Decluttering for the New Year
(NC) The new year is the perfect opportunity to reset and refresh your home. For many of us, this kind of cleansing is a must-do before the ball drops. Not only is maintaining a clean home a great habit to bring with you into 2023, but it’s also a fantastic way to kickstart any other resolution you may have. Who doesn’t feel more productive in a fresh, clean home? Below are some tips to get you started.
Set your intentions
What are you hoping to achieve by de-cluttering your home? Are you looking to make more room in your closet for new clothes? Do you want to make it easier to find things? Hav ing a specific goal in mind will help motivate you to get the job done.
2. Pick a date
Even the most organized among us are prone to procrastinating when it comes to cleaning. Take a look at your schedule, choose a date that you know you’ll be able to stick to
and mark it down in your calendar. Consider asking a friend or partner to help keep you accountable.
3. Take inventory of your tools
If one of your New Year’s resolu tions is to keep a tidier home, think about how you’ll do it. Do you have all the tools you’ll need to do this? Do you have enough sponges? Do you need more cleaning solution? Is it time to upgrade your vacuum? If you are in the market for a new one, a vacuum with a telescopic wand and two quick-release batteries, such as the LG CordZero, can be especially helpful to reach into nooks and cran nies without interruption.
Ëukfm nUM PVnf kdy vI mËydfr nhIN huMdf, aqy jdoN asIN srdI dy mhIinaF ivwc dfKl huMdy hF jdoN Ëukfm jF PlU hox dI sMBfvnf vwD huMdI hY, afpxy afp nUM Xfd idvfAuxf mhwqvpUrn huMdf hY ik asIN ishqmMd rihx leI kI kr skdy hF! KuÈiksmqI nfl, iewQy bhuq sfry roËfnf aiBafs hn jo qusIN muÈkl TMzy-mOsm dIaF bwgF qoN awgy rihx leI lfgU
ieimAUintI splImYNts lEu
srdIaF dy mhIinaF dOrfn ieimAUintI pUrkF df stfk ap krnf cMgf huMdf hY! ivtfimn sI vrgy ieimAUintI bUstr bImfrIaF df sfhmxf krn aqy quhfnUM ishqmMd rwKx leI quhfzI pRqIroDk pRqIikiraf iqafr krn ivwc mdd krdy hn. pUrkF nUM afpxI roËfnf rutIn df ihwsf bxfAux qoN pihlF afpxy zfktr nfl slfh kro.
kr skdy ho. srdIaF dOrfn ibmfr nf hox bfry kuJ mhwqvpUrn suJfa iswKx leI ieh suJfEaF dI pflxf kro.
bfhr ksrq kro
TMzy aqy PlU dy mOsm dOrfn aksr GrF dy aMdr GuMmdI grm, suwkI hvf nUM sfh lYx nfl quhfzy ibmfr hox dI sMBfvnf vwD skdI hY. CUq dIaF ibmfrIaF, ijvyN ik PlU vfiers jF afm Ëukfm, KuÈk, inwGy vfqfvrx ivwc vDdy-Puwldy hn. ksrq krn leI bfhr iËafdf smF ibqfAux nfl nf isrÌ quhfzI ieimAUn isstm vDygI aqy quhfzI smuwcI ishq ivwc suDfr hovygf sgoN quhfnUM TMzy mOsm aqy nmI vflI hvf df sfhmxf krnf pvygf jo quhfzy sfh dI nflI ivwc axcfhy kItfxU nhIN lY ky jFdI.
cMgI sPfeI df aiBafs kro hmyÈf vFg, cMgI sPfeI df aiBafs krnf quhfnUM ibmfr hox qoN bcx ivwc mdd kr skdf hY. iesdf mqlb hY inXmq qOr ‘qy nhfAuxf, ijMnf sMBv ho sky afpxy ichry nUM CUhx qoN bcxf, aqy hYNz sYnItfeIËr dI vrqoN krnI. sB qoN mhwqvpUrn, afpxy hwQ Doxf Xfd rwKo! iehnF afdqF nUM afpxI roËfnf rutIn df ihwsf bxf ky, qusIN ishqmMd rihx dIaF sMBfvnfvF nUM vDfENgy.
nINd lEu slfh df ieh tukVf aksr idwqf jFdf hY pr Gwt hI iDafn idwqf jFdf hY. ieh Xfd rwKxf mhwqvpUrn hY ik loVINdI nINd lYxf sfzI smuwcI ishq nUM bxfeI rwKx df iewk vwzf ihwsf hY. TMzy-mOsm dy mhIinaF dOrfn, BrpUr nINd lYxf aqy ieh XkInI bxfAuxf ik quhfzy srIr ivwc loVINdI AUrjf hY ijsdI iesnUM sucfrU ZMg nfl cwldy rihx leI loVINdf hY, quhfnUM ibmfrI nfl hyTF afAux qoN rokx ivwc mdd kr skdf hY. ishqmMd rihx leI, nINd nUM qrjIh dyx dI koiÈÈ kro aqy roËfnf afrfm dy GMty pRfpq kro ijsdI quhfnUM loV hY. ishqmMd KfE aqy pfxI pIE pOÈitk Bojn Kfxf aqy afpxy afp nUM shI ZMg nfl hfeIzryt rwKxf quhfnUM ibmfr hox qoN bcx ivwc mdd kr skdf hY. jo Bojn qusIN KFdy ho aqy pfxI dI mfqrf jo qusIN pINdy ho, quhfzI smuwcI qMdrusqI ivwc iewk BUimkf inBfAuNdy hn, ies leI quhfzy jIvn ivwc AuhnF afdqF vwl pUrf iDafn dyxf quhfnUM ishqmMd rihx ivwc mdd kr skdf hY. pOÈitk qwqF nfl BrpUr Bojn, ijvyN ik sbËIaF aqy pwqydfr sfg, quhfzI ieimAUn isstm nUM ies qrIky nfl vDfeygf ik imwTy Bojn aqy alkohl nhIN. pIx vflf pfxI AunHF aMgF nUM afksIjn pRdfn krn ivwc mdd krdf hY ijnHF nUM shI ZMg nfl kMm krn leI iesdI loV huMdI hY; ieh srIr ivwcoN axcfhy ieimAUn-rokx vfly ËihrIly pdfrQF nUM kwZx ivwc vI mdd krdf hY. qxfa nUM srgrmI nfl pRbMiDq kro
afpxy qxfa pRbMDn ivwc ikirafÈIl hoxf aqy svY-sMBfl df aiBafs krnf afpxy afp nUM ishqmMd rihx ivwc mdd krn df iewk vDIaf qrIkf hY. idmfg ‘qy qbfhI mcfAux dy nfl-nfl, qxfa smyN dy nfl srIr ‘qy gMBIr tol lY skdf hY. ijvyN ik qusIN klpnf kr skdy ho, jdoN quhfzf srIr Krfb ho jFdf hY, qF ibmfr hox qoN bcxf muÈkl ho skdf hY. roËfnf afpxy afp nUM muV surjIq krn dy Coty jF vwzy qrIky lwBxf srdIaF dy mhIinaF dOrfn aqy sfrf sfl quhfzI smuwcI ishq aqy qMdrusqI nUM bxfeI rwKx ivwc iewk lMmf sÌr qYa kr skdf hY. afpxf PlU Èft lvo aMq ivwc, pr inÈcq qOr ‘qy Gwt qoN Gwt nhIN, ieh XkInI bxfE ik qusIN hr sfl afpxy PlU dy Èft nUM pRfpq kro, ijvyN ik
rog inXMqRx aqy rokQfm kyNdrF (CDC) duafrf isÌfirÈ kIqI geI hY! ies slfnf tIkfkrn ‘qy ap tU zyt hoxf sMBfvq qOr ‘qy quhfzy Auwprly sfh pRxflI nUM kTor srdIaF dI KMG nfl sMGrÈ krn qoN bcfeygf; jykr qusIN tIkf lgfAuNdy ho aqy PlU dy vfiers nUM PV lYNdy ho, qF quhfzy lwCx bhuq iËafdf pRbMDnXog hoxgy. TMzy aqy PlU dy mOsm dOrfn qMdrusq rihx ivwc quhfzI mdd krn dy nfl-nfl, PlU dy ivruwD tIkfkrx krnf vI quhfnUM dUjy lokF dy ibmfr hox qoN bcx ivwc mdd krdf hY. bhuq sfrIaF shUlqF jo PlU dy Èft dI pyÈkÈ krdIaF hn, koivz-19 tIky lgfAux dy vI smrwQ hn. afpxy nyVy dI BrosyXog mYzIkl shUlq ‘qy afpxy sflfnf PlU dy Èft aqy hor tIky lYx leI smF in Èicq krnf XkInI bxfE!
rukdI qF sLfm suMdr dy Gr vflI cfh bxfAuNdI qy Auh cfh ryl
pvn igwlF vflf
gwzI ‘c vrqfa ky afpxy gujLfry jogy pYsy bxf lYNdf qy dohF jIaF df vDIaf smF gujLr jFdf. acfnk iek idn ryl gwzI af ky stysLn ‘qy rukI qF ivcoN bjLurg joVf Auqr ky afieaf. bjLurg ny afpxI pqnI df hwQ PV ky shfrf idwqf hoieaf sI qy Auh iek KflI pey bYNc ‘qy jf ky bYT gey. AunHF dy kwpVy dyK ky lwg irhf sI ik GroN grIb hI hoxgy. AudoN nUM dUjI ryl gwzI afeI. sLfm suMdr hmysLF
dI qrHF cfh lY ky af pxy kMm lwg igaf qy iqMn cfr GMty bfad jd Auh vfps afieaf qF Aus ny dyiKaf ik Auh bjLurg joVf hfly vI AuQy hI bYTf sI. dyKdy-dyKdy sLfm Zl cwlI. sLfm suMdr ny bjLurgF kol jf ky puwiCaf ik bfbf jI mYN quhfnUM subHf df dyK irhF, ikMnIaF hI gwzIaF af ky clIaF geIaF nf qF qusIN gwzI cVHy, nf hI quhfnUM koeI lYx afieaf qF bjLurg ny kMbdy hwQF nfl jyb ‘coN kfgjL df tukVf kwiZaf qy ikhf ik puwqr sfnUM donF nUM hI pVHnf nhIN afAuNdf. ies kfgjL ‘qy myry vwzy puwqr df pqf iliKaf hY qy Coty ny ikhf sI ik jy vwzf Brf lYx nf afieaf qF ieh iksy qoN vI puwC lYxf, Auh quhfnUM shI jgHf ‘qy phuMcf dyvygf.
Aus kfgjL ‘qy iliKaf sI ik[[[[[[[
“ikrpf krky ienHF dohF nUM sLihr dy iksy vI ibrD afsLrm ‘c BrqI krvf dyxf, bhuq-bhuq imhrbfnI hovygI.”
sLfm suMdr nUM iek dm DrqI PtdI idKfeI idwqI qF Auh bjLurg dy pYrF kol Qwly hI bYT igaf qy soc irhf sI ik lfhxq hY aYsI aOlfd qy eydUM qF asIN bFJ hI cMgy hF.
virMdr afjLfd
qUM mYnUM afpxf PYslf dws hI dy? rojL df kI pfKMz PiVaf hoieaf hY? BfeI qUM dws koeI bYNk df mYnyjr lwigaf hoieaf hYN, rojL kMm qy ds vjy af vVdf hYN. bfkI bMdy vI svyry kMm qy afAuNdy hn, qYnUM CyqI afAux lwigaF kI huMdf hY? awj qUM mYnUM afpxf PYslf dws hI dy, mYnUM hor vI bVy kMm hn. qyry nfl hI mwQf nhIN mfrI jfxf mYN. pUry df pUrf hPqf lyt afieaf hYN, pYsy kwty gey qF cIkF mfrnIaF ny.
“Tykydfr qusIN myrI gwl qF suxdy nhIN, bws guwsy hox lwg pYNdy ho. mYnUM keI mjLbUrIaF ny, iPr vI smyN isr kMm qy afAux dI koisLsL krdf hF. awgy qoN isLkfieq df mOkf nhIN dyvFgf bws iewk vfr muafP kr dyvo. agr kMm bMd ho igaf qF myry pirvfr vfsqy musLikl ho jfvygI.”
“sfry dy sfry bhfny quhfzy lokF kol hI rih gey, sfzIaF vI qF keI mjLbUrIaF aqy ijLMmyvfrIaF hn. asIN sB kMm nhIN krdy? asIN kMm qy nhIN afAuNdy? qyrI qrHF lyt nhIN afAuNdy aqy nf hI kdy CuwtI kIqI hY. kuwJ qF sLrm kr mYN vI awgy ihsfb dyxf. qyry vrgy do-cfr hor af gey, iPr qF kMm ho igaf….”
Tykydfr kuwJ bdl ky “awCf-awCf bhuqIaF gwlF nf krIN. awgy smF bhuq ho igaf hY. awgy qoN kMm qy lyt afieaf qF kMm qy afAux dI koeI jLrUrq nhIN.”
“nhIN lyt afAuNdf srdfr jI….” ies qrHF Tykydfr AuWcf-nIvF bol ky cilaf igaf. sLfm lyt qF afAuNdf sI, awj kfPI lyt ho igaf. Tykydfr kihMdf jd mYN idh fVI idMdf hF qF iPr bMdf smyN isr ikAuN nf afvy. Tykydfr dy jfx mgroN sLfm iPr socF dy smuMdrF ivwc zuwb igaf. Aus nUM afpxf afAux vflf smF hnyry ivwc afAuNdf jfpx lwgf. sLfm qF iewk vfr iPr ijLMdgI qoN hfr mMn bYTf sI. keI vfr mr jfx bfry socdf, pfro dI BolI sUrq aqy kfly df moh sLfm nUM ijAUx vfsqy mjLbUr kr irhf sI.
ijLafdf socx nfl kuwJ nhIN bxdf Aultf srIr kmjLor huMdf hY. idmfg qy ijLafdf boJ rwKx nfl bMdy dI socx smJx dI sLkqI Gwt jFdI hY. nfly iPr iPkr/socF qF bMdy nUM Gux vFg Kf jFdy…. jdoN pfro nvIN-nvIN ivafhI afeI sI, ikMnI sohxI lwgdI sI. hwQ lfAux qy mYlI huMdI sI. hux qF Aus df sfry df sfrf isr icwtf ho igaf sI. Aus nUM kdy myrf iPkr, kdy kfky df aqy kdy Gr df. mYN Aus nUM suwK qF kI dyxf sI Aultf duwK hI idwqf hY. hflI Aus dI Aumr 35 sfl aqy myrI Aumr 40 sfl dI hY. asIN eys vyly hI buwZy lwgx lwg pey hF. aTfrF sfl dI Aumr ivwc sfzf ivafh hoieaf sI. kfkf vI bhuq dyr bfad hoieaf sI. suwKxf suwK-suwK ky kfky nUM pfieaf. mYN soicaf sfzI qF kwtI geI aOKy sOKy. kfky nUM aPsr bxfAux bfry soicaf sI pr Aus nUM aPsr qF kI bxfAuxf sI, Aus nUM qF rotI dyxI musLikl hoeI peI hY. mYN qF mr jfxf, ies ijAUx `c kI rwiKaf? myrf ivafh krvfAux df koeI hwk nhIN bxdf sI. mYN ivafh krvf ky Gor pfp kIqf hY. hflI ieh gwlF sLfm dy idmfg ivwc GuMm rhIaF sn ik Tykydfr iPr afx Dmikaf aqy boilaf, “Eey rFiJaf! kI socdf ipaf eyN? kMm krn dI qyrI mrjI hY jF nhIN? kMm qF qUM krnf, iksy hor ny af ky nhIN krnf. jy idl nhIN mMndf qF kMm df KihVf Cwz. nfly iPr ikqy hor kMm kryNgf qF pqf lwg
jfAU. pYsy kwt ley qF cIkF mfrnIaF ny, iPr kihxf Tykydfr sfihb muafP kr dyvo. mYN pYsy ivhly bYTx dy nhIN idMdf.”
Zyr sfrIaF gwlF Tykydfr dIaF suxIaF. Tykydfr dIaF gwlF KMjLr dI qrHF vwjIaF. “awCf srdfr jI!” kihk ky, sLfm kMm krn lwg ipaf. sLfm nUM afpxf jIvn hnHyry ivwc afAuNdf idsx lwg ipaf. cfhy jo mrjLI hY rotI qF kMm krky hI imlxI hY. awj idn muwkx qy nhIN af irhf sI. isafixaF ny TIk hI ikhf hY ik cMgy idn qF CyqI-CyqI kwty jFdy hn pr mfVy vKq ivwc GMty vI sfl dy brfbr lwgdy hn. sLfm dy swq vwj gey, nfly hPqy df ieh afKrI idn sI, ihsfb krky pYsy vI lYxy sn. sLfm ny hwQ mUMh Doqf aqy kwpVy pf ky iqafr ho ky bYT igaf. kuwJ smF AuzIk krn qoN bfad Tykydfr af igaf.
“vyK Eey! pYsy lYx leI qusIN GMtf AuzIk krdy ho, kMm krn lwigaF bhfny afAuNdy hn. awCf kI ihsfb hY?”
“srdfr! swq idhfVIaF dy ihsfb nfl pYsy bxf idAu.”
“awCf! ihsfb qF qYnUM bhuq afAuNdf hY, ijhVf lyt afieaF Aus df ihsfb nhIN. cMgf lgf aMgUTf qy lY PVH pYsy….”
“srdfr jI idhfVI dy Gwt pYsy aY….” TIk-Tfk hY, ipwCy ho ky gwl kr, hornF
nUM vI pYsy dyxy hn, lyt afAux lwi gaF nhIN pqf lwgdf?” TIk qrHF kMm krnf hY qF TIk hY, nhIN qF svyr qoN kMm qy afAux dI koeI loV nhIN….” sLfm ny hMJU BrIaF awKF ipwCy moV leIaF aqy Gr vwl nUM qur ipaf. idmfg ivwc Tykydfr bfry socdf ik Auh 60 sfl df ho igaf pr hflIN vI jvfn lwgdf hY. GrvflI kwlH dI kuVI aqy myrI pfro ivcfrI buwZI njLr afAux lwg peI hY. mYN ikhVf jvfn hF, buwZf qF ho igaf hF. socF qF kdI mu wkdIaF nhIN bMdf muwk jFdf hY. socF socdf sLfm afpxy Gr phuMc igaf. sLfm ny drvfjLf KVkfieaf aMdr jnfnI bolI, “kOx hY?” awgoN sLfm iKwJ ky boilaf “mYN hF, hor kOx! qUM drvfjLf KolH.” pfro ny drvfjLf KolH idwqf. sLfm iZ wlf ijhf mUMh bxf ky aMdr af igaf. afAuNdy hI jnfnI ny puwiCaf, “kI gwl hY? bVy Audfs-Audfs njLr af rhy ho?” “bws kuJ nhIN hY, afh lY PVH pYsy.” pfro pYisaF dI igxqI krdI bolI, “iewk idhfVI dy pYsy Gwt hn?”
“Tykydfr ny idhfVI kwt leI.” “iPr kI hoieaf ieny hI bhuq ny mYN qF vYsy hI ikhf sI.” “kfkf ikwQy hY? njLr nhIN afAuNdf.”
“kfkf bfhr Kyzx igaf, qusIN hwQ mUMh Do lAu! mYN quhfzy vfsqy rotI lY ky afeI.”
ieMny nUM sLfm df kfkf af igaf. sLfm nfl icMbV igaf aqy boilaf, “bfpU awj qYnUM mYN nhIN Cwzxf, qUM JUTf hYN.” qUM myrf sfeIkl nhIN lY ky afieaf….” “nhIN bytf, agly mhIny jLrUr lY ky dyvFgf. hux myry kol pYsy nhIN hn.”
“nhIN nhIN!! mYnUM awj hI sfeIkl cfhIdf hY.” ieh kihky kfkf afpxy ipAu nfl icMbV igaf aqy AuWcI-AuWcI rox lwg ipaf. sLfm qF awgy hI svyr df bVf duKI sI. dUjf kfky ny bVf qMg kr idwqf. iKwJy hoey sLfm ny kfky dy do-cfr cpyVF kwZ mfrIaF. puwq nUM mfr pYNdI dyK pfro CyqI-CyqI dOV afeI. “ikAuN ikwQoN ies nUM sfeIkl lY ky dyvFgf…? myry kol qF Kud pYsy nhIN. rotI pqf nhIN ikvyN cldI hY?” af myrf sohxf puwq mYN qYnMU sfeIkl lY ky dyvFgI, bfpU qF qyrf gMdf hY.” pfro dI gwl sux ky kfkf KusL ho igaf. “hF-hF puwq mYN qYnUM jLrUr sfeIkl lY ky dyvFgI.” pfro ny kfky nUM pUry afqm ivsLvfs nfl ikhf. kfkf CyqI nfl bfhr dOV igaf aqy af pxI mF vwloN sfeIkl lY ky dyx vflI gwl dy supny lYx lwg ipaf. “sLfm nUM scfeI df sB pqf sI ik Aus dI GrvflI kfky nUM kdy vI sfeIkl nhIN lY ky dy skdI. sfry Gr df hfl sfhmxy hI hY. sLfied Aus df supnf kdy vI pUrf nhIN hovygf….”
(passing urine while doing activities)
More social and community service workers will serve people on Lower Mainland
As many as 30 eligible British Co lumbians will receive skills training to prepare them for employment as social and community service work ers.
port to prepare participants for their job search as social and community support workers.
“This training program is a great
“I know from my experience in the social services sector that this kind of training is vital to ensuring qualified professionals will be available to help people in our communities thrive,” said Nicholas Simons, Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction. “Graduates of the pro gram will be able to train and work on the Lower Mainland where there are opportunities for rewarding em ployment with a range of community agencies.”
The Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction’s Community and Employer Partnerships (CEP) project focuses on providing occupa tional training and work experience for newcomers, youth and people experiencing barriers to employment on the Lower Mainland.
The Province is providing more than $350,000 to the Afro Canadian Posi tive Network in Surrey to work with its partner Discovery Community College to deliver its social and com munity services certificate.
Participants will receive 20 weeks of employability and occupational skills training including certification in so cial and community service worker certificate, three weeks of on-the-job work experience with local employ ers, and two weeks of followup sup
opportunity for more people to gain the skills and experience needed to become social workers and commu nity service workers in the region,” said Andrew Mercier, Parliamentary Secretary for Skills Training. “By increasing training and work experi ence opportunities, we are making sure people have the right skills they need to secure employment in this critical field of work.”
Full-time group-based learning for the first intake of this project starts Nov. 28, 2022. The second intake will start in January 2023. Anyone interested in finding out more about this or other CEP projects can contact their local WorkBC centre.
“We are working with industry part ners to offer training that provides more people with opportunities to ad vance in their careers,” said Patience Magagula, executive director, Afro Canadian Positive Network Society. “The program will provide students the framework they need so that they’re ready to enter the job market.”
This announcement is part of Stron gerBC’s Future Ready plan. Future Ready is making education and train ing more accessible, affordable, and relevant to help businesses grow and prepare British Columbians for the jobs of tomorrow.
Surrey W omen’s Clinic srI ivimns klIink Friday, December 2nd, 2022 PAGE 10 The Patrika PAGE 10
rural police services
The Province is taking action to de liver stronger public safety services to protect people in urban, rural, and remote communities across B.C. through new funding that will help specialized units and rural police forces staff up and help keep streets safer for everyone.
As part of the Safer Communities Ac tion Plan, the Province is enhancing investments in core police funding that will sustain and strengthen en forcement and crime prevention ca pacity throughout British Columbia.
The funding will ensure adequate and effective levels of policing and law enforcement, particularly in rural, remote and Indigenous communities, and in a wide variety of specialized teams that investigate and prevent complex, violent and organized crimes. The funding will also provide support to prosecutors and probation officers with respect to violent, highrisk offenders.
“Everyone deserves to feel safe, and my government is working on every front to protect our communi ties and make them stronger,” said Premier David Eby. “As part of our Safer Communities Action Plan, we will help ensure that the RCMP can operate to its full capability to keep people safe. The actions today will help stabilize policing and provide our provincial police force with the staff resources they need to address public safety concerns head on.”
Through an investment of $230 mil lion over three years, the Province will tackle key public safety issues, including:
filling long-standing vacancies in rural police detachments in commu nities of less than 5,000 people;
allowing provincially funded regional RCMP units to reach their fully authorized staffing levels of 2,602 officers;
hiring additional officers in special ized units, such as the major crimes section, the sexual exploitation of children unit, and the BC Highway Patrol. These units serve rural and urban communities throughout the province and can help alleviate some work of municipal police forces, freeing them up to focus on other crime; and
creating a strong foundation to ad dress anti-money-laundering recom mendations from the Cullen Com mission.
Staffing up these units will improve public safety by increasing the over all capacity of homicide and missing persons investigations where foul play is suspected, and deterring the causes of motor vehicle fatalities, such as speeding, distracted driving and impairment.
“This historic commitment to invest in core RCMP police funding is a massive undertaking that took two years to achieve,” said Mike Farn worth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General. “Sustained core funding will provide a strong foun dation for police resources, enabling the police to focus on violent crimes and other pressing public safety is sues, while also actioning the imple mentation of the Safer Communities Action Plan and other public safety initiatives.”
Since 2017, government has taken steps to prevent money launder ing and organized crime that fuels the toxic drug crisis by providing resources to police, reversing cuts to sexual assault cen tres, increasing crime prevention and victim support services fund ing, and making record investments in housing, mental health and pov erty reduction.
DrqI dI vD rhI qpsL nUM rokx leI morfko smJOqy ‘qy hovy aml
18 nvMbr, 2016 nUM sMX
ukq rfÈtr df iek sMmyln morfko dyÈ dy mwrfkyÈ Èihr ivc hoieaf hY, ijs ivc lgpg 200 dyÈfˆ ny Bfg ilaf aqy mOsmI qbdIlI dy bury pRBfvfˆ nfl suwcjy ZMg nfl nijwTx leI AuWc-pwDrI rfjsI vcn bwDqf dI apIl kIqI hY? ies sMmyln ivc mrfkoaYlfnnfmy dy qihq sfry dyÈfˆ nUM ikhf igaf ik DrqI df qfpmfn qyËI nfl vDdy hoey icqfvnI vfly pwDr AuWqy phuMc igaf hY? ies vDdy hoey qfpmfn AuWqy kfbU pfAux leI sfry dyÈfˆ nUM qrjIhI qOr AuWqy Auprfly krky ies AuWqy kfbU pfAux leI lgfqfr Xqn krny cfhIdy hn? ies dy nfl-nfl mOsmI qbdIlI nfl sB qoN vwD pRBfivq hox vfly dyÈfˆ dI kudrqI afPqfˆ qoN bcfAu dI smrwQf nUM vDfAux aqy AunHfˆ qoN hox vfly nuksfnfˆ nUM Gwt krn leI bfkI sfry dyÈfˆ nUM iekjuwtqf nfl AunHfˆ dI vwD qoN vwD mdd krn dI apIl vI kIqI geI hY? ies sMmyln df muwK mMqv qfˆ hfl ivc hI amrIkI rfÈtrpqI dI cox ijwqx vfly zonflz trMp dy sfl 2015 dy pYirs mOsmI qbdIlI sbMDI smJOqy nUM rwd krn aqy nivafAuxXog AUrjf dI Qfˆ AuWqy qyl, gYs aqy koly dI vrqoN nUM AuqÈfihq krn dy ierfdy vfly ibafnfˆ qoN AupjI Gbrfht AuWqy ivcfr-vtfˆdrf krnf vI sI? zonflz trMp ny mOsmI qbdIlI nUM cIn df JUTf pRcfr kih ky vI nkfiraf hY? sfl 2015 df pYirs smJOqf mOsmI qbdIlI nfl nijwTx df iek aihm smJOqf hY, ijs ivc dunIaF dy 196 dyÈfˆ ny 30 nvMbr qoN 12 dsMbr qwk 13 idnfˆ qwk cwlI gwlbfq qoN bfad Aus nUM pRvfn kr ilaf sI aqy hux qwk 111 dyÈfˆ ny ies sMDI AuWqy dsqKLq vI kr idwqy hn? ies smJOqy df mksd DrqI dy vDdy qfpmfn nUM AudXoigk ienklfb dy smyˆ dy aOsq qfpmfn nfloN ies sdI dy aMq qwk 2 izgrI sYlsIas qoN AuWpr nf vDx dyxf hY aqy ivksq dyÈfˆ ny ivkfsÈIl aqy ivkfs kr rhy dyÈfˆ dI shfieqf leI sfl 2020 qoN bfad hr sfl 100 arb amrIkI zflr dI mflI mdd dyx dI pRqIbwDqf vI pRgtfeI sI? ies smJOqy anusfr kfrbn inkfsI dy aMkiVafˆ df jfieËf hr pMj sflfˆ bfad ilaf jfieaf krygf? ies smJOqy AuWqy vwK-vwK dyÈfˆ dy afgUafˆ ny afpxy-afpxy ivcfr pRgtfey sn? amrIkI rfÈtrpqI
brfk Ebfmf ny ies smJOqy nUM mnuwKqf leI DrqI bcfAux df afKrI mOkf krfr idwqf hY jd ik sMXukq rfÈtr dy skwqr bfn kI mUn ny ies smJOqy nUM DrqI AuWqy mnuwKqf nUM bcfAux leI iek XfdgfrI ijwq krfr idwqf hY aqy cIn ny ies smJOqy df svfgq kridafˆ ikhf sI ik ieh aMqr rfÈtrI imlvrqoN dI iek sLurUafq hY? Bfrq ny vI ies smJOqy df svfgq kIqf sI? pYirs mOsm qbdIlI smJOqy ny qf pmfn dy ies sdI dy aMq qwk AudXoigk ienklfb dy smyˆ dy aOsq qfpmfn nfloN 2 izgrI sYlsIas qoN AuWpr nf vDx dyx dy Auprfilafˆ dI rUpryKf dI sLurUafq kIqI sI? ivigafnIafˆ dy iek aMdfËy anusfr AudXoigk ienklfb dy smyˆ (1850-1900) qwk DrqI df aOsq qfpmfn lgpg 13[7 izgrI sYlsIas irhf hY? sfl 2014 dI grmI ny ipCly 134 sflfˆ df irkfrz qoV idwqf sI aqy sfl 2015 ivc DrqI df aOsq qfpmfn sfl 2014 nfloN vD igaf sI? ieh qfpmfn sfl 1900 dy qfpmfn nfloN 1 izgrI sYlsIas iËafdf sI? hux ivÈv mOsm ivigafn sMsQf dy qfËf aMkiVafˆ anusfr sfl 2016 df qfpmfn ipCly sfry sflfˆ nfloN vwD rihx dy afsfr hn? mOsm ivigafnIafˆ anusfr qfpmfn dy inrMqr vfDy nfl vwK-vwK dyÈfˆ ivc hVHfˆ dI afmd aqy lU cwlx dIafˆ Gtnfvfˆ ivc lgfqfr vfDf ho irhf hY aqy ies dy nfl-nfl smuMdr ivc afAux vfly qUPfnfˆ dI igxqI aqy AunHfˆ dI nuksfn krn dI smrwQf ivc vI qyËI nfl vfDf ho irhf hY? ies sfl mYQIAU cwkrvfq ny hYqI aqy amrIkf dy kuJ ihwisafˆ ivc BfrI qbfhI mcfeI jd ik loienrok cwkrvfq ny korIaf ivc hVHfˆ nfl BfrI nuksfn kIqf aqy iPËI ivc ivnstn cwkrvfq ny BfrI qbfhI mcfeI hY? ies qoN ibnfˆ cIn ivc vI ies sfl hVHfˆ ny iBafnk
qbfhI mcfeI hY aqy aPrIkf dy shyl Kyqr ivc aOsq qoN vwD mINh pYx nfl nfeIjr diraf Kyqr ivc iBafnk hVH afey hn? ies qrHfˆ qfpmfn ivc vfDy kfrn DrqI AuWqy mOsm ivc axikafsIafˆ qbdIlIafˆ afAux kfrn BfrI nuksfn ho irhf hY, ijs nUM nf qfˆ nkfiraf jf skdf hY aqy nf hI awKoN-proKy kIqf jf skdf hY? jykr hux vI lfprvfhI vrqI geI qfˆ brbfdI Bry iswty inklxgy? iesy krky hI dunIaF dy sfry dyÈ zonflz trMp dy ibafnfˆ qoN icMqf ivc hn, ikAuNik amrIkf iek ivksq dyÈ hY aqy ies ny ipCly smyˆ ivc vfXUm Mzl ivc dunIaF dy sB dyÈfˆ qoN vwD kfrbn df inkfs krky BfrI nuksfn phuMcfieaf hY aqy awjklH cIn qoN bfad kfrbn df inkfs krn dy mfmly ivc amrIkf dunIaF ivc dUjy sQfn ‘qy hY? jykr amrIkf hux pYirs smJOqy qoN bfhr ho jfˆdf hY qfˆ bfkI dy ivksq dyÈ vI Èfied amrIkf vflI nIqI hI apxf lYx, ikAuNik pihlfˆ ikAUto sMDI smyˆ amrIkf 1997 ‘c ies sMDI nUM lfgU krn dI hmfieq ivc sI aqy bfad ivc Auh ies sMDI nUM aml ivc ilafAux qoN ienkfr kr igaf sI aqy Aus dy ien kfrI ho jfx qoN bfad hOlI-hOlI kYnyzf, jfpfn afid vrgy dyÈ vI ikAUto sMDI qoN bfhr ho gey sn? jykr aijhf ho jfˆdf hY
qfˆ pYirs mOsmI bdlfa smJOqy dI ain sicqqf dy nfl-nfl dunIaF df BivwK vI DuMdlf ho jfvygf aqy keI Coty-Coty tfpU smuMdr dI god ivc CyqI hI smf jfxgy? amrIkf ivc hux vI 80 PIsdI ibjlI koiely, gYs aqy qyl qoN pYdf kIqI jfˆdI hY jo bhuq iËafdf mfqrf ivc grIn hfAUs gYsfˆ df inkfs krdy hn? jykr zonflz trMp vwloN ienHfˆ dI vrqoN leI AudfrvfdI nIqI apxfeI geI qfˆ ienHfˆ gYsfˆ dy inkfs ivc BfrI mfqrf ivc vfDf hox nfl DrqI df qfpmfn vI qyËI nfl vDygf? ies qoN ielfvf sfl 2012 ivc amrIkf ivc pRqI ivakqI kfrbn inkfsI 17 tn sI aqy nvIˆ nIqI anusfr ies nUM sfl 2030 qwk 13 tn pRqI ivakqI krn dI ivAuˆqbMdI hY jdik Bfrq ivc sfl 2012 ivc ieh mfqrf isrP 1[3 tn pRqI ivakqI sI? mwrfkyÈ sMmyln ivc pYirs smJOqy nUM amlI jfmf pihnfAux dI BrpUr koiÈÈ kIqI geI hY qfˆ ik hux vflI ainsicqqf nUM dUr kIqf jf sky aqy qfpmfn dy vfDy nUM kfbU krn dy Auprfly ivAuNqbMdI nfl lgfqfr jfrI rwKy jfx? mwrfkyÈ sMmyln ivc sfry dyÈfˆ ny mOsmI qbdIlI nfl hox vfly bury pRBfvfˆ nfl nijwTx leI vcnbwDqf nUM BrpUr huMgfrf idwqf jo ÈlfGfXog hY pr nbyVf amlfˆ ‘qy hI hovygf.
suBfg joVI df KUbsUrq mxkf sI pRBjoq kOr
sfihq isrjxf, smfijk sfrQkqf, husIn iËMdgI aqy smripq inrMqrqf nUM jy iek ÈKsIaq dy rUp ivwc vyKxf hovy qfˆ Auh pMjfbI Èfierf pRBjoq kOr hI sI. 1924 ‘c jnmI, aMimRqf pRIqm qoN pMj vrHy inwkI pRBjoq kOr ny sfrI iËMdgI Èbd siBaf cfr dy lV lfeI. lfvfˆ ËrUr nirMdrpfl isMG vrgy sYink aiDkfrI nfl leIafˆ pr dohfˆ isrjkfˆ ny hI sfihq isrjxf ivwc bulMdIafˆ nUM Coihaf. mukfblf bVf kmfl sI. jo kuJ pRBjoq kOr pRfpq krdI, krnl nirMdrpfl vwl ÈkqI nfl Aus nUM hfsl krn leI ihMmq krdy. puwj ky sohxy joVy nUM lokIˆ rÈk nfl vyKdy. do DIafˆ dI mfˆ, iek DI inrUpmf qy dUjI anUpmf, sfl dy Ìrk nfl pYdf hoeIafˆ. BfrqI sYnf df sfbkf muKI aqy nfgflYˆz df sfbkf rfjpfl jy[jy[ isMG pRBjoq kOr df dfmfd sI. pRBjoq kOr sohxI mhIˆvfl dy ikwsy ivclI sohxI dy vqn dI sI. gujrfq (pfiksqfnI pMjfb) dI. nvfb Guimafr afpxy gIqfˆ ‘c aksr boldf ‘so hxI GuimafrI sI jy gujrfq ‘c nf jMmdI qfˆ sfzf afÈkfˆ ‘c nfvfˆ nhIN sI hoxf. ieh qfˆ ikwsy vflI sohxI dI bfq hY. gujrfq dy ipMz lMigVafl ‘c sRI inDfn isMG swcr dI DI pRBjoq kOr mhIˆvfl dI sohxI qoN Gwt nhIN sI. pRBjoq kOr df pihlf kfiv sMgRih 1943 ivwc pRkfÈq hoieaf. 19 sfl dI Aumry
pihlI ikqfb Cpxf Aus dI kfiv pRiqBf df AudY sI. iPr ‘aËl qoN` (1946) iesy sfl dyvnfgrI ilpI ‘c kuJ kivqfvfˆ df sMgRih ‘kuJ hor` 1947 ivwc ‘kfPly`, 1949 ivwc ‘supny swDrfˆ`, 1951 ivwc ‘do rMg` iPr ‘pMKyrU`, ‘bxkpfsI` ‘pwbI`, ‘KfVI`, ‘vzdrÈI ÈIÈf`, ‘miDafˆqr`, ‘cMdrXuwg`, ‘pfrdrÈI`, ‘kuMiTq`, ‘iÈwdq`, mfns mn df ggn moklHf kfiv vrgy sMgRihafˆ qoN bfad iPr aMqrfl. pMjfbI XUnIvristI, pitaflf leI pRBjoq ny afpxI sfihqk svY-jIvnI ilKI. pMjfbI BfÈf dy ivkfs leI vI pRBjoq kOr ny kuJ pfT-pusqkfˆ aqy kfiedf vI iliKaf. vwzy lyKk ies kfrj nUM inwkf smJ ky hwQ nhIN pfAuNdy, pr pRBjoq ny bVy slIky nfl ies kMm nUM sMpUrn kIqf. afpxI svY-jIvnI do Bfgfˆ ivwc ‘jIxf vI iek adf hY` ilKI, ijs ivwc do DIafˆ dI mfˆ aqy sKLq imËfj pqI dy hvfly vI lwBdy hn. afpxy pqI ibRgyzIar nirMdrpfl isMG nfl iml ky vI AunHfˆ ny pMjfbI ivwc BfrqI iqAuhfrfˆ aqy jIvn ivhfr bfry bVIafˆ muwlvfn ilKqfˆ ilKIafˆ. kuJ kfiv-nft aMgryËI qoN pMjfbI ‘c aunvfd vI kIqy. nirMdrpfl isMG Bfrq dy rfÈtrpqI zf[ srvpwlI rfDfikRÈnn dy ey[zI[sI[ rhy. ies kfrj qoN AupjI nyVqf sdkf pRBjoq kOr ny PlsPy bfry kuJ zUMGIafˆ ikqfbfˆ vI
pMjfbI ivwc anuvfdIafˆ. mfdfrf romfˆ rolfˆ, svfmI ivvykfnMd aqy kuJ hor mhwqvpUrn ilKfrIafˆ dIafˆ ilKqfˆ nUM pMjfbIjfmf pi hnfieaf. ies nfl igafn vMz pusqkfˆ pMjfbI mfˆ-bolI dI JolI peIafˆ. purfxy purKy dwsdy hn ik pMjfbI Bvn luiDafxf dI sQfpnf vyly nINh pwQr rwKx leI zf[ srvpwlI rfDfikRÈnn vI pRBjoq kOr dI hI pRyrnf nfl afey sn. imrËf gfilb dIafˆ gLËlfˆ nUM ‘shr hony qk` nfˆ hyT pRBjoq ny ilpIaMqr kIqf, ijs nUM nvXuwg pbilÈrË vwloN Bfpf pRIqm isMG ny bhuq KUbsUrq rUp ivwc Cfipaf. afDuink XugoslfvIan kivqf dy do kfiv sMgRih pMjfbI mfˆ bolI nUM sONpy. svIzn, iPlpInË, hMgrI aqy romfnIaf qoN ielfvf ikAUbf dI coxvIN ÈfierI vI anuvfd krky vwK-vwK pusqkfˆ dy rUp ‘c prosI. dunIafˆ dIafˆ keI jubfnfˆ ‘c pRBjoq kOr dIafˆ kivqfvfˆ df anuvfd hoieaf. ieh koeI inwkI gwl nhIN. jdoN pMjfb ‘c ivDfn pRIÈd kfiem sI qfˆ pRBjoq kOr jI ies dy mYˆbr bxy. BfrqI sfihq akfdmI df pur skfr qfˆ AunHfˆ nUM ‘pwbI` kfiv sMgRih leI 1962 ivwc hI hfsl ho igaf sI. AunHfˆ dy pqI nirMdrpfl isMG nUM vI ieh purskfr 1976 ‘c imilaf. iewko-iewk suBfg joVI hY, ijs nUM sfihq df srvoqm purskfr nsIb hoieaf. pRBjoq kOr ‘pdmsLRI` dI
AupfDI hfsl krn vflI pihlI pMjfbI kivwqrI sn. AunHfˆ ny pMjfbI mfisk rsfly ‘ivkyˆdirq` aqy nirMdrpfl isMG aMgryËI pwiqRkf ‘bfievrz` df sMpfdn krdy rhy. ivkyˆdirq ‘c kivqfvfˆ CpvfAux df mfx mYnUM vI imldf irhf hY. pRBjoq kOr dy clfxy dI KLbr sux ky mYnUM pRo[ mohn isMG dI gLËl df iÈar cyqy afieaf. Puwl ihwk ivwc jMmI plI, KuÈbU jd AuWz geI, aihsfs hoieaf Puwl nUM rMgfˆ dy Bfr df.
New SFU medical school moves forward to train family doctors of tomorrow
A new medical school on the Simon Fraser University (SFU) Surrey cam pus is taking a significant step forward with the hiring of an interim dean and provincial funding to support its de velopment.
“While we have made enormous progress to strengthen public health care over the past five years, we know that many British Columbians are struggling to find a family doctor and waiting too long for care on a waiting list or in an emergency room,” said Premier David Eby. “That’s why we are taking action to train, recruit and retain family doctors now – and taking these steps with Simon Fraser University to train the health workforce we’ll need in the future. This investment in the first entirely new medical school in western Canada in 55 years will mean more family doctors graduating each year to provide care for people.”
A key action in the recently released health human resources strategy is to open a new medical school at SFU. As part of this plan, the Province is investing as much as $4.9 million in startup funding to support activities such as accreditation, curriculum plan ning, engagement, space planning and professional staff to support the SFU medical school project office.
In addition, SFU has retained an in terim dean, Dr. Roger Strasser, who will provide strategic leadership in
the planning and implementation of the medical school. Strasser was the founding dean and CEO of the North ern Ontario school of medicine and is a recognized leader in the development of health professional education.
“I am excited to be part of the estab lishment of a second medical school, which is a huge step toward developing the infrastructure needed to train more doctors, so all British Columbians can access the care they need,” said Anne Kang, Minister of Advanced Education and Skills Training. “The development of the Simon Fraser University medi cal school will help meet the growing demand for physicians in B.C. over the longer term and train the next genera tion of doctors.”
The new medical school curriculum will be built on four pillars:
Educate graduates who are well pre pared to provide the prevention and primary care needs of diverse com munities and populations.
Educate physicians to work in teambased primary care settings that are patient-centred and socially account able.
Commit to reciprocal community partnerships in the development and implementation of the medical school. Embed and equalize Indigenous knowl edge systems.
SFU’s medical school will take a fo cused approach to primary care, based on the university’s strength in com munity engagement and strong part nerships with the First Nations Health Authority, the Fraser Health Authority, other provincial health authorities and the practice community. Reciprocity, cultural safety and humility will be embedded throughout the school, along with First Nations, Inuit and Métis knowledge systems and perspectives. “We’re marking a major milestone today in our commitment to train the doctors of tomorrow as work to es tablish B.C.’s second medical school takes a significant step forward,” said Adrian Dix, Minister of Health. “The new SFU medical school will create more opportunities for future doctors to learn, train and stay on to practise in communities throughout B.C. In turn, British Columbians will have increased access to highly skilled, dedicated doc tors close to home.”
This new investment builds on $1.5 million provided to the university ear lier this year by the Province to support the development of the business case. A project board has been established to oversee this work.
SFU is working toward its first student intake by September 2026. Establish ing a new medical school at SFU complements the more immediate work the Province is doing to train, recruit
and retain more family physicians to meet the challenges people in British Columbia are now facing.
This announcement builds on other actions to train and recruit more healthcare workers in B.C., including 602 new nursing seats and 322 allied health seats added to public post-secondary institutions throughout the province and recruiting 9,000 people through the health-career access program.
The Province also recently announced a seat expansion at the University of British Columbia’s (UBC) faculty of medicine to train more doctors in B.C. This includes 40 new undergraduate medical education seats and as many as 88 new residency seats at the UBC faculty of medicine, which will be phased in throughout the province beginning in 2023. The expansion will create more opportunities for students and resident doctors to learn, train and stay on to practise in communities throughout B.C.
Training and retaining new physicians is just one part of B.C.’s Health Hu man Resources Strategy. It’s also part of StrongerBC’s Future Ready Plan, which is making education and train ing more accessible, affordable and relevant to help businesses grow and prepare British Columbians for the jobs of tomorrow.
Families can start planning, knowing child care savings are coming soon
With new cuts to child care fees com ing into effect in December 2022, an online tool is available to help fami lies estimate the amount of savings they will see on their bill.
The estimator can be found here:
Starting Dec. 1, 2022, parents in Brit ish Columbia will save as much as $550 more per month for each child they have in participating licensed child care facilities. This funding will lower fees for children kindergarten
age and younger by up to $900 per month.
Families do not need to apply to get these fee reductions. Instead, the Province directly funds participating child care providers, which discount the amount charged to families for child care.
These additional savings, which build on earlier fee cuts introduced as part of the Province’s $2.7-billion invest ment in ChildCareBC since 2018, are funded through the $3.2-billion Canada-British Columbia Canadawide Early Learning and Child Care
Agreement 2021 to 2026.
In addition to cut ting child care fees for families, the B.C. government, with support from the federal govern ment, has moved approximately 8,200 child care spaces to the $10 a Day ChildCareBC program as of November 2022, with more coming soon. Together, these programs bring child care costs for families to $10 a day or less for about 20,000 spaces.
Further support for families earning as much as $111,000 per year may be available through the Affordable Child Care Benefit, which, when combined with the new fee reduc tions, means some families will pay little or nothing for their child care.
qwgVF df rfm isMG POj ivwc jfx qoN pihlF dfs nlf pVHdf irhf sI. ipCly idnIN jdoN iek sLfm Auh acfnk afx viVaf qF vyK ky vfhvf KusLI hoeI sI dfs nUM, imly ju koeI pMdrF-solF sflF mgroN sF. soicaf, CuwtI afieaf hovygf, imlx af igaf. kihx dI loV nf peI, Auh qF pihlF hI rfq rihx dI Dfr ky afieaf sI. rfq nUM Kfx-pIx qoN ivhly hoey qF Aus ny gwl CyVI, ‘mYN bfeI jI quhfzy nfl slfh krn afieaf hF. quhfnUM pqY awj kwlH ijLM dgI KqiraF nfl BrI peI ey. PrjL kro, qusIN KyqF nUM gey, pfxI lfAux lwgy. ikDirEN iek swp inkilaf, zMg mfr igaf. quhfzI jfn jf skdI ey.’
smJ qF nf afeI ik Auh kihxf kI cfhuMdf sI, qd vI dfs ny Aus df idl rwKx leI afK idwqf sI, ‘qusIN iPkr nf kro, asIN kdy KyqF ivwc pfxI lfAux jFdy hI nhIN. Aus ny gwl awgy qorI, ‘qusIN myrf mqlb nhIN smJy. mYN qf smJ irhf sI ik mOq nUM nhIN Buwlxf cfhIdf. qusIN sLihr nUM jFdy ho, koeI trwk quhfzI kfr nUM imwD ky inkl skdf hY….’
QoVHf hYrfnI nfl dfs ny puwiCaf, ‘ieh kI khI jfnY rfm isMGf, asIN kfr `qy cVHdy hI nhIN huMdy. jfxf pvy qF bws `qy cly jfeIdY.’ Auh ruikaf nhIN sI, awgy kihx lwgf, ‘bfeI jI ieh nhIN gwl. mOq ikvyN vI af skdI aY. bws qoN AuWqrn vyly koeI dUjI bws vflf vI imwD skdY.’
acMBy nfl dfs ny pwuiCaf, ‘rfm isMGf, KuwlH ky gwl kr, mOq-mOq krky zrfeI kfhqoN jfnY?’
awgoN Aus ny ikhf sI, “gwl drasl ieh hY ik POj `coN irtfiermYNt lY ky quhfzy vIr ny bImy dI eyjMsI lY leI ey. kMm qF hor vI bQyry sn krn vfly, pr asIN POj dy jvfn Kqry df prbMD krn nUM pihl dyNdy hF. iesy leI hux ieh eyjMsI leI hY, qF ju dosqF-imwqrF nUM Kqry qoN sucyq krky AunHF dy vfrsF leI prbMD krn ivc mdd kr skF.” hux smJ peI sI asl gwl, rfm isMG qF dfs df bImf krn leI BUimkf iqafr kr irhf sI. krfAux jogy pYsy Krcx df mn BfvyN nhIN sI, pr Aus df idl rwKx leI kih idwqf, ‘awCf bfeI rfm isMGf, cwl smJf iPr afpxI skIm df ihsfb-ikqfb.’ qy Auh smJfAux lwg ipaf sI, ‘vyKo bfeI jI, iek skIm sfzI hY ieho ijhI, ijs ivwc munfPf vwD hY, pr iksLq vI QoVHI vwD.’
vflf rfm isMG
dfs ny kfhlI nfl puwiCaf, ‘munfPf smJf Xfr qUM pihlF.’
Auhny dwsxf sLurU kIqf, ‘lE jI ies skIm ivwc PrjL kro awj qusIN bImf krfieaf, kwlH kys pfs hoieaf qy prsoN qusIN iksy kfrn cwl vwsy. quhfzy pirvfr nUM Ausy vyly iek lwK rupey iml jfxgy.’ dfs ny puwiCaf, ‘bImf krfAuNdy sfr mr jfxf jLrUrI huMdY?’ Aus ny ikhf, ‘nhIN , ieh qF aYvyN imsfl idwqI sI. jy qusIN TIk-Tfk rhy, pMj sfl mgroN quhfnUM vIh hjLfr rupey iml jfxgy. pr jy svf pMj sfl bfad vI ieh Gtnf vfpr geI, quhfzy vfrsF nUM iek lwK rupey pUry imlxgy, quhfnUM idwqf vIh hjLfr nhIN kwtxf mihkmy ny.’ qy ieh kih ky Auh bImy dy Pfrm kwZx lwg ipaf sI. kuJ pYsy dyx dy iPkr qy kuJ mOq dy vfrvfr hoey ijLkr kfrn Gbrfey hoey dfs dy mUMhoN inkl igaf, ‘rfm isMGf, hfly rihx dyh, hfly asIN mrn df ierfdf nhIN bx fieaf.’
rfm isMG iek-dm boilaf, ‘bfeI jI, kI gwlF krdy ho? mOq ny ikqy quhfzf ierfdf puwCxf eyN? Aus ny qF jdoN afAuxf hoieaf, af eI jfxf eyN bs.’ dfs ny ikhf, ‘aYvyN af jfvygI ibnF iksy kfrn qoN?’
Aus ny afiKaf, ‘kfrn bxf lvygI. qusIN svyry nhfAux lwgy, iqlk ky izwg pey, qF vI jfn jf skdI ey.’ dfs ny ikhf, ‘asIN pihlF hI sfl-Cy mhInIN nhfAux vfly hF, hux Auh vI Cwz idaFgy.’
Auh boilaf, ‘iPr vI kfrn ny, qusIN rfq nUM bwqI buJfAux lwgy, sivwc sLfrt ho igaf qF ibjlI nfl vI mOq ho skdI ey.’ dfs ny ikhf, ‘asIN dsqfny pf ky ibjlI jgf-buJf ilaf krFgy, qUM icMqf nf kr.’ rfm isMG afKx lwgf, ‘Cwzo jI, mOq qF ibnF kfrn vI af skdI ey. hfrt PyHl ho skdY….’
Aus dI gwl kwtdy hoey dfs ny ikhf, ‘Cwz rfm isMGf, sOx df vkq ey, aYvyN zrfeI nf jfh. ieho ijhIaF gwlF rfq vyly nhIN krIdIaF, svyry AuWT ky krdf rhIN. jy nINd nhIN afAuNdI qF qUM mOq df rfh vyK, sfnUM sOx dyh.’ eynI afK ky dfs ny rjfeI ivwc isr dy ilaf sI. ikMnI dyr qwk qF nINd hI nf afeI. jdoN afeI qF BYVy-BYVy suPny afAux lwg pey. kdy rfm isMG kfgjL-pYnisl PV ky bImy dIaF skImF smJfAux lwg pvy. kdy Auh
isMgF vflf dYNq bx ky moZy `qy Jolf ltkfeI mOq dy lwzU vMzdf iPry. kdy Auh iek lwK df cYWk dfs dI bIvI dy hwQ PVfAuNdf jfpy. idl qF kmjLor nhIN, pr dfs dI Auh rfq pfsy vwtidaF qy qRBkidaF hI lMGI sI. svyry AuWTy qF pihlI afvfjL ieh kMnIN peI, “BrjfeI jI, bfeI jI qF nrfjL hoeI jFdy ny. qusIN iDafn nfl suxo, ijLMdgI ivwc pYr-pYr `qy Kqrf ey.” iekdm iKJ cVH geI dfs nUM ik ieh bMdf kI Kqry dI munfdI krI jFdf ey suwcy mUMh. pr suwJy nf ik afiKaf ikvyN jfvy ik Auh nfrfjL vI nf hovy qy qurdf vI bxy. dfs ny hOlI ijhI rjfeI ivcoN hI afvfjL idwqI, ‘rfm isMGf, svyry svyry ieho ijhIaF bdsLgnIaF dIaF gwlF nhIN krIdIaF.’ Aus ny jvfb idwqf, “bdsLgnI nhIN bfeI jI, bImy dI gwl kr irhF, Kqrf pYr pYr `qy hY.” dfs ny QoVHf kOV nfl ikhf, “bImy dI gwl ‘mOq-mOq’ kIqy ibnF nhIN huMdI qY QoN? hor nhIN koeI Pfiedf ies df?” Aus ny ikhf, “hY ikAuN nhIN? Pfiedy qF bQyry ny, pr asIN POjI lok sB qoN vwD Pfiedf Kqry df prbMD krn ivwc hI smJdy hF. mYN qF hux BrjfeI nUM dws irhf sF ik iek pflsI quhfzI dovF dI sFJI ho skdI ey. Auhdy ivwc Pfiedf ieh aY ik jy quhfnUM kuJ ho jfvy qF BrjfeI nUM iek lwK rupeIey vI iml jfxgy, Aus dI afpxI pflsI vI cwldI rhygI qy awgoN iksLqF vI nhIN dyxIaF pYxgIaF.” swqIN kwpVIN awg lwg geI sI dfs nUM, iekdm guwsy nfl afiKaf, ‘mYnUM ikAuN kuJ ho jfvy? ho jfvy qYnUM, nfly qyrI Gr dI nUM iek lwK imljU, nfly….’
Auh gwl kwt ky boilaf, ‘myrI nhIN jI, ies vkq quhfzI pflsI dI gwl ho rhI ey.’ hux nf jr hoieaf dfs qoN, iekdm AuWT ky Aus dy mUMh `qy GsuMn jiVaf igaf. Aus ny burf mnfAux dI QF ikhf, ‘PrjL kro bfeI jI, ieho GsuMn myrI QF quhfzy vwjf huMdf. mYN qF POjI bMdf Jwl igaf, quhfzf kMm Kqm ho jfxf sI. bImf kMpnI ieho ijhy kys nUM aYksIzYNt kys mMn ky iek dI QF do lwK rupey dyNdI hY vfrsF nUM….’ dfs qF AuWbl ipaf, pr sRImqI iekdm dOV ky ivcfly af geI qy kihx lwgI, ‘pi hlF qF nhIN sI mn bxdf, pr quhfzI gwl hux smJ ivwc afeI ey. iehnF df suBfa jLrf vfhvf icVicVf huMdf jFdY. pqf nhIN iksy idn koeI do GsuMn jV dyvy. qusIN cfh iPr pIxI, pihlF sfzI dovF dI sFJI bImf pfilsI kr idE.’
iPr? iPr kI hoxf sI? EnI afvfjL dfs dy dMdIaF krIcx dI nhIN sI af rhI, ijMnI bImf PfrmF AuWqy rfm isMG df pYWn Bwjx dI af rhI sI. nfsLqy qoN pihlF hI dMd-GsfeI vFg bImy dI iksLq btor cuwkf POjI rfm isMG goBI vfly pMj prONTy Kf ky jdoN quiraf qF Aus dy sfeIkl dI spIz 1971 dI jMg smyN srgoDy dy hvfeI awzy AuWqy bMb suwt ky shI slfmq muVy afAuNdy BfrqI hvfeI POj dy jhfjL vrgI sI qy dfs dI? bs puwCo hI nf qF cMgY. ieMJ lwgdf sI ijvyN Kqrf tl igaf hovy, Auh vI hfl dI GVI.
ibRitsL kolMbIaf’c jwj bxIaF 7 pMjfbxF
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) pMjfb dI srjLmIn qoN hjfrF sfl dUr kYnyzf dI DrqI qy ijMnI qrwkI pMjfbIaF ny kIqI hY hor sLfied hI iksy mulk ivwc ieMnI qrwkI kIqI hovy. Dfrimk, smfijk rfjnIqk qy swiBafcfrk Kyqr ivwc pM jfbIaF df pUrf bolblf hY qy hux juzIsrI ivwc vI pMjfbIaF dI igxqI vD rhI hY. ibRitsL kolMbIaf sUby ivwc 7 pMjfbxF qy 2 pMjfbI jwj vjoN syvfvF inBf rhy hn. jsits plibMdr kOr sLyrigwl, jsits blijMdr kOr igrn, jsits nInf sLrmf qy jsits jsivMdr isMG bsrf ibRitsL kolMbIaf suprIm kort dy jwj hn. jsits plibMdr kOr sLyrigwl nUM kYnyzf dI pihlI dsqfrDfrI jwj bnx df mfx pRfpq hY jd ik hrbMs iZwloN, siqMfr iswDU, nInf puryvfl qy sUjn sMGf aqy gurmyl isMG igwl ‘ZuwzIky’ sUby dy vwK-vwK KyqrF ivwc ibRitsL kolMbIaf sUbfeI adflq dy jwj hn qy qfimlnfzU dI jMmpl vlImfeI Citafr srI sUbfeI adflq ivKy jwj hn. vrxnXog hY ik ibRitsL kolMbIaf dy sfbkf kYbint mMqrI jsits vlI AuWpl pihly pMjfbI hn ijhVy 1985 qoN 2003 qwk ibRitsL kolMbIaf suprIm kort dy jwj rhy hn.
ibRitsL kolMbIaf’c pMjfbx aiDafpkf nUM imilaf muwK mMqrI snmfn
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) ibRitsL kolMbIaf sUby dy sLihr aYlzrgroz invfsI 28 sflf pMjfbx aiDafpkf blrUp kOr Dnoaf nUM ‘pRImI arjL avfrz Pfr aYksIlYNs ien aYjUkysLn’ PfeInilst nfl snmfinq kIqf igaf hY. ies snmfn leI sUby Br’coN 34 aiDafpk PfeInilst cuxy gey sn ijMnHf ivwcoN blrUp kOr Dnoaf iewko iewk pMjfbx
mfAtyn sYkMzrI skUl lYNglI ivKy smfijk iswiKaf dI aiDafpkf blrUp kOr nUM sosLl iekuatI aYNz zfievristI ivwc snmfn pwqr qy 2 hjLfr zflr dI rfsLI df snmfn idwqf igaf hY. blrUp kOr Dnoaf df kihxf hY ik iewk hjLfr zflr dIaF skUl vfsqy ikqfbF KrIdygI. ibRitsL kolMbIaf dI lYPtInYNt gvrnr jyint afsitn, sfbkf muwK mMqrI jOhn hOrgn qy iswiKaf mMqrI jYnIPr vfeItsfeIz aiDafpkf blrUp kOr Dnoaf df snmfn krdy hoey.
arivMdr kOr DflIvfl dI pusqk ‘JFjrf vfly pYr’ spIkr rfj cOhfn nUM ByNt
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) kYnyzf PyrI qy afeI Au WGI pMjfbI lyiKkf zf[ arivMdr kOr DflIvfl ny Zfhf sfihq ienfm ivwc PfeInilst rhI afpxI ikqfb JFjrF vfly pYr ibRitsL kolMbIaf dy ivDfn sBf dy spIkr rfj cOhfn nUM ByNt kIqI zf[ arivMdr kOr DflIvfl dI pusqk ‘JFjrf vfly pYr’ nUM ZfhF sfihq df 10 hjLfr zflr df ienfm imilaf hY. zI[ey[ vI kflj aMimRqsr ivKy aisstYNt pMjfbI pRoPYsr vjoN syvfvF inBf rhI zf[ arivMdr kOr ny pMjfbI dI pI[aYz[zI[ kIqI hoeI hY aqy Aus vloN ilKIaF ikqfb buwlf, qIsrI dsqk, KsmKfxIaF, duwK diraf qy joVIaF jwg QoVHIaF dy nF vrnxXog hn. ies mOky sMsdI skwqr rcnf isMG, zf[ rGbIr isMG isrjxf, brj ZfhF, zf[ sfDU ibinMg aqy AuWGy pMjfbI lyKk blvIr mfDopurI hfjr sn.
ibRitsL kolMbIaf srkfr vloN pMjfbI sfihq hPqf mnfAux df aYlfnnfmf jfrI
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) kYnyzf dy ibRitsL kolMbIaf sUby dI srkfr ny ‘pMjfbI sfihq hPqf’ mnfAux df aYlfnnfmf jfrI kIqf hY. srkfr vloN ieh aYlfnnfmf vYnkUvr dI ZfhF sfihq ienfm sMsQf dy sMsQfpk brijMdr isMG ‘brjL’ ZfhF nUM Byijaf igaf hY. ibRitsL kolMbIaf dI lYPtInYNt gvrnr jynt afsitm qy atfrnI jnrl mry rkIn vloN jfrI kIqy gey aYlfnnfmy ivwc ikhf igaf hY ik ibRitsL kolMbIaf dI DrqI qy bIqy 120 sfl qoN pMjfbI bolI jFdI hY qy pMjfbI nUM pMjfbI BfsLf, sfihq amIr swiBafcfr dI DrqI vjoN jfixaf jFdf hY. aYlfnnfmy ivwc iliKaf hY ik ZfhF sfihq sMsQf pMjfbI BfsLf nUM pRPuwlq krn ivwc aihm Xogdfn pr rhI hY. srkfr vloN ‘pMjfbI sfihq hPqf’ mnfAux df mksd ieh hY ik pMjfbI bolz vfly gYr, pMjfbIaF nUM vI pMjfbI BfsLf bfry igafn dy skdy hn. brijMdr isMG ZfhF ‘pMjfbI sfihq hPqf’ df aYlfnnfmf ivKfAuNdy hoey
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) hoxhfr ibrvf ky ickny ickny pfq dI khfvq kYnyzf dy hoxhfr iswK iKzfrI 16 sflf suKmnpRIq isMG qy pUrI qrHF ZukdI hY ijs ny CotI Aumr ivwc vwzI mwl mfrI hY. suirMdr lfienjL PIlz hfkI klwb dy iKzfrI suKmnpRIq isMG nUM ibRitsL kolMbIaf dI aMzr 16 hfkI tIm df kpqfn bxfieaf igaf hY jo pMjfbI Bfeycfry leI mfx vflI gwl hY. suKmnpRIq isMG ibRitsL kolMbIaf aMzr 16 PIlz hfkI tIm df kpqfn bxn vflf pihlf iswK iKzfrI hY. aYl[ey[ mYQrsn sYk MzrI skUl dy ividafrQI suKmnpRIq isMG ny 12 sfl dI Aumr ivwc hfkI KyzxI sLurU kIqI sI. Aus df kihxf hY ik pMjfb hfkI tIm dy kpqfn rhy jsivMdr isMG ny Aus nUM hfkI Kyzx leI pRyirq kIqf hY. hfkI iKzfrI suKmnpRIq isMG df supnf ElMipk son qgmf ijwqx df hY. suKmnpRIq isMG df ipCokV ijlf gurdfspur dy ipMz bhuVIaF sYxIaF nfl hY.
aiDafpkf hY. afr[eI[suKmnpRIq isMG bixaf ibRitsL kolMbIaf dI hfkI tIm df kpqfn
Abbotsford Community Foundation announces new Executive Director
Areni Kellep pan named as Executive Di rector of the Abbotsford Community Foundation The Board of the Abbots ford Commu nity Founda tion (ACF) is pleased to an nounce that Ar eni Kelleppan has been selected as the new Executive Director of the ACF, effective January 2, 2023.
ACF Board Chair, Marcus Janzen made the announcement on November 23rd that Areni will replace retiring Executive Director, Wendy Neufeld. Areni has already started her employ ment at the ACF and will be working with staff and Wendy over the next few weeks to facilitate the leadership transition.
Wendy is looking forward to retirement and the freedom of unstructured time. On November 22, an event was held to celebrate the many accomplishments Wendy has achieved throughout her time at the ACF. Founding donor, Viv ian Trethewey was part of the diverse group of Wendy’s family, friends, ACF volunteers, donors, and community leaders in attendance. Former Mayor, Henry Braun, along with Carson Nof tle, Michael Adkins, Terry Voth, and past Board Chair Andrea Senft affirmed the contributions that Wendy has made to the community in their respective comments to the attendees.
“It was a privilege to have had this opportunity to serve the Abbotsford community,” Wendy said. “These past six years, I have seen the hard work of our amazing volunteers and staff con tribute to the growth and impact of the ACF. Assisting our donors to connect with the causes they care about through their gifts to the Foundation has been one of the highlights for me”.
Born and raised in Vancouver, Areni has worked in both for profit and non-
profit organizations throughout the Lower Mainland, the Okanagan, the Edmonton area, and Calgary. For over 2 decades, she has been a leader in a range of sectors including lumber and building materials, the environment, agriculture, food security, and most recently, gender-based violence and mental health. For her, the work of the Foundation encompasses her passion for strengthening the resiliency of com munity and engaging with a diversity of stakeholders to make that happen.
Having recently re-located, she is ex cited to immerse herself in all things Abbotsford and share in the vibrancy of the local community.
“I believe that Areni has the energy and competence to not only steward the substantial resources that donors have already entrusted to the ACF, but also that she will be able to inspire others to invest in causes that will have a positive impact within Abbotsford going forward” remarked Janzen on this transition.
Since its inception in 1979, the Ab botsford Community Foundation has invested more than $17 million in student awards to high school grads and funding to local charities. Annu ally the Foundation provides more than $1,000,000 in grants and student awards.
Recently, its total endowments reached the $17 million mark.
For more information on how you can support the Abbotsford Community Foundation, and to read their 2021 An nual Report, please visit their website at
asIN aMgryËI aqy pMjfbI ivwc syvfvF pRdfn krdy hF
3 tips to get financial stress under control
(NC) Mental, physical and financial wellness are three pillars of good health. For many Canadians, money worries are the greatest source of stress. Many of us may be feeling a financial pinch even more in January after holiday stress on the wallet. While managing your money may seem overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be. Whether it’s student debt, a
mortgage, education or retirement savings that’s weighing on your mind, there are resources to help.
Take advantage of new technology
An abundance of tools exist online to help you budget and save these days. But not all apps and online tools are secure to use. The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada offers a variety of free online tools to help
you manage your money that are unbiased and safe to use. For example, it offers a bud get planner, a financial goal calculator and a mortgage calculator that can all help you find ways to save and pay down debt.
Protect yourself from fraud
Becoming a victim of fraud is a stressful situation. While fraudsters are always look ing for new ways to prey on victims, there are some things you can do to minimize the risks. For example, when banking or shopping online, look for websites with addresses starting with “https” or ones that have a padlock image on the address bar. Also, avoid giving credit card infor mation over email as it isn't secure.
Avoid payday loans as much as pos sible
A payday loan is a short-term loan with high fees that make it a very
expensive way to borrow money. You must pay the loan back from your next paycheque and if you can’t pay it back on time, you’ll face more fees and high interest charges. This will increase your debt and cause more stress.
Consider other options before get ting a payday loan such as cashing in vacation days or asking for a pay advance from your employer.
Learn more about ways to improve your financial well-being at canada. ca/money.
Get radon on your radar
(NC) Have you heard of radon? It’s an invisible, odourless, radioactive gas that is one of the leading causes of lung cancer in Canada.
Radon occurs naturally in the soil when uranium breaks down. When it escapes from the ground outside, it gets diluted in the air and is no cause for concern. But in our homes, radon gas can seep in through cracks and gaps in the foundation or through dirt floors and crawlspaces, and it can build up to dangerous levels.
Long-term exposure to radon is the second-leading cause of lung cancer deaths in Canada after smoking, lead ing to more than 3,000 deaths every year, more than 8 people a day. Fortunately, there is a simple but ef fective test for radon and, if there is a risk to you and your family, the fix
is affordable and easy to take care of. You can buy a DIY testing kit online or hire a certified radon expert to conduct the test for you, and make any recommendations based on the results.
Radon levels can vary from day to day, so Health Canada recommends conducting a three-month-long test during the winter months to get an ac curate annual average exposure level.
Learn more about radon testing at
bhuq nyVy—bhuq dUr
qfrf ‘mjLHbI iswKF’ df puwqr sI. ipE sypF krdf, mF gohf lfhuMdI qy muMzf kdI mF nfl qy kdI ipE nfl ieDr AuDr BONdf rihMdf. ipE dI sypI rwKx leI bVI mMg sI, ikAuNik Auh kMm bhuq krdf sI qy socdf Gwt sI— afpxI Qkfvt bfry, syp ivc imlx vfly dfixaF bfry qy Gr dy DMidaF bfry. Aus df mn ieDr AuDr jfx dI QF Aus dy hwQ pYr agFh nUM vDdy qy kMm ivc jut jFdy. mn dI cusqI ivc qfrf iblkul afpxy ipE df rUp sI. Aus nUM kdI koeI sLrfrq nhIN suwJI sI. Aus ny vI kdI iksy nfl lVfeI nhIN leI sI. rfqIN muMizaF dIaF KyzF ivc Aus dI QF PLfzIaF ivc huMdI. jd qfrf vwzf hoieaf qF Aus nUM zMgr cfrn dI syp qy lf idwqf igaf qy Aus ny mF ipE dy nfl ieDr AuDr BOxf Cwz idwqf. pr ies nfl Aus dI smJ ivc koeI vfDf nf hoieaf. koeI gwl krn dI QF Aus leI hws Czxf sOKf sI qy ijwQy hws CwizaF gujLfrf ho jfey AuQy Auh afpxy idmfgL ivcoN Prol ky gwl kwZx dI Kycl kdI nf krdf. jy gwl krnI vI pYNdI qF Auh vfk pUrf nf kr skdf. Aus dy sLbd BMzfr ivc pMjfh swTF qoN vD sLbd nhIN hoxy. iek vfr jd AuhdI BYx df ivafh sI qF bfkI twbr dy nfl Auh dy vI ipMz dI hwtI qoN kpVy svfx dI gwl hoeI qF Aus ny ikhf, “asF qy sfiraF suwcy Jwgy svfey ny pr cfcy ny kpVy df hI bxvf ilaf ey.” kpVy qoN Aus df Bfv Kwdr qoN sI.
Pyr iek vfr Auh afpxI BYx nUM shuiraF qoN lYx igaf. ijs stysLn qoN AuhnF BYx BrfvF ny gwzI qy cVHnf sI AuQy iek mym qy sfihb vI cVHn afey hoey sn. qfrf kudrq dI ies anOKI ikRq nUM vyKdf irhf qy pqf nhIN Aus dy mn ivc kI kI iKLafl afey. ies qoN pihlF Aus ny kdI aMgryjL nhIN dyKy sn. ipMz af ky agly idn Auh afpxy sypI nUM aMgryjL vyKx vflI sfrI gwl dws ky puwCx lgf, “krqfr isMGf iehnF df vI sfrf kuJ afpxy vrgf hI huMdf ey?” sfry kuJ qoN Aus df Bfv srIr dy gupq aMgF qoN sI. BfvyN vyKx nUM qy aMgryjL bMidaF vrgy hI lgdy sn, pr qfrf ieh nhIN mMn skdf sI ik AuhnF dy sfry aMg Aus dy qy ipMz dy hor bMidaF vrgy hI huMdy ny. kuJ icr ipCoN qfry df ivafh ho igaf. Aus dI kflI ijhI vhutI cfr pMj idn kOzIaF dy klIry pf ky qy hwQF nUM mihMdI lf ky bYTI rhI qy iPr Aus ny gohf Qwpxf sLurU kr idwqf. ipCy ipAu dy sypIaF df QwpdI afeI sI, ieQy Ksm dIaF sypIaF df Qwpx lg peI. iehI Aus df vzf kMm sI. Aus dy afAux nfl qfry dy koeI Brm nhIN hty sn, igafn nhIN viDaf sI, iesqrI jfqI dy Auh vDyrf nyVy nhIN hoieaf sI. qy iPr iek idn vhutI dy iek Brf df ivafh af igaf. qfrf qy Auh gwzI cVHky
AuQy gey, afAuNdI vyr qfrf iekwlf hI afieaf. Aus dI vhutI ajy kuJ idn hor pyky rihxf cfhuMdI sI. rfq dI gwzI sI. iek lMmy sfry PLwty dy isry qy bYTf qfrf ipMz nUM af irhf sI. iek inwky ijhy sLihr dy stysLn qy gwzI rukI qy awK dy Por ivc iek bFkI pVHI ilKI kuVI zwby ivc cVH afeI. Aus nUM cVHfx afey afdmI ny Aus nUM hyToN atYcI-kys PVfieaf qy iPr Auh bYTx leI QF psMd krn lg peI.
Aus kuVI dy qyj sfhmxy qfry nUM ies qrHF lwgf ijvyN Aus df gwzI dyy Aus zwby ivc bYTxf bVf nfvfjb sI, ijvyN ieh koeI bVI gLlqI sI. afpxy ies dosL qoN zrdf Auh afpxI QF qy inwT ky bYT igaf. Auh iek Pwty dy isry qy bYTf sI, hor ikQy jfvy. iehnF iKLaflF nfl Aus ny afpxy afp nUM hONslf idwqf. Auh kuVI Aus dy pfr PLwty qy bYT geI. iehnF dohF dI Zoh sFJI sI. ies qoN Auqy qfrf kI mMg skdf sI, pr afm qOr qy mnuwK nUM afpxI cMgI iksmq qy hYrfnI nhIN huMdI. jd qfry ny nIvIN awKy Aus dy mUMh vl iDafn mfiraf qF Aus df aMdr suwkV igaf, ijvyN Auh afp kuJ huMdf hI nhIN, ijvyN Aus ny kdI iqMnF iqMnF bMidaF koloN jvfr dIaF BrIaF nhIN cuwkIaF huMdIaF, ijvyN Aus ny kdI khI nfl KLfl ivcoN Bl put ky ies dy AuWcy AuWcy kMiZaF qoN pfr nhIN sutI huMdI, ijvyN Aus ny svyry AuT ky hlF nUM jFdy rfh kdI afkI hoey hoey PnIar swpF nUM nhIN mfiraf huMdf. kuVI dy jobn dy ilsLkfry hyT Aus dI hsqI imtdI jf rhI sI. nwk mUMh vtx qoN bgLYr af ky qfry dy nyVy bYT jfxf vI kuVI nUM aMbrF df jIv bxf irhf sI. qfrf ieh jfxdf sI ik keI jnfnIaF dUsrIaF qoN sohxIaF huMdIaF ny, ijs qrHF keI Zwgy dUsiraF qoN iqRKy huMdy ny. ipMz ivc suinafiraF dIaF kuVIaF qy keIaF jwtF dIaF kuVIaF vI sohxIaF sn, pr ijs qrHF koeI iqRKf Zwgf vI ies gwzI ijMnf nhIN dOV skdf sI, iesy qrHF qfry dI vyKI hoeI koeI jLnfnI ies kuVI sfhmxy nhIN KVI kIqI jf skdI. gwzI tur peI. ieh zwbf ijs ivc Auh bYTI sI, hux pihlF vflf zwbf nhIN sI. kuVI dI hoNd kr ky Aus qy nvIN ilsLk cVH geI sI. gwzI iek supn-gwzI lgdI sI. pr qfry dI inmfxqf Aus nUM supn-AuzfrIaF lfx qoN rok ky GVI GVI DrqI qy ilaf sutdI sI. PLwty qy QF KulHf vyK ky Auh lyt geI. muZlI Gbrfht ipCoN qfrf afpxy afp nUM sMBfl irhf sI. kuVI dy afAux qoN pihlF Auh iek pwKy nfl afpxy afp nUM Jwl mfr irhf sI. Auh pwKf iPr hOlI hOlI ihlx lg ipaf. hr vyly kVkdI Duwp sihx vfilaF nUM vI vFZy jf ky, pMDy pY ky grmI lgdI hY. hl dI jMGI db db ky qy khI mfr mfr ky JfvyN vFg KrHvy hoey hoey hwQF ivc pwKy
dI zMzI koeI bhuq hOlI nhIN iPr rhI sI. pwKf Jldy Jldy Aus vyiKaf ik kuVI dy mQy qy peI hoeI vflF dI iek ilt pwKy dI hvf agy ihl rhI sI. Aus dI pwKy dI hvf kuVI dy ichry nUM lwg rhI sI qy ilt nUM ihlf rhI sI. Auh qfrf mjLHbI Aus kuVI nUM pwKf Jl irhf sI, ieh iKLafl afAuNidaF hI qfrf TTMbr igaf. pwKy vflf hwQ ibjlI vFg ipCFh nUM af ky Aus dy afpxy gozy nfl lg igaf. Blf Aus nUM kuVI nUM pwKf Jlx dI iks qrHF iejfjLq ho skdI sI. ieh hwk nyVy dy af dmIaF nUM hI iml skdf sI. kuVI ajy jfgdI sI. Auh kdI QoVIaF ijhIaF awKF putdI qy iPr mIt lYNdI. qfry dy pwKf Jlx df Aus ny koeI guwsf nhIN kIqf sI. sLfied Aus nUM pqf hI nhIN sI ik ies dy pwKy dI hvf Aus nUM af rhI hY. Jt ku ipCoN qfry df pwKf iPr Aus dI bFh nUM agFh iKHc irhf sI. pwKf Jl ky kuVI nfl jo sFJ Aus ny mihsUs kIqI sI, Aus df bVf svfd afieaf sI. hux Aus df pwKy vflf hwQ agy nfloN vDyrf KulHf cl irhf sI qy pwKy dI hvf kuVI dy sfry srIr qy PYl rhI sI. pihlF qfry ny afpxf iDafn prHF riKaf qF jo pwKy dI ies inlwjqf ivc Aus df koeI ksUr nf idsy, pr Jt ku ipCoN Aus nUM ieh suJ geI ik jy Auh kyvl afpxy afp nUM pwKf Jwl irhf hovy qF vI pwKy dI hrkq nfl kuVI nUM vI hvf lgxI jLrUrI sI. ies kr ky iksy leI ieh kihxf bVf aOKf sI ik Auh afpxy afp nUM pwKf Jl irhf sI ik Aus kuVI nUM. ieh qy koeI zr vflI gwl nhIN sI. kuJ icr qoN kuVI ny awKF nhIN putIaF sn qy Aus df ichrf iZlf huMdf jf irhf sI. Auh sONdI jFdI sI. hux ijLafdf afjLfdI nfl pwKf Jilaf jf skdf sI. kyvl zwby ivc bYTy hor lokF dI awK bcfx dI loV sI. kuVI df sfh hux afp-muhfrf af jf irhf sI. Auh sON geI sI. qfrf Aus nUM pwKf JlI igaf. kuVI dy qfry ivckfr kyvl dohF PitaF dI sFJI Zoh dI ivQ sI. qfry dy hwQ ivc PiVaf pwKf GuMmdf hoieaf kuVI dy ies qoN vI nyVy ho jFdf qy Aus ivcoN inklI hvf Aus dy srIr nUM CUh rhI sI. ieMnf kuJ huMidaF vI qfrf afpxy afp nUM Aus qoN ieMnI dUr mihsUs kr irhf sI, ijMnIaF ies bRihmMz ivc koeI hor do cIjLF ho skdIaF ny. AuhnF dy nyVy bYTy hox df kuJ mqlb nhIN sI. Pwty dI Zoh nfl bYTI vI Auh Aus qoN kohF dUr sI qy qfry dI ijsmfnI qy idmfgI phuMc qoN bfhr. qfry bfry koeI iKLafl kuVI dy mn ivc vV skdf sI, ies df qfry nUM supnf vI nhIN af skdf sI. Aus nUM Auh kI smJdI hovygI, ies df Auh iKLafl kr ky kMb jFdf. qy iPr nyVy bYTy hox df kI PLfiedf? pr qfrf ieh vI nhIN Buwl skdf sI ik Auh Aus nUM corI corI pwKf Jl irhf sI. Aus
dy hwQ dy ihlx nfl kuVI dy srIr nUM TMZ phuMc rhI sI.
ies ivQ dy nyVy dy dohF puVF ivckfr qfry df aMdr ipsdf jf irhf sI. Aus sfrI Aumr ivc kdI Aus dIaF aFdrF df ies qrHF rug nhIN Biraf igaf sI. suwqI hoeI kuVI Aus qoN ieMnI pry nhIN sI ik Auh Aus nUM Buwl sky qy nf ieMnI kol hI sI ik Auh Aus nfl gwl kr sky jF Aus nUM afpxI smJ sky. Auh qy Aus nUM iksy vKry pfqfl df jIv smJdf sI. Auh ivsLvfsL nhIN kr skdf sI ik Aus dy mUMh ivcoN inkilaf awKr Aus kuVI nUM smJ af skdf sI.
ies qrHF ips rhy qfry nUM vI hOlI hOlI nINdr ny kfbU kr ilaf qy Auh vI afpxy PLwty qy psr igaf.
Aus dI aMdr dI iKwcoqfx htI nhIN sI, kyvl nINdr hyT luk geI sI. Aus dy PwtV mn qy kyvl by-surqI df kMbl ipaf hoieaf sI, pr pIV vflI nINdr koeI gUVHI nINdr nhIN huMdI. suwqy suwqy qfry dy kMnIN iksy dy rox dI afvfjL peI qy hOly hOly ieh iek bwcy dI afvfjL inKr afeI. zwby ivc iksy df aMJfxf ro irhf sI, sLfied BuwKf duwD KuxoN. rox dI af vfjL qfry dy awD-suwqy mn qk phuMcdI rhI qy ivc KuBdI rhI. qy iPr ijs qrHF iek QF df bfrUd Ptx nfl kol df bfrUd afpxy afp ibnF awg dy Pt jFdf hY, awDf-suwqf, jfgdf qfrf cIkF mfrn lg ipaf qy AuT ky bYT igaf. zwby ivwc qrQwlI mc geI. iqMn cfr afdmI kfhlI nfl Aus vl hoey. afpxIaF cIkF qoN zr ky qfry nUM hux jfg af geI hoeI sI.
“kI gwl ey, qgVf qy hYN?” AuhnF Aus dy moty moty hwzF vfly moiZaF nUM dbFdy hoey ikhf. Gfbry hoey qfry ny awKF Jmkdy hoey mwQy qoN muVHkf pUMiJaf. ieho ijhI gwl Aus nfl agy kdI nhIN hoeI sI. Auh kI dsy kI hoieaf hY?
“ieQy koeI inafxf roNdf sI?” Aus kuJ Xfd kr ky ikhf.
“afho roNdf sI” lokF ny koeI ajIb gl suxn dI AumId ivc jvfb idwqf. qy iPr qfrf cuwp ho igaf. afpxIaF cIkF df Auh aMJfxy dy rox nfl kI sMbMD joV skdf sI.
“ivcfry nUM koeI suPLnf afieaf hoxf ey.” iek vzyry ijhy bMdy ny ikhf qy iPr Auh jf ky afpxI afpxI QF qy bYT gey.
inMmoJUxy hoey qfry ny afpxy swjy pfsy iDafn mfiraf. Auh kuVI vI jfg peI hoeI sI qy zwby ivc jgdIaF bwqIaF vl vyK rhI sI nf AuhnUM qy nf qfry nUM pqf sI ik cIkF Ausy ny kZfeIaF sn!
pUry ivÈv ivwc BfrqI ivafh smfgm af pxI ivlwKx pihcfx rwKdy hn. iewQy isrP mnuwKfˆ dy hI nhIN dyvI-dyviqafˆ, pOidafˆ aqy jfnvrfˆ dy ivafh vI bVy DUm-Dfm nfl kIqy jfˆdy hn. ajoky smfj ivwc grIb bMdy leI DI-puwq df ivafh krnf sihj kfrj nhIN irhf. ies ny byhwd jitl qy KrcIly afXojn vfly smfroh df rUp Dfrn kr ilaf hY. DUm DVfky nfl kIqy jfˆdy ivafhfˆ df Krc pMdrfˆ-vIh lwK qoN Gwt qfˆ ikafs hI nhIN kIqf jf skdf. sfhf icwTI mihMgy kfrzfˆ rfhIN swdf pwqrfˆ df rUp lY cuwkI hY. guV dI BylI dI Qfˆ pMjIrI jfˆ iviBMn iksmfˆ dI miTafeI vMzx df ruJfn pYdf ho igaf hY. pUMjIpqI afpxI aOlfd dy ivafh pMj qfrf hotlfˆ ivwc krn lwgy hn. brfq dy Zukfa vyly lfVf GoVI qoN Auqrn dI Qfˆ mihMgI qoN mihMgI kfr ivwcoN Auqrnf psMd krdf hY. julfeI, 2016 ivwc AuVIsf dI rfjDfnI BuvnyÈvr ivwc BfrqI vfXU sYnf ivwc kfrjÈIl iewk nOjvfn ny afpxy ivafh nUM XfdgfrI bxfAux ihq GoVI, kfr dI Qfˆ hYlIkfptr nUM mfiDam vjoN vriqaf qy pYlys nyVy pYrfsLUt rfhIN Auqiraf. aijhy ruJfnfˆ dI dyKf dyKI mwDvrgI qbkf aqy inmn afriQkqf vfly pirvfr vI cfdr qoN bfhr pYr psfrn lwgy hn. hux iksy iksy Gr hlvfeI ibTfey jfˆdy hn qy KuwlHI BfjI pkvfeI jfˆdI hY. miTafeI bfhroN bxIbxfeI zwibafˆ ivwc pYk kIqI krfeI Gr af jfˆdI hY. ivafh leI loVIˆdI rsd vI bfËfroN KrIdI jfˆdI hY. ies leI aijhIafˆ iswTxIafˆ suxn nUM nhIN imldIafˆ: ÈIlo kuVI aYˆ bYTI ijvyˆ Puwty BVoly df Qwlf inkMmIey kMm kr nI qYˆ ikAuN Cwizaf DMdf inkMmIey kMm kr nI ipMzfˆ ivwc ivafhuly Gr ivwc keI-keI idn pihlfˆ pRfhuxy afAuxy sLurU ho jfˆdy sn. pRfhuixafˆ ivwcoN nfnkf myl dI ivÈyÈ qOr `qy AuzIk kIqI jfˆdI sI. nfnkf myl ivafh vfly Gr dI rOxk nUM hor vI iKwc BrpUr bxfAux dy mMqv aDIn afpxy nfl vwD qoN vwD jIa lY ky afAuNdf. ies nfnkf myl dIafˆ aOrqfˆ ipMz vVidafˆ sfr joÈ nfl pRvyÈ krdIafˆ, KrUd pfAuNdIafˆ aqy
dIafˆ rsmfˆ `qy BfrU peI mMzI
gIq gfAuNdIafˆ afAuNdIafˆ. nfnkf DfV dI igRPq ivwc afieaf hr ivakqI ivaMg qy tkorfˆ df iÈkfr bxdf. mrdfˆ nUM coBfˆ lf ky KUb iTwT kIqf jfˆdf. ienHfˆ gIqfˆ df mnorQ iksy nUM mfnisk rUp ivwc kÈt dyxf nhIN, sgoN aijhf siBafcfrk vfqfvrn AupjfAuxf huMdf ijs nfl ivafh dI rsm hor rOxkI bx jfvy:
afho jI bMbIhf boly. KVoqI kuVI dy bfr nI bMbIhf boly. isKr dupihry boly nI bMbIhf boly. bMbIhf rfqIN boly qy boly pRBfq nI, bMbIhf boly. awj nfnkf myl dI Eho-ijhI afmd nËr nhIN afAuNdI. Grfˆ ivwc inBfeI jfˆdI mihMdI qy vtxf lgfAux dI rsm qy nfl gfey jfˆdy suhfg gIqfˆ vfly rs iBMny vfqfvrn dI Qfˆ ibAUtI pfrlrfˆ ivwc buikMg krvfky Grfˆ ivwc pYdf huMdI suMn nËr afAuNdI hY. ivafh qoN pUrvlI Èfm nfnkf myl vwloN ipwql dI gfgr/vltohI AuWqy afty dy dIivafˆ dIafˆ kqfrfˆ bxf ky iqafr kIqI jfˆdI jfgo ikqyikqy hI dyKx nUM imldI hY. jfgo kwZidafˆ do kuVIafˆ, ijnHfˆ dIafˆ awKfˆ ivwc kwjl qy mUMh gory kIqy huMdy, nUM gory bxf ky afpxy awgy lfAuxf qfˆ bIqy dI bfq bx igaf hY. sfrIafˆ mylxfˆ nfl-nfl gIq gfAuNdIafˆ, Èor mcfAuNdIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ. keI Gr jfgo ivwc qyl pfAuNdy aqy keI Ègn idMdy. ipMz dy muKIey qy irÈqydfrI vfly Grfˆ ivwc igwDf pfieaf jfˆdf. jfgo dOrfn ipMz dI pirkrmf krdy smyˆ nfnkIafˆ afpxy nfl slMG (qUVI ihlfAux vflI sotI, ijs AuWqy Auh GuMgrU bMnH lYˆdIafˆ) lY lYˆdIafˆ. ipMz dy suwqy lokfˆ nUM jgfAux Kfqr Aus dI vrqoN lokfˆ dy Grfˆ dy drvfËy KVkfAux aqy sVk AuWqy dwb dwb ky mfrn leI kIqI jfˆdI. ies pRkfr Auh ipMz dy lMbVdfr qoN lY ky jmfˆdfr qwk sB nUM afpxIaf pqnIafˆ nUM jgfAux df hokf idMdIafˆ. afpxy ivÈfl smUh nUM ‘hfkm dI cOkI` nfl qulnfAuNdIafˆ Auh purÈ pRDfn smfj nUM Kbrdfr krdIafˆ: koeI vycy suMZ jvYx, koeI vycy rfeI cONkIdfr afpxI jorU vycy, tky tky isr sfhI Kbrdfr rihxf jI, cONkI hfkmfˆ dI afeI.
awjklH jfgo Gr iqafr nhIN kIqI jfˆdI. lok vI jldI nhIN sONdy. suwiqafˆ nUM jgfAux leI vrqI jfˆdI slMG iÈMgfrI hoeI sotI dy rUp ivwc awj jfgidafˆ nUM jgfAuNdI hY jo sYWlfˆ vflI jfgo dy nfl hI bfËfroN KrId leI jfˆdI hY. sYWlfˆ nfl cwlx vflI bfËfrI jfgo dy sYWl kuJ smyˆ bfad hI afpxf rMg idKf idMdy hn qy mfhOl nUM iPwkf kr idMdy hn. pfxI vfrn vflI gVvI vI bfËfroN hI KrId leI jfˆdI hY. ajoky ivafhfˆ dy kuJ hor pwK crcf dI mMg krdy hn. pdfrQvfdI Xuwg ivwc irÈiqafˆ ivwc grmjoÈI GtdI jf rhI hY jdoN ik lYx dyx `qy Krc hox vflI rfÈI hwd bMny twpdI jf rhI hY. bhuqy irÈqydfr iswDy ivafh pYlys ivwc afAuNdy hn aqy AuWQoN hI afpxy Gr ivdf ho jfˆdy hn. kwpiVafˆ aqy hfr-iÈMgfr AuWqy lwKfˆ ruipaf Krc hox lwg ipaf hY. isrP lfVy-lfVI dI puÈfk `qy Krc hoeI rfÈI hI dMdfˆ Qwly AuNglfˆ idvf idMdI hY. ivafh dy KuÈgvfr mfhOl nUM rsiBMnf bxfAux vflIafˆ rfq dIafˆ gfAux mihiPlfˆ ny vI afpxf rMg vtf ilaf hY. AunHfˆ mihiPlfˆ dI Qfˆ `qy keI-keI idn mIt-Èrfb dy dOr cwldy hn. lyzIË sMgIq dy nfˆ `qy dyKx-suxn nUM imldf hY zI[jy[ isstm nfl cwlx vflf Èor-Èrfby nfl BrpUr nfc-gfn. ivÈvIkrn dy pRBfv qoN pihlfˆ Bfrq ivwc lfVI dy rUp ivwc iewk lVkI afpxy ivafh dIafˆ rsmfˆ nUM Èrm qy lfj dI mUrqI bxI inBfAuNdI sI. ies sMdrB ivwc vI hflfq bdl gey hn. styj dy isMGfsnI sYWt `qy
lfVy nfl sÈoiBq lfVI KUb KuwlH zuwlH mi hsUsdI insMg ivcrdI nËr afAuNdI hY. ivafhulI joVI afpxf pRI vYizMg sUt mYirj pYlys/pMzfl ivwc afpxy qy pqI dy pUry pirvfr smyq hfËr bfkI mihmfnfˆ nfl bVy cfa qy KuÈI nfl vyKdI hY. Dfrimk pwKoN ivafh nUM pRvfngI iml jfx AuprMq nvdMpqI vI KuwlH ky nwcdf hY. anyk joVy ies mOky nwcx leI cMgI PIs dy ky ivafh qoN pihlfˆ ivÈyÈ qOr `qy isKlfeI lYˆdy hn.
VkI-lVky dy sMjog df sbwb hux nfeI nhIN bxdf. ivigafpn/ieÈiqhfrbfËI ies pwKoN aihm BUimkf inBf rhI hY. nfeIafˆ kol irÈqf qYa krn df hwk hox smyˆ lVkylVkI ny ivafh dIafˆ rsmfˆ sMpUrn hox qwk iewk dUjy nUM pihlfˆ kdy vyiKaf hI nhIN sI huMdf. AudoN gIqfˆ rfhIN vI aksr ieh puwC ilaf jfˆdf sI ik ivcoly dI BUimkf iks ny inBfeI hY. mfnvI sbMDfˆ dI mËbUqI dy islisly ivwc ieh sLuB Ègn hY ik nOjvfn pIVHI jfq pfq dy bMDnfˆ nUM qoVdI nËr af rhI hY. ies pRcln df asr mfipafˆ ivwc vI vyKx nUM imlx lwgf hY. Auh afpxI aOlfd leI anukUl jIvn sfQI dI qlfÈ vfsqy jfqI bMDnfˆ ivwc iZwl lYx lwg pey hn.
ies aflyK df mksd qfˆ eynf hI hY ik mMzI ny ivafh dIafˆ byloVIafˆ rsmfˆ GtfAux dI Qfˆ ienHfˆ ivwc vfDf hI kIqf hY ijs krky byloVy Krc kfrn bhu-igxqI Grfˆ dI mflI hflq zfvfˆzol ho jfˆdI hY jo CyqI kIqy aqy sOiKafˆ pirvfr dI gwzI nUM lIh `qy nhIN afAux idMdI.
More internationally educated family doctors on the way
More family doctors will be avail able to take patients and treat people as the Province expands a program that trains internationally educated doctors, so they can get licensed to practise in British Columbia.
“The pandemic has exposed underly ing challenges and added new strains to our public health-care system, and too many British Columbians are struggling to find a family doctor,” said Premier David Eby. “Meanwhile, family doctors trained outside of Canada aren’t able to practise family medicine, because they lack a path way to be licensed here. We need to fix this. That’s why we’re taking ac tion to help get more internationally trained doctors off the sidelines and into communities where they are so desperately needed.”
The Province is expanding the Prac tice Ready Assessment program, which is a pathway for internation ally educated family doctors to be licensed to work in B.C. The program will triple from 32 seats to 96 seats by March 2024.
“By tripling the number of seats over the next 16 months under the Practice Ready Assessment program, provid
ing a new pathway for international medical graduates to work as associ ate physicians, and removing barriers for doctors from the United States to work in B.C., we are delivering in our commitment to patients and building strong team-based care for all British Columbians,” said Adrian Dix, Minister of Health.
International medical graduates (IMGs) who are not eligible for full or provisional licensure in B.C. may be eligible for a new associate phy sician class of restricted registration with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC (CPSBC). This will allow them to care for patients under the direction and supervision of an attending physician within a health authority acute-care setting. This is part of government’s work to recruit more health professionals and pro vide immediate solutions for people who need to access health services.
The Ministry of Health is also work ing with the CPSBC to expand the new class, so associate physicians can work in community-based primary care settings over the coming months.
The Province is working with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and the College
of Family Physicians of Canada to allow IMGs to start the accreditation process before they arrive in B.C. Doctors interested in moving to B.C. will have increased certainty of being able to practise when they arrive, so they can support doctors and begin treating patients.
The College of Physicians and Sur geons of BC will prepare bylaw changes to allow doctors trained in the U.S. for three years to practise medicine in community settings, such as urgent and primary care centres, community clinics and family prac tices. These doctors will be able to care for adult and pediatric patients, as well as provide emergency and
urgent care. The bylaw changes will be implemented in the coming weeks, with the intent of allowing these doctors to practise medicine in B.C. communities by January 2023.
These actions are part of B.C.’s Health Human Resources Strategy, which was announced on Sept. 29, 2022. The strategy supports patients by ensuring they get the health ser vices they need and are cared for by a healthy workforce. It focuses on 70 key actions to recruit, train and retain health-care workers, while redesigning the health-care system to foster workplace satisfaction and innovation.
Fiscal update shows B.C. well-positioned amid economic uncertainty
British Columbia remains well-posi tioned to continue supporting people and navigating emerging global eco nomic headwinds with an improved second-quarter fiscal update.
Consistent with other jurisdictions, the Second Quarterly Report confirms a fast economic recovery has led to stronger-than-expected revenues in B.C.
The Province’s operating surplus is $5.7 billion, an improvement of $5 billion over the First Quarterly Report. The change was primarily driven by a significant update from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for 2021 personal and corporate in come tax results.
“The Second Quarterly Report shows that we have experienced a faster economic recovery than private- or
public-sector economists initially forecasted,” said Selina Robinson, Minister of Finance. “The changes we’re seeing are primarily due to up dated income tax revenue data from the Canada Revenue Agency here in B.C. and across the country – far beyond what was forecasted when we built our budget.”
B.C. continues to introduce new costof-living measures, including the new BC Affordability Credit announced by Premier David Eby last week. The total cost-of-living measures rolled out since the summer cost approxi mately $2 billion:
$395 million for ICBC rebates deliv ered in summer 2022
$64 million for the School Afford ability Fund in fall 2022
$1 billion for Climate Action Tax Credit and BC Affordability Credit increases in October 2022 and Janu ary 2023
$320 million for a one-time BC Hydro bill credit for BC Hydro cus tomers this winter $100 million for enhanced BC Fam ily Benefit payments from January to March 2023
In addition, families will begin saving up to $550 per month in child care costs starting in December 2022.
“We’re in a strong position to contin ue using the resources we have to de liver results on the issues that matter the most to people: housing; public safety; health care; climate change; and building a sustainable economy,” Robinson said. “No matter what is
on the ho rizon, our govern ment will continue to be here to support people in B.C.”
In the coming weeks, and as part of the budget process, the minister of finance will meet with members of the Economic Fore cast Council and the ESG Advisory Council to discuss issues affecting the province’s economy and future forecasts. The Third Quarterly Re port, including an economic forecast, will be released with Budget 2023 on Feb. 28.
The Patrika Auto Review:
2022 Ford Bronco Sport Badlands - The Bronc is Back!
Reintroduced in 2021 after a 24-year hiatus is the venerable Ford Bronco, a revamped and redesigned heritage SUV! Chunkily styled, with cool retro cues, the new Bronco arrives in either 2 or 4 door formats with full 4X4 capability. In term of looks, Ford have done a wonderful job when it comes to styling. There is the cool front ad rear heritage fascia, and the raised roof line at the rear that can be used as a base for the installation of a tent on the roof. The roof rack meanwhile can accommodate tents, skis, kayaks and camping equipment.
For the 2022 model year, the Bronco gains two new colors, a new powdercoated steel bumper with LED fog lights and an optional slide-out tailgate accessory.
Cool touches abound on the Bronco, with standard features such as: ex terior roof rails and tow hooks, military-look webbing on the front seatbacks for storage, carabiner-style bag 110-volt outlet in the cargo area and at the back of the center console, plus flood lights on the inside of the tailgate, and even a bottle opener hid den above the passenger-side exterior taillight!
The Bronco range includes the Sport version, powered by a 2.0-litre Eco Boost engine with 245 horsepower and 275 lb-ft of torque. The other three models – Base, Badlands, Big
Bend and Outer Banks – have the 1.5-litre EcoBoost engine that pro duces 181 hp and 190 lb-ft of torque. There is also an optional $2,000 2.7-litre EcoBoost V6 with 330 horsepower. All engines are mated to an Select Shift automatic transmis sion with steering wheel mounted paddle shifters
We tested the Bronco Sport Badlands Edition 4-door equipped with a 2.0L Ecoboost four - cylinder engine with 250hp and 277lb-ft of torque as standard. The Sport’s styling is emphasized by such features as the cartridge grille, round headlamps, flat bodysides and short front and rear overhangs for good off-roading and trail bashing abilities. It’s a rugged quasi-military look.
Also included is the advanced 4x4 system with a twin-clutch rear drive, linked to a training management sys tem with five standard G.O.A.T (Goes over any type of terrain.), and two additional Modes - Rock Crawl and Mud/Ruts - the basic version sells for $32,199. Options are numerous, including Ford Co-Pilot360 As sist+™, Class II Trailer Tow Package with Trailer Sway Control, Class II Trailer Tow Package with Trailer Sway Control plus a Premium Pack age.
The off-road features can all be activated and controlled via a dash-
mounted buttons and a consolemounted dial. “GOAT” modes (‘Goes over any terrain’) features different settings in a pre-calibrated program that adjusts such parameters as, throttle response, four-wheel drive mode, axle lock, traction control, and steering for optimum performance on difficult terrain.
Interior wise there is a modern well integrated cabin, with comfortable seats and good ergonomics. Creature comforts abound with such features as heated seats and steering climate controls directly under the eight-inch touchscreen. There is Sirius satellite radio, and navigation. Apple CarPlay and Android Auto compatibility is standard. The Ford Co-Pilot360 driv er assist technologies are standard on all models, which helps in highway driving and has collision avoidance. Other neat touches include Auto stop and start and a feature where the touchscreen lights up with a warning to Check Rear Seats for Occupants along with a warning chime.
On the road, the Bronco has enough grunt to move comfortably on the highway and urban grind. Its will ing engine with lots of usable power and does not disappoint in terms of off-road ability. The Trail Control system allows you to take advantage of cruise control for off-road driv ing, The G.O..A.T feature allows for
five operating modes: Sand, slippery, Sport, echo, and normal. The other two additional modes include Rock Crawl, and Mud/rut. bringing the total to seven modes on the Badlands Edition. On road performance is good with a smooth ride, although you do feel potholes and bumps. But overall control is good with a well-weighted steering and just a hint of body roll in quick cornering. The 8-speed trans mission is smoother now and shifts better with no delay. Fuel economy is rated at a combined figure of 10.1 L/100 km.
Stylish, desirable and in demand from both Bronco aficionados and new buyers looking for a cool practical SUV; the Bronco does not disappoint and is a lot of fun. You can remove the roof and doors on some models for more extreme capers as well.
Not a lot of complaints, the four-door format is more practical and versatile. The price can be steep for the upmar ket models, but you do gain world class off-roading ability that’s equal to Jeeps and Land Rovers. Highly recommended.
20221 Ford Bronco Sport Badlands Edition. priced from $41,494 plus options and $1,900 destination and delivery.
myK- ishq ivwc gVbV, Dn lfB, afpxy lokF nfl JgVf, Xfqrf iwvc cot df zr, sMqfn suwK, kfrobfr iwvc suDfr. nvMbr 18, 19,20,27,28, dsMbr 6,7 asLuB.
Listen carefully to what someone else might actually mean by what they are saying. They may not be straightforward and this will be to benefit them, not you. Looking back to the past and what has taken place with them could enlighten you in some way. The main thing is not to agree to anything just because it sounds good.
Open and easy interaction can take place with somebody else, even a friend that gives you a comfortable feeling. Then they could become secretive or shut off for no apparent reason. It would not be wise to establish priorities in your own life around relying on them. They could be guarded about what is important to them.
ibRK – Kun ipwq ivkfr, kfrj Kyqr bdlx nfl lfB, GrylU JMJtF qoN dUr rho, imwqrF df sihXog, iesqrI pwKoN icMqF, sQfn pirvrqn df ivcfr bxy, nvMbr 21,22,29,30,dsMbr 8,9,10, asLuwB.
imQun – pyt dI KrfbI, Dn hfnI, PjUl KrcIBfeI bMDU suK sMqfn qy iesqrI ksLt, sFJydfrI iwvc hfnI rhygI,. kMm bdlx df ivcfr bxygf. nvMbr 23,24, dsMbr 1,2,3,11,12,asLuwB.
Krk- swt df zr, Dn lfB, Krcf aiDk, imwqrF qoN lfB, sMqfn qy iesqrI pwKoN icMqf, kfrobfr ivwc Gftf rhygf. nvMbr16,17,25,26,dsMbr 4,5,13,14,15 asLuB.
isMG – pyt dI KrfbI, swtf lgfAux nfl hfnI, sMqfn ksLt, dusLmxF iwvc vfDf, GrylU JMJtF qy jfiedfd dy ivvfd qoN bco. nvMbr 18,19,20,27,28,dsMbr 6,7 asLuB.
kMinaF – Kun kI KrfbI, krjy qoN bco, Dn hfnI qoN mn icMqF Xukq rhygf, imwqrF nfl JgVf, sMqfn ksLt, pqnI suK imlygf. nvMbr 21,22,29,30 dsMbr 8,9, 10, asLuB.
Any responsibilities you have avoided in the past could come back to haunt you now. This could generate a lot more work than would have originally have been the case. Interactions with others, including social activity can become busy from now into December. This could mean catching up with people from the past as well.
It could be worthwhile to look at doing something you have enjoyed in the past, mainly for relaxation. You could realise you have learnt a lot in between time and that making it part of your future again could be wise. You will need to focus on daily routines into December and apply some sort of order for effective handling.
You can come into contact with people that are unique in some way and where you feel as though you are on the same page as them. This could also be a friend or colleague you have not seen in a while. Social activity is likely to pick up from now into early December. Having got things in order of late will leave you free to enjoy.
It might be wise to start thinking and communicating over any plans you might want to make involving family between now and 10th December. It could be difficult to get definite answers to begin with, so it might take some persistence. What you will have to watch is ending up with the majority of the responsibilities to deal with.
qulf – ishq TIk rhygI, kRoD qy kfbU rwKo, lVHfeI JgVy qoN dUr rho, rfj drbfr qoN ksLt iml skdf hY inwjI lokF nfl JgVf qy kMm bdlx ivwc lfB hovygf. nvMbr 23,24, dsMbr 1,2,3,11,12 asLuwB hovygI.
ibRsLick – pyt rog, Dn hfnI, Krc aiDk sMqfn pwK qoN KusLI nvIaF XojnfvF qoN lfB, kfrobfr TIk rhygf, nvMbr16,17,25,26,dsMbr 4,5,13,14,15 asLuB.
A very busy time is about to begin that will go into early December. You might need to keep your wits about you because you can be pulled in many different directions making it easy to forget some things. The other thing you have to watch is ending up with more to handle than anybody else because of being too generous with your time.
The focus is beginning to turn away from you personally to your finances into early December. Anything involving another person and finances may not be as clear as you have presumed. It may now place you in a situation where you need to make other financial decisions on a personal level. It is not a time to risk anything.
DnU – pyt dI KrfbI, iesqrI jF puwqr ihwq ivsLysL Krcf hovygf, nIc ivakqIaF qoN hfnI jF apmfn df zr, afriQk lfB, nvMbr 18,19,20,27,28,dsMbr 6,7 asLuB.
mkr – kRoD qy kfbU rwKo, Dn hfnI ho skdI hY, Brf df suwK, Dn lfB, kfrobfr iwvc rukfvt pYdf ho skdI hY. . nvMbr 21,22,29,30 dsMbr 8,9, 10, asLuB.
kuMB – pyt dI KrfbI, Dn lfB, BfeI bMDUaF df suwK. sMqfn ksLt, dusLmx kmjor, iesqrI pwK sluwB, kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt pYdf ho skdI hY. nvMbr 23,24, dsMbr 1,2,3,11,12 asLuwB hovygI.
mIn – ishq TIk, afmdn Krc brfbr,, inwjIlokF qoN ksLt, nvIaF XojnfvF qoN hfnI, kMm jF kfrj sQfn bdlx df ivcfr pYdf ho skdf hY. iesqrI qy sMqfn pwKoN icMqF. nvMbr16,17,25,26,dsMbr 4,5,13,14,15 asLuB.
Both Mercury, the planet of thought and Venus the planet of peace, balance and harmony move into your sign this week until 7th and 10th December. Life could at last become clearer and seem to be going your way. You should think about yourself in this time in relation to just being happy. Perhaps buy some new clothes too.
You will need to find some peaceful time to yourself into early December to perhaps collect your thoughts and focus on the most balanced way to move forward later. Whatever you need to deal with on a daily basis will continue to be busy and full of distractions. This is why a calm and withdrawing approach will be necessary.
A good time to catch up with friends or attend any sort of group activity will be from now into early December. Don’t feel guilty about altering your obligations or leaving them until later. A social event that didn’t take place in the past could come up again. This could involve a freer attitude on the part of other people in some way.
Challenges could start to become obvious in relation to any future directions you might have been considering lately. It will be easier now to recognise how this could get out of hand because when you get down to details, there is a lot more to the situation than was initially apparent. Be realistic about the commitment you can make.
sVk’qy ipaf gohf kd suwkygf. qyrI bdjLubfnI df roh myry idl ivwcoN kd inklygf. qVp, jnUMn qy iekwlqf ivwcoN
hrI isMG qfqlf
drd myrf, kd inklygf, qyry qbwsum qwk hwQ myrf kd phuMcygf. aY ibrK dI bOn CfvyN qUM hI dws
qyry jfx mgroN rfijMdr
myry drd dI afvfjL nUM qyry ielfvf kOx suxygf. pr, ieh sVk’qy ipaf gohf kd suwkygf.
qyry jfx mgroN lwgdf hY ijvyN --sLbdF dy ipMzy qoN koeI mOsm hI nf lMiGaf hovy Gr qoN sVk qwk
sVk qoN ruwKF qwk ruwKF qoN pOxF qwk pOxF qoN KMBF dIaF zfrF qwk kuJ vI qF nhIN bdilaf – kuJ vI. pr –Gr Cwq,
awlHVy vyKIN ipafr n pfeIN iesLk’c pYNdf sVnf. kwicaF AuWqy qrnf pYNdf, pl pl sUlLI cVHnf. ijLMdgI eys mlUk ijhI qoN ieh kuJ sih nhIN hoxf, ikMgry muV jf ipCly pYrIN, iesLk dy mUhry aV nf. (idlsLfd aKLqr dy nfm)
sVk, BIV, ruwK, pwqy, pOxF, gIq, zfrF qy KMB, smyq myry--iksy ajnbI vFg – zYNbry zYNbry ikAuN hn?
pYNdY pCqfAuxf rxjIq ikMgrf
qyrf cMn jyhf muK, kys mwisaf dI rfq; qyrf aMg aMg pfAuNdf koeI jobny dI bfq; mfrdY lohVy, lohVy nI rUp, krIN nf isLMgfr ipwCoN pYNdY, pCqfAuxf, ikDry pfvIN nf ipafr. ipwCoN pYNdY[[[
nINd KMB lf ky awKIaF’coN AuWz jfAUgI, jdoN ipafr dI ktfrI sIny KuwB jfAUgI.
kivqf hrdm mfn
kflKL sMg nhfE, dunIaF kihMdI hY, cuwD Doqy bx jfE, dunIaF kihMdI hY. QwukIN vVy pkfE, dunIaF kihMdI hY, ‘nyqf jI’ aKvfE, dunIaF kihMdI hY. DoKf, TwgI, beImfnI kr lE KUb, pUjf pfT krfE, dunIaF kihMdI hY. swc eImfn df pwlf Cwzo suK mfxo, kUV dy sohly gfE, dunIaF kihMdI hY. ikhVy BfeIcfry dI gwl krdy ho, GrIN cuafqI lfE, dunIaF kihMdI hY. ichry AuWqy nUr hmysLf Jlkygf, BgvF Bys bxfE, dunIaF kihMdI hY. qol-qukFq imlf ky, ilK ky sqrF cfr, ‘mfn’ kvI bx jfE dunIaF kihMdI hY.
rhyN pCqfAuNdI, kihky nI iksy sohxy nUM Xfr. ipwCoN pYNdY[[[
AuWTU kfljy’c cIs, qyrI kwZ lYjU jfn. iewk Auhdy bfJoN qYnUM suMnf lwgxf jhfn. vwZ vwZ KfAU, kuVIey nI qYnUM, afpxf Gr bfr. ipwCoN pYNdY[[[
qyrI awKIaF ny roxY kr DUMeyN vflLf pwj. myhxy mfrUgf jhfn kihky kuVI inrlwj. iksy ny kihxY, idwqI ieh ikAuN nf, jMmdI hI mfr. ipwCoN pYNdY[[[ ijvyN AuWz jfx BOry rsf PuwlF ivwcoN cUs. bVI dyr hojU qYnUM jdoN hoAU mihsUs. rih jfeyN kwlI, kUMjy nI ikqy, idsxI nf zfr. ipwCoN pYNdY[[[ jy qUM sFBlyN jvfnI sLoBf krUgf jhfn. rwKIN awlHVy qUM bfbly dI pwg vflI sLfn. ckr df ikMgrf, kihMdf nI, Kwt lY, nykI siqkfr. ipwCoN pYNdY[[[
Projects underway in northeastern B.C. will reduce community wildfire risk, enhance forest health
Work is underway to enhance forest resilience to protect against the ef fects of wildfire and climate change in northeastern B.C.
The Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FESBC) is investing in 12 new wildfire risk reduction projects, including one in northeastern B.C. The FESBC has approved a total of 34 new wildfire risk reduction proj ects to be completed by March 2024. These projects are reducing wildfire risk, while enhancing wildlife habitat, reducing greenhouse gas emissions from slash pile burning, and support ing forest recreation and ecological resiliency.
“The Forest Enhancement Society of BC is a proven partner in delivering projects on the ground that protect people from wildfire risks and reduce emissions from slash pile burning,” said Katrine Conroy, Minister of For ests. “Along with the historic invest
ments in Budget 2022 to transform the BC Wildfire Service into a yearround service and double funding for proactive wildfire prevention, these new projects funded by FESBC will help build communities that are safer and more resilient to climate change.”
The $257,250 wildfire-mitigation project is for the Fort Nelson Com munity Forest (FNCF) to create a fuel break by thinning a tree stand adjacent to both the community of Fort Nelson and the Alaska Highway.
“FESBC is pleased to further support communities in reducing their risk of wildfires,” said Steve Kozuki, execu tive director, FESBC. “Their thought ful and collaborative approaches result in numerous additional objec tives also being achieved at the same time with the same funding: improved wildlife habitat; greater forest recre ation opportunities; local employ ment; community economic benefits;
forests that are more resilient to fire, insects, disease and future climate change; and sometimes reduce green house gases and improve Indigenous participation in the forest economy in British Columbia.”
FESBC has approved 263 projects over the past five years throughout B.C. Sixty-three of the projects have been led by First Nations and another 23 have significant First Nations’ involvement. FESBC projects have reduced wildfire risk in 120 com munities and have created more than 2,100 full-time jobs.
As part of the CleanBC Roadmap to 2030, the Province will work toward near elimination of slash pile burn ing by 2030 and will divert materi als away from slash piles and into bioproduct development, which will reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions while creating new opportunities in British Columbia’s
green economy. The projects funded through FESBC will help achieve these goals.
The $25 million provided to FESBC is part of the $359 million announced in Budget 2022 to protect British Columbians from wildfires, includ ing $145 million to strengthen the BC Wildfire Service and Emergency Management BC.
FESBC is a Crown agency estab lished to advance the environmental and resource stewardship of the province’s forests by preventing wildfires and mitigating the effects of wildfires, improving damaged or low-value forests, improving wildlife habitat, supporting the use of fibre from damaged or low-value forests, and treating forests to improve the management of greenhouse gases.
Fraser Health reminds people that smoking toxic substances is as risky as injecting them
As the overdose public health emer gency continues to claim lives throughout British Columbia, Fra ser Health is reminding people who use substances that smoking toxic substances carries the same risk of overdose as injecting them. The unpredictable nature of the highly toxic drug supply means all forms of ingesting substances come with a heightened risk of overdose.
To further spread this important mes sage among people who use substanc es, Fraser Health has launched a new advertising campaign on social media and in transit locations throughout the region to raise awareness and
“We know there is a perception that smoking may be less risky than injecting substances –primarily opi oids – but that is not the case,” says Dr. Maulik Baxi, medical health of ficer, Fraser Health. “We’re seeing a trend toward more people smoking rather than injecting substances as the number of overdose deaths tragically continues to rise.”
The trend towards smoking rather than injecting substances is reflected in the BC Coroners Service Death Review Panel report, which shows that 44 percent of people who died of a toxic drug poisoning in B.C. in 2021 had smoked substances, compared
KusLI dy aMg sMg
zf[ jgdIÈ kOr vfzIafpoint people to supportive resources, such as prevention, recognizing, and responding to an overdose, as well as how to access drug checking services.
“Our government continues to con front this emergency from every angle, making the large, systemic changes necessary to turn the tide on this crisis,” said Sheila Malcolmson, Minister of Mental Health and Ad dictions. “We have rapidly scaled up the number of overdose prevention services from one site to 42, including 13 sites offering inhalation services. Fraser Health’s information cam paign is a critical part of our work to ensure people are aware of the risks associated with substance use, and the measures they can take to protect themselves and others.”
Fraser Health data shows smoking was the mode of consumption for 50 per cent of the 45,968 visits to over dose prevention and consumption sites between January and September 2022 – up from 35 per cent for the same period in 2021.
with 36 per cent in 2017.
To support people in making informed decisions about their substance use, Fraser Health is encouraging people who use substances to get their drugs checked and not use alone. Naloxone continues to be an effective medica tion for reversing overdose, regard less of whether someone has used substances via inhalation/smoking, or injection route.
Three portable Fourier-Transform In frared Spectrometer (FTIR) machines are in use at supervised consumption and overdose prevention sites in the region. FTIR testing can detect the chemical makeup of many substanc es, including opioids, stimulants and other psychoactive drugs.
Between April and June 2022, 94 per cent of opioid samples checked in the Fraser Health region tested positive for fentanyl and 48 per cent contained benzodiazepines as well.
KuÈI nUM keI nfvfˆ nfl sMboDn kIqf jf skdf hY- KuÈI, hulfrf, pRsMnqf, afnMd, mOj-msqI afid. hr iensfn iewk sucwjI, KuÈhfl iËMdgI ijAUxf cfhuMdf hY ijs ivwc keI guxfˆ df sumyl huMdf hY. ijvyˆ mnorMjn, idlc spI, joÈ, Au qÈfh, Auqsukqf, pRfpqI, sMquÈtI, mn dI ÈfˆqI afid. Aus dI iewCf huM dI hY ik jIvn ivwc KUbsUrqI, grmjoÈI, ihMmq, qfkq, smrwQf qy ikirafÈIlqf kfiem rhy. Aus ivwc AucyrI pwDr df srIrk bl, mfnisk sMquln qy afqimk bl hovy qfˆ ik Auh joÈ-KroÈ nfl roËfnf jIvn dIafˆ iËMmyvfrIafˆ inBfa sky. ies leI jIvn ivwc KuÈI, AumMg qy afnMd hoxf ËrUrI hY. ieh ivÈyÈqfvfˆ rfh ivwc afAuNdI hr aOkV AuWqy kfbU pfAux aqy ijwq hfsl krn dI smrwQf pYdf krdIafˆ aqy pir pwkqf ilafAuNdIafˆ hn. ieh scfeI hY ik jy nfˆh pwKI ivcfr jfˆ Bfvnfvfˆ srIr ivwc nfkfrfqmk qbdIlIafˆ ilafAuNdIafˆ hn qfˆ sfkfrfqmk ivcfr qy soc hfˆ-pwKI pirvrqn ËrUr ilafAuNdI hY. iewk apfhj ivakqI jy hr vyly Audfs qy nfˆh-pwKI soc rwKygf qfˆ Aus df ijAUxf muÈkl ho jfeygf, pr jy Auh KuÈI, afnMd qy AuqÈfh BrpUr rhygf qfˆ ieh ivÈyÈqfvfˆ Aus leI QYrypI sfbq hoxgIafˆ. jIvn ivwc ipafr, afs, ivÈvfs, hfsf-TwTf, svY-ivÈvfs qy mËbUq iewCf ÈkqI iewk QYrypI df kMm krdIafˆ hn. mnoivigafnI vI mMndy hn ik duwK-qklIP qy aOKy vyly idl Zfh ky bYTx dI bjfey hfsy mËfk vflIafˆ ipkcrfˆ vyKo, pusqkfˆ pVHo qy KuwlH ky hwso, hfsf vDIaf dvfeI hY. ds imMt df hfsf do GMty leI afrfmdfiek nINd ilaf skdf hY. hfˆ-pwKI soc dvfeIafˆ dy mukfbly ibmfrI AuWqy kfbU pfAux leI vDyry smrwQ huMdI hY. jy mn ivwc KuÈI dI AumMg qy sfkfrfqmk ivcfr hox qfˆ srIr cusq-Purq qy qMdrusq rihMdf hY. idmfg ivwcoN kmËorI nUM kwZxf, qklIP qoN rfhq pfAuxI, srIr ivwc KUn df Auicq dOrf hoxf, idl df shI ZMg nfl kMm krnf qy KUn dy dbfa nUM siQr rwKx leI sfry srIr ivwc KuÈI dIafˆ qrMgfˆ AuWTxIafˆ cfhIdIafˆ hn.
Audfs qy mfXUs mnuwK jy roË kuJ imMtfˆ leI mn ivwc KuÈI nUM mihsUs krn qfˆ kfPI hwd qwk TIk ho skdy hn. cyqMnqf dy hr mfrg rfhIN KuÈI jfˆ afnMd df Bfv pYdf hox nfl
KUn df dOrf pRBfivq huMdf hY jo sfzI nsns ivwc vihMdf hY. KuÈ rihx nfl pIly, lfl, sYWl gUVHy rMg dy ho jfˆdy hn. jy jIvn nUM sihj, sbr qy Èfˆq ZMg nfl vyKfˆgy qfˆ Kud nUM skUn imlygf.
KuÈI dy aMg-sMg rihx leI kuJ nukqy hn ijnHfˆ AuWqy jIvn ivwc aml krnf ËrUrI hY ijvyˆ skfrfqmk soc rwKxI, svyry AuWT ky do imMt ÈIÈy ivwc afpxf ichrf vyKxf, KuÈhfl ivcfrfˆ nUM mn ivwc ilafAuxf qy QoVHI dyr jIvn ivwc drpyÈ msilafˆ nUM ivcfrnf. sfry idn ivwc jdoN jIa kry iewk do KuÈI dy gIq gfAuxy, kQf-kIrqn suxnf qy Èbd gfAuxy ijnHfˆ nfl afqimk, mfnisk qy srIrk ÈfˆqI imlygI. nhfAuNdy vkq Dfrimk gIq jfˆ Èbd bol ky mn nUM aMdroN sfP kro. hr cIË ivwc rumfˆs qy Èfno-ÈOkq nUM mihsUs krnf ijvyˆ ik DuMd, rOÈnI, ikÈqIafˆ vwl vyKxf jfˆ jdoN rOÈnI DuMd ivwc bdl rhI hovy, Aus nUM inhfro. mihsUs kro ik sfrf sMsfr hI KUbsUrqI qy afvyÈ nfl BrpUr hY. sdf ieh mn ivwc rwKo ik asIN pRmfqmf dy bwcy hfˆ aqy Auh sfnUM KuÈ rwKygf.
svyry AuWT ky cMgIafˆ KLbrfˆ bfry soco. cMgIafˆ cIËfˆ, cMgy lokfˆ bfry soco qy ijhVf vI cMgf avsr imly Aus nUM mfxo. afpxy afp `qy Brosf rwKo aqy AumMg vflf PfrmUlf apxf ky afpxy afp nUM pihlfˆ nfloN cMgf mihsUs kro. afpxf smrQn afp kro. kMm vI AuqÈfh nfl kro qy dUsirafˆ nUM aihsfs krvfE ik jIvn bhuq mhwqvpUrn hY. so KuÈIafˆ hfsl kro, KuÈIafˆ vMzo, KuÈIafˆ BrpUr jIvn jIE.
sLok smfcfr
bVy duKI ihrdy nflL KLbr dy rhy hF ik sfzy pUjnIk mfqf jI sRI mqI jsvIr kOr aroVf, supqnI sRI Em pRkfsL aroVf, jo qkrIbn 40 sfl qoN aYbtsPorz ivKy rihMdy sn. ipCly idnIN afpxI 79 sfl dI sMsfrk Xfqrf pUrI krky akfl purK dy crnF ivwc jf ibrfjy hn. AunHF dy pMj BUiqk srIr df sskfr 4 dsMbr, 2022 idn aYqvfr nUM 3 vjy irvrsfeIz iPAUnrl hfl aYbtsPorz ivKy hoxgy aqy AunHF dy nimq rwKy sihj pfT dy Bog aqy aMiqm ardfs 4:30 vjy Kflsf dIvfn susfietI gurduafrf sfihb aYbtsPorz 33094 sfAUQ PryjLr vya ivKy hovygI.
Obituary sLok smfcfr
Join us for A memorial service at Fraser River Funeral Home 2061 Riverside Road Abbotsford, BC Sunday Dec 04 at 10am
Antim Ardas: Khalsa Diwan Society at 12pm
Chamkaur Singh Gill cmkOr isMG igwl 1945 - 2022 Alamgir Ludhiana
aMiqm sskfr PryjLr vYlI iPAUnrl hom 2061 irvrsfeIz roz aYbtsPorz, bI sI aYqvfr dsMbr 04, svyry 10 vjy
aMiqm ardfs gurduafrf Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI aYbtsPorz, bI sI dupihr 12 vjyy
Contact: Resham (rysLm) : 604-897-9475, Jesse(jYsI) : 604-897-1991
duKI ihrdy nfl Friday, December 2nd, 2022 PAGE 35 The Patrika PAGE 35