Br ivwc dsMbr dIaF CuwtIaF ikRsms qoN EmIsokf qwk, sfl df afKrI mhInf “CuwtIaF df sMsfr” hY. afE dunIaf Br ivwc dsMbr dIaF kuJ CuwtIaF ‘qy iewk nËr mfrIey.
eIsfeI Drm ivwc, ikRsms eIsf msIh dy jnm df ieiqhfsk iqAuhfr hY. BfvyN ieh Dfrimk kfrn krky mnfieaf jFdf hY jF isrÌ swiBafcfrk jÈn vjoN mnfieaf jFdf hY, ikRsms dIaF prMprfvF dunIaF Br ivwc vwKo-vwKrIaF huMdIaF hn. jdoN ik amrIkn ikRsms dy ruwKF, sFqf klfË dIaF mulfkfqF, aqy brPIly lYNzskypF dy supinaF nfl mnfAuNdy hn, ikRsms afstRylIaf dIaF grmIaF dOrfn afAuNdI hY, ijwQy CuwtIaF dOrfn kYNipMg jF bIc ‘qy jfxf pRiswD hY. kuJ afstRylIan “ikRsms buÈ” nUM sjfAuNdy hn, iewk mUl afstRylIafeI ruwK ijs ivwc Coty hry pwqy aqy Puwl huMdy hn jo grmIaF ivwc lfl ho jFdy hn. ieMglYNz ivwc, ikRsims dIaF prMprfvF amrIkf vFg hI hn, pr sFqf klfË leI duwD aqy kUkIË Cwzx dI bjfey, bwcy Pfdr ikRsms leI mfeIns pfeI aqy bRFzI Cwzdy hn. afeIslYNz dI rfjDfnI rykjfivk ivwc ikRsims bfËfr dy nfl iewk srdIaF dy ajUibaF ivwc bdl jFdI hY aqy bwicaF leI, iewQy iewk nhIN blik qyrHF sYNtf hn, ijnHF nUM XUl lYzË vjoN jfixaf jFdf hY. ikRsms qoN pihlF qyrHF idnF ivwc hr rfq iewk afAuNdf hY, iKVkI dIaF sIlF ivwc Cwzy juwqIaF ivwc Coty qohÌy Cwzdf hY.
ilaf, AunHF ny ies gwl dI gvfhI idwqI ik Auh iek cmqkfr mMndy sn. BfvyN mynorfh dIaF mombwqIaF nUM iewk idn leI bldI rwKx leI isrP byloVf qyl sI, pr awT rfqF qwk awg bldI rhI. hfnUkfh lfeItF dy iqAuhfr vjoN vI jfixaf jFdf hY. hfnUkfh iebrfnI kYlMzr ‘qy ikslyv dI 25 qfrIK nUM ÈurU huMdf hY. CuwtIaF dIaF awT rfqF ivwcoN hryk ‘qy, sUrj zuwbx qoN bfad mynorfh ivwc iewk hor mombwqI joVI jFdI hY. nOvIN mombwqI, ijs nUM ÈmÈ (“shfiek”) ikhf jFdf hY, dUijaF nUM roÈn krn leI vriqaf jFdf hY. afm qOr ‘qy, afÈIrvfd df jfp kIqf jFdf hY aqy prMprfgq hnukf Bojn ijvyN ik aflU pYnkyk (lftkys) aqy jYm nfl Bry zonts (suPgnIXot) nUM qyl ivwc qilaf jFdf hY. hnukfh dy hor rIqI-irvfjF ivwc zrfeIzlF nfl Kyzxf aqy qohiÌaF df afdfn-pRdfn krnf Èfml hY.
aPrIkI swiBafcfr dIaF kdrF-kImqF bfry crcf kIqI jFdI hY. iewk aPrIkI dfavq, ijsnUM krmU ikhf jFdf hY, 31 dsMbr nUM afXoijq kIqf jFdf hY.
EmIsokf, nvyN sfl dI Èfm nUM, jfpfnI prMprf ivwc dUjf-sB qoN mhwqvpUrn idn mMinaf jFdf hY ikAuNik ieh purfxy sfl df aMqm idn hY aqy nvyN sfl dy idn dI pUrv sMiDaf, sfl df sB qoN mhwqvpUrn idn hY. pirvfr purfxy sfl
ivwc iewk afÉrI vfr qoÈIkoÈI-sobf jF qoÈIkoÈI-Auzon df ktorf lYx leI Eimsokf ‘qy iekwTy huMdy hn, iewk prMprf jo iewk sfl qoN agly sfl qwk lMGx leI lMby nUzlË Kfx ‘qy aDfrq hY. awDI rfq nUM, bhuq sfry hqsumozy leI mMdrF nMU jFdy hn. iÈMto dy mMdr BIV nUM bfhr jfx leI amyËky iqafr krdy hn aqy iËafdfqr boDI mMdrF ivwc vwzIaF kfst GMtIaF huMdIaF hn jo mnuwKI duwKF df kfrn mMnIaF jFdIaF 108 DrqI dIaF iewCfvF ivwcoN hryk leI iewk vfr mfrIaF jFdIaF hn.
hfnUkfh hfnUkfh, jF cfnukfh, iewk awT-idn df XhUdI jÈn hY jo mYkYbIn ivdroh qoN bfad XrUÈlm ivwc dUjy mMdr dy punr-smrpx dI Xfd idvfAuNdf hY. ijnHF lokF ny muV-smrpx ivc ihwsf
1966 ivwc lfs eyNjls ivwc vfts dMigaF qoN bfad kvFËf nUM zf: mOlfnf kryMgf duafrf bxfieaf igaf sI. Ausny XUaYs, iewk swiBafcfrk sMsQf dI sQfpnf kIqI, aqy aPrIkI “pihly Pl” (vfZI) dy jÈnF dI Koj krnI ÈurU kIqI. AuwQoN, Ausny kvFËf df aDfr bxfAux leI keI vwK-vwK vfZI dy jÈnF dy pihlUaF nUM joiVaf. kvFËf nfm “matunda ya kwanza” vfkMÈ qoN afieaf hY ijsdf arQ hY “pihlf Pl”. hr pirvfr kvFËf nUM afpxy qrIky nfl mnfAuNdf hY, pr jÈnF ivwc aksr gfxy aqy nfc, aPrIkn zrwm, khfxI suxfAux, kivqf pVHn aqy iewk vwzf rvfieqI Bojn Èfml huMdf hY. swq rfqF ivwcoN hr iewk ‘qy, pirvfr iekwTy huMdy hn aqy iewk bwcf iknfrf ‘qy mombwqIaF ivwcoN iewk dI roÈnI krdf hY, iPr swq isDFqF ivwcoN iewk,
Have Your Say On Secondary Suites
The City of Mission is asking residents to share their perspectives on secondary suites in an engagement that launched today on Engage Mission.
Secondary suites hold a significant role in providing a range of housing types in Mission by offering a relatively affordable housing option for renters and the potential for additional income for homeowners.
“Secondary suites are an important issue for the people of Mission,” said Mayor Paul Horn. “For many, they are a means to affordable home ownership, while others rely
on them as rental housing. But we also know that people have questions about parking, utilities, bylaw compliance and safety. It’s time to revise our policies, but we need the community’s input so that we get it right.”
Feedback from this engagement will inform how the City moves forward with a secondary suites policy and administrative program.
Survey participants are invited to enter into a draw for a gift certificate for the Leisure Centre.
QMmx isMG sLivMdr kOr
duinafvI jIvn dI sLurUafq jdoN rl ky QMmx isMG nfl gwl kIqI qF Auh pYrF ‘qy pfxI nf pYx dyvy, “myrI Aumr koeI ivafh krfAux dI hY. myry nfl idaF dy qF bwcy ivafhux vfly hoey pey ny. mYN awDI Aumr qF jylHF ‘c kwZ idwqI. bfkI rihMdI vI iesy kMm dy lyKy lf dyvFgf. iksy dI DI nUM duwKF ‘c mYN ikAuN pfvF? mYN ijhVf PYslf cVHdI Aumry kIqf sI awj vI Ausy qy kfiem hF.” pr Auh smyN aijhy sn ik nf cfhuMidaF hoieaF vI afdmI vwizaF dy rohb awgy isr invf idMdf sI. jdoN sfiraF ny dbfa pfieaf aqy hr hflq ‘c iehnF nfl KVHn df aqy pirvfr sbMDI juMmyvfrIaF inBfAux df vfsqf pfieaf qF iehnF ny hF kr idwqI pr nfl hI sKLqI nfl kih idwqf, “ mYN afjLfdI dI lVfeI vflf rfh nhIN CwzFgf. hF, iek vfr mYN quhfzy sfhmxy jLrUr afpxy hiQafr suwt idwqy hn.” s[ ikhr isMG afpxy shury ipMz kokrI PUlf isMG phuMc gey sn. AuhnF ny jf ky afpxy
shury rqn isMG nfl ies ivsLy qy gwl kIqI. rqn isMG ibtr ibtr ikhr isMG dy mUMh vwl dyKI jfvy. ieh ies gwl nUM swcIN kih irhf hY jF mYnUM mjLfk kr irhf hY. pr jdoN ikhr isMG ny pUrI sMjIdgI nfl dwisaf, s[ QMmx isMG jo myry qfey df lVkf hY aqy vIh pwcI sflF bfad Gr afieaf hY. asIN AusnUM ivafh krvfAux leI jLor pfieaf hY qF jo Brf df Gr vI vs jfvy. iesy kMm leI sfiraF ny mYnUM quhfzy kol Byijaf hY.” rqn isMG hwkf bwkf ho ky kihx lwgf, “ikhr isaF qUM isafxf ibafxf qy piVHaf iliKaf bMdf hYN. qUM afp soc, Aus aDKV Aumr dy bMdy nfl mYN afpxI aTfrF sfl dI DI ikvyN ivafh dyvF? iPr Aus bfry ieh nIN pqf Auh AuQy kI krdf iPrdf hY.” aMdry aMdr qF ikhr isMG vI zr igaf sI ik jy bjLurg nUM pqf lwg igaf ik QMmx isMG qF AuQy ijLafdf smF jylHF ivc rihMdf hY qy Gr Gwt. Aus ny cuwp kr jfx ivwc hI isafxp smJI. iek vfr qF ikhr isMG vI cuwp kr igaf ikAuNik Aus nUM bjLurg dI
gwl jcdI sI. pr iPr Aus nUM sfry pirvfr df ikhf Xfd af igaf ik irsLqf pwkf kIqy ibnf Gr nhIN afAuxf. idloN nf cfhuMidaF hoieaF vI Aus ny afpxy shury nUM kih hI idwqf, “bfpU jy qUM mYnUM KflI moVnf hY qF iPr quhfzI ieh kuVI vI eyQy bYTI rhygI.” bjLurg dy Gr cfr DIaF sn. AusnUM lwgf jy scmuwc hI aijhf ho igaf qy iehnF ny dUjIaF dy shuiraF nUM vI dbf pf ky aijhf krn leI kih idwqf qF mYN kI krUM. msF pihlIaF afpxy GrIN qorIaF hn. dbkf kMm kr igaf. bjLurg ny afpxI bybsI ‘c hF kr idwqI aqy sB kuJ sMjogF dy vs hY vrgI soc ny Aus nUM kuJ qswlI idwqI. Aus ny cuwp cfp iek cFdI df ruipaf KMBxI ‘c bMnHky ikhr isMG nUM PVf idwqf. Aus smyN Aus ny afpxI GrvflI nfl rfey krnI vI TIk nf smJI mqy Auh ies glq PYsly qy rOlf pf ky bih jfvy aqy gwl awgy vD jfvy. ikhr isMG ipMz af igaf. ivafh ikho ijhf hovygf, ies df PYslf s[ QMmx isMG ny kIqf. isrPL pMj bMdy brfq jfxgy. dfj ‘c isrPL iewk sUt jo gurnfm kOr dy afnMd krjF smyN pfieaf hovygf, pf ky afvygI. hor koeI vsqU mnjLUr nhIN kIqI jfvygI. rotI iblkul sfdI hovygI. iksy qrHF dI PjLUl
KrcI nhIN hovygI. sfrI skIm sux ky iewk vfr iPr ikhr isMG kokrI clf igaf. sfry rfey msLvry AuhnF nUM dws ky ies qrHF dy ivafh dI hfmI Brvf ky ivafh df idn pwkf kr afieaf. ivafh vfly idn pMj jixaF dI brfq geI. lfVf s[ QMmx isMG, ivcolf s[ ikhr isMG, BrfvF dI QF qy qfey df puwq pfKr isMG, iek dosq gupfl isMG kOmI ( ajLfdI GulftIaf) aqy iehnF df cfcf dfn isMG sn. gupfl isMG kOmI dy iksy dosq kol bws sI. Auh brfq vfsqy bws lY afieaf. Aus ny brfq bws ‘c lY ky jfx dI ijLd kIqI. ies qrHF pMj brfqI lY ky bws qur peI. jdoN bws kokrI phuMcI qF awgoN brfq dy svfgq leI KVHy s[ rqn isMG Gbrf gey. lY AuhI kIqI nf, pMj bMidaF df kih ky bws leI afAuNdy ny. asIN qF ds pMdrF bMidaF dI rotI df pRbMD kIqf sI. bws rukI qy jdoN pMj brfqI hI bws ivcoN Auqry qF Aus df idl itkfxy afieaf.
ijs DrmsLflf ‘c brfq TihrI sI muMzy AuQy iekwTy ho gey. AuhnF ny sux rwiKaf sI ik ivaFdV bMbeI sLihr ‘c rihMdf hY. vyKo vyKI vfhvf bMdy iekwTy ho gey. QMmx isMG nUM cYn ikwQy. Aus nUM Buwl hI igaf ik awj qF Auh ies ipMz ivwc lfVf bx ky afieaf hY. AusnUM qF sfhmxy KVHy bMdy hI idsdy sn. Jwt AuWT ky AuhnF nUM afjLfdI qy gulfmI dy pfT pVHfAux lwg ipaf. sfry suxn vfly hYrfn hoeI jfx ik ieh ikho ijhf lfVf hY ijhVf brfq lY ky ivafh krfAux afieaf vI ajLfdI gulfmI dy lYkcr dyeI jFdf hY. keI kihx lwg pey, “ieho ijhy sfrI Aumr jylH ivc hI kwtdy huMdy ny afh afpF pihlF ZuwzIky qy cUhV cwk vfly gdrIaF df hfl suxdy hI hF. cfcy ny ikho ijhy bMdy nfl afpxI kuVI df irsLqf kIqf hY.” ijAuN hI BfeI jI ny afnMd kfrj pVHny sLurU kIqy qF axjfx BfeI jI qoN lfvF pVHn smyN Aucfrx shI nf ho sikaf. lfVf sfihb eyQy vI cuwp nf rih sky aqy kihx lwgy, “BfeI sfihb, ieh quk ies qrHF pVHI jFdI hY.
quhfzf Aucfrx glq hY.” ies qoN iehnF dI igafn pRfpqI dI BuwK df pqf lgdf hY ik iks qrHF afp hr qrHF dy ivsLy bfry jfnx dI qIbr iewCf rwKdy sn. jfxn dy nfl nfl afpxI pkV vI bxfAuNdy sn. hux s[ QMmx isMG srdfr ikhr isMG dy Gry hI rihx lwg pey sn. Aus dI pqnI gurnfm kOr, ikhr isMG dI pqnI gurbcn kOr dI CotI BYx sI. iehnF df afpxf Gr qF Zih ZyrI ho cuwikaf sI.
kuJ smF rih ky s[ QMmx isMG ny vfps bMbeI jfx dI iqafrI kr leI. sfiraF ny soc ivcfr kr ky gurnfm kOr nUM vI nfl hI lY ky jfx leI iehnF nUM rfjLI kr ilaf. sB dy idl ivwc ieh gwl sI ik hux gurnfm kOr dy afpxy pyky shury imlx leI afAux qy ieh vI nfl hI af jfieaf krngy. pr gurnfm kOr bMbeI sLihr jfx dy nF qy Gbrf rhI sI. iek ipMz ‘c jMmI plI iek pyNzU lVkI df aYny vwzy sLihr ‘c jfx ‘qy Gbrf jfxf suBfivk hI sI ikAuNik Aus ny sLihrI ijLMdgI qF vyKI hI nhIN sI qy bMbeI jfx qy qF rihxI bihxI aqy BfsLf sB kuJ bdl jfxf sI. pr jfxf qF pYxf hI sI. sfiraF dy smJfAux qy axmMny ijhy idl nfl Auh bMbeI jfx leI iqafr ho geI. (cwldf)
2022 Nissan Frontier King Cab Pro-4X: All work, All play!
For 2022, Nissan has come out with a new version of its venerable Frontier pickup. The Frontier has been a solid performer for Nissan and now comes with some new engineering upgrades, cosmetics, and interior features. When it comes to the styling
The King Cab Pro-4X model (As tested.) ) has small, rear-hinged back doors and holds 4 occupants, while the Crew Cab has four full-sized doors and can seat 5 people. Note the King Cab has a much more compact cabin style, while the Crew Cab gives
Surrey W omen’s Clinic srI ivimns klIink
y incontinence (passing urine while doing activities)
of the 2022 Nissan Frontier, there is now a more edgy squared-off look to the design with an attractive defined look. Meanwhile front and rear LED exterior lighting is standard.
A choice of body configurations is available, with either a King Cab or Crew Cab, five-foot or six-foot bed. The King Cab (extended cabin) can be had with the long bed; and the crew cab is available with either bed depending on the trim. Added to the bed on all trims for 2022 is a smoother operating damped tailgate and the bed height has been increased by 2.6 cm. The 2022 Nissan Frontier price starts at $39,998 for the King Cab S and going up to $47,498 for the off- road equipped Pro-4X Crew Cab. The Canada only King Cab Pro-4X starts at $45,598.
In terms of load and towing ability, the Frontier can tow up to 6,490 lbs when properly equipped, and a trailer-sway control system is standard, which automatically activates the brakes if the trailer begins to waggle. Cargo capacity is up to 1,430 lbs. The motivation behind the Frontier is a 3.8-litre V6 engine paired with a nine-speed automatic gearbox. The new engine makes 49 horsepower more than the previous generation.
rear-seat passengers a little bit more room out back.
The base King Cab S is $39,998, while the Crew Cab begins in SV trim for $43,998. The Nissan Pro4X Crew, starts at $47,498. All trims include standard adaptive cruise control, blind-spot monitoring, lane departure warning, and emergency front and rear braking.
The interior, once a weak point of the previous Frontier is all new and is a big improvement over the last model with better driver ergonomics, design, and comfort. Comfortable seats front and rear are present, and the instrument cluster looks nice with a sporty design. An eight-inch centre touchscreen is standard; while a nine-inch screen is available, which is the biggest in this truck segment. A new centre console places the shift lever more conveniently closer to the driver. Interior storage is good with a four-litre storage compartment in the redesigned center console, 6.5 litres of storage can be found in the front doors, 5.7 litres in the rear doors, and there is handy extra storage under the rear seats.
Equipment levels are good. Apple CarPlay and Android Auto are standard, as are Type A and Type C ports, and two 12-volt outlets. A 360-de-
Friday, December 16th, 2022 PAGE 10 The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 10
gree birds-eye camera view, which has an off-road mode while moving up to 10 km/h is also available. Wireless phone charging, a Wi-Fi hotspot, and NissanConnect, also arrive on some models. The rear legroom and shoulder room in the four door Crew Cab is adequate while the King Cab models have smallish folding rear jump seats that are more cramped. The Pro 4X adds a substantial amount of extra features.
In terms of safety, Nissan’s Safety
drive modes. The engine has strong low- to midrange power and is smooth in operation. The transmission shifts almost seamlessly, though it has a slight delay on passing. But nothing of great concern. A fourwheel limited-slip system transfers power to the wheels that need it when traction is compromised. Hill-start and hill descent assists are standard. Even over potholes, and rougher than normal roads, the Frontier remains largely composed.
Shield 360 suite of driver aids is standard across all trims, and includes: forward collision warning, intelligent cruise control, lane-departure warning, rear cross traffic alert, and rear auto braking.
On the road, the Frontier offers decent enough handling with its rack and pinion steering and some off-road ability with its 2 Wheel and 4-wheel
The Frontier offers fuel economy numbers of 13.7L/10.6L/12.3L city/ hwy/combined. To sum up, the new improvements were long overdue and add a whole lot more to this tough, versatile truck. Also, note that you can spec this truck with a slew of option that make it even more luxurious. Overall, the Crew Cab is the one to get of you need to seat five, but if you need to occasionally seat four, the King cab is just fine. Highly recommended as an excellent truck for work or play.
2022 Nissan Frontier King Cab Pro priced from: $45,598 plus options, freight and PDE. Price as tested- $47,848.
More info at
MLA Bruce Banman named Shadow Minister for Emergency Management, Climate Readiness & Citizen Services
BC Liberal Leader Kevin Falcon has named Abbotsford South MLA Bruce Banman as the Official Opposition Shadow Minister for Emergency Management, Climate Readiness & Citizen Services. This comes as part of a broader announcement of new shadow minister roles, aimed at holding the NDP government to account and ensuring it addresses the critical issues facing British Columbians.
“I’m excited to serve as the Shadow Minister for Emergency Management, Climate Readiness & Citizen Services during such a critical time for ensuring that all British Columbians are well informed, prepared, and supported during emergencies and climate disasters,” said Banman. “B.C. is prone to flooding, wildfires, earthquakes and extreme weather events. Ensuring that the government
fulfils its commitments to those most at risk and most impacted will be my biggest priority.”
The critic roles announced today set the foundation for an experienced, passionate team ready to keep the NDP accountable.
“As the Official Opposition, we are responsible for ensuring that British Columbians are supported to get through the critical issues they face. It is also important to ensure that people can access information, services and resources in a timely, efficient and affordable manner,” said Banman.
“I'm proud to work with an extraordinary team of passionate MLAs under Kevin Falcon’s leadership who will use their diverse skills and experience to ask sound questions, raise critical matters, and work with dedication on behalf of their constituents.”
Provincial health officer's statement on influenza-related deaths in children, youth
Dr. Bonnie Henry, provincial health officer, has issued the following statement on influenza-associated deaths in children and youth:
"The BC Centre for Disease and Control is aware of six reports of influenza-associated deaths among children and youth in B.C. this season, with investigations ongoing. My thoughts are with families and communities impacted by the loss of a loved one.
"Early findings indicate some of the children experienced secondary bacterial infections contributing to severe illness, which can be a complication of influenza.
"It is important to know that death associated with influenza in previously healthy children continues to be rare. Public-health officials are monitoring the situation closely, and we urge everyone to do their part by taking steps to protect yourself,
your children and loved ones against the flu.
"The children who died included one who was younger than five years old, three who were between five and nine, and two adolescents who were between 15 and 19. Death associated with influenza in previously healthy children is a tragic, but rare event and is especially rare in school-age children and teens.
"This is an unusual season with unusual characteristics, including an early and intense surge in cases. With this unusual pattern, enhanced surveillance has been implemented that includes reporting of pediatric influenza-related deaths to publichealth officials. As the information is confirmed, updates on pediatric influenza-related deaths will be posted weekly as part of the respiratory surveillance summaries on the BCCDC website.
"You can take measures to prevent influenza and to treat those at higher risk of severe complications. Vaccination remains our best defence. Vaccination against influenza is available to all children six months and older in B.C. This is particularly important for children at highest individual risk of severe outcomes, including those with chronic medical conditions, those who need to take Aspirin or ASA for long periods of time, children who are very obese, infants and toddlers.
"While children typically have the highest respiratory-virus infection rates, most children with influenza and other respiratory viruses typically recover safely at home without the need for medical intervention. For children at high risk of severe complications, parents should consider talking to their care provider about early access to an anti-viral drug called oseltamivir (Tamiflu),
which is most effective against influenza if started within 12 hours, and ideally not later than 48 hours after illness onset.
"Parents of all children should seek care if your child experiences difficulty breathing, or if your child's fever goes away and comes back or persists longer than five days. This may indicate a possible bacterial infection.
"With multiple respiratory illnesses circulating and an early start to influenza season, everyone needs to take preventative measures. This means staying home if you're sick, frequently washing your hands and following proper respiratory etiquette, such as covering your coughs, properly disposing of tissues and wearing a mask when appropriate."
Heavy snow, freezing rain will affect Fraser Valley, Sea-to-Sky roads overnight
Drivers are advised that heavy snow, freezing rain and high winds overnight are expected to create poor driving conditions in many parts of the Fraser Valley and throughout coastal B.C.
As much as 25 centimetres of snow is forecast for the Sea-to-Sky (Whistler North) area over the next 24 hours, and provincial crews and highway maintenance contractors are out in full force prepping roads and preparing to manage snow.
Heavy rain mixed with snow is forecast for Metro Vancouver overnight; however, significant accumulation of snow is not anticipated. In the Fraser Valley, as much as 10 centimetres of snow is forecast at higher elevations with a strong possibility of freezing rain throughout the region.
Highway 1 through the Fraser Canyon Highway was closed at 8 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 9, 2022, due to high avalanche risk in the Jackass Mountain area. Local traffic will be able to travel from Hope to Boothroyd during the closure.
Drivers are asked to do their part by being well prepared and driving according to conditions.
Road conditions can change quickly, and highways may be closed with little or no notice.
Kevin Falcon announces Official Opposition Shadow Ministers
Following the announcement of David Eby’s new supersized cabinet and the creation of several new ministries, BC Liberal Leader Kevin Falcon released the following statement announcing new Official Opposition shadow ministers:
“While the NDP may have anointed a new Premier and grown the size of Cabinet, British Columbians still haven’t seen things improve after continued NDP inaction on the important issues facing people in every corner of our province.
“Our BC Liberal Caucus remains committed to holding them to account for that lack of action in areas like healthcare, affordability, and public safety, all while continuing to
push government for bold responses to the various crises we must collectively tackle.
“As the Official Opposition, we have a responsibility to make sure David Eby and the NDP are held accountable for their decisions in government and I'm excited to name new opposition shadow ministers today to do just that.
“I’m incredibly proud to work with such a talented team of dedicated MLAs who will use their diverse skills and experience to ask tough questions, raise important issues, and work hard on behalf of their constituents and all British Columbians.”
ICBC files for no increase to basic insurance rates for two more years
Government reforms to ICBC are paying off with affordable, steady rates and fiscal stability for people.
ICBC is filing an application with the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) for no increase to basic insurance rates for the next two years, which marks five years of no increases to basic insurance rates.
“Our government is committed to keeping costs down for all British Columbians,” said Premier David Eby. “Holding firm on ICBC’s basic insurance rate for two more years will help millions of drivers with their monthly bills amid global inflation.”
With the introduction of Enhanced Care in May 2021, auto insurance rates in British Columbia have gone from some of the most expensive in Canada to being among the most affordable. A Canadawide rate comparison report by Ernst & Young
looked at 30 different driver profiles and compared how much auto insurance would cost in nine provinces across Canada. The report found that British Columbians pay among the lowest auto insurance rates in Canada.
“A key priority with Enhanced Care was to make insurance rates more
affordable and to keep them that way, and this rate application continues to deliver on that,” said Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General. “We are pleased that, during this time of rising inflation and the cost of everyday life increasing, ICBC is able to keep Basic insurance rates stable for British Columbians for another two years.”
If the BCUC approves the application, British Columbians will continue to benefit from stable and more affordable basic auto insurance rates for another two years.
“This filing means British Columbians will have seen no increase to basic insurance rates for five years. We’re very pleased to see Enhanced Care continues to deliver on one of its key principles: more affordable auto insurance for our customers,” said Nicolas Jimenez, president and CEO, ICBC.
In support of ICBC’s basic insurance rate application, government has provided direction to BCUC to ensure ICBC builds sufficient capital reserves, which paves the way for a two-year rate filing.
Along with more affordable and stable insurance rates, Enhanced
Care is providing British Columbians with some of the best care, recovery and income-replacement benefits available in Canada. Under Enhanced Care, British Columbians injured in crashes can have peace of mind knowing they will be supported with benefits when they need them for as long as they need them.
City of Mission Makes Significant Donation from the Forestry Reserve to Fund Remaining CT Scanner Campaign
Profits from the Forestry Reserve have been donated to the Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation to support their campaign to fund a CT scanner at Mission Memorial Hospital.
Council supported a one-time donation of $377,500 from the Forestry Reserve to support community efforts to secure better access to diagnostic imaging right here in Mission. Mayor Paul Horn made the announcement during the annual luncheon held by the Mission Regional Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, Dec. 8.
“With this contribution, the community has been able to reach the fundraising goal for the CT Scanner and other key resources,” said Mayor Paul Horn. “We want to see continued investment in local resources. By supporting groups like the Fraser Valley Healthcare Foundation and MATH, we are telling the Province and the region that we are serious about modernizing our healthcare capacity.”
The grant money will be used toward fulfilling Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation’s commitment of $1.3 million to fund a CT scanner in Mission, as well as the purchase of additional medical equipment.
“On behalf of the Board of Directors, staff, Mission All Together for Healthcare (MATH) society, and donors who have worked tirelessly to raise funds to bring a greatly needed CT scanner to Mission Memorial Hospital, I want to thank the City of Mission for a generous contribution to this campaign,” said Elizabeth Harris, Executive Director, Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation.
“The gift allows us to finalize our commitment of $1.3M and make the CT scanner a reality,” she said. “We are grateful to Mayor and Council for this early Christmas gift to the community of Mission giving them better access to highly effective diagnostic imaging that will help improve the services people count on, closer to home in the community they live in.”
Mission has managed the Tree Farm License #26 since 1958 and has regularly used profits from timber harvesting to fund local community projects. Recent projects include funding toward the Boswyk Seniors Centre, a portable mill for woodworking students at Mission Secondary School, and project costs for the Centennial Park tree lighting.
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) ibRitsL kolMbIaf ivDfn sBf dy ieiqhfs’c sunihrI pMinaF qy pihly dsqfrDfrI ivDfiek vjoN afpxf nF drj krvfAux vfly aYzvokyt amndIp isMG qy ivDfiekf hrivMdr kOr sMDU nUM zyivz eIbI sI srkfr ivwc sMsdI skwqr bxfieaf igaf hY. amndIp isMG nUM vfqfvrx jd ik hrivMdr kOr nUM sInIarjL srivsjL qy lONg trm kyar df sMsdI skwqr bxfieaf igaf hY. sRI gurU nfnk dyv jI dI crn Coh pfvn DrqI aqy ieiqhfsk ngrI sulqfnpur loDI dy jMmpl amndIp isMG ivDfn sBf hlkf ircmMzkueInjLbro qoN aqy jLIrf nyVly ipMz jOVf dI jMmpl qy BdOV nyVly ipMz alkVf ivKy ivafhI hrivMdr kOr sMDU vrnn-monfsI qoN pihlI vfr ivDfiek cuxy gey sn. vrnxXog hY ik ibRitsL kolMbIaf’c 9 pMjfbI ivDfiek hn qy sfry hI swqfDfrI inAU zYmokrYitk pfrtI nfl sbMiDq hn ijnHF’coN iewk spIkr, 5 mMqrI qy 2 nUM sMsdI skwqr bxfieaf igaf hY. joigMdr kOr ‘ijMnI ismj’ iewko iewk ivDfiekf hY ijMnHf nUM zyivz eIbI srkfr dy nvyN mMqrI mMzl ivwc ajy qwk koeI ahudf nhIN imilaf. gOrqlb hY ik ijMnI ismjL ny bIqy akqUbr’c srI qoN myar dy AumIdvfr vjoN cox lVI sI pr Auh hfr gey sn. gurU nfnk PUz bYNk afvdI qIjI lokysLn jo sB qoN vwzI hY, dsMbr 19, 2022 nUM norQ zYltf ivwc KuwlHygI. GNFB norQ zYltf df sB qoN pihlF Puwl tfeIm PUz bYNk hovygf jo swqy idn leI Kuwlf hovygf. PUz bYNk dsMbr 19, 2022 nUM 1118, 84 aYvinAU nUM KuwlHygf (somvfr qoN sLukrvfr dupihr 1 vjy qoN 6 qwk aqy sLnIvfr aqy aYqvfr nUM svyry 11 vjy qoN sLfm dy 6 vjy qwk). sfzf ‘no bfAuNzrI’ PisltI sfry DrmF jF iksy vI sLihr dy invfsI leI KuwlHf hY aqy hPLqy df iewk idn bjLurgF leI hovygf. asIN myar jorj hfrvI aqy zYltf istI kONsl dy DMnvfdI hF, ijnHF ny PUz bYNk leI $10,000
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) ibRitsL kolMbIaf srkfr ny kuiktlm invfsI AuWGy mnuwKI aiDkfr kfrkuMn hirMdr isMG mfhl nUM sfl 2022 df srvAuWc snmfn ‘afrzr afP ibRitsL kolMbIaf’ nfl invfijaf hY nslvfd dy iKlfP aqy Kyq kfimaF dy hwk ivwc avfjL bulMd krn vfly hirMdr isMG mfhl ieh srvAuWc snmfn pRfpq krn vfly iewko iewk pMjfbI hn. ies snmfn leI sUby
ieh vkfrI snmfn imilaf ijlLf
jMmpl 71 sflf hirMdr isMG
vrkrjL XUnIan dy sMsQfpk mYNbr
kONsl afP ihAUmn rfeIts dy cyarmYn aqy 1997 qoN 2002 qwk ibRitsL kolMbIaf ihAUmn rfeIts dy izptI cIP kimsLnr rih cuwky hn. ienHf AuWc ahuidaF qy phuMcx vfly Auh sUby dy pihly pMjfbI hn.
Dr. Ambedkar portrait formally gifted to the Center for India and South Asia Research (CISAR) at UBC
Vancouver - on the 66th death anniversary of Dr. Ambedkar, family of the late artist Shital Anmol, officially gifted a portrait of Dr. Ambedkar to the Centre for India and South Asia Research (CISAR) on December 6 at a ceremony hosted by Chetna Association of Canada in partnership with the CISAR and Ambedkarite International Coordination Society (AICS).
“This is a very emotional moment for us today”, said Mrs. Sushil Anmol with tears in her eyes.
Sushil Anmol, the late Anmol’s wife, said gifting of the painting will make Mr. Anmol happy and proud of his contributions.
Shital Anmol’s paintings of Dr. Ambedkar were previously gifted and are displayed with pride at the Indian Consulate office in Vancouver, City of Burnaby, and Guru Ravidass Community Center. The gifting ceremony and paying of tributes were arranged
by Chetna Association of Canada, in partnership with the CISAR and AICS.
Authority, attended as a guest of honour. Kumar expressed his gratitude to Dr. Ambedkar for creating opportunities that enabled him to integrate and
Harmesh Chander, Vice President of Chetna, shared updates on the Ambedkar International Symposium being planned for April 22 and 23, 2023 and urged people to visit www. for more information.
As December 6 also coincides with the Ecole Polytechnique Massacre in Montreal where 14 women were killed, a one-minute of silence was observed as a tribute to these and many other women who face violence because of their gender.
succeed in his life.
Chief Guest, Consul General of India in Vancouver, Shri Manish, spoke on Dr. Ambedkar and impact of Buddhism on Dr. Ambedkar’s life. He also expressed his appreciation for having Anmol’s painting gifted to the Consulate in previous years
Jagjiwan Kumar, retired Chief Engineer with Punjab Urban Development
Dr. Swaran Singh (visiting scholar at UBC), Zile Singh (Ambassador Zile Singh, Retired IFS), and Manjit Bains (Registered Nurse and chair of Women’s Empowerment Committee for Chetna) and also shed light on the contributions of Dr. Ambedkar and his foresight on many of the key issues.
On Dec. 6, 1989, a 25-year-old man, who said he hated feminists, shot and killed 14 female students and injured 13 others in broad daylight at the engineering school. In Canada, December 6 is now observed as The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. The program was concluded with a song by Pamma Sunner, and vote of thanks by Priti Narayan, director for the CISAR at UBC.
by owning a restaurant franchise. This store is well kept and located in the Fraser Valley Ve busy location in a free-standing building with a low lease. Need sign Non-Disclosure Agreement in order to get
arpn ilKfrI sBf kYlgrI dI ies sfl dI afÉrI qy mfisk imlxI koso hfl ivwc zf[ jogf isMG aqy gurdIp ghIr dI pRDfngI hyT hoeI. sBf dy skwqr jrnYl isMG qwgV ny afey hoey sfry sfihq pRymIaF aqy sfihqkfrF nUM jI afieaf afiKaf. sroiqaF nfl duwKdfeI Ébr sFJI kridaF dwisaf ik kYlgrI dy nfmvr ibjinsmYn gurdIp isMG Èyrigwl dy nojuafn spuwqr dI kfr durGtnf ivwc mOq ho geI hY. sBf vwloN Èok mqf pieaf igaf aqy Èyrigwl pirvfr nfl dwuK sFJF kridaF hmdrdI df pRgtfvf kIqf igaf. iekbfl Éfn ny ‘suwqI Cwz igaf idlF df jfnI muV afieaf rwb bx ky’ mfhfqmF buwD dI pqnI dy jËbfqF dI bfq pfAuNdI kivqf nfl ÈurUafq kIqI. lKivMdr isMG jOhl ny gurdIÈ gryvfl dI ilKI ‘DMn mfqf guËrI’ nF dI kivqf suxf ky mhOl nUM hor Bfvuk bxf idwqf. sMgIq dy
arpn ilKfrI sBf dI mfisk iekwqrqf
igaqf zf[ jogf isMG ny ‘mF vrgF imwTf koeI hor nf izwTf’ nF dI kivqf kYsIE nfl suxfky sroiqaF nUM kIl ky rwK idwqf. pYrI mfhl ny pMjfb aqy kYnyzf dy BwKdy msilaF qy bhuq hI BfvpUrq ivcfr pyÈ krn dy nfl nfl ieiqhfsk qwQF qoN jfxU krfAuNidaF aOrMgËyb dI vsIaq, aMgryËI aqy pMjfbI ivc sroiqaF nfl sFJI kIqI. ijs nfl ieiqhfs dy pMinaF bfry kuJ nvF iswKx nUM imilaf, ies nUM sroiqaF vwloN bhuq slfihaf igaf. sqnfm isMG Zfa ny sfihbËfidaF nUM aqy mfqf gujrI jI nUM ÈrDFjlI ididaF amr isMG ÈOkI dI bhuq hI mkbUl rcnf ‘Coty lfl do ipafry’ kvIÈrI rMg ivc pyÈ krky gurU jI dy pirvfrk ivCoVy df idRÈ sfkfr kr idwqf. jrnYl isMG qwgV ny afriQk mMdI qy ‘nsIaq’ nfmIN kivqf ‘hwQ Gwut ky kIqy Ércy ijMdgI bxf idMdy ny, cfdr nfloN vwD psfry pYr mMgx lf idMdy ny’ suxf ky smyN df
XQfrQ ibafn kIqf. AuprMq, sroiqaF dI bynqI qy iek vfr Pyr zf[ jogf isMG ny gulfm alI dI gfeI hoeI bhuq hI hrmn ipafrI ÊËl pyÈ krky sroiqaF nUM mMqr mugD kIqf. afriQk msilaF dy mfihr (iekOnOmYks) bldyv isMG Zfa ny dunIaF Br ivc mMdI dy hflfq qy gwl kridaF kYnyzf dy afriQk mMdI df mukfblf krn dy kuJ nukiqaF qy ivcfr rwKy aqy kuJ svflF dy jvfb vI bhuq hI srl BfÈf ivc idwqy. nfl hI kYnyzIan afriQk hflfq leI afÈfvfdI snyhf idwqf. ienHF qoN ielfvf ies sfihqk
crcf ivc gurdIp ghIr, avqfr kOr qgwV, gurmIq isMG Zfa aqy subHf ÈyK ny BrpUr ihwsf ilaf. skwqr qgwV ny styj dIaF syvfvF inBAuidaF sroiqaF nUM inwky kfiv-toitaF nfl irJfeI rwiKaf. aÉIr qy zf[ jogf isMG ny afey hoey sroiqaF df DMnvfd kIqf. ikRsims dI dI vDfeI idwqI. agly sfl dIaF ÈuB kfmnfvF idMidaF, afs pRgt kIqI ik agly sfl vI iesy qrHF sfihqk aqy smfijk iviÈaF qy KuwlHy ivcfr vtFdry huMdy rihxgy. aglI mIitMg 14 jnvrI 2023 nUM hox dI jfxkfrI sFJI kIqI.
aMb qF cUpy pr nfl zMzy vI KfDy. jUn dy aMq df mhInf sI. mOsm bfry KbrF af rhIaF sn ik kuJ idnF ivwc hI pMjfb ivwc mOnsUn-bfrsL dI afmd ho jfxI hY. nfl hI asIN dyK rhy sF ik sfzy ipMz aqy Kflsf hfeI skUl krmsr (rfVf sfihb) dy nfl vgdI nihr ivwc aMbIaF qrdIaF njLr afAux lwgIaF. Bfv ik aMbF ivc rs Brnf sLurU ho cuwkf sI.
hfeI skUl dI swqvIN jmfq ivwc pVHdy mYnUM pihlf sfeIkl iml igaf sI. sfzy ipMz qoN sfzf hfeI skUl 4 mIlF ‘qy hY. pihlF qF qur ky jFdy sF qy AudoN sfeIkl imlx df bhuq cfa sI. sI qF Auh purfxf, pr rwwKIdf sI pUrf isLMgfr ky qy sfPL vI do vyly krIdf sI. sfeIkl dI sMBfl dI muwZlI mkYinkI vI iswK leI sI, ijs ivwc AuqrI cYn, ikvyN muV cVHfAuxI hY qy sfeIkl dI itAUb ‘c hoey pYNcr nUM lfAuxf vI iswK ilaf sI. ieh sfrI jfxkfrI qy sfeIkl df imlxf kfhdf sI, pUrI tOhr nfl sfry ipMz ‘coN twlIaF vjf vjf ky lMGIdf sI.
nfl hI ieh vI iKLafl rwKIdf sI ik koeI sfeIkl mMgx vflf nf af jfvy, sMglI vflI ijMdI lf ky kuMjI luko dyeIdI sI. bVI tOhr huMdI sI sfeIkl rwKx dI. pr jdoN skUl jfeIdf sI, iewk sfeIkl qy kdy do-do, qy kdy iqMn jxy cVH ky jFdy sF, nfl hI iqMn-cfr Joly ltkdy huMdy sn. hF jy kdy iksy nfl dy muMzy dy sfeIkl dI cYn lih jfxI jF kdy kuwqy Pyl ho jfxy qF Aus sfeIkl vfly ny moZf PV lYxf, qF hor jLor lwgxf, pr ‘Qkfvt aqy aOK’ qF nyVy-qyVy vI nf huMdI sI.
aMb cUpx dI khfxI ieh sI ik sfzy skUl dI PIs iek ruipaf/mhInf vDf idwqI. QoVHf-bhuqf aKLbfrF pVHn aqy vwizaF qoN hVqflF dIaF gwlF suxdy huMdy sF. 9vIN qy 10vIN dy muMizaF ny slfh kIqI ik rOlf pfAu ik asIN nIN dy skdy ieh PLIs df vfDf. kih qF idwqf pr suxdf AuQy kOx sI? nfly bhuqf lIzr bx ky mUhry kOx hovy? iek idn qF skUl dy bfhr bYT ky hVqfl df idn lMG igaf. pr gwl qF keI idnF qwk jf skdI sI.
lwsI vflI cftI
rfijMdr isMG pMDyrPyr agly idn sfeIklF ‘qy skUl afAuNdy smyN iek slfh kIqI ik hor jo muMzy sfeIklF ‘qy afAuNdy hn, AunHF nUM vI nfl lY ky vwzI srihMd nihr ‘qy durfhy qoN awgy cwlIey, nfly aMb cUpFgy, nfly idn lMG jfAugf. ievyN hI hoieaf. 14-15 jxy qur pey durfhy vwl nUM nihro-nihr. pr rsqy ivc jFdy-jFdy skUl nUM jfx vfly hor ipMzF dy muMizaF ny sfnUM dyK ilaf. qy bs phuMc geIaF KLbrF skUl ivwc. vwzI nihr ‘qy zbl rylvy lfeIn qoN awgy rfmpur (mFgtF df) ipMz afAuNdf hY, Aus qoN awgy jf ky nihr iknfry bhuq aMb sn. phuMc gey AuQy. bs Pyr kI sI, nflLy aMb qoV ky Joly Br ley, nfly rwj ky cUpy. sfzy ivcoN 3-4 jxy nihr ivc qrnf vI jfxdy sn. AunHF ny pwky qy ‘tpky aMb’ jo nihr ‘c izwgy sn, qfrIaF lf ky PVy qy KLUb TMZy aMb cUpy aqy pUrf afnMd ilaf. nfl ilaFdy prONTy vI Cky qy AuDr vfps muVn df tfeIm vI ho irhf sI. pY geIaF BfjVF. kwpVy qy Joly ‘kwTy kIqy qy mfrIaF cflF sfeIklF dIaF kfTIaF ‘qy, muV pey iPr ipMzF vwl nUM. 17-18 mIlF df sPLr sI. lf idwqIaF awzIaF jLoro-jLor, pYzlF nUM. muVn vyly skUl qF bMd ho igaf sI pr jo tIcr skUl ivwc rihMdy sI, Auh sLfm nUM nihr iknfry bxy vflIbfl dy grfAUNz ivwc Kyz rhy sn. AunHF ny sfnUM gruwp ‘c afAuNdy dyK ilaf. asIN vI corI Jfky AuWDr nUM, pr nfl hI dUjy idn hox vflI syvf dy zr krky lwgIaF afAux qrylIaF. hux zr ny, aMbF dy suafd dI QF lY leI. ipMz qF sfry qkrIbn tfiem isr hI phuMc gey. JUT qF bol nhIN sI skdy, ikAuNik sfzy pfs Bry Joly aMbF dy sn. mfvF ny puwqF nUM bfpU dI kuwt qoN qF bcfAuxf hI huMdf hY, ieh afpF sfry jfxdy
hF. pr iPr vI Byq guwJy nIN rihMdy. rfq nUM bfpU dy zr krky mfvF ny jLrf jldI koiTaF ‘qy sOx leI pf idwqy. Auh rfq qF lMG geI pr supny bfpU dI kuwt dy hI afAuNdy rhy. svyry, afm dI qrHF skUl jfx leI iqafr hoey. hux bfpU dI kuwt df zr qF hflIN jmHF sI, AuDr skUl ‘c kI bIqygI, Aus dI rfm lIlf sfhmxy GuMmx lwgI. skUl phuMcy, pr sfeIkl stYNz dy koly sfzy hYWz mfstr sfihb hiQafrbMd hoey KVHy sI. sfzy sfeIkl pfsy lgvf ky, kr ley lfeIn ap. bws Pyr kI sI, KUb zMzf pryz hoeI. Auh kwlH df hfl puwCx aqy asIN cuwp vwt ky svyr dI ieh syvf Jwl leI. pr jdoN AuhnF ikhf ik, “1 ruipaf PIs vDI qF bhfnf hI sI quhfzf. qur pey POjIaF dI qrHF kfnvfeI bMnH ky. Auey jy quhfzy ivcoN iksy nUM kuJ ho jFdf, qF kI bIqdI quhfzy mfipaF ‘qy, nfl hI puils sfzy duafly huMdI. lgdy aMbF df suafd lYx dy. aYnf Kqrf ilaf qy skUloN Bwj ky iek nvF hI cMd cfVH idwqf.” qy pqf nIN AunHF ny hor kI-kI ikhf. pr jdoN AunHF ieh ikhf ik, “dyiKE kwlH nUM quhfzy nfl kI bIqdI hY, jdoN quhfzI igwdV kuwt hovygI skUl dy sfhmxy[[[” ies aYlfn ny qF sfzI hflq hor vI BYVI kr idwqI. pihlF peI Aus kuwt df drd qF Buwl hI igaf sI pr sfry skUl aqy kmytI dy sfhmxy jo sfzy nfl hoxI sI kwlH svyr nUM, Auh nf Buwlx vflI hovygI[[[ KLYr. sfzy skUl dy iek nyk mfstr jI ig: sMqf isMG ny cupky ijhy sfnUM slfh idwqI ik, boilAu kuJ nf, bs kMn PV ky bYTkF lfeI jfieAu, rfVf sfihb qoN bfbf jI vI afAuxgy. qy hor kuwt qoN quhfzI bwcq ho jfvygI.”
dUjI svyr nUM ies qrHF hI asIN kIqf. iek pfsy kwZ ky ‘aMb cUpx vflI plftUn’ dI lfeIn qF pI[tI[ sfihb ny lgf hI idwqI sI. mfstr jI vlo imlI slfh anusfr, nf afr dyiKaf, nf pfr dyiKaf, kMn PV ky bYTkF lfAuxIaF sLurU kr idwqIaF. ijs nUM dyK ky keI tIcr qy hor muMzy vI hws pey. sfzI hflq dyK ky hYWzmfstr jI df guwsf jLrf hfsy ivwc bdl igaf. nflL hI AuhnF vwl lwgIaF mfPLI dIaF afvfjLF afAux. sfry skUl dy sfhmxy sfnUM ‘cfhtf’ CkfAux dI hoxI tl geI lgdI sI. vYsy pVHfeI ivc asIN cMgy sF, qF hI keI tIcrF ny guwJy qOr ‘qy sfnUM shI slfh idwqI sI, ijs nfl swp vI mr igaf qy lfTI vI bc geI.
1 ruipaf PLIs dy vfDy dI ienkfrI dI kIqI hVqfl aqy Bwj ky cUpy aMbF ny aqy mgroN hoeI syvf (kuwt) ny kMnF nUM hwQ lgvf idwqy. awgy qoN mn hI mn ivc qObf ny hux pVHfeI ‘c kuJ krky idKfAux df Aubfl AuWiTaf. pVHfeI dy nfl mYN ‘bYNz’ ivc sF aqy hfkI vI Kyzdf sF. sLfm nUM ipMzoN muV hfkI Kyzx skUl af jfxf. sfzy pI[tI[ myhr isMG jI sn, jo ik lfhOr aqy iPLrojLpur iDafn cMd, dfrf qy mMnf isMG dy nfl hfkI Kyzdy rhy sn. Kyzdy-Kyzdy Auh sfnUM aMbF dy myhxy qF mfrdy hI rihMdy sn qy nfl hI susq hox ‘qy afm hI kihMdy sn, ‘suwt bfl afpdy sfQI iKzfrI nUM, aYvyN zFzy mINzy hI pfeI jFdf hYN.”
jy ikqy bfl keI iKzfrIaF ivc Ps jfxI qF Auh kihMdy sn, “hux qfqy bfqy hI krI jfEgy ik bfl vI kwZogy?”
swc jfixEN bhuq hI sunihrI idn sn skUl dy. bhuq kuJ iswiKaf AuQy. aMgryjLI pVHnI qy bolxI kuJ iswK leI sI. pVHfeI ivc mYN pMjfb XUnIvristI ivc mYirt ilst ‘c af igaf. sfzI klfs df sfzy skUl ivc ajy qwk irkfrz hY. s[ Drm isMG dosFJ mhfn tIcr sn sfzy. Dfrimk ividaf vI asIN pVHdy sF.
so skUloN Bwj ky imwTy aMb qF KfDy, qy kuwt vI peI pr AunHF imwTy aMbF df nqIjf, pVHfeI qy jIvn jfc df, imwTf hI inkilaf.
pusqk: pRmfqmf aqy Drm-mnuwK dI isrjxf
Auh bolI, ijhVI AunHF dIaF Dfrimk lihrF qy Dfrimk ivsLvfsF nUM pRgt krn dI lKfiek sI.
aYzm sLYP awgy kihLdf hY ik smfjvfdI mfnvvfd dy muwK AudysL ajokI kimAUins lihr dy (pRogrfmF) duafrf pRqwK huMdy hn, ijhVI lihr mnuwK leI vDIaf smfijk pRsiQqIaF jutfAux leI, Aus dI pRsMnqf aqy mnuwKI ivakqIqv dI pRgqI leI sMGrsL krdI hY. Auprokq afdrsLF dI pRfpqI leI Aus nUM (mnuwK dIaF) afriQk QuVF aqy pdfrQk, kOmI , nslI aqy swiBafcfrk nfbrfbrI vrgy sfry aiVwikaF nUM dUr krnf pYNdf hY. kimAUinst lihr ienHF AudysLF dI pRfpqI leI nvINaF AuplbD pRsiqAqIaF anusfr iewk nvyN ZMg nfl lVdI hY. pRMqU ieh AudysL bhuq icr pihlF qoN hI ivvsiQq kIqy gey sn aqy lokfeI ny mnuwKI jIvn ivwc ienHF mfnvvfdI afdrsLF dI pRfpqI dy supny ley sn- AunHF XugF-XugfqrF qoN ienHF supinaF nUM sfkfr krn dy KLvfb dyK sn – (Auh) sdIaF qoN ienHF dI pRfpqI leI jUJdy qy blIdfn idMdy afey sn. (AunHF dy kIqy) AunHF sMGrsLF qoN ibnf (sfzy) afpxy mfnvvfd dI Auh rUpryKf nf huMdI, jo awj hY. (purfqn Xuwg dy) mhfn ivcfrvfn, rfjnIqk lIzr aqy ienklfbI XoDy mfnvvfd dy smrQk sn. Auh sfzy ieiqhfs qy sfzI (cwlI af rhI) rvfieq df aMg hn, ijnHF ivwc Auh pYgLMbr qy rfjsI lIzr sLfml hn, ijnHF nUM bfad ivwc sMq hox dI AupfDI nfl invfijaf igaf aqy ijhVy awj qwk vI dyviqaF vFg pUjy jfdy hn. AunHF dIaF iswiKafvF sRysLt sn, bfvjUd ies dy ik ieh iswiKafvF AunHF ny afpxy smyN dy muhfvry ivwc ivakq kIqIaF. AunHF dIaF ieh iswiKafvF mfnvvfd dy ivcfrF dI pRgqI dI (qurI afAuNdI) lmmI lfeIn df Bfg hn. Auh lmmI lfeIn ijs dIaF jVHF ivcoN asIN vI Puwty hF. iPr vI asIN AunHF ivcoN ivcfrF pwKoN nyVly qy dUr dy sbMDIaF dI pCfx kr skdy hF. asIN (mfnvqf dI ivcfrF) dI qurI afAuNdI pIVHI ivckfr aqy (mfnvvfd ivroDI) ivcfrF dI qurI afAuNdI pIVHI dy PLrk nUM smJ skdy hF. pr AunHF donoN (pRkfr dy ivcfrF) ivcoN koeI vI pUrI qrHF sfzy leI Eprf nhIN hY aqy sfnUM AunHF dohF ivcoN iksy nUM vI afpxy dusLmxF dI pIVHI dy AuqrfiDkfrI nhIN hox dyxf cfhIdf.
iesy pRkfr aYzm sLYPL awgy kihMdf hY:-
AugrvfdI mfnvvfd df AudysL mnuwK dI pRgqI aqy Aus dI pRsMnqf leI vwD qoN vwD shUlqF jutfey jfxf hY. ies pwKoN ieh dUjI hr pRkfr dy mfnvvfdF nfloN iksy pRkfr iBMn nhIN. pRMqU AuWgrvfdI mfnvvfd nf kyvl ienHF AudysLF dI pRfpqI df aYlfn hI nhIN krdf, sgoN ienHF leI jUJdf vI hY. XQfrQk jIvn ivwc sfnUM kyvl kuJ sDfrn lok hI nhIN imldy, sgoN kuJ aijhy lok vI imldy hn, jo kuJ Kfs lokF dy hwkF dI rfKI krdy aqy AunHF dy hwkF dI pRfpqI leI qqpr ho ky jQybMd huMdy hn. mfnvvfdI afdrsL ijhVf AnHF kuJ dwby kucly aqy luwty jf rhy lokF dy hwkF dI rfKI krdf hY, jdoN ik Auh AunHF lokF dy ivruwD jFdf hY jo dUijaF nUM luwtx vfly qy dbf ky rwKx vfly hn. mfnvvfdI hox dy arQ ieh nhIN ik Auh sfry lokF nUM ipafr krdf hovy, jF (ies AudysL leI) sLFqmeI ZMg df smrQk hovy aqy hr pRkfr dy srIrk sMGrsL qoN ienkfr krdf hovy. awj dy Xuwg ivc mfnvvfdI hoxf, jdoN ik mnuwKI afdrsLF dI pRfpqI koeI KLfm-iKaflI nhIN, iewk juJfrU hoxf hY, aqy Auh ijhVf mnuwKI afdrsLF leI vwD lVdf hY, Auh hI (mnuwKI hwk dy doKIaF nUM) vwD nPLrq krdf hY. ies leI ieh sMBv vI hY qy jLrUrI vI ik afpxy guaFZI nUM ipafr krn dI Kfqr AunHF lokF nUM nPLrq kIqI jfvy, jo guaFZI nUM dbf ky rwKdy hn. ievyN hI AunHF lokF ivruwD lVnf jLrUrI hY, jo mnuwKI BfeIcfry dy ivruwD Aus nUM KyrUM-KyrUM krn leI qqpr hox.
aYirk PrMm XhUdI mfqf-ipqf dy Gr 1900 eIsvI ivwc PLrYNkPLrt (jrmnI) ivwc jnimaf aqy 1980 eI[ ivc kflvws hoieaf. Aus ny mnoivigafn qy iPLlfsPI dI pVHfeI jrmnI ivwc kIqI qy dUjy ivsLv XuwD vyly Auh amrIkf igaf qy inAUXfrk XUnIvristI ivwc pVHfAuNdf irhf. aMq Auh sfrI dunIaF ivc smfj-mnoivigafnI vjoN pRiswD hoieaf. Aus ny AuWnI sO swTivaF ivwc ‘mfnvvfd qy smfjvfdI mfnvvfd’ dy ivsLy bfry dunIaF Br dy ivdvfnF df iewk sMmyln bulfieaf ijs ivc 35 qoN vwD ivdvfnF ny Bfg ilaf, ienHF dy lyKF nUM Aus ny 1965 ivc aYizt krky 427 pMinaF dI iek pusqk CfpI ijs df isrlyK sI ‘sosLilst ihAUmYinjLm’ mYnUM ieh pVH ky byhwd KusLI hoeI ik Aus ivc Bfrq ivcoN vI iek inrml kumfr bos nF dy iewk bMgflI df gFDI jI dIaF ilKqF dy afDfr ‘qy ‘gFDI –ihAUmYinst aYNz sosLilst’ ivsLy ‘qy 7 pMny df iewk lyK ies pusqk ivwc sLfml kIqf igaf hY. imstr bos gFDI jI df prsnl
sYkrytrI vI irhf sI aqy Aus ny gFDI jI bfry iqMn pusqkF ilKIaF hn. Auh bMgflI aYnsfeIklopIzIaf df sMpfdk irhf sI aqy afpxy smyN df Bfrq df pRiswD mfnvivigafnI sI. mYN aYirk PLrMm dI pusqk ivcoN bVf sMkoc vrqidaF hoieaF kyvl iqMn-cfr qukF vrqIaF hn, jo pfTkF dI Byt kr irhf hF. so hyTlIaF qukF sosLilst ihAUmYinjLm’ ivcoN hn nf ik imstr bos vfly lyK ivcoN:-
‘smfjvfdI mfnvvfd hor hr pRkfr dy mfnvvfd nfloN pRkfrk qOr ‘qy vwKrf hY. punr jfigRqI lihr aqy buwDIjIvI lihrF dy ivdvfnF df ivsLvfs sI ik mnuwK nUM srb-sMpMn bxfAux leI kyvl qy kyvl (iswiKaf) dyx dI loV hY, BfvyN punrjfigRqI dI kflpink soc dy buwDIjIvIaF ny smfijk pwDr ‘qy qbdIlIaF ilafAux dI loV vwl vI iDafn idwqf, pRMqU kfrl mfrks hI aijhf pihlf ivdvfn sI ijs ny ieh aYlfn kIqf ik isDFq nUM ivhfr qoN, igafn nUM krm qoN aqy aiDafqimk afdrsLF nUM smfj (rfj) pRbMD qoN vwKrf nhIN kIqf jf skdf. mfrks df ivcfr sI ik ajLfd qy KudmuKiqafr mnuwK dI hoNd iksy aijhy smfijk aqy pdfrQk rfj pRbMD ivwc hI sMBv hY, ijhVf afpxI qrksMigkqf aqy vsqUaF dI bhuqfq sdkf pUrb-mnuwKI ieiqhfs nUM smfpq krky ies dI QF iewk mnuwKI ieiqhfs afrMB kry ijs ivwc mnuwK dI srb-pwKI pRgqI aijhy smfj ivc hoxf hI sMBv hovy, jo afp AuWnq hovy aqy ieh aml afpxy ivwc iek dUsry nfl bdldf rhy.
smfjvfdI isDFqkfrF nUM ieh aslIaq awKoN Ehly nhIN krnI cfhIdI hY ik smfjvfdI mfnvvfd df AudysL aijhy kfrKfnydfrI smfj dI isrjxf hY ijs ivc AuqpqI df AudysL iek pUrn mnuwK dI sLKsIaq dI vwD qoN vwD pRPuwlqf hovy, nf ik Aus df AudysL iek Kpqkfr mnuwK pYdf krnf hovy- aijhf mnuwK ijhVf vwD qoN vwD vsqUaF dI Kpq kr skdf hovy- aijhf smfjvfdI smfj hI iewk aijhf kfrKfnydfr smfj hY, jo mnuwK mfqr dy rihxsihx aqy pRgqI krdy rihx dy Xog hovy. ies 427 pMinaF dI pusqk ivc aYirk PLrMm df afpxf iek 15 pMny df lyK hY ijs ivc Aus ny ‘mfrks dI iQAUrI’ df mfnvI mnoivigafn dI idRsLtI qoN mulFkx kIqf hY ijs ivc Aus anusfr srmfeydfr kfrKfnydfrI rfj-pRbMD dy vsqUaF dy loVoN vwD Auqpfdn ny mnuwKI jIv nUM iek Kpqkfr mnuwK bx idwqf hY ijs nUM lfqInI BfsLf ivc
pRo: gurmIq isMG itvfxf
Auh ‘homo knijLAUmYnjL’ kihMdf hY. aijhf Kpqkfr mnuwK vsqUaF dI rwjvIN Kpq nfl JUTI pRsMnqf df isLkfr hoieaf srmfeydfrI rfj-pRbMD df mudweI bx igaf hY aqy ies pRkfr Auh ies rfj-pRbMD nUM icr-jIvI bxfAux ivwc bhuq hwd qwk shfeI ho irhf hY. afE! aYirk PLrMm dy vrxn kIqy Kpqkfr mnuwK dI sMqusLtI dIaF vsqUaF df vrxn Aus dI afpxI jLubfnI suxIey. ‘Kpqkfr mnuwK aijhf mnuwK hY ijs df pRQm AudysL vsqUaF df mflk hoxf nhIN, pRMqU AuhnF nUM vwD qoN vwD Kpq krnf hY aqy ies pRkfr Auh afpxy aMdrly KflIpx, siQlqf, iekwlqf aqy icMqf df bdl lwBdf hY. aijhy smfj ivwc ijwQy vwzy-vwzy kfrKLfnydfr Grfxy, vwzIaF-vwzIaF kfrKfnydfr srkfrI qy kfimaF dIaF aPsrsLfhIaF hn, AuQy mnuwK dy afpxy kMm krn dy hflfq Auqy koeI kfbU nhIN, Auh afpxy afp nUM inqfxf, iekwlf-kihrf aqy icMqfqur anuBv krdf hY.’
Kpqkfr mnuwK afpxy pRsMnicq hox dy BulyKy df Brm pfldf hY, jdoN ik acyq qOr qy Auh afpxy akyvyN qy siQlqf df isLkfr huMdf hY. msLInF Auqy Aus df ijMnf vwD kfbU huMdf hY, Enf hI vwD kfrKfnydfr smfj dIaF afpxy lfB ihq kIqIaF inwq vDdIaF loVF df isLkfr bx ky rih jFdf hY. Auh Jrnfht aqy Auqjnf nUM glqI nfl KusLI aqy pRsMnqf smJ lYNdf hY. Auh pRfpq pdfrQk shUlqF nUM afpxy jIvq hox df Brm pfldf hY. cIjLF dI bhulqf nfl hoeI suivDf df lflc Aus dy jIvn df arQ-mnorQ bx jFdf hY aqy Aus leI pdfrQF dI pRfpqI dy Xqn iewk nvF Drm bx jFdy hn. vsqUaF dI Kpq krn dI afjLfdI Aus leI mnuwKI afjLfdI dI pRikrqI bx jFdI hY. (cwldf)
More people will train to be professional truck drivers
The Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction’s Community and Employer Partnerships (CEP) project focuses on providing occupational training and work experience to immigrants.
ence with a combination of applied knowledge and on-the-job experience to give them a clear pathway to careers in the truck driving industry,” said Harry Bacchal, president, Big Rig Driving School Ltd.
As many as 30 eligible participants will receive training to prepare them for jobs as professional truck drivers in the Lower Mainland.
“This training will help people gain the necessary skills and education for employment as truck drivers, which is in high demand,” said Sheila Malcolmson, Minister of Social Development and Pov-
erty Reduction. “For newcomers and immigrants, this training is a pathway to rewarding employment and stability for their families.”
Big Rig Driving School is receiving more than $660,000 to prepare participants for employment as professional truck drivers in the Lower Mainland.
Participants will receive 10 weeks of employability and essential skills training, including communication and Mandatory Entry-Level Training (MELT), four weeks of on-the-job work experience with local employers, and one week of followup support to assist participants in their job search.
“This program will give the participants a great learning experi-
The first intake of full-time, groupbased learning begins Monday, Dec. 12, 2022. The second and third intakes begin March and July 2023, respectively. People interested in finding out more about this or other CEP projects can contact their local WorkBC centre.
This announcement is part of StrongerBC’s Future Ready plan. Future Ready is making education and training more accessible, affordable and relevant to help businesses grow and prepare British Columbians for the jobs of tomorrow.
New complex-care housing services will open in Chilliwack
People living in Chilliwack with complex mental-health and substance-use challenges will have access to enhanced services as the Province adds as many as 22 complex-care housing spaces.
Complex-care housing provides supports to people who are facing overlapping mental-health and substance-use challenges, or trauma or brain injuries. Through Budget 2022, government is investing $164 million over the next three years to provide complex-care housing to as many as 500 people throughout British Columbia.
“Every person in British Columbia deserves a home and somewhere they can feel safe and live with dignity,” said Jennifer Whiteside, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions. “Complex-care housing services in Chilliwack will connect people with the supports they need to access care, maintain or find new housing, and help clients break out of the cycle of homelessness.”
The complex-care housing spaces will be at 45857 Trethewey Ave., and the previously announced fourstorey building will have 49 units of supportive housing, with 22 spaces designated for complex-care housing. Additionally, 42 shelter beds will be available for people in the community. Construction for the multi-use housing project is expected to be complete in fall 2023.
The complex-care housing site in Chilliwack will be delivered by Fraser Health, in partnership with BC Housing and the Phoenix Drug and Alcohol Recovery and Education Centre, which will operate the building. Complex-care clients will have access to enhanced supports on site, including nurses, peer workers, social workers and other health-care professionals, along with access to treatment and other specialized services.
“We are learning more every day about the needs and vulnerability of the clients we serve,” said Jacklyn Mcmaster, community health
worker, Fraser Health. “Every day we feel a sense of pride because we are supporting clients to go through life-changing treatments, such as surgeries and any other needed health care, while sustaining their housing. We are strong advocates for the clients, and we are supporting them to get the help they need with dignity.”
Complex-care housing services are voluntary and will connect with people in their homes, helping them to stabilize and achieve their goals. People in complex-care housing will receive comprehensive, personcentred services to meet their needs. These services can include: medication management; psychosocial rehabilitation supports;
Indigenous-specific services; recreational and leisure activities; life-skills support and skill development;
peer-support workers; and addictions medicine.
“Phoenix Society welcomes the additional supports and services that complex-care housing will bring to residents,” said David MacIntyre, CEO, Phoenix Society. “Through complex-care housing, residents will receive the support they need to stabilize their housing and improve their health outcomes. Phoenix looks forward to helping residents on their journey and building better outcomes for both the individual and the community.”
The Province launched complexcare housing in January 2022, with services announced in Abbotsford, Bella Coola, Chilliwack, Kamloops, Kelowna, Langley, Maple Ridge, Nanaimo, Powell River, the Northern Health region, Sunshine Coast, Surrey, Vancouver and Victoria. Since the launch, the Province has announced services for 410 complex-care clients in communities throughout the province.
Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI aYbtsPorz vwloN nvyN vry 2023 dI afAux dI KusLI ivwc ivsLysL smfgm kIqy jf rhy hn.
30 dsMbr svyry 10 vjy sRI aKMz pfT sfihb jI afrMB kIqy jfxgy.
31 dsMbr nUM dupihr 12 vjy qoN dIvfn afrMB hoxgy, suKmnI sfihb jI dy pfT AuprMq kIrqn smfgm sLurU hoxgy jo rfq dy 12 vjy qwk cwlxgy. 12 vjy sMgqI rUp ivwc ardfs kIqI jfvygI. srbwq dy Bly aqy mnuwKI jIvn dI sLFqI leI aqy afAux vfly 2023 vry dI sPlqf cVHdI klf leI bynqI kIqI jfvygI. 1 jnvrI 2023 nUM svyry 10 vjy Bog pYxgy AuprMq sfrf idn kIrqn smfgm hoxgy, rfq 9 vjy smfpqI hovygI.
Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI aYbtsPorz vloN bfdsLf drvysL sfihb sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI df pRkfsL idhfVf ipafr, sLrDf nfl mnfieaf jf irhf hY.
3 jnvrI 2023 idn mMglvfr nUM svyry 10 vjy sRI aKMz pfT sfihb arMB hoxgy ijnF dy Bog 5 jnvrI 2023 nUM svyry 10 vjy pfey jfxgy. AuprMq kIrqn smfgm hoxgy. hr sfl dI qrF srbMsdfnI sfihb sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI dy sfihbjLfidaF aqy mfqf gujr kOr jI dI dsMbr 23 sLuwkrvfr svyry 10 vjy sRI aKMz pfT sfihb jI afrMB kIqy jfxgy ijnF dy Bog 25 dsMbr idn aYqvfr svyry 10 vjy pfey jfxgy. AuprMq sLhIdI smfgm hoxgy, kIrqn, kQf aqy kvIsLrI jwQy vloN hfjrI BrI jfvygI.
Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI dy mwK syvfdfr nfl sMprk kr skdy ho s: jiqMdr isMG igwl muwK syvfdfr, 604-832-4000
myK- ishq ivwc gVbV, Dn lfB, afpxy lokF nfl JgVf, Xfqrf iwvc cot df zr, sMqfn suwK, kfrobfr iwvc suDfr. nvMbr 18, 19,20,27,28, dsMbr 6,7 asLuB.
Listen carefully to what someone else might actually mean by what they are saying. They may not be straightforward and this will be to benefit them, not you. Looking back to the past and what has taken place with them could enlighten you in some way. The main thing is not to agree to anything just because it sounds good.
Open and easy interaction can take place with somebody else, even a friend that gives you a comfortable feeling. Then they could become secretive or shut off for no apparent reason. It would not be wise to establish priorities in your own life around relying on them. They could be guarded about what is important to them.
ibRK – Kun ipwq ivkfr, kfrj Kyqr bdlx nfl lfB, GrylU JMJtF qoN dUr rho, imwqrF df sihXog, iesqrI pwKoN icMqF, sQfn pirvrqn df ivcfr bxy, nvMbr 21,22,29,30,dsMbr 8,9,10, asLuwB.
imQun – pyt dI KrfbI, Dn hfnI, PjUl KrcIBfeI bMDU suK sMqfn qy iesqrI ksLt, sFJydfrI iwvc hfnI rhygI,. kMm bdlx df ivcfr bxygf. nvMbr 23,24, dsMbr 1,2,3,11,12,asLuwB.
Krk- swt df zr, Dn lfB, Krcf aiDk, imwqrF qoN lfB, sMqfn qy iesqrI pwKoN icMqf, kfrobfr ivwc Gftf rhygf. nvMbr16,17,25,26,dsMbr 4,5,13,14,15 asLuB.
isMG – pyt dI KrfbI, swtf lgfAux nfl hfnI, sMqfn ksLt, dusLmxF iwvc vfDf, GrylU JMJtF qy jfiedfd dy ivvfd qoN bco. nvMbr 18,19,20,27,28,dsMbr 6,7 asLuB.
kMinaF – Kun kI KrfbI, krjy qoN bco, Dn hfnI qoN mn icMqF Xukq rhygf, imwqrF nfl JgVf, sMqfn ksLt, pqnI suK imlygf. nvMbr 21,22,29,30 dsMbr 8,9, 10, asLuB.
Any responsibilities you have avoided in the past could come back to haunt you now. This could generate a lot more work than would have originally have been the case. Interactions with others, including social activity can become busy from now into December. This could mean catching up with people from the past as well.
It could be worthwhile to look at doing something you have enjoyed in the past, mainly for relaxation. You could realise you have learnt a lot in between time and that making it part of your future again could be wise. You will need to focus on daily routines into December and apply some sort of order for effective handling.
You can come into contact with people that are unique in some way and where you feel as though you are on the same page as them. This could also be a friend or colleague you have not seen in a while. Social activity is likely to pick up from now into early December. Having got things in order of late will leave you free to enjoy.
It might be wise to start thinking and communicating over any plans you might want to make involving family between now and 10th December. It could be difficult to get definite answers to begin with, so it might take some persistence. What you will have to watch is ending up with the majority of the responsibilities to deal with.
qulf – ishq TIk rhygI, kRoD qy kfbU rwKo, lVHfeI JgVy qoN dUr rho, rfj drbfr qoN ksLt iml skdf hY inwjI lokF nfl JgVf qy kMm bdlx ivwc lfB hovygf. nvMbr 23,24, dsMbr 1,2,3,11,12 asLuwB hovygI.
ibRsLick – pyt rog, Dn hfnI, Krc aiDk sMqfn pwK qoN KusLI nvIaF XojnfvF qoN lfB, kfrobfr TIk rhygf, nvMbr16,17,25,26,dsMbr 4,5,13,14,15 asLuB.
A very busy time is about to begin that will go into early December. You might need to keep your wits about you because you can be pulled in many different directions making it easy to forget some things. The other thing you have to watch is ending up with more to handle than anybody else because of being too generous with your time.
The focus is beginning to turn away from you personally to your finances into early December. Anything involving another person and finances may not be as clear as you have presumed. It may now place you in a situation where you need to make other financial decisions on a personal level. It is not a time to risk anything.
DnU – pyt dI KrfbI, iesqrI jF puwqr ihwq ivsLysL Krcf hovygf, nIc ivakqIaF qoN hfnI jF apmfn df zr, afriQk lfB, nvMbr 18,19,20,27,28,dsMbr 6,7 asLuB.
mkr – kRoD qy kfbU rwKo, Dn hfnI ho skdI hY, Brf df suwK, Dn lfB, kfrobfr iwvc rukfvt pYdf ho skdI hY. . nvMbr 21,22,29,30 dsMbr 8,9, 10, asLuB.
kuMB – pyt dI KrfbI, Dn lfB, BfeI bMDUaF df suwK. sMqfn ksLt, dusLmx kmjor, iesqrI pwK sluwB, kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt pYdf ho skdI hY. nvMbr 23,24, dsMbr 1,2,3,11,12 asLuwB hovygI.
mIn – ishq TIk, afmdn Krc brfbr,, inwjIlokF qoN ksLt, nvIaF XojnfvF qoN hfnI, kMm jF kfrj sQfn bdlx df ivcfr pYdf ho skdf hY. iesqrI qy sMqfn pwKoN icMqF. nvMbr16,17,25,26,dsMbr 4,5,13,14,15 asLuB.
Both Mercury, the planet of thought and Venus the planet of peace, balance and harmony move into your sign this week until 7th and 10th December. Life could at last become clearer and seem to be going your way. You should think about yourself in this time in relation to just being happy. Perhaps buy some new clothes too.
You will need to find some peaceful time to yourself into early December to perhaps collect your thoughts and focus on the most balanced way to move forward later. Whatever you need to deal with on a daily basis will continue to be busy and full of distractions. This is why a calm and withdrawing approach will be necessary.
A good time to catch up with friends or attend any sort of group activity will be from now into early December. Don’t feel guilty about altering your obligations or leaving them until later. A social event that didn’t take place in the past could come up again. This could involve a freer attitude on the part of other people in some way.
Challenges could start to become obvious in relation to any future directions you might have been considering lately. It will be easier now to recognise how this could get out of hand because when you get down to details, there is a lot more to the situation than was initially apparent. Be realistic about the commitment you can make.
af nIly dy asvfr gurU.
jgdyv isMG jtfxfawj Pyr Drm qy BIV peI af ky lfvo byVf pfr gurU. af nIly dy asvfr gurU, af nIly dy asvfr gurU. ijs ÊYr Drm dI rwiKaf leI,sIs ipqf df vfiraf sI kIqI rfKI sI mËlUm jfx Kud byÈk kÈt shfiraf sI awj Ehnfˆ hI mËlUmfˆ dI bxI Ëfbr hY srkfr gurU af nIly dy asvfr gurU, af nIly dy asvfr gurU. sfzf Drm hI rhy ies dyÈ aMdr krdy ny rIs aOrMgy dI awKIN bwJI pwtI qfkq dI, nhIˆ hoÈ koeI cMgy mMdy dI nhIˆ cfhuMdy dyKxf isMGfˆ nUM ieh ikDry ivwc sMsfr gurU af nIly dy asvfr gurU, af nIly dy asvfr gurU. kI dsfˆ awj dy hfkm dI hoeI soc siqgurU mMdI aY kihMdy ngr kIrqn sjfAux qy vI lfeI hoeI pfbMdI aY nÈy qfkq aqy hMkfr dy ivwc lwgy mfrn gwuJI mfr,gurU
af nIly dy asvfr gurU, af nIly dy asvfr gurU. Gwt igxqI qy Pyr siqgurU awj koJy hmly huMdy ny hfkm iPr quasbI hoey ny,bxy pUrI qrHfˆ dirMdy ny Kud nUM rwb smJI bYTy ny,hfkm aMnHy ivwc hMkfr,gurU af nIly dy asvfr gurU, af nIly dy asvfr gurU. awj isMG qyry nUM kI hoieaY ikVfˆ afps ivwc hI kwZ irhY kI pMQ df ieh sMvfr skU jo Kud dIafˆ bfhvfˆ vwZ irhY afpxy pYrIN kuhfVI mfr rhy, bx duÈmx dy hiQafr gurU af nIly dy asvfr gurU, af nIly dy asvfr gurU. kr imhr qUM klgI vfliVaf rwKo lwijaf eys inmfxy dI idE dfn pMQ nUM eyky df pUrI ho jfey afs `jtfxy` dI af jy akl dfqf jgdyv qfˆeIˆ nf hovy kdy lfcfr, gurU af nIly dy asvfr gurU, af nIly dy asvfr gurU.
jy duwD dI rfKI ibwilaF nUM hI pihrydfr ibTfAuNgy.
zf[ gurBjn igwl
pCqfAugy pCqfAuNgy, mYN iPr kihMnf pCqfAuNgy. qfkq df nsLf ajIb ijhf, bMdy nUM kIVI dwsdf hY. jd vkq ny AuWqr mMigaf, iPr hwQ mlLdy rih jfAugy. DrqI dI asl hkIkq nUM, vyKx qoN hI ienkfrI ikAuN, ikMnI ku dyr musIbq qoN,
mUMh Pyr Pyr lMG jfAugy. kd qIkx suwkxy pfAuxf hY, mfsUm gutfrF GuwgIaF nUM, hux AuWzxhfry pMCIaF nUM, dwso ikhVf cogf pfAugy? kursI dI Kfqr DrmF nUM, tMg dyvo iCwky sLrmF nUM, asIN Brm jflL nUM smJ ilaf, hux sfnUM kI smJfAugy.
sLIsLy ny Auh kuJ dws dyxf, jo vyKx qoN ienkfrI ho, jy qoV idAugy ies nUM qF, hr tukVy qoN GbrfAugy. qusIN rwsIaF dy swp mfrn leI, lfTI qy golLI vrq ley, jy asl ptfrI KuwlH geI qF, iPr ikwdF kIl ibTfAugy. ieh drbfrI, aKLbfrI jo,
BrmF df jflL PYlfAuNdy ny, ienHF qoN mukqI sOKI nhIN, kd qIk BulyKy KfAugy. afpF qF sLbd ilKfrI hF, sdIaF qoN eydF afK rhy, ieh DrqI kuJ vI rwKdI nhIN, jo bIjogy so pfAugy.
iPkrF dI JurVI dyKI mYN kwl mF dy ichry qy iewk puwq knyzf AuwT igaf dUjf sfQ sfeIN df Cuwt igaf sdky jfvF mfey qyry aYzy jyry qy
iPkrF dI JurVI dyKI mYN kwl mF dy ichry qy
iPkrF dI JurVI dyKI[[[[[[[[ jd vI mF nUM Pon krF iewko gwl kihMdI ey tYnÈn nI lYxI puwqrf mF qyrI bVf KuÈ rihMdI ey pr nËr myrI jF itkdI AuhdI awK dy kfly Gyry qy iPkrF dI JurVI dyKI mYN kwl mF dy ichry qy
nvdIp isMG PrIdkot
iPkrF dI JurVI dyKI [[[[[
mF myrI vI mYnU cyqy krdI hovygI AuhdI awK vI hMJUaf dy nfl BrdI hovygI Bwj bUhy vwl jFdI hoxI jd boly kF bnyry qy
iPkrF dI JurVI dyKI mY kwl mF dy ichry qy
iPkrF dI JurVI dyKI [[[[[ “bnfrs “ vfdy AumrF dy kr Cwz qUM awD ivckfr igaf
myrI mF rfxI nUM bfpU qUM ijAuNdy jI hI mfr igaf
Xfd qYnUM Auh pl-pl krdI bYTI ivhVy qyry qy
iPkrF dI JurVI dyKI mYN kwl mF dy ichry qy
iPkrF dI JurVI dyKI [[[[[
lMbI Aumr krI vy rwbf myrI mF rfxI dI
Auhdy ibnf nf kImq myrI kozI kfxI dI
Auhdy ibnf nf kImq “nvdIp” dI kozI kfxI dI
Auhdy sfry duwK ilK dyeIN rwbf nF qUM myry qy
iPkrF dI JurVI dyKI mY kwl mF dy ichry qy
iPkrF dI JurVI dyKI mY kwl mF dy ichry qy.
• kMm: kMm kro,
pRojYkt bjt anumfn iqafr kro aqy jmHF kro, AusfrI kfrjkRm iqafr kro, Xojnf bxfE aqy iqafr kro, iekrfrnfmf iqafr kro, gwlbfq kro, bdlfE aqy iekrfrnfmy dy iekrfrnfmy nUM joVo, Xojnf bxfE, roËgfrdfqf duafrf pRdfn kIqy gey roËfnf sMcfln, afvfjfeI aqy Xfqrf bImf df pRbMD kro.
General Farm workers required on a berry farm in Abbotford, BC. Duties include harvesting, cultivation, sorting fruit, spraying, irrigation, lifting berry containers, packing, pruning, tying, operating farm equipment and maintenance as well other general farm work duties related to raising and protecting crops. Must be productive. Should be able to work with farm machinery and be able to work in difficult weather condition. Should be able to work with others. Experience preferred. 40-70 hrs/week. Up to 8 month term. Start: Feb 15, 2023 Pay: $15.65/hr.
Prymr kfrpYNtr
• lokysLn: aYbtsPorz, vwKrIaF-vwKrIaF lokysLnF dy kMm hovygf.
• qnKfh: $29 pRqI GMtf, prmfnYNt
• pMjfbI aqy aMgryjLI bolxI aONdI hovy.
• qjLrbf: 6 mhIny qoN 1 sfl
• kMm: blUipRMt pVHo, zrfieMg kro aqy loVF dI kYlkulysLn kro, ktOqI, sLyp, smwgrI nUM iekwTf kro aqy joVo, lwkV qoN bxy, PfAUNzysLn bxfE, PrÈ dy bIm lgfE, kMDF dI Cwq df isstm, drvfËy, iKVkIaF, aqy pOVIaF iPwt kro, molizMg afid.
• ruËgfrdfqf duafrf pRdfn kIqI trYvl ieMsLorYNs aqy afvfjfeI, gYsolIn leI Bugqfn idwqf jfvygf.
afiPs aYzimnstRytr
• lokysLn: aYbtsPorz
• qnKfh: $27 pRqI GMtf, prmfnYNt
• pMjfbI aqy aMgryjLI bolxI aONdI hovy.
• qjLrbf: 6 mhIny qoN 1 sfl, kMipAUtr nOlj, skYNzrI skUl dI pVHfeI
• kMm: nvIN aYiminstRyitv pRikiraf nUM lfgU kro, dPqrI krmcfrIaF nUM kMm sONpo. pRosIjrs aqy smF-sImfvF, dÌqrI kMm ivwc qflmyl, irhfieÈ, rIlokysLn, iekivpmYNt, splfeI bfry XkInI bxfE. vsqU sUcI bxfeI rwKo, zytf iekwTf kro, aqy irportF iqafr kro aqy pRbMDkI pRikiraf dI ingrfnI kro. 5-10 lokF nUM suprvfeIjL kro.
• Xfqrf dy Krcy/ tRYvl ieMsLorYNs df Bugqfn mflk duafrf kIqf jfvygf.
eImyl qy aplfeI kro:
Grants support students with school activities from kindergarten through Grade 12
Students throughout B.C. will benefit from extracurricular events, activities and equipment supported by Community Gaming Grants to more than 1,300 school parent advisory councils (PACs) and district parent advisory councils (DPACs).
“Learning, fun and growth also takes place outside the regular school curriculum, and parent advisory councils are key partners in keeping students and their families engaged and connected to those opportunities for enrichment,” said Anne Kang, Minister of Municipal Affairs. “Community Gaming Grants to PACs and DPACs help fund everything from robotics and photography clubs to playground equipment and chess competitions, strengthening students’ lives and building on their school experience.”
More than $11 million in Community Gaming Grants is helping PACs and DPACs during the 202223 school year. Each year, schools in the province receive funding through PACs for extracurricular activities that benefit students’ well-being and through DPACs for activities that foster parental involvement in schools.
“We would like to thank the Province for continuing to recognize and support the important work parents and guardians do for students and school communities,” said Sue Cleall, chair, parent advisory council, École Boundary Elementary. “The Community Gaming Grant is a welcome addi-
tion to our fundraising efforts and will go toward providing students with engaging activities and learning opportunities that complement the teaching and learning that takes place in the classroom.”
With assistance from Community Gaming Grants, PACs use funding to support a range of activities, such as field trips in B.C., performances, movie nights, school dances and conferences, as well as buying sports equipment. DPACs can use funding for the cost of informational and promotional materials for parents, meeting room rentals, presenter fees and travel for meetings.
“The importance of direct gaming funding to parent advisory councils and district parent advisory councils is well established,” said Caroline Miller, chair, BC Association for Charitable Gaming. “This reliable source of funding benefits K-12 students across B.C. by enhancing extracurricular opportunities, while at the same time promoting parent and community involvement. We are grateful for the continued support of this critical funding for youth and value the opportunity to present workshops for advisory councils.”
More than $11 million this year for PAC and DPAC grants is part of the $140 million distributed annually to approximately 5,000 not-for-profit organizations that deliver services and make life better for people throughout British Columbia.
Association of Legal Aid Lawyers ratify agreement under Shared Recovery Mandate
The Ministry of Attorney General, the Association of Legal Aid Lawyers and Legal Aid BC have ratified an agreement under the Shared Recovery Mandate.
Legal Aid BC is a non-profit organization created by the Legal Services Society Act in 1979 that provides legal information, advice and representation services. Legal Aid BC’s priority is to serve the interests of people with low incomes, but many of its services are available to all British Columbians. The Association of Legal Aid Lawyers is recognized by government as the exclusive bargaining agent for lawyers contracted to Legal Aid BC to provide tariffbased legal aid services.
Key priorities of the 2022 mandate include: protecting the services that people in British Columbia depend on; improving health care and preparing for future needs and challenges; and supporting a strong economic recovery that includes everyone in B.C.
These negotiations are focused on providing a fair and reasonable offer to public-sector workers that includes inflation protection, while ensuring government has the resources to continue to invest in building a stronger province for everyone.
The ratified agreement is consistent with the elements of the mandate:
three-year term – April 1, 2022, until March 31, 2025
general wage increases:
Year 1 – a flat increase of $0.25/ hour, which provides a greater percentage increase for lower-tier rates, plus 3.24%
Year 2 – 5.5% plus a potential cost-of-living adjustment to a maximum of 6.75%
Year 3 – 2% plus a potential costof-living adjustment to a maximum of 3%
a negotiable flexibility allocation for as much as 0.25% in years 1 and 2 to support mutually beneficial outcomes for both parties.
Other achievements in this round of negotiations include investments aimed at addressing legal aid lawyer recruitment and retention challenges, particularly in remote locations and in family law; professional development; and a new policy engagement agreement with the Association of Legal Aid Lawyers.
Currently, more than 230,000 public-sector employees are covered by tentative or ratified agreements reached under B.C.’s Shared Recovery Mandate.