pr ienHF pfpIaF ny gurudafry 'c golI clfky aqy BfeI Bfg isMG df kql krky, gurduafry dI pivwqrqf BMg kIqI hY. ienHF pfpIaF ny do mfsUm bwicaF nUM XqIm
bxfieaf hY. duÈtF vloN gurduafry 'c kIqy ienHF kfiraF ny myry sIny 'c awg lf idwqI hY. ieh sB kfsy leI imstr rIz aqy imstr hfpiknsn iËMmyvfr hn.
"mYN afpxy BfeIcfry aqy afpxy Drm dI axK aqy iewËq leI, hfpiknsn df kql kIqf hY. mYN ieh sB kuJ brdfÈq nhIN sI kr skdf. jwj sfihb, jy ieh sB kuJ quhfzy crc ivwc hoieaf huMdf, qF qusIN eIsfeIaF ny vI brdfÈq nhIN sI krnf, ikAuNik aijhf krn nfl qusIN afpxy afp nUM murdf kOm smJxf sI. iksy iswK leI vI gurduafry 'c ieh sB kuJ huMdf vyKx nfloN, mr jfxf cMgf hY. mYnUM iksy iensfÌ dI afs nhIN. mYnUM pqf hY ik mY hfpiknsn nUM goÜI mfrI hY aqy ies vfsqy mYnUM mrnf pvygf. mY ieh ibafn ies krky dy irhf hF qF jo lokF nUM pqf lwg sky ik sfzy nfl kI vrqfAu huMdf irhf hY. sfnUM jwjF koloN, puils koloN jF iksy hor koloN kdI iensfÌ nhIN imilaf aqy mYN afpxI jfn iesy krky dy irhf hF, qF jo lokF nUM ies gwl df pqf lwg sky[[[.'' BfeI myvf isMG df vYnkUvr dI adflq ivwc idwqf ibafn ieiqhfsk dsqfvyË hY, ijs 'c AunHF pRvfsIaF aqy Gwt igxqI BfeIcfiraF nfl huMdy vrqfAu dI idlkMbfAU qsvIr pyÈ kIqI hY. ieh ibafn sohx isMG pUnI ieiqhfskfr ny aMgryËI qoN pMjfbI ivc anuvfidaf hY.
nslvfdI ict cmVIaF ivlIam hOpiknsn dy kql dI iËMmyvfrI kbUlx mgroN adflq ny isrÌ iewk GMtf cflI imMt 'c PYslf kridaF BfeI sfihb leI sËf-ey-mOq suxf idwqI. 11 jnvrI 1915 eI[ nUM inAUvYst iminst dI pRoivMiÈal jylH ivwc svyry pOxy awT vjy BfeI myvf isMG gurbfxI df Èbd ''hir jgu ry mnf gfie lY jo sMgI hY qoro'' gfien kridaF, hwsdy-hwsdy PFsI cVH gey. jylH bfhr hfËr cfr sO dy krIb lok vYrfg 'c 'ÈhId myvf isMG amr rhy' dy nfary lf ky DrmI XoDy dI jY jY kfr kr rhy sn.kYnyzf dy ieiqhfs ivwc icwty nslvfd dy Éfqmy dI ieh gOrvmeI gfQf sfzf Èfnfmwqf ieiqhfs hY. ies idn nUM kYnyzf dy bhu -siBafcfrk ZFcy dy muwZ bwJx bMnHx vjoN cyqy krnf cfhIdf hY.
Premier’s Awards for Excellence in Education winners, finalists celebrated
In a ceremony at Government House, Premier John Horgan provided awards to winners of the Premier’s Awards for Excellence in Education, which recognize exceptional teachers, support staff and administrators throughout the province.
“The Premier’s Awards for Excellence in Education celebrate the incredible achievements of 34 educational leaders over the past two years,” said Premier Horgan. “Every day, you go above and
beyond to put students first. The Premier’s Awards are our chance to thank the teachers, staff and educational leaders who bring out the best in B.C. students and represent the best of our province.”
This year’s winners from the 10 categories were chosen from 34 finalists of 113 nominations. Award categories include community engagement, district leadership, extracurricular leaders, Indigenous education, outstanding new
teacher, outstanding support – school community, outstanding support –teaching assistant, outstanding team collaboration, school leadership, and social equity and diversity.
“Through the Premier’s Awards, we can share inspirational stories about the many professionals in our K-12 schools who mentor and make a difference in the lives of students,” said Jennifer Whiteside, Minister of Education and Child Care. “Whether it’s an outstanding new teacher, an administrator leading a school, a custodian or outreach worker who provides extra support or teachers and staff passionate about Indigenous education, social justice and equity, it’s an honour to bring the finalists together in person to celebrate their dedication to their students and school communities.”
Winners will receive a $3,000 taxable personal bursary for professional learning, and a $2,000 contribution to their school community for professional learning. Runners-up will receive a
$1,000 taxable personal bursary for professional learning, and a $1,000 contribution to their school community for professional learning.
“B.C. has extraordinary teachers, administrators and support staff which is evident through the nominations, finalists and winners of the Premier’s Awards for Excellence in Education,” said Lt. Gov. Janet Austin. “Their enthusiasm for supporting and mentoring students builds on their commitment to ensure learners of all ages achieve success in school and in life. I believe deeply in the importance of high quality and accessible education as a foundation to a prosperous society and is critical to enhancing the well-being of all citizens.”
Launched in 2018, the awards honour the outstanding achievements of public, independent and First Nations school-system teachers, principals, vice-principals, administrators and support staff in K-12 schools.
Public notified of scam calls about monkeypox
The BC Centre for Disease Control and regional health authorities are alerting the public about reports of scam automated calls about monkeypox test results or exposures.
After an individual has a positive test for a communicable disease, such as monkeypox, public health contacts individuals for follow up and/or to identify people who may have been exposed to the communicable disease. This is known as case and contact tracing.
The majority of case and contact tracing in B.C. is done by public health staff in the regional health authorities and not the Ministry of Health. Public health does not use automated messages to notify individuals of infections or possible exposures (i.e. case and contact tracing). You will never be asked to provide financial information during case and contact tracing.
Please be alert for cybercriminals sending fake phishing emails, texts and robo-
calls to steal your personal and financial details. Learn more about scams and fraud from the RCMP.
People who meet eligibility criteria for the monkeypox vaccine are encouraged to get vaccinated with their first and second doses. Vaccination appointments are available through your regional health authority. Learn more about monkeypox vaccination.
The BC Centre for Disease Control, a part of the Provincial Health Services Authority, provides public health leadership through surveillance, detection, treatment, prevention and consultation services. The Centre provides diagnostic and treatment services for people with diseases of public health importance, and analytical and policy support to all levels of government and health authorities. The BCCDC also provides health promotion and prevention services to reduce the burden of chronic disease, preventable injury and environmental health risks. For more, visit www.bccdc. ca or follow us on Twitter @CDCofBC
Make your space allergy-friendly and dust-free
(NC) For those who suffer from allergies, a dust-free home is the dream. But that sparkly shine can be tough to achieve. Fortunately, there are a few ways to keep you breathing easy and limit dust, pet hair and dander.
Take the time to de-clutter
Household clutter equals dust build-up: the more items, the more dust. Refresh your space by selling or donating what you don’t need.
Get into a routine
It can be easy to lose track of when you last dusted, changed the pillowcases or vacuumed. Set up a schedule to stay on top of chores before the cleaning pile gets out of hand.
Invest in smart appliances
We’ll take any help we can get to remove allergens that cling to clothing, like pollen and pet hair, and smart ap-
pliances can get the job done without extra time spent. For example, the LG WashTower, a single-unit laundry machine with built-in artificial intelligence, has an Allergiene cycle that uses steam power to gently remove more than 95 per cent of common household allergens and is certified by the Asthma Society of Canada.
For more information about how to find the right solutions to help reduce allergens, visit
bwicaF leI: dIvflI kI hY?
dIvflI ihMdU, jYn aqy iswK Drm ivwc iewk mhwqvpUrn iqAuhfr hY. Bfrq vrgy bhu-swiBafcfrk aqy iviBMnqf vfly dyÈ ivwc, hr iksy df ies iqAuhfr nUM mnfAux df afpxf qrIkf hY. BfvyN ies ivwc AuhnF df ivÈvfs vwKrf ho skdf hY, pr jo AuqÈfh, joÈ aqy anMd ieh lokF dy jIvn ivwc ilafAuNdf hY Auh hY jo sfiraF nUM joVdf hY. dIvflI nUM rOÈnIaF dy iqAuhfr vjoN mnfieaf jFdf hY, ijs dOrfn GrF nUM mombwqIaF nfl sjfieaf jFdf hY. dIvflI amIr aqy Èfndfr aqIq nUM pyÈ krdI hY aqy afpxy inrIKkF nUM jIvn dIaF swcIaF kdrFkImqF nUM kfiem rwKx leI isKfAuNdI hY. ihMdUaF leI, CuwtI aXuwiDaf dy rfjkumfr rfm dI afpxI pqnI sIqf aqy Brf lkÈmx nfl 14 sflF dy bnvfs qoN vfpsI df pRqIk hY aqy iewk XuwD ijs ivwc rfjkumfr rfm jyqU rhy sn. aXuwiDaf dy lokF ny hnyry ivwc afpxf rsqf roÈn krn leI rsqy ivwc dIvy jgfey.
qoN irhfa hoey sn. gurU jI dIvflI dy smyN dy afspfs afpxy pYrokfrF dy Gr phuMcy, jo ik Bfrq ivwc lMby smyN qoN rfÈtrI CuwtI irhf hY. iswK gurduafry jf ky ardfs aqy ismrn rfhIN gurU jI nUM Xfd krdy hn. iswK vI dIvy jgfAuxgy aqy afiqÈbfËI clfxgy, jo ik “roÈnI dy iqAuhfr” leI jÈn df rvfieqI ZMg hY aqy iesdf afpxf aiDafqimk mhwqv vI hY.
jhFgIr gurU jI dy coly nUM PVn vfly lokF nUM irhfa krn leI iqafr ho igaf. ies kfrn krky, gurU jI kol 52 klIaF vflf iewk ivÈyÈ colf sI, ijs nfl sfry 52 rfjnIiqk kYdI afpxy nfl sn. 52 klIaF
jYnIaF leI, iesdf iblkul vwKrf arQ hY. AunHF leI, dIvflI Auh idn hY jdoN jYn qIrQMkrF dy afKrI, Bgvfn mhfvIr ny inrvfx pRfpq kIqf, ijs nUM pUrn igafn aqy igafn vjoN vI jfixaf jFdf hY. Bgvfn mhfvIr ny dunIaf Br ivwc jYnIaF duafrf apxfey Drm dI sQfpnf kIqI. iswK dIvflI ‘qy bMdI CoV idvs mnfAuNdy hn. ieh CyvyN gurU, gurU hrgoibMd sfihb jI dI vfpsI df mOkf hY, jo 1619 ivwc kYd
vflf gurU jI df ieh colf awj vI rfVf sfihb nyVly ipMz GuzfxI klF dy ieiqhfisk gurduafrf sfihb ivKy susoiBq hY.
dIvflI pUjf, miTafeIaF vMzx, afiqÈbfËI aqy rOÈnIaF nfl mnfeI jFdI hY. hflFik khfxI Kyqr qoN Kyqr ivwc vwKo-vwKrI huMdI hY, pr iesdf sfr AuhI rihMdf hY. lok aMdrUnI roÈnI aqy cIËF dI aMqrIv hkIkq ivwc KuÈ huMdy hn.
People encouraged to prepare for potential flooding
The Government of B.C. is helping communities prepare for flooding and is ready to assist in response to floods where necessary.
When fall rains return after prolonged dry weather, or drought, the River Forecast Centre monitors conditions
of flood concern or potential flood concern throughout the province.
EMBC is prepared to deploy 10 kilometres of gabions, which are walllike structures filled with sand, and 32 kilometres of tiger dams, which are stackable orange tubes filled with water.
closely. Dry soils can increase runoff and river flows, but the ground quickly starts to absorb water again in response to typical fall storms each year. As a result, the transition to moderate rainfall patterns does not normally cause extensive flooding. However, people living near streams and rivers that have flooded in previous fall seasons are encouraged to monitor weather and river conditions in their area closely during this transition.
While atmospheric rivers are common during the fall and winter storm season, extreme weather similar to mid-November 2021 are rare. However, flooding is a common, naturally occurring event in B.C.
The Province is taking action to keep people and communities safe in the event of flooding:
Emergency Management BC (EMBC) is prepared to deploy four million sandbags to local governments to protect homes and public infrastructure.
EMBC is prepared to deploy or preposition sandbag machines to areas
This year, EMBC expanded its use of Alert Ready to issue broadcast intrusive alerts on behalf of communities to warn British Columbians of imminent threats due to flooding.
In 2020, EMBC launched a digital registration system for Emergency Support Services (ESS) to provide timely access to support. Earlier this year, ESS was expanded to include direct payment to evacuees through Interac e-Transfer.
EMBC is holding regular regional co-ordination calls with First Nations and communities to assist with preparedness.
The River Forecast Centre is monitoring weather patterns and river conditions, and remains vigilant for a potential rapid transition toward extreme wet weather that could contribute to increased flood hazard.
Emergency Management BC asks that residents in affected regions take precautions to ensure personal safety, including developing a household plan, putting together emergency kits, connecting with neighbours and learning about the local government emergency response plan for their area.
As well, British Columbians can take the following steps:
Protect your home: People are advised to prepare for possible flooding of low-lying areas by moving equipment and other assets from these areas to higher ground, where possible. Clear perimeter drains, eavestroughs and gutters. Sandbags also help and can be made available through your local government.
Create grab-and-go bags: Assemble an individual grab-and-go bag for each member of your household with the essentials they’ll need if you are asked to evacuate.
Recognize the danger signs:
If you live near a waterway, a change in water colour or rapid change in water level – especially a drop – could indicate a problem upstream. Call your local fire, police or public works department immediately if you suspect something is out of the ordinary.
If you face a threatening flood situation, park vehicles away from streams and waterways, move electrical appliances to upper floors and make sure to anchor fuel supplies.
Listen to local officials if you are asked to evacuate. In the event of flooding, here are some tips about what to avoid:
Steer clear of river shorelines:
Keep away from river edges and shorelines. During periods of high flow, river banks may be unstable and more prone to sudden collapse. Stay away, and keep young children and pets away from the banks of fastflowing streams and flooded areas or bridges.
Do not drive through flood water:
Never attempt to drive or walk in flood water. Six inches of fast-moving water can knock over an adult. Two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles, including SUVs and pickup trucks.
Patients the focus of new health legislation
Patient safety will be enhanced, oversight of health regulatory colleges strengthened and governance of health professionals improved with ground-breaking legislation.
“Our government is making the most significant changes to oversight of regulated health professions in British Columbia’s history,” said Adrian Dix, Minister of Health. “These changes will streamline the process to regulate new health professions, provide stronger oversight, provide more consistent discipline across the professions, act in the public interest and protect patient care in the province, while also laying the groundwork to further reduce the total number of regulatory colleges.”
The Health Professions and Occupations Act replaces its predecessor, the Health Professions Act. The act enables the creation of a new oversight body, an independent discipline tribunal and a reformed complaints
process that increases accountability and transparency, protects people in vulnerable circumstances, and creates a commitment to cultural safety and humility, and a new way to regulate lower-risk health occupations.
The legislation will simplify and streamline the process for regulating new professions. Government will begin regulating counsellors and then diagnostic and therapeutic professionals, and will continue finalizing the amalgamation of colleges from 15 to six. One amalgamation will combine the colleges for dietitians, occupational therapists, opticians, optometrists, physical therapists, psychologists, and speech and hearing professionals into one regulator. The other amalgamation will combine the colleges for chiropractors, massage therapists, naturopathic physicians, traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncturists.
The Ministry of Health has made progress ahead of the legislation by reducing the number of regulatory colleges. In October 2020, B.C.’s three nursing colleges were amalgamated into one; in September 2021, the nursing college was amalgamated with the College of Midwives, and the College of Physician and Surgeons was amalgamated with the College of Podiatrists. In September 2022, B.C.’s four oral-health colleges, which included dentists, dental assistants, dental therapists, denturists, dental hygienists and dental technicians, were amalgamated into one regulatory college.
There are 15 health colleges under the act providing a regulatory framework for 25 health professions.
The legislation is partly in response to concerns raised in a report published in 2019 by Harry Cayton, former chief executive of the United Kingdom’s Professional Standards Authority, who was appointed by the Minister of Health to review the
Health Professions Act and its regulations and to make recommendations.
The changes also reflect some of the key recommendations of the 2020 In Plain Sight Report: Addressing Indigenous-specific Racism and Discrimination in B.C. Health Care, and further implement the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Action Plan. As well, the amendments fulfil recommendations made by the multi-party Steering Committee on Modernization of Health Professional Regulation, which was co-chaired by Dix; Norm Letnick, MLA for Kelowna-Lake Country; and Sonia Furstenau, MLA for Cowichan Valley.
“I thank all of those who provided input on these changes, including people around B.C., health-care workers, my legislative colleagues Norm Letnick and Sonia Furstenau, and Indigenous leaders, who helped to create the priorities addressed in the legislation being brought to the house for consideration,” added Dix.
dIvflI mubfrk dosqoN!
iqAuhfr dIvflI df inwG afpixaF dy nfl mnfieaf jfvy. ipCly sfl dIvflI vfly idn sfzy iksfn vIr idwlI dIaF srhwdf qy bYTy sn ies leI sfnUM dIvflIaF cMgIaF nhIN lwgdIaF sn pr aYqkI dI dIvflI ipCly sflf dI bjfey KuÈIaF BrI hY sfzy iksfn vIr KyqI mfrU kfnUMnf nUM vfps krvf ky afpxy Gr vfips prq afey hn qy sfzIaF nvIaF srkfrf vI sfzI ieCf anusfr kuwJ kMm kr rhIaF hn. awj-kwlH ijafdfqr sfzy bwcy pVHfeI krn leI jF ijMdgI dI sPlqF leI ivdyÈf ivwc jf rhy hn. sfzy bMDn, sfzy irÈqy-nfqy BfvyN Auh BYx-Brf df hovy, mF-bfp, byty jF bytI df hovy, ipafr df hovy, muhwbq df hovy, ienHF ivcly inwG nUM pUrI qrHF mfnx leI sfzf mn AunHF nUM sfzy kol hoxf locdf hY. jykr sfzf swjx ipafrf, sfzy BYx-Brf, sfzy ipafr aqy muhwbq dy irÈqy sfzy kol hox qF dIvflI dIaF KuÈIaF duxIaf cOxIaF ho jfdIaF hn. sfnUM sfzy bwicaF dI ivdyÈ ivwc jfx dI KuÈI vI hY pr AunHF dy ivCoVy df drd vI hY. bwicaF ibnHF ieQy kfhdIaF dIvflIaF. rwb kry ik iksy leI vI aijhI dIvflI kdy nf afvy, ijs ivc iksy dy ivCoVy df drd hovy.
KuÈIaF qy gmIaF ijMdgI df ihwsf hn jo hmyÈf afAudIaF hI rihxgIaF. ies qoN Auwpr AuwT ky jykr dIvflI dy iqAuhfr df ivslyÈn krIey qF dIvflI Èbd dIpfvflI qoN bixaf hY ijs df arQ hY dIivaF dIaF mflfvF jF kqfrF. dIvflI roÈnIaF df iqAuhfr hY pihlF lok dIvflI vflI rfq afpxy GrF dIaF kMDF, bnyiraF qy gytF Auqy dIvy, mombwqIaF afid jgfAuNdy sn. pr ipCly kuJ sflF qoN cfeInf (cIn) dIaF bxIaF lVIaF ny dIvy qy mombwqIaF dI hoNd Éqm hI kr idwqI hY. isrP rsm pUrI krn leI hI GrF ivc pMj swq dIvy jgfey jFdy hn. dIvflI vfly idn dIvy rOÈn krny ijwq jF KuÈI df pRgtfvf krn vFg hY. dIvy afp jl ky dUsiraF df mfrg roÈn krdy hn jo sfnUM afpxf afp vfr ky dUsiraF dy kMm afAux dI pRyrnf idMdy hn. vYsy dIvflI dy iqAuhfr ipwCy sfzIaF Dfrimk BfvnfvF juVIaF hoeIaF hn hr Drm dy lok afpxy-afpxy pYrokfrF dy dwsy anusfr ieh iqAuhfr mnfAuNdy af rhy hn. dIvflI df sbMD pMjfbIaF nfl sRI hirmMdr sfihb dI sQfpnf mOky qoN hI juiVaf hoieaf hY pr ies df ivÈyÈ mhwqv AudoN hor bixaf hY jdoN iswKF dy 6vyN gurU sRI gurU hrgoibMd sfihb jI muÊlF dI kYd qoN mukq ho ky aqy 52 rfjpUq rfijaF nUM gvflIar dy ikly ivcoN afpxy nfl mukq krvf ky bfhr afey. ies KuÈI ivc lokF ny dIpmflf kIqI. pRiswD ieiqhfskfr bfbf kfhn isMG nfBf dy mhfn koÈ anusfr dIvy jgfAux dI rsm bfbf buwZf jI ny ÈurU kIqI sI. ihMdU Drm anusfr ies idn sRI rfm cMdr jI cOdF sfl bnvfs kµZky lMkyÈvr rfvx qy AusdI sYnf nUM hrF ky sIqf nUM afËfd krf ky aXuwiDaf afey. AunHF dI afmd dI KuÈI
BvndIp isMG purbf (muwK sMpfdk: ‘mihk vqn dI lfeIv’ ibEro) vtsaYp: 9988-92-9988 ivc GrF dIaF CwqF Auwqy dIvy jgfey gey. afrIaf smfj dy nyqf svfmI dieaf nMd aqy jYnIaF dy nyqf mhFvIr jI nUM eysy idn inrvfx pRfpq hoieaf. vYsy ieh iqAuhfr srdI ruwq dy afgmn df vI sUck hY. dIvflI vYsy qF pUry dyÈ ivc mnfeI jFdI hY pr pMjfb ivwc sRI aMimRqsr sfihb Èihr dI dIvflI dI Èfn hI vwKrI hY. lwKF lok dyÈf-ivdyÈf qoN ieQy dIvflI df iqAuhfr mnfAux leI afAuNdy hn. dIvflI vfly idn drbfr sfihb Auwqy rOÈnI dI sjfvt df bVf suhfvxf idRÈ huMMdf hY. rfq nUM afqÈbfjI clfeI jFdI hY. afqÈbfjI vyKx vfilaF dI rOxk ieMnI iËafdf huMdI hY ik pRkrmf ivc KVHy hox dI QF nhIN imldI. bËfrF dI sjfvt bVI idl iKwcvIN huMMdI hY iesy leI ikhf jFdf hY. ‘dfl rotI Gr dI, dIvflI aMimRqsr dI.’
mwisaf dI kflI rfq nUM ruÈnfAudf ieh iqAuhfr kwqk dI mwisaf nUM huMdf hY, afm qOr ‘qy ieh akqUbr dy aKIr jF nvMbr dy ÈurU ivc afAuNdf hY. dyÈ dy kony-kony kuJ ivdyÈF ivc mnfey jfx vfly sfzy qoN vwzy iqAuhfr dIvflI qy cfhy ptfikaF vgYrf qy kroVF rupey Krc ho jFdy hn pr ies dy bdly jo byaMq KuÈI pRfpq huMMdI hY Aus df muwl hI nhIN pfieaf jf skdf. smUMh pfTkF dy Gr imlfp, ipafr, KuÈIaF, afpsI BfeIcfrk sFJ aqy AuwcI-suwcI soc dy dIp hmyÈf jgdy rihx. dIvflI mubfrk dosqoN!
B.C. small business tax rate access
More businesses will be able to recover and grow through expanded access to the small business tax rate in British Columbia.
“The past two years have been challenging for small and medium-sized businesses as they deal with the continuing effects of the pandemic, climate change and inflation that is being fuelled by global uncertainty,” said Selina Robinson, Minister of Finance. “We are standing behind B.C. businesses by helping ensure access to the small business tax rate as they work through recovery, and innovate and grow.”
Previously, access to the small business tax rate was gradually reduced when the taxable capital of businesses was more than $10 million. Access to the small business tax rate ended when businesses had $15 million or more of taxable capital. With the change, access to the small business tax rate will be gradually reduced
when businesses have between $10 million and $50 million in taxable capital.
Growing B.C. businesses will be able to scale up by remaining eligible for the B.C. small business tax rate for longer, as the tax rate will not phase out until the $50-million taxable capital threshold ceiling. The change will benefit a wide range of businesses but will largely support those that are capital intensive.
This includes businesses that have taxable capital between $10 million and $15 million, where business owners may decide not to invest in their business to acquire new equipment in order to keep access to the small business tax rate. This may look like a company, such as a craft brewery, considering adding a production line to its operations, or a company needing to buy specialized equipment, such as a computer numerical control (CNC) machine.
“Small and medium-sized businesses play an important role in our province. They provide good jobs, develop innovative products for the market and are strong supporters of their communities,” said Ravi Kahlon, Minister of Jobs, Economic Recovery and Innovation. “We are moving forward with the StrongerBC Economic Plan and important tax improvements like this as we continue to bring further improvements businesses need to succeed.”
The new, higher taxable capital ceiling will apply to taxation years that begin on or after April 7, 2022, which aligns with the federal approach, once passed. Aligning with the federal government’s approach is one of many steps the Province is taking to support B.C. businesses through B.C.’s StrongerBC Economic Plan. The $1.5-bil-
lion plan provides targeted and broad supports for businesses to adapt and grow, including include tax measures, such as the PST rebates for incorporated businesses and the increased employment incentive program.
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(NC) We know there are many myths out there about winter driving, and they might put you in a tricky situation when the weather turns cold. Here are some misconceptions it’s important to clear up:
I have all-season tires – I don’t need to waste my money on winter tires
If you frequently face snow, ice or the temperature is consistently near freezing, your tires need the extra grip of winter tires for turning, braking, and accelerating. This is true even if you have four-wheel or all-wheel drive. Winter tires have specific tread designs and are made from a specific rubber compound, which combine to provide better grip, traction and braking in extreme weather such as wet roads, snow, slush and ice.
I can just drive slower in the winter and be aware of my surroundings
It’s always good to slow down in winter and watch your surroundings, the weather, traffic patterns and road
5 myths about winter tires
conditions. However, this is not a substitute for winter tires. Tires make a difference if you need to brake or steer to avoid a collision because they’re the only part of your car in contact with the road.
Under-inflating your tires will result in better traction
You should never under-inflate your winter tires. Not only will this degrade grip and stability, it can also damage your tires. You should check your tire pressure before hitting the road this winter for optimal grip, longevity and mileage or battery range.
I don’t need winter tires if the road is clear
Some people think that winter tires are only needed when the road is covered with snow or ice but forget that winter tires are also needed when the
temperature is low and road surfaces are clear.
I only need two winter tires
“This is a terrible myth and one that shouldn’t be followed,” says Russell Shepherd, technical communications
director at Michelin. “For maximum control of your vehicle in cold weather conditions, having four tires of the same size, tread depth and design, and inflation pressure is critical to ensure a vehicle maintains its highest level of stability and control.”
hY ik 6, 7, 8 nvMbr 2022 nUM iqMny idn hfjrIaF BrnIaF, qnF, mnF, Dn mfl syvf krdy jIvn sPL bxfAu jI. DMnvfd.
sihq suKmnI syvf susfietI Kflsf dIvfn susfietI aYbtsPorz
Get your home winter-ready with a few handy tips
(NC) As Canadians, the routine of preparing ourselves for the winter months is one that is all too familiar. Well before the first snow fall, we make sure our fleeced jackets, gloves, and boots are ready to go. But when it comes to prepping the house for those cold and snowy months ahead – well that’s a different story. To help get your home winter-ready, we’ve rounded up some useful tips.
Cut the draft
Keeping the heat in and the cold out should be at the top of your list when winter-proofing your house. The best way to do this is by making sure your windows and doors are properly sealed. If you feel a draft around a door or window frame, you may want to replace the weather-stripping to ensure a tight seal.
Empty exterior pipes
To avoid having your water pipes freeze and burst, shut off the water supply to all outdoor taps and faucets until next spring. It’s also important to open the taps and drain them completely once you’ve turned them off.
Inspect gutters, roof, and exterior walls
Emptying gutters of clogged leaves, dirt and debris can help ensure proper drainage of any
rain or melting snow. You’ll also want to make sure your gutters are firmly attached.?While you’re up there, inspect your roof for any broken, loose, or missing shingles. Replacing damaged shingles will help avoid any leaks that could happen if the temperature drops with a pile of snow on the roof.
Have your furnace professionally serviced
It’s a good idea to schedule a maintenance check each year to ensure your furnace is in good working order. Doing this not only ensures you’ll stay warm inside, but regular maintenance can also help prevent major problems down the road, saving you more money in the long run.
As the old saying goes, it’s better to be safe than sorry. While these activities may seem tedious, prepping
your home for the winter should be a routine that becomes familiar with time. And while we may do our best to prevent damage to our homes, sometimes the inevitable happens. In the event the unexpected happens, it’s important to call your insurance provider right away. Some providers, like Belairdirect, offer 24/7 claims support so you can rest assured someone will always be there to support you in these instances.
Find more information at belairdirect. com.
kYnyzf’c dIvflI dI zfk itkt jfrI aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) kYnyzf dy zfk ivBfg ny 24 akqUbr nUM af rhy rosLnIaF dy iqAuhfr dIvflI qy zfk itkt jfrI kIqI hY. kYnyzf post dy sI[eI[E[ zwg eIitMjLr ny dwisaf ik dIvflI dI ieh zfk itkt AuWGy izjfeInr isAug jy pIk vloN iqafr kIqI geI hY ijs AuWpr GuMmdI ckrI qy jgdy dIvy dI qsvIr lfeI geI hY. Aunf dwisaf ik 6 itktF vfly pYkyj dI kImq 5 zflr 52 sYNt Bfv 330 rupey rwKI geI hY. vrnxXog hY ik dIvflI df iqAuhfr kYnyzf Br ivwc DUmDfm nfl mnfieaf jFdf hY. iekwly BfrqI hI nhIN sgoN horF kOmF dy lok vI dIvflI qy KuUb jsLn krdy hn. vYnkUvr, srI qy aYbtsPorz ivwc keI BfrqI dukfnF qy imwtI dy dIvy, htVIaF, qy nvyN BFzy sjf ky rwKy gey hn.
ibRitsL kolMbIaf’c 6 pMjfbxF skUl trwstI bxIaF
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) kYnyzf dy ibRitsL kolMbIaf sUby’c skUl trwstI vfsqy hoeIaF coxF ivwc 6 pMjfbxF skUl trwstI cuxIaF geIaF hn. ibRitsL kolMbIaf dy hr sLihr dy afpo afpxy skUl borz hn qy hr 4 sfl bfad skUl trwstI vfsqy cox huMdI hY qy cuxy hoey skUl trwtsI afpxy borz df cyarmYn cuxdy hn. pRIqI PrIdkot vjoN jfxI jFdI gurpRIq kOr vYnkUvr skUl borz dI skUl trwstI cuxI geI hY. ijlLf luiDafxf dy ksbf suDfr nyVly ipMz tUsy dI gurvIn DflIvfl inAUvYstminstr qoN skUl bxI hY. AuWGI ryzIE host inrml kOr ‘inMmI’ zOlf qy zf[ amIn iZwloN zYltf skUl borz dIaF trwstI cuxIaF geIaF hn. ijlLf mogf dy ipMz kflyky dy prmjIq isMG kMzf dI DI ruipMdr kOr ‘rUpI’ kMzf rfjvfn aYbtsPorz qy ijwqy vjoN nrs jsivMdr kOr ‘js’ bYNs imsLn qoN skUl trwstI cuxIaF geIaF hn.
rfey, iQMd, kMg, prmfr skUl trwstI cuxy gey
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) kYnyzf dy ibRitsL kolMbIaf sUby’c hoeIaF skUl trwstI dIaF coxF ivwc 4 pMjfbI AumIdvfr cox ijwqx ivwc kfmXfb rhy hn. ijlf huisLafrpur dI gVsLMkr qihsIl dy ipMz morFvflI dy pRIqmihMdr isMG ‘pRIq’ rfey lgfqfr pMjfvIN vfr aYbtsOirz qoN skUl trwstI cuxy gey hn. Bgq pUrn isMG ipMglvfVf sMsQf dy ibRitsL kolMbIaf dy muKI qy abhor dy jMmpl gurpRIq isMG ‘gYrI’ iQMd srI qoN skUl trwstI cuxy gey hn. ijlf huisLafrpur dI mfihlpur qihsIl dy ipMz jMglIafxf dy rvI isMG prmfr sUky qoN skUl trwstI cuxy gey hn. 24 sflf iswK nOjvfn joDvIr isMG ‘joa’ kMg kYmlUps qoN skUl trwstI bixaf hY. joDvIr isMG kMg ibRitsL kolMbIaf’c cuixaf jfx vflf sB qoN CotI Aumr df nOjvfn hY qy lfiebryrI ivwc kMm krdf hY.
Does the weather impact your arthritis?
(NC) Is there truth to the idea that weather affects your joints, or is it an old wives’ tale?
Scientists are not yet sure why, but studies do suggest that weather changes can increase pain.
While controlling the weather isn’t an option, there are things you can do to manage your pain. Start by tracking your symptoms. You can find a daily symptom tracker on the Arthritis Society’s website. Once you know what kind of weather affects you, follow these tips.
If your symptoms are worse in warm weather:
A cool shower or cold pack can help with pain and inflammation on hot days.
It’s important to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water and try to avoid caffeine, alcohol and sugary drinks that can contribute to dehydration.
Try to avoid spending time in the sun during the hottest hours of the day.
You can try a cooling ointment or spray that produces an icy feeling where it’s applied.
If your symptoms are worse in colder weather:
Take a warm bath or shower to help relieve the pain.
Use a hot water bottle, warm pack or heating pad to soothe sore joints.
Dress in multiple layers and cover exposed skin when outdoors.
Try soaking your sore hands in warm water.
Kflsf skUl ivKy ividafrQIaF df
cONkVI ivwc bYTx df mukfblf
Kflsf skUl, inAUtn ivKy imqI 15 akqUbr, 2022 idn sLnIvfr nUM bwicaF df cONkVI mfr ky bYTx df mukfblf krvfieaf igaf. ies ivwc kul 517 ividafrQIaF ny Bfg ilaf, ijs ivwc 24 ividafrQI lgfqfr 7 GMty qoN vwD aqy 16 ividafrQI 8 GMty qoN vwD smF iek cONkVI ivwc bYTy. ijwQy awj qknflojI df smF hY, AuQy ieMnI vwzI igxqI ivwc ividafrQIaF ny lgfqfr 8 GMty gurU dI god df anMd mfixaf. iehnF ividafrQIaF ivwc smrIq kOr (ikMzrgfrtn), inmrq kOr hMs, jslIn kOr grcf (gryz 2), arsLvIr kOr GuMmx, mihqfb isMG, myhr kOr gryvfl (gryz 3), anmol kOr inwjr, mhF isMG, hrsIrq kOr (gryz 4), gurjoq kOr (gryz 6), jslIn kOr bfjvf, rvlIn kOr sMDU, qrnpRIq kOr, KusLdIp kOr (gryz 7) aqy kudrq kOr, suKmIq isMG (gryz 8) 7 qoN 8 GMty qwk lgfqfr iek cONkVI ivc bYTy. ies dOrfn hr sfl dI qrHF Kflsf skUl aqy pMQ dI cVHdI klf leI Kflsf skUl dy ividafrQIaF vloN sfrf idn svyr 8 vjy qoN sLfm 6 vjy qwk jpujI sfihb jI dy pfT df aKMz jfp vI kIqf igaf. Kflsf skUl dy ahudydfr aqy stfP vloN kIqf igaf ieh Auprflf XfdgfrI ho inbiVaf. ies mOky sfrf idn gurU kf lMgr aquwt vriqaf. ividafrQIaF nUM ienfm dy ky AuhnF dI hONslf aPjfeI kIqI geI.
ibRitsL kolMbIaf’c 2 pMjfbx aiDafpkfvF nUM imilaf muwK mMqrI snmfn
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) kYnyzf dy ibRitsL kolMbIaf sUby dy sLihr aYbtsPorz invfsI pMjfbx aiDafpkf inrlyp kOr iswDU qy Ekfnfgn invfsI ruipMdr kOr aOjlf nUM isiKaf dy Kyqr ivc srvAuWc sUbf pwDrI snmfn pRImIarjL avfrz Pfr aYksIlYNs ien aYjUkysLn nfl snmfinq kIqf igaf hY. ies srvAuWc snmfn leI vwK-vwK 10 sLRyxIaF vfsqy sUby Br’coN 113 ibnykfrF ny arjIaF idwqIaF sn ijMnHF’coN 34 PfeInilst cuxy gey sn qy 10 aiDafpk jyqU rhy. aYlIsn aYlmYNtrI skUl sYNtrl Ekfnfgn dI aiDafpkf ruipMdr kOr aOklf nUM ‘afAUt stYizMg inAU tIcr’ qy XUjn rImr skUl aYbtsPorz dI aiDafpkf inrlyp kOr iswDU nUM ‘sosLl iekuafltI aYNz zfievristI’ sRLxI ivwc ieh snmfn imilaf hY jd ik afr[eI[ mfAuNtyn sYkMzrI skUl lYNglI ivKy smfijk inaF ivBfg dI muKI blrUp kOr Dnoaf qy jOhn aOlIvr sYkMzrI skUl vYnkUvr dI aiDafpkf alIsLf prfsr PfeInilst cuxIaF geIaF hn.
suirMdrpfl isMG rTOr ivlIamjL lyk dy myar bxy
15 pMjfbI kOslr cuxy gey
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) kYnyzf dy ibRitsL kolMbIaf sUby dIaF hoeIaF ngrpfilkf coxF ivwc PgvfVf nyVly ipMz Kurmpur dy suirMdrpfl isMG rTOr ivlIamjL lyk sLihr dy myar cuxy gey hn. ibRitsL kolMbIaf dIaF kuwl 162 ngrpfilkfvF dIaF awj hoeIaF coxF ivwc svyry 8 vjy qoN sLfm 8 vjy qwk votF peIaF. ienHf coxF ivwc 95 pMjfbI AumIdvfr afpxI iksmq ajmf rhy sn ijMnf ivwc 13 myar 65 kONslr qy 17 skUl trwstI vjoN cox mYdfn ivwc inwqry sn. 13 pMjfbI myar AumIdvfrF’coN isrP suirMdrpfl isMG rTOr hI ijwqx ivwc kfmXfb rhy sn. sMn 1974 ivwc kYnyzf afey suirMdrpfl isMG 6 vfr ivlIamjL lyk dy kONslr rih cuwky hn. PgvfVf nyVly hI ipMz mfDopur dy sqivMdr isMG ‘sYv’ DflIvfl brnbI qoN lgfqfr 7vIN vfr kONslr cuxy gey hn. ienf ngrpfilkf coxF ivwc iqMn pMjfbxF vI kONslr bxn ivwc kfmXfb rhIaF hn. idwlI dI cInUM dfs inAUvYst qoN kONslr cuxI geI hY. ijlLf huisLafrpur dy ipMz hwlUvfl dy ksLmIr isMG ‘kws’ hIz ircmMz qoN kONslr cuxy gey hn. hYrI bYNs, prdIp kOr kUnr qy mndIp isMG nfgrf srI, iekbfl mMz klonf, ibl srfey kYmlUps, gurivMdr isMG rMDfvf qy aYNzI cuwG ipRMs rUprt, jYsI dosFK qy jYnIPr jOhl zYltf, mihMdrpfl isMG imnhfs inAUvYstminstr qoN kOslr cuxy gey hn. ijlLf mogf dy ipMz rozy nfl sbMiDq qy ‘pMjfbI pwiqRkf’ aKbfr dy muwK sMpfdk zf[ aYNzI iswDU dy ‘PrjMd’ KusLdyv isMG dyv iswDU qy muwlfpur nyVly ipMz pMzorI dI kuldIp kOr ‘kYlI’ cfhl aYbtsPorz qoN kONslr cuxy gey hn. jlMDr dy kulivMdr isMG ikn hrfr qy idwlI dy jYg igwl imsLn qoN kOslr bxy hn. pRIq rfey, rUpI kMz rfjvfn, inMmI zOlf, zf[ amIn iZwloN zYltf qy gYrI iQMd srI qoN skUl trwstI cuxy gey hn.
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Simple steps to improve indoor air quality
(NC) Daily activities like cleaning and cooking, or even lighting candles, can result in indoor air pollution. Emissions from building and construction materials and furniture add to the mix. Throw in possible contaminants such as mould, viruses or allergens, and you can end up with quite the collection of pollutants in your home’s indoor air.
Exposure to pollutants commonly found in indoor air can cause irritation of the eyes, nose and throat, headaches, dizziness, fatigue and worsened asthma.
Improving ventilation in your home is a key component of maintaining and improving indoor air quality. Ventilation can help improve indoor air quality by removing pollutants and by bringing in fresh air from outside. This is especially important when renovating or when using chemical products in your home.
By following these steps to improve ventilation, you can improve the indoor air in your home.
Leave your interior doors open.
Use bathroom and kitchen fans.
Have a filtration system built into the duct work of your mechanical HVAC system. Replace or clean the filter as per the manufacturer's instructions.
Open windows and doors when outside conditions permit.
When there are high levels of outdoor air pollution, reduce air entering the home from outside by closing windows and setting your HVAC to recirculation mode.
Keep baseboard or heating vents clear of furniture.
Keep beds, bedding and furniture away from outside walls to allow air and heat to flow around furnishings.
Easy home updates to help you prepare for Winter
(NC) With the change in season, it’s time to tackle your home maintenance checklist. From safety precautions to appliance upkeep, here are tips to help you breeze into fall.
Clean your furnace filter. Dirty filters mean your furnace must work harder. Regularly changing the filters in your central air and heating system can significantly improve their efficiency
and longevity. Change filters monthly throughout the heating and cooling seasons, and have your furnace serviced annually by a professional to ensure it’s working properly.
Install home safety. The Canadian National Fire Information Database reports that 80 per cent of fire deaths occur in homes without working smoke alarms, often due to missing batteries or expired alarms. Proper smoke alarm placement, regular maintenance and alarm replacement are essential to keeping everybody protected, so be sure to install alarms on every level of your home, including the basement, and in every bedroom. Replace batteries at least every six months, or make maintenance easier with a 2-in-1 smoke and carbon monoxide alarm such as
the First Alert 10Year Battery Combination alarm, which also eliminates battery chirps and replacements for a decade.
Check your roof and clean your gutters. Rapidly changing temperatures and humidity can wreak havoc on roofs. Water damage can cause deterioration to insulation, wood and drywall, making electrical, plumbing and HVAC systems vulnerable to damage. Inspect for missing and loose shingles, replacing them as needed, or have a licensed, certified roofing professional check the condition of your roof. Clear your gutters of leaves and debris, flush them with water and make repairs if necessary. You may also consider replacing old
or damaged gutters with new ones that have built-in leaf guards.
Test for radon. Radon is an invisible, odourless gas that can seep from the soil through cracks in the foundation. After smoking, radon is the secondleading cause of lung cancer, according to Statistics Canada. A simple DIY test kit can be purchased from most hardware stores to determine if you have a safe radon level in your home.
pfT 7: bfby df Bolfpx aqy pyNzU jIvn
Coty huMidaF ipMzF ivwc ieh suxdy huMdy sF ik
‘ipMzIN vwsx dyvqy, sLihrIN vwsx Twg.’ pqf nhIN aYsf ikAuN ikhf jFdf sI pr ieh gwl shI sI ik ipMzF aqy sLihrF dy jn jIvn ivwc aMqF df Prk huMdf sI. ieh aMqr BfvyN Kfx-pIx, rihx-sihx aqy BfvyN bolcfl krky hovygf, pr hY jLrUr sI. pihly simaF ivwc afvfjfeI aqy sMcfr sfDnF dI Gft hox krky lokF df afpxy ipMzF qoN bfhrlI dunIaF nfl qflmyl Gwt hI huMdf sI. afm jIvn dIaF loVF qy cIjLF vsqF lokF nUM ipMzF dIaF hwtIaF ivcoN hI iml jFdIaF sn.
ipMzF ivwc htvfxIey hwtIaF krdy sI qy Auh sLfhUkfrF df DMdf vI krdy sn. pYsy dy lYx-dyx dIaF afm loVF vI lokF dIaF AuWQoN pUrIaF ho jFdIaF sn. lokF dI KfD Kurfk aqy rihx-sihx sfdf huMdf sI. ies sfry vfqfvrx df lokF ‘qy sfdgI vflf pRBfv asr Cwzdf sI.
sLihrF jF nyVy dIaF mMzIaF ‘qy jfx df mOkf isrP hfVHI sfAuxI dI PLsl vycx jfx vyly hI huMdf sI. pyNzU lokF dI dunIaF bs AuhnF dy ipMzF ivc hI GuMmdI sI. ijwQoN qwk AuhnF dIaF smfijk sFJF aqy irsLqydfrIaF dI gwl hY, Auh vI ipMzF ivwc hI aqy afpdy ipMzF dy
nyVy hI huMdIaF sn. ieh irsLqydfrIaF pfAux ivwc pihl ieh dyKI jFdI sI ik AuhnF qwk myl jol sOKf ho sky. ikAuNik AudoN lok iewk QF qoN dUjI QF afm qOr qy qur ky hI jFdy sn jF iPr gwzf aqy AUT vI vrq ley jFdy sn pr ivafh sLfdIaF dI jLrf tOhr vflI svfrI huMdy sn rQ, jo bhuq hI isLMgfr ky rwKy jFdy sn aqy ienHF rQF awgy joVy bld vI pUry isMLgfry huMdy sn.
ijWQoN qwk pyNzU ikwqfkfrI df svfl hY, Auh sfry ipMzF ivwcoN hI pRfpq huMdy sn, ijvyn ik luhfr, qrKfx, mocI, nfeI, bRfhmx, drjI afid. ieh sfry ikwqy Aus vyly dy vwzy ikwqy, KyqI nfl juVy huMdy sn aqy iewk dUjy ‘qy inrBr vI huMdy sn. lokF df afpsI BfeIcfrf bhuq hI mwddgfr aqy pRym Bfvnf vflf huMdf sI. ipMzF dy iqAuhfr aqy myly sB dy sFJy huMdy sn. lokF dI bolcfl aqy suBfa inrCl, sfdf aqy Bolf huMdf sI. ilKx-pVHx vflf qF ipMz ivwc hwtbfxIaf hI huMdf sI jF iPr zyry df mhMz Dfrimk gRMQ pVH skdf sI. agr koeI pirvfr afpdy muMizaF nUM kuJ pVHfAuxf cfhuMdf huMdf sI, qF Auh zyry ivwc hI gurmuKI pVHn leI Byjdf huMdf sI. ikqy-ikqy koeI AurdU pVHn vflf jF koeI mOlvI vI huMdf sI. iPr jdoN ikqy-ikqy ipMzF ivwc pRfiemrI skUl KuwlHy sn, qF AuWQy vI muwZlI pVHfeI AurdU ivwc hI isKfeI jFdI sI. aqy ieh ZFcf 1947 qwk afm cldf irhf suixaf igaf hY. dysL dI vMz aqy afjLfdI qoN ipwCoN hI pyNzU skUlF ivwc
gurmuKI dI pVHfeI sLurU hoeI sI. jdoN ipMzF ivc ivafh afid huMdy sn qF lokF leI Auh sB dyy sFJy huMdy sn. cfa cVH jFdf sI sB nUM. ipMz dI DI df kfrj, sfry ipMz dI DI df kfrj mMinaf jFdf sI. brfq jfx vyly sB cfeIN-cfeIN iqafrIaF iKwcdy sn. agr iksy muMzy kol keI cMgf kwpVf afid nhIN sI huMdf, qF Auh ipMz ivwcoN hI kuVqy-cfdry, pwgF aqy kwZvIaF juwqIaF mMg ky brfq cVH jFdy sn. brfqF AudoN afm qOr ‘qy iqMn idn rihMdIaF sn aqy AuWQy brfqI KLUb nhfAuNdy aqy KFdy-pINdy sn. pyNzU kfimaF leI brfq jfxf mfnoN iqMn idn dI ipkink huMdI sI jF kih lEu iqMn idn dI hOlIzya[[[. aYsf jnjIvn qy mfhOl huMdf sI ipMzF ivwc. pyNzU lokF df aqy KLfs qOr ‘qy purfxy bjLurgF df suBfa bhuq Bolf aqy scfeI vflf huMdf sI. ies dI iewk imsfl sfzy ipMz dI suxI sI. iewk bjLurg gfeIaF (gAUaF) cfrdf huMdf sI. bhuq vwzf KyqI vflf lfxf sI AunHF df. gAUaF AunHF pfs bhuq sn, ijnHF qoN AunHF nUM duwD dy nfl KyqI leI vwCy vI iml jFdy sn. iewk idn iksy hor ipMz dy bMdy puwCdy-puCFdy Aus bjLurg kol gey. AunHF ny iewk duwD vflI gAU KrIdxI sI. iewk gAU psMd krky Auh bjLurg nUM kihMdy ik, “bjLurgo kI aOh gAU dy[[[ pOxy 2 sO rupeIey lYxy hn?” AunHF dI gwl sux ky bjLurg zFg AuWcI krky jLrf gVHk ky boilaf, “Auey jfAu Bwjo ieWQoN, bVy afey pOxy do sO dyx vfly, kwlH qF mYnUM 8 vIhF idMdy
rfijMdr isMG pMDyrsn.” bjLurg ivcfrf aYnf Bolf sI ik Aus nUM pOxy 2 sO aqy 8 vIhF dy Prk df vI pqf nhIN sI. suixaf sI ik gAU KrIdx vfilaF ny Aus bjLurg nUM bQyrf smJfieaf ik asIN qF qYnUM vwD pYsy idMdy hF, pr Aus gfeIaF vfly bjLurg ny gAU KrIdx vfilaF dI iewk nf suxI. qy jdoN ieh gwl ipMz dy lokF nUM aqy Aus bfby dy GridaF nUM pqf lwgI, qF kihMdy lok bfby dy ‘ihsfb’ ‘qy bhuq hwsy sI. pr nfl hI bfby dy BolLypx qy mfx vI mihsUs kr rhy sI. bfby nUM ipMz ivwc afm lok ‘gfeIaF vflf bfbf’ kih ky bulfAuNdy sn.bjLurgF dy Bolypx dI iek hor gwl sFJI kr leIey. sfzy ipMz ivwc iewk ‘pihlI sMsfr jMg’ df iewk hOldfr huMdf sI. Aus nUM iksy pfVHy muMzy ny ikhf ik bfbf jI, qusIN afpdy muMzy jo hOldfr hY, nUM ikAuN nhIN kihMdy ik Auh POj ivc sYikMz lYPtInYNt leI trfeI kry? qF awgoN hOldfr bfby ny bVy josL nfl ikhf ik, “mwlo kmlf nf hovy, hOldfrIaF ikqy DrIaF peIaF ny.” pihlI jMg qoN pYnsLn lYx vfly Boly hOldfr bfby nUM nhIN sI pqf ik hOldfr vwzf huMdf hY ik sYikMz lYPtInYNt. so aijhf Bolf suBfa huMdf sI pyNzU lokF df, KLfs kr ‘qy purfxy bjLurgF df. kihMdy hn ik ipMzF ivc afpsI myl-imlfp aqy mfxsiqkfr vflf mfhOl aijhy Boly pr isafxy bjLurgF krky hI huMdf sI. pyNzU jn-jIvn dI iehI amIrI huMdI sI. qF hI qF kihMdy sI ik : ‘ipMzIN vwsx dyvqy[[[[.’
33094 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 2A9
Ph: (604) 850-7338, Fax (604) 854-1165, e-mail:
1 gurduafrf sfihb df stwko df kIqf igaf kMm ijs qy kul $1,50,000 (iewk lwK pMjfh hjLfr zflr) Krc afieaf.
2 gurduafrf sfihb dI kfr pfrikMg nvIN luk pfeI geI ijs qy $1,50,000 (iewk lwK pMjfh hjLfr zflr) Krc afieaf.
3. gurduafrf sfihb aqy hYrItyj gurduafrf dono iensfeIz pyNt $45,000 (pMqflI hjLfr zflr) Krc hoieaf.
4 gurduafrf sfihb df spIkr isstm $58,000 (aTvMjf hjLfr zflr) Krc hoieaf.
5 gurduafrf sfihb dy kYmry $40,000 (cflI hjLfr zflr) Krc hoieaf.
6. gurduafrf sfihb lMgr leI rotIaF vflI msLIn ieMzIaf df 5,00,000 (pMj lwK rupey) Krc afieaf.
7. gurduafrf sfihb lMgr vfsqy BFzy ieMzIaf 7,00,000 (swqy lwK rupey) Krc afieaf.
8 gurduafrf sfihb leI guMmt ieMzIaf 28,00,000 (aTfeI lwK rupey) Krc afieaf.
9 gurduafrf sfihb ivafh dy imlxI leI iewk kYnpI $70,000 (swqr hjLfr zflr) Krc afieaf.
10. gurduafrf sfihb ivwc 16 vyN ey sI aqy hIt isstm lfieaf igaf ijs qy $1,15,00,000 (iewk lwK pMdrF hjLfr zflr) Krc afieaf.
11 gurduafrf sfihb dy lMgr hfl dI sPfeI leI $11,000 (igafrF hjLfr zflr) Krc afieaf.
12 gurduafrf sfihb dI rsoeI dI rYnovysLn qy $20,000 (vIh hjLfr zflr) Krc afieaf.
13. gurduafrf sfihb dy lMgr hfl dy nvyN drvfijaF qy $50,000 (pMjfh hjLfr zflr) Krc afieaf.
14 gurduafrf sfihb dy skUl dI nvIN Cwq qy $30,000 (qIh hjLfr zflr) Krc afieaf.
15 hYrItyj dI sPfeI leI pyNt, lYN skyipMg, pRYsr vfsL, ijs qy kuwl Krcf 20-25 hjLfr zflr afAuxf sI. Auh tryzmYnF dy sihXogI aqy sMgqF dy sihXog nfl PrI kIqf igaf. Auprokq sfmfn df Krc kmytI aqy sMgq vwloN pya kIqf igaf hY.
2012 ivc ies kmytI ny cfrj ilaf qF Aus smyN gurduafrf sfihb qy $12,00,000 (bfrF lwK zflr) df krjLf sI. Hux 2012 qoN lY ky 2022 qwk $12,00,000 (bfrF lwK zflr) aqy sfry Krcy pya krky hux gurduafrf sfihb dy akfAUNt ivc $1,30,000 (iewk lwK qIh hjLfr zflr) ipaf hY. sfry Krcy pya krky hux gurduafrf sfihb qy iksy iksm df koeI lon nhIN hY.
Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI dy mwK syvfdfr nfl sMprk kr skdy ho s: jiqMdr isMG igwl muwK syvfdfr, 604-832-4000
rwb vsy[[[
mlkIq isMG sfbkf srpMc ipMz kokrI PUlf isMG (mogf) 604-866-1643 (imsLn)
Drm dy nF qy pihrfvy dy nF qy, mMdr msijd gurduafry dy nF qy.
hY ihMdU musilm iswK eIsfeI iewko df nUr, pr iensfn vMzy jFdy rwb dy nF qy. ikhVf mhuMmd dOlq rfm kOx qy aOh iswK, hux qF lVdy ny lok rwb dy nF qy. pMzq, igafnI, momn dI afkV aijhI, jf zwubI sohxI kMZyN suwkI JnF dy. iksdf rwb vwzf qy iksdf Cotf, pfVdy isr lok sFJy rwb dI QF qy Kqrf ieslfm nUM, jf pMQ leI, Kqry’c ihMdU GVx srfrqf Tykydfr rwb dy nF qy. zuwldI rwq bydosLy qy mjLlUmf dI sdf, mMdr msijd gurduafrf rihMdf Ausy QF qy. ipMzF awgy puwqf ipwCy df dyky hokf, vrqx lIzr lokF nUM rwb dy nF qy. AuWPo XoiDAu Kqrf hY Qozy Bgvfn nUM,
dIvy lfAux vflIey nI dIvy soc ky jgfvIN, rwKIN bflF nUM bcf ky Gr afpxF bcfvIN, dIvy lfAux vflIey nI[[[ qyrf lwkVI df Gr kfhdf, inrf ey brUd jrf ijMnI axgihlI nfl, pYNdf ey Kurd krIN Gr bfr cYWk Pyr, gurU Gr jfvIN dIvy lfAux vflIey nI dIvy soc ky jgfvIN,
suxdy hF hokf sdIaF’qoN jhF qy. smJ nf sky kdy ies byquky rfg nUM, Kf jFdy DoKf lok aksr rwb dy nF qy. rwb iewk hr roj rfg ieh alfpdy, rKvfly Drm dy ikqny sYqfn ny. rwb qF vsdf Klkq ivwc dwsy nfnk, pr rwb dy Gr qf also vYrfn ny.
KfrI’c aflU qy hokf hY sybf df, KrId sOdf gfhk vI bYTy hYrfn ny. kdoN qwk cwlU pRcfr ieh kUV df, QF QF dkfnf KolI bYTy sYqfn ny. sfry bxy bYTy sfKsfq rUp rfm df, jd ik kx kx ivwc vsdy rfm ny. ieko hY rsqf qy mMijLl sB iewk dI, awzo awz nfm lYNdy rfm cfhy sLfm ny. mnuwKqf qoN vwzf nF Drm koeI jhfn AuWqy, sux mlkIq gurF pIrF dy pYgfm ny.
dIvy lfAux vflIey nI[[[ dIvy sdIaF qoN sfry dUr krdy hnyry eyQy dIvf lfAux vfly nhINE, lwBdy bnyry dIvf, QflLI ivwc rwK joq, iGE dI jgfvIN dIvy lfAux vflIey nI dIvy soc ky jgfvIN, dIvy lfAux vflIey nI[[[ ijhVy kMm ivwc Gftf Ehdy jfxF kfhqoN nyVy suwK lwBidaF QoVy,
DI dIp idvflI df, ieh nUM jgmg jgx idE. vfa burI jo vgdI ey, nf ies nUM lgx idE. ieh df qyl ncoVo nf. ieh dI vwt mroVo nf. ieh df mfVf loVo nf. dIpk nUM qoVo nf. ies nwnIH dIpk nUMdIivaF sMg Ìbx idE. DI dIp idvflI df… ies dIpk sohxIN nUM.
dIvflI pUrn isMG sMDU
bhuqy duwKVy shyVy awg nfl kfhdI Kyz vyKIN, Buwl nF qUM jfvIN dIvy lfAux vflIey nI dIvy soc ky jgfvIN, dIvy lfAux vflIey nI[[[
KUn pfxI kr iewk msF Gr ey bxfieaf lwgf imhnqF nUM Pl bfby, swc ey suxfieaf sfrI Aumr dI kmfeI swcIN, hwQIN nf gvfvIN dIvy lfAux vflIey nI
dIvy soc ky jgfvIN, dIvy lfAux vflIey nI[[[ vyK, bxdI rMgolI inwky inwky hwQF nfl qwk, KusLI ivwc KIvy, hoeI jfx inwky bfl BolLy BflLy eyh mfsUm vyKIN, KLqry nF KfvIN dIvy lfAux vflIey nI dIvy soc ky jgfvIN, dIvy lfAux vflIey nI[[[ eyh qF KusLI df iqEhfr, nfl KusLI dy mnf lY
dIvflI df dIp blvMq srF mwdoky 604-217-0177
mn nMu mn mohxIN nUM. ies nvIN pfRhMuxI nUM. sfzy Gr afAuNxI nMu . nÌrq nUM Cz ky qyipafr df Ègn idE.
DI dIp idvflI df… ÌUk mfr buJfE nf. kuwK ivc sqfE nF. ieh nUM kql krfE nF. ieh kihr kmfE nF. ies kul dI dIpk nUMsony ijAu dÊx idE.
DI dIp idvflI df… ibn jV nf vyl ÌÜy. ibn DI nf kul cly. ijEN dIp qoN dIp jly. idn afAuNdy Pyr Bly. ‘’srF’’ qusI buJfE nfcMigafVI mÊn idE. DI dIp idvflI dfieh nUM jgmg jgx idE. vfa burI nf lgx idE.
suwK sfiraF dI mMg, gIq KusLIaF dy gf lY vyKIN, rMg qy qmfsLy ivwc, BMg nf iKMzfvIN dIvy lfAux vflIey nI dIvy soc ky jgfvIN, dIvy lfAux vflIey nI[[[ eymy idn rfm sIqf, kwt afey bxvfs bMdICoV ipqf jI ny rfjy, kIqy nF inrfsL qFhI, dIp mflf kIqI lokF, cfry hI idsLfvIN
pfT 10: byqhfsLf qsLwdd nUM iKVy mwQy Jwlxfdo mfrc 1930 eI[ nUM gFDI jI ny vfiesrfey nUM iewk Kq iliKaf, jy kFgrs dIaF mMgF pUrIaF nf kIqIaF geIaF qF Auh nmk knUMn qoV dyxgy. pr AuhnF ny iesqy koeI ivcfr nf kIqf.
12 mfrc 1930 eI[ nUM gFDI jI ny sfbrmqI afsLrm qoN afpxy imwqrF nUM nfl lY ky zFzI mfrc sLurU kIqf. jdoN Auh afsLrm qoN inkly qF hOlI hOlI lok AuhnF dy nfl rldy gey. ies qrHF lgfqfr cldy hoey Auh cOvI mIl awgy inkl gey. ijAuN ijAuN awgy nUM vDdy gey lokF df kfPLlf vDdf igaf. ies ivsLfl jn-aMdoln nUM dyK ky brqfnvI hkUmq soc ivwc pY geI.
6 aprYl 1930 eI[ nUM smuMdr dy iknfry qy jf ky gFDI jI ny Kud nmk bxfieaf. nmk knUMn qoVn krky brqfnvI srkfr ny 4 meI 1930 nUM gFDI jI nUM igRPqfr kr ilaf. ibnf mukwdmf clfey AuhnF nUM jylH ivwc suwt idwqf igaf.
dys Br ivwc gFDI jI dy hwk ‘c hVqflF sLurU ho geIaF. QF qF qy Drny aqy pRdrsLn hox lwg pey. aijhy iewk pRdrsLn ivwc afibd alI nUM PV ilaf igaf. AuhnF dy hwk ‘c nfhry mfrdy hoey ijAuN hI QMmx isMG awgy hoey qF afp Auqy byhwd hI qsLwdd kIqf igaf. ienHF nUM sotIaF dy nfl burI qrHF kuwitaf igaf. jd qwk ienHF nUM hosL rhI ieh zty rhy.
agly idn gorygfEN kort bMbeI dy 22 vkIlF ny iewk aKbfr ivwc stytmYNt idwqI ik iewk protYst mfrc ijs dI agvfeI iewk srdfr kr irhf sI, ikvyN Ausqy ibnf vjHf burI qrHF qsLwdd kIqf igaf.
ajLfdI GulftIaf bfbf QMmx isMG sLivMdr kOr
srdfr QMmx isMG iewk protYst mfrc dI agvfeI kr rhy sn AuhnF qy qF qsLwdd krnf hI sI. Aus smyN qF aMgryjLI hkUmq iKlfPL cfr sLbd bolx vflf afdmI vI ksUrvfr igixaf jFdf sI. pUrf aprYl df mhInf ienHF dy jLKm TIk hox qy lwg igaf sI. meI mhIny ‘c QoVHf TIk hoey qF iPr afpxf morcf sMBfl ilaf. ieh afpxf smF vwD qoN vwD ies afjLfdI dI lVfeI ivwc lfAux dI koisLsL krdy pr iPr koeI aijhI Gtnf vfpr jFdI ijs nfl ienHF nUM kdy jKLmF nUM TIk krn leI mMjy qy Gry pYxf pYNdf aqy kdy hspqfl dfKl hoxf pYNdf. hux ieh kFgrs pfrtI dy muwZly lIzrF ivcoN sn. kuJ bolx df ZMg hI aijhf sI ik iehnF dI izAUtI ijLafdf ros jlUsF smyN lfeI jFdI sI. meI 1930 ivwc iek ros mfrc dI agvfeI kridaF iehnF nUM isrPL lfTIaF nfl hI nf kuwitaf igaf sgoN Aubwldf pfxI iehnF qy pf idwqf igaf ijs nfl sfrf srIr CfilaF nfl Br igaf. iehnF df ielfj krfAux leI iehnF nUM bMbeI dy gokldfs hspqfl ivwc BrqI krf idwqf igaf. srIr burI qrHF jKmI hox qy vI afp sI qwk nhIN krdy sn. afp nUM qkrIbn mhInf Br hspqfl ivc hI rihxf ipaf.
julfeI 1930ivwc pMzq moqI lfl nihrU jdoN bMbeI dy afjLfd mYdfn ivwc brqfnvI hkUmq iKlfPL ho rhI ros rYlI nUM sMboDn krn afey qF jo gfrz afP afnr AuhnF nUM dyxf sI Aus dy ieMcfrj s[ QMmx isMG sn. pr Aus ros rYlI ivwc puls vwloN burI qrHF lfTIcfrj kIqf igaf. lokF nUM burI qrHF kuwitaf igaf. rYlI ivwc BgdV mwc geI. ijwDr iksy df mUMh hoieaf, Bwj quiraf. s[
QMmx isMG nUM eynI burI qrHF nfl kuwitaf igaf ik iehnF dy srIr qy 51 jLKm ho gey sn aqy iehnF dI iek bFh PRYkcr ho geI sI. iehnF dI hOslf aPLjLfeI krn leI pMzq moqI lfl nihrU afp hspqfl ivwc pqf lYx afey. iehnF nUM pUrI cVHdI klf ivwc dyK ky aqy iehnF df ieMny jLKmF qoN bfad vI hOsly qy dlyrI Biraf ivvhfr dyK ky bhuq KusL hoey.
jnvrI dI sLurUafq sI. sMn 1931 df afgmn ho cuwikaf sI. bMbeI ivwc ivdysLI kwpVy df bfeIkft cwl irhf sI. ivdysLI kwpVy dI iewk vYn BrI af rhI sI. kFgrs dy muwZly nyqf ijnHF ivwc s[ QMmx isMG aqy bfbU gInUM vI sLfml sn, Aus vYn nUM rokx leI dUsiraF dy nfl qur pey. ijAuN hI vYn afAuNdI idsI bfbU gInUM ny Aus nUM rokx df Xqn kIqf. pr vYn vfly ny AusdI prvfh kIqy ibnf AuhnF nUM vYn dy Qwly dy ky kucl idwqf. bfbU gInUM Ausy smyN Ausy QF ‘qy sLhId ho gey. dyKf dyKI vfhvf lok iekwTy ho gey sn. ijAuN hI vYn vfly ny bfbU jI nUM kucl ky sLhId kr idwqf, Auh iekdm BVk AuWTy. AuhnF ny bfbU jI dy hwk ‘c nfhry lfAuxy sLurU kr idwqy. Aqy brqfnvI srkfr murdfbfd dy nfhry gUMjx lwg pey. puls iek dm af ky lokF dI kuwtmfr krn lwg peI. GoVsvfr puls ny lokF nUM imwDxf sLurU kr idwqf. lokF ‘c hPVf qPVI mwc geI. ijwDr nUM iksy df mUMh hoieaf, jfn bcfAux leI dOVn lwgf. pr QMmx isMG azol bfbU gInUM jI dI imRqk dyh kol KVHy rhy. puls dy ispfhIaF ny rPlF dy bwtF nfl qd qwk ienHF nUM kuwtxf jfrI rwiKaf jd qwk ieh byhosL ho ky izwg nf pey. afp 24 GMty AuQy pey rhy. sB ny smiJaf afp vI sLhId ho gey hn. sfrf srIr KUn nfl lQpQ sI. acfnk
iksy afdmI ny iehnF dy kol afAux df sfhs kIqf. Aus ny dyiKaf ik nbjL ajy cwl rhI sI. Aus ny kuJ hor afdmIaF nUM nfl lY ky iehnF nUM hspqfl ivc dfKl krf idwqf. ieh afp dI idRV iewCf sLkqI aqy nroaf srIr hI sI ijs ny ieMnf KUn vg jfx qy vI afp nUM ijMdf rwiKaf. bMbeI dy aKbfrF ivwc qF s[ QMmx isMG dy sLhId hox dIaF KLbrF lwg geIaF sn. jdoN ik ieh asl ivwc byhosL pey sn.
26 jnvrI 1931 nUM mhfqmf gFDI jylH ivcoN irhf ho ky afey qF s[ QMmx isMG df hspqfl pqf lYx gey. bfad ivc bfbf jI dwisaf krdy sn ik myry pwtIaF bMnHIaF hoeIaF sn ijnHF ivc isMmy hoey KUn dy dfg lwgy hoey sn qF mYnUM dyK ky gFDI jI kihx lwgy, “srdfr jI, afpky ichry pr bMDI sPYd sPYd pwtIEN pr lfl KUn ky insLfn bhuq suMdr idKfeI dy rhy hYN.” mYN vI awgoN jvfb idwqf, “gFDI jI srdfr qo afjLfdI ky lIey PFsI pr cVHny aOr kflLy pfxI kI sjfeyN kftny ky lIey sdf bykrfr rihqy hY. Xy KUn ky Dwby qo Aunky lIey koeI bfq nhIN hYN.” DMn hn afjLfdI leI kurbfnI krn vfly dys Bgq ijnHF ny afjLfdI leI kdy srIr dy ksLtF dI, jfiedfdF dI aqy afpxy pirvfrF dI prvfh nhIN kIqI.
New research, funding to support complex mental-health, substance-use challenges
British Columbians living with overlapping brain injury, mental-health and substance-use challenges will benefit from a new research project that will explore these areas and propose solutions to meet people’s needs. The Province is investing $345,000 in Constable Gerald Breese Centre for Traumatic Losses (CGB) to support ongoing research into brain injury, mental health and addictions, and propose evidence-based solutions and services that are integrated, accessible and culturally safe.
“People who survive an illicit drug poisoning are at higher risk of brain injury because of the increasingly toxic drug supply,” said Sheila Malcolmson, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions. “B.C. is funding this research to find the best ways to support people who have complex overlapping mental-health, substance-use challenges and brain injury.”
The research project includes provincial conferences – BC Consensus Building Days – and educational programs. The first BC Consensus Building Day, at the University of Victoria, will focus on overdose
survivors with brain injuries. The conference will gather perspectives and ideas from health-care providers, community stakeholders and people with lived experience, including Indigenous groups and marginalized communities.
“Individuals experiencing brain injury, mental health, addictions, homelessness and criminality, and their families, are struggling to navigate a system that is not fully integrated. This is leading to dire consequences for many,” said Janelle Breese Biagioni, clinical counsellor and CGB’s CEO and founder. “It’s critical we
take action now. Our intention is the B.C. consensus on brain injury, mental health, and addictions is an important step forward in determining priorities and solutions needed to bring about needed change to best serve people in British Columbia who are living with these experiences.”
This investment complements government’s work supporting people with overlapping mental health, substance use, trauma and acquired brain injuries, including the first-ofits-kind Red Fish Healing Centre, and groundbreaking approaches like complex-care housing.
pusqk: pRmfqmf aqy Drm-mnuwK dI isrjxf
cYptr: pRmfqmf dy sMklp qoN ivrvy, pUrbI mhFdIp dy purfqn Drm (A)[ qfEvfd: qfEvfd dI sQfpnf lfEq-sy ny kIqI, jo cIn ivwc 604 eI[pU[ dy nyVy jnimaf. Aus dI mOq dy smyN df koeI pqf nhIN cldf. Auh iewk srkfrI aPLsr sI. Aus ny afpxy buZfpy dy smyN ‘qfE-qicMg’ nF dI iewk pusqk ilKI dwsI jFdI hY. qfEvfd df AudysL ies DrqI ‘qy mnuwK dI Aumr lMmI kIqI jfx dy Xqn sn. qfE df sLfbidk arQ ‘kudrq aqy bRihmMz df rfh’ hY. ieh sfnUM kudrq nfl ipafr krnf isKfAuNdf hY aqy Aus qoN iswKx leI kihMdf hY. ies pwKoN ieh sfry DrmF qoN vwKrf hY. qfE-q-icMg ivwc iliKaf hY ik, “qfE dy isDFq anusfr jIvn df afpxy afp nUM kudrq dy hvfly krnf.” lfE-q-sy aqy Aus dy cyly kudrq nUM gurU vjoN pCfxdy sn. qfEvfd iksy rfjX ivwc vwD qoN vwD mnuwKI afjLfdI hox dI vkflq krdf hY. ies ‘vfd’ df ivsLvfs hY ik mnuwK afjLfd hovy aqy Aus aMdr aMqrIv nykI hovy.”
(a)[ qfEvfd: qfEvfd dy isDFq ‘gfzIrfh’ (vsqUaF df) df AudY cIn (6vIN5vIN sdI eI[pU[) ivwc hoieaf. ies vfd df jnmdfqf lfE-q-sy nUM mMinaf jFdf hY ijs ny kudrqI jIvn ijAUx df swdf idwqf. Aus ny afpxy isDFq ‘qfE-qIicMg’ (qrk qy pivwqrqf) nF dI pusqk ivwc pRsquq kIqy, ijnHF anusfr sfrIaF vsqUaF pirvrqnsLIl hn aqy iesy pirvrqnsLIlqf dOrfn Auh afpxy ivroDI dy rUp ivwc bdl jFdIaF hn. ies bdlfa dy rsqy nUM Auh ‘rsqf’ kihMdf hY. mnuwK nUM cfhIdf hY ik Auh vfDU dfrsLink isDFq GVn dI QF, vsqUaF nUM pRikrqI
vwl afpxf iDafn afkrisLq kry. qfEvfd anusfr mnuwK iksy AuWqy pRBUqf jmfAux jF awiqafcfr krn qoN sMkoc kry.
(e)[ qfEvfd: rvfieq anusfr qfEvfd df moZI lfE-jLU ibrD gurU hY, jo kniPAUsLs df smkflI pr pr Aus qoN vzyrI Aumr df sI. Aus dy jIvn bfry bhuqf pqf nhIN hY. Aus ny qfEvfdI rhwsvfd dI ivafiKaf afpxI pusqk ‘qfE-qI-icMg’ ivwc kIqI hY ijs dy arQ ‘gfzI rfh aqy Aus dI sLkqI’ hn. qfEvfd df ipCokV pihl-plyTI dy AunHF qfAuvfdI jfdUgr pfdrIaF nfl af juVdf hY, ijnHF bfry ikhf jFdf hY ik ivsmfd dI avsQf ivwc AunHF aMdr dyvI-dyvqy pRvysL kr jFdy sn. smfDI aqy vjd dI avsQf ivwc koeI qfEvfdI iewk aijhI avsQf ivwc phuMc jFdf hY, jdoN kihMdf hY: “mYN afpxy afp nUM Buwl cuwkf hF”. ies avsQf ivwc Aus nUM pRqwK rUp Aus iewk dy idsx df aihsfs jfgdf hY. Auh iewko-iewk (isDFq rUpI swqf), jo idsdIaF-ipsdIaF vsqUaF dy Auhly hY, aijhI smrUpqf ijs dy klfvy ivwc sfry cmqkfr afAuNdy hn. srbwq nUM klfvy ivwc lYx vflI Auh mhfn sLkqI jF Auh inrpyK qfAu khfAuNdf hY, cInI BfsLf ivwc ijs dy arQ ‘gfzI-rfh’ hn. ieh iewk sVk jF mfrg hY ijs nUM alMkfrk rUp ivwc ivDI-ivDfn jF pRikiraf kih skdy hF.
kniPAUsLsvfd: purfqn cIn dI iewk pRiswD icMqn pRxflI hY ijs dI buinafd kniPLAUsLs (551-479 eI[pU[) nF dy iewk mhfn ivcfrDfrk ny rwKI ijs dI ivcfrDfrf “aYnflYkts’ nF nfl jfxy jFdy gRMQF ivwc drj hY. ies dIaF iswiKafvF anusfr mnuwK dI iksmq Dur drgfh dy
hukm dI mhfnqf dI vizafeI krnf hY. ieh ivcfrDfrf sdIaF bwDI jfgIrU Xuwg dy cIn ivwc muwK isDFq vjoN pRvfnq rhI. jy insLicq rUp ivwc afiKaf jfey, qF ieh qfEvfd vFg hI iewk dfrsLink isDFq hY, nf ik koeI Drm.
kniPAUsLsvfd: ieh ivcfrDfrf lgBg 2500 sfl pihlF cIn dy kuMg jLI ijs nUM gurU kuMg vI ikhf igaf hY, duafrf pRcfrI geI ijs nUM lfqInI BfsLf ivwc kniPAUsLs ikhf igaf hY. Aus dIaF iswiKafvF ‘aYnflYkts’ (XfnI qwQF aqy aKfxF df mjmUaf) nF dy gRMQF ivwc vrxq hn. kniPAUsLs cIn df iewk mhfn icMqk sI ijs dIaF iswiKafvF ny sdIaF-bwDI korIaf aqy jfpfn dy lokF dy jIvn ‘qy gihrf pRBfv Cwizaf hY. Auh iewk ivdvfn pwQ-pRdrsLk sI. Auh asloN iewk adBuq cmqkfr sI. Aus ny purfqn cInI sfihq df sMkln kIqf aqy iewk ieiqhfsk Koj-pRbMD vI iliKaf. Aus dy jIvn qoN sfnUM AuWcqm afdrsLvfd, sqrk prAupkfr, afqm-iqafg, loBlflc ivrkq jIvn dI sfdgI, eImfndfrfnf svY-swiBak jIvn aqy nykI dI ijwq ivwc atuwt ivsLvfs ivakq huMdf hY. ho skdf hY Aus df pRmfqmf ivwc ivsLvfs hovy pr bhuq vfr Auh ies leI afm qOr ‘qy amUrq aivakqk pd ‘eIan’ vrqdf hY. (cInI ivwc ijs df Bfv dyv-lok hY). Aus ny aiDafqimk sLkqIaF dI hoNd qoN ienkfr nhIN kIqf (Auh cfhy dyvI-dyvqy hox jF afqmfvF) pr Aus ny afpxy isLsLF nUM qfVnf kIqI, “BfvyN ienHF rUhF anusfr mnuwKqf leI aslI gwl mnuwK nUM smJxf hI hY. Aus df mfx-siqkfr Aus dy lokF nUM idwqy inqf-pRqI dy sDfrn jIvn dIaF iswiKafvF
aqy mfnvvfd afDfirq sdfcfr hY, ijs ivwc iksy aiDafqimk jF prf-srIrk sLkqI df koeI dKl nhIN.
(A)[ isLMtovfd: ies vfd bfry mhwqvpUrn gwl ieh hY ik ies Drm df nF isrPL koeI moZI ivakqI ivsLysL nhIN, sgoN ies dI koeI ieiqhfsk buinafd vI nhIN hY. ieh iewk aspsLt ijhf isDFq hY. ies ivwc ‘amyqrfsU EmIkf’ jfpfnI nF dI iewk sUrj dI dyvI hY; ijs nUM sLfhI pirvfr qoN lY ky nIvyN qoN nIvyN sDfrn iksfn pirvfr qwk ibnf iksy vfd ivvfd dy srbsRysLt mMinaf jFdf hY. lgBg sfry jfpfnIaF df jnm qoN hI iehI Drm smiJaf jFdf hY. jfpfnI hoxf jF sUrj dI dyvI df pujfrI hoxf iewko arQ rwKdf hY. jfpfnI hoxf qy isLMto nf hoxf sMBv hI nhIN. ieh Drm jfpfnI kOm df afpxf hI iewk ivsLysL kOmI Drm hY ijs dI bfkI dI dunIaF nUM koeI dyx nhIN, pr ieh iewk jfpfnI qoN hr gwl dI afs rwKdf hY. ieh EnI sMprdfie nhIN, ijMnI iewk jIvn-jfc hY. prMprf qoN hI ieh iewk jfpfnI mUl pRivrqI qy rsmo-irvfjL hY ijs rfhoN hr jfpfnI ho ky lMGdf hY. ieh Drm jfpfnI BfeIcfry df ainwKVvF aMg hY; iPr vI
Setting up your new business for success
(NC) A great business begins with a great idea. But that spark does not mean entrepreneurs magically understand all aspects of running a business. One of the most important parts, and one that can be tricky to grasp, is payroll.
To properly establish a payroll system there are several important steps, including:
1. Registering with the government
You’ll need a 15-digit business number that allows the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to identify your business for tax matters. You may also have an obligation to establish additional provincial accounts for
workers’ compensation or employer health taxes, depending on where your business and your employees are located.
2. Managing your money While not a requirement, establishing a dedicated payroll bank account is recommended to keep funds for payroll costs separate from business expenses. This is important because the CRA specifically states that once an employer has withheld payroll source deductions from employees, these amounts are to be held in trust until remittance is due.
3. Creating a compensation model
While there is legislation detailing minimum wage based on hours worked, the method in which employees are paid is completely up to you as an employer. You’ll have to decide whether you want to pay workers a salary, hourly wage or commission.
“Understanding the basics of payroll in the early stages of your business will save you tremendous time and resources in the long run,” says Peter Tzanetakis, president of the National Payroll Institute. “Mastering these basics will enable you to protect your business in the event of audits and ultimately
support the health of your business long-term.”
To learn more about how payroll best practices can support your business’s health, you can download a full ebook at
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gYrI (rUpI) tftlf, irwk (pOlI) tftlf, 7 poqy poqIaF: rymMz, jovn, jyanf, rfien, iesLfn, armfn aqy inwk Auh iewk Bgq sn, QoVHy ÈbdF dy iensfn aqy sfzy KfmoÈ XoDf sn. Auh sfzy pirvfr df QMm sn aqy hmyÈf leI Xfd rihxgy.